#Jeremiah Fazbear Frights
kimaratomoya · 10 months
*Casually Materialises*
No one asked for this but I don't care.
Characters that I fucking love from Fazbear Frights that I see barely anyone talking about because they didn't read past books 1-5 usually. Or they forget about them. Because that happens.
Spoilers if you haven't read the books ig??
1. Toby Billings
My beloved boy
He's so depressed lmao
Definitely got some shit going wrong
But we love him
And he deserves better that being tormented by a fucking shadow rabbit
Literally has no mother
She fucking left ✌️
But he has a brother (who is a dick)
And a dad (who supports the brother)
Bestie I hope ur ok
2. Jeremiah (I don't he has a last name, if he does, I forgot it and I refuse to check the wiki out of spite)
Also depressed probably
Needs therapy
Parker was so mean to him what the heck.
He was just vibin
And trying to finish his fucking job
And this bitch put spicy shit in his chips
Also Glitchtrap kinda makes him have to find Hope and Parker's disembodied pieces
So that's rude
3. Hudson
Why are all of these people depressed
But yeah he has actual PTSD
Poor guy
Literally was trying to just leave his past behind him BC he couldn't deal with it
And just wanted to exist in peace
I have a lot of hatred towards William.
4. Colton
Surprisingly, not depressed
Just a moron
I love his stupid little brain
He legit broke into a place to fix a game to get tickets for a game when he literally could've just stolen the game
You little dumb dumb
5. Sam
Broski does film????
I do film!!!!!
Also I find him goofy
And Nole definitely spent way too long on the first 3 pages describing how he sits and stuff
I have no idea what his skin tone is because everyone keeps changing it and I am just gonna stick with like the original one I know for him lmao
He's so swag
(probably fruity ✨💅)
Does anyone want 5 (or more) characters I despise for dumb little reasons?
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stripeixii · 5 months
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So I mean, group therapy is going well...
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bonnielunkas · 1 year
just finished prankster it was. Not Very Good imo and i think a lot of it has to do with the fact its only 42 pages long so the pacing gets cucked SO HARD.
like you get me hooked with the premise, right?? i like help wanted!! i wanna know what happened to help wanted jeremy even if it isn't in a " canon " form but god damn!! this bitch got shafted!!
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spooky-flowerwolf · 2 years
Jeremiah: you want to tell me what's going on between you two!
Packer and Hope look at each other
Jeremiah: I know it's happening
Packer :That Hope prefers whiskey to wine?
Jeremiah: I knew it-. Omg
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"I don't believe it Hope"
"it's because it's expensive"
"What are you talking about?"
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odditys-fnafverse · 3 months
Where Fantasy & Fun Come To Life
Created: 08/03/24
'Ello & Welcome to my FNaF Blog! My name is Oddness/Oddity,but just Odd is fine! FNaF is one of my main two hyperfixations,so i decided to make a blog dedicated just to it! Also because I was rebloging too much stuff on my main
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If you do not follow these rules,expect an automatic block then mate!
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See you soon,mates!
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dalekofchaos · 8 months
FNAF movie sequel wishlist
Jeremy Fitzgerald as the protagonist and played by Jeremiah's actor Theodus Crane
Introduction of Henry played by Skeet Ulrich
Split it between the 80's and modern day. Showing us Freddy's at it's peek and showing the decayed ruins of Freddy's or potentially Circus Baby's? What they could do is Mike is reading Jeremy's old Security log book then we get 80's flashbacks with Jeremy while also getting modern day with Mike, Abby and Vanessa
Charlie's death
Toy Animatronics and The Puppet
Markiplier as Phone Guy
Making use of the make up/de-aging technology they used for Loomis in Halloween Kills for young Matthew Lillard to play young William in peek Purple Guy mode
Seeing the classics become Withered in the modern day
Mike finding there is something more to who he is. aka he's Michael Afton and he will discover that by the third movie.(yes I will fucking die on this hill) What starts this off is watching Immortal and the Restless. "Clara, the baby isn't mine" and this triggers a flashback with the person he thought was his father telling his mother "Mike isn't mine" and Michael going down a path of rediscovering who he is and learning he repressed his trauma by replacing it with a happy family life and a missing brother because he cannot live with what he did and when the truth gets out? William's going to prey on him like a predator. "You remember what you did, don't you Michael?"
The movie ending with William rising and dismantling the band and him simply saying. "I ALWAYS COME BACK"
Potentially either Abby or Vanessa will die by Circus Baby's hands.
The third sequel will either be FNAF 3 with Springtrap in Fazbear's Fright or Sister Location. So my suggestion is to combine it. We have half of Sister Location in the beginning and FNAF 3 in the other
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krackkokichi · 9 months
Fazbear Frights Ranking
Now that I've read all the Fazbear Frights stories (I'm super late, I know), I decided to briefly record my thoughts on them. (under the read more)
I don't care about ridiculous premises, because if you don't engage with them, you're not gonna like the story no matter what. I don't care about lore connections, and I especially don't care about epilogue connections. I also don't notice most pacing issues if I am interested in the characters. I don't care about gruesomeness as long as I find it engaging, and I love tragic stories.
When I made the tierlist (at the bottom), I consulted the wiki for the epilogue summaries, but I can't be bothered to do that for the ranking, so just assume if it's higher it's because of Jake, and if it's lower it's because of Eleanor.
36. "The Breaking Wheel" I didn't like any of the characters, and the pacing was too slow for me to be invested. Also what's with all these advanced science classes? Did I just miss out on a common public school thing in my private school?
35. "Prankster" Jeremiah sounds like a Nice Guy, and the ending was confusing. It's also hard to take things seriously when the protagonist thinks it's a prank (I still don't know if it is).
34. "Kids at Play" What is up with the signs following Joel around? That ending came out of nowhere. At least his internal conflict is kinda interesting.
33. "In the Flesh" Matt is so hateable it's entertaining, but the plot is too dull, and the ending is just gross and pointless.
32. "What We Found" This story started off really well, and I was really interested in Hudson, but all the hallucinations made the story difficult to follow. I couldn't tell if Springtrap actually did anything or not. The second half was just so disappointing.
31. "Sergio's Lucky Day" It was kinda neat to see how Sergio became increasingly reliant on Lucky Boy, even to his own detriment well before the ending, but I just didn't like it. I can't explain why.
30. "1:35 AM" I just felt sad for Delilah, but it was also frustrating how she wouldn't even explain to Harper exactly what was wrong. The ending was also underwhelming and made my claustrophobic ass uncomfortable in a bad way.
29. "Count the Ways" I don't understand why this one is so beloved. If not for the portions showing Millie's life before she climbed in Freddy, it would be much lower. I was just distracted the whole time wondering how big Funtime Freddy, who I have always perceived as one of the smaller Freddy models, would have to be to fit a 14 year old in his stomach with enough room for her to move at all. He was also incredibly irritating to listen to.
28. "The New Kid" I was so mad at Devon for involving poor, innocent Mick in his horrible shenanigans. The springlock scene was just so terrible, and the ending was so confusing? Apparently the corpse might be Andrew, but I find problems with this, especially since I don't know for sure if Jake was Eleanor or not. If he was, that's stupid, especially since Jake didn't act malicious at any point, only Devon did.
27. "Together Forever" I always mix up this title with "Alone Together." Most of this story is just stereotypical mean girl stuff, until the gore at the end. Everyone says Fazbear Frights are super gorey, but I didn't really notice most of it. This story though. This one actually made me sick (literally not figuratively), but the last paragraph is really good.
26. "Hide-and-Seek" I could not visualize the game. If it's as big as it sounds, why is it in a pizzeria? As someone with a lot of siblings, I could relate to the competitiveness between Toby and Connor, and the ending was a pretty good message against relapsing into harmful behaviors (at least that how I interpreted it). The majority of the story was too slow for me to be invested when I didn't care much about Toby though.
25. "To Be Beautiful" Putting aside my loathing for Eleanor, this story isn't that bad. It did have a bit of gore at the end, but it wasn't nearly as bad as "Together Forever." Sarah's struggle with self-image and popularity is relatable to a young teen audience. I was moved when she made up with Abby.
24. "Felix the Shark" The first half of the story is really good, but then it drags its feet. It's not interesting to read about a protagonist putting clues together when we don't know what half the clues are. The ending was really good though.
23. "Dance with Me" Kasey's attempt to start over being thwarted by her falling back into bad habits was really realistic. I was routing for her to redeem herself. I was a bit confused by the ending though. Was the girl dancing because of Ballora, or was she dancing because she wanted to? Are we meant to know?
22. "Room for One More" I felt bad for Stanley, but I don't understand the logistics of Minireena vore. How were they spread throughout his body? That's not how ingesting things works.
21. "Gumdrop Angel" Angel's family problems were very relatable. I don't have a step-dad, but I could understand her resentment toward Ophelia for the difference in treatment. Dominic crying for Angel was a really humanizing moment.
20. "Pizza Kit" I can't really explain why I like this one so much. Maybe it's because this story was always misrepresented to me in summaries/other rankings I've seen. Payton and Marley's dynamic is exactly like my dynamic with my childhood friend, so I found Payton extremely relatable. Her death due to her own guilt was pretty poetic.
19. "Sea Bonnies" Mott didn't do a single bad thing, and he did everything he should have. It makes me so mad that he got completely overtaken by the titular creatures for literally no reason, but I like Mott and his dynamic with Rory so much that I can't put it lower.
18. "Lonely Freddy" This dynamic is kinda reminiscent of Angel and Ophelia's, but Alec and Hazel have moments of getting along, which only makes the ending more tragic. I felt so bad for Alec when he realized how badly he had messed up with Hazel.
