#John Doerr
sachhaymoingay · 1 year
Làm Điều Quan Trọng - John Doerr
Khởi nghiệp thành công với cuốn sách Làm Điều Quan Trọng của tác giả John Doerr - Tạo nên điều kì diệu trong sự nghiệp của bạn. Đọc để tìm hiểu ngay!
John Doerr là một nhà đầu tư và doanh nhân người Mỹ, sinh năm 1951. Ông nổi tiếng với vai trò là một trong những nhà đầu tư tiên phong của Silicon Valley. John Doerr đã đầu tư thành công vào các công ty như Google, Amazon, Intuit và Compaq. Ông là một đồng sáng lập của Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, một công ty đầu tư rủi ro nổi tiếng của Mỹ. Ngoài ra, John Doerr còn là một nhà đầu tư công…
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sharepresentation · 1 year
Measure What Matters teaches how to implement tracking systems into a company and life that will help to record the progress, stay accountable, and make reaching your goals almost inevitable.
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kammartinez · 3 days
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movie-titlecards · 1 year
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Savage Weekend (1979)
My rating: 4/10
Boy, it sure is the 70s in this here movie.
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acequidwrites · 1 year
emily st john mandel (handshake) anthony doerr. the connections of humanity and love and story. do you know what i mean
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theambitiouswoman · 7 months
hiya, please can we also have ted talk recommendations like your book recs post? :) for the categories you mentioned ♡ thank you
Here you go angel ♡
The Single Biggest Reason Why Startups Succeed - Bill Gross
The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers - Adam Grant
The Art of Stress-Free Productivity - David Allen
How to Pitch to a VC - David S. Rose
The Future of Money - Neha Narula
Personal Development:
The Art of Being Yourself - Caroline McHugh
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance - Angela Lee Duckworth
The Power of Believing That You Can Improve - Carol Dweck
How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over - Mel Robbins
Try Something New for 30 Days - Matt Cutts
Mental Health:
The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage - Susan David
Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid - Guy Winch
Depression, the Secret We Share - Andrew Solomon
All it Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes - Andy Puddicombe
The Art of Stillness - Pico Iyer
The Secret to Desire in a Long-Term Relationship - Esther Perel
The Power of Vulnerability in Relationships - Tracy McMillan
Rethinking Infidelity... a Talk for Anyone Who Has Ever Loved - Esther Perel
The Mathematics of Love - Hannah Fry
The Hidden Influence of Social Networks - Nicholas Christakis
The Happy Secret to Better Work - Shawn Achor
Embrace the Near Win - Sarah Lewis
Why We Do What We Do - Tony Robbins
Keep Your Goals to Yourself - Derek Sivers
Why You Will Fail to Have a Great Career - Larry Smith
The Power of Setting Goals - John Doerr
The Puzzle of Motivation - Dan Pink
Smash Fear, Learn Anything - Tim Ferriss
Why We Do What We Do - Tony Robbins
The Skill of Self-Confidence - Dr. Ivan Joseph
Self Love:
The Art of Being Yourself - Caroline McHugh
The Power of Vulnerability - Brené Brown
Your Elusive Creative Genius - Elizabeth Gilbert
The Psychology of Your Future Self - Dan Gilbert
The Surprising Science of Happiness - Dan Gilbert
Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are - Amy Cuddy
The Art of Self-Confidence - Dr. Ivan Joseph
Dare to Lead - Brené Brown
The Hidden Influence of Social Networks - Nicholas Christakis
The Confidence Gap - Katty Kay and Claire Shipman
Health & Wellness:
The Brain-Changing Benefits of Exercise - Wendy Suzuki
How to Make Stress Your Friend - Kelly McGonigal
The Science of Cells That Never Get Old - Elizabeth Blackburn
Why Dieting Doesn't Usually Work - Sandra Aamodt
The Art of Stillness - Pico Iyer
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year
Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈
I want to wish a Happy Pride to:
Violets, “the Lesbian flower”
Sappho (c. 630-c.570), the Greek poet who lived on the island of Lesbos, often referenced violets in her ancient poems, thus creating a connection with female love, and this coded association endured for centuries. In fact, in 1927 the New York City district attorney’s office shut down the Broadway play The Captive because a female character in the play sent a bunch of violets to another female character, creating a big scandal
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Crop Tops
Crop tops used to be associated with sports and were a popular option for manly, athletic men. However, the fashion of 1990′s and early 2000’s was dominated by loose and baggy clothing. Crop tops, which had once been viewed as hyper-masculine, came to be seen as more feminine and a fashion statement, which made straight men reject the crop tops and gay men embrace them.
