#Jumper News Ireland
polaroidcats · 3 months
I assume you feel quite strongly (either positively or negatively) about things made of wool (blankets, jumpers, socks etc)
I love the cosiness and the aesthetic and also the usefulness of things made out of wool, I have a dark green wool wintercoat and 2 wool cardigans and am wearing nice wooly socks as I am typing this! Socks are probably my fave category of things made out of wool!! I literally asked my mum if she could teach me how to mend my socks yesterday because one of my fave pair of wool socks has a hole haha! Not a big fan of wool blankets though, because I find them itchy quite often? With clothes/scarves etc. I have found it really depends on the quality of the wool and if it's a blend/mix or pure wool, it's usually when it's a mix with other (synthetic) fabrics that it's itchy but when it's pure wool it's fine (to me), which is why I don't own many wool things but my 2 wool cardigans were both hand me downs from my mum and are probably at least 30 years old, or even older, and I love them so much!!! one of them is from new zealand and it's older than me, that's so cool!!!!
Also my parents brought me back some iconic & cosy sheep wool slippers from a trip to ireland once and they were the cosiest and warmest things but then I had fabric moths in my flat and they DESTROYED THEM, which is why I try to always put my wool stuff in bags over summer with little lavender pouches to keep the moths away!!
make an assumption about me!
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carewyncromwell · 8 months
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Ginny 🤝 Carewyn
1994 was an incredibly eventful year in the Wizarding World. Although yes, one could've surmised as much in response to the terrifying Death Eater attack after the Quidditch World Cup Final between Bulgaria and Ireland, no one outside of the Ministry really knew just how much was planned for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry until the term started. One hint, however, could be found in the students' list of necessary school supplies for the year ahead -- new to the list this year were a proper set of dress robes, appropriate to a formal event. And upon receiving her list of school supplies, Ginny Weasley was delighted to learn from her mother that her oldest and favorite brother Bill's best friend, Carewyn Cromwell, had volunteered to help her shop for some dress robes.
"Now, Carewyn said she might not be able to buy you whatever you want," Mrs. Weasley said bracingly. "You know she doesn't earn any more than your father...and while renting a flat in London, no less! But she thought that some new robes, even on clearance, might be a nice belated birthday gift..."
Ginny wasn't the least bit unhappy by this. Not only had she assumed she'd have to wear something of her mum or aunt's, but the thought of going out shopping with Carewyn was enough to make the thirteen-year-old bounce with glee. She always liked it whenever Carewyn visited the Burrow as it was, but being able to spend some private "girl's time" with Bill's best friend was beyond exciting.
And so a few days before term started, the youngest Weasley dressed in her favorite dress, jumper, tights, and boots, and then thundered downstairs to the fire. She even ended up running into Ron and Harry on the stairs, and -- after biting back her blush as best she could -- she darted away toward the kitchen before Ron could make too much fun of her for it. Once it was 10 o'clock, Mrs. Weasley walked Ginny over to the fireplace so she could send her on her way to the Leaky Cauldron, where Carewyn would be meeting her. Bill and Charlie were both there to see her off too.
"Tell Carey we said hi," Bill told his sister with a smile.
"Better yet, force her to come back to the Burrow with you when you're done," Charlie added more forcefully.
"Oh, Charlie," Mrs. Weasley scolded, lightly batting him on the arm. Once she had, though, she said as an aside to Ginny, "Do try to invite Carewyn back over for a visit, though, Ginny dear -- while your brothers are still here..."
Ginny couldn't help but grin. "Okay."
And with this, she grabbed some Floo Powder, tossed it at her feet, very clearly shouted, "DIAGON ALLEY!", and disappeared with a flash of green flame and smoke.
When Ginny climbed out of the Leaky Cauldron's Floo grate a few seconds later, she immediately found Carewyn standing there waiting on the other side of the grate. The ginger-haired lawyer was as pretty as always with her trademark bright red lipstick, dressed in a crisp, white collared shirt, thigh-length black skirt and a tailored black waistcoat.
At the sight of Carewyn, Ginny's brown eyes lit up like miniature suns.
Carewyn had to open her arms quickly so as to catch the smaller girl as she threw her arms around her, squeezing tight.
"Hi, Ginny," Carewyn couldn't bite back a full, amused smile.
Ginny looked up at Carewyn, unable to keep the huge, giddy grin off her flushed, sooty, freckled face.
"Bill, Charlie, and Mum say hi," she said at once.
Carewyn's blue eyes sparkled knowingly. "Is that all they said?"
"Well, Charlie also told me to force you to come back with me to the Burrow," Ginny said through her giggles. "Mum wants you there too."
Carewyn rolled her eyes up toward the ceiling as she sighed. "I'm sure she does...for very different reasons than Charlie, I'm quite sure..."
She took out a handkerchief and set about wiping the soot from Ginny's face.
"Yeah..." Ginny laughed a bit uncomfortably, "Mum just hasn't gotten it through her head that Charlie's not into dating. But well, it wouldn't be so bad if you and Bill dated, right? You're already best friends! And if you marry Bill, then he could come home and take a desk job at Gringotts, and you could both live in London together!"
Carewyn tried to smile instead of cringe, but the effect was weakened by just how much she avoided Ginny's eyes. "Ginny, I love Bill only as a friend...and the feeling is more than mutual on his end. I have little interest in marrying anyone as it is. And even if I didn't, Bill and I couldn't be more different, in what we'd want in a romantic relationship."
Giving birth to a lot of kids, for one -- talk about the last thing I'd want to do...
Ginny deflated, clearly a bit disappointed.
"If you say so. ...I still think you'd make a brilliant Weasley, though," she said with a grin.
Carewyn smiled wryly. "Well, fortunately, your brothers have treated me like one for quite a while now."
Tucking her handkerchief back into the inside of her jacket, she then turned on her heel, glancing back over her shoulder at Ginny.
"Well, come on, then," she said stridently. "I thought Madame Malkin's would be the best place to start. Twilfitt and Tatting's supply is very pretty, but we're less likely to get as much for our money there. And remember, we can always modify what we find, if it's not a perfect fit...I'm sure your mother would be happy to help with that..."
Ginny eagerly followed along after Carewyn out of the pub and into the rest of Diagon Alley.
The two gingers headed to the famous robe shop, where they immediately moved to the clearance racks at the back of the room. Ginny was actually really happy to see just how much Carewyn and she were able to pick out from that rack that they both liked and Carewyn could afford -- even those ensembles that were three times the amount of Ginny's second-hand school robes weren't out of reach, which made it so that Ginny ended up having a stack of eighteen pretty, affordable dresses in her size that she could try on. Some of them didn't suit Ginny -- the flashy, patterned purple, gold, and green one overpowered her small frame, while the cream-colored one completely washed her out. Others were made of uncomfortable materials, were too revealing, or required a larger bust size to look right.
Eventually, though, Carewyn helped Ginny pick out a golden yellow dress with wide bell-shaped sleeves and navy-blue and burgundy panels on the skirt. Carewyn had originally thought to go for something more delicate, but upon seeing how easy it was for Ginny to move in it and how happy she was twirling the skirt around, Carewyn decided it ultimately was the best choice.
"Do you think it'll do?" Ginny asked a bit more self consciously, as she looked at Carewyn's reflection in the mirror.
"Of course it will," Carewyn said gently, as she took a mint-green dress with pastel pink details she hadn't liked very much out of the stack and returned it to the rack. "Even if it's cotton instead of velvet or silk, it's cut flowingly, and the colors are much brighter than standard robes."
Ginny held the skirt out, sweeping it back and forth as she considered her reflection. Noticing the younger girl's hesitation, Carewyn came back over to stand behind her, smiling at her in the mirror as she talked to her.
"Most importantly, you're comfortable in it," she said with a small smile. "We always look our most beautiful when we're comfortable and having fun...and in dress robes this comfortable, I would think dancing the night away would be very easy to do."
Ginny looked up at Carewyn's reflection, startled.
"Did you say dance -- ?"
"I suppose Bill didn't mention the time he stopped by briefly to the Celestial Ball, in my fourth year," Carewyn said airily. "A shame -- he did quite a nice job fixing up his own dress robes, for that party..."
Ginny's face was flushed with excitement as Carewyn gave her shoulder a light squeeze.
"Dress robes are only worn for formal events, Ginny, I haven't said anything that shocking," she said in a rather droll voice. "It's only sensible to presume that an event of that nature would involve dancing."
Despite saying this, her blue eyes twinkled with amusement. It made Ginny grin from ear to ear.
"Suuuure," she said sarcastically, before bursting into giggles. Carewyn herself only smiled more wryly.
"Well, then, have you decided on those?"
"Yeah!" said Ginny.
"Good -- let's get them bought and paid for. Then I can buy you some ice cream before sending you home."
Ginny had gone behind the curtain to change -- when she'd pulled the robes up and over her head and could peek around the curtain properly, she looked a bit disappointed.
"So you're not coming back home with me?" she asked.
Carewyn offered Ginny a sad, sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, Ginny, I have work in less than an hour. The Minister has requested my professional opinion on the validity of possible libel charges against Rita Skeeter..."
"Libel charges?" Ginny frowned.
"Put simply, Fudge didn't like Rita Skeeter trash-talking the Ministry's response to the attack at the World Cup and wants to know if there's any way he can make her shut up," Carewyn said very coolly.
Ginny couldn't help but scoff around her smile as she went back behind the curtain. "I bet Dad wishes she would too, after all the fuss she made. Reckon there's any chance Fudge could do it?"
"No -- her words in that article are protected under current law, given that she framed the more sensational comments as rumors or speculation from unnamed witnesses. Not to mention that Fudge going after Rita Skeeter would only give her and her writing more attention in the press, not less."
Ginny gave another low scoff from behind the screen. "I guess it's like Dad says: bullies love playing the victim -- then they can act like all their rotten actions are justified..."
The youngest Weasley came back out from behind the curtain, holding her new robes under her left arm and taking hold of Carewyn's arm with her free right hand.
"Well, you'd better write a proper apology to Bill and Charlie for not coming back with me," Ginny said pointedly. "I know Charlie will be mighty disappointed. Mum too."
"I will try very hard to get together with both Bill and Charlie before they leave Britain," Carewyn said levelly. "After all, I've missed them too."
Ginny grinned again, clearly pleased by this. Once Carewyn took the robes from Ginny and paid for them at the desk, she handed the bag holding the robes back to Ginny and the two gingers headed out of the shop.
Ginny gave Carewyn the biggest side-hug she could muster with only one arm completely free.
"Thank you," she said, beaming. "Shopping with you was so much fun. And my robes...you were right before, they are perfect! I can't wait to dance in them! Maybe I'll even get to dance with...well...somebody cool..."
She blushed a bit, clearly a bit self-conscious at this thought. Carewyn's eyes softened as she brought the smaller girl up against her side affectionately.
"I'm glad you like them," she said gently.
Ginny gave Carewyn another squeeze as she grinned up at her through her ruby red blush.
"...Say, Carey, did you and Bill dance at that Ball? The one you mentioned earlier?"
