#Jessamine ic.
sanctificetur · 2 years
jessamine sees alistaire say, ‘ if your god is so delicate, maybe you should get a new one. ‘
she is at the mansion ( in the green forest ) where the vampire group is, hearing his distrustful tone. as she walks through the house, wearing a light blue jumper ;; criss-crossed with diamond shapes. and sees him illuminated in the light of the chandelier.
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he glaring at her, his dark brown eyes quite piercing, and the silver cross she wears, as he sits at an armchair by the fire, wearing a black jacket with white shirt. a red carpet, patterned with triangle square shapes is beneath the chair.
she is a vampire-seraph, which she has been experiencing conflict on her identity. she had been bitten by a vampire in a fight in eretz, as a seraph soldier of the dominion.
was she a soldier or stormhunter now? remembering the grey horse galloping ; with wings fluttering. and thinking about the time she met a stelian girl from the far isles ; one she loves, and says,
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‘ my god is not delicate, so you needn’t be cruel. the hymns were always within me, as i walk through the mansion ; holding a candle 🕯’
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yxstxrdrxxm · 8 months
Out of curiosity, I’d like to ask:: What are your coffee preferences?? :>
Hmm, personally I'm more of a cappucino and latte person. I can't choose either and go for both, but I'm thinking of getting matcha when I have the time KEKW
(also if you give me iced, I hope you are aware that I'll finish it under 2 to 3 hours.)
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shathyar · 4 months
for @likemosaic's jessamine!
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❝ she's asleep. ❞ he says it casually, treading across the scaffolding edge of the palace wall with a finesse only comparable to a cat. corvo settles beside her, sits down on the precipice. his hands flex, as he stares at the backs of them, moving to pick out some stray blood from under his nails. he looks out, over the ocean that expands and yawns over the horizon. she would laugh at him for this, he knows. but still, he humours himself anyway: ❝ we could take emily, grab a ship. never look back. ❞
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famefckrmoved · 1 year
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the    ghost    has    always    loved    when    visitors    come    to    her    institute.    getting    to    talk    to    new    people    is    so    exciting.    jessamine    has    always    loved    talking.    ❝    you    are    so    handsome.    are    you    sure    you're    not    my    descendant..?    oh,    well,    i    suppose    i    never    got    the    chance    to    have    a    child    of    my    own,    so    that    wouldn't    be    possible.    there    must    be    lovelace    in    your    bloodline    somewhere.    ❞
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@lovemaim for jace herondale!
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jessamine-rose · 8 months
Imagine a typical winter in Snezhnaya. It is freezing cold, to the point that your gloved hands feel like ice.
Of course, Capitano notices this. Wordlessly, he takes your hand and intertwines your fingers to share his warmth. If you allow it, he will even press soft kisses to your knuckles.
Problem solved, except there is no solution for your flushed cheeks. Hopefully, your lover won’t notice. (He does. And he finds it endearing.)
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abubblingcandle · 1 month
Augusnippets Day 8 - Reunion - Ted Lasso/The Trouble with Maggie Cole
“Is that Jamie?” Phoebe muttered with her mouth full of thunder and lightning ice cream. “Don’t speak with your mouth full, and of course it isn’t Jamie,” Roy scolded, not looking up from his phone even as Phoebe pulled on his sleeve. “It looks like him,” Phoebe continued yanking.
Here on AO3 @augusnippets
I was feeling silly while rewatching The Trouble with Maggie Cole and then this fell out of me.
“Is that Jamie?” Phoebe muttered with her mouth full of thunder and lightning ice cream.
“Don’t speak with your mouth full, and of course it isn’t Jamie,” Roy scolded, not looking up from his phone even as Phoebe pulled on his sleeve.
“It looks like him,” Phoebe continued yanking.
Roy growled and finally looked up. He could see who Phoebe had been looking at immediately. To her credit it did really look like Jamie. The man was leaning over a stall at the farmers market trying to grab a pack of plums that looked almost ripe from the back. His jawline was sharply cut like Jamie’s was but it had a faint dark brown stubble. His ears were slightly pointed like Jamie’s were but instead of walnut mist hanging over them it was dark brown fluffy waves. His ass was sticking out and was definitely familiar but the rest of him wasn’t the same sculpted muscle that Jamie flouted at every opportunity. It was eerie.
“See!” Phoebe grinned. Roy continued to stare as Not Jamie got the plums and smiled at the trader as he paid. The smile was the same smile. He needed to clear this up.
“Morning coach,” Jamie’s face chimed out through the tinny phone speaker as Phoebe and Roy definitely weren’t following Not Jamie through the farmers market.
“Where are you?” Roy barked.
“At home? Why?” Jamie dragged out the question, suspicion in every extended syllable.
“Because you have a doppleganger in Devon,” Roy stated.
“A fucking what?” Jamie shrieked.
“He means someone that looks like you Jamie,” Phoebe shouted.
“I, I kn … thanks Pheebs,” he sighed. Not Jamie carried on away from the gourmet scotch egg stall and Roy hurried to follow. “Facetime me!” Jamie proclaimed, “I wanna see this lad you think has my face.”
Roy followed Jamie’s instructions and managed to get himself into a position so that Jamie could see Not Jamie’s face. He had stopped at a little coffee van to get a drink which meant that he was staying put for long enough. Roy turned his camera around so that Jamie could see the intruder.
“Oh what are the chances,” Jamie whispered breathily as he took in the inevitable winner of a Jamie Tartt look alike competition. “Am I on speaker?” he hisses after a moment of just laboured breathing echoing down the line.
“Oi Jamie!” Jamie yelled. Roy winced and cursed as the voice reverberated around the square. Not Jamie froze and slowly looked around.
“What the fuck are you on?” Roy hissed, ducking behind a nearby tree.
“Just call him over he doesn’t bite,” Jamie grinned. “Jamie! Behind the tree!” Jamie yelled again.
“You’re an asshole,” Roy hissed as Not Jamie started slowly walking towards them.
“Wait, are you Roy Kent?” Not Jamie frowned.
“Hey cuz!” Jamie laughed.
“JT,” Not Jamie’s face lit up, making him look even more like real Jamie as Roy turned the phone around.
“Cuz?” Roy questioned.
“Yeah JC here is my cousin. People always said we look alike but I never saw it,” Jamie mused.
“You look the same!” Phoebe added to a laugh from both Jamie’s.
“Nah he’s way less handsome,” both Jamie’s say in eerie unison.
“What are the chances of friends of JT’s coming to my little village,” JC smiled and offered his hand. “Jamie Cole, pleasure.”
“It’s been so long! How is Becka? And little Jez?”
