#Jeffrey died doing what he did best
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It’s truly unfortunate that Jeffrey can’t be brought back to join the 15th Inspector, given Rik Mayall’s passing.
At least we have the comfort of knowing that Jeffrey died doing what he did best, something incredibly stupid.
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amberizedcasey · 1 year
Diego heard once that you die two times, once when you die for real, and a second time when people forget about you. He swore to himself that he would never forget Lucie, so she would stay alive in his memories until the end. It was the least he could do.
He never had much, he carried half of his world in his backpack and he held the other half by the hand. It has always been just the two of them. Diego and Lucie. And that was enough for him.
Losing her was like losing part of himself. She was his best friend, his soulmate, his partner in crime. Without her he was just a broken piece of what was once a beautiful thing.
He blames Emi for that. He blames Carol. He blames Panacea. He blames the world. But mostly, he blames himself. He should have been there. He should have done something, anything. He just wasn't enough. And she died because of that.
Benito tried to tell him that yeah it was Carol's fault nevertheless but it was also Lucie's choice in the end. He calls him crazy, and worse things.
He can't believe it. She wouldn't sacrifice herself for a kid she had just met. She wouldn't be that stupid. She wouldn't leave him. She wouldn't die that way.
He knows deep down that he is wrong. He knew her better than everyone after all.
She had made her choice, and he should respect it. She was a hero, even if she didn’t believe in that, he knows that she probably didn’t, she would have made the same choice a million times over, she was ready to die, even if it wasn't fair.
And it wasn't.
He learns to forgive himself with time. He never hated Lucie for what she did. He tells her that. They never found her body and they couldn't really bury anything in a cemetery without raising suspicions, so they made her an altar at Luis's abuela home.
He tells her about everything. About his job at the taqueria. About Benito finally going to medical school. About Wallace II. And Wallace III. About Jeffrey learning to cook. About Luis' strange but effective Spanish classes. About Emi. He tells her a lot of things about Emi. He knows that she would like to hear about her the most, beside the usual gossip.
He never got a call back from her parents. He told her not to worry about it. Her real family was there with him, and they would keep her memory alive. They would remember her forever. The good, the bad, and the truth. She wasn't perfect by any means, she made many mistakes in life, and she would have probably continued to do so, but she tried, she really tried, and she was human, and that was enough.
He tells her that, at the end of every conversation, he knows that she had trouble believing in herself, he also knows that it is silly to try to bust a dead person's self esteem but he does anyway. She was his best friend. She will always be his best friend. And until they meet again he will keep her alive in every step he takes and choice he makes.
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soullessduck13 · 1 year
That was so incredible. WARNING!!! THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG APPRECIATION POST WITH A FEW GRAMMAR AND SPELLING MISTAKES BECAUSE IT IS LATE BUT SOOO MANY THOUGHTS!!! Also kind of a few character studies?? I guess?? YEah. I just need to get it out while it's still fresh.
I'm so impressed with all of them and the way Cellbit described stuff and all the different sounds he made?? absolutely nerve wrecking. The deaths were so like.. made my heart beat so so fast and the monster chases??? All the different npcs with different vibes to them he captured them so well. I love all the little references to the qsmp. I love the fact he included fitmc and his egg child. I'm so sad that he killed fitmc and his egg child.
They way Baghera roleplayed Lucie and how Lucie changed from hating this little brat and calling her that, and then changing it from a mean nickname to one of endearment, saying that Emi is the best for bringing the keycard but she needs to shut up. The way she gave her life for Emi, and she probably would've even if Carol didn't sabotage Emi. When she was dragged away and dying, all she could think about is that she was alone. That she was a failure. Her very last thoughts before she died were its not fair, but this is it. And it wasn't fair. She died alone. She was killed just for the thrill of it.
It was so cool the way Quackity laughed when Lucie died. The roleplaying was just so.. Chef's kiss. It changed Benito. It changed the way he saw Emi and yeah, he said he would help kill that child but seeing someone else doing that, it made him change his mindset. He never liked Carol, and seein her wanting this CHILD Lucie sacrificed herself for dead made him utterly pissed off, and he made sure that he would protect Emi. In the end, he says to himself that he started as an angry and cynical person who cared for no one. He said to himself that he will continue to be like that, but he has someone he needs to care for now and protect, because he will not let Lucie die in vain.
And the way Bagi roleplayed too?? I did NOT like Carol or trust her, she was so sus but oh my god Bagi is incredible. She was so in character, and Carol was so sure what she was doing was the right thing. She knew all of them were infected, and that meant they would need to die because if she lets them live she won't protect the world. But she wasn't there from the start. She wasn't there to form a bond with these people, and she focused her energy on killing a child, and in the end that's what got her killed. I almost wish she had lived longer, just to see what more there was to her. She was interesting narrivately, and I love that.
AND GOD. PAC. Pac was absolutely gut wrenching to look at after Diego heard about Lucie's death, just moment's before laughing with Jeffrey and being healed by him, only to hear that his best friend, likely for years, had been dragged away and killed by a beast, and it was to save a child he didn't even like. His first reaction was to deny it, even if the beast was right above them and he was so loud that it just.. GOIUGH. Pac's expression for the most part after that was zoned out, empty and like there was nothing to live for anymore. After Benito's speech about Lucie living on in Emi, he probably decided that Emi needs to live on. For Lucie. Like Benito said. Diego offers his everything for the people he loves. And he loved Lucie, it doesn't matter what KIND of love, but it was so important. And Pac captured that so incredibly well. ALSO LIKE. THE WAY HE SAID "She must've been terrified" MY HEART.
OUGH FOOLISH. His expressions. His noises. All the little things. He was soo in character. Jeffrey is a coward, and maybe it's more of an unknown trauma response to what happened to him before. Needing to run because he won't survive otherwise. His pep talk to Diego was that he [Diego] needs to bottle up his feelings for now, because otherwise he won't survive, but when they get out of this he can cry and they can get therapy. He's not telling Diego to keep it bottled up, but to seek out help. He throws a bunch of stuff, and in the end that's what saved them. He kept his phone and that moment!! That moment when Foolish said that he throws his phone at Mikael, I reacted the same way as Cellbit. Gasping, mouth open, jaw ON. THE. FLOOR. It was incredible.
