#Jeffrey Wells (character)
Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker
Fowler: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Connor: ...I did. I broke it.
Fowler: No. No you didn't. Nines?
Nines: Don't look at me. Look at Gavin.
Gavin: What?! I didn't break it.
Nines: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Gavin: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Nines: Suspicious.
Gavin: No, it's not!
Chris: If it matters, probably not, but Tina was the last one to use it.
Tina: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Chis: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Tina: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Chris!
Connor: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Fowler.
Fowler: No! Who broke it!?
Gavin: Fowler... Hank's been awfully quiet.
Hank: rEALLY?!
Everyone starts arguing
Fowler, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.
Fowler: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Fowler: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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lulu2992 · 4 months
This interview with Drew Holmes, now the IP Director of the Far Cry franchise, is two months old and I haven’t talked about it yet, but there are a few things he says that I really like and think (hope) bode well for the future of the series!
Like what he said during the 20th Anniversary livestream, the article confirms they’re aware many fans love the villains, but what’s even more interesting is that it suggests they know some people would like to have the possibility to side with the antagonists. This has never been an option (except in New Dawn, sort of) but we know it’s an idea they’ve been considering at least since Far Cry 4. When I read,
“Some players may see that the villains are going too far, but also see their point, and think: ‘If I work with them, I can make them see the error of their ways and change them.’”
In continuing to fight the antagonist, all the woes of the world are not resolved; and in joining them, society does not collapse. “Defeating the bad guy may seem like the thing that you should’ve done,” he continues, “but what are the things that you’ve done along the way to get here? And if you joined the bad guy, is there a glimmer of hope? What happened to the people you met along the way?”
it makes me think they might seriously consider finally letting us join the villain(s) in a future game. As he implies, making such a choice would surely have big repercussions on the story and characters, but it’s part of the reason I would love to have this possibility. I’ve never seen that in any other game I’ve played, and I think it would be a bold and interesting decision if it became an option.
I like this as well:
Drew mentions that [Far Cry 3] holds a mirror to the player and asks: “Look at the things you’ve done. What do your actions say about what you value?” 
It’s pretty much what Jeffrey Yohalem (Lead Writer) and Dan Hay (Executive Producer and basically Drew Holmes’ predecessor as head of the brand) said about Far Cry 3 at the time (for example here), so seeing that they’re all on the same page is great. Of course, you’d expect an IP Director to have a good knowledge and understanding of the franchise, but since I’ve already seen Far Cry 3 devs completely contradict each other in interviews, that wasn’t guaranteed… At least, and even though he wasn’t even working at Ubisoft when the game was released, I’m glad he knows what he’s talking about!
I also really like the parts about how Far Cry games are supposed to make players feel uneasy or are really about how far someone (protagonist or antagonist) is willing to go for what they consider right because what seems “moral” can change depending on the situation we’re in, and everyone, in very specific and extreme circumstances, can potentially “become the jungle” that initially looked so scary and foreign to them.
Usually, in Far Cry, the characters’ motivations are clear, and even if we rarely agree with what they do, we can almost always understand why they do it and even have sympathy for them. As he concludes:
“When we help each other, what is the reason behind it? When we hurt each other, what is the reason behind it?”
These questions have implicitly been asked many times in the series, but no clear answer has been provided because, as the interview explains, Far Cry games are supposed to “evoke feelings and make space for introspection”. In the end, only we, players, by experiencing the stories and meeting the characters, can find out who we truly are.
In my opinion, it appears the franchise is in good hands, and for now, I have hope for the future :)
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violethyacinth · 6 months
guess who started watching Star Trek Deep Space Nine 🤪
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jay-brooks-hugger · 6 months
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Tryna fight back the urge to do a Dinosaur Bob edit AHHHHHH
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dokani · 1 year
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goodbye goodbye you were bigger than the whole sky </3
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lovetogether · 1 month
It’s funny we draw the twin peaks characters as furries because the idea of drawing real living people (actors) freaks us out. Thus adding this layer to all our twin peaks art specifically.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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tfw you get instant karma for calling this cat jeffrey >:(
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funniest disney history facts i can think of atm
literally EVERYBODY thought the lion king was gonna flop and pocahontas would be their greatest movie ever made. people begged to ditch lion king and work on pocahontas.
the reason robin hood ends so abruptly is that there was an actual ending planned and storyboarded but the crew spent too long arguing about everyone’s fursonas to finish animating it
madam mim was way less comedic in the original book but because her character was too similar to maleficent (who was in their latest film at the time), the sword and the stone crew decided to differentiate her by making her fucking hilarious
when making a goofy movie, jeffrey katzenberg (studio chairman at the time) told bill farmer to give goofy “a normal voice.” farmer, who had been voicing goofy for eight years at that point, including in the goof troop show that a goofy movie was a sequel to, was very confused. after making an attempt they decided to scrap that note completely.
as of march 2023, farmer is still voicing goofy, and tony anselmo has been voicing donald since 1986. the 2017 reboot of ducktales, which was slated as “wanting to do for donald what goofy movie did for goofy,” featured both actors as those characters; they had also been doing the voices for the original ducktales and goof troop/goofy movie. all the times goofy and donald interact in the 2017 ducktales however, donald was voiced by guest star don cheadle as a joke
current voice of mickey mouse bret iwan has stated that he has attempted to play kingdom hearts and did not do well
disneyland’s current world of color halloween overlay features a plot that is basically “the disney villains simultaneously adopt a goth kid” and i love it
people will make jokes about “well math says that the beast would’ve been 11 when he was cursed” well that was actually the original intent, but a flashback scene of baby beast was scrapped because he looked “too much like eddie munster”
when disney sent a representative to pixar to check on toy story production, she was like “this is all great! what style of music are you thinking” and they were like “for what” “for the songs” “we uh. we weren’t gonna have. any songs” and she went dead silent and then went “i have to make a call” and left the room
saludos amigos and the three caballeros were made as ww2 propaganda. the government commissioned disney to make movies to make latin america like them so that they wouldnt side with the nazis and provide them an in to invade, and latin america really liked donald duck so
saludos amigos was apparently the first time many usamericans realized that latin american people were like. people. film historian alfred charles richard jr said that the film “did more to cement a community of interest between peoples of the americas in a few months than the state department had in fifty years”
while latin america generally liked both films, chilean cartoonist rené rios boettiger fucking hated the chilean segment of saludos amigos, seeing the main character of pedro the plane as a weakass bitch, so in response he created condorito, the most popular comic character in all of latin america
disney wanted to adapt ts eliot’s old possum’s book of practical cats. his widow adamantly refused, and then sold the rights to andrew lloyd webber bc he wanted to make it sexy and she said “tom would’ve liked that”
in case you haven’t seen the defunctland, walt disney wanted epcot to be a futuristic utopia where he was basically the dictator. then he died so they just made it another theme park
speaking of defunctland the first defunctland video was on disneyworld’s alien attraction and please watch it. please it’s so funny
after the huge failure of the black cauldron disney was going to shut down its animation department. the department tried to convince them to keep them alive by showing them the one scene they had finished for the next movie– the mouse burlesque from the great mouse detective. it worked
the only attraction the black cauldron ever got was in tokyo disneyland where they put a tour under cinderella’s castle where everyone had to escape the disney villains trying to kill them, only to end at the horned king and the cauldron, who would try to sacrifice them to satan. this tour was popular but was closed in the early 2000s as the tunnels didn’t fit earthquake regulations and i want it in disneyworld so bad
walt disney once referred to his unionizing workers, led by goofy’s creator art babbitt, as “commie sons of bitches,” and i want a mickey build-a-bear that calls me a commie son-of-a-bitch whenever i squeeze its paw
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It’s truly unfortunate that Jeffrey can’t be brought back to join the 15th Inspector, given Rik Mayall’s passing.
