#Julian's parents augmenting him
bijoumikhawal · 1 year
depressing to talk about I guess, but given the Federation's form of ableism and the lack of pressure to work, Earth at least probably has a massive NEET (or NET I guess) problem
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youngpettyqueen · 1 month
truly a crime we didnt get to see more of Miles' reaction to Julian being augmented because I think he should've punched Richard Bashir in the face
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comic-sans-chan · 1 year
I adore how unhinged Garak is about the people he likes, because there's this theme of them being similarly unhinged. Like that colleague from the Order in Second Skin that he had to shoot and was like, "Aw :( ...Well Anyway" about. Or like Tain and Mila, both crazy bitches, imo. Or his last remaining contacts on Cardassia who he called up in In The Pale Moonlight who were all down to raid the Dominion’s underwear drawer at the drop of a hat. Like that's what Garak is used to. He likes excitement, he likes a bit of malice, he likes some cunning. And that's part of what makes Garashir so goddamn funny is Julian is actually a bit of a cunning, malicious little shit sometimes. If you watch the series knowing Julian's an augment, these moments come up all the time where it's clear he's fucking with people for his own amusement. Taking people for a bit of a ride just to see what happens. Then ofc there are all the gross incel fuckboy moments, but. 
I just love the idea of Julian going on some insane borderline villainous monologue about something or other and Garak sitting there with hearts swirling around his head. Don't get me wrong, Garak loves Julian for his goodness first and foremost, but Julian's not perfect and I think that makes the ship so much more interesting because I can't really see Garak finding most of Julian's worst flaws anything but thrilling. We go on about Garak loving Julian's infodumping and argumentativeness, but after the augment thing comes out, I think he equally enjoys watching Julian play dumb with people and Knowing he's playing dumb. It compliments his own Just a Simple Tailor routine so perfectly. They're just normal men. Just innocent men.
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dimensionalspades · 1 year
💭 + Julian's view of his parents!
- headcanons || accepting -
Oh we just want an essay huh
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By the time 'Doctor Bashir, I Presume' rolls around, Julian's feelings are negative. He still loves his parents, very deep down, but he's been no contact with them for over a decade and doesn't want to change that. Throughout the episode, his feelings grow more acidic because he realizes just how self-absorbed they are and it fully sets in that he was never his own person to them, just a "legacy".
But there was a time when he adored them. When he was a child and couldn't grasp what'd happened to him, he trusted his parents like all kids do. For quite a few years, Julian tried to be the perfect son to appease his father. But as time went on, the cracks started to show. Julian often couldn't process the overload of enhanced sensory information, leading to meltdowns and, occasionally, Julian shutting down entirely. His parents would grow increasingly controlling of Julian, forcing him to take up classes and tutors in an effort to shove every bit of knowledge and accomplishment onto him. They refused to seek therapy for Julian, fearing that someone would figure out what they'd done, and even went so far as to move on occasion if Richard felt even the smallest hint they'd be exposed. Julian tried to ignore his problems with very limited success, and instead buried himself in hyperfixations, with his parents intervening in interests they deemed not worth his time.
This built a deep-seated resentment that quickly turned into hatred, particularly for Richard, who showed Julian time and time again how shallow his love was. He only ever saw Julian as an extension of himself and punished him when he stepped outside of that role. Richard's "need" to have the perfect son completely demolished Julian's sense of self, and his refusal to help Julian manage the pitfalls that came with being enhanced and autistic left lifelong scars on Julian and is why he's so meticulous about masking.
While Julian knew how selfish his parents truly were, he still loved them when he discovered that he'd been augmented. The discovery shattered him completely, and if asked, he probably can't remember the full confrontation with his parents due to stress. Everything fell into place, and in an instant he saw what his father for what he was; a malignant narcissist who hated his son.
