#Jeanne d arc fate
jdrider02 · 2 years
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Jalter getting addicted to social media or somethin
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collectormains · 2 years
Jeanne d arc fate
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And what Terry politely calls asking “questions about the world” might more cynically be called Elizabethan ruling-class propaganda. Shakespeare’s three-parter on Henry VI, which gives an account of the later part of the Hundred Years’ War from an English perspective, includes the figure of Joan. More from this author Can you really be non-binary? Her mother Isabelle worked to clear her name in 1456, she was declared a martyr in 1920, she was canonised. She was eventually captured by the English and forced to recant, before changing her mind and proclaiming her beliefs, finally dying on a heretic’s pyre in 1431. Clad in white armour, she helped lead his troops to a number of victories, and marched with Charles through lands held by the hostile Burgundians to his coronation at Reims. Joan, dressed in men’s clothing, was granted an audience with the French King Charles. The broad outlines of what happened next are well-known. That was also when her visions began three years later, she left home under a pretext and travelled to the French King, demanding to see him and offer her aid on the strength of her visions. The year Joan reached puberty, such a band swept through her village of Domrémy, stealing cattle and setting fire to the church. Meanwhile, most actual fighting was done by mercenaries, who prowled the countryside robbing peasants for food, fuel and treasure in lieu of the pay they seldom received. Children would come home bloody from fistfights over competing loyalties to Armagnac king or Burgundian duke. The town across the river from Joan’s birthplace supported the Burgundians, while hers supported the Armagnacs. When Joan was born in 1412, France was roiled by the Hundred Years’ War: a bitter conflict with not only the English fighting for dominion of the country, but a parallel civil war between competing French ruling factions, the Armagnacs and Burgundians. Our writers of today are doing no different.” Shakespeare, Terry says, “did not write historically accurate plays… took figures of the past to ask questions about the world around him. For many in this camp, a “non-binary” reimagining of Joan isn’t “exploring gender”, but “an extension of the dull, patriarchal line that women don’t have a history”.īut it’s also true that - as Globe artistic director Michelle Terry argued in response to the uproar - reimagining and even fabricating history for new audiences is a noble tradition, with Shakespeare himself a leading exponent of the art. One of the largest ever Suffragette marches, comprising some 40,000 women in 1911, was headed by a protestor dressed as Joan. Joan has long been treasured by the women’s movement, as a rare example of a woman who escaped her narrow allotted life and changed the course of history. Today is no exception: she’s causing a furore again, as the central figure in I, Joan, a new play in which she’s represented as “non-binary” and using “they/them” pronouns.įeminists are outraged. During the nearly six centuries since she was burned at the stake, Joan of Arc has been many things to many people. Feminist heroine, Catholic martyr, patron saint of France, LGBTQ icon.
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desktonki · 2 years
Jeanne d arc fate
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Scorned by words of damnation as she was led to the pyre and feeling only slightly pained as she endured it, she had already abandoned emotions such as fear, disappointment, and regret from the outset of her battles, so she was able to walk towards her death without faltering in her steps. Jeanne was put to death at Place du Vieux-Marché in Rouen WP the 30th of May 1431. īoth Jeanne and Gilles were decorated as saviors and national heroes by King Charles in the cathedral with the Ars Nova WP melody playing in the background. It is believed by Mikiya Kokutou that she utilized the Counter Force in her deeds. They say that in reality all that happened was that she used tactics that the knights of that time didn't use out of contempt and honour. As she recalled, one of her comrades whom rode beside her, Gilles, once laughed and promised her that this was more than enough. While she worried about this, in the end, she decided that she needed little more in order to pray to the Lord.
