#Jennie x you
authorforrosie · 11 months
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Requested by: @nfrgirl
I hope you enjoy this version for Jennie. I wanted to make this one more romantic and fluffy!❣️
Title: You meet Jennie’s best friend‘s for the first time. [Requested]
Pairing: Jennie x You. [GxG]
Warning: none.
Words: 1155
Jennie Kim has been dating you since almost eight months. You both are obviously in love with each other. You both agreed in the first step of building up a relationship that you didn't wanna meet each other's friends, family's or telling them. Until you both knew that the relationship becomes serious.
After she went on world tour in 2022 for born pink you didn't hesitate to visit her a few times secretly. Not too often because you both want a healthy and balanced relationship.
When born pink tour ended in 2023 you and Jennie met up again in your house. Which she absolutely adored. It always felt like home for her.
On one day in winter 2023 she asked you to meet her best friends which are her three bandmates: Rosé, Lisa, Jisoo. Besides Jung Hoyeon. You agreed immediately after having a healthy conversation about this subject with your girlfriend Jennie.
You met her best friends in a small cozy comfortable relationship. Jennie never left your side unless she needed to go at the lady restroom.
All of you sat on a table on opposite sides. Only Jennie sat next at you and Rosé. You immediately noticed her Australian accent. It reminded you of the cute Kiwi accent of your girlfriend when she speaks in english with you for a very long time time.
Jisoo was a little bit reserved way more listening to the way you speak and sat. She was impressed when she saw you making gestures with your hands while you explained at them about the sun-system and universe in general.
You didn't talk too much through. They realized how shy you are. Especially when one of them asked you questions about your very personal life. You squirmed on your seat. Jennie moved a hand on your thigh to give it a slight comfort squeeze. Which you appreciated very much.
„Baby I will be back in a second I need to use the lady restroom." Announced Jennie with comfort in her voice.
You only nodded with your head not trusting your mouth since you are very shy. You don't know what to say sometimes. When Jennie left for the lady restroom. Her best friends looked at you with a very serious expression on their face's.
„So Y/N tell us what's your intentions with our precious mandu...?" Asked Jisoo with seriousness in her voice.
You took a few seconds to progress her sentence and to think of a good-satisfying answer. It shouldn't be questioned that you are obviously in love with Jennie.
„I am absolutely obviously in love with your best friend Jennie. She isn't only Jennie of blackpink. She is the cute Jennie Kim. A human. I try my hardest to make her feeling happy and loved everyday. I am very sure already that I can imagine a future with her. I will answer you on this question in four months because I think Jennie deserves to know first what I can imagine in a future with her. She is making me fall in love with her every day without even trying." Answered you honestly with seriousness in your voice.
It must've satisfied them because Rosé cried at the love confession that you made about her Jennie Unnie. Lisa wiped her and Rosé's tears with tissues. Jisoo only had a happy expression on her face as well. You was sure that you saw her slightly tears in her brown eyes that she held back.
„Welcome in the family Y/N. You are the perfect match for our mandu. Please don't hurt her through. It would hurt us too." Whispered Rosé with shyness in her voice.
You pinky promised them with you intertwining your little finger with their little finger's. They giggled in that moment because a pinky promise is cute and silly for them. Rosé took them very seriously. Hoyeon didn't hesitate to walked around the table to give you a welcoming hug which you absolutely appreciated. In the moment no one of you realized that Jennie came back from the lady restroom. Until you felt your cute mandu hugging you from behind with her face nuzzling in your face.
„Why are you having tears rolling down your cheeks baby girl...?" Asked Jennie with protection in her voice.
You only took her hand to move it towards your lips. Placing a comforting kiss on her hand. She smiled when she saw you getting shy.
„I will tell you later baby. Let's enjoy our time together now." Answered you with happiness in your voice.
Jennie pouted for a second since she wanted to know what you talked about with each other. She's very curious. Until she saw the way her best friends interacting with you. The atmosphere around each other seem lighter as well than it was way before.
„Y/N look at my magical trick that I taught my co-actor's on snowdrop behind the scenes." Announced Jisoo with excitement in her voice.
You looked with an curious expression on your face the way she showed you the magical trick. You didn't hesitate to ask her if she could teach you the magical trick. Rosé taught you a few Australian slangs and had a conversation about Australia with you. While Lisa showed you pictures about her cat's and started a conversation about Thailand with you.
Hoyeon had a conversation with you about Squid Game and the beauty of life. Until Jennie decided to go home with you. Not without planning another meeting together. This time at your house for a family dinner.
Snow dropped down from the sky Jennie held your hand. You both had a very long conversation about your first meeting with her best friends. She had tears rolling down her cheeks when she realized that they welcomed you as new family member and that they absolutely loved you for her.
„Baby Girl I love you so much. Thank you for making my whole life colorful again." Said Jennie with softness in her voice.
Her brown cat-like eyes lighted up with happy sparkles. You could get lost in her brown eyes all the time. Because you absolutely adored how colorful her brown is.
„I love you too baby." Statement you with happiness in your voice.
Jennie took your hand in her glove covered ones. Snow that dropped down on Jennie's brown hair looked beautiful. You wanted to kiss her so bad. You remain of kissing her in public until you both arrived at your house. Where she will be staying at for two weeks. Kuma already arrived there since Jennie bought him yesterday already at your house.
After changing clothes in front of each other at cute Pyjamas and sharing soft passionate kisses in between. Jennie decided to put on 'Xo, Kitty’ in Netflix. She laid in between your legs with her back resting against your front. You rub her arms in a lovingly way.
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fayeforrosie · 2 years
hi!! may i request a jealous jennie x reader fic pls! angst w fluff❤️❤️
Words Not Meant To Be Said
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Jennie x Fem! Reader
After selfishly lashing her anger out on you, saying words that could not be taken back, Jennie realizes that it's up to her to make things right Warnings- Swearing, mention of alcohol Thank you for the request anon! :)
The aftermath of this night had been Jennie's fault. She knew that. She knew she shouldn't have said such things to you, and as soon as her words unconsciously slipped off her tongue, she immediately took a step back, rethinking what she had said as she placed the two of her hands on her head, gripping her hair in regret.
The two of you weren't officially dating, however it was quite obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes that something was going on between you and her. She knew it was acceptable for you to contemplate her whereabouts as she arrived at your apartment later than usual, and yet she still felt the need to selfishly take her anger out on you.
"It's not even that late Y/n! I don't know why you're making such a big deal about me coming home at like", she glances at the clock "ten at night!"
"It's not about you being late Jennie! It's about how you said you would be here at eight, and so I waited for you for two hours without a single fucking text! I don't care if you stayed longer at your friends, I care that you tell me the actual time you'll be here, and then fucking follow through!" You angrily step closer to her, shouting even louder than you had been when she first walked through the door.
Jennie furrows her eyebrows and slams the drinks she had brought onto the table, raising her hands in defense.
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know I was your fucking girlfriend or something? Am I supposed to change my entire fucking schedule just for you?"
Your tightened shoulders began to relax, furious emotions simmering down to the last drop. Shaking your head disappointingly, you grab your keys off of the counter adjacent to you, strutting out the door without a single mutter being said on your behalf.
Anger wasn't what you had felt at the moment. You didn't want to argue back with her, she said what she said, and there was no changing it on her part. You knew she regretted saying it as soon as your gaze falls upon her softening eyes, her arms reaching out as you walk out the door, repeating the same words over and over.
"Y/n I'm sorry you know I didn't mean it. Y/n come on please. Y/n I'm sorry, really", she had begged, pleading for you to come back.
Ultimately, that is what led you to where you are now, sitting at a local club, three or four shots surrounding your presence that random men or woman had bought you.
You never do this. You were never the person to go clubbing, however with all of the contradicting feelings floating around in your hazardous mind, you assumed this would be the best decision to finally let loose and forget about her.
On the other hand, Jennie didn't know what to do. She tried calling one of her closest friends and ask for their advice on what she should do, yet to her dismay her friend failed to pick up on the other line, leaving Jennie in a puddle of thoughts she was forced to deal with herself.
She brushed her hair back with her fingers, sighing as she looked up at the ceiling, contemplating on what she should do to make it up to you. She had already tried calling and texting you multiple times, nevertheless she received no response, as she expected.
Thinking back, Jennie knew there was so many better ways to handle the situation, but in the heat of the moment, like she would always do, her emotions got the best of her, and to gain privates end, she shouted such hateful words towards you, knowing it was wrong.
Jennie decided it had been enough standing around before she grabs her keys and starts out the door, immediately racing to her car and hoping into the drivers seat.
First, she stopped at one of your closest friends house, Sana, and asked if you had possibly came by, however Sana shook her head and gave her other places to check around the town.
Next, following Sana's orders, Jennie drove to one of your favorite libraries, a place you would always resort to when your day wasn't as pleasant as others. Nonetheless, after searching through the libraries interior, you had yet to be there as well.
Jennie drove to numerous other places, continuing to call your cell in the mean time, and failing to find you in all areas she checked. As she drove by yet another place you enjoyed going to, Jennie heard a ding coming from her phone, immediately picking it up in hopes it was you.
She looked down at the screen, frowning as she realized it was only Sana, however her eyes lighting up as she begins to read the text that had been sent to her.
I just checked Y/n's location on Snapchat and it said that she was at that club by her house. I would go check on her.
After reading what was sent, Jennie places her phone next to her and almost instantly races to the designated direction, not a care in the world that she might have cut in front of a couple cars and sneakily ran a red light.
Finally Jennie arrived at the club, slamming the car door shut and running towards the entrance, ignoring the irritated hollers she would recieve as she pushed herself through the crowd of people. She quickly holds her ID up for the bouncer before she moves inside, uncomfortably loud music and horrific smelling men invading her senses.
She turns her head left and right, desperately searching in every direction for where you could be. As she walks through the mobs of drunken people, a certain laugh she could easily recognize passes by her ears. Her head perks, following the direction of your laugh, shoving her way towards your sound as hurriedly as she could.
Finally her eyes fall upon the back of your head, your gorgeous hair she's admired for so long flowing down your shoulders. She smiles out of relief and makes her way over to you, breathing heavily, her nerves beginning to suddenly rise.
"Y/n I need to talk with y-"
You turn around at the recognition of her voice, only for Jennie to realize a dark haired woman sitting next to you, way too close for her liking. You roll your eyes once your gaze falls on hers, turning back to the woman you had been talking to, moving just a smidge closer, knowing that Jennie doesn't like what she sees.
"Who's this?" Jennie asks defensively, walking towards your figure and standing by your side, a face written of straight jealousy.
"Why do you care? It's not like we're girlfriends, isn't that right?" You tilt your head, reciprocating what the woman had said to you not even a couple hours before.
Jennie knows the reason behind your words, and it felt only worse now that you were confronting her about it. She knew you were upset, and she knew that the two of you had a lot of talking to do, nonetheless, a random attractive lady attached to your side was not what Jennie was expecting you to respond with.
"Y/n, I know your mad, but please can we just talk this out?" Jennie begs, her heart aching with not only regret, but her jealousy burning within. She wanted you away from that woman. She wanted you away from this nasty club, where anyone and everyone wouldn't hesitate to take a chance on you, as proved by the woman not too far from her. It was unfair for Jennie to feel like this, after she had just got done yelling at you for being so invasive, and yet she stood there next to you, wishing she could rip you away from all of the vile men and woman eye-fucking you in every possible direction.
"I'm not talking anything out with you Jennie. You were right, we aren't dating, so we should stop acting like we are." You turn to your side, attention once more engrossed on the woman by your side, Lisa, she said her name was.
"Listen Y/n... I know what I said was wrong, and it's completely my fault, but I mean it when I say that I could not be more sorry for what I said to you. It was wrong and hurtful, and I just beg you to let me take you back home so we can talk it out." Jennie inches towards you, wanting nothing more than that pestering black haired woman to see that you were hers and nobody else's. She wants these people, staring ever-so indiscreetly, to realize that you are taken by someone else... her.
"Jennie", you say to her, your tone sounding as if there was nothing left inside of it, and truth be told, there wasn't. "Why don't you just leave me alone. Go sit somewhere else and find a nice girl to talk with."
"I'm not doing that Y/n! I want you to come with me, plea-". Just before Jennie could finish her sentence, a hand makes it's way to her chest, pushing her back slowly as a figure begins to arise in front of her.
"Why don't you just back off. She said to leave her alone." The woman, Lisa, who had been sitting by your side as she witnessed the entire argument unfold, finally says as she stands in between you and Jennie.
At that, enrage instantly shoots through Jennie's body, her face turning a deep red and her head looking as though smoke could blow out of it at any second, similar to those silly cartoons animated for little kids.
"Who the fuck are you?" Jennie stands tall, stepping closer to the woman with no shame in the slightest. "I don't know who you fucking think you are but-".
"Jennie!" You shout, snagging her attention away from the woman. If you hadn't stopped her at that, who knows what kind of terrible words would pridefully spill off her tongue. "Go sit somewhere else and relax yourself. I don't want you near me right now."
And Jennie did just that, no other choice at hand, and the sting of vexation even now coursing through her veins. She watched as you threw your head back in laughter, hand resting upon the other woman's shoulder as you responded in just the way that woman hoped you would. Her arm was wrapped loosely around your waist, a drink occupying her other as she arrogantly flirted her way through the conversation.
Jennie couldn't stand to watch it, but she knew if she was to go up to you and say something then it would only make the matter worse. Instead, she sat there and watched you, her eyes never leaving your figure. She couldn't leave, not until she knew you were safely back in the comfort of your own home, no stupid little annoying chick chaperoning you.
Jennie sat there for almost an hour until she finally sees you stand up, however the same woman by your side begins to follow you out of the club. Jennie instantaneously rises from her seat, rushing to follow you out of the door and to wherever you planned on going.
Letting her thoughts get the best of her once again, Jennie runs ahead of you and stops in her tracks, turning to face you and the woman.
"What are you doing?" Jennie asks, worry and jealousy evident in her tone.
"What does it look like? I'm going back to my house with her", you say confidently, almost as if this entire situation was merely aimed to get on every last nerve of Jennie's.
"No you aren't Y/n. Please just let me take you home." Jennie's eyes drop to your hand, noticing how its intertwined with the other woman's, holding it unyieldingly.
"Jennie I know you're upset but just-". Your immediately cut by a strong pair of lips being pushed against yours, retracing them back to Jennie's, and you feel her hand slide to your waist, pulling you tighter to her and away from the woman behind you. She continues to kiss you, her hand sneaking down to yours and ripping Lisa's hand right out of your grasp, replacing it with her own.
"Y/n, please, give me a chance to talk to you", Jennie speaks softly, her lips retracting from yours. Lisa begins to back away, feeling out of place, and deciding it would be best for her to go back to where she had been before.
Jennie leans her forehead against yours, eyes brimming with tears as her hold on your waist stays as tight as it has been.
"Let me take you home ok? We can sit down on your couch, I'll make you something yummy to eat and we can go from there."
Your eyes begin to water as well, various different thoughts coursing through your brain on what to think and what you should say. You want to push away from her, but truthfully, you couldn't find yourself to do it.
"I thought I meant nothing to you Jennie. You made it sound like what we had was just a stupid little fling to you", you ease into Jennie's arms and allow your voice to become soft, tired of all the yelling and hatred that has been passed around throughout the night.
"Y/n. You mean everything to mean. Please don't let those stupid stuff that I said to you earlier make you think otherwise-"
"How do I know you mean it Jennie?" Your tears begin to spill against the concrete, voice shattering, lips trembling. Jennie's heart aches for you. She hates seeing you like this. It breaks her more than it breaks you, and even though you don't realize the effect it has on her, she knows deep down that your feelings mean more to her than her own.
"Because I love you Y/n. I've loved you every since this thing that we had started. I never wanted to admit it, not so soon, but if that's what it takes to convince you that I mean it, then that's what I'm going to do." Jennie admits lowly, her voice shaking and her self confidence rapidly dropping.
Words can't describe the amount of emotions soaring through you at the moment. You want to be mad at Jennie, but hearing her admit such a thing, hearing her say what you have wanted to say all along, only causes you to forget everything else that had gone wrong before. You rid the words she had previously said to the back of your mind, something that could be discussed later on, and your hands make there way to the back of Jennie's neck, pulling her towards you in one swift motion as you press your lips to hers.
Almost as if its a custom routine, Jennie holds your body close to hers, instantly kissing you back, feeling as the grip you have on her neck fails to get any looser. Her lips slide in between yours, savoring every last moment before you pull away, lips still inches from hers, whispering the words she been hoping to hear for months passed.
"I love you too."
This was honestly so bad but I wanted to get this request done cuz I have a lot haha, I don't mind though, please keep them coming!! I love you all!!
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shit-talker · 24 days
I want a Dead Boy Detectives rewrite fic, except Edwin and Charles have been dating for about 20 years, but absolutely nobody can tell, and every damn chapter they have to explain that Yes, we are dating, No, this isn't a new thing, catch up.
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zepskies · 4 months
Series Masterlist - Take Me Home
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Pairing: Beau Arlen x F. Reader 
Summary: You are another lost soul at Sunny Day Excursions. You’re aiming to settle in Helena, Montana, where Beau Arlen is the new sheriff in town. But you both have a past you’re running from. 
AN: Welcome to my first ever Big Sky series! This is set towards the beginning of season 3.
Series Tags/Warnings: (**18+ only!) Angst and grief/trauma, PTSD, canon murder mystery, eventual smut.