17. "The Puppet Carver" I like how the portions of Sage's book reflect on what's happening to Jack. I don't know if Jack actually died, but it's compelling to me either way.
16. "Fetch" All the technical, scientific talk went completely over my head, but the concept was good enough, and Fetch was an entertaining enough antagonist that I can forgive it.
15. "The Man in Room 1280" I hate the lore implications for this, even as a denier of Stitchline games, because the personal hell explanation makes way more sense than a nightmare. Regardless, I really liked Arthur, and I especially liked his dynamic with Mia. It was also fun to read about the nurses trying to kill an unkillable patient.
14. "He Told Me Everything" While Chris was kinda terrible, I found him entertaining. The last bit when he realizes the Faz-Goo is going to replace him was so good.
13. "Jump for Tickets" This one gets so misrepresented. "Why didn't Colton just steal the console?" "Why didn't he just get a job?" Did you even read the story? Both questions are answered. Anyway, if not for the ending with Aidan and Colton, this would be lower, but that little bit made my heart ache, so here it is.
12. "Out of Stock" No way! A protagonist who did something bad, got his friends involved, and mouthed off to his mom, but made up for his mistakes by being brave, saving his friends, and apologizing to his mom? In my Fazbear Frights? The happy ending was well-earned.
11. "Find Player Two!" This one was just really solid, and much needed after the first two. The realization that Mary Jo's death was Aimee's fault, but not in the way she thought, only for the same thing to happen to her, was just so poetic.
10. "Step Closer" You may have noticed that I like the exploration of sibling dynamics. I like how we get a bit of the family's reaction to Pete's fate. Maybe I'm just dumb, but I've never heard of an arm transplant. Unless that's just something that's somehow possible in the FNAF world.
9. "Blackbird" This is a lot like "Dance with Me," but I think it's better executed. Not much to say here; it's just really solid. Happy for Christine though.
8. "The Scoop" A very meta story, but I quite liked it. I can see why it was scrapped though. Relatable protagonist and a bittersweet ending.
7. "Friendly Face" "Another story where the protagonist is haunted by their guilt?" Well yes, but this one is different. This time, the "threat" is real, and the last paragraph was one of the best. I actually almost cried when Jack and Faraday died since there's so much buildup, which was helped by how realistically Edward's grief was portrayed.
6. "The Cliffs" Yeah I like tragedy, but I also love a happy ending. Robert and Tyler's dynamic was just so sweet. Justice for Tag-Along Freddy though. He was just doing his job!
5. "Bunny Call" Bob was a great protagonist. Despite being annoyed by his family, he emphasizes how much he still loves them, and he's willing to put his life on the line to protect them when he realized his mistake.
4. "The Real Jake" Jake, Margie, and Evan deserved to be a happy family together dammit. This injustice will not stand. I cried.
3. "Into the Pit" This was such a good start to the series. Someone you love being replaced by some unknown thing with only you knowing the difference is a terrifying concept. Oswald's family dynamic is also really well done.
2. "You're the Band" Timmy is so me. I guess I could basically stick my comments about "Into the Pit" here, just replacing "start" with "end" and "Oswald's" with "Sylvia's." I just like it more here I guess. Also hi, Mike.
1. "Coming Home" I called that Susie was already long dead from the start, but that just meant I didn't need to reread to get a full impression, since I was already considering both sides. I wish we got more stories about the other victims, because as it stands, only the girls have any substance to them. Gabriel, Jeremy, and Fritz are just names, and that makes me sad. Anyway, this story made me cry.
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lemmythelemuel · 2 years
Resumen de Frailty
Bueno, y aqui estamos con el primer resumen estrenando esta plataforma, hoy os traigo Frailty, la primera historia de la nueva saga de libros de FNAF: Tales from the PizzaPlex.
Una historia que actua de secuela de cierto Fazbear fright, ahora lo vereis.
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Jack, el Técnico de Emergencias Medicas estaba haciéndole el RCP a un chico que yacía en el suelo en una fría noche lluviosa.
El adolescente se había estrellado por la velocidad a la que iba contra un árbol, por desgracia, Jack no pudo revivirlo.
Mientras hablaba con su compañero, a Jack le pareció ver una sombra acercándose al cada ver, una sombra con un cuchillo, Jack intento interceptar a esta sombra de forma femenina, pero esta escapo, sin embargo, el adolescente había revivido, era un milagro, asi que rápidamente fue trasladado al hospital.
“vaivén, vaivén”
Decía Jessica mientras mopaba el suelo en el ala infantil del hospital, ella recordaba esas palabras de su pasado, pero no de cuando.
Seguía mopando, tapando su cara con su largo pelo negro, para no ser vista y para no ser notada, siempre iba completamente vestida de negro con ese propósito, pasar desapercibida.
Jessica escuchaba como un niño llamado Brian era felicitado por estar recuperándose, este parecía mas hambriento, y sus padres le prometieron que cuando este completamente recuperado irían al Freddy Fazbear MegaPizzaPlex a celebrar.
Sin embargo, la madre noto algo raro, la cama del niño estaba llena de unos extraños copos de plata, las enfermeras estaban extrañadas, pero dijeron que le cambiarían las sabanas, mientras tanto, Jessica seguía mopando.
“Vaivén, vaivén...”
El asistente de enfermería, Colin, hablaba con la enfermera Macy sobre lo rara y frágil que se veía Jessica, casi daba miedo, Macy, sin embargo, le decía que no causa problemas y solo era una niña de 14 años, no podía hacer ningún mal.
de repente sonó un “Clang” y encontraron en el suelo una lata oxidada, ¿de donde había salido? Macy llamo a Jessica la cual estaba mopando cerca y le pidió que se llevara la lata, tras eso la felicito por su trabajo.
En su descanso, Jessica fue a la capilla del hospital, le gustaba ir allí a rezar, agarro la cadena de su cuello y empezó a rezarle a su colgante de plata.
Ahora tenia apenas la forma de una medialuna, pero anteriormente tenia forma de corazón, ahora estaba casi gastado, Jessica rezaba:
“Porfavor, ayúdame a hacer el bien y cumplir mi propósito, ayúdame a hacer la diferencia, Ayúdame a ayudar a los demás, a los enfermos, dame la fuerza para corregir mis errores, el coraje para hacer lo correcto...
Alguien le pregunto si estaba bien, este se presento, era el padre Jeremiah, Jessica se presento también a lo que Jeremiah al verla tan pálida le pregunto si se encontraba bien.
Jessica explico que trabajaba como conserje en el ala infantil y que estaba bien, esta también menciono que Macy le felicito por su buen trabajo.
Jessica esperaba estar haciéndolo de verdad, este trabajo era la oportunidad perfecta para ayudar a la gente con su colgante, tuvo suerte que no la pillaran en el exterior cuando salvo a aquel adolescente en el accidente de trafico.
Casi la pillaron, pero no lo hizo, no dejaria que nunca la pillen.
Jeremiah menciono que Macy era una enfermera muy amable, y tras mencionar lo bonito que era su colgante, ambos se despidieron, no sin antes decirle que ahí le tenia para hablar si algún día le necesitaba.
Jessica se fue al baño y se puso maquillaje para tapar sus ojeras, en el pasado, a ella le importaba el aspecto, solo quería ser encantadora, en el pasado ella tenia amigos, familia, era feliz, ahora ya nunca sonreía, y parecía mas frágil cada día.
Algo paso un día, tomo una mala decisión y se dio cuenta de que ya no podía ser una vida normal, así que ahora huyendo de su pasado, trata de enmendar esa mala decisión que cometió.
Jessica salió del baño y mientras limpiaba vio a un niño nuevo, de pelo marrón abrazando un elefante de peluche verde, ella se acerco a el, agarro su colgante y un cuchillo y empezó a rallar el colgante espolvoreando la plata en el niño.
Jessica empezó a sentirse débil, eso significa que había funcionado, que el niño había sido curado, este despertó y con sus grandes ojos verdes le pregunto si era un ángel, a lo que Jessica le dijo que no, le dijo que contara ovejitas y durmiera, a lo que el niño decidió contar elefantes verdes en su lugar y se durmió plácidamente.
mientras se iba, noto como algo caía al suelo, un resorte oxidado, Jessica lo tomo y se deshizo de el.
Jessica se sentó en el laboratorio del instituto West Wilson High, en la clase de ciencia e ingeniería, como siempre, trataba de pasar desapercibida, aunque eso no la libraba de insultos como “la niña zombie”, “maniqui”, “bruja” entre otros, a parte de eso, todos la ignoraban.
Ver la vida normal de los demás, le recordaba que ella también tuvo una vida normal, pero por su terrible decisión, aprendió que algunas cosas no pueden ser revertidas y solo había que seguir adelante.
Mientras sus compañeros se reían de ella por como la habían visto rondando por el cementerio, alguien le tiro un borrador, de repente, un chico rubio de ojos azules y piel color caramelo apareció y recogió el borrador, este se presento como Robert, y le dijo que ignorara a esa gente.
Era un chico nuevo, habían personas así en su antiguo instituto y el tenia 0 interés en ser amigo de estas personas, la profesora Willoughby mando a callar a la clase y organizo un trabajo en equipos, donde Robert escogió a Jessica, juntos iban a construir un robot.
Después de clase, estos organizaron todo para el robot, la profesora indico que lo mejor que podían hacer eran salvar piezas viejas en lugar de comprarlas, asi que Robert propuso ir a una chatarrería a buscar cosas.
