#Jeong Yun-ho
k-star-holic · 1 year
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Jeong Yunho "Idol is also a person, not a machine" ... the longest time ever Interview (Open Interview)
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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stayteezdreams · 1 year
Special To Me: Part One
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Plot: After a long and tiring day, you feel as though the world is against you. And when you get stuck in the rain, you feel it even more so. Until, someone with an umbrella and bright smile comes to your rescue.
-Part Two-
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x Gn!Reader
-Meet Cute Series-
Warnings: Brief mention of a toxic ex-boyfriend. PSA I do not condone following random men to their apartment just because they tell you too (but I mean, it's Yunho, so, a bitch just might 👀)
Words: 2.7k
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The exhaustion running through you had taken it's toll already. Your steps were slow and a bit clumsy. Your grip was lax on your bag as you made your way towards the bus stop.
First your car broke down, leaving you to ride to work on the bus, causing you to be late. Then your less than understanding boss yelled at you. Later, you were piled with more work than you had time, and you spilled coffee on your top.
Half-way through your day, your ex-boyfriend somehow got a hold of your new phone number and sent you a bunch of toxic and hurtful messages. Only reminding you of just what you escaped from when you had ended your relationship.
And to top it all off, when you had gone outside to take your break, you tripped and dropped your phone, successfully shattering it.
As you approached the bus stop, you tried to remind yourself that soon you'd be home, and soon this horrible day would be over.
Seeing the bus stop ahead of you, you thought it was odd that no one was there. Checking your watch, you frowned. You weren't late. Maybe the people who took the bus got off work later then you?
The reality of what was really happening hit you as you saw the sign above the stop.
'Bus Cancelled due to Delays'
"You've got to be kidding me" You muttered, feeling your chest tighten.
You looked around, seeing no one nearby to tell you if there was another bus stop nearby or if those stops were cancelled too.
Reaching for your phone to call an Uber, you suddenly remembered it was busted. Your chest tightened as you felt emotion welling up in your throat.
You took in a deep breath, trying to push your feelings aside. 'Maybe someone will come by? Or I could walk back to that store down the street and ask to use someone's phone there'
You were going over the options in your head, when you suddenly felt a somehing hit your cheek.
Pausing, you reached up and touched it, feeling the wet drop. Looking up, you noticed the overcast sky had grown significantly darker.
"Don't you dare." You said, a lump forming in your throat just as another rain drop landed on your forehead, followed by another, before the steady sound of light rain surrounded you.
Looking around, you saw nowhere to take shelter, even the bus stop was not a covered one.
"Oh come on!" You said loudly, your voice cracking as you stood there, defeated as the emotion you had tried to push away started to bubble over.
Looking up, as the rain started to slowly soak you, you felt tears start to form in your eyes.
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Yunho opened his umbrella the second he felt a raindrop hit his shoulder. He began humming lightly to himself as he headed back to his dorm.
Looking around, his eyes caught on a familiar figure across the road. Yunho stopped, confusion washing over him.
'What are they doing?' He asked himself as he looked at you.
He had seen you on a few occasions near here. Buying flowers, or talking to the bookstore owner. You always had a bright smile and charming demeanor.
Every time he saw you, he felt a smile tug at his lips. He always wondered if one day you'd be on the same side of the road. And if he'd have the courage to say hi to you.
But now, as you stood in the rain, face turned up to the sky you looked so defeated, he almost didn't recognize you.
He wasn't sure why, since it was raining and he couldn't really tell, but he had a feeling you were crying. And his stomach twisted as he watched you.
Before he really realized it, he was crossing the street, and heading right towards you.
'This has got to go down as one of the worst days in my life' You thought to yourself as you remained still, no longer caring that you were soaked, or that you were alone and stranded.
Trying to suppress the tears that continued to spill, you suddenly heard the sound of rain hitting something, as you no longer felt the drops hitting your face.
Slowly, your eyes fluttered open, and you saw above you, an umbrella. Your eyes moved to the person holding it, and your breath caught.
He was tall, handsome, and you felt as though you had seen him before. He smiled at you, and you felt as though warmth was radiating from him.
You stared at him in silence for a moment, processing what was happening, before you stuttered out "Th-thanks"
When your eyes fluttered open and met his, Yunho felt butterflies in his stomach. And when he noticed your reddened eyes and fallen face, he knew he was right in thinking you had been crying.
His smile widened a bit, and then he spoke, his voice deep, but soft. "Are you okay?"
You opened your mouth to speak, ready to smile and lie, pretending as though your day hadn't been plotted by the devil himself.
"Yea-" you scoffed softly, giving in "No not really"
He tilted his head slightly and you saw worry mixed with pity cross his face. His eyes moved to the nearby bus stop and you saw the moment he saw the cancelled sign as he nodded a bit.
His eyes snapped back to you "I'm Yunho."
Yunho felt his heart tug a bit as he decided that your name fit you perfectly. And he felt the overwhelming desire to hug you as he saw the pure defeat across your features.