At least we have the comfort of knowing that Jeffrey died doing what he did best, something incredibly stupid.
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ghelgheli · 11 months
Historians are rarely challenged just for applying words like ‘woman’ and ‘man’ to the past; it would not inevitably cause a backlash to say that a historical figure wanted power, or grieved, or felt anger. A trans historian, though, is caught in the double-bind of the DSM-5. Our experiences and our desires are quite literally mad. We do not have the social license to see ourselves fractured and reflected in historical figures; we are standing in the wrong place to write. Put simply, if you foreclose trans readings, you foreclose trans writing. When we reflect on the similarities between our lives and those of historical figures, we are accused of spreading our social contagion to the dead. To read our own anamorphoses in a text, to communicate that to a cis academic establishment who have rendered our unqualified subjectivities unimaginable, we are forced to accuse historical figures of transness. And then, of course, we are chastised for pathologising them. For a trans historian, it is not viable to simply universalise our experiences of gender. In order to relate to historical figures’ gendered experiences in our writing in a way that is legible to cis readers, we have to assert that those figures were trans. There is a gap to be bridged, and the onus to bridge it falls on us… Transmisogyny and anti-effeminacy were and are integral to the structure of patriarchy and therefore to cisness (or vice-versa). In ‘Monster Culture (Seven Theses)’, Jeffrey Jerome Cohen proposed a methodology for reading cultures: ‘from the monsters they engender’. In concluding this sketch of Byzantine cisness, I would like to attempt to apply this method. To monster a group or an individual is a violent act, and through examining the way transfemininity was monstered in Byzantium, we can begin to understand the shape of the violent regulation of gendered possibilities that constituted Byzantine cisness… Synesius [of Cyrene] did not simply compare the image of the elegantly coiffed effeminate with the shiny dome of the soldier’s helmet; he went one step further, proclaiming that pretty hair was the give-away for hidden effeminacy. He rails against ‘effeminate wretches’ who ‘make a cult of their hair’, who he suggests engage in sex work not out of economic necessity but as an act of sex and gender exhibitionism, to ‘display fully the effeminacy of their character’. Then, he goes on to say:
And whoever is secretly perverted, even if he should swear the contrary in the marketplace, and should present no other proof of being an acolyte of Cotys save only in a great care of his hair, anointing it and arranging it in ringlets, he might well be denounced to all as one who has celebrated orgies to the Chian goddess and the Ithyphalli.
The implication is clear: long, well kempt, perfumed and curled hair is not just hair, it is a signifier, one that signals total abnegation of manhood, and therefore of cisness. This demonstrates one of the mechanisms by which cisness was maintained and enforced in the Byzantine world. Relatively minor embodied gender transgressions, like too-long or too-pretty hair, could be linked to transfemininity and to sexual receptivity, the two farthest points from patriarchal manhood. That is not to say that this prevented people from committing such gender transgressions; rather that it made them risky, a weapon that could be used against you by anyone who wanted to do you harm. The other thing demonstrated by Synesius’ invective is the relationship between effeminacy, unmasculine vanity and presumed sexual receptivity. It would be tempting, based on the relationship Synesius draws between long beautiful hair and receptive anal sex, to suggest that the animating force of this antipathy is, if not homophobia, a narrower pre-modern equivalent. There is, however, a fantastically complicating detail in Synesius’ remark on the reasons such ‘effeminates’ engage in sex work: being sexually available is presented as an instrumental, rather than terminal value. In Synesius’ imagination, sex work is the means, but social recognition of the feminine gender of the sex worker is the end: to ‘display fully the effeminacy of their character’. The monster Synesius invokes to shore-up his own gender position, to guard his own cisness and his access to hegemonic masculinity, is an unambiguously transmisogynist fantasy. It is here that Byzantine cisness most sharply converges with twenty-first-century cisness.
‘Selective Historians’: The Construction of Cisness in Byzantine and Byzantinist Texts, Ilya Maude [DOI]
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kerink · 2 years
in light of people's confusion over cecil's longevity in @sexymanotd i wanted to document a bit of his history for those unfamiliar or nostalgic
welcome to night vale is a podcast written by joseph fink and jeffrey cranor. cecil gerschwin palmer is the main character and voiced by cecil baldwin.
it debuted on june 15, 2012 it reached its peak in popularity in 2013-2014
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despite this, wtnv has been one of tumblr's top fandoms since staff started tracking fandom-related data in 2014
for the longest time the only thing we knew about cecil's appearance was: "He is wearing a tie. He is not tall or short. Not thin or fat." and that wasn't until episode 19 which aired march 15, 2013. for almost a full year we had no idea what cecil looked like. so tumblr's collective unconscious kicked into high gear and we did what we do best
we created a tumblr sexyman
from know your meme: "Defining traits of the archetype include skinny body type, trickster or villain role and dapper clothing."
know your meme identifies wheatley (portal 2, 2011) and the onceler (the lorax, 2012) as being likely tumblr's first sexymen. and the onceler fandom was at its peak in 2012-2013, the same time as wtnv. in addition to this, the hannibal fandom has been cited as one of the contributing factors to wtnv's success on tumblr.
