#Jimmy Donaldson x reader
saskiahaggens · 9 months
Can you write something about Jimmy x Reader? 👉🏼👈🏼
Of course I can, but I have to tell you that I dislike it… I'll most likely edit it later.
Most of you have probably noticed that I haven't uploaded anything in a long time. So, as a quick update, I by now am legally allowed to drive and I started my last year of school. I'm not sure how much I can upload, because our school year is quite short, but I will do my best to respond to all of the requests as soon as possible. Please accept my apologies for the long speech. I love you all for the appreciation. I wish you luck for school an work.
I Survived 50 Hours In America
Pairing: Jimmy x fem!Reader
Warnings: none I guess
Word count: 1586
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You weren't thrilled when Jimmy suggested going to Antarctica. It was frosty, very bright owing to the sun, and you wouldn't have a decent bed to sleep in. Obviously, you had to fly there, which you were not delighted about. But Jimmy asked you to come along, and who were you to refuse?
"You okay?" Chandler asked above the rumblings of the plain.
"Could be better. We should've brought hot chocolate."
After you mentioned that, Chandler pulled a sorrowful expression. You should have thought about it sooner.
Jimmy was on the other side of the plain, working with the others to prepare some great scenes for the video. You weren't assisting since you had your head buried under your jacket, so you couldn't look outside. Normally, you weren't terrified of heights, except when you sat in a plain that didn't appear or seem safe. They wanted to you wait on the plain after Jimmy left so you could get an amazing shot of you and the rest of the group approaching him.
It seemed simple until the guy in front of you stumbled. You weren't able to react quickly enough and fell face first as you stumbled over his foot.
"Gosh, Y/n." Chandler laughed when you landed in front of his feet.
While everyone else was laughing, he was kind enough to pull you up.
"Well, it's safe to say that the snow tastes nothing like vanilla ice cream."
"Is this something people believe?" Jimmy questioned as he tried to remove some snow off of you.
Chris shrugged, "I've never heard of anything like this."
"Whatever. You thought the moon was made of cheese until we were around thirteen," you rolled your eyes, while the others chuckled.
"As amusing as it is, guys." We should get started. Unless you want to be stuck in a blizzard," Jimmy reminded us, and we all groaned.
"I can't wait to freeze to death.", Chandler smiled.
Jimmy gave the pilot a wink and he took off. We started walking shortly after that. Everyone was hauling their sleighs behind them. George happened to be right next to you, chatting about who knows what. The blizzard made him incomprehensible. You attempted to explain it to him, but he didn't understand you either, so you just let him go on. When you arrived at the location for the camp, everyone began to set up their tents.
Some of you almost immediately realized that it was nearly impossible for them to set up a tent in this wind, so some of you began to build a wall to protect the camp from the wind. While it made things a little easier for you, George, Jimmy, and Karl kept assembling the tents.
Regardless of who went where, all of you instantly huddled in them when the blizzard intensified to wait it out, when you were finally done.
Finally, save from the cold wind and the snow flakes which felt like little needles picking your skin, you could take of your googles.
"This was disgusting," you said, referring to your soaked jacket and pants.
"Hopefully this will be over soon. It's rather crowded in here. Get your feet out of my face, Chris." Tareq muttered.
You hadn't realized how close you were to Jimmy, who was also in this tent. Blood shot to your cheeks, but you could at least blame it on the cold.
The tent's walls suddenly began to collapse and landed on you immediately. The air was filled with cursing and the never-ending shifting of the tent's fabric.
You attempted to pull the fabric aside so you would be able to see someone, but it was like trying to get to the short end of a blanked at night, since the wind pushed the fabric back in your face every few seconds. You began to panic, concerned about how hard it was being pressed in your face from time to time.
"Y/n? "Are you okay?"
You spotted Jimmy when the crimson fabric lifted off your head. He must have noticed your fear since he moved closer to you to raise the piece of fabric higher.
"Yeah. This was terrifying. Like a crimson avalanche."
"You told me about your Claustrophobia once. Sorry to bring you into this."
"Don't worry. I-"
"Y/n is scared by Santa Claus?"
"Chris really? They had a moment."
"What are you even talking about, Tareq?", you asked.
"Oh come on. Everybody knows you two are in love."
"Tareq really? Stop it."
"No way, Chris. This frustrates me. It's so clear, I mean. Jimmy spent hours last week reassembling some Oreo's for you since you had a horrible day and he knows you like the with stuff."
"Any friend would have done something like this." Jimmy denied.
"Okay, and how about yesterday? Y/n-"
"Okay! Tareq we get it.",you interfered.
"No, I'd like to know what happened yesterday. It had to be a very significant event for Tareq to snap. This didn't seem possible to me."
"Chris, I swear to god.", you threatened.
You were frightened since Jimmy wasn't speaking, but you were saved by the others just as you were going to glance at him.
"Is everything all right in there?" Karl asked as the entire tent rose up, revealing a beaming Chris, a still unhappy Tareq, and Karl who peered inside.
You grabbed your googles and exited the tent, unable to bear the humiliating experience. Karl worriedly yelled after you, but you quickly made your way around the wall and came to a halt after about three minutes. Maybe you should just go back home and swim. You'd definitely die within the first two or three hours, but this would be truly amazing right now.
You watched the guys from the distance, rebuild the tent, raise the wall, and put the sleighs' belongings in the tents, when Jimmy started walking in your direction.
You were out and about to just walk away further, but you would have to talk to him. For the sake of the others, otherwise this trip would be really difficult for everyone, and you have at least a little privacy right now.
Jimmy sat down next to you and said, "We need to talk."
"I know."
You then remained silent. How can you even begin such a discussion? Just tell him the truth? No, this isn't one of those stereotypical romance novels where one character rants about their feelings only to be interrupted by the other's kiss. This is the real deal.
"I'm sorry you had to find out this way.", Jimmy mumbled finally interrupting the silence.
"I somehow knew. Or at least I wished it was."
"So Tareq was right? You like me too?"
"How could I not."
Shortly the silence took over again, but now you were sure, if you won't finally speak up, you could end up ruining more than a potential relationship. "I've liked you for years, but even after finally admitting it to you and myself, I still don't feel relived."
"Probably because how it happened. Tareq deeply apologized . You should speak with him later. It will lift your mood."
"I still can't believe he snapped."
"I'm with you. I had no idea his voice could get this loud."
You laughed, and then there it was. The long-awaited sense of relief.
"Thank you."
Jimmy stared at you, perplexed, but you simply rested your head on his shoulder.
"For being here, for making me laugh or have I ever thanked you for giving me this job?"
"Like, a thousand times." He burst out laughing. "Hey, would you tell me what happened yesterday?"
"Promise you won't find it weird."
"I promise."
"I picked up Tareq. Well, when he got into my car, I had forgotten to change the playlist, and he found my worst secret."
"You love One Direction?"
"That's not what this is about... I think. Well, I have a playlist full of songs you might like or told me about."
"Okay. I don't see a problem."
"I labeled it 'Jimmy <3'"
"To be honest I think's cute. You need to show me when we get back." he laughed.
A bit embarrassed you took a hand full of snow and pushed at in his face.
"Oh, you will regret this."
He tossed some snow in your face and pushed you over. Naturally, you started defending yourself, but after a few minutes of rolling around in the snow, you gave up.
"All right, you've won. Please stop. I have so much snow in my jacked that I'm afraid I'll get frost bite."
Jimmy stopped, looking down at you, before he suddenly leaned down on his forearms, coming closer to your face.
"Oh yeah? Well there is nothing like giving up where I'm from."
