#i fucking love these morons
kimaratomoya · 9 months
*Casually Materialises*
No one asked for this but I don't care.
Characters that I fucking love from Fazbear Frights that I see barely anyone talking about because they didn't read past books 1-5 usually. Or they forget about them. Because that happens.
Spoilers if you haven't read the books ig??
1. Toby Billings
My beloved boy
He's so depressed lmao
Definitely got some shit going wrong
But we love him
And he deserves better that being tormented by a fucking shadow rabbit
Literally has no mother
She fucking left ✌️
But he has a brother (who is a dick)
And a dad (who supports the brother)
Bestie I hope ur ok
2. Jeremiah (I don't he has a last name, if he does, I forgot it and I refuse to check the wiki out of spite)
Also depressed probably
Needs therapy
Parker was so mean to him what the heck.
He was just vibin
And trying to finish his fucking job
And this bitch put spicy shit in his chips
Also Glitchtrap kinda makes him have to find Hope and Parker's disembodied pieces
So that's rude
3. Hudson
Why are all of these people depressed
But yeah he has actual PTSD
Poor guy
Literally was trying to just leave his past behind him BC he couldn't deal with it
And just wanted to exist in peace
I have a lot of hatred towards William.
4. Colton
Surprisingly, not depressed
Just a moron
I love his stupid little brain
He legit broke into a place to fix a game to get tickets for a game when he literally could've just stolen the game
You little dumb dumb
5. Sam
Broski does film????
I do film!!!!!
Also I find him goofy
And Nole definitely spent way too long on the first 3 pages describing how he sits and stuff
I have no idea what his skin tone is because everyone keeps changing it and I am just gonna stick with like the original one I know for him lmao
He's so swag
(probably fruity ✨💅)
Does anyone want 5 (or more) characters I despise for dumb little reasons?
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Just two business men yelling, arguing, shoving each other, taking turns restraining each other, crying, hugging, and making out in a public park. Nothing to see here.
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crawley-fell · 7 months
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You see, I do have a gift for props. Well, a sort of natural dexterity.
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homoeroticgrappling · 3 months
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Danhausen tweeted this after his GCW match and I couldn't help but think about his tweet when he started looking for bookings
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sincerelywhistler · 6 months
Things my husband does that are so violently Asher Coded, I had to compile a written list and turn them into headcanons:
- Play flirts with his best friend with such homosexual undertones, I’m often convinced that I’m third wheeling. This best friend is— and incredibly so— also named David.
- Wordlessly walked into the bathroom with a gigantic bottle of avocado oil and didn’t come out for 20+ minutes (I was concerned; he was using it as a WD40 “replacement” because he embarrassed to admit he was scared of the WD40 aerosol can)
- Flirts with David
- Thought the “mile high” club meant you’ve flown across the country. Innocently told all of our friends that he joined the club after our summer vacation to Alaska. Mortified himself.
- I brought him along with me to get my ID renewed. He thanked every person he saw for their service to our country. We were on a military base. Everyone there was active duty. Everyone.
- Is dyslexic
- Flirts with David
- Begs and pleads to be let in on any of my work gossip, calls me “boring” and “too morally grounded” when I have nothing to report
- Wakes me up by using the blender at ungodly hours of the morning
- Wakes me up by loading the dishes at ungodly hours of the morning
- Wakes me up by starting the washing machine at ungodly hours of the morning
- Me: says a sentence
Fox: picks out ONE word of said sentence that also is in a Fall Out Boy lyric and starts singing that song, abandoning all conversation
- Flirts with David
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lara60 · 2 months
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i find it extremely funny that during their first meeting mark just hit thragg with a
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vilelittlecritter · 9 months
"YoU cAnT liKe ThAt ChArAcTeR tHeY [bad action which is integral to the story and why the story is so good in the first place]"
My brother in Christ,
They are not real.
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
remember in skypiea when sanji said "i would let you die if it is to save nami-san" to usopp and then proceeded to fucking sacrifice himself for both of them?
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shima-draws · 5 months
Perona and Zoro are so sibling core...
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killeray · 7 months
Kentin girlies, all things considered, him being an Alternate Life route was the best possible outcome for us in this whole mess of a game.
He didn't appear in Campus Life and in hindsight it's great because then he didn't suffer the same character slaughter and regression like the others did. He didn't have an OOC moment where he agreed to a threesome with his best friend despite showing jealousy during his entire route. He didn't neglect Candy for a "surprise" that took up his entire time from her and caused her to break up with him. He matured SO much and in a way that made most, if not all, of his flaws toned down and enhanced his qualities (honestly I don't even know if he showed any flaws at all). His grown up sprite is gorgeous. He stayed true to himself and leads a lifestyle that makes him happy rather than spiraling down a catastrophic path for the sake of drama (since AL is only 5 episodes). AND the best part is you don't even get the "opportunity" to cheat on him! So no way for players to pick him purposefully just to get with eric (like most did with Hyun).
Would I have loved to have as much illustrations and interactions and events with him as the CL crushes? Of course, but seeing the way CL and LL were handled and all the terrible scenarios that came with them, I'm thinking maybe Kentin not appearing in the main sequels was a blessing in disguise.
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fun-k-boards · 1 month
Whenever people fail to understand that what we as an audience know is sometimes entirely different from what the characters know I get genuinely heated I need to put the phone down and just breathe in a serene forest or something because otherwise my blood pressure would get to a dangerous level
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fragonreal · 3 months
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thats his name he'd sound exactly like Wilford Warfstache
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 4 months
ive seen some people say the shameless fandom is friendly and a nice community but i feel like that only applies to like half of gallavich stans because the amount of death threats i have received over literally just saying that i like debbie gallagher/am not a huge fan of fiona gallagher…😭😭😭😭
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esaari · 1 year
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dumb of ass
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nobodymitskigabriel · 3 months
Gabriel fans stay winning.
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alphacrone · 10 months
this is your reminder that 99.9% of employers care more about money than you and even if they are kind and fair now they WILL at the end of the day put profits over your well being so absolutely do not sacrifice your life for them.
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