#Jesse Bailey
aspureasamelody · 3 months
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Clay is the best big brother and the best big brother figure in Xiaolin Showdown, hands down
(although Jack's a respectable second, he was somehow a pretty good babysitter for Megan)
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gravity-what · 7 days
4. Is [the Bailey sibling]'s environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
Nope! But I think they regret it/are very slowly trying to work through their issues by the time we really meet them in the show but they aren’t exactly doing the best at it. Very ‘I’m learned to accept that you’re not straight/cis but I just don’t see why you’ve got to go around showing it off to everyone! Can’t you just pretend to be normal?’
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ashandcinders · 1 year
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More designs and ideas for the Miraculous Au, I really had so many ideas for Jermaine so I gave him multiple designs
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Monks + cowboy outfits
feat.: Daddy and Jesse Bailey, Dojo, Wuya, and Jack (with the Blind Guardian of the Treasure Chest)
The screencaps are taken from the following episodes:
Big as Texas The Black Vipers The Treasure of the Blind Swordsman Magic Stallion and the Wild Wild West - Xiaolin Chronicles
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marchingfishes · 10 months
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bailey siblings :)
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Well, I want to include everyone from XS but so far I have them.
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goldenheartstudios · 2 years
I wanna talk about the idea of Jack as the Dragon of Metal
  Disclaimer 1: This is obviously based on my personal opinion, so keep this in mind and don’t take it as the only way of thinking. Otherwise, humanity would be boring
  Disclaimer 2: If you want to bring anything from Xiaolin Chronicles in the discussion as a counterpoint, I have one thing to say: Don’t bother
  Alright, guess I should start with the reason of doing this discussion
  You see, as I was reading through past conversations, past content and some fanfics, I noticed that beside Jack being one of the most popular characters in the fandom (which is not surprising), I noticed that the idea of Jack being the Dragon of Metal is also pretty popular
  And, well, I personally am not into this idea, and I get to disagree with it the more I think about it. And there’s nothing wrong with this, but I thought it would be interesting to explain my reasoning for that, while also using this as an excuse to rant more about Xiaolin Showdown-
  I am aware that this may be a pretty unpopular take, but popularity was never my thing so let’s get started!
  First of all, let’s talk about the meaning of the element. As we’ve seen with the monks, and with additional research, each element fits their personality like a glove (with the exception of Raimundo being a combination of wood and air as personality). Jack would fit with the metal element by being stubborn, self centered, persistent and ambitious. However, there are a couple of characteristics that don’t really fit with him:
Stable- Not really, since he constantly chooses another side if it benefits him or keeps him alive/protected
Determined- Depends on the episode, but he often doesn’t hesitate to drop something if he thinks he lost
Independent- He constantly searches for partners so no
Strength- Nah man, he’s a coward. And strong will is not it either, since he withers like a flower every time he’s in danger
Wise- Don’t need to answer this one
  This is something that you could argue about actually, since there are many characteristics associated with the metal element and it can be interpreted in different ways. But the more I read into it, the more I find that Jack fits more with the negative traits rather than the positive ones, without really giving the possibility of having a deeper meaning or lead to something interesting for me since I personally see it as a superficial or “obvious” fit
  Also, don’t you dare argue that the metal element fits because he has great interest and skill in making robots. Your element is not linked/based on your hobby or skills
  Kimiko is not the Dragon of Fire because she’s into arson
  Speaking of his skills with robots, usually the headcanon of him being the Dragon of Metal is used to explain this skill. Which it does make sense, but I personally don’t like this explanation because I don’t like the idea of Jack being skillful because of a mystic source
  I want Jack to be good at making technology related things because that’s one of the only things he’s good at. Because that’s where his genius comes in, and it’s entirely his own effort and talent. He doesn’t need any other reason than that, just like Fung doesn’t need any other reason of being skillful at his age rather than just being a good experienced dude
  Some people also use the Dragon of Metal title as a way to make Jack special, which he doesn’t need that because:
- he’s already special with his talent of building technology
- his whole character’s point is that he’s someone who constantly believes he’s powerful and the best, which in reality he’s far from that. He’s a comedic villain after all
  Yes, he can become an actual threat (which is something that we’ve seen in that doomed timeline), but his core is still a villain who gets put into his place for comedic purposes. And I love this trait because he follows this role very well (which this is held up by this series’ great comedy)
  And now I’ll get to the next point. Making him the Dragon of Metal usually leads to him being in a conflict of joining the good side or benefit the bad side
  And you see, you have to think of how much this would be an actual issue. First of all, how realistic is it for the main bad guys to want him just for that really?
