#Joy is like .. Chiron in cancer or libra or capricorn....still working on that one
astroismypassion · 2 years
What talents that i have with in me should be beneficial for me to put my energy in?
What paths and Careers would bring fulfilment and success to my inner and outer world? Joy in the soul
Basically what I am destined to be in this lifetime ? 🦀( the incessant question)
I going to be in junior high this year, and i have so many insterests in different things, and dilema and overwhelmed. As a classical high schooler. :)
Ik my guides and intuition will put me in right path.
Anyways, thank u for ur time precious soul.
(ik it's to much, so if u do readings of persona mc, let me know)
Love 🫶🫶🫶
Mc persona 1#photo
Natal chart 2#phto
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I do full MC Persona chart interpretation yes, you can book one.
I'm gonna try to answer these all questions in one. I like you, because you are very genuine with your message and forward.
Let's talk all about your Sun sign first... you really are more of a Cancer Leo cusp than a Gemini Sun you know to be completely honest with you. Your identity, personality, traits, ego, character is that more of a Cancer Leo cusp. You have the potential to transform a hobby into a full-time career. Research what you liked and could still enjoy doing in your free time. What did you do in your childhood, which hobbies, interests? Follow that! Also what you like to do in your time at home, bake desserts, make up, hair-styling? Talk to your family members too, they are aware of what your talents, interests, deep passions are. Aries IC and Venus, Taurus in the 4th house all point to the fact that those closest to you, your family members, close friends KNOW what your values, deepest passions, likes, dislikes and interests are, so talk to them, get advice, a new perspective of it. Since your Sun sign is at 10, Capricorn, degree beware that you will feel more stable and consistent about your career and in your career path after your first Saturn Return (ages 28, 29 and further), so don't really expect too quick results.
Now, another pointer to career discussion in the natal chart first, is believe it or not THE MOON. People often choose a major/higher education based on their Moon sign. You have Leo Moon in the 7th house at 8 (Scorpio) degree. Go into a creative field, definitely not science field since you could end up detesting it. You have three the most creative, artistic signs on your Moon. Moon is what fulfills you the most, your basic self, what you feel emotionally satisfied with. So here I would suggest leaning toward Leo, Libra, Scorpio fields: performance, politics, international relations, law, psychology, anthropology, sociology, culinary arts, tourism and hospitality, even design, hair styling, make up, history and geography, even languages, performing arts, any artistic field really.
Now we look at your Ascendant, which is Capricorn at Sagittarius degree (21), but also you have Aquarius over the 1st house. So don't set goals so hard you will find it unrealistic to achieve them. Step by step and stay grounded about it, there could be limitations, restrictions, but you will need to stay resilient. Also, don't get discouraged and try to not have too idealistic goals, hopes. When a dream is too big, you could get discouraged of ever even trying to a start it and work towards it. You get intimidated. You could do well by starting your own business (Capricorn Ascendant), something where you have full control over it. You also want to passionate about it an in charge. You also like balance between work and play. Did you travel a lot when younger, to foreign countries? You like exchange students? I think your calling is also connecting with foreigners and people who live in distant lands. Due to your Ascendant at Sagittarius and Chiron in the 1st house being at 9 (Sagittarius). You literally get healed when you travel and connect with foreign cultures. You also have Jupiter in the 10th house, so you could be intersted in travelling, tourism, work in a hotel, speaking foreign languages, learning on a daily basis. You have Libra MC with 8, Scorpio degree, you are very interested in other people and their culture, habits, lifestyle.
You could start a jewellery business or do something that you see you don't get in stores, but you always wanted that, so invent it! You are forward-thinking due to Aquarius over the 1st. You get to understand and grasp trends.
Another indicator Leo Saturn at 7 (Libra) degree in the 7th house, you will need to heal your creativity and creative self-expression during this life time. And it will be a reoccuring lesson until you learn it. If you don't learn it by 1st Saturn Return, you will need to at 2nd (so after 45). Also, don't be hard on yourself that you need to have it all figured out as much as your peers. You are a late bloomer, but the lessons you will get with time and life experiences will stick forever with you. You will grow to understand yourself better than your average peer.
Mars in Cancer in the 7th house at 28 (Cancer degree): this also talks about your career, the job that you might end up doing. You could work with children, families, in urgent situations (health field), with women, young adults. You will love to learn from younger people. You could also enjoy working from home.
And lastly, life purpose: Aries North Node at 1 (Aries degree) in the 9th house. Travel, langauges, lifestyle, leadership, foreign lands, philosophy, athletics, health field, business, sports these will all be your points of interest at some period in life.
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snarkywrites · 4 years
Full Moon in Cancer: Healing
We close out the year with the Full Moon in Cancer on December 29th, 2020. Although this Full Moon will be making a square to Chiron, it will push us to face out fears and begin the healing process, something that will mark the year 2021. Cancer represents compassion and healing; a big shift from the Capricorn energy we faced throughout the year. For most of 2020, we were pushed to our limits and taught harsh lessons. With this Full Moon, we begin with curative energy and a source of empowerment after feeling the blows of this current year. This Full Moon will allow us to let go by allowing our emotions to reveal themselves, especially for those who have suppressed them. We are no longer under the authoritarian rule of Capricorn planets, we have faced each obstacle presented by the Saturn in Capricorn transit and are now ready to go through a new path. Remember to abandon anxious thoughts and be receptive to healing our wounds during this transit. It will strengthen and prepare us for 2021.
 Aries – This will be a transit that has you back to basics. With Mars, your ruler, still in your sign, you are going to feel the conflicting energies at home as well as work. However, you have been through this dance before so now with this transit you are stronger and wiser. The effort and hard work you have done in the last six months will provide you with new blessings and recognition. Remember to be patient and surround yourself by the loving people in your life.
Taurus – There was a lot of growth beginning this Summer and now you are seeing the fruits of your labor. Your creative instincts kicked in and you were more social. This year has been one where you stepped out of your comfort zone, where you experienced ups and downs. But the lessons you learned will be essential for the road ahead. The value of networking comes to view during this transit as it will push you and make you feel more inspired.
Gemini – With a lot of fluctuations this year, you were in a state of evaluation with who you are and what you had to offer. The Saturn transit had you contemplating your place and now you feel like you have more confidence and self-awareness. Continue to believe in yourself because your hard work has allowed you to impress others.
Cancer – This Full Moon in your sign is an epic point for you this year. You can easily look back to where you were in the beginning of the year and how far you have come. There has been a lot of growth for cardinal placements as you all have learned to fight more for what you want and have excelled during moments of pressures. You are generally unstoppable now as you prepare for your next chapter.
Leo – Just in time for the holidays, this Full Moon will have you seeking the comforts of home as you feel your stresses just melting away as the upcoming transit is going to inspire you to take time for you. Congratulate yourself and all you have accomplished in 2020. Like the rest of us, you will be contemplating and making moves for 2021. You are putting your game face on as you plan for greater things next year.
Virgo – Similar as Leo, you are going to really benefit from the support and love you receive from friends and family during this transit. You have had an interesting year, but it all seemed hectic and filled with surprises, something that might have made you a little apprehensive. With the Saturn shift in Aquarius this month, you are getting back to basics as you get ready for more structure in your life and this moon gives you the guidance and support from others.
Libra – As a sign that can pretty much handle anything with grace and confidence, this Full Moon has you in your element. You are being recognized for what you have accomplished, so pat yourself in the back. There will be people who critique or have tried to keep you down, but you have persevered. As Saturn finally exists Capricorn, you begin to initiate a new era of confidence, joy, and prosperity. Stay classy and fun.
Scorpio – A Full Moon in fellow water sign is only a recipe for fun and excitement since you are the master of handling these energies. You will feel compelled to dive in and investigate, learn, and just explore things you are interested in. This can be an awakening transit for you as you become more receptive to the things you have been extremely curious about.
Sagittarius – The upcoming Full Moon will feel rough for you as it brings up the opportunity to face your fears. For the Saturn in Capricorn transit, you have dealt with similar themes of self-worth and value, but you are now more experienced and confident. Stop bringing yourself down and think of all the excellent things you have accomplished this year. There are many promising new things awaiting once you are able to set your goals and priorities in a more positive direction.
Capricorn – This Full Moon transit in your sister sign is one that will bring you some healing qualities when it comes to your relationships and how you approach them. If you have been in a conflicting position with your romantic partners or friends, you are now more aware of any faults. This is a transit where you should not be afraid to let your guard down and speak on your emotions as well as listening to others.
Aquarius – You are ready to make changes in your routines with this Full Moon in Cancer. If you tried in the summer to start a new regiment or complete a project, you might now feel energized to do so. Any setbacks you felt during the year will be forgotten. You are in work mode and focused on success; nothing will stop you during this time. It will be a period of evaluation and planning as we prepare for the New Year.