“You should come down, see the family. Becka’s doing great. Her jewellery is in a lot of museum shops now and online is booming after you gave that piece to Keeley. Jessamine is striving to do things on her own now the little terror.”
Roy and Phoebe just stood there as the two apparent cousins caught up. His main emotion was just relief that this Jamie seemed to be a lot less trouble than his Jamie. The world couldn’t cope with two Jamie Tartts.
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keplercryptids · 2 years
Queer Books for Spooky Season!
i have read and enjoyed all of these, and have organized them in such a way that makes sense to me and hopefully peaks your interest! most are straight-up horror, but some just have horror / spooky themes.
[please note, not all these books have overtly queer characters / relationships, but are included because they have queer authors and/or queer characters, plots or themes. don’t want people to go into any of these books expecting romance.]
Spooky & Sapphic
The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir. everyone on tumblr knows about this series. it’s a science-fantasy, it’s got lesbian necromancers in space, it’s got mysteries and intrigue, and i would describe it as a “fun” read but please know my idea of fun includes body horror, grief and spooky vibes.
The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling. the vibes of this one are off the charts. story is told from the perspective of a lone caver on a foreign planet, as she communicates with her dive suit’s handler. it’s tense and suspenseful, lots of survival-fiction vibes, and it’s exactly how i want characters to flirt: via coms only, as one fights for their life.
Yellow Jessamine by Caitlin Starling. this one’s a weird little gothic novella about a shipping magnate who’s confined to her creepy estate as a mysterious plague runs rampant through the city.
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca. this novella is told via early-2000s chat logs and emails between two women as they develop one of the most unnerving relationships i’ve ever read. gross things happen! this one’s polarizing! but i loved it so much. absolutely unhinged vibes.
Parasites, but Goth
Leech by Hiron Ennes. most of this book is told from the POV of a parasitic hivemind called the Institute, which uses host bodies to act as physicians for the rest of society in a post-apocalyptic, gothic setting. and it gets weirder from there. it’s an honestly quite beautiful exploration of bodily autonomy, identity, and trauma.
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher. this is a retelling of the fall of the house of usher, and includes a spooky manor, fungal parasites, possessed wildlife, and the exact kind of unsettling atmosphere that i love in a horror book.
Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon. this story follows a teen mother who’s escaped from a cult and is now undergoing a fungal metamorphosis in the forest. big thriller/survival vibes and some truly excellent commentary about oppression, trauma and societal secrets.
Could Vampirism be Gayer? (yes, actually)
A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson. "dracula’s polycule” is what sold me on this book, and while yes, it’s got polyamorous vampires, the heart of the story is about the dynamics of an abusive relationship, with a strong thread of hope throughout.
The Route of Ice and Salt by José Luis Zárate, transl. by David Bowles. i’m not usually one to categorize a book as Important (TM) but this novella definitely is that. it was originally published in the 90s by a mexican author, and it’s a reimagining of dracula’s voyage to england from the POV of the captain, a closeted gay man full of queer yearning. this book is beautiful and painful and challenging and yes, important. it’s also horny as hell so like, you’ve been warned lol. only recently has it been made available in english, too!
Science as Horror
The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey. a short novel about a woman who’s recently separated from her husband, who in turn started a relationship with a clone of her. loved the character exploration in this, and it’s definitely got mystery/thriller vibes if you’re into that.
You’ve Lost a Lot of Blood by Eric LaRocca. this is a vibe-heavy, kind of trippy novella which features a story-within-a-story. don’t want to give away too much of the plot here because it’s a wild ride.
and finally, here’s some honorable mentions, at the end here because i didn’t love them. but you might!
Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey (haunted house personified, exploration of dysfunctional family)
The Seep by Chana Porter (post-apocalyptic quest)
Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant (killer mermaids)
Nothing but Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw (creepy mansion, corpse bride)
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⛰🐉Jade Mountain Academy⏳📜 AU Names, Winglets, and Job/Position List...
(Note: So, here's the thing. I realized, oh, wow, there aren't enough kids/teens in one X-Men series media that will cover the amount needed for the winglets... So, I did the best I could, and found enough to cover three winglets full of ten members, one from each tribe. This series combines parts from the Animated Series and Evolution. This is its own new thing, not quiet one or the other. For some characters, like Jubilee, Gambit, and Sabretooth, I prefer to imagine their Animated Series look and dynamics. For others like Wolverine, Magneto, and the majority of the students, I'm imagining Evolution. And a few are combined. Just imagine your preferred form of the character, okay? Enjoy!)
• Charles Xavier/Professor Xavier: NightWing
• Name: Charitable
• Description: night black scales with hints of gray; the silver scales of his wings curl inward, like a shell; sharp gray-blue eyes; partially paralyzed tail, which makes flying difficult; cares for the students; is the headmaster, but also runs the library, and teaches literature
• Ororo Munroe/Storm: SeaWing
• Name: Monsoon
• Description: sea foam green scales; pearl green webbing; mist blue eyes; aunt of Ebb; motherly; teaches music and culture
• Logan Howlett/Wolverine: HiveWing
• Name: Leafcutter
• Description: warm amber orange scales zig-zagged with thick lines of iridescent black; black scales around eyes; deep brown eyes; father of Lacewing; possibly related to Velvet; secretly cares for the students; teaches history and art
• Hank McCoy/Beast: SilkWing
• Name: Burgundy
• Description: twilight blue, maple brown, and cloud gray scales; has large wings spotted with lemon yellow, deep indigo, and warm sepia; soft blue-brown eyes; large; big talons; warm; polite; teaches science
• Raven Darkholme/Mystique: RainWing
• Name: Ravishing
• Description: vivid blue and blood red scales dappled with cream and gold; goldfish-gold eyes; master of disguise; a bit scary; Karner's mother, and Roguethought's adopted mother; teaches anatomy and health
• Victor Creed/Sabretooth: HiveWing
• Name: Velvet
• Description: amber orange, pale yellow, and caramel scales striped with fuzzy swathes of black; amber yellow eyes; giant; intense; age is unknown; possibly related to Leafcutter; teaches hunting and self-defense
• Erik Lehnsherr/Magnus/Magneto: LeafWing
• Name: Machineel
• Description: gray-green scales dappled with faded gold; lichen green-tinged membranes; pale green eyes; old friend of Charitable, possibly used to date; older; father of Scarab and Pieris; teaches math, and is a substitute for history, often helps Charitable in the library
• HiveWing: Reader
• Name: ... (Bumblebee, Firefly, Dauber, Jewel?)
