#June please listen to the poor man
pax-former · 2 years
I’ve just thought about this while writing about another head canon about tfp Optimus.
Optimus used to have sparklings of his own during the war ( sparklings which lost their parent, or were abandoned / left for dead.) the sparklings meant EVERYTHING to him.
Though, during the exodus, the soldiers left the sparklings behind WITHOUT Optimus’ consent. He went ballistic. Leaving the future generation behind. HIS SPARKLINGS. Ratchet had to put him under anesthesia to calm him.
Optimus shut everyone out for a few months, but eventually just stopped… feeling. He knew war was cruel, and resources were running low.
There was no choice.
He became more of a dead mech as time passed by. He became numb by the second. That was until, he met the human children.
When Optimus was introduced to Jack, Miko and Raf he instantly clicked with them. They were so small, and fragile, and- HOW DID THEY EVEN SURVIVE?!?
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 Optimus just instantly adopted them without any hesitation, and the children didn’t even mind that a million year old robot adopted them, they’re just chill about it.
June and Fowler were somewhat concerned about this, but they passed it aside since it seemed the children didn’t have any problems with it. (Though, June isn’t having any of it and did talk to Optimus about it rather rudely, which caused a huge argument between them.) June and Optimus aren’t in good relations with each other. (Whenever they see each other, June brings it up and they both have a quarrel until someone stops them. Mainly Ratchet has to deal with it.
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The team is somewhat happy to see the prime more lively and happy. Though they are quite concerned about Him and June’s relationship.
Ratchet is just happy to see Optimus so lively again after the devastation during the Exodus. Though, It’s quite annoying when he has to be the one to stop their argument. It stops him doing anything productive.
And they’re LOUD.
The children are NOT a fan of the argument, but they love Optimus just like a dad and June isn’t going to take this away from them. Jack loves his mother, but wished she would just hear him out instead of going full rampage on him.
That’s just it lol.
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kydrogendragon · 4 months
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Role-Play for Day Seven of Dreamling Week
Relationship: Dream/Hob Rating: Mature Words: 1086 Warnings: Primal Play Ao3 Link
Hob dashes through the dark forest. Trees and branches stream by as he runs, the warm summer air no doubt carrying his scent downwind for him to smell. He pants, chest laboring after the long sprints it’s taken to make it even this far into the woods. He’s thankful that the moon is full, else he would be navigating in true darkness.
Up ahead, he spots a cluster of dense trees. It’s a risk, but the area of forest he’s found himself in is spare. He’s an easy target out here. So he goes, making a dash for the possible hiding spot. His legs ache just as much as his lungs do. By the time he reaches the cluster of trees, he feels on the verge of passing out. The adrenaline in his system is probably the only thing keeping him upright at the moment. Hob tucks himself into the cranny, folding himself as small as he can while he catches his breath.
The forest is quiet, eerily so, as if it knows the danger that lurks within it. This had been Hob’s suggestion, having heard about people getting their rocks off being chased down and taken. He’d figured if there was ever a good partner to try it out with, it would be the one with shape-shifting powers and the ability to magic sand them to anywhere they wanted to go. And of course, he suspects Dream loves the idea of chasing him down and claiming Hob as his own.
So, on June 7th, with the full moon above them, Dream teleported them over to some place in the Americas where the woods were untouched by man. He told Hob to strip down to all but his shoes—of which Hob’s thankful for. His poor feet weren’t as hardened as they used to be in this century—and then told to run. And Hob did. He ran and ran and ran until his body cried out for a break and continued to run further. He’d managed one break earlier, but heard the sound of a branch snapping in the distance, so Hob ran again. And now, as his body demands a break, he rests here, nestled into the shadows of the trees and listens.
All he can hear is the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind. There’s no bird songs, no trill of insects, nothing but that eerie silence. His heart pounds in his chest, echoing up into his throat. Every part of him feels on edge, his legs tensing, ready to make a run for it if needed. He feels like a rabbit in the eyes of a fox—adrenaline and fear coursing through him, limbs prepared to jump at a moment’s notice.
There’s a crack somewhere in the forest. Hob freezes, breath caught in his throat as he strains against the silence to hear anything more. He waits, eyes staring blindly into the bark in front of him as all his energy is focused towards his ears. And still, all he hears in the rustle of leaves and his own heartbeat thumping loudly in his chest.