Carewyn cocked her eyebrows. "No, we did not. My date for that Ball was Andre Egwu, actually."
Ginny's mouth dropped open in disbelief. "The Keeper for Pride of Portree? But -- but I thought he liked blokes -- "
"Primarily," Carewyn said with a dry smile. "And I primarily like my independence -- hence why we didn't last."
Bringing a hand down onto Ginny's shoulder, Carewyn then started off down the street, coaxing her along behind.
"Now come on -- I said I'd get you some ice cream, and I only have a half hour before I'm supposed to clock in."
Friendship Drabble Prompt!
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c00kietin · 4 months
I don't read or watch the news, but this article popped up on my feed which just baffled me-
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in case people don't know, I'm Irish so I just find it weird how an Irish clothes store in IRELAND wouldn't allow a jumper with Irish words allowed on it. Just kinda...unusual to me, I guess. At least they apologised.
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miniaturetalecrown · 2 months
Hetalia Character Profiles - Ireland
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Character’s Name: Ireland. Shannon Orla Doyle (1175-1949), Shannon Orla Doyle-Kohler (1949-present), Shaz (by Mhairi and Mathias), Mum (by Liam).
Age: Human - Baby, toddler, and child (400s-1175), teenager (1175-1542), Appears 18 by 1542, is 27 in the modern day.
Height: 5”5 (165cm).
Physical Description: Average height, Shannon is the shortest of her siblings, with Mhairi (Scotland) only being slightly taller and Dylan (Wales) and Arthur (England) being a couple of inches taller. Shannon has a slim hourglass build.
Eye Colour: Emerald green.
Hair Colour/Style: Long strawberry blonde curls that reach down to her waist. Shannon has thick hair like Mhairi. Shannon usually has her hair tied up in braids or buns.
Other Physical Traits: Freckles all over her face and body. Shannon also has her ears pierced and a Celtic tattoo on her back.
Personal Appearance/Style: Shannon wears a lot of greens, blues, browns, reds, and white. Shannon’s wardrobe is full of dresses, long skirts, comfy jumpers, and blue jeans.
Verbal Style: Shannon speaks with a broad Irish accent. Shannon also speaks Irish as well as English.
Education: Shannon is well-educated and helped Mhairi teach Alfred (America), Matthew (Canada), Jake (Australia), and Rachel (New Zealand). Later, Shannon taught Liam (Northern Ireland). Shannon has a degree in nursing that she earned in the 1920s.
Occupation: Diplomat. Shannon also works as a nurse in her spare time.
Past Occupations: Military nurse and as a midwife for Mhairi.
Skills, Abilities or Talents: Shannon is a talented dancer and enjoys traditional Irish dance. Shannon is also a talented musician and can play the fiddle and the harp as well as sing. Shannon enjoys baking and often bakes cakes and cupcakes.
Positive Personality Treats: Friendly, motherly, compassionate, and outdoorsy.
Negative Personality Traits: Stubborn and can be hot-headed.
Sense of Humour: Sarcastic and dark.
Physical/Mental Illnesses or Afflictions: Shannon has traumas that stem from Arthur invading Shannon, as well as the religious wars in Ireland that would lead to the Troubles. In 1921, after gaining Independence from the UK, Shannon found herself separated from her only child, Liam, which devastated Shannon.
Hobbies/Interests: Dancing, painting, playing the harp, playing the fiddle, and singing.
Favourite Foods: Stew, fish, and shephards pie.
Most Important Personal Items: Her emerald engagement, her photo albums, and her collections of Irish literature.
Person/Friend Close to Character: Shannon’s younger sister and best friend, Mhairi. Shannon and Mhairi are the closest siblings of the British Isles and often spend time together, usually hiking. Mhairi tries to visit Shannon at least once a month, and Shannon will also try to visit Mhairi. The sisters share a lot of history together, and they can both speak Irish and Scottish Gaelic, as the languages are similar. The two were Suffragettes in the 1900s and 1910s, along with Rachel, and all three often went to protests around the UK.
Background: Shannon was born around the 400s AD to Hibernia and Britannia. Shannon is the eldest of four siblings. Shannon is closest to her younger sister Mhairi, but is close to her younger brother, Dylan. Shannon doesn't have the best relationship with Arthur after the way that he’s treated Shannon since the 1100s. After becoming a republic in 1949, Shannon married her long-term boyfriend, Mathias (Denmark), with Mhairi and Lukas (Norway) as the two witnesses. In 1919, Shannon gave birth to Liam, with Mhairi as her midwife.
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yoshimihasegawa · 1 year
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I am very happy to meet Mr. Blácam of @inis_meain at @pittiuomo_official ! His new collection has new inspirations to go back to the authenticity including 100% Cashmere fisherman’s jumpers for the first time. The heritage continues with new creations. #inismean #knit #knittibg #ireland #menswear https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWhQQVLpbR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theacademicblonde · 1 year
The Role and Influence of Tradition in Contemporary Fashion and Clothing Design in Ireland: Simone Rocha X H&M Collection
This essay will examine the role and influence of tradition in contemporary fashion and clothing design in Ireland, specifically focusing on Irish fashion designer Simone Rocha and pieces from her collaboration collection with H&M where her use of Irish traditional fashion is very obvious. Irish traditional craft and clothing seems to become more and more popular again, especially with high end designers. And a lot of Irish designers take pride in their Irish heritage by using elements in their designs and collections. Simone Rocha uses her Irish heritage as one of her biggest inspirations for her collections, she does not do many interviews but she does not have to, the clothes and inspiration speak for themselves. This essay will examine all the pieces of the Simone Rocha x H&M designer collaboration collection where there is a clear inspiration of Irish traditional clothing or craft.
Simone Rocha is an Irish designer born in Dublin with a Chinese father who is also a famous fashion designer and an Irish mother who was his manager. She has shown her collections at London Fashion Week multiple times. Rocha’s collections are described with inspirations from “history and heritage. Details and fabrications. Family and community. The many facets of womanhood.” (Simone Rocha and H&M in a unique designer collaboration, Hm.com, 2022) Her work is very personal she says in one of her rare interviews and she uses personal experiences of her life through the collections. Her collections are never fully new as she draws on similar cultural and personal aspects but still they are fresh every time. She is known for researching her inspirations thoroughly and her use of her own cultural backgrounds, as well as using pearls and a white, black and red colour scheme. She states that she uses this colour scheme because “I’ve always loved exploring the light and dark together” (Hyland, ELLE.com, 2022) she says. The red pops with these colours because the drama of red compels her; “It symbolizes love, but also blood and pain.” (Hyland, ELLE.com, 2022) She states. And aims to create friction with the red combined with other colours. Her collections are always feminine with a focus on handcraft. She has collaborated with H&M for one of their designer collaboration collections in 2021, and is the first Irish designer to do so, in fact making history by being “the first ever Irish designer selected to join a roll call of catwalk's biggest international brands.” (Power, independent.ie, 2021) The collection is made up of women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, but this essay will be focusing on pieces in the women’s collection. It clearly has very strong links with her Irish heritage which she also says in an interview about the collection with H&M where they mention she is “internationally renowned for her intricate and meticulously-researched collections, always with a nod to her own heritage: Ireland and Hong Kong.” (Simone Rocha and H&M in a unique designer collaboration, Hm.com, 2022) Especially the jumpers, trench coats, shoes, dresses and hair accessories seem to have a clear influence of traditional Irish clothing, which will be discussed in the coming paragraphs. It is very interesting to see such a famous contemporary designer do so much research and use so many traditional Irish fashion, probably even without a lot of people knowing about what they are wearing. Even the models used for the editorial photographs done for the collection seen to have a meaning behind them. Daisy Edgar-Jones, the actress who had just portrayed one of the main characters in the hit TV show Normal People, which is about the life of Irish teenagers, based on a book by Sally Rooney, a young Irish writer. When the collection came out Normal People had just come out and not only put Ireland on the map, but in the spotlight. Besides being a very smart move marketing wise, with Edgar-Jones being very popular, but also to make a point about the connection with Ireland in her collection. Clearly for Simone Rocha, there is a thought behind every detail of her collections.
Aran /  Báinín Jumper 
Firstly, the Woolen jumper that is in the Simone Rocha x H&M collection. (pictured below on the left) Owning this jumper meant being able to have a closer look at it to examine the kinds of stitching used in it. The jumper clearly contains Aran stitching with a single cable on the front, with on both sides’ double cables and a tree of life knit besides those. Then on the undersides of the arms and the sides of the jumper there is a little ladder of life stitch. Assuming that Rocha knows about the meaning, which is likely as her collections are very well researched and everything means something besides being based on Irish technique and folklore; “Rocha has put both sides of her heritage into her work/ showing collections inspired by traditional Irish techniques like Carrickmacross lace and Aran knits.” (Hyland, 2022) These stitches might mean something to her personally, as she mentioned that her collections are very personal but does not go into real depth about this. For example, the cable knit means luck, the tree of life stitch means family and the ladder of life stitch means health in Aran knitting. Looking at the stitches zoomed in on the pictures, these are exactly the same as the stitches on the jumper. Besides the crème white colour, the pattern also looks very similar to what would have been on Báinín jumpers, as seen on the pictures of the Clancy Brothers in the 60’s next to the Simone Rocha jumper, the front looks done in exactly the same way with the large panel in the middle of the jumper, though it is hard to see if the kind of stitch is exactly the same, the design definitely is.
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[1] Aoife Granville, PowerPoints Traditional Fashions, Textiles and Craft (2022) on Canvas UCC. (Aran stitches meanings, tree of life stitch, cable stitch, ladder of life stitch.)
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[2] WWD Simone Rocha X H&M Collection Lookbook Photos (2021) https://wwd.com/fashion-news/fashion-scoops/gallery/simone-rocha-hm-collection-photos-1234725920/simone-rocha-hm-26/
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[3] Aoife Granville, PowerPoints Traditional Fashions, Textiles and Craft (2022) on Canvas UCC. The Clancy Brothers in Báinín jumpers.
Trench Coat / Kinsale Cloak
The second interesting piece in the Simone Rocha x H&M collection is the trench coat. Unlike a normal trench coat, it is shapeless and has not belt around it. The collar with pearls and the sleeves with some gathered together kind of ruffling are the vocal points of this piece that make it look almost eccentric. It is made out of trench coat fabric in black, unlike most trench coats that would be beige, which is an interesting choice. Almost all of these characteristics match up with the characteristics of the Kinsale cloak. (pictured beneath on the right) though the Simone Rocha version does not have a hood and is shorter, it is shapeless like the cloak and has the particular kind of ruffling which would be used on the back and hood of the cloak, seen in the last picture, it is clear that the same exact technique is used. The Kinsale cloak was made of wool, but in the last picture it almost looks as if it could be made of the same trench coat fabric. This is likely because of the technique of ‘napping’ the wool that was used to make the wool kind of protected from water. This napping is done by brushing the wool, kind of like felting. It was used by Irish fighters to stay warm and dry and to be able to be outside in wet weather. It surely was a conscious choice of Rocha to remake this into a trench coat, which is known to be a coat worn in the rain of a fabric that is watertight, similar to the use of the Kinsale cloak. Rocha put her own modern twist on it by making it shorter, adding embellishments and making it a trench coat. First red was a popular colour for cloaks but Kinsale cloaks would also often be a darker colour like blue, grey or black after the red was associated with the English soldiers during the 1798 rebellion, and red dye being more expensive. which is why it is interesting that Rocha chose black for this design, because her colour scheme used for a lot of the collections also contains red. She could have made the trench coat red, but chose not to. Perhaps because black is more wearable for a trench coat nowadays, or perhaps because she wants to make a statement. Rocha never talks about politics in her interviews so this is only speculation, but since she makes a great effort to research the inspirations for her collections in depth, it is not bold to assume that she is aware of this fact.
