#Julian Brandt fanfic
footy-fictionist · 1 year
Championship loss - Julian Brandt
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Pairing: Julian Brandt x female reader
Warnings: I'm gonna break your hearts again with the Championship loss, but also a lot of fluff, soft moments, teeny tiny bit of teasing, badly translated German, mentions of Jannis and Jascha
Word Count: 1653
Note: As always, English is not my first language. This one has been on my mind since we lost. Next one should be a Jude one and then I can get to the requests in my inbox. This one just had to come out now. Remember it's fictional, some parts may be alike with real life and some I just came up with. Please do not copy and/or publish my work, reblogging is perfectly fine!
Dortmund vs Mainz. The last game of the season and all we needed to do was win. Win so we could win the league. Win so we could lift the Meisterschale. That was the dream, everything Dortmund had worked so hard for and we didn’t win it. The equalizer from Niklas wasn’t enough because Bayern won their game. And now everything has become a nightmare. She’s watching speechless as she sees the defeat and utter disbelief on everyone’s faces. 
But the one she is worried about most hasn’t come back onto the field again. Julian was subbed out in the 62nd minute and she knows he’s beating himself up. She may not be able to see him from where she’s stood, but she can feel his pain. Pain she also feels because she loves Dortmund, but it’s probably nothing compared to Julian’s pain and the other players. She’s not even surprised that not a single fan has left the stadium, the fans loyal to a fault. She’s still trying to find him when the stadium camera’s zoom in on the bench and there he is. Eyes red and teary, a few wet streaks and Julian just staring into the distance. That’s the moment she started crying too.
She watched as Terzic went to Julian and patted him on the face. The camera’s stopped showing the bench after that and a few moments later Julian stepped back out on the pitch. She watched as he slowly made his way to his teammates in front of the yellow wall. He didn’t really approach anyone, just standing between everyone and she knows he is already closing himself off. The disappointment is clear everywhere and yet the yellow wall sings and they support their players. They clap for the yellow wall, apologizing to the fans and thanking them for their support. 
She watches as Julian crouches down, hand going over his face. She grabs onto Jascha’s arm, who has been standing next to her the whole game. He looks down at her, eyes leaving his brother. He sees the pain on her face, the tears still streaming even if she wipes them every few minutes. He pulls his arm out of her grip and she looks up at him a little panicked. She’s scared that she had upset her younger brother-in-law, only to have him wrap his arm around her shoulders to help comfort her. In return she wraps an arm around his waist. She looks back to where she last saw Julian only to see his deflated form sitting near Nico. 
All she wants to do is go to him, but she can’t. She’ll have to wait till he comes to her. She watches as the team gets up and goes to walk past the fans. The fans comfort the players as they walk by, a few of them giving away their jerseys, Julian included. And even though it really isn’t the time, she can’t help but admire Julian and his physique. She sees him shirtless all the time, but after a game it always hits differently. But it’s not just his physique, it’s the way he takes the time with fans, talks with them and shows them he is as disappointed as they are. And yet he appreciates every single fan. His introverted side is not in sight with the fans. But she knows that’ll change once they’re alone.
She notices that Jascha stopped rubbing her arm and that’s when she notices her tears have stopped as well. She turns to him and thanks him for being a brilliant brother-in-law. She spots Jannis still near the other photographers, he turns that exact moment and they lock eyes. He waves at her and she manages to wave back with a bittersweet smile before he turns back to take more pictures. That’s when Jascha softly squeezes her arm and she follows his gaze to the pitch. And she sees her favourite sweaty blonde walk towards them. 
His head is down, but he walks with purpose.
She already has the boarding digging into her hips before he’s even close. But the second he’s close enough, her arms wrap around his shoulders. It’s as though a weight drops off his shoulders and he wraps his arms around her waist. They hide their faces against each other’s necks. She inhales his scent, a scent that’s pure Julian and she hears him do the same. She can’t help but tighten her grip on him a little and move one hand to his golden locks. He pulls her in a little closer and presses a few small, soft kisses to the nape of her neck. 
“Ich bin so stolz auf dich, Schatzie.” 
“Wofür? We drew the game and lost the title. We bottled it.” 
She immediately pulls away and he looks at her a little offended that she’s pulled away from him so quickly. She immediately makes sure to make it up to him by putting her hands on his jaw and drawing his face closer to hers. His arms tighten around her again as she does so and she presses a few butterfly kisses across his face. 
“I’m proud of you for the good times, the bad times and everything in between. You have given it your all, you all managed to get back from 9 points difference. You battled through an injury whilst being in your prime and you still managed to give Bayern the biggest challenge they’ve had in years. You, Julian Brandt, are one of the best players on this team and if you’d ask me alone, I’d tell everyone you are the best. For your spirit, your passion, your perseverance, your love for the club and the fans. You live and breathe football at this club Schatzie. And I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d end up being like Reus for the fans. You give everything and more Jule and you can’t imagine how proud I am that I get to call you mine.”
As she’s talking to him, she can see a few tears start to gather on his lashes again. He presses his forehead to hers and the smile he gives her is brighter than the sun. She returns the smile and presses a kiss to his lips. It’s sweet, loving and passionate all at once. 
“Ich liebe dich.” He whispers against her lips and she smiles, returning the phrase to him. 
It’s then that they realize where they are and that they’re not alone. Julian presses another quick kiss against her lips before going to hug Jascha, who is giving him a mischievous look. Both Julian and her give Jascha suspicious looks but he just waves them away. They share a look but let it go. Mats approaches them to tell Julian that they have to go inside. Julian nods and turns back to her one more time. He presses another kiss to her lips. 