Amsha, however, is a more complicated case to Julian. In his youth, when he was struggling with sensory overload or just in general, he would run to Amsha. Often, when Richard grew angry with Julian or they got into an argument, Amsha would comfort him while reinforcing Richard's point of view. She enabled Richard's abuse, and many times grew just as frustrated with Julian's struggle to manage his emotions and socialize "properly". It actually wasn't until DBIP that Julian saw just how much Amsha agreed with and sympathized with Richard. While the reveal of what they'd done showed him that, her demand for Julian to understand their point of view of practicing eugenics on their son hammered home that Amsha wasn't a better parent than Richard, she was just better at manipulating.
Post canon when Richard is out of jail, they attempt to get into contact with Julian again, but Julian refuses, and goes so far as to leave the station if they ever try to visit ds9.
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slugdge-boy · 2 months
Do you ever think about how Bashir saw every example of his exceptionalism as a reminder that his bodily autonomy was violated and his mind altered against his will, unable to truly excel if he wanted as this could be used against him but also constantly pressured by his parents and himself Be The Best™ or else what was it all for?
Do you ever think how this dynamic relates to him being an Arab man and how many POC have to work twice as hard to be recognised and still have their achievements devalued in the fragile face of white supremacy?
Do you think about how the ultimate fear of genetic augmentation is eugenics and the elimination of traits seen as undesirable under neurotypical str8 white supremacy? And the view of those who are unaltered as lower? And yet Bashir, a goofy, twinky, Autistic MOC who shows these traits very clearly, is seen as one of the only functional, successful augments? How instead of cold, inhuman amorality associated with augments (as Garak accuses him of) Bashir's morality is so so human - every line he skirts and boundary he crosses a desperate attempt to save lives and connect with other people? How he views himself as lower than everyone because of these augmentations and views any accolades as bittersweet, a reminder of the boy Jules who he feels he murdered to live?
Do you ever think about how Bashir constantly lives with the blinding, consuming fire of Kahn noonien-singh above him, unaware he is the gentle shadow at his feet?
Do you ever think about the emotional rollercoaster of Julian Bashir and want to give him a hug?
Or do you only think of yourself?
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1960z · 8 months
how people go about interpreting dr bashir I presume? really frustrates me sometimes ngl especially the “jules bashir died” scene.
like that whole scene is about julian revealing the depth of how deeply his augmentations fractured his sense of identity and who he is - which feeds into the themes of the whole episode surrounding how disability and then by extension disabled people are often viewed as a problem to be solved and because of that are often denied the ability to have fulfilling lives because the able bodied people around them don’t believe that they can.
but… idk, when the fandom talks about it there’s always seems to be a push to read a trans allegory into it that I don’t think is really there? I keep mulling over this post in my mind and when I initially reblogged it I didn’t really want to talk about this because the post is about how stories about racism can be hijacked by white people to be made about their own transness and it felt like as a white person, using that post to complain about ableism would be missing the point. but it really helped me articulate in my mind why the trans reading of this episode feels off to me because the same general principle seems to apply and that is taking a story trying to discuss a specific type of marginalisation and putting a trans reading above it because you can relate more to it personally.
“jules bashir died in that hospital because you couldn't live with the shame of having a son who didn't measure up!” this scene is the culmination of julian expressing his pain about what was done to him as a disabled child by his parents due to how they viewed his disability. but often when I see it being discussed, people aren’t really interested in talking about that. instead supplanting it with a trans reading instead which, in my opinion is an allegory that doesn’t even really work when you think about what’s going on in the broader context of the scene.
julian didn’t stop going by jules because he came to the conclusion on his own that the identity didn’t suit him similar to the way a trans person questions or rejects the gender they were assigned at birth, he stopped going by jules because he felt like the identity attached to that name was taken from him because of what his parents did. it’s not julian affirming who he wants to be it’s grieving over who he can’t be and to me at least, it’s honestly kind of harrowing.
and as an aside: when people read transness into a story about parents who change their child’s body and mind at a very young age without consent, which is literally a narrative projected onto trans people by transphobes to justify the curtailing of trans rights, that also doesn’t sit well with me. I think people latch onto this reading because of the idea of “killing a name” but again in the context of the whole episode the trans reading really doesn’t feel appropriate.
