#Jeremiah 2
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Israel Forsakes the Lord
1 The word of the Lord came to me, saying, 2 “Go and proclaim in the hearing of Jerusalem, Thus says the Lord,
“I remember the devotion of your youth, your love as a bride, how you followed me in the wilderness, in a land not sown. 3 Israel was holy to the Lord, the firstfruits of his harvest. All who ate of it incurred guilt; disaster came upon them, declares the Lord.”
4 Hear the word of the Lord, O house of Jacob, and all the clans of the house of Israel. 5 Thus says the Lord:
“What wrong did your fathers find in me that they went far from me, and went after worthlessness, and became worthless? 6 They did not say, ‘Where is the Lord who brought us up from the land of Egypt, who led us in the wilderness, in a land of deserts and pits, in a land of drought and deep darkness, in a land that none passes through, where no man dwells?’ 7 And I brought you into a plentiful land to enjoy its fruits and its good things. But when you came in, you defiled my land and made my heritage an abomination. 8 The priests did not say, ‘Where is the Lord?’ Those who handle the law did not know me; the shepherds transgressed against me; the prophets prophesied by Baal and went after things that do not profit.
9 “Therefore I still contend with you, declares the Lord, and with your children's children I will contend. 10 For cross to the coasts of Cyprus and see, or send to Kedar and examine with care; see if there has been such a thing. 11 Has a nation changed its gods, even though they are no gods? But my people have changed their glory for that which does not profit. 12 Be appalled, O heavens, at this; be shocked, be utterly desolate, declares the Lord, 13 for my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water.
14 “Is Israel a slave? Is he a homeborn servant? Why then has he become a prey? 15 The lions have roared against him; they have roared loudly. They have made his land a waste; his cities are in ruins, without inhabitant. 16 Moreover, the men of Memphis and Tahpanhes have shaved the crown of your head. 17 Have you not brought this upon yourself by forsaking the Lord your God, when he led you in the way? 18 And now what do you gain by going to Egypt to drink the waters of the Nile? Or what do you gain by going to Assyria to drink the waters of the Euphrates? 19 Your evil will chastise you, and your apostasy will reprove you. Know and see that it is evil and bitter for you to forsake the Lord your God; the fear of me is not in you, declares the Lord God of hosts.
20 “For long ago I broke your yoke and burst your bonds; but you said, ‘I will not serve.’ Yes, on every high hill and under every green tree you bowed down like a whore. 21 Yet I planted you a choice vine, wholly of pure seed. How then have you turned degenerate and become a wild vine? 22 Though you wash yourself with lye and use much soap, the stain of your guilt is still before me, declares the Lord God. 23 How can you say, ‘I am not unclean, I have not gone after the Baals’? Look at your way in the valley; know what you have done— a restless young camel running here and there, 24 a wild donkey used to the wilderness, in her heat sniffing the wind! Who can restrain her lust? None who seek her need weary themselves; in her month they will find her. 25 Keep your feet from going unshod and your throat from thirst. But you said, ‘It is hopeless, for I have loved foreigners, and after them I will go.’
26 “As a thief is shamed when caught, so the house of Israel shall be shamed: they, their kings, their officials, their priests, and their prophets, 27 who say to a tree, ‘You are my father,’ and to a stone, ‘You gave me birth.’ For they have turned their back to me, and not their face. But in the time of their trouble they say, ‘Arise and save us!’ 28 But where are your gods that you made for yourself? Let them arise, if they can save you, in your time of trouble; for as many as your cities are your gods, O Judah.
29 “Why do you contend with me? You have all transgressed against me, declares the Lord. 30 In vain have I struck your children; they took no correction; your own sword devoured your prophets like a ravening lion. 31 And you, O generation, behold the word of the Lord. Have I been a wilderness to Israel, or a land of thick darkness? Why then do my people say, ‘We are free, we will come no more to you’? 32 Can a virgin forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? Yet my people have forgotten me days without number.
33 “How well you direct your course to seek love! So that even to wicked women you have taught your ways. 34 Also on your skirts is found the lifeblood of the guiltless poor; you did not find them breaking in. Yet in spite of all these things 35 you say, ‘I am innocent; surely his anger has turned from me.’ Behold, I will bring you to judgment for saying, ‘I have not sinned.’ 36 How much you go about, changing your way! You shall be put to shame by Egypt as you were put to shame by Assyria. 37 From it too you will come away with your hands on your head, for the Lord has rejected those in whom you trust, and you will not prosper by them. — Jeremiah 2 | English Standard Version (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Cross References: Exodus 12:49; Exodus 15:17; Exodus 20:2; Exodus 22:2; Deuteronomy 8:7; Deuteronomy 32:10; Deuteronomy 32:15-16; Deuteronomy 33:20; Joshua 13:3; Judges 10:10; Judges 10:14; 2 Samuel 13:19; 1 Kings 9:9; 2 Chronicles 28:16; Job 9:30; Job 20:12; Job 39:6; Psalm 106:21; Psalm 106:38; Proverbs 30:12; Isaiah 1:2; Jeremiah 1:9; Jeremiah 4:7; Jeremiah 5:1; Jeremiah 32:32; Ezekiel 20:35-36; John 4:10-11; Acts 7:52; Romans 1:21; Romans 1:23; James 1:18; James 4:4; 1 John 1:8; Revelation 2:4; Revelation 14:4; Revelation 17:1
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s-o-a-p-ing · 4 months
Wednesday,, 5/22/24
For My people have committed a double evil:  They have abandoned Me, the fountain of living water, and dug cisterns for themselves —  cracked cisterns that cannot hold water. ~ Jeremiah 2:13
A double evil...
From a living, flowing, fountain of continuous fresh water... 
...to a buried container for holding, hoarding(?) water...
...an "artificial (man-made), reservoir"
...that runs dry whenever the rain or run-off (with it's contaminants!) ceases to fill it...
...and cracked - broken - cisterns at that...
...unable to hold whatever fills it...
...IF it even can BE filled...
From which am I drinking?
Remember Jesus at the well with the Samaritan woman...
Find and stay at the fountain...
Abandon whatever cisterns I've set up...
Refreshing, life-giving Father God - forgive my hoarding Your grace, my attempts to save it for when I need it instead of realizing I need it nonstop throughout the day, and that it is constantly fresh and new and available... In Jesus's Name, and for Your glory and honor...
As always, yours always, in all ways - through and by Him...
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Michael Afton and Jeremy Fitzgerald are FNAF besties..
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biblebloodhound · 2 years
Forsaken (Jeremiah 2:4-13)
The object of love determines the quality of love.
Hear the word of the Lord, you descendants of Jacob,    all you clans of Israel. This is what the Lord says: “What fault did your ancestors find in me,    that they strayed so far from me?They followed worthless idols    and became worthless themselves.They did not ask, ‘Where is the Lord,    who brought us up out of Egyptand led us through the barren wilderness,    through a land of…
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deltaharrington · 1 year
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PAIRING: Read and find out who Y/n ends up with…
SUMMARY: You were always the second choice.
WARNINGS: Heart crushing angst with a bit of fluff. UNEDITED
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It all happened so fast.
One moment, you were crying over Conrad, and how he had mistreated you. The next, Susannah was dead.
You felt like your heart had been torn out and stomped on. Conrad didn’t make it any better, neither did Belly.
You hadn’t had the chance to talk to Conrad after what happened, as it came out that Susannah was sick.
Then everyone went home. Jeremiah was hurting in the same ways as you were, so you comforted each other. He drove out to see you and vice versa.
You were beginning to feel a spark with the younger Fisher, you were finally happy.
Until you heard the news.
The phone call came from Jeremiah in the middle of the night.