You moved in close to kiss him, taking advantage of his proximity. Jimmy kissed you back, and you swapped places without his noticing. Using this new position, you threw some snow in his face and rushed back to your tent, shivering but glad that you finally got to kiss Jimmy, and by looking over your shoulder and seeing him still laying there, you knew this wasn't the last kiss you'd have.
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Mr Beast (Jimmy Donaldson)
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How to Navigate:
❤ Heart = Fluff  ★ Star = Taylor Swift Song Fic  ⬥ Diamond = My Favorite
Drivers License 
More Than Friends ❤ ⬥
Comfort ❤
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cranberrylovely · 1 year
Mr Beast x Y/n x SapNap (love triangle)
- You’re Chandler’s sister and his legacy of accidentally becoming a part of the Mr Beast crew is bestowed unto you.
I watched silently in the back seat as the rain hit the car window. Usually I would be in the front next to my brother, Chandler, but we were on the way to shoot a video with some of his friends. Nick was in my spot and I listened to the two of them talk.
“Probably like, ‘Last One to Let Go of the Lambo Gets the Lambo’ or something like that,” Nick said. They were trying to figure out what Jimmy’s new video was going to be.
“He did that already,” I muttered quietly. It was mostly to myself, but Nick turned around to face me.
“What? You keep tabs on him or something?” he asked teasingly as a grin spread across his lip. “Part of the notification gang?”
“Aren’t you in the dream SMP?” I shot back. His smile faded and I tried to hide mine. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Fuckin’ loser.” He turned back around.
Nick and I had known each other for a while. Ever since I turned 21, I’ve been getting more and more involved with helping out in Mr Beast videos. I haven’t been offered any sort of role yet. I usually just hang around until somebody needs something. Like an unpaid PA.
But since Chandler’s some hotshot now and hangs out with a bunch of YouTubers, I’ve met my fair share. Nick, or “SapNap”, is one of them. He’s probably the only one I’ve stayed in touch with, being the same age and all.
“If you’re really wondering what his plan might be, look at the facts,” I started. “Nick, you’re only featured in his videos when they’re special of start with the word ‘extreme’. So it’s probably something like that. Not ‘Last One touching the Lambo’.”
“Whatever, smartass,” Chandler said as we turned into the warehouse parking lot. I kicked the back of his seat.
“Isn’t he supposed to tell you guys in advance? You know, like… ask for your consent?” I asked. We pulled into a spot.
“Are you kidding?” Nick said, nearly laughing.
“Jimmy doesn’t give two shits about consent.” Chandler took the keys out of the ignition and turned back to face me. “Do you know how much he pays us just to be here?”
I didn’t answer. I couldn’t. If I guessed too low, I’d be pissed off that I didn’t get one buck for all the shit I’ve had to do. Coffee runs, lunch runs, dinner runs, you name it. If I guessed too high I’d look stupid. It was a lose/lose situation.
So I didn’t say anything and they just rolled their eyes at me.
I counted only 5 or so cars in the warehouse parking lot. Either this was an exclusive invite or 100 participants were packed into a clown car. Considering the secrecy of the whole ordeal, I assumed it was the first option. And I’d never been involved in one of their smaller videos before.
After getting out of the car, I hurried up to Nick’s side. “Sooo…” I started. “Are you sure I’m allowed to be here?”
“What do you mean?” he asked, glancing at me.
I shrugged. “I don’t know, I’ve always tagged along with Chandler, but I never get invited.”
“What are they gonna do? Kick you out?” He chuckled. “Jimmy’s mean, but he’s not that mean. Besides, if he says anything I’ll punch him.”
I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Yeah, right.”
“Don’t do that,” Chandler said from in front of us. “This is my job and I’ll be fired if you assault him.”
We walked into the lobby and met Chris in the front. He was wearing a stupid ass purple security uniform.
“What are you wearing?” Chandler asked.
Chris spun around. “What do you mean? I look great!”
“You look like the purple guy,” Nick commented.
Chris raised an eyebrow. “That’s the point?”
Nick and I exchanged glances.
“Did you guys not get the memo?” he continued. The three of us just stood in silence.
After an awkward 20 seconds I spoke. “Is it, like, FNAF themed?”
“Hell yeah!” Nolan said, joining us in the lobby. Tareq was beside him, multiple camera bags slung over his shoulder.
“Who else is here?” Chandler asked.
“It’s just us plus Nick,” Chris said. “Well, and another camera guy. Him and Jimmy are in the warehouse setting up the cameras.”
“I should go help out,” Tareq said, spinning on his heel and heading towards the entrance of the warehouse. “Y/n, you wanna come with? My shoulder’s starting to hurt and we could use a hand.”
“Sure,” I said, following him. Really, I wanted to ask where the fuck my paycheck was. You know, since everybody else was getting paid so much they didn’t even need to ask what the video was. But here I was, not a dollar richer. Mr Beast… what a philanthropist.
As soon as we stepped into the warehouse I could tell the video was gonna be sick. The set was huge and designed to look like a live action Five Nights at Freddy’s game. I couldn’t peel my eyes away from all of the detail as Tareq led me through the maze of fake hallways. I couldn’t wait to see what it looked like with the overhead lights off.
We found Jimmy and the other cameraman in the security office setting up hidden cameras.
“Yeah, right there,” Jimmy said, his arms crossed over his chest. He noticed us come in.
“Jimmy, this looks awesome!” I said, genuinely excited. Before then I had barely spoken to him other than to take orders for food.
He looked at me with a dead pan face, almost disappointed to see me. “Yeah, thanks,” he said shortly and took a camera on a tripod from Tareq. “This is charged, right?” he asked.
“Yeah, of course,” Tareq answered.
“Are you sure? Because last time you said that, the camera died half way in and we had to fill an hours worth of footage.”
“Man, that was one time,” Tareq objected, waving his hand defensively.
Jimmy laughed. “Relax,” he said soothingly and patted him on the arm. Then he looked at me and his smile faded. “You gonna do something useful, or what?”
“Well what do you want me to do?” I asked, a little flustered.
Jimmy took a bag from Tareq and practically threw it at me. I barely caught it and swung it over my shoulder. “Just get good clips.” He came over to me and placed a firm hand on my shoulder. I immediately tensed up. “This is your one and only chance, y/n,” he said in a deep, quiet voice. “So don’t fuck it up or you wont step another foot in this building again. Understood?”
“Yeah,” I whispered, blinking while I looked up at him. He towered over me. “Understood.”
He patted me on the shoulder, and left. I could only stare at the back of his head as he walked away, the other camera man following behind him.
After a moment I remembered Tareq was still in the room with me. I looked over at him and he snickered.
“What’s up with your face?” he asked.
I reached up to feel for anything that might have been on it and there was nothing. “What do you mean?”
“It’s so red,” he pointed out.
“Oh, that’s probably since I haven’t eaten today.” Which was a complete bullshit lie. MrBeast just threatened to fire me from a job I didn’t even have, of course I was going to be upset.
Before the whole “Last One to Survive Five Nights at Freddy’s Gets $100,000” ordeal, I found Nick in the Party Room portion of the fake pizzeria. I sat across from him and he looked up from his phone with a small smile toward me.
“Hey,” he said. I forced a smile back and set the uncased camera on the table.
“Where’s everyone else?” I asked. He looked around and shrugged.
“Jimmy said we could wander for a bit and get familiar with the set. Oh, and, they also said that the video was supposed to be a secret so don’t post or…”
“Yeah, I get it,” I said. Slowly, Nick’s gaze became worrisome.
“Are you okay?” he asked. I didn’t expect the question so it took me a second to respond.
“Well you seem out of it,” he said. “And… Tareq mentioned something that happened?”
I rolled my eyes. “It was nothing, just something stupid.”