I think it’s okay for people to have trans headcanons about julian of course or literally any character they want to really, but I think saying that specific episode codes him as trans isn’t all that great honestly.
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dusty-cobweb · 7 months
julian and garak’s dynamic surrounding julian’s augmentation is just a massive pile of potential angst
like, garak comes from a species that’s defining trait and cultural core is being useful to the state. julian is upset that his parents modified him, which made him useful to his state. there’s gonna be a lot of clash of opinions there.
julian is upset because his parents never let jules come into his own. he feels like he killed the boy he was before, and for someone who just wants to help and save, well, it’s devastating. garak, of course, cannot understand it from this point of view. he believes that making someone who can’t be useful (someone who’s slow, awkward, etc.) into being useful is awesome! now they can serve the state, just as julian is doing! he says as much, which obviously makes julian angry.
it’s not until julian explains it in the way that his augmentations make his parent’s love and appreciation feel conditional on him being useful/impressive that garak understands the violation that julian feels. because tain did the exact same thing to him.
anyway this is really badly thought out and i think it could’ve been better but psssh yolo
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walkingstackofbooks · 1 month
Inquisition AU where Sloan uses his holosuite powers to have 'Sisko' wake Julian up and inform him the Federation has passed a law stripping augments of their rights as citizens. Augments are now legally obligated to reside and remain with their next of kin to be looked after, usually their parent - or their spouse.
Of course, this is Sloan's world, and he has all the cards stacked in his favour to ensure that he is in place to marry and become the carer of Julian Bashir... And that Julian truly believes there is no way out of it, since this is all, somehow, "totally legal".
Julian is very, very fucked.
(Sloan's too arrogant, however. His ship is docked on DS9 and he stays there for few days while "re-educating the augment" because there's no rush, everyone thinks Julian is away on his conference.
But he doesn't account for Garak. After crossing paths on the promenade, Garak immediately reports to Sisko that that man has recently had sex with Doctor Bashir.
"How do you know?" asks Sisko.
"I can smell it," replies Garak.)
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drmajalis · 1 year
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Me: Dr. Julian Bashir on star trek ds9 still has his childhood teddy bear, Kukalaka. He was his "first patient" after his leg was accidentally torn off. His mother wanted to throw him out, but Julian restuffed and stitched the bear back together, and would continue to do so for his entire life.
Julian is also genetically enhanced individual, an "augment" with genetically enhanced strength, intelligence, precision, everything. By his own admission he was developmentally disabled, and his parents gave him the illegal gene therapy begets they wanted what was best for him, but in Julian's mind, they "replaced" their defective son with a more perfect one, saying "Jules" the nickname they gave him, died on the operating table.
Maybe the reason Julian was so fixated on keeping Kukalaka is because he didn't want anyone to think they were replacable because of a defect or injury, that he saw a little of himself in this stuffed toy and thought "I won't give up on you," just like how he wouldn't give up on treating The Quickening, or the Jem'Hadar's addiction.
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juicezone · 3 months
What is your thoughts on Julian Bashir being an age regressor?
No but for real, he's always held himself to high standards, worked hard, pushed himself hard- does it really surprise ANYONE to know that he needs a chance to slow himself down, take a break, and be looked after????
