#Jeremiah's prayer
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Jeremiah's Prayer
Ah, Master יהוה! See, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is no matter too hard for You. — Jeremiah 32:17 | The Scriptures 2009 (TS2009) The Scriptures 2009 Copyright© 1993 – 2015 by the Institute for Scripture Research (ISR). All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 18:14; 2 Kings 3:18; 2 Kings 19:15; Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37; Luke 18:27
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echthr0s · 8 months
I love the many flavours Christianity kink can come in because everyone knows about the Catholicism flavour (priests/nuns and elaborate vestments, confessionals, the Eucharist, heavy emphasis on sin) but there's so many others depending on what version of Christianity was most relevant for one in one's formative years
like I grew up with like... a combination Pentecostal / AME / Baptist understanding of Christianity, so my foundation for religion-based kink is hellfire-and-brimstone revival preachers, small ramshackle churches built in the 1800s (that may or may not have other entities in residence waiting to possess the pious), glossolalia and ecstatic dance, crossroads devils and wandering preachers, that sort of thing. I only got into the Catholic version later on, after my kink had already been well-established -- y'all definitely have the monopoly for a reason, I get it, there's a lot to mine there
(there's also some prosperity gospel in my background, like Joel Osteen and Creflo Dollar were big hits with the older people around me so I think megachurch corruption is a Very Good space to play in)
but I will always be loyal to my wild-haired wild-eyed dark-skinned backwoods preacher man gripping the sides of the pulpit as he shouts desperately to a sweating and swaying congregation whilst the corruption welling up from deep under the warped floorboards slowly devours him
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walkswithmyfather · 9 months
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1. “The Lord is king. He is clothed with majesty and strength. The earth is set firmly in place and cannot be moved. Your throne, O Lord, has been firm from the beginning, and you existed before time began. The ocean depths raise their voice, O Lord; they raise their voice and roar. The Lord rules supreme in heaven, greater than the roar of the ocean, more powerful than the waves of the sea. Your laws are eternal, Lord, and your Temple is holy indeed, forever and ever.” —Psalm 93:1‭-‬5 (GNT)
2. “Long ago the Lord said to Israel: “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” —Jeremiah 31:3 (NLT)
3. “I have loved you just as the Father has loved Me; remain in My love [and do not doubt My love for you].” —John 15:9 (AMP)
4. “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” —John 3:16 (NLT)
Friend, God loves you!
You are an “Everyone” in John 3:16. If you had been the only human being on Earth, God would still have sent His only Son to save you and offer you eternal life.
Every day God will draw you to Him with unfailing love (Jer 31:3).
Jesus loves you just as the Father loves Him (and that is a huge amount of love). Jesus said so in The Word of God (Jn 15:9). And Jesus IS the Word (Jn 1:1), so when He speaks, He speaks God's truth:
“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” —John 1:1 (NLT)
Friend, God loves you. Mightier than the waves of the sea is God's love for you!
Blessings to you. May you feel God's love for you, a love that is mightier than the waves of the sea. May you remain in Jesus' love, today and always. In Jesus' name, Amen! 🙏🕊️🙌
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apenitentialprayer · 20 days
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Top: Abraham interceding for Sodom and Gomorrah. Bottom: Moses pleading for Israel.