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Back in the Golden Era of Piracy (1650-1730s), homosexuality was highly stigmatized on land and illegal in most places. However, piracy was known for rejecting societal standards and expectations. Queer relationships at sea were not uncommon, and pirates even had their own form of domestic partnership called matelotage. If you want to learn more, there are many pirates to choose from, but you can start with these: Anne Bonny, Mary Read, John “Calico Jack” Rackham, and Pierre “the pansy pirate” Bouspet.
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Carabiners are a steel loop designed for rock climbers because they can easily be opened with one hand, which is useful when hanging on by the other hand. This practical tool for carrying around equipment was adopted by working-class people to carry keys. In World War II, a large number of women entered the workforce, and those who went into manual labor were usually more butch than femme. More traditionally feminine industries, like sewing or secretarial work, were closed to them due to their gender presentation. After the war, many women were reluctant to give up their new financial independence, and thus the carabiner is linked to female liberation and working-class aesthetics and this belt-side key chain came to be part of the lesbian style. 
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Lavender is used interchangeably with “rainbow” to mean “LGBTQ+” at events like Lavender Graduations and the annual Lavender Law Conference. It’s thought that lavender became code for queer because it’s created by mixing pink and blue—colors which are culturally connected to girls or boys—thus blurring the distinction of what is feminine or masculine. One sweet use of this color connection within the queer community is on Valentine’s Day, lavender roses are often the choice of LGBTQ+ partners.
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Lambda (the Greek letter)
In the early 1970′s, based on the recommendation of Tom Doerr, New York City’s Gay Activists Alliance chose as its symbol the Greek letter lambda, which looks like a lowercase “y” flipped upside down, because it’s used in science to represent kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is energy an object has due to its motion, thus making lambda a symbol of change. For example, Lambda Legal works for positive change to the legal status of queer people
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Ace playing cards
Due to the word “asexual” being commonly shortened to “ace,” this led to a play on words by ace playing cards coming to represent asexuality. The ace of spades for aroace, and the ace of hearts for ace & romantic
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Queer people find ways to challenge heteronormativity, whether it’s gay men bleaching their hair blonde or lesbians rejecting the association of long hair with womanhood. Short hair has become associated with lesbians, whether it’s a bob, a brightly-colored close crop, and most iconically the undercut which is a hairstyle that leaves the top part of the hair medium length or long but has one or both sides and/or the back of the head shaved closely
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Brunch is THE gay meal and for a number of reasons. There was a time that brunch wasn’t viewed as respectable, but rather was a meal for those who’d stayed out late partying. Bucking tradition is a queer tradition and so brunch is a natural. On Sundays, brunch exists at a time many people are at church, and it’s a great use of that time for queer people who chose to leave churches that reject them. Gay spaces were generally bars and clubs which are usually nighttime spaces, but brunch was radical as a place gays could gather and be themselves in the daylight. Historically, queer people found it more difficult to secure gainful employment, and brunch is a bargain, usually half the price of dinner, so it makes sense the queer community flocked to a meal that was more affordable. Brunch is more casual than a proper breakfast or dinner and therefore is often accompanied by fun conversation and gossip. Brunch offers a greater variety of food options than the typical meal, there’s something for everyone. Could anything be more queer than variety & acceptance?