Even with the annoyance that would come with a cancelled bus, he could tell there was more to why you looked so dejected.
You watched as Yunho's smile got a little bit brighter before he reached down and wrapped his hand gently around your wrist.
"Come on!" He said with soft enthusiasm before he tugged you long.
Your heart started to pound as you followed, though uncertain why you were "W-what? Where are we going?" You asked with an uncertain tone.
"My apartment is just around the corner, I'll get you a spare umbrella and a cab." he said softly as he looked back at you and smiled.
You let him continue to lead you towards his apartment. Your mind was racing, as you were certain following a stranger to his apartment was never a good idea.
But you weren't sure if it was the exhaustion or general defeat that had washed over you, you weren't afraid. Nothing about Yunho told you to run, so you let him lead you as he held his umbrella over the both of you to shield you from the rain.
If he did turn out to be a creep, you had dealt with enough today you don't think you'd have a problem with hitting him if needed.
Yunho could tell you were confused, and even a bit alarmed at his sudden actions. But you weren't pulling away or showing any real fear, so he hoped you could trust him enough to help you.
"Why are you helping me?" You asked softly after a few moment, as you looked up at him while you continued down the road, his hand still gently wrapped around your wrist.
Looking down at you, his eyes seemed to study you for a moment before he smiled "Because I like it better when you're smiling"
Your heart jolted in your chest as you stared at him, though he turned his face away from you again. What did that mean? Did he know you? Was that why he seemed familiar? Or was it a weird pick up line?
Before you could gather your thoughts and say anything in return, Yunho lead you into an apartment complex.
You stayed silent as you let him lead you into an apartment. Looking around the entry way, you noted it was very nice, and obviously too big for one person. How many roommates did he have? Or maybe it was his families home? Maybe he lived here with his partner?
Slipping off your shoes, you stood in the entry as you watched him walk further into the apartment. After a moment, he stopped and looked back a you, noting how you awkwardly stood there.
He rose his brow a bit and you looked down at yourself "I don't want to get your floor wet."
He chuckled and you felt your lips tug at the sound.
"I'll get you a towel, hold on."
You watched him quickly disappear into the apartment and you looked around. 'I wonder if there is anyone else here? What would they think if they came out and found me here?'
Hearing approaching footsteps, you watched Yunho appear again, a few towels in his hands.
As he handed them to you, you smiled sheepishly at him "Thank you."
Seeing your eyes wander around a bit as you wrapped one of the towels around your shoulder Yunho spoke up "My roommates are all out right now."
You nodded, pretending as though you hadn't been wondering who else lived here.
"Once you dry off a bit, I'll help you get a taxi."
You figured he knew why, but not wanting there to be too much silence, you spoke up "How did you know I needed one?"
"I saw that the bus had been cancelled."
"Oh." You said softly as you nodded "I would have called one myself, but...I dropped my phone earlier, it wont even turn on now."
Yunho winced at bit at this, knowing just how upsetting that could be. He added that to the list of reasons you must seem so down.
"Can I ask you something else?" you added on as you met his eyes.
He nodded encouragingly, as a soft smile crossed his face.
"What did you mean when you said 'I like it better when you're smiling'?"
Yunho chuckled awkwardly as he looked down on his feet. "Uh, I just meant- well, I see you pretty often when I'm walking home and you always seem so happy, but today..." he looked at you as he trailed off.
You looked down at yourself and chuckled "Yeah, you don't need to finish that thought."
He giggled softly, before he tilted his head a bit and spoke softly "Can I ask what happened?"
You hesitated for a moment, but opened your mouth to speak.
Suddenly he rose his hand "Actually, first, come in." He motioned for you to come further.
You hesitated and he smiled "Don't worry about getting anything wet, it's fine, come on, I'll get you some coffee, or tea?" He gestured for you to follow him as he made his way into the apartment.
Slowly, you followed, feeling somewhat as though you were trespassing.
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Sitting at the kitchen counter, warm mug in your hands as you now donned clothes that weren't yours, you felt comfortable, yet still troublesome.
As though you were getting in Yunho's way, even though he was the one who insisted on you staying while he dried your clothes. He even gave you some of his clothes to wear while you waited.
After Yunho had made you a hot drink, he sat down across from you and listened patiently as you told him all that had happened to you today. At first you thought of only sharing small details, but quickly, you found yourself telling him everything.
All the while, he listened intently, genuinely curious and empathetic. He gave comments here and there about your boss being too stubborn and not understanding enough when your car breaking down wasn't your fault. And when you brought up your toxic ex, you hesitated before speaking slowly.
"He just...knows exacly what to say to make me feel as bad as possible.
Yunho frowned and shook his head a bit "How did he even get your number?"
You let out a soft sigh "I have a feeling it was a friend of mine. They never really believed all the bad things I said about him. He's good at hiding his true colors around people."
"Well if they were a real friend, they would have believe you, you deserve better."