  Wuya would want to get Jack to her size, but she will ditch him immediately the moment she sees him as too weak or not worth it. Hannibal would only want him for a period of time, then ditch him after he made himself powerful, and let’s be honest Chase would not really want him even if he had the powers of a God. The Dragon of Metal title and potential would not be enough to change the fact that they see Jack as a pathetic person who’s struggling to survive
  In fact, the Hannibal’s Revenge episode shows how little care and value they put in Jack unless he actually does something competent. And out of that, Wuya was the only one who suggested to team up, and Chase immediately figured out that he was not Jack because he did something smart. This negative perspective they have on him was most likely the main reason they ended up being caught in the doomed timeline too
  But the following question is this: what about the good side? Well, thai is a little more complicated
  You see, the monks would not care of having Jack or not (but they would definitely complain at first if he joins because he’s an evil loser in their eyes), and they would not try to force him to join just because he’s the Dragon of Metal (well, except Omi since he believes that he can be valuable for good), just like they didn’t force Raimundo to come back in their team once he left
  In fact, there’s a higher chance that they would not even tell Jack that he’s the Dragon of Metal now that I think about it. They will be like “Are you freaking serious?” when they hear the news and just keep it like that, because what benefit would they have in telling him or anyone else? Jack would not want to join just for that, and he will most likely try to use this for his own benefits. Because even if Jack showed in the past that he can work for good (and arguably better than for evil), it’s been proven that he doesn’t want to work for good by the number of times he joined back to the bad side and by his opposite self being a full morally good person
  In my personal opinion, Jack is not fitting to be on the good side, but not on the bad side either. Yes, he is a comedic villain and yes, he does have a chance to be a threat and wants to be a villain, but in the end he joins whatever side works to his benefit. The only side he’s consistent on is his side, so I personally think that a future development that fits to his character would be him being a neutral party
  But with all this aside, there is an actual chance of him joining the monks, since the team doesn’t really care. This can bring some interesting development, but we’ve kind of already seen him joining the monks in the past. We’ve already seen a lot of different interactions between the monks and Jack for different situations, and while it would be interesting to see some dynamics more explored, I come up with this question:
  How much does Jack need this role? He already has a role, and we’ve already seen a lot of him in the series, so does he also need this role of Dragon of Metal monk?
  Don’t get me wrong, I like Jack, but this title can be used to bring a different character in the spotlight, to explore a character that didn’t have a chance of being explored and bring new dynamics for the monks
  And I’m not talking about a newly created character, I’m talking about a character that appeared in the series and was used only once: Jesse
  And now I come with my main reason on why I’m personally not into the idea of Jack being the Dragon of Meta: Jesse is more fitting for that role
  Think about it. If we think about the metal element’s characteristics, she not only fits with the negative traits, she also fits better with the positive ones: she’s strong, determined, cunning, and she has a lot of possible characteristics since we’ve seen only a glimpse of her character because she appeared in one episode
  Her joining the monks could work since Jesse’s tipping point was Clay being chosen to join in, so that means there is some level of interest. And think about her as part of the team and what dynamics she could bring:
- Kimiko would have a girl pal she could hang out with, since we’ve already seen a hint that they could get along pretty well
- Jesse could call out Omi’s bullshit and be highly entertaining and funny to see
- Raimundo as a leader would have a challenge of dealing with her, but I believe they would also get along pretty well since they could relate with each other in different ways
- Jesse will present a great conflict with Clay and be the first person that Clay does not get along with for personal reasons (because that one act of goodness Jesse did does not mean that they’re back on good terms since she must have done something pretty big to betray Clay’s trust), which could lead to a later development of reconciliation. And let's be honest that would be pretty sick to see
  Jesse could be so, so good for the team, and the fact that from all the discussions and posts that I’ve read, I didn’t see anyone suggesting this idea, really surprises me. I’ve seen more fics and post of Jermaine as the Dragon of Wood, which by the way I fully support it since he’s so fitting to be the Dragon of Wood and I really want him to be part of the team-
  But what about Jesse? Why not have her on the team as well? She could greatly benefit the monks, and it would be really nice to see more of her, since she only appeared once
  And this is honestly a shame
  So, to conclude this rant: Jack being the Dragon of Metal is an alright idea and you can definitely think of that if that’s what you like, but I’m personally not into it because of the reasons mentioned above and mainly because this role can be used to highlight other characters that didn’t appear that much in the series, like Jesse. And Jesse brings a lot of fun possibilities on the table
  So yeah, these are my thoughts! If there’s one thing to get from this rant, it would be that Jesse is a cool ass character that needs more love. And any other opinion is not accepted-
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What are the Bailey Kids (Clay, Jesse, and Patrick) are doing with their life?