AND EMI. She was broken. She saw her dad's infected body and she promised she would find a cure for him. She stayed with Lucie, held her hand until they had to split up and she was forced to stay with this boring guy that the only adult she liked didn't trust, and they were saying they didn't want her to stay there, but she would be safe if she did. Then, she finds this keycard, and her first instinct is to leave this boring guy and find Lucie. She does. And Lucie calls her the best for finding the keycard. And then, even if she doesn't realize it, she alerted the creature who chased her and Lucie, and this stupid doctor and new person who she does not know at all, down. This new stranger tries to offer her to the beast and Lucie sacrifices herself for Emi. Emi's only response was "She was the one I liked" I know some people were saying that she didn't act like a teenage girl (or like a 11/12 year old?) but she did!! I was talking to someone in dms and we were freaking out and he works with kids and I know teenagers. They are that sassy. They swear, and they absolutely swear a lot if they learned english from youtube or the internet, and being Brazilian I am simply assuming that's where Emi learnt it from. Cellbit did so well, and Emi also went through a LOT of traumatic events in such a short span of time. After Lucie died, she immidately latched onto Benito and never let go of his hand. And I don't think she will for a while.
Mikael sucked but also I kinda understood him in the end, but it also turned out he was wrong. That creature wasn't one of a kind, but he never got to know that. I don't have much to say about him because he was so sketch and just like. fuck that guy
i want more of this. so much more.
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kitkatopinions · 3 months
TW: Sucide, toxic relationship, slavery, abuser and victim
My biggest pet peeve with stans regardless of the fandom they are in is always "you would've like female character if they were a man" No. Just stop.
If you want the biggest example of everyone hating on a male character even if they swap genders is none other than GOT Jeffrey.
That spoiled brat has no irredeemable qualities he's just a spoiled stuck up brat who everyone cheered when he died.
HOWEVER im not saying that there ISNT any misogyny towards female character/villains because no matter what fandom you are in there will be misogyny most towards fandom that has a large male fanbase (example Star Wars, Star Trek, Game of Thrones, Assassin's Creed, etc.)
Having a valid reason to hate a female character/villain is NOT misogyny. I hate Neo because the shows wants us to feel sorry for her because she didn't know what to do after Roman's death but are we forgetting an episode ago she DROVE RUBY TO SUCIDE USING PEOPLE SHE KNOW and then she redeemed herself by killing Cat?
Regardless if Neo was a male anyone who drove someone to sucide will never be liked by me or anyone else.
Here's another one Leonora from Castlevanina is hated because she made Hector a slave and saw him as a pet yet she started to develop feelings for him the more time she spent with him. And many people are disgusted because 1) she enslaved Hector and then develop have feelings and 2) because of the obvious power imbalance/relationship of the abuser and victim.
If a character has a trait that triggers the audience or they don't like them for any actions then they can have a reason why they dislike not. I have many female characters that I hate with valid criticism just how much I hate male characters for that same reason.
Yeah, here's the thing, if I actually thought that anti-rwde posters were honestly concerned about misogyny, I would be very sympathetic.
Every single time a piece of media so much as passes the Bechdol test or has a woman that never wears a bikini, there are a bunch of misogynistic idiots and dudebros who hate it or those women. And in the modern day, only hardcore Trump supporters are out here out and out saying that they hate women and are misogynists and that's why they hate whatever it is they're ranting against. People do very much so use perfectly valid (or not so valid) "real criticisms" because they don't want to say the honest truth, or because they themselves wouldn't recognize their own misogyny. Recognizing that just because someone SAYS they hate a female character because of an action that they did doesn't mean they're not a misogynist is kind of important. The guys who harassed the actress of Rose Tico off of Twitter all hid behind 'valid reasons' for their criticism too.
But here's the thing:
1. It's important to be able to figure out what is and isn't actually a sign of misogyny. There's not a precise rule, but you can do things like see if the thing they hate is an exception or the rule, or see if they're hypocritical about their reasons, or see what kind of language people use. If they come around with "brat" "bitch" "cunt" for female characters, that's a red flag at best!! But yeah, ANY criticism of that kind of thing isn't automatically misogynistic. It's like yeah, a bunch of misogynists hated Taurial in the Hobbit because she's a woman and yes they disguised that by claiming it was for other reasons, but there ARE very valid criticisms and complaints about Taurial and you have to be willing to hear out those things instead if just blanket assigning 'misogyny.' Lots of things from Arcane to something as bad as Twilight has perfectly valid haters that are fine, and then also a bunch of misogynists that are going to pretend or really think they have valid reasons. Somone being unable to tell the two apart probably means that person is too close to the situation and too defensive, but these critics don't want to admit that maybe they're wrong.
2. If this was something like Steven Universe, then the defensiveness would make more sense. If it were a well written slow burn with a cast of characters with well rounded dynamics that the writers put work into and the show was about rebels trying to fight the system for a peaceful life and the show had never sexualized the women and there was hard-fought for groundbreaking queer rep and it was created by a Jewish bisexual non-binary woman, and there were mistakes and valid criticisms of the series, but also a lot of unjustified venom of nothing but bad-faith... Then we'd be having a different conversation. Instead it's a show about badge-carrying law enforcement officers, who fight the evil civil rights group from upsetting the status quo, in a show that has tons of things just 'happen off screen,' with a history of sexualizing some of the main female characters, that only recently confirmed any main character as queer years behind the curve, and that was created by and mostly written for by a bunch of straight cis men most of them having said or done misogynistic things. Anti-rwde posters like to pretend that there's no reason why a great completely non-problematic misunderstood stand-up show like RWBY made with love by the totally not at all a part of RT "CRWBY" should be hated, and therefore it must be because of misogyny, but they aren't living in reality.
3. Most anti-rwde posters actually don't really care about misogyny and they aren't actually basing this on - for lack of a better word - good faith. They don't care about Jaune harem fics or the fanarts of RWBY girls with giant breasts in bikinis, and they don't call out the writers or even RT for their bigotry, and they have quite literally Trump supporters that post anti-rwde stuff, but none of that matters. Instead they spend their time harassing a group of mostly queer women for *checks notes* criticizing a show written by mostly men.
So yeah. I've seen misogyny in rwde posters tbh, and I don't think that "I have valid reasons for disliking them" is always proof that there isn't misogyny at play, but the anti-rwde accusations are nothing, because not only are they blind to the flaws of the show and the writers and are unable to recognize the difference between misogyny and just criticism, but also they're only using these accusations as a screen anyway, because they only ever go after rwde posters with it and are unwilling to call out the blatant misogyny in the rest of the fandom, in the show, or in the writers room. I would take this seriously if I thought this was an actual concern of theirs, but it isn't. They don't actually care about misogyny, they just want their show to be above criticism.
(By the way, I've never seen Game of Thrones or Castlevania so I can't speak to it, and also I like Neo a lot lol. XD Personally for me, villains doing bad things doesn't typically blacklist them for me so long as they're entertaining.)