🎵 Listen While You Read: The TMH Playlist
Part 1: All of Her Days
Part 2: It's Not Right, But It's Okay
Part 3: Welcome Home
Part 4: A Past & Future Thing
Part 5: Not That Simple
Part 6: A Man or a Coward
Part 7: On the Edge of a Knife
Part 8: Take Me Home
Part 9: A Choice to Make
Series complete!
Bonus One-Shots:
A Good Man Is Hard to Find** When Beau starts pulling away from you and Emily during a very difficult case, will the pressure make or break your relationship?
A Crime of Passion** When Beau Arlen decides to “make it up to you,” he’s damn thorough.
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Big Sky Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List:
Comment below if you’d like to be tagged in this series!
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @roseblue373 @brianochka @branj19 @globetrotter28 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @ades106
@charmed-asylum @waywardxwords @deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady @leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @emily-winchester @xiphoidbones @skoveu @nyotamalfoy @kmc1989 @deans-baby-momma @tabsluvsu @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons
@antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @deans-daydream @deans-spinster-witch @agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @iprobablyshipit91 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @lostin-jensenseyes @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester @chernayawidow
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jennyandvastraflint · 2 months
sing unspoken prayers with my lips on yours
Hrm, so I commissioned art from @rosenkranz-does-things again, this time about this very uh, gay fic. AND I AM GOING INSANE OVER HOW GODDAMN BRILLIANT THIS ART IS!!
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Aaaaah! After writing a fic quite recently in which Jenny kills someone to save Vastra, I felt inclined to commission Roz because just LOOK AT THEIR ART! Gosh the sheer SKILL in this! I love how vibrantly, agreesively red the blood is! It contrasts so well against the background, Jenny's clothes, and Vastra's face. Gosh, the way Vastra is so still and calm in her worship of Jenny and the intimate kiss!?? AHHHH this is just perfectly captured, and then Jenny's despair, her clinging to Vastra for dear life with her hand and gosh her facial expression!! Can we talk about her face! Because she looks SO hot with blood on it! Roz you mad genius! (Hey also, two of those splatters look a little bit like kiss marks on first glance, and it's driving me insane! (positive. VERY positive.) I don't know if it was on purpose or not, but omgggg) They're just everything to meee, and Roz you deliver every single time, you never miss! Just. AHHH! People, go commission Roz for beautiful art!
I'll be over here staring at this for one billion years now, byeeee <3
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infinityinakiss · 1 month
when i say that my head is completely dead boy detectives right now, what i mean is that it it's 60% edwin x charles, 30% being in love with jenny, and 10% "why the FUCK was there a man in a fish at the bottom of the FUCKING SEA SERIOUSLY WHY IS NO ONE QUESTIONING THIS"
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myouicieloz · 2 months
Shin Ryujin x reader
Synopsis: you’ve promised to take your best friend to an awaited party, located in a nearby city. Ryujin catches your eye, and you fall right into her web of plans, with the promise of having a good time once and for all.
Warnings: mentions of gangs, guns and drugs. smut. blood. violence. nsfw.
Word count: 13.8k
Notes: i thought abt this after watching ryujin’s solo mv! it was so good <3. this was a fairly new topic for me to write about, so I apologize if it’s poorly written or unrealistic. nevertheless, I had lots of fun writing it ˆˆ. english is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes.
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You don’t mind helping out your parents by working at the family’s Diner: there usually weren’t many customers, and days went by slowly without you being bothered.
“Hey, Y/n. Can I grab another soda?” Your best friend asks, brushing her hands in front of your face to get your attention. Facing you from the other side of the diner’s endless counter, Chaeryeong looks like a hyper child, standing up from her seat to take a look at the soda machine, placed behind your frame.
You roll your eyes at her, simply grabbing the large cup she hands you and filling it up with Coke Zero, this time. “Here.”
“Awn, man, come on!” She protests, grunting. Lets her head fall back. “Coke Zero tastes like shit, Y/n! Give me something tasty, damn.” Chaeryeong turns to the few other customers, gesticulating, “What does a girl have to do to get the good stuff around here? Stop with the misery!”
She has her finger pointed at you, to which you giggle. You’ve known Chaery since your diaper days, with her living in the house in front of yours, and the two of you have been best friends ever since. Her careless, playful nature provides a nice balance to your calm, responsible one. You love her to pieces, which means you are always taking care of the dark-haired girl, in many ways.
“You’ve reached your daily quota of sugar.” You don’t even look at her as you answer, busy giving an elder woman her exchange in cash. “And don’t make those faces. I might as well just give you water, from now on.” Smiling at the customer, you ignore your friend. “Thank you, ma’am! Have a pleasant day.” Chaeryeong gulps, knowing fully well you mean your words.
She keeps her thoughts to herself, mumbling something incoherent while the loud slurps of the iced drink can be heard. Still not paying her much attention, you lean your elbows on the counter marble, sighing tiredly. Even though it was only an hour past noon, you could feel the heaviness in your eyes, the tiredness getting to you. Not having any orders, you allow yourself a few moments of rest, closing your eyes and resting your head on your hands. Just some seconds of peace, you decide.
The bell chime’s noise announces the end of your calm state of mind. In a blink, your sister is placing a medium-sized box on the counter, her usual smile directed at you. You know better than to trust her angelic looks, though — behind her rose gold hair and delicate features, Rosé is nothing but a devious manipulator.
However, she’s still your older sister, and you love her to pieces. It’s the only reason you don’t ignore her, crossing your arms and waiting for her to speak up, instead. She pushes the box towards you, smiling sneakily.
“Good morning, baby sister.” Rosé greets you. As usual, she never goes straight to the point.
You narrow your eyes at her. “It’s past noon, Rosé.”
“Yeah, whatever.” She brushes you off, winking at Chaeryeong to say hello. The girl nearly drowns in her coke, coughing violently.
Chaeryeong has had a massive crush on your sister ever since she was fourteen. Fortunately for you, Rosé has never seen her as anything apart from a little sister too, like yourself. Although the not so subtle rejection has never stopped Chaery from freaking out whenever Rosé addressed or acknowledged her.
“Good morning to you too, Rosie unnie.” She says, after finally gathering her breath. You huff, muttering about how biased she was and being promptly ignored by both girls. The package catches Chaery’s attention, ever so curious, and she pokes it with her bony fingers. “And what’s that about?”
Rosé pulls the package towards you, shrinking her shoulders down a little. For some, she might seem hesitant, but you know her too well to be aware that her movements are anything short of calculated.
“Could you deliver this for me?” She asks —tone dripping with sweetness. It always is, whenever she wants something from you. This is no different. “They asked for the pieces pretty urgently, and I’ll be off to deliver another package in a nearby city in a few minutes.”
Apart from the Diner, your father also owned a mechanical workshop, and would often sell and deliver car pieces to his clients. Rosé, being her outgoing self, dealt with them and the business part of it while you preferred to step aside, helping with the Diner instead. It was only when she had too much work to do that you had to deal with her customers, instead —and those were never pleasant experiences.
Perhaps you were just not cut for the job, or your calm aura was easy to be taken advantage of, but it was a matter of fact: you sucked at negotiating deals and making small talk. It made you uncomfortable and anxious, having to put up a superior act and bargain with assholes until you got enough profit to go home satisfied, so you avoided it vigorously.
Unfortunately, Rosé never hesitated to ask for a hand.
You eye the box suspiciously, trying to figure out the content inside without having to touch it. Even though it seems heavy, you can never truly trust appearances. After all, car pieces are not the only thing they sell at your father’s shop.
“I mean… I could.” You smirk back at Rosé, your identical smiles mirroring one another. “But I don’t want to.”
Before you even register, Rosé smacks you on the head. You’ve never been able to buck from her quick hands anyway.
“Hey!” You massage your scalp, moving your upper body forward to give Chaeryeong a push, too, since the action has her laughing loudly. “Bitch.”
Rosé giggles, too, standing on her tiptoes to give you a kiss on the cheek.
“Pretty please, Y/nnie.” She sighs, joining her hands in a prayer. “I’ll owe you one. I’ll even give you that dress of mine you love, promise.”
Chaeryeong gives you a thumbs up, biased as she’s always been.
“Come on, Y/n, let’s just do it. It’ll be fun! It’s too monotonous to be at the Diner all day, anyway.”
“See?” Rosé gestures to your best friend, pleased to be supported. “Chaery, you’re so sweet.” Your sister pinches her nose, and Chaeryeong’s face turns as red as a strawberry in a matter of seconds. She turns to you once again, then, still faking that hesitation. “Please? It’d be an outstanding deal for us. Lots of profit and all.”
You roll your eyes, still not convinced. Even though Chaery’s eyes are nearly popping off her face with how intensely she’s glaring, you refuse to give in. Rosé was stubborn, but you share the same blood, after all.
“Aren’t any of your friends available? I can’t just close the Diner and go.” Lies. You simply refuse to bulge, to relent to Rosé’s wishes as you always did.
She doesn’t even blink, though, unbothered by your lack of cooperation.
“Lisa, Jisoo, and Jennie are all busy with other work deals too, as well as the boys.” She shrugs, going around the counter to grab a beer for herself. “Trust me, Y/n: if I had anyone to go deliver this, I would… but you know how busy these past weeks have been, and we’re all so overworked. Help me out, please?” She touches the cross hanging on her chest, identical to the one you never took off.
A symbol of your bond.
You sigh, jumping off the balcony and giving in to Rosé’s orders for the nth time. “Fine.” You mumble, grumpy. “Chaeryeong can take care of the place while I go.”
“What the fuck, Y/n!” The girl jumps from her seat, suddenly interested in the conversation as if she hadn’t spent the last five minutes scrolling on her phone, all bored. Suddenly, she’s all ears, eagerly advocating for herself, “I don’t want to do the boring stuff! Let me go with you.”
Before you’re able to tell your friend to get fucked, Rosé stops you with her hands, signaling for someone to come in.
“It’s good for you to not go alone, baby sis. Chaery can make you company.” She nods, grabbing the young girl who came in by the shoulders and positioning her in front of you and Chaeryeong. “This is Rami. She’s Mingyu’s little sister, remember? She said she could handle the diner for a few hours while the two of you are at it. Such a sweetheart, is she not?”
The girl — Rami, nods energetically, looking at your sister with adoration in her glittery eyes. It was no surprise Rosé had brought one of her little fangirls to help, actually. Living in a small city for all your life, everyone knew Rosé. She’s been a notable presence since her teenage years, whether it was attending fancy balls or setting fire to the shops downtown. The blonde girl has been remarkable for as long as you can remember. She’s always been either feared, hated, or loved, but remarkable nonetheless.
Which only proved your theory that you were not going to deliver any car pieces, after all.
You and Chaery exchanged a knowing look, neither caring enough to ask anything about this girl or explain the job she’d have to take at the Diner for free.
“Very well, then.” You sigh, watching Rosé’s excited clapping and giggling. “I’ll grab my car keys.”
Chaeryeong follows you closely, also jumping of joy. You’re well aware she hates being at the Diner, always complaining of boredom, but it isn’t like she has any other friends to go out with. Behind her bubbly, chatty, and energetic personality, she’s is actually very frail and shy, which makes her an easy target for the mean fuckers your age. She struggles, and would much rather just have a single, loyal friend. And you’ve always made sure to protect her fiercely.
“Adventure!! Finally.” The dark-haired girl raises her hands, thanking God you’d go out.
“Don’t get too excited.” You warn her, turning to Rosé. Pointing a finger at the rosy-haired woman, you add. “I hate you.”
She pulls you in for a suffocating hug, used to your harsh behavior. “And I love you so, little sis. Thank you!”
Both Rami and her wave as you and Chaeryeong leave the diner, the package weighing heavily in your hands. You don’t have a big 6th sense, but something does not feel right. Although you ignore it anyway, turning the car on and driving to the address your sister texted you.
“Do we really have to do this?” She whines, closing the passenger’s door rather roughly — to which you grunt, paying her a harsh stare for not being careful with your precious car.
She realized the whole thing would be anything but fun sometime mid the 40-minute journey to the abandoned warehouse you were currently walking into. Besides, once you reminded her that Rosé’s request would put off her wishes of going out and partying for a few hours, that little pout of hers hasn’t left her lips. Now, Chaeryeong is all regretful to have supported the older girl in her wishes.
“Not really.” You pay your friend no mind, walking towards the place that was falling into pieces. Seeing you weren’t backing her up, her pout deepened.
“It’s my birthday.” She argues, kicking rocks along the way.
“I already bought you a cake. And milkshake, and fries.” You roll your eyes, remembering how you’d all chanted your best friend happy birthday at your parents’ Diner, during breakfast. “And a shit ton of booze, throughout all these years of knowing you. You haven’t paid me back once.”
Chaeryeong sighs, hurrying to your side, defeated. You keep walking without waiting for her, making it harder for her to catch up — truly opposites, the two of you.
“Fine. But let’s do this quickly. You promised we’d still go to that party.” She decides, playfully bumping into you. Any other time, her actions would’ve helped you to be at ease, but you’re unable to relax this time. You know this is some serious shit.
“Yeah, let’s do this quick.” You repeat her words, entering the abandoned place at a slow, nearly languid pace.
Let you both be out of here in no time. You wish, once again sensing the bad omens.
The warehouse, although old, mistreated and nearly falling into pieces, is not unsettling to you. It’s merely the place Rosé sometimes treats business, and you’ve accompanied her once or twice, before. The wooden beams are rotten, and the flooring has long disappeared, fading into dust that clings to your combat boots. You’d have to clean them later, and that somehow annoys you more than the situation itself. The place is empty, with walls that were once covered by big, expensive windows, yet all that remains are tainted, broken glasses hanging wherever you could look. Machines are still forgotten in random locations inside the building, a ghost of times when the government tried to rebuild the massive area. None of that was successful, obviously. Now, this ghost of a place belongs to your father, your sister, and the other people who were also part of the darker side of this shitty town.
Only a single table hangs in the open area of the first floor, clearly meant for dealerships and businesses. Upon arriving, you notice 5 — no, nearly 10 people waiting not so patiently. Wearing dark, shabby clothes, none of them seem welcoming, to say the least. Rosé had told you’d be doing business with Wendy, a familiar customer from another small town nearby, in hopes to ease down on your nerves. It worked, in a way: having met with Wendy a few times prior, you weren’t all nervous about the upcoming meeting. She was intimidating and oh, so pretty, but you got along well with the auburn-haired woman and her business partners, from previous experiences such as charity dinners and dealerships alongside your sister’s presence.
The woman that stands in front of you, however, looks nothing like Wendy. You know her, naturally; it was impossible not to. Jinsoul’s troublemaker fame was much different than your sister’s — while Rosé’s actions, even though batshit crazy at times, are dreadfully calculated, Jinsoul’s insanity comes with the sole purpose of enticing chaos. Her unstable nature is much of a pain, you’ve personally experienced so from watching herself prove her influence on a crowd by torturing some poor girl who accidentally spilled champagne in her dress at a ceremony, or setting fire to a man’s car at one of the car rifts you often attend. Out of all the girls from her gang, Jinsoul is the least pleasant one to set off deals with.
Naturally, Rosé and Jinsoul hate each other with a passion, being two different flames of the same fire.
With all of that knowledge, you fix your posture, observing Chaeryeong do the same with your peripheral vision. Even though you absolutely despise it, you’ve been taught well how to keep a powerful, imposing façade. Standing tall, you tower over Jinsoul and her subordinates.
“I see Rosé sent her little minion, instead of herself. Must be really busy, of course.” Jinsoul doesn’t greet you, as expected. Her tone is dripping with venom as she examines you and your best friend with harsh eyes.
Now that you’re in front of her, you’re no longer hesitant or scared. Instead, you’re bothered, irritated that you have to deal with your sister’s cheap copy instead of Wendy or Joohyun. Taking a step towards the young woman, you curse Rosé under your breath, fully aware the eventful encounter is not a misunderstanding.
“Nice hair. I love the new color.” You say, leaning your head with a knowing look. Jinsoul’s hair falls a little past her shoulders, in a strawberry-blonde tone that is exactly like Rosé’s past one, from a few months prior. “I’ll tell Rosé her oldest, most faithful fan sends her regards.”
Your words seem to stir something inside the leader in front of you. She scoffs, gritting her teeth. “This is too tedious. Give me the shipment we agreed on, I’ve got better things to do anyway.”
Rolling your eyes, you gesture for Chaeryeong to drop the box on the ground. She does as told, the metallic sounds of the guns moving inside. It echoes in the empty place, as the box falls onto the ground.
Jinsoul remains stoic, hands resting neatly inside her pockets, while her guards reach out for the box. Before they can touch it, though, you step on it, preventing anyone from moving.
“Give us the money first, Jinsoul. No funny business.” You stare right into her eyes, remembering the times you’ve caught her fooling around in her deals, leaving other people empty-handed. “Then you can check as much as you want.”
She laughs, knowing you’re no fool. “I see you’ve gotten wiser, Y/n. Well done.”
In a second, she’s handing you another small, compacted package. You take the money with your delicate hands, not in the least made to deal with such dirty stuff. You count it, already feeling the blood in your veins boil. Chaeryeong breaths are heavy beside you as you say. “This is not what we agreed on, Jinsoul. Stop being a whore for once and give me the other half of the fucking money.”
You and Chaery don’t need words to understand each other. She grabs the box back from the ground as soon as she sees you go rigid, holding on to it with the same look of disdain you bear.
“Oh, my dear.” Jinsoul stands close enough to grab a strand of your long fringe, knuckles brushing your jawline with feigned affection. “Your sister should know I am only faithful to the people I treat business with… and I didn’t discuss anything with you, precious.”