The most she ever managed was learning how to sign her name. She did try hard to learn them, but it seems she was simply born incapable of reading or writing. Having been born to a peasant family, Jeanne never knew the contents of the many books of prayer. She fought alongside with Gilles de Rais. She clad her armour on her body, hung a sword on her waist and carried the flag. She decided to devote her life to oppose this world’s hell to help stop the Lord’s tears and soothe Him. She would not turn her back on the Lord's cries. It was mad for a mere village girl from the countryside to leap onto the battlefield where people’s killing intent swirled about. It was a very terrifying thing to contemplate. She knew she would surely be scorned by the masses of both enemies and allies alike, considering their beliefs in the church's guidelines for proper behavior in women. Furthermore, there would be no compensation. She responded by throwing away her life as a simple villager and the joy of loving someone and being loved back. She caught his small, feeble murmurs that everyone else failed to hear. She received a revelation from the Lord, the voice contained no glory or victory, no obligation or sense of purpose but only the Lord laments. Conflict never ended, and blood continued to rain incessantly and soak the land. The Lord wept into sorrow as no one could stop it and people were not even allowed to live simply, and were compelled to become either beasts or food. She heard the Lord’s lament that the world changed straight into hell. She claims she had received the command of God to fight. Jeanne d'Arc was a common farmer's daughter. Jeanne as a child in the Fate/Apocrypha manga. A Catholic saint born in 1412 Domrémy, France WP, and the heroine of France who liberated Orléans WP in the Hundred Years' War WP. Jeanne d'Arc, the Standard-Bearer who Correctly Guides the Holy Grail War (聖杯戦争を正しく導く旗手, Seihai Sensō wo Tadashiku Michibiku Kishu ?), was the Saint of Orleans.
2.3.3 Christmas Event: The Second Generation is Alter-chan.
2.3.2 Vengeful Demon's Wail at the Prison Tower.
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mainsbutton · 2 years
Jeanne d arc fate
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Shining Ring of Progress- Slashes at the air to create a pressure blast EX, Mĭestroys a golem with air pressure from swinging her flag AN, LĪvoids Karna's attack, changing into her armor in the process AN, L Shoves Atalanta Alter off of her and into the air AN, Lįlag of Steel- Creates a whirlwind by spinning her flag around EX, M Throws Atalanta Alter across a plane and tackles her into the Hanging Gardens AN, L Punches into the hull of a plane, hanging onto it as it flips upside down MG, L Hits her flag against the ground, creating a shockwave that blows away a group of Dragon Tooth Warriors AN, L LN, Līlocks and holds back a strike from Golem Keter Malkuth MG, Līlocks Atalanta Alter's claws and extremely powerful arrows MG, Kīlocks a hit from Berserker Lancelot FGO, N In the anime the blocked hit shatters the ground around her and she pushes him back AN, Līlocks and deflects a strike from Golem Keter Malkuth that craters the castle wall she's standing on LN, L Slashes through Gilles de Rais' summoned tentacles TR, F Uppercuts Fafnir with her flag, knocking his dragon breath off course TR, F Slams a large wyvern into the ground MS, N Smacks Atalanta Alter across the battlefield and pins her wing to the ground AN, L Throws Atalanta Alter and tackles her into the Hanging Gardens AN, L Smashes through a stone pillar like nothing AN, L Slams Atalanta into the hull of a plane, making her cough up blood MG, L Hits Jack the Ripper hard enough to crater stone. Makes a shockwave hitting Golem Keter Malkuth AN, L Knocks Golem Keter Malkuth off a cliff MG, L LN, Līlows a chunk out of Golem Keter Malkuth's ankle. Shatters Golem Keter Malkuth's knee LN, LĬrushes Golem Keter Malkuth’s wrist. Splatters the bats Dracula sends at her MG, L LN, Līreaks through a mountain of Dragon Tooth Warriors. Huge thanks to u/InverseFlash for making the hub post and gathering many feats featured in this RTĮasily smashes Dragon Tooth Warriors. Information on the various Servants she scales to can be found here. She was later properly summoned to Chaldea as the Servant of Ritsuka Fujiaru to help reverse the Incineration of Humanity. She was summoned again as Ruler to the Orleans Singularity during the Grand Orders as a counter to Jeanne d'Arc Alter, a Dragon Witch created as her dark reflection. Alongside the Black Faction and an escaped hommunculus given a new chance at life, she disrupted this plan and ultimately gave her life to save the world. In her job as overseer she investigated the strange nature of the war and uncovered a plot put planned for sixty years by a Servant seeking to use the Grail for his own wish. Despite this betrayal, she kept praying until her death, never losing her faith.Īs a Heroic Spirit Jeanne was summoned as a Ruler to mediate the Great Holy Grail War in Trifas. But despite leader her soldiers to victory and inspring the nation, she was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. But when she began hearing the words of God, she took up arms to defend her nation. Before becoming a Saint known across the planet, Jeanne d'Arc was just a girl living on a farm in rural France.