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kai-anderson-whore · 2 years
Sweet serial killer (James patrick march x fem reader)
Summary: you are a ghost of the hotel cortez since 2019 and you only just heard of devil's night
Warnings: mentions of murder, serial killers
A/n: this was rubbish I had it in my drafts for a month or so
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You walked into the elevator of the hotel cortez these same walls you walked through since 2019 where you were killed by your boyfriend.
You had both gotten into a huge fight about him cheating on you and he killed you not knowing that you would still be roaming the hotel he planned to stay for a day to clean up the mess but he also never got to leave because of what you did to him.
During your time in the cortez you became friends with Sally a heroine addict who died in the 90s when iris pushed her out the window.
The countess was also fond of you, you both would have late night drinks at the bar till all hours in the morning since you were both well dead you never felt it the next morning.
You would often have a girls night with liz and the countess with glasses of bubbly and having a laugh, but one night you had an invite to something devil's night making you frown your brows.
"Hey liz" you said by the bar gaining her attention "yes dear?" She asked cleaning a glass in her hand "What's devil's night here james invited me" you asked you had met James patrick march before numerous of times.
"Well well well you my dear must be doing a very impressive job here if u got an invite" she chuckled if you were alive she probably would have been frightened but since you were dead she wasn't.
"A good job of what I haven't done anything" you laughed confusingly liz only shrugged "go ask him maybe he'll tell you" she said you finished the last of your drink before going to James's room to asked him.
Walking through the abandoned floor of the cortez made you feel nervous you only been to this floor once when you first died but hadn't returned.
Finally you made it to his room it was empty "James?" You called looking around the room it was still relatively clean for an abandoned room you walked into it spotting the old record player it reminded you of the one that was handed down in your family for years.
"Ah y/n for what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you today" the bright voice of James march beamed behind you  giving you a bit of a fright "James can I ask you something" you asked making him raise an eyebrow at you.
"Of course" he replied.
"What's devil's night?".
"Ah devil's night you have been in my hotel for what three years almost four and you still hadn't heard of devil's night" he chuckled you felt a bit embarrassed not knowing what it was at all "well my dear devil's night is the one night a year I get the best serial killers and have well a get together" he shrugged.
Now you were even more confused you weren't a serial killer at all yes you killed one or two people but not enough to make you one.
"But why did I get an invitation I'm not a serial killer" you asked handing him the invite he took it in his hands
"Well you see y/n I'd like you to accompany me to my event plus Elaine would love to have another female there" he said.
"So like a date?" You hesitantly asked making him chuckle "well if that's the way you want to put it yes like a date" he said.
A few days later it was finally devil's night you and James grew a bit more closer those past few days and even accompanied him on his kills.
"I'm nervous liv how is this" you asked straightening you dress "you look incredible" she smiled touching up your red lipstick soon enough it was time for you to go to the room where the event will be in.
You walked into the room to find people already there eyes on you "well well well who do we have here" a woman said smirking walking up to you "I'm Elaine wuornos" she introduced "I'm y/n y/l/n" you smiled.
"I'm John Wayne gacey and thanks Jeffrey dahmer" the other man introduced 'shit is this really happening' you thought.
"Come sit next to me dollface" Elaine said she was Flirting with you "no Elaine we sit at our assigned sets and y/n is next to me" James said appearing out of no where "Hey suck my left tit Clarke gable" she laughed you couldn't help but laugh aswell.
"Now everyone is here let's begin" James said Elaine put on a record 'fade into you by mazzy star' playing it was one of your favourite songs she and Richard were dancing.
"You alright dear your not scared are you?" James asked you shook your head "No not at all they're nice" you shrugged despite what they had done, but to you they were welcoming.
"John old chap how are we" James beamed getting up to greet the last guest to arrive
"Great" John replied.
James handed you a glass of absinth you took a sip almost gagging at the taste 'how the fuck can they drink this?' You thought.
The night went smoothly you chatted with the notorious serial killers dahmer was shy, Elaine teased him that he had a thing for John.
Soon enough it was time for dessert which you didn't know meant that you had to kill someone, sure now with the help from James you were a serial killer a dead one.
Miss evers brought someone into the room "thank you Miss evers" James said pulling his knife out wiping it with a napkin "y/n since it's your first devil's night shall you do the honours?" James asked handing you his knife "Okay" was all you said.
Elaine put on a new record for the third time tonight all eyes were on you now waiting to see what you would do.
You took the knife plunging it into the person's neck almost killing them instantly everyone else joined in taking turns with their usual methods of killing
James called miss evers to clean up as the guys bet their goodbyes soon after leaving you and James "I'm impressed you got on so well with everyone dear" he said A cigarette in hand
He offered you one which you accepted "well I guess I'm one of you now" You chuckled
"A sweet serial killer" James smiled
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p1nkm1lkslug · 9 days
" 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭? " ☣
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Jane denvoro hcs
(I am aware I have no time to draw out a comic let alone have any good medium for it but that doesn't mean I can't introduce my rewrite of the characters, so enjoy some hcs for my Jane the killer)
- leabian + genderqueer
- autistic
- was adopted after her parents had died in a hospital fire by a couple named Grace and Michael
- knows kick boxing and has been doing martial arts
- was born in Louisiana
- ended up moving schools and went to live in new Jersey and became friends with her neighbors Jeffrey and Louis
- she is of Jamaican descent
- originally planned on joining the military or becoming a nun but ended up focusing more on astronomy
- was a cheerleader in high school
- had BED and has fully recovered
- after her relationship with Jeffery was destroyed she was hellbent on finding him, this did more harm then good
- she is completely burnt and has no hair
- her skin is very sensitive and so she trust her best to take care of it
- smells like musk and lavender, perfume she wears is definitely black opium
- has been a goth since middle school she enjoys Squixxa and the banshees the most (totally not self projecting)
- she has sensory issues when it comes to clothes and makeup so most of what she wears is more breathable
- has multiple prosthetic masks she uses and has painted makeup on them (one she likes the most is with trad goth makeup)
- spent a good 3-5 years in the hospital due to being in a coma
- and has to go through physical therapy as well
- she met Mary in the hospital during the time she was a student in med school
- during Jane's time in the hospital the two were in a relationship, and ended up getting married
- the two were planning to adopt a kid however as soon as Jane was discharged she slowly started to regain some of her memories over time
- as she was trying to uncover all that went down that night she ends up having tunnel vision
- neglected everything and everyone around her, including herself as she would fall in to depressive episodes that would last multiple weeks
- and has practically given up everything to go find her ex friend
- during this process Mary and her end up going through divorce, she prays Jane gets her peace of mind
- I'm aware that Jane is usually in heels and a dress but I'd say she would dress more casual, wearing pretty basic items in numerous shades of black
- for her dress I'd say it's more loose and she would rarely wear it
- as for her fights with Jeff she would wear lots of protection, and would wear things that can hold more weaponry
- was planning on joining the police force but didn't want Jeff to even have a trial be considered, she is loosing her sanity
- heavy smoker, like it's gonna kill her
- as for her mask she would decorate it with eyeliner and eyeshadow, like to wear a sheer veil along with it
- but on hunts for Jeff and vigilantism she wears a mask with a very basic expression, texture wise it's a slightly more femm version of this mask worn by the curious in creeped out:
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- most will view her as very stoic and calm, but her eyes give it away, deep down she is truly a mess that is clinging on to whatever and whoever to make it out - pessimistic, she's seen her life crumble bit by bit and is convinced she has reached a point of no return she can only hope that when her revenge is done it would have been worth it
- I feel like upon seeing Jeff for the first time she had a moment of sympathy, Jeff is by far the worst, he's gross and rude and disgusting, and Jane knows it's true but apart of her wondered what would have happened if she didn't leave Randy's party early, she misses him.