so tumblr had created an archetype that worked and the wtnv fandom was made up of mostly hannibal fans - the foundation for putting cecil in a suit was there. and honestly? cecil's at work in the show, why wouldn't he be well dressed?
however, while this explains his attire it doesn't explain some of cecil's more unique sexyman features, namely the tentacles. for this we have to return to the 2014 fandom review analysis where you can see the most popular fandom at the time: homestuck
haven't you ever wondered why almost a quarter (189/923 at time of writing) of E rated wtnv fics on ao3 are tagged tentacles or tentacle sex? why cecil having tentacles for a dick is such a seemingly popular headcanon? well look no further then homestuck cultural hold over.
throughout all of this, the development of the sexyman archetype on tumblr and the rise of homestuck, one creator really stands out: kinomatika
kino was one of the most popular homestuck artists on tumblr at the time, popular for their eridan fanart. if you google image search "welcome to night vale" kino's art is still one of the first results you'll get
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their design was so popular in fact it was featured in wtnv related articles from the time
and yes there were absolutely other artists giving cecil tentacles and moving tattoos at the time, but it can't be understated the reach kino had and the influence their homestuck roots had on their design choices
i recommend going through the archive of @nightvaleartclub to see how cecil used to be portrayed back in the early days. unfortunately the earliest fanart i've been able to find is july 2013 and i find it hard to believe it took tumblr a year to draw him. although, i started listening at episode 5 and didn't start drawing him until then myself so who knows...
cecil has had tumblr's heart in a vice grip since episode 1, with "20,000 posts, 183,000 blogs and 680,000 notes using the #Night Vale tag" during its first week. tumblr's love for wtnv has always been fairly genuine, from the impact the writing has had on tumblr humor and future story telling, to how wtnv paved the way for lgbt+ representation in indi media, to how it popularized podcasts as a medium for story telling, to the little comforts some of cecil's quotes still bring people today
cecil is not only a founding father of tumblr culture, but also a blorbo of the people. cecil the character in canon has a tumblr account where he posts his art and slash fanfiction.
although cecil's character has developed over time and we've come to see what a ditzy, eccentric, brat he really is, changing his status from sexyman to babygirl, cecil is absolutely a character you should embrace. and you know what... despite what i've said in the past
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[ID: Images one and two are Google analytic graphs for the search terms "welcome to night vale" and "wtnv" between June 15, 2015 and January 27, 2023. They both depict very sharp spikes around 2013-2014 until the lines decrease greatly over time.
Image three is a drawing of Cecil from Welcome To Nightvale. He is white, with white hair, glasses, a third eye on his forehead, and he is wearing a suit. In the background is the silhouette of a neighborhood from the WTNV official art, a galaxy, and a moon. It is tinted purple. Image four is the always has been meme. Instead of the earth is the tumblr logo, and the text is: “a wtnv fansite?” “Always has been”. End ID] id thanks to @princess-of-purple-prose
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lanadelnegan · 3 months
The Feeling Was Mutual
Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Female Reader
Summary: You and your former friend and co-star, JDM, pick up where you left off years ago when he joins you on set of TWD. Starting with a dinner date and ending with a quickie in the elevator. Warnings: smut, 18+, unprotected public sex, heavy touching and kissing, angst, sexual tension, *Jeffrey is single
Requested by anon <3
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Your heart thumped in your ears when the RV doors opened and the gorgeous man you hadn't seen in 10 years stepped out. You tried to stay in character, purposely replacing your googly heart eyes with fearful ones. You studied his every move, noting the new silver streaks in his hair and beard. His voice was deeper than you remembered and his waist skinnier, but it was a nice look on him.
For the past decade, you've avoided him, focusing on your acting career and pushing your growing feelings for him aside. Things were different now. You were both more mature and further along in your careers. And single. From what you last heard. Not that you were checking up on him.
"Eeny. Meeny. Miny. Moe."
When the end of the barbed-wire bat came dangerously close to the tip of your nose, your eyes finally locked with his. His smug gaze softened and for a moment, you thought he was about to break character. A grin threatened to tug at the corner of your mouth, but you mentally pushed it aside, breaking eye contact to stare at the ground. His smirk grew wider before he walked away from you, continuing his impressive opening speech.
"Cut. Amazing! Let's take a break." Your fellow actors stood to their feet, wiping the dirt off their knees and laughing amongst each other. You did the same, glancing at Jeffrey across the set before grabbing a drink of water. He was busy getting to know the others as they welcomed him to his first day on set.
Your back was turned away from him as you took a sip of your water. You hated yourself for being this shy in front of him, purposely stalling on greeting him with the rest of the cast. There was a time he was one of your closest friends but now you only saw him on social media, occasionally dropping a comment on one of his new posts and him returning the gesture.
"Not gonna go say hi to the new guy?" Norman teased.
"Eventually. You?"
"Met him earlier. Seems like a nice dude."
"Yeah, he's -"
"Walking over here." Norman said quietly, giving you a subtle heads up. Your eyes widened as he tilted his chin up at Jeffrey. "Man, that was awesome. Making us all look bad." Norman joked, earning a chuckle from the tall man next to you.
Jeffrey's hazel eyes quickly skimmed over you before settling on your own. "Hey stranger."
You rolled your eyes, playing off your ridiculous grin as he brought you in for a hug. You were always attracted to him, but this new him did something to you. He looked taller somehow. More confident.
"You know each other?" Norman asked.
Jeffrey rambled off to Norman about the movies you made together while you half listened, too busy soaking in his handsome features and the way the corner of his mouth tilted slightly when he spoke.
"And then, one day, she just.. ghosted me." He said jokingly, bringing his hand to his chest like it pained him.
You felt heat quickly rise to your cheeks. "I dunno if that's what happened." You said casually, hoping he'd drop it. Of course you weren't that lucky.
"You stopped returning my calls and texts. I'd say that's.. exactly what happened." Jeffrey tilted his head at you, resting his hands loosely on his hips.
"Well, you guys enjoy your reunion." Norman interrupted, patting Jeffrey's shoulder before walking away.
"What the hell was that?"
"Wasn't a lie." He shrugged, sipping his can of coca-cola.
"So that's how it's gonna be? You haven't seen me in a decade and you want to start it like this?"
He made a satisfied sigh, swallowing his drink. "This is awkward because of you, darlin'. Not me."
You scoffed. With his new found confidence, he was also apparently an asshole. You turned to walk away but he was on your heels.
"Y/n, wait."
You ignored the loud sigh he made.