Jessica se estremeció, recordó su pasado y le dijo que no podía ir, que tenia trabajo y lo sentía mucho, tras despedirse de Robert esta fue al cementerio, a un viejo mausoleo, alli es donde realmente vivia desde que abandono su pasado, un lugar solitario y tranquilo donde nada podría prestarle atención.
Alli tenia su saco de dormir, un poco de cosas para asearse y la unica cosa que conservaba de su pasado: Una pequeña pata de conejo blanco.
En el pasado creia en la suerte, pero ya no, ahora solo era un recordatorio de lo que habia perdido.
Macy estaba contenta, al parecer los niños en el hospital cada vez estaban mejor y compartió con Jessica su entusiasmo, le dijo que siempre que tuviera una victoria, debia tomarla.
Mientras avanzaba, encontró un tenedor oxidado, ¿de donde estaba saliendo toda esta basura? esta llamo a Jessica y le pidio que lo recogiera.
“Maldita sea, me he pasado ese de largo” pensaba Jessica, y tomo el tenedor tirandolo a la basura.
Mientras seguía limpiando, paso por la habitación de una chica nueva, una adolescente de su edad, pelirroja y con pecas, esta se percato de Jessica y la llamo.
Su nombre era April, habia sido admitida esta mañana, April le pregunto porque querria trabajar en un lugar con tanta gente enferma, a lo que Jessica le dijo que le gustaba ayudar, April pregunto si no le molestaba hablar con ella, ya que muchas personas le trataban con pena o lastima.
Jessica le dijo que no tenia que tratarle de diferente manera, lo que alegro a April, esta le pidio que se pasara de vez en cuando a verla.
Jessica y Robert trabajaban con el Minirobot, Jessica no estaba haciendo nada porque no queria tocar la chatarra ya que le despertaba recuerdos que no queria revivir, la profesora Willoughby paso a ver como iban y pese a que Jessica no hacia nada, Robert menciono que era muy buena compañera.
Jessica no veia justo eso, asi que decidio ayudar, sintiera lo que sintiera, asi que tomo unos pedazos de chatarra y ayudo a Robert, con alivio viendo que no pasaba nada, sintio exito.
Macy revisaba los signos vitales de Billy, el cual habia empezado a mejorar, el niño le pregunto cuando volveria el angel que le ayudo a sentirse mejor, queria verla de nuevo.
Macy le dijo que quizas tenia un angel guardian, a lo que el niño se alegro, de repente se escucho un Clang fuera de la habitación, 
Fuera habia un silenciador de coches oxidados, ¿que narices pasa? la chatarra solo aparece en el ala infantil, Macy, harta de este bromista decide buscarlo, lo que siguiendo pistas la lleva a la capilla.
Esta tiene una conversacion con Jeremiah sobre el bromista (hacen un chiste con prankster) y sobre Jessica, como se preocupan por ella y necesitaria una amiga.
Mientras se iban, Macy encontro aun mas chatarra, esta vez un candado oxidado.
Jessica estaba en el taller del padre de Robert, el cual era ingeniero, Robert sugirio ponerle un nombre al minirobot a lo que Jessica sugirio Minirobot 5000.
Robert dijo que era un nombre muy simple a lo que Jessica contesto:
“Los robots no son siempre tan originales, a veces tan solo esta hecho de vieja y aburrida chatarra oxidada.”
Jessica sintio una tristeza, creia que ya habia superado esto, que ya se habia aceptado a si misma, pero últimamente estaba volviendo a despertar sus sentimientos, los que tanto ocultaba ¿porque ocurre esto?
Alguien toco a la puerta, una amable mujer de pelo rubio, la madre de Robert, les trajo unos Brownies, el postre favorito de Jessica, Robert dijo que su madre era una gran pastelera y que tenia que probarlos, Jessica no queria darse placeres, no los merecía, pero por la insistencia de Robert lo hizo y... estaba delicioso.
Robert le dijo que ella no era como las otras chicas, y que le gustaba mucho, asi que le pidio si queria ir con el al baile de graduación.
Jessica nerviosa, le dijo que preguntaría si el hospital le dejaba la noche libre.
Pero en realidad Jessica se habia ido a rezar, necesitaba guia, asi que rezo al colgante:
“Porfavor, ayudame a saber lo que tengo que hacer, porfavor, guiame, no sabia que esto pasaria, tenia un plan, y ahora las cosas han cambiado, pensaba que podia contenerme y hacer lo correcto, pero ahora todo se esta desmoronando...”
Jeremiah se acerco a ella y le pregunto que le pasaba, Jessica le conto como habia dejado atras su pasado, que estaba haciendo todo lo posible para ayudar a la gente, pero las cosas han cambiado, y no sabe si es correcto dejar que una parte de su anterior vida vuelva.
Jeremiah le pregunto porque sentia que no merecia eso, a lo que Jessica menciono que en el pasado hizo algo, en su oscuro oscuro pasado, asi que dejo todo atras, pero ahora viene esa oportunidad, y no sabe si esta bien que recupere una pequeña pieza de si misma.
Jeremiah entonces contesto que dar es un gran don, pero tambien tiene que estar lista para recibir regalos y oportunidades, Dios quiere a todos sus hijos por igual, y desea que sean felices.
Jessica se despidio, mientras Jeremiah la miraba con lastima, pobre niña, ojala pudiera hacer mas para ayudarla.
Mientras se iba, encontro un engranaje oxidado en el suelo, que extraño.
Mientras Jessica mopaba, escucho como April la llamaba, esta le conto que tenia cancer en la sangre, pronto perderia el pelo, Jessica no respondio, a lo que April le pidio que le hablara de la escuela.
Sus amigos no venian a verla porque no querian hablarles de su vida para que no se sintiera mal, pero April queria escuchar las historias de los demas, Jessica no le conto su pasado, pero le hablo de Robert, y de como le invito a la fiesta de graduacion.
April se imagino a ella en una fiesta de graduacion, siendo la reina del baile y luego saliendo con un chico como Robert a la playa y finalmente besandose bajo la luna.
Jessica imaginaba lo mismo, April indico que estaba cansada y que ya seguirian hablando, Jess miro el colgante, podia ayudar a April, pero ¿debia hacerlo?
Jessica decidió no hacerlo ya que como Jeremiah le dijo, debería estar dispuesta a recibir también.
Jessica y Robert quedaron en el cementerio para probar a MiniRobot 5000, todo parecia en orden, y Jess aprovecho para confirmar que iria a la fiesta, esto alegro a Robert que le dijo que iria a buscarle, Jess dijo que ella iria sola y se encontrarian ahi.
Ahora Jessica tenia un problema: El vestido.
Macy vio a Jessica mopando y recordo como ella y Jeremiah hablaron sobre como necesitaba una amiga, asi que ella decidio tomar la iniciativa para hablar con ella, una vez insistio si le pasaba algo, Jessica le conto lo del baile y el vestido, a lo que Macy se ofrecio a acompañarla a una tienda en el descanso.
Jessica eligio un vestido y unos zapatos purpuras que podia permitirse con el dinero del trabajo, ya que casi nunca se lo gastaba, la dependienta dijo que estaba muy guapa, confundiendo a Macy como la madre de Jessica.
Macy asintio, sin corregir a la señora, cosa que sorprendio a Jessica.
Habia pasado una semana y Macy estaba preocupada por Jessica, ¿porque no tenia una madre, o alguien que le ayudara con el vestido? ¿que seria de su familia? Macy decidio buscar su solicitud y ver donde vivia Jessica para visitar a su familia y hablar de sus preocupaciones.
la direccion era el 333 de Cemetery Lane, pobre Jessica, vivir cerca de un cementerio, quizas por eso es asi.
Cuando llego aparecio una anciana, esta le dijo a Macy que no vivia ninguna Jessica aqui, lo que sorprendio a Macy, Jessica habia mentido sobre su dirección
Jessica estaba en un lugar oscuro, tenia su vestido de la fiesta, ¿acaso habia muerto? No habia ayudado a April, ni ido al baile, aun no era su hora.
Camino por el vacio preguntando si habia alguien, hasta que escucho una pisada metalica...
Jessica se horrorizo cuando lo escucho... No... Jessica huyo horrorizada sabiendo el horror que la estaba persiguiendo... pero los pisotones metalicos se escuchaban mas veloces.
De repente algo le arranco un brazo
y luego el otro
Jessica gritaba de dolor y agonia mientras notaba como algo le agarraba el colgante.
“No porfavor, no me quites el colgante”
Jessica desperto en el mausoleo, y por primera vez se dio cuenta que queria vivir mas que nunca.
Era el dia de la prueba con Minibot 5000, Robert estaba nervioso asi que Jessica para calmarlo le dio su pata de conejo blanco para que le de suerte.
Robert decidio darle su brazalete de cuero que siempre llevaba, queria que ella lo tuviera.
Una vez fue su turno, Jessica manejo el robot (el cual ahora estaba pintado de azul, el color favorito de Robert) agarrando una lata de refresco y se la dio a la señorita Willoughby, esta muy alegre tomo un sorbo y felicito a los chicos por su gran trabajo.
Una vez en su sitio, una chica llamada Tina le felicito y dijo que el proximo año deberian trabajar juntas, a Jessica le alegro, pero el cambio que estaba sufriendo su vida le aterraba.
Jessica decidio visitar a April, pero estaba dormida, esta vio como las enfermeras hablaban de que April cada vez estaba peor y los medicamentos no funcionaban, Jessica penso: ¿Deberia ayudarla? ¿O ir a la graduacion?.
Macy la vio, y le deseo lo mejor en la fiesta, pero cuando le conto lo de su direccion sonaron las alarmas, April estaba empeorando.