“Will you wait for me here in the stadium?” She nods at him and presses another kiss to his lips.
As he makes his way to the dressing room, she and Jascha head inside to wait for Julian in the family area. She gets the chance to ask Jascha what his mischievous look was for. He just glances at her and tells her to look at her phone. She gives him a confused look but does as he says. She sees a few messages from him and the second she opens them, she knows why he was acting that way. He took some pictures of her interaction with Julian. And she can’t help but feel happy that he did. It’s clear in the pictures that they clearly love each other very much and she knows she’ll definitely use one as her background and that she’ll hang a few in their apartment. 
“Danke, Jascha.” 
Jascha just shrugs and gives her a wink. They talk for about 20 minutes and during that time Jannis has joined them. He’s showing her some of the pictures he made when some players finally enter the room. Julian makes an immediate beeline towards them, ignoring everyone else and she knows he’s in his own headspace now. He gives Jannis a slap on his back and then moves to wrap his arm around her. He stands close to her, now without the boarding between them. His forehead leans against her temple and she runs a hand through his still partially wet hair. 
They go home soon after that and once home they order some food and crash on the couch. He’s quiet as he hands her the remote for the tv. He makes sure she’s in the corner of the couch and then goes to lie down between her legs, his front pressed against hers, head on her chest. She chooses a series and runs her fingers through his hair as they wait for their food. They don’t talk and she knows Julian isn’t paying attention to the tv. He’s in his own head, thinking of today’s outcome.
They eat in silence once the food arrives and then move to their bed. She knows he needs his own headspace to get over it and she lets him approach her if he needs anything. She’s used to it and she knows it’s what he’s most comfortable with. He’s in bed before her, but the second she gets on the bed he immediately pulls her to him. He pulls her as close to him as he can, her head on his chest this time and the sound of his heartbeat calms her completely. His scent envelopes her again and she sighs in complete content, making Julian smile and press a kiss to her hairline. 
“Danke, meine Liebe. Ich liebe dich.”
"Natürlich, Schatzie. Ich liebe dich für immer.”
This time it’s Julian that sighs in content. He presses one more kiss to her hairline and then they both drift off. 
Ich bin so stolz auf dich, Schatzie: I am so proud of you darling Wofür?: For what? Ich liebe dich (für immer): I love you (always/forever) Danke: thank you Meine Liebe: my love Natürlich: of course
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footballffbarbiex · 4 months
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player: Julian Brandt words: 507 request: Julian Brandt - you / your - 250 - 500 - he comes back from training and finds you asleep on the sofa watching christmas films, you then wake up to him making a fancy dinner for the two of you
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Julian had text you when leaving training but hadn’t heard anything back. He’d tried again when he reached the grocery store and sent another text following an ignored call. When the text too went unanswered, he took it upon himself to get things that he knew you’d like. He could of course, come home with only things to make for dinner, but he’d had a good session today and he wanted to come home with a little treat or two to make the evening a good one. 
Entering the house, Julian can hear the TV playing which means that you’re definitely home. Rather than calling out, Julian quietly removes his outer clothes and makes his way through as quietly as he can. A glance in the living room confirms his suspicions when he spots you buried beneath the blankets, your phone placed on your hip and fast asleep. 
He resists the urge to go over and brush hair from your face and instead, moves on past the room and into the kitchen where he lays everything out and begins to wonder where to start first. 
You awake to the sound of a different movie playing to the one you last remember watching. Outside is dark already and though you can’t remember turning on the lamps in the living room, they’re creating a warm glow. Checking your phone shows missed calls from Julian and text messages from over two hours ago. 
Crap, you think as you pull yourself up into a sitting position and squint around the room. Only now do you realise that you can smell something cooking, and that certainly wasn’t prepared, let alone started cooking, before you’d settled down to watch a movie. Tapping the phone screen, you notice what time it is, having not really looked at it when you checked your phone last time. If it wasn’t Julian, someone has broken into the house to cook a dinner for the inhabitants. 
The smell of it brings you to your feet and the closer you get to the kitchen, the more your stomach rumbles. Julian has changed clothes and his back is to you as you enter, he’s playing music quietly and you can hear him humming along with it. 
“Jule, this smells incredible,” you say, your voice making him jump. He spins, stirring spoon dripping with sauce splattering as he turns to face you. Relief falls over his face as quickly as yours had when you realised who was in the house. “Sorry,” a chuckle escapes before you can stop it and you step towards him, swiping a sheet of kitchen roll in the process to wipe up the spillage. “But it does smell beautiful.” You smile at him as you straighten back up and he greets you up close with a kiss. 
“I did also pick up some snacks for later.” He gestures to a bag that he’s left on the table and your curiosity gets the better of you. 
“If there’s room for something sweet.”
“There’s always room for something sweet.”
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miroslavcloset · 1 year
Hiiii, if youre taking requests can you please do headcannons for dating Leon Goretzka or Julian Brandt? 🌸🫶 Loved the mats' one btw
Dating Julian Brandt -Headcanons- [Non-NSFW and NSFW]
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A/N: Ofc love <3 I love writing for other teams, I mean we all know I'm Bayern's Thomas' whore, but writing for other teams I like has a certain something I crave. Btw here you can read the Leon ones <3 (I'm considering doing a part two, maybe) I'm glad you liked the Mats' ones!!
He can be very possessive with you, hugging you and resting his chin on your shoulders when hanging out with friends so everyone knows you're his and he is yours.