Turning your face, you hold Chaeryeong with one arm to prevent her from jumping on Jinsoul and beating her up.
“You bitch!” Your friend screams at her face, her voice muffled by Jinsoul’s hectic laughter as she walks away, back turned to you and Chaery in a clear show of disrespect.
Before you can go to Jinsoul yourself, her guards strike, going straight to the two of you. You manage to buckle and give them a few punches — causing a fair amount of trouble for someone who didn’t practice often at all, honestly. However, you were outnumbered, and soon enough you find yourself on the ground, punched and disheveled.
Coughing violently, you turn to see one of them kicking Chaeryeong in the guts, a few meters from you. The sight of your friend, cheerful and pure Chaery, being hurt enrages you to the core. You spit at their feet to gather all the attention to yourself.
“Don’t touch her, fucker!” You scream, breathless. They pay you no mind, having the time of their lives.
You feel something on your jacket, then. When you look ahead, Jinsoul has poured a thick, horizontal line of a viscous liquid through all of the massive warehouse. Other guards help, with gallons, but you know most of it is her doing — she loves to get her hands dirty in the business. There’s fire in her eyes, and by the time she lifts the lighter dramatically, you’re already well aware.
“Goodbye, dearests! It’s always a pleasure doing business with you.” She chants, before throwing the lighter and walking away, without any rush.
You have to use both hands to stand on your fours, then on your knees. Your jacket is long thrown elsewhere as you grab Chaeryeong by back of her neck, much like a kitten. “Let’s go, and quick. Are you badly hurt?” You murmur, looking for any bad bruises on her porcelain skin. The girl shakes her head, running her hand through her bloody nose. She whimpers, and you know she’s trying her best to be strong in front of you. You give her a hug, as well as a kiss on her dirty cheek, in hopes of bringing her a little comfort. “Good. Now come.”
You hated — no, you despised Rosé for always deceiving you. Only this time, she’d pay.
Leaning on each other, the two of you go back to where you’d parked your car, in a hidden area a few minutes away from the warehouse, just as you’ve been taught to do. You take a deep breath, appreciating the humidity and the nature that ruled the place, a forgotten piece of the city. It had rained while you were inside, and you were glad for that. You loved the smell of rain, especially in nature.
On your way to the car, you spot a water tap nearby. You take Chaeryeong’s arms from your shoulders, then, opening the tap and turning to her. “Clean yourself up.”
“You’re so bossy.” She mumbles, but is quick to do as told, grabbing a hold of the water and splashing it on her face, cleaning up the dust that gathered. Chaeryeong nearly drenches her whole head, too — her pitch-black hair all shiny within minutes as the color slowly returns to her face.
While she takes the dirt off her arms and legs, you look around to check on the fire. It is still lively, a bright beacon as the night falls by, but you know it won’t spread. The place was all rotten by rust, with barely any ceiling left, so the rain would most likely put it off.
Still, Jinsoul’s message was clear, and it stung on your pride.
At least she’s always been like that, never presenting herself differently. Much different from your sister, who tells lies for breakfast.
Your mind is still clouded by troubled thoughts when Chaeryeong lets out a tired laugh, smiling once you kneel to clean up yourself. “They beat up our asses hard out there, you know.”
As much as her statement annoys the shit out of you, you’re grateful to have her cracking jokes again. Your best friend’s delicate features suit the red color on her mouth, a sign she’s well and ready for the next one.
You feel the dust gathering under your fingers and all over your skin. It’s all over you, so intensely your honey hair can be misguided as black, with how much of it is covered by dirt.
“I’ve barely noticed.”
Chaeryeong chokes in her saliva to keep herself from laughing, knowing your patience’s running thin. Even if you have the softest spot for her, she decides not to push it.
“Yes, obviously.” She nods. You think she’s finally going to be quiet, but it’s your best friend you’re talking about. Naturally, she continues. “Let’s go to the party, please?”
You scoff, rolling your eyes as you finish washing up, feeling refreshed and no longer too bothered. “Yes.”
You both arrive where the car is parked before she adds. “And we need fighting lessons once we get back home.”
“It’s true, sorry! It is.” She raises her hands as if to keep herself from being attacked by your rage.
You limit yourself to giving her a harsh stare, and she shivers under it. You can be quite intimidating when you wish to be, especially since you’re not exactly a chatterbox.
Turning the car on, you indulge your friend’s wishes as you drive towards the party she’s been nagging you about for the whole week.
The night’s already taken over the sky once you park on the crowded street, after hours of speeding on the free road. As you hop out of the car, your thoughts go to your sister: you know the meeting with Jinsoul had been arranged all along, with her words about Wendy being merely for you to agree on doing as told. How could she fool you like that? As if you were nothing more than another dischargeable person, like many of her toys.
It’s not the first time Rosé has sent you and Chaeryeong to some skimpy situation, but knowing she was well aware of it being a clear trap all along leaves you absolutely outraged.
Even though she knew of the risks, she still sent you. You would’ve never gone, had you known it was a situation like that, and that’s the reason she didn’t warn you beforehand.
You hated Rosé’s guts.
Chaery rushes to your side once again, side-eyeing you with as little discreetness as possible — unlike yourself, she’s never been good at hiding her expressions. You don’t even attempt to smile, still mad about your earlier encounter and all that went wrong.
Not even your bubbly, cheerful best friend can lift your spirits, at the moment.
“Don’t tell me you’re still pissed, Y/n.” She shakes her arms, sighing. Her tone is serious, and you know she means it. “Come on! Live your life, and stop being so strict all the time. You deserve to have fun.” Chaery grabs you by the shoulders, lifting your chin so you’ll stare at her. “So have fun! I know it fucking sucks, but it’s done! Let’s just enjoy the night and deal with the whole problem tomorrow morning.”
You roll your eyes, knowing she’d never comprehend your feelings. As much as you love how carefree she is, you also know your personalities are too different.
You allow her to interlock your hand with hers, though, as the two of you pass the sea of cars in the direction of the crowded mansion.
“You could use a little fire within yourself too, you know.” You murmur, examining the place with harsh eyes.
The front garden alone is already impressive. Its deep green lawn is impeccable — clearly trimmed and well cared for, aligning with the lavish fountain that stands in the center and all the animals sculpted in the bushes. A cupid stands in the middle of the marble fountain, water flowing smoothly from its carved bow. You recognize the modern styling of the mansion, with plenty of massive windows that cover both floors of the house. With its wooden walls, the place has a rustic yet cozy surface. There is no doubt whoever owns such property has a great sense of style.
Even that front area is crowded, too. People nearly having public sex, others throwing up vigorously while being helped by friends, a few others just passed out on the lawn… although you’re surprised to see many groups simply drinking and chilling, leaning on their cars, too — most likely seeking an escape from the vivid music and the heat wave that must be inside. You already feel the energetic music echoing through the whole atmosphere, the rhythm reverberating through the walls and on the ground. You bite your cheek to suppress a smile, not wanting your friend to notice yet. To you, there was something appealing about attending such crowded spaces. Amidst the sea of people, you were no one: known by no one, cared for by no one. It was strangely comforting, as if a weight was going off your shoulders, and you liked it.
Interrupting your thoughts, Chaeryeong shrugs, “I mean, it’s Rosé we’re talking about. Did you seriously not expect the deal to be suspicious, to say the very least?” She sighs hard, adding. “That lying, dreadful hot bitch. I’d go to as many sneaky warehouses as she commands me to, sorry, Y/n.”
Her tone is truthful enough to have you shaking your shoulders in laughter, squeezing her hand to make her stop walking through people so fast. As a matter of fact, Chaery’s fat crush on your sister isn’t by any means new to you — going on for many years already, but it always surprises you to hear her say stuff like that.
You find it hilarious, actually, that Chaeryeong is, to this day, one of your sister’s fangirls.
“I seriously can’t believe you sometimes.” You say, although youthful spirits have been lifted. Your best friend smiles brightly at you, her button nose scrunching adorably.
“You just love me so much.”
You leave her at that, and stand by the door, making your way to the main, open area — the living room. Chaeryeong is smart and attentive, which also helps to access the whole place rather quickly. Soon enough, both of you have some kind of fancy drink in hands, and you stare at the dark-haired girl rather hesitantly.
Her bright humor and the room’s energy, bustling with excitement are enough to have you feeling much better, even a little happy yourself. Still sensing your hesitation, she brings the cup to your mouth with her small hands, both of you downing your drinks within seconds.
“Okay,” She says, looking around for anything interesting. “Now the real fun begins.”
You laugh, knowing she’s going to find some source of entertainment for the night — whether it is a pretty girl to lose herself in or a newly discovered gossip to watch and comment over like a TV series.
Chaeryeong disappears and comes back with another fancy-looking drink, stumbling and nearly falling in the process, and you quickly grab the one she hands to you, taking a small sip this time. She’s already had a handful of hers and stares at your choice of savoring the liquid with playful eyes.
“What? I would rather not pass out. That’s your role.”
“You never forget, do you? It was once, Y/n. Once. And forever ago, too! I’ve never done that again.” She huffs, bringing her free hand to her chest in a fake display of resentment.
You giggle as you hug her sideways, shutting off the older girl’s whines. She quickly steps aside, though — not wanting people to think she’s not seeking some fun, and you take the opportunity to look around, observing the inside of the mansion properly.
It’s a beautiful house — a mansion, indeed — and the first floor is nothing but lavish. The bar, where you and Chaeryeong stand, is nearly the size of the one at the Diner, filled with expensive drinks and crystal cups as the bartender — not at all like the junk places the two of you usually attend— mixes drinks with experience.
It also pleases you to see how such a person is not afraid of spending money to host a good party, even if the people enjoying it are complete strangers. The lively atmosphere of young people having fun, mixed with the grand decor of the place balanced each other well, giving a lived-in aspect to said gorgeous place.
The open area has plenty of windows, allowing you to watch the gardens and the pool, outside — even though it’s massive, there’s barely any space left in between the waters, making you gulp with disgust. It was hard for you to understand how that many people would muster the courage to get in, with so many germs and fluids certainly dirtying the once crystal-clear waters.
Looking back inside, you’re able to observe the planned furniture, which is clearly well thought out, with the wooden ceiling and the thick, marble columns. There are rugs lacking, you notice, but it is surely so they don’t stain or anything.
You wonder what the place is like during a quiet, common day. One where the only noises come from the birds, chipping and singing while flying through the trees, and the running water that drips on the pool fountain.
Besides that, it is absolutely crowded. Nearly every single space is occupied by either a couple kissing like there’s no tomorrow or people screaming and dancing, yet everyone seems to be having a nice time. The atmosphere makes you smile, surprisingly cozy on this chaotic yet lively night. That’s how you feel, specially after the prior encounters: alive.
You have to make that feeling worth it.
Time goes by fast once you’re trying to have fun.
You quickly learn so, as you drink, smoke, and dance with Chaeryeong. Even with the alcohol leaving you happy, you’re still uneasy. You can’t shake the feeling that you’re being observed, no matter how many times you tell yourself that’s absolutely insane — there are people in every possible corner of the place, and no one’s paying attention to you.
However, Chaery also seems to be opposed to the logical part of your brain.
“I think you should go for it,” Your best friend tells you, after long minutes of heavily flirting with a barbie-like girl from afar.
You’re nearly sure you know that girl, actually. She’s from your hometown, most likely; her heart-shaped mouth and cherubic features are impossible to miss.
There’s nothing more like Chaery than going to a party located 2 hours away just to fuck around with the same people you’ve known since elementary school.
Your best friend turns around, filling up both of your drinks, even though yours is only halfway empty.
You frown. “Go for what?”
It’s Chaeryeong’s turn to be annoyed at you. She throws her free arm on your shoulders, gesturing to the middle of the living room area, where four good-looking girls stand with critical looks, acting like they own the place.
Which, judging by their style and the way they carry themselves, they might as well do.
Chaeryeong points in their direction with her head, never in her life subtle. “The one in the middle has not stopped staring at you ever since we’ve arrived. Ryujin, they say it’s her name.” Your friend’s excited tone grabs your attention, and you finally take a look at the small group she’s so enamored by. “I think you should go get her.”
Your friend has always had a good taste in women, and this time’s no different. They are beautiful, crushingly so, all hanging out by the long couch, circled by many people who seem to fight for an ounce of their attention. They stay disinterested, though, not paying them as much as a quick look.
One has sharp eyes, listening attentively to what a jumpy redhead and a blonde girl have to say as she sips on her Marguerita. At last, you observe the raven-haired girl Chaeryeong mentioned: she stands powerful in the middle, her sharp features giving her an intimidating look. To your surprise, she’s already staring— her dark eyes examining you with such hunger your heart starts beating rapidly as if there were no one else in the room. Electric shocks fly through your body upon her piercing gaze, and you look away immediately.
“She’s creepy.” You take a long gulp of your drink, in hopes of washing away the urge of sneaking her a glance once again.
Chaeryeong rolls her eyes, nudging you. “Just how you like them.” She scoffs, then, when she realizes you won’t answer — not in the mood to indulge her little monologues. “Please, Y/n, for once in your life just—“
You interrupt your friend, taking a step back and giving her a fake smile. “I need to use the bathroom, but I’ll catch up with you soon, Chaery.” Getting away from her as fast as you can in such a crowded space, you’re still able to hear her voice as you ascend the grand staircase, screaming while raising her cup in your direction to prove her point.
“YOU CAN’T ESCAPE ME, Y/N! IF YOU TAKE TOO LONG, I’LL COME AND GET YOU.” You can’t help but laugh, fully knowing she means it.
Even though you escape her lecture — hearing that same discourse at least once a day ever since you can remember, you know Chaeryeong means well. It’s a matter of fact: you’ve always been the responsible one, caring and supervising others, to the point people always referred to you as “lame” or “boring”. Whether it was at the Diner, with your reckless family, or dealing with your friend’s spontaneousness, you’re unable to help it: being careful comes naturally to you, always thinking about countless opportunities for every situation possible.
Before opening many doors — the place was indeed massive, leaving you to wonder how many rooms there are — you finally find a bathroom. Without rushing, you take a deep breath, washing your face in hopes of easing your mind, too.
For the first time in many hours, you have time to truly think about the events of the day. Weariness infiltrates your bones as you grip both sides of the sink, not daring to look at yourself in the mirror. Looking at your face, your features, means staring at your sister, too. At your father, the whole dirty business you do for a living and how you’re also to blame, no matter how much you avoid taking part in it. You belong in this world, there’s no denying it.
Only you so wish you weren’t.
Sitting on the toilet, you hug your knees, waiting for the tears to come. They never do; you only feel an emptiness inside your tainted soul. Somehow, you’ve already gotten used to this entire mess. Crying and pitying yourself won’t change anything.
The door opens, and Ryujin is standing in front of you before you can make yourself look presentable. She’s as intimidating as she was from afar, her thick boots making her look taller.
“Sorry for taking so long, I needed a moment. I’ll go now.” You get up quickly, trying to brush past her as you murmur excuses for keeping the bathroom all to yourself, even though she doesn’t seem to mind.
With a hand brushing your waist, she says, tone low and husked. “It’s ok. I can take you to somewhere quieter if you’d like.” Her posture is relaxed and patient, waiting for you to answer. “Listening to loud music for too long can be a bother.”
You don’t exactly know why you agree; perhaps it’s her voice, soothing and sensual — even though you somehow know her invite is not one seeking sex, or her dark eyes, staring at you like she could undress your soul and be aware of your deepest secrets. Regardless of the motives, you feel drawn to her, almost as if she’d cast a spell on you, luring you in. So you nod, allowing yourself to enter the labyrinth of corridors as Ryujin walks by your side, without rushing. Only when the two of you stop by a black, wooden door, she turns back to you. You step inside, as the world behind you suddenly turns quiet.
You’re fully aware of the risks you’re taking. She’s a stranger, and you know nothing about each other. You should be jumpy, wary in the least.
Instead, for the first time in many years, there’s not a train of thoughts running through your head, thinking about millions of possibilities and outcomes of every little thing you’ve ever witnessed.
As you walk into the middle of the spacious room, you feel nothing but calm.
Ryujin has good taste.
You’re not stupid: you know the bedroom you’re currently in belongs to her. The walls are made of wood, carved in light brown, and most of the furniture is black, a true portrait of how she presents herself — all dark and mysterious. Her bed stands appealing in the middle, the covers undone and inviting, while numerous papers rest neatly on her desk, but it’s the content on the wall that catches your attention. A map of the country, covered with red strings and pins linking numerous places. There are names written, too, as well as keywords and small texts.
“I’m a good listener. If you’d like to, naturally.” She takes a blunt out of her pocket, gesturing to you. “Do you mind?”
“Not at all.” You give her a small smile in acknowledgment. “It’s your room, anyway.”
She laughs. “Smart girl.”
“I’ll pass on your invitation to listen, though.” You continue as you stare at her closely, curious about how she’d react. Her blazer made her shirt ride up, revealing part of her toned abdomen, and you can’t help but ogle, mouth dry at the sight.
God, she’s so hot, sitting casually like that.
“As you wish. No problem.” Ryujin doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest, which provides you with enough confidence to start looking around again.
A black wooden bookshelf catches your attention, standing on the opposite side of the windows and the balcony, and you’re appalled by how vast it is. It nearly occupies the entire wall, with numerous books. It’s the only part of the room that has any color besides black, brown, or white, and the books all seem pretty worn out. You brush your fingers through the shelves, lost in paradise.
“Do you expect us to fuck?” You don’t turn to face her as you ask, without shame. Strangely, you feel like you could tell her whatever you wanted to.