“Y/n…” He said once you answered with a tired ‘Hello?’. You know from his tone of voice what has happened.
You swore you’ve never sprung up out of your bed so fast. You started packing an overnight bag. You were going to Boston.
“I’m on my way, Jere, stay on the phone with me” You said and Jeremiah sobbed on the other end, not being able to tell you no when he needed the shoulder to cry on.
After a rough 3 hour drive, you were at the Fisher household. Jeremiah had fallen asleep on the phone with you, but luckily you knew where the sore key was.
Popping the door open, you knew their father wasn’t home, neither was Conrad. He was at Brown. Jeremiah was all alone, and your heart hurt at the thought.
His door was cracked once you approached. “Jere?” You whispered and he took a breath in, stretching his arms before he opened his eyes, confused.
“I’m here” You said as you approached his bed. Jeremiah reached for you.
“She’s gone” He whispered, his lips quivering as he tried not to cry. The sight broke your heart.
“Oh Jeremiah” You said before getting into bed with him, hugging him close. You ran your fingers through his hair as he cried, his tears staining your shirt.
“I’m so sorry Jere” You whispered as you began to cry as well, the reality of her death hitting you like bricks.
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The next morning, you woke up in Jeremiah’s bed alone. Your heart sank.
“Jeremiah?” You called out, stumbling out of bed and down the stairs, only to find him at the stove in the kitchen.
“Woah, slow down” Jeremiah said, placing his spatula down before he approached you to help you become steady.
“Wanted to make breakfast, to take my mind off of…” He trailed off and you nodded, knowing what he meant.
“Thank you, want me to do the rest?” You asked and he shook his head.
You ended up hopping up onto the counter, watching him make breakfast.
“Thank you for coming last night, you didn’t have to” He said, scooping pancakes onto a plate before he put everything into the sink, shutting the burners off.
He approached you, standing between your legs. He gave you a half smile. At that, you brought your hands up to run your fingers through his hair.
“I’ll always be here for you, Jeremiah” You said “I’m one call away, always.”
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The funeral was an utter disaster for you. You arrived and sat behind Jere, your hand on his shoulder for most of the service.
When Belly and Conrad fought afterwards, you excused yourself. Their relationship seemed messy, and you didn’t want to be caught in the crossfire.
You couldn’t even look at Conrad to tell him you were sorry for his loss.
Jere found you outside, the cold air causing you to clutch your figure.
“Y/n, here” He said and placed his suit jacket over you. You silently thanked him and he wrapped an arm around you.
“How are you?” He asked and you shook your head, i’m disbelief. He hadn’t hesitated to think of you before himself.
“Jeremiah” You said and he looked up, scared he had said something wrong. You didn’t speak, you pulled him in for a hug.
“How are you?” You asked and he pulled back enough to look at you.
“I’m better” He said and you could tell he was being truthful.
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The next call came in the middle of the night as well.
Jere was frantic. He had been pissed at his broker for so long for what he did to you, and what he did to Belly, but he still cared. That’s who he was.
“I can’t find Conrad, I-I’m going to Brown tomorrow, will you please come with me?” He asked, his tone sounding desperate.
“Of course, I’ll be there in the morning and we can drive together” You said.
“Will you come tonight?”
And so you did. You hadn’t quite realized it yet, but you were in love with Jeremiah.
He cared about you like no one ever had. Not even Conrad. You hadn’t thought about his brother for a very long time, and that was all because of Jeremiah. He showed you love. The kind of love you desired.
The drive to Jere’s was quiet, and when you got there, he was waiting to open the door. You immediately hugged him, taking in his scent.
“Hi” You said and gave him a sympathetic smile.
“Hi” He said and smiled back.
“Let’s watch a movie, that’ll take your mind off things” You said and he nodded his head, letting you lead the way to his room.
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How had you gotten here?
The movie you decided to play was far out of your mind as you and Jeremiah stared at each other. You were snuggled up in his bed, like you had been many times before, but something about this time was different.
His eyes drifted towards your lips and you couldn’t help but feel butterflies in your stomach.
“Jere, should we be doing this?” You whispered and he nodded his head.
“Yes” He muttered before his left hand cupped your face near your neck, leaning in to close the distance. His lips encased yours as they moved in sync, your fingers tugging at his hair as he became more desperate.
He grunted softly as you two kissed, tongues dancing together. Your cheeks were flushed beyond any time they had been before. You had wanted this for a long time.
Jeremiah pulled back for a split second before kissing you again, his hand gripping your waist to pull you into his lap.
You didn’t intend to go any further, and neither did Jeremiah, he had tried to go slow with you, but the way you had showed up for him and been there for him had his head on a swivel.
When you two finally pulled away, Jeremiah ran his right thumb over your bottom lip, a smile appearing on his face. A genuine one. You hadn’t seen that in months.
No more words were exchanged, you two just bathed in each others presence for the rest of the night.
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The next morning, Jeremiah was stressed. You decided it would be best not to discuss what happened the night before. You didn’t want him to have more to worry about.
“You ready?” You asked him. He looked up and gave you a small smile before nodding and grabbing the keys.
The drive to Brown was frustrating to say the least. Jeremiah tried to call anyone he could that would know where Conrad was.
“Fuck!” He yelled when not a single person knew anything. You reached over and grabbed his fallen phone in silence, not wanting to irritate him further.
Arriving at Brown, Jeremiah practically jumped out of the car, leaving you behind to go to his brothers dorm. “Jere! Wait!” You called.
That’s when you saw her.
“Wha-?” You questioned before stopping dead in your tracks. Did Jeremiah know she was coming?
You followed the two to his dorm room in silence, Belly seeming frantic. You didn’t like it. Not one bit.
She was so calm. She was part of the reason that your heart was broken the way it was. She hadn’t even apologized.
You shook your thoughts away as you snooped around Conrad’s dorm room. You found the necklace he had given Belly and your heart cracked a bit. He hadn’t ever gotten you anything like that.
It still hurt. You’d probably be scarred for life from the level of hurt you felt when you had lost him.
“We’re going to Cousins, Y/n” Jeremiah said, snapping you out of your daze “Come on” He added and grabbed your hand, leading you out of the room.
To Cousins you go.
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Tags: @cumslutforaemond @nctma15 @iloveneilperry @angelbabyyy99 @onlyangel-444
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lazywolfwiccan · 5 months
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Suicide Squad // Gotham // Joker 2 Folie a Deux
Joker and Harley Quinn
Jeremiah and Ecco
Arthur Fleck and Harleen Quinzel
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0xywave · 6 months
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maybe the bite of 87 was the friends we made along the way
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h4unted-d4rling · 8 months
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I think we all know the answer to this one
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buckys-loverman · 1 year
Teacher’s Pet- Jeremiah Fisher
What would you do for a higher grade?
warnings: smut, finger banging, 18+ appropriate, slight degrading kink, vulgar language
pairing: fem!reader x jeremiah fisher
A/N: i am back baby!! sorry for taking forever to upload, was having issues with uploading on tumblr but im so happy to be back writing for you guys. i will be uploading a conrad story within the next couple days so stay tuned!
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“Mr. Fisher please!” You trailed behind your physics TA, begging for his assistance on the upcoming exam.
“I told you to call me Jeremiah.” He sighed, pushing his hair back as he continued to pace down the hallway, leaving you to jog behind him in order to catch up.
You reached out to touch his arm, “Jeremiah then-” He turned around suddenly almost causing you to crash into his chest, “30 minutes is all I need with you to help me with the review.”
He looked around for other students as he lowered his voice, “This is the third time you’ve been late to office hours, and I can’t keep giving you special treatment for being tardy. Don’t do it again.”
Before you could respond, he turned back around in a quick motion and continued down the hallway, calling your name to follow him to the library.