Pisces – Getting ready to close out this year with a lot of changes and a period of rest. This transit will bring in new and interesting people, which have helped you step out of your comfort zone in a good away. You will have more confidence now to go after whatever you want or have been eying. The healing during the Full Moon will result in an increase in your motivation levels bringing them to new highs.
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plutoswrath · 5 years
the weak point, where we will heal
Chiron in Aries: I feel: defeated, I have no voice, I can not speak. I feel like having to battle everyone around me to prove me. I am not enough, authority challenges me. Am I aggressive for no reason? Am I a mindless hot head and weak in the wrong moments? Where is my idendity, who am I really? I need to prove it to everyone, especially myself. I will heal: Innerly. I am strong and I can speak without backing down, I will be brave for myself and fight for what’s right. I finally know my character. 
Chiron in Taurus: I feel: worthless, I have no worth and I don’t feel secure. I crave stability, will I find it in goods? Will I find it maybe if I don’t move and stay the same forever? I need ressurance, I am scared and can’t make any steps further. I will heal: by looking past the face, I will dare to look constructevly at my life, I will work for stability, I can feel secure in myself because I can provide for myself, so there is nothing to fear anymore. I am beautiful and good.
Chiron in Gemini: I feel: stupid and overbeared by all the impressions and informations I get. I am scaref to talk. My believes and views are challenged. I can’t make any sense of it, I am scared to speak my mind and unsure about everything. I have difficulties interacting with my fellow human beings, my mind can’t stand still, I am unable to focus. I will heal: and finally sort out my feelings and ideas. I will find confidence and ways to clean up my thoughts and will see the benefits in talking with my fellows and appreciate their opnion. Changing my mind is part of the progress in life, I feel joyous and happy when intellectually challenged or stimulated.
Chiron in Cancer: I feel: abandoned and unloved. Where is my family, where is my mother? I want a family that functions as a saving harbour but I feel left out and mistreatend. Home is hell and I am part of it. The family generational curse is out to get me. I am afraid I can not form a healthy family myself later on. What is a ‘normal’ family anyway? I will heal: with my heart. Normal is subjective and I am not part of the grudge that seems to hold my family in a tight grip. I can choose my family myself, I am loved even when I doubt it and I need to remind myself. I will transform my pain into a healing hand that touches damaged souls. 
Chiron in Leo: I feel: like a disgrace to myself and everyone else. I feel embaressed and I need to hide myself. I am too much, my love, my joy, my presence. I am shy and don’t want anyone to look at me: what if they hate me? Someone spoke too harshly with me and now I am scarred. I will heal: With my inner child by side. I am aloud to enjoy life and life out my passions. I am born to be looked at; everyone is unique in their own ways and I am too. The right people will appreciate me and I need to appreciate myself as well. I see my worth, I am glad I was born because I see the pupose of my life benefitting different situations and people.
Chiron in Virgo: I feel: exhausted. I am born to work and serve, but my body is aching. I see the negative in everything first, I am nitpicking myself and everyone else. I am not allowed to rest and enjoy. There is a mess around me, there is a mess inside me: my life is a mess, I need to clean up my whole existence. I will heal: by opening up to love and warmth. I need to feel the love vibrating in  the world I am on. I need to get in touch with my soul, my aims and pupose. I need to know the pin points of my life, everything else will solve itself later on.
Chiron in Libra: I feel: that I need to be always with someone, or do I feel alone? I give myself in into shallowness and have diffeculties forming meaningful relationships with my surroundings. I want to experience love I need to interact with someone because they need to fill the void inside of me. I see mirrors reflecting everything I give away from myself. I am not myself, I will change myself completely. I will heal: by realising that there is a connection between me and other people. I click with them and by helping them they help me. I am not shallow, the peoples are mirrors reflectig what I need, if they are wrong for me, what vibe and sensation do I give off? I can find solitude in myself as well, no one else is needed to give me the feeling of meaningfullness, relationships are an symbiosis. 
Chiron in Scorpio: I feel: cursed by the world, powerless. Since I was born someone or something is out to get me. Leave me alone. My inner being is wrong and feels like it can’t fit in, there is a deep, deep trauma that happened once that is haunting me now. I doom myself for being born, I fear losing eberyone, no one is allowed to come near me - I feel evil and wish evil. I will heal: with my whole heart and soul. Nothing is out to get me, I am not cursed, I did nothing wrong, nor in my past, this is a way of shaping who I am there is a reason behind all of this but I am not being punished. I am alright with who I am and I am not scary, nor evil, or a monster that was formed by being hurt and alone. 
Chiron in Sagittarius: I feel: lost in life and I fear having it lived meaningless. I feel pressured into finding a meaning and I want to achieve my dreams but it seems everything is getting out of hand. There are no roots holding me, I was tricked into false believes; my believes were belittled and killed. My soul feels restless and I need air to breath. I will heal: by accepting the cycle of life and realising I have the choice to create my life as I want. There is freedom and I can compromise between the rules. I will realise that there is a pupose in finding the purpose: the way is part of the destination. I have time and I don’t need to fear the future. 
Chiron in Capricorn: I feel: powerless and stoic. Nobody sees my value and my meaning, I can’t really find my place in society. I feel underappreciated and I always have to work extra hard to hear a true ‘well done’. Do I need to keep up an image? A mask I put on as soon as I leave the house? The future isn’t bright; the future is dark and meaningless. I will heal: by being my own authority and giving me the respect and recognition I deserve. I know my true self and I will align my destiny with it. I know I’ve done well and when times comes they’ll see. The future is bright because it is directed by me.
Chiron in Aquarius: I feel: Alienated and too odd. Evryone wants to be unique but I feel too eccentric to be part of society. I am left alone with my thoughts and visions, I will act as normal as possible to have friends and a loving community. I want to get close to people but i fear them nontheless. I will heal: by admiring my inner core and coming i touch with others. We will earn from each other and appreciate and love our differences; the inspire and fullfill us eventually. I will find community, I will create a place of belonging for everyone, my unique way of seeing things will benefit my community. It will please the void inside me.
Chiron in Pisces: I feel: thrown out in the dark, helpless and overwhelmed. The world is cruel and love is a waste, I feel unbothered, untouched by it. There is nouniverse to guide me, I feel made fun of by it, so I will be equally as cynical and cruel to the world. I am the victim and need to be saved, someone please show me purpose and light. I will heal: by loving unconditionally through and through. Only by opening up and giving yourself the chance to be one again with the world you will feel love and light. The endless, devilish cycle of darkness will end, you will shine brighter than ever before. 
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devinclaire · 6 years
Eternal Spring in the Time of Dreams: Libra Full Moon Horoscopes
The Full Moon rises on the same day that the Sun travels into Aries this year. Here in the Northern Hemisphere we welcome Spring, in the Southern Hemisphere they celebrate the transition into Autumn. Whichever hemisphere you frequent, expect things to leave your life quickly during the two week period after the Full Moon.
However, don’t expect them to be gone for good. Mercury Retrograde energy still lingers, and has a way of repeating situations bringing them closer to closure. Don’t be discouraged if you’re hoping to leave a particular debacle, you’re still getting to your destination.
The universe has a way of letting important things happen gradually so we’re fully prepared when the moment arrives. Also, we have the unique experience of viewing two Full Moons in Libra this year. The second one happening after Mercury Retrograde has ended.
The energy of the second Libra Full Moon will have some nice frequency to get rid of what really needs to go. With your certainty of what you want out by the time you get to your second Libra Full Moon ritual, you may be surprised to see where you find yourself come summer. It will look nothing like this current situation.
Also, let’s take advantage of this Mercury Retrograde energy to create a new ritual around the Libra Full Moon. Libra is the sign of marriage, partnership, and best friends. While the energy of the Libra Full Moon will bring focus to these relationships in your life, I vote that we also take this opportunity to commit to ourselves.
Under the Full Moon in Libra, marry yourself. Commit to love yourself in sickness and in health, and that you’ll provide your precious self the upmost care in either situation. The next Libra Full Moon coming up in April is time to think about with who you want to couple. The energy will be better to do so with Mercury moving forward again.
This doesn’t mean that you’re blind to others hurts, needs, and wants in the world. With the Sun moving right next to Chiron your eyes will be wide open to your own wounds and the wounds of others.
There’s a mutual relationship going on here- the more you tend to your own pain, by truly caring for yourself, it gives you the strength to see the pain of others. When you care for the container your soul lives in, it doesn’t crack, keeping bad energy from seeping in. When you can keep safe boundaries you can truly be of service. This comes from radical self-care.
Start with this, the next time you’re trying to make a decision, ask yourself by starting with, “My beloved…” feel how your body swoons at such tenderness.