His childhood was literally stolen from him by his parents, having had him augmented/enhanced. He still canonically holds on to a teddybear from when he was five- you look at this boy and you tell me he's not a regressor. that he's not like 6 max
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Keiko and O'Brien are both his caregivers, they are his mama and his daddy (he. calls them mama bear and daddy bear sometimes when he's really small. they love him so much). He just wants to be held and loved for who HE is not what he needs to be, and they love him no matter what
and he crashes SO so hard when his parents come to ds9, and o'brien and keiko drop everything 'cos that's their baby boy and he needs them
Garak also becomes an extremely unlikely caregiver of Bashir, and creates numerous outfits for Kukalaka (+ matching outfits for Bashir, of course, upon request)
sometimes he finds it very hard to stay small, to stay regressed, and it frustrates and upsets him and then sometimes he just crashes so hard into babyspace that he just. he can't be anything but a baby
for him it is so, so much about creating a family-scene where he is okay to be however he is, whatever he is, just unconditional love and care
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youngpettyqueen · 2 months
I know the decision to have Julian's parents have him augmented was made on the fly but imo its pretty obvious from early on that Julian has Family Issues because he avoids talking about his family like the plague and I think they should've incorporated this into the Julian and Sisko dynamic right from early on because I think it would've made for some really compelling stories and moments and could've set up a REALLY interesting Julian and Jake dynamic which they kinda started to do but never fully went for
#star trek: ds9#julian bashir#benjamin sisko#jake sisko#s1 Julian being so young and eager to prove himself and latching onto Sisko as this mentor figure to look up to#seeing Sisko with Jake and low-key seeking that fatherly figure connection which he won't even let himself think about#Sisko seeing this young brilliant doctor who's got all the makings to be something great and he's just GOTTA help him along#I think he would also catch on pretty quick that Julian's got Parental Issues#he tries to ask one day all casual like 'tell me about yourself :)' and Julian talks about nothing but Starfleet and med school#any attempts to ask about his family are met with awkward brief answers and redirections#and then theres the way Julian's eyes light up the first time Sisko invites him to watch a baseball game#like he Knows. he's a dad he Knows somethings up#but he doesnt pry#I also think it makes their dynamic more tragic towards the end of the series#where we have Sisko asking Julian to compromise his morals again and again#Julian's trust and respect for him gradually deteriorating#and then at the end of course Sisko is gone and they have no idea when he'll be back#which I think Julian would have a lot of complicated feelings about#but of course theres also Jake#I imagine they'd get closer#very brotherly dynamic#you know that scene in TNG where Wesley goes to Riker for girl advice and Riker and Guinan start flirting?#absolutely happens but with Jake asking Julian for girl advice and Julian wooing a girl at Quark's and Jake absolutely loses the plot#makes the events of ...Nor the Battle to the Strong more intense as well I think#also I like to think there'd be an episode where the B plot is Jake gets mad at Sisko and impulsively decides to move out#ends up at Julian's because he did not think this through#Julian is now very much caught in the middle of this family drama and he Fucking Hates It#also him and Jake are NOT compatible roommates but he's trying so so hard to be nice#eventually they have a talk and Julian cryptically hints at his own home life and tells Jake he's lucky he has a dad who cares so much#them being closer would work into what Alone Together sets up for them
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transmascswagpolls · 3 months
Transmasc Swag Polls- ROUND 1
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Propaganda and other info under the cut.
JULIAN: Subtext/ Coded VIKTOR: CANON Transgender Man
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and other related media, The Umbrella Academy
As a child, he had learning and socialisation difficulties, so his parents decided to "fix" him by getting him genetically augmented, despite this being illegal in Starfleet. As a result, he has a bad relationship with his parents because he feels that they never really gave his past self a chance, and he also has to hide his true self to get into Starfleet.
He also has a homoerotic relationship with Garak, a lizard man (Cardassian) spy aboard Deep Space 9. Their relationship starts with Julian being a little starstruck by Garak, but he quickly learns that Garak has problems of his own…
He's just a silly guy but also a very nuanced and well written character and I love him so much. My favourite trans-ish moment is when he finally stands up to his parents about them deadnaming him. A trans interpretation is definitely not the only way to read this scene, and there's also a lot of metaphorical stuff about being neurodivergent in there, but in my opinion he definitely easily lends himself to a trans reading in many ways.
Well I mean he is canonically trans and played by a trans actor but even before he came out he gave a lot of transmasc vibes. Also his dead name is considered masculine. So my guy has a male name even before he realized he was a guy. Also he was very isolated from the rest of the family which idk feels relatable as a trans person.