Jessica aprovecho el caos para ir a la capilla, queria preguntarle a Jeremiah si habia vida despues de la muerte, pero el estaba con otra persona, asi que rezo:
Ayudame a entender si estoy haciendo lo correcto, he tomado malas decisiones en el pasado, dame una señal, lo que sea, ¿Que debo hacer? No puedo aguantar mas, necesito guia.
Pero no habia señal, Jessica se sentia sola, por primera vez en mucho tiempo, no habia sentido esto desde cuando descubrio que habia cambiado para siempre.
Viendo que no recibia respuesta, decidio ir a la fiesta y recuperar su vida por si misma.
Llego el momento, Robert y Jessica se encontraron y como Jessica queria experimentar cada momento, decidio bailar, ambos se miraban, alegres de conocerse el uno al otro, de lo felices que se hacian, se iban a besar.
Era la primera vez que se besaba con un chico, y justo cuando sus labios se presionaron con los de Robert, este se pregunto que demonios pasaba.
Su cara, la cara de Robert estaba llena de Grasa oxidada y sucia, en su cara y en sus labios y habia salido de Jessica, esta se disculpo y intento ayudarle pero este se echo para atras, escupio el suelo y grito: 
Que asco
Jessica huyo horrorizada, mientras todos la veian con la cara llena de grasa de aceite.
Risas, Gente horrorizada, Jessica habia tomado la decision incorrecta y debia salir de ahi, debia ir al hospital.
Macy estaba preocupada por April, pero tambien por Jessica, mañana cuando la encuentre se sentaran y no mas excusas, le hara explicarle la verdad.
De repente la puerta del hospìtal se abrio, era Jessica en su vestido de graduacion, con grasa saliendo de los ojos, los orificios de la nariz y de la frente, esta chorreaba hasta su cuello manchando su vestido nuevo.
Macy iba a preguntar que habia pasado pero esta se fue corriendo, Colin llamo a seguridad.
Jessica se encerro en el cuarto de April mientras Macy la llamaba, no podian abrir, Jessica habia atascado la puerta, entonces vieron el cuchillo, alarmandose por lo que iba a hacer.
Jessica espolvoreo con el cuchillo lo ultimo que quedaba del colgante sobre April, Jeremiah llego y junto a seguridad lograron abrir la puerta, pero Jessica ya no estaba, y las ventanas no habian sido abiertas.
Se habia desvanecido y en su lugar habia un monton de chatarra en un charco de aceite que parecia sangre, Jeremiah se acerco, y como si entendiera algo que los demas no, hizo el simbolo de la cruz y se puso a rezar tristemente.
Mientras tanto, los signos vitales de April empezaban a sonar de una forma fuerte y saludable...
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kaijucat01 · 2 years
(Spoilers for the Fazbear Frights Prankster story and FNAF: Help Wanted!)
mention of mildly gorey topics below
Recently I've been thinking about Fazbear Frights. More specifically, the Prankster story. More more specifically, the Prankster story and some of the uncanny resemblances it has to HW's Jeremy.
A lot of stuff in this story is really pointed towards Jeremy and HW in general, like how:
Jeremiah, the main character in the story, gets his name misspelled as "Jeremy" on a birthday cake;
Jeremiah works for a company developing a VR game for a larger corporation and switches through jobs like beta testing with his co workers;
Jeremiah finds a cut off human face posing as a prize in a box, relating both to what happened to HW Jeremy in Tape Girl's audio logs and the prize boxes in HW;
The central spooks' antagonist is a mischievous, sinister character with a low voice, like Glitchtrap;
Jeremiah goes through said central spooks's maze on his birthday, relating to the Pizza Party ending in HW.
This story is one of the few that relate back to actual events in the infamous FNAF timeline. It's part of the last book in the Fazbear Frights series, too, right before going into Tales From the Pizzaplex. What I'm thinking is more of a prediction or wistful thinking then anything else due to this sort of buildup presented:
Jeremy is going to show up in Ruin one way or another as another follower of Glitchtrap or someone effected by remnant or agony.
I'd really like to see that sort of character in the DLC. Maybe he could function as a metaphorical stand in for Jeremy Fritzgerald so we know what happened to him. Maybe he can be controlled by Cassidy or something, if they're really back. Maybe he can use Glamrock Bonnie's face as a mask.
I dunno, there's potential for some mystery solving surrounding Vanny and Glitchtrap with the return of a character like Jeremy.
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Mike: So your name is Jeremy?
Jeremy Fitzgerald: Yes...
Mike: And your name is Jeremy?
Bonnie: Yeah?
Mike: And you're Jeremy.
Jeremiah: Actually I'm Jeremiah, Jeremy is a nickname.
Mike: Anyone else?
Jeremy Grey: I'm Jeremy.
Mike: *Incoherent velociraptor screeching*
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william-ba · 2 years
Prankster Review
We've reached the end! I have been slowly reviewing all of the Fazbear Frights stories I don’t already have a separate review for, and we've finally made it to Prankster! Overall, as the final book in the Fazbear Frights series, Prankster is a disappointment.
While this does mark the end of my catch-up reviews, I finished Felix the Shark while posting these, so expect a review really soon! For my previous Friendly Face review, go here! If you want to read these in order, go here!
For the rest of the review, keep reading!
Prankster - It was mediocre. I thought the Help Wanted parallels were cool, although I think In the Flesh surprisingly handled the FNaF VR development aspect better, and when the story gets to Jeremiah’s birthday it’s sorta fun, but besides that the rest of the story is unremarkable. Glitchtrap is very obviously involved but the story makes no effort to show that off other than two scenes, one of which is joked to be a sex scene. Tape Girl makes it clear Jeremy wasn’t the same upon seeing him, why do Hope and Parker act normal? As for the ending, I think it’s very obvious that Parker is the one in the closet, but I still wanna know who the Gamemaster is. Also, what happened to Hope? It just feels unfinished and leaves you wanting more.
Kids at Play - This was bad. This story is literally the embodiment of the joke that Fazbear Entertainment is just smacked on random shit to make the story FNaF related, and while I mainly don’t rate these stories too much on their relation to FNaF, in this case it actively hurts the story. By making it clear the Kids at Play figures are made by FE, more questions are raised than answered. As for the characters, the entire D’Agostino family is flawed and it’s impossible for me to like any of them, we are given no reason to care about Caleb Bell other than the fact that he’s a kid who was hurt, Chief Montgomery is alright, and surprisingly I liked Joel’s band members the most out of this story, which isn’t really a good thing.
Find Player Two! - This story has a very simple concept: Best friend goes missing, and years later the protagonist sets out to avenge them. And yet, Aimee is a vile, horrible human being. She doesn't care for Mary Jo. Even when Mary Jo opened up to Aimee and made it clear how much she trusted her, Aimee still actively pushes her aside and treats her poorly. And when she goes missing years later, Aimee and her friend Greta dare to claim Mary Jo was the bad friend. And I've been in Mary Jo's shoes too. I knew my "friends" didn't actually care or respect me, but I was in a situation where they were the only friends left and I was too scared to end the friendship and be left alone. And what does the story do? Try to make Aimee out as a hero, making her death and what would be a punishment feel less like a punishment and more like a stupid twist. As for the rest plot, Emmett Tucker having a near identical description to Dave Miller felt like a punch in the face and the twist ending felt rather predictable once Emmett proved innocent.
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kimaratomoya · 11 months
I have no idea how this platform works so here is a rant about Fazbear Frights lmao.
Possible Theory for Tape Girl [At Least for Fazbear Frights]
I know this is a bit of a long shot, and someone's probably thought of it before, but what if it's possible for Hope from Prankster to be Tape Girl in the FNaF VR game.
Jeremiah in Prankster in my opinion is basically the Jeremy of the Fazbear Frights universe, and probably does end up finishing the game after A LOT of therapy because he honestly had one of the most traumatising stories for a character that didn't die. And he needs a hug. But that's not the point.
But if that's the case, then Hope would've been the only girl who died in the making of the game, and died before it was finished, in a developmental stage.
If she possessed the game, which is entirely possible with this franchise, then it would've still been developing, meaning she could've made the files in the game to warn Jeremiah, and anyone else who plays it. I know the tapes mention Jeremy came before her, but what if it's that she's mixing her own memories with what happened before you play the game, making it a convaluted timeline. I mean, this is FNaF after all. But her talking about the manager could be from before she died, and her talking about "Jeremy", or Jeremiah, was after she was already in the game, and why he wouldn't see her was because she was a ghost.
It's a bit far fetched I know, and probably a bit non-sensical but it's been a theory I've had for a while and never had anywhere to post it until now lmao.
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stripeixii · 1 year
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Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy, and... 'Jeremy'
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cartoonus-maximus · 2 years
My thoughts, notes, and theory noodles for “Fazbear Frights #11: Prankster” ...
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I can’t believe I’m finally at the end! It’s been a heck of a ride.
Brief warning! The first two stories have scenes of body horror / mutilation. I don’t dwell on it in my notes, but I didn’t censor anything either. So if that’s something that makes you uncomfortable, you may want to skip those two.
One nit to pick before starting: I really like the cover image, but I wish it matched all the other covers. The perfectionist in me wants them all to match, but instead Book 11 really be out here doing it’s own special thing.