- for like 3 seconds next thing you know there swinging left and right
- not really close with slender man? He is aware she will do whatever to get to Jeff and if slender sees a business opportunity he's gonna take it ("but he controls Jeff, cant he just give Jeff to Jane? " Yes he can, no he won't, he's short on staff-)
- as for her voice head canon I'd say Alex vause from "orange is the new black" It's d e e p
- does eventually date clockwork 💕
Okay that's all 4 now, I couldn't stop thinking about her during class 😭 and here's a lil doodle of her :3
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ao3feed-gav900 · 5 months
Oh to be Machine.
https://ift.tt/w5aiEdA by SATURNPLAZA She was dead, their beloved sister had died. Well at least she was presumed dead, she went missing and she was never found, no body was recovered either. Elijah Kamski, her brother, an award-winning scientist, who founded Cyberlife, couldn’t deal with the pain of losing one so close to him. So he did what he does best; turn her into an android. A special one with the ability to feel, and do other regular things that a human could do. She could get hungry, thirsty, she could have emotions… So now she lived that life, secretly protecting her real identity while playing the role of a human. It was going well until android crimes started skyrocketing and she gained a new android partner... Slowly she found out more about everyone around her and herself. Secrets kept, truths unveiled, and romace bloomed Words: 2980, Chapters: 2/40, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed, Elijah Kamski, North (Detroit: Become Human), Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Jeffrey Fowler, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Chris Miller (Detroit: Become Human), Tina Chen (Detroit: Become Human) Relationships: Connor/Connor/Reader (Detroit: Become Human), ConnorRK800/Reader - Relationship, Connor/Reader, Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Gavin Reed/RK900 Android(s) Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Character Death, Abuse, Childhood Trauma, Heavy Angst, Heavy Drinking, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicide Attempt, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Reader is an android, Slow Burn
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queerfables · 5 months
911 season 5 part 2
Gosh this is so scary, I hope Harry is OK!!
He's out of the car, I'm so proud of him
Holy fuck, Bobby
Yeah, when Athena sent him back to work I thought that was a bad idea. As if he's not freaking out too.
LOL Athena shot off his dick?? That's fucking hilarious
Oh man this is a great scene, with Michael breaking down and Athena calming him down. Two great actors doing their all.
Oh Harry was so smart getting the lady to film
Harry!! He's safe!!!
Lmfao of course the power comes back now
Oh Ana knows what's happening
"I thought it would work"
Oh Maddie. This is rough.
Oh Chimney is not okay
Oh jeeze they've mixed up the girls, haven't they? She wasn't telling them her name she was trying to ask about her friend T_T
Oh Chimney. That was a beautiful scene, him talking about Maddie and the baby and how scared he is and him feeling like he wasn't there for Maddie enough
Yeah, the girls got mixed up and they told the parents their daughter was alive and she's not OOF
Hen I don't think you should be the one to do this
Oh I'm so emotional about them hugging the other parents
Oh God this is horrible
I wondered if Buck had spoken to Maddie. He seemed remarkably calm about her disappearing again
Oh no this is cute, Harry and May talking about their stuff together
Harry telling May to be mean to the mean lady at work, delightful
Hen and Chimney are such important besties. I love their relationship so much.
Athena what the FUCK
You just hit your kid that is NOT OK
I have enjoyed this episode but I haven't had much to say about it
Oooh another name I recognise as being a good Buddie-sode
Wait is that Mark Pellegrino?
Hi there familiar face
Oh shit did Buck and Eddie just get kidnapped?
Sorry that "escort" just seemed super shady
Haha omg yessssss
Oh they're so pretty when they have guns on them
Aaaah Buck just got hit in the face protesting against them threatening Christopher I'm so!!
This is a great set up
Oh jeeze they took the transponder out of the ambulance
No one knows where Buck and Eddie are. delightful.
Jeeze I hope Probie makes it out ok
Buck does not want to leave Eddie in that ambulance
Aaah so it should be good news that the police ambushed them but of course EDDIE IS STILL IN THE AMBULANCE
Hostage situation baybeeeeee
Oh man his demand is empathetic and impossible, what a great narrative device
Lmfao oh no he's won over Eddie with his sob story I love this
Oh Eddie he's not coming out
God, Buck's face when the gun went off. Running outside screaming Eddie's name!!!
This is a great episode
Ugh Eddie and Christopher being soft at the end
Buried alive again!!! Great trope. I hope someone from the 118 has it happen to them next
Oh he's OK thank goodness
Hey it's detective friend!! Looking cool with his badass throat scar
"That was weird right" "No comment" I love Taylor, and everyone else's antagonism towards her
Honestly they're kind of making her too nice, I would like her vulnerable side to go back to being a little more hidden. I like her best when she's a bitch.
I'm really enjoying Taylor and Lou trying to solve this case in tandem
Ok I think I've got it. My sense was that the guy wasn't just cagey when talking about how he ended up buried, he was nervous or guilty about something. My guess is that he was trying to kill and bury someone out in the woods, possibly this missing wife, but they got the jump on him and buried him instead
Oh they've come to opposite conclusions I love that
It's gotta be something else then
Maybe it's the guy she's having an affair with?
"I'm so confused" that's hilarious
Okay listen I was feeling super moved about Harry going back to the house where Jeffrey took him, but when he fell through the floor two feet from the wall he almost died inside I couldn't help but laugh. That house really has it out for him.
Oh I'm really happy Harry has someone he can talk to who he feels like understands him finally.
Oh Harry I'm so proud of him for dealing with this
"I'm going there" Wow that's one way to discuss a life changing international move with the guy you've been living with for over a year
Oh they are really soft though
Omg he's gonna propose!!! T_T
"Now I'm gonna have three dads. Father's day is gonna suck." Lmfao aw Harry you're so cute
Oh Michael's whole family helping him is so cute. I bet none of them could have imagined it being like this back in season one when everything was so painful and new.