“Y/n, you do know that you are more than welcome here, right?” He reached out and lightly touched the top of my hand.
I could feel my face heating up again.
There was a slightly awkward lull before Jimmy came in and everyone else practically paraded behind him. I immediately picked up my camera and stood up.
Karl was amongst the group, meaning that Chris lied. Then came Nolan, and Chandler, Chris, and Tareq. Jimmy turned to face us all.
“Okay, Tareq and y/n on the moving cameras,” he started, his eyes scanning the list on his phone. “We filmed the intro already, first up is Nick.”
The hustle picked up almost immediately. They put Nick in the security room, and everyone else got into costume. My job was simple enough. I had a certain amount of rooms I was in charge of and I had to stay out of the way of whoever was playing while simultaneously filming them.
The first 5 minutes were going good, since I was able to get some easy shots. But after another 5 of seeing absolutely nobody I started to worry. I was right beside the stage where the ‘animatronics’ were supposed to be in the beginning of the game, but by then all three of them had dispersed. I’d been alone for what felt like forever. Panic began to set in when I considered that I might be missing some important shots. I mean, we could always reenact something if we had to, they did it all the time on the channel. The only thing I truly had to face was Jimmy, and that made me feel uneasy.
I wandered a little bit out of bounds to see if I could find anyone. It was incredibly dark and I was squinting to see my feet. As I turned the corner I felt a warm body crash into mine and I screamed. A hand shot over my mouth. It was Jimmy.
“What the hell are you doing?” It was too dark to see his expression and he spoke quietly, but I could easily assess that he was upset.
I wanted to explain, but his hand lingered on my mouth, pressing me up against the wall. My heart was pounding from the jumpscare and continued the longer he held onto me. Voices grew closer and he put a finger to his lips.
“Guys, I could’ve sworn I just heard a scream,” Nick said to the camera in his dumb YouTube Entertainer voice.
“I think it was y/n.” That was Chandler. “Y/n!?” He called.
Jimmy backed up. “Laugh it off,” he ordered, leading me toward the voices. As if he were an activated toy he began to laugh when we ran into Nick and Chandler. “Y/n, tell them what just happened.” That’s when I saw Tareq with the camera, still filming.
“I literally didn’t hear anything for like 10 minutes,” I played along. “So I was looking for you guys and right when I turned the corner Jimmy jumped out at me. It was horrifying!”
“I thought she was SapNap,” Jimmy added and pointed to Nick. I’d never felt more threatened to laugh along with someone. It was like there was a gun to my head.
My heart was still pounding.
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lianaloverr · 8 months
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hiya guysss! this is my official masterlist.
i’m not comfortable writing
stuff i will write
who i write for
𖠘 (angst)
𝖪𝗎𝖻𝗓 𝖲𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗍𝗌
𝖲𝖺𝗆 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖢𝗈𝗅𝖻𝗒
𝖲𝖺𝗆 𝖦𝗈𝗅𝖻𝖺𝖼𝗁
𝖢𝗈𝗅𝖻𝗒 𝖡𝗋𝗈𝖼𝗄
Song Series
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deadqueerboys · 3 months
Lack of therapy is starting to feel like "what if I write fanfiction for Mr. Beast?" 🥴
Some of you know how sick (in the meaning of annoying) my content can be sometimes, so idk
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sliceof-rye · 2 days
This is actually the same fic w the name swapped (original is by @slutforgarlogan)
Also this fic:
by the same account was stolen from @fear-is-truth
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yettobedetermined7 · 2 years
Imagine going to the KCA with the Beast Gang
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KCA= Kids Choice Awards
Congrats Mr Beast on winning!
(Not sure who to really tag)
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quack42069 · 3 years
Nickname they give you - MrBeast Crew
MrBeast/Jimmy: Babe
Basic, but hey! It's outta love.
Karl Jacobs: Angel
You're his angel! Simple but adorable.
Chris Tyson: Doll
His accent is adorable when he calls you this and you always tell him and so that's kinda how the nickname stuck.
Chandler Hallow: Baby
Pretty basic, he calls you baby cause you always smile when he calls you it!
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prismasnotebook · 2 years
The Challenge & The Cheater (p1)
Summary: during a MrBeast challenge video, reader gets tough news
cw: fem reader
You were already on day two of the last to leave the circle challenge, and you had to pee significantly worse than you’d think, and you were tired. So freaking tired. It was no lie that the boys had way more experience than you, given they all, for the most part, seemed pretty relaxed.
“Alright, I’ve decided to have mercy,” Jimmy stated as he and Chris stepped into the room, “you get your phones for ten minutes, and ten minutes only. This is mostly because Karl’s brother keeps calling him.”
Chris passed your phone over and you furrowed your eyebrows at the amount of messages that were grouped together. You unlocked clicking on it all from your best friend. You thought maybe she was having a meltdown over something, and you were going to have to comfort her.
And, she was having a meltdown, to a degree, but she wasn’t the one that needed comforting. You were, especially after you say the photo.
For a second you couldn’t process it, but you sighed screenshotting it, and sending it to the jerk himself.
Hope she was worth it, lose my number
You shut off your phone and looked to Jimmy hoping that your voice wouldn’t break, because if it did the tears would follow.
“Can I trade my phone time for the ability to go to the bathroom without getting out,” you asked and he furrowed his eyebrows but turned to Chris. His best assumption was that you just wanted to be able to pee and weren’t going to do so in front of Karl and Tareq or the camera.
“So, you would be there and back, and your phone would stay with us,” Chris asked, ignoring Karl and Tareq’s complaints, and you nodded. “I don’t know, I guess that seems fair.”
“Alright, phone,” Jimmy stated holding out his hand and you passed it to him, and he nodded. You didn’t hesitate to make your way to the bathroom.
You peed like you said you would, but you couldn’t help, the way you finally let the tears brim over now that no one could see you.
You didn’t know why it hurt so bad. Sure you’d be together for awhile, but you didn’t love the guy. Sure, you enjoyed when you hung out with him sometimes, and it was nice to be able to go home to him, but you couldn’t actually see yourself spending your entire life with him.
You didn’t have time to sit there and figure it out, though because there was a knock at the door. “Jimmy said if your not back in the next minute your disqualified.”
“Yeah, coming,” you said, wiping your eyes and looking in the mirror, the redness would probably give you away but there wasn’t much you could do.
“You okay,” Karl asked, and you just gave a small smile.
“Yeah, girl stuff,” you lied, waving it off and Karl gave you a sympathetic look and he went to move closer to you but you shook your head so he stayed.
And, now, with the image of the guy that you were dating at the beginning of the challenge and making out with another girl was seared into your brain, the challenge suddenly got a lot more difficult.
My Masterlist
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thoughtfulwaffles · 5 years
Started With a Text
MrBeast x reader fic
Pretty much you're a pornstar and MrBeat shows quite an interest in you. (Will be a second part to this!)
*Y/S/N means your screen name*
You sat alone in your room, grazing through social media. The relentless nagging of sleep tugged at your eyelids as you scanned over each post. When you finally decide to give into the sleep whispering in your eyes you notice a blue tiger with a red lightning bolt on it's eye. The bright colors caught you attention. You save the unique tiger and place your phone on the charger in hopes you'd use that tiger for inspiration. You snuggle into you grey silk sheets and quickly gave into the slumber.
Dressing for these shows never pleased you. You were never embarrassed about the fact that you were practically a porn star. You started this because you never felt uncomfortable with your body and finding a job in southern California was harder then she thought. The only way people saw your body is if they paid for it on patreon. You knew there was perves out there but you didn't know they would pay so much to see you naked. You made enough money to pay your rent but other then that you're barely scraping by. 