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bitkahuna · 11 months
WIP Fanfictions:
Masterlist of the seven fanfictions I’m currently writing. Will be updated as progress is made!!
To see my published fanfictions, go here to my AO3
Green fics are being actively worked on while orange fics are touched less consistently. Blue are actively being published and are a priority.
1) Thorin Oakenshield x Bilbo Baggins - Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit - Cultural differences being abound as an innocent Hobbit is corrupted by our favorite dwarven king. (NSFW, gay, corruption kink)
2) Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter book and movie franchises - An entire fucking rewrite of the book series where Harry is far more proactive and more of a BAMF in trying to not only thwart, but also go on the offense in the war between good and evil, as well as his life after. (NSFW, gay, portrayals of addiction, graphic violence, death and murder (but it’s only the bad guys cause I’m only capable of writing happy endings))
3) Julian Bashir x Elim Garak - Star Trek: Deep Space 9 - post-Dominion war ... it's incredibly fucking complicated. Nearly a decade ago, Julian Bashir, along with 12 other augmented children were rescued from a secret base on an asteroid, rehabilitated, and given the chance at real lives. When Dr. Zimmerman boards the DS9 having already realized Julian is an augment, Starfleet creates the lie that it was done by his parents in order to save face for the fact that they knew Julian was an augment before he ever even enrolled at the academy. But when the truth begins to come out, Garak is quite fascinated by just how good a liar Julian actually is.
4) Reader x Dr. T’Ana - Star Trek: Lower Decks - A dying cryo-ship is stumbled upon by the USS: Cerritos with only a single human aboard. Dr. T’Ana finds herself suspicious of the woman born four hundred years ago as her crumbling relationship with Shaxs leads her to a queer crisis.
5) Reader x Cicero - Elder Scrolls X: Skyrim - After the final battle against Alduin, something went wrong. Very wrong. The Dragonborn should not have been able to absorb Alduin’s soul. Yet, she did. What happens when the souls of a Dragonborn and a demigod combine?
6) Reader x Asterion - Baldur’s Gate III - The Nautiloid slipped from world to world, dimension to dimension, and universe to universe with all the ease of a cockroach squirming under a door. Until, shortly before the events leading to its crash, it crashed through the realm of the goddess of dreams, accidentally taking the goddess and resetting her to a weakened mortal form.
7) Sam x Gabriel - Supernatural - After Jack resets the world, all seems normal. Dangers are still abound, but not nearly as serious as they once were. A powerful mage trying to find eternal youth has popped up on the Winchester’s radar, but after investigating and finding the perp, Sam is hit with the interrupted magic ritual and is reverted back to who he was in his college days. Unfortunately for him, a certain trickster archangel was also resurrected by Jack. Even more unfortunate, Sam was quite the asshole in college. Just the kind that Gabriel had always taken a particular joy in humbling.
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gcthvile · 9 months
Winn Maximoff
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Full name: Winn Pietro Maximoff
Age: 19
Height: 5'9
Nicknames: he doesn't have any nicknames by others but he does get called svet moy (my light) or solnyshko (sun) by Wanda
Sexuality: Bisexual
Powers: Reality Manipulation, Astral Projection, Binding, Clairvoyance, Concussive Blasts, Cosmic Awareness, Creation, Erasure, Elemental Manipulation, Flight, Force Field, Mechanical Manipulation, Healing, Physical Augmentation, Power Manipulation, Power Bestowal, Power Amplification, Power Negation, Teleportation, Portal Creation, Interdimensional Teleportation, Remote Teleportation, Banishment, Telepathy.
Wanda's encounter with Julian in upstate New York brought an unexpected spark into her life. Despite the mundane circumstances of a car breakdown, their connection grew during the time he spent fixing her car. Julian's charm and genuine nature resonated with Wanda, providing a sense of warmth she hadn't felt since Vision.
Their romantic journey unfolded, filled with shared laughter and meaningful moments. Julian became a beacon of joy for Wanda, helping her heal from the wounds of the past. Their love bore fruit, and Winn entered their lives, bringing newfound happiness to the Scarlet Witch.