Finally, it’s the astrological New Year! The Sun moves into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Aries being the sign of the self, makes it’s a great time to voice what you long for and desire. Usually Aries season is also a nice time to change your look, perhaps get a haircut, but I would wait until Taurus season this year with the Mercury Retrograde energy behind us.
Now, on to the horoscopes! Read your Sun sign and your Rising sign.  
Aries- Happy birthday! This is your season to celebrate! Even if you’re an Aries rising rather than an Aries Sun, celebrate the Sun crossing over your Ascendant, it also only happens once a year. Remember you are meant to shine during this time, even if it doesn’t feel that way at first. You’re a warrior and you’ve been wounded in the battle of life many times. The memories of these difficulties may be haunting you during a time when you feel like you should be having fun. It may be scary, but muster up the courage to feel into the pain, don’t think you have to do this alone, there is strength in numbers. Meet with friends to talk it out. When you sit with the uncomfortable feelings, this is when they truly begin to subside. This makes the celebration of the Sun returning to exact spot it shined when you were born much sweeter.
Taurus- You’re feeling the need to make a lot of changes but you’re a little frightened by how much you’ll stick out from the crowd after the process is over. You’re not sure if you’re ready for this kind of attention. Also, there are those in your life who might be unhappy with your changes. They like the old version of you just fine. What they don’t understand is that you are sitting on some energy that is so powerful, it will burn you up if you don’t use it toward the higher version of yourself. You’re going to change for your higher good whether they like it or not. If you needed validation, know you’re going in the right direction and making changes will lead to delightful surprises.
Gemini- You’re letting go of things that don’t honor the person you’re becoming. You’re saying good-bye to the things that no longer bring you joy. You’re good at making pro and con lists of things, seeing all sides. You’re good at saying, “Well, it’s really not that bad, this situation has its purpose,” but if this thing doesn’t light you up, like really light you up, then you need to let it go as you travel closer towards your passions. It will be an easy release, this Full Moon flows well with your intentions.
Cancer- What a lovely Full Moon for you to snuggle up under the covers. You are ruled by the Moon, and with the Full Moon taking place in your 4th House, the House also ruled by the Moon, it is possible that this is a very emotional time for you. Mercury Retrograde has brought some realizations to your attention that you’re attempting to grapple with at this time. You’re being incredibly brave. Also know that it is so important that you ground so deeply during this Full Moon that it feels like you’re burrowing yourself in the rich dirt that comes with the changing seasons. You’re doing this to get back in touch with your authentic self. Ditch anything that doesn’t honor this time of regrouping.
Leo- A great time for cathartic conversation if there ever was one. You’re often playing the role of empath, reflecting the feeling of others back to them, and performing the role they need the most in the moment. Now the Full Moon is shedding light on you to share your feelings. You’re given the space to speak about how you really feel, not how you’re supposed to feel. Not quite ready to give a speech on your own emotions?It also helps to write things out. Your dreams will be vivid, and you’ll be able to find the words to describe what happened the night before. If you’ve been working on a book, you’ll find a new found bolt of energy to finish your project.
Virgo- You may have a big check coming in as the Sun and the Moon go into places in your chart concerning profits. Also, now is a time to think about how what you value can be part of the healing in the world. Lately you may have found that you’ve been feeling pained from old experiences. Know that though this may feel awful, processing the experience, when you’re ready, will be a way that you provide healing for others. You’re going down the path of discovery first so others don’t have to do the same. This is a fabulous time to declutter and clear out space because come the New Moon in Aries better things are definitely coming in. Also take a hard look at your sense of self-worth. Make a commitment to marry yourself, and help yourself the way you always so selflessly help others.
Libra- Old pains around relationships that you thought had already cleared up may be rising from your soul for another glimpse. While you feel like you’ve done the work already, know that the releasing energy of this Full Moon is getting you ready for the incredibly powerful manifesting Libra New Moon in September of this year. Right now, your psychic tendencies are off the chart, and it’s perfectly fine if you’re craving a blanket and the couch with all this powerful energy. You can still release demons from under the covers. 
Scorpio- You’ll be doing a Full Moon ritual because you understand the importance of practice and pattern to create space in the psyche to go to deep places that can’t always be accessed with the snap of a finger. This is also a good time to pick up an old ritual that you let fall by the wayside. It will be truly transformational. This is a time of intense healing for you. Remember, step by step, day by day, you will get there. While you’d rather be casting incantations in a cave somewhere, realize healing needs to happen in the everyday spaces, until your reality is as witchy as you want it.
Sagittarius- If you’ve been meaning to attend that Full Moon Circle on the beach hosted by the owners of that cute occult bookstore you like to visit, this is the Full Moon to do it. This is a great time to join new groups and make new friends. It’s nice to be around people who see you in a new light, especially if you feel like you’re running around a lot at work and you need something completely new. Actually maybe you’re in the process of letting go of the work you currently do to look for a new career path. It’s a good Moon to honor that transition energy.
Capricorn- Something in your career is taking off. At the moment it may feel bittersweet, you’re leaving behind the old version of you, and transition isn’t always easy. Also, while your career is taking off, you may feel like things at home aren’t quite right. Old history that you thought had been settled is popping back up. You’ve done what you can with this one, you talked about it, you did the responsible thing to come to a conclusion. This time, let the other members of this fiasco figure it out, right now you’re being called to a different stage.
Aquarius- Well, first and foremost, if you’re asked to go on a worldwide adventure for love, do it! Even if it’s Mercury Retrograde take the leap, make the plans! You’re getting very clear lines of psychic communication because you’re seeing with your heart, not thinking with your head. The descions you make now will be pivotal for the late summer. Sure, you may have trouble finding your keys, that happens with Mercury Retrograde, but the psychic understanding you have right now is priceless.
Pisces- Ever have a Tarot card that keeps popping up in readings and you wonder, “Why is this one always being pulled?” You rack your brain, and you just can’t quite figure out why it keeps appearing. Well, on this Full Moon, during Mercury Retrograde, on the same day as the Equinox, time will be slippery and secrets will begin to come out of the woodwork. Listen! This is juicy stuff! While the icky truth might not be as bad as situations you’ve been in before, you’ve evolved from those situations and these new sinister plots aren’t worth your valuable time. If you can’t fly the coop yet don’t despair. There are lessons to be learned here so you don’t have to deal with this situation again. What you can garner now is which direction the drama is pointing you towards as your true path. 
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ms-m-astrologer · 6 years
Transiting Venus Stations Direct
Timetable (current events in bold):
Monday, September 3, 03:20 UT - Venus enters Rx Zone, 25:15 Libra
Sunday, September 9, 09:25 UT - Venus enters Scorpio
Friday, October 5, 19:04 UT - Venus stations retrograde, 10:50 Scorpio
Friday, October 26, 14:16 UT - Venus-Sun Inferior Conjunction, 3:06 Scorpio
Wednesday, October 31, 19:42 UT - Venus Rx back into Libra
Friday, November 16, 10:51 UT - Venus stations direct, 25:15 Libra
Sunday, December 2, 17:02 UT - Venus re-enters Scorpio
Tuesday, December 18, 03:28 UT - Venus exits Rx Zone, 10:50 Scorpio
Monday, January 7, 2019, 11:17 UT - Venus into Sagittarius
I can hear you all, screaming with joy! Let’s review what Venus Retrograde has been all about, courtesy (as ever) of Martin Bulgerin at www dot biopscinst dot com:
When Venus is in retrograde, the emotions and instincts go haywire. Our usual sense of what is beautiful, pleasing and attractive is suspended. Some astrologers warn against buying anything for its aesthetic appeal during this cycle, since the object will seem like a "lapse of good taste" at a later date. Relationships begun now can be the same way. I'd double-check any decisions made by "gut level instinct" or by the way the situation feels while Venus is backing up.
Please note too that, technically, we won’t be completely out of the woods until Venus is out of her zone on December 18 (KEITH RICHARDS’ 75TH BIRTHDAY). Over the next month, we’ll have a collective case of “What was I thinking?” This is based on the unfortunate fact that most of the following aspects (covering Venus’ mulligan through Libra) are of the “challenging” variety. (See, this is why, when Venus is retrograde, we tell you not to fall in love or tackle that piano etude or invest your money!)
Saturday, November 17, Sun/Scorpio semi-sextile Venus/Libra, 25:16; Sunday, November 18, Juno Rx/Taurus inconjunct Venus/Libra, 25:19
“What was I thinking?” Almost certainly this manifests via some relationship difficulties (though ramifications from some kind of personal empowerment can’t be ruled out). Who we’ve become is incompatible with the roles we play in various alliances.
Planets/Points affected lie between 24:16 and 26:19 of all signs.