One of the things he has on his pending list is to introduce you to his family in Bremen. Even though he would never admit it, he considers you part of his family already.
You bring him special comfort, Julian loves how you stand by him and keep him close no matter what, so in return, he prefers having you nearby all the time.
He would be the first one to think about moving together, and another thing he wouldn't admit is how he loves the idea of the domestic routine by your side, cooking for you, sharing mornings in bed, and even sometimes showering together.
You know him better than anyone, and when things aren't going well for him, you can notice the change in his mood. He can be an introvert in that sense, after any bad game he doesn't kick things or shows his anger or sadness, he just wants peace and to be left alone, he'd rather handle it on his own. You earned his trust so he now lets you in, he would be open with his partner, the only person he would lean on.
He is not the best with words when it comes to expressing his feelings for you, and even if he was he would be too ashamed to tell you how much he loves you, so instead he tries to express it in the best way he can, giving you comfort and stability around him, holding your hand and hugging you any time he can.
He absolutely loves cuddling, may it be on the sofa, on his bed, or anywhere you two can be alone, he sees it as closeness, even more than other physical contact. Also, if you had a tiring day, he will be more than glad to be the big spoon while cuddling so he can caress you and relax with him.
What made him fall in love with you was your kindness and the willingness to show yourself to him exactly as you are, he knows that's no easy task, so after seeing your frail side, he decided he just couldn't let you go.
NSFW-ish headcanons and disclaimer under the cut
He prefers physical touch more than anything else, so your moments together in bed are very special to him. The sensual caresses never fail to turn him on, and he loves giving you massages, knowing exactly where to touch you to get things into the right mood.
Loves to take his time with you in foreplay. Will undress you himself and let you relax in his touches, it's ok whether you want to let the lights on or off, he won't push you on that.
One of his weaknesses is if you kiss his neck, he won't be able to keep his hands to himself, touching you to let you know how much he likes the licks and small bites in that area.
He prefers starting by giving you gentle touches, finding by himself the spots that will make you moan, even using his tongue from your neck to your chest, licking all the way down between your legs.
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ballsbalb · 5 months
bravertz fic dropping in like. twenty minutes idk i’m not scheduling this shit. but it’s good i swear
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elmatadorisgay · 8 months
Another Ship Template
I'm still doing these if anyone wants to request a ship. This one is for Bravertz also Im open to questions regarding my thoughts on this
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fangirlbraindump · 1 year
Anyone interested in a Julian Brandt fanfic?
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rainsideworld · 6 years
Y / N lay asleep on the big brown sofa of Julian's house. With her 9 months pregnant, the sleep beat a lot. Not far from there, Julian was finally coming home after another game with Bayer, with a victory, but he wasn't alone, before he had passed the airport and sought his parents and brothers to visit them. When Julian and his family got home, Y / N was still there on the couch. Everyone came in quietly and Julian went to the sofa to wake up Y / N calmly.
"Hey, baby, I'm home. How are you? "Julian whispered in Y / N's ear as one hand stroked her hair and the other touched her belly.
"Hey angel, I didn`t  see you coming, we're fine," she said after opening her eyes and a half smile and close again by the affection being made.
"That's good but I'm not alone, see who came to visit us," he said, raising his head and pointing in the direction of his family.
You raised your head quickly and opened a smile.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry I was sleeping"
"It’s all right, I understand you," Julian's mother said smiling and coming toward you, giving a hug.
You quickly got up to hug everyone who was in the room. When Jannis's turn, you knew you would laugh more.
"Look, you have a soccer ball at home, Julian!" Said the boy teasing and laughing just after giving you a hug. 
You laughed and looked down in embarrassment as Julian and his mother tapped Jannis's head and Jascha and Julian's father only chuckled.
"Don`t do this, Jannis," Julian said as he hugged you from the side and kissed your forehead.
"Do you want me to prepare something? I just want to take a shower first" You say.
"No, it's okay Y / N. You can go and I'll prepare something for these boys," she said appreciatively.
You started up the stairs and right behind you came Julian. When you reached the bedroom door, Julian pulled you respectfully.
"Oh, how I missed you," he said, kissing your neck.
"Me too, angel," you kept stroking his cheek and continued, "You and the team made an excellent game, I'm very happy," she finished with a smile from ear to ear.
"But I didn't  make a goal," he said, withering and clawing.
"Hey, it’s okay, you can score in the next game and your son is making several goals for you, he doesn’t stop kicking," and they both laughed.
You separated your clothes while Julian watched you and went to the bathroom and began to take off the shirt to take a bath and Julian again followed you. When you were already without a shirt and only the sweat pants in your body, Julian leaned you against the wall, one hand stroking your cheek and the other around your waist, still stroking your belly, eyes closed, his nose pressing against yours and feeling each other's breath, he kissed you.
"I really miss you and I really wanted to do things with you right now but we can," he said as soon as they broke the kiss and you still clinging to him by the neck stroking his blond hair.
"Oh yeah, me too but now I need to take a shower and you better get out of here before I regret it," you said, taking a deep breath and moving the head quickly up and down.
"Okay." Julian gave you a little kiss and left the bathroom.
When you finished bathing and you were putting on your clothes, you felt a strong footprint on your belly, looked down. Your purse had burst. You thought about calling Julian but at that moment Heike would be better.
"Heike, can you come up here, please?" you said screaming and trying to sound quiet.
The five people listened and Heike promptly left the living room. With the boys agreeing that it would probably be "women's stuff." Heike reached the bathroom door that was closed and knocked.