We read that the Lord said to Moses Let me alone, to vent My anger upon them [Exodus 32:10a], and to Jeremiah, Therefore offer no prayer for these people nor stand in my path [Jeremiah 7:16]. By these words the Lord Himself makes it clear that the prayers of the devout set a kind of bridle on His wrath and check it from raging against sinners as fully as they deserve; just as a man who is willingly moved by his sense of justice to take vengeance can be turned aside by the entreaties of his friends and forcibly restrained, as it were, against his will. Thus when the Lord says to one who is praying or about to pray, "Let Me alone and do not stand in My path," He forbids prayers to be offered to Him on behalf of the impious; yet the just man prays though the Lord forbids, obtains his requests and alters the sentence of the angry Judge. And so the passage about Moses continues: And the Lord repented and spared His people the evil with which He had threatened them [Exodus 32:14]. Elsewhere it is written about the universal works of God, He spoke, and it was [Psalm 33:9]. But in this passage it is also recorded that He had said the people deserved affliction, but He had been prevented by the power of prayer from carrying out His words. Consider then the great power of prayer, if we pray as we are bidden, seeing that the prophet won by prayer what he was forbidden to pray for, and turned God aside from his declared intention. And another prophet says to God: In Thy wrath remember mercy [Habbakuk 3:2]. The lords of the earth should listen and take note, for they are found obstinate rather than just in the execution of the justice they have decreed and pronounced; they blush to appear lax if they are merciful, and untruthful if they change a pronouncement or do not carry out a decision which lacked foresight, even if they can emend their words by their actions. Such men could properly be compared with Jephtha, who made a foolish vow and, in carrying it out even more foolishly, killed his only daughter. But he who desires to be a member of His body [Ephesians 5:30], says with the Psalmist I will sing of mercy and justice unto Thee, O Lord [Psalm 101:1]. Mercy, it is written, exalts judgment, in accordance with the threat elsewhere in the Scriptures: In that judgment there will be no mercy for the man who has shown no mercy [James 2:13]. The Psalmist himself considered this carefully when, at the entreaty of the wife of Nabal the Carmelite, as an act of mercy he broke the oath he had justly sworn concerning her husband and the destruction of his house. Thus he set prayer above justice, and the man's wrongdoing was wiped out by the entreaties of his wife.
Peter Abelard, in his First Post-Calamitatum Letter to Héloïse du Paraclet, trans. Betty Radice. Bolded emphases added.
Orat iustus, Domino prohibente, et ab ipso impetrat quod postulat et irati iudicis sententiam immutat.
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i-istherefore-iam · 3 months
Another sister is on the edge of abandoning protestantism and coming back to Church. Praise God and keep her in your prayers that she hears Father's voice clearly and does His will.
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gentlespiritgirl · 11 months
I pray that you make this declaration/prayer over yourself today friend:
“I pray that the thoughts of Christ towards me and not the thoughts nor plans of man would always triumph over me!” 🙏🏽
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Amen & Amen 🤍
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fiat-veritas · 10 months
Lord, You know all things--You know that I love You!
Right now it is true I do not see the road ahead of me, nor do I know where it will end. I still choose to trust in You and ask You to have mercy on me in Your loving-kindness. Have pity on Your suffering servant who loves You so much. Please deliver me from all evil and give me the grace to follow You even into the desert, with endless devotion.
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resentful-reads · 10 months
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Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
“You are My battle-ax and weapons of war: For with you I will break the nation in pieces; With you I will destroy kingdoms;” Jeremiah 51:20 (NKJV)
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craigtowens · 8 months
Praying For Our Governments
You may have heard it said that Christians are supposed to pray for those who are in governmental leadership positions over them. Is that really true? And if it is, what exactly are we supposed to pray for them?
Listen to the podcast of this post by clicking on the player below, and you can also subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or Audible.  https://craigtowens.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/praying-for-our-governments.mp3 You may have heard it said that Christians are supposed to pray for those who are in governmental leadership positions over them. Is that really true? And if it is, what exactly are we…
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namitha · 2 years
"But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the LORD"
"They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
🌿 Jeremiah 17
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hebrewbyinbal · 8 months
My heart aches as I share this with you today.
Men, women, children, and the elderly have been taken, their lives upended, their families left in agonizing uncertainty. It's a pain that cuts deep, a nightmare no one should face.
In these moments of darkness, we find solace in the power of words.
We turn to the Hebrew phrase "And the children shall return to their borders", sourced from the Book of Jeremiah.
This isn't just a phrase; it's our collective prayer, a plea for their safe return.
Now, we can hold onto this expression, say it in Hebrew, and let it carry our hopes and tears.
Let this be our way to connect, to express our love, and to send our wishes across the distance.
As we recite these words, let us remember those who are suffering, those whose lives have been shattered, and let us unite in prayer for their safe return.
In our shared humanity, we stand together, hoping for a brighter tomorrow.
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The Potter and the Clay
1 The word that was made of the Lord to Jeremy, and said, (The word of the Lord that was made to Jeremiah, and said,) 2 Rise thou, and go down into the house of a potter, and there thou shalt hear my words. 3 And I went down into the house of a potter, and lo! he made a work on a wheel. 4 And the vessel was destroyed, which he made of clay with his hands; and he turned it, and made it another vessel, as it pleased in his eyes to make. (And when the vessel, which he made out of clay with his hands, was not acceptable, he turned it again, and made it into another vessel, which did please his eyes.)