You let out a soft airy laugh as you looked down into your drink.
"So...do you regularly bring in strays and give them a hot drink and a pep talk?"
Yunho grinned at this, "No, you're the first."
"Ahh" you said softly feeling your ears get warm "I must be special then" You joked as you sipped our drink.
Yunho's smile turned soft as his eyes seemed to glisten a bit "You are." His tone was soft yet genuine.
You felt butterflies in your stomach as your heart raced. It was obvious on your face, this effected you, as you smiled and looked back down into your drink, suddenly finding it very interesting.
Yunho grinned at noticing how his reply effected you. 'Cute' he thought to himself before he stood up straight.
Suddenly feeling an unusual amount of courage, he cleared his throat and spoke "There have been a few times when I saw you at the flower shop when I was walking home. And I almost crossed the street just so I could see you closer. I wanted to talk to you, to maybe have one of those bright smiles directed at me."
You looked back up at him, your eyes widening with his confession. Your heart was pounding, and your ears burning. He really thought that way? You effected him like that?
"But- I wasn't sure if you'd want to talk to me, or if you'd get scared by me approaching you." He admitted, his voice now wavering a bit as he started to feel self-conscious.
You smiled brightly at him and he felt his heart jump "I wouldn't be scared. I mean, I did willingly follow you to your apartment" he chuckled and you continued "And I would have talked with you. I could tell the second I saw you today, you're kind. I would have loved talking to you."
He couldn't stop the smile that grew on his face, and you chuckled, glad you were having a similar effect on him as he had on you.
He leaned down against the counter, leaning on his arms "Does that mean I can cross the street to talk to you now?"
You leaned a bit closer "I think I'd be offended if you didn't."
He laughed as your eyes met, something passing between the two of you you couldn't quite place.
Hearing Yunho's phone go off, your eyes broke away as he looked down. You saw his face fall for a second before he smiled again and looked at you "Your taxi's here."
"Oh." you sat up, having almost forgot he called you one. "My clothes-"
"Aren't done yet" Yunho finished for you as he looked around "Uhh- I could... if you give me your number, oh wait...your phone."
You chuckled awkwardly "Yeah, my phone." After thinking for a second you met his eyes "Are you doing anything tomorrow around two?"
He shook his head "How about we meet at the flower shop and we can trade clothes back?"
Yunho smiled and nodded his head "Alright, sounds good."
As Yunho walked you to the door, handing you and umbrella to take as it was now pouring outside, you looked back up at him and smiled, one of the most genuine smiles you had today.
"Thank you Yunho. For helping me, and caring. You made today about a hundred times better than it could have been."
"Only a hundred?" He asked with a sarcastic tone "I'll try harder next time."
You chuckled your face warming up due to his comment as he grinned down at you.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
He nodded "Tomorrow."
As you walked down the hallway, Yunho watched you for a moment, his thoughts already on tomorrow when he'd see you again.
He felt a little guilty at the thought of having lied to you. Your clothes had in fact already finished drying, but he wanted an excuse to see you again.
He felt a little guilty, but only a little.
xx End xx
-Part Two-
Hope you liked it~ If you did, please consider reblogging :)
Taglist: @bubblesreplies, @halesandy, @why-am-i-sad, @acciocriativity, @soso59love-blog
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yunho x cyberpunk = 😮‍💨💀🫠 ˡᵉᵗ ᵐᵉ ᵖʳᵃⁱˢᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ⁱ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ
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leedongwook · 1 year
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Jeong Yun Ho // Ateez (에이티즈) log_logbook #110
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jang-geums-dream · 2 years
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Official character introductions for season 2
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genevieveetguy · 18 days
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The Quiet Family (Choyonghan kajok), Kim Jee-woon (1998)
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flashfuckingflesh · 8 months
This One Has the EVIL Touch! "The Hand" reviewed! (Synergetic / DVD)
“The Hand” Pops Onto DVD at Amazon! Click Here to Purchase. After a night of heavy drinking, Bong-soo wakes up from a strange nightmare.  The nightmare continues when he habitually walks into the bathroom and discovers a grotesque hand sticking up and out of the toilet bowl.  The confused yet calm Bong-soo wakes his wife who passes out at the sight after the hand twitches right in front of…
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f3rpg · 1 year
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┊Le damos la bienvenida a Jeong Yun Ho, componente de ATEEZ. ✧ https://fightforfreedom.foroactivo.com
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cookie-nigel-dolan · 1 year
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Woman in a Veil  (2023)
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mokkung · 2 years
