#Jesus heals a boy with a demon
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The Transfiguration
1 And after six days, Jesus took Peter and James, and John his brother, and brought them up into a high mountain, alone.
2 And He was transfigured before them. And His face shined as the sun. And His clothes were as white as the light.
3 And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with Him.
4 Then Peter answered, and said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here. If You would, let us make three booths here; one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
5 “While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them. And behold, a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. Hear Him.”
6 And when the disciples heard that, they fell on their faces, and were very afraid.
7 Then Jesus came and touched them, and said, “Arise. And do not be afraid.”
8 And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one, except Jesus only.
9 And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, “Tell no one of this vision until the Son of Man has risen again from the dead.”
10 And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Why, then, do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?”
11 And Jesus answered, and said to them, “Certainly Elijah must come first, and restore all things.
12 “But I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him. But they have done to him whatever they would. Likewise, the Son of Man shall also suffer by them.”
13 Then the disciples perceived that He spoke to them of John Baptist.
14 And when they had come to the multitude, a certain man came to Him and fell down at His feet,
15 and said, “Master, have pity on my son. For he is epileptic and suffers greatly. For he often falls into the fire, and often into the water.
16 “And I brought him to Your disciples, and they could not heal him.”
17 Then Jesus answered, and said, “O faithless and crooked generation. How long now shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me.”
18 And Jesus rebuked the demon. And he went out of him. And the child was healed at that hour.
19 Then the disciples came to Jesus privately, and said, “Why could not we cast it out?”
20 And Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief. For truly I say to you, if you have faith as much as is a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it shall move. And nothing shall be impossible to you.
21 “Nevertheless, this kind only goes out by prayer and fasting.”
22 And while they were in Galilee, Jesus said to them, “The Son of Man shall be delivered into the hands of men.
23 “And they shall kill Him. But the third day He shall rise again.” And they were very sorrowful.
24 And when they had come to Capernaum, those who received the temple tax came to Peter, and said, “Does not your Master pay temple taxes?
25 He said, “Yes.” And when he had come into the house, Jesus stopped him, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth take tribute (or temple taxes) - from their children, or from strangers?
26 Peter said to Him, “From strangers.” Then Jesus said to him, “Then the children are free.”
27 Nevertheless, so that we should not offend them, go to the sea and cast in a hook. And take the first fish that comes up. And when you have opened its mouth, you shall find a coin. Take it, and give it to them for you and Me. — Matthew 17 | Revised Geneva Translation (RGT) The Revised Geneva Translation of the Holy Bible; © 2019 by Five Talents Audio Cross References: Exodus 30:13; Exodus 34:29; Exodus 38:26; Deuteronomy 32:5; Judges 13:20; Isaiah 19:14; Isaiah 42:1; Song of Solomon 6:10; Malachi 4:5; Matthew 3:1; Matthew 3:17; Matthew 4:24; Matthew 5:29-30; Matthew 8:4; Matthew 8:20; Matthew 8:26; Matthew 11:14; Matthew 13:31; Matthew 14:27; Matthew 16:21; Matthew 20:19; Matthew 22:19; Matthew 26:37; Mark 5:37; Mark 9:5; Mark 9:14; Mark 9:22; Mark 9:29; Mark 9:42-43; Luke 9:33; Luke 20:22; Acts 1:6; Acts 3:21; Revelation 1:17
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Who Dares Summon Me: Human Vaggie & Charlie
Vaggie: (sitting in the living room of a piece of shit apartment and reading from a "demon summoning" book. the sound of gunfire and police sirens barely even registers to her ears anymore)
Vaggie: Okay, so I got the Pentagram, a goat (glances at two goat plushies she stole from a name brand toy store) Fuckers will live..... they make millions in a day.
Vaggie: Candles... (glances at the Bath & Body Works, cinnamon and vanilla scented candles)
Vaggie: And... blood.... uh.... (Looks at the bucket filled with water, corn syrup, red food coloring, and cocoa powder to help create a blood effect) Fuck... demons can tell the difference between real and fake blood, right? Dammit.
Vaggie: (cuts her finger with her pocket knife and lets] a few drops fall into the bucket) There. That should work. Now, let's see-
Lute: (comes out of her room half naked and throws a pair of panties at Vaggie) Yo, Vagina! Adam stole your underwear again as a prank, I guess. Here.
Vaggie: (gawks as she catches the garment and spikes it to the floor) Lute! What the fuck?! Can't you control your fucking boyfriend??? How did he even get into my room?! I keep it locked for that reason.
Lute: (grabs a beer out of the fridge, pops the cap off on the counter, starts chugging, and flips off Vaggie as she returns to her room for whatever round she and Adam are on)
Vaggie: Sick perverted sons of bitches... (turns back to the book) Read the forbidden script and make a pact. (Scoffs) Okay, edge lords. I'll give it a go.
Vaggie: (recites the script with some difficulty)
Vaggie: (relaxes her back against the couch) Can't say I'm surprised. I literally bought this online for six-
-Fire tornado erupts from the Pentagram and burning red eyes stare down at Vaggie from the inferno-
Demon Charlie: WHO dares summon the powerful Princess of Hell- Oh, fuck!!! (Trips over the bucket and falls face first into Vaggie's lap, revealing that she is wearing a red dress with black thigh high stockings)
Vaggie: Jesus Fucking Christ!!!
Demon Charlie: (face still pressed against Vaggie's crotch) You have a very comfortable lap.
Vaggie: (grabs demon's horns and pulls her up so they're sitting in front of each other) You're actually a demon?
Demon Charlie: (blinks) Considering the fact that you're still holding my horns, I have this adorable little tail (waves her heart-shaped tail in hello), and I came straight up from Hell because of your summoning circle. Yup! (Sees the plushies and gasps) Oh! You even gave Razzle and Dazzle their own conduits! You're so sweet!
Vaggie: ...........Who?
Demon Charlie: Razzle and Dazzle! You know. My pets. It's written in chatper six, paragraph five, sentence three. (Snaps her fingers and the two goat plushies turn into two living goat demons with wings)
Vaggie: (scouring the book) What?!
Demon Charlie: (snuggling her boys) Also, I know you had to use a little of your own blood to make this work, which I promise to help heal that cut on your finger by the way, but Thank You So Much for just using fake blood! I always feel so bad when people actually use a bucket of real blood. I usually let my dad take those summonings.
Vaggie: (glances at the bucket rolling across the floor then back to the demon) Y-Youre dad?
Demon Charlie: Lucifer, the King of Hell. (Light bulb goes off) Oh! I never completed my introduction! I'm Charlie Morningstar, Princess of Hell and heir to the throne. Pleased to meet you!
Vaggie: Uh.... Vaggie.... I never would have expected the Princess of Hell to be so..... bubbly....
Demon Charlie: I get that a lot. Now! What can I do for you? How can I help? Do you need money? Power? A soul you'd like for me to devour?
Vaggie: N-No... nothing quite like that....
Demon Charlie: Oh, thank Satan! I hate eating souls. Most of them taste so bad!
Vaggie: Uh-huh.... Well.... I don't really have anything for you. I got bored and decided I'd try this out...
Demon Charlie: (disappointed) Really? But you sold me your virginity. Surely, there's something you want in exchange!
Vaggie: I'm sorry. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?
Demon Charlie: Drop of virgin blood and (holds up Vaggies lavender panties) an article of clothing that covers your most intimate desire.
Vaggie: (silently screaming)
Demon Charlie: H-Hey! If it makes you feel any better, I'm still a virgin, too! (Under her breath) Not from lack of trying on other asshole's accunts, but still....
Vaggie: Ay, Dios mio!
Demon Charlie: Well, I can't take your payment until you come up with something you want, soooooooo! (Transforms into a human)
Charlie: (snuggles up to Vaggie's side) I'll just have to stay here with you until you come up with something!
Vaggie: (catatonic)
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 42
part 1 | part 41 | ao3
cw: irreverent religious imagery, general fucknastiness, minors look away (informal D/s dynamics, fingering, cum play, take me to church)
“Ohhhhh, fuck, oh fuck oh fuckohfuckoh—”
Eddie yanks his hips up higher. He’s got him hoisted up in bridge pose: weight up on his shoulders, cock aimed at his own mouth and threatening to blow, legs squeezing Eddie’s hips as Eddie pulls him apart. One hand spears three slick fingers inside him while the other delivers pleasure and penance, stroking him off so sweetly one second then striking tender flesh the next, and hysterically Steve thinks of the girl he lost his virginity to; how she kept making all these breathy, whiny cries in the back seat of his car — so big so full oh fuck Steve oh my god. Steve had always assumed she was embellishing a bit for his benefit, y’know? Like
Reality: Ribbed for His Pleasure.
But now Eddie crooks his fingers up while his free hand slaps down mean and sharp on the top of Steve’s thigh, and Steve fucking shouts. Apologizes to Mallory in his mind and lets out a hideous noise, all pitchy and strangled, his throat full of spit, his eyes filled with tears.
Eddie digs his nails into the skin he just slapped. “You wanted this,” he reminds him with a gorgeous, rasping grunt. Feral, filthy noises that shouldn't sound so beautiful but echo through Steve's mind like a pipe organ in a stone chapel.
Eddie twists his buried fingers; makes Steve's whole body clench. “Said you could take it, didn’t you?”
“Yeah,” Steve pants, head rocking against the floor with the force of Eddie’s thrusts. Fucking him without fucking him; hips working in tandem with his fingers, pretty pink dick smearing precum on Steve’s thigh.
“Say it,” Eddie commands.
“I can take it.”