"Y / N, is everything okay? Do you want me to come in? "
"The door is open, just open. I need your help," you said quietly but loud enough for Julian's mother hear. She came in and looked at you wet with a towel.
"My purse has burst," she said clutching the towel, her cheeks red and her eyes watering.
"Oh okay, let's take it easy, okay? Do you want me to call Julian? "
"No! Help me quickly here" you knew Julian was desperate and unresponsive.
Within a few minutes, Heike helped you get dressed and left you sitting on the edge of the bed. She came down to tell everyone what was going on.
"Julian, Y / N bag has broken, we need to get it up there," he said as he approached the group that was sitting chatting around the table. When Julian paid attention to his mother's straws, he simply stopped moving, as if he were reasoning, and everyone looked at him.
"Julian!" Everyone shouted at the same time.
"Oh my God, it's happening," he said quickly and surprised and went upstairs. Everyone followed and helped you into the car and everyone went with you two to the hospital.
In the hospital, the little new Brandt was already born. Y / N was on the hospital bed and Julian was sitting next to her with his right arm over his shoulders and his left hand caressing his little baby, his son.
From nowhere Julian's parents and brothers entered the hospital room, followed by the doctor. 
"Is everything okay, new family? Do you know the name of this little boy?" The doctor asked.
"Yes and yes, right?" You said looking at Julian who nodded.
"(People, you choose the name of the baby :) )" said Julian smiling looking at you and then at everyone in front of you "My little angel" he said lovingly looking at his newborn son.
"Our little angel," you said while Julian nodded and grabbed your hand that was around their little angel. "And my big angel," you said, staring in amazement at him.
"I love you both so much” he said.
You laid your head on Julian's shoulder and you two just breathed deeply together. A new phase would come later but the baby chose one day that Julian's family was right around, turning more amazing. The union, the love, the family, were all happy.
So, this is my first time writing something. Julian, doing miracles in my life yaaay. I hope you guys enjoy it. The inspiration came through the little stories with Jannis, thanks also to Jannis haha 
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quack-and-yellow · 6 years
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Julian Brandt Bayer Leverkusen Instagram
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footy-fictionist · 1 year
It's fame she's after - Julian Brandt ft. Kai Havertz
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Pairing: Julian Brandt x female reader, (platonic) Kai Havertz x female reader
Warnings: Kai doesn't like reader (it'll turn out right though), rude comments, Julian gives a bit of an ultimatum, a bit of hurt, a bit of angst and a bit of fluff, Sophia is in here as well, badly translated German
Word count: 1681
Note: As always, English is not my first language. This one has been on my mind for a while. I thought it was a good idea and it turned out better than I thought. There is more interaction between the female reader and Kai, but she's in a relationship with Julian. Please do not publish and/or copy my work, reblogging is totally fine!
There are many things she loves about being Julian Brandts girlfriend. He’s thoughtful, kind, shows her he loves her multiple times a day and of course he’s incredibly handsome. She loves tracing the tattoos on his arm, adores spending time with his family and pulling pranks with his brothers. His friends love having her around and her friends love meeting up with Julian. But there is one friend of Jule’s that she doesn’t see eye to eye with at all. And unfortunately that happens to be Kai Havertz.
She met Kai for the first time during the World Cup. She and Julian hadn’t been dating long and because Kai lives in England, it was harder for him to meet up with them to meet her. She met Sophia in the stands and they hit it off immediately. She met Kai after the first match, the one they lost against Japan. Julian walked up to her first and she immediately wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He hadn’t played but was still quite upset. Kai had come up behind Jule and he passed them to get to Sophia. He had given her a look she didn’t appreciate a lot, but she brushed it off as him being upset with the game.
But when Jule introduced her, Kai barely even acknowledged her. He gave her one look and then went back to talking to other people. She had looked to Julian, who was just as surprised as she was. Julian went to talk to Kai about it whilst she went to stand with Sophia who didn’t understand her boyfriend’s behaviour either. It didn’t get much better after that. Anytime they were in the same room, she tried to talk to Kai. To get to know him or to see if there was anything she could do to get him to like her. She mostly did it for Julian, she hated the way he looked so defeated when she and Kai ended up in another argument. It just seems that Kai didn’t see the look on his best friend’s face or he didn’t care enough.
She doesn’t like Kai much, she thinks he is arrogant and egotistical for the way he is acting and that seeing them not getting along, is hurting Julian more than he wants to admit. She would honestly do anything for Julian and to see his best friend not even acknowledging the fact that this is hurting Julian, pisses her off. But when Jule tells her Kai is coming over that weekend, she holds back a groan. She makes the promise to herself that she’ll try one more time to get Kai to like her and then she’ll give up. She goes as far as to ask Sophia what Kai’s favourite meal is and which recipe Sophia uses to make it for him.
So when Kai and Sophia arrive, she’s working away in the kitchen. She goes to greet them, giving Sophia a hug and as she moves to Kai all he does is hold out his hand, not even looking at her. She shakes it softly, before moving back to the kitchen. Sophia follows her to help out, but she just makes Sophia sit down with a glass of wine and they talk. She asks Sophia if there is anything she did to make Kai not like her (like she does every time), but even Sophia doesn’t know what’s bothering Kai about her so much. She decides to give up on asking and finishes the food. They set the table and Sophia calls in the boys. Kai is the first one downstairs.
“Wow, this looks great Soof. How did you make it so fast?” “I didn’t Kai. I gave her the recipe a few days ago, she made it.” “Yeah right.”
Kai gives her a glance before sitting down. Julian walks in a little later and presses a kiss to his girlfriend's cheek. “Thank you for making dinner, liebe.”