Then it’s like the temperature drops. Hob’s hair rises on end as the air feels wrong. The bark in front of him darkens just as the world around him does and yet, there is not a cloud in the sky. Then he hears a deep, low growl that reverberates through his body from the ground, up.
He’s here.
Hob bolts, out of the trees, away from the sound, across log and root and stone and runs and runs and runs. He dives through the trees, his breath shallow as he pushes his body harder and harder. And yet, the darkness doesn’t let up. If anything, it seems to grow. Soon, Hob can barely see in front of him. His foot catches in an arched tree root and he collides with the mossy forest floor.
He reaches out, clawing at the dirt and grass, trying to scramble to his feet when something large presses him back down into the earth. Hob stares down into the dirt, his breath a shallow, panicked thing. Dark tendrils creep into his vision as a pleased growl calls out above him. He feels hot breath against his neck.
“I’ve found you.”
Hob whimpers. He fights against the impossibly firm hold that keeps him pinned down. Then, he feels something wet and sharp against his skin. Teeth encase his neck and part of his head. Dream’s jaws in whatever form he’s taken, encase him, pressing down lightly. A warning, not quite yet a threat, but it could be.
Hob stills, closing his eyes as the teeth lift and are replaced by a long, dexterous tongue that licks up his neck and behind his ear with a flick. He grinds down against the earth, his rapidly hardening cock twitching as Dream’s own hips roll over Hob’s backside. He can feel a faint outline of Dream’s form. It’s no longer human, not completely he suspects. More Nightmare than Dream. He shivers with anticipation.
“Now you are mine, aren’t you, pet?” Dream asks, his voice deep and gravelly. Hob can only nod in response, his breath still to rapid to speak. Dream hums, the noise reverberating through Hob’s body as Dream presses back down against him. “Good. And now I get to do with my prize as I desire.”
He’s flipped over, his back pressed into the moss and dirt. Hob opens his eyes wide to see Dream towering over him, one clawed hand pinning his shoulder down. His head is closer to that of a wolf’s skull with patches of fur still clinging to it. Familiar star eyes peer down at him through the empty sockets. The rest of his body is large, a hybrid of man and beast with a spine-like tail at the end. Dark fur covers his body where the dark leathery hide or cream colored bone isn’t. And the best part, the thick length that lies between Dream’s legs. Hob grins to himself as he spots a familiar bulge at the base.
“Yes,” Hob answers breathily. “’m yours. You caught me.”
Dream growls that same, pleased and deep growl that vibrates Hob down to his core. He leans down, running his long, rough tongue up from Hob’s collar to his forehead, the saliva clinging to his skin, cool as the night breeze runs over it.
“Good,” Dream’s voice rolls over him. Teeth graze over his neck. “Spread your legs, little one.
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hello 👋 I hope you had a wonderful day !! , can I please request People from SDV, SVE and RSV react to the Farmer snap , the Farmer snap because somebody had hurt their love ones and their friends or somebody could had done something stupid that could had got them hurt with the others and the farmer save them before that could happen, maybe there was an argument that escalated to far too ,the farmer having enough didn’t yell in anger but remain calm and cold and somewhere quiet with the blinks stare in their face, making the whole situation feel unsettling and cold by just a few words and the farmer quickly apologize going back to their usual self , because to be honest do you really want to fight with the person who have the power of defeating army’s of monsters and doing some crazy things with it too!! , I hope you have a wonderful day 😃.
Hey hey, dear anon 👋 Thank you so much for the question, hope you're having a good day too! 😊❤️
I apologize, but I can't describe absolutely everyone, as all the people with vanilla Stardew Valley and with two global mods comes out too many for one ask (60+ people). Still hope you can enjoy the little HC! Thanks again 🫰
"You're dead, man. Rest in pepperoni." Oh, trust me, the famous trio of Abigail, Sam and Sebastian know very well how fierce and menacing Farmer can be. And Farmer don't even need to yell for that, just the sight of them makes the blood freeze in their veins. Sam remembers that he once suggested a stupid and dangerous venture to Abby and Sebby, and though no one got hurt, Farmer scolded Sam a lot. So the idiot who was an asshole for Farmer's partner is very unlucky.