• Description: ink black scales dappled with honey yellow and warm orange scales; honey golden eyes; has a tail stinger; cautious; compassionate; intelligent; shares a sleeping cave with Jackal
• IceWing: Bobby Drake/Iceman
• Name: Blizzard
• Description: ice blue scales tinged with frost white; sky blue eyes; funny; shares a sleeping cave with Ebb and Karner
• LeafWing: Jean Grey/Marvel Girl/Phoenix
• Name: Jessamine
• Description: emerald green scales; pinkish-red membranes; soft green eyes; kind; acts as an older sister towards the Jade Winglet, except for Scarp, whom she is dating; shares a sleeping cave with Roguethought and Kumquat
• MudWing: Remy LeBeau/Gambit:
• Name: Reed
• Description: ruddy brown scales; tall; reddish-brown eyes; has a Southern accent; charming; is dating Roguethought; shares a sleeping cave with Scarp
• NightWing: Anne-Marie/Rogue
• Name: Roguethought
• Description: ebony black scales with stray silver scales; the silver scales on her wings spiral outward; dark brown eyes; was born under one full moon; is a mind-reader, who is averse to touch due to it enhancing her power; wears jade green gloves; has a Southern accent; dating Reed; shares a sleeping cave with Jessamine and Kumquat;
• RainWing: Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat
• Name: Kumquat
• Description: lilac purple and blush pink scales; pale pink eyes; sunny; is a vegetarian; shares a sleeping cave with Jessamine and Roguethought
• SandWing: Jubilation Lee/Jubilee
• Name: Jackal
• Description: golden scales with darker triangle patterns across her wings; warm brown eyes; bubbly; wears a pink scarf; shares a sleeping cave with ... (Reader)
• SeaWing: Evan Daniels/Spyke
• Name: Ebb
• Description: ocean green scales; lake foam green webbing; light green eyes; lithe; nephew of Monsoon; shares a sleeping cave with Blizzard and Karner
• SilkWing: Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
• Name: Karner
• Description: dusk blue scales with freckles of wine red and pale gold; golden-yellow eyes; wears a silver cuff; son of Ravishing; part RainWing; shares a sleeping cave with Blizzard and Ebb
• SkyWing: Scott Summers/Cyclops
• Name: Scarp
• Description: ruby red scales; pale russet eyes; has to wear red quartz glasses due to an eye condition; acts as an older brother to most of the Jade Winglet, except for Jessamine, whom he is dating; Alp's older brother; shares a sleeping cave with Reed
• HiveWing: Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
• Name: Scarab
• Description: carmine red and jet black scales, dappled like ink-blots; part LeafWing; stand-offish; Machineel's daughter; Pieris' twin sister; has a painful, venomous bite; cares about Pieris; older twin; shares a sleeping cave with Bromeliad
• IceWing: Piotr Rasputin/Colossus
• Name: Caribou
• Description: bright silver scales; warm blue eyes; friendly; large; has a Russian accent; older brother of Crystal; protective of everyone; shares a sleeping cave with Warwinner
• LeafWing: Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver
• Name: Pieris
• Description: pale gray-green scales, akin to lichen and moss; arrogant; part HiveWing; Machineel's son; Scarab's twin brother; cares about Scarab; younger twin; shares a sleeping cave with Armadillo
• MudWing: Fred "Freddy" Dukes/Blob
• Name: Fern
• Description: clay yellow-brown scales; big; acts as an older brother to Tide; slight accent; shares a sleeping cave with Tide
• NightWing: Warren Worthington the 3rd/Angel
• Name: Warwinner
• Description: blueish-black and gray scales; wings have silver scales splashed out like speckles on a dove; is a strong flier; shares a sleeping cave with Caribou
• RainWing: Tabitha "Tabby" Smith/Boom-Boom
• Name: Bromeliad
• Description: strawberry red and pink scales with sunny yellow accents; loud; tangerine orange eyes; shares a sleeping cave with Scarab
• SandWing: Lance Alvers/Avalanche
• Name: Armadillo
• Description: dusty khaki scales with diamond patterns down his spine akin to a viper; chocolate brown sail; shiny black eyes; shares a sleeping cave with Pieris
• SeaWing: Todd Tolanksy/Toad
• Name: Tide
• Description: eel-green scales; yellow-green eyes; tiny; is like a younger brother to Fern; shares a sleeping cave with Fern
• SilkWing: St. John Allerdyce/Pyro
• Name: Polyphemus
• Description: sunset orange, bright yellow, and deep red scales; is a flamesilk; has gone through Metamorphosis; has an Australian accent; likes to char the food he eats; shares a sleeping cave with Alp
• SkyWing: Alex Summers/Havok
• Name: Alp
• Description: pale orange and gold scales like a sunrise; goldfish-orange eyes; Scarp's younger brother; has a slight accent; shares a sleeping cave with Polyphemus
• HiveWing: Laura Kinney/X-23/Wolverine 2.0
• Name: Lacewing
• Description: honey orange scales with thin zig-zags of iridescent black scales; black scales band her eyes; brown-green eyes; daughter of Leafcutter; small; fierce; shares a sleeping cave with Crystal
• IceWing: Illyana Rasputin/Magik
• Name: Crystal
• Description: moon white scales with hints of sky blue; cool blue eyes; has a Russian accent; Caribou's younger sister; is the oldest of the Silver Winglet; protective of them; shares a sleeping cave with Lacewing
• LeafWing: James "Jamie" Maddox/Multiple
• Name: Jumbie
• Description: bright leaf green scales with hints of bronze; wood brown eyes; youngest student; shares a sleeping cave with Ferocious and Fruit Bat
• MudWing: Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane
• Name: Woodduck
• Description: hazelnut brown scales; sees the Quartz Winglet as her sibs; hazel eyes; shares a sleeping cave with Desert and Maroon
• NightWing: Forge
• Name: Ferocious
• Description: dark charcoal black scales; the silver scales on his wings are in starburst patterns; gray eyes; tinkers with metal; shares a sleeping cave with Jumbie and Fruit Bat
• RainWing: Ray Crisp/Berserker
• Name: Fruit Bat
• Description: lightning yellow and ginger scales with acidic green stripes; lime green eyes; caring; shares a sleeping cave with Jumbie and Ferocious
• SandWing: Danielle "Dani" Moonstar/Mirage
• Name: Desert
• Description: tawny scales covered in brown flecks; deep brown eyes; wears a pendant necklace; shares a sleeping cave with Wooduck and Maroon
• SeaWing: Samuel "Sam" Guthrie/Cannonball
• Name: Snail
• Description: navy blue-gray scales; pale blue webbing; stormcloud-blue eyes; has a slight accent; thin; polite; shares a sleeping cave with Swift
• SilkWing: Roberto da Costa/Sunspot
• Name: Swift
• Description: dark chestnut brown and flame orange scales; candelight-yellow eyes; has not gone through Metamotphosis yet; shares a sleeping cave with Snail
• SkyWing: Amara Juliana Olivia Aquilla/Magma
• Name: Maroon
• Description: fiery red and ember orange scales; burning yellow eyes; is a firescales; shares a sleeping cave with Woodduck and Desert
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xrosegorex · 2 years
General info-
Hi!! I'm Tobi. I'm 18 and I use they/he pronouns.
