#Jordi Sureda
drumuri · 2 years
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alttevee · 6 months
'p l e a s e' by Jordi Sureda (flickr)
p l e a s e
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coffeenuts · 2 years
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Abstract Photography by Jordi Sureda https://flic.kr/p/2ohXy1S
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el-pollo-gigantes · 2 years
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Scary forest by Jordi Sureda When I am photographing forests with fog, I am completely alone, me and my camera, very early in the morning... many times I think that it could be that no, that I am not alone, in those moments I feel that unavoidable feeling of "Fear" when I know that I can't control everything that happens around me... I feel alone, very alone and helpless looking through a viewfinder without knowing if someone or something is right behind me. Even writing this in front of my computer at four in the afternoon, I can perfectly feel on my skin what I am describing when I am in that situation, it's that mixture of emotion and fear that attracts me, I don't know exactly why... but It's like this... Feel the fear and do it anyway, as ridiculous as it's true! https://flic.kr/p/2nQyJao
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taifunu · 3 years
V-2-v by Jordi Sureda Via Flickr:  Here you have an image of a detail of my old Olivetti typewriter! Thank you very much for your visits, faves and kind comments.
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hamoudablog · 3 years
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October by Jordi Sureda October And the trees are stripped bare Of all they wear What do I care October And kingdoms rise And kingdoms fall But you go on...and on... www.youtube.com/watch?v=49tPvvsc7No Thank you very much for your visits, faves and kind comments. https://flic.kr/p/2mFeEjd
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tomasoski2 · 3 years
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Oil & water by Jordi Sureda https://flic.kr/p/2mrzUUo
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babkaioshka · 7 years
Num.23 by Jordi Sureda Plantalech
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ciathyzareposts · 6 years
Phantomas 2 – Upcoming overhaul for the Amstrad CPC
In 1986 Dinamic Software released the Spanish game of ‘ Phantomas 2 ‘ for the Amstrad CPC, C64, ZX Spectrum and later the MSX with an international release name through Codemasters under the title of ‘ Vampire ‘. This rather creepy game with a mix of adventuring and platforming containing many different screens, placed you inside the castle of Count Dracula on a quest to kill the monster while avoiding deadly traps. So why are we mentioning this game you might ask? Well this game is coming back but this time as a remake for the Amstrad CPC thanks to Jordi Sureda and Santiago Ontanon.
Phantomas 2 will be remade from the ground up and look far better than the original game which looked more like a ZX Spectrum release than what the Amstrad could achieve if it was developed solely for that platform. As such Phantomas 2 will be developed using mode 0 which will show off a much better amount of colours and overall detail. As for the core gameplay we are unsure if that will be changed, but from what we can see so far the game is looking way beyond the original 1986 version.
Links :1) Jsureda 2) SantiontanonMSX
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/phantomas-2-upcoming-overhaul-for-the-amstrad-cpc/
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totbalears · 7 years
Los otros dos finalistas, Dúo Sureda-Muñoz y Dúo Demian
El premio dotado con 4.000€ reparte 2.000€ al ganador y el resto entre todos los finalistas
Baleares, 17 septiembre 2017.- Este sábado 16 de septiembre, por la noche, se ha celebrado, en el centro cultural Can Ventosa de Eivissa, la final del certamen de Música para Jóvenes Intérpretes en la modalidad de Grupos de Cámara del programa cultural Art Jove, que promueve la Conselleria de Cultura, Participación y Deportes, a través del Insituto Balear de la Juventud (IBJove). En esta final han actuado las tres formaciones que se clasificaron en la semifinal de Inca, los pasados 16 y 18 de junio: Duo Sureda-Muñoz, Duo Demian y Psaiko Quartet.
Estos últimos han sido los ganadores de la modalidad del certamen, y por este motivo, del premio total dotado con 4.000€, se han llevado el primer premio en metálico de 1.000 € y 1.000 € más para dos actuaciones (cada una dotada con 500 €), una en el marco de la FiraB! del 2018 y la otra en el Festival Inclàssic 2018 de Inca. Los 2.000 € restantes se destinan a partes iguales a pagar actuaciones y conciertos del ganador y de los finalistas.
El jurado del certamen ha sido presidido por Ivan Sanz, director del Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Ibiza y Formentera, y formado por Marcelí Minaya, director del festival Inclàssic,, Tomeu Moll-Mas, músico y profesor del Conservatorio Profesional de Mallorca, y Maia Planas, cantante y exguanyadora de Art Jove.
La consellera de Cultura, Participación y Deportes, Fanny Tur, ha asistido a la final, acompañada de Joan Ferrà, director de IBJove.
Cada formación ha interpretado un repertorio de música clásica, durante 20 y 30 minutos.
A continuación, la formación de cada grupo y el repertorio elegido:
PSAIKO QUARTET Martin Castro, saxo soprano Borja Beneyto, saxo alto Juan Alonso, saxo tenor Franco Emanuel Sánchez, saxo barítono
Eugène Bozza (1905 – 1991) Andante te scherzo (1957) “I. Andante” “II.Scherzo”
Roben Hoffmann (1970) Der blutige Schaffner (1996)
DUO SUREDA-MUÑOZ Joan Miquel Muñoz, barítono Joan Sureda, piano
Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) Del ciclo Songs of Travel “Youth and Love” “The Roadside Ferio”
Franz Schubert (1797-1828) De la compilación Schwanengesang D957 “Ständchen” “Das Fischermädchen” “Erlkönig D328”
Robert Schumann (1810-1856) Del ciclo Sechs Gedichte von N. Lenau und Requiem Op. 90 “Réquiem”
Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) Don Quichotte à Dulcinée “I. Chanson romanesque” “II. Chanson épique” “III. Chanson à boire”
DUO DEMIAN Magí Garcias, piano Joan Jordi Oliver, saxo
Edison Denisov (1929 – 1995) Sonata para saxófono alto y piano (1975) “I. Allegro”
William Albright (1944 – 1998) Sonata para saxófono y piano (1984) “II. La locura nuova: a lamento for George Cacioppo” “IV. Recitative and Danzo”
César Franck (1822 – 1890) Sonata para violín y piano en la mayor (1986) (transcripción para saxófono alto y piano) “II. Allegro molto”
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Consellera y director IBJove con los premiados y el jurado
Dueto Sureda-Muñoz
Duo Demian
Psaiko Quartet durante su actuación
El cuarteto mallorquín Psaiko Quartet, primer premio Art Jove del certamen de Música para Jóvenes Intérpretes en la modalidad de Grupos de Cámara Los otros dos finalistas, Dúo Sureda-Muñoz y Dúo Demian El premio dotado con 4.000€ reparte 2.000€ al ganador y el resto entre todos los finalistas…
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taifunu · 3 years
Go Anywhere by Jordi Sureda
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The Haunted Forest
Jordi Sureda
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babkaioshka · 7 years
B&W by Jordi Sureda Plantalech
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taifunu · 3 years
Black or white?
Black or white? by Jordi Sureda Via Flickr: This simple composition technically has some flaws in my opinion, even so, I liked the result a lot and decided to publish it, I hope you like it! Thank you very much for your visits, faves, and kind comments.
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taifunu · 3 years
Light up your world of darkness
Light up your world of darkness by Jordi Sureda Via Flickr: Thank you very much for your visits, faves, and kind comments.
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taifunu · 3 years
Aurora bore"ball" by Jordi Sureda Via Flickr: Light painting with the Lensball! Thank you very much for your comments!
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