Oh, a free show? Great, 'cause Pam's TV just broke, so that scandal will keep her busy. She'd rather listen to Farmer put some out-of-town punk in his place than try to find something interesting to do in a trailer. True, if Farmer's injured friend is her daughter, Penny, then Pam will take part in a heated discussion with all the fury and profanity herself.
The way the Farmer had snapped loudly and unexpectedly at the idiot tourist during the Stardew Fair, who - unbelievable! - was offering Jas, Vincent, and Leo a cigarettes (a cigarettes?!) made the poor kids wince and squeeze closer together. Without stopping to wince, they watched as Farmer chased the frightened tourist away. But then the Farmer's angry look immediately softened as they turned to the children and offered to treat them to ice cream. The young Farmer was a little embarrassed and guilty that he was swearing right in front of the kids (Jas almost cried). But the delicious ice cream helped the kids forget about this unpleasant moment.
Oh, Shane's just in time to sneak a packet of crisps in his hoodie from the Jojamart warehouse, because the way the Farmer just morally destroys some out-of-town loader/colleague from Joja is a real show that won't end any time soon. And there's just the right snack to crunch on - like in the cinema! Even cheers for Farmer when Shane hears the reason for their snap. Hell yeah, fuck em up, Farmer.
Depending on the situation itself, Robin and Demetrius will behave slightly differently. Of course, they are surprised by Farmer's sudden outburst of rage, but when they both recognise the reason for it, they will side with Farmer, remaining fairly calm. If the idiot nearly hurt Maru and Sebastian, Robin herself will be as furious as a mama bear, and her husband (and other random people present) will now have to contain the rage of two people already. Nobody mess with Robin's children.
Harvey was extremely surprised that such a calm person like Farmer could get so furious with someone. Local doctor of the Pelican Town could understand why Farmer was so upset, but it was unnecessary to make such a loud scandal, whatever that stranger does.
June has seen a lot of different people in his time playing the piano. And so it is now, at Ridgeside Village. Most of the people who walk through the main lobby of the hotel are nice and quiet, with a few rude types. However, the hotel visitor that nearly pushed Farmer's friend down the stairs was simply out of line. It's a good thing that Farmer themselves happened to be nearby and were able to stop the rascal. June is not a fan of scandals and didn't really understand the reason for the whole situation, but even he is pleased when the scoundrel got what he deserved for his disgusting act. Well done, Farmer.
Richard doesn't know what made Farmer snap at one of his hotel guests like that, but will ask them to deal with everything outside his hotel. Sorry Farmer, nothing personal, but the other guests are nervous about the tense situation.
Marlon and Lance had to work hard to calm the unexpected anger of the ever-calm Farmer and keep them from hurting one foolish upstart from Castle Village. Both adventurers can understand their young fellow adventurer, but also remind the Farmer of the rules and code they swore an oath to when they stepped into the adventurer's shoes, and one of those rules is to protect people, not harm.
Oh, man... The same rude teenager who decided to tease and insult Vincent is now listening to the tirade of not only a furious Farmer, but also Jodi, joined by her friends Caroline and Olivia. The moms of the town are not surprised by Farmer's rage, they themselves would lose their temper if someone was hurting the local children (especially if they were their own son/daughter!).
Magnus doesn't usually use magic to intimidate. But the case in which a pale Morgan was hiding behind Wizard's back was the exception. The Farmer may have been the first to stand up for Morgan when some creep started bullying the kid, but Magnus would be the one to have the last word, giving the bully a good lesson. A couple of flying fireballs were enough to make the insolent man cowardly run away. Morgan has no need to be afraid, as neither their friend Farmer nor their teacher Magnus will let the child be bullied. Wizard is not surprised why Farmer snap, he would do the same.
Both Penny and Maru were naturally displeased when some idiot tourist threw a soccer ball at the two of them. But the girls even felt a little sorry for this tourist, when Farmer, in a fit of worry for Penny and Maru, and rage, frightened the idiot so much that it seemed that dumbass was about to cry.
To be honest, Jio, Daia and Kiwi are a bit disappointed. Why? Because they thought they would finally see the true power and fighting skills of the Farmer, the savior of Spirit Realm, because they have never once seen Farmer in battle. The young hero was masterful at using mere words to make the enemy retreat and apologize for bullying Farmer's friends, but Belinda's followers expected a battle. Sigh, boriiiiing...