DNI if you're racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, a proshipper, the whole shebang.
My AO3 is here- I write longer fics. I prefer to write on my AO3.
And here's the masterlist (for some reason, my twst writing is gone, but I'll fix it eventually lmao);
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Sick Day || 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘶𝘴 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘢
"Draw me!" || epel felmier
Assurance || 𝘭𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢 𝘷𝘢𝘯𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘦
NRC listening to Mitski
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SAGAU but trauma jokes
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𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 (𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞)
Thin Ice part one and part two (fairy-tale-writer) (twst)
Sway me (after-witch) (death note)
Protective Charms (dotster001) (twst)
Eye of the Storm part one, part two, and part three (faebaex) (twst)
Platonic yandere Chrollo x autistic reader, soulmate au part one, 1.5, two, three, 3.5, four, and five (asexual-abomination) (hxh)
Lilia and Silver train MC as a knight (floral-poisons) (twst)
Dad!lilia w/ mc (willowwhispersspeakeasy) (twst)
Why are you in my apartment? II (shiny-jr) (twst)
Your tears (alexisomnias) (twst)
Lilia tells y/n a bedtime story (wolken-himmel) (twst)
Vitamin C (walliedarling) (welcome home)
Platonic yandere phantom troupe x autistic reader soulmate au part one (asexual-abomination) (hxh)
You called? (beels-burger-babe) (obey me)
She's the one I'm running with (cherikolya) (bsd)
Guild harem ?? (spacexseven) (bsd)
Withdrawals (mangthemango) (genshin)
Over the Hills (postmoe) (genshin)
Salvation (theabyss) (genshin)
Such a kind god, such a cruel god (chocoenvy) (genshin)
Comfort (sunny-fox) (hsr)
Rooftop (ephemerallovesong) (hsr)
Death seeking creator (toomanyideasandfandoms) (genshin)
Creator Reforged (just-a-new-gi-writer) (genshin)
All or Nothing (yestrday) (hsr)
Look, don't touch (m1d-45) (genshin)
Predetermined (uvobreakmylegs) (hxh)
Herbarium (jessamine-rose) (genshin)
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shipazia · 1 year
𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 & 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ୨♡୧
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───── 💮🌸 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞 🌸💮 ─────
```˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ sinking ♡ ships • she/her • minor • multifandom
!!╱| 、 (` - 7 |、⁻ 〵 - i’m shipazia on archive of our own! ~ じし ˍ ,)ノ```
╰┈➤ armature creative writer!
✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧ ♡ aliases ~ bee, beety, gloomy, brownie, shipazia, sinking-ships
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꧁•⊹٭𝙳𝙽𝙸 𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃٭⊹•꧂
✵╰┈➤ Racism, Homophobia, Anti-semitism
✵╰┈➤ 18+ Content
✵╰┈➤ 13+ only!
✵╰┈➤ Jokes concerning physical appearance
✵╰┈➤ Disturbing Imagery
✵╰┈➤ Political
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✵╰┈➤ PFP: Smile! Precure
✵╰┈➤ BANNER: Smile! Precure
✵╰┈➤ DIVIDERS: @kgymz, @silkholland, @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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──── 💮🌸 interests 🌸💮 ────
⚜ ⊰────── lego ninjago ──❥
❝ reading is the first step to any adventure! go reading go!❞
╰┈➤faves morro, lloyd, kai, jay
╰┈➤ships jaya, destiny, polyninja, kaiylor
╰┈➤platonic destiny, green cousins, ghosts, watermelon
♡ ⊰────── originsmcrp ──❥
❝ once upon a time, there was a small and quaint house❞
╰┈➤faves eden, kol, shino, ooo!xylo, fto!devin, lara, biblico
╰┈➤ships devintchie, eclipse,
╰┈➤platonic neopolitan ice cream,
➴ ⊰────── genshin impact ──❥
❝ i never embark on a journey without a good book to accompany me❞
╰┈➤faves wanderer, nahida, keqing, childe, twins, cyno
╰┈➤ships beiguang, zhongchi, cynonari
╰┈➤platonic chiscara, mc & scara, nahida & scara
♔ ⊰────── the witcher ──❥
❝ only myths and fables do not know the limits of possibility ❞
╰┈➤faves jaskier, ciri, yennefer, tissaia, fringilla
╰┈➤ships geraskier, yengilla
╰┈➤platonic ciri and geralt, yennefer and tissaia
*please no spoilers past season 1, or for any of the books!
☠ ⊰────── the nevernight chronicles ──❥
❝ you're a daughter of words. a girl with a story to tell.❞
╰┈➤faves mia, jonen, naev, cloud, ashlinn, jessamine, mercurio
╰┈➤ships ashlinn x mia, bryn x waker
╰┈➤platonic jonen & mia, mercurio & drusilla, adonai & mari
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• ༺❀༻ • 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼
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westeroslive · 24 days
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the following have 24 hours to post ic, contact the main, or risk unfollow:
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* a reminder that as per our rules, our  definition  of  activity  is:  a  minimum  of  2  in  -  character  interactions  with  at  least  2  different  muns  for  each  muse.
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METAMORPHOSIS - a Thranduil fanfic
“What is your name?” he asked.
“Jessa,” she replied. “It’s short for Jessamine. A variation of Jasmine, like the flower.”
“A beautiful flower,” he replied, his voice reminding her of velvet for some strange reason. “A soft white, with a yellow centre.”
She smiled. “The Egyptian ones, yes. I am dreading asking this…”
“My name is Tharden,” he said, before she even got the question out.
“Somehow I already knew it would be something like that,” she sighed, turning her eyes to the waitress who appeared at her side. “Two coffees, please,” she told her.
The waitress disappeared, and she turned back to him.
“You knew of my name?” he questioned, with a slight frown. “How can this be?”
She stared at him as the seconds ticked past. “I’m not as stupid as I might seem,” she said eventually. “Don’t make the mistake of assuming that I am.” Her cool demeanour was back, and he sat back slightly. “How can I know your name? I just knew that it’d be something...mystical, ethereal. And totally made up.”
“I have not indicated that I assume you to be stupid,” he said, and she could hear how insulted he was in his tone. “I have indicated nothing.”
“I’m tired, and I don’t want to play games,” she said decidedly. “So where do you live, and how do you intend to get home?”
Something in his eyes changed. “I am not from here,” he said.
“I gathered that much,” she muttered. “So where are you from? Our meeting twice isn’t a coincidence, and anyway, I don’t believe in those. How did you get here? Bus? Car?”