A burst of excitement spiked through your body as you gladly followed behind him, not complaining as you got extra tutoring time with him.
Jeremiah wasn’t aware that you had been purposely late to office hours in order to get his undivided and uninterrupted attention. You always made the excuse that office hours “overlapped” with your other classes in order for him to feel some form of pity for you.
For who would turn down such a good student?
The study room in the corner of the library was always empty as it was the only one without a white board, but instead a window overlooking the campus. Because of that, Jeremiah was forced to always write down his practice problems in your notebook directly next to you.
You scribbled down your responses to the force & gravity unit questions in your textbook when you notice Jeremiah scanning your body over your answers. In a quick motion, you push back on your chair as you reach for your backpack on the ground, arching your back as you stretch forward with your back to him.
Jeremiah clears his throat as he shifts in his chair, moving his gaze away from you as he returns back to your textbook, seeing what you had previously written down.
“You’ve been doing great this past semester, it doesn’t seem like you need my help?” He states, leaning back into his chair as he scans between your eyes.
You slightly smile as you began to pull your hair back, “I do-” You respond with a naive tone, “I’ve been struggling with force.” Your button up shirt stretched tight against your chest as you put your hair in a ponytail, causing Jeremiah’s eyes to drop for a split second before quickly returning to your face.
You lean forward in your chair, slightly exposing the top of your white mesh bra as you stare with purposeful doe eyes, “I don’t think I’ve had enough examples.” You pout.
Jeremiah’s body tenses up for a second but quickly disappears as his eyes darken. He leans forward, placing a hand on your chair as he analyzes your face; “Are you playing dumb with me?”
A slight smirk tempted to slip from your mouth, “I don’t understand what you’re trying to say Mr. Fisher-” you begin to say when a warm hand grips at the bottom of your face, a small gasp escaping from your mouth.
“I told you not to call me that.” His voice was lower than before as he stood tall above you, his eyes sweeping your body without shame. “What are you willing to do for a good grade?” Jeremiah taunts, his fingers trailing down to your neck.
“Anything.” You whisper, maintaining eye contact as his fingers slowly begin to wrap around your neck, mimicking the same firm hold he had on your face just moments before.
Jeremiah lifts your body up, shoving it against the table you were once working on. In a swift motion he grabs the back of your head as the two of your lips combine, rhythmically moving against each other with a newfound force.
Your fingers tangle in his curls, slightly tugging at the ends as a small moan escapes his mouth, giving him more motivation as he makes his way down your neck, leaving a trail of kisses behind.
“Students like you learn best through examples- ”His fingers unbutton your top, exposing the rest of your bra that you teased earlier, “So I’ll make sure to teach you a lesson you won’t forget.”
Jeremiah yanks at your wrist as he pulls you towards the window, slamming your chest to the glass. Your nipples hardened against the cool glass, a sense of panic overwhelmed your body as you see an array of students down below, walking to class or talking amongst their peers.
“What if someone sees?” You question as your mouth felt dry and your head felt dizzy as his fingers trail from the strap of your bra, down to curve of your stomach up until his fingers move their way below your skirt.
“Then everyone will know what a dirty little slut you are for the TA.” Jeremiah whispers in your ear, as his fingers begin to rub slow and sensual circles on top of your clit, the fabric of your underwear beginning to feel suffocating.
The shame you once felt before washed away as moans left your mouth, your head tossing back onto his shoulder as his warm body pressed into yours from behind. The cold from the glass and the heat from his fingers was the perfect combination, your body felt electric between the two.
His fingers moved slowly down your underwear, “God you’re so fucking wet-” Another moan escaped from your mouth as he slowly and painfully moved along your clit, “And here I thought you were a good girl.” You could hear the cockiness drip from his tongue.
“I am.” You whined, your back arching in an attempt to get more friction, only to be met with the feeling of his erection, and did it feel big.
You felt a slap on your clit as you yelped, “Don’t speak out of turn. You got that, princess?” His harsh tone sent butterflies through your stomach as you simply nodded, letting him return his attention back to you.
Jeremiah moved your underwear to the side as he slid one finger inside of you. Another loud moan escaped your mouth as you felt just how long his finger really is, and how well he knew how to use it.
The finger began twisting inside of you, pumping in and out as sloppy sounds echoed throughout the room, your body beginning to overheat as you spread your legs wider.
“Good girl.” He purred, placing a second finger inside of you. The new found sensation overtaking your balance as you pushed yourself deeper into the glass, your nipples peaking through the mesh bra and on display for anybody who simply looked up.
Everything seemed to begin to blur, the pleasure spreading throughout your body as you begin approaching your high. Jeremiah yanks your hair back as his lips meet your ear; beginning to lick and suck as he finds all your sweet spots.
He’s consistent, both of his fingers continue to pump in and out of you in a fast motion, his thumb reaching to draw circles on your clit, “Jere.” Is all you can manage to say as his teeth tug at the bottom of ear.
“Cum for me, darling.”
His words work as a command as your body cannot handle anymore of the pleasure, your legs start to shake beyond control as the heat in your stomach burns stronger than before, causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head as you experience the strongest high of your life.
Your vision blurs as the sensation overtakes your body, causing you to cum hard on his fingers, giving him the satisfaction he knew he would get from you.
As you begin to adjust back to normal you turn around to see Jeremiah leaning against the table, your textbook untouched behind him, as he intensely licks his fingers where your cum visibly stained.
“Wether you pass the exam or not, I expect to see you back here next week.” He smirks, “For I still have much to teach you.”
YALL jere is a slut and no one can tell me otherwise!! this last episode got me giggling & kicking my feet now that i have inspiration for some new stories… ;)
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writersblockedx · 1 year
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Pairing - Jeremiah Fisher x Fem!Reader Summary - Jeremiah goes to you for everything, and when you give him a vital piece of love advice, it dawns on him that he is, in fact, in love with you. Warnings - None? Slight mention of underage drinking. Words - 2K
As was common, Jeremiah was at a loss for his several hookups. And, as was even more common, he went to you to debrief and to ask for advice. While he had hookups and situation-ships way more than you did (or anyone in Cousins for that matter), he struggled with how to manage them. At least he did until he started asking you for advice.
He threw himself onto your bed, forcing you to shut the book you had been deep inside. There, staring up at the ceiling, he let out a huff. "What, or should I say who, is it this time?" You raised your brow at him, watching as Jere's wide pupils stared up to the ceiling as if he were replaying some memory over and over.
"Luke." He let the name out in a sigh. "And, And!" He suddenly added as if he had almost forgotten in his daydreaming gaze, "Abi."
He finally sat up, staring at you with them puppy eyes you could never resist. "Two?" You questioned.
"Yes." He said, barely embarrassed by such fact; at this point, it was to be expected. "Reframe from any criticism please."
"I'm not gonna criticise you, Jere." You told him, a sweet smile gracing your lips. "If anything, I don't see what the problem is here."
He took a second before shrugging, "I just- I feel wrong, you know? Guilty." He explained. "Like I'm going behind their backs."
"Okay then, well you either need to tell them both the truth or pick one."
Jeremiah thought about the options for a moment and ran both scenarios through his head until making his decision. "I have to pick one." He said before looking at you, uncertain, "Right?"
"If that's what you want." You comforted him.
At that, he let himself fall once more. This time, right into your lap as he made a dramatic sigh as if this decision was a life-changing one. "What if I don't know what I want?" He questioned, gazing up at you, his sea-blue eyes catching you into his trap.
You let a sniffle of a laugh as you looked down at him, "Oh, trust me Jere, you've no idea what you want. But, that's okay too, sometimes you have to experiment with different people until you know what you want." You went on.