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a-titty-ninja · 1 year
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「ダブルジャンヌ」 by キサラギ ツルギ | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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shikiii-skadi · 2 months
Shiki! I humbly request Jeanne Alter, Nobu, Okita, and Osakabehime with reader that is taller than them and will at random just *Scoop* them up nearly scaring them out of their skin to give them a hug or kiss then gently set them down and walk on like nothing happend, Bonus points if they're in the middle of a conversation or trying to be scary.
INCLUDES: jeanne d'Arc (alter), okita souji (saber)
NAVIGATION: Fate Masterlist
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Alter Jeanne d'Arc:
Arguably not a smart decision when it comes to Jeanne Alter
If she doesn't see that it is you, because you approached her from behind, you will get burned. If she does see it is you, you probably will still get burned, because how dare you do something like that.
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It was a stupid dare Mordred forced upon you. Being the reckless mage you were, you obviously agreed with little hesitation. You have defeated countless singularities and lost belts. So of course you couldn't just back down from a little dare like that, even if it meant finding yourself on the other end of Jeanne's wrath. It can't be that bad… right? If everything goes wrong, you still had your command spells. Even if you'd rather not have to explain why you used one to the Director.
But now it was probably too late for second-guessing anyway. You could see Jeanne with her back turned to you talking to Andersen and Shakespeare. None of them noticed your arrival, being too engrossed in their conversation about German tales.
You take a deep breath before approaching the group.
"Jeanne!", you call out, so she will know it is you, before already slightly embracing her and placing a kiss upon her cheek.
You hoped Jeanne would be too caught of guard to react, which actually seemed to be the case until...
"How dare you, you dummy!!! La Grondement--"
You've never run faster in your life as you try to get away before Jeanne's Noble Phantasm pulverizes you.
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Okita Souji:
Does not know how to react.
Okita has no idea about romance and such so it went right over her head what your show of affection could imply.
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You thought it would be a fun idea to surprise Okita with a kiss on the cheek to see how she would react.
You begin to search for her. It didn't take you long to spot her together with a few other Servants of the Saber class discussing swordsmanship.
As always, Okita's expression was neutral. You took the chance and approached her. A second later you had scooped her up and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek before setting her down again and walking away as if nothing happened, leaving the other servants rather flabbergasted to what the hell just happened, while Okita stood there with a very confused expression.
She turns to her fellow servants. "Was that Masters way of showing our friendship?", she asks, causing some Servants to facepalm at her obviousness and others to snicker in amusement.
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Heya , I have Fate Grand Order request:
Jeanna and Jeanna Alter argue about who Male!Reader loves more. Reader just sits on the sidelines, looks at them like they’re stupid, and when the argument gets heated, he throws at them with a straight face:
“You know that I love both of you, no? You idiots.”
what would their reaction be?
(Like your content , it’s cool)
Jeanne and Jeanne Alter arguing about who Male!Reader loves more
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•Honestly you have no idea how this argument started in the first place, well actually it was probably jalter who started it
•At first it was entertaining to watch cause we'll call him sexist but it was kinda hot to watch two girls fight over him
•Though he should probably intervene before they start hands start getting thrown
•Though both girl really couldn't have expected what would come out of your mouth when they yelled out, “S/O who do you love more outta the two of us”
You glance at both of them with a blank look on your face and say “That's a weird ass question to ask me, you know that I love both of you, no?" you then give an exasperated sigh and say,"Idiots sure you both may look the same but you are two different people with different personalities and it’s what I love about both of you”.
You then smile at them and softly say, you're both so precious to me that I’d feel incomplete if one of you was gone ya know”
•That left both girl both surprised and Incredibly embarrassed, especially since given your carefree nature they didn't think you responded in such a way much less think so much about them
•Needless to say that argument got dropped real fast and both girls instead focused their attention on you.
•After hearing such words they were feeling pretty affectionate
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chaldeamomjuna · 11 months
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New Halloween Event Stuff!
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tamamonomaes · 1 year
White woman spotted in fate/samurai remnant
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solarzilla · 2 years
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arc-misadventures · 13 days
MFK: Jaune and FATE servants.
Nora: NORA!
Jaune: ...
Nora: ...
Jaune: ...
Nora: Y-You didn't react...? D-Didn't I scare you...?
Jaune: I hadn't seen you in several hours. It was quiet, too quiet. So I assumed you were planning something. It was only a matter of time until you showed up, and screamed something at me trying to scare me. And, you did.
Nora: ...
Nora: We're doing MFK!
Jaune: AHHHH!?!