When everyone sits down, they all plate some food before eating. What no one is expecting is for Kai to spit his food back onto his plate. “Well it’s clear you didn’t make it Soof. It doesn’t taste good at all.”
That was the last drop. She can’t help the little sob that leaves her lips before she quickly stands up and practically runs up the stairs. She runs all the way to the bathroom before locking herself in. She doesn’t hear the argument that’s going on downstairs over her own sobs.
“Was stimmt nicht mit dir?! Why would you say that? It tastes good. Why can’t you just accept her as my girlfriend? She’s tried everything to get you to like her and you just ignore her the whole time. Ich liebe sie so sehr. Why can’t you see that?!” Julian goes after her as Kai looks down.
Whilst Julian runs up the stairs, Kai turns to Sophia, only to find her looking at him in utter disappointment. “Was?” “She is doing everything to get you to like her. Why are you being like this? This isn’t you.”
“I just don’t want her to hurt Julian. She is clearly after his money. Why else would she choose to go public with him during the World Cup. If it’s not money, it’s fame she’s after.” Sophia heaves a big sigh.
“How do you have such a big board in front of your face? She didn’t want them to go public at the World Cup. Julian wanted to introduce her to you, but there wasn’t another time other than the world cup. Can’t you see the way they look at each other?! Bist du so blind?”
Sophia went to get another glass of wine as Kai thought over her words. He never thought of it that way. He always assumed she was the one that wanted to go public at the World Cup. He didn’t think she came with Julian just to meet him. He has to make this right. He moves to the stairs and he can hear Julian knocking on a door. He hears as Julian tries to get his girlfriend to open the door for him. He hears the sobs and the strangled ‘no’s’ that come from the other side of the door. When Julian spots Kai he gives an irritated sigh.
“Was machst du hier? Haven’t you done enough?”
“I have to make it right, Jule. Let me try, please?” It was more of a rhetorical question than an actual one, but Julian agrees with a little hesitance. Julian moves to get past Kai, but stops when he’s next to him. “If you screw this up even more, you better stay in London. I really love her Kai. Stop hurting the girl I love or our friendship is over.”
Kai gulps, but nods his head at Julian. Julian walks down the stairs whilst shaking his head. Once Julian is downstairs Kai turns to the door. He heaves a sigh and knocks on the bathroom door.
“Geh weg, Julian."
“I’m not Julian.”
He hears as she gasps a little when she hears his voice. He hears the door click and he opens it slowly. He sees her sitting against the bathtub, eyes red and tears streaming down her face. He moves to sit across from her. She doesn’t look at him as he sits, she rubs the sleeves of her shirt along her cheeks. He analyzes the way she’s sitting, but doesn’t make a move to say anything yet. Then he sees her fiddle with a J necklace. If she’s wearing that, there is no way she’s with him for fame or money.
“Es tut mir leid.” She looks up when he apologizes. “I thought you were in it for fame or money. I thought I was looking out for my best friend. I thought you were just gonna hurt him and I was wrong. I see now that you really love him. I’m sorry for all the times I hurt you by brushing you off. And the dinner you made is actually amazing, probably even better than Soofs. But please don’t tell her I said that.” They both laugh. “Friends?”
She looks at the hand he’s offering. “I forgive you, so yes. Friends.” He stands up and helps her off the floor as well. He opens his arms, giving her the option for a hug if she wants to. She smiles and hugs him. “I wouldn’t have let Julian end your friendship Kai. You two are platonic soulmates, I’d never want to be the cause of Bravertz breaking up.” That makes both of them laugh. He gives her another hug. They joke together as they walk downstairs, finally able to find the things they have in common. They see Julian on the couch with his head in his hands, with Sophia rubbing his back, when they finally notice the footsteps on the stairs and the laughter.
Julian looks up surprised as he sees them laughing together. He gets up as they walk into the living room. She sees the nervous look on his face and immediately moves to wrap her arms around his waist. His arms go around her shoulders and he looks up at Kai, who gives him a smile and a nod. Julian tightens his arms around her, pressing a few kisses to the top of her head. When she pulls away, she presses a kiss to Julian’s lips.
“Let me reheat the food and we can all eat.” “I’ll help.”
Julian’s and Sophia’s eyes almost pop out when Kai offers his help. As they move to the kitchen with the food, Julian and Sophia look at each other bewildered. How did their dynamic change that fast? Not that they’re complaining. It’s just a bit odd. It’s safe to say the rest of the evening went great. And after that night as well. They went on couple dates and Julian finally got to be more affectionate with his girlfriend without Kai acting all disgusted and glaring daggers. And her friendship with Kai? It only blossomed.