(短評)映画『モガディシュ 脱出までの14日間』
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『モガディシュ 脱出までの14日間』(2021年、韓国、原題:모가디슈、英題:Escape from Mogadishu)
『モガディシュ 脱出までの14日間』を観て改めてそんなことを感じました。
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haarrrys · 2 months
: ̗̀➛✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩˚₊✩‧₊◜─ ⊹ ⊱⋆ ୨ :★: ୧ ATEEZ ୨ :★: ୧ ⋆⊰ ⊹ ─˚₊✩‧₊◜✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩: ̗̀➛
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indications ; ♥ - smut , ✿ - fluff, ⬤ - angst
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╰┈➤ ❛PARK SEONG HWA [ 박성화 ]
ꜝꜝ do not disturb -♥- while on tour with your band, it's finally time to relax for a couple days in Paradise. At least that was the plan until your boyfriend gets jealous of your sudden proximity with another band member. w.c 3.1k
╰┈➤ ❛KIM HONG JOONG [ 김홍중 ]
ꜝꜝ hot and cold -♥✿- joining Hongjoong on that family trip -- and may I add, that hotspring? w.c 3k
╰┈➤ ❛JEONG YUN HO [ 정윤호 ]
ꜝꜝ chemistry -✿- collabing with idol s/o or crush with a dance performance which went viral and ppl start to ship them
╰┈➤ ❛KANG YEO SANG [ 강여상 ]
╰┈➤ ❛CHOI SAN [ 최산 ]
ꜝꜝ surrender to desire -♥- after a very long year of hard work, san and you decided to spend the holidays in namhae. But you happen to be busy even on vacation, barely exchanging glances with your boyfriend. Until one night, you find the moment of intimacy you needed with him. w.c 3k
riding and making out w him -♥- NSFW AUDIO
better than fiction -♥- you never thought what your boyfriend's reaction to you writing fanfic would be like, but you certainly didn't expect him to end up so jealous of himself to end up making your fantasies come true w.c 4.4k
edging san -♥- NSFW AUDIO
san eating you out -♥- NSFW AUDIO
love you again -♥- rainy evening sex w.c 1.5k
inexpirenced san -♥- eating you out for the first time and accidentally getting pussy drunk
╰┈➤ ❛SONG MINGI [ 송민기 ]
ꜝꜝ giving him his first blowjob -♥- NSFW AUDIO
comfort -✿⬤- reader is hurt and mingi is there to comfort
sour candy -♥- sub!mingi, consent lines are kind of blurred in this one so pls skip if it makes u uncomfortable w.c 5k
╰┈➤ ❛JUNG WOO YOUNG [ 정우영 ]
ꜝꜝ lazy morning -♥- morning seks with wooyoung in white t-shirt, pure fluff and love smut but also yk he is a needy eager-to-fuck man, with a sleepy s/o that can't resist him. w.c 2.5k
voyerism -♥- your boyfriend wooyoung proposes you to fuck his bestfriend (san) in front of him
ocean, bed , tattoo -♥- wooyoung tattoos your skin with ink, and with his lips. w.c 2.1k
celebratory fuck -♥- you can't blame wooyoung for wanting to fuck after a good game, after all, having a hot girlfriend is tiresome. w.c 1.5k
things he says in bed -♥- things ateez say during sex. wooyoung version.
roof top pool cool down -♥- it's hot as fuck outside, and your boyfriend decided that he wanted to go swimming to cool down. w.c 2k
knockout -♥- wooyoung invites you over to play after san wins his match. w.c 3.9k
tits out -♥✿- when talking to your best friend about your nipple piercing during movie night backfires in the most spectacular way possible and seonghwa's new couch gets caught in the crossfire w.c 7k
right here -♥- It´s a smut so +18 MDNI pls w.c 15k
no control -♥- exhibitionism with a non-participating person, beware. w.c 3.2k
unholy hours -♥- riding his face
after hours -♥✿- an invitation to wooyoung’s event leads to the unexpected— a night of revelation that deeply blurs the lines between harmless fun and the thrill of exploring something more. w.c 5k
sweet dreams -♥- playing with your best friend's hair seems to do more to him than you think. w.c 2k
girl dad wooyoung -✿- ik all the atiny hearts were melting when watching the return of superman episode with san, wooyoung, and seonghwa. so after finally watching it, I bring you all dad!wooyoung. not proof read.
cat and mouse -✿- fem!reader, pussy eating, teeth use, manipulation (from both parties), fuckboy!wooyoung, cum eating (m!), semi-public oral w.c 2.3k
smut thoughts -✿- how wooyoung is defo the type to fuck desperately
╰┈➤ ❛CHOI JONG HO [ 최종호 ]
ꜝꜝ masterlist by @/atzaurora
reccomendation list by @/onedumbho3
smut reccomendation by @/sugawhaaa
candy -♥- you're their sweetheart who tastes sweet like candy, and they simply cannot get enough. w.c 6.1k
masterlist by @/nateezfics
when they're jealous -♥- nsfw editon
masterlist by @/beenaanbuun
the 9th member -♥- what would it be like to be the 9th member of ateez, only there to satisfy the urges of the others? w.c 11.8k total (1k-2.5k for each part)
masterlist by @/sorryimananti-romantic
ateez as boyfriends -♥- smut and it's a filthfest in here sooo MDNI!!
masterlist by @/0097linersb
dad!ateez : funny videos -✿- based off tiktoks
virgin!reader x atz -♥-
reaction to reader asking them to teach you how to fuck -♥-
pussy eating -♥-
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Jeong Yunho Park Ji-min Ana Mimi in a pink air stream
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evandsolo · 1 month
You've always been there | ft. Yunho
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jeong yunho x reader genre : fluff, roomates to lovers words : 3,685. trigger warning : cursing, mention of narcism. plot : you've been to a lot of dates but each of them has been a complete disaster until your roomates had an idea. side note : it's actually my first try writing such things. It might not be perfect, please be gentle. thanks, love.