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Ms. Frizzle
In the 1990s, the popular children‘s television show “The Magic School Bus” featured a teacher, Ms. Frizzle, who was never confirmed to be queer, but she was definitely queer coded, such as her quirky fashion style of mismatched brightly-colored patterns & those big earrings. She bucked gender norms by being a woman teaching STEM topics, and having a love of adventure. Another clue is she wasn’t married at a time when gay marriage was not legal. Also, the character was voiced by lesbian actress Lily Tomlin.
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Women’s Hockey
Women’s hockey has a joyous history of lesbian players who are visible. In 2017, Caroline Ouellette and Julie Chu—former captains of the Canada and US ice hockey teams—welcomed their newborn daughter into the world. The following year Meghan Duggan, the captain of the US women’s Olympic ice hockey team, married her girlfriend Gillian Apps, who played for Team Canada, and they had faced each other in the 2010 and 2014 Winter Olympic finals. Dating & marrying your opponents, lesbians are setting the example for World Peace
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Blåhaj—pronounced blaw-high—translates simply as "blue shark" in English, and is a toy introduced by IKEA in 2014. The blueish body, white underbelly, and pink mouth are the trans flag colors. There’s so few things designed and marketed for trans people, that it’s delightful they latched onto this cute and cuddly plush shark 
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Keith Haring art
Keith Haring was an American pop artist who advocated for safe sex and AIDS awareness through his images. In 1988, Haring designed the logo for National Coming Out Day, which is still used today. A year later, he established the Keith Haring Foundation to provide funding to AIDS organizations. He died in February 1990 of AIDS-related complications. His distinctive and instantly recognizable style came to define the 1990′s
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luveline · 1 year
hello ms. luveline!!! i used to read fanfics from quite early age and never really got around to reading "real" books. do you have any English book recs for book first-timer?
I find recommending books really hard 😭 so if none of these sound good, please forgive me!!
all the light we cannot see by anthony doerr (wwii historical fiction with gorgeous imagery and a very sad but amazing story, plus they're making a series I think!!)
this time tomorrow by emma staub (a woman accidentally travels back in time to her sixteenth birthday when her dad is still very alive and healthy, super fun and creative but also talks about like the possibilities of the different lives she could've had, love, family)
the anthropocene reviewed by john green (a collection of essays or reviews that intertwines the objective with greens life, my fave memoir and a really hopeful look on life and the things we love, i didn't want it to end!!)
our wives under the sea by julie armfield (a woman's wife and her crew dissappear in a submarine for months and when she returns she is irreversibly changed, another look on love and grief, it flashes between the present and the past (the woman's present and the wife's time in the sub)
these are four of my favorite books, I think that they're all amazing examples of the best fiction has to offer, and I hope at least one takes your fancy!! ♥
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bulletnotestudies · 2 years
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Welcome back to another autumn mini reading challenge! Like last year, this is a shorter one to bridge the gap between our longer summer and winter challenges 🍂
RULES:  → reblog this post if you're participating → the challenge officially starts on october 1st and ends with november 30th, but you’re welcome to finish it at your own pace → use the tag #studyblr w/knives reading challenge when you post your updates/pics → the challenge is ofc, as usual, also on storygraph (check the notes for the link)
once you’ve read a book that fits a prompt, cross it out on the above template and/or share your thoughts on it in a post here on tumblr; make sure to mark any spoilers (hide them under a cut etc.), so people can avoid them if needed :) you can also have just one post and update it as you go, or you can post good ol’ aesthetic book pics!
as always, if you have any questions, my asks are open 🍂
(our book recs for this challenge are below the cut)
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Since this is a mini reading challenge, there won't be separate book rec posts, but we still compiled a couple good reads for you, just in case you can't think of a book to read for any of the prompts :)
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The Atlas Six - Olivie Blake
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
The Eight - Katherine Neville
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Read any book released this year that you've been excited for!
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The Charm Offensive - Alison Cochrun
Radio Silence - Alice Oseman
The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman
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A book that makes you nostalgic!