“Yeah, you can.” He drapes himself over Steve, bucking against him still, fingers moving faster, breaths speeding up. "My pretty baby," he coos with his mouth hovering inches away. "Can take anything I give you."
Steve licks his lips and wishes, grotesquely, that he had numbers on his wrist. Wants to bend the universe's will so he can stay in this moment forever.
He settles for chasing Eddie's lips with a wet kiss, straining his neck to wriggle his tongue past smiling teeth. "I can take it," he confesses against the slick drag of Eddie's mouth. Repeats the mantra, call and response like he's in church.
Eddie's hand recites the homily, jerking faster, willing release, and he pulls back to aim Steve's aching dick toward his mouth; gives him a serious look. One last chance to bow out.
"Even this?" he asks, readying Steve to pour communion down his own throat.
Steve sticks out his tongue. Looks up at Eddie with wide, reverent eyes — this Hellfire boy with demons inked into his chest — and he thinks this is the closest he's ever felt to God. Something about this feels sacred. Ritualistic renewal; rebirth and covenant.
He nods feverishly.
"Jesus Christ," Eddie groans, and he crooks his fingers in again and squeezes his other hand harder at the base of Steve’s cock. He’s leaking all over him, twitching and flexing as he thrusts; getting Steve all messy and wet between his legs. Steve wants to be fucked so badly he might cry; wants to feel it for real, the head of Eddie’s cock popping past the ring of quivering muscle.
He’s about to ask for it, beg for it — balls drawn tight against his body, tears streaming from his eyes — but then Eddie chants “Open wider, Stevie; you can do it, baby, come on” and Steve baptizes himself, spilling hot over chest and chin, reborn under the guidance of Eddie’s holy, healing hands.
part 43
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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beevean · 2 months
You know I actually think that Lisa flat out forgetting the fact that she had begged Dracula not to commit genocide, just so that she and him can have their happy ending, is actually far more problematic than any case of fridging from the games
Of course fridging a female character just to further a male character's story is absolutely wrong, but N!Lisa's very personality and character motivation for even loving Dracula in the first place (ie:the fact that he still had some good in him and the possibility for him to learn to coexist peacefully with humans) got completely flipped over their head just so that her husband could get an (undeserved) happy ending
The former sacrifices the character's life, the latter destroys their literal character
It essentially treats Lisa as Dracula's "reward" for...doing all the fucked up things that he did. It's an actual, textual example of objectifying a female character
I noticed some time ago that the show doesn't really judge Dracula's action morally, only logically.
Even the most Alucard can say is that it's a shame that his father won't use his genius and knowledge for good because the CHURCH BAD has pushed him to do evil, or that his victory would lead to an empty world. He never points out how utterly disrespectful Dracula is being to his wife's (Alucard's mother) memory: she wanted to help mankind, she (allegedly) cared about mankind, and he's honoring her by exterminating her own species that she wanted to help and heal. That is fucked up, and it shows that Dracula may have loved Lisa, but he did not respect her for who and what she was. But the story only beats you over the head with how stupid and shortsighted and self-destructive Dracula's mass slaughter is, eventually warping it to "ohhh he's just trying to kill himself the long way around 🥺 poor depressed little meow meow 🥺" yeah sure uhhhhh his demons ate babies and he was willing to let vampires starve to death as a price to literally kill everyone. If he only wanted to kill himself, nothing stopped him from stepping into the sun.
I also pointed out how Lisa shows no concern at all for her own son, not thinking about him in her last moments of her life, gleefully leaving him to his grief once she comes back to life (which is one of the parts in NFCV that personally insult me). Why? Because it's all about Dracula. In SoTN, Lisa talks to Alucard, she wants him to do the right thing, and only at the end she expresses her love for her husband - love, not "please stop my hubby from committing genocide because I know he will". Sure, painting Lisa as some sort of cross between Jesus and the Virgin Mary isn't exactly peak female representation because women are not inherently pure saints, but you know, it's still better than Lisa being written as the spineless wife of the Devil and a shitty deadbeat mother while still meant to be seen as this kindhearted person and Dracula's only morality chain!
I really, really am uncomfortable with how whitewashed Dracula is, and how this reflects on the other characters.
And yes, the end really is sick from this point of view. I keep bitching about Lenore and Isaac's "redemption arcs", because one is still the callous abuser she was in S3 behind all the "bonding" and the other woke up one day and decided to become a hero but more or less only to feel good about himself and his life. But Dracula... didn't even go through that. He didn't even pretend to change, or realize he was in the wrong. He died only lamenting that he was killing his boy! That was what broke him! He was horrified that he was about to kill "Lisa's greatest gift to him"! Which sure, it's a wholesome sentiment, but he didn't even have the time to think that maybe his plan was just fucked up from the start. And he gets a saccharine good ending on a silver platter? Lisa is just forgetting that she died with the fear that her husband would kill everyone in her name, screaming to please not hurt her because Dracula is worse than Satan?
It really feels like he was a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, and Lisa was the pacifier stuffed in his mouth to keep him calm. There, wife back, now stop being evil. Not because he had a change of heart, but because he got what he wanted.
That ending is objectively awful under so many aspects, from a characterization and lore standpoints, and I know it was shoved there only as a response to backlash to S3's bleakness. No thematic relevance whatsoever - Isaac's comment that Hector shouldn't bring Dracula back because he has earned his rest feels like the remains of a first draft in retrospect. It's just "yay everyone not named Hector lives happily ever after <3 only good feels all around <3"
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Trust pt.2
Pairing- Sully family x darkfey!reader
Summary- The Sullys meet a special girl.
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4
Warnings- death, talking of death, guns/knifes
A/N- finally updating this shit but i really like this so i hope you do too and a little update I have a almost finished Tarsem fic and rebellion is still in the midst of coming up with ideas for but after I finish those two I'll start in pt.3 for this one
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-6 years earlier- (You would be 10)
Soaring through the sky you laugh as yayo (bird) follows you chirping out a joke you stop. "What do you mean I look like a more advanced Ikran? They don't even have feathers and my horns are way better." You say to the bird and it only chirps back. "Ugh whatever." You roll your eyes before another yayo flies closer nudging your left wing. "Huh?" You say turning to the blue and yellow bird. He began chirping at an unbelievable pace but you made it out. Demons, in forest, danger, machines. Your eyes glowed as your wings went higher.
"I will get them out of here, go home to your families. Any other creatures you see tell them to hide and do not come out until the signal." You instruct the birds around you, chirping in unison they each go North, South, East, and West. You breathe in tightly as you flap your wings into the direction of the sky demons.
Stopping on a tree and hopping branch to branch closer to where the demons set base. "So you think you will find that fairy thing?" A bald demon asked a demon who was older who looked like he was in charge of something . "Trust me Kent if that abomination is still out there will get it." The older demon said. The one called Kent only said "hoorah." Pumping his fist in the air.
Then you heard a crunch from behind another tree and it seemed that they heard it the way they grabbed their weapons. Your grip on the tree branch tightened. And then a small boy, he looked around your age just…..shorter. The two dropped their guns. "Jesus kid, where's your mom and dad?" Kent said and the kid just shrugged his shoulders. "They are probably in the lab, we set up a perimeter so you can play out there and let the adults talk here." The older one said to the boy and he shrugged yet again walking into the woods.
You followed the boy. He walked far and fast, he even walked past the perimeter until he got to the lake. It was your favorite part of the forest, so quiet, so peaceful. He sat at the edge of the water rock in hand and then a kenten (fan lizard) stopped across the water to get something to drink. It was an adorable sight until the boy yelled throwing the rock at the lizard. Your eyebrows furrow as you swoop down, making the boy tumble back. Picking the hurt lizard up who whimpered in pain. Glaring at the boy you brought your hand up to its tail, hovering over it green magick came from your palm easing the pain and healing the injury.
Soon the lizard stood up, hissing at the boy and chirping at you before jumping down and running into the forest covered floor. "Why'd you do that!" You exclaim and the shocked boy blinks, running his hands on his pants as he gets up and is kind of eye to eye with you. "W…what?" He asked and you were dumbfounded, what? What! He just hurt a harmless animal and he is asking what. "You hurt an innocent creature, what do you mean what?" You ask and he looks down in shame. "I'm sorry." He said and you scoffed. "I am not the one who you should've apologized for, now go tell the other demons to leave my home."
"I…I can't they won't listen to me I got on this planet just this morning." The boy said and you tilted your head. "My mom and dad are scientists and they are researching stuff to bring back to earth my home." The boy said. You understand now he doesn't wish to be here but they see him as just a child so they won't listen to him. And then you sat with him over time, first you just watched him, he had brown with hints of golden blonde hair, his button nose had a few freckles on it, his bushy eyebrows fit just perfect in his forehead, and his teeth were a little bit to big for his mouth. He was so ugly you found him kind of cute.
And then he told you his name Jamie, then he told you stories of earth and he grabbed your hand suddenly and you winced as a strange burning sensation shot through your hand.
Pulling away and grabbing your hand rubbing it. "What is wrong?" He asked, concerned. "Your ring whatever it's made of." You say he looks at the ring in his pinky, taking it off he threw it into the forest. You stood there shocked he was willing to throw a ring of his own out into the world just so he wouldn't hurt you. Grabbing your hand he goes over the dark mark that now went over your skin.
Over the next five years you and Jamie grew closer, you would meet at the lake and talk about anything and everything, and when he kissed you everything around you would light up around you, your smile never faltered, you never cried of loneliness anymore, you were happy. You showed him parts and places of you that no one had seen before you thought you were special.