That seemed to spark another question for him, one of which wouldn't leave his head for the next few weeks: "How do I know? Like, how do I know that this is someone who I want a relationship with? A proper relationship, not just a hookup."
For that, you needed to think. As much as you gave Jereimah advice after advice, that was a question he had never asked. "I suppose it has to be someone you feel that spark with. But not just a sexual spark." As you were certain Jere sometimes mistook it for. "A spark that reaches to a deeper, emotional level. Where you feel safe but excited at the same time. A balance, I guess." That was what you assumed anyway. You hadn't had many successful relationships yourself.
But your words had seemed to prompt something for Jere. His eyes washed away, his mind sucking him into his thoughts. Until, after a long moment, he sat back up and with furrowed brows, asked, "How do you know all this? It's not as if you're happily married."
"No need to remind me." You giggled, slapping the side of his forearm.
Of which he chuckled at and defended himself, "I'm serious! You talk all this wise shit and can't even get yourself a date."
You could have scoffed, "I can get myself a date, thank you."
"Really? When was the last time you went on one?"
Then you did scoff, grasping the pillow from behind you and chucking it at Jeremiah's head, only erupting more laughter from the both of you. "You are so rude!"
Only once your mini pillow fight died down and Jeremiah returned home, did that question take over his whole mind. He strolled into the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of milk as he thought over it: how did he know? The only time he felt a spark that wasn't sexual- well, he couldn't quite remember. Everything you had described, the safety but excitement, the emotional connection (and the sexual), well the only person he could ever even suggest he had felt that for was you.
"What's up with you?" His brother's voice broke him from the glare he had been giving the countertop.
His eyes widened, "Huh?"
Conrad and Belly, who had been trailing behind him, both giggled. "You're just a bit...out of it, you know?"
"That's a first." Conrad laughed.
Jeremiah snapped, "Hey!"
"Go on then," Belly pushed, "What is it you're thinking about?"
The boy sighed, replaying your words once more. "A spark."
"Why's a hookup causing you an existential crisis?" Questioned Conrad, watching his brother in such a focused state that it was becoming a concern.
"It's not a hookup." Jere admitted. "It's Y/n."
Suddenly, that name peaked Belly's interest. She leaned closing, placing her elbows on the kitchen island as she watched the boy carefully, "What about her?" She prompted.
"I went to her for advice, as I always do, and now I can't get it out of my head. She was explaining how for love, you need a spark, an emotional connection, safety..." He stopped there, ever so stunned by his recent realisation.
"And?" Belly pushed on, one brow raised.
Jeremiah sucked in a breath, not making eye contact with either of them as he said, "She basically just described everything I feel for her."
He looked at his brother and his best friend. It was silent. At least for a moment as he took in their unreadable expressions; were they stunned? Embarrassed? Futile? Then, breaking the silence came Conrad's laugh. "You have a crush on Y/n, great." He shook his head. "It took you long enough."
Jere's brows instantly furrowed as he straightened his back, "What? How did you-" He couldn't get his words out.
Conrad looked to Belly, "Come on, back me up. It was obvious."
Jeremiah looked to his friend and Belly could only shrug. "It sort of was." She agreed. "But, now you know, you can ask her out!" Excitement was painted on her words. Belly had been waiting for this for almost longer than yourself.
"I can't do that. She's- She's Y/n. She's my best friend. It'd be weird." The idea was so foreign that it was unbelievable.
"She's your best friend who you're in love with!" Belly argued. "Think about it, please."
With that, she and Conrad left Jeremiah to his thoughts. Once more, you never left his mind. He had been trapped.
For weeks, it was all he could think about. He'd gaze across the other side of the pool at you. Shades covering your eyes as you bathed in the sunlight. There he was daydreaming of everything you would do as a couple. Granted, it was pretty much the same as how things were now, only littered with kisses and hugs and greater smiles than either of you had ever made before.
It came to the point where he was just bursting to tell you. But he waited. He had to wait until the right moment. He couldn't do it by the pool, with Steven and Belly watching. He would wait for the perfect moment. And when the group of you arrived at a local party, he knew maybe tonight would be the night.
A few drinks down, he caught you by yourself. You had wandered to the backyard, sitting on the stairs that led to the porch. He lingered by the patio door, watching you as you sat alone for a moment. Your curious expression was emphasised by the fairy lights which tangled over the wooden fencing, flashing pinks and purples across your cheeks.
You didn't even know Jeremiah was there until he came and sat next to you, your shoulders nudged up against the others. "Enjoying the party?" A smooth smile hung from his lips as he grasped the red solo cup in his hand.
You nodded and glanced over at him, "Yeah, yeah, just needed a break." You excused.
Jere smiled, looking back through the patio doors and the booming party he could still overhear. "That's understandable." He gazed back at you and fell, once more, into your eyes.
"What about you?" You nudged his shoulder playfully. "You're never one to miss a moment from a party. Shouldn't you be looking for Luke? Or, or Abi!" You spat out their names as they flooded back into your memory. You had lost count of all the people Jere had hooked up with.
His smile faulted at the mention of their names, "Erm, no, no. I actually ended things with both of them." He admitted.
"Oh, why?" You raised a brow. "Ended up telling them the truth?"
"No, no." He answered before he looked to the ground, licked his lips and questioned if this was the moment. Something in his mind said fuck it, and he did. "But it was actually because of something you said." Jeremiah couldn't tear his eyes away from you as that curiosity built on your expression once again. "When you were explaining it to me, everything that love made you feel, all the sparks and the connections. That you should feel safe with them but it should be exciting all the same. Well," He took a breath and ran with it. "You're the only person that makes me feel that way."
The air soon became thick with Jeremiah's words as they floated around your mind. This was Jere, your friend, your best friend. The one who had talked non-stop about her and him all while you were nothing but a bystander. Yet, here you were, sitting away from the party the boy was usually the centre of as he professed his love. And you could never deny your feelings in that it wasn't reciprocated.
This time, it was your turn to look to the ground, lick your lips and say: Fuck it. "Jere, I can't deny that you aren't utterly brilliant. I mean, you're incredibly beautiful, and you know it. You're charming and comedic, you bring a room to life. And I love being at your side for all of that, I want to be there in the future too." You took a breath, wondering if your next words were about to ruin that smile that was glued to his lips. "But, it's because I want that, that I want to be your friend. Just your friend." Like that, the smile dissipated. "I can't be some other hookup that you start complaining about because they get too attached, or too clingy. I won't let that be me."
He jumped to take your hands in his. What used to be a simple gesture between the two of you, had suddenly become complicated and you questioned if you should let go. "That's not what you are to me. I would have already tried that on you if that was what I wanted, trust me." He admitted. "This isn't me asking you to kiss me, or to have sex with me or whatever I do nowadays. I'm sat here asking you to be my girlfriend."
The word had been said. It was in the air and it was up to you what you did with it.
And so, you tightened your grip on his fingers and said, "I want you Jere and I trust that you want me to." From there, you leaned in before he could respond, securing a yes with a kiss.
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lvrslvt3 · 1 year
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main masterlist | tsitp masterlist
PAIRINGS : jeremiah fisher x reader
SUMMARY : the two friends try to do a movie stunt in a pool, but they end up making there own movie.
NOTES : i haven’t proofread this
“looks like your having fun.” you sarcastically commented while taking a seat beside jeremiah, your bare legs dangling into the cool pool water infront of the pair of you. you glanced over at the boy, concerned at the expression on his face and the tightness of his jaw. he had a solemn look about him as he gazed down at the pool and you knew why. you had accidentally caught him kissing belly in it just the night before but you hadn’t told him. you didn’t want your own emotions to get on the way of his.