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The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnes
The Gilded Wolves - Roshani Chokshi
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing - Hank Green
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Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo
All the Light We Cannot See - Anthony Doerr
A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara
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Murder on the Orient Express - Agatha Christie
In My Dreams I Hold a Knife - Ashley Winstead
If We Were Villains - M.L. Rio
Maus - Art Spiegelman
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Gideon the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir
The Dangers of Smoking in Bed - Mariana Enríquez
The Hollow Places - T. Kingfisher
In the Dream House - Carmen Maria Machado
The Anthropocene Reviewed - John Green
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes - Caitlin Doughty
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Cemetery Boys - Aiden Thomas
Pumpkinheads - Rainbow Rowell
Dracula - Bram Stoker
A Dowry of Blood - S.T. Gibson
The Haunting of Hill House - Shirley Jackson
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redheadgleek · 4 months
February books
What I read: 
Solito by Javier Zamora. A haunting, lyrical memoir about a young boy who migrated from Guatemala to California alone. It was a hard read but beautiful and important. A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers. It took a little while for this story to develop, but I really loved the last few chapters. Cloud Cuckoo Land by Antony Doerr. Friend recommendation. Lots of interwoven stories from several different time periods. The Six: The Untold Story of America's First Women Astronauts by Loren Grush. I enjoyed learning about the different astronauts, but it also felt like Wikipedia articles in places. Poverty. by America by Matthew Desmond. Audiobook. Will break your heart, make you despondent about how poorly we are carrying for a significant portion of our society, but is also hopeful. Well worth listening to. Beartown by Fredrik Backman. Friend rec. A very different novel than Anxious People, but as a person who grew up in a struggling small town, it also felt very real. The Seventh Bride by T. Kingfisher. This may be one of my favorite fairy tale retellings of hers. It felt very much like a Robin McKinley book. Starter Villain by John Scazi. Friend rec. My first Scazi. It was a lot of fun and the unionized dolphins were the best. Artificial Condition by Martha Wells. Audiobook. The second Murderbot book. I enjoyed meeting ART (although I cannot picture what it looks like). Looking forward to continuing the series. Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands by Heather Fawcett. I loved every minute of this book. Such an excellent sequel and I can't wait for book 3. A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers. The second Monk and Robot book. Again, I really loved the last quarter of the book.
What I'm reading:
How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America by Clint Smith. Audiobook. The author is primarily a poet, so listening to it is a beautiful experience. Rest Is Resistance: A Manifesto by Tricia Hersey. Book club book. It's a short book, but it is so repetitive that it should have been a magazine article. There's good ideas here, though, so I'm determined to finish it. The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstein. The first chapters of the book drew me in entirely into this magical world of books and it stayed that way for about the first quarter. I'm about 3/4 of the way done with it and I've lost that feeling a little. There are parts that I just absolutely adore (the slow building romance, the way that all of these little stories are coming together), but that magic is fraying a touch. I think it's one that would benefit from rereading.
What I plan on reading next:
My to-read list keeps getting longer. I hope to finish The Summer Tree and A Short History of Nearly Everything, which I put on hold, the third Murderbot book, and Tom Lake. And I don't know what else.
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erstwhilesparrow · 12 days
short stories i read in may
i was in a different country visiting relatives with whom i did not share a language. i spent a lot of time looking at my phone. not doing summaries or warnings on these because i Don't Want To, but i'll bold the ones i especially liked.