I'm assuming this is in regards to Xiaolin Chronicles NEXT. ^^;
Clay, like the other Elder Dragon Warriors, has a block of the world that he monitors and protects. He covers all of the North American continent.
Jesse owns a legitimate motorcycle repair shop in East Texas, and has a wife and four kids.
Patty ended up at the rebranded Tohomiko Electronics. He fills in for some of the CEO's duties when she's unavailable and is in charge of electronic asset integration. This is a key part of the new brand.
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jbaileyfansite · 3 months
The Bridgerton s2 bloopers are here!
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maxfieldparrishes · 2 years
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Book Review: Defilement and Other Stories, Jesse Nolan Bailey 3/5
Read this review on Goodreads! 
To label Defilement as horror is entirely accurate, no lies were detected. That said, I appreciated that there was a list of trigger warnings available at the beginning of the collection - while I love horror, there are certain things I appreciate knowing in advance, and being able to reference the triggers for each story was very helpful.
I also appreciated that most of the characters were LGBT+ in some way, shape or form - there aren't enough LGBT characters in horror, in my opinion, and while "Garage Doctor" wasn't one of my favorite stories in the collection, its depiction of the (view spoiler), was surprising to see, but was not unwelcome at all. I didn't really like that specific tale per se - it just wasn't what I tend to vibe with - but it wasn't because of those particular story elements. It was brutal to read, and I wish it didn't have any real-world influences, but I know it does.
That said, the standouts for me were "deathshed" and "Petting Zoo." I appreciate a good mind-screw and - usually - love lack of explanation, because for some reason I love it when a story leaves me wanting and gives me few or little answers, or hints at something just enough that I wonder about it obsessively before I get distracted by the next thing. I was mildly concerned that the triggers listed in "Petting Zoo" would be too much for me, but it was nowhere as gory or... nasty... as I was expecting.
The rest of the stories were okay - none of them were bad, none of them were softly-whispered "whoa" amazing. Several of them have very Lovecraftian elements - incomprehensible evil in absurd and inhuman forms - which, if that's your thing, and you also really liked Saw and maybe Tusk (me personally - I liked Saw, but cannot watch Tusk because I read the Wikipedia article and know for a fact it would sit in my brain in a Bad Way) you might like this collection. It's solid, especially for horror fans who like more physical horror and gore than strictly psychological or supernatural. Give it a shot!
Thank you to Netgalley for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review!
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aspureasamelody · 8 months
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piggyback rides
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bitterkarella · 10 months
Midnight Pals: Chesssss
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: good newss Rowling: we've jusst achieved a major victory! Rowling: transs women are now banned from competing in chesss b/c of their biological advantage Rowling: i know this ssounds like a joke but for real
Rowling: for too long have transss women unfairly dominated the world of chesss Rowling: with their incredible wrissst ssstrength, they're jussst too good at picking up thossse little piecesss and moving them around
Helen Joyce: the phenomenal wrist strength of trans women, like some kind of mad jungle ape, is a threat to the petite fragile bird-boned cis women of chess, so really the only logical response is to kill them all Rowling: yess yess thisss sscansss
Jesse Singal: dark lord! dark lord! pick me! Singal: i can think of another rationalization Singal: i mean reason Singal: for banning trans women from chess! Rowling: yesss? Singal: they're born men, right? so that means they're smarter Rowling: Rowling: yess that sssounds right
Rowling: it'ss true, men do naturally have ssmarter brainss, too ssmart for biologically dumber women to compete with Rowling: therefore we need to ban transs women Rowling: we're really sstriking a blow for feminissm here aren't we? Helen Joyce: lol don't ask me, i'm just a girl
JK Rowling: alssso trans men have to forfeit all previous pre-transssition victories Rowling: no reasson for that one, jussst to be dicksss really
JK Rowling: our official terf death eater posssition isss now that women are biologically dumber than men Helen Joyce: sounds great! Maya Forstater: that's right! Julie Bindel: [with red tape over mouth] Hmmm! Allison Bailey: we demand to be taken seriously!