-At the base camp-
Jamie sat with the other boys and men that have been living at the base camp for the last five years looking for well, you. Jamie never had the urge to turn you in. Lately he sees every boy he grew up with get higher ranks or titles and he refuses to be the laughing stock. "If you find this beast cut its wings off you will be named lead commander of the next missions and so forth. I don't care if it's dead or alive, get me those wings" A man said over the intercom and his ears perked, Lead Commander.
Jamie packed a bottle of scotch and some crushed up sleeping pills he stole from his parents and then he grabbed a knife.
Creeping to the lake he saw you sitting there, over the years your beauty skyrocketed, your eyes glowed hypnotizing anyone who dared seeking your beauty, you lips now plum and full, your hair soft and shiny, and your wings were glorious so big could knock a swarm of grown men down with just one flap. You turn your head to his eyes, lighting up instantly. He smiles. Taking the scotch out he hands you it.
"What is it?" You ask and he chuckles. "Scotch." He says as you open the bottle with a loud 'pop' from the cap. Turning his back to you he pours the bag of crushed pills in your cup. He turns back around and pours the liquor straight into your cups, swishing it around and hands it to you. He watches as you chug it. With a disgusted face as you pull the cup from your lips. "That….That is gross." You say and he laughs filling your cup with more and only putting a shot in his cup. "You don't drink it for the taste, it's the after effects you want." He says taking his shot.
You nod as you take yours to the head.
-A few hours later-
Your head feels fuzzy as you lie against Jamie's chest as he hums a sky person tune. "I love you Jamie." You say and his voice stops and he breathes in. " I love you to Y/N." He says stroking your head as your heavy eyes begin to close, falling off into a sleepy abyss.
Jamie waited another thirty minutes to ensure that you were asleep, guilt and his own selfish needs clawed at his brain but selfishness always overruns guilt. He shifted you to lie on your stomach, he gripped the knife he pulled from his satchel and he looked at your wings.
Your eyes opened as the bright sky made you squint, getting up to wake Jamie, you realize he wasn't there anymore, he left. Your hand felt a piece of paper, it was obvious he wrote it in a rush, but there was blood on it. Concern filled you. 'I'm Sorry' the paper stated and you were confused as you got up and began to stretch your wings, until a painful sting shot through where your wings were supposed to be. Screeching in pain you look back and all there was was your dress ripped and your wings gone. Screaming as you try to fill your wings.
Jamie did this. Anger consumes you as your breathing got heavier and your tears got slower and you screamed, a gust of green and black air erupted from your body making the sky darken and the earth around you deepend as if just as pained as you. Your eyes shoot to a helicopter with your wings but it is too far away now.
Your gaze darkened as you stood up and walked towards the base camp. And with every step you took the life around you died, the creatures looked afraid as the flowers crumbled and the trees once high and mighty branches dipped. Your tears dried, replaced with the stoic expression that sent shivers down everything you gazed upon.
The demons pointed guns at you, and to no one's surprise Jamie at the front. You raised one hand and all the guns flew to the side and they clawed at their throats struggling to breathe. "Is something wrong J?" You ask with a menacing smile appearing on your lips. "Can't breathe?" You innocently asked as you clenched your fist tighter, and their pale faces soon turned shades of red and purple.
"Y/N….Please.." Jamie choked out. "I like when you beg." You tilt your chin upward. "Do it again." You say.
You wanted to humiliate, shame, utterly embarrass him. He took a part of you, parts of you that you will never get back. You wanted him to pay.
He looks down as he gets on his knees. You had a strong look on your face, you wanted his ego shattered and his dignity gone when you were done with him.
"Please, Y/N let us go, we didn't do anything." And just like that the fire exploded. "Didn't do anything!" You say choking all of the harder. "You took the most important parts of me, my dignity, you put me to shame, now beg." You say he begins to cry and you only feel disgust for this boy now. "Please Y/N I beg you, I beg for forgiveness, for my life." You sneer at the way he looked at your feet like a little girl.
Your eyes opened as the bright sun hit your eyes. Rubbing the last bit of sleep in your eyes, scratching your left horn, you pull yourself out of bed. And then you feel this ache in your back, where your right wing would be. You called it phantom wings. It happens sometimes, especially when it inches closer and closer to the anniversary of the loss of your wings. Walking into the family area of the kelku (home) everyone but Lo'ak and you sat around.
"Look who's up Lo'ak is the only one still asleep." Jake said as if keeping a tally in his head, he looked stressed. You could feel the stressed out energy radiating off of him and Neytiri. You sit down in your regular spot between Lo'ak and Tuk. And then a familiar chirping came from the open window. Turning around you see the four familiar yayo, Vìrtì who told you about the sky demons, Ivä who called you an advanced ikran, Tsìo and Wisèy. They are pretty quiet but just as fun to be around.
Crawling to the window allows them to jump on your arms and bring them inside. "Mooooom look Y/N has yayos." Tuk said, tugging at her moms arm. She looks at you talking to the birds. "Yes it has been a while since we last hung out. I apologize." You say and then Ivä chirps something and your smile falls, "I know it is around that time let us talk of something else." You say shutting down their many, many chirps of protest. "Oh this is Vìrtì, Ivä, Tsìo, and Wisèy. They were like my family before you guys came along." You introduced the birds to the family and Tuk was the most excited and the rest were quite confused.
Birds? As a Family?
And then finally Lo'ak stumbled into the room sitting down next to Neteyam and Kiri. "Okay since all of you are here we need to share something with you all." Still talking with the birds you didn't catch what he said. "Y/N you too." He said and you turned your attention to him. "So as you know the sky people are back and they took Spider." He said you can see how physically and emotionally saddened Kiri was. "There is nothing we can do but to keep our family safe we have to flee." You look toward the floor and you would be alone again. All kinds of protests went through the room but Neytiri shut them down.
Neytiri looked at you and touched your back making you jolt up. The same pain from earlier came back. "Y/N are you okay." Looking at her and a smile comes on your lips. "I am fine but I do need to do something so can I?" You ask and she looks at Jake just confused. "Um here?" He asks and you feel like you don't need to lie. "No just a little deep into the forest." You say your goodbyes to the four birds as they fly home. "We will come with you." Neytiri said and you only shook your head looking into the forest.
As Jake went over there plan you tried to ignore the phantom wing, it was like an itch you can't scratch, a memory you couldn't place, it was a nearly unbearable pain.
Now you walk through the forest Neytiri and Jake behind you.
You were a few feet ahead of them stopping every now and then to talk to little creatures and heal broken plants. "Where do you think she's going?" Jake asked Neytiri, truth be told she hadn't the slightest clue but over the past week she had been more worried. The way at night you wince and hide your cries of pain and the way you jolted when someone touched your back.
And then they stopped into what seemed like a battlefield but you know there was no battle one wouldn't even call it a fight.
You step onto the chard ground. "I don't ever remember a battle being here." Neytiri said. "Because you didn't." You say crouching touching a crushed skeleton. "So you know what happened here." Jake said. "I happened here." You say shamelessly. Neytiri was confused. "He, Jamie, he used my vulnerability and innocence so he could get something he wanted. I showed him, let him use parts of me that I never let anything or anyone see or touch." You say crushing his dried skull with little effort. "He took my wings and I took his life." You say standing up walking around all of the rubble.
Neytiri looked at you with sympathy. She understands why you did it, but why did you still come here.
"Why do you still come here?" Jake asked as if he heard his mates thoughts. "To remind myself." You say. "Remind yourself of what." Jake asked. "Why I'm so angry." You say and then you wince as the pain comes back, but it seems being closer to this place makes it hurt more.
Neytiri sees your pain and she prays to Eywa she could take your pain and make it hers. Rubbing your back the pain eased. "Come let us get ready to leave." You look at her confused. "You did not expect us to leave you here, hm?" She asks and you smile as you shake your head side to side. Jake looked at the bodies that seemed to be drug down into the earth, sharp thorns stuck through the bones. All of the machines and homes burned and blew up. And you did it, he wondered what you could do with your wings.
Maybe he'd find out.
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supercap2319 · 2 years
The Return
Derek Hale X Male Reader
A/N: Based on the teaser clip.
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The door to the locker room creaks open as Derek Hale carries his teenage son, Eli, in his arms bridal style. Y/N is at their heels as the young Hale protests to be let down. “Dad, put me down! Jesus.”
“Please put me down!”
“You… You said you couldn’t walk,” Derek said.
“I can hop.” Eli looks at his dad, a pleasing look on his face. “Fine.” Derek lets him down.
Y/N watches Eli hop toward the bench. Guess he inherited his father’s stubbornness. Outside, Y/N can hear the crowd of people who are cheering for the Beacon Hill lacrosse team. Coach Finstock blows his whistle. Y/N and Derek walk slowly towards Eli as he grunts a bit. “You almost had that shot, Eli,” Y/N said.
“No, I didn’t,” Eli says.
“Yes, you did. I, we both saw it,” Derek countered. “You were right at the goal.”
“You’re better than you think you are,” Y/N said.
“I was in for less than a minute, Y/N. I’m not good at all,” Eli said. “I got the ball for a second and I got knocked on my ass and twisted my ankle. That wasn’t nothing.”
“Eli!” Derek uses his father voice. Calm and commanding. “It was nothing, dad.”
“It was something. I was watching, coach and he saw it too. You’re good.” Derek and Y/N sat on both sides of Eli. “You’re really good. And if you can heal, you could play tomorrow night. And you can help them win,” Derek said as he looked at his son, a gentle look on his handsome features. It was rare for Derek to be gentle with anyone, minus a few people. Eli and Y/N were a few of those people. “The first step to transforming is healing. But you’ve gotta be willing to learn.” He puts a hand on his shoulder as Eli looks at him for a moment and grunts at his twisted leg.