Why do you keep on going on those goddamn dates?  You think, on the way home. Assholes, pure narcissists, losers. They all are the same in the end. The same locations, the same boring conversations and they aren’t even offering to pay for the bill. What could you wait from people spending their day swiping on a shitty app? Were your expectations too high? or their standards too low? The ending scheme remains as always: you’re coming home, alone. This time you promise yourself; you’re deleting that puddle of nonsense from your phone. No more dates, ever.
You push the entrance door in a sigh of relief. Done with the dummies. Everything is quiet, as usual. We only hear the voices of the actors on TV. The usual drama Yunho loves to watch when you’re not home. As soon as he realized you were home, he turned out the TV, and his big brown eyes to you. “Spill the tea, Gorgeous.” He says his usual giant smile on the face.
You drop by his side on the couch in an umpteenth sigh. “I hate men so much.” And you mean it. They’re so disappointing, how could you not hate them? “All of them? Even me?” Of course not. Jeong Yun-ho was the best man you’ve ever known. A smile appears on your face before you cast an amused look at him. “Especially you!” You say, bumping your shoulder on his arm, making him laugh. “I’m just so mad they can’t even reach a little bit of respect to the people they have in front of them.” That dumb dude you met tonight, spent the entire time watching the match on TV. He barely even took a real look at you, or even was interested in what you were saying. You’ve never felt more alone or disrespected in your whole life. You take your time to explain everything to your best friend. Your voice is filled with anger and disappointment. Mostly, deep down your heart, you felt like there was no hope anymore.
It was so difficult to talk with someone that was interesting and interested. It was obvious that everything had gone wrong, and that you’ll never find somebody that will treat you the right way. “Their loss. They don’t know how amazing you are.” He says, trying to make you feel better, surrounding you with one arm. “That’s what you think.” You add, looking at his face. “I just wanted to have a cute date, something that was nice and simple. A moment that feels new and refreshing. But it was too much to ask.” You say, pouting your lips, leaning your head on his strong shoulder. “Can I do something to ease your mood?” nodding in a slight despair. “Please. I’d very much appreciate it.” 
You knew Yunho for a few years now. He first was your classmate and then, he became your roommate, in a much bigger apartment than your small student room. It was convenient for the both of you and living by his side was easy. He was nice, quiet, clean, funny, also very handsome, which, you can admit, was quite an advantage. But above all, he knew perfectly how to make you feel better. He leaves your side so fast you suddenly felt cold. Your sight follows his paths to the kitchen, curious about what he’ll do. “You should take a moment to take a shower, you’d feel much better after that.” He says, not even looking at you, but he surely felt your eyes on his back. “Look at you, fathering me.” You hear him laugh, while you were reaching the bathroom.
And he sure was right, the water was the perfect remedy to your bad mood, feeling the water running down your muscles made you feel very much at ease. You surround yourself with a delicious flowery perfume. You adore it. It was actually him that offered you that perfume a few years ago, for your birthday. Since then, it has become your favorite amongst all the others you already had. You feel even better after you sunk yourself in your favorite night gown. A delicious smell of sugar reaches your nose, as soon as you got out of the steamy room. God bless having such a good person in your life.  On the counter of the kitchen were waiting your favorite drink and those heated cookies you loved so much. Your heart suddenly burst in tender. How sweet of him. “And we can watch that show that you love, if it can helps.” He proposed, soon after he saw that you were back in the living room. “I just wanted a hug, Yunho.” You say, but oh how much you appreciated every little thing he made to make you feel the best. “Is it too much? We can just eat and…” “No. Of course, not. I’d love to watch that show with you.” You smile. Everything was just so on point, and you’ve never felt as understood ever before.