You finish dressing in one of the red lingerie pieces on of your fans bought you. You sit down on your sheets and set up your laptop at the right angle. You make sure everything is in place before you hit record. You do your thing as usual.
After you finish you say your outro with a wink and end your recording. Before you upload any new video you check for any new subscribers to your patreon. You soon grew bored of looking at peoples accounts to see if they are safe to let them see you so you look through your existing subscribers. You look through the people who have your premium stuff and notice the familiar blue tiger. A flash of curiosity ran through your veins as you click on the profile. The name of the profile read Dan Lansing. You had a feeling that wasn't the actual name of the person behind the profile because most people don't want people knowing they pay to see naked women.
You go to google and search the logo. You find that it belong to a man that goes by MrBeast, a "famous" youtuber. After watching a couple of the videos you come to the conclusion that he is somewhat attractive. Looking at the profile, you decide that the person following you account is someone random. This 'MrBeast' guy doesn't seem like the type to pay for any kind of stuff like this. 
After uploading your video you put your computer away. The days in your one bedroom apartment are lonely. It;s the same routine almost everyday. Scroll through social media, eat, film a video, check comments, scroll through social media, eat then sleep. A very uneventful life. On special occasions you would have to leave to go get groceries or shop around for new toys when your fans wouldn't buy any. Sometimes your fans would send you the money then you would have to go out and look for the thing they want or you would glimpse the internet for it. You were pretty satisfied sitting on your couch at 10:30 pm the afternoon reading through comments people have left on your new video. 
Most of the comments on your videos are men telling you how sexy and gorgeous you looked or asking you to wear or do something in your next video. As you notice a comment by the blue tiger you get a message. Most messages are creepy men asking if they could fuck you and you always block those people. You were ready to hit the block button but you stopped midway. It was the blue tiger guy that had messaged you. Before you checked it you read his comment, "Please check your messages" it read. 
The blue tiger was in your message inbox. You figured he'd request a certain outfit or an action but what he actually asked left you in shock. "How would you feel about having a sugar daddy?" A little taken back you reread the message about ten times. You had hope that this was the famous youtuber that you've seen moments before. The chances of it being anyone else was very high but you let your heart fall into the little hole. Your life was very uneventful and to have this excited you. 
"Define sugar daddy." You decide to text back.
Within seconds there was a reply. "I'll fly you out and pay for anything you want if I get explicit nudes and the occasional fuck."
"Jesus he has balls." You mumble to yourself. The idea of someone else taking care of you and acting like a boyfriend peaked your interest. The whole patreon thing gave you a solid income for rent but you needed more to be living comfortably. You flip onto your back and type, "Who are you anyway? Doesn't seem safe for me to fly out to fuck a stranger."
"Does my profile pic look familiar to you?"
"I've done my research. Why would someone like MrBeast be paying for my stuff? Much less keep your profile pic the same."
"Would you believe me if I told you I was him?"
You inhale sharply as read the last message sent. A big part of you wanted to not fall for this trick and just not reply. Another part of you was tired of barely scraping by and wanted something new. "Prove it." You type.
Moments pass with no response. Putting your phone face down on your pillow, stretch and slide down you sheets onto the carpeted floor. You gather enough energy to get up and get something to eat. A shiver ran up your spine as you stepped onto the tile floor that made up your kitchen. You shuffle over over to your fridge and inspect the little food you have. Grabbing an orange, you shuffle back to your bed. 
A photo was sent to the chat. You were hesitant to open it but your curiosity got the best of you. A very groggy looking Jimmy was the photo. He wasn't wearing a shirt, his pale skin contrasting with his dark sheets. His hair was disheveled and his cheeks were a blushed pink. He must be embarrassed about what he was asking. His eyes were halfway closed and his lips were barely in a smile. The picture didn't look stolen or screenshotted. You still had your doubts. "How is that proof."
 "Tell me how to prove it to you."
"Give me your phone number." You took a moment before you hit send. You figured that it would be hard to imitate MrBeast's voice and you could always FaceTime.
A string of numbers was sent. You stare at the numbers for a moment, convincing yourself that this was him. Your thumb hovered over the numbers before copying and pasting it to your call logs. Would it be rude if I FaceTimed first? You thought to yourself. You hit the FaceTime button, deciding that it was more believable if you could see his face.
The familiar voomff was heard and a tired looking Jimmy appeared on your phone screen. 
"Oh wow it's really you." You heard his southern accent through your phone speakers. He looked exactly like the photo he sent.
"What do you mean it's really me?" You say as casually as possible. It occurred to you that he may not have ever heard your actual voice since your videos are mostly you moaning and talking in what you like to call "your baby voice".
"Like... I've been watching your videos for a while now and... you're the only one that I've had any really interest in. It's almost 1 am and I'm so tired but I wanted to take my shot with you. And... you did. I honestly though you'd block me." He ended his spiel with an embarrassed smile. 
Speechless, you tried to muster up words. Why haven't I ever noticed him before? You wonder. "So you want to be my sugar daddy?" You chuckle.
"I wanted to get your attention." The man's cheeks blushed a rose pink as he rolled into his pillow.
"So you opted with sugar daddy?"
"Okay, okay. I did like the idea of having you around. I'll pay whatever you want. I'll provide necessities and housing. I just have this strong feeling to have you around Y/S/N."
Your heart fluttered. It was weird having him call you by your screen name but it still hit you in a way you've never felt before. "Aren't you worried I'll post this on Twitter and damage your career?"
"With the price I'm willing to pay you'll keep your pretty mouth shut." He said it absent mindlessly, the sleep crawling up and slowly taking him. "Plus, you don't seem like the type."
"Huh... Don't see why not."
Jimmy's brown eyes flashed open for a split second then relaxed once again. He was clearly falling asleep. "Was that a yes?" He said groggily. 
"Great. I'll text you with details in the morning. Goodnight love."
With an eye roll, you reply. "Goodnight,"
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saskiahaggens · 2 years
I Didn't Eat Food For 30 Days
Part two of "Surprise"
Pairing: Jimmy x fem!Reader
Warnings: I think the title already told you
Word count: 1930
Please remember that English is not my first language, so please don't kill me.
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"We are not eating any food for the next thirty days.", Jimmy announced in his video. 
To be honest, you didn't like the idea very much, even though it was your idea. But Jimmy and you have gained some weight in the last few months. It wouldn't normally be a problem because none of you cared about your weight as long as it wasn't too unhealthy... and if it wasn't for your marriage. Your plan was to marry in December, the thirty-first to be exact. Everything was planned and ready, but it didn't work out in the end. Jimmy had been out filming a few days before. Normally he should have arrived two days before the wedding, but his flight back got canceled, and you didn't want him to film his next video without sleep in between. So you canceled the wedding and planned a new one. The only problem is that your wedding dress doesn't fit you anymore because of the last few weeks filled with stress and fast food.
Jimmy didn't want to let you suffer alone, so he insisted on doing the diet with you, but you had a better idea. "We could renounce food for a month and make a video about this." Of course, you regreted the idea as soon as the words left your mouth. But Jimmy and his team suffered a leak of video ideas, so he accepted the idea without further ado.
So, while Jimmy weighs 220 pounds, you weigh 190 pounds. It was definitely time to lose some weight. At least enough to fit into your wedding dress again, because you didn't want to buy a new one. Finding the first one was hard enough. Either they didn't fit and were uncomfortable, or something about the design bothered you.
"And if we, for any reason, eat food in the next thirty days. Chris, you get to shave our heads.", Jimmy instructed.
You didn't like this part at all, but it just made you win even more.