Y/N bites his wrist and shows Eli it. All bloody. The young boy scrunches his nose in disgust. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Vampire blood can heal almost any injury. If your leg hurts that much, I can help heal you.” Y/N told him. “Or I could use some healing herbs back at my house?”
“I’ll go with the herbs,” Eli says quickly.
Y/N smiles. “Okay, fair point.”
Derek watches with a gentle smile on his face. It was good to see Eli and Y/N getting along so well. After his divorce from Lois, Derek wasn’t sure how his son would feel if his dad started seeing his old high school sweetheart again. Turns out that he didn't mind at all. As long as his father was happy, he was happy.
This little moment between them didn't last long as another door to the locker room creaked open as someone walked inside. The sound of a bowstring being pulled back was heard as Derek saw a shadowy figure in front of them. Something sharp and gleaming pointed at them. It whizzed towards them as Derek pushed Eli’s head down. “Get down!” The object that almost hit Eli in the head was an arrow. Black with a silver tip. It was lodged in a locker behind them.
“Run! Run!” Derek told him.
“I’ll keep him safe.” Y/N grabbed Eli and speeded away. The intruder draws another arrow from their quiver as they launch another shot. Derek uses his strength to move a row of lockers in front of the arrow. The person drops their bow as they grab a knife from their boot. They expertly twist it in their hands as Derek growls. The person charges and runs on top of a bench as they bring their knife down to take a swipe at Derek, who dodges it. The intruder jabs the knife forward as Derek blocks it with his arm. They go low as Derek blocks that as well. They take a swipe as Derek backs up. They charge as Derk grabs their arm and slams them against the nearest row of lockers.
He roars in their face as his eyes flash blue. Who thinks they can attack him, his son, Y/N, and live? The light catches the person’s face as he stops and is shocked when he learns who’s attacking them. It's… Allison Argent! Derek’s eyes return to normal as his fury has quelled. “Allison?” It can't be her. Allison has been dead for years. Stabbed in the heart by an Oni demon’s sword. Now she was here? Allison takes Derek's moment of hesitation as she pushes him back and punches him. as she switches the knife in her hands to her right as she raises it and stabs down with it. She pushes down with both hands as she tries to sink into Derek's chest. The Werewolf holds it up as they're both locked in a battle of strength, both sides pushing up and down. Derek doesn't want to hurt Allison, but she's not making this easy for him to hold back. He roars as he grabs the huntress, spins, and throws her to the ground as he runs towards the doors of the locker room.
Allison gets back up as she takes out a miniature crossbow and raises it towards the fleeting werewolf. She fires the trigger as the arrow flies and slices through the skin flesh of Derek Hale. A clean hit through his neck as he slams against the doors as he goes flying because of his forced weight on the easy moving doors. He slides to the floor. Allison picks up her bow as she walks towards Derek, an ominous feeling in her steps as the flickering lights of the locker room give her a predatory vibe. Derek struggles on the ground as he tries to crawl away from her, right hand on his bleeding out neck wound. He gasps and chokes, as he can’t even get any words out to reason with the Argent girl. Derek falls on his back as he looks up at Allison. Blood drips from his mouth and onto the floor as Allison stares coldly at him. This is it. This is how it’s going to end.
The huntress draws another arrow in the string as she pulls it back and takes aim. This time, she'll hit more than just a grazed wound. This time it will be a bullseye. Derek closes his eyes as he hears the arrow leave its bow and he prays that Y/N will look after Eli once he’s gone. Derek waits for the impact to hit him, but it never does. He hesitantly opens his eyes and, to his surprise; Y/N is standing in front of him, arrow caught in one hand. He shows Allison his vampire face as he roars, fangs out and sharp. “Leave him alone!” He stares at the intruder with anger, but that’s quickly replaced with shock as he sees who’s attacking them.
“Allison?” Y/N whispered. He stares at the daughter of Chris Argent. The daughter who was supposed to be dead, not alive and well. His brother’s first love. It just wasn’t possible. “Allison, I don’t know what’s going on, but we can help you. We’re not your enemies. Please put the bow down.”
Allison looks a bit shocked, but she quickly recovers as she draws another arrow and fires it, as the Heretic has no idea what’s in store for him. He catches the arrow and screams as he feels it burn his skin. He looks down at his hand, then the arrow. Vervain. He looks at Allison. How did she get vervain? Allison draws two knives as she charges towards Y/N as he runs towards her at super speed and dodges a swipe at his face as he grabs her and throws her back inside the locker room. He waves his hands as the doors close with telekinesis. Y/N’s not sure how long that will last, but he has to get Derek out of there fast. He rushes to him and kneels down.
“Hang on, Sour Wolf, I’ll get you out of here.” Y/N scoops up Derek in his arms and speeds away from the school building. He stops just in front of a car as Eli is leaning against it, a worried expression on his face. When he sees Y/N and Derek, he runs towards them. “Dad! Dad!”
He touched his dad’s face. He looks so worried that Y/N can see tears starting to form in his eyes. “Hey Eli, please don’t cry. He’ll be fine, I promise.” Eli wipes his almost fallen tears, as he looks at Y/N. “I wasn’t crying, dude. I have something stuck in my eyes.”
“Right. We need to get him somewhere safe.”
“My place,” Y/N said as he loaded Derek inside the car and got in the front seat and Eli in front as they drove away.
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kkglinka · 2 years
Heh, so, I come from a fandom where character names have major significance, which means I promptly checked for that with Warrior Nun. I already knew a lot of catholic lore due to reasons, which meant I could guess certain character arcs, but boy howdy am I glad I checked some hunches.
Ava Silva, given the show's setting, would be Eve (rather than one of the convergent latin or germanic origins, with different meanings). Eve is the english translation of 'chavah', which is more description than name proper. Which in turn (very) roughly translates from hebrew as "giver/protector of life". This role of the mother remains unchanged by expulsion from Eden.
Notice how the halo always gives out quickly if used for violence, aggression or the taking of life, but ramps up like a champ if protecting and/or healing, even if it appeared to have gone empty moments earlier? While it is controlled through mental state, especially the one triggered by meditative thought, it clearly prioritizes the preservation of life. Eg; when Suzanne fell into despair and probably felt like dying over the prior Mother Superion's death, the halo made a quick exit.
Shotgun Mary: Mary Magdalene, the apostle of apostles, was the closest to Jesus (the halo-bearer) and witnessed his death. Eventually gets conflated with Mary of Bethany, and subsequently slandered every which way. Since the show's character seems to have a criminal background, she's likely meant to be both of them.
Lilith: From jewish mythology and folklore. The first woman, created to be equal to man, and rejecting subservience. Lots of story variations for her. Might've hooked up with the archangel Samael, after which she could not return to the garden of eden because that angel was kind of a demon, and subsequently becomes the mother of all demons. So show Lilith was first in line of halo succession, was robbed of that role by Ava, went to another realm, hooked up with a fallen archangel, but ultimately refused subservience to him.
Sister Beatrice: Saint Beatriz da Silva (*coughs pointedly*), a beautiful and accomplished illegitimate child of a nobleman, raised in a royal court, but wound up imprisoned in a tiny cell. (A proverbial closet, one might say). Went on to found a new order after she was freed. I don't think I even need to add to this one.
Sister Camila: Saint Camilla Battista, a vivacious young noblewoman fond of musical arts, who experienced numerous visions, and struggled with temptation. Show Camila is indeed slightly whimsical, musical, and enduring unwanted visions of an ex-archangels (and therefore arch-demon) and his pitiful idea of temptation.
Miguel: the Archangel Michael who appears at the moment of death, offering salvation. Yup, goes to the show's version of Eden, comes back super-powered, but his function is to mete out death. Pretty straight-forward.
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bleedingcoffee42 · 4 months
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Band of Brothers Part 3- Carentan
If Private Hall got the best personal tour of Normandy with Dick Winters, Albert Blithe got the Tutorial episode with all of Easy Company. One, bless these guys for being nice to this weirdo and returning him home, and he gets the true main character experience with everyone! Gets a shout out from platoon leader Welsh for joining them, wikipedia read on Alpine flora and fauna from Nixon, healed by Jesus Winters, in on gossiping with the boys about Speirs lore, hanging out with resident ankle biter Martin in the mud, talkin game mindset like it's a Superbowl party with Welsh, walkies and legendary pep talk from Speirs, another round of encouragement from Winters like this is little Round Top 1863, then gets hit and everyone is pretty impacted by it? Like we just watched our stray get run over? :( And the boys actually recognized him in the hospital despite him being wrapped like a Mummy?
This was a hold my beer moment, everyone pitched in to give this guy a hell of an experience and he looked lost as hell through most of it and probably thinks it's a fever dream.
The thing is he looks like a zombie through all of it for a reason---because the 'only hope you have is to realize you're already dead' is because in BoB he is. Nevermind what happens to real Blithe, in BoB he's not going to make it long.
Easy Company is Albert Blithe's guide through the levels of hell.
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He's also there to draw us in and feel like we, as viewers, would also be welcomed by this great group of guys. He's lost? No problem bud, come with us. Struggling with his job? Well, we're here for you man. Can't see? Winters will lay hands on you. Struggling with inner demons? Speirs literally just shot his own sergeant but he's going to share personal ideology with you! Welsh? He's taken, but you're in his platoon and you're going to come out of this okay....until you don't. But now he's probably traumatized over picking volunteers, which bodes well for his future career as a teacher. Even in the hospital, your sacrifice is acknowledged by your peers.
Who wouldn't want to walk beside these guys to find your way to the coldest part of Hell next to Satan's hairy legs (Bastogne)?