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[4] WWD Simone Rocha X H&M Collection Lookbook Photos (2021) https://wwd.com/fashion-news/fashion-scoops/gallery/simone-rocha-hm-collection-photos-1234725920/simone-rocha-hm-26/
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[5] Aoife Granville, PowerPoints Traditional Fashions, Textiles and Craft (2022) on Canvas UCC.
Hair Accessories
As a part of the Simone Rocha x H&M collection, Rocha also designed hair accessories like hair bow clip-ins and headbands. Though these seem quite regular, there is still a connection to traditional Irish fashion, though maybe not as obvious or well-known. The first pieces chosen for this essay are the red hairbows, which were also available in a black colourway. They are made of a silk like fabric and the big bow has ‘Simone Rocha’ on the end of the ribbon, in black on the red ones and in red on the black ones. The smaller bows on top almost look like ribbons, which would have been a very usual thing for girls to wear in their hair in Ireland. Interestingly, as a part of this collaboration collection, Rocha also had a children’s line where these smaller hair bows were also sold for girls. The bigger bow is more extravagant, and looks a lot like what the woman is wearing on the picture on the right. These bigger bows also look like bows that could be worn in the hair and wigs of girls during Irish dancing competitions. The second piece is the hairband. (pictured below on the left) It is made in a thick black velvet material and has white pearls all over it as embellishment, which matches the other pieces. This black and white colour way and extravagant embellishment looks a lot like the hairbands used in the hair of girls who do Irish dancing competitions, usually to hide the wig line. In these a lot of glitter and embellishments are used. The girl in the picture on the right is wearing a headband in the same black and white colour way, also embellished with pears, which looks very similar to the Simone Rocha x H&M headband. In the styling of the headband, they also used the small black bows in the back of the hairstyle, which makes it look even more like Irish dancing hair with the hairstyles that stand out.
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[7] WWD Simone Rocha X H&M Collection Lookbook Photos (2021) https://wwd.com/fashion-news/fashion-scoops/gallery/simone-rocha-hm-collection-photos-1234725920/simone-rocha-hm-26/
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[8] Aoife Granville, PowerPoints Traditional Fashions, Textiles and Craft (2022) on Canvas UCC.
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[9] WWD Simone Rocha X H&M Collection Lookbook Photos (2021) https://wwd.com/fashion-news/fashion-scoops/gallery/simone-rocha-hm-collection-photos-1234725920/simone-rocha-hm-26/
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[10] http://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/06/17/magazine/irish-dancing.html
Footwear / Irish Dancing Shoes
Rocha also included footwear in her Simone Rocha x H&M collection, these shoes were black, leather looking oxford-like shoes with laces and pearls around the front. Also notable is the heel that is made to stand out because they are white and is slightly higher than a normal oxford shoe would have. Though there are definitely a lot of different kinds of shoes for Irish dancing, without a doubt these are inspired by hard Irish dancing shoes. It is most evident in the way the heel is made, not only standing out because of the white but also a bit higher than normal and rounded slightly on the sides, very similar to the version of Irish dancing shoe in the picture on the right. Interesting is how she styled it with the white socks with bows on the back in the commercial picture on the left, just like the Irish dancing shoes are pictured as well. This seems to be another nod to the tradition and traditional clothing of Irish dancing, the embellishment on the socks with bows like the girls would wear on their dresses or in their hair. This leads to think that the styling here was an obvious choice to show the link to traditional Irish fashion and tradition.
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[11] WWD Simone Rocha X H&M Collection Lookbook Photos (2021) https://wwd.com/fashion-news/fashion-scoops/gallery/simone-rocha-hm-collection-photos-1234725920/simone-rocha-hm-26/
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[12] http://www.irish-danceshoes.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=16
Limerick Lace and Carrickmacross Lace
In the Simone Rocha x H&M collection there are also multiple white dresses with traditional Irish lace and embroidery techniques that she is clearly inspired by; “Rocha has put both sides of her heritage into her work/ showing collections inspired by traditional Irish techniques like Carrickmacross lace and Aran knits.” (Hyland, ELLE.com, 2022) The first piece (pictured below on the left) chosen to be examined in this essay is a long white dress made of what looks to be organza. It has an underskirt the overskirt is a bit longer so the lacey details become visible. These lace details seem to be woven into the organza material, like embroidery. It looks a lot like Limerick lace, mixed with some elements from the Carrickmacross lace (pictured below) which was used to embellish plain fabrics just like Rocha does here. Simone Rocha made this look more modern by using the technique of embroidery on organza instead on muslin, which would be common for especially Carrickmacross lace, but the white thread on white fabric is still the same concept. This first piece comes closest to the Limerick lace because it is embroidery on machine made net, and because this is in collaboration with H&M, this would not have been hand made. Which is actually also a characteristic of Limerick lace, which would be called ‘mixed lace’ instead of ‘true lace’, where everything would be hand made. There are two types of Limerick lace; ‘needle run lace’, where the fabric would be stretched over a circular frame and the thread would go through with a hook, and ‘tambour lace’, where a needle is used to embroider the net fabric. The technique used on this dress would be very similar to the ‘needle run lace’, though most likely not done by hand. The dress’ embroidery also has similarities to ‘net-appliqué’ where patches of already embroidered work would be sewed on the fabric netting. Then the second piece (pictured below on the right) is also a long white dress, but the fabric seems to be more like muslin or linen. Irish linen was a big industry since the 14th century and was though to protect the body from dangers like dirt and unwashed cloth. What is interesting is that linen was also very important for the shirt making industry, and the collection does include shirts that can be seen styled with the first dress on the left. The puffy sleeves seem to be the vocal point and it has ruched lining on the sides with a flower lace pattern all over it. This seems to have elements from Carrickmacross lace but in a cutaway fashion. It also looks a lot like crochet lace, for example Clones crochet lace making. It is interesting that both dresses have a flower pattern on them, which could imply a close link to nature. It goes without saying that this stylish and versatile lace and appliqué work was a huge inspiration for her, which she mentions in one of her rare interviews. This lace making ties in not only with her feminine aspect in the collection but also with her use of traditional handcraft.
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[13] WWD Simone Rocha X H&M Collection Lookbook Photos (2021) https://wwd.com/fashion-news/fashion-scoops/gallery/simone-rocha-hm-collection-photos-1234725920/simone-rocha-hm-26/
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[14] Aoife Granville, PowerPoints Traditional Fashions, Textiles and Craft (2022) on Canvas UCC. Limerick lace.
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[15] Aoife Granville, PowerPoints Traditional Fashions, Textiles and Craft (2022) on Canvas UCC. Carrickmacross lace.
In conclusion, the role and influence of Irish traditional fashion and craft is very obvious in contemporary fashion today, especially seen in the example of Simone Rocha and her collaboration collection with H&M. she is clearly inspired by her own Irish heritage and by femininity mixed with traditional Irish handcraft like wool, lace and linen. Especially in the pieces like the jumper, which is similar to an Aran or Báinín jumper with obvious Aran stitches, the crème white colour and the same design with a large panel in front containing the same stitch repeated a few times. The trench coat, which is resembling a Kinsale cloak, not only with the colour black but also the special kind of gathering of fabric used and the shapeless form of the coat. Then the hair accessories like the bows, similar to the ribbons girls would wear in their hair traditionally and the black and white embellished hairband, very much resembling the embellished hairbands used in the hairstyles and wigs of girls in Irish dancing competitions. Another link to traditional Irish dancing were the oxford like laced up shoes with pearls on them, especially with the higher than normal heel on them, just like hard Irish dancing shoes. And lastly, the dresses where different types of lace making is used as an inspiration with characteristics from both Limerick lace, Carrickmacross lace and Clune crochet lace making by both the use of appliqué on netting material and linen material. The resemblance side by side is very clear, though she has put a modern spin on it in a way where it is not obvious if you would not know the meaning and inspiration behind these pieces. Which makes it very wearable for everyone but yet not just something from the rack. Her pieces are often inspired by traditional Irish methods or types of clothing and fabric that were at one point banned by the English to try and either dominate the market themselves or dampen the spirit of the Irish out of fear for an uprising. It is ironic that she is now the most celebrated designer of London fashion week, showing there since 2010, and this ties in with Rocha explaining that her collections are personal, yet sartorial. But also, her explaining the colour scheme that is a part of her brand, playing with dark and light, the white and black. And then adding in her iconic pop of red, symbolizing love as well as blood and pain. Though she has not been political in any of her interviews it may symbolize her own personal struggle as well as her country’s struggle. It is a part of her own feminine independence as well as her own Irish independence.
 Special Thanks
I would like to thank University College Cork for allowing me to study at their marvellous university and in particular folklorist dr Aoife Granville, who taught me so many new things about Irish heritage and folklore through clothing and textiles and helped me a great deal along the way. Without her this topic would not have been so researched and rounded.
WWD Simone Rocha X H&M Collection Lookbook Photos (2021) Available at: https://wwd.com/fashion-news/fashion-scoops/gallery/simone-rocha-hm-collection-photos-1234725920/simone-rocha-hm-26/ (Accessed 19 December 2022).
“Simone Rocha and H&M in a unique designer collaboration” (2021) in Inside H&M Magazine. Available at: https://www2.hm.com/en_ie/life/culture/inside-h-m/simone-rocha-designer-collaboration-2021.html (Accessed on 19 December 2022)
Bennett, A., (2021) “The Simone Rocha X H&M Collection has Arrived! Shop the Delightful Collection Here” on VOGUE online. Available at:  https://www.vogue.com/slideshow/shop-simone-rocha-hm-collaboration (Accessed on 19 December 2022)
O’Sullivan, M., (2021) “Simone Rocha collaborates with H&M” on University Express. Available at: https://uccexpress.ie/simone-rocha-collaborates-with-hm/ (Accessed on 19 December 2022)
Power, B., (2021) Simone Rocha becomes the first Irish designer to do a collaboration with H&M” on Independent.ie. Available at: https://www.independent.ie/style/fashion/fashion-news/simone-rocha-becomes-the-first-irish-designer-to-do-a-collaboration-with-h-and-m-39970394.html (Accessed on 19 December 2022)
Weinstock, T., (2022) “The Beauty at Simone Rocha was Inspired by Irish Folklore” on British Vogue online. Available at: https://www.vogue.co.uk/beauty/article/simone-rocha-beauty-aw-22 (Accessed on 19 December 2022)
Hyland, V., (2022) “For Simone Rocha, the Personal is Sartorial: After a decade in the business, motherhood led the designer to one of her most personal collections yet” on ELLE online. Available at: https://www.elle.com/fashion/a39830827/simone-rocha-interview-2022/ (Accessed on 19 December 2022)
Granville, A., (2022) PowerPoints on “Traditional Fashion, Textiles and Craft” on Canvas, UCC.