“bad memories?” your voice was quieter this time, more reserved, as your curiosity got the best of you. you also wanted to make sure that he was okay since he did not currently look it. “something like that.” he mumbled before finally facing you. his jaw softened but you could tell he was keeping something in. he was mad at something or someone but it wasn’t you, if it was he would’ve already started an argument or atleast made a few passive agressive comments by now.
“what about you?” he leaned back on his hands instead of crossing them and you notice the slight falter in his breath, his chest hitching for a second longer before finally calming down. you pretended not to notice it. “honestly?” you asked with a sigh while looking away from jeremiah and back into the water, “i’m thinking about that scene from dirty dancing right now.” you failed to hide the small smile on your face.
jeremiah shot you a confused look before he finally broke out into a real smile, a soft chuckle leaving him. “when johnny lifts baby up in the water?” he questioned, recognition sparking all over his features. you hummed before facing him fully, a michevouis smirk on your face. “why don’t we do it?” you shrugged as you spoke before lifting up an arm to flex your hardly there muscles, “i’ve gotten pretty strong—“
“why don’t i do the lifting?” he suggested while standing up, pulling off his shirt and jumping in while his shorts on. you laughed while taking off your shirt aswell, leaving you in only pyjama shorts and a sports bra.
you slipped in the water before the effects of his stare took place, a shy smile overcoming you as you faced each other — now soaked in the water and underneath the starlight of cousins. “don’t go shy on me now.” jeremiah teased after shaking his hair, some of its fluffiness coming back before taking steps in the water over to you, “your gonna have to run and jump—“
“run?” you interrupted before he could finish his sentence, “i cant run in deep water.” you reminded him before pushing back your hair so it wouldn’t fall in front your face any longer. “i’ll just,” you paused for a moment, “come at you fast.”
“so run?” he raised a brow and you splashed water towards him, scrunching up your face in annoyance before readying yourself. “just come at me, i’ll catch you.” he promised, bringing his arms out to do just that. “you better.” you mumbled before stretching your body, a little dramatically, to prepare yourself. “just to let you know, the music is playing in my head.” you told jeremiah before you started towards him.
“mine too.” he chuckled before you finally began to move, going as fast as you could to get past the heavy water trying to keep you back until finally his hands were on your waist and he could attempt to lift you. he got you up into the air but perhaps too fast since you had went over him, your hands in the air as if you was flying as you dived back into the pool on the other side of the fisher boy. when you resurfaced he was laughing.
“you came at me too fast.” he joked as you went back to your place from before. “if you can’t handle me, jere, just tell me.” you teased him. the boy chuckled and shook his head, “i can always handle you.” you rolled my eyes at the comment but you still blushed at his attention.
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“if you drop me one more time, then i’m gonna drown you.” you joked as you once again came from underneath the water, slicking your hair back to keep it away from your face and swimming back towards your spot. “i just don’t know my own strength.” he joked, bringing his arms up and flexing the new muscles he had gotten over the year. you tried not to stare too intensely at them and instead kept your eyes focused on his face.
“is that why you keep dunking me?” you questioned with a tilt of your head. he nodded with a grin, bringing his arms out to catch you again. “this time we’ll do it, i know it.” he stated confidently. you smiled, beginning to rush towards him. you had managed to get faster each time. the water was easier to break through and it swiftly moved by you until finally you reached jeremiah.
he caught your waist just like last time and held you up, your hands coming to steady yourself on his shoulders automatically. “don’t worry, i’ve got you.” he mumbled and you could feel your stomach tighten, feeling on fire from his touch. you brought your hands up just like they had in the movie, giggling along with jeremiah’s chuckles before finally he let you down and you were stood infront of him with a sheepish grin still on your face.
“we did it!” you cheered while hugging him, his hands holding your waist tighter as you both celebrated. “i told you we would.” jeremiah stated before you pulled away to look at him again. “your so cocky.” you laughed through your own words. “when a pretty girl like you wants to be in my presence i have every right to be cocky.” he looked smug as he spoke and his hand tightened on you once more. “am i wrong?” he raised a brow as if to challenge you.
you didn’t respond, rolling your eyes playfully and turned to escape his grasp before you exposed the little crush you had on him. but his grip tightened so your movement halted, and you looked back around at his emotionless face. he was staring down at you with an unreadable expression. “jere, you okay?”
he didn’t respond, his eyes glancing down to your lips before he finally kissed you. without warning, without asking he simply pressed his lips against yours like that was the only way to answer your question. once he kissed you, your heart flowed and every muscle in your body relaxed. how much you needed this terrified you. you wondered if everyone felt this way. maybe it was just you, or maybe it was just you and him together.
he pulled away after a few seconds, squeezing your hips as if to ask silently if you were okay, and when you didn’t do anything he spoke. “i always knew i loved you.” he whispered in a hoarse voice that made you involuntarily shiver. you opened your mouth to speak, to say it back, but he stopped you. “i didn’t say it just to hear it said back. i said it to make sure that you knew.”
you spoke just as he finished, “i love you too, jere.” you smiled up at him and he returned it easily, your heart beginning to race again at this bubble of happiness you were confined to as you held each other. you leaned your head up to kiss him once again. this time, he grabbed your throat but didn’t choke you, just brought you so close that when you kissed you weren’t sure whose air you were breathing.
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aesthetixhoe · 10 months
posts and pictures with conrad fisher — C.F.
warnings: cursing, suggestive comments
authors note: i'm completely guessing on conrad's birthday since the show and book are different i think? i looked it up and didn't get a straight answer so.... 2005 it is!
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liked by jellybelly, con.rad.05, taytay.madison and 87 others.
its_y/n when he likes book girls >>
con.rad.05 I just have so many green flags 💪🏻
| jere_fisher that's a big fat lie. 🥱
| con.rad.05 haha, very funny 😐
| jellybelly boys stop fighting or I'll tell my mom
jellybelly girls who read are just better 🤷🏻‍♀️
| steven.conklin Oh yeah, cause you would know, Mrs "I'm failing english"
| taytay.madison be nice.
| its_y/n the boys are so mean today
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liked by its_y/n, con.rad.05, taytay.madison, and 103 others
jere_fisher what did I walk in on?? 🤢
its_y/n you're just jealous bffr 🙄🙄
| jere_fisher yeah right, best joke I've heard all week.
jellybelly noooo, they're so cute omg
con.rad.05 thanks for the new lock screen jere!
steven.conklin We've lost another solider 😔 RIP conrad, you will be missed. 💔
| jere.fisher no more boys time, he has to hang out with his girrrrrrllllfriendddd
| its_y/n yup! i stole him and you can't have him back 😘
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liked by jellybelly, taytay.madison, con.rad.05 and 94 others
its_y/n summer lovin' ☀🩷
con.rad.05 had me a blast
| jere_fisher happened so fast??
| camcameron hey! This is my song 😟
| its_y/n we'll find one for you and skye, don't worry 😉
jellybelly that dress looks amazing on you
| con.rad.05 everything looks amazing on her, be real
| its_y/n there's too much flattery in here, I have to leave 🤭
steve.conklin No pic cred??
| its_y/n sorry bud, there's always next time!
| steven.conklin There won't be a next time 🙄
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liked by its_y/n, jelly belly, jere_fisher, and 112 others
con.rad.05 maybe the deb ball isn't THAT bad
its_y/n the best escort <3
| con.rad.05 you still need to pay me for my services 😏
| its_y/n aaaand you ruined the moment.
jellybelly taken moments before the mustard disaster
| its_y/n it was a sad day 😔
jere_fisher I was a better escort 🤭
| its_y/n you did eat that dance
| jere_fisher there are 8 letters in Jeremiah 🤯
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liked jellybelly, taytay.madison, con.rad.05 and 101 others
its_y/n bed head
con.rad.05 I can give great head
| con.rad.05 what will I get if I do?