She shrugs, adjusting her pillows so she’d lie comfortably, looking rather small in the massive bed. The words leave her mouth so casually like nothing was ever complicated. “If you'd like to, maybe.” Her eyes travel to your body, and you shiver, once again feeling exposed. “You’re pretty. You have a beautiful body, too. So, sure.”
“Why did you bring me here, then? If not to fuck.” You murmur, eyeing her as your fingers brush a specific book, waiting for her permission.
You take it from its place once she nods, freeing the smoke from her lungs. The Waves, highlighted and annotated.
“You looked as if you had many thoughts going on in your head.” She runs her hand through her shiny, pitch-black hair, casually. “This is my quiet place. I figured you could use a little peace for a while, too.”
She was so right. From the time you entered her room, you felt nothing but peace, as if your emotional turmoil had cooled down for a few moments.
Maybe it was the calming energy Ryujin emanates or the way she looks at you so curiously. Anyway, you decide she’s worth it.
You were not exactly fond of meeting new people, much less welcoming them into your life. You didn’t feel the need to add anyone — you could barely keep up with the amount of drama you had, with not that many people. You have a best friend, a father, a stepmother, grandparents, a sister, and her friends who were your acquaintances. Not a massive crowd, but just enough for you.
However, you feel the need to let this girl in, too.
Jumping on the bed, you don’t stop until you’re near enough to feel the warmth of the blunt Ryujin holds. You lean on your elbows, facing down whilst she’s facing up, hands behind her head to support herself as she stares at the ceiling.
“I’m Y/n, nice to meet you.” You say, determined not to feel threatened by her piercing gaze and those midnight eyes that carry such mystery.
Ryujin laughs, shaking the hand you offer. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/n. I’m Ryujin.”
She stares back, her eyes undressing you as if she’s the keeper of all your secrets. You look away. She laughs again.
Your mind wanders to Chaeryeong’s words, always eager to talk about how you should take more risks and live freely. Perhaps she’s right; you should stop worrying too much and overthinking every single thing.
You snuggle yourself even closer to Ryujin, still deciding. “But are you good?”
She frowns, turning to you. “Probably. But good at what, exactly?”
“In bed, obviously.” You roll your eyes. “Are you a good fuck?”
Being so close to her allows you to see the switch your words provoke. Her eyes darken, and she fixes her posture, no longer carefree and unbothered. No… the girl whose eyes roam over your body is far from inviting or calming. She’s powerful, just as you watched her present herself downstairs, earlier at night. With strong hands, she grabs one of your thighs, bringing you so close you’re able to play with the collar of her silk shirt.
“Why do you ask, Y/n?” Ryunjin’s hands brush your neck in a careful motion, tucking your hair away so she’s able to run her nose through your skin. One look at her, and you know she enjoys toying with you like that too much.
As she must do with anyone, you suppose.
“Well…” You look down, although still leaning at her touch. “‘Cause I want you to fuck me, of course. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be asking.”
She doesn’t mind your impatient tone but doesn’t touch you either, even after your words. If anything, she just keeps staring at your body, as if imagining all the things she’d do.
“And how would I do that, exactly?” You roll your eyes, ready to give her a defiant answer when she grabs you by the chin, ever so gently. “Make sure to be clear with your words, my angel.”
And it’s that tone once again — so low-pitched and raspy, that makes you gulp, barely breathing under the enchanting, mysterious girl’s touches. Besides being in control at all times: when you’ve decided to accompany Ryujin to her bedroom, when initiating this battle of desire… you finally come to realize how different it is, this once. This time, Ryujin’s question presents itself as a warning, its meaning loud and clear even though it was unsaid. If you agreed to this, she would be the one in control. She’d take as much as she pleased, however, you wished her to do.
Something that is so appealing to you. Not because you feel the need to let go; no, you’ve done much of that throughout all of your life — being your family’s pawn, toy, and little doll to show off to other powerful families, making a profit over the image of perfection.
No, Ryujin’s offer is appealing simply because you’re curious to see what she’d do to you. You feel drawn to her, with a sudden urge to be under her touch, to have her inside of you.
You want her to do the most unspeakable, filthy things to your body, bringing you enough pleasure to fuck you dumb, until all of your worries are washed away and long gone.
Her. You want her.
So you stand on your knees, taking your time with unclasping your bra and throwing your shirt off the ground, long hair flowing gracefully as you move, cascading down your hips. It’s only once you’re done that you speak, long after letting her watch as you make a show out of the small act.
“I want you to pleasure me.” You say, with a voice just as lustrous as hers. “I’m sure you’ve been spoiled enough in sex. Prove it to me, then. And if you’re good enough, maybe I’ll satisfy you, too.”
She smiles, exposing her canine teeth as she watches you crawl to her. Within seconds, you’re between her legs, her mouth hot and wet on your clavicle — then wasting no time to go to your breasts, as she kisses and sucks on your skin. Making sure to bruise, to mark her presence. Territorial.
“Your wish is my command, angel of mine.” She murmurs, breath warm on your skin.
Ryujin’s taste is bitter, much like poison. Still, her lips are addicting, and it’s easy to lose yourself in between the sultry kisses you share. Your skin, your insides — you’re on fire, so turned on it burns.
Her hands, skilled and lithe, wander through your body, squeezing and groping as she pleases. Such a tease, she is. You can easily tell how delighted she is to be able to take her time, caressing the insides of your thighs as you huff, impatient. She’s so close, yet so far from where you need her. Your cunt aches, sticky and needy for something, anything.
Yearning for release after such a stressful day, you feel your body trembling with anticipation. Soon enough, you’re under her, both of your clothes long thrown on the ground. It’s hard not to blush with how she’s looking at your naked body, licking her lips as she spits, a long trail of saliva going from her fingers to your wet cunt.
You need more of her. Desperately.
Tugging her hair, you let out a loud whine. “You’re so mean, Ryujin.”
“I am.” Her answer comes immediately, as she lowers her body until her mouth is close to your pussy. She brushes the hair away from her face, eyes still heavily focused on your dripping cunt. Ryujin cups your ass, one of your legs resting on her shoulder as she brings your sex as close to her face as possible. Her eyes are starstruck, long-lost in your body as she parts your folds before giving your cunt a messy, wet kiss.
Her actions are more than enough to turn you into a withering mess: her mouth is everywhere, working her way inside of your walls with such vigor you feel so full, your troubled thoughts long forgotten. She works wonders, her tongue teasing your entrance and alternating between lapping on your clit, circling your hardened bud as you moan, squirming almost desperately. You’ve never been this sensible, yet Ryujin reverberates all of her actions through your body harder than usual — even the mere brush of her fingers has her holding your thighs firmly, to keep you from moving so much and closing your legs away.
Incoherent words leave your mouth so fast that you’d be ashamed if you were able to think about anything. Your long nails scratch her bare back in random patterns, leaving her skin so red you close your hands in a sudden wave of consciousness, shy as you bring them to your chest.
She stops too, ignoring your whines as she looks up to you with a serious face, her mouth swollen and glistening with your juices. “If you stop, I’ll stop.” She grabs your hands, placing them on her once again. It’s so sweet, somehow delicate how she handles you, much different from the way she acts with anyone else. “Don’t hold yourself back.”
You nod, gulping. She has two of her fingers aligned with your slit, spreading your juices through your pussy with that little smug smile of hers before easing them inside. They slide in easily, the gushing sounds filling the room along with your voice. “Ryujin… oh f-fuck!”
“Touch your nipples.” Ryujin commands, mouth closing against your clit once again. She licks and applies a weak suction, not yet enough to overstimulate you. You’re long gone, though, incapable of forming any thoughts on your pretty head, let alone following any commands. She knows it, which is the reason her hands grope your tits with strength, massaging. “You’re sensitive, angel. Touch them for me, will you?”
It seems to work, this time. You mumble a response to her patient tone, hands going straight to your nipples as you cup your breasts. They weren’t exactly big, but certainly not small either. If you squeezed them tightly — as you were currently, doing, you could fit them in your hands. Biting your lip, you flick your thumbs through the hardened buds, circling your areolas as your fingers twist and pinch your nipples.
The action sends a shock of electricity through your body, and you throw your head back in pleasure.
“Good girl, Y/n. God, your tits are so pretty. You look so pretty like this, doing so good for me.” You barely register her words, although it doesn’t seem necessary; if anything, Ryujin seems to be speaking to herself. She lifts her head, fingers thrusting in even deeper as she judges the bruises on your hips with hard eyes. Her voice is different, too, serious as she adds, “Must’ve been a tough day, hm? You’re all bruised, my love. And I haven’t given you any of these.”
“Something like that, I guess.” You murmur, closing your eyes to focus on how good she is making you feel.
She kisses each one of your bruises with delicacy, looking somehow annoyed. Her brows are furrowed, and her lips are pouty, making it easy to tell she’s lost in thought. Because of her reaction, you lift her chin, cocking your head to the sides as you try to figure her out. It seems to wake her up from her trance, instead. Ryujin takes your fingers and sucks, staring at you while her tongue wets your index and thumb just as she was doing to your pussy, moments prior.
This girl’s going to be the death of you.
Her attention returns to your cunt, swollen and red, as she fastens the thrusts on your slit. It hits deep, each movement bringing you closer to the orgasm you ache for. A third finger is added, then, and you feel yourself close to the edge. Ryujin must’ve felt your muscles clenching, too, since she’s quick to give your clit one last, deep suck.
It feels like there’s no air left in the room. The pleasure that was building up in your lower abdomen explodes, with violent waves of pleasure erupting and giving you the best sensation you’ve ever felt. It’s ecstatic, as if thousands of fireworks live in every little space of your body. You feel spectacular, but more than that, you feel alive. With a high cry, you cum, Ryujin’s fingers still working their way inside, helping you ride out from your orgasm. She’s careful to not touch your clit, just staring at your fucked out face as your chest moves rapidly, trying to even your breathing.
After a few minutes, you squirm, expecting her to distance herself and stop touching your cunt.
It’s not what happens, though — in a blink, she’s all over you, working her way up your body with wet kisses until your lips meet once again in a messy kiss.
“You’re relaxed now, right?” She says, sucking on your lower lip. “And you were so perfect, angel. It’s my turn. Can you give me one more? Do you think you can do it for me?”
Suddenly, you’re all hot again, as her fingers thrust into you deeper and deeper. You’re dizzy, more than happy to drink on her and let her drive you into pleasure as she says so.
“R-ryujin…” You chant her name, clinging to the girl.
It doesn’t take you long to cum, this time. The orgasm that drags through your body is strong but slow, leaving you full in more ways than you’ll ever be able to describe.
“So good.” She says, hands tight on your waist and caressing your abdomen, with no rush at all. “You’re doing so good, Y/n.”
Your cunt feels empty without her fingers inside, pussy swollen and pleased. Even though she’s right by your side, you miss her, reaching out for her touches. She’s more than eager to comply, holding you close as she kisses the top of your head, brushing the long strands of hair away from your face.
The two of you stay like that, wrapped up in a warm bubble that has you completely in peace. Your muscles relax, and you feel the tiredness in your bones, pleading for sleep. It’s easy to get lost in Ryujin’s arms, forgetting your duties and obligations until your mind is filled with her.
Just as quickly, you’re thrown back into reality by the doorknob — it’s forced from the outside, although the door doesn’t move, thankfully locked. It’s most likely someone drunk, searching for a place to have fun with someone, but the action is enough for you to remember the reason you’ve attended such a party: an energetic girl with dark hair and the worst sense of humor you’ve ever seen, who was probably worried sick about you and cursing your entire existence.
With that in mind, you get up, grabbing your dispersed clothes on the floor and putting them on. Ryujin’s stare is attentive, following your every move. She’s still comfortable in her bed, not bothering to cover herself as she reaches out for the blunt on her nightstand.
“You can stay, if you’d like.” Her voice has a special effect on you. It makes your body relax instantly, and you breathe in. “Enjoy the quietude. There’s no need to run away.”
“I’m not running away.” You frown, somehow bothered that she thinks so. Grunting, you clarify, “I’d like to… hum, continue this. But my friend’s been waiting for long now. She must be going crazy, thinking I’ve been kidnapped or something. I have to take care of her.”
“Why so?” There it is. That smirk, the air of superiority that adds to Ryujin’s strong façade. It’s almost as if she’s mocking you, playing with her words. “Is she a child? Or just so stupid she can’t take care of herself…”
Your face reddens, and you finish tying your shoes just as quickly as you turn to her, both hands gripping her bed frame so you’re able to jerk your body forward. “Chaeryeong’s not stupid. Watch your fucking mouth.”
People could say anything they wanted about you. In fact, they already did — ever since you were little and your mother had left, people judged and made assumptions about your life. It was impossible not to be a target, with a family like yours, handling the business that you do. It did hurt, at the beginning, but you’ve eventually figured it out: people talked about everyone, and you weren’t special. They were so miserable and uninteresting that they’d criticize every single little thing, no matter how invisible you tried to be. It’s just how they were.
However, any words directed at your best friend are enough for you to get into messy fights. No one was allowed to talk shit about her. Not cheerful, bright Chaeryeong, who had the biggest, cutest smile and the purest intentions in her heart. You’d never allow it.
Seeing how serious you were, Ryujin’s smile dropped. She tapped her blunt in the ashtray, careful to not let the dust spill. “You’re right, she’s not. I apologize.” Although she doesn’t look sorry at all. It’s as if everything is a big joke to her; which, with such a lavish house, you know it most likely is.
Rich people are always assholes.
Humming, you roll your eyes as you try to fix your hair, failing terribly. It’s still as wild as ever, stubbornly fighting your fingers when you run your hands through its entire length, in attempts of detangling something. The subject’s been brushed off when she speaks again, breaking the silence without any awkwardness. “Yeji is keeping an eye on her, anyway. So you don’t need to fry your neurons and die of preoccupation.”
It’s awkward — you’re awkward, meanwhile, the girl looks completely at ease as she takes another hold of smoke into her lungs, naked in all her glory. God, she’s so hot; her muscles are defined, and she’s simply beautiful, like a fallen angel. It takes all of you to not fall down on your knees immediately, begging to eat her out and make her scream in pleasure like she’s done to you. But you’re also tired, and you really need to let your friend know you’re alive and well. There’s nothing more that you hate than being a bother, so you can’t let her alone, wondering if you’ve forgotten about her presence.
“You really are good.” You stare at your hands, letting out a faint giggle. It’s amazing how suddenly shy you are, given how you were begging just minutes prior. “A good fuck, I mean. You are.” In a blink, you’re by the door, gripping the doorknob with an unnecessary amount of strength. “I hope to return the favor, someday.”
“Someday.” She says, tone enigmatic as ever. You’ve noticed she’s annoyingly good at hiding her expressions, always with a bored look on her face. “See you, Y/n.”
You don’t say anything else as you leave the room, losing yourself in the labyrinth of corridors without looking back.
Turns out Chaeryeong is still at the same place she was when you left, thankfully. She jumps into your arms as soon as she sees you, sighing in relief. “I’m going to kill you! Where have you been? I looked everywhere!”
You hold her firmly by the waist, her voice a few quarters higher than usual. Chaery might not be tall, but in this drunken state, she’s heavy, nearly dragging both of you to the ground. She laughs uncontrollably, happy to have you by her side once again.
“The bathroom line was too long.” You lie, taking the drink from her hands as you take a sip. It’s strong, provoking a nauseous sensation that you ignore as you swallow it down.
The lie comes naturally, not because you feel like you have to hide what happened from your best friend, but simply because you find yourself too tired to explain. She’s going to make you repeat yourself as soon as she sobers up again, anyway.
She knows it, though. “Liar! You were doing something.” The girl narrows her eyes, a confused expression on her face as she brushes the hair away from your neck. “Where’d you get a new necklac— Y/n! You dirty whore!”
You can’t help but laugh as she examines the hickeys Ryujin left on your skin, mouth opened in a big “O” — slightly pushing her off you. Chaeryeong stumbles, hitting the wall with her shoulders as she tries to gather her balance.
“I’ll tell you about it later, okay? M’ too tired right now.” You promise, not giving her drink back once she reaches out for it.
Chaeryeong doesn’t seem to mind, jumping up and down in excitement. She grabs you by the shoulders, shaking your body with a smile that nearly covers her entire face. “My girl’s getting some game, wow! I’m so happy for you, Y/n! You have no idea. Do you know how many times I wished you got someone? I seriously thought you were going to turn into a nun or something.”
“Hey!” You protest, “I’m not a prude! The last time I had kissed someone was like, last month or something.”
Chaery stops jumping, thankfully. She pays no mind to your grumbling, twirling, and moving along with the blasting music’s rhythm. “Sure, sure. Whatever you say.”
You eye her with narrowed eyes, but she stops all of her movements before you can give her a sneaky response. Her face pales, and she gulps deeply.
“Are you okay, Chaery?” No response. Chaeryeong’s eyes are fixated on the wall behind you, the colorful lights and blasting music from the living room surely doing nothing but overwhelming her even more.
“Yeah.” She looks up, sighing. “Just felt this sudden urge to t—“ The way she covers her mouth is enough of a sign, for you. Acting quickly, you pull her to the gardens, as Chaeryeong tries her best to not jerk her body forward. It’s immediate: she throws up as soon as she finds a bush to lean on, the effects of the alcohol, adrenaline, and visual stimulation from the party getting to her organism.
“I guess you kept your drinking game high while I was busy?” You ask, trying to lighten the mood. It works, you can tell Chaery’s laughing by the way her small shoulders move. She gives you a thumbs up, too, her face still shoved in between the leaves. “Okay. Are you good to be by yourself for a few moments? I’ll get you some water, then I’ll be right back.”