5 And the word of the Lord was made to me, and he said, 6 Whether as this potter doeth, I may not do to you, the house of Israel? saith the Lord. Lo! as clay is in the hand of a potter, so ye, the house of Israel, be in mine hand (Lo! like clay is in a potter’s hands, so ye, the house of Israel, be in my hands). 7 Suddenly I shall speak against a folk, and against a realm, that I draw (it) out, and destroy (it), and lose it. 8 If that folk doeth penance of his evil, which I spake against it, also I shall do penance on the evil, which I thought to do to it. (But if that nation doeth penance for their evil, for which I spoke against them, then I shall do penance for the evil, which I thought to do to them.) 9 And I shall speak suddenly of a folk, and of a realm, that I build, and plant it. (And at any moment I shall speak of a nation, or of a kingdom, that I build it, or that I plant it.) 10 (But) If it doeth evil before mine eyes, (and) that it hear not my voice, (then) I shall do penance on the good which I spake, that I should do to it. 11 Now therefore say thou to a man of Judah, and to the dweller of Jerusalem, and say, The Lord saith these things, Lo! I make evil against you, and I think a thought against you; each man turn again from his evil way, and (ad)dress ye your ways and your studies. (And so now say thou to the people of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, The Lord saith these things, Lo! I make evil plans against you, and I think thoughts against you; each person turn away from their evil ways, and direct, or amend, ye your ways and your deeds.)
12 Which said, We have despaired, for we shall go after our thoughts, and we shall do each man the shrewdness of his evil heart. (But they said, We despair, for we feel that we must go after our own thoughts, and each person doeth the depravity of his own evil heart.)
13 Therefore the Lord saith these things, Ask ye heathen men, who heard such horrible things, which the virgin of Israel hath done greatly? (And so the Lord saith these things, Ask ye the heathen, who hath heard of such a horrible thing, as that which the virgin of Israel hath done?)
14 Whether [the] snow of the Lebanon shall fail from the stone of the field? either cold waters breaking out, and floating down, may be taken away? (Shall the snow in Lebanon fail to fall on the stones of the field? or shall cold water breaking out, and flowing down, not be taken away?)
15 For my people hath forgotten me, and they offered sacrifices in vain, and stumbled in their ways, and in the paths of the world (and stumbled on their own ways, and on the paths of the world), (so) that they went by those in a way not trodden;
16 that the land of them should be into desolation, and into an hissing everlasting; for why each that passeth by it, shall be astonied, and shall move his head. (so that their land now be into desolation, and into an everlasting hissing; for each person who passeth by it shall be astonished, and shall move their head.)
17 As a burning wind I shall scatter them before the enemy (Like a burning wind I shall scatter them before the enemy); I shall show to them the back and not the face, in the day of the perdition of them.
18 And they said, Come ye, and think we thoughts against Jeremy; for why the law shall not perish from a priest, neither counsel shall perish from a wise man, neither word shall perish from a prophet (for the Law shall never perish from, or be lost to, a priest, nor good advice from a wise man, nor God’s word from a prophet); come ye, and smite we him with (the) tongue, and take we none heed to all the words of him.
19 Lord, give thou attention to me, and hear thou the voice of mine adversaries.
20 Whether evil is yielded for good, for they have digged a pit to my soul; have thou mind, that I stood in thy sight, to speak good for them, and to turn away thine indignation from them. (Shall evil be yielded for good, for they have dug a pit for me; remember, O Lord, that I stood in thy sight, to speak good of them, and to turn away thy indignation from them.)
21 Therefore give thou the sons of them into hunger, and lead forth them into the hands of [the] sword; the wives of them be made without children, and be made widows, and the husbands of them be slain by death; the young men of them be pierced together by sword in battle. (And so give thou their sons into hunger, and lead them forth into the hands of the sword; let their wives be made without children, and be made widows, and let their husbands be killed; and let their young men be altogether pierced by the sword in battle.)