Both of your bodies now lay on the couch covered by a small throw that Yunho insisted on taking with you. The storm in your mind had cease to rage. It’s now pure joy and peace thank to that delicious chocolate and peanut butter cookies that you had devoured. The show that the TV was playing was your favorite. It portrayed the story of a strong woman crossing border to follow the love of her life. It makes you feel emotional every time, but oh how much you loved it. Your head is resting on Yunho’s lap as you’re focused on the screen, but you could feel his sight on your face. “What? Is there something on my face?” You did not even turn your eyes to him, you knew. “I’m waiting for the moment when you’ll shed a tear.” He replied in a pouty voice. You caught him red-handed. “Don’t you dare taking a picture and send it to the boys, or you’ll better sleep with one eye open.” Next time you’ll see Choi San, he’ll surely make a point about you crying on what he loves to call a boring show. And they’ll gently make fun of you. “You’re a wild one, y/n. I’m terrified.” He says, jokingly, putting a hand on your hair. You grant him with a dark sight, before focusing on the screen again. When the sad part comes, you can’t even hold back the tears. You sniff loudly, soaking Yunho’s thigh. It made him giggle, while rubbing your shoulder in comfort. His giggle doesn’t even feel judgmental. You knew you could cry freely; it just amused him to witness how emotional you could be.
The tv continued to run for a few more episodes, but you couldn’t see them all. You fell asleep without even realize it. “y/n ?” he whispered but you were so far already you didn’t even hear him. He spent a few minutes watching you sleep. You seemed so peaceful so comfortable on his legs. He wished he could stay here a little bit more so that he could admire you endlessly, but he knew how insane that would be. He picked you up in his big arms, to carry you to your room. It gently puts you on your bed and covers you with a light blanket so you could feel warm. “Goodnight, sweet.” He says lightly, before you answer in the mumble of your sleep “’night dear.”
You can’t even remember when and how you reach your bed, but you’re waking up in your sheets, alone, as usual. A sigh comes out your mouth as you’re leaving the sheets to grab your phone in the living room. Next to it, there’s a hand-written note. The usual curves of Yunho’s writing. It was simple, elegant, just as he was. He took some time to write it, instead of just a text. It warmed your heart. 
You left your phone in the kitchen yesterday, i didn't wanted to disturb your sleep by bringing it to your room. There's some fresh cutout fruits in the fridge if you’re hungry. I’m running errands, coming home asap. 
Also, I need you to be ready when I’m back, taking you out today. 
X, Yunho.  
You can’t even contain your smile. But you realized soon he must have been gone for a little while now, so he might be back home soon. Screw your breakfast, there’s no time to waste. You can’t help but be curious about what is on your friend's mind. 
You came out of your room fully ready at the very same moment when you heard the click of the keys on the door. Yunho comes in and your heart flutters immediately. “Hi, slept well ?” He asks, the biggest smile on his face. “ Perfectly. Who are these beautiful roses for ?” You couldn't hold back the question, pointing at the bouquet he was holding in his hand. “ For the neighbor, obviously!” He started, you could feel his smile in his voice. “ It's actually the first step of our day. White roses, as you like them.” He hands down the bouquet to you and your heart skips a beat. “ You didn't have to do all of this, Yunho. That's adorable.” You're surrounded with the perfect smell of the roses and a cloud of tenderness. “ You felt so bad yesterday, I thought it was a good idea to show you how you are supposed to be treated. To make you feel better.” He has always been all about acts of service, but this. It felt extra special. “ So I'm taking you on a day of dates.” You're suddenly completely speechless. “ Yunho…” You whispered, tears flooding your eyes. “ That's the best thing nobody has ever done to me.” Your heart was racing, “ You deserve it, Y/N” 
Fuck, how could he be that nice ? 
Right after the flowers were put in some water, you followed Yunho outside, still so curious about today's program. “Where are you taking me ?” You ask while buckling your seatbelt. “I'd rather keep it a secret. And you better not overthink everything. Let me guide you.” Not overthink? How could you even do that ? “ Don't look at me like that. You'll enjoy it, I promise.” But you wanted to know, and not even the usual GPS was indicating your destination. How frustrating. You hate not being in control and this was way out of your comfort zone. But you knew you could trust him with your guts. You’ve always been safe by his side. 
12:02 - 
“ I hope you’re hungry.”  Yunho’s holding the door for you. You know that place. A fancy restaurant you’ve spotted on social media, a few weeks ago. How did he knew? Your eyes are sparkling and your heart feels so warm. You are installed near a window that enables you to have a pretty view of the city. The lights, the music, everything made it perfect. Nobody had ever taken you somewhere that fancy before. “Are you okay ?” He asked, softly, a warm smile on his face. You can’t help but feel the warm coming in your cheeks. “Y-yeah ! That’s so… amazing.” you whisper, looking around you. “That is a lot.” You add, in a little smile. The flowers, now this. You’ve never felt so cared about before. “As long as you are happy, it’s nothing.” Hi Google, how to not melt in front of someone ? You order some food, your stomach is raging just by reading the menu.