We got rid of all the food in our house so we could have a chance to win this challenge. I also planned on not doing so much, excapt filming with Jimmy, so you bought yourself some books to read.
"How hungry are you?", Jimmy asked you that night, after shutting off his camera and rolling over to your side of the bed."
Never been hungrier, but then I remember the punishment and I'm full.", you mumbled and cuddled into his chest.
"Yeah, sorry for that, but it's a great motivation for us.", Jimmy smiled, pulling you closer.
"I hope so . Good night, I love you, Jimmy."
"I love you too. Sleep tight."
You almost gave in so many times, but you could control yourself. It wasn't even the hunger anymore; you didn't felt that after the second day anymore. It was the constant tiredness, headaches, and filming every day. But you weren't complaining, because Jimmy had it much worse. While you didn't had to stand in front of the camera the whole time, he had to film, so it may have taken more than one time, because of his tiredness.
"Are you okay?", Karl asked you some day.
You were sleeping on the grass on the chocolate factory set. Your head hurt earlier that day, so you laid down and closed your eyes for a bit. Maybe for a bit longer than planned."
Did I sleep in? How late is it? Am I in the way?", you asked, slightly panicked.
"Don't worry, you can stay there. Jimmy was just worried. Do you want a check up?"
He sat down next to you, while you were rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You noticed Jimmy at the end of the room looking at you, so you waved him slightly.
"No, I'm alright. Just a headache. Maybe I will get used to it at some point."
You are a week in, Y/n. Sorry, but I don't think you will get used to it. Maybe you should go home for today. Take Jimmy with you and get some rest."
"Thank you, Karl."
"No problem, Y/n. I'm excited to see you in your dress.", he winked and waved you goodbye.
Even if they don't act like that in front of the camera, all those boys were supporting you and Jimmy in what you were doing.
Fourteen days in and our stomach was still empty. We flew out to film a video, with Gordon Ramsay and the tiredness never went away.
"I want to eat so bad.", Jimmy, sighed on the set.
"Me too, but I don't want to be bold on our wedding day. But I hope you know that you can eat if you want. The pictures would be funny."
"It is really tempting, but the same goes for you. Imagine the story we can tell our kids one day."
"Our kids? Are you planning the next video now?"
Jimmy laughed and kissed your head.
"Jimmy we want to start filming now!", Chandler yelled from the next room.
"Good luck and don't eat too much."
"Ha ha."
While Jimmy had to shave his head at the end of the day, you hadn't. Still, he never ate in front of you and supported you in any way he could. You also had to admit you liked his short hair, and touching it made it even better.
"Do you need something?", he asked and stroked your head.
It was day twenty-five by now, and you didn't know how you were still doing this. You've only got up by now to weigh yourself or go to the toilet. It's not like you wanted to do anything else, except sleep, watch videos, and sometimes read. But it was hard to focus on the story line when you hadn't eaten for almost a month.
"No. Not as long as you can get me something to eat without having to shave my head."
Well, I don't think that would be possible, but you almost did it. Only five days left."
"Five days is five too many, if you ask me. But it's not even worth giving up now.""
That's the right spirit, beautiful. But don't think about the punishment. "Think about how beautiful you'll look in your gown," he said as he pulled you in for a hug.
Yeah, you are right. Oh, I know something you can do. Could you get my charger from the living room?"
"Of course. I'm proud of you Y/n, you are so much stronger than me.
"Well, if chilling in bed counts as strength, then yes."
You spend some time watching the video Jimmy made when he proposed to you, and just out of curiosity, you read some comments. It was fun to read the comments from Dream and your other friends and all the other nice comments, but of course some needed to stand out. That's why you only read them now.
This is so staged. Even if it wasn't, if I were Y/n I would have left Jimmy. How annoying it must be to always have a camera around.'
You laughed a bit at this comment. Obviously they just wanted to be noticed or didn't watch the video completely. Jimmy explained in the end, that he always asks me if he could upload such videos. It's not like it's bothering me. I know he loves what he is doing, and I don't want to be in the way of anything, but I sometimes ask him to cut some scenes out. To be honest, I really would have thought there would be more negative comments, but there weren't any. Except these ones.
"What are you doing?", Jimmy asked and laid down next to you.
He was never a fan of you reading comments, because of the hate you sometimes get, but you do it anyway. The jealousy of other people doesn't bother you anymore. All the people you care about will love you like you are, and that is all you need. Of course, you needed to learn this at first, but after that you could even read hate comments without a problem.
“I read some comments about your proposing video.”, you told him the truth.
He wasn’t happy about this, but he was not mad, either. He knows you can handle the comments by now, so he leaned over to read something with you.
“Did you delete some, or are your fan girls finally warming up to me?”, you asked, smiling.
“Maybe they noticed I would never leave you and finally gave up.”, he suggested and kissed your head.
“PewDiePie commented too, you know?”, you smiled and showed him the comment.
You need to hold your laughter when you saw Jimmy react. He was so happy.
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prettytoxicrevolver · 2 years
Comfort | Jimmy Donaldson 
Requested? By an anon!!! Finally!!!
Warnings? A lil sadness
Summary: After getting bad news, Jimmy does his best to cheer you up.
Word Count: 1,087
“Jimmy!!” you scream at the top of your lungs. 
You rush downstairs, whipping around trying to find your boyfriend on the expansive first floor of his house, and run towards the living room when you spot him lying back on the couch. He sits up just as you enter the room, a concerned look flooding his features. 
“Baby?” he asks, leaning forward like he’s about to get up but instead, your body crashes into his, your laptop shoved into his hands. 
“Click on it,” you tell him, leaning back and bringing a manicured fingernail to your lips. You chew on the acrylic nervously, watching as Jimmy’s eyes scan the email you had placed in front of him. 
“Is this…” he trails off and when his eyes meet yours you nod, fidgeting slightly from his gaze. 
“Baby, you gotta open it,” he tells you trying to hand your laptop back but you don’t budge. 
“Jimmy if I open it and it’s not what I want, I will start crying and flailing and causing a scene and break my laptop and I can’t handle rejection well you know I can’t so,” you trail off and your boyfriend pulls your laptop back to him. 
You had been applying to graduate school for months, picking as many North Carolina schools as you could in hopes of further pursuing your career. Your top choice? University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. 
Ironically, it was the place where you and Jimmy first met. Both on a field trip to different colleges in the state, you had literally run into him. The two of you chatted for a bit, exchanging snapchat’s before being pulled away by your separate schools. Ultimately, the two of you would become best friends and then more very quickly. 
For college, you had gone to Clemson University, a long line of family had gone there as well and truly you did love the college. Jimmy would visit every weekend and you’d come up when you could. However, now that you were headed to graduate school you wanted to be closer to home. 
You had done well in college, B’s and A’s marked most of your semesters, and dean's list followed right along. You figured you would get into UNC Chapel Hill with ease and be able to enjoy the best of both worlds at home. Still, you were too nervous to open the email that decided your fate. 
“Whatever happens, it’ll be okay,” he reassures, squeezing your knee before moving to open the email. 
You bounce anxiously, watching Jimmy’s expression just barely flicker as he reads through the message. He finally looks at you, not saying anything but simply handing your laptop back to you. Your heart sinks, knowing nothing good was going to come from the quiet. You take the computer, finally building the courage to read through the email. 
“Though the committee therefore determined we are not able to offer you admission…” 
Your eyes blur instantly, unable to continue reading. Jimmy slides the laptop out of your hands, carefully placing it on the coffee table in front of you. He pulls your body fully into his, your legs wrapped around his waist, arms tucked against his chest as he pulls you in till your head falls onto his shoulder. 