22 Cry be heard of the houses of them, for thou shalt bring suddenly a thief on them; for they digged a pit to take me, and hid snares to my feet. (Let a cry be heard from their houses, for thou shalt suddenly bring a thief upon them; for they dug a pit to catch me, and hid snares for my feet.)
23 But thou, Lord, knowest all the counsel of them against me into death; do thou not mercy to the wickedness of them, and the sin of them be not done away from thy face; be they made falling down in thy sight, in the time of thy strong vengeance; use thou them to other thing than they were ordained (use thou them for something other than what they were ordained for). — Jeremiah 18 | Wycliffe's Bible (WYC) The Wycliffe Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Genesis 6:6; Leviticus 26:32; Deuteronomy 29:19; 1 Samuel 2:30; 1 Samuel 13:13; 1 Samuel 15:33; 1 Samuel 19:4; 1 Kings 9:8; 2 Kings 17:13; Nehemiah 4:5; Job 5:13; Job 27:21; Psalm 35:7; Psalm 48:7; Psalm 52:2; Psalm 59:5; Psalm 63:10; Psalm 106:45; Psalm 119:85; Psalm 140:5; Isaiah 29:16; Isaiah 57:10; Isaiah 57:14; Isaiah 62:10; Isaiah 66:8; Jeremiah 1:10; Jeremiah 2:10-11; Jeremiah 7:3; Jeremiah 19:1; Jeremiah 31:28; Lamentations 3:59; Amos 9:11; Matthew 20:15; Acts 26:20; Romans 9:20-21
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allscripture · 2 years
Thank You, Lord, that my relationships are marked by love. The healing power of forgiveness removes all hurt and ill will so that Your compassion abounds.
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every from of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.
Ephesians 4:3-32 (NIV)
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walkswithmyfather · 11 months
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“O Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!” —Jeremiah 32:17
“No problem too Big (Or too Small)” By Wendy Richmond:
“Nothing is too hard for God. If God can breathe and stars appear (Psalm 33:6), what is it about our problems that seem too big for Him? Are the problems in our lives too big for God? Or do we just think they are too big? Perhaps we think they’re too small? Maybe you hit your knees when the doctor says cancer, but what if you can’t find your keys?
One night I lost my keys at church. I was the last one to leave. I was about to lock up when I realized I didn’t know where I had left my keys. Not only that, there was a big storm coming, and I really needed to get home before it hit. While I was frantically looking for my keys, my cell phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number, so I dismissed it and kept on looking. It rang again. And a few minutes later, a third time. I decided I had better talk to whoever it was, if for no other reason than to get them to stop calling me.
When I answered the phone, I was surprised to hear the voice of one of my long-time friends. We hardly ever talk on the phone and she was calling from a different number. I sensed an urgency in her voice. “I was praying,” she said, “And I felt like the Lord wanted me to call you. Is everything okay?” 
“I can’t find my keys!” I told her, “and I need you to pray.” I remembered several times when she had lost something and asked God to help her find it. To my friend, nothing is too big or too small to ask God for. On more than one occasion, she had prayed and found a lost set of keys. She agreed to pray, and we hung up the phone. No sooner than I had ended the call than I knew exactly where I had left the keys! I went straight to the spot, and there they were.  
I learned that day that God cares about the things that are important to me. He made the heavens and the earth by His strong and powerful arm. He breathed and stars appeared. He prompted a friend to call me and pray for a lost set of keys. Nothing is too hard for God - not the big things, and not even the small things.” Amen!🙏🕊🙌
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quotesfromscripture · 2 years
Why do the wicked prosper?
“You are always righteous, LORD,  when I bring a case before you.  Yet I would speak with you about your justice: 
Why does the way of the wicked prosper?  Why do all the faithless live at ease?  You have planted them, and they have taken root;  they grow and bear fruit.  You are always on their lips  but far from their hearts.” 
- Jeremiah 12:1-2 NIV (2011)
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Psalm 142:1-2, “I cry out loudly to God, loudly I plead with God for mercy. I spill out all my complaints before Him, and spell out my troubles in detail.” (MSG) My dear friend Brett, in my opinion, has the absolute worse job in all the world…you see, Brett’s full-time job is handling consumer complaints! Now, he’s what I call a definite prime candidate for a lot of antacid commercials! Can you…
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