As always, spoilers under the cut:
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(image from Reddit user JaKE-GamER4)
- Another adult protag, this one named Jeremiah, who works as a video game developer. The company he works for was just recently bought by Fazbear Entertainment, who wants the company to program a VR game for them. (Sounds familiar.) - Also working at the same company is Hope, a woman coworker that Jeremiah has a severe crush on but has no idea how to talk to, and a chatterbox dude named Parker, who has a terrible habit of playing pranks on his coworkers and filming their reactions. - Parker and Jeremiah both watch "Kingdom of Bones" (aka "Not Game of Thrones, Nosirree"), but Hope thinks the show is too violent to enjoy. - Parker and Hope spend some time with the game in the testing room, while Jeremiah works on other things. He doesn't hear much noise from them for awhile, but then they start giggling. On his way out, Parker and Hope remind Jeremiah to make sure he comes into work tomorrow, and are very adamant about his need to come in, even though he was going to anyway. - Jeremiah meets every once in awhile with his old college buddies, Matt and Ty, who also went to school to become computer programmers. Both his friends are married and have/are having kids, and it's often a struggle for the three of them to find the time or energy to hang out. - Matt complains about his oldest, baby Conner, who is teething. (-side eyes both “In The Flesh” and “Hide and Seek”-) - ... Jeremiah, being nice alone doesn't earn you any cookies. It's a start, and unlike a lot of people who profess themselves to be nice, you actually seem like a decent dude, but that can't be your *only* good quality, my guy. - On his birthday, Jeremiah walks into the office, expecting to get to work on the new VR game. While neither Parker nor Hope can be found anywhere, the office has been decorated for Jeremiah's birthday, presumably by the two of them. A birthday cake from the store sits in the break room for him, reading "Happy Birthday, Jeremy!", which he thinks is both funny and "close enough." He assumes the other two are already in the testing room, working on the game, but appreciates the attention. - As he hunts around the office for the other two, he becomes confused when he can't find them, and finally decides that Parker has roped Hope into playing some sort of birthday prank on him. - A distorted voice talks to him over the office loudspeaker (which no ones uses, apparently), and tells Jeremiah "I have taken Parker and Hope hostage," and says they will die if Jeremiah doesn't find them within a half-hour. (... I was expecting Glitchtrap out of this, not a frigging 'Saw' movie!) Jeremiah thinks the voice sounds like Parker, and assumes that it's just Parker playing a prank, and doesn't pay the voice too much attention. - The voice starts a timer, and tells Jeremiah that, if he isn't fast enough, Hope and Parker may "lose a few pieces." He's given a clue in the form of an anagram: "stinger moot." Solving the clue, he heads to the testing room. - Inside the testing room, he finds a small gift box with a purple bow on it. Pulling the wrapping paper off reveals a red engagement ring box, but opening the box reveals a strange collection of bloody human teeth, seven in total, ranging from adult molars to tiny baby teeth. ( 0_0 !!! ) A clue at the bottom of the box is another clue, this one reading: "Sink your teeth into this clue, Jeremiah -- Give me one, and I'll make more, each one like the one before. What am I?" - Jeremiah immediately guesses "the copy machine," but the voice over the loudspeaker warns him against being too confident. It goes on to wonder if, "once [Jeremiah] finds [his] friends, will [he] be able to recognize them?" - Rolling his eyes at what he assumes are Parker's antics, Jeremiah heads to the copy room. He sees what he thinks is a small jar of paper clips at first, but then realizes that it's a jar of whole fingernails that were torn from someone's hand. He decides they're probably fake, and dumps them out, retrieving a clue from the bottom of the jar. This one reads "You nailed this challenge! Your next clue contains even more frights. To get there, you just need to follow the lights." - One of the birthday decorations in the office is a strand of twinkling fairy lights, and Jeremiah begins to follow the strand down the hall. The voice over the loudspeaker warns him to find his friends before they go "all to pieces." The voice apparently really *does* sounds like a distorted version of Parker's voice, with all his same speech patterns and vocal ticks. - (... Not gonna lie, I'm kinda digging this Jigsaw-meets-Bugs-Bunny voice, which I'm assuming is Glitchtrap. If it is, it suits him.) - The strand of lights ends at an empty conference room, where Jeremiah sees three eyeballs on the table, placed so they're "looking" at him. Two of them are brown, like Hope's, and one is blue, like Parker's. They look wet, and too real for Jeremiah, who is feeling very, *very* squeamish and uncomfortable by this point. He knows there's a medical supply company nearby, and wonders if Parker got all these props from there. - Another note, this one tucked under one of the eyes, reads "I see you're moving closer to your goal. Follow the lights to make things right." Jeremiah sees a second string of lights, and this one leads him to a vacant PR office. - Entering the office, he finds a medium-size box, decorated like a colorful birthday present, complete with "happy birthday!" tag and silver bow. Inside this box is a pile of human fingers, more fingers than a single person has, cut into pieces and missing fingernails. One more intact finger is distinctly that of a woman, and is wearing Hope's favorite ring, even though it's clearly not Hope's finger. Jeremiah promptly throws up. - Jeremiah yells at "Parker," saying that his sick game has gone on long enough. The voice over the loudspeaker teases him, asking if he thinks things are getting "out of hand?" It then tells him to keep following the lights. - The strand of lights finally ends at the boss' office, which stands empty as the boss (whoever that may be) never comes for work anymore. Inside is a box with two arm holes cut into it, and a sign that says "For the key to where your friends hide, roll up your sleeves and reach inside." Jeremiah does, and wishes he didn't, as he only feels a box full of cold, wet intestines. He hopes these are animal innards bought from a butcher shop, or, at worst, donated organs from the medical supply company. He finally feels a key, and pulls it out, now covered in blood. - He yells at the voice again, but the voice only laughs at him. He leaves the office, slamming the door behind him, leaving a bloody handprint on the door. - He continues to follow the strand of lights, and comes across another decorated gift box, this time with a pink bow. He screams when he opens the box and finds Parker's face, removed from the skull, scalp and all. The voice over the loudspeaker mocks him, and asks if Jeremiah still thinks they're Parker, to which Jeremiah can only shake his head. - Panicking and realizing that he's been playing a game with some sort of killer psychopath, Jeremiah starts to run, trying to get out of the building. He feels like he's trying to escape a maze, and can barely remember where the exits are. He sees fresh blood smeared on the wall as he runs down the stairs. Every day he passes is locked, and he yells and hits at the doors, hoping to get the attention of a security guard or someone, but it seems there's no one else in or around the building. The ground level exit door is also locked, forcing him to go back to where he came from. - On his way back, he sees a door outlined in fairy lights that match the ones he'd been following. The door is unlocked, and leads to a level of the building that has never been occupied. He decides he'd rather take his chances with this mystery level than go back to dealing with the "malevolent presence" in his office. - The level is dark and empty, but there's a strand of lights leading him deeper into the darkness, and he can see something glowing from an office at the end of a hall. It turns out to be an old-style TV, turned on and only showing static. A VCR sits next to it. Jeremiah presses 'play' on the VCR, and sees the smiling faces of Parker and Hope appear onscreen. They greet him with laughter, a "surprise!", a "Gotcha good, there!", and a "Happy birthday!" - In video form, the two explain how they rigged up a motion-sensor and the loudspeaker system. As they talk to each other about how much work they put into this birthday prank for their friend, Jeremiah is distracted by the unfamiliar, dark room they're being filmed in, and the carving knives and meat cleavers sitting on the table in front of them. Then, video!Parker and video!Hope warn Jeremiah that, when he next sees them, they're probably going to need to get to a hospital. - Before Jeremiah can process that, video!Parker calls out to something behind Jeremiah, addressing it as "Parker" and saying that Jeremiah is "ready." Jeremiah hears someone knocking on the door of a closed supply closet behind him, and the video screen goes black just as the supply closet door starts to open. - Okay, so the story ends with a sharp cliffhanger, but here's my interpretation of what happened: When Parker and Hope were first testing the VR game they're working on for Fazbear Entertainment, they were possessed by Glitchtrap. But, while Glitchtrap was influencing them, they were also influencing Glithtrap, and all three of them end up sharing a single mind for a few hours. Obviously Glitchtrap's influence makes them act out in strange, violent ways that they wouldn't otherwise, but Parker's influence leads them to act out a prank of epic proportions, and Hope's influence is probably what causes them to set up the "birthday party" for Jeremiah. (I'm just guessing here, so take that with a huge grain of salt.) - Under this combined influence, Parker and Hope (both possessed by Glitchtrap) harm themselves and each other, leaving a gruesome trail of party decorations and body parts for Jeremiah to find. Then, at the end of everything, Jeremiah presumably finds what's left of Parker and Hope in the supply closet, although they're definitely barely alive at this point. (They're missing fingers, teeth, eyeballs, intestines, and at least one face between them, so I don't think there's much to be done to help them.) - Of course, I'm *assuming* Glitchtrap to be the root cause of everything in this story. The way these books go it could be Eleanor, but all the obvious references to "FNAF: Help Wanted" (beta testers being hired by Fazbear's, Jeremy/Jeremiah, messages on an old-style tape, a spooky maze/escape room style game with a birthday motif, someone losing their face, etc.) makes me think it's Glitchtrap just like it was in "Help Wanted." - Heck, even the amount of beta testers lines up with "Help Wanted." In the game, you play as the third member of a team. By collecting the tapes, you learn that your coworkers suffered some awful fates after playing this game, with your male coworker being forced to mutilate himself and your female coworker being forced to lead you into a trap, respectively. So, for the sake of this comparison, Parker = Jeremy, Hope = Tape Girl, and Jeremiah = Player Character. The two males got a bit of a name switch (Jeremiah and Parker vs. Jeremy and Player), and Tape Girl is maybe given a name? Or they're just random names, meant to make you think of "Help Wanted" and meaning nothing beyond that. - I kinda wish the story had ended after Jeremiah got a look at what's left of his coworkers. Or that the ending revealed that the whole thing was Jeremiah trapped in the VR game, and that he was acting out injuries on himself to match the body parts he kept finding (mimicking Jeremy's fate in the "Help Wanted" game). Because otherwise, the story feels unfinished, like there was more to it that somehow got cut during production. - ... Still really good though, ngl. Definitely one of my favorites from this series.