The Hunter's Wife by Anthony Doerr
Girls, At Play by Celeste Ng
The City Born Great by N. K. Jemisin
The Water That Falls on You from Nowhere by John Chu
St. Lucy's Home For Girls Raised By Wolves by Karen Russell
Queenie by Alice Munro
Spider the Artist by Nnedi Okorafor
The Equations of the Dead by An Owomoyela
Three Partitions by Bogi Takács
Bones in the Rock by R. K. Kalaw
The Mermaid Astronaut by Yoon Ha Lee
This Is I by KT Bryski
The Path of Water by Emma Törzs
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rillabrooke · 1 year
2023 Reading List
The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Requiem for a Soldier - ellalawrence (Wattpad)
The Martian - Andy Weir*
An Innocent Affair - littleLo (Wattpad)
The Great Divorce - C.S. Lewis
The Coveted Countess - littleLo (Wattpad)
Facing Future - Dan Kois**
Tears of a Dragon - Bryan Davis
Peter Pan - J.M. Barrie
Murder on the Orient Express - Agatha Christie
All the Light We Cannot See - Anthony Doerr
Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language - Anna M. Klobucka, et al.**
Educational Psychology - John W. Santrock**
A teia de Charlotte - E. B. White*
There Must Be Happy Endings - Jaerim, Bulsa (Webtoon)
The Fault in Our Stars - John Green
A Tell-Tale Heart - Edgar Allan Poe*
Dracula - Bram Stoker
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens*
Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne*
The Veldt - Ray Bradbury
* reread ** for school
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drowsyanddazed · 1 year
10 books to get to know me by
thank you @fastasyoucan1999 @shipsnsails :)
the shadow of the wind, carlos ruiz zafón- this is my favorite book! it’s beautiful and reads as a love letter to book lovers <3 i wish i could read it in its original text. i wish i could read it for the first time again.
are you my mother?, p.d. eastman - this is a children’s book. when i was little, around 3/4, i had my parents read it to me so much that i had it memorized and before i could actually read i would flip through the pages “pretending” to read it back to them but actually just reciting it by memory
the hunger games trilogy, suzanne collins - i read this growing up and i remember my parents wanted to read it because it was so popular at the time and so i lent them my copies and it felt so cool, like i was a grown up or something. was a lot of fun going to the theaters to watch the films with them and my brother :)
pride and prejudice, jane austen - favorite classic! elizabeth bennet, a girl after my own heart <3
why we broke up, daniel handler & art by maira kalman - this is lemony snicket and it’s silly and trivial and it reads a bit like watching a late 90s/early 2000s indie film, but idk it’s like a comfort movie in book form to me. sometimes i’ll pick it up and read a couple chapters without intention to finish it through, you know, like watching just one episode of your comfort show, just to fall back into it for a little while
young mungo, douglas stuart - a new favorite! this one is pretty popular on here for good reasons i think
the goldfinch, donna tartt- loved this, could not get through the film erm but loved the book!
marley and me: life and love with the world’s worst dog, john grogan - i read this a long long time ago now but this is the first book that made me cry (like so much i had to stop because i couldn’t read the page) and it is also the first book that made me actually laugh aloud
wuthering heights, emily brontë - had to read this for school. i remember thinking i would not like it. i was wrong.
all the light we cannot see, anthony doerr - a beautiful, beautiful book. another one i lent to my dad after reading — he has a goal to read all the pulitzer prize winners
tags! @tempusfugitandallthatblog @meanbryn @thebloatedfrog @oohloverboyyy
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jaztice · 5 months
Get to know you game! Answer the questions and tag people you want to know better!
Thanks @appalesbian for the tag! I appreciate u bud 😘
Last Song Listened To: Ashes by the Longest Johns
It’s a sea shanty that goes really hard and emotional okay. Judge me if u want but I am cringe and free and have impeccable taste
Currently Reading: All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
Have I been reading this for two months on and off? Yes. Do I still plan to finish it? Yes!!! It’s so good. Honestly kicked myself into reading it bc there’s a Netflix miniseries adaption of it and I love Mark Ruffalo (he’s the dad in the movie) but the book itself is also just. *chef kiss* amazing
Currently Watching: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
If you ask me more about this I’m just gonna start sobbing okay
Currently Obsessed With: Worlds Beyond Number — The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One
It’s a D&D actual play podcast with Brennan Lee Mulligan, Aabria Iyengar, Lou Wilson, and Erika Ishii and it’s SO. FUCKING. GOOD!!!!!! AND ITS FREEEEEEEEEEEE (though their Patreon content is also amazing, best $5 a month I’ve ever spent tbh) also Taylor Moore sound design wizard my beloved, teach me your ways o master of the sound waves
Tagging @damagedspinach, @drarry, and @gurrenhime if you’d like to participate!!!
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theygotlost · 6 months
2023 book log/year in review!
here is a comprehensive of breakdown of every book I read this year!!