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orthodoxydaily · 1 month
Saints&Reading: Friday, August 9, 2024
july 27_ August 9
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13th century icon of Saint Panteleimon from St catherine monastery of Mt Sinaï
Under the Reign of the impious Maximian, the cruel persecutor of Christians, almost the whole world was covered with the darkness of idolatry. Everywhere there raged a great persecution against those who believed in Christ, and many confessors of the most holy name of Jesus were dying as martyrs. At that time, in the land of Bithynia in the city of Nicomedia, there suffered for Christ the holy great martyr Panteleimon.
From early childhood his mother educated him in Christian piety, beginning with the knowledge of the one true God living in the heavens, our Lord Jesus Christ, so that he might believe in Him and please Him by good deeds and turn away from heathen polytheism. The child attended to his mother’s instructions, and, as far as his age would allow, embraced them. But what a loss and privation! His mother and guide departed to the Lord while he was still a child. After her death, the child easily followed in the steps of his father’s error; and his father often took him to worship the idols, thus confirming him in pagan impiety.
Later, the child was sent to a grammar school, and when he had successfully passed the whole course of pagan studies, his father sent him to a medical school, entrusting him to a certain famous doctor, Euphrosynus, to be trained in the art of medicine. Having a receptive mind, the child easily learnt all that he was taught and soon excelled his fellow students, and could even bear comparison with his own teacher. In addition, he was courteous, eloquent and handsome, and made an excellent impression.
Having received a reply, the emperor ordered him to be put through his medical training as soon as possible, as he wished to have the youth by him always, for he was worthy to stand before the emperor and serve him. By that time, the young man had already reached full maturity.
Perceiving in his spirit that the boy would be a chosen vessel of God, Hermolaus once went out to meet the boy and asked him to come into his house for a moment. The meek and obedient boy went into the priest’s house. Seating him beside him, the elder asked him from where he had come and about his whole manner of life. The boy told everything in detail, how his mother had been a Christian and was dead, and about his father who was alive and, according to pagan laws, worshipped many gods. Saint Hermolaus asked him: “But you, good child, to what side and faith would you like to belong, to your father’s or to your mother’s?”
“My mother,” replied the boy, “while she was alive, taught me her faith, and I loved her faith. But my father, being stronger, makes me keep the pagan laws and wants to put me in the imperial palace as a servant of the emperor.” “And what does your teacher teach you?” asked Saint Hermolaus again. “The teaching of Asclepiades, and of Hippocrates and Galen. That is what my father wanted; and my teacher says that if I master their teaching I shall easily be able to cure every kind of illness.”
In these words, Saint Hermolaus found an opportunity for a profitable discourse and began to sow in the boy’s heart, as on good soil, the good seed of the word of God: “Believe me, good youth,” he said, “I will tell you one truth; the teaching and art of Asclepiades, Hippocrates and Galen are nothing and of little help to those who resort to them. Yes, and the gods which the Emperor Maximian and your father and other pagans worship are false, and nothing but a masquerade and a hoax for the feeble-minded.
“However, there is one true and almighty God—Jesus Christ. If you will believe in Him, you will heal every disease simply by the invocation of His most pure name. For He gave sight to the blind, cleansed lepers, raised the dead, and with one word, freed people from possession by the demons, whom the heathen worship. Even His clothes gave healing. For a woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years, as soon as she touched the hem of His garment, was healed at once.
Pantoleon received all this teaching of Saint Hermolaus as true and took it into his heart. He joyfully meditated upon it and said to the holy elder: “I frequently heard this from my mother and often saw how she prayed and invoked that God of Whom you have been telling me.”
From that day, Pantoleon came to the old priest every day, and enjoying his inspired talks, grew strong in the knowledge of the true God. When he returned from his teacher Euphrosynus, he never went home without first visiting the elder and receiving his soul-saving instructions.
At once the child rose up alive as if from sleep. Then Pantoleon fully believed in Christ. He turned his bodily and spiritual eyes towards heaven and blessed God with joy and tears for having called him out of darkness into the light of His knowledge. Quickly, he went to Saint Hermolaus the priest, fell at his feet, and asked for baptism. He told him what had happened: how the dead child had come to life by the power of the name of Jesus Christ but that the snake had died.
After his baptism, Pantoleon stayed with the priest Hermolaus for seven days, imbibing as from a fountain of living water the divine words communicated to him by the lips of the priest and by the grace of Christ. On the eighth day he went home, and his father asked him: “Where have you been, my son, for so many days? I have been anxious about you.”
“I have been with the teacher at the emperor’s court,” the Saint replied. “We treated a sick man whom the emperor loves very much, and we did not leave him for seven days until we had restored him to health.”
So said the Saint, and he told no lie. For in the form of a parable, he spoke the truth allegorically. In his mind, he referred to Saint Hermolaus as the teacher; by the royal palace, he meant that interior peace in which the Divine Mystery is accomplished; and by the sick man, he meant his own soul, which the Heavenly King loved, and which for seven days was given spiritual treatment.
Here again he spoke allegorically of Holy Baptism which he had received, and of the other Mysteries of the Christian Faith which he had learnt and which are all of great price, exceeding all riches—for they were obtained by the Blood of Christ. When he heard this, Euphrosynus stopped his questions, and blessed Pantoleon was filled with the grace of God, bearing within him the treasure of holy faith. He was very concerned as to how to bring his father out of the darkness of idolatry and lead him to the light of the knowledge of Christ. Conversing with him wisely every day by parables and questions, he said to him:
“Father! Why do the gods who are fashioned standing remain standing just as they were at first and never sit? And why do those made sitting continue to sit till today and never stand?” “Your question is not quite clear to me,” replied his father, “and I do not know what to answer to it.”
By constantly putting questions of this kind to his father, the Saint caused him to lose faith in his gods and begin to understand the falsehood and error of idolatry. His father formerly used to offer large numbers of sacrifices to the idols every day, but now he stopped worshipping them and began to despise them.
Seeing this, Pantoleon rejoiced that at least he had aroused doubt in his father regarding the idols, even if he had not yet completely succeeded in turning him away from them. Pantoleon often wished to smash his father’s idols, of which there were many in his house, but he restrained himself, partly so as not to anger his father—whom according to the commandments of God we must honour—and partly because he was waiting for the time when his father would know the true God and would want to destroy them with his own hands.
The Saint replied: “If you have spent all your money on those doctors from whom you received no benefit, how will you remunerate me if you receive healing and are able to see?” “All the little that I have left,” cried the blind man, “I shall readily give to you.”
“The gift of sight,” said the Saint, “which reveals the light to you, will be given to you by the Father of lights, the true God, through me, His unworthy servant. And so, give what you have promised not to me, but distribute it among the poor.”
Hearing this, Eustorgius, Pantoleon’s father, said to him: “My son, do not rashly undertake a thing which you cannot do, or you will make a fool of yourself. In actual fact, what more can you do than the doctors more experienced than you who treated him but could not cure him?”
“Not one of those doctors,” retorted the Saint, “knows the means that I know, for there is a tremendous difference between them and my teacher who revealed his means to me.”
Thinking that he was speaking about his teacher Euphrosynus, his father remarked: “I have heard that your teacher also treated this blind man and could do nothing.”
“Wait a little, my father,” replied Pantoleon, “and you will see the power of my treatment.” With these words he touched the eyes of the blind man with his fingers, saying: “In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ Who enlightens the blind, receive your sight.”
At once, the eyes of the blind man were opened and he began to see. And at that moment, Pantoleon’s father Eustorgius, as well as the man who had recovered his sight, believed in Christ. Both were baptized by the holy priest Hermolaus, and they were filled with great spiritual joy at the power and grace of Christ.
Then Eustorgius began to smash all the idols in his house, and his son Pantoleon helped him. Having broken all the idols to pieces, they threw the remains into a deep ditch and covered them with earth. Eustorgius lived only a short time after this and then passed on to the Lord. Having thus become the heir to the extremely rich paternal estates, Pantoleon at once gave his men and women slaves their freedom and generously remunerated them.
He gave his property away to the needy: to beggars, to the poor, to widows and orphans. He went round to the prisons and visited all who were suffering in chains, comforting them with medical treatment and gifts of those things of which they were in need. Thus, he was a physician not only of wounds but also of human misery and poverty. All received from him generous help; the poor were enriched by his generosity, and in curing them he was helped by the grace of God.
He was given the gift of healing from on high, and he healed every kind of disease free of charge—not so much by means of medicines as by invoking the name of Jesus Christ. Then Pantoleon truly became Panteleimon, that is, all-merciful, and by name and in deed he showed mercy to all. He did not let anyone go away from him without alms or consolation. For to those who were in need he gave assistance and treated the sick without payment. The whole city brought their sick to him and left all the other doctors because they received from no one such quick and perfect healing as from Panteleimon, who successfully treated everyone and accepted payment from no one.
The name of the merciful physician became known to all, and the other doctors were condemned and mocked. As a result, there arose on the part of the doctors no little jealousy and enmity in regard to the Saint. It had already begun at the time when the blind man regained his sight, but it reached a peak in the following manner...Continue reading Holy Cross monastery
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Venerable Anthousa the Confessor lived during the reign of Emperor Constantine Copronymos (ca. 741). She lived at Mantinea, Paphlygonia in Asia Minor during the VIII century. Her parents, Stratḗgios and Febronia, were distinguished for their piety, and raised their daughter in the same way.