Liebe: love Was stimmt nicht mit dir?: What is wrong with you? Ich liebe sie so sehr: I love her so much Was?: What? Bist du so blind?: Are you that blind? Was machst du hier?: What are you doing here? Geh weg: Go away Es tut mir leid: I am sorry
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miroslavcloset · 1 year
** miroslavcloset's masterlist **
Headcanons / Imagines
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Erling Haaland [Dating Headcanons]
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Thomas Müller [Dating Headcanons]
Thomas Müller [Taking care of your migraine]
Thomas Müller [Follow You~Song Imagines]
Thomas Müller [Helping you to fall asleep]
Thomas Müller [Make out session]
Thomas Müller [Keeping you warm during cold weather]
Thomas Müller [Lazy day with him]
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Joshua Kimmich [Dating Headcanons]
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Benjamin Pavard [Dating Headcanons]
Benjamin Pavard [Cuddling]
Benjamin Pavard [Jealous]
Benjamin Pavard [In love with his football player childhood friend]
Benjamin Pavard [Praising reader]
Benjamin Pavard [During your birthday]
Benjamin Pavard [Clingy after a bad game]
Benjamin Pavard [Being your Sub]
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Leon Goretzka [Dating Headcanons]
Leon Goretzka [NSFW Alphabet]
Leon Goretzka [Meeting your parents]
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Serge Gnabry [Dating Headcanons]
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Mats Hummels [Dating Headcanons]
Mats Hummels [Dating Headcanons Pt.2]
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Julian Brandt [Dating Headcanons]
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Marco Reus [Dating Headcanons]
Even now, you remain my light [Neuller]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
about me under the cut
About me (As if someone cared)
Full Name: Your third-world football fan (Aka a little shit in love with FC Bayern)
Birthday: 11/Feb/199x
Gender: no, thank you
Sex: yes, please
Age: More than 21 y/o, so in Haaland's words I'm getting old as well
Birthplace: One of the most third-world places in the third world
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: 173cm / 5.6ft
Weight: more than I should
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Ethnicity: Let's just say I've received a lot of racial insults in my job. A lot.
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footballerimaginess · 2 years
FootballerImaginess Recs 2021
Here are all of the reblogged imagines from the past year, I hope you have found some new writers this year. (I hope all the links work lol). Sadly these writers may have stopped writing which is sad for whatever reason. So please keep supporting writers because they can easily disappear and stop writing. My aim for 2022 is to reblog over 100 imagines this year, show all my support and love to my fellow football writers. Thank you to all the writers mentioned for such amazing fics all year. You are amazing and if nobody tells you that - I am telling you because you deserve to be told. You are incredible, even if you write one imagine a year or so many. You are a writer. I love you all!  Click the read more to see what fics featured, tell me were any of these your favourites!! 
Ben Chilwell  Disney Princess Voice - @jamesmaddiscnx  Showing up at your door - @footballdaydream Easter Egg Hunt - @travellvogue  Quit touching - @alexajanecollins  Co parenting - @bbychilly  Daddy my tooth fell out - @hnrfc  You date Ben? - @mwnutd Pretty as mummy @goldenskyeng Am I your lockscreen? - @football-and-fanfics
Mason Mount  And that makes it okay - @goldenskyeng  Mutual friends - @yvessainteng You’re in love with her - @football-and-fanfics Our Future Footballer - @avenirdelight  To Love All Of Me - @footballffbarbiex  Feeling his breath on your back @football-and-fanfics  Brits Red Carpet - @goldenskyeng You Pwomised - @footballffbarbiex Baby Delivery - @masnmounts Insta AU - @alltoolewin Ruben Loftus Cheek  Proud of you - @alexajanecollins  Little LC - @footballffbarbiex  Jack Grealish  Sleeping - @footballxwrites  Sky Sports Presenter - @arrrseeenalfc Antoine Greizmann  Birthday - @footballffbarbiex  Jadon Sancho  Not good enough - @footballxixstars  Co Parenting - @alexajanecollins  Touching - @nuestraluzdelaluna Eric Dier  Sorry That I Think I’m Not Enough - @footballdaydream  The Soft Kiss - @footballffbarbiex  Lately, you’ve been on my mind - @footballdaydream Holding Hands when scared - @footballffbarbiex  Egg Hunts are for kids - @footballxixstars  Ultrasound - @footballffbarbiex Ornaments - @footballffbarbiex  Ruben Dias  Better - @iwriteficsandtragedies  Benjamin Pavard To Kiss A Stranger - @penguintransporter Scott McTominay  Misses a game - @waytoobsessedwithfootballers Declan Rice  Easter Bunny - @goldenskyeng Bedtime Routine - @football-rambles  The Best Dog Parent - @princessdemo  Dominic Calvert Lewin  Water’s Break - @hnrfc Mummy was crying - @hnrfc Dom’s Ex - @footballdaydream  Touching - @nuestraluzdelaluna Julian Brandt  Jealous - @footballdaydream  Trent Alexander Arnold  Valentine’s Day - @hnrfc That’s My Boy - @travellvogue  Pregnant - @footballxixstars  To Love All of Me - @footballffbarbiex  The Things I did - @alltoolewin  Taking care when drunk - @footballxwrites John Stones Father’s Day Scrapbook - @footballffbarbiex  Gossip - @movnts Kepa  Why didn’t you wake me - @football-and-fanfics Jesse Lingard TikTok - @footballdaydream  Son Heung Min  Jealous - @footballxwrites  Dele Alli  Dating Dele - @nuestraluzdelaluna Pregnant - @footballxwrites Giovani Lo Celso  Never - @avenirdelight  Ben Davies  Get Some Rest - @avenirdelight  England NT  Full Masterlist Little Miss Heartbreaker - @hnrfc Anyone You Like The Shy Ones.. - @alexajanecollins  Wreck (this was so emotional) @macybeckham7
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elmatadorisgay · 7 months
Alltober Prompt 20
another smut so tags and link under the cut!
Ship: Bravertz
Tags: tags: smut, idiots in love, lingerie, fluff, anal sex, fingering Characters: Germany NT players(mentioned)
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footbaliimagines · 7 years
to be loved and to be in love (a whoever-you-want-it-to-be imagine)
I don’t think anyone understands how badly I want to love and to be loved. It’s all I think about.