You ugly cry into Jimmy’s shoulder shocked that you had been rejected from your top school. You didn’t know for certain that you would get in, but you had unfortunately high hopes. Your confidence was at a complete bust and at this point, you didn’t think you had any chance of getting into a single school. You were starting to wonder how you got into Clemson at all. 
“I suck,” you whimper out and Jimmy shakes his head. 
“None of that,” he tells you, pulling back to look into your eyes. 
“You are the smartest girl I know,” he starts, reaching a hand up to run it delicately over your cheek.  “That school is dumb for not accepting you. You could apply to Yale and they would take you in a heartbeat.” 
You giggle, sniffling just barely as you wipe away a stray tear from your eye. Jimmy reaches both hands up, wiping away each tear that falls and letting you cry until your sobs have slowed. 
“Hey,” he says, pulling your chin so you look at him. 
“You know you can get into any school you want. It doesn’t have to be Chapel Hill. You could go back to Clemson, take a gap year, go to one of your other choices, this isn’t the only way.” 
“How do you always know what to say?” you ask, leaning your head onto his chest.
“Lucky guess,” he jokes, pressing a kiss to your head. 
“No seriously,” you say. “Don’t sell yourself short. You’re the best.” 
Jimmy holds you tight, pulling you into him as he reaches to turn on your favorite show. He cuddles you, pressing kisses to your head and running loving hands up and down your back until you drift to sleep. 
When you wake up in the morning, you forget what happened for a minute until it floods over you relentlessly. You sigh, pushing yourself farther back into the mattress and thinking about how you really didn’t want to move for the rest of the day. 
You roll onto your side, expecting Jimmy’s sleeping figure next to you but come up empty. Just as you sit up and grab your phone, the door swings open and Jimmy steps in with a sheepish look on his face. 
“Did I wake you?” he asks nervously. 
“No no,” you reassure him. 
“I brought food,” he says, holding up a drink in one hand and a bag of food from your favorite restaurant in the other. 
You make grabby hands until Jimmy sits in front of you, legs crossed and bumping against yours as he pulls the food out and separates it. 
“Thank you,” you say, grabbing the final piece of food and leaning in to peck his lips. 
“I figured you’d wake up sad so I wanted to get you something to make you feel better.” 
You pout at the man before you, the one that has stolen your heart and refuses to give it back. The one who knows you through and through. The one that was thoughtful enough to make sure you woke up in a decent mood. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you,” he says, squeezing your knee and kissing your cheek before devouring the food he bought. 
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prettytoxicrevolver · 3 years
More Than Friends | Jimmy Donaldson
Requested? Nope
Warnings? None?? Maybe??
Summary: You and Jimmy have been friends with benefits to try and get over other people. However, the unexpected happens when you fall for each other.
Word Count: 1,710
You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing, a groan escaping your lips as your eyes flutter open to grab it and lazily slide it open.
“Hello?” you answer groggily.
“(y/n)!” you hear Karl’s voice greet you cheerily and your heart stutters.
“Yes?” you ask still only half awake.
“You know you’re supposed to be shooting a video right now?”
“You know my car broke down and I have no way of getting to the shoot right?” you ask and Karl oh’s at your response.
“I can come to pick you up! We’ll make it a mini adventure!” he says and you nod even though he can’t see you.
“Yes please.”
You drag yourself out of bed, getting dressed in a semi-decent outfit, and wait for Karl to pull up. Your nerves had started to get to you, as you bounce your leg unknowingly, sitting atop your doorstep. You watch as Karl’s Tesla pulls up and you make your way over to it.
“Good morning!” he cheers when you get inside.
You had been half asleep the entire time waiting for him but being in his presence was an instant wake-up. Karl always had that effect on you, giving you more energy than you thought you could possibly have.
“Redbull?” he asks, handing you your favorite drink and you gasp.
“You truly are my favorite person.”
The rest of the drive feels quick, your nerves growing for another reason. You hated being late to shoots and had totally forgotten to text Jimmy that your car broke down last night. You prided yourself in being as professional as possible in any job you took even if you were working with some of your closest friends.
When you get to the shoot, Karl leads you to where the boys are shooting and you instantly hear Jimmy’s voice. You and Karl round the corner and watch quietly as he talks.
Your eyes trail over to Jimmy like they’re trained to find him in any room. His eyes meet yours, still speaking animatedly but keeping his stare even with you. You both break when he turns to look at someone else and you feel the same familiar fire spark through you.
When the bit ends, Jimmy’s eyes are back on you as he makes his way over to you. You falter under his gaze, the same one he always pierces you with. As he nears, you try not to let the same shallow breath paralyze you.
“(y/n),” he calls with a cool air about him.
“Sorry I'm late,” you say and he leans down until he’s next to your ear.
“We’ll talk later darling,” he says and your breath hitches.
Before you can respond, Karl bounces over with a bright smile and an explanation on your behalf that your car had broken down.
“Oh! Do you want me to drive you home?” he asks and Jimmy casts a glance at you.
“Nah I can take her man,” Jimmy says and you half want to roll your eyes at the two men but are also grateful for them helping you.
“Thanks, Jimmy,” you smile up at him but all he does is throw a wink at you when Karl turns away.
You and Jimmy Donaldson, infamously known as Mr Beast, had a complicated relationship. In short, he annoyed the fuck out of you. In long, he was your best friend of over 5 years now. You had met him just as he started Mr beast and you had always helped him as much as possible.
Now, you two had a slightly different friendship. Jimmy had been trying to get over his relationship with Maddy, his ex of 2 years. You were trying to get over Karl, a boy you knew was super close to getting a girlfriend and probably had no interest in you at all.
It happened by accident, you were hanging out, discussing your mutual frustration of trying to get over people you couldn’t seem to get over.
“This sucks,” you concluded.
Your arm was on the back of the couch, head propped into your hand. You gazed at your best friend as he nodded slowly. His hand lands on your knee, his thumb slowly rubbing back and forth against the exposed skin.
His touch sends shockwaves through you and you can’t help but shuffle forward at the contact. Your legs end up on top of his, his hand coming up to run down your arm. He takes his hand in yours, pulling you even closer.
In the silence your heads come together, foreheads touching and your heart pounds hard. His lips ghost over yours, electricity pulling the breath from your lungs and silencing any thought you may have had at the moment. When his lips finally connect to yours, a quiet squeak lets out at the contact, shocking you as fire spreads through you.
His hands trail down from your arms to your waist, moving you back until you fall back on the couch. Your arms circle his neck, pulling him in as close as possible. His legs slot perfectly with yours, a satisfied moan leaving your lips.
You woke up the next morning, forgetting the previous night's events. You tried to get up, and upon feeling a weight on your hips everything floods back to you at once. You turn to see Jimmy next to you, his shirtless chest, rising and falling slowly.
When he woke up, the two of you had decided that you didn’t want to ruin the friendship or the work relationship. However, you loved last night's events and wouldn’t be opposed to repeating them again. You had decided on friends with benefits and eventually worked out all the details.
That was a few months ago, and now you both were still in the same situation. You always went to each other when you needed a distraction, advice, anything. It always helped to have someone there for you.
The shoot goes by pretty fast, your mind somewhere else the entire time. You drifted in your thoughts about Karl, how he was perfect, how fast your heart was going when he gave you a smile, everything about him. Your mind wandered around the thoughts of Karl making you miss the look Jimmy had been giving you.
Jimmy couldn’t stop thinking about you. At first, he claimed that he was trying to get over Maddy. It was true, his heart ached at the mere thought of his recent ex-girlfriend but regardless the more time he spent with you, the more his heart ached for a different reason.