Confusion clouded his eyes, which she noticed were a perfect shade of ice blue. “I do not know what these things are that you speak of,” he said. “And I do not know how I came to be here.”
The waitress reappeared and placed two mugs of coffee on the table, retreating with a smile.
“I think you probably do have amnesia,” she replied as she tore open two sachets of sugar and stirred them into her coffee.
He frowned. “You seem to be convinced I have a problem with my memory,” he said. “I do not.”
“Then how come you don’t know how you came to be here?” she asked. “Pieces of your life don’t just disappear. You must have some idea. Don’t tell me that you wear clothes like that for fun.” A finger gestured towards his seemingly odd attire.
His gaze roamed up and around, and she found herself in awe of his perfect bone structure.
“Something terrible has happened,” he murmured. His eyes dropped back to hers. “I do not belong here; I should not be here. I do not know how to fix this.”
“I’ve read about this kind of crap,” she grunted, blowing across the surface of her mug and taking an experimental sip. “I just never thought I’d ever come face-to-face with one of the idiots caught up in it all.”
He fixed her with a death stare.
“Oh come on,” she reasoned, setting her mug back onto the table. “You appear out of nowhere, dressed up like you’ve just stepped right out of another time, have zero knowledge of where you are or how you came to be here, and you expect me to believe it? Ha – not in this lifetime, mister, or the next one either, come to think of it.”
“You know of my time?” Excitement flared to life in his eyes as he leaned forwards.
“Oh for fuck…stop this!” she hissed in anger. “I can’t help you if you keep this crap going. Just tell me where you’re from; it’s not that difficult a question.”
He leaned back again. “Perhaps the answer is,” he said quietly, looking out of the window at his side.
She gave a soft snort. “So you’re going to tell me that you’re really some sort of majestic elf, probably a King or something, and have a huge palace and-“
“How do you know all of this?” he demanded in a low whisper, leaning towards her again. His angry eyes searched hers.
“You’re good, I’ll give you that,” she retorted. “Unfortunately, some of us have an education and common sense, and don’t buy into complete nonsense.”
“I do not speak nonsense!” he hissed. “I do not tell untruths!”
“Maybe not in your own mind,” she retorted. “Drink your coffee. If I can’t figure out where you’re from, I can’t help you. I have a home to go to.”
A sudden sadness filled his eyes, taking her breath away.
“What?” she asked. Her eyebrows came down in a concerned frown. “What is it?”
He shook his head, rising to his feet. “I will take my leave.”
“Sit the hell down,” she said in exasperation, grabbing his wrist.
He looked at her hand then at her, and she could clearly see the restrained anger in his eyes. Pursing his mouth, he slowly lowered himself back down.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, both acutely aware of the other’s irritation and frustration.
“Ok,” she said finally, breaking the silence. “You believe you’re some sort of hierarchy of elves or something. What year is it?”
He frowned. “I do not understand the question,” he said.
One eyebrow lifted. “It’s a state of time,” she snapped. “Like as in how old someone or something is, when something was made, or created, or whatever the hell…I don’t know.”
“It is the Coltan Age,” he said, tucking some of his luxuriously long blonde hair behind his ear.
Jessa gasped. “Oh my…fuck…they look real,” she gasped, ending on a short laugh.
“What does?”
“Your ears,” she said, indicating with her mug. “Not bad at all.”
“Of course they are real!” he said indignantly. “You humans may have small, ugly ears, but we do not.”
Her laughter bubbled over, and she set her cup back down before she spilled it.
The blonde seated across from her slowly folded his arms over his chest. “Something amuses you?”
She bit her lip in an attempt to hold back her amusement. “I think exhaustion must be seriously fucking with my head,” she decided. “So…your ears are real.”
“Everything about me is real,” he retorted. His gaze darted over her. “Unlike some.” His attention span had already catalogued that her hair was a lighter colour at the roots. She had dark lines painted on her upper eyelids, and a blue colour on her fingernails that sparkled as her hands moved.
She chuckled, lifting her cup again. He watched how she held it, how she blew on the hot liquid before sipping it. Deciding that whatever the odd-smelling drink was, it wasn’t poisonous, he copied her. She sighed, running her hands through her long black hair, and his eyes narrowed.
“What is this scar?” he asked, reaching over and gripping her arm, tugging it towards him.
“Childhood accident,” she replied. The touch of his fingers on her limb made her flesh sizzle and tingle. “I fell out of a tree.”
One eyebrow arched upwards as he glanced from her arm to her eyes. Lowering his eyes again, he gently rubbed his thumb over the scar, murmuring something in a soft whisper that she couldn’t make out. Releasing her arm, he sat back, watching her.
Shocked eyes met his across the table. “I’ve had that scar for over twenty years,” she gasped as she looked from her arm to him.
The scar had completely vanished, leaving unblemished skin in its place.
“In my world, we do not fall out of trees,” he informed her. “And we certainly do not have scars which say otherwise. Our scars are from winning wars, being victorious over our enemies.”
She broke off with a gasp of pain as the sharp glass slipped from her hold, slicing her four fingers open. Blood instantly poured out of the wounds, splattering over the glass and the table. “Shit! Shit, shit, shit!” she wailed, hurriedly setting the weight of the mirror down. “Shit! How could I be so stupid?!”
She held her hand up, turning as she looked for something to wrap around her fingers.
A strong, warm hand gripped her wrist and pulled her forwards. Tharden prised her fingers open, allowing the blood to flow faster.
“What-“ she started.
“Sssh,” he whispered softly, pressing his fingertips against the bloodied cuts. Low murmured words in a tongue she didn’t understand reached her ears through the sounds of her panicked gasping as she stared at him in horror. A faint tingling feeling coursed through her hand.
He slowly released her, stepping back from her.
Her gaze lowered to her fingers, her heart thumping erratically in her chest. Turning with a frown, she walked over to a small sink and turned on the flow of cold water, washing blood away. “My God…” she whispered, inspecting her hand.
Her skin was flawless, with no cuts or marks.
“What did you do?” she gasped.
He said nothing, but gently pushed her to one side so he could wash his hand. Using the hand towel to dry, he held her gaze as he handed it to her.
“This isn’t real,” she said, shaking her head. “This can’t be. It’s impossible. What the fuck’s happened here..?”
“I healed you,” he replied.
Her gaze darted up to meet his. “I see that,” she retorted. “But how? What did you do?”
“You do not know of elven powers?” he asked with an element of surprise.
“Apparently not,” she retorted. “Look…you need to start being honest with me. What the hell are you? Who are you?”
“I am Tharden, King of the Whitewood realm,” he answered. “I carry the healing power, as do select numbers of my people.”