jellybelly surprised he didn't kick you out of the bed
| its_y/n almost!
steven.conklin Get your filthyhands off my boyfriend!
| its_y/n never!! >:)
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liked by its_y/n, steve.conklin, jellybelly, and 92 others
con.rad.05 I'm stealing her permanently
steven.conklin You can steal me next 😘
| con.rad.05 I'd rather not...
| steven.conklin Mhm, sure, you're totally not just covering bc of y/n 😒
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liked by taytay.madison, jere_fisher, jellybelly, and 103 others
its_y/n life recently >>
taytay.madison no me in the recap??
con.rad.05 i love loving you.
| its_y/n why do you only say romantic things on instagram 😔
| con.rad.05 to show off
jere_fisher summer ending is going to be awful
| steve.conklin preach brother 🙌🏻
jellybelly the best summer in the books
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FNAF movie Mike meets Jeremy Fitzgerald
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jammysworks · 1 year
smut after the cut
18+ MDNI
warnings: face sitting, oral (fem receiving), fingering, spit, overstimulation, slight dacryphilia, accidental edging, porn without plot
word count: 0.2k (this one’s a little short)
jeremiah’s tongue swiped across your folds, drawing shapes into your clit as your thighs squeezed around his head. his fingers began to prod at your entrance eliciting gasps from the figure above him.
jeremiah’s mouth slurped up all of your past oragasms and spit them back onto your clit, sucking on the bud. “fu-fuckk..jere m’ gonna cum!” you squealed while attempting to squirm away from the contact. “wanna see you cum on my tongue..” jeremiah muffled against your core, placing both of his hands on each side of your hips and accidentally pulling his mouth away when he began to lay you onto your back, causing your close and desperate relief to escape your grasp.
“n-no..i was so close!” you sobbed between hiccups and gasps, gripping onto the sheets below you. slick leaked from your quivering hole and dripping down your thighs while jeremiah placed his mouth flat against your cunt once again. “i’m sorry baby. guess we just have to do it again, hmm?” you pushed your hips away, hands moving from the sheets to his shoulders as you tried to move him off of your poor pussy :(. “i can’t..” you whined, tears beginning to form in your water line once again and leaking down your red hot cheeks. “..already finished four times, s’ too much!” regardless of your statement your body pushed itself towards jere’s ministrations. “you can take it.”
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parkerflix · 1 year
— when he sees me
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jeremiah fisher x gn!reader
genre: angst (lol)
synopsis: loving jeremiah fisher was hard. especially when he’s in love with someone else.
wc: 1.05k
part of the 1k celebration!
loving jeremiah fisher was always hard. you had only eyes for him, and you knew he only had eyes for belly. you tried desperately to distance yourself from those feelings, knowing you were putting more weight on your interactions with him.
every glance, every moment spent with him you ended up analyzing, trying to figure out if he felt even a fraction of what you felt. more often than not, you had to convince yourself that you were correct.
it felt like a bucket of ice had landed on top of your head when conrad and you came from his fina. seeing belly and jeremiah kiss knowing both you and conrad could come out at any moment made you stomach drop. it was the harsh wake up call that you needed.
conrad had interrupted them, and it all blurred in the background, your thoughts getting louder and overpowering. conrad took you away from them, taking you instead to help pack up his room.
you felt jealous, sadness and anger. belly wasn’t supposed to be with you guys. it was a last minute addition, and you felt jealous of her. she had the attention and affection of both fisher boys, while you pined over the younger fisher. it felt like a movie where she was the protagonist, and you just ended up being a unimportant side character.
the car ride with everyone was uncomfortable, and you tried blocking it out by putting in headphones. the cat’s movements made you drowsy, and it wasn’t until conrad slightly shook you awake that you noticed that you guys had stopped at a motel.
the atmosphere between the 4 of you seemed tense, and you felt out of place with their love triangle. they all bickered about the bed situation, and you felt as if the room was closing in on you.
running out of the room, you gasped for a breath and took a seat next to the vending machines. a tear rolled on your cheek and you hastily wiped it off, not wanting to let your guard down.
your name was called, and you looked up to see jeremiah standing there.
“are you okay?”
you nodded and took in a deep breath.
“yeah. i’m okay.”
he eyed you as if he didn’t fully believe you.
“are you sure? you ran out of there pretty quickly. i’m sorry if you feel like you’re in the middle of this whole thing—”
you squeezed your eyes shut and waved him off.
“it’s fine.”
“i know it’s an unfair position to be in, being stuck with all of us especially when belly and i-”
you stood up and balled your fists, letting your nails dig into the palms of your hands.
“jeremiah. i said it’s fine. can you drop it?”
you never were short with him, and it caught him off guard.
“what’s with you? are you upset at me too?”
you exhaled and your eyes darted everywhere but his face.
“it’s nothing. i don’t want to talk about it.”
“cmon, you’re my best friend. are you mad because we didn’t tell conrad?”
of course. he thought you were mad for conrad’s sake.
“no, jere but seriously drop it.”
“i wanna know what i did though! i cant stand you being mad at me.”
you felt like you were going to throw up, the words escaping you before you could react.
“i’m upset because of the kiss.”
your eyes widened and jeremiah stood there with a confused look.
“the kiss? it wasn’t intentional that conrad would see, he sort of just—”
“god! it’s not about conrad! why do you assume my feelings are about conrad? it’s because you kissed her.”
“it’s because i kissed her? what does that even mean?”
you sighed and slumped your shoulders. you knew you couldn’t run and hide from it like you always did, and you weren’t even sure if you wanted to.
loving jeremiah fisher was hard, and you were tired of it being one sided. you wanted to be free of your feelings for the curly-haired fisher, wanting to just be his friend without analyzing his every move.
“i love you jeremiah. i have for a long time. so yeah i’m upset because you kissed her.”
“do you know how hard it is to be your friend but be in love with you? do you realize seeing you look at her the same way i look at you kills me? no. you don’t. because everything is about conrad and how he feels and how belly feels and how you feel. i cant keep doing this to myself. it’s not fair.”
“doing what?” his words came out like a whisper, so faint that if you weren’t standing face to face you wouldn’t have heard him.
“this” you gestured between the two of you “this friendship. i cant do this anymore. at least not right now. it hurts too much.”
he was silent, mouth shut and his eyes holding a swirl of emotions.
“listen. i’m going to go back into the room, and i’ll take the bed with conrad. he’s aware of how i feel, and it’s just gonna be easier. we’ll talk in the morning.”
you pushed past him, and walked back to the room. pulling conrad to the side you kept him up to speed, ignoring the obvious longing and jealous look belly was giving you. it felt ironic that she was jealous of you when you were nothing but jealous of her.
the rest of the night went with you ignoring both belly and jeremiah. curling into conrad’s side, you finally let the tears fall silently and soak his shirt. he wrapped his arms around you, the two of you understanding how the other felt.
come morning, you quickly got ready and dressed before everyone else was up. getting out of the room you quickly found cell service and ordered an uber.
the car came for you quickly and you climbed in, making sure you had all your bags. you sent a text to conrad letting him know you left early for home and to not tell the others and turned your messages on mute.
putting your headphones in, you finally let yourself really cry, leaning your head against the window.
loving jeremiah fisher was hard, but you knew getting over him would be harder.
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
── 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐜.𝐟 : 𝐕
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Summary: Now that your life has turned upside down, are you still willing to put your siblings' feelings first? Or would you rather fight for your feelings and do what makes you happy regardless of the consequences that might result in the future?
Prev ; Next || Conrad Fisher x fem!reader || My blog
Warnings: S2 SPOILERS! swearing, yelling, fluff, accusations(?), (lmk if i missed anything!)