Copyright: Marielle Spelde
11 notes · View notes
unfortunate-arrow · 10 months
𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚 𝐀𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐲 | hphl character profile
warnings: mentions of death/murder
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Full Name: Minerva Aileen Kennedy
Nicknames: Min, Minnie
Name Meanings: Minerva → Latin, “of the mind, intellect” ; Aileen → Irish, “bright, shining light” ; Kennedy → Irish, “helmeted chief/leader”
Date of Birth: April 10, 1881 (at 1:05 pm)
Gender: Female ; she/her
Sexuality: Demisexual (+ biromantic)
Blood Status: Pureblood
Nationality: Irish, English
Residence: Whitethorn Hall, County Kerry, Ireland (birth to 25) ; TBD (25 to death)
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Faceclaim: Claudia Jessie
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Height: 5’6”
Build: Average physique 
Hair: Brown hair that is normally pulled back into a fairly elaborate style
Eye Color: Blue
Childhood & Hogwarts: Minerva has a y-shaped scar on her left hip as the result of a failed attempt at flying.
Adulthood: None
Modifications: (glasses, piercings, tattoos, etc.) Her ears are pierced. 
Other Distinguishing Marks: None
Clothing Style: Whatever’s comfortable ; dresses ; Ned’s trousers or breeches ; linen shirts ; skirts ; jumpers ; boots ; loafers
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Accessories: Necklaces, broaches, headbands, hair clips  
What’s in Her Pockets: Her wand 
What’s in Her School Bag: Textbooks ; parchment, quills, ink ; a novel ; a notebook ; scraps of parchment with all sorts of randomness jotted down on them
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Voiceclaim: Claudia Jessie
Accent: Irish
Dialect: Kerry English
Languages Spoken: English, French, Latin, some rudimentary Irish Gaelic
Languages Understood: English, French, Latin, some rudimentary Irish Gaelic
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MBTI Type: ENTP — the debater 
⤷ Quick, ingenious, stimulating, alert, and outspoken. Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems. Adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analyzing them strategically. Good at reading other people. Bored by routine, will seldom do the same thing the same way, apt to turn to one new interest after another.
Enneagram Type: 9w8 — the referee 
⤷ The Nine wing Eight type is a Nine who shares many of the Type Eight characteristics. This type is independent, social, adaptable, and generally more assertive and direct than other Nines. 
Positive Traits: Knowledgeable, intelligent, original, a quick thinker, witty, energetic, innovative, creative, open-minded, outgoing, adaptable
Neutral Traits: Stubborn, argumentative, charismatic, expressive, adventurous, private, curious, idealistic
Negative Traits: Unfocused, insensitive, can be intolerant, not big on practical matters, does not like sharing personal details and feelings
Common Stressors: Sharing her writing ; arguing ; exams ; her siblings
Comforting Things: Writing ; reading ; arguing ; her siblings ; licorice wands ; chocolate frogs
Interests & Hobbies: Writing, reading, debating, gardening
Description: Minerva is an intelligent woman of many opinions and passions. However, this tends to manifest as a chronic need to be right in every argument which isn’t helped by the fact that Minerva likes to argue. Despite her argumentative and stubborn tendencies, Minerva is usually open-minded and adaptable. However, she can sometimes be insensitive and intolerant, especially when in the face of a grudge or rivalry. In addition, Minerva has a tendency to be quite private, refusing to divulge anything that she deems too personal. Despite her thorns and prickly edges, Minerva is a loyal friend and is always willing to help out those she loves, even when she will spend the whole time complaining about it.
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Wand: Minerva’s wand is made of hornbeam wood with a dragon heartstring core and is 9 ¾ inches with a supple flexibility
⤷ A particularly fine-tuned and sentient wand, Hornbeam selected for its life mate the talented witch or wizard with a single, pure passion, which some might call obsession - more kindly - vision, which would almost always be realised. Hornbeam wands adapted more quickly than almost any other to their owner's style of magic and would become so personalised, so quickly, that other people would find them extremely difficult to use even for the most simple of spells. Hornbeam wands likewise absorbed their owner's code of honour, whatever that might be, and would refuse to perform acts - whether for good or ill - that did not tally with their master's principles.
Other Magical Abilities: None
Patronus: Black and white cat
Patronus Memory: Winning a short story contest for the first time as a child
Boggart: The cloaked man who murdered her father standing over the body of someone that she loves
Riddikulus: The cloaked man trips over his cloak and the body disappears 
Minerva smells like parchment, drying ink, lilies, and wintergreen mint. 
Minerva smells bergamot, old books, salt, woodsmoke, and lavender. 
Mirror of Erised: Minerva sees herself with evidence of succeeding in life and her family looking on proudly.
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House: Ravenclaw 
OWL Classes:
Astronomy — Exceeds Expectations
Charms — Exceeds Expectations 
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Acceptable 
Flying — Acceptable 
Herbology — Outstanding 
History of Magic — Poor
Potions — Exceeds Expectations  
Transfiguration — Acceptable
OWL Electives:
Divination — Acceptable
Study of Ancient Runes — Outstanding 
NEWT Classes:
Astronomy — Outstanding
Charms — Outstanding
Herbology — Exceeds Expectations
Potions — Acceptable
Study of Ancient Runes — Exceeds Expectations
Extracurriculars: Writing club, debate club, school newspaper
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Affiliations: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry ; the Daily Prophet ; Wizarding Publishers
Age 18 to 25 - Journalist
Age 25 to 100 - Author
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Father: Ferdia Dermot Seamus Kennedy [deceased, 1858-1892]
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Born in 1858, Ferdia was the eldest child of Seamus and Aileen Kennedy’s four children. He had two younger brothers, born in 1862 and 1865, and a younger sister, Muriel, born in 1863. Ferdia had a good childhood, growing up in Whitethorn Hall alongside his younger siblings. He started Hogwarts in 1869 and was quickly sorted into Gryffindor. He was a popular student, gaining the positions of prefect and headboy as well as playing for his house’s quidditch team as the keeper. He also achieved high marks in all of his classes, earning the reputation as a golden boy.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Ferdia followed the footsteps of his father and grandfather into politics, getting elected to the legislative branch of the ministry of magic. In addition, at the age of 22, Ferdia married Alice Fortsecue, a Hufflepuff who he had begun courting after they first met during one of the first functions that Ferdia attended as a fledgling legislator. He had fallen quickly for Alice, knowing almost instantly that Alice was the one that he wanted to marry. Shortly after their spring nuptials, Ferdia and Alice learned that they would be expecting their first child, both completely unaware that their first child was actually their first AND second child. They learned that fact on April 10, 1881, when Edmund Dermot Ferdia Kennedy was born and three minutes later he was followed by Minerva Aileen Kennedy. Ferdia adored his children and each subsequent child as Walter Irvine Seamus, Elizabeth Alice “Eliza,” Anne Muriel “Nan,” Cordelia Fortescue, Penelope Martha, and Wilhelmina Agnes “Billie” joined the family in the years between 1883 and 1892. Unfortunately, Ferdia never had the opportunity to meet his youngest daughter and child, Billie.
It was April 1892, a few days after Edmund and Minerva’s eleventh birthday. A cloaked man approached Ferdia and murdered him. The man had a novel weapon that blended dark magic with a knife and Ferdia was left to bleed out. And as fate would have it, Ferdia’s eldest two children were sort of witnesses. Minerva ran off to get help from the house, but Ferdia knew that it would be too late. Edmund, though, stayed and Ferdia did his best to comfort his son. He made Edmund promise that he would keep an eye on his younger siblings, that he would be the man of the family. Ferdia knew that it was a lot to put on his son, but he didn’t know what else to do. Ferdia could never imagine the conspiracy that underpinned his murder, one that wouldn’t be unmasked until over a hundred years later when his great-great-grandson discovered the truth behind the mysterious murders that had plagued the wizarding world through the generations.
Minerva had a good relationship with her father, although they weren’t nearly as close as Ferdia and Edmund. She loved him a lot and losing him was extremely difficult. He is one of the best men that Minerva has ever known and she misses him everyday. 
Faceclaim: Rupert Evans
Mother: Alice Anne Kennedy née Fortescue 
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Born in 1860, Alice was the only child of Elizabeth and Irvine Fortescue. She grew up in the English countryside in Suffolk, England, traipsing through the land that her family owned. Upon starting Hogwarts in 1871, Alice was sorted into Hufflepuff. She didn’t play quidditch as she wasn’t interested in the sport, but she did become a prefect and turned down the position of head girl in her seventh year. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Alice began working as a healer in St. Mungo’s. She worked for St. Mungo’s until she was six months pregnant with the twins. In between, though, she fell in love with and married Ferdia Kennedy when she was twenty. On April 10, 1881, Alice’s first two children, Edmund Dermot Ferdia and Minerva Aileen, were born. Between the years of 1883 and 1892, Alice had six more children, Walter Irvine Seamus, Elizabeth Alice “Eliza,” Anne Muriel “Nan,” Cordelia Fortescue, Penelope Martha “Nellie,” and Wilhelmina Agnes “Billie,” with her husband. Her youngest child, Billie, was born after her husband’s death.
Alice’s life was turned upside down in April of 1892 after her husband was murdered. She was devastated… and six months pregnant. It was also, in some ways, a double whammy because her eldest son became a lot more serious and quiet. Despite this, Alice held strong for her children, only letting herself break down at night, once all of her children were asleep. After seeing all her children graduate from Hogwarts, Alice decided to go back into the field of healing. She eventually became the matron at Hogwarts… just in time to coincide with some of her grandchildren’s time there.
Minerva was much closer to her mother, although they sometimes had an adversarial relationship mostly surrounding their differing expectations for the world. It was at its worst when Minerva was in her fifth year. Despite this, Minerva has always respected her mother and all of the choices that Alice made after losing her husband in such a sudden and violent manner. Minerva adores her mother. 
Faceclaim: Ruth Gemmel
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Twin Brother: Edmund Dermot Ferdia “Ned” Kennedy
Born on April 10, 1881, Edmund is the eldest child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, three minutes older than Minerva, and a Gryffindor. Minerva has a fairly close relationship with her twin brother, although she makes it her mission to annoy him and get him to lighten up. Even with her desire to annoy him, they don’t bicker all that much, even though they are quite competitive. They don’t always spend a lot of time together, but Minerva loves her brother very much. She would do anything for Ned. He might be the world’s most obnoxious brother sometimes, but she can’t imagine life without Ned being her twin brother. 