“Sure.” Your friend manages to say, lying down on the grass. Her hair is all messy, and her face remains pale. “I’m fine now, though. 100%.”

“I’m still getting you the water.” You get up from where you were kneeling, too, rushing towards the kitchen entry with hurried steps.
You’re not too worried, though. This wasn’t exactly an unusual situation — sometimes Chaeryeong would drink too much, too fast… sometimes you would. It was a pain in the ass, naturally, and you’d always wake up deeply hungover the next day, but it wasn’t something to be deeply preoccupied with.
Humming to yourself, you open the fridge, in hopes of finding a bottle of fresh water. It was better than going to the bar set in the lively living room and asking for one, anyway. You barely notice a girl standing next to you, handing exactly what you’re looking for. She’s one of Ryujin’s friends, you reckon — her sunset, pin-straight hair compliments her features effortlessly, as her hypnotizing eyes stare at you attentively.
You know a judgmental look when you see one. This one’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
“For your pretty friend.” She says, waiting patiently for you to take the bottle from her hands. You do, still silent, yet your lack of enthusiasm doesn’t scare her away. She keeps babbling, not minding you at all. “I hope she feels better.”
It’s as though she knows something you don’t, and the hidden mockery in the air leaves you uneasy.
“Thanks…” You murmur, playing with the bottle in your hands. Before you brush past her to return to your friend, she adds.
“—Yeji. That’s my name.” Yeji tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, waving you goodbye with feigned innocency. “Bye, Y/n. Make sure Chaeryeong arrives home safely.”
Chaery’s had an eye on her earlier, nearly fucking her from afar while you were in your own world, lost in thoughts. They probably had some fun before you came back to your friend, that’s all.
At least, that’s what you tell yourself as you lean next to Chaeryeong again, trying to ease the knot in your stomach as you give her the plastic bottle.
“Here, don’t drink it all at once.” You say, chuckling as the girl nearly drowns herself in the water, desperate to get rid of the bitter taste in her mouth. “It’s been a long day, Chaeryeong. Let’s go home.”
She gladly takes the hand you offer, groaning as she shakes the remains of grass from her pants. “I had fun, though. Today was a fun day, Y/n. Did you have fun too?”
There’s mischief all over her face, making it impossible for you to feel down. It’s her gift, being able to lift your spirits with her lame jokes and energetic nature.
“Of course, Chaery. I always have fun when I’m with you.” You nod.
Your words please her, and she leans her head against your shoulder as you make your way to the car, side by side.
It’s late, and you’re tired. You’d handle it all in the morning.
Despite the weariness that penetrates thick in your bones, you’re punctual as always, doodling in your journal by the counter as the sun fights its way up against the messy fog of the morning. It’s a routine you’ve been doing ever since you were a teenager: going out, partying, and going to so many places until dawn, while still showing up to work at the Diner in the following morning.
You’d get some rest, eventually. For now, the four hours of sleep you had were enough to keep you up, somehow Besides, Saturday mornings are always some of the slowest days at the place, with hardly anyone coming for breakfast. People liked to sleep in, trying to gather all the hours they’ve lost from having to wake up early for work, you guess — which is why the place is empty, no customers to be seen.
There’s a hard slam on the corner, and you lift your eyes to follow the sound. You’re greeted by Rosé: her baby-pink hair is even messier than usual, and her leather jacket seems to be the only thing protecting her from the chilly weather. It does little to ease her, though — Your sister’s shorts expose her legs, dirty and scratched. At least her crop top is thick, the black clothing making her seem even more intimidating. And she smells of smoke, instead of her usual cologne.
“You look like shit.” You’re the first to break the silence, as your eyes return to your sketch. It’s not an easy thing to do, but you try your best to act indifferent to your sister’s piercing stare. “I’m taking you haven’t had any sleep at all.”
She’s fuming, you know that. Somehow, Rosé’s cold attitude is much worse than her red fire. Her quietness scares you, as it should. It’s never a good sign.
“Have you ever been anything other than useless, all your life?” She spits, and her words hurt, no matter how long you’ve mentally prepared yourself to have that talk, ever since you left the warehouse. “I asked you to do one thing, Y/n. One fucking thing, and you managed to fuck it all up! God, you’re such a failure.”
Your mouth is dry, all of your courage going down the drain as you stare at the woman in front of you. Suddenly, you’re a little kid again, playing your part as Rosé’s little doll so you’d receive a smile, a praise, anything from her. You’d do anything to get her to acknowledge you, having to fight for her attention like everyone else.
But not anymore.
She hits the counter again, visibly enraged. You shove your finger at her chest, fighting back before she destroys you with her words — like she’s so good at.
“And you’re a fucking liar! Fuck you, Rosé. You fucking lied to me, saying we’d meet Wendy because you knew damn well I’d say no to dealing with Jinsoul. And you know what? I was fucking right!” Saying the words out loud is enough to give you courage. When you speak again, your tone is low, sharp like she’d taught you. “We could’ve gotten seriously hurt out there, Rosé. And you were fully aware of that when you sent us into that fucking trap! You’re in no position to demand anything.”
Rosé runs her hands through her hair, and you can tell she’s exhausted, too. She’s always hidden things from you, so it’s impossible to know what’s going on in her life. Although you can’t bring yourself to care, anymore.
“We need that money, Y/n!” She shouts, exasperated. If her stare could burn, you’d be long dead. “How do you think things work, huh? Who do you think is paying for that fancy college of yours — our house, the food we eat every day? It’s me! I provide for us, with that dirty money you hate so much. So wake up! Fucking idiot. Stop being such a burden and help, for once.”
You know it’s true. Even though your father is supposedly the one in charge, Rosé is the true leader. Needless to say, you’re grateful for all of those things.
Which doesn’t make Rosé any less of an asshole.
“You’re a shit sister.” You lean on the chair, your icy tone placing a blunt contrast to her fiery screams. “And an absolutely horrible person. I despise you.”
A flash of hurt passes through Rosé’s arms, so fast you wonder if you’ve imagined it. But as fast as it happens, it’s over with. Instantly, her defenses are up again, and your sister looks down on you, rolling her eyes as she crosses her arms in the middle of her chest.
“You’re tiring me.” She huffs, her tone making it clear she is done with the conversation. Rosé leans on the counter and shoves your shoulders on a punch before storming away, slamming the entry door loudly. “I’m going out, to clean the mess you’ve made. Like always.”
Tears start to cloud your vision as you watch her hop on her car, the roaming of the engines making her feelings clear enough for anyone to understand. She’s an asshole, you know it; but it’s hard to not be upset by her lack of care towards you. You long for her approval and affection, getting anything other than that is enough to leave you deeply hurt.
It’s frustrating, to feel like that over such a shitty situation. You don’t even know if the tears you shed come from sadness or from anger, as you brush them away from your face.
A lithe figure hits the window to grab your attention, and you’re deeply surprised to see Ryujin barging in, walking towards you in confident steps. She chooses the table closest to you, resting her arms over the chairs next to hers.
“Good morning, Y/n.” She says, completely comfortable.
“Morning.” You can’t help but frown, confused. At least her presence offers enough of a distraction from your actual problems. “What are you doing here, Ryujin?”
Ryujin smiles, her eyes small and dazed, so pretty it should be a crime. The rays of weak sunlight brighten her face, making her seem almost innocent. Much different from the night prior. “I heard this place had great food, so I came to check. I woke up pretty hungry, you know.”
“Sure.” You hum, eyeing her suspiciously.
“I’ll have some waffles, pancakes, and coffee. Black, and with no sugar, please.” She says, after looking at the menu. You nod, making your way to the kitchen as quickly as possible, in hopes of escaping her intense stares.
It’s unsettling, how you’re able to feel her gaze burning holes on your back. The sensation takes you back to the night prior, a tingling sensation looking for a place in your core. You push it away, opening the double doors of the cooking area.
“Yoona unnie?” You look for the woman, watching her put her phone down to pay you attention. Smiling, you hand her a small note. “We have a customer.”
“Oh, so early! No one comes on Saturdays.” She mumbles, peeking out behind you to spot Ryujin, who stares at the road in boredom. “I’ll prepare it quickly. Meanwhile, you can go entertain her.”
You laugh at Yoona’s suggestion, shaking your head. “I’d rather wait here, with you.”
Yoona’s face turns serious, as she points at you. “No one is allowed in the kitchen while I cook. Goodbye, Y/n.” You grumble, having no choice but to go back to Ryujin while the woman pushes you out the doors.
Having coffee without any sugar is a trait reserved for psychopaths, which you think suits Ryujin well. You pour her drink in your favorite mug, before returning to her table.
“I thought you also cooked.” The raven-haired girl stands when you approach, promptly pulling the chair in front of herself.
She gestures for you to sit, and you frown, ready to argue that you are still working. The knowing look she gives you is enough to make you sit down, obedient.
“I can’t cook to save my life.” You explain, giggling to cover the shame of having to admit such a fact. “Yoona does it effortlessly, though. Her pastries are the best.”
Ryujin nods, scrunching her nose as she looks around. “And where’s your friend, may I ask?” Her smirk turns playful, pointy canines exposed at you. “Are you not taking care of her right now?”
“She’s not a child, right? She can take care of herself.” Although you play along in her game — repeating what she’d told you the day prior, you’re also quick to add. “Besides, she’s sleeping right now. Chaery always sleeps until late after a party.”
“Lucky her.” Ryujin whistles, and you agree. You wish you could sleep like your best friend, too. Not only did Chaeryeong often sleep until late at noon, but she’s also the heaviest sleeper you’ve ever met, unlike yourself. You envy her ability to sleep through literally anything possible.
Yoona calls for you to get Ryujin’s order, which you quickly do. The dishes look impeccable once you place them on the table. Yoona never misses.
It wasn’t rare to have customers who came by themselves, with the desire to have a moment of peace and enjoy their meals. With that in mind, you motion to leave, leaving Ryujin alone to do just that. She surprises you by grabbing your hand, ever so gently.
“This one’s for you, actually.” She pushes the pancake plate in your direction, hand still holding on to yours. Her fingers trace gentle circles in your palm. “Would mind joining me? I hate to eat alone.”
Leaving you without words is, apparently, one of Ryujin’s many talents. Once again, you feel drawn to her, incapable of saying no. It’s something in her eyes, you suppose; the way she stares at you, attentive, from the moment you first met each other. She acknowledges every little detail about you, and most importantly, she listens. You didn’t know someone could understand you entirely like that — it’s both thrilling and scary, to know you’re so aligned.
“I don’t really have a choice, do I?” You murmur, and she shakes her head, in a clear sign that you don’t.
The two of you eat, soon engaged in lively conversation. It’s a pleasant surprise, to know Ryujin is much more than a pretty, intimidating face: she’s smart, funny, and very attentive. You both enjoy the same books, and she’s respectful and mindful when sharing her perspective about topics you disagree on. Time flies, and you find yourself comfortable in her presence.
Getting you to talk about yourself is difficult — even Chaeryeong has to ask repeatedly to get information from you. You just can’t help it: being raised to be a discreet, private person has created the habit of bottling up your emotions, and hiding things until you couldn’t handle them anymore.
However, the words flow freely with Ryujin. You want to share about your life, your hobbies, the people you love… it’s just somewhat easy when it comes to her.
And she doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest. Far from that, Ryujin drinks from you: acknowledging every little detail about yourself, enchanted and marveled.
You barely notice how quickly you’ve eaten breakfast, not even a small bite left. Ryujin is surprised, too, to not have noticed either. You’ve distracted her and knocked down her defenses without even meaning to do so.
“Okay, so I might’ve come here with a purpose…” She says, and you shake your head. Of course, she did. “In my defense, I found this on my bedside table, a little after you left, and it looked pretty fancy to just keep to myself.”
In her hands, there’s a cross necklace, shining in bright silver. Your fingers go to your neck unconsciously, in hopes of touching the one you kept with yourself at all times — only to hold on to the air, instead. You grasp, bile bundling up in your stomach at the thought of the hours you’ve spent without your precious necklace.
As soon as you reach out for it, Ryujin holds the jewelry away from your hands.
“May I?” She unclasps the lock, gesturing to where it should be rested.
You nod, eager to have your necklace back. Holding your hair away from your face, you turn around, waiting for her. Her breath is hot on the back of your neck, and for a moment, you think she might kiss you. Instead, she takes a step back, a proud look on her face as she runs her thumb against the bruises on your collarbone. “There. All done, angel.”
“Thank you.” The words that leave your mouth are sincere, and you can’t muster how grateful you truly are. “I… Thank you, really. This is so important to me. How can I repay you?”
No matter how much you might hate Rosé at the current moment, that necklace means everything to you. It reminds you of a time when things were less complicated. When you were too young to understand what was truly going on in your life, lost in the innocence of childhood.
“Don’t worry about it.” Ryujin brushes it off, getting up quickly. She drops some money on the table, definitely much more than what she’s ordered. “We’ll see each other soon. Bye, Y/n. You look beautiful, by the way.”
Just as fast as she appeared, Ryujin’s gone. Leaving you to wonder what’s underneath all that mysterious façade, you go back to your chores, unable to brush the raven-haired girl off from your thoughts.
Rosé’s been having one hell of a week. Weeks, or even a month.
As if dealing with her family’s business wasn’t enough, with people constantly waiting for an opportunity to betray her and plan their downfall, this new gang that’s been stealing all her clients and supplies has been pissing her off in ways she didn’t deem possible. And now, she has your stupid feelings to worry about. God, you’re so damn sensitive it drives her crazy.
“Rosie?” Lisa’s voice reminds the woman she’s in the middle of a meeting — one she called herself. “What’s going on? You’ve been distracted ever since you walked through the door.”
“Yeah. This fucking sucks, but don’t fret too much. It’s not like we’ve not dealt with situations like those before. Those bitches will get what they deserve.” Jisoo says, in an attempt to soothe Rosé’s nerves. Her tone is excited — perhaps too much.
She’s always been a little masochist.
They’re right, which only makes Rosé more frustrated. She should be planning her revenge, not pouting over a stupid fight.
“I know, it’s just—“ She sighs. “Never mind. Let’s get this over with.”
They all nod, chatting vividly, but Rosé’s phone lights up before she’s able to join the conversation. There’s a message from an unknown number, which is unusual.
The content of it is what unsettles her the most. Her mouth dries and the air runs from her lungs as she stares at the image sent — A picture of you, boobs covered by someone’s arms and bare waist filled with bruises.
The message under it says Thank you for the guns and the snack. I’ll make sure to come back for more, later.
It doesn’t have a slight indication of who sent it, but Rosé doesn’t need a confirmation. She knows exactly who did.
“Jennie!” She screams, even though the girl is not far away from herself, sitting by the long table in the dining room. “Grab the stuff immediately. We’ll do this at my house, instead.” And so she turns, barging orders as she goes.
No one’s going to use her little sister as bait and live.
This newcomer might’ve had a few strikes of beginner's luck, but Rosé’s patience had run thin. She wouldn’t tolerate any insolences anymore, no.
She’ll have Ryujin’s head.
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meraarts · 9 months
I love you Jenny Nicholson I love you Sarah Z I love you Contrapoints I love you hbomberguy I love you Quinton Reviews I love you Quinn Curio I love you CJ the X
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cool-fancier · 4 months
Captured Moments
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Jennie Kim x Fem Reader
Word count: 2.3k
Synopsis: Y/N and Jennie's journey from trainee friends to K-pop stars culminates in a dazzling Calvin Klein photoshoot, winning fans' hearts
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Before the fame and the bright lights of the K-pop industry, there was a friendship that laid the foundation for something deeper. You and Jennie met during your early days as trainees under the same entertainment company. Drawn together by a shared passion for music and performance, you quickly became inseparable.
Despite the pressures and challenges of trainee life, you found solace in each other's company. Late-night practice sessions turned into heart-to-heart conversations, where you shared your dreams, fears, and aspirations for the future. In Jennie, you found a kindred spirit, someone who understood the highs and lows of chasing your dreams in the cutthroat world of K-pop.
As the years passed, your bond only grew stronger. You watched with pride as Jennie rose through the ranks to become a member of Blackpink, one of the most iconic girl groups in the industry. Meanwhile, you pursued your own solo career, honing your craft and making a name for yourself as a talented performer in your own right.
Through it all, your friendship with Jennie remained a constant source of support and inspiration. You celebrated each other's successes and lifted each other up during the inevitable setbacks and challenges that came with life in the spotlight. And amidst the chaos of the industry, you couldn't help but feel a growing attraction to Jennie – a spark that ignited into something more.
After two years of dancing around your feelings, you and Jennie finally took the leap and confessed your love for each other. It was a decision met with both excitement and trepidation, knowing the potential backlash that could come from being open about your relationship in an industry that often frowned upon same-sex couples.
But love, as they say, knows no bounds. And so, you and Jennie made the decision to stand together, facing whatever challenges came your way with unwavering determination and a fierce devotion to each other.
— — — — — — —
The day of the Calvin Klein photoshoot was a whirlwind of excitement and nerves. As one of the main ambassadors for the brand, Jennie was a seasoned pro when it came to posing for the camera, her confidence and poise evident in every frame. Meanwhile, you were a newcomer to the Calvin Klein family, eager to make your mark alongside your girlfriend.
As you stepped onto set, you were greeted by a flurry of activity – stylists fussing over wardrobe choices, makeup artists applying the final touches, and photographers adjusting their cameras for the perfect shot. Despite the chaos, there was an undeniable energy in the air, a sense of anticipation for the magic that was about to unfold.