"Y/n. Stop, can we just talk?"
You turned to face him, opening your mouth to say something, but quickly realized how close your face was to his. Your mind wandered back to one of the first scenes you shot with him - a kissing scene that involved lots of heavy touching. As if reading your mind, his eyes dropped to your lips then quickly back to your eyes.
"I'm sorry." He said genuinely. "Let's start over. You look.. really great."
"So do you. I.. I missed you." You stepped back a couple inches, allowing some space between you so others wouldn't stare.
"How about we get dinner tonight and catch up?"
You thought for a moment then nodded slightly. "Okay, yeah. That sounds nice."
Later that night...
You decided to keep it casual and eat at the restaurant at the hotel you were both staying at. This was just a friendly outing after all. You had to remind yourself of that a few times while getting ready, keeping your makeup light and your outfit nice but definitely not overdressed.
Your phone buzzed just as you were stepping off the elevator. Digging it out of your purse, you smiled at the name on the screen. You were surprised his number was still saved. And that he clearly still had yours.
JD: Got us a table outside in the back.
The nickname for him in your phone stuck after the filming of a show you did together. JD Richter. You smiled to yourself as you walked, remembering a particular scene you shot together that consisted of a king-sized bed and his body hovering over yours. His lips exploring your neck and collarbone. It was your favorite scene you ever shot with him, for obvious reasons. Partly because of the kissing, but mostly because of the way he whispered your name in your ear while on top of you. You real name, not your character name - so quietly that only the two of you could hear it. Shortly after that scene, your friendship grew apart and it was all your fault. He was right, you had ghosted him - stupidly. But tonight you'd make up for it.
You made your way through the restaurant, finding the door to the back patio. The sun was starting to disappear, but the patio was outlined in greenery and warm sting lights.
He stood when he saw you, pulling out a chair beside him. "You don't have to pull my chair out. This isn't a date." You half teased as you both settled into your seats.
"So there's no chance I'm getting lucky tonight? Shit. I wore my fancy underwear and everything."
Your laughs echoed across the patio, slowly fading when the waiter finally approached. After ordering a bottle of wine and a couple of appetizers to share, you took turns catching each other up on the past decade of your lives. He had been in two semi-serious relationships, one of which was fairly recent.
"The last one, I thought for awhile she might have been the one, but then it just didn't feel right."
"What happened?" You asked curiously, sipping your wine.
He hesitated for a moment. "When I got the call about the Negan gig... I broke up with her shortly after that."
"Choosing your career over your love life?" You chuckled like the idea was ridiculous.
"Sound familiar?" He raised an eyebrow at you.
Ouch. He was right.
"I deserve that." You nodded, popping a pretzel bite in your mouth. "But.. why after you got the Negan call?"
"I - uh.." He hesitated again. "Knew I was about to see you again."
You blushed, feeling his knee brush against yours underneath the table.
"Look y/n, I know you don't wanna talk about it. But I need to know. Why'd you stop answering my calls?"
You knew that question was coming.
The truth is, you needed to focus on your career. You were barely a known actress at the time, and Jeffrey had already made a name for himself. When you started developing feelings for him, you knew you had to distance yourself. You wanted to be known for your work, not your love life.
"Fine. I.. I had feelings for you. That I didn't want to have." You admitted, ignoring his gaze and taking a bite of chocolate cake you were sharing for dessert.
"You should have told me." He said, casually wiping a dab of icing from the corner of your mouth with his thumb. You blushed when he brought it to his own mouth and sucked it off with a quick pop.
"I didn't know if you felt the same way."
"So you preferred never speaking to me again?"
Guilt punched you in the stomach and you felt like the worst person in the world. "No. I made a mistake. And when I realized it, I figured it was too late. You already had a girlfriend." You couldn't believe you were finally saying all of this out loud.
He nodded, deep in thought. "Okay."
"Okay? ...That’s all you have to say?”
“What do you want me to say, y/n?” He asked, avoiding eye contact and signing the tab.
That you had feelings for me too. That the feeling was mutual. That I made a mistake and we should have been together.
“It’s getting late, we should probably head back.” You said instead.
The walk back to your rooms was silent with the exception of him asking what floor you were on. You stared at him as he leaned back against the elevator wall, sliding his hands in his jean pockets. He stared back at you and you wondered what he was thinking, but stubbornly, you weren't going to be the one to speak first. When the elevator doors opened, he motioned for you to lead the way, so you did until you came to a stop at your door.
"Well, thanks for dinner. It was nice." You finally spoke, annoyed that you lost at your little silent game.
He nodded. “Yeah. Any time.”
You opened your mouth again to speak but he was already walking away. “JD.” He stopped, looking back at you over his shoulder.
Come inside. Stay with me. Let's do what we should have done a long time ago.
"...goodnight." You said instead.
"Night, y/n." He disappeared down the hall and you drifted into your room, disappointed and frustrated with yourself.
You kicked off your clothes, replacing them with your favorite silky night gown before falling into bed defeatedly. You closed your eyes, still feeling a buzz from the half bottle of wine you finished.
Imagining Jeffrey on top of you and whispering in your ear, your hand slipped between your legs. You easily rubbed your clit, considering your panties were on the floor with your other discarded clothes.
You were growing hotter by the second until your phone chimed from the nightstand. You sighed, picking it up and squinting at the bright screen.
JD: The feeling was mutual.
Your heart flipped at his confession and you jumped out of bed. You didn't bother slipping on shoes as you flung open your door. You took one step around the corner and immediately slammed into his tall figure.
"Oh.. hey.. I was just.." You rambled nervously, suddenly losing your courage.
"Me too." He said, slamming his mouth to yours and pressing you against the carpeted hallway wall.
He tasted like wine and chocolate cake, mixed with a hint of tobacco. The flavor alone enough to make your knees weak. He devoured your mouth and tangled his tongue with yours until you were breathless. Pulling away slightly, his mouth dipped to your neck, tracing his lips against your sensitive flesh. Your hand reached for his hair while the other wrapped around his wrist and guided it towards your soaked center.
He stopped suddenly, pulling away and looking at you. "Fuck, we can't do this." He ran a hand through his tousled hair.
"Oh.." You said, cheeks flushed. "Right.."
"Here. Someone could see us." He clarified. You exhaled a breath of relief as he guided you quickly to your room, placing his hand on your lower back.
"Oh no.." You panicked slightly, realizing your room key was on the other side of your door.