Sophia and Victor don't know what they were more afraid of: the big bully who teased the pink-haired girl, and Victor too (as he was trying to protect Sophia), or Farmer, who drove the big guy away from them with the fury of a honey badger. They clearly hadn't expected that the Farmer could be so... intimidating. But Farmer is still a Farmer, after they returned to Victor and Sophia and apologized for the sudden outburst of aggression.
Considering that Louie and Ariah was being, to say the least, sometimes not very polite (mostly Louie) but calling them such words was clearly unnecessary on the part of some rich guest. Young Amethyne was even more surprised to realize that someone other than their family and servants were defending them. And with such fury. A Farmer?
Speaking of his family: of course Maive will not tolerate such behavior from her guests, and therefore, having found out the reason, she will kick the insolent guest out of her mansion. The Farmer will stay, but Madame will give them a stern and warning look, saying, "Don't try her patience." Sonny and Irene thank Farmer for standing up for Louie (albeit a little aggressively).
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fritextramole · 6 months
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my girl, my girl, my girl. you will be my girl
part 2 of a Dan Humphrey playlist - best heard in order
tracklist and quotes under the cut
Hello? ~ Clairo, Rejjie Snow
Are you into me, like I'm into you? Do you wanna do the things I wanna do with you? You're so close, and yet so far I wonder how you look when you're in the dark
Kool Girl ~ Seasalt
I can’t believe that she’s texting on her phone in my passenger seat She’s got one foot on the dash And her head out the window
Would You Be So Kind? ~ dodie
Let's write a story Be in my book You've got to join me on my page At least take a look
Somethin' Stupid ~ Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra
Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place And have a drink or two And then I go and spoil it all By saying something stupid Like I love you
Susie Save Your Love ~ Allie X, Mitski
Save your love For someone like me You don't have to be a part-time Susie
Wish You Were Sober ~ Conan Gray
Don't take a hit, don't kiss my lips And please don't drink more beer I'ma crawl outta the window now 'Cause I don't like anyone around Kinda hope you're followin' me out
Stranger ~ MOTHXR
It’s getting louder, I leave when I can Danger here is so quiet Water here is the fire
Upright (Everything's Alright) ~ Stevie Wonder
The right side of the tracks, she was born and raised In a great big old house, full of butlers and maids She says no one is better than I, I know I'm just an average guy No football hero or smooth Don Juan Got empty pockets, you see I'm a poor man's son
Melting ~ Kali Uchis
My blood starts to rush when I see your doorman I know you're nearby and I know your purpose Take one look at you, you're heaven's incarnate What is this spell, baby? Please show some mercy
we fell in love in october ~ girl in red
Smoking cigarettes on the roof You look so pretty and I love this view Don't bother looking down We're not going that way At least I know, I am here to say
Lips Like Sugar ~ Echo & the Bunnymen
Just when you think you've caught her She glides across the water She calls for you tonight To share this moonlight You'll flow down her river
Meteor Shower ~ Cavetown
Meteor shower, quick take cover But the hues in our hair compliment one another I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones 'Cause blue's your favorite color
June ~ Briston Maroney
So dress up in your finer things And the smile can't hide anything And pin the flower to my chest And count the days that I've got left
Love Will Tear Us Apart ~ Joy Division
Why is the bedroom so cold? You've turned away on your side Is my timing that flawed? Our respect runs so dry Yet there's still this appeal that we've kept through our lives
Moon Song ~ Phoebe Bridgers
But now I am dreaming, and you're singing at my birthday I've never seen you smiling so big It's nautical themed, and there's something I'm supposed to say But can't for the life of me remember what it is
Just like Heaven ~ The Cure
You're just like a dream Daylight licked me into shape I must've been asleep for days And moving lips to breathe her name I opened up my eyes And found myself alone, alone
Killing Me To Love You ~ Vancouver Sleep Clinic
I'm fighting for you I'm hiding for you But it's killing me to love you
Oats In The Water ~ Ben Howard
There's coke in the Midas touch A joke in the way that we rust
Water Fountain ~ Alec Benjamin
Now he's grabbing her hips, and pulling her in Kissing her lips, and whispering in her ear And she knows that she shouldn't listen And that she should be with me by the water fountain
Shampoo Bottles ~ Peach Pit
It is seemingly worsened everyday All this shit of yours around my house If I could've had it any other way Then by now I would've chucked it out
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nebula-award · 10 months
Rewatched TFP Wrote Down All My Thoughts
Nov 11, 2023: This was in my drafts FOREVER so I’m adding it to the queue finally. 
