#Jentorra antman
bats9arr0w · 2 years
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This was made in like 10 minutes
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noomi-is-god · 2 years
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detafo · 2 years
Totally want Cassie/Jentorra to be a thing
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majingojira · 2 years
Quantamania reminded me of the best parts of Flash Gordon. Easy, Breezy, fun, flashy. That probably explains the reviews.
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HER Actress/Fitness Model Katy O'Brien finally gets a full role (She had a very small part as an imperial officer in Season 2 of The Mandalorian and criminally did NOT get into a fistfight with Gina Carano's character) and gets to show off her gains.
So, I say see it for some lighthearted fun.
Also, a race of Class-II Kardashev-scale ants. It is both hilarious and terrifying.
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florashifting · 1 year
I really rlly need some jentorra fics rn
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stevefightmerogerss · 2 years
thinking of her (my lesbian warrior queen, jentorra, from antman 3)
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sparklewrites1 · 1 year
Am I gonna have to be the one to write jentorra fanfics? lemme mentally prepare myself
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quin-ns · 2 years
Inevitable (Kang the Conqueror x Reader)
Word count: 1.8K
Summary: you don’t know kang, but he knows you
Tags: antman and the wasp: quantumania spoilers!!, canon divergent, avenger!reader, one-sided affection, soulmates (kinda), denial
Request: anon: “Ohohoho the DRAMA of a Kang fic okok so how about an avenger who’s super powerful, and loves Scott as a friend and is a good person and has a strong moral compass, somehow they end up in the quantum realm with scott and cassie etc…. And when they meet kang it’s like he knows her… he shows her them in the future being lovers etc… it’s almost like they’re soulmates and she is horrified, she thinks he’s good looking but nuu he’s a bad guy…. How will it all turn out o.O”
A/N: loved this prompt- I did deviate a towards the end but still hope it lives up to expectations. kang was fun and interesting to write for. complex villains are the best ngl lol
cross-posted to ao3 • mcu masterlist • writing masterlist
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You didn’t blame Cassie for her invention going haywire and pulling you all into the Quantum Realm. Still, it wasn’t exactly ideal.
When you, Scott, Cassie, Hope, Janet, and Hank all got sucked into the Realm, you all got separated. You, Scott, and Cassie ended up together thankfully. You could only hope that the others were all together as well.
The three of you did your best to stay out of trouble. Except that’s exactly what you got into because, well, who knows? Avengers seem to have bad luck. If you were superstitious you’d say that you and Scott both being there amplified that.
There was an attack by what you thought was a sun—you all quickly found out it wasn’t—and then some big purple… thing. You were saved, but then next thing you knew, you were being captured by what Cassie called quantum people.
They separated you and brought you to their weird town. It was a marvelous setting, but you didn’t exactly get to admire it all that much. The people surrounded you and chanted loudly, spiking your anxiety. At first you were scared, especially when they poured red ooze into your mouth. You suddenly could understand them.
The leader, Jentorra, warned you that because you were from above, he would be hunting you. The Conqueror. He didn’t sound like someone you wanted to be captured by.
The attack was sudden. Ships shooting blue lasers descended. Robots, or what you thought were robots, began to go after people. It was a mess. Some of them evacuated, some fought. You, Scott, and Cassie ran. You all knew that you were the targets and you couldn’t get captured. Not before finding the others. You saved as many people as you could along the way.
There was a giant floating metal head—MODOK is what it called itself—that stopped you.
Turns out, it was an old acquaintance of Scott (and sort of Cassie). Darren, they called him, showed his—maybe this was mean, but it was true—hilariously ugly giant face. He took you to a tower and divided the three of you into cells. Scott cracked some joke about how he had been in jail four times—one more than Cassie.
Darren revealed that he worked for the Conqueror, who built him into what he was. As it turned out, the Conqueror built a lot of what you were seeing.
You were pacing around your cell, trying to devise a plan, when the sound of heavy footsteps began to echo through the hall. It caught your attention. You watched as a man in a green and purple suit approached Scott. His face was veiled in blue and his eyes shone with the same color.