Every longing glance, every shared touch, every last word had him reeling for days. He tried to brush it off, claiming he was calm and collected and all you were to him was a friend with benefits. And yet, you were driving him crazy without even knowing it.
“Ready to go?” Jimmy asks and you turn to look at him.
“Anytime,” you say offering a smile.
You bid goodbye to Karl and head towards Jimmy’s car, the two of you in a comfortable silence all the way to your apartment. When you get to the complex, Jimmy parks and you both cast a glance at each other.
“Want to come in?” you ask.
Jimmy nods and the two of you head into your apartment. You head straight for your room, changing into something comfortable. As you do, you tell Jimmy to relax and watch as he takes a seat in the living room. You come back out, clad in a big t-shirt, and shorts that are hidden.
“Hey,” Jimmy calls and you smile lightly making your way over to him.
He pulls you close by your hand, and your legs slot together. His hand slips from yours and cups the back of your thigh, a mischievous smile gracing his lips.
“Hi,” you whisper, a strange sense of electricity flowing through you.
“Hi,” he reciprocates.
His other hand cups your other leg, effectively pulling you in until you’re straddling his lap. Your hands fall onto his shoulders, trailing up and down his chest and your eyes follow the movement. You avoid his eyes, knowing your heart might stop if you make eye contact.
“(y/n)?” he finally says and you look up.
Your eyes gaze into his stunning green ones, your heart stuttering at the look you share. Neither of you says a word, slowly moving closer until his lips are on yours and you’re numb from how fast your heart is going. The kiss is slow, with no urgency or need behind it, just passion and something else you can’t place.
Before you know it, Jimmy stands and you wrap your legs around his waist instinctively. You break the kiss for a moment as he starts to move, but your lips find each other quickly. You end up in your room, landing on the bed with a soft thud, and Jimmy crawls over you slowly.
Your nerves grow as he moves, this time is different than all the other times. Something in the air charged with tension, electricity, and you’re shaking with anticipation.
The issue with being friends with benefits with your best friend is you might end up falling in love with him. Which you seemed to be doing. You couldn’t help it, every night spent together, every day working together, every phone call, text message, everything was sent straight to your heart and your feelings for Karl were gone in no time and replaced with feelings for Jimmy.
“Jimmy?” you whisper and he stops, looking at you.
You try to get out the words, any form of expressing you wanted something different, and suddenly you’re dumbstruck and no words seem to be escaping.
“I like you,” Jimmy tells you.
“You-” you begin.
“I know I said I was getting over Maddy and I was and now I am but that was because of you and now I fell for you and-”
“Jimmy,” you state and he finally looks at you.
“I like you too.”
He smiles, that amazing and perfectly charming smile, and your heart stops. He leans down pressing a long kiss to your lips with no urgency, simple passion making you fall more for him.
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prettytoxicrevolver · 3 years
Explanation | Jimmy Donaldson
Requested? yes! I hope you enjoy it @banana-tree-freddiemercury and @classyunknownlover
Warnings? None?
Summary: After some wise words from Chandler and a lot of driving and thinking, you decide to give Jimmy an explanation.
Word Count: 1,007
Part one is here
You pull away, Chandler reaching up to push away your tears with his thumb and you offer a sad smile to the brunette. You hated always going to him like this, especially when you were crying over his best friend. It felt selfish and unimportant.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize, lifting a hand to wipe away the remaining tears.
“Darlin, have you ever asked Jimmy what happened that day?” he asks carefully and you look up at Chandler with a confused look.
He leads you inside his house, the two of you taking seats in the living room next to each other. You look over at Chandler as he tries to form the words for what he wants to say to you.
“Did you ever talk to Jimmy about what happened?” he asks and you shake your head.
“Baby, me and you are best friends. And Jimmy was always fine with it. Why didn’t you offer Jimmy the same thing? Or at least an explanation?”
You were pretty certain Chandler had held this back ever since your breakup with his best friend. It was a good question, after that day you saw him with that girl you just ended it and never really got an explanation. You knew deep down it was selfish and you were going for self-preservation but you couldn’t help it. You were scared.
“I was scared Chan,” you admit. “He’s practically perfect and I’m me.”
“Darlin, he loves you. Tell him everything and I promise you’ll feel a lot better.”
You lift your head and look over at the older boy, knowing he’s right and wishing you had heard this earlier. He knew Jimmy as well, maybe even better than you did and to know he had held this in the entire time made you feel even more selfish. You had been crying about his best friend when your best friend could have told you to stop being so dumb.
“When did you get so wise?” you ask and the two of you giggle lightly.
You leave Chandler’s house, deciding to drive around for a while. You try to distract yourself from the thoughts and memories flooded with Jimmy but to no avail, he was all you could think of. You decided to give yourself a few days to think through, not wanting to make an idiot of yourself if you did talk to Jimmy.
Over the next few days, you ended up driving a ton. Partially because you wanted the practice and partially because it helped you think. Driving had become such second nature to you so quickly it was easy to get lost in your town, listening to quiet music and thinking and re-thinking the situation with Jimmy over and over.
Chandler was right; you never gave Jimmy a chance to explain himself. He could have been filming a video, the girl could have been a close friend, you could have honestly thought of a million excuses Jimmy could have given you and you would have taken any of them. But it all boiled down to the fact that you were scared, and subconsciously you thought this was your way out.
But Jimmy was still your best friend, your first love, and he deserved better than this. You wanted to apologize at the very least, even if it couldn’t save your relationship you wanted him to know you reacted too quickly out of fear and hear him out.
As you continue to drive and think, you don’t even realize you’re headed towards Jimmy’s house until the street names start to look familiar. Your nerves grow as you make your way to his house, knowing there was no turning back now. You had to do this for him and for you or else you would never do it.
You pull up in his driveway and shut off your car. You stare up at the familiar house, a million memories flooding straight through you. Your anxiety spikes but you will yourself out of the car regardless. You make your way up the steps before knocking quietly on the door and waiting.
When Jimmy steps out, your heart sits on top of your sleeve, clear as day. It beats uncontrollably, yearning for your best friend but cowers at the idea of getting stomped on.
“(y/n)?” Jimmy asks as if he can’t believe you're here.
“I just wanted to apologize,” you start and you know the minute you start talking you’ll spill everything to him like you always have. He had always had that effect on you and the minute his blue eyes gaze over yours the same thing takes place.
“I should have asked you who that girl was. I should have stopped and listened and trusted you. I was terrified that one day you’d leave and break my heart and I guess I did it for you without any context and neither one of us deserved that but you deserved an apology from someone who fucked up prematurely and-“
“(y/n)?” Jimmy asks again, stopping you midway through your rant apology.
“You drove here?” he asks, his eyes drifting over to the unfamiliar vehicle behind you.
“Uh yeah, I got my license recently.”
“You drove all the way here to tell me this?” he continues and now you’re the one confused.
“Of course. You deserve an explanation as to why I ended things so quick,” you explain.
Jimmy drops his head, and from what you can tell a ghost of a smile appears on his lips. He shakes his head, before pulling you in by your waist taking you by surprise.
“You’re dumb you know that?”
Before you can respond, Jimmy dips his head down, pressing his lips against yours. The wind is knocked out of you, your heart soaring instead of falling this time. You pull away only when you’re both out of breath and Jimmy rests his forehead on yours.
“I’ll always love you, you know that right?” he asks.
“Always,” you repeat.
“Wanna go for a drive and talk?”
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prismasnotebook · 2 years
Mother Knows Best - MrBeast
Summary: Reader and Jimmy set up a video to surprise readers mom, and maybe there’s more at play then anyone wants to admit
       "Alright, guys for today's video we're going to be surprising my best friends mom, Noreen, with an entire home makeover," Jimmy explained to the camera and you gave a slightly nervous smile and thumbs up.