Thursday, November 22, Mercury Rx/Sagittarius (10:58) semi-square Venus/Libra (25:58);  Friday, November 23, Vesta/Capricorn square Venus/Libra, 26:19
“What was I thinking?” This is, technically, a double semi-square: Mercury in Sag serves as a focus for the Venus-Vesta square energy. The square shows some sexuality issues, and can also make itself felt via artistic expression; Mercury in Sag suggests either an “open mouth, insert foot” situation, or problems with communicating our artistic visions.
Planets/Points affected lie between 24:58 and 27:19 of the cardinal signs Aries*, Cancer*, Libra*, and Capricorn*; and between 9:58 and 12:19 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius*, and Pisces*.
Wednesday, November 28, Chiron Rx/Pisces inconjunct Venus/Libra, 27:57
“What was I thinking?” Old wounds come to the surface - perhaps we’ve realized that a certain relationship is (essentially) a rerun of a previous one? It isn’t uncommon for us to seek the same type of partner over and over again, as we try subconsciously to work something out.
Planets/Points affected lie between 26:57 and 28:57 of the cardinal signs Aries*, Cancer*, Libra*, and Capricorn*; and between 11:57 and 13:57 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius*, and Pisces*.
Thursday, November 29, Neptune Rx/Pisces (13:42) sesquare Venus/Libra (28:42); Friday, November 30, Uranus Rx/Aries opposite Venus/Libra, 29:01; North Node/Cancer square Venus/Libra, 29:12; South Node/Capricorn square Venus/Libra, 29:12; Saturday, December 1, Mercury Rx/Scorpio semi-sextile Venus/Libra, 29:34
“What was I thinking?” This final set of aspects, before Venus re-enters Scorpio, seems to tie in our personal struggles with the greater global issues of our interesting times. After all, the Uranus-Neptune semi-square is still going strong. And the Nodes are newly entered into the Cancer/Capricorn polarity, turning this situation into a Cardinal grand cross (Uranus Rx/Aries, North Node/Cancer, Venus/Libra, South Node/Capricorn), with Neptune acting as a focus. We need to elevate and purify our Venus natures. The semi-sextile to Mercury Rx suggests that we have some mental/intellectual work to do, as well, in adjusting our attitudes and habitual thought patterns and processes.
Planets/Points affected lie between 27:42 and 29:59 of the cardinal signs Aries*, Cancer*, Libra*, and Capricorn*; and between 12:42 and 15:34 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius*, and Pisces*.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/karmic-transformation-full-moon-lunar-eclipse/
By Laura-Boomer Trent 
The horoscope of this Full Moon LUNAR ECLIPSE, at 24°04’Capricorn, suggests mighty strong karma at work – some good and some not so, some past, some future. As usual, it is the present which matters, as what we do in the present sets the tone of future karma. Only in the present do we see how personal, familial, and ancestral karma has worked in the past, leading us to where we are now. With such weighty celestial activity in the run-up to and during this potent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, the astral advice is stay in the present moment as much as you can – and keep the heart fully open and brain focused upon love. 
Though be aware how, in typical human fashion, just as one plucks up courage to confidently take personal charge to discipline’s one’s self to create a healthier world, along comes an often underestimated collective karma originating from leftfield. ‘Throwing karma’ coming out of nowhere could seemingly have nothing to do you with you personally. Yet bizarrely it does.  
A long thread of human history binds us all; and we would do well to be aware how collective karma connects an entire 35-year generation to a shared and powerful transformation, particularly that of sustainability and shared resources, business and responsibility, harmonious relationships, and fair rules to live by.
Therein lies the crux of this Full Capricorn Moon Lunar Eclipse: if something isn’t working within a relationship, corporate or custom, work or home, health or heart, now is the time to take a little time out to rest in the partial light of this Lunar Eclipse and look into deep into the shadows of our own individual subconscious and shine the light of personal awareness. Indeed, it is time (again) to nourish our connection to the universal consciousness, and to work (again) on our destructive emotions and release everything which no longer serves a spiritual love (remembering that loving yourself is considered healthy when not ego-based). That said, it pays to be extra cautious right now, especially if or when consolidating, or perfecting the angle of facet cuts on a metaphoric treasured jewel. Not to be anxious, but with a relaxed awareness embedded into the cautiousness. 
Those with planets around 22-26 ° in Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) may already have psychic antennae sensing karmic action – in thought, word or deed – is like a rock thrown into water, creating an ever-widening ripple effect; aware how the unresolved or unfinished can slowly but surely unravel and unfold to make itself known (especially now for the leading signs), even if it takes 35 years to do so (more on this long , Saturn conjunct Pluto cycle in a moment – along with a rendition of Karma Chameleon and a Boy George comeback; only kidding on last point 😉 ).
To be astrologically direct, this is an Earth-Water Sun Moon Element combo: events and situations may be most (emotionally) demanding; perhaps one of the most subtly intense and powerful Full Moons of the Earth Sow year – as well as the most potentially rewarding. Even so, shady secrets will try to hide in the swamp and obstacles remain ever-present, especially when the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is conjunct head honcho Saturn, powerful Pluto, and karmic South Node. Note, however, that overcoming difficulties is a sign of success. In fact, those in positions of Plutonic power and Saturnian authority turn hurdling over hitches, ditches, and hindrances into an art form. They also use fear as a means of control. 
Facing up to fears and doubts takes a certain maturity in the rational world. For a magical human, however, all it really takes is watching your breath, breathing deeply with awareness will also enable you deal with irrational thoughts and fears, too. Recognizing when you are afraid can even be an impetus to create a more peaceful place. If we didn’t have fear in many situations, we’d be toast. Fear can motivate – as well as freeze. Some may even be rewarded for facing their fears during this Full Moon.
How we handle a potentially obstructive and restrictive Saturn, Pluto, and South Node in Capricorn matters, especially in this interconnected world. Just remember if you’re in a hot spot, there are always ways to resolve even the most heated issues: being grown-up and organised helps. As does breathing, slowly and steadily to clear the mind; answers and resolutions will appear – even if it means asking for help (in how to handle the situation) from your nearest and dearest – before calling in professionals, which you may or may not need. 
At this shared moment in time, in as much we are all together under the same transformational Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Mercury is Retrograde! And the usual drill for a detailed triple-check turns into a triple deep inspection within our own sweet self, going back to why we do the things we do as well as discover foundations of support, and historical memories.
The greatest gift from Mercury retrograde can overcome adversity once and for all; Mercury in Leo works on transforming the mind from the inside out, from deep within our own synaptic plastic mind, rooting out laziness, vanity, anger, greed, resentment, bitterness and fear, and replacing destructive emotions with love, patience, joy, compassion and kindness. In other words, any of the same-old ploys we have used for-ever-and-a-day to manipulate, schmooze, and control anyone to do what we want are no longer appropriate. Leo’s influence demands integrity intact and loyalty pure, particularly when consciously interacting; releasing (emotional or past-life) hang-ups and blocks as best we can – and thereby let go of self-sabotaging habits that do no one any favours, least of all ourselves.
To provide strength and support when going through any kind of metamorphosis it is good to be surrounded with people, things or ideas you love, love you, and nurture spirit and soul; the Sun in Cancer tends to care for all beings, as a Mother would her child. And for another week the Sun basks in Cancer, the Sign of the Great Mother Goddess, which rules and is ruled by the Moon. The Moon right next to taskmaster Saturn and forceful Pluto can make one feel besieged: at once bringing an all-or-nothing obsession to certain areas: double check 24 Capricorn mark in your scope to see which area of life ‘karmic wisdom-lessons’ may now appear (in an open astral portal until January (or longer, throughout 2020).  
While this quite long Lunar Eclipse, which is over 5 and a half hours, will pass in an evening or three, associated feelings could come around with a certain monthly regularity until November, when issues of love and security, authority and control, will begin to clear, if not sorted to some degree. 
Take note:
☆ ☆ The two ‘power-house’ planets, Saturn and Pluto, conjunct exactly January 12th, 2020, @22Capricorn to then complete a momentous cycle which began slowly, taking most of 1982-85 to get going. This is therefore a message to all, but thirty-somethings especially: try not to get bogged down by relationship materialism. Recognise also, how none of us are perfect: we are all in the process of becoming responsible and loving human beings, learning how to live by the heartmind and embody wisdom in action. 
☆ Be aware how the Moon is now on the fifth of ten occultation’s of Saturn, Pluto AND the South Node, Luna’s natural flow, i.e. our own intuition and personal emotional flow, could be dangerously restricted by (even self-imposed) rules and regulations. A South Node with Saturn produces a certain kind of elitist tendency that lacks empathy, resulting from ancestral privilege from this or previous lives; those holding onto to perceived hard-earned power but not wanting to evolve or make changes to benefit anyone else but themselves are also exhibiting major transformation and how this pans out will also depend upon the collective will to release, transform and heal.  