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"Kids At Play"
- Protag Joel is on his last year of high school, and is stuck working at his father's business. He doesn't like working there, but he doesn't have a choice in the matter, and he and his father argue about his hours and work ethic. His mother doesn't defend him either, instead harassing him about his imperfections and nagging him to be more like his father, who she (and others) thinks is the "perfect man." - Today's argument between Joel and his father (Steve) results in his father calling him a "screw up" and firing him on the spot. Joel doesn't care, and just rolls his eyes in response. Eventually, they finish screaming at each other, and Joel climbs into his pickup truck and drives away angrily. - Joel's goal is to hoard money, join his friends in a band, and leave town entirely, planning to go to Los Angeles. Once there, he plans to work as a model, since he's apparently *very* good looking, having inherited all of the good parts of both his parents. - Steve dresses in bright, colorful, flashy clothing, and has a very charming personality, and can befriend anyone he wants. He's very funny, and can play the guitar with the best of them. (... Hello, William stand-in. Been a while since I've seen one of your kind.) Growing up, Joel always thought his dad was cool, and wanted to be like him when he got older, and the two spent a lot of time together when Joel was younger. But, when Joel grew into a teenager, his father changed rather suddenly, and started acting treating Joel like both an adult and a stranger, instead of like his son. - He droves home too fast, angry, and runs over a sign by the side of the road. The side is shaped like a child, and reads "SLOW! Kids at play!" When Joel gets out to make sure he didn't get anything major, he sees what looks like a rotted animal corpse (a dog, he thinks) beside the knocked-over sign, and gets creeped out. - Joel's mom, taking his father's side: "You've pushed your father far beyond what any parent should have to endure!" - Joel is apparently well known around town, both for being from a well-known local family and for being a colossal jerk. - "[Joel] felt like a walking ball of anger all the time. He didn't mean to be, but he couldn't help himself." - Over dinner, Joel manages to beg his way back into his father's good graces, and becomes employed at the family business once more. We're told this is the first time he's been fired/rehired, but it already sounds like a routine for them. - "Fazbear Faz-crunch Cereal" XD - Joel's mom likes cooking, and takes classes for it, and has a big fancy kitchen in their house. And yet she doesn't cook breakfast for her son, who she knows can't cook, but instead leaves Joel to fend for himself in the morning with cereal. The only time he gets a decent breakfast is when his father cooks for the family. - Joel pours himself a bowl of cereal, and the toy at the bottom of the box falls into his bowl. The toy is a miniature version of the child-shaped "SLOW" sign. Just looking at it is enough to make Joel feel sick and uncomfortable. Bothered, he throws the toy across the kitchen. - One of the members of the band is named Evan. So... at three times, that's definitely a repeating name now. (Why do I feel like Scott, the man who clearly hates having to name his own characters, just looked at the fandom and went "well, they keep calling the young Afton boy 'Evan,' so that may as well be his name now!") - Joel gets into a fight with his parents, and then goes to his friend's place. After practicing with the band and getting into a fight with his friends, he drives home recklessly in the dark. He hits something in the dark, and belatedly realizes that he's hit a kid, a boy so small he's probably only about 5 - 7. Panicking, and not even checking on the kid, Joel speeds home, and ends up just laying in his bed, staring up at the ceiling all night. (... I just had a horrible flashback to "Hereditary") - Joel doesn't tell anyone about what he's done. But he gets haunted, the "kids at play" signs seeming to pop up in random places around town, almost like they're following him. - Driving into work with his father the next morning, Joel goes into a bakery to pick up his father's standing order of donuts. Sally, the dark-haired woman who runs the bakery, is inside but hasn't gotten started on any of her usual daily work yet. She's a wreck this morning, and she tells him her 5-year-old grandson Caleb has been missing for hours. - (Just a quick recap: a 5 y/o boy with dark hair, wearing dark clothes, is accidentally killed by an angry, angsty teenager who gets mad at his parents and doesn't want to work the family business, because the teenager forgets to think about his actions and how they'll affect others. Where have I heard this story before? -side eyes FNAF4- ) - (Side note: I feel like the name 'Evan' shows up whenever we're supposed to be comparing some aspect of the story to that of "Crying Child" Afton. Jake acts as a stand-in for CC at times, and his father is named Evan. There was a boy named Evan mentioned in "Together Forever," a story that centered around two kids getting attached to a springlock suit, similarly to how CC and Cassidy are. And now we're hearing it again, in a story that seems to be trying to parse out the complex relationship between William and Michael, and maybe some of the emotions and background information leading up to The Bite.) - We also learn that Caleb has (had) many of the same personality traits that Joel possesses - hates following rules, always looking for trouble - but he's also known as a bit of mischievous little prankster. (Like the title of the volume, perhaps?) - His brain still in a sense of shock, Joel just follows his father, mind empty and numb. A "kids at play" sign seems to follow them through a store, as though it's walking by itself, and Joel can hear the soft ticking of its plastic 'feet' as it walks behind him. - Steve recognizes that something is wrong with his son, but doesn't know what. When he asks why Joel is distracted today, the boy doesn't answer him. (Steve literally never learns of what Joel did. Which makes me wonder... does William know that Michael caused the death of his younger son? We assume he does, because how could he not, but it's never addressed in canon. What if he doesn't know what Michael did, and just knows that his oldest starts acting weird and depressed after his brother's death?) - Despite a thorough police search, no one has found Caleb, and no one but Joel knows what's happened to him. Joel both wants Caleb to be found and is afraid of that outcome, worried that Caleb is still alive and will be able to identify Joel as the one who hit him. And Joel doesn't want to risk going to jail. - Going to bed, Joel almost screams when the find the miniature "kids at play" toy on his bedside table. Since his parents don't pick up after him very often, and when they do it's generally just to throw his stuff into a large bin for him to collect later, he knows neither of them brought the toy to his room. He picks up the toy, and immediately feels cold all over. - "The 'right thing' was right for Caleb, but it was wrong for Joel." - Angry, Joel breaks the toy and throws it away, deciding that he no longer cares about Caleb's fate. - Joel wakes up at exactly 2 AM, and gets out of bed. He has no control over his body, and it just starts doing things against his will, moving around robotically, like his body is powered by "hydraulics." He feels "stiff" and like his body is "locked up and unyielding," his joints feeling awkward and sore. His body walks across his room, moving like a wooden puppet, and gets dressed. - "[Joel] felt like his body wasn't his anymore." - Being puppeteered by an unseen force, Joel's body leaves his bedroom. He passes the grandfather clock in the hall (a family heirloom from his mother's side), walks down the stairs, and leaves the house through the back door in the kitchen. As his body walks out into the road, Joel thinks that he feels like a "smaller person trapped inside a large robotic body that he can't control." - His body walks along the road. His body gets stiffer over time, and begins to feel more fragile. His joints creak loudly, and he starts to feel like he's made of plastic. Against his will, his body starts to head to where he knows Caleb's body is lying in a ditch. - Dimly, Joel realizes that he can't feel his heartbeat anymore. His face feels like a plastic mask. - "He wondered if anyone was looking out their windows, and seeing a freakish figure lumbering by." - Joel's body moves to stand near where Caleb's body lays hidden, and stops moving. He's unable to move, and can't even turn to see if Caleb's body is actually below where he stands. As he stands there, his mouth is forced open by his unseen puppet master, and (for some reason!) his *teeth* start to fall out, dropping out of his open mouth like falling pebbles. When his teeth are all gone, his hair starts to fall out, and is blown away by the wind. Then, his eyeballs just... fall out of their sockets. Joel is mostly thankful that he can't see anymore. - His fingers fall off, and then the rest of his hands, feeling like they're torn off by wires that are wrapped around him. Next, he feels something like a balloon inflate behind his empty eye sockets, filling the holes. His skin peels and falls off, like an unseen hand is opening him like a banana. Unable to take anymore, Joel's mind shuts off completely, allowing himself to cease existing. - A police chief responds to a call about seeing a "strange man" (in the area where the reader knows Joel was forced to walk to). He doesn't see a man, but he finds a "kids at play" sign, and we learn that the signs have been left around town as part of a public safety movement against reckless driving, headed by Fazbear Entertainment. This sign is much bigger than most of the others though, and it makes the chief uncomfortable to look at. He sees something that resembles the rotting remains of what he thinks is an animal corpse at the foot of the sign figure. - A faint whimper gets the chief's attention, and he follows the sound, finding Caleb at the bottom of a ditch. The boy is apparently alive after all this, and the chief/emergency responders are too busy tending to him to pay any more attention to the weird sign or the pile of organic parts at its feet. - So this has happened before. The first time Joel paid attention to any of the signs, he saw rotting body parts at its feet, too. But that one was child-sized, which sign!Joel is not, so was that first sign previously a child? Were *all* the signs previously children? Is the same fate going to claim the police chief next, now that he's encountered the previous victim? - And once again, the theme of reckless driving and kids dying because of it. This story almost felt like a continuation of "Friendly Face," especially with the specification of Caleb having black hair (like Jack does in "Friendly Face," or like Andrew does in the epilogues). - I think this is the first time a William stand-in has been officially described as "charming, wearing bright colored clothing, and plays the guitar." - No real theories for this one. Like with "Gumdrop Angel," I think the people-being-turned-into-traffic-signs thing is more of a metaphor for people-becoming-animatronics-and-toys. That's just my interpretation, though.