Nora: Ha! I got my scream~!
Jaune: We're no actually doing it though, are we?
Nora: No, we totally are doing it.
Jaune: Fuck!
Nora: Let me introduce you to today's contestants! First we have this beautiful lady. Jeanne D'Arc!
Jeanne: Bonjour~!
Jaune: Wait, hold up...?
Nora: Her evil clone, Jeanne D'Arc Alter.
Jeanne: Hi.
Jaune: Hold on now?!
Nora: And, last but not least! Jeanne Arc!
Jeanne: Hello~!
Nora: Let the games b...?!
Jaune: What the hell, Nora?!
Nora: Begin...?
Jaune: Good gods... of all the people you wanted me to, MFK, you pick my freaking quad sisters?!
Nora: ...
Nora: T-They're your sisters? Oh, I guess that make sense... they're all named, Arc. Wait, what the hell is, 'quad?'
Jaune: We're quadruplets, Nora. Since we're not twins, we call each other, 'Quad.' They are my quad sister's, and I am their quad brother.
Nora: Quadruplets?! But, I thought you were the youngest, a-and that you had seven older sisters?!
Jaune: Aye. I have four older sisters... that were born one at a time. Then, mom had the four of us, at relatively the same time.
Jaune: Jeanne, the blonde one with the silver crown, is the oldest among us.
Jeanne: That's me~!
Jaune: The platinum blonde with amber eyes, who is often referred to as the black sheep of the family is the second oldest. We call her, Jalter.
Jalter: Hi lil' bro. Your teammates is weird.
Jaune: No kidding...
Jaune: And, lastly we have the third oldest, Jea.
Jea: I think she's nice; a little eccentric, but nice.
Jaune: And, lastly we have me, the youngest.
Nora: Wow... your birthday must be a nightmare, sharing it with three sisters.
Jeanne: Actually, it is not like zat!
Jalter: We were all born on, May 30. However, each of our births took so long that our quad brother, Jaune ended up being born on the, 31.
Jea: So while we three sisters all have a birthday on the same day, Jaune luckily has his own separate birthday.
Jalter: Lucky bugger...
Nora: Okay...
Jaune: Anymore questions about my quads, Nora?
Nora: Yeah, what's with... Jeanne's accent?
Jaune: Her accent?
Jalter: There is a regional language from where we're from, called...
Jeanne: Français~!
Jalter: It's called, French. That's just how you say it in, French.
Jea: Jeanne learned the language just like the rest of us, she just latched on to it so much, that when she speaks the common tongue, with a, French accent.
Nora: Ohh... that makes sense! So, uhh... since this involves your quad brother, you still want to play, MFK?
Jeanne: Oh oui, very much so~!
Jalter: Hell yeah! I can totally use this to tease my little brother! I'm not missing this for anything!
Jea: I wanna tease our older sisters with this! We'll finally learn which sister he has a thing for!
Jeanne: Oh~! Those bro-cons will be so upset when we tell them!
Jaune: Oh gods...
Nora: Well, Jaune, who do you choose~?
Jaune: Haa... I'll marry my older sister... Jeanne!
Jeanne: Oui! Oui! Oui! I get to marry my sweet adorable little brother!
Jaune: Of course you were a bro-con too... you scream 'bro-con!'
Jeanne: It tis not my fault that you are ze only man that meets all of my standards for a marriage partner.
Jaune: You have low standards then...
Jeanne: What did we say about speaking bad about yourself?!
Jaune: To do so quietly?
Jalter: That we would make you regret saying that! And, you will regret saying...?!
Jaune: I'd fuck, Jalter!
Jalter: W-What...? W-W-Why the fuck would you want to sleep with me?!!
Jaune: J-Jeanne has a warm motherly aura that I would like to find in a wife. And, you have a this cool, punk rocker girl that I wouldn't mind sleeping with, okay?!
Jalter: Alright...
Jaune: OH gods, I thought she was going to kill me...
Nora: You did?
Jaune: I love my sister, don't get me wrong, but sometimes, she scares me. She can have such a scary aura about her...
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Jalter: He pick me! He picked me! He picked meeeee~!
Nora: She does...?
Jalter: Ahem! Please continue.
Jaune: Okay...
Jaune: Last, but not least... I kill, Jea.
Jea: Naww... Why do I have to die?
Jaune: Well... Jeanne, is the spicy mom of our quartet...