☆ Meanwhile, nature has its own course as time and tide wait for no man. And the Moon is watery ruler of said tides; at the point of culmination Luna is emerging from a triple looping epic Eclipse time tunnel, and a seemingly close initiation into the dark side with omnipotent Pluto, devilishly karmic Time Lord, Saturn; all the while all three – Moon, Saturn and Pluto – reckon with mega-strong past-life-action-relationship indicator, the Moon’s invisible crossing point on the elliptic with Earth and Sun, called ‘the South Node’, aka ‘Ketu’, or the ‘Dragon’s Tail’, making it all theoretically fantastic. if a little dramatic, to have the past so clearly laid out – and just a little daunting as the future bekons.
☆ Still, there is every reason to keep romance alive and the love-light shining in your heart becauseLove Goddess, Venus, is conjunct the means to a kind and caring helpful future, i.e. the karmic Moon’s North Node, aka Rahu, or Dragon’s Head, revealing LOVE is the most precious human gem.
Venus in Cancer further empowers the Cancerian Mother Goddess (within – remember even guys have a feminine side (i.e. right brain)) to bathe in love, sweet love, and all that feels secure within our most familial sphere (global family also), and to nurture our ability to love patiently and be patiently loved, calmly authentic, supported and supportive somewhere safe; somewhere called ‘home’. 
☆ With no less than SIX planets now retrograde, this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse marks the need for creature comforts at the beginning of a fairly long season of rethinking, renewing, reviewing, reworking, reinvesting, redeeming, re-visioning, and researching. Mercury, for instance, is retro until the New Leo Moon, August 1st, going back from self-serving Leo into family-serving Cancer. Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune and Pluto are also retrograde until the turn of the Fixed Fire Cross, or even Equinox, making it difficult to immediately forge ahead without having to re-do.
While there will certainly be breakthroughs along our own personal journey, Mercury’s recent conjunction with Mars, suddenly exposed a right royal drama and secrets that could sway finances and other shared interests to extremes. But it isn’t resolved until early September, when truly practical solutions are acknowledged and/or implemented with some serious feminine wisdom.  
☆ Also over this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, there are Fixed Stars to add sparkle into the cosmic mix; as the Moon is with the three other astral markers, it is also with an important Fixed Star, ‘Rukbat’, adding a steadying influence to the Earthy Capricorn. Although, the Water element dominates, suggesting any transformation is through movement and flow.
Spirit Sun is in Moon-ruled Cancer, also conjunct a Fixed Star, ‘Pollux’; this could indicate how trying to bring the negative into fruition is taking its toll – and it is time for a rethink to avoid any (more) heartache.
Consider how love and trust go hand in hand; and how things of value are also often borne from the pain of creativity; so events around this Moon could also be labelled ‘challenging’ – Luna is in her detriment in the ambitious sign Capricorn, after all. And even though this is just a partial eclipse, it may still be one to remember. As Earth blocks Sun’s light upon the Moon, a trinity aligns to create transformational shifts that can be both personal or collective, as well as spiritual or physical, geo-physical or cosmic. So go easy out there dear readers: remember everyone has a story. And (not that one should really compare) remember to give thanks as your story isn’t as mad, bad or as sad as others, or even as you think it is. 😉 
☆ For those lucky enough to view this eclipse include much of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Pacific, Indian Ocean, and the South-Eastern part of North America. Basically, everywhere except the Norther United States, which has already seen a fair share of eclipse earthquake action the past couple of weeks.  
☆ In India this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is called Guru Purnima, i.e. the ‘Teacher’s Moon’, to honour the spiritual teacher. From a meditator’s point of view this is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse for ripening one’s practice. Actually, truth be told, this is THE Full Moon for everyone’s practice to ripen. Just try not to make a crisis out of any karma drama 😉  
Last words from ~ Dongzar Jamyang Khentse Rinpoche ~ “Fearlessness is generated when you can appreciate uncertainty, when you have faith in the impossibility of these interconnected components remaining static and permanent. You will find yourself, in a very true sense, preparing for the worst while allowing for the best….By knowing that something is lying in wait for you just around the bend, by accepting that countless potentialities exist from this moment forward, you acquire the skill of pervasive awareness and foresight like that of a gifted general, not paranoid but prepared.”
With best wishes for a wonderfully enlightening eclipse from Agent Dakini #87 aka Laura Boomer Trent
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unicorns-killed-me · 7 years
Astrological thoughts
I knew it would be hard, and now I’m taking the brunt of it. Pluto exactly opposite my Cancer ascendant. Chiron sitting exactly on my Pisces midheaven. Pain. Lots of it. Surprisingly enough, not on the relationship sphere. Work. It’s all about work and authority. Pluto slowly brought my 8 year old relationship to an end last year. It was the right time. Overcoming my demons tooke me a year and now I’m at peace. But then, even though I knew Chiron was getting painfully close to my Mc I still decided to take the leap and change jobs after 5 years at an amazing startup. I needed more structure and less chaos. I was tired of power struggles and opposition (Pluto). Chiron might mean it will be hard at first or that the contract will not be renewed after the first 6 months. And also that I probably have something to learn that will make me better and stronger. I’m an introvert who reached management in corporate. Learning how to manage people was painful and rewarding. But I keep finding myself trying to prove that I can do this, that I am capable. I don’t know if to myself or someone else anymore. Changing jobs gave me the notion that yes, I do know enough and I’m good at what I do. And yet… The opposing energy is still there, same as it was at the previous job. It just took another shape and a stronger character. During the first stages of these transits I thought this was about overcoming my insecure self and owning my authority (Pluto on the Capricorn descendant). After the translation degree I wanted to spend the rest of my days translating literature and eventually write my own novel. I ended up at a contact center answering phones and became a manager 3 years later. Amazing startup starts to change as it heads towards becoming full corporate. New people, new bosses, the painful changes happening only on the department where I was. Come aboard all the people with corporate experience to make this happen and close all possibilities to the ones who built the company up. It’s needed and it has to happen. I’m ok with new people and even us not being wanted anymore. I just didn’t have any other department to turn to as it was very specific. Mass exodus, me and the older ones. I thought I needed structure and wanted to learn more in the real corporate. Started off brilliantly. And then… Department was created here because people lost their jobs somewhere else. Before, managers were operational, putting out fires and barely managing people. The transition separated these two roles and I got the one where I should only manage people. Big Boss on the other country keeps picking on my boss because there’s no need for me and there could be a cost saving there. Join in his pet senior agent who complained about salary and responsibilities (being only a senior he earns less and knows zero about people development, one of the company’s biggest goals). Being only a people manager and not ‘knowing’ about their daily tasks also creates resistance within the team, from at least two elements (team of 8, in total I have 16, on 3 small teams). So yes… Power struggles, rejection everywhere. Adding to this, Uranus in Aries, at the quite critical degree of 28’ is squaring my natal Mars in Capricorn. Mars sextiles Mc, but with Chiron sitting there… At the moment, transiting Mars and Sun in Cancer, which made me feel like the biggest whimp, are heading towards a square with Uranus, still in 10th house. None of this should be this critical if it wasn’t for my natal stellium in Scorpio (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto). Add the Cancer ascendant and the natal Sun in Libra squaring it. At this point I’m still trying to figure out if I enjoy management when the background noise and the power struggles are not there to throw me off balance. Having always said I don’t like people, I thought this was something I needed to learn. And yet this job is changing me, for the worst. Three months in and I lost sleep; anxiety and stress levels through the roof every day (borderline on the panic attack) headaches; I’m heavier, physically and emotionally as I can’t find joy in anything anymore. I don’t want to keep climbing the ladder, I just want to be happy. I barely smile, standing silent most times. Family and friends notice the change and are worried. I have my heart on my sleeve and cry easily when thinking about this. Very privately and secretly I’ve been having suicidal thoughts. I just can’t bring myself to do it because believing in reincarnation I don’t want to go through something similar or harder next time to ensure I learn what I need. I don’t want to leave the impression of having taken the easier way out. And I can’t bear the thought of leaving my pets with someone else. And yes, I consider the pain of family and friends too. And why is everything so painful? Because I feel part of the millenials who realized we’re here to make something better, help people and try to make the world a better place. For a few years I’ve taken interest in astrology and been studying for quite a while now. Even though I thought the lesson was around people, I’m also learning how to manage without being the expert on the daily tasks, how to manage firmly under challenging circumstances, people, stopping that cancer ascendant from getting in the way and figuring out if I really like this or not. And as Pluto sits on my Descendant and Chiron on my Mc I realize the passion was lost long ago. No, this is not it. I don’t want to spend every day struggling to prove myself, feeling miserable, developing people who have no sense of professionalism whatsoever, moved by personal greed alone. There’s gotta be more to life than this. And the notion that my love for writing, astrology and counseling should be nurtured becomes unbearable. Hopefully I’ll stop caring and taking everything so personally. My sanity needs it but I still can’t get over this overwhelming sadness. Maybe self sabotage will kick in and the contract will not be renewed. I’ll be broke and will have to get back to my parents house. For now I’m mustering up the courage to apply for the astrology course starting in September. Need to shut down the outside noise telling me I just doubt myself and these stormy times will eventually disappear. I know I’m good at what I do. I just hate it and it’s slowly killing me. Slowly, but surely. Learn, practice, juggle both things until I can do what I love. I won’t let corporate eat me away. Just like the scorpion, I would rather kill myself first.