Faceclaim: Jonathan Bailey
Brother: Walter Irvine Seamus Kennedy
Born in November 1883, Walter is the third child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, two years younger than Edmund, and a Slytherin. Walter is a carefree soul with an athletic passion. He joins the Slytherin quidditch team as soon as he possibly can, earning the position of beater. Walter has a kind heart and big ambitions, focused on both athletics and politics, creating an interesting debate in his head that is resolved when he determines to become a politician after he retires from playing professionally for the Appleby Arrows. He’s also a bit of a prankster, with his older brother being his most common target.
Walter is always going to be Minerva’s annoying little brother, but it's a different annoying when compared to Ned. They might not be the closest set of siblings, as Walter is closer to Cordelia. Minerva loves her little brother a lot, though, and knows that when push comes to shove, Walter is someone that can be trusted. She would do anything for him and it’s especially fun to team up and annoy Edmund.
Faceclaim: Anthony Boyle
Sister: Elizabeth Alice “Eliza” Kennedy
Born in October of 1884, Eliza is the fourth child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, three years younger than Edmund, and a Hufflepuff. Eliza takes after her mother a lot. She’s got a really big heart and she’s always trying to look on the bright side of everything. However, she’s a bit of a people pleaser, never really knowing when to say no. Luckily, she’s got seven siblings who will say “no” for her. It takes her a while to learn that skill for herself, but eventually she finds a balance. This is helped by her decision to follow her mother’s footsteps and become a healer.
Minerva has a close relationship with Eliza, as they seem to get on fairly well… except when it comes to what they want their paths in life to look like. Eliza is a little more traditional and romantic than Minerva, which can cause a lot of different arguments between them. However, this doesn’t stop them from having a pretty good relationship. Minerva loves her little sister. 
Faceclaim: Phoebe Dyenvor 
Sister: Anne Muriel “Nan” Kennedy
Born in May of 1887, Nan is the fifth child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, six years younger than Edmund, and a Hufflepuff. Nan is a tough yet gentle soul. She’s got a big heart, but won’t hesitate to call out her siblings and other close companions. She finds herself named prefect in her fifth year and joined the Hufflepuff quidditch team in her fifth year as well, playing the position of chaser. She found a calling as a mediwitch, following similar footsteps to her mother and older sister, Eliza, but making it her own.
Minerva has a good relationship with her sister. Nan is similar to Eliza, but she and Minerva don’t have the same arguments that Minerva and Eliza do. Nan is the first Kennedy to really notice Adonis’s feelings for Minerva and when Minerva’s feelings towards Adonis start to change. Nan’s not as much of a menace to Minerva as she is to Ned. Minerva loves this about her sister and Nan is the one to sort of tell Minerva to suck it up when her best friend, Lottie, starts to court Ned. Minerva loves her little sister, even if she wishes that Nan would mind her own business sometimes. 
Faceclaim: Rosie Graham
Sister: Cordelia Fortescue Kennedy
Born in September of 1888, Cordelia is the sixth child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, seven years younger than Edmund, and a Ravenclaw. Cordelia had always been a quiet girl, preferring to spend her time on her own and often comes across as aloof. She has a heart of gold, though, but like her oldest brother, it’s often hidden amongst other more dominant expressions. She becomes a prefect while at Hogwarts and also accidentally ends up on Ravenclaw’s quidditch team, playing chaser. 
Minerva has a good relationship with Cordelia. They have a lot in common, but Cordelia has somehow ended up being the closest to Walter. Minerva loves her little sister and they get along quite well, they just aren’t that close. She also feels a bit protective over Cordelia and keeps a close eye on her while Cordelia’s at Hogwarts. 
Faceclaim: McKenzie Foy
Sister: Penelope Martha “Nellie” Kennedy
Born in January of 1890, Nellie is the seventh child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, nine years younger than Edmund, and a Slytherin. Nellie was, in many ways, her mother’s daughter. She was quite similar in personality to Alice, but she’d always had ambitions that extended beyond motherhood and what was traditionally available to her. Alice always said that this drive was all Ferdia, and, in many ways, it was. However, Nellie always had a softer side. She was always quite stubborn and found her own way to pursue her numerous ambitions.
Aside from Edmund, Minerva is probably the closest to Nellie. They have a lot in common, mostly about the fact that they both want something different from life. Minerva finds hers in writing, while Nellie pursues many different passions. Their nine year age gap makes a lot of fights not happen and Minerva loves her little sister a lot. She’ll always have Nellie’s back. 
Faceclaim: Connie Jenkins-Greig
Sister: Wilhelmina Agnes “Billie” Kennedy
Born in July of 1892, Billie is the eighth child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, eleven years younger than Edmund, and a Gryffindor. Billie was born three months after her father was murdered and thus never knew him. Instead, her oldest brother, Edmund became a bit of a replacement, despite still being a child himself. Billie always admired her big brother, though, and wanted to be exactly like him. While she grew out of much of this, she still found similarities in their lives. However, Billie’s interests at Hogwarts aligned more with her brother, Walter’s and she joined Gryffindor’s quidditch team in her fourth year. 
Minerva has a good relationship with her baby sister. Billie absolutely adores Ned and to a lesser extent Walter, which can sometimes feel like an obstacle to Minerva. However, she loves Billie a lot and enjoys helping Billie with things. She also is determined not to be a second mother to Billie and just be Billie’s sister.
Faceclaim: Florence Mitchell
Childhood: An owl named Ari
Adulthood: TBD
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Love Interest: Adonis Androcles Demiurgos (@endlessly-cursed)
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→ Minerva first met Adonis Demiurgos in her first year, when he was still an English language learner. A simple first meeting quickly deteriorated after an incident involving some of her private works (which mostly were written after her father’s murder) and a mostly one-sided rivalry formed. Minerva held onto her grudge for a good while and Adonis always seemed to know which buttons to push and how to irritate her. This rivalry held until her sixth year, after Ned invited Adonis and a few others to spend the weekend at Whitethorn Hall for a gathering at the urging of their mother and Adonis began to do small gestures for her. However, Minerva remained oblivious to his changing feelings and didn’t really realize her romantic feelings until she and Adonis met again in France. Their courtship began soon after that and they courted for eighteen months before Adonis proposed. Minerva married him on August 8, 1906.
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Son: Atticus Ferdia Gregorius Demiurgos-Kennedy
Slytherin | Prefect | Headboy | b. August 31, 1907
Minerva has a generally good relationship with her eldest child. There’s some friction, mostly because Atticus really reminds her of her brother, Ned and that’s not exactly the easiest personality to understand. However, Minerva really adores her son and is quite proud of him and all that he accomplishes. She aims to support Atticus in everything that he does. Minerva loves her son a lot. 
Faceclaims: Jackson A. Dunn & Reeve Carney 
Daughter: Daphne Alice Sofia Demiurgos-Kennedy
Ravenclaw | Heterosexual | b. August 31, 1907
Minerva has a good relationship with her daughter. In many ways, it’s a simpler relationship than her relationship with Atticus. Daphne is much more similar to Minerva than Atticus is, which makes it a bit easier for Minerva to get along with her daughter. However, Minerva does her best not to compare Atticus and Daphne as she hated that when she was a child herself. Minerva really loves her daughter and is quite proud of Daphne. She aims to support Daphne in whatever her daughter does. 
Faceclaims: Emma Tremblay & Emilia Clarke
Son: Matthias Dermot Apollonas Demiurgos-Kennedy
Gryffindor | Prefect | Chaser | b. September 12, 1918
Minerva has a good relationship with her youngest son. In many ways. Matthias was an only child given the eleven year age gap between him and the twins. This makes it easier to spend one on one time with Matthias, but Minerva had always tried to do that with Atticus and Daphne. There is some friction in her relationship with Matthias, though, as he takes after his father more. Minerva loves her son a lot, though, and is quite proud of him. She aims to support him in whatever he does. 
Faceclaim: Lewis McAskie
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Best Friends:
Lottie Gallagher (@slytherindisaster)
Close Friends: TBD
Gwen Archeron ; Seraphina Hopper (@thatravenpuffwitch)
Lydia Ellis (@mjs-oc-corner)
Persephone Gould (@cursebreakerfarrier)
Acquaintances: TBD
It’s Complicated: TBD
Hogwarts Dormmates:
Genevieve Davenport (@gaygryffindorgal) 
Sara Rosier (@endlessly-cursed)
Two Spots — [ Persephone Gould (@cursebreakerfarrier) OR Lydia Ellis (@mjs-oc-corner) OR Lillian Miller (@camillejeaneshphm) ] 
Rivals: Adonis Demiurgos (@endlessly-cursed)
Enemies: TBD
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Place of Birth: Whitethorn Hall, County Kerry, Ireland 
Hometown: Whitethorn Hall, County Kerry, Ireland 
Born on April 10, 1881 at 1:05 pm, Minerva Aileen Kennedy is the second oldest child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, three minutes younger than her twin brother, Edmund. From the age of two to eleven, Minerva gained six younger siblings. Her younger brother, Walter, was born in November of 1883, with five younger sisters (Eliza, Nan, Cordelia, Penelope, and Billie) being born between October of 1884 and July of 1892.
Prior to the age of eleven, Minerva had a good childhood. She and her siblings were well-loved and she mostly had a good relationship with all seven of them. Everything changed one April day in 1892, a few days after Minerva’s eleventh birthday and the arrival of her Hogwarts letter, when her father was murdered. 
While Minerva didn’t witness her father’s final breaths, she did witness her father falling and she ran to get help. She also wasn’t as affected by her father’s death as Ned was. However, she was affected by it as it made her a lot more private and less willing to share things that she deemed more personal. She also began to write a lot of darker stories, especially those that involved death. They were never what she liked to write. They were just a way to process her father’s death. 
Hogwarts Years:
Upon starting Hogwarts, Minerva was sorted into Ravenclaw. She took to the house in stride, finding that there were many kindred spirits in the house. Her rivalry with Adonis Demiurgos also began in her first year and continued for a lot longer. Minerva spent a lot of time writing and finding out what her writing style was. She also started working for the Hogwarts school newspaper and started a small section for writing competitions.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Minerva began working as a journalist for the Daily Prophet. She quickly learned that journalism was not for her, but continued in the career until the age of 25. At that point, Minerva decided that it was time to pursue her dream of becoming an author and started sending out manuscripts of her first completed novel… under the pen name M. Kennedy. She published many novels and short stories in her lifetime, becoming a bit of a cult author. She didn’t begin publishing under her own name until she was fifty, at the urging of her family as she had been debating publishing under her own name for many years.
For the most part, Minerva’s adulthood was stable. Her love life was a lot more stable than her twin’s. She began courting Adonis Demiurgos in 1904 and they married on August 8, 1906. They had three children together. Their eldest children were twins, Atticus and Daphne, born on August 31, 1907. Their youngest child, Matthias, was a surprise and was born on September 12, 1918, eleven years after the twins were born. 