Jeanne: Spicy~?
Jaune: Jalter is the hot biker bade...
Jalter: I should get a motorcycle..
Jeanne: You would look belle on a motorcycle sister!
Jaune: And, your just the female version of me, Jea.
Jaune: Without the crippling self doubt, but nonetheless, me.
Jea: Rude.
Jaune: I know, being me is terrible.
Jea: ...
Jea: Sisters.
Jalter: On it.
Jaune: Hmm?
Jea: Come here you!
Jaune: Whoa, hey?!
Jeanne: Au revoir, Nora! We will be taking our dear brother away, so we can remind him how much we love him~!
Nora: Okay! Have fun, Jaune!
Jaune: No, Nora! Don't let them take me! Save me! Save meeeeeeeeeeee...!
Nora: What a lovely bunch of people!
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tomicscomics · 4 months
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A suffocating childhood?!
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. The Source: This cartoon is based on a question St. Joan received during her trial. Before I explain it, here's the story from the original manuscript (translated by W. S. Scott): "Questioned concerning her father's dreams, she replied that when she was still with her father and mother, she was often told by her mother that her father had said that he dreamed his daughter Jeanne would go off with the soldiers; and that her mother and father took great care to keep her safely; that they were very strict with her; and that she was always obedient to them save in the incident at Toul, the action for [breach of promise of] marriage. She said further that she had heard her mother say that her father had said to her brothers: If I thought that such a thing could happen as I have dreamed, I should want you to drown her; and if you did not, I would drown her myself. And that she greatly feared that they would lose their minds when she left to go to Vaucouleurs. Asked if his thoughts and dreams had come to her father after she had her visions, she replied: Yes, more than two years after she first heard the voices." 2. Summary: In short, Joan's judges have heard that her father had prophetic dreams about her leaving home. She tells them what she knows based on what her mother told her, including that her father would prefer to have her drowned than let her go off with the army as he dreamed. 3. Location Change: For those wondering, after the 6th session of Joan's questioning, some of her assessors became too busy to consistently attend sessions, so Bishop Cauchon decreed they'd hold future sessions in her cell to make things easier. 4. The Name "Tart": First off, Jacques' last name was spelled a lot of different ways in old French (Darc, Dars, Dart, Darx, Tart, Day, and probably more). Joan didn't actually use his last name, because in her village, girls took their mother's last name, but we assign it to her nowadays anyway. In modern French, Jacques' surname is spelled d'Arc (the apostrophe is a late addition). However, when brought into English, translators assumed the d-[apostrophe] meant "of" like most names with that prefix, so Jeanne d'Arc became Joan of Arc, despite there not being a place called Arc for her to be of. In this cartoon, I used the spelling "Tart" for Jacques' surname, because W. S. Scott determined it to be the most authentic form of the patronymic, according to his sources. Also, it allowed me to make the joke in Panel 3, "I'm off to become a REAL tart!" Jacques is dreaming that Joan will run off to become a prostitute, and in addition to "Tart" being his surname, "tart" is also an old word for prostitute. 5. The Dream: Jacques shares a bit in common with St. Joseph, as both are hard-working men from simple towns, and both experience important dreams about their miracle children. However, while St. Joseph understands and responds to his dream with a generous yes, Jacques doesn't fully understand his dream and tries to prevent it from coming true. Back then, some women would follow armies around so they could prostitute themselves when the soldiers made camp. Many authors believe that Jacques' feared this would be Joan's fate, and that he never suspected that her true fate was to become a general of war. He told his sons he would prefer her to be drowned than for his dream to come true, probably meaning that he'd rather she die than lose her soul in the sinful life he thought he foresaw.
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❀ ִֶָ☾.Fate Grand Order FGO Jeanne D'Arc Alter Holy Night Dinner Purple Gown Cosplay Costume Wig Shoes available at Trustedeal.com
❀ ִֶָ☾.Shopping link->https://www.trustedeal.com/Fate-Grand-Order-FGO-Jeanne-D-Arc-Alter-Holy-Night-Dinner-Purple-Gown-Cosplay-Costume-p1981013.html
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solokabuto · 7 months
So what are your Fate yuri rarepairs?