Dec 20, 2022: I binged TFP again because I was missing them, and wanted to write some fics, so here’s everything I noticed/thought.
Megatron is the real theater kid Ratchet could definitely be a mad scientist June is trying her best but she's gotta stop Please June stop stop it now Megs is a gentleman holy shit WAIT RATCHET DOES HAVE EYEBROWS THAT AREN'T THE BIG ORANGE THINGYS
WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT HOW SICK RAF'S SHOES ARE! Megs is still clearly salty about losing Orion (not OP but ORION) I like the MECH scientist who said "as luck would have it" at Operation: Bumblebee 00:07:56 KEEP HIM SCREAMER GETTING HIT BY THE PROPELLERS AND TANISHING HIS IMAGINE AT Operation Bee 00:13:00 WOULDVE BEEN GREAT Miko is so animated and dynamic!!! Ratchet be salty but a good dad (Well I’m sorry to disapoint... wanna ride with the siren on?:>) BULKDAD BULKDAD BULKDAD (translation: bee and Bulk moments kill) Bruh Bulkhead v Breakdown and Bee v KO KO's having the time of his life with Bee Bulk pairing Bee THE ONE WHO CANT TRANSFORM with the DRIVABLE CON Fowler it's not like he can't understand you, you can't understand Bee Ratchet's drunk from power down Screamer could do great things if he'd listen to people Aww skyquake and dreadwing chose the same vechile/guy to steal from aww Man Wheeljack became a tired grumpy yet badass oldman "One I consider a brother" hm interesting thank you dreadwing Sowwy fishieees JESUSS CHRIST PRIME WITH THAT 19:05 BATTLE SCREAM I forgot that arachnid dismantled breaky im crying MECH still in the gov. ratchet improved fowlers ship  'Nine lives' megs IS a cat YOU'RE DEALING WITH ALIEN ROBOTS CORNEL YOU DUMBFUCK DEFEAT A UNICORN THIS BITCH Flying Mind is honestly an underrated episode Fowler IS the earth representative woahhhh dark that Scream has to perform surgery on himself Stoic Prime is best prime Dad energy from Wheeljack at 19:21 Hurt HOLY FUCK A CLOWN CAR RATCHET I LOVE YOU Scream laughing at a dancing monkey Right Megs removed a prime's arm to replace his ownn I forgot Hard Knocks 10:33 Bulkcee SMOKESCREEN IS KING (INSIDE JOB 9:40 & 12:30) Everyone knows this but that poor vehicon I KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN when screamer calls sOMEONE NEEDS TO SPEED OP Up at 19:20 KO ALWAYS gets me at pach 4:05
Magnus need more screen time
Also the kids probably have PTSD
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cassidy-sturniolo · 9 months
unfair. pt1
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: y/n x ? ⤷ do you guys want a love triangle, chris x y/n, or matt x y/n - lmk! 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: y/n struggles to rebuild her life after being uprooted from her old lifestyle. she just begins to settle in when she meets her first challenge in this new town. 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing, there def will be smut in the future don’t fret
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“the world didn’t end when I turned seventeen, but it felt like it did” It was the summer before my senior year when my entire life was flipped upside down. In the span of a single month I lost my family, friends, old school, old life, and most importantly, myself. My mother and I had a very detached and bad relationship, like any moment she could snap and I would never see her again. I had no siblings and no father so she was all I had left, the only family I had ever known other than some distant uncles or aunts. And one afternoon, on a random Tuesday in June, I was disowned and kicked out over an unimportant and minuscule fight over our financial state. Deep down I knew that eventually our relationship would fizzle out and I could move out, but this fight proved to be enough to break our fragile relationship. And from that day on, I never spoke to my mother again. 
So here I was, standing in a city in Massachusetts alone with $150 to my name and an address written down in my notes app. The last thing my mother did for me was give me the number of her sister, my aunt. While I had never met Allison in person, I’ve seen her comment around on my mothers Facebook and we have been Facebook friends since I was probably 12 years old. Thats all I knew about her. My mind was blank and I felt empty inside. I left everything behind with no choice and now I’m stuck in a place I don’t want to be for god knows how long. If only I could just…
“Uber for y/n?” An older man peeks his head out from his car. His voice startled me and brought me out of my trance. In a mere hour I would be introduced to my new house, new guardian, new life, new everything, and I wasn’t ready.