Old Age:
Minerva never officially retired from writing. Instead, she began to slow down and found fewer and fewer works to be acceptable for publishing. She took time to spend with her family as well, devoting time to her grandchildren. She spent her time doing what she felt like and finding out what she could find peace in, which included her grandchildren.
Minerva passed away, peacefully in her sleep, at the age of 108, in 1990. She lived a long and fulfilled life, leaving behind three children, six grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren.
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Favorite Color: Sapphire blue
Favorite Food: Pie (both sweet and savory)
Favorite Drink: Pumpkin juice, butterbeer
Favorite Weather: Sunny
Favorite Season: Autumn
Favorite Books/Authors: Little Women by Louis May Alcott, Jane Austen, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, penny dreadfuls
Dislikes: Bullies, cabbage, shellfish, people touching her writing without her permission, Adonis Demiurgos
Minerva reads a lot… including things that she doesn’t actually care for. She draws the line at Ned’s estate books, though. Those are only good for falling asleep. 
Minerva usually has a small notebook to jot down any ideas that she has or any interesting things that she observes. Anything that's good for writing inspiration, really.
Minerva hates being called “Minnie.” It just irritates her, so naturally, her siblings call her “Minnie” constantly. If she has to be called a nickname, she prefers to be called “Min.”
Important Links:
Minerva’s tag [#minerva kennedy]
Information about her children, Atticus, Daphne, and Matthias
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dairelawlor · 1 year
Journeys, Grief, and New Beginnings
The new year came, went, and now we are half way through the third month of it. Outside, it is raining; a cold, wet rain that makes my flat feel damp and grey. We’re lucky we don’t have mould here, what with how chilly the walls can feel after the onslaught of sea spray and drizzle. The sky is shrouded in murk.
If there is one thing that has always been true of Ireland, it is that we know the rain, and there are a million and one different descriptions for the precise type of rain we can experience at any moment. It is currently a wet rain.
I know how it sounds to the uninitiated. All rain is wet, you say. Duh.
But here, a wet rain is rain that gets through your layers, down to your bones. It seeps in through the protective shell of warm skin and chills your core to ice. For homes, it oozes through walls and insulation, making you shiver under your blanket throws and jumpers. The heating struggles to keep those cool fingers at bay.
I still love to hear it on my windows though, and in all actuality, I have always loved the rain, no matter its form.
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Read the rest free on my substack <3 
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
10 Things for 2023
Tagged by @cinnaluminum​ - thank you! I have no idea who to tag and I’m shy so please just take me as this tagging you if you see this and want to do it :)
My answers are under the cut beneath this Tarlos screenshot I edited for my hereby linked fic.
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A fic idea you want to write (or read): I have an idea for a Tarlos honeymoon fic and a fluff fic (both are newly developing in my head) and I want to keep digging into Carlos and his relationship with his dad and his teen-self coming out. A crossover fic where TK and Carlos meet Captain Holt and Kevin from Brooklyn 99 appeals to me greatly but I don’t feel confident about writing Holt – I’m not funny enough! – but I’d like to try at some point as it would certainly push me creatively. It might be a huge flop but shall I give it a go? Eeeeehhhhahhahj I don’t know.
A place you want to go: The Pacific Northwest – I want to see redwoods**. My dream is for a walking holiday somewhere rainy and green. I’d also love to go back to NYC and do all the things I didn’t get to do when I went before. Greece for a beach holiday. Iceland looks stunning. Galway in Ireland and a ferry to Aran, where I’d buy an Aran knit from a little old lady who has perfected the honeycomb stitch. I’ve never been to Paris or Amsterdam. I’d also like to see cities in Belgium. But it’s all such a faff now. Bloody Brexit! I’d love to do a tour of the Scandinavian countries. 
A book you want to read: The Overstory by Richard Powers (** I love trees).
Something fun you want to do: An old school boozy brunch with my sluttiest friends – I’ve hardly done this since covid. But really the thing I’m finding most fun is writing Tarlos fic and spending time on my Tarlos-centric side tumblr, so I just want to keep this up!
Something you want to make: I wish I had a talent for textiles and could knit my own jumpers – I have a vast collection of cosy jumpers and a homemade one would be so satisfying.
A habit you want to start: I’d like to do a Rafa and drink more water instead of just buckets of tea. Also is it possible to get into the habit of being less shy?
Something new you want to try: New recipes (that are quick to make and nutritious). I tend to stick to the same dishes.
Something you want to finish from 2022: I feel like I’ve lost the momentum of sending poems to literary journals so I need to pick up where I left off with that.
Something you want to stop doing: Thanks to an abusive boss I had a few years ago (and I don’t use the term abusive lightly) I have a complex where I think I’m the only person who makes mistakes/ I’m deeply stupid. I’d like to stop thinking that way and develop a healthier mindset around being a flawed human being. Like, I might be a huge dumbass but at least I’m not evil. That kind of thing.
Something you want to keep doing: Writing, exercising, going for nature walks, visiting art galleries, going to the cinema – the quiet things that benefit me most mind and body.
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immature-mel · 1 year
✨~Captain Underpants OC Introductions/Recaps~✨
(Here I am posting again out of no where after leaving this account dead for almost 5 months!)
Table of Contents for each OC
[No.]- [NAME]
• Basic Sentence
• Inspiration/When I made the Character
• Why I choose that specific name
• General Appearance
• Personality
• Backstory
1- Hazel Sneedly
• Hazel is Melvin’s older sister and the first born child of Cindy & Gaylord Sneedly.
• The inspiration for this OC came from the sudden interest of giving Melvin a sibling, back in 2018. Only a few months after the premiere of the Netflix Adaptation “The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants”
However, I quickly forgot about her, despite her being my first CU OC. But recently I vaguely remembered my first OC being Melvin’s sister and technically re-created her.
• Back to my first point, Up until a few months ago she was also an unnamed OC, As I’m admittedly not good at coming up with good names for my OCs, But after thinking about it for awhile I decided I wanted to name her after a protagonist in one of my favourite TV shows.
• Hazel is a tall, slim female teen. Her eyes are green and downturned, She has curly ginger hair similar to Gaylord’s.
Her skin tone is pale, with no freckles. She wears a red polo with a plain white collar,[along with an occasional lab coat] her trousers are dark gray and her shoes are black & white.
• Similar to her younger brother, Hazel displays a stuck-up attitude and is mostly a closed book, However she is open about her internal feelings to Rowan Sorbus, Whom she has close bond with just like George and Harold. Hazel can come across as incredibly selfish due to the way she treats her family, specifically Melvin Sneedly.
• Hazel dislikes Melvin (even before he was born) due to her constantly listening to her mind instead of her heart, To be more specific she believed that having a baby brother/sister was going to dissolve the love her parents had for her prior to Melvin’s birth.
Due to this constant nagging thought in her head she would have horrific nightmares where she’d be treated as if she were invisible and the baby got all the love from her parents.
Coincidentally, these nightmares started showing up the same day her parents told her she was going to be a big sister, So you can imagine how badly that went down…
2- Darragh Liath:
• Darragh was born and raised in the Republic of Ireland and is the son of Bridget & Michael Liath.
• The inspiration for Darragh is based on two topics; manipulation and yearning. He was my second overall CU OC created in May 2021 almost 3 years after my first.
Darragh is one of my most memorable OCs and considerably my favourite.
• When I was thinking of a name for this character I knew I wanted the name to reflect his origin/nationality whilst also reflecting something about him physically.
So I chose Darragh (a popular boys name of Irish origin meaning Dark Oak) as his first name and Liath (Irish word for Grey) as his last name.
• Darragh is a short, yet broad male, His eyes are grey and hooded, He has dark ginger hair colour with a curly texture, His skin tone is very pale as a result to the adaption of his home climate, fainted freckles from the lack of sunlight. Darragh wears a soft grey jumper with outer fluff, plain brown trousers and black school shoes.
• Darragh displays a ‘fox-like attitude’ he’s a highly skilled and intelligent kid, But above all he’s sly and secretive, he doesn’t hesitate to ruin the reputation of anyone who seems like a threat to him.
• Just like Melvin’s parents, Darragh’s parents are scientists however Darragh’s study the forensic side of science, This could stem from Liath Family being distantly related to the Sneedly Family, going back to the 1840’s
Darragh yearns to be a forensic scientist like his parents and moving to a new place where something crazy happens all the time would be the perfect time to start learning this field of science independently.
3- Ivy Leeg:
• Ivy is a former Eliteanati Academy student.
• The inspiration for this OC came from the interest of Eliteanati Academy and what its students thought of it so I created this OC in September 2022, Over a year after Darragh and 4 years after Hazel.
• I choose this name because there’s a subtle pun contained in it and we know how much CU characters have puns in their names
(e.g. Miss Ribble=Miserable) anyway, The pun is the name is based on an American collegiate athletic conference consisting of private research universities, known as ‘The Ivy League’
• Ivy is a short, slim female. Her eyes are brown and monolid, She has straight, black hair, Her skin tone is black and she wears the standard Eliteanati uniform and her shoes are navy blue.
• Ivy is an intelligent student and is very kind-hearted person, Lots of her classmates consider her a very lucky student being one of very few selected to attend Eliteanati, But unfortunately that wasn’t the case (more in backstory)
• Since Ivy was the top student in her school, she was automatically selected to attend Eliteanati Academy, She accepted the offer thanks to the “encouragement” of her school staff and parents, But it turned out the Academy wasn’t what it claimed to be in all those articles and websites, As soon as Ivy joined she was continuously put under pressure by the system and staff, Which eventually lead to severe stress and anxiety, because of all this pressure she couldn’t preform the way she wanted to and began falling behind everyone. The Eliteanati staff was no help whatsoever to Ivy, they didn’t offer her any guidance or advice when she stressed out over the many projects and tests they assigned because of this Ivy has deep trust issues with Eliteanati Academy and resents it there.
4- Rowan Sorbus:
• Rowan is a high school student and Hazel’s boyfriend.
• The inspiration for this OC came from the interest in adding another teen character (Hazel is a teenager too,btw) to the mix, So I made Rowan Sorbus in October 2022.
• I chose this name because I noticed that I unintentionally gave all my OCs nature related names and I wanted to continue that trend, I found Rowan to be my favourite name on the list so I stuck with that as for his last it was an appropriate surname for the character as
Sorbus is any member of a large genus of deciduous trees and shrubs, including the rowan.
• Rowan is tall, slim male. His eyes are hazel and upturned, His hair is dark ginger and messy, His skin tone is fair with visible freckles, he wears a dark blue t-shirt with a shooting star sewed in the centre, along with navy trousers and black trainers.
• Rowan is a thoughtful and attentive person, When he was younger he always looked out for Hazel and acted as a guidance councillor to her, However to some of his classmates Rowan can come across as annoying and needy for positive attention from school staff as he’s so used to getting rewarded by them.
• Rowan has partially a similar status to Melvin, He looks up to the people around him for guidance and support, He has always had a healthy relationship with his mother and loves her immensely, His best friend is Hazel Sneedly whom he’s known from a young age.
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vroomvroommuppett · 1 year
Is it too early for Christmas asks?