However, fate took a cruel turn when Julian met an untimely end in a tragic car accident. The loss left Wanda devastated, burdened with the responsibility of raising Winn on her own. Despite the pain, she channeled her grief into nurturing Winn, ensuring he grew up surrounded by the love and strength his parents once shared.
Winn, inheriting both Wanda's magical abilities and his father's resilience, developed into a unique individual, a blend of chaos and stability. His childhood, marked by the absence of his father, instilled in him a deep appreciation for the fleeting nature of life and the importance of cherishing every moment.
Childhood and teenage years
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Winn's childhood was a blend of ordinary and extraordinary, growing up in the care of Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch. Despite her immense powers, Wanda was determined to give Winn a normal life. She shielded him from the complexities of the superhero world, creating a haven where bedtime stories weren't about cosmic battles but simple adventures.
Their home was a refuge, filled with laughter, bedtime rituals, and the occasional use of magic to make chores a bit more exciting. Wanda, with her scarlet-hued powers, taught Winn to understand and control his abilities from an early age. It became a shared secret, a unique bond between mother and son.
As Winn entered school, Wanda juggled her superhero responsibilities with PTA meetings and school projects, ensuring he experienced the typical joys and challenges of childhood. She encouraged his interests, whether mundane or extraordinary, fostering an environment where he could embrace both sides of his heritage.
Winn's journey through adolescence brought moments of curiosity and self-discovery. Wanda, always there with guidance, watched as her son navigated the intricacies of friendships and identity. Through it all, she remained the constant, a pillar of strength and love in a world that sometimes felt too vast.
As Winn entered his teenage years, a shift occurred within him, marked by a growing turbulence in his emotions. The balance that once characterized his childhood began to tip, and a complex mix of anger, frustration, and a desire for control emerged. The charming child transformed into a young man marked by rudeness, aggression, and a penchant for violence.
Wanda, grappling with the challenge of guiding her son through this tumultuous phase, recognized the need for a different approach. She attempted to anchor him, to help him channel his powers and emotions in a more constructive manner. Yet, the scarlet threads that once wove a harmonious childhood now seemed frayed, strained by the intense forces within him.
The reasons behind Winn's transformation remained elusive – a combination of teenage angst, the weight of his powers, and perhaps the unresolved pain stemming from the loss of his father. The Scarlet Witch found herself caught in a delicate dance, trying to rein in the unleashed potential within her son while understanding the complexity of his journey.
Winn's aggression and dangerous tendencies became a challenge not only for himself but for those around him. The struggle to find a balance between the extraordinary gifts he inherited and the turbulent emotions of adolescence defined this phase of his life, leaving both mother and son navigating uncharted waters in an attempt to restore the threads of stability and harmony.
As the years unfolded, Wanda discovered the hidden layers beneath Winn's rough exterior. Despite his outward demeanor of rudeness and aggression, she unearthed a secret well of care and protectiveness within him. Winn, with an unspoken commitment to shielding those he cared about, particularly his mother, revealed a side that few had the chance to witness.
In private moments, his humor shone through, casting a light on a side of Winn that contrasted sharply with the aggressive facade he presented to the world. Wanda, realizing that his protective instincts were rooted in a deep love and concern, sought ways to nurture the positive aspects of his character while guiding him away from the darker expressions of his powers.
The dichotomy within Winn created a complex tapestry of emotions, where his caring nature clashed with the violence that often manifested in moments of perceived threat. The challenge for Wanda became not only understanding her son but also finding a way to channel his protective instincts in a manner that didn't compromise the safety of those around him.
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Winn's personality is a paradoxical blend of intensity and vulnerability. The aggression and violence he occasionally exhibits serve as a protective armor, a manifestation of the internal conflicts he grapples with. Behind this tough exterior, he harbors a deep well of care and protectiveness, particularly towards his mother, Wanda.