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zodiacspot · 8 years
Horoscope - Feb 01 2017
Aries Horoscope
(Mar 21 – Apr 19)
You embody the courageous streak your sign is known for today as challenges which usually block your path seem to vanish in thin air. It feels like the universe is granting you clearance to sidestep the rules; you're anxious to get people on board with your plans because they're so unorthodox they just might work. Clear communication will stoke the fire propelling you toward your ambitions. Actions speak louder than words, but the right words at the right time can move mountains.
Taurus Horoscope
(Apr 20 – May 20)
You may worry that you can't hide your true feelings, but your coworkers see you as enterprising and focused today. In fact, you're willing to restrain from any heated retorts in order to maneuver into the right position. Your drive to succeed comes from a hidden place, but putting your dreams into words for a few close friends clarifies your vision. You can still keep your inspiration protected while cultivating a fertile mental garden in which it will grow.
Gemini Horoscope
(May 21 – Jun 20)
Your dreams seem closer than ever now, and you're willing to stretch beyond normal capacity to reach them. The unabashed Aries Moon strides through your 11th House of Networking, prompting you to shake all the right hands and make the connections that will lead to advancement. While you enjoy the high energy, make sure you also take time to monitor your thought process. Honor the desire to transform your life, but remember that everything begins in the mind. True happiness is created, not found.
Cancer Horoscope
(Jun 21 – Jul 22)
Your arrow is aimed at the ideal vision of yourself and your natural tenacity pulls the bow string taut. You're ready to push past any vulnerabilities that might usually give you pause, and even step out of your comfort zone if it means moving closer to your goals. You possess the strength today, but make sure you aren't pushing yourself just for the sake of it. Although it's satisfying to be recognized for a job well done, kind words from a loved one mean so much more than a gold star at work or school. There's no shame in your game for seeking support when you need it.
Leo Horoscope
(Jul 23 – Aug 22)
Your gaze is directed outward now, and you can see a runway to launch you into the wild blue yonder. The fuel that's been thrown on your fire is thanks to the courageous Aries Moon in your 9th House of Big Ideas. A trusty sidekick may put a different spin on things, heightening your imagination and urging you to get on the road to the next adventure without delay. However, sometimes the best part of a spontaneous journey is the conversation that happens along the way. Inspiration is often found in the most unexpected places.
Virgo Horoscope
(Aug 23 – Sep 22)
You're ready to make a change and dexterously handle any obstacles with confidence. Stepping outside the box allows you to quickly discover an innovative approach to your workload, increasing your productivity. However, the blessing of an authentically expressed self can be more gratifying than any number of accomplishments. Analytical Mercury's collaboration with healer Chiron encourages you to creatively re-frame your ideas and offers the key to personal fulfillment. It is far more powerful to live your truth than to preach it.
Libra Horoscope
(Sep 23 – Oct 22)
You sway with the energetic atmosphere today, enjoying the exciting interactions that seem to be around every corner. Sparks fly as the eccentric Aquarius Sun dances with the feisty Aries Moon, and you may be pleasantly surprised with how much fun you're having now. Letting loose and coloring outside the lines brings more joy into your life, but true healing occurs from the ground up. Speak from your heart, not just to rattle someone's cage. Genuine words of kindness contain more healing power than any exciting enterprise you can imagine.
Scorpio Horoscope
(Oct 23 – Nov 21)
You feel the fire flow through your veins today as you knock out one task after another. Your drive to push past personal limitations flares as the restless Aries Moon powers through your 6th House of Health and Fitness, inspiring you to find an outlet for your high energy. However, your mind needs stimulation just as much as your body. Putting your thoughts on paper can be just as challenging and rewarding as physical exercise, and it's just as important for a balanced and healthy you.
Sagittarius Horoscope
(Nov 22 – Dec 21)
Life is a game and you were born ready to play. You don't see anything stopping you from making the most of the day while the brazen Aries Moon transits your 5th House of Spontaneity. Your inner child is unleashed and running off the beaten path today, encouraging you to ignore conventions so you can stay true to yourself. Listen to the whispers of your heart regarding your self-worth. Follow your bliss and you may find something beautiful waiting to be discovered.
Capricorn Horoscope
(Dec 22 – Jan 19)
The outer world mirrors the inner; the itch to power through a pile of clutter often indicates that an emotional purging needs to take place. You're ready to clean house in every sense while the tenacious Aries Moon heats up your 4th House of Foundations. Keeping busy with chores allows your mind to sort itself out in the background, running through what you can eliminate and what to cherish. Reshuffling your priorities unlocks a sense of peace and calm.
Aquarius Horoscope
(Jan 20 – Feb 18)
You're fired up and ready to go, leaping over hurdles and leaving everyone in the dust. Your thoughts race faster than you can follow and you believe you are capable of setting anything you want into motion today. Your original approach to problem-solving empowers you to resolve dilemmas as soon as you run into them. While riding the mind-over-matter wave may feel good now, remember to communicate with honesty not just force. Taking time to listen allows wisdom to find its way in.
Pisces Horoscope
(Feb 19 – Mar 20)
The nagging doubts that often slow you down are nowhere to be found today. In fact, you roll along at a brisk pace and your belief in your talent is reignited. It's nice to feel capable of getting what you want, and the momentum that comes from confidence in your abilities may lead you to rewarding yourself with some impulse purchases. Self-indulgence is fun, but lasting gratification takes time. Rather than hastily acquiring new things to make you happy, cherish the healing connections of your closest companions. Vincent Van Gogh wrote, "What is done with love is done well."
Source : Rick Levine
Read more about your horoscope here
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hungarianaquarian · 7 years
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A Grand Old Time in the Sky Tonight
April 3: 
Today we not only have a Grand Trine in the sky, which bodes well-- again it is the combination of Mercury, Saturn and the North Node as we saw on April 1st—but we also have a Grand Cross in the sky which can be one of the most challenging aspects to overcome. We have the moon in Cancer squaring Jupiter in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn squaring the Sun in Aries. With those four squares in cardinal signs it relates to starting something new, opening the door to a new trend, and it will come with multiple challenges. The moon in cancer could bring in a lot of emotional responses. The sun in Aries could mean personal action or personal agitation. Pluto has been in Capricorn for years and will continue to be, but again it represents drastic change in business, government, responsibility. And Jupiter in Libra represents a lot of focus on legal justice, fairness, partnerships or foreign cultures that could all be challenged and stressed by this configuration. On a personal level, the moon in cancer can represent the home or the mother. Jupiter in Libra can represent a growing relationship or partnership that feels beneficial. Pluto in Capricorn on a personal level can represent the boss, the father, power at work, or responsible power. Maybe even change in work or responsibility. The sun in Aries it's kind of a double shot of the self. Aries is the sign of the individual, or the self. The Sun represents the self, so there may be a big focus on what's good for me connected to changes in work or responsibility or power and those may connect to what is fair, a sense of balance and maybe even balance between home and work and what's good for me, and what's good for the relationships in my life.
April 4: 
The Moon is at 2° of Leo which is about 90° away from Mercury at 3° of Taurus. So this is again a challenging angle that affects emotions and communications. Leo represents what we consider to be fun, joyful, lovable, and even risky. The moon in Leo represents emotions and feelings regarding fun and joy and even falling in love. By being at a challenging angle to Mercury in Taurus, there can be some discussions or beliefs regarding comfort level - since Taurus is the sensuous side of life - or security in what is mine.  This angle can cause stress or tension or jealousy related to what is mine versus feeling like we're having fun or that we share love. Our thoughts and words can get in the way. And we still have Mercury connected to Saturn and the North Node and the way that we have to be attentive to detail and what we say and think plan carefully how to structure new growth.
Saturn and Venus are at a challenging angle as well. Now Saturn is connected to Mercury in Taurus, where we just saw a challenging angle related to love and joy in our thoughts about what is mine or what is comfortable. Now Saturn at the same challenging angle to Venus relates to love and happiness being challenged by structure, or limitations to growth. The growth could be something legal, something cultural, or could even be as simple as limitations in travel or cultural exploration causing challenges to our happiness level or something we love - maybe even to creativity.