An explosion?????
Oh no I'm gonna cry this new big brother is so sweet. But also this is why you don't tell kids that looking after another person is their responsibility, because they will take it VERY seriously and maybe put themselves in danger trying and never forgive themselves if they can't
All of the firefighters evacuating the babies is very cute even though it's scary
Oh no the big brother is looking after his baby sister T_T
I don't think that is room 318. It didn't look like a 3. Maybe a backwards E? Could it be a reflection?
Eddie and Buck doing stupid reckless things together to save people <3
Yeah ok now I'm sure they got the wrong room. Those kids aren't dead!!
Ugh Buck talking Eddie through it T_T
See!! They're OK!!!
Told you!! Reflection!!!
Crying with laughter over Bobbie high key proposing to David for Michael
Oh no Athena is so sad Michael is leaving
Ugh this montage saying goodbye to him is making me tear up. I knew he was leaving but I'm still saaaaad. I really loved the character, it won't be the same without him.
Omg I hope these two ladies have a thing, they're cute. Gabbi and Chloe.
Oh they are definitely flirting
This is a hell of a meet cute
LOL ATHENA check who is at the door before you start flirting with them
"Tay" that's a cute nickname
It's fun that we're getting an episode with a focus on Hen's mum
"My Abuela would eat this up, she loves a good telanovela" "Oh, cause you don't?" Love when Buck and Eddie dunk on each other in a way that shows how much they know each other
Awwww Buck showed up for Taylor even though she said not to
Aaah the ladies from the start of the episode
Jesus for a moment I thought Buck's only reaction to Taylor saying "I love you" was gonna be "Good" thank goodness the boy has some sense
That was a cute episode
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tanadrin · 1 year
regardless of whether you ended up dis/liking it in the end, which Star Trek series/episode/whatever do you think possesses the most unrealized potential in terms of "it could have gone so far and done so much, and instead (whatever it actually did)"
Or is that really kind of an unanswerable mu-question because every element of a show is already in a process of limitation-and-realization even at the point that you're just pitching something to the studio, so everything has (had) limitless potential once?
it may be an unanswerable question, but it's a fun one, so i'm gonna try anyway.
i mean Voyager is one obvious possibility; Ron Moore was so annoyed with what Voyager could have been that, IIRC, he created the rebooted Battlestar Galactica in response (not that that show didn't have other very glaring flaws!). I think you see a glimpse of this potential in the Year of Hell two-parter--it all gets reset in the end, but imagine if that had been a whole season, without a reset button, and thus real stakes!
though i think voyager was actually pretty fun and i like what we got instead--sure, it could have been Darker and Edgier, like BSG, but now that we've had nothing but 15 years of Darker and Edgier prestige TV, i'm kind of soured on that whole shtick. and the slightly fluffier stuff is a refreshing contrast.
i think Discovery was originally pitched as like a per-season anthology show, with different seasons occurring in different eras. I would have liked that better than what we got; I think prequel series are kind of dumb, and i think going 900 years into the future in the third season is kind of a drastic overcorrection. Discovery is fine, like i don't hate it, but Bryan Fuller was originally attached to the show, and I think he would have produced a higher-quality product than what we got in the end.
the existence of Picard (which is deeply silly, and not entirely in a good way) suggests the possibility of a series following Seven of Nine instead, where Picard would have been an occasional bit character. i would have much preferred that to what we actually got, which i don't hate, but which i am definitely conscious has way too much cheap fanservice in it.
i don't like prequel series and so on principle i would not have greenlit Enterprise, but if we were going to have Enterprise, 1) we needed a better actor than Scott Bakula to anchor it, and 2) more interesting stories than we got in the first two seasons. season 4 was great, with lots of very interesting little mini-arcs--if the stories of season 4 had been done in season 1 instead, and we'd had more of that, i think Enterprise would be much more fondly remembered. as it stands its best feature was Jeffrey Coombs, which suggests the obvious possibility of just putting him in the main cast. which would have been great.
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aloneinthehellfire · 2 years
I just read the intro and OMG OMG but I had a few thoughts on this theory I read
But for a second there i thought the third was someone else
Like defo Billy and Uncle Jack (is that negan from twd??? PERFECT casting if it is cause jeffrey is a legend) but I think the third might be Lillian (reader's old best friend)
AND HERE ARE MY REASONS WHY (dramatically pulls up powerpoint slide)
Billy and Jack are both deaths that affected Reader in the most brutal way. Like Billy was her childhood friend, complicated or not, and Jack was essentially her father and lost him to soon (RIP JACK). Therefore these images with Xs might link to her trauma??
Vecna uses his victims traumas against him and while he usually sticks to one (For Max it was Billy) WHAT IF Reader gets affected THREE TIMES
The original poster (@the-iridescent-phoenix i think so sorry if i got that wrong) said that Separate Ways is a clear link to Reader's song and so she's definitely gonna be Vecna'd then
But I did also notice that there's a chapter called Alone which might not have anything to do with the song but in the first season (I binged the seasons so here we are) Eddie catches Reader listening to the song Alone!!!! So it could be her SECOND curse?
As for if there is a third, you haven't announced the second part to the series yet so it is entirely possible that Reader is cursed a third and final time and will see Lillian.
If people don't remember (or haven't joined super late like me and had to catch up in two days lmao) Lillian is Reader's best friend from California who died after a fight they had. BUT BUT BUT that is a recurring theme for Reader: fear of losing her best friend. I think it's her biggest trauma and I also think Vecna will use that against her. I also really believe it could be her in the photo although idk who the fancast is yet (I will be studying hard)
So to conclude (jesus I am writing an essay), I believe that Billy Jack and Lillian will all make appearances in Reader's trauma, leading to her being affected three times but only ever escaping because of the people around her and the songs they play.
THE END *pants for air and collapses*
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how are you guys doing all this i can't even remember what i had for breakfast
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jjongolese · 2 years
(Spoiler for Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story — up until episode 7, also there’s a bit of a rant)
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Disclaimer: Just to let you know that I’m not one of those fangirls that falls in love with serial killers, this is just me simply commenting on a part of the movie. This does not mean that I condone anything that he had done or even justifying what he did. I’m just a normal guy that is very honest about my opinions and just wanted to express that.
I do give my condolences to the families and friends of victims that are affected by Jeffrey Dahmer though.
Update: I just found out that the part that I spoke about with Tony and Jeffrey didn’t actually happen. He basically lured him into his house like literally every other victims. It’s quite sad that Netflix would make a movie out of something that real and is still affecting families and would get some details wrong. I could see why they changed it slightly for the dramatic effects, but this shouldn’t be taken lightly as it should.