Fortunately the food came by really fast, and it looked just like in your dreams. You and Yunho shared a pretty animated conversation about a lot of subjects, but the only thing you were focused on, was his smile, the way he looked so happy. The soft curve of his lips, the sun in his honey-like voice, the spark in his eyes. You feel something was shifting slowly. “ What’s on your mind ?” You hear, tearing you apart from your daydream. “Huh ? Oh, nothing. I was thinking about how good this is !” You smile, pointing at your plate. “Oh really ? Can I ?” “You’ll love it !” You hand him your fork so he could try your dish. “Oh damn, yours is so much better than mine !” He says, his eyes wide open. Without asking permission, you exchange dishes, so he can have the other half. You always used to do that, sharing was so obvious. “How did you know this place ?” You finally ask, curious. “I saw that you shared it on your page, I kept the name, so i could take you there one day…” He admits, lowering his gaze on his plate. Your heart skips a beat. Take me there... ? Oh Yunho... Your hand lightly reaches his to grab it. “That’s really so nice of you.” He has always been so thoughtful. Every little attention was heartwarming, like a summer sun. You trace circles on the back of his hand, making a smile appear on his face. “ I really like to see you smile. Seeing you happy really is important to me, you know.” You nod, so deeply touched by his words. 
This day was so overwhelming already. It sounded so much like real dates. Going back to reality will be so hard. 
4:17 pm 
Next location, the beach.
The sun was shining brightly. You’ve never seen such a bright day in so long. It looked like every setting was made to make your day even better. It really was everything you’ve ever asked for on a date. It was simple but so nice. It looks like you, like what you loved. You’re walking side by side, in the sun, admiring the waves crashing on the sand and the rocks. The sound of it was quite relaxing. In the sun, you could admire every angle of Yunho’s beautiful features. Something in his beauty catches you, you couldn’t stop to observe him. He was so singularly handsome. 
A funfair was taking place on the pier and you were walking straight to it. The little girl inside your head was screaming in joy. Funfair always had been something you enjoyed to do. It makes you feel like there’s only happiness in the world. The smells, the sounds of it, makes your heart so warm and recharged. You grab Yunho’s hand, intertwining your fingers. You needed no words, to tell him how happy you feel at the moment. “Can we go to the claw machine ?” You asked with excitement, making him laugh. He nods and leads you there. He let you take a look at every machine. “Have you seen that panda ? Isn’t he so cute ?!” Your voice rose slightly to the trebles while you were pointing at the stuffed panda in the very rear of the machine. “Okay, let’s try to catch it !” He lets you go first. He steps behind your back and rests a hand on your shoulder as you're trying to focus on your goal. His contact makes you shiver and you experience the difficulty of not concentrating on the heat that it releases through the layers of tissues covering your skin. 
First try. Fail. Second try, fail.
You're whining with frustration. The third attempt remains a failure. You can’t help the frustrating sigh to get out your throat. “Lemme try!” He says behind your back.He advances his hand to grab the game handle. The music starts again, and he tries twice without catching it. “I’m gonna try again, there’s no way we’re coming home without it.” He adds determination in his voice as he pulls another coin in the machine. The claw closes itself around the panda’s arm, and you’ve never prayed that much. You put your hand on Yunho’s while you take a look at the plushie. Then finally, you both exult with joy when the animal falls into the right area. Your smile is so wide, as you’re turning to hug tight the man behind you. “You did it !” You say close to his ear. He relishes his embrace and he leans to catch the plushie. He hands it to you with the biggest and proudest smile on his face. “You better hug it tight when I'm away from you.” He says, making your heart race again. “I’d rather hug you, forever. You’re softer and warmer.” you add, locking his sight in yours. “ But that will do if you're not home. It'll be a little bit of you.” you smile.
There was something in the air that made you feel like that was where you belonged. Everything was perfect, as you always imagined it to be, except you’ve never ever thought that Yunho would be the best date of your life. Turns out, he is absolutely perfect. “What about some candy floss and a big cola ?” he asks, grabbing your hand. “I’d love that. We should take a giant one so we can share.” He nods. You rush to the candy station and soon you have a giant pink fluff ball between your hands. In less than a second a big part is already in your mouth, making you laugh, as sugar remains on the corner of your lips. “Wait, lemme help you.” He says before gently passing his thumb on your skin. The touch of his skin makes you gently shiver and for a second you forget how to breathe.
You continue to walk around the fair together. You’ve never laughed that much before. He even took some pictures of you, watching the carnival rides or the sun that was already starting to set. Time was flying, and you enjoyed every part of that amazing day. 
If only this day could be endless. 
8.24 pm
“The view is amazing.” You’re completely astonished. Yunho took you on a hill, to eat dinner outside while admiring the view of the entire city and the ocean at the same time. The sunset gives its greatest colors to the sky. A gradient of warm colors you loved so much.