Mars in Taurus is at an awkward angle to Jupiter in Libra. Mars in Taurus tends to be the very sexual, sensual marker, and Jupiter in Libra can mean beneficial relationships or a partnership growing stronger. This awkward angle means that there will be something uncomfortable about the sexual sensual desire and the ability for a relationship to grow stronger. There will need to be some adjustment made related to the strong sexual desire and what will be beneficial to partnership or relationship, and even what is fair on a higher level.
April 5: 
Mars in Taurus still messing with emotions. Today it is at a stressful, challenging angle to the Moon in Leo. The Moon is our emotions and how we feel, and Leo represents what we love, what brings us joy, and even being flirtatious or the center of attention. This sensual sexual aspect, or strong drive and determination, is challenging love, partnership and feeling good side of life.  
What is good is that Mars and Pluto are at a highly positive angle. Mars the energy and drive to make things happen and in Taurus to make things more comfortable to make things more appealing and to add to our prosperity and assets. Pluto is either the boss, the authority, the government, or even drastic change related to taking responsibility or working hard. so there seems to be a strong amount of energy to take charge, to make changes in work and to be able to improve our comfort level or our earning capacity, or even what we own. It's a highly likely possibility that that will happen to some degree. Good for work, not so good for fun and love.
Venus and Chiron are closing in together in Pisces meaning there could be reflection on what makes us happy in a healthy way. What can improve the pain in our life, or health, through love and happiness. Both of these planets are at a challenging angle to Saturn in Sagittarius. Again Saturn in Sagittarius means some restrictions or deliberate planning regarding expansion or growth to a higher level of being, thinking, or understanding.
April 6: 
The main thing today is that the sun in Aries is opposite Jupiter in Libra and both are square to Pluto in Capricorn, and this will continue for a few days. In fact we will see the full moon join this configuration as well as Uranus by the 10th. This is the beginning of a feeling of what's good for me, what's good for others, and what needs changing through work and responsibility.
The Grand Trine in the sky that has included Mercury, Saturn, and the North Node now includes the Moon today. So that brings in a level of emotion to what we are thinking or talking about, what we need to do, and slowly growing things related to work, responsibilities, service to others and what makes us feel comfortable. Saturn  on the Galactic Center in Sagittarius brings in the idea of shedding what is no longer valuable and bringing in Divine understanding. Think about what you may need to let go of in a way that serves others, makes us feel more comfortable and nurtured, and how that focus affects our emotions. It brings to mind clearing out the house, giving to charity, feeling more satisfied with our surroundings. Letting go of something that may bring up emotions but that ultimately is better for us and is serving others at the same time. Getting organized as part of this as well as feeling a sense of love and nurturing.
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castingcomets · 3 years
Sometimes i listen to those 'edit audio playlists' and one of the songs in them was straight up the one in that jacklyn edit that calls you a simp at the end... i was like 'thats jackie's song!' Anyway if you decided to turn another pl character transfem who would it be - amii
I Literally still think abt Ronnie All Of the time... not just cos shes soo cute but bc her story has got some juice in it and I like to dwell on it.
Like the idea that Roy is some cis guy and is sort of ugly in a worm sort of way is Importsnt to me but I also totally love the idea that Roy's not cis not even in an AU just straight up as a perception of canon .
Bc I already think that Roy has deeeeep issues with feeling Disgusting, Gross, Worm-like, Pathetic, Etc bc he kind of looks like a worm And Bc he is so Cowardly and bc Joy has always done everything for him it seems . And shes sort of an asshole abt it, and part of her character is that she thinks it's easier to just Do Shit Herself and is still learning how to instead give ppl the tools to grow, as per her beliefs and personal philosophy that shes acquired w Ninjoy. In their youths she would stand up for him a lot and fight his battles, sometimes bc she thought it was the honorable thing to do, sometimes bc she thought she had to. In her defense her parents did put all the expectations onto Her as the Oldest to be completely capable and caring.
And so to Roy it just feels like hes Weak and Pathetic and ppl Have to take care of him bc he Cant on his own evidently, he evidently Cant learn for whatever reason, Joy doesnt believe in him and shes always known best, Papa Louie used to believe in him genuinely but then he just became absent over the years and essentially abandoned him, and it feels like these ppl in Roy's life who know hes pathetic are Resentful of it.
That also explains why he cant keep a friend despite being able to be so placidly and generically friendly - he has 0 confidence and ppl can sense it. Hes like a generic background character and he presents himself as one. Allan keeps coming around to see him and acting like they're friends and every single time Roy feels a pang of affection/confidence from that he is so quick to smother it with "Allan is friends w literally everyone . This is his loss. And it means nothing " bc he knows better than to get his hopes up. It's also why he tends to get so irascible with Allan - bc hes overworked, lonely, too old to be doing this for so long, and bc Allan is emotionally Confusing him by being so persistent. Most- no, all- people have abandoned him by now, and Roy is cranky that Allan is being different . It's just confusing and hard to swallow.
Any Way I think the transfem idea would add a whole extra layer to the feeling Disgusting bit from earlier , bc like I said Roy is ugly in a worm sort of way, and there is 0 chance of her ever being able to reconcile w that and feel comfortable w that bc first of all it's the wrong body to begin with . The cross section of dysmorphia and dysphoria would be blurred and Roy would be sooo insecure abt not being masculine enough , bc a masculine attractive man is better than someone who looks like Bob the Builder , and lack of masculinity does not necessarily equate to femininity; and even if it did, that would just be sick, wouldnt it ? And Roy already has issues with feeling pathetic and like a worm - if you tried to throw "feminine" on top of that, it would feel derogatory and deeply shameful. Like a worm drying out on a sidewalk, nowhere near any sort of acceptable lawn. And there are only two to choose from.
It's a process. Roy has a looot of time to think working alone in that pizzeria, though. And there is a point where you've lived in the sludge of shame long enough that you might as well become the bog witch . The idea tho is that she learns that she was never a witch to begin with .. jus a pretty lady trapped under a bad haircut and a lifetime of being stepped on by loved/trusted ones <3 also shes ugly as a guy sometimes it's just like that. Ppl shouldnt have to feel so damn ugly just bc they're ugly but it happens .
Literally Chiron in Aries in the 4th house . Straight-up . No I will not elaborate either you put yourself through the ordeal of knowing it or you're sane .... Thanks for reading xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxo
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snarkywrites · 5 years
April Horoscopes (2019)
Aries — The Sun is in your first, you feel reborn and ready to take on any challenge or obstacle that comes your way. Pisces Season probably had you feeling gloomy or hiding away from the world. Now you’re ready to put plans in action and confidently move forth. Chiron on your Ascendant will have you dealing with some wounds that you need to reflect on before tackling it. Nevertheless, you are still vibrant and filled with optimism as Venus enters Pisces, giving you the opportunities to express your love in an intimate and private setting. This is a time to come back from the hardships, to commend yourself for getting this far and to get those plans ready to take off, especially after April 16th when the shadow period in Mercury is finished. Your financials will experience highs and lows, so it would be best to analyze your risks before deciding to invest. The New Moon on the 5th will allow you to set some valuable intentions that should catapult you to new heights for the remainder of the year. Lucky for you, Jupiter is still in Sagittarius which means that there are plenty of opportunities especially in this month, so go and enjoy your birthday season, especially third decan Aries Suns.
Taurus — There is unfinished business for you as you continue to reflect on what your next goals are. With Uranus in your first, you are filled with creative ideas, your mind is bursting with interesting thoughts, too overwhelming to write or log all of them. Your confidence levels might fluctuate but with Venus forming a sextile to your Ascendant, you will feel relaxed and connecting with other people will be easier for you. April will be a good time to socialize and use your social media influences to boost those plans you already have in motion. Your dreams will become more vivid as the Sun blasts through your hidden house during this transit, another benefit for those creative Taurus folks involved in the arts, you’ll have even more ideas to add to your collection. To those who just needed an opportunity to rest, this is a good transit for it. With Mars entering Gemini, expect to feel a boost of energy as your hustler comes out full force. Money will be on your mind and you might even decide to splurge on some fancy things right before your birthday season. With Jupiter still in Sagittarius and going Retrograde on April 10th, you might be compelled to find more ways to profit or you’ll be paying off debts if you are not careful. The Mars and Jupiter opposition will be interesting.