His loyalty to those he considers family is unwavering, and he would go to great lengths to ensure their safety. The fine line he treads between expressing his love through protection and the potential dangers of his powers adds complexity to his relationships.
Winn's sense of humor, often hidden from the outside world, provides glimpses into a more lighthearted side. In moments of connection and trust, he lets this facet of his personality shine, revealing a capacity to find joy even in the midst of turmoil.
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Winn's mastery of powers developed over years of training guided by his mother, Wanda. Through a combination of theoretical learning, practical exercises, and real-world experiences, he honed each ability, discovering the nuances of their applications and limitations. The journey was not without challenges, and the occasional struggles with his temper and violent tendencies added a layer of complexity to his training. Yet, over time, Winn learned to navigate the intricate web of his inherited powers, transforming them from untamed potential into controlled expressions of his Scarlet Witch heritage
Winn can alter and reshape reality to a certain extent, bending the TV fabric of existence to his will. He has the ability to project his consciousness or spirit outside of his physical body, exploring different planes of existence. Winn can restrain or immobilize others through metaphysical means, using his powers to create ethereal bonds. He possesses the ability to perceive events or gather information about distant or future events. He can generate powerful bursts of concussive energy, which he can project as offensive attacks. He is also attuned to the cosmic forces at play, providing him with heightened awareness of the universe. Winn can bring objects or constructs into existence through sheer force of will. He also has the power to erase or negate certain aspects of reality, removing elements from existence. Winn can defy gravity and move through the air without the need for physical support.
He can create protective barriers or shields to deflect attacks. Has the ability to manipulate and control machines and technology through supernatural means. Winn can accelerate the natural healing processes, either for himself or others. He has the power to enhance physical attributes, such as strength, speed, and agility. Winn can manipulate the powers of others, altering or controlling their supernatural abilities. Winn can instantaneously transport himself from one location to another. He can create openings or portals between different locations or dimensions. Winn can also travel between different dimensions. He also can transport objects or individuals to another location without physical presence. Winn can exile entities or beings to other realms or dimensions. And lastly he possesses the ability to communicate mentally with others, reading thoughts or projecting his own.
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Winn's hobbies reflect a diverse range of interests, providing a glimpse into the layers of his personality beyond the realm of superpowers. Despite his complex powers and intense demeanor, he finds solace and joy in various pursuits.
Winn channels his creativity through art, whether it's painting, drawing, or other forms of artistic expression. It serves as a therapeutic outlet, allowing him to explore emotions and experiences in a tangible way.
Whether playing an instrument or curating playlists, music plays a significant role in Winn's life. It becomes a means of escape and emotional release, resonating with the different facets of his personality.
Winn finds refuge in the world of literature, exploring realms beyond the ordinary. Whether delving into mystical texts or escaping into fiction, reading provides him with a sense of adventure and intellectual stimulation.
Engaging in rigorous physical activities, such as martial arts or intense workouts, helps Winn channel his energy and maintain a sense of discipline. It also serves as a constructive outlet for the intensity that comes with his powers.
Despite his guarded exterior, Winn has a curious side that drives him to explore both mundane and extraordinary aspects of the world. Whether it's urban exploration or venturing into mystical realms, he seeks to understand the world around him.
Fueled by his ability for mechanical manipulation, Winn has a keen interest in technology. He enjoys tinkering with gadgets, staying updated on the latest advancements, and finding innovative solutions to challenges.
In contrast to his more intense pursuits, Winn finds joy in the simplicity of cooking. Experimenting with recipes and flavors allows him to unwind and share moments of connection with others.
Strengths and weaknesses
1. Mastery of Powers: Winn possesses a comprehensive mastery of a wide array of powers inherited from Wanda, including reality manipulation, teleportation, and telepathy.
2. Protective Instinct: His strong protective instincts, especially towards his loved ones, drive him to go to great lengths to ensure their safety.
3. Resilience: Winn's journey has instilled in him a remarkable resilience, allowing him to face challenges with determination and bounce back from setbacks.