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"Find Player 2"
- Amy and Mary-Jo are our new main gals, and they've been friends since they were toddlers. Amy has blonde hair, small features, and blue eyes, is concerned about her appearance, and prefers to stay home and quietly reads the books her dad buys for her on his business trips. Mary-Jo has frizzy brown hair, wide features, brown eyes, is energetic and loud and messy, and likes listening to the music and playing the games at Freddy's. - Amy lives with both her birth parents, while Mary-Jo, whose parents "had her too young," was abandoned by her parents and is now on her fifth foster family. (Oof. That's rough.) Amy begs her parents to adopt Mary-Jo, but her parents have refused so far, citing that they don't have the emotional bandwidth to care for another child. - Amy's father works as a "high end manager," and her mother is a marketing consultant. They're both often away from home for long stretches of time. - The two friends are going to play in the 'Hiding Maze' at Freddy's, which is a glorified hide-and-seek game setup made of mazelike tunnels and cubbies around the restaurant building. (So like a cross between the "Hide And Seek" story and the usual children's restaurant play area, got it.) The various cubbies and hidey-holes have doors with two-way mirrors on them, allowing the hiders to watch the seekers, but preventing the seekers from seeing the hiders. Only two people are allowed to play the game at a time, with the seeker being "Player 1" and the hider being "Player 2," respectively. The tunnels and cubbies are designed to look and feel like the kids are playing in a forest. - Mary-Jo is a little artist, which Amy likes to watch and compliment her on. - Amy thinks Mary-Jo often acts out just to get some attention, whether good or bad. - Amy acknowledges that she and Mary-Jo have very little in common, and that their different personalities causes Mary-Jo to constantly get on Amy's nerves, but she can't imagine not being friends with her. They've been together since forever, and they're both one another's only friend. - Mary-Jo carries a large backpack with her everywhere. The backpack contains all of her belongings, plus any food or money she can sneak into it. When Amy asks about it, Mary-Jo tells her it's so she can run away at a moment's notice, should a foster home go south. - When the girls head into the Hiding Maze, Amy sees a man watching them. The man is tall and thin and has dark, greasy hair and eyes that are almost black. He has yellow, crooked teeth. When the girls turn to look at him, he gives them a smile that gives Amy the creeps, and she thinks he looks like a horror movie villain. Amy is afraid of the man, but Mary-Jo refuses to back down from their creepy observer, and tries to pick a fight with him. The girls look at each other for a second, and the man vanishes by the time they look back. - The girls start playing the hide and seek game, with Mary-Jo being the hider and Amy being the seeker. While looking for her friend, Amy notes that the game entrance is open again, and, thinking that Mary-Jo has gotten bored and left, goes to check it out. Instead of finding her friend though, Amy comes face to face with the creepy man again, who smiles at her and causes every hair on her neck to stand up in instinctive fear. Amy runs away, giving up on Mary-Jo and the game, and instead goes almost straight to the game exit. She thinks she hears the man behind her, and she goes faster, panicking. - Amy leaves through the game exit, which deposits her in the back alley of the building (for... some reason? That seems like a terrible game design.) and decides that she never wants to come back to Freddy's. Realizing that Mary-Jo is still in the game, she worries that the creepy man may have found her friend, but decides that Mary-Jo is too good a hider for him. - Years later, in college, Amy suffers from a recurring nightmare where she's watching  as, inside the game, the man finds Mary-Jo. The girl fights him, and screams for Amy's help, but the man ultimately overpowers her. Amy wakes up with a start, crying and shuddering. The nightmare visits her frequently, but especially once a year in mid-May, the anniversary about the last time she saw her friend 10 years ago. - Amy is a business major, guessing from her studies. She graduates in a week, and she starts a new job after that. She's adapted to wearing her blonde hair a ponytail most of the time now, and has become pretty athletic and taken self-defense classes. She wonders and worries about what happened to her friend, and obsesses over what her child-self could have done differently, and is haunted by the face of the creepy man. - She saw the man on the news, not long after Mary-Jo's disappearance. His name was Emmett Tucker, and he'd been arrested after being caught trying to kidnap a different child. The man was a suspect in a string of missing kids, but had never been convicted for anything more than the attempted kidnapping of the one kid. After that, Freddy's closed down, and Amy doesn't know why. Amy's family also moved out of state after the incident. - Apparently, Tucker was in his early 40s when he was arrested and thrown in prison, but he looked much older than that. He worked in construction, had long-ish hair, and was a chain-smoker. - Amy's parents, like her, seem to suffer from a certain amount of guilt that they couldn't take care of Mary-Jo, and feel partially responsible for her disappearance. - Amy's mom calls her to let her know that Emmett Tucker was recently freed from prison "for good behavior." Hearing this makes Amy actually run to the bathroom to throw up, and she cries for awhile. - Amy decides to go back to her hometown, and specifically to go back to Freddy's. She wants to know for sure what happened to her friend. - Arriving in her hometown a few days later, Amy looks in a mirror at the motel she's going to stay at. She thinks she looks much older than she is, her emotional baggage having aged her faster than it should have. - Amy's closest friend at college was Greta, a psychology major who helps Amy with her trauma, telling her that she's not to blame for whatever did or didn't happen to Mary-Jo, since she was a child at the time. Greta is described as being very smart and very pretty, with green eyes and bright red curly hair that she cuts herself. - Amy didn't tell her parents about this little trip home she's taking, knowing they would worry that she was going to confront Tucker and try to talk her out of it. Due to her recent hobbies of sports and self-defense, Amy doesn't exactly fear Tucker anymore, and assumes that he's a weakling who's too much of a wuss to take on an adult, given that he seems to have only ever attacked children. She assumes he "wouldn't know what to do with someone who could fight back." - Amy sees Tucker at a local bakery. He has a new scar on his cheek, and has lost a few teeth, but she still recognizes him. He buys his breakfast and eats it alone outside in the dreary rain, avoiding everyone else. When he's done and leaves, Amy follows him. She tails him while he picks up a prescription from a pharmacy and then does his grocery shopping, picking up frozen dinners. He seems to be completely oblivious to her presence, so Amy doesn't bother trying to hide too hard. - She follows Tucker down a rural road out into the countryside, through corn fields and trailer parks. Tucker apparently lives in an old mobile home in one of the trailer parks, and Amy thinks the place "doesn't look fit for rats, let alone humans." - Holding a taser in her hand, Amy approaches the mobile home. She confronts him about Mary-Jo's fate. Tucker openly ogles her, and says that he'll answer her questions if she'll sit and talk with him for awhile. - Tucker chews gum. He says he quit smoking. - He admits that he recognizes her, and remembers Mary-Jo. He tells that, on that day at Freddy's, he was looking for his daughter Jill. He tells her that he and his wife ("the lying tramp I married") got divorced and she got custody of their daughter, and that it was actually their daughter who was the child Tucker got caught "trying to kidnap." - Tucker lost both custody and visitation rights to his daughter, and was skulking around Freddy's to try to get close to her. It's suggested that the only reason he was watching Amy and Mary-Jo that day was because, from a slight distance, he mistook Amy for his daughter. - Amy thinks he's lying, and threatens to tase him if he doesn't tell her the truth. He tells her that he's tired of being accused of things he didn't do. The two get into a fight, and Tucker ends up dragging her into his own home and locking her in the bathroom, telling her that he's going to call the police on her assaulting him. While he's on the phone, Amy escapes through the bathroom window. - She returns to Freddy's only to find that it's been replaced with a larger, adult-themed restaurant. This new restaurant is called "Flo's Fabulous Eatery," and has a cow mascot named Flo. She enters the restaurant and pokes around in it, trying to find anything that remains of Freddy's. - Sneaking into the maintenance room of Flo's, Amy finds the entrance to the hiding maze in a far wall, which looks like an air vent with a rainbow painted over it. She climbs in, and the old game maze is still fully intact on the inside, and the recorded voice of Freddy Fazbear plays over a cassette tape when she pushes a button to turn the game lights on. She sees that her and Mary-Jo's names are listed as the last players of the game, with the outcome of their game listed as "failure." - Amy finds an old friendship bracelet that Mary-Jo had once made for her, and climbs into a cubby to get a closer look at it. The cubby door closes behind her, and locks her in, the game computer believing her to be playing it. The door will unlock when the seeker (Player 1) finds her. - Through the two-way mirror of the door, Amy can see a cubby door open across the tunnel from hers, and sees the lifeless, mummified remains of Mary-Jo. She realizes that, all those years ago, she had inadvertently trapped her friend by abandoning the game without actually ending it, and that her best friend died alone and abandoned. - Consumed by the guilt and realization that she herself caused her own friend's death, and that no one went looking for Mary-Jo, and that Mary-Jo must have died believing that no one cared about her at all, Amy screams and cries and curls up into a ball, awaiting her own fate. Outside the tunnels, no one can hear her, and the cassette tape continues to play, encouraging the seeker to "find Player 2." - I think it's worth noting that Tucker's physical description is basically just how William looks during his "normal night guard Dave Miller" phase in the original trilogy / graphic novels, complete with messed up teeth, creepy smile, and the threatening aura that surrounds him and scares anyone who looks at him (his charming persona having rotted away by this point). It's a red herring, but still interesting. - I'm not sure why no one found Mary-Jo? Like, she was inside a popular game at a popular children's restaurant. I would assume that some child would have opened the game cubbies before too long, or that some employee would have overridden the game controls at closing time or something. And if nothing else, we're told that the police were looking for her, and they definitely would have started looking in the last place she'd been seen. She should have been found mere hours later, or a couple of days tops, and after a quick trip to the hospital she should have been relatively fine. But it's Fazbear's, so it's whatever. - For the first half of this story, I fully expected it to be the origin story for Cassidy, and that Mary-Jo was a stand-in for her, and that we were going to see how William originally killed Cassidy and how/why she became the angry "Vengeful Spirit." But, since the story didn't go that direction, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