Gemini — Aries Season will give you the drive and ego boost you deserve. This is the time for fun and socializing. With the Sun in Aries, you’ll be more willing to meet new people, use social media more and party. You will be able to feel relaxed after several months of confusion (thanks to Pisces Season) and uncertainty (looking at you, Capricorn Season). With Jupiter still in Sagittarius, you have been encountering a lot of interesting people that are changing your outlook on many things. Geminis are learning the value of having those good and reliable friends as well as the power of one to one connections. Some of you might even be longing to partner up or are understanding what you want in a partner. With Uranus in Taurus, you’ll be more reserved when it comes to spending and the tech world might not be as interesting to you now. You’re opting for more practical things. With the New Moon in Aries on the 5th, you’ll see how your close friends or even colleagues can help bump those goals you have. The power of connecting and preserving influential people will help you get to the top.
Cancer — The Sun is lighting your Career House, so expect a lot of work this month and if you are productive and efficient, the New Moon will give you that well deserved prize before the end of the year. You are focused and driven to achieve and succeed during this Cardinal month. You might think this means that you’ll just be all work and play but that is not the case. You will begin to meet a lot of influential and interesting people for the next six to seven years, thanks to Uranus in Taurus. This is the moment before the takeoff, as you get ready to make power moves for the next decade. The Full Moon in Libra on the 19th will allow you to put your focus on you and home matters as you take a bit pf a break from all the chaos. With Jupiter still in Sagittarius, you will continue to experience the pleasant work environment and have some fun with colleagues. You’ll be focused on some health matters but overall, this is a lucky moment for you since you will rarely feel sick. Saturn and Pluto continue to oppose your Ascendant but this only helps you get stronger and more focused for the next several years until both planets shift to the sign of Aquarius. This is a transit that will make you work harder but with times of pure joy and excitement.
Leo — The Lion radiates during any fire season. With Jupiter still in Sagittarius, you are living your best life, parties, meeting people and you are more creative than ever this transit. Everyone loves you and wants to be around you, but you didn’t need this transit to showcase that. However, fire energy makes you even more of a magnet. With Saturn and Pluto focused on getting your act together with responsibilities, it seems reasonable that Jupiter is making things bearable for you now. When Mars enters Gemini, you’ll benefit from socializing and living what it means to be grateful for every single day. Wonderful people will shine through the waves of people you meet, making you connect and form powerful bonds with them. With Venus in Pisces, you may decide to commit or empower the bonds you may have for someone are romantically involved with. This can be an intense transit for you, filled with deep emotions and joy after the sadness. The Sun in Aries will allow for you to take a nice trip to get away from any drama that may unfold with work related drama or hidden enemies.
Virgo — Love is in the air or you might feel a little more soothing and caring this transit as you begin to appreciate your romantic partner. With the Sun entering Aries you might receive some good or bad news regarding finances. Either you have to cut back on the spending or settle a debt, either way you will recover from that as soon as the New Moon clears out any problems on the 5th. Your home life will be pleasant with minimal drama as you may even contemplate on getting a bigger abode. With Uranus in Taurus, you might finally be able to have some fun and take a trip or enroll in higher education. This is a positive thing to do especially with Saturn and Pluto bringing you down and taking all the fun out of things. When Mars enters Gemini, expect a boost in your Career house as you accept the accolades but also experience more conflicts at work. Do not worry, you’ll be driven to fight and win, even if it means smiling at your enemies as you watch them self destruct with envy.
Libra — Aries Season allows for you to connect to others and to strengthen both friendships and your romantic relationship. For those in business relationships, this transit benefits you as well since it allows for you to shine and to fulfill whatever obstacles might be presented with ease. With Venus in Pisces, the rough patch at work begins to ease a bit and you even may begin to feel lethargic as you struggle to stay motivated and focused. Just because things may seem low key now does not mean you should slack off. With Uranus in Taurus, you have been feeling the upheaval relating to finances as you begin to struggle to find a balance. This is a great time to read up on these issues as you plan your next big move and settle your debts. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, you seem energetic and more prone to communicate with others. This Season, expect some trips close by with someone you care for, either friend or beau. This will allow you to alleviate some of the tensions you may have been feeling earlier in the year. An opportunity may also present itself where you decide to embark on higher learning or make a move to stay abroad for a while as part of a longer trip. This could be work related or you may need to escape and feel happiness and pleasure with that special person in your life.
Scorpio — You will definitely feel Venus in Pisces as there is a shift in your mood and energy. You will be more inclined to focus on your needs and pursue projects you have been considering with a new outlook. For the creative Scorpio, especially artists and writers, this is a period of great inspiration as you will use the harmony you’re feeling inside to produce emotive pieces for others. With the Sun entering Aries, you’ll experience a boost of energy to further your projects and goals. Work or school will be quite an invigorating time, filled with excitement and praise from superiors. With Uranus in Taurus, you will encounter interesting people that will help inspire your creative side and will also allow you to grow and mature throughout the year. Pluto and Saturn may have brought a blockage to your communication patterns but now is the time for you to feel extremely expired. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, you will see a boost in purchases, so be mindful of what you do with your finances, however, Aries Season might gift you with a nice boost in petty cash. Hopefully you filed your taxes! Expect some pleasant surprises this month especially after the Full Moon gives you peace of mind and answers to major questions that have been bugging you.
Sagittarius — I feel like this is your astrological year after all of the hardships and drama Saturn wreaked on your Ascendant a few years back. Now you can settle in and push through for the next few years as you fight to regain control of your ship. With the Sun in Aries, you continue to be the life of the party, cruising through with grace and glamorous as always. The Full Moon will empower your career House, giving you the extra pull to get what you want and the pull to succeed in your field. Career uncertainties may present themselves but you’ll have the answers you desire after the 19th. With Mars in Gemini, you’ll continue to be charismatic and charming as you meet even more people and take action to make business moves or establish lasting relationships. You will be driven and focused this year as you desperately pursue getting things done after feeling stopped for some time. Venus in Pisces will allow for you to bring peace and beauty to your surroundings. Home will be important as you aim to bring serenity and joy to the ones you love.
Capricorn — This year has been a doozy for Capricorns but with April here, you will see that some of your hard work has paid off. With Pluto and Saturn cozy on your Ascendant, you are experiencing the changes to your inner core. The self is transforming and your outlook on things have been drastically changing. With the Sun in fellow Cardinal sign Aries, your home will be the focus for you this transit. Any pending issues that are home related will be brought up but when the New Moon enters, you’ll find solutions. This is nice transit that will make you feel cozy and warm as you relax after dealing with the intensity of your season earlier this year. With Uranus in the sign of Taurus, you will see some interesting creative insights from the people you meet or books you read. This is a good time to step out and enjoy life, luckily Saturn is in a fellow Earth sign so you will not get that crazy but will still have some mellow fun. Mars will help you work even harder for what you have been eyeing at work and the results of your work will be felt after the Full Moon in Libra on the 19th. The effects will continue until the end of the year, so giddy up and get those coins and work hard. This pleasant Venus transit will allow for you to be visual and manifest things in your life that inspire beauty. Your words are loving and soothing and your mind will accept this much needed break.
Aquarius — Venus in Pisces will bring some nice financial stability during this transit unless you’re a compulsive spender. There might be a need to pamper yourself and others that you love. Do not get too carried away. With the Sun in the Sign of Aries you feel the energy as your mind becomes more vibrant and energized, ready to take on the challenges that await. This is a good moment to take short trips, reconnect with friends and update your blogs more periodically. You’ll be a social magnet this time around and for the remainder of the year as Jupiter in fiery Sagittarius gives you the confidence to stand out and inspire people with your ideas. Getting involved in social causes could be a major theme for you this year, so trips to help causes could actually be a thing for you or you can use the power of the internet to help speak for those who cannot. The Full Moon in the sign of Libra allows for your philosophical passions to take off. This could be more travel on the horizon or just connecting with higher minds. Starting college or wanting to work on a Masters or PhD could be something that you may flirt with this time around. With Mars entering Gemini, you’ll stand out even more and will be able to connect and relate to others. This is a very exciting and interesting time for you that will motivate you and help you establish career goals for the future or you could just have lots of fun.
Pisces — Venus is in your lovely sign, adding more allure to your persona. You will vibrate with Neptune’s energy and will be even more selfless and devoted during this transit to everyone around you. With the Sun in Aries, you will see an increase in possessions and you might feel confident in your worth. This is your moment to take a short break and recharge after Mercury has been doing a number on your Ascendant. Now that it is direct and will leave the shadow phase mid April, you will be able to settle the nervous energy and make sense to others. With the energy of the Full Moon, you will be able to gain more from finances or settle some troubling debt. Mars in Gemini will bring in some conflicts to your inner energy as well as your home but when the Moon in Libra makes an aspect to it, things will settle down. Don’t worry, this does not mean turmoil only that you will be restless and will want to make changes to interior decorating or even moving. Make sure not to make any rash decisions and to stay focused. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, you will experience the abundance of joy when it comes to your career house or you might gain more fame. This can either make you excited or nervous, don’t worry, Jupiter will make things pleasant for you as long as you put in the work.
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