“Sorry, yes.” I scurry to place my luggage in the trunk of the car and hop into the backseat, listening to music and watching the landscape outside and I saw myself driving further and further away from everything I knew. I open my phone to distract my mind only to scroll and find pictures of my friends all together and having fun, without me. Not a single text has come through my phone asking me how I was. I decided the best thing was to turn it off and close my eyes and maybe I would wake up and be somewhere better, somewhere were I could be happy.
In no time, I found myself in the driveway of Aunt Allison’s home. I couldn’t lie, it was a huge upgrade from the shitty broken down home my mother and I were staying in. It had beautiful landscaping and flowers, the home was white with blue hues and beautiful architecture, it felt comfortable and clean. Everything around me was perfect and vibrant, and I felt like a huge raincloud coming in and sucking the light from this poor lady. All of a sudden I hear a gasp coming from the front door.
“Oh my gosh aren’t you just so beautiful! I haven’t seen you in years sweetie, how are you doing, are you okay?” Aunt Allison came running over to be embracing me in a warm huge. For the first time I felt myself relax a little, knowing at least she seemed to be a nice person. “Come inside please Tony can come and grab your suitcases. We have the most stunning room all ready for you, are you sure I can’t grab you a water or something?” she asks while guiding me around her home.
“No I’m fine for now I think.” I sigh plopping down onto my bed, starring up at the ceiling. My mind couldn’t stop thinking about how I wouldn’t get the perfect senior year I had always dreamed of. All I wanted was a perfect boyfriend, a friend group to dress up with during spirit weeks, friends who would ditch with me to go get food and run away to the beach when we were bored of class. I had that, I had everything, and now I was a loner who knew nobody in a town I didn’t fit in at. And for the next two months, I didn’t try to make myself feel better. I let my mind consume myself and practically sat repeating the same day over and over again hoping this nightmare would end and I could wake up. Before I knew it, it was August 9th, the night before the first day of school and tomorrow I would have to face my reality. 
“Goooood morning!” Aunt Allison barges into my room and wakes me up at the ungodly hour of 5 in the morning. “It’s your big day come on, your last first day of high school aren’t you excited?!” She cheered, walking over to me smiling. “Yeah, sure” I groaned, rolling out of bed and walking into the kitchen that was already decked out in a feast for breakfast. “I just want to make sure your not hungry” she smiles handing me a plate of food before walking into the other room. I didn’t have a car here so I had to walk to school because Aunt Allison had to get to work and Tony was already long gone working aswell. I gulped down as much food as I could and went back into my room where I spent an hour religiously painting my face in makeup and frying my hair to try and make it look alright. I threw on a comfortable yet cute outfit alongside a huge coat, considering it was practically freezing outside. 
“I’ll see you after school” Allison says embracing me in a huge hug. Maybe this whole new school thing wouldn’t be so bad. Until I stepped outside.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me” I curse as rain begins to drip from the sky. Every single day of summer has been sunny and the one day I am actually required to look presentable it rains. It wasn’t like I had any choice so I decided to just increase my pace. Cars were speeding by, making me feel slower than I actually was and it began to irritate me. Finally, I managed to arrive just outside the school when a white car slams through a huge rain puddle right next to the sidewalk, splashing me with water all over myself. I could hear the laughs of a couple guys and even worse, the flash of a camera sticking outside the passenger seat window. 
“Fuck!” I curse, angrily. I wasn’t going to let whoever decided this was funny get away with this. I storm my way to the window of the car and began vigorously knocking on the window until I see a guy roll down the window. “Can I help you?” he laughs starring directly at me. For a moment I was taken back as I was greeted with a cute guy with brown shaggy hair and blue eyes. “Hellooo?” he asks again. I snap out of it and remember why I was angry. “Yeah whose brilliant idea was it to splash me with freezing cold water at 7 in the fucking morning?” I spit out angrily. “Ouch, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed” I hear a voice from the driver seat call out. Without even knowing it, my hand was twisting the lid off of my water bottle and I was throwing the ice water at the guys inside the car. “Bro what the fuck” he screams out. “Who the hell even are you?” the guy in the back asks. “I’m new I just moved here, well I guess like 2 months ago, but I’m y/n” I smile, happy with my revenge. “And you are..?” I question squinting my eyes to see how many guys were in the car, I managed to count about three. “Yeah whatever, I’m Chris, that’s Matt driving, and Nick is in the backseat” he mutters out trying to dry himself off with an extra sweatshirt. “What a pleasure it was to meet you” I sarcastically say, walking away from the car into the school. 