She backed away from him, fear in her eyes.
“You need not fear me,” he said. “I mean you no harm. Surely you know that?”
“I don’t know what I know,” she whispered. “This can’t be real, this can’t be happening.”
“I am as confused as you are,” he said. “I am here in this strange world, I have no idea where this is, or how to get back to my own land. You are the only being I have come into contact with, other than the scoundrel who accosted you earlier this night. I too am confused.”
She could feel the vibration of her heartbeat pounding hard against her ribs. “I’m dreaming,” she said finally, shaking her head as she looked away. “I’m dreaming.”
“This is no dream, Jessa,” he told her. “If it was, I would gladly wake up in my own bed, back in my own kingdom. But I fear that is not going to happen. I am here, for whatever reason the Gods see fit to have sent me here, and I do not know how long they intend to keep me here.”
Deep blue eyes watched him suspiciously, and he sighed.
“What else can I do to prove that what I speak is the truth?”
“I don’t know,” she whispered. “I don’t think I even know my own name anymore.” She had kept backing away, and stumbled into a sitting position on a small table near the door as she bumped into it. Staring down at her hand, she flexed her fingers.
He took a deep breath. “There is one other way which may persuade you to believe that I speak the truth,” he said, picking his words carefully.
She looked up at him. “And send me even further off my head?”
He leaned his hip against the table where the half-finished mirror lay, and folded his arms. “It is neither my wish, nor my intention to traumatise you in any way,” he said softly. “You have shown me nothing but kindness since I arrived here. However…the only thing I can think of to prove that what I say is true might not be acceptable.”
She huffed quietly. “I don’t think there is much more you could do to shock me,” she muttered.
He leaned away from the table and began to pace the length of the room. “Over the years, I have seen many battles, many wars,” he said. “Many elves have perished in what seemed like unwinnable wars against the Great Evil that plagues our lands. Families destroyed. Towns and villages desecrated and ruined. Lives changed forever. My life too was altered during these battles.” He stopped and faced her. “I have survived against the odds.”
She gazed up at him. “What happened?”
“There were times when I have been careless, too motivated by my anger and my desperation for victory,” he replied. “It blinded me to the dangers around me, and during one of these battles, I fell victim to my own limited vision.”
She frowned slightly.
He took a deep, slow breath, closing his eyes, and push up one of his sleeves.
Her mouth opened as she stared at him, a horrific scar materialising on the otherwise flawless skin. It covered his entire limb, stretching from his wrist up past his elbow. Slowly rising to her feet, she hesitantly stepped towards him, stopping just a foot or so away.
Layers of exposed muscle were visible, dark reddish-brown in colour. He opened his eyes, not looking at her, but rather focusing on something on the wall behind her. Deep concentration showed on his face.
“My God,” she whispered, stunned.
She took a step back as he shifted his gaze to her, the scar disappearing before her eyes.
“That is not something I show on a whim,” he said, his voice low. “Very few people have seen it. And you are the first of your kind.” He pushed the fabric of his tunic back down to his wrist.
If she thought her heart was beating hard before, it was trying to force its way out through her chest wall after seeing this. “I don’t know what to say,” she said. “I just…” She trailed off, shaking her head for the umpteenth time. “I think somebody drugged my coffee or something.”
“I apologise,” he said. “I know that what you saw is not a pleasant sight to cast your eyes upon.”
“Is it painful?” she asked suddenly.
“Occasionally,” he replied. “But I have had it for centuries. I am used to it.”
“You healed me, why couldn’t you heal that?”
“Some injuries are too deep, too severe to heal,” he said. “The burn was very deep, and destroyed the flesh. Even elven powers cannot rebuild what is no longer there.” He could read the confusion, the questions, and the reluctance to believe his words in the depths of her
eyes. “We can heal others, but we cannot self-heal…at least not to the depths that I would have required.”
She closed her eyes, turning away from him and taking several deep breaths. “I can’t process this,” she murmured. “This just goes against everything that I’ve ever learned, been taught. None of this makes any sense.” She glanced back at him. “So you’re telling me that you’re not a human being?”
He nodded slowly. “Yes.”
“So you’re what…an alien?”
He frowned in confusion. “A what?”
“Never mind,” she sighed. “Why the hell did I stop the damned car..?”
He stepped closer, placing his hand on her arm in a gentle touch. “Because you are clearly a caring person,” he said. “In my experience of humans, that is a seldom shown trait, something I have not witnessed often.”
The rain had eased off to a slight drizzle by late afternoon, and the gale-force winds had died down. The sun shone intermittently, reflecting a blinding sheen off the wet road surface.
“I think this is probably close to where I pulled in last night,” Jessa said, leaning over the steering wheel of the car as she peered through the glass in front of her. “Yes…look. There’s my tyre treads.”
He leaned forward too, narrowing his eyes as he stared at the trees. “It looks so different during daylight,” he murmured.
“Everything does,” she quipped, turning the engine off and unbuckling her seatbelt. “Come on. Let’s see what we can find.” With that, she bounded out of the car and walked over to the woods.
Tharden unfolded himself from the vehicle, glad to be free of the infernal restriction. Long strides carried him over to stand beside her, and he gazed up at the leaves as they fluttered in the breeze. He stepped forwards onto the wet grass, walking towards a particular group of trees.
Jessa watched him in silence as he touched a hand to the bark of one of them, wondering what would happen.
Nothing happened.
He held his position for a few moments, before moving to the one beside it.
Still nothing.
“I cannot sense anything,” he said. “There is no energy here indicating that this is where I should be in order to return to my world.”
“Maybe we need to give it some time,” she suggested. “Maybe once whatever it is knows that you are here, then whatever happened to bring you here will happen again to take you back.”
He moved from one tree to the next, trying to lock in on something only he knew of, and she could almost feel the despair in him. Tree after tree passed under his hand, and still nothing happened.
“Maybe me being here is changing the outcome of things,” she said eventually. “I’ll go and wait over by the car.”
He nodded, saying nothing.
The light rain continued to fall, and before long he was soaked through. She took refuge in the car, idly playing around with her cell phone to waste some time. Occasionally she glanced over towards the trees, and saw that he had almost disappeared in amongst them as he searched for something.
After around an hour had passed, she looked up to see him standing at the edge of the road again, so she opened her door and climbed out. Shoving her hands into her coat pockets, she slowly approached him, wary of his expression.
Ice blue eyes turned in her direction, and she was blown away by the deep sadness that lurked in them.
“It seems that I am unable to return,” he said quietly. “At least, not at this moment in time.”
She touched a hand to his arm in a show of sympathy. “Maybe try again another time?”
He nodded, just a slight movement of his head. “I would like to thank you for your hospitality,” he said.