He walked right up to Scott’s cell and they began to conversate. You were diagonal to Scott and next to Cassie. You weren’t sure if the man even saw you.
You heard Scott tell him he was an Avenger, and the Conqueror casually asked if he’d killed him before. “I’ve killed so many, they start to blur together…” the Conqueror mused.
Scott asked who he was, the Conqueror told him he was the man who had lost time. He began to explain that he had a plan for Scott.
You couldn’t fully hear him, and you decided to speak before you could think to stop yourself. “Hey, if you’re revealing your evil plan, can you clue us all in?”
The Conqueror fell silent. He turned to face you. The moment he laid his eyes on, a chill ran through your spine. The blue mask was gone. You could see him more clearly now. The look on his face… there was recognition in his eyes. Sure, he said he’d killed the Avengers in other universes, but this didn’t seem like that.
“Oh, you…” the Conqueror said, seemingly surprised. Pleasantly surprised. “MODOK said there was one he never met. I didn’t know it was you. I should’ve, though.”
The fact that he was handsome threw you. You were expecting someone… scarier looking? Or more alien. Although you supposed not every villain you dealt with after Thanos would be like him.
“Am I that much of a surprise?” you asked, raising your brows.
“A bit,” he admitted. “You look so… well, like you.” The Conqueror approached your cell, Scott forgotten.
“Okay, what does that even mean?”
“I haven’t seen you in so long,” he sighed out. There was a longing in his eyes that seemed so out of place given everything you knew about the man. “It’s good to see you.”
“I don’t know you,” you told him, shaking your head.
“Oh, but you do,” he replied smoothly.
The barrier on your cell dissipated suddenly. The Conqueror extended his hand out to you, passing easily through the barrier that had once been.
“If you would come with me, Y/N.”
You hated the way he said your name. There was an unearned sense of familiarity. Despite the allure in his tone and the gesture of his hand, you ignored it. The Conqueror let out a sigh. He turned on his heel and began walking away. Slowly. Waiting for you to follow him like he knew you would.
You looked to Scott’s cell. His eyes found yours. He didn’t speak, but he was trying to warn you silently.
That was Scott, always looking out for you. But if you had a chance to negotiate, maybe get you all home unhurt. You had to try, right?
You stepped out of the cell. The Conqueror hadn’t gone out of sight. The moment he heard your movement, he halted his own. You didn’t know the man, but you could see the victorious smile he wore before he even turned to face you.
“I knew you couldn’t resist,” he said knowingly. You began walking towards him cautiously. “I have something to show you, dear. I think you’ll find it quite enlightening.”
You stopped next to him, jaw clenched. “Who are you?” you questioned. “I want a name.”
“Kang,” he revealed. “You can call me Kang.”
You nodded. Okay, that was something. You waited for him to lead the way, and he did. He didn’t offer his hand again, he realized you had no intention of making contact with him.
You looked over your shoulder one last time. You couldn’t see Cassie from the angle you were at, but you gave Scott an assuring look. The one he returned didn’t quite match your confidence.
“I have to say, I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” Kang revealed once the two of you were alone.
“Yeah, because this is what I had on my schedule today,” you replied sarcastically.
Kang let out a laugh. It was short, but genuine. It was an odd sound to hear from someone who’d sent an army to take out civilians. That reminded you that you in fact should be scared of him.
You arrived in what appeared to be the center of Kang's tower—or whatever the hell he wanted to call it. It didn’t matter what it was, it was where he had been leading you.
“What’s on your mind?” the Conqueror asked, looking your way. You were put off by sincere curiosity.
“Okay, what is going on?” You couldn’t keep it in any longer. “Why did you bring me here? Huh? Why just me?”
“Nice to know some things never change,” Kang said, mind distant for a moment. Then, his gaze refocused on yours. “You always were a curious one.”
“Stop talking like you know me!” you snapped.
Kang remained eerily calm. “But I do. That’s what I wanted to show you.”