If not Joe x Yn x Barry first Christmas
send asks about oliver stark, barry x joe x yn, joe keery, jarlie x yn, stonathan x yn, jonathan byers, and andy x charlie x yn
re-answering it bc tumblr didnt post the first one
joe’s family came down for christmas, and after christmas, you were going to fly to ireland to spend new years with barry’s family.
you all were in the living room, except for joe’s mom who insisted on baking so that you could relax. you were currently sporting joe’s jumper and barry’s sweatpants and you had your top half on joe and bottom half on barry.
“so when’s the wedding?”
“once they propose”
“i’m surprised they haven’t yet”
“we’re waiting for the right time, mr keery”
“call me thomas. i just want grandbabies”
you just hid your face in joe’s neck
on christmas after everyone had opened their pg gifts, barry and joe left the room. when they came back, they were on one knee behind you and they cleared their throats. you turned around and gasped
“yn ln, will you do the honors of being our wife?”
since you were ugly crying, all you could muster out was a soft yes. joe put the ring on and you all kissed.
that night, you had changed into their non pg gift and the minute the door closed, well let’s just say you had a long night, and were thankful for sound proof rooms (lowkey wanna talk about christmas/engagement sex with this throuple)
two days after christmas, you flew to ireland and when barry’s parents found out you were engaged, they were so happy. his mum pulled you and joe into a hug and said “thank you for making our boy the happiest he’s ever been”
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dasmuggler · 9 days
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This is a must share, must read for all Texans, used-to-be Texans, adopted Texans or wanna-be Texans.
Pep , Texas 79353
Smiley , Texas 78159
Paradise , Texas 76073
Rainbow , Texas 76077
Sweet Home , Texas 77987
Comfort , Texas 78013
Friendship, Texas 76530
Love the Sun?
Sun City , Texas 78628
Sunrise , Texas 76661
Sunset, Texas 76270
Sundown, Texas 79372
Sunray , Texas 79086
Sunny Side , Texas 77423
Sunnyvale, Texas 75182
Want something to eat?
Bacon , Texas 76301
Noodle , Texas 79536
Oatmeal , Texas 78605
Turkey , Texas 79261
Trout , Texas 75789
Sugar Land , Texas 77479
Salty, Texas 76567
Rice , Texas 75155
Pearland , Texas 77581
Orange , Texas 77630
And top it off with:
Sweetwater , Texas 79556
Why travel to other cities? Texas has them all!
Detroit , Texas 75436
Cleveland , Texas 75436
Colorado City , Texas 79512
Denver City , Texas 79323
Klondike , Texas 75448
Nevada , Texas 75173
Memphis , Texas 79245
Miami , Texas 79059
Boston , Texas 75570
Santa Fe , Texas 77517
Tennessee Colony , Texas 75861
Reno , Texas 75462
Pasadena , Texas 77506
Columbus , Texas 78934
Feel like traveling outside the country?
Athens , Texas 75751
Canadian, Texas 79014
China , Texas 77613
Egypt , Texas 77436
Ireland , Texas 76538
Italy , Texas 76538
Turkey , Texas 79261
London , Texas 76854
New London , Texas 75682
Paris , Texas 75460
Palestine , Texas 75801
Moscow, Texas 75960
No need to travel to Washington D.C.
Whitehouse , Texas 75791
We even have a city named after our planet!
Earth , Texas 79031
We have a city named after our state
Texas City , Texas 77590
Energy , Texas 76452
Blanket , Texas 76432
Winters, Texas
Like to read about History?
Santa Anna , Texas
Goliad , Texas
Alamo , Texas
Gun Barrel City , Texas
Robert Lee , Texas
Need Office Supplies?
Staples, Texas 78670
Want to go into outer space?
Venus , Texas 76084
Mars , Texas 79062
You guessed it.. It's on the state line.
Texline , Texas 79087
For the kids...
Kermit , Texas 79745
Elmo , Texas 75118
Nemo , Texas 76070
Tarzan , Texas 79783
Winnie , Texas 77665
Sylvester , Texas 79560
Other city names in Texas , to make you smile.........
Frognot , Texas 75424
Bigfoot , Texas 78005
Hogeye , Texas 75423
Cactus , Texas 79013
Notrees , Texas 79759
Best, Texas 76932
Veribest , Texas 76886
Kickapoo , Texas 75763
Dime Box , Texas 77853
Old Dime Box , Texas 77853
Telephone , Texas 75488
Telegraph , Texas 76883
Whiteface , Texas 79379
Twitty, Texas 79079
And last but not least, the Anti-Al Gore City
Kilgore , Texas 75662
And our favorites...
Cut n Shoot, Texas
Gun Barrell City , Texas
Hoop And Holler, Texas
Ding Dong, Texas
and, of course,
Muleshoe , Texas
Here is what Jeff Foxworthy has to say about folks from Texas ...
If someone in a Lowe's store offers you assistance and they don't work there, you may live in Texas ;
If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you may live in Texas ;
If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number, you may live in Texas ;
If 'Vacation' means going anywhere south of Dallas for the weekend, you may live in Texas ;
If you measure distance in hours, you may live in Texas ;
If you know several people who have hit a deer more than once, you may live in Texas ;
If you install security lights on your house and garage, but leave both unlocked, you may live in Texas ;
If you carry jumper cables in your car and your wife knows how to use them, you may live in Texas
If the speed limit on the highway is 55 mph --you're going 80 and everybody's passing you, you may live in Texas ;
If you find 60 degrees 'a little chilly,' you may live in Texas ;
If you actually understand these jokes, and share them with all your Texas friends, you definitely live in Texas ..
Here are some little known, very interesting facts about Texas .
1. Beaumont to El Paso : 742 miles
2... Beaumont to Chicago : 770 miles
3... El Paso is closer to California than to Dallas
4... World's first rodeo was in Pecos , July 4, 1883.
5. The Flagship Hotel in Galveston is the only hotel in North America built over water. Destroyed by Hurricane Ike -2008!
6. The Heisman Trophy was named after John William Heisman who was the first full-time coach at Rice University in Houston .
7. Brazoria County has more species of birds than any other area in North America
8. Aransas Wildlife Refuge is the winter home of North America 's only remaining flock of whooping cranes.
9. Jalapeno jelly originated in Lake Jackson in 1978.
10. The worst natural disaster in U.S.... history was in 1900, caused by a hurricane, in which over 8,000 lives were lost on Galveston Island .
11. The first word spoken from the moon, July 20,1969, was " Houston ," but the space center was actually in Clear Lake City at the time.
12. King Ranch in South Texas is larger than Rhode Island ..
13. Tropical Storm Claudette brought a U.S. rainfall record of 43' in 24 hours in and around Alvin in July of 1979...
14. Texas is the only state to enter the U.S. by TREATY, (known as the Constitution of 1845 by the Republic of Texas to enter the Union ) instead of by annexation. This allows the Texas Flag to fly at the same height as the U.S. Flag, and may divide into 5 states.
15. A Live Oak tree near Fulton is estimated to be 1500 years old.
16. Caddo Lake is the only natural lake in the state.
17. Dr Pepper was invented in Waco in 1885. There is no period in Dr Pepper..
18. Texas has had six capital cities:
Washington -on- the Brazos, Harrisburg , Galveston ,Velasco, West Columbia and Austin ...
19. The Capitol Dome in Austin is the only dome in the U.S. which is taller than the Capitol Building in Washington DC (by 7 feet).
20. The San Jacinto Monument is the tallest free standing monument in the world and it is taller than the Washington monument.
21. The name ' Texas ' comes from the Hasini Indian word 'tejas' meaning friends. Tejas is not Spanish for Texas ..
22. The State Mascot is the Armadillo (an interesting bit of trivia about the armadillo is they always have four babies. They have one egg, which splits into four, and they either have four males or four females.).
23. The first domed stadium in the U.S. was the Astrodome in Houston .
Cowboy's Ten Commandments
(Posted on the wall at Cross Trails Church in Fairlie , Texas)
1) Just one God.
(2) Honor yer Ma & Pa.
(3) No telling tales or gossipin'.
(4) Git yourself to Sunday meeting.
(5) Put nothin' before God.
(6) No foolin' around with another fellow's gal.
(7) No killin'.
(8) Watch yer mouth.
(9) Don't take what ain't yers.
(10) Don't be hankerin' for yer buddy's stuff.
Y'all git all that?
0 notes
equestrianempire · 1 month
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Nayel Nassar &amp, Ivory TCS Team Up to Win the$ 32, 000 Dodd Technologies CSI 5*
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Wellington, Florida, USA – March 15, 2024 – Continuing and banner day for Evergate Stables on Friday, Nayel Nassar ( EGY ) piloted the newly- acquired 11- year- old Dutch Warmblood mare, Ivory TCS&nbsp, ( Falaise de Muze x Ukato ), to the pinnacle position in the$ 32, 000 Dodd Technologies 1. 50m. The 52 combinations came from a truly international field with around 14 nations represented in the field, as is frequently the case in the final few weeks of WEF competition. &nbsp,
Before Nassar laid down the gauntlet as only the eighth competitor in the order, Oscar Soberon ( USA ) designed the single-round speed with minimal lead changes. The rest of the industry made quick work of overthrowing his successful time of 63. 74 seconds, but nσne of them could close the gap.
The horse, which was formerly a aƫtach of Ireland’s Daniel Coyle, is a winner for her entire career, accordiȵg to Nassar. Irrespective of who is watching her, she is proving to be a success. She’s so quickly and she’s a little small strided, but all those ranges I never have to take and can only keep coming. She also has speedy reflexes, so I believe it’s a mix of all of those.
He continued,” I felt like I could maintain galloping the entire way around, and she seems to like it. ” She becomes more sharpened as you go further, and now was undoubtedly her day.
The win was part of an entire productive time for team Evergate, having earlier won the$ 25, 000 Lövsta Future Challenge 7- year- old Developing Jumper Final. &nbsp,
” I think we have a great group of people and animals, and we manage the horsȩs ωell throughout the time,” Nassar described”. I had a gradual ramp up because I was furthermore hurt at the beginning of the year, which has paid off in the recent months as the period nears its conclusion. The riders are clean, and the horses are still feelinǥ fresh. Everyone has been so on place this year, and it’s starting to show in the results. ” It definitely takes a community.
The closest contender to Nassar was Michael Duffy ( IRL), who piloted Intense Marsh Farm LLC’s 10- yr- old Scandinavian Warmblood horse, RMF Cinnamo ( Magic Park x Avon, into second place just a minute behind in 64. 75 hours.