Jennie was already in the midst of her solo shoot when you arrived, her signature pout and smoldering gaze captivating the camera with effortless ease. You couldn't help but marvel at her beauty, the way she seemed to command attention with every movement.
"Wow," you whispered to yourself, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips. "She's incredible."
Just then, Jennie caught your eye from across the room, her lips curling into a mischievous grin as she struck a pose for the camera. You felt a blush creep up your cheeks as she winked in your direction, her gaze lingering on you for a moment longer than necessary.
"Cut! That's a wrap for Jennie's solo shots," the photographer called out, signaling the end of the first part of the shoot. Jennie sauntered over to where you were standing, her confidence radiating like a halo around her.
"Hey, you," she said, wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling you into a tight hug. "How's it going?"
You melted into her embrace, reveling in the warmth of her touch. "I'm good," you replied, your voice soft with affection. "Just a little nervous about my solo shots."
Jennie leaned back slightly, her hands resting on your shoulders as she looked at you with a reassuring smile. "You'll be amazing, I know it," she said, her voice filled with confidence. "And besides, I'll be right here cheering you on every step of the way."
As you and Jennie took your places on set, the photographer wasted no time in getting started. The studio lights cast a warm, flattering glow over both of you, accentuating every curve and contour of your bodies as you stood side by side.
"Alright, let's start with some solo shots first," the photographer instructed, adjusting the lighting and camera settings.
Jennie flashed you a quick grin before striking a pose, her movements fluid and confident as she effortlessly switched from one position to the next. You couldn't help but admire her grace and poise, the way she seemed to command the attention of everyone in the room with just a single glance.
As you watched her, a playful smirk tugged at the corners of her lips, and you knew she was up to something. Sure enough, as the photographer snapped away, capturing Jennie in all her glory, she couldn't resist throwing in a few extra flourishes – a wink here, a subtle hair flip there – all designed to make you laugh.
"Cut it out, Jennie," you chuckled, shaking your head at her antics. "You're going to distract the photographer."
Jennie just grinned in response, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she struck another pose, this time exaggeratedly dramatic. "What? I'm just giving the people what they want," she quipped, earning a chuckle from the photographer.
After a series of solo shots, it was finally time for the two of you to pose together. As the photographer directed you into position, Jennie sidled up next to you, her shoulder brushing against yours as she flashed you a conspiratorial grin.
"Ready to steal the show?" she whispered, her voice filled with excitement.
You nodded, a grin spreading across your face as you leaned in closer to her. "Always."
With that, the two of you launched into a series of playful poses, each one more adventurous than the last. From piggyback rides to playful wrestling matches, you threw yourselves into the shoot with abandon, reveling in the freedom of being able to express your love openly.
As the photographer urged you to get closer, you felt a surge of adrenaline course through your veins, the thrill of being able to share this intimate moment with Jennie overwhelming your senses. With each click of the shutter, you and Jennie grew bolder, more daring in your displays of affection.
"Let's try something a little more intimate," the photographer suggested, motioning for the two of you to move closer together.
Jennie grinned mischievously, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you flush against her. "Closer, baby," she murmured, her breath warm against your ear.
You shivered at the sensation, your heart racing as you allowed yourself to surrender to the moment. Wrapping your arms around Jennie's neck, you pulled her even closer, reveling in the feel of her body pressed against yours.
"Perfect," the photographer exclaimed, snapping away as you and Jennie shared a lingering gaze. In that moment, there was no one else in the world but the two of you – lost in each other's eyes, bound together by an unbreakable bond of love.
As the shoot came to an end and the final shots were captured, you and Jennie lingered on set, reluctant to let go of the intimacy that had enveloped you. It had been a day filled with laughter, tears, and everything in between, but through it all, you had stood together – united in love and unwavering in your commitment to each other.
"Thank you," you whispered to Jennie, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "For everything."
Jennie smiled, her eyes shining with love and affection. "Anytime, my love. Anytime."
As the photographer signaled for you to start your solo shots, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the task ahead. The studio lights illuminated the set, casting dramatic shadows against the backdrop as you struck your first pose.
You glanced over at Jennie, who was watching you intently from the sidelines, her eyes filled with admiration and pride. With a playful smirk, you began to move, each step deliberate and purposeful as you channeled your inner confidence.
"Work it, babe!" Jennie called out, her voice filled with encouragement.
You couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm, feeling a surge of warmth wash over you at her words. With renewed determination, you launched into a series of sexy poses, each one designed to showcase your best angles and highlight your natural beauty.
As you moved, the photographer adjusted the lighting, capturing your every movement with precision and skill. With each click of the shutter, you felt yourself growing more confident, more empowered by the knowledge that you were owning the moment.
"Beautiful!" the photographer exclaimed, snapping away as you struck a particularly sultry pose. You couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement course through you at the praise, a sense of satisfaction settling over you as you basked in the spotlight.
But it wasn't just the photographer's approval that spurred you on – it was Jennie's unwavering support and encouragement that gave you the strength to push yourself further. With each passing moment, you felt yourself growing more confident, more radiant in your beauty.
As the shoot progressed, you found yourself growing bolder, more daring in your poses. You threw caution to the wind, allowing yourself to fully embrace the sensuality of the moment as you basked in the glow of the studio lights.
"Hot damn!" Jennie exclaimed, her eyes wide with admiration as she watched you in awe. "You are absolutely killing it!"
You grinned at her praise, feeling a surge of pride swell within you. With renewed energy, you continued to pose, each movement fluid and graceful as you allowed yourself to fully inhabit the role of the confident, seductive soloist.
As the shoot came to an end, you couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over you. You had conquered the camera, owning every moment with grace and style. And as you looked over at Jennie, her eyes shining with pride, you knew that you had done more than just take pictures – you had captured a moment of pure magic, a moment that would live on forever in the hearts and minds of those who witnessed it.
— — — — — —
After the photos from your Calvin Klein shoot were released, the response from fans was overwhelming, but in the best way possible. Rather than hate, there was an outpouring of love and admiration for you and Jennie. Your fans flooded social media with comments and messages, expressing their awe at the stunning images and the undeniable chemistry between you and Jennie.
As you scrolled through the countless messages on your phone, a wide grin spread across your face. It was incredible to see the positive impact your photos had on your fans, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for their unwavering support.
As the photos from your Calvin Klein shoot made their way onto social media, fan accounts dedicated to you and Jennie erupted with excitement. The images of the two of you, captured in intimate and sensual poses, quickly became the talk of the town, eliciting a flurry of reactions from your devoted followers.
@JenYoursTruly: "OMG, have you seen the latest pics of Y/N and Jennie for Calvin Klein? They look absolutely stunning together! 😍 #Yennie"
@YNNation: "Y'all, I think I've died and gone to heaven after seeing those photos of Y/N and Jennie. Can you say power couple? 🔥 #Yennie"
@JennieIsQueen: "Jennie and Y/N's chemistry is off the charts! These photos are everything we never knew we needed. #Yennie"
@YNNavy: "I'm convinced that Y/N and Jennie are the eighth wonder of the world after seeing those Calvin Klein pics. My heart can't handle this level of perfection. 💖 #Yennie"
@Jeniverse: "I swear, Y/N and Jennie are trying to kill us with their hotness. Those photos are pure fire! 🔥 #Yennie"
"Wow, look at this," you said, turning to Jennie as you showed her your phone. "Our fans are going crazy over these pictures."
Jennie leaned in to get a closer look, her eyes widening in amazement as she read through the comments. "I can't believe it," she said, her voice filled with awe. "They really love us, don't they?"
"They do," you replied, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "And can you blame them? We look pretty damn good together."
@YNNation: "Obsessed with Y/N and Jennie! They redefine couple goals with every photo and every moment they share together. #Yennie"
@Jeniverse: "Y/N and Jennie are the epitome of love and beauty. We stan this power couple forever! 💖 #Yennie"
@YJEnthusiasts: "Every time Y/N and Jennie grace us with their presence, we're reminded that true love exists. Here's to forever shipping #Yennie!"
@YJUniverse: "No words can describe the magic of Y/N and Jennie together. Their bond is unbreakable, and their love shines brighter than any star. 🌟 #Yennie"
@JenniesDarling: "Y/N and Jennie radiate love in every photo, every gesture, every smile. Their relationship is an inspiration to us all. 💕 #Yennie"
Jennie chuckled, leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek. "We do, don't we? I'm so glad we did this shoot together."
"Me too," you said, smiling as you leaned into her touch. "It was an unforgettable experience, and I'm so grateful we got to share it."
As the two of you basked in the glow of your success, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the future. With each passing day, your bond grew stronger, your love for each other deeper than ever before. And as you looked ahead to all the adventures that lay in store, you knew that together, you could conquer anything.
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Gonna be real for a moment and say that I haven't watched this show in nearly a year, and idk if this pairing is deemed problematic or whatever (i think most people like jenny with brad). All I know is that a few nights ago I was driving home, and this image graced my mind, and i knew I had to make it real. I shipped the fuck out of these two when I was little. Nostalgia is a powerful thing
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aespicysstuff · 3 months
Blackpink reaction:
Their girlfriend calling them 'Wife'
(I didn't revised this, so ..sorry for any typos)
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- You guys had headed off to some cozy coffee shop that had like a mini library there, you guys walked inside  feeling the warmth and the comfortable smell of coffee. You told her that you were going to order it so she could just look around.
- “So I would like to have a hot choco and lemon cake, my wife will have a coffee and strawberry cake.”
- Oh boy! She turned so fast to look at you that she was certain that she broke her neck, YOU CALLED HER WHAT? Her heart was hammering in her chest right now.
- Since your arms were linked you literally brought her to your table. She was still looking at you with wide eyes, but the spark was visible there.
- “What?” You asked, touching your face to see if something was on it. Jisoo couldn't help the big beautiful smile that appeared on her face alongside the blush too.
- “So...I'm your wife now?” This time she had a teasing smirk on her face and you were the one blushing, “W-well...eventually...I hope.” You manage to get out through your embarrassment.
- Jisoo's smile only became more brightly, and soon after you guys were in a comfortable conversation while enjoying you guys order.
- Jisoo couldn't deny that the idea of having you calling her WIFE officially was tempting and she couldn't wait for this day to come, she's sure you're the one.
- You're a famous streamer, so it came as a surprise when you guys' relationship was announced online. Well, it actually was an accident.
- You had just opened your stream and were talking with your chat, when she came inside, till this moment everything was fine because you positioned your cam in a way that wouldn't catch her face.
- Your chat knew that you had a girlfriend, but you never “revealed” because she had asked for it, so chat always respected that even though they were curious to know who she is.
- You guys have a great relationship and dynamic, they even call you mama playfully, and after discovering about your girlfriend they call her mom.
- So like a routine of 2 mothers talking with their hundreds of children, she (Jennie) walks inside your studio with a bowl of fruit salad covered in condensed milk and puts it beside your mouse, going to give a head kiss when she froze in her place.
- “Thank you my wife!” You kissed her cheek and gave her your cutest puppy smile.
- “WHAT YOU JUST CALLED ME WOMAN?!?” (I just picture her so shocked and flustered while screaming this.) She screamed while hitting your arm out of embarrassment.
- She stopped, frozen in place while looking at you like a deer caught in the headlights, she hoped your chat wouldn't recognise her voice.
- It's good to say that they did recognise her voice and her lips, that came to view after she screamed at you.
- It's also good to say that this small moment was eternalized in a clip and everyone was aware of you guys' relationship.
- You pushed Jennie to sit on your lap as there was no need to hide anymore. “Yes guys, this is my beautiful and amazing wife, I hope you guys can respect us and be happy too.” You squeezed her hand trying to comfort her.
- “Hello guys!” Jennie said shyly and hid her face in her hands right after, and that's how you guys end up playing some games and answering some questions about your relationship.
- Jennie smiled while looking at you, she knew that you guys would have to go through some stupid people, because bitch! is Jennie that we are talking about, people hate on her as a hobby, but with you next to her makes her feel more safe.
- And yes! Wedding bells are ringing in her mind already.
- It happened on the Oscar red carpet, you as a new rising actress in Hollywood was nominated for one of the statuette.
- You of course invited your lovely girlfriend as your plus one, and a spoiler! You guys were the talk of the moment, THE RISING ACTRESS AND THE WORLDWIDE KPOP STAR TOGETHER BABY!
- So right now here you guys were posing for the photos, you were Dressed in a simple all black suit with a corset and some jewelry, your hair was free and wild with your gorgeous curls, and Rosé was dressed in a elegant backless black dress, she black gloves on and her hair was slightly curly.
- Soon after you were being called for an interview, Rosé gave a peck and settled herself with some of you guys' staff not far from you, she was able to hear you perfectly fine, so imagine her face getting red like a tomato and her eyes widened after hearing you calling her wife.
- The guy in the interview you had asked who you had bought as your plus one and you said, “My lovely wife, Rosé, she has been by my side since day one. She was the light that I needed on some harsh nights, so I couldn't not bring her as my plus one.”
- Stop it!! You're going to make her cry, Rosé felt like her heart was about to explode with the amount of love that she has for you and this feeling keeps growing day by day.
- You had finished up the interview and headed to where she was, “It's time to get inside baby- NO! It's W I F E! Now come on, an Oscar is waiting for you, my wife.” 
- I don't even need to say that she's gonna marry you…
- You had been scrolling through tiktok for a long time now, you were alone and bored, Lisa was practicing with the girls and you were left alone in your guys apartment, okay, you had your children with you.
- You found an interesting video of a compilation of girls calling their boyfriend's husband and recorded their reaction, so you thought ‘Why not do this with your Lali? Besides, you were missing her so it would be a win-win situation.
- You put your shoe and coat on, made sure that everything was fine, locked the door and got inside your car, driving off  to grab some coffee and snacks for her and the girls.
- Fast forward and you were right in front of their dance room door knocking on it, seeing Jisoo opening it for you.
- “Y/n? What are you doing here?” the older woman asked you, holding the bags with their coffees and snacks. “Oh! I'm here to deliver you guys this.” You pointed to the bag, “and also because I miss my wife, aka, Lalisa.” You said walking inside the room after Jisoo made space for you to enter.
- There you saw a smiling duck, your girlfriend Lisa, she had heard your voice and yes, she heard you calling her wife, and that's why you guys almost hit the ground after she decided to jump on you out of nowhere.
- The girls only laughed and snickered at your guys cute moment and decided to sit a little bit far away from you guys to give y'all some privacy.
- Miss Manoban was giggling and kissing you everywhere, gosh she was smitten by you!
- “Can you call me wife again?” She asked you with those big doe eyes, giving you a hard time to say no.
- “Hi wife!” You with a smile on your face as she was squealing like a teenager, can't blame her, she's just so enamored by that just the thought of this happening one day gives her so many butterflies.
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authorforrosie · 19 days
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Book: Little had Jennie known
Pairing: Jennie x You. [GxG]
Warning: Angst
Words count:
Author Note: This imagine is based on the song little do you know and skin. This imagine will be more angsty than happy. SInce I´ve been more into writing about angst instead of fluff, Since life is not a fairytale.
Little do you know, I am breakin´while you fall asleep
Little do you know
i`m still haunted by the memories.
After everything that happened between you and Jennie you still have been haunted by the memories. It still felt like yesterday when you got a phone call by Jennie about her sleeping with another woman. You knew you´ve been broken up since a few weeks. It still hurt though it felt like thousand thorns getting though the heart. Especially because you promised at each other to always come back for each other. Since that´s how much you love each other or at least supposed to be.
You tried not to cry on the phone especially since Jennie could hear the pain in your voice. You know how sympathetic Jennie is and that she will start to cry as well. You thought about muting yourself so she won´t be able to hear you cry. Mostly because you could swallow down your feelings or tears of heartbreak pain. You didn´t know what to say or feel about the situation. You remembered how she told you that she is in love with you. You´ve never doubted her or her words until the phone call. Until you got to know that she slept with another woman on the night to your supposed anniversary. She even slept over at Jennie´s expensive house in South Korea. You´ve been insecure thinking that a woman from her country would be better to date for her instead of you.
At this moment you felt haunted by the memories. You still heard her voice though the phone, her whispered apologies and the sadness in her voice. You thought Jennie was asleep whenever you turned your back towards her when you felt tears rolling down your cheeks, mostly when you cried painfully or silently.
Layin´in my bed a little lonely,
I wanna know how she taste, can you show me
You´ve been crying during the days after break up because of how much you still love her, You won´t have hesitated to take her back anytime and to come back for her.
Now that you know she slept with someone else during the night to your supposed anniversary you wondered how the other woman tasted like. You wondered why she picked her and started something with you. Wasn´t you supposed to be special. Didn´t she say that she is yours only no matter what happens.
I-I-I, I wonder if she knows
That I see her every time
my eyes close
taking off your clothes,
don´t know how to cope
I hate the way my mind is
a bedroom window
I wish my lips were her
lips on your lips
I wish my hips were her
hips on your hips
Didn´t you tell her that I exist
You´ve been seeing the other woman on social media,
since you already knew that Jennie talked to her friendly during your relationship
before the break up. You already had a bad feeling about her at that time. You might have thought that something might have happened, you actually didn´t expect that something would happen between Jennie and the other woman from her country.
You know that it´s okay that Jennie slept with the other woman a few days after your break up and got together with her a few days later. You just wondered why would she cause you pain like that. According to her own words she wasn´t supposed to be in a new relationship since she promised you that you would be her last.