The school day hadn’t even started and I knew two things: I was never walking to school in the rain again and Massachusetts had a couple of hot guys, even if they were assholes.  *if you guys want pt. 2 let me know!*
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backmaskcd · 2 months
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(Maddie Phillips) [THE WILD CHILD]. Please welcome [COSIMA MARIOTT (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [26]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [UNEMPLOYED]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive
Full Name: Cosima Evangeline Mariott Birthday: September 6 Age: 26 Hunter or Gatherer: Neither Sexuality: Straight Height: 5'7 Relationship Status: open
The only (legitimate) child of a multi millionaire Bradford Mariott, Cosima learned from a very young age just how easy it was to manipulate not only her parents, but just about everyone around her. She had a sweet face, and a determined pout, and wanted one thing: to get her way.
Despite how bratty she can come off, Cosima never had any problems making friends. She was pretty, and rich, and she felt like people flocked to her, desperate to be in her circle. She tolerated most, but her very best friend in the whole world was Piper Kang. Piper is the only one Cosima really lets see the softer, more kind part of her (it's not that large of a part, but if anyone would experience it, it's Piper.) Often, this put Piper in a mom friend/voice of reason category, but it also meant she's the only person Cosima really listens to and accepts it when she says no.
She only wanted to surround herself with other beautiful and rich people, so while there were a lot of people who would call her their friend, she had a very specific friend group of around seven people who she actually considered her friends. They were they group that she did everything with, and included Piper Kang, Nixon Chambers, Fleur Villiers, (2 wcs) and Quill and Quincy Harker. Any trip or vacation she went on, she usually tried to figure out how all of them could go have a fun time.
Cosima was about fourteen when a girl showed up at their door, claiming to be her half sister. Her father wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, and her mother seemingly irritated but not ready to sign any divorce papers quite yet, Cosima couldn't help but feel smug. She was wanted, and this girl, Nicole, could stay out on the streets for all she cared. She was not sharing the attention and affection of her parents with anybody else.
Continuing to spend daddy's money even after high school, Cosima opted to not go to college or work, instead spending all day making Quill do whatever it was she was too lazy to do herself, or simply didn't want to do herself. She had told her parents she wanted to marry a filthy rich man and just be his trophy wife, lounging around and going to fun parties. She hasn't ever really had aspirations other than to party and have fun.
At some influencer event, Cosima met Denny Tremaine, and there was an instant attraction. The two were near inseparable, her often appearing in his vlogs and him on her Instagram feed. They were annoying, and Cosima shifted from bossing Quill around to bossing Denny around. She also would often be found with other guys at clubs, shrugging nonchalantly when asked if she had a boyfriend, and often Quill was called to come pick her up from whatever house she'd wound up as. The breakup between the two was nasty, and it all but forced Denny into a hiatus - so she barely noticed the fact that he actually disappeared not too long after.
She continued life like this for a few years, partying and forcing Quill to clean up after her, spending long days with Piper by the pool, and just doing pretty much literally anything she wanted to do with absolutely no consequences.
The party bus trip was supposed to be fun - and admittedly, it was, to start. They'd started an indulgent summer trip in June in Delaware, and commissioned a party bus to not only club hop, but to have an excuse to keep drinking and partying even when they weren't physically at a club. This went well for a couple days, until Nixon was goofing off, taking the wheel and steering them straight into Huntsville.
The first week was absolute hell, but the fact that they were all together made it very easy for them to get a house. Cosima was happy to call them family, and they'd figure out the sleeping situation, and if anyone was going to be sharing a room with her, it would be Piper, because she's the only one Cosima deemed worthy of sharing space with. She's settled in okay at this point, clinging to Piper and Quill like life rafts, and deeply unsure how to exist in a place where her money and influence don't matter at all.
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In This Heart: Prologue (Tommy Shelby)
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x OFC!Estella Holland
Warning: Nothing
Summary: Two souls, forever bound in the multiverse. 