Before coming here, you passed by a small shop to grab some fried chicken and some tanghulus for dessert even though you had so much sugar already, he knew you loved them. “So, what did you think about today ?” he asks, drawing you away from your contemplation. “ Are you really asking ?” Is he on a sugar high ? “Y-yeah ?” You’re falling closer to him, looking straight to his eyes. “That was the most amazing, perfect, day of my life, Yunho.” You admit. Your heart was fuller than ever. “You made all my wishes come true. You perfectly knew how to make me the happiest, and I can't thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me.” His eyes started to shine as his cheeks took a slight pink color. He looks at the grass for a few seconds before coming back to your eyes. “There would be a way to thank me, actually.” He said, kindling a curious flame in your chest. “Oh yeah ?” “You could maybe uh… gimme a kiss ?” At the end of his proposal, his voice softens, as if he suddenly became a little more shy. Yet you can’t stop the surprise from coming on your face. A kiss ? “Only if you agree, of course. If you don’t, that’s okay.. I mean I wo-...” You stop his mumbling by pressing your lips against his. You’re not so sure if it was what he was asking for, but you wanted it so bad. It did not take long before he came pressing his hand on your cheek, smiling against your lips. 
It was the best kiss you’ve ever shared. 
You part a few seconds later, both giggling as teenagers. The feeling rushing into your body was nothing more than pure felicity. “I waited for this for so long.” Wait what ? He catches your intrigued look and smiles softly before glancing at the horizon, perfectly avoiding your gaze. “You’ve been on my mind for so long, y/n…” He starts. You knew this would lead somewhere you’ll never come back from. “This… I wanted to show you how much you meant to me. You deserve the absolute world.” Your heart melts instantly. “ It made me so mad that no one could see how amazing you are. But I was a bit jealous, watching you goin out with douches I knew would not suit you.” Your head leans on his shoulder, inviting him to continue. “I wanted to take you on a date for so long. I just didn’t know how to do it.” He was so open right now, confessing his feelings towards you. Only for you to realize how reciprocal it was. “ I just.. I love you, y/n.” Your heart explodes in your chest. Slowly, you find the way to his lips. The slight pressure he puts into it, shows how much he wanted it to happen. A hand lands on your neck, the other on your back for a few seconds.You feel all surrounded by him, warmed, loved.
The slight notes of his fruity and warm perfume, made you feel a little dizzy. Or was it the feeling of his lips, staying right after you parted your lips ? “ I was so blind…” You admit, resting your forehead against his. “I should have seen sooner.” If you stopped convincing yourself it was just friendship, you would have saved yourself many catastrophic moments and memories that you would gladly have done without. “The reason nobody has suited me before, it’s only because you are the one made for me.” You whisper, heart fully open. “I love you too, Yunho.” 
This was the best closure you could ever imagine. You promised yourself to never kiss on the first date, but it did feel like you were already dating for so long. It was him. It has always been him. As you’re coming home, that night, everything has changed, in the best way. You fall asleep in your boyfriend’s arms, the panda he won for you pressed between your bodies. 
No more shitty dating apps. Only good and lovable dates.
I really hope you appreciated it, do not hesitate to reblog or to leave a note i'd love to read all about your thoughts. ✿
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spicyseonghwas · 1 year
pretty little bitch - j.yh
pairing :: jeong yunho x male/amab reader viewer rating :: 18+ genres/au's :: blowjob porno lol. (smut) content warnings :: cursing, blowjob (yh receiving), degradation, deepthroating, spit kink, hair pulling, hard dom!yh, brat!reader word count :: original :: 377 ; after :: 378 (big change ik lmao) requested by an anon on my old account (pff wow say the middle of that sentence three times fast lmao)
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your guts twisted in a pleasing way as yunho clapped his hand over his mouth in an effort to smother a feral growl. his hand fell away from his face despite his efforts, falling limp onto the faux leather of the car seat. 
yun ho tore his eyes open and looked down at you, his grip on your hair tightening exponentially when his eyes were blessed with the pretty sight in front of him: you, his long-time lover, on your knees between his legs, your face black-cherry-red halfway down your neck, drool sliding down the side of your chin as you happily gave your most fantastic blowjob yet. 
yunho tutted through the back of his throat, throwing his head back into the back of his seat and yanking roughly on your hair with no warning whatsoever. you groaned in response, your eyes rolling up into your head and fluttering closed.  yunho chuckled darkly. 
“what a filthy little slut you are m/n,” he spat, “sitting there on your knees, taking my cock like the pretty little bitch you know you are.”
you only kept doing what you were doing, but you sped up and purposely moaned into his cock. he moaned loudly, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look up into his eyes.
“keep being so loud and you’ll get us caught, hm? you want us to get caught like this, whore?”
your mouth was wrapped around yunho's cock and he was beginning to force your head up and down the length of it, so all you could manage for a response was a muffled, slutty moan. you felt your face heat up even more in response to his words, and you closed your eyes and whimpered into yunho’s cock, making him let loose a loud, guttural groan. 
after a few moments of this, yunho actually managed to form a fully developed idea through the fog your pleasurable ministrations were putting in his mind. he grinned to himself, taking hold of your hair and pulling you off of him. he leaned down, kissing you violently for a few seconds before breaking away. he then grabbed your chin roughly again and spat into your mouth, the only words he directed towards his pretty little slut being,
and you obeyed.
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© seonghwas-lighter 2023-2024.
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jang-geums-dream · 2 years
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Official character introductions for season 1
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