Thank you so much for asking!!! I treat fate women like immensely complicate barbie dolls i can roll around in my mind until they slot together in ways that make the deeply ill recovering catholic lesbian in me squeal so you may or may not notice some general themes, I’ll be including hcs and fic ideas in here because my brainrot is terrible rn so have fun with this:
Dobrynya Nikitich x Morgan Le Fay
Now this is largely due to the fact that i noticed similarities in them (white haired mothers that are more than they seem and definitely not who they seem with fucked up daughters that have pink hair and pent up rage) and admittedly I’m not in Tungsuka sanctuary so I don’t have a vantage point on Dobrynya’s personality like at all outside of adorable fanart but they seem like they’d be cute. They’re one of those couples that would largely only exist in au’s where Dobrynya runs the daycare that Morgan drops Baobhan at or something. And the entire story is just Baobhan being terrorized while Dobrynya and Morgan make out in the background.
Okita Souji x Nitocris
That moment when you (living vessel for your brother’s vengeance who immediately committed suicide upon fulfilling your goal due to perceiving the cold embrace of death as warmer than the cruel clutches of your fellow man) come across another girl (a hollow mockery of a human being born and bred to slaughter without a care who relates better to broken bones, sinew, and blood than she does to living beings and can kill her friends at a simple order)and link up (have intense homoerotic discussions about death dying and purpose) over tea and wine (cups of literal blood) and fuck nasty (memento memori style)
Olga Marie Animusphere x Ereshkigal
If you haven’t read Afterlife by nd7878 and you have any form of attachment to Olga or Ereshkigal or see the similarities between the two please read it, it’s amazing and I love it so much it fulfills my Olga Marie cravings very well. Anyways i think these two are cute, like super cute like insanely cute and I’d like to imagine Olga would bring out the more forward and irritable side of Ereshkigal and the two would clash in a way that’s still friendly. I dunno she’d make eresh more lively and make Olga feel more loved. I really love afterlife, please read it.
Jeanne D’ Arc x Barghest
I just think the idea of a woman who already sees herself as an offering, offering herself up to a worthy warrior who desperately wishes to stop destroying things she loves to be incredibly interesting. Especially because in my mind Jeanne would probably have little issue with letting Barghest eat her regularly as long as she recovers decently enough. They’re interesting i have fic ideas for them i think Jeanne would enjoy being devoured gruesomely. The knowledge of having a set place for your body to go rather than being burned and desecrated just to be tossed into the river and washed away. I am far too invested in Jeanne D’ Arc. A part of me thinks she would enjoy having something resembling a proper corpse since she was torched to ash and thrown into a river rather than properly being laid to rest. I have vivid images of their entire routine can you tell u have been plagued by yuri visions for far too long?
Baobhan Sith x Galatea
You know how popular girls in hs always have that one girl that isn’t popular or important or really much of anything to a majority of the student body that they don’t play about? Yeah that’s Galatea to her. They hit it off over sculpting because Baobhan has a general affinity for art that includes her love of fashion and eventually they become friends which is incredibly strange to Baobhan because she is deeply unused to being cared for and loved by anyone that isn’t her mother and even then the way she goes about it is very much not like her mother (it’s okay Morgan you tried sweetie). I just think it would be nice to see Galatea slowly help Baobhan build a healthy relationship with love, loving and being loved. They’d be cute. I also think Galatea would find having her blood sucked to be an interesting experience considering she probably finds the fact she has blood to be quite novel.
Merlin (Prototype) x Morgan Le Fay
With benefits. I don’t know what to call their relationship so they’re just with benefits. Morgan would just vent out her frustration on her while Merlin just takes it because why the hell not, being half-succubus has its perks. Additionally, she’d rely on Merlin to have a few moments of complete thoughtlessness and freedom from the stress and general fuckery of Faerie Britain by just allowing herself to fall for the effects of her beauty. Honestly it’s more so method of relaxation for Morgan then a genuine relationship but I think it’s interesting. They probably have insane conversations about the world that usually end in Morgan forcing her to shut up because she says something she doesn’t want to hear but isn’t untrue. Occasionally in moments of weakness Merlin will ask Morgan if she wants her to take her away to Avalon and leave this place for the faeries she hates so much, and Morgan will always refuse dispute herself.
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sevi007 · 27 days
Currently searching for that one post that shows so many Fate characters which ALL look like Saber (Arturia) but are all different people
Reason: I met Jeanne d' Arc in FGO and it took me a second to realize that that is NOT Saber
There is same face syndrom and then there is that, thats a whole other level
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a-titty-ninja · 6 months
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「<3」 by Zerocat | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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