Despite all the marriage proposals Anthousa received, she remained a virgin. After her parents reposed, she did not change her mind, but devoted her parental inheritance to charitable and sacred causes. Forsaking the world at a young age, Saint Anthousa lived a life of asceticism in the mountains in complete solitude. She received the monastic tonsure from Hieromonk Sisinios, and became Igoumeness of a Monastery with ninety nuns. These nuns were known for their obedience to their Igoumeness and for their spiritual discipline. Saint Anthousa built two monasteries: Mantineos, with a church dedicated to Saint Anna; and another in honor of the Holy Apostles, which was a women's monastery.
When Emperor Constantine Copronymos ordered a harsh persecution against the Holy Icons and those who venerated them. Saint Anthousa's Monastery became one of the most ardent defenders of Orthodoxy. The Emperor sent his agent to say that she would be left alone if she ceased to venerate the Icons. When she refused, she and her nuns were subjected to torture, for disobeying the Emperor’s decree. Soldiers tied them up and flogged them. Then burning icons were placed on the Saint's head, and her feet were burnt with red-hot coals. Finally, she was exiled.
But when the Holy Igoumeness predicted that the sick Empress would escape death, and would give birth to twins, then she loved Anthousa very much, and supported her Monastery in various ways. Among those who had witnessed her torture was the Emperor’s wife, to whom the Saint predicted the birth of a son and a daughter. When Saint Anthousa's prediction was fulfilled, she was allowed to return to her convent, where she reposed at an advanced age. The daughter born to the Emperor’s wife was also named Anthousa (April 12).
After living a life pleasing to God, the Holy Confessor Anthousa reposed in 759 (or 775, or 794), and now lives with Him forever. She was buried in her cell.
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2 TIMOTHY 2:1-10
1 You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 3 You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. 5 And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. 6 The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops. 7 Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things. 8 Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel, 9 for which I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains; but the word of God is not chained. 10 Therefore I endure all things for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
JOHN 15:17-16:2
17 These things I command you, that you love one another. 18 If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. 21 But all these things they will do to you for My name's sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 He who hates Me hates My Father also. 24 If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father. 25 But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, 'They hated Me without a cause.' 26 But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. 27 And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning.
1 These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. 2 They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.
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hiswordsarekisses · 10 months
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“When our prayer life isn’t what it should be, we should investigate these three obstacles: sin, unbelief, and a neglect of God’s Word.
Obstacle #1 is neglect of God’s Word: “He who turns away his ear from hearing the Word of God – even his prayer is detestable” (Proverbs 28:9)
Neglecting the Word of God and its application to your life will hinder your prayers because prayer is based on faith, and our faith is firmly built on (and comes from) putting the Word of God in our hearts.
This obstacle even has a huge impact on the following 2 obstacles! Staying in The Word is crucial.
Obstacle #2 is unrepentant sin. Psalm 66:18 says: “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened…”
The apostle John put it another way: “We receive from Him anything we ask (according to His Will), because we obey his commands and do what pleases him” (1 John 3:22, 1 John 5:14)
(“I have hidden Your Word inside of my heart, that I might not sin against You” psalm 119:11 - abiding in The Word of God protects us from sinning!)
And obstacle #3 is unbelief. “We must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord” (James 1:6-7).
Once again, our faith comes from The Word of God. (Romans 10:17) If we are struggling with trusting God, we just need to continue to consistently and prayerfully read His Word, and also - just like the Father of the child that needed healing in Mark 9:24, Thank God, we can ask God to help us believe!
“Jesus asked the boy's father, “How long has he been like this?” The man answered, “Ever since he was a child. The demon has often tried to kill him by throwing him into a fire or into water. Please have pity and help us if you can!” Jesus replied, “Why do you say ‘if you can’? Anything is possible for someone who has faith!” And at once the boy's father shouted, “My faith is weak! Please give me faith and help my unbelief!” Mark 9:21-24
If we stay on top of these three things we will not be unfruitful in our walk with God.
(Excerpts From Leroy Eims)
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Jesus Heals a Demon Possessed Boy
14 When they came to many people, a man came up to Jesus and got on his knees. He said, 15 “Lord, have pity on my son. He is very sick and at times loses the use of his mind. Many times he falls into the fire or into the water. 16 I took him to Your followers but they were not able to heal him.”
17 Then Jesus said, “You people of this day have no faith and you are going the wrong way. How long must I be with you? How long must I put up with you? Bring him here to Me.” 18 Jesus spoke sharp words to the demon and the demon came out of him. At once the boy was healed.
19 The followers came to Jesus when He was alone. They said, “Why were we not able to put the demon out?” 20 Jesus said to them, “Because you have so little faith. For sure, I tell you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to over there,’ and it would move over. You will be able to do anything. 21 But this kind of demon does not go out but by prayer and by going without food so you can pray better.” — Matthew 17:14-21 | New Life Version (NLV) New Life Version Holy Bible Copyright © 1969, 2003 by Barbour Publishing, Inc. Cross References: Deuteronomy 32:5; Isaiah 19:14; Matthew 4:24; Matthew 8:26; Matthew 13:31; Matthew 17:13; Matthew 17:22; Mark 9:14; Mark 9:22; Mark 9:29
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qnewsau · 2 months
Out artistic director reacts to Paris Opening Ceremony furore
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Out artistic director reacts to Paris Opening Ceremony furore
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Thomas Jolly, the out artistic director of the Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony, has defended that queer tableau during the show that’s left people arguing for days over allusions to Christianity.
On Saturday morning (AEST), queens from Drag Race France joined a group of queer dancers and models hosted a fierce runway show to help inject a bit of life into the hours-long ceremony.
At one point during their segment, Drag Race France host Nicky Doll and some of the show’s queens gathered behind a long table.
In the centre was lesbian DJ Barbara Butch, with a halo over her head and her hands in a heart over her chest.
In front of them, a French actor was painted blue and covered in glitter, lying on a platter as the Greek god Dionysus.
Christians, Catholics and conservatives complained online about that part of the performance all weekend. Many said it “parodied” or “mocked” Christianity, specifically the iconic Renaissance painting The Last Supper.
However, Thomas Jolly told French channel BFMTV that for his part, The Last Supper wasn’t his inspiration for the tableau. That iconic Renaissance painting depicts Jesus’s last meal with the 12 apostles.
“It’s not my inspiration and that should be pretty obvious. There’s Dionysus arriving on a table,” Thomas said.
“Why is he there? First and foremost because he is the god of celebration in Greek mythology and the tableau is called ‘Festivity’.
“He is also the god of wine, which is also one of the jewels of France, and the father of Séquana, the goddess of the river Seine.
“The idea was to depict a big pagan celebration, linked to the gods of Olympus, and thus the Olympics.”
Olympics: The interpretation of the Greek God Dionysus makes us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings. #Paris2024 #OpeningCeremony pic.twitter.com/2vnMNrlmMi
— Paris 2024 Olympics (English) (@OlympicsParis) July 26, 2024
Jolly told BFMTV, “You will never find in me, or in my work, a desire to mock or denigrate anyone.
“My aim was to create a ceremony that heals and a ceremony that reconciles, but also a ceremony that reaffirms the values ​​which are those of our Republic of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity freedom, and absolutely not to mock anyone.”
‘Demonic and deranged’ opening ceremony slammed
Some religious folk went against the grain and suggested the tableau is in fact inspired by The Feast of the Gods by 17th Century Dutch painter Jan van Bijlert.
Here in Australia, the hot takes from conservatives, Christians and other commentators got pretty wild as they continued all day Sunday.
Australian Senator Ralph Babet hurled ugly slurs online at those involved in the “demonic and deranged” performance.
Family First leader Lyle Shelton said the scene was “evil” and was part of a sinister plot to “destroy families”.
Sky News Australia commentator Joe Hildebrand said the French drag show would somehow impact Australian LGBTQIA+ law reform.
‘Nudity is the origin of the Games’
But the actor who played the naked blue man during the segment brushed off the backlash.
He’s French actor and singer Phillippe Katerine. Phillippe told Le Parisien he “suffered a lot” getting painted and glittered for the gig but he “loved it.”
“I’m proud. It’s my culture. We’re full of different people and everyone lives their own way and, above all, has the right to do so. I loved doing it,” he said.
“It wouldn’t be fun if there were no controversy. Wouldn’t it be boring if everyone agreed on this planet?
“Nudity is really the very origin of the Games. At first, they were naturist Olympics.”
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larathia · 5 months
Parallel World Pharmacy: Jesus was an Isekai
This is a cute little one-season "let's highlight the importance of a particular job/field" anime. And yes, it's technically a reincarnation isekai as well. The protagonist was, on Earth, a genius chemist/pharmacist/biochemist/surgeon - let's just say Doogie Howser and House have nothin' on this guy. He's world famous for figuring out how to treat previously untreatable conditions.
Unfortunately for the protagonist, he's SO smart and SO driven he works himself into a heart attack in his mid 30s, and dies. He wakes up in the body of a ten year old boy, in another world.
So far, standard isekai really. Except not quite. I don't know why they went all out on this aspect of the story, since it has nothing to do with why they created the anime (join the school of pharmacology! It's totally cool! We promise!) but this is where things went a little weird.
Firstly, he didn't just wake up in the body of a ten year old. This isn't the standard reincarnation isekai. He doesn't get overlapping memories of his childhood in this new world. No, our hero woke up in the BODY of the ten year old. Who hadn't been breathing FOR A SOLID HOUR. And the boy hadn't just bumped his head. He'd been HIT BY LIGHTNING.
He has glowing fern patterns on both his arms. Of course, protagonist is like "yeah, you get those when you get electrocuted" but no. Those fern patterns are the holy symbol of the Medicine God.