"Fuck. Come on." He led you to the elevator and luckily you didn't have to wait long before the doors opened and you stumbled inside the small space. His lips were on yours again as he clumsily pressed the button to his floor.
"I don't think I can wait another second to be inside of you." He said against your mouth, running his hand up your thigh and feeling your bare pussy. His finger slid through your wetness. "Fuck baby.."
"Then don't." You fumbled with the belt on his jeans. Pressing his forehead to yours, he helped you quickly unbuckle him.
You almost moaned at the sight of his cock when he pulled it free from his pants. He was rock hard and already leaking precum. Before you could admire it any longer, he lifted one of your legs around his hip and held it there, guiding his length to your slick hole. You were so wet and ready for him, you wouldn't be surprised if you were making a puddle all over the elevator floor.
He rubbed the head up and down your slit, coating his cock in your juices before stopping at your entrance.
"If you want to take this slow, we can."
You shook your head no, eager for him to be buried deep in your cunt already.
"You sure? I could take you back to your room.." He whispered in your ear. "And eat this pretty pussy before I fuck it."
"JD.." You almost yelled. "Please just -"
He pushed forward suddenly, entering you hard with one full thrust and stretching your walls perfectly. Your mouth fell open as he pressed fully against you, his cock buried so deep in your cunt it was almost painful. He let out a hoarse groan before sloppily kissing you again.
"Fuck, doll. You feel fuckin' good."
His hips began moving slowly, allowing you to focus on every inch of him. The elevator door opened for a few moments but he didn't stop. Luckily no one was on the other side and it finally closed.
His movements quickened and the moans from both of you filled the small space. You didn't care that someone was probably watching from the other end of the camera in the corner. Or that you could be caught at any moment and end up trending on the internet. You were too focused on each other. At how amazing he felt inside of you, like his cock was made for you.
"Oh god, fuck. I'm-" You couldn't finish your sentence before your pussy clenched around him and your legs shook beneath you. He watched you, his eyelids heavy as he felt his own release coming.
Suddenly the floor felt like it was falling from under you when the elevator started to descend.
"JD.." You said panicked, trying to push him away. But his grip tightened around your thigh and he continued thrusting, faster.
Jeffrey stilled, letting out a couple of sharp grunts before spilling his load inside of you. "Fuck.. fuck." He pulled out of you quickly, stepping to the other side of the elevator and zipping himself up in his jeans. He held his wrists over his unclasped belt buckle as the doors began to open.
One would never be able to tell you just fucked.
Besides your flushed cheeks.
And his messy hair.
And the handprint on your thigh.
And the heavy breathing.
The doors slowly departed, revealing Norman standing on the other side.
Oh fuck.
He squinted, eyeing you both suspiciously as he grinned, long enough for the doors to begin to close.
"I'll catch the next one." He said before they shut completely.
You couldn't help but giggle. "Oh my god.. you think he knew?"
Jeffrey took a step towards you, placing his hand on your lower back and pulling you towards him. "Probably. Especially if he noticed my cum running down your legs."
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sexlapis · 11 months
actor! toji fushiguro thoughts 💭
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actor toji would be one of those hot dilf actors that women would always be drooling over, edits of him always popping up on your fyp, the most outta pocket comments underneath all of his insta posts, he would be the number 1 dilf for all the old man fuckers.
toji rarely posts on social media. he’s at that age where he just does not care to post his whole life online, but that only attracts people to him more because he is so mysterious. he would have like 10 million followers and only follow 12 people (including you)
toji would probably be one of those actors that have no variety in their roles, but everybody would still eat it up anyways. toji as an actor would typically play a villain/antagonist or an anti-hero, typically in an action movie/series and he plays them well. toji can embody an intimidating, frightening, intelligent villain very well. he could be cast as one of the most horrendous, horrible villains and be a menace towards the main cast but because he looks like that, he is forgiven.
but there are those rare times toji is casted as a father or father figure and his character would do anything for their daughter and everyone just loses it. he plays the father role well, almost too well. he is so caring, protective and sweet towards the actress playing as his daughter, even behind the scene clips with one another, he is just so gentle and dreamy. the fans cannot handle it!
during interviews, toji can be charming. he cracks jokes and he answers questions honestly, even if they make him look unprofessional. he really does not give a fuck about that, which only makes him even more attractive. he’s a little sleazy sometimes, but that just adds to his lazy effortless appeal.
he just has such a dominant personality and not in a bad way either. like if an interviewer asked a question that made a cast member uncomfortable, he would smoothly change the subject and the mood, making everyone forget about it entirely. also, his stare is really intense…like when the interviewer or a fellow cast member is speaking, he makes sure to look at them and listen really closely, not even realising how intimidating that could be 😭
despite his unprofessional personality and wealthy background, people who work with toji cannot say anything bad about him. he is a great actor with great work ethic and is always respectful to his cast members. and most of all, he is humble. due to his background and accomplishments, other actors on set expect him to be all flashy and all head in the clouds, but toji isn’t like that. toji is very aware and down to earth and he doesn’t see himself as superior because of his wealth. he sees what that power does to some people (his family) and he wants nothing not do with it.
overall, for the most part, toji is a respected actor, with a loyal (albeit crazy) fanbase, he actually enjoys his job and lives a relatively private and quiet life. people barely know anything despite his wealth and fame and prefers to keep it that way.
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a/n: this was inspired by jeffrey dean morgan lmao. also i’m thinking of maybe doing a mini one shot with actress reader x actor toji in the form of one of those youtube videos like “(reader) & toji fushiguro being a couple for 10 minutes straight” i think that would be fun 🤭🤭
edit: toji & reader being a couple for 10 minutes straight is here <3
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rainrot4me · 3 months
Steam Roller | Chapter 4
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Summary: Jeffrey’s emotions override his morals and he can’t stand it. He can’t stand you. But that’s why he can’t leave you.
Characters: Jeffrey Woods x Female Reader
TW: Pillow fucking, desperation, home invasion, non-con, vaginal, sleep sex, cnc, drinking and driving, drinking, eating out, riding
Words: 3.6k
This is a continuation, chapter one is here.
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Jeff hadn’t seen you in days. He wouldn’t allow himself to.
It took everything to convince Jack to let him use the truck, the old rusty thing squeaking the whole ride as he drove you home, your body curled around his arm as he rested his hand on your thigh. He felt sick with himself for feeling these feelings for you, for wanting a little human girl to stick at his side. So he had to get rid of you.