4. Versatility: The diverse range of his hobbies and interests adds to his versatility, making him adaptable in different situations and environments.
5. Physical Prowess: Engaging in physical training has endowed him with enhanced physical attributes, contributing to his overall effectiveness in combat situations.
1. Temper and Aggression: Winn's tendency towards aggression, particularly in moments of heightened emotion, poses a challenge, leading to potential conflicts.
2. Protectiveness Leading to Violence: While protective, his inclination towards violence as a means of safeguarding loved ones can create moral and ethical dilemmas.
3. Complex Emotions: The internal conflicts arising from his heritage and the loss of his father contribute to complex emotional struggles, impacting his decision-making at times.
4. Struggle with Balance: Balancing the extraordinary nature of his powers with the desire for a normal life presents an ongoing challenge, with potential consequences for his personal relationships.
5. Isolation: Winn's internal struggles may lead to a sense of isolation, as he grapples with the burden of his powers and the potential dangers they pose to those around him.
Hope you guys like him!
@missstrawbs2001 @blueboirick @jackiequick @meiramel @mallowbee4
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aro-wan · 1 year
Fanfic Search, Please
Okay, so I feel a little like I've gone insane on my quest of searching for this fic in the DS9 fandom.
Okay, so from what I recall there are no pairings or at least none in the parts I can recall except maybe a random hook up but I think I'm mushing two things together at that point, anyway!
The fic centers on Julian Bashir. It is pre-canon, and I think it starts with Julian hanging out with Palis during his academy time. At some point Palis gets a call or Julian gets a call, and Julian finds out that the secret about his augment status has been discovered. I don't recall if it was from his parents saying something or from Palis' father snooping or from a raid on Adigeon Prime or something else. The point is his secret is found out.
Julian goes on the run because he doesn't want to be jailed/institutionalized by the Federation (which I cannot blame him for). At some point, he ends up at the docks, hoping to find passage on a ship in exchange for labour. I think that this is put a bit to the test by Starfleet searching ships leaving Earth in search of Julian, but I could be misremembering it.
At some point later in the fic/series, Julian ends up on a space station and is recognized by a Starfleet officer. No recollection what happens after that. Just that.
If anyone knows where to find this fic, I would be eternally grateful for that knowledge!
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ofhouseadama · 2 years
@bijoumikhawal reblogged this post of mine earlier, meaning that I am (shockingly) thinking about the Cardassian Cultural Breeding Kink once more
but also now specifically thinking about an AU where Julian did have to transplant Yoshi into himself in order to save him/continue the pregnancy, and due to some conceit about Keiko's health or his augmentations had to carry him to term and Garak being driven absolutely to the BRINK for the duration but immediately hurt lockering any thought that has the audacity to form in his head about his feelings towards Julian and whose babies he'd like Julian to carry and feeling the Deep Horny Shame about it but also the Bastard Son Shame about it
and then years later, once Cardassia has fallen and risen again and the government is churning out marketing scheme propaganda after marketing scheme propaganda about repopulating and birth rates and all the shiny new federal programs aimed towards new parents and young children, even the poor bastard ones, Julian has the nerve to serve on one of the Big Publicized Committees for the Ministry of Health for pediatrics and Garak realizes that while he did his absolute level best to hurt locker those feelings, they never actually detonated
and finally do when he sees Julian holding one of the half-human, half-Cardassian babies that have started to arrive via the Federation aid workers and good old Starfleet promiscuity.
so Julian learns that his Old Friend Garak isn't immune to the Cardassian stereotype and also wants to fuck approximately three babies into him because reproducing at replacement rate just won't cut it, and finally has the context to reframe some weird, unhinged, and downright overprotective behavior from 4-5 years prior and is like. oh. oh. he wanted to fuck me. he wanted to do much MORE than fuck me.
Garak learns that human skin gets stretch marks, that humans can reproduce sexually at a rate of 1 offspring per year, and can have litters
this makes things markedly Worse (TM)
except in all the ways it makes them better :)
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