What follows, as a kind of consistent B-plot, is the people of this new world deciding very quickly that Our Hero is in fact the incarnation of the Medicine God, here in their world to save lives and upend medical science as they know it (which, since their medical science is roughly 14th century Europe, is good for everyone) and Our Hero trying and usually utterly failing to pretend that he's just a ten year old human boy.
This is, by far, the most hilariously fun part of this otherwise pretty quiet and serious anime. Because these people don't know what bacteria are, or germs, or viruses. Our Hero promptly invents the microscope to show them, but I have to admit I find it really funny that he's consistently saying things like "yes, this illness is caused by tiny invisible creatures" and everyone else is going "EVIL SPIRITS???"
Because y'know. "tiny invisible malevolent creture" and "evil spirit" do kinda sound like you're talking about the same thing. He's chased by the Inquisition for the standard isekai business of having basically infinite ultra magic and casting no shadow, but when he tries to heal the inquisitor that tried to kill him, they flip right around into OMG WE JUST TRIED TO EXORCISE A GOD.
(This one especially amused me, because the inquisitor he heals then goes on to get himself assigned to Our Hero's town...and present Our Hero with this really really cool staff. He doesn't tell OH until after he picks the staff up that oh, by the way, ONLY A GOD CAN TOUCH THAT STAFF - so, you know, you're a god, we proved it. OH then tries to sell the idea that okay maybe he's a god but an UNDERCOVER one, okay? Please?)
This little B-plot keeps up all through the story; the viewer knows the science (which is, btw, apparently really accurate; the series was written by doctors and chemists) but frankly, the common people of the isekai world's explanations with spirits and gods and demons actually work just as well to explain what's going on most of the time.
Oh and the Black Plague has an actual literal body. Walking around. So we're not just talking 'ignorant peasants' here. Sometimes they're right.
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Maybe Papa Taker can help out Leon, give him advise when he himself was possessed by Ministry.
Leon's Nightmare Part 5- Heaven and Back
Normal warnings, violence, dead people. New warnings, drug taking.
Shawn holds Leon close to his chest, keeping himself between a sleeping John on the bed and the demon stood in the doorway.
"Now cmon Shawnie...let me in" the voice drawls. Its his boyfriends voice but at the same time it's not. Shawn takes in his new look, his new attitude. It scares him. "I just wanna talk...me and you" a shiver goes down shawns spine as he realises the demon isnt talking to him, he's infact staring at the newborn in his hands. "Stay away! You are not welcomed here!" Shawn growls holding Leon tighter. Ministry smiles widely at him. "Thats what you think"
Shawns eyes widen as the demon steps through the door.
Drew walks into the hotel room to hear the shower going. Which immediately fills him with concern. He glances in the open bathroom to see the wheelchair empty. "Leon? Leon!" Drew snaps walking in. "Im fine" Leon mutters. Drew pulls the curtain to see Leon hunched over, his bruised legs shaking, struggling to hold him up. His arms pressed against the wall along with his forehead. Drews mind goes blank as his eyes widen at the mark taking up Leon's back.
Leon hasn't taken his shirt off since returning. Drew hasn't seen his back atleast since he came back. Now he knows why. The massive mark of the undertaker is burnt into his toned back, along with some scratch marks. "Leon..." Drew whispers reaching for him. His heart aches as Leon flinches. "Sorry" Leon whispers as he allows drew to turn the shower off and help him out.
Drew examines his face. "You lied.." Drew whispers. Leon finally looks at him. "You said you were fine...your not. Your terrified leon" drew continues. "I don't want to die" Leon blurts out. Drew watches as the blue and green eyes fill with tears. "Im so god damn scared...I do not want to die, not again. I can't take it. I can't" Leon admits. Drew cups his face gently. "We need to talk to your dad." Drew tells him. "No I can do-" "Leon you clearly can't. He's still here, isn't he?" Drew asks. Leon just nods, grabbing drews shoulders for support as his legs tremble and shake. "Tomorrow. First thing" drew states. Leon once again just nods. "Okay. Now let's get you to bed." Drew sighs running his fingers through Leon's new long locks.
Taker examines the two men. A family meeting was called. And now his peaceful planned day has been flushed away.
He crosses his arms. "Speak or leave" he demands, getting a hit on the arm from Shawn. "Leon's not better" drew states. "I figured that. The kids in a wheelchair after a bike accident, that wasn't his own fault. He should be healed by now." Taker snarls. "Dad! Please." Leon snaps. Taker watches as drew helps Leon stand. "Its serious." Leon states pulling his shirt off. "Oh fuck" cassie gasps. "What the hell man!" John winces.
Taker moves around the boy and freezes. "Jesus" Shawn whispers as drew helps Leon sit. "You needed to come to me sooner. You said you handled it" Taker growls standing infront of him. "Dad please.." Leon sighs holding his head. "No! Not dad please! Do you know how reckless and stupid this is?!" Taker barks. "Im here now! Help me! Help me please!" Leon snaps. "I know what we have to do." Taker begins. Shawn glances at him. "But you ain't gonna like it" Taker adds. "No" Leon speaks straight away. "I don't wanna die dad. Please" Leon whispers lowering his head. "Not you, ministry. He just happens to need to die in your body" Taker corrects. "And how do we do that?" Drew asks causing Leon to look at him. "We have to put skelly to sleep. He's the only thing keeping ministry from taking Leon over" Taker admits.
Drew refuses to look at Leon as he thinks. "How do we do that?" Drew asks. "Drew?" Leon asks. Taker looks to the corner were Kane is stood. John glances at the man. "Have you been there the entire time?" He asks. Kane just smirks and taps a needle against his nose. "What is that?" Shawn asks as kane walks closer. Kane glances at his nephew as he holds the needle out to taker. "With this" Taker answers frews question as he accepts it. Drew looks at the needle. "What is it?" Drew asks. "Now I'm not answering that, because as kane will tell you, its very addictive." Taker admits as kane holds Leon's arm down.
"What?! No!" Leon barks hitting at kanes hands. Drew swallows nervously. "Say the word drew, and we do it. You don't want to? We will shut this down" Taker tells him. "Why me?" Drew asks. "Why not Leon?" He adds. "Because your the one who'll have to kill him. Because either way Leon loses himself, either way he dies. And I don't think he'll want it to be his Papa killing him" Taker explains. Shawns eyes widen as Drew looks at him. "He wouldn't." Drew whispers looking at Leon to be met with pleading eyes. "And if he does get addicted?" Drew asks. "Skelly will be awake enough to not allow that. And he won't be able to find it if he does have the addiction gene." Taker promises.
Drew takes a deep breathe. He grabs Leon's other arm and pins it to the chair. John stands behind the chair holding it steady. "Do it." Drew nods. "No! Dre-!" Leon cuts himself off with a growl and a groan as the needle is pushed into his arm. "Youll forgive us when this is all over" Taker murmurs as Leon's eyes shine purple, the pupil of his eye starting to turn red. Leon grits his teeth as the thick liquid is pushed into his veins. "How do you know this stuff is addictive?" Shawn asks. "Kane used to take it to feel human after what Paul did." Taker answers, keeping his eyes on Leon as he injects him.
"So how do we complete it?" Cassie asks quietly. Taker glances at Kane. Kane immediately smirks and nods. "A good old coffin match" Taker smiles. "We have to do it public?" Drew asks. "Its the only way you'll get close enough to ministry to do it. He's a sucker for public punishment." "Yeah tell me about it" Shawn mutters as cassie moves to him. Taker pulls back as Leon's body goes limp. He hands the needle back to kane. "Get rid of it." Taker orders. Kane nods and walks off. "Now. We all leave. And mention nothing around Leon or to him." Taker orders. Drew slowly let's Leon's arm go, watching how it falls into his lap, the way his head is limp, his chin against his collar bones.
He looks so peaceful...and that scares drew.
A hand on his shoulder brings him back. "Cmon" Shawn murmurs. Drew just nods and lets the man lead him out. He just hopes this was the right thing to do.
Drew finishes adjusting his kneepads when the gasps and mutters start. He glances to see Leon stood in the doorway. "Thought you were injured?" Roman asks. "I got better" he smirks. Drew straightens, immediately seeing the difference in leon-no, ministry. "Hey baby, where were you this morning?" Minsitry asks moving closer to drew. Sheamus raises an eyebrow at the man. Leon hated using the nickname baby, he stuck to darling and even then it was accidental.
"I had a meeting with Hunter. He wants us to have a match" drew explains. "Oh yeah? What kind?" Ministry asks leaning against drews locker. "A coffin match" the whole lockeroom falls quiet. Drew feels sick as a smile grows on Leon's face. "A coffin match?" He has a twisted tone in his voice as he pushes off the lockers. "Yep. I think it could be fun" drew shrugs, trying to play it cool. He flinches as Leon grabs his jaw. "Oh trust me baby, it'll be a world of fun" Ministry practically growls as he leans close. Drew frowns at him as best as he can with a smushed face. "Guess I better go talk to hunter" Leon smirks dropping his hand and slaunting out.
"What the fuck is wrong with him?" Sheamus asks. "Are you alright?" He adds. "You have no idea" drew whispers rubbing his jaw. He glances over to see Roman staring at him with knowing eyes.
It wouldn't shock drew if roman also knew that wasn't Leon.
It's not like they'll talk about it.
Drew feels nervous.
His eyes burn into the coffin as Leon's music hits and the fans go nuts.
Right...they think Leon's still bound to a chair.
Drew keeps his eyes on the coffin as Leon drives around the ring.
He finally looks up as the man steps into the ring. He watches ad he strips down. Drew looks at the confused faces as the sight of Leon's back. Leon turns to drop his jacket outside and drews eyes squint at the symbol. It's outline is glowing purple.