When he pulled into your driveway, he scooped you into his arms and walked you to bed, tucking you in and promising to stay as your eyes slowly fluttered shut. As soon as he was sure you were asleep, he slipped out your door and high-tailed it back to the mansion, blasting loud metal music to drown out his thoughts that screamed at him to turn back. He couldn’t bring himself to kill you, so he’d forget you instead. 
That was days ago, and he had yet to forget you. His days were spent the same, waking up, pissing off everyone in the mansion, gutting a few unlucky idiots who looked at him the wrong way, and jerking himself off terribly every night to the thought of you. He wasn’t satisfied, his lack of seeing your face making his mind spin. What he couldn’t understand, was why was he like this. He had never needed anyone before, spent every day by himself and found it content, but something about you just drew him to that terrible attitude of yours. 
Slender and the others had noticed his sour attitude as well, his lack of missions due to Slender not trusting his unmotivated self to accomplish anything. So here he lay, rotting in his disgusting bed and pumping his angry cock up into his hand. It didn’t great, it didn’t even feel good, but it seemed that his cock was always at attention due to his mind always being on you and Jeff was tired of it. He fisted the tip, rubbing his slit as he gripped tightly onto his sheets. He was pulling out all the stops, trying everything he knew to make himself cum but it just wasn’t happening. He let go, laying out on his bed and huffing angrily as he knit his brows. This was bullshit and he knew it, nothing should have this much effect on him. He stared at his ceiling, imagining your pretty face smiling lazily at him, your bright doll eyes cute enough to make him sick. He groaned, rolling over and shoving his face into his pillow. His cock hung out of his boxers, angrily twitching and growing red with every second it went unattended to. 
Jeff sat up on his knees, grabbing his pillow and folding it in half, bringing it to his hips. He slowly slid his cock into the fold of the pillow, the rough material rubbing against his cock, but the pressure was nice. He slowly thrust into it, squeezing the pillow tighter and groaning as the fabric rubbed roughly against his length. It was nowhere near your cunt, his eyes closing as he imagined he was gripping your hips, pulling your ass back and thrusting into that warm heat. Jeff’s mouth hung open, little moans and gasps escaping him as he quickened his pace, knees digging into the bed as he pressed into the pillow more. He could imagine your moans, every gasp and whine spilling from your mouth as he filled you. The bed creaked with every thrust of his hips, making his cock twitch as he imagined holding you down, your hands gripping onto his headboard as you tried to hold yourself steady.
Jeff could feel his dick throb, that familiar knot growing until he was moaning your name and cumming onto his pillow. He leaned back, throwing the pillow onto the ground and laying back on his bed. 
It couldn’t be like this forever, he couldn’t live like this, wanting you every day. He needed to let off some steam. He hopped up, pulling on some jeans and his hoodie, your smell still hanging onto the fabric and making him groan. He shuffled down the stairs, Toby and Ben lying on the couch and watching some old reruns. “I’m out.” He groaned, Toby peeking over the couch and watching as he slammed the front door behind him. “What’s his problem?” Ben scoffed, glazing at the door and back to the television. Toby shrugged, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “Dumped h- his girlfriend or some- something but now he’s being a b- baby about it.” He laughed.
Jeff shuffled to Jack’s truck, climbing inside and slamming the door as he started the engine. He could care less about Jack beating his ass about taking his truck now, all he wanted was to drive as far from here as possible. He shifted the gear into drive, barreling out of the gravel driveway and down the tire-worn dirt path through the forest. He turned the radio up high, some old rock song filling his ears as he sped onto the highway and down to the nearest gas station. He pulled into a spot, he pulled up his hood, shut the engine off and sauntered inside. Stalking straight to the back, Jeff opened the cooler door and grabbed a 6 pack of Bud Light, gripping the handle tightly as the glass bottle clinked together. He didn’t even stop at the counter, the teenage kid running the register too busy with some baseball game behind him to even notice the bell ring as Jeff walked out.
He hopped back in the truck, starting the engine and pulling out quickly, the same rock song finally ending and transitioning to some heavier metal, something Jeff had heard before. The clock on the radio read 1:47 AM, which was very telling as Jeff sped down the completely deserted highway. Grabbing a beer bottle, Jeff slotted his arm through the wheel as he fiddled with the bottle opener keychain dangling from Jack’s keys. Popping the cap off, Jeff began to chug the sour liquid, left hand gripping the wheel tighter as he pressed his foot down harder on the pedal. 86…89…91… His speed was slowly gaining, wind whipping through the cracked windows as he hummed along to the song. As he finished the bottle, he tossed it to the floorboard as he cracked open another one, chugging it the same. 
His throat was beginning to hurt, the terrible tasting liquid numbing his tongue as well as his mind. He fucking sucked at managing his emotions, but he had never had any this intense before. He feared the power you had over him, cursing you mentally as he finished his second bottle and started on the third. 94…98…101… The music was blaring out, drums pounding the speakers and shaking the truck as he shot through a curve. It had only been, what, two weeks since he had first met you? And every day you engrossed his thoughts, whether it be for comfort, out of anger, or any time he wanted to lay his hands on someone. You were always first. There went another bottle. Jeff’s vision was becoming fuzzy now, his brain fogged as he held the metal to the floor of the truck. 103…106…111… Jeff gritted his teeth as he began to chug his fourth one, tears pricking his eyes. This was so shit. Someone shouldn’t affect him this much, but he knew you were better of leading a normal life than him forcing you into his shit one. But he wanted to be selfish, he begged himself to be selfish. Who fucking cared what Slender thought? He could mind his own damn business and Jeff could live his life how he wanted. He’d still complete his missions, still do whatever Slender commanded, but at the end of the day he’d have you. 
Jeff’s cheeks turned rosy as he chucked the fourth bottle onto the floor, reaching for the fifth, but throwing his hand back to the steering wheel as he slammed on the breaks. Bright red lights were flashing as the rail guards blocked his path, an irritating bell sound ringing as he heard the train whistle in the distance. Jeff breathed heavily, leaning back as he rubbed his face in his hands. His head was spinning, leg tapping erratically as he watched the loud train barrel through the intersection, crossing into the trees. The steam bellowing from the exhaust wafting into the truck cab and making his cough. It was like him, a steam roller, barreling down the tracks and leaving everyone else to deal with the aftermath of his wake. Infecting everyone. Infecting you.
He watched as the train disappeared into the trees, the low whistle echoing through the still night. Jeff sat there for a minute, elbow resting on the window as he held his head, tears leaking down his cheeks. He felt overwhelmed, tugging his hoodie off and tossing it into the passenger seat, his black shirt leaving him much cooler. He leaned forward, head resting on the wheel as he wiped his tears. He didn’t know if it was the alcohol making him cry, but all he knew is he needed to be with you right now. 