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gravity-what · 6 days
12. Does/did your oc ever wish they could change the way they are? Why? If it's in the past, how did they get over the feeling? (this can be about internalized homo/transphobia) - The Bailey sibs?
I think both of them struggled with wanting to change things but Jesse was the more prominent of having to deal with it while Clay just avoided thinking about any of it too much. Better to just keep working and focus of things beside that stuff.
Jesse especially wanted to change. After all, if she had just been born like her perfect older brother she wouldn’t be suffering like this. Meeting Belle and the other Vipers was what finally broke her out of her shell and brought a lot of those internal feelings to the external. But she’s still struggling a lot with them.
As for Clay…I honestly think he is still running from that part of himself. That he isn’t really giving himself the time to sit and think too hard about attraction or romance or anything like that. He might not think it himself if asked, but he’s still dealing with his own internalized issues of gender and sexuality and what it all means.
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pensbridge · 4 months
Master Post Bridgerton Live Event Season 3
Let me just say so much of what they said leans into exactly how I pictured it.
○ Some words to describe the season: Shonda-"intimate" / Jess B-"confidence" / Luke Newts-"unexpected" / Nicola-"romantic" / Luke Thom-"zoom in"
○ They talk about Colin's words last season and say it was a good place to start in the story/journey; confirm apology will come
○ Pen has 1 main suitor besides Colin who takes a real interest in her (Spoiler: it's Lord Debling)
○ Julia Quinn said it is a good friends to lovers story. She sounded so excited!
○ Someone (either Shonda, Julia or Jess) said they have some good awkward banter.
○ Julia Quinn really confirmed the Colin-Pen hand scene (1st real emotional and physically intimate scene for them)
○ How Jess B talks about Colin (again) gives me hope for his personal journey-mentioned about the 3rd son "not knowing his place in the world" & more
○ Protective El of Colin confirmed (we get El and Colin scenes), but she still loves Pen; Luke N. called it a non-romantic love triangle between the 3
○ Benedict takes roles of Anthony; he can fall into different roles very well, but who is he and what does he want?
○ Will and Alice acquire a new title this season; Martins talked about how they are "drawn out of the shadows"
○ Adjoa talked about how Lord Ledger affected her; called that romance "life-changing"; QCABS enriched Lady Danbury story coming into season 3
○ Lady D. personal journey-she's "shook" at an arrival that happens 👀
○ Golda-How do you do private intimacy in the view of the public (George and QC)? / she loves the Brimsley relationship
○ When talking about QC picking the diamond of the season said she's bored of what's going on and is "searching for something different"
○ [Other tidbit-they're hosting a Bridgerton wedding for a lucky real-life couple.]
○ Shonda quote about Bridgerton always "finding a way to give female characters agency" and Pen has a good way of coming into this in this season
○ Nicola-"so much happens" in their story
○ They talked about how the show has changed their lives-Claudia said she always walks away proud of what she's done and essentially there's not one part of the job she's unsatisfied with. aww; Adjoa said "a space for everyone"
○ Season 3 is "for the wallflowers"- Adjoa [they mentioned this a lot; the interaction on this between Adjoa and Nicola just made it seem like there is Lady Danbury-Pen relationship]
○ Nic and Newts recreated the pic in the mirror with candle stick!! what?! / They also watch fan edits and send them to each other
○ Easter egg in almost every episode according to Jess B. and they are "raising the bar on visuals"- "even brighter and more spectacular than ever"
○ Superlatives: most like character-Luke Newton; least-Golda; most bloopers-Johnny Bailey or Claudia (and I think she was offended at first, lol)
○ Chaos in Featherington fam because Pen steps out (Portia doesn't like when Pen changes from her citrus dresses)
○ Nicola "didn't expect to be as emotional as it was" from the first 2 episode screening
○ Adjoa said things will make you laugh then quickly after cry
○ Claudia said people make mistakes and people fall..., etc.
○ Theme: "Find your light." -Jess B.
○ The line in QCABS "We are untold stories" is what this season is about
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Jesse once said: Yeah and what's up with his girly eyeliner?
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