(inspired by the above post that I saw reblogged onto my dash a few times. the title is taken from 18 by one direction)
(p.s. this could really be about anyone, not necessarily just a footballer because nothing is too specific. i kind of just wrote this during a lunch break so please excuse any mistakes or bits that don’t add up haha)
(p.p.s. my exams are finished in 3 weeks tomorrow so that’s when you’ll next see some writing!! I love love love receiving all requests so please carry on sending me them!!!!)
 You used to lie in bed and think about what it might be like to share your sheets with someone else.
How it might feel to have someone to come home to, to kiss, to dance with, to share your days and equally, your nights with, to text constantly throughout the day.
You never thought that you’d be one of those girls, as you used to sneer.
You never thought you’d pine so desperately for someone to love you and equally, to love someone back, because you were independent, focused on your work, encircled by so many brilliant friends, men and women alike, that your romantic endeavours had seemingly been on the backburner ever since, well, forever.
It wasn’t like you didn’t meet guys.
(Or take them home afterwards.)
But your standards were impeccably high, and you would always find a fault with every guy that wanted to take things a step further, or asked you for a second date. Your friends called you picky, but you insisted it was just that you were focused and busy and knew precisely what you were looking for.
And for the most part, it was fine, 100% a-okay, because it meant that you avoided the pain and the heartbreak, and steered clear of boys with little more on their mind than vodka and fucking the next girl they saw. The amount of times that your friends had approached you with horror stories of dates leaving the next morning without saying goodbye, or they had come to your door in tears because of a guy fucking them over you up entirely.
And you understood, to some extent, because you weren’t Bridget Jones, or Meg Ryan in some 1980s-romantic comedy, and you weren’t going to be swept off your feet at the top of the Empire State Building, whisked down the canals of Venice or taken on a helicopter ride across the Champs-Elysees.
You were just you.
Normal, hardworking, average you.
The feeling gradually got worse as you progressed through your 20s, you found. It wasn’t so much that you were lonely, because you were never short of wonderful people in your life or plans for the weekend, it was more that watching your friends fall in love, get engaged, meet guys, meet future in-laws, made you feel like a bit of an outsider.
You were the funny, perpetually single, serial-one-night-stand friend, the comic relief to your friends’ relationship woes, unable to relate to how they felt coming home after a date with a guy they swear could marry right there and then.
You just want to love and to give your all.
You just want to be loved and feel confident in knowing that somewhere on the planet there's someone who feels the same about you as you do them.
You want to meet him.
(And eventually, finally, you do.)
You meet him at a bar, on a Saturday night in June.
The night unfolds in an all-too familiar way– the friends you came with have all either spent the better part of the last hour talking to a cute guy that approached them by the bartender, and you’ve politely turned down the last 2 guys to approach you and ask for the same.
(One had a wandering hand which definitely did not belong curled around your waist before you’d even exchanged names, and the other started off your conversation with a crude, probably misogynist comment about your arse that made you throw up a bit in your mouth.)
(Jesus, if turning down men like that made you picky then you would gladly accept the prize of being the pickiest woman alive.)
It was a bizarre, contradictory paradox that you found yourself in. Wanting to meet a guy and fall hopelessly, ridiculously, head over heels in love, but simultaneously rejecting the vast majority of those coming over and saying hello. It was probably because you’d spent too much time constructing the idea of your perfect man in your head.
He would be tall, handsome and funny, but not overly brash or eager to become the centre of attention, more so witty and quick to make dry, sarcastic comments at lightning speed. He’d be empathetic, care about his family, and his friends and just about everything else, the environment, the state of the current world, the need to do more and say more and help those in need. And he would be nervous, or just a bit shy, because cockiness was a turnoff like nothing else in your eyes, and able to sweep you off your feet with words but not feeling the need to make exaggerated, cheesy, vomit-inducing romantic gestures. He would be driven and able to motivate you as well, but not so career-focused that he would be willing to step on everyone else to get to the top, or so competitive that everything was a game with the ultimate aim of getting 1 up on you.
(It was idealistic, sure.)
(But wasn’t being that the very essence of romance in the first place?)
“I don’t mean to seem like a stalker, but you’ve drank four of those funny-coloured cocktails in the space of about 20 minutes, and I was wondering if maybe you needed to talk?” A deep voice chuckles over your shoulder, soft and light over the jazz music playing in the background.
You roll your eyes, as if by instinct, and shrug your shoulders. “They’re non-alcoholic, but I appreciate the observation.” You remark.
“Ah.” He nods, and you look at him properly.
He’s fiddling with the bottom of his shirt, holding a glass of coke in his other hand and looking at you intently. He’s tall and well-built, with broad shoulders stretching the material of his white shirt and there’s a hint of stubble casting a shadow on his jawline. When he looks at you directly, you’re pretty sure everything else in the room save his smile and the pleasant flickering of the ambient lighting disappears.
It’s romantic and fuzzy and dream-like, and it must be too good to be true.
You attempt a smile, but it’s probably more like a grimace at this point, and he returns it, a light pink washing over his cheeks. “Can I sit?”
“I don’t own the bar.”
His face falls at your comment and he frowns ever so slightly, but he attempts a smile once more and takes a seat on the stool furthest to your right, leaving a seat empty in between. You can’t help but smile. Was your resting bitch face and default hostile tone really that intimidating?
“I’m sorry.” You pipe up.
“For being an arse.”
He laughs. “If that’s being an arse to you, then you must be a bloody nice person.”
His eyes crinkle at the corners when he laughs, and you can’t fight the grin on your lips. “I’m not usually this moody.” You muse. “When you’ve been ditched by all your friends, it’s kind of a given, though.”