She frowned. “Why do I sense a but coming next?”
“I shall remain here, in the hope that something happens,” he answered. “I will not encroach on your life any more than I already have, or intrude into your habits.”
“Listen, I know you must be feeling like shit right now, but no way am I going to leave you out here,” she opposed him. “There’s no problem with you staying at mine until you get sorted, honestly. If anything, it’s actually been fun having someone around to talk with.”
His mouth curved up in the briefest hint of a smile as he shook his head. “You have your own life, Jessa, your own way of doing things. You do not need a lost elf wandering in the midst of things.”
“Now you’re talking crap,” she said. “You can’t stay here all alone for God-knows how long. You could be waiting for weeks for all you know. At least at my apartment you have food and shelter, somewhere to sleep.” She watched him, convinced he was arguing with himself inside. “And anyway,” she added. “At least with me, you know I’m not going to attack you or try to do weird experiments or anything on you. You’re safe at my place.”
A slight frown creased his forehead. “I am humbled by your generosity,” he said quietly. “But I do not wish to become a burden or be in the way.”
“You won’t be,” she assured him. “Come on, let’s get out of this rain. Your clothes will need to be dried again. Maybe I’ll wash them first.” She turned and made her way back to the car, stopping when she realised he wasn’t following her. Glancing over her shoulder, she frowned at him. “Do I have to drag you over here?” she demanded.
He smiled at her pretend annoyance, and gave in, following her. “I am not used to not being in control of my life or my own destiny,” he told her, once they were on the move again. “In my world, I am the King – I control everything around me. Nothing happens without my approval.”
“It’s got to be difficult, being stuck in foreign lands,” she admitted. “But to reiterate what I said – you’ll be safer at my place, as opposed to standing around in all weather conditions waiting for some sort of sign that you can get back. We don’t know if, or when that sign will present itself, and realistically, you could be waiting around for quite a long time.”
“Yes,” he agreed in a low voice.
She changed gears as he took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. “All I can suggest is that however possible, you try to relax and whatever will happen, will happen,” she advised. “Maybe you came to this world for a reason. And I still can’t believe I’m having a conversation with an elf about another world!” She broke off in a laugh, and he grinned in amusement.
“I dare say it is very strange, for you also,” he acknowledged. “I seem to have been looking at it only from my point of view. I had not really given any consideration to what must be going through your mind.”
“Lots and lots of weird things,” she laughed. “It’ll all come good, Tharden. Just have a little faith.” She flashed a smile at him and he contemplated her words.
“I find it sad that this is where my Whitewood forest should be,” he remarked as they strolled along. “Such a large, dense woodland, yet this is merely a scratch on the surface of the true beauty.”
“In this world, humans are cutting trees down all the time,” she replied, stuffing her hands into her coat pockets. “Houses are being built everywhere, shopping malls, business complexes…it’s no wonder the cities are known as concrete jungles.”
“The beauty of nature is something which should be cherished; protected,” he said.
“I agree, and I hate seeing the forests hacked down,” she told him. “But again, like so many other conversations we’ve had – what can one person do to change an entire planet’s viewpoint?”
He stopped, turning to face her. “I could not live my life in this world,” he said. “Yes, it is beautiful in its own way, but it is cold…remote…mechanical. There is no heart and soul in a lot of what I have seen.”
Knowing he’d spent countless hours on the internet, she knew he’d seen quite a lot.
“Humanity has a lot to answer for,” she said as they started walking again. “It seems to be our nature to destroy ourselves and everything around us, and that makes me sad. I can only imagine that it’ll get worse as time passes. I honestly can’t see things improving.”
“I do not wish to lower your mood Jessa, but I agree with you,” he said. “From what I have learned since I came here, the human race seeks only to profit. Not to learn, or to cultivate and preserve, but to amass as much wealth as possible. I have an immeasurable amount of wealth in my kingdom, but what nature gives us is more important to me.”
“And that’s the way it should be,” she said. “I actually think-“
Her words were drowned out by an enormous clap of thunder, so loud that she took her hands out of her pockets and covered her ears. The sky overhead turned pitch black as thick, heavy clouds rolled across, and a strong wind picked up.
Tharden felt an odd sensation course through his body, followed by an ice cold chill in his heart.
It was time for him to return to his own world.
He turned to Jessa, and the instant her eyes met his, she knew. He could tell by her eyes that she knew what was going to happen, and both of them were powerless to stop it.
He opened his mouth to say something, reaching his hand out for hers, but a brilliant flash of lightning blasted overhead and the ground shook beneath them as another peal of thunder seemed to tear the skies apart.
Jessa instinctively turned away from the flash of lightning, covering her eyes with her arm against the searing brightness. She turned back, to find herself completely alone.
Falling to her knees in a combination of devastation and horror, she stared in stunned silence at the spot where Tharden had been standing. The thunder and lightning had stopped, and the wind had faded to almost nothing. An eerie silence surrounded her, and nothing moved.
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violettesiren · 5 months
I have carried a portion of your ashes overseas to the Spanish statue of the falling angel, its snake of stone wrapped twice around one leg’s ankle and coiled around the thigh of the other, stone jaw unhinged and reaching for the humanesque hand. We lived, remember? Briefly, near it. One wing arcs up in the sky erecting an honest steeple, one that points not straight but upward and curving. As faith goes. Back to earth. I’ve scattered part of what you were from the mouth of my black jacket sleeve onto the field across, watched over by tall and leaning trees, the field from which you returned to me so many nights cold as ice and glowing, your socks full of grass. I heard the door open, blessed the opening, blessed the stench you brought inside our home, blood tangled in the hair on your shin, bits of another man’s flesh in your cleats. I was curious about this forbidden felt language. I rubbed my thumbs into your muscles, the salt of you softening as it entered me. You were a wonder with your bones and skin on. You focused your violence with a pipette’s precision, and it never spilled in my direction—never though I lapped at its opening, determined to get a taste from the source. Years before we went north, before your bed was my bed, there was a garden in the south we snuck to where spring made us a headboard out of heady jessamine, the poisonous vine’s scent sweet, aneurysmal sweet, swelling our brains against our skulls. I remember, even in that giddy upward state, I always knew truth was somewhere not in that sweetness. Now I’ve made of you a figure always falling. What sort of monster does this make me?