Germany’s Richard Vogel ( GER ) made it a truly international victory gallop as he rounded out the top three with Caroline Mawhinney’s 12- year- oldDutch Warmblood gelding, Hollywood V ( MyLord Carthago*hn x Casall ). &nbsp,
Final Results –$ 32, 000 Dodd Technologies – 1. 50m
1 ) Nayel Nassar ( EGY ) &amp, Ivory TCS – 0 – 63. 74
2 ) Michael Duffy ( IRL ) &amp, RMF Cinnamo – 0 – 64. 75
3 ) Richard Vogel ( GER ) &amp, Hollywood V – 0 – 65. 35
Source: Press Release from Wellington International
Photo: © Wellington International / Sportfot
Categories: CSI 4*, English, Jumper News Africa, Wellington International
Tagged as: CSI 4*, Equestrian, Evergate Stables, Horses, Ivory TCS, Jumper News, Jumper News Africa, KWPN, Nayel Nassar, Results, Royal Dutch Sport Horse, Showjumping, WEF, Wellington International, Winter Equestrian Festival
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miniaturetalecrown · 2 months
Hetalia Character Profiles - Scotland
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Character Name: Scotland. Mhairi Eilidh McDougall (858-1295), Mhairi Eilidh McDougall-Bonnefoy (1295-present), Ri (by Shannon, Dylan, Alfred, Jake, and Rachel), Cherie (by Francis), Mum/Mother (by Matthew).
Age: Human - Baby, toddler, and child (500s-858), Teenager (858-1500), Appears 18 by 1500, 26 in the modern day.
Height: 5”6 (167cm).
Physical Description: Average height, Mhairi is the second shortest of her siblings, being only an inch taller than her older sister, Shannon (Ireland), and being shorter than both Dylan (Wales) and Arthur (England). Mhairi has a strong hourglass figure with broad shoulders.
Eye Colour: Emerald green.
Hair Colour/Style: Long dark red messy curls, Mhairi often has her hair up in ponytails and buns to keep her hair out of her face. Mhairi’s hair is also very thick and gets everywhere.
Other Physical Traits: Freckles all over her face and body. Mhairi also has her ears pierced, a nose stud, a tongue piercing, a Celtic tattoo on her left leg, a thistle tattoo on her right arm, and a Scottish unicorn tattoo on her back. Mhairi doesn’t have the infamous Kirkland eyebrows like Dylan and Arthur.
Personal Appearance/Style: Mhairi wears a lot of black, blues, reds, and purples. Mhairi’s wardrobe is full of comfy t-shirts, jumpers, a couple of kilts, pencil skirts, and dresses. Mhairi only wears dresses and skirts for meetings and special occasions.
Verbal Style: Mhairi speaks with a broad Scots accent. Mhairi also speaks Scottish Gaelic and Scots as well as English.
Education: Mhairi is well-educated and even taught Alfred (America), Matthew (Canada), Jake (Australia), and Rachel (New Zealand) when they were young.  Mhairi has a degree in nursing and a degree in midwifery that she earned in the 1920s.
Occupation: Diplomat. Mhairi in her spare time, works as a nurse. During the pandemic, Mhairi worked as a nurse to help ease the strain on the health service.
Past Occupations: A military nurse, a military officer during the Second World War, and a teacher.
Skills, Abilities or Talents: Mhairi is a talented dancer and enjoys traditional Highland dancing, including sword dancing. Mhairi is also a talented artist and paints landscapes in her spare time with Francis (France). Mhairi also enjoys baking and often bakes cakes, Scottish tablet, and biscuits.
Positive Personality Treats: Friendly, an animal lover, compassionate, and outdoorsy.
Negative Personality Traits: Stubborn and can be hot-headed.
Sense of Humour: Sarcastic, dark, and witty.
Physical/Mental Illnesses or Afflictions: Mhairi was badly affected by the failures of the Jacobite risings in 1715 and 1745, as well as the aftermath when her culture was outlawed. Mhairi has never fully forgiven Arthur for what happened during the period. In 1700, Mhairi lost her younger child, Lachlann (New Caledonia/Darien), after the Scottish colony in modern-day Panama failed. The loss of her child deeply affected Mhairi, and it still affects her.
Hobbies/Interests: Dancing, baking, painting, singing, playing bagpipes, and hiking.
Favourite Foods: Haggis, macaroni pies, and stovies.
Most Important Personal Items: Her sapphire engagement ring, her family photo albums, and her collection of Scottish artworks.
Person/Friend Close to Character: Her older sister and best friend, Shannon. Mhairi and Shannon are the closest siblings of the British Isles and often spend time together, usually hiking. Mhairi tries to visit Shannon at least once a month, and Shannon will also try to visit Mhairi. The sisters share a lot of history together, and they can both speak Irish and Scottish Gaelic, as the languages are similar. The two were Suffragettes in the 1900s and 1910s, along with Rachel, and all three often went to protests around the UK.
Background: Mhairi was born around the 500s AD to Caledonia and Brittannia. Mhairi is the second eldest of four and the youngest daughter. Mhairi is close to Shannon and Dylan but has a strained relationship with Arthur after he invaded her in the 1290s, but it wasn’t until the 1700s that their relationship hit an all-time low. In October 1295, Mhairi married Francis, and the two formed an alliance; they married as they were both at war with Arthur at the time. In 1621, Mhairi gave birth to her firstborn, Matthew, with Shannon as her midwife.
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laresearchette · 2 months
Tuesday, March 05, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
This Video Not Available in Your Country: Tuesday Canadian Lineup (Times Eastern)
CURLING (TSN/TSN3) 10:00am: 2024 Montana's Brier: Pool Play (TSN/TSN3) 3:00pm: 2024 Montana's Brier: Pool Play (TSN) 8:00pm: 2024 Montana's Brier: Pool Play (TSN5) 10:30pm: 2024 Montana's Brier: Pool Play
MLB SPRING TRAINING (TSN4) 1:00pm: Yankees vs. Mets
BIG BROTHER CANADA (Global) 7:00pm: Fifteen people share an isolated home and try to avoid being evicted by their housemates.
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:30pm: Oilers vs. Bruins (TSN2) 8:00pm: Habs vs. Predators (TSN4) 7:00pm: Knights vs. Leafs (TSN3) 8:00pm: Kraken vs. Jets (TSN5) 8:00pm: Sens vs. Predators (SN1) 10:30pm: Stars vs. Sharks (SNPacific) 10:30pm: Canucks vs. Kings
NBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 7:30pm: Pelicans vs. Raptors (TSN4) 7:30pm: Celtics vs. Cavaliers (SN Now) 8:30pm: Pacers vs. Mavericks (TSN4) 10:00pm: Suns vs. Nuggets
PWHL HOCKEY (TSN5) 8:00pm: Ottawa vs. Minnesota
HUDSON & REX (City TV) 8:00pm: When a police officer is killed in the nightlife district, the case narrows on a group of Navy officers.
MARY MAKES IT EASY (CTV Life) 8:00pm: Sandwich Bored
SON OF A CRITCH (CBC) 8:30pm: Mark discovers "Santa" has come early when he finds his brand-new gaming system hidden in the house; Mark can't help himself and starts playing with his gift, but he must keep it under wraps.
COMFORT FOOD WITH SPENCER WATTS (CTV Life) 8:30pm: Spencer prepares a Chinese-spice chicken halves with apple slaw and fries, a fifteen minute lamb bolognese on polenta, and a spiced pork loin with honeyed root veg and apple butter.
ONE MORE TIME (CBC) 9:00pm: Celebrating his three-week anniversary with a new fling, DJ must come to terms with the true nature of his relationship while dining in the dark.
TREATY ROAD (APTN) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Erin and Saxon begin their journey of discovery on Treaty 1 territory in Manitoba.
RUN THE BURBS (CBC) 9:30pm: It's Lunar New Year, and Andrew must mediate a fight between his mom and sister on the topic of having kids.
THE VANISHING TRIANGLE (Lifetime Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): After investigative journalist Lisa Wallace publishes an article about her mother's murder, girls start to disappear; she and Det. David Burkely investigate across Ireland, searching for the missing girls, while the killer taunts Lisa.
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wikiuntamed · 3 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Sunday, 4th February
Welcome, merħba, ようこそ (yōkoso), 欢迎 (huānyíng) 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 4th February through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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4th February 2023 🗓️ : Death - Vani Jairam Vani Jairam, Indian playback singer (b. 1945) "Vani Jairam (born Kalaivani; 30 November 1945 – 4 February 2023) was an Indian playback singer in Indian cinema. She is fondly referred to as the "Meera of modern India" Vani's career started in 1971 and has spanned over five decades. She did playback for over one thousand Indian movies recording..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 3.0? by Bollywood Hungama
4th February 2019 🗓️ : Death - Matti Nykänen Matti Nykänen, Finnish Olympic-winning ski jumper and singer (b. 1963) "Matti Ensio Nykänen (pronounced [ˈmɑtːi ˈnykænen] ; 17 July 1963 – 4 February 2019) was a Finnish ski jumper who competed from 1981 to 1991. He is one of the most successful ski jumpers of all time, having won five Winter Olympic medals (four gold), nine World Championship medals (five gold), and 22..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 3.0? by Jakke Nikkarinen / Suomen Moneta
4th February 2014 🗓️ : Death - Dennis Lota Dennis Lota, Zambian footballer (b. 1973) "Dennis Lota (8 November 1973 – 4 February 2014) was a Zambian football striker. He started his professional career with Zanaco FC of Zambia in 1989 before leaving for Nchanga Rangers at the beginning of the 1991 season. At Nchanga Rangers he established a midfield partnership with Abeauty Kunda. He..."
4th February 1974 🗓️ : Event - Provisional Irish Republican Army The Provisional Irish Republican Army bombed a motor coach carrying off-duty British Armed Forces personnel and their family members, killing twelve people. "The Provisional Irish Republican Army (Provisional IRA), officially known as the Irish Republican Army (IRA; Irish: Óglaigh na hÉireann) and informally known as the Provos, was an Irish republican paramilitary force that sought to end British rule in Northern Ireland, facilitate Irish reunification..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by Erik G
4th February 1923 🗓️ : Birth - Conrad Bain Conrad Bain, Canadian-American actor (d. 2013) "Conrad Stafford Bain (February 4, 1923 – January 14, 2013) was a Canadian-American comedian and actor. His television credits include a leading role as Phillip Drummond in the sitcom Diff'rent Strokes (1978–1986), as Dr. Arthur Harmon on Maude (1972–1978), and as Charlie Ross in Mr. President..."
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Image by CBS Television (credit seen in news clipping as release is tattered)
4th February 1820 🗓️ : Event - Chilean War of Independence Chilean War of Independence: Chilean forces captured the city of Valdivia. "The Chilean War of Independence (Spanish: Guerra de la Independencia de Chile, 'War of Independence of Chile') was a military and political event that allowed the emancipation of Chile from the Spanish Monarchy, ending the colonial period and initiating the formation of an independent republic. It..."
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4th February 🗓️ : Holiday - Earliest day on which Ash Wednesday can fall, while March 10 is the latest; celebrated on the first day of Lent (Christianity) "Ash Wednesday is a holy day of prayer and fasting in many Western Christian denominations. It is preceded by Shrove Tuesday and marks the first day of Lent, the six weeks of penitence before Easter.Ash Wednesday is observed by Catholics, Lutherans, Moravians, Anglicans, Methodists, Nazarenes, as..."
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Image by Oxh973
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