Although I am upset that Netflix would do such a thing and not even at least fact check, I will keep my vent up since I did wanted to let it out. Also, I do wanted to make people not feel alone in this since I also really liked them together.
Please note that I didn’t make this post out of disrespect since this is me reacting to a movie adaptation that I watched. Any misinformation, I will address.
I can’t be the only one that shipped Jeffrey and Tony together. It had seemed as if he found someone that understands him and would do the same back.
I even loved how when they saw each other they would literally hugged and then their little moments on that date. They were smiling and giggling at each other. I really thought this was when we could finally see that he could find this “missing person” that makes him feel like someone after going through a lot of trauma growing up, especially with the fact that he has been an outcast from his high school class where people would bully him so much that they would literally scribble him out of the yearbook.
Even the part where he didn’t ended up drugging him, I thought that was when he finally realised that he did found this person he was looking for all these years and that he could finally change it up. Or even if he doesn’t change, he could still be partners in crime as they would lure more victims in for threesomes or orgies and then drug them before killing them or something. At this point, I didn’t care. As long as Tony would be alive and be Jeffrey’s boyfriend, that was all I ever wanted, and I’d be so glad to hear that.
Sadly, his anger and detachment issues got the best of him as he still couldn’t get the hint that people has lives and needed to work, so he just murdered him just like that.
The moment I found out that Tony died, my heart sank. This was his best match and all of his interactions with the man was nothing but positive and full of genuine chemistry. I even had to awe so loudly when he kissed him on the cheek or when he managed to get his signs right. I was literally rooting for him, like a cheerleader. I was so glad he was able to have those feelings for him and to even have him decide last minute not to poison his drink like he would always do to his victims. I was so happy for Jeffrey and the fact that he could had possibly found his first actual boyfriend.
I’m still sad as I lay in my room thinking about the events that could occur if he never killed him. You know, like more dates such as a walk in the park with Jeffrey holding a camera so they could take pictures since Tony wanted to be a model, or even a road trip or something. Or even them getting married after gay marriage has finally be legalised where they live. I wanted to see them grow old together and maybe even spend the rest of their lives until they died. Even if they do go behind bars due to murder or anything, I’d still be glad because they would always have each other regardless.
Man… if only he knew that people go to work, just like how he did. However, they would still love him just as much. This guy is so fucked up in the head that he was blinded by his own ignorance. Tony loves him, and he knows that. He just needed to go to work because he needs to get money for himself, just like the fact that he needed to get money just to find an apartment that he could afford. Why can’t he just understand such thing?
Tony really didn’t deserve that treatment from Jeffrey. He gave so much love to him that it even touched his heart and yet he still killed him. All just because he works and took that to heart. The man even had to reassure him that just because he’s not with him doesn’t mean he doesn’t love him. Bless his heart. He died trying to explain to his possibly love of his life that he still loves him even though he’s not with him.
I still cry every time I imagine that scene when he confessed. He’s really a sick man that killed someone as innocent as Tony. I know this is a show, but this is based in real life experiences. I’m still upset now, but I know he’s in a good place somewhere. Jeffrey deserves someone, but not Tony. In fact, it should be nobody at all that would give him that kind of love and then get death returned to them.
Rest in peace, Tony.
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wolfcooked · 2 years
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ethan. • bodyclaim. • headcanons. • thread tracker.
Is that [JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN]? No, that’s [ETHAN LIAM MONROE]. The [51] year old [ALPHA] [MALE] is a/an/the [COOK] of/in the [SABRE] pack. If you ask their friends, they’re known to be [ENERGETIC] & [OPTIMISTIC], but they urge you to be cautious, because they’re also known to be [DISORGANIZED] & [POSSESSIVE]. Their friends also say that they’re into [BREEDING & VOYEURISM] but don’t even think about trying [DIRTY TALK & HUMILIATION/DEGRADATION] with them. [MELLI, 30, SHE/HER, GMT+1]
Name: Ethan Liam Monroe
Nickname(s): n/a
Age: 51
Secondary Gender: Alpha
Occupation: Cook in the Sabre Pack
Pack (born): Samira (dame), Johann (sire) + eight siblings
Mate (former): Benjamin (deceased)
Likes: cooking, playing with & looking after pups, animals, the sky
Dislikes: traditional lifestyles (alphas > omegas etc.), being told what he can and can't do, food waste, hurting animals
Height: 6'1
Weight: 180 pounds (we like jdm before he dropped 45 pounds)
Build: muscular up to some degree, but not perfectly toned.
Hair Color: Brown-black
Eye Color: Hazel
Wolf Color: this is him, he's quite big and black with a white patch around his neck
Kinks: Alphas (lol), Voyeurism (he really likes to watch others have sex), Marking, Biting, Scenting, Gentle & sweet love making tbh
Anti-Kinks: Scat, Gore, Vore, Dirty talk, Humiliation, Degradation
Note: He's vers with a preference for Alphas (or dominant Omegas).
Ethan was born in a small fishing village, where he learned early on how hard life could be without royalty looking over you. He was the sixth of eight children, so the pressure was always high and every single one of them tried to best the other at every turn. He grew up thinking he had to be like them, a fisher - a hunter, a provider but as he grew older, he learnt that he didn't have to be like them.
He spent a lot of time with his dame, watching them cook for the village with a few others and he was fascinated by the process. More often than not, he'd rather stay home and help cook - than spend the entire day fishing. The act of killing had never been his favorite, despite knowing that it was hypocritical to cook and eat the fish (or other game occasionally) anyway, but refuse to kill it, but that didn't change the way he felt. He presented as an Alpha, much to everybody's surprise, but that didn't stop him from doing the things he enjoyed. He grew taller and stronger, but his heart remained the same.
In his late twenties, Ethan found love in a the lap of a fellow Alpha. Uncommon, not exactly wanted by the village, but since Ethan was already breaking all the rules by enjoying Omega activities, nobody seemed really surprised by this. They knew the chances for offspring were abysmal, but the couple didn't care at the time. They were happy together and despite being side-eyed by the people of the village, they were allowed to be.
When the Crown's soldiers marched into the little village twenty years later, Ethan was one of fourteen to escape alive. His mate did not. Athos was a myth, but with nothing left to lose, the survivors set out to find that magical place. Weeks later, only seven of them were left. Another few weeks later, it was only Ethan. Not all had died, some had abandoned their journey to live in Egrain, but Ethan didn't want that.
Athos was all he hoped for.