Finally giving in to his head, he slung the truck in reverse, turning it around and barreling back down the same highway, eyes heavy as he searched for your road. It was nearly ten minutes of driving, but he eventually saw your street sign and barreled through the quiet street, the loud truck engine echoing off the thick trees. He parked the truck just in front of your house, no lights on from what he could tell, but he still wanted to be cautious.
He slid around the familiar side of the house, digging his knife out of his beltline and angling to jab it through the window crack once more, missing a few times as he swayed on his feet. But he realized the lock was already unlocked, window screen already slightly cracked. He smiled, shoving the window up quietly and very difficulty hoisting himself into the dark room, trying carefully not to make a sound. 
Looking around, he couldn’t quite make out anything, but what he could see, was your sleeping figure huddled under the sheets, gripping your pillow tightly. He smiled, stumbling to the side of the bed and sitting down next to you, rubbing the hair out of your face gently. His face was burning, the alcohol churning in his system as his desperation to hold you grew. Jeff pulled the sheets down, your waist and hips laying nicely accenting your beautiful figure. Biting his lip, he ran his hand over your curves, your body stirring as his cold hand skimmed your bare skin. He leaned in, pressing his lips to your forehead and running his hand over your cheek. You face was so beautiful while you slept, your body so calm and unaware that Jefff was there with you, and he loved it. He loved every inch of you. 
He lifted himself onto the bed, laying down beside you and brushing his hands through your hair. Moving down, he ran his hands along your waist and lifting your shirt to reveal your panties, his cock twitching to life. He hooked his finger at the hem, sliding them down andoff your ankles, tossing them to the floor as he slowly spread your kness. He was careful not to wake you, his fuzzy mind latching on and focusing only on devouring the pussy he loved so much. Jeff laid down, licking his fingers as he spread your folds open, your tight entrance a beauty. He slid his fingers through your lips, wetting the area as he dove in, tongue licking a stripe up and stopping on your clit, his lips latching around the nub and sucking tenderly.
That’s when Jeff felt you begin to stir, your hips stuttering at the sudden pleasure your core was receiving. A small gasp escaped your lips, your hand trailing down your body to land in Jeff’s hair, slightly tugging as your eyes fluttered awake.
When you met his gaze, your sleepiness left you, pleasure jarring you awake as Jeff shoved his tongue into your wet cunt, curling upwards to hear those sounds he loved so much. You gasped loudly, tangling your hands into Jeffrey’s hair and gripping hard as his tongue abused your cunt. The drousiness making your eyes heavy as you stared into Jeff’s eyes, your breathing growing heavy with every roll of his tongue. “J-Jeffrey..?” You moaned, arching your back against his mouth, letting his tongue devour you. You don’t know what had changed, but his moves were more desperate, the roll of his tongue deeper, his grip on your hips more eager. It turned you on something terrible. Jeff popped off your cunt, lips drenched in your juices. “Mmmsoofuckin’mmgooodd..” He slurred, his eyes heavy as he dove right back in, tongue lapping at your folds as his fingers gripped tighter on your hips. Your eyes shut tightly, grinding your hips onto his mouth as you rode out your pleasure.
Your core was knotting quickly, Jeff’s tongue refusing to let up even as you came on his face, moaning loudly as you gripped teh sheets under you. Still, he persisted, his tongue reaching deeper and curling more as your falls closed down on him. You pulled at his hair, begging for him to let off as your sensitivity overwhelmed you. No matter how hard you cried, Jeff wasn’t letting up. “Cmon..cmon, one more for me-” He mumbled against your cunt, tongue flicking against your clit as he shoved his fingers inside your entrance, curling them up quickly. You gasped out, thighs tightening around his head as he abused your swolen clit, sucking on the nub roughly. He was finger-fucking you, stretching your hole as he pulled out, but quickly curled his fingers to reach your g-spot as he shoved them back in. You were a squirming mess, tears rolling down your cheeks while you begged him to stop. He pressed another finger into you, stretching your hole even wider as he moaned on your clit, making your eyes roll.
Eventually, the sensitivity turned to pleasure as you felt another wave of your orgasm hitting you, your mouth hanging open as you moaned Jeff’s name so beautifully. Fingers soaked, Jeff slowly pulled them out and sucked on the fingers, groaning lowly as he stared into your eyes. You could tell hsi face was blushed, his heavy eyes and jumbled words queuing you that he was definitely drunk. But as you rode your high, your mind began to fuzz itself, overstimulation edging its way towards you. Jeff popped the fingers out of his mouth, crawling up to tower over you, engulfing your whole body with his. His wild eyes stared into yours, his heavy breathing jarring him as he gripped the sheets under you. “Sooo good for me…” He mumbled, a goofy smile spreading his lips as he brought them down to your neck, licking a long stripe from your collar to ear. You shuddered, rubbing your hands over his muscled arms as he attacked your neck with kisses, making you squirm. He reached under your shirt, tugging it over your head and throwing it as he leaned back, admiring your nude body. He ran his hands over every inch of skin he could, goosebumps rising as his cold hands tugged on your nipples. You hissed, squirming under the cold touch.
“Sooo b’utiful…” He smiled, leaning in to pop one of the nipples into his mouth, massaging the other with his hand. You gasped, holding his head in your hands as he lightly nibbled on the nub, rolling it in his teeth. You pulled him off of your tits, leaning him to sit up as you tugged his shirt off and began to unbutton his jeans, pressing kisses to his scarred cheeks as you slid his jeans off and tossed them to the floor. You rolled eachother over, pressing Jeff’s back to land on a pillow, hands trailing down his battered and bruised body and you kissed his v-line so gently. Gasps and whines spilled from his mouth, your lips kissing the tip of his throbbing cock as you giggled to yourself, Jeff’s heavy eyes slowly blinking as he gazed at you. Taking the head in your mouth, you slowly sucked him down your throat, his loud groans echoing as he slid a hand into your hair, tugging slightly. You began to bob your head, gagging slightly as the tip nudged the back of your throat. Jeff was in heaven, the alcohol heightening his senses and every roll of your tongue shooting fire through his veins. He gripped your hair tightly, holding your head still as he bucked up into your mouth, hips rising off the bed as he used your mouth so wonderfully. “Fuu- suck me sooogooodmmm…” He moaned, nudging your head down his cock as he snapped his hips up to meet, slobber pooling at the base. Jeff slowled his pace, popping you off his cock and hooking his hands under your arms, pulling you up and over him. “C’mere-” He slurred, dragging your body on top of his but stopping when your hips met his.