Y/N’s Pov
It’s like she was never here at all. We looked everywhere, every corner, every part of the house. Everything was gone, it honestly just made things worse. This is just fucked.
“Everything’s gone” Jeremiah said — going down the stairs. We looked at him, trying to sink it all in.
We heard the door open, it was Aunt Julia — she entered the kitchen with a bag in her hand. Conrad walked towards where she was before saying “What the fuck, Julia?” we all walked towards her, standing behind Conrad.
“I-I’m sorry, it must be all a shock” she paused “I spoke to your father this afternoon, and-and he and I decided to not let things drag out any longer” she explained before turning her back on us.
“I don’t give a shit what the two of you had decided on. You had no right to touch anything in this house, those were her things” Conrad said, pointing at the house — his voice filled with rage. Steven walked towards him, grabbing his arm gently, “Breathe, man” he said to Conrad.
Aunt Julia sighed, turning to Conrad — looking at him. “Everything is fine, I made sure that they took good care of everything. I’m just doing what I had to do.” she explained. Conrad walked towards her “Okay bullshit. You could’ve warn us! All you want to do is fight our mom-“ he said — raising his voice, I walked towards him — pulling him away, trying to calm him.
“Okay, enough!” Aunt Julia paused “You are not the only who is hurting here” she continued. Her tears threathening to fall down her face. She was hurting too, she wanted to move on. We also wanted to move on. “Plus, I shouldn’t be the one who you should be angry with. Your mother could’ve warned you, she just… wanted to make me be the bad guy.” Aunt Julia said before looking down — continuing what she was doing earlier.
Conrad shook his head “I am so sorry.. that she was too busy dying to make you life a little easier. You know, it sucks that our grandfather loved her more than you, but i’m not surprised” Conrad scoffed before turning around — walking outside of the house. I looked at Aunt Julia before following him.
Conrad wasn’t wrong. Conrad was someone who wouldn’t lie to you, he was always straightforward — he was just like that, because he cares even if his words might hurt you but that’s what the truth is. That’s just how life is, the truth hurts. All of it hurts.
“Connie please..” I said, walking closer to him — grabbing his hand gently. He just looked at me. “Ofcourse dad did nothing to stop her” he said before pulling his phone out with his free hand.
“Connie what can he do?” Jeremiah asked, I turned to him — still holding onto Conrad’s hand. Conrad turned, “Jere he doesn’t care about us!” Conrad yelled. I rubbed his hand, trying to calm him down — I felt his hold on my hand tightening.
We heard Skye walk out of the door — Conrad heard immediately went and pushed my hand away gently — walking towards Skye “Did you know about this?” he said “Stop” Jeremiah pushed him gently. Conrad pushed Jeremiah’s hand away “No I’m serious. Did you know about this?” Conrad pointed at Skye.
“I-I didn’t know anything” Skye defended “I swear I would have told you.” they said crossing ther arms. Conrad scoffed “Would you have? really? Because we haven’t seen each other in ten years. Would a day at boardwalk have been enough to betray your mom?” Conrad asked, his eyes squinting.
“Listen, I know we don’t know each other very well, but i-i wouldn’t have sideswiped you like this” Skye explained. “Connie, come on” Steven said — trying to stop Conrad from saying anything else. Steven looked at me, signaling me to do something. “So what do we do?” Steven asked.
Conrad just shook his head no, “I-I don’t know!” he said before walking away from Skye. Everyone looked up to Conrad, including me. He’s the oldest amongst everyone. He was the one who you would go to when you needed advice. Seeing him like this, hopeless and doesn’t know what to do, hurts me.
“W-Well we can’t just leave. The house isn’t sold yet” Jeremiah said looking at Conrad who was pacing back and forth. “Well where are we going to sleep?” Steven asked, “I think there are some sleeping bags in the garage” Belly said shrugging. Conrad shook his head “I’m not sleeping in this house” he looked at me. “We don’t have to, alright?” I said not just encouraging everyone else but Conrad specifically.
“Well hotels are usually all booked up around this time of year” Belly infromed us. “I… feel like I should go” Cameron said, we all turned to him — totally forgetting that he was there.
Taylor sighed “You know.. maybe we-we should go too” she suggested. I looked at her and nodded. I mean, nothing’s going to change if we just stayed here, infront of the house, all night. “Don’t go yet, I know a place where we can crash for the night” Jeremiah said — we all looked at him. We all walked towards Jeremiah and Conrad’s car and drove off.
We arrived at the Country Club where Jeremiah used to work at. “Huh” Steven asked “You kept that?” he said to Jeremiah who was holding a key — walking towards the car. Jeremiah shrugged “Perks of not cleaning your wallet out” he went and tried to scan his card on the scanner but it wasn’t working. “Shit” he whispered under his breathe.
“Okay there’s got to be another way, right?” Belly asked. Jeremiah turned to her, “I mean we can try the pool gate” — “Uh we could also use my mom’s key code” Cameron suggested. “Wait are you sure? your mom?” I asked, Cameron nodded “Yeah it’s fine, she’s the manager at the restaurant here.”
“Just uhm you know, don’t make a mess then we’ll be alright” Cameron said before inputing the code into the lock, turning to Steven and Jeremiah — both boys raised their hands before going inside the door.
As I was about to walk in, I noticed that Conrad wasn’t moving “Hey, come on” I said walking back to him, holding his arm. “It’ll be alright” assuring him — smiling gently. He smiled, before walking with me, thanking Cameron.
As we went inside, we all talked about going in our own ways. Cam and Skye went to go get snacks, while Taylor and Steven bickered because Steven started teasing her about sleeping on dusty sheets so that just made Taylor go with him instead of Cam and Skye. So it was just me, Jeremiah, Belly, and Conrad that was left.
“Alright, I think I know a place where we can sleep” Jeremiah said, looking at us. I nodded, “Uh you want to come?” Jeremiah asked us, I looked at Conrad — “I think, we’ll go with Cam and Skye” Conrad looked at me for approval, offering me a hand. I nodded and grabbed his hand gently.
We were on the way there before we heard Belly ask Conrad “Are you okay?” Conrad turned to her, making me turn around too. Conrad nodded and smiled gently before pulling me again to walk with him to where Cam and Skye is.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked Conrad, he looked down at me. Stopping me from walking, we were now face to face. “It’s just, I shouldn’t have gone to boardwalk.” he said, looking up. “Hey it’s not your fault, Connie” I shook my head gently, reassuring him. He looked at me, his eyes filled with hope. “We’ll figure something out okay? It’s not over.” I said before pulling him in for a hug.
The fact that he hurt me is in the past now, I don't care anymore about what happened back then. I am done mourning about whatever happened back then, done crying and regretting what I did. All I want now is to be here with him, to be his best friend. The same as it used to be.
Conrad's Pov
It has been said that nothing can break the invisible thread between two people who are meant to be together. I had always thought that it wasn't true, that there wasn't such a thing as an invisible string. However, after Y/N returned, I realized that this statement was actually true all along.
I pulled away from her gently "Thank you" I said — smiling gently. She has always been there for me, ever since we were little. That’s just how it always was, me and Y/N.
“Come on? Let’s go find the rest” Y/N said pulling me — smiling. I nodded and followed her. “Hey so, how are you?” I asked her — she looked at me, confused “I.. I’m okay now” she paused, smiling “You know it was time to move on and live life I guess. I can’t really keep on regretting things that I shouldn’t be regretting and blame myself for everything knowing that It wasn’t really my fault or anyones.” she said, looking down at our hands — that were still holding each other.
I nodded “Yeah, I totally understand it. Plus we were still young back then, things were still a blur at that time. We really did things that we did regret but it’s what made us what we are right now, you know?” I looked down at her, she nodded.