The Sabre pack is the perfect fit for him, cooking for the village is a dream come true and knowing that his pack doesn't care about his second gender is amazing. He's all for uniting the three packs to form one big, strong pack, but would never think of pushing them into it. He believes in freedom for all.
(He's been in Athos for approx. 8 years now.)
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mama-ivy · 6 months
Whumpril 2024
Alternative Day 13 - You brought this on yourself.
Jeff finally woke up sitting on a cold concrete floor in a large round room. He had no idea how he had gotten there, but his best guess would be the guy that had cornered him with a gun in the parking garage of his office building. His Armani suit was now in tatters and covered in grime. His dry cleaner was good, but not this good. He’d have to trash it. He was sure his lawyer or his secretary was looking for him. He wouldn’t be here long.
It was cold in this room. Not freezingly so, but just enough to send shivers up his spine every few minutes. Just enough to be annoying. He hated being cold. He needed a space heater. Or a hot cup of black coffee. And a quiche. The spinach one from that deli on Fifty-First Street.
He sat by himself for quite a while. Shivering every few minutes and dreaming of quiche. He didn’t know how long he sat before a door opened. He didn’t remember any doors in this room but when he heard the familiar click of an opening lock behind him, he looked around and saw that the circular wall that surrounded him was covered in doors. One right after the other. He suddenly felt a little like Alice.
“Who’s there?”  Jeff tried to turn around towards the noise but found that he couldn’t move. Not a single muscle. Whoever brought him here must’ve drugged him.
“It’s just me again, Jeff.” a deep voice answered. “Though, I suppose with the number of visitors you get, your question is valid.”
“Visitors? I just woke up. I don’t even know where I am.”
The voice laughed. The mystery visitor was moving closer. “Every time you say that, it makes me laugh. Everlasting enjoyment. God, I love this place.”
The mystery visitor finally made his way around to face Jeff. He looked suspiciously familiar, but Jeff couldn’t place him.  “I think I know you.”
“You definitely know me. Think really hard.”
“Common sense would state that you work for me.”
“Honestly, who doesn’t?  Your company owns half the East Coast.” The visitor knelt down in front of Jeff so that he could get a better view. “Try again. Harder this time, Jeffrey.” The F’s in his name were said with force. The visitor definitely had an issue with the man motionless on the floor.
Jeff looked at the visitor intently. As much as he racked his brain, he still couldn’t place his face. “I don’t know.”
“William O’Connell. I usually go by Bill. You called me Thieving Imbecile.”
“Bill.” Jeff smirked in recognition. “I called you that because you stole product from me.”
“I disagree.” Bill stood back up and looked down menacingly. “I simply took home what my wife paid for.”
“Liar. You were caught with unpaid product in your desk and your vehicle.”
Bill chuckled. “My wife paid for my daughter’s life saving medications at the pharmacy. She paid four times what they were worth. Do you want to know how I know that?” Bill didn’t wait for a response. “Because I was the company accountant who you forced to sign off on the price hike. What I took home were the drugs that my wife paid for but did not receive.”
Jeff shook his head. “It still doesn’t give you the right…”
“The right?!? THE RIGHT???” Bill again knelt down. “What right did you have, Jeff? What right did you have to force the public to pay exuberant prices for medications they need to survive? What right did you have to decide who lives and who dies? What right did you have to play God?” Bill paused and took a breath to calm himself. “I’ve met God, Jeff. They are so much better than you ever were.”
“Why do you keep talking about me in the past tense?”
“Because you’re dead. Common sense would have told you that, Jeff.”
“I suppose this is supposed to be Hell?”
“Ding Ding! You always were a smart cookie.”
“That means you’re dead and in Hell too.”
“Try again.” Bill stood back up. “You were almost on a roll there, Jeffy boy. I am dead, sure, but this – “ Bill made a sweeping motion around the room. “This is my Heaven.” He pointed towards the door where he entered. “That door leads to my Eternal Mansion. It’s me, my daughter, and my wife. I would bring them to meet you, but you wouldn’t remember anyway.”
“Your daughter is dead?”
“Did you forget already? She was sick, Jeff. She needed the drugs you wouldn’t share to live. After you had me killed, my wife couldn’t afford the correct dosage. My daughter died shortly after I did.”
“Who else visits me?” Jeff asked in the smallest voice possible. He half hoped Bill wouldn’t hear him, but really needed to know the answer.
“I don’t know all of them.” Bill started pacing in a circle around Jeff. “Sue lives through that door. You remember Sue? The secretary you sexually harassed almost every day?”
“When did she die?”
“She lived to a ripe old age of ninety-five. Had five grandkids and a whole slew of great-grandchildren.”
"Who killed me?"
"I don't know, but if I ever find out, I'm buying them a beer."
“How long have I been here?”
“A long, long, long time, Jeff.” Bill’s voice was getting farther away. “Every time one of these doors opens, time resets for you. You won’t even remember this conversation in a little bit.”
“Wait! Bill! I have more questions!”
“Maybe next time, Jeff. Although, I highly doubt it. We seem to have the same conversation every time I come in here.” Bill closed the door behind him and Jeff heard the ominous click of the lock.
He closed his eyes in the hopes that he would wake up from this crazy fever dream.
Jeff finally woke up sitting on a cold concrete floor in a large round room. He had no idea how he had gotten there, but his best guess would be the guy that had cornered him with a gun in the parking garage of his office building. His Armani suit was now in tatters and covered in grime. His dry cleaner was good, but not this good. He’d have to trash it. He was sure his lawyer or his secretary was looking for him. He wouldn’t be here long.
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a-moment-captured · 1 year
I’m barely getting into TWD after a long time and I love it! I stopped watching after what Negan did to Glenn…. You know what I’m talking about right?😂😭😭 poor thing. I didn’t even know both Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Lauren Cohan were both on Supernatural! Idk if they were in the same seasons but they were there! Jeffrey is always handsome omg his dimples!! I loved his episode “Here’s Negan” on the show it made me cry so much😭 Negan’s story was much sadder than I imagined. Lauren looks sooooo beautiful in Dead City 😍 I’m looking forward to the shows spin-offs. Negan and Lauren fit so well together honestly
I did not start out watching til season 5. It was right after I had my son and they were having a marathon on AMC. I was up and it was the only thing on and I got hooked! Now it was until season 7 (well end of season 6 as they set up the Saviors) that I became obsessed with TWD!
I know it’s a hard episode but JDM’s performance on “Last Day on Earth” was perfect and everything Negan needed to be for it to work. I remember thinking please don’t do a cliffhanger and just tell us who gets killed. I expected 1 but even though I knew Glen died in the comics, I wasn’t expecting it. That was one of the most brutal scenes I’ve watched.