His jaw sets tight as Leon turns to him. Leon tilts his head and smiles at him as the bell rings.
Drew knows the plan. He just can't think about it too much.
The fight begins. And if drew didn't know it as a fact, you wouldn't of thought Leon has been in a bike accident. He's quick, steady and damn good.
Drew goes to deliver a chop when Leon catches his wrist. His eyes flash purple before drews pulled in close. "Hes not here to stop me this time" Ministry whispers against his ear. Drews eyes widen as he stares at the tron. It's zoomed in on them. "I can do anything I want to you. And no one can save you" Ministry growls before throwing him to the floor.
Drew grits his teeth as he lands on his wrist awkwardly. He turns to look over his shoulder, he looks at that damn smirk. "Bring it bitch" drew growls pushing up and tackling him.
He just has to get him weak snd in that damn coffin.
And takers taught him all the tricks.
Ministry's weaknesses are takers weaknesses.
Twenty minutes pass when the coffin is opened and drew has Leon on his knees, fingers tangled in those new long locks. "Please" Leon gasps. Drew clenches his jaw. That's not Leon. No. He pushes Leon into the coffin, pulling the lid shut and planting his foot on it as the bell rings.
He ignores the cheers and chants of the fans as he listens to the ring being torn open. He just holds his hand back. Taker places the locks into his hand and drew gets to work padlocking the coffin shut. "Cmon" Taker grunts climbing out of the ring. Drew jumps down and both, to everyone's confusion, push it up the ramp.
"Now remember, we can't stay once it begins." Taker tells him as kane walks onto the stage. Drew nods as they reach kane. Kane smiles and holds up the gasoline. Drew let's out a shakey breathe as Leon starts to pound on the coffin. "LET ME OUT! DREW! PLEASE!" "Dont listen to him" Taker growls. Drew rests his forehead against the coffin lid. "Forgive me my love." He whispers before straightening himself.
He takes the can and starts to pour it over the coffin. Kane and taker back away as drew gets to work. Kane looks at taker. 'Reckon he's got it?' Kane signs. "I know he does. He'll do the right thing" Taker mutters pulling Leon's lighter out of his pocket.
Drew let's a pained sob out as he throws the can at the coffin. He stumbles back towards taker who just holds the lighter out. Drew accepts it and glances down at the flip lighter. He runs his thumb over the carving on it. "Im sorry" he whispers as he flips it open. He stares at the flame.
As he stands alone on the stage, tears pouring down his face he drops the lighter. He steps back as flames build, and quickly. He bites his lower lip and nods as the coffin burns up.
"Make it back for me." Drew whispers before turning from the coffin and walking backstage.
He ignores everyone as he walks through the arena.
His mind and body has fallen numb.
Shawn glances at taker. "What happens now?" Shawn asks quietly. "He pulls it off. And if he doesn't ill bring him back and kill him myself." Taker mutters taking his hat off. Kane nods. "And drew?" Cassie asks. "Give him time. He's just killed his true love." Taker tells her. "But he will be okay? Ministry won't get angry and come back for him?" John asks. Taker looks at shawn. Shawns staring at the burning coffin. "No. We won't allow that." Taker mutters.
"Its all up to you now Leon."
What's this? A update?
In 2023?
Go me
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lunaraindrop · 2 years
Quentin stumbled as he dropped out of The Underworld's portal.
Trying his best to step carefully and not trip, he took in the red flashes of lightning.
"Jesus, this is some spooky shit."
As soon as he passed through the door that would have taken him to the Afterlife, he had been immediately pushed right back out by Hades himself.
Taking him back to Penny's office, Hades had given Q a Library book.
"Read this, and tell me what you think."
For seemed like both hours and minutes, Quentin perched different way, completely enthralled in this book.
This boy turned man's life, full of strife, struggle, and heartache, blossoming into one of the best, romantic, fun-filled lives he had ever seen. Found family, finding his soul mate, living happily into old age.
Despite him being a fantasy nerd like himself, so many things about this guy wistfully reminded Q of Eliot.
After reading, he closed the book with a sense of melancholy.
He was dead, now. He got to live a full, beautiful life with Eliot and their son, but he could never have that again. Unlike the guy in this book, who adopted five children with his husband, and ran a music store.
When Hades returned, Quentin held the book out.
"Umm, so, I finished reading? It was nice, but I'm not sure why you had me read it in the first place. Is there some-uh-lesson, or-or metaphor I am missing?"
Then Hades explained. Something happened that wasn't supposed to. The poor guy, who was promised a happy ending in his life's book, was cut short unexpectedly. He died young, in the arms of a friend.
"He tried to be brave, and sacrificed himself to save his friends."
Oh yeah. Shit. This was a metaphor.
Pushing that aside, Q got increasingly upset for the guy he just read about. Quentin did always connect with book characters.
"Wait, he died? How can that be? He's supposed to live into his 80's. He and his husband are supposed to be one of the first gay couples to get married in their state. They made history!"
"As it stands, Quentin Coldwater, unless there is intervention, he will be dead and stay dead."
"But that's not right!"
Hades actually smiled.
"Such conviction, for a man you don't know."
But Q did know. He had read his whole life's story. Despite never meeting him, he felt like a close friend.
"Perhaps something can be done."
Walking the squishy, disgusting earth, Quentin carefully searched the landscape around him.
The "thing that could be done" was to send Quentin back, alive and with his magic, to save the boy himself. Something about "righting two wrongs".
But if he failed...
If he failed, they were both dead. For good.
Quentin was still overwhelmed with the idea that he was alive again, and could just as easily die in this place without finding his charge.
He passed a trailer, and found someone on the ground in the distance.
Going down on his knees, he avoided the bodies of hundreds of...what looked like demon bats on steroids.
He knew what these were. They had been what crawled deep in the caves of the Forgetten Mountain in Fillory and Further. Juliet bats, Jane had called them, because their venom made a person appear dead, when in reality it paralyzed the victim.
Feeling for a pulse, Quentin sighed in relief when he felt a faint one.
He looked dead, but he was still alive.
Leaning over his face, Quentin started talking as he prepared to heal him as best as he could.
"Umm, hi! You don't know me, but my name is Quentin. I'm a... wait, you're a Dungeon Master! Okay, okay, so, uh, I have been sent to be your, ah, Cleric. I'm going to get us out of here so you can get you diploma and kiss Steve Harrington, okay?"
Eddie, who couldn't move, somehow managed to widen his eyes.
Holding his hands in front of him, Quentin winced.
"Sorry, spoilers. You'll get to that."
Remembering how he learned to use his, at the time, unknown discipline to heal Teddy's scrapes and boo boos, Quentin concentrated on mending the wounds.
While he did not heal him completely, he did managed to expell the venom and help the wounds not be as severe.
Wiping his brow, he offered the bemused man below him a hand.
"So, Eddie, right? How the fuck do we get out of here?"
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 08x07 A Little Slice of Kevin
“Is Kevin like a pie or something?” “Ok” “It was a very obvious demon” “He’s alone” “Not for long though I suppose” “Dean’s not going to say anything about Cas huh?” “Is he asking about new angels being born?” “I’m interested” “This place is a shit hole” “the fuck” “It’s going to be fkn Ruby or something, or do they know who Ruby is?” “uh huh” “We know things” “I don’t like these suits very much. I don’t think they look that good” 🎶You’re going crazy. Seeing some shit🎶
“Yeah he totally said something! Finally” “What’s the point of putting a light under the table? I feel like it’d glare. Maybe it’s part of the torture” “Jesus Christ” laughter
“She could actually read it?” “what the fuck” “The boys don’t really travel all over the world” “Wait. What the fuck” “Just pop in while you’re in the bathroom. No worries” “No” “I don’t know if I believe that shit” “Maybe take a fkn shower” “He makes a good hobo” “Well that ain’t obvious” “Wouldn’t he turn into a vampire at that point?” “I figured it’d leave his vessel behind. I guess it’s not really a vessel since it’s him” “He’s not telling anyone the story” “That was easy” Can we rewind? Dean moves his boner down
“Nooo” “Idk. I think he’s just stunned” “Maybe he’s trying to shield his crotch from radiation or something”
We watched the boner scene like 7 times “What did he do to her? Just evaporate her?” “That was a lot of breast on TV” “The fuck is up with that remote” “Like I’ve seen big remotes before but damn. They went out of their way to find that one” “Is she actually dead?” She just called the boys
“Fair enough” “Fuck yeah dude, and he’s not even dirty” “maybe a drop” “That was awesome” “Better get moving. Stop looking. Jesus Christ” “I mean it’s not like he wasn’t trying. I guess I don’t know” “How long have they been driving?” “They’re all very clean for driving however long” “Doesn’t he have to be underneath the symbol? Could he bounce out of the trunk now that it’s open?” “recalcitrant” “What a mom car. Is that some Nissan thing?” “Just going to let him bleed out in the trunk? Throw him out in the woods or something” “Unless they’re going to blow up the car or something” “No hard hats. No steel toes…that we know of” “I guess when did they ever care about safety before” “Why would a demon be walking around with black eyes like that? It makes it easy to spot” “That was pretty cool. Could have used that to a lot greater effect” laughter
“Just stare at the dude” “Doesn’t that mean there’s more than one tablet?” “That’s kinda funny” “So they broke it again. Does it auto-heal itself? I guess we’ll find out soon” 🎶that stone looks cracked🎶
“The fuck” “Jensen bumped his head on something” “Why the fuck would he do that?” “the fuck” “How is that possible?” “Is this like therapy?” “Something’s up. At least, Dean knows something’s up”
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