I looked at our hands, hesitating about what I should say “Uhm and about the Belly thing-“ — “Hey let’s forget about that. It was the past and I am totally over it. I know that my sister and you truly loved each other, it’s just.. it wasn’t the right time and it’s okay. I don’t hate you for it.” she reassured me — cutting me off, smiling, swinging our hands.
That’s what I totally loved about Y/N. She wasn’t someone who would hold grudges, no matter how much you hurt her or did her wrong, she can never stay mad at you. She had a pure heart, the one that you’ll be scared of hurting, of breaking. She was always the one that understood people.
Y/n’s Pov
The boys were in the golf cart meanwhile we were here walking, we decided to go out of the Country Club and sleep on the hill. Cam Cameron and Conrad was inside of the cart while Jeremiah and Steven were behind it, jumping up and down. “Okay it’s not gonna work, there’s too many of us here” Conrad said.
“God y’all are a bunch of kids” I groaned, walking beside Belly, putting an arm around her shoulder. “This is so annoying” I heard Taylor said — still poking holed on her apple. “Weed is not supposed to be this difficult” Taylor complained, Skye insisted to do it so they took it and tried to do it themselves.
“So.. you and Steven” Belly said looking at Taylor, I looked at Taylor too, smiling. “There was you know, a vibe” she continued. “There wasn’t any at all” Taylor scoffed, shaking her head no, “I save all my.. vibing for Milo. Plus Steven really hurt me last year so” she shrugged. We nodded - totally agreeing with her.
After what happened with her and Steven last year, I'm pretty sure Taylor just didn't want to get hurt like that ever again, that's why as much as possible she tries to stay away from him. Which we totally understand, even though we were his sister we admit that Steven can be an asshole.
Belly sighed “I.. I think I really loved Conrad” she suddenly said “longer and truer than anyone in my whole life” she continued. I looked at her, dropping my arm from her shoulder. She looked at me, you can still see the pain in her eyes, there was still a glint in there.
She truly loved him. She did love him with all her heart, and I’m sure Conrad did too. I remember her talking about Conrad back then, she was so happy, she was glowing. They were both really happy with each other, I guess it just wasn't the right time.
Taylor nodded, looking at me. “How about you?” I just shook my head no. It would be weird if I talked about Conrad knowing that he was my sister’s ex. Belly looked at me - waiting for my answer.
“We never really knew what happened between you and Conrad” Taylor said, curiously. I just shrugged “Nothing really happened, we kind of just drifted apart because of my.. dumb decisions. But we’re okay now” I said smiling at Taylor. Belly chuckled and nodded. “Totally understand that, we were young back then, I made dumb decisions too. I'm glad that you guys made up, It feels good seeing things come back to normal again.” Belly said, patting me on the shoulder.
I nodded. “You know what, we should make a pact” Taylor suggested. “We should leave our first loves and dumb decisions in the past” I nodded looking at Belly, she looked back at me, nodding too. We all agreed, pinky promising.
We saw the boys hop out of the gold cart. "This thing is definitely dead" Jeremiah said, pointing at the cart. We just decided to go up the hill and rest there just for tonight. We all set our blankets and sleeping bags down. Skye was finally done with the apple bong, as they were smoking with it right now.
"What's happening over here?" Steven said, walking up to us, dropping snacks in front of us. "We playing truth or dare or what?" he asked, resting his hands on his waist. Belly clapped, looking up at Steven "Okay, you in?" she asked "I dare you to eat the apple bong" Belly dared Steven. Steven scoffed, grabbing the apple from Skye - taking a bite.
"How was it?" I asked, chuckling "It tastes so.." Steven said before spitting it out infront of us, the chewed up apple falling infront of us and on our knees making Taylor scream throwing an apple at him "Okay, that is gross Steve" I said before standing up, trying to clean myself.
"It's okay, we'll make him clean it up" I heard Conrad reassure Cameron. They were walking towards us with snacks in their hands "Are we playing truth or dare? you in, Conrad?" Cameron asked Conrad - sitting down.
Conrad shook his head, sitting down beside me. I pushed him gently — encouraging him to join, he still said no. Jeremiah finally arrived, sitting down beside Belly
Skye covered their eyes and started to point at people, their point finger landed on Belly, “Belly uh I dare you to kiss Jeremiah” — there was silence, we all just looked at Belly, waiting for her to do something. She just looked at Jeremiah.
Jeremiah shook his head “Yk aren’t we too old for that shit?” he chuckled, we just nodded. It was Cam’s turn. He basically just told us about regretting not spending time with his sister before she passed away.
“Does it.. does it get better?” I asked him, Conrad looked at me — placing a hand on my knee. It was evident that I was still in pain, still in regret. Cam looked at me and nodded “Yeah, It was hard at first because you know the paint start to feel more like a scab. Sometimes something random will totally set you off. Like their fave music, smells, flowers and it just makes the pain feel brand new again. But everything goes back to normal, eventually.” He explained.
It was obvious that we all needed to hear that, especially Conrad and Jeremiah. It was their mom, their mom was also like our mom. She treated us as her own children too, we were still mourning, still in pain. But as what Cameron said, It’ll go back to normal eventually.
I smiled — nodding at Cameron before leaning on Conrad. His arms automatically wrapped around me, my hands against his arms. The situation was not awkward in any way, it was not me exploiting his emotions or anyone's emotions. Conrad was my best friend before the two of them got together, him and my sister. Plus, Belly had Jeremiah's attention — so I don’t see anything wrong.
We just heard Taylor yawn which made us all laugh “I’m sorry guys, I’m just really fucking tired right now” she said groaning, putting her face in her hands. “Yeah it’s getting late you guys. We should head to bed” Jeremiah nodded, chuckling. Steven stood up to get everyone some blankets while everyone else stood up and started to set up their own beds.
Everyone else was already laying down, Cam and Skye shared a pillow, Taylor and Steven were laying beside each other, my mat my beside Conrad, Belly was beside Jeremiah. We were all just spread out. I was laying down while Conrad was sitting beside me.
“You okay?” I heard Conrad ask me — I opened my eyes and looked up to him, nodding. “Just thinking” his brows furrowed, now laying down, his head wresting on his hand. “About what?” he asked looking at me.
I turned to my side, we were now face to face “Just you know, like what If I didn’t go here. What would I be doing? i’ll probably regret it if I didn’t. Knowing that the house will be gone.” I felt his hand on my hair, tucking it behind my ear before resting his hand on my cheek.
“Well I’m glad that you went, wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.” Conrad said, rubbing my cheeks. Things were happening so fast, I don’t even know if what we’re doing was right. For god’s sake, he was my sister’s ex but why did it feel so right? if it doesn’t seem right.
I nodded and smiled before placing my hand over his. Sleepiness started to consume my body, the last thing I heard from Conrad was “Goodnight, special girl” before I felt myself start to fall asleep.
taglist : @maybankslover @urmomisafinewoman @user3729107491 @melllinaa @anthgoldenhrry @arunabrak @amj2277 @whoisalexa @remuslupinwifee @gulphulp @layanderson @astrvalee @goldenmoonbeam @podiumprincess @johannelis2302nely @silcintilla @smw-96 @apollo3475 @drikawinchester @fangirl-kimora @sanjanapm @milyswrld @scysuxx @starkeylover @fallingforel @mysticalstarlightflower @ifilwtmfc @allnrsnz @yeosxxx @elvishoe69 @be4tric3s @users09 @mirrorwalls1989 @sunflowers1610 @rubes26 @junnniiieee07
this was very long LMAOOO sorry about that you guys — i just had to fit it all in there :))
hope you guys like this chapter !! lots of love <3
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