In the Dream in Which I Am a Widow by Gabrielle Bates
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chaoticrebels · 10 months
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NAME : Raine Wynter Barnes NICKNAME : Rae AGE : 26 BIRTH DATE : February 14, 1997 DEATH DATE : May 30, 2018 (victim of the Snap; resurrected in 2023) GENDER : Female ORIENTATION : Demisexual, Biromantic LOCATION : Saratoga Springs, New York PROFESSION : Hacker, Cheerleader, Ice Skater, Actress, Model. Studying design in gaming and graphics. Studying to become a software developer. Studying to become an anesthesiologist and a surgeon. ZODIAC : Aquarius SPECIES : Human enhanced with Super Soldier Serum, Witch SPOKEN LANGUAGES : English, French, Russian, German, Italian, and Romansh HEIGHT : 5'9" WEIGHT : 132 lbs HAIR : Dark Blonde EYES : Blue TATTOOS : A few PIERCINGS : Ears SCARS : None FACE CLAIM : Jenny Boyd
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Spell Casting
Potion Brewing
Pain Infliction
Elemental Control
Dream Manipulation
Astral Projection
Empathic Precognition
Energy Projection
Empathic Healing
Transference of Emotions
Force Field
Illusion Manipulation
Duplication Casting
Presence Concealment
Regenerative Healing Factor
Dimensional Travel
Superhuman Durability
Artificially Enhanced Physiology
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Stamina
Enhanced Reflexes
Regenerative Healing Factor
Genius-Level Intellect
Master Tactician
Expert Combatant
Knife Mastery
Master Acrobat
Master Investigator
Master Engineer
Master Scientist
Master Hacker
Expert Baker / Chef
James Buchanan Barnes - Father
Mitzie Nova Raventhorn - Mother
Jay Hunter Rathaway - Step Father
Greer Barnes - Older Sister { Connected with @authcrwriites }
George Barnes † - Paternal Grandfather
Winnifred Barnes † - Paternal Grandmother
Rebecca Barnes † - Paternal Aunt
Asher Barnes - Paternal Cousin { Connected with @authcrwriites }
Acacius Raventhorn - Maternal Grandfather
Astra Raventhorn - Maternal Grandmother
Jessamine Raventhorn - Maternal Aunt
Killian Raventhorn - Maternal Uncle
Astoria Raventhorn - Maternal Aunt ❪ Married to Killian ❫
Anastasia Raventhorn - Maternal Cousin
Violetta Raventhorn - Maternal Cousin
Cassia Raventhorn - Maternal Cousin
Jace McKenna - Maternal Uncle ❪ Married to Rory ❫
Rory McKenna - Maternal Aunt
Ryder McKenna - Maternal Cousin
Cade Rathaway - Step Grandfather
Beatrix Rathaway - Step Grandmother
Danica Rathaway - Step Aunt
Rafe Rathaway - Step Uncle
0 notes
nekrros · 11 months
JESSAMINE BARLOW. an original character based off the type of magic known as necromancy, the revived corpse and a re-adaptation of the concept of "zombies". part of the lore of an original book idea crafted by nosta/yamu.
a study in: came back wrong, coping with trauma through violence, the zombie girl, enhanced physical abilities, battle butler, human among fae, used to be sweet, and sugar and ice personality.
jessamine barlow was a 21 year old flower girl, living in the city of Tarov. however, upon being savagely attacked by a group of revived corpses (known in Tarov as Ruska ), jessamine was viciously torn to pieces by the Ruska and left for dead on the street. this is when 23 year old loid fitzjerald came across her mangled corpse and, wanting to save the girl who was almost dead, took her to the house and spell shop of his fae grandmother russella. russela is a fae with a particular ability that not many fae in Tarov possess: she has the power of necromancy, which she has mastered over the centuries.
russela decides to use her power to bring back jessamine as a Ruska ( only so she can interrogate her about her attack, noting that whoever set the Ruska loose on the city commited a grave crime according to the treaty between the fae and the humans, and russella feels she will be blamed for the attacks ).
thus, jessamine is revived by russella sewing her body parts together and using necromancy during a strong thunderstorm. she also places a piece of her own heart inside jessamine (not literally, but using her fae magic), so she will be able to still have a conscience and think like a human, as Ruska are simply mindless corpses following orders. however, jessamine does not remember anything about the moment of her death, and her memories of her human life seem foggy.
as a Ruska, jessamine seems to have changed drastically: not only does she have enhanced physical strength (she is inhumanly strong and can dismember limbs with ease), but her eyes are also susceptible to light and she cannot ingest any kind of food. because the Ruska feed off the energy of the necromancer who created them, russella is the one to "feed" jessamine with her power.
jessamine's personality also seems to have changed heavily: she is now violent and perpetually filled with fury and a desire to tear things apart (because the Ruska aren't meant to have a sentient conscience and are simply corpse puppets, the fact that jessamine keeps a part of russella's heart and thus conscience conflicts heavily with her new nature).
the only one who seems capable of calming down jessamine whenver she's in a violent frenzy is loid, whose calm and collected and kind demeanor seems to have a good effect on her.
because Ruska are forbidden in Tarov, as per the treaty between fae and humans, russella and loid keep jessamine's nature a secret, and give her a job as their maid in the large house they live in.
EXTRA TIDBIT: because jessamine has a part of russella's heart, she is often prone to experiencing similar feelings to russella, such as her cunning and seemingly detached nature. she also seems to have a crush on half-fae detective Jackson Frieds, who used to be russella's lover decades ago.
HELLO; i'm nosta, sometimes yamu, 27yo who's been in this site for a long time. she/her, feel free to ask whatever doubts you have about jess!
i'm old and i don't want any troubles in this site. i've been around for a while and i know how to make my time here enjoyable and quiet. basically, i won't tolerate people with problematic views or behavior, and for my own comfort, be sure to have your alias, age and a few rules on your blog so i can read them.
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jessamine-rose · 8 months
Throwing an ask back at ya with similar questions: tea or coffee + what's your fave tea/coffee???
Theophilus has an additional question, and honestly it's funnier to copy paste whatever he attempted to type:
Goo day ot you, JessAmine! Do yu have a prefrence or favotie fashion style for outwear clothes? I quite like fur cloks, but I'd lik to kno your opnion since I may be too daeted.
Lololololol (≡^∇^≡)
Ohhh hi, Ansy!! I’m definitely a coffee person, specifically iced coffee or lattes. It also depends on how awake/ productive I have to be :’>
Usually, I just take whatever instant coffee is available at home (Nescafe Classic or 3-in-1) and add milk. If my tasks for the day require extra energy, I drink Vietnamese coffee. Don’t ask about my caffeine levels during exams ^^;
On the other hand, I usually drink tea when I’m more relaxed. Cheap green teabags are my go-to but I like trying out new flavors, especially if it has fruits or spices ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"
Irl I usually just pair a shirt with skirts, shorts, or jeans. I love accessories, so you’ll never see me without earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings!! A good example is the outfit I drew for my Variant! Darling for Miguel O’Hara~
Ngl I laughed at Theophilus’s dialogue. Thank you very much for leaving this in my inbox xD
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