“They’re here, somewhere.” You spin on your stool and turn away from the bar, scanning the vicinity, glancing across the tables and the makeshift dance floor in the middle. “There's Emma, with that guy in the corner. Megan’s on the dance floor over on that side and that’s- wait, no, that's Hannah getting off with that middle-aged guy by the smoking area.”
“Does this happen often?”
“What, me being left by myself while my friends go off and get with random guys?”
He nods.
“Happens more times that I’d like to admit.” You laugh, slightly resentful at how bitter you sound, and sip at your straw until only slush is left at the bottom of your glass.
“I’m not sure how.” He speaks up, after a moment of lulled silence. “You’re, well- you’re…” He trails off and is unable to meet your eyes.
You desperately try to meet his gaze, subconsciously tightening your grip on your glass and mentally willing him to talk. Raising an eyebrow, you drill your gaze into him further, prompting him to say something.
(Say something.)
(Speak before I throw my glass at your beautiful head, you think.)
“You’re beautiful, is what I’m trying to say.” He eventually stutters out.
This time, it’s your turn to blush.
“God, I’m sorry.” He groans before letting out a nervous laugh and pushing his stool back to stand up. “Right. I’ll be off. I’m sorry Have a nice night.”
“You don’t have to leave.”
“Are you sure?”
And he sits down again, clumsily introduces himself and reaches to shake your hand only to knock over your glass and accidentally grope your chest when reaching over to apologise.
He asks for your name, and then your favourite vegetable and if you’re a cat or a dog person. He’s a footballer, just turned 28 and in the prime of his career, a committed Netflix-binger who loves his dog more than just about anyone or anything, recycles absolutely everything and has been committed to improving and bettering himself since the day he decided that kicking around a ball was what he do everyday.
(Driven, empathetic, funny, caring, dedicated)
(Pretty much a full house.)
He laughs when you tell him you’re perpetually single because you can’t quite seem to find the guy who makes it all click for you, because he’s the complete same, in love with the idea of love and being in love, wanting to find that one great person to spend the rest of his life with and stay with until his end of days.
(And a very, very happy six months later you discover that apparently, it’s you.)
(Who’d have thought?)
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marcdurm · 4 years
Which one is your favourite fanfic you wrote?
Tbh I don’t have *one* that is my favourite but these are the ones I really enjoyed writing and kinda feel more love for them.
But she was gone  (anyone)
Jealous (Erik Durm)
Your time is the only thing I wish was mine (Roman Bürki)
Jolene (Roman Bürki)
Creep (Roman Bürki)
What did last night mean? (Julian Brandt)
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anja-mittags · 6 years
X, V, S, Q, L
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
Manu, bc that idiot can definitely take it. Like embarrassment suffering bc look at him and his choices. If it had to be like real suffering, I think I lean more towards making life difficult for Mats. At least as far as I can tell from my fics....I tend to try to tease something else under all the dumbass so I throw him into shitty situations and hope it’s believable enough haha.
V: A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic?
Boa in general is almost always a secondary character if not even mentioned in bayern fic so yeah totally underrated and I would definitely like to see more fic around him. Also Julian Brandt I think is a bit underrated but I also....haven’t kept up with fic in a while so maybe that’s changed.
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
SOOO many. strangely enough, most of them don’t exist in footy fandom. At least not modern fic fandom anyway. Fake dating/fake married is one of my weaknesses bc it’s pretty versatile in reasoning and you can add a lot of other things like mutual pining! or sharing a bed! or whatever.
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
mmmm lemme see if i can dig something up. I mean I do, but mostly in my head. Okay, this is from a futuristic kind of soulbond ish AU that really didn’t pan out. and I don’t think I’ve shared it with anyone.
“Are you broadcasting? Getting sentimental in your old age, eh?” Thomas grins, like most of the team wasn’t doing the same with their Lenses. He shakes him roughly by the shoulders before joining in the building roar of the rest of the team cheering on Andre lifting the trophy. Philipp stands a little ways away from the rest of the team on the balcony, just watching with a smile on his face. The gold confetti still raining down on them distracts him from the message notification until it scrolls past his Lens again.
A short but unexpected congratulations floats into his vision.
Philipp had almost forgotten that Micha was tied into his NNetwork.
The NERVE device had hit stores in 2008 after Fuji and Nokia hashed out their various disputes over the software and hardware. It was technically classified as a medical device, but Samsung had bought out Arkray’s supply and refitted it, combining it with a soft lens to act as a recording device slash interface display.
And Philipp hadn’t wanted to do anything with the new rage in gadgetry.
“Oh come on, they’ve ironed out the kinks. It’s not going to accidentally catch you watching porn.” Torsten breezily informs him like that was anywhere near his first concern. He makes a face. Basti laughs at him before slouching into his side. It had been his idea with Torsten egging them on, and Micha leading their little group into the store. Poldi had made an appointment for the duo but Bastian had fallen ill shortly before the fated day and had to cancel.
“This is going to make the gossip columns.” He mutters under his breath, already seeing a few people whispering and pointing at them. Micha was always going to turn heads.
“And what’s wrong with that? We’re just staying on top of the trends.”  
L: What's the weirdest AU you've ever come up with?
I have a lot of weird poly AUs but most of that boils down to unexpected combination of people. but the mummy AU was probably the weirdest AU to date in terms of setting. in terms of worldbuilding, i think my magic goalkeepers AU.
thanks!!! I totally forgot i reblogged this....oops.
fanfic ask meme
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quack-and-yellow · 6 years
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Julian Brandt Instagram story
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