Since you knew about the other woman you couldn´t help yourself from comparing yourself to her. You wondered what the other woman had that you didn´t. You got drunk whenever you felt like crying or whenever Jennie talked about the other woman or even mentions her name. Since you didn´t wanna feel anything. Alcohol helped you to drink your feelings away. It helped you to cope with pain and numbing the sadness.
You caught your brain doubting Jennie sometimes whenever its her phone notifications, mention her name, seeing her react on the other woman´s post or even them following each other. You asked yourself everyday if you are allowed to let your brain doubt her sometimes, your reactions on her name being mentioned, getting scared of a possibility of Jennie getting a notification by her. Jennie reacting on her post or even them following each other.
Little do you know
I´m trying to pick up myself piece by piece
Litlle do you know
I need a little more time
Underneath it all I´m held captive by the hole inside
I´ve been holding back for the fear you might change your mind
I´m ready to forgive, but forgettin´is a harder fight.
You´ve been getting a little bit more clingy and sometimes more distant towards Jennie since you´ve been holding back. You felt captive underneath the fear of Jennie changing her mind and giving the other woman a chance. You´ve been trying to pick up yourself piece by piece in hopes to fix your broken heart, You only need a little bit more time for the harder fight to forget about what happened. You´ve been ready to forgive Jennie completely. You still get captive underneath the fear of possibility of breaking up with you since she has been talking a lot about that subject.
Everything around you was slowly changing for better because every new chapter is a new chance, new opportunities. You wanted to learn how to become better for yourself. At the same time you held hopes that Jennie will always be by yourself. As your girlfriend. Only the future could tell what would happen to you both and what direction your relationship goes into. You only always had four important questions in the back of your mind. Does she love you as much as you love her? is she truly in love with you? most important can she see a futue with you only? does she wants to be yours for the rest of her life? only her actions now and in the future could tell.
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yujinslovr · 10 months
no bc dom bp makes my head spin???? espec dom!chaennie??? like imagine jennie (from ur prev jennie ask) bringing u around for her friends to use😰😰😰
her introducing you to them as her personal toy!;?;!;!($?’f aghshhshs she’d force you to wear the skimpiest outfit ever. like her telling them about how you tried to resist her but a slut like you obviously couldn’t resist for long SAYING THIS IN FRONT OF YOU?!(?;;!!;! you couldn’t do anything but keep your head low, wondering how it even got to this point.
her all of a sudden yanking your hair to have you look her in the eyes. tears forming at your water line due to the pain of her grip😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 her forcing you onto chaes lap, talking to rosé about you as if you were nothing but an object.
“use her however you want, just no hickies. only i can mark her.”
you couldn’t help the tears, realizing that a stranger was about to fuck you. you violently shaking your head trying to stand, but chae obvi couldn’t let you go just like that. she would take what she was promised.
“calm down baby, i’ll make sure you feel good”
HER WHISPERING IT INTO YOUR EAR?!?(!!;!;! her setting you aside to take out her cock and then immediately ripping off your tiny skirt. even if she hadn’t taken it off, it wouldn’t have made a difference since that skirt covered nothing. your eyes widening when you caught sight of her massive cock. IDCIDC CHAE HAS A MASSIVE DICK!!!
“it wont fit”
“i’ll make it fit”
SKDJSKSKD IM SUCH A SLUT BRO!?&;)?!(! i feel like chae would be big on foreplay though. her fondling your boobs, licking one of your nipples while twisting the other. when you were with jennie, it was all about her getting off. with chae it was like she enjoyed stimulating you.
at first you tried to resist, act like you didn’t want this, but as time went on you felt the act slowly dropping. you couldn’t hold back your sweet moans. her starting off slow but then like as time goes on she looses control. how could she not? with you moaning like a bitch, it was only natural for her to start going rough.
it feeling like your getting split open, her cock is just too big for you :(( IDK BUT I FEEL LIKE SHE’D EDGE YOU SM🤭🤭 like her knowing that you were about to come and then stopping and pulling out for that reason. she’d def wait for it to fully die down and then push herself back in, continuing the torture.
shed edge you for hours if she could. the way your face scrunched up when you felt you orgasm arriving, the way you’d start crying and hitting her chest when she eventually took it all away. how could she not repeat it?
tbh unlike jennie i think rosé would def do aftercare. like jennie would js leave you on the bed, maybe on a good day clean you up. but chaes def the type to like run you a warm bath and praise you afterwards.
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conniesanchor · 11 months
connie + shy!reader like she had a hard day at work or something and all she wants is a hug but is too afraid to ask
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you were glad that you and conrad had only planned a movie night and not a big date tonight. you probably would have canceled if you had. today had kicked you in the ass. three people yelled at you at work, your manager being one of them. you just needed conrad.
the ten minute drive from your work to your boyfriends house felt like an hour. the five second walk from the bottom of the driveway to the top, felt like twenty minutes. you had never been more relieved in your life when you finally reached the front door. shooting conrad a quick, 'let me in' text, regardless of the fact that he had told you multiple times you could come in on your own.
it was only a few seconds before the blonde had opened the door, "hi, baby," he smiled, moving out of the way in order to let you in. you smiled back, not saying anything as you made your way to his couch and set your bag down on it. he wasn't far behind you, sitting down on the couch and pulling you with him, "hi," he spoke once more.
"hi," you responded. you moved to dig through your bag, trying to get the pajamas that you swore you had packed. when you came to the conclusion that they were, in fact, not in there. "fuck," you mumbled, leaning back onto the couch with a sigh.
"what's the matter?" conrad asked, placing his hand on your knee.
you took a deep breath, afraid that you might start crying if you hadn't, "i forgot my stupid pajamas," you mumbled, running your fingers through your hair. you had said it like it was the end of the world, and conrad couldn't have been more confused as to why.
he looked at you, tilting his head, "it's alright. we can go upstairs, and you can have one of my tee shirts," he said, moving to stand up and offer you a hand to do the same. you nodded, taking his hand and following him up the stairs. conrad sat you down on his bed, opening his closet, "okay. want a sweater or a t-shirt?" the boy asked, turning around to face you.
you looked up at him, and he felt like he could cry when he realized how sad you looked. "just a t-shirt, please. can i have some sweat pants, too?" you requested, softly.
"anything for you." you got dressed into warm clothes when conrad finally decided to bring up the elephant in the room, "now, pretty. why do you look so sad?" he asked. you shook your head, not wanting to give him an answer. "that's okay. im great at guessing games," your boyfriend smiled, "hmm, are you tired?"
you shook your head.
"okay, okay. do you want a hug?" bingo. you nodded, looking up from your lap to make eye contact with him. he chuckled, immediately wrapping his arms around you. "y/n/n, baby. you never have to ask for a hug, you know that." he told you, the words muffled into your hair. "bad day at work?" he asked, earning a nod.
you pulled away after a few minutes, ready to talk, "im sorry, connie. it was just a really long day. i didn't mean to shut you out."
he looked at you like you had three heads, "it's okay. we all have bad days. let's go watch the movies," the boy suggested standing up and pulling you with him.
you watched five minutes of ten things i hate about you before you fell asleep.
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zepskies · 2 months
A Good Man Is Hard to Find
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Pairing: Beau Arlen x F. Reader 
Summary: When Beau starts pulling away from you and Emily during a very difficult case, will the pressure make or break your relationship?
AN: This is a sequel story to the Take Me Home storyverse, set just a few months after Part 9!
Word Count: 5.5K
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, a Law & Order: SVU-esque case, angst, perilous situations and violence, hurt/comfort and fluff.
Catch up on TMH: ⤵️
❤️ Take Me Home Masterlist
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You took pleasure in the sounds you were pulling out of this man.
You continued to kiss down his neck. Each of your movements was slow and purposeful.
Your hips rolled against his, brushing your clothed, aching core against his risen length. His hands were like steel bands on your hips, not letting you leave even if you wanted to. He groaned.
“I needa get ready for work,” Beau chuckled. And he pointed out, “So do you.”
You smiled against his skin, and you gently dragged his flesh between your teeth.
“It’s still early,” you argued in his ear. You teased the shell of it with your tongue, making him shudder and rock his clothed hard-on between your legs. The wet tip of his cock dampened your panties further.
His hands moved down your thighs, caressing, squeezing, getting a handful of your ass in the process. Just as his fingers dipped under the satin hem of your panties, his phone buzzed on one of the nightstands. Beau let out a sigh of disappointment and reached over blindly for it.
He saw the caller ID and took in a breath to get himself together first. Even though he didn’t quite succeed, he answered the call.
“Mornin’, Jenny,” he greeted. You grinned.
“Tell her I said hi,” you whispered.
Beau shot you a “stern” look, though his lips curved at a smile. He mouthed at you to behave. 
You gave him a look that was cheeky at best.
“We caught a new case. If you want, you can meet us at the scene instead of the precinct,” said Jenny.
“Okay, where to?” Beau asked.
While Jenny gave him the directions, you used his distraction to your advantage. You shimmied out of your underwear and the overly large shirt you’d stolen from him last night. Then you drew down the waistband of his underwear and freed his cock into your hands.
“Okay, sounds g—” Beau was forced to pause on a sharp inhale.
“You okay?” Jenny asked.
“Y-Yeah. Just fine. Had a tickle in my throat,” Beau said.
"Okay, well just so you know," Jenny said, continuing to give him tidbits of information that he really should've been paying attention to.
He cleared his throat, shooting you an incredulous look. You didn’t pay him much mind as you began to touch him with care, from the weeping tip and along the shaft down to the base, even caressing his balls.
Beau’s furrowed gaze held yours as his breath faltered again. Your deft hands lined up his cock to your entrance. You teased yourself on the sensitive head of it, brushing it through your wet folds and against your clit. You had to bite your lip against a moan, but you didn’t quite manage to stifle the sound.
“Okay, Jenny. Thanks, I’ll see you there in a bit,” he said in a rush.
He hung up as soon as he could, but all the while, you were unrelenting. You finally sunk fully down on his cock, taking him all the way inside your wet heat.
Beau let out a strained groan and grabbed your arms. He sat up and pressed his forehead to yours. His lips formed a chiding smile.
“That wasn’t very nice,” he said. His voice was a bit rough, sending a shiver down your spine.  
“You want me to be nice?” you teased, beginning to let the full length of him slide out of you. You welcomed him back inside with a rock of your hips. “I just need a moment of your time, Sheriff.”
He nodded breathlessly. “Think I can manage that.”
You smirked and held onto the back of his neck as you rode him. You had a feeling you would find fingerprint bruises on your hips and thighs tomorrow, but this was worth it.
It took a lot to see Beau lose control, even in the bedroom. Now, he had a hand tangled in your hair and his lips fastened to your throat. He helped you move on him with a guiding hand on your hip. You slipped a hand from his shoulder and further parted your folds to find your clit.
But as Beau so often did, he moved your hand away so he could usher in your pleasure himself. He massaged your clit until your inner walls became almost too tight for him to drive up into you. Your thighs shook around his hips, and he managed to hold off on his own release until you came, hard on his cock.
You cried out near his ear and held onto his shoulders. He supported your collapse against his chest, but he still grabbed your hip tighter and rutted into you a few more times, until he was able to spill into you and fill you up to the brim with his warmth. You clenched on him on purpose, milking him for all he was worth.
Fuuuckin’ hell, he thought with a grunt, and he panted against your shoulder. He laid a belated kiss there.
“What a way to greet the sun,” he remarked.
You laughed breathily, caressing his cheek.
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Beau was, inevitably, running late for work. He found that he was okay with that as he kissed you goodbye.
You were still in your robe and holding a mug of coffee. You didn’t need to be at work for another couple of hours. Your Tuesday classes didn’t start until 10:00 a.m.
“Have a good day, baby. I…” you trailed.
Certain words were poised on your tongue. Words that neither of you had said to one another just yet. Your heart started tripping up a bit as you realized it. 
Even though you’d known the truth of what you felt for him for a while now, you’d been very careful to let him say it first. You told yourself you didn’t want to pressure him, in light of his contentious divorce and how new this all still was between you and Beau…
But more often, you wondered if you were maybe projecting, considering your own rocky past. Maybe it was just self-preservation.
“Yeah?” Beau questioned. You waved him off with a nervous chuckle. 
“Nothing. I don’t know,” you said. “My coffee hasn’t kicked in yet.”
He just smiled and gave you one last kiss to the side of your head before he left your apartment.
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Beau arrived at the scene of the crime: the parking lot of a movie theater. Jenny and Poppernak were already there inside the perimeter of yellow caution tape while the Forensics team did their thing. Jenny checked her watch when she saw the sheriff.
“What took you so long?” she asked. 
“Traffic,” Beau lied, his face warming. “What’ve we got?”
He quickly shifted his attention to the pool of blood staining the ground between his deputies. The path of his gaze led to the victim: a young woman wearing a blouse, skirt, and heels. The skirt was torn up to the hip. Her neck was cut, deep but clean.  
There were other signs of struggle; road burns on her right thigh, like she had been dragged. Jenny even found a can of pepper spray rolled under the victim’s car. 
“Maybe he was trying to get her to his car. She fought back hard enough that he cut his losses,” she theorized. 
Beau blew out a sigh and nodded grimly.
“Okay. Let’s get started.”
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Two months gave the Lewis and Clark Sheriff’s Department two more murders. Both were women, presumably alone and late at night, and in the dimly lit, poorly secured parking lot of an establishment. 
Stressed didn’t begin to cover how Beau Arlen walked back into the precinct two hours before he truly had to. What little forensics they’d been able to uncover from each scene (and on the victims) let them to conclude that the suspect was male, and likely between 5’10” and over 6 feet tall.
As they now had a murder cluster, Beau and his team determined that the victims were found within a 5-mile radius. Both Emily’s school and the college where you taught were within that range.   
It had led Beau to long nights spent at the precinct and in town, researching, canvasing, working with his team to lock down possible leads. 
But those two months had also led him to cancel dates with you and plans with his daughter. He hadn’t stayed over your apartment in weeks. You’d spoken to Emily, and she told you he was often late in picking her up from school on his custody days with her. When she was with him, he always seemed distant, distracted.
It was all too familiar, Emily told you, and she hated it. 
You were worried and becoming increasingly frustrated. Any calls you made to him to check in were a few minutes at most, before he left you hanging to go back to work.
Beau had told you this was a difficult string of homicide cases, and very little else. You knew that he shouldn’t and couldn’t tell you too many details about the case, but you also couldn’t help but feel that he was pulling away from you…and leaving you in the dark. 
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You’d just gotten home after a longer day than usual at work. Frankly, you were exhausted. All you wanted to do was shower and find whatever you could in your fridge to have for dinner. You didn’t care what it was at this point.
Before you could go rummaging, however, your phone started to ring. You sighed and went back to the purse you dumped on the kitchen table, and you saw that the call was from Carla. Your brows knitted in confusion. She’d been on a business trip in California for one of her higher-profile trial cases.
Carla was polite on the phone, but sounded a bit stressed.
“Emily just called to tell me that Beau hasn’t come by to pick her up from school. She’s been there for two hours,” Carla said.
Your eyes widened in surprise. “What? That’s not like him.” 
“I know, but he’s not picking up his phone. Is he with you?” she asked. 
“No, I just got home. He has to be still at work,” you said. You restrained a sigh as you grabbed your purse back up. “I can pick Emily up.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, in a relieved tone that suggested that was what she’d wanted all along, but she still wanted to be polite about it. 
“Yes, I’ll get her. Don’t worry,” you said. “And I’ll talk to Beau about this.”
“Good,” Carla said. “I appreciate that.”
After getting off the phone with Carla, you texted Emily and let her know you were coming to pick her up. She texted back:
Are you sure? I can just take an Uber to your place or something.
You replied:
No, honey. Don’t worry about it. I’ll be there in 15 - 20 minutes.
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You didn’t manage to get ahold of Beau until you’d already picked Emily up from school. You braved through thirty minutes of traffic to get home again, and you stopped to grab dinner on the way.
Beau didn’t get to your apartment until later that night. You and Emily had a nice dinner of Tex-Mex takeout (though she’d said it was definitely better in Houston). He looked tired and apologetic as he went to hug his daughter first. 
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” he said. “I just got held up at work.”
Emily nodded and tried to smile at him, but it didn’t reach her eyes. 
“It’s fine, I get it,” she said. 
Beau knew his daughter well enough to see the truth. He sighed, but he went over to you in the kitchen next. You were putting away the leftovers. He laid a hand on your back and tried to kiss you in greeting, but you only gave him your cheek. 
You didn’t meet his eyes when you slid over the plate you’d set aside for him: a massive carne asada burrito with all the sauces, just like he liked it. 
Beau felt like an ass. 
You left him to heat up his food and went to Emily, who was helping to clear the kitchen table. 
“Do you need help with your homework?” you asked her. “I know you said you did some at school while you were waiting.”
She nodded. “Yeah, I’m pretty much done. I’ve got it.”
You smiled at her. “Okay, good job.”
The next item on your mental list was grabbing the bedsheets out of the dryer, to set up the pull-out bed from the couch later for Emily to sleep.
Beau watched you putter around the apartment while Emily settled in front of the TV with the remainder of her homework. He felt like an outsider with his own girlfriend and daughter…and there was an eerily familiar feeling churning in his gut. 
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Later that night, you were reading in bed. Beau stepped out of the bathroom after a shower, with the towel wrapped around his hips, his chest and arms all dewy. You had to force yourself not to take notice.
You’d been missing him—practically aching for him for weeks, for two months. You were also upset with him though, and for more than one reason.