        "Hey, I thought I was your best friend," Chris called causing you to grin, and Jimmy shrugged.
       "Who said I can't have more than one best friend?"
       "Fine, whatever if you're just going to be throwing the title around so loosely," Chris complained causing your grin to widen and Jimmy to shake his head some.
         "Anyway, basically I'm going to be telling Noreen that we've been together for awhile now and that I'm planning on proposing, and need her to work as a distraction. In reality, we'll be completely redoing her house."
         "How do you think she's going to react," Chris asked and you shrugged.
         "Well, she's been very not so subtly trying to convince Jimmy to date me since middle school, so I think she'll be mad about that, but I think she'll love makeover."
         "Alright, well let's get to it," Jimmy said and Tareq cut the camera.
         "I can't wait to see your mom, it's been forever," Jimmy said and you rolled your eyes.
         "It's been like two months, Jimmy. So, I'm supposed to be convincing my mom that I think we're filming another video right? And, she supposed to be thinking you lied to me about it to keep me in the dark?"
         "Yes. And, in reality we'll be making over her house."
         You nodded your head letting out a huff. Videos like this were always nice because they surprised the person, but the layers to it could get confusing.
         You guys made your way to the house, splitting up once you got there, you pretending to be in the dark about a proposal while you distracted your mom.
        "Alright guys, so my mom is now in the store, I told her to go ahead and get a cart while I parked. Basically, she is under the impression that I'm finding stuff for another video and that she's supposed to keep me in the store until Jimmy is ready to 'propose'," you said into the camera that Karl was holding.
           The two of you made your way into the store trying to find the most absurd things, Karl following giggling at her responses to needing things like 'as much gorilla glue as you can find. I mean tons of it.'
            "So, when we're you going to tell me that you and Jimmy were finally together," she asked while you guys were looking at different car batteries.
            "How do you know about that," you asked, with a small grin, now was the real test to see if she could keep a secret.
             "Jimmy told me obviously. Figured you didn't because you didn't want to hear the I told you so's. But, I did tell you."
             "You know they'd get together," Karl asked egging on the conversation.
             "Of course, I did. You should've seen them when they were in middle school. Both always red faced at every little contact and compliment. It was adorable."
             "Mom," you complained and she rolled her eyes looking to Karl.
            "That the face of someone whose embarrassed because it's true," your mom stated, and you covered your face, letting your head fall against the shelf.
            Embarrassing stories, and shopping ensued for hours longer before Jimmy finally sent a text saying that everything was ready.
            You got the three of you out of there as quick as possible knowing Karl and whoever was editing this video had way more dirt on you then one person was ever going to need.
            "Oh, there's Jimmy and your little friends," your mom stated, and there was probably partial surprise but not that much.
            Jimmy gave her a quick hug and your dad was basically jumping on his heels excited for your moms surprise.
           "Alright, before we go in there's something we have to admit," Jimmy stated, and you sighed causing your mom to look at you with concern.
           "Jimmy and I aren't together, there's no proposal," you explained and her mouth dropped hands automatically finding her way to her hips.
           "Wait, before you scold us and call my mom, there's a good reason we lied."
            "Well, there better be," she stated, and you looked to Jimmy.
           "I told you she'd be mad."
            "I'm not mad. Just disappointed. Now, what was this lie for."
            "Why don't we show you," Jimmy asked and Chris opened the door and your dad took her hand walking her in. And, you could hear the gasp as you followed. Tareq waiting inside with a camera.
              She did love the makeover and every room very much enough for her to start crying and forgive Jimmy for lying. And, your dad offered to grill out for everyone which was definitely not turned down by the hungry group.
            "Well, she loved it, you out did yourself," you told Jimmy as you sat beside him, watching Karl and Chandler goof off around the fire.
             "I don't know. I think I could do one more thing to really seal the deal and make her night."
             "She does not need money, Jimmy. It is my job to provide them with things like that."
             "No," he said with a chuckle shaking his head. "I meant let me take you out on a date."
             "I like you and, I want to do something about it for once. So, let me take you out on a date?”
            "Okay, yeah. I like you too, and I would love to go on a date with you," you responded and Jimmy smiled, wrapping an arm around you and you rolled your eyes leaning into him.
             And, your mom sent you a wink and small smile from her spot across from you, "Told you so."
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prismasnotebook · 2 years
The Challenge & The Cheater (p2)
Summary: reader receives tough news while participating in a MrBeast Challenge
cw: fem reader
“Alright, we’ve had a discussion,” Jimmy stated, stepping into the room. “We’re at about the 30 hour mark, and we’ve decided that you guys provide each other with way too much entertainment.��
Chris pulled on the red duct tape, and Jimmy picked up another one, the two of them making a walkway to another room.
“Oh, and also we’ve made the circles smaller,” he added when he came back, and Tareq was already stood waiting for relocation. You figured he just liked the idea of being able to move somewhere that wasn’t the circle.
“Look, we’re beating that guy,” Karl stated looking to you, and you gave a small nod, and he furrowed eyebrows at the lack of competitive drive that you usually had.
“What’s going on,” he asked and you shook your head giving him a small smile of reassurance, and he couldn’t press any further because Chris was push him down the new pathway that led to another room.
And, almost as soon as they were gone, you wanted to quit. Mostly because it was their goofing of and conversation that was serving as the distraction you needed. And, you think that’s the reason you decided to continue participating anyway. You simply needed a distraction.
“Hey, we’ve got to shrink your circle,” Jimmy said as he pulled up the walkway from your circle, and Chris came in.
“Tareq has a proposition,” Chris stated, and Jimmy furrowed his eyebrows as he passed the tape. “I really don’t think you’re going to go for it.”
“Well, let’s go see,” he said into the camera before walking out, and Chris pulled the tape from the roll, beginning to lay it down.
“You know, you’ve been kind of quite,” Chris said. “And, I wouldn’t think anything about it, but you were all chatty and determined that you were going to win yesterday.”
“Just tired, if Karl doesn’t sleep then no one does,” you stated, and Chris paused looking at you.
“Look, if you’re tired I get it, but if there’s something going on you can talk to us. We’re your friends, ya know.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, and he finished up the circle. And, maybe it’s because you could just tell yourself it was good practice for him for when Tucker got older, but you wanted to talk. “Wait, I- Will you close the door I don’t want anyone else to hear?”
“Yeah,” he agreed and he gently shut the door, and you unplugged the mic. You knew you’d be disqualified because it seemed like you were scheming, but you didn’t care.
“I- uh,” you weren’t sure, how to phrase it. It just felt stupid coming out of your mouth. It made you feel a little pathetic too, and maybe that’s why your voice broke. “I got cheated on.”
Chris paused for just a minute as it processed and you tried to wipe at your eyes but it was pointless.
“Well, that guy is an idiot,” Chris told you. “And, jokes on him because now he’ll never have the chance to win a stupid amount of money because we won’t let him.”
You chuckled slightly and Chris pulled you into a hug, rubbing your back some.
“I’m sorry that you got cheated on, alright. You don’t deserve that, and if he’s stupid enough to cheat on you he doesn’t deserve you.”
“I really needed this hug,” you whispered, and Chris gave you an extra squeeze before pulling back, and he gave you a sympathetic look as he pulled back.
“Do you want me or one of the guys to drive you home?”
“No, I don’t want to be alone, and I especially don’t want him to come over and I have to deal with him.”
“Okay, in that case you want to help me sabatoge Tareq?”
“Not Karl?”
“No, I love Karl, I want him to win,” Chris stated and you chuckled some, wiping at your eyes and Chris gave you a smile before standing and helping you up.
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