Without further word, Kang turned his attention to—well, you weren’t sure what it was. Your best guess was something similar to a projector. He did something, you couldn’t tell what, but suddenly beams of light shot out of it.
In front of you was a projected image of… you? You weren’t alone, though. At your side was the Conqueror himself. His arm was around your waist and your head was resting against his shoulder. You were both dressed formally. You couldn’t tell where the two of you were or what you were looking at, though.
The way the projection displayed, you were staring into your own eyes. It was unnerving to say the least.
“I liked this universe,” Kang spoke up. You nearly jumped, suddenly becoming aware of the fact that he was at your side in reality as well. “We had a lovely wedding.”
Your head snapped to him, unable to believe his words. Kang looked at you and let out a content sigh. “We’re married in a lot of universes. And even in the ones where we aren’t, we’re bonded.”
“You must’ve forced me.” It was the only explanation you could think of. “You say you’ve killed the Avengers—I’d never abandon my friends to love someone who’d do that.”
“There was no force.” He sounded briefly offended before regaining composure. “As for the ‘why’?” Kang allowed a small smirk to cross his face. “I won’t spoil the ending, dear, but I’ve seen it. I’ve seen every ending.”
“Why are you showing me this?” you asked.
“Because, I need your help. Well, you and your friend. Scott, right?” he finally recalled. “I need to get out of here,” Kang explained.
“I saw what you did to those people,” you argued. “Why would I help you?”
“My future directly impacts yours,” he explained simply. “If I get out of here, you could come with me.”
You let out a mocking laugh at that. “No way. I already told you, I’d never be with someone who has done the things you’ve done.”
He looked offended. Hurt, even? But it wasn’t like you lied. There was even a flash of anger but he regained composure.
Kang stepped close to you and you stepped back. Behind him, the holographic image changed. You and Kang. Then it changed again, then again. Picking up speed. You were watching as your future in hundreds of different universes played out. Different paths, different lives, but they all ended up the same way. With Kang.
He was proving a point.
“You and I are inevitable, Y/N. In every universe where we exist,” the Conqueror revealed calmly—calculating—and continued to approach you.
You shook your head. “No,” you stated firmly.
Kang tilted his head slightly, eyeing you curiously. “You really believe that, don’t you?”
It was right in front of your eyes and yet you refused to accept it. “I know it’s not true.”
“You don’t know anything,” he dismissed passively. Like he just knew he was right and didn’t see the need to genuinely argue. “Not yet, at least.”
It wasn’t until Kang’s hand rose to your face, his gloved hand brushing your cheek, that you’d realized you had fallen still in front of him.
“But you will see,” he revealed in a way that you could only label as ominous. “You always do.”
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spirallingstarcases · 2 years
watched antman 3 today and good god. jentorra <333
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ayo-edebiri · 2 years
I liked the last antman… guess im in a minority here 😂
It was better than thor 4, for sure. But i don't know.... i didn't really enjoy it? a lot of things bothered me...
When they arrived in the Quantum Realm it looked like an old star wars? with the bar, the aliens, the languages... ? But also like sonic... And yeah, the green screen was everywhere all the time.... and you could really tell...
The humor wasn't that forced, compared to Thor 4. I actually liked when they talked about the other Avengers and I enjoyed the holes jokes, but i'm 5 in my head. Modok was useless. He's supposed to be a killing machine but he wasn't.... i'm sorry but Cassie's speech wasn't good. I'm probably the only one but i don't like Kang, probably because of Jonathan's acting (dont kill me). Kathryn was really good, i just wish the previous actress didn't learn she was replaced on insta... but i'm biased because she was my fav lesbian on supernatural. Jentorra can top me <3
I want to see Loki season 2 now unfortunately
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cbmnet · 1 month
#Antman #TheMandalorian #TheRunningMan #CBM
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noomi-is-god · 2 years
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sparklewrites1 · 1 year
Underrated characters I think should have more fics:
Liv Mckenzie (scream 5)
Alina Starkov (Shadow & Bone)
Kirby reed. (Scream) (There's like 25 fics max about her)
Sidney Prescott (Scream)
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