After he got dressed for bed in a long-sleeved shirt and some sweatpants, Beau once again noticed that deceptively calm look on your face. He knew that face, just as he sensed the tension in the air.
He sighed and came to sit on the edge of his side of the bed. Or at least, the side he’d claimed ever since he started sleeping over regularly here. Somehow, his own trailer had become a bit stale and lonesome, unless Emily was staying over. 
Beau watched your profile and saw the way you were trying your best to ignore him. 
“I get the feeling you’re mad,” Beau said, breaking the silence. “Sorry about today. I know Carla called you…I just got caught up with something at work.”
“Carla was right to call me,” you replied, though your eyes didn’t leave the page that you weren’t reading. Beau’s lips pursed. 
“Darlin’, would you look at me, please?” he asked.
You dropped your book into your lap, and you met his gaze. 
“All right, tell me. Why’re you mad?” he asked. 
You raised your brows with a tense frown.
“I’m upset with you. Because this is the first night you’ve spent here in over a month. And it’s not because you wanted to.” 
You shoved the blankets off your body and slipped out of the bed. Beau’s shoulders sunk a bit. 
“Come on, honey. You know that’s not—” he tried, but you weren’t done. 
No, you were very far from done.
“I’m upset with you, because every time I try to extend an olive branch and make plans with you, you reschedule at the last minute,” you snapped. “I’m upset with you because what few and far between conversations we do have? They consist of me trying to figure out what’s happening with you, trying to share with you about what’s going on with me—and you’re either half-listening, or you’re running off before the five-minute mark.”
Again, Beau opened his mouth to argue as his brows furrowed, but you beat him to it.
“And not to mention, you forgot your daughter,” you said. “You’ve been forgetting her, and you’ve been shutting me out.”
Beau stood along with you, his whole body tense with frustration. 
“Look, it’s not like I’m out there cheating on you! I’m doing my damn job!” he said. 
His words hit you like a physical blow. Your mouth fell open in soft shock. Tears even stung in your eyes.
“Reminding me of Michael,” you nodded in understanding. “Okay. Wouldn’t be the first time this month.”
Beau bristled; he didn’t think it was right for you to compare him to your bastard ex-boyfriend.
“Hey, that’s not fair,” he said.
"This isn't fair," you retorted, gesturing between you both with a pointed finger.
Beau's lips pursed. His jaw clenched as he averted his gaze, so he could better hold his tongue before he said something he might regret.
Too late...
Eventually, you stopped waiting for him to answer you.
Beau saw how you withdrew, both from the argument, and from him with a sigh. You crossed your arms and held yourself when you headed into the bathroom.
He internally deflated. Shit. 
Something told him that if Emily wasn’t occupying the only other sleeping place in this apartment, he’d have been booted out of your room.
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Things were tense the next morning. 
Beau agreed to take Emily to school, since you picked her up yesterday. You gave Emily a hug before they left, and you had even packed her a good lunch for school. You knew she had to do that herself whenever she stayed at her dad’s place. 
And yes, while the teen was old enough and responsible enough to pack her own lunch, you just wanted to make sure she knew you were still in her corner, no matter what friction might be happening between you and her dad.
You and Beau parted ways that morning with tension still lying between you, just like it had been last night in your bed. After they headed out, you found yourself at a loss, feeling unbalanced.
You didn’t have a class today until noon, so you took the morning to truly think about what was happening here. Whatever Beau’s case was about, you knew it was serious and complex, and he didn’t want to talk about it, likely for your safety. 
All you could hope was that Beau, Jenny, Poppernak and the rest of the team were able to solve it quickly. You even began to wonder if it was fair of you to add stress on Beau’s shoulders when he was dealing with something that was clearly taking all of his energy, and making him distant with both you and Emily.
Blowing out a big sigh, you supposed you could try to be gracious one more time. You braved the annoyance of putting real clothes on—a blouse and work casual pants, as you later would have to go in to work. 
You first headed over to the precinct with your purse on one shoulder and a plastic bag hanging from your other hand. 
You entered the double doors and walked in past the reception desk, then through the bullpen. You noticed right away that there was a commotion going on, as you saw Jenny leading in a man handcuffed behind his back. You almost bumped into him as they crossed you in the hall. 
The man was tall and lean, with pieces of his coiffed dark hair falling over his sharp blue eyes. They found you, and his lips curved into a smile after he gave you a once-over. 
His smile made a shiver of unease prickle down your spine as you froze. 
“Keep moving, Casey,” Jenny ordered.
Beau was right behind her, though the moment he took in the exchange between you and Casey, Beau stalked forward and stepped in between, urging the other man forward with a firm hand on his shoulder and a stern look of warning.
Jenny and Popernak led the suspect into a room for questioning, while Beau’s hand found the small of your back and guided you into his office. 
He closed the door behind him and carded a hand through his hair. He let out a subtle breath and turned to face you. He didn’t look all that happy to see you, just tense. 
“What’s going on?” he asked. “Sorry, we’re a bit busy today.”
Before you could speak, he added, “Matter of fact, it’d be better if you called first next time.”
Your mouth snapped shut. Your brows knitted together in a glare, and you handed him the bag you carried in. It contained a nice hot sandwich and fries from Tonya’s diner, made by Donno himself.
“Here,” was all you said, before you walked out the door of the sheriff’s office. 
Beau watched you go in surprise, with the word “wait” halting on his tongue. His gaze traveled down to the open bag between his hands, and sure enough, the smell of a good meal hit him, making his mouth water and his stomach twist with guilt all at once.
Damn it, he sighed. But lunch (and a phone call to you) would have to wait. He set it down on his desk and hastened down the hall to where their suspect, in what had been dubbed the “Fall Murders,” had finally been arrested and held for questioning.
Casey Sanderson; ex-military, dishonorably discharged, an abusive mother in his childhood and an unstable mind following two tours in the Middle East had left him unbalanced, according to his friends from his unit.
His DNA was also discovered under the fingernails of the most recent victim, Christina Mendez. Two weeks ago, her body was found behind a gas station late at night, her neck carved by a knife, and bruises littering her arms and body. 
Beau entered the room where Poppernak and Jenny had already gotten started on the suspect. 
“Casey here has lawyered up,” Jenny informed him, though her gaze never left the suspect. They were forced to wait on further questioning until the lawyer arrived.  
“Ah, the Sheriff of Nottingham,” Casey remarked. His cool blue eyes watch with a measure of nonchalance as Beau stood behind his deputies, arms crossed. 
Casey nodded up at him. “Was that your girl out there in the hall?”
Beau’s formerly calm face turned to stone. 
Casey’s lips curved slightly. 
“Good taste,” was all he said.
His tone was mild, yet it still made Beau’s skin crawl. And his rage built, igniting his blood. He did everything he could to temper that wildfire into a simmer that rolled just underneath his skin. 
Jenny and Poppernak knew him well enough to see what he was thinking. Both of them watched him with hidden wariness and concern, especially when Beau stepped forward, placing one hand on the table between him and Casey Sanderson. Darkened green eyes met cool blue. 
“Where were you on November 2 between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m.?” Beau asked.
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Beau was irate when, a few days later, the ADA prosecutor called him at his office first thing in the morning to inform him of the latest news on Casey Sanderson. 
“What the hell do you mean he got out on bail yesterday?” Beau snapped. “We have DNA evidence.”
“He claims that he and Miss Mendez had consensual sex earlier that evening, in the women’s bathroom, of all excuses, but they parted ways after leaving the movie theater,” said the ADA. “As you know, we couldn’t put him directly at the gas station near the theater, where she was found. The defense lawyer convinced the judge that the remaining evidence is too circumstantial to warrant holding him without bail.”
Fuckin’ hell, Beau let out an angry breath, carding his fingers through his hair. He hung up with the ADA moments later. His cell phone lighting up with a notification drew his attention, even perking him up a little, but he deflated when he saw it wasn’t from you. 
Just Carla letting him know that she’d take Emily for the weekend this time, just like he’d asked. He felt bad for it, but he needed more time to concentrate on his cases. Sanderson was just one of many now, and Poppernak and Jenny couldn’t handle it all.
Beau tried to rub his tired face back to life, but once again, he thought of you. He still felt guilty, and he still missed you. Missed you like hell. 
He hesitantly picked up his phone and he called you, hoping you wouldn’t let it go to voicemail again.
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Admittedly, you were being a bit petty. You were screening your boyfriend’s calls. 
However, if Beau Arlen wanted to see you, then he could get his ass up off that office chair and come to you this time. 
You were tired of giving out olive branches left and right. You didn’t deserve to be the one left waiting and wringing your hands, wondering if this man even cared about you…as much as you’d come to care about him. 
So you ignored his call—the second one today, and you prepared for your afternoon classes. 
Even after your classes were done for the day, you graded a batch of papers to get them out of the way. As much as you couldn’t wait to go home, you didn’t feel like doing more work when you got there.
Another hour and a half ticked by before you finished grading and inputting the percentages into the online gradebook. Then, with a weary sigh, you grabbed your purse and your workbag and headed down to the garage where your car was parked. 
You always tried to park in the same spot for faculty, in a space closest to the elevators. You found your car and put down your workbag in the backseat first. When you closed the door, you saw a figure in the window’s reflection. 
You gasped and turned around. A man covered your mouth as a scream tore from your throat and echoed loudly in the garage.
He shoved you hard against the car door, but thanks to a few self-defense lessons from both Jenny and Beau, the heel of your hand came up on reflex. 
It hit the man up the bridge of his nose with a crack. He shouted and reared back. When he pulled his hand back, it came away bloody. And you finally recognized him as the man you saw at the precinct: tall, thin, dark brown hair, angry blue eyes now staring back at you.
“Fucking bitch,” he chuckled. “Got some fight in you.”
Fear was a living thing inside you, but you somehow managed to force your body to move.
You scrambled for the driver’s door of your car and tried to open it, but the man shoved it closed, then grabbed at you once again. His forearm pressed across your chest and pinned you there.
The edge of a knife poised at your throat, making you freeze in panic. The blade teased your skin, hot breath against your cheek.
“Freeze, Casey!” came an angry shout. Both you and your attacker recognized that voice. Your breath was stifled in hope. Casey frowned in frustration. 
Just over his right shoulder, you saw Beau holding his gun aimed at the man who held you. His brows were drawn together, his entire body poised to react to whatever Casey did next. 
“Turn around, hands up high, and drop that knife,” Beau ordered. 
Casey’s mouth edged into a humorless smile. “Evening, Sheriff. Up for a date night?” 
He slid the blade just slightly against your skin, enough to draw a line of blood, and make you inhale sharply. 
“I’m not gonna say it again! Turn around and drop the goddamn knife,” Beau snapped. “Try anything else, and I’ll make a third hole in your spine.”
Letting out a breath through his nose, Casey’s façade of nonchalance fell. He released you, stepping back slowly with his hands held in the air. The knife slipped out of his hand.
Beau stalked towards him before it even clattered to the floor. You were frozen where you stood pressed against your car.
You watched Beau stow away his gun and wrangle Casey’s hands behind his back, slapping on some tight handcuffs, and getting the man onto his stomach on the dusty ground, his cheek pressed hard to the asphalt. Beau held him down with one hand while he fished for his cell in his pocket to call for backup on the arrest. 
Beau’s head lifted to catch your eyes. He gave you a reassuring look. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ve got this,” he said.
His voice was warm for you, steady. When you nodded, it was a jerky motion as you held a hand to your racing heart. You then raised it shakily up to your neck and swiped at the trail of blood there. The wound itself was minor, just a sting, but it was a cold reminder of what could’ve been.
The wait for Jenny and the rest of the team was agonizing. 
Beau kept Casey on the ground, facing away from you. Eventually you were able to peel yourself off the side of your car and climb into the driver’s seat, just so you wouldn’t have to keep looking at the man who attacked you.
Jenny and Poppernak arrived within half an hour to haul Casey up and drag him into Jenny's SUV. That allowed Beau to return to your car and tap on the window of the driver’s side. You jolted and looked over to find Beau’s reassuring face. 
“They took him. It’s okay,” he said, only a little muffled through the door. You nodded and gestured for him to step back, so you could open the door. 
The moment you were on your feet and out of the car, you went into Beau’s waiting embrace. Hot tears welled up in your eyes. You hiccupped and struggled to breathe steady, but Beau held you tight and soothed a hand over your hair, down your back.
“It’s over, honey, I promise. I promise I’ve gotcha,” he said quietly in your ear. You nodded and let his warmth seep into you. 
“I’ll take you home, okay?” he said. “We’ll get your car tomorrow.”
You sucked in a trembling breath. 
“Please,” you agreed. “Take me home.”
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“Am I going to have to testify in court?” you asked. 
Beau held you close in your bed later that night. You two had dinner together and had been rewatching old episodes of Friends to take both of your minds off what happened today.
Beau reluctantly nodded in answer to your question. 
“The ADA will probably ask you to, but…you can say no,” he said. “I’ll back you, whatever you decide.”
“No, I want to,” you said, even though the thought made you tremble inside. “That animal belongs in a cage.”
Beau silently agreed with you. He admired you for your vehemence, and your courage to even say that you wanted to testify against Casey. 
Beau laid a gentle kiss above your brow and continued to rub your back. You both had the blankets up to your hips with a bowl of popcorn balanced between his thigh and yours. He moved it over onto his nightstand so he could curl you more securely against him. You raised your head to consider him thoughtfully.  
“Why were you on campus?” you asked, as it finally occurred to you. “How did you know I was still there?”
“I thought I could catch you after your last class, so I went up to your office to see you,” he said. “But you weren’t there. A receptionist was on her way out though. She saw you head out a little while before, so I booked it back down to the garage to see if you were there.”
He was never more glad to heed his gut instinct. That was when he’d heard you scream.
The memory made his insides clench. Beau shook his head against the rest of it. He let out a heavy sigh.
“I’m so damn sorry for what happened. You gotta know, all this time, this is what I was trying to prevent,” he said, with pain written on his face. “But I’m also sorry that I shut you out. You and Em. I just didn’t know how else to keep you out of this. After what happened this summer…I wasn’t gonna let that happen again.”
With tears stinging in your eyes, you nodded. You knew now that he hadn’t meant to hurt you.
Beau Arlen truly was a good man, and that was hard to come by.
You shifted so that you were propped up on your elbow, resting on his pillow. You stroked his cheek. 
“I understand. And I’m sorry too. I know that your job can be difficult, and stressful, and sometimes dangerous,” you said. “But I need you to talk to me. If we’re going to do this for the long haul, we need to communicate. I can’t be left in the dark like that again, Beau. I just can’t…"
It was your turn to sigh. "It feels too close to what I went through with Michael. Being lied to. Being told what I wanted to hear, never actually knowing what was going on, until it was too late.”
You admitted that last part with a hitch of emotion in your voice, meeting Beau’s eyes. His were full of remorse.
“I know. Again, I’m sorry. I promise, I’m gonna work on it,” he said, nodding. He planned to make it up to his daughter too. He would talk to her tomorrow.
You drew his attention back with the hand caressing his cheek.
“I just don’t want anything like that to happen to us. I love you too much,” you said. A tear worked its way down your cheek. “Beau, I love you.”
Beau grasped your hand, holding it to his cheek. His furrowed expression eased, and his lips slowly turned up into a smile. A true one, hinting at all the charm that was unique to this man. You’d missed that smile. 
He dried your cheek with a gentle hand. 
“Well that’s good,” he said. “Because I don’t think I’ve loved you more than I do right now.”
You laughed through more of your tears, and let him guide you into a tender kiss. One sparked another, and more, each one more searing than the next.
Beau’s fingers disappeared into your hair, just as your legs tangled themselves between his when he rolled you over, and underneath him, where he continued putting actions behind his words. 
He gave you a promise that night, one that you’d both try to hold yourselves to in the morning.
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AN: Ahh, I'm soft. This feels like the more "official" end to Take Me Home, though I'd be open to come back to these two if new ideas hit me. But until then, let me know what you thought of this one! 😘
Keep Reading:
Here's a drabble set directly after this one-shot. It's called A Crime of Passion:
Summary: When Beau Arlen decides to “make it up to you,” he’s damn thorough.
▶️ Next Story: A Crime of Passion
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Take Me Home Masterlist
Big Sky Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
For those of you with tag lists, Tumblr is doing a weird thing again with tags. I had to separate them 5 at a time for the hyperlinks to work on each blog! So annoying lol.
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007
@wincastifer @iamsapphine @roseblue373 @brianochka
@branj19 @globetrotter28 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @ades106 @charmed-asylum
@waywardxwords @deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady
@leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @emily-winchester @xiphoidbones @skoveu
@nyotamalfoy @kmc1989 @deans-baby-momma @tabsluvsu @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
@deanwanddamons @anticxrrupt @lacilou @deans-daydream @deans-spinster-witch
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @iprobablyshipit91
@ladysparkles78 @solariklees @lostin-jensenseyes @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731
@curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester @chernayawidow
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jennyandvastraflint · 3 months
My brain: Jenny/Vastra Phantom of the Opera AU when!!!
Me: 💵 *slides money to @rosenkranz-does-things*
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I love this so, so much, Roz. I don't even know where to start!!! Vastra's mask is just TOP NOTCH. Her half-transparent cloak with them stars!!!! Jenny in the corset 👀 Their intertwined hands! Jenny's beautiful necklace! I love how Vastra is closing her eyes and just leaning in, full od desire and love, and Jenny still has her eyes open. The light on Jenny's hair!?? THE SCAR ON VASTRA'S CHEST!?? Gosh I love everything about this so much. Chewing glass over this, byeeee
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