He grinned, sliding his hands to your hips as you sat up, resting your hands on his thighs behind you. “Gunna ride me, baby?” He smiled, lining his cock up with your entrance as he slowly pressed your hips down, little gasps and whines rolling off your tongue. “Mhmm…” You moaned, hissing as he stretched you so perfectly, cock nudging against your tight walls as he sunk all the way in. You sat flush against him, his cock filling you so perfectly as he groaned his pleasure, gripping your hips firmly. Pulling up, you wrapped your hands around his as he slammed you back down on his length, his cock reaching impossibly deep inside of you. You were a moaning mess, every time Jeff tugged your hips up, he was quick to force them back down, his thrusts matching the pace of yours. “My pussy… all mine…” He gasped, every squealch and squeeze of your cunt sending his mind spiraling as he fucked up into you. It felt heavenly, every nudge of his cock making you gasp as pleasure racked your body, Jeff’s aggressive pace making your tits bounce quickly. You intertwined your fingers with his, arching your back and screaming as he rammed your g-spot, every thrust electrifying you.
Jeff relished in the pleasure on your face. The way your eyes rolled slightly, the flush on your cheeks, even the way your lips parted so slightly as you gasped his name. This was heaven to him. It overtook him, leaning forward and flipping you onto your back as he continued to press into you. Your intertwined hands rested on each side of your head as he held them down, moaning inches away from your face as he slammed his hips into yours. Your eyes shone so brightly as he admired your face, sweat glistening your cheeks as you strained a moan. So beautiful. In every way. Jeff leaned in, pressing his lips firmly against yours, eyes slamming shut as he continued his quick pace. You melted into his kiss, groaning into his mouth and breathing in deeply, finally grounding yourself. Jeff nudged his tongue in, exploring your warm mouth and lacing his with yours. It sent chills through him, the knot in his stomach tightening as he refused to release your embrace. He whined loudly, head spinning as he sloppily thrusted into you, your walls fluttering around him beautifully as you came on his cock, the tightness pushing him to release deep inside of you, the warmth of his seed warming you so nicely.
Jeff popped off your mouth, wiping the slobber from your lips and cupping your face gently. Your fucked out face sent shivers through him, his heart fluttering in his chest. He sat up, so slowly pulling his cock out of your ruined cunt as you groaned, gripping his arms to stabalize you. Jeff’s body shivered as he watched his seed leak out of you, your mixed juices ruining the sheets beneath you, but you could care less. Jeff grabbed his t-shirt, wiping you clean tenderly before discarding the shirt back to the floor. He wadded up the dirty sheet, tossing it to the floor as well. When he slotted his body next to yours, your warm embrace pressed to his chest, he could do nothing but smile. His head was spinning, senses calming to a dull roar as he pulled the blankets over the both of you, nudging his face into the crook of your neck. You ran your hands through his hair, and before you knew it, soft snores filled your ears.
You didn’t know why Jeff had stayed away so long, but it didn’t matter right now as you held him close to your body, legs tangled and warmth radiating.
You’d worry about all the other shit tomorrow.
Chapter 5 is here!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated! 𐚁₊⊹
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tunakitchen · 1 month
i think the reason why i really liked the way foolish played jeffrey in opq is because i appreciate when a player knows what theyre doing is stupid, but they also know their character would be that stupid, so they do it.
he constantly made unnecessary risks where he would throw things at people (requiring them to roll to catch it) and rush things (famous 1hp falling down the stairs incident). he just pressed random buttons with full confidence. instead of investigating a room, he threw up on the floor. and when he did actually investigate a room, he had the in character motive of looking for wallace (i really liked that specific scene because of this)
even though jeffrey seemed constantly lost, foolish himself was locked the fuck in. he did well in the summary portion, he followed the plot, he understood things like the perfume and the fetus jar, he remembered the cellphone, etc. which makes it funnier to me when jeffrey does some stupid shit.
ive seen jeffrey described as comic relief and i actually didnt feel that way when i recently rewatched opq. he was doing funny things, definitely. but he wasnt purely cracking jokes and doing things for shits and giggles. he was doing things because jeffrey has 0 intelligence and 0 impulse control. also he was getting some atrocious rolls. sometimes he wasnt even trying to be funny he just rolled so bad on an action it became funny 💀 i think foolishs tone is just normally very light and he laughs when bad things happen to characters but in terms of the actual character of jeffrey he didnt feel like a comic relief character at all, to me. not that its wrong to have a comic relief character, but it just doesnt seem accurate to jeffrey.
but in general and unrelated to all that, jeffery is just a wild character. foolish your average guy who delivers pizzas is a very perceptive amnesciac with occultism 😭whats his story man
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alightelixe · 3 months
If there's one thing I love about dps, it's that everything's done right- everything the characters do or say makes sense in reference to their backstory. And I mean everything, even the smallest/unimportant details.
I thought of this when I saw a clip of the birthday scene on youtube, specifically this part:
Neil: "Todd, I think you're underestimating the value of this desk set. I mean, who would want a football or a baseball or-"
Todd: "or a car..."
Neil: "or a car, if they can have a desk set as wonderful as this one."
Something I hadn't ever noticed before, is the difference in the kind of gift they're talking about.
Neil talks about a football or a baseball, two gifts that are not very expensive (generally speaking, this is different for everyone ofc)
Todd on the other hand, talks about a car as a gift. A car. Sure, it depends on what type of car and whether or not it's new how expensive it's going to be. But it's still (in my opinion) a very expensive gift to just get for your birthday.
Both of them are talking from their own perspective. We know from the movie that Neil's family isn't particularly wealthy ("we're not a rich family like Charlie's"). Neil suggests less expensive gifts because he probably never received very expensive ones.
Todd's family we don't really know much about, but I think it's safe to say that most kids at Welton are well off, so Todd's family is probably pretty wealthy. Being wealthy means more money to spend on gifts.
I like to think Todd's brother Jeffrey got a car for his birthday when he turned 17, so Todd probably expected to get one too and was terribly disappointed when all he got was a desk set (again). It just makes sense in the context of the scene and it makes it even more sad☺️
Anyway, my point is that this movie pays such incredible attention to detail, that it results in great, well-rounded characters that act and feel real. It's one of the reasons I adore this movie so much.
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