Negan’s episode, I love that JDM’s real life wife played Negan’s wife, gave depth and a human element to Negan. We could all understand why he does things the way he does. Someone made the point to say in a panel that we would even be more sympathetic to Negan had we followed him and his group from the beginning and not Rick’s. They are all doing their best to survive and have some kind of order in chaos.
After the first episode of Dead City, I’m hooked! Those two are just a match made in heaven on screen! They are able to play off each other so well when it comes to their characters personalities!
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donveinot · 2 years
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mittensmorgul · 2 years
I’ve been listening to the Supernatural: Then and Now podcast, and overall it’s been a lot of fun for what it is. It’s an interesting perspective on the show, two guys who are completely involved in the show but who’d never really sat down and watched it from the beginning. Sometimes their thoughts are informed by what they’ve learned through fandom, or through their own work later in the series, but sometimes they’re... kinda out of left field lol.
But there’s a few things in this week’s episode (about 2.01 In My Time of Dying, with Jensen and Jeffrey Dean Morgan as guests) that I really feel I need to talk about. Let’s start with Jensen and JDM’s thoughts on John Winchester. There’s likely been a lot of fandom pushback on their insistence that John wasn’t a bad father, that he loved his kids, put them first, and was willing to die for them (and did!).
And it’s like... well yeah, nobody doubted whether he loved his kids or would be willing to die for them. But that doesn’t make him a good parent to them. It’s not just that Sam and Dean were latchkey kids who had to raise themselves. I mean most of my generation were latchkey kids who at least partially raised themselves (waves in gen x). They weren’t left for a few days in a comfortable and safe home with resources and neighbors to call if they needed help and plenty of food to eat. Dean KNEW what his father was doing when he left them behind, that there was always a chance he wouldn’t ever come back, and sometimes he DIDN’T come back when he said he would, or didn’t leave them with resources to fend for themselves without him.
(even JDM didn’t remember having come back in 1.09 Home, wherein he completely ignored Dean’s tearful, terrified pleas for help, let his kids almost die in the home where his wife had been killed, already knew far more about what was really going on than he was telling them-- ostensibly for their own protection despite the fact they both nearly died in this episode-- and then didn’t contact them again for weeks afterward... so yeah I think his memories are a bit hazy on how awful John was as a parent, even in s1)
The show depicted their childhoods as largely adrift, cut off from society in general, and forced to be silent about the circumstances of their lives. In addition, John “trusted Dean” to take care of Sam in ways that NO parent should-- to keep ALL of the supernatural stuff secret from Sam, leaving Dean to feel like a failure at age 12 when Sam learned the truth... and leaving Dean to feel like a failure at like age 9 when he disobeyed a direct order after days alone in a motel terrified that John would never come back, when a monster broke into their room and nearly killed Sam-- and then he had the nerve to passive-aggressively give Dean the chance to “correct” that mistake years later with nothing more than some texted coordinates to a town where the same monster was killing kids again... like... this is SEASON ONE of the show, not some later retcon that somehow changed our impression of John.
Sure, TO JOHN, IN JOHN’S MIND, he was doing the best he could for his kids in horrific circumstances. And I get why JDM feels this sympathy for the character he played, because he had to portray it. And I do not doubt that John loved his kids.
That doesn’t make him A Good Father.
That’s the disconnect here. Defend John’s love for his kids, but heck... his actions are understandable in his broken, revenge-driven mind, but not defensible in any way. That makes him a good CHARACTER, not a good father. And I appreciate that Rob and Rich, and even Jensen... and yeah even JDM a little bit, trying to make that point.
There’s also comments about what JDM was whispering to Jensen at the end of the episode-- which we the viewers find out the truth about at the beginning of 2.10 Hunted, when Dean tells Sam what John’s final words to him were: That Dean needed to save Sam, and if he couldn’t, then he’d have to kill Sam. That reveal is a gut punch to the audience, not only for us sympathizing with Sam for learning this after so long, but for Dean and the fact he’d been carrying this terrible secret and this horrific burden his father laid on him in the moments before he knew he was gonna die because he sold his soul to a demon-- along with literally their only weapon against that demon-- to save Dean...
And Jensen and JDM were both laughing over some of the inappropriate things JDM whispered to him for the first few takes of the scene. Nothing was scripted there, he was just told to pretend to whisper something in Dean’s ear. They were struggling to remember what Kim Manners eventually told John to whisper to Dean, and didn’t quite recall the exact language. One of them said something implying that Sam wasn’t really Dean’s brother before getting pretty close to what the actual reveal was in 2.10.
Now, I need to remind people (or inform folks who haven’t listened to this podcast yet) that at the beginning of the episode JDM and Jensen both said they’d just rewatched this episode for the first time in a very long time, and didn’t completely remember what it was about. Understandable, they filmed it in 2006, you know? long time ago! They didn’t remember what had come before it, or after it, either. I mean, I don’t remember what I was doing in 2006, either... wait... I went to the Daytona 500 that year... I think... pretty sure... wait... i moved into this house i’m currently sitting in that year. that’s a pretty big thing not to remember lol. whatever, point is, their memories are foggy on the details.
Now I found this pretty interesting, that they essentially DID remember what they were told John would be whispering in Dean’s ear here, which wasn’t written in the script but was clearly already planned as The Big Plot Arc of the season leading up to Dean eventually saving Sam by selling his own soul and thinking (hoping) that it truly DID save Sam from the vague Dark Destiny that John’s warning had implied he was doomed for otherwise.
I found it interesting that Jensen knew that big secret from the season premiere and literally did carry it with him until he revealed that truth to Sam nine episodes later. Kudos to him. Early s2 is an emotional wrecking ball for Dean. Though... that describes most of the series, too, I guess...
But hilariously, in the most awful of ways, at the end of the podcast Richard Speight went on a little headcanon journey that took the totally wrong takeaway from their little trip down misremembered memory lane, and had somehow latched on to the (totally wrong) comment about Sam not really being Dean’s brother as having been the true statement. He and Rob were like omg REALLY?! Because all these years I thought they were brothers! That’s like the premise of the show! Are they not brothers?! Did Mary have a demon baby?
And the whole time I’m listening to this, I’m driving, and I’m yelling at the radio NO! NO NONE OF THAT IS TruE?! WTF?! 
I mean for folks who might not believe that, the rest of canon proves it just fine. But it sort of reminds me of fandom in general, where we’re all playing this long weird game of telephone with misremembered snippets from years and years ago, and it often leads to either the fuzzy haze of nostalgia creeping in where long debunked nonsense like this can instantly become fact(ish) again with a few misspoken words, or the rehashing of old drama that was put to bed years ago.
And sometimes it’s just nice to be able to sit back and laugh about it.
(while also still reminding myself that it’s a bunch of bunk)
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