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"Epilogue 11"
- Jake has a dream where he's at a birthday party having fun, and the dream almost tricks him into staying there. Still, he forces himself awake. - Larson realizes that the ball pit is a portal of some sort, and searches for it in whatever time era Eleanor left him in. His body instinctively knows where it is, and he walks straight to it, located inside an open Freddy's building. Business is good at Freddy's, and lots of kids and families are laughing and playing inside. They glare judgmentally at Larson, since he's a single man entering a children's restaurant with no children and he looks like he's been in a fight recently, but he ignores them and goes straight for the ball pit. - Announcing himself as a police officer and ordering everyone away from the area, Larson enters the ball pit. When he comes out again, he's walking along a residential street, and comes across a junkyard. He goes to where he knows Eleanor is (where she was at the beginning of "To Be Beautiful") and she promptly attacks him. She hits him with a tire iron, and he loses a tooth in the fight. - The heart-shaped pendant around Eleanor's neck pulses and turns bright, blood red when she gets angry. - Larson leads Eleanor in a chase around the junkyard. The chase ends with Larson shoving Eleanor into a garbage compactor, where she shrieks as she is crushed. - Larson wakes up in Talbert's house, and sees a very angry "Ranelle." She unhinges her jaw and black, slimy tendrils come out of her mouth, snaking across the room and binding Larson. The tendrils are made of blood, and touching them sends him back in time once more, but this time he finds Freddy's decrepit and abandoned. - This time, when Larson enters the ball pit, he pops out in someone's attic. He sees an old storage trunk in the corner, and instinctively goes to it. He opens it and sees Eleanor inside, curled up like a child. When she sees him, she attacks him and tries to choke him. He beats in her face with various items he finds in the attic. - Once again, Larson wakes up on the floor near "Ranelle" and Dr. Talbert again. He sees the Stitchwraith beginning to wake up as well, just before "Ranelle" sends Larson back in time again. - Once again, Larson goes to where the ball pit is, this time finding it in a Freddy's that's been remodeled into a "Papa Bear's Pancake House." Going to the ball pit, Larson finds himself in a boy's bedroom. He finds Eleanor hiding in the bedroom closet and, picking up a metal bat from among the boy's belongings, begins beating her with it. He knocks her head off entirely. - Again, Larson has been sent through time, and is heading back to the ball pit. This time, there's nothing of the building around it, although the ball pit it still there and in one piece, although it smells like rotting death. Going through it this time leads Larson to an abandoned warehouse, and gets attacked by Eleanor from the rafters. She bites a chunk out of his cheek as they fight. - Meanwhile, "Ranelle" writhes in agony. The Stitchwraith crawls toward her. He starts to attack her, but the black tentacles growing from her mouth, fingers, and toes all reach toward him, wrapping around his face and blinding him. She sits up and grabs him, but he's bigger and stronger than her at the moment, and Jake forces her to lay back down and be quiet, then forces her personality out of her body and into his own, trapping Eleanor inside the Stitchwraith with him. - Jake searches through Eleanor's thoughts and memories, although he isn't sure he'd call them "memories." He finds one where she's feeling nothing but rage and despair, and traps her in it, like a reverse "happiest day" ending. This is apparently what defeats her. - Two weeks later, Larson is watching his son's baseball game. He cheers when his son catches the ball. - Across town, Jake the Stitchwraith shuffles toward the building where the ball pit is. He knows it's where Eleanor belongs, and he intends to "lay her to rest" here. - "[The ball pit] was like a graveyard for the souls of victims of a wicked wrongness that [Jake] didn't fully understand. What had happened here? Where did Eleanor come from? Had she caused all this chaos, or had the chaos somehow caused her?" - We learn that, after trapping Eleanor into himself, Jake had gone to find the real homeless girl that he'd been trying to help that Eleanor had replaced. The girl had been locked in a crate. After rescuing her from there, Jake got her to a hospital. - Apparently, Jake also found Dr. Talbert's real daughter. Who is *not* the homeless girl, but is some other person entirely. I know MatPat says they’re the same person in one of his videos, but that’s not what the text says. (Also... Why???? Is Talbert???? Still alive??!?!?!? Yes, I *will* continue to scream about this!) - Jake enters the ball pit, and sinks down into it. - Millie (our protag from "Count The Ways") is wandering around outside her grandfather's house. She feels like she's been out here for a long time. She gets startled by a little boy who appears out of a bush nearby, but the boy just smiles, introduces himself as Jake, and leads her back to her grandfather's front porch. She reenters the house, and shares a hug with her grandpa. (Oh, thank god! Millie gets a happy ending after all this time!) - Back in the ball pit, Jake smiles as the plastic ball in his hands changes color, presenting a sad scene that's turned into a happy one. (The balls are described here as becoming glass, instead of plastic, and showing scenes and images inside them. They sound like the balls Jareth is forever juggling in Jim Henson's "Labyrinth.") - Each of the balls in the ball pit represents a victim who suffered at the hands of Fazbear Entertainment. Using Eleanor and the ball pit to travel through time, Jake has the ability to change the outcomes of each prior story, preventing all the bloodshed and giving everyone a happy ending instead. This renders all of the previous stories in this book series (and maybe even including things like the Missing Children's Incident, Elizabeth's death, and other prior events) null and void, with none of the bad things actually happening. He's not erasing the original evil of William Afton's intentions, but he is preventing them from happening. This whole sequence is super interesting to me, and is definitely the grounds for some future ideas and theories I may play with. - (Jake, 'Oprah voice': "You get a happy ending, and you get a happy ending. Everybody gets a happy ending!") - Larson sits in Talbert's living room, finally getting the answers to all his questions. Talbert tries to explain what Remnant is, describing it as metal conducting thoughts and memories instead of electricity. He talks about how his daughter Ranelle was a sickly little girl who spent a lot of her childhood in the hospital, and how he made a necklace pendant for her out of Remnant, so that he couldn't lose her entirely if she died. He shows Larson the pendant, and Larson recognizes it as the one that Eleanor wore. - Talbert admits that it was his obsession with trying to prevent the loss of Ranelle that actually led to him losing her. He tells Larson that the necklace is haunted, although by who or what he doesn't say, and tells Larson to take it, that he "can't bear to look at it anymore." Talbert bids Larson good-bye, and says that he's looking forward to spending time with his real daughter now. - Larson leaves, and hears a high-pitched song coming from the pendant in his hand. He doesn't know who or what it is, but doesn't perceive it as a threat. - I actually liked most of this ending to the epilogue adventures. I thought it wrapped things up pretty well on the whole, and my only real complaint is that Eleanor isn't explained. Is she Elizabeth Afton, like I've been assuming her to be all this time, or is she something or someone else? And if she's something or someone else, then who or what is she? Is she just a doll-shaped vessel full of Remnant? Is she a different character we've seen before? I have so many questions! - Jake, an 8-year-old with no knowledge of Fazbear's or what horrible things have happened there: -fixing everything and cleaning up the messes of the original cast- William, Michael, Henry, and everyone else all looking at each in confusion: "Can he *do* that?! Is that allowed???"
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spooky-flowerwolf · 2 years
lately i was planning and organizing my au's well for now i only have four but i love the last one (i created with my cousin last month)
1- Alec owns whitered Freddy (I had nothing to do so I just did )
The other two are not so interesting (both talk about prankster and who would be the villain)
4 Talks about Eleanor being made of the dark remnant and agony of William Afton and the (the man of room 1280 being rather than "to be beautiful")This would explain a lot, I will explain in another ask
1- I started to laugh thinking about Gabriel taking a x1 with Alec to see who stays in the withered Freddy!(You know Gabriel Freddy's soul,Freddy=withered Freddy,Did you have the joke?,ksksks I just a lot of shit sorry)
A very good Au, I told my sister, she said she found it interesting and would like to know better how this Au works :]
Poor Alec from a child's toy to an old animatronic
2/3-i would like to know about your theories who are prankster villains,i have a theory formed with me and my sister that they are vanny is glichtrap is hope is parker are followers of william afton,Eloquent even to the point of ripping out his own parts to participate in this "cult" of his lord(My au and half traveled but it works, right? )
4-Eleanor was created from William afton's substances/agony/dark remnant? that really makes sense, I believe it makes Eleanor the 4th entity of fnaf (the others being ,Shadow Freddy,shadow Bonnie is Springbonnie Ballpit),(I don't know anything about this part my sister who read the prologue) But according to her said, there are some parts that show Eleanor creating shadow Bonnie, It's if she used not her dark remnant,Is it William? because dark remnant is like a trauma, we know that everyone has rabbit trauma, why the rabbit went out killing children, Eleanor being one of the most powerful entities of fnaf, and There really is a scene where Eleanor came out of the Patient's belly in room 1280 in her memories, this theory is very good, Eleanor being another shit that William did, authorizing the other types Phantos, but how she left William afton with her dark remnant is her agony, she's not a hallucination, she's real! (Of course there's a chance Eleanor's memories aren't literal they are! Yes, it's symbolic, BECAUSE SCOTT CAWTHON DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO PULL A LORE IN OUR FACE, there's got to be a mystery!)
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
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