Terry Pratchett's Discworld
this was THE YEAR OF DISCWORLD for me. I read more disc books than non disc books. I'm probably gonna take a break from the series for a few weeks to get my breath back. I read my first ever disc book, Going Postal, in december of 2022 so it doesn't technically count as being part of this year, but here's every one that I read starting in january, in the order I read them:
Making Money
Raising Steam 
Guards! Guards! (x2)
Men at Arms (x2)
Soul Music
Feet of Clay
The Fifth Elephant
Night Watch
Wyrd Sisters
Faust Eric
The Wee Free Men
Witches Abroad
Monstrous Regiment
The Truth
Lords and Ladies
The Fourth Bear is kind of whatever but rereading all the others has cemented them as some of my favorite books and I'm really glad I got to experience them again because I hadn't read them in years 😁
The Fourth Bear by Jasper Fforde
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
How I Killed Pluto (and Why It Had It Coming) by Mike Brown
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams
The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul by Douglas Adams
Other Books
It's kind of embarrassing to see how this list pales in comparison to all the disc books but I WAS reading other stuff I swear!! look!!
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami
Sacrifice by Mitchell Smith
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley
I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
Did Not Finish
Some of these I got through more of than others. the really bad ones I dropped only after 50 pages or so. im sorry women.
Closing Time by Joseph Heller
Early Riser by Jasper Fforde 
The Real and the Unreal, vol. 2: Outer Space, Inner Lands by Ursula K. Le Guin
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann
Total Stats
Books started: 36
Books finished: 31
Books finished that I hadn't read before: 26 (19 Discworld, 7 not)
I PROMISE I'm not trying to be one of those "30 books in 30 days!" type booktok people, I wasn't aiming for any specific number. I only read this many books because i genuinely really loved them and couldn't stop reading them!!!!!!!
Reading List for 2024
I have an even longer list than this with a bunch of books that I saw or were recommended to me and I thought "oh that seems interesting maybe I'll check it out" but who knows if I will actually get to them. this list below is basically a new years resolution, books that I fully intend to read this year:
Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr (already currently reading this one, just need to finish it)
Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Facing the Wave: A Journey in the Wake of the Tsunami by Gretel Ehrlich
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley
The Bedlam Stacks by Natasha Pulley
The Half Life of Valery K by Natasha Pulley
Fun Home by Alison Bechdel
Maus by Art Spiegelman
Discworld Reading List
Yes, I am keeping this one separate. I don't necessarily intend to get to all of these by the end of 2024, just some time in the future (I probably will end up reading them all next year anyway LOL). Once I finish these, only the Rincewind and Tiffany Aching series remain. I'm not as interested in those based on the small sampling I got of them, but I'll probably read them all at some point just for the sake of completion.
Moving Pictures
Reaper Man
Small Gods
Equal Rites
Carpe Jugulum
it's kind of scary to think that this is all thats left..... idk what im gonna do after that man..... kill myself? start over from the beginning? I guess ill just have to cross that bridge when I get to it ☹
happy new year everypony!!!!
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paz-45 · 6 months
What I Read in 2023
Green= would recommend
Purple = would not recommend
The Wolf Den by Elodie Harper
You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty by Akwaeke Emezi
Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr--MY FAVE OF THE YEAR
Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn
Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree
Ghost by Raina Telgemeier
The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson
The Sea Witch by Katee Roberts
Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang
Your Table is Ready by Micheal Cecchi-Azzolina
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
Taste: My Life Through Food by Stanley Tucci
Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel
The Haunting of Tram Car 015 by P Dejli Clark
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
Three Women by Lisa Taddeo
The Shadow of the Gods by John Gywnne
The Hunger of the Gods by John Gwynne
Smile by Raina Telgemeier
Cleopatra and Frankenstein by Coco Mellors
Drunk on All Your Strange New Words by Eddie Robson
First Gen by Alejandra Campoverdi
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
Notes on an Execution by Danya Kukafka
Heartstopper Volume 1-3 by Alice Oseman
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