Info: I know a new story? Well, I've been gone for almost 2 years, and my taste has changed. I've matured like fine wine. Please let me have this. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics as always.
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I long ago knew my heart belonged to someone, as the old gypsy queen from the north swore to me as she read my palm and cards in exchange for a lock of long hair. I watched in fascination as she babbled on in tongues I could not understand, as my Uncle dragged me from her vardo by my upper arm, screaming at her. But, I would learn it was a spell she had put upon me and my soulmate. My poor soulmate, the lives we would lead, the horrors he would see, the loved ones we would lose, the number of times he would lose me, to not know we would see each other again. I, Estella Holland, am Thomas Michael Shelby's soulmate, and I am forever intertwined with him; I shall never know another soul nor love another, and I wish never to love another.
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Estella Holland 
June 1896
“The only thing I know for sure is my heart beats for him.”
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Thomas “Tommy” Shelby 
“Bui, I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t know for sure.”
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Bostán Holland 
January 19, 1903
“I can drop out, get a job, so you don’t have to work so much, so you don’t have to worry.”
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Fleur Holland
February 11, 1905
“It not my fault John Shelby taught me to throw a good punch.”
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Bohemia “Uncle Bui” Gray
“Your mum would kill me if she saw the likes where we were all at now.”
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Keavy O’Holland-Shelby
April 20, 1896
“Tommy, all I’m sayin’ is the man is takin’ over half her wages. She’s got more mouths to feed than we do. It’s not fair; before you say it, I know life's not fair.”
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Josh Franceschi 
August 1896
“Listen here, mate, you mess with the ladies again, you’re messing with the Peaky Fookin’ Blinders, and as the saying goes, you don’t mess with the Peaky Fookin’ Blinders! Fook off!” 
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Jane “Janey” Doyle
May 13, 1897
“I don’t suppose you ever thought that I’m just fine? Just me and the flowers, that’s all that I need.”
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Private Detective Henry Daniels 
May 5, 1890
“Not as beautiful as you, but it tries.”
31 notes · View notes
meetthetruthblogger · 1 month
August 16 2024
Mental Health
I have long thought the United States Supreme Court ruling in Abington School District v. Schempp, on June 17, 1963, in an 8-1 ruling, has had a catastrophic effect on our country. The godless Supreme Court ruled that school-sponsored Bible reading and the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer in public schools in the United States is unconstitutional. Yes, God was expelled from our public schools after 187 years of faithful attendance.
While I have not spoken to them, I am sure our Founding Fathers would be appalled to learn of this 1963 decision by the Supreme Court.
“Let the children… be carefully instructed in the principles and obligations of the Christian religion. This is the most essential part of education. The great enemy of the salvation of man, in my opinion, never invented a more effectual means of extirpating (removing) Christianity from the world than by persuading mankind that it was improper to read the Bible at schools.” (Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence and Founding Father).
In my opinion this decision has led to a dramatic increase in mass shootings, abortions, suicides, sexual irregularities, drug and alcohol abuse, lying, mental health issues and a just as dramatic, a decrease in plain old civility. Of course, I cannot scientifically prove this nor can anyone prove me wrong.
“Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.” (Psalm 1:1-3)
You are welcome to search the archives of the Blog page on the MeetTheTruth.net website; look for a May 8, 2024 post entitled: We Have Rejected God. I suspect we will be talking more about the 1963 Supreme Court decision in the future.
Recently, The Washington Stand published an article dated August 6, 2024 about the Center for Disease Control (CDC) promoting meditation in public schools to enhance ‘Equity.’
If you are interested in reading the entire Washington Stand article please copy and paste the following link: https://washingtonstand.com/news/bidenharris-cdc-promotes-meditation-in-public-schools-to-promote-equity
The word ‘meditation’ probably brings to mind relaxing, reducing stress and improving focus; what evil could possibly be associated with these goals? 
“Hear this, all peoples;  Give ear, all inhabitants of the world, Both low and high, Rich and poor together. My mouth shall speak wisdom, And the meditation of my heart shall give understanding. I will incline my ear to a proverb; I will disclose my dark saying on the harp.”(Psalm 49:1-4)
Anything that moves you away from God or Jesus is harmful. Prior to 1963, when prayer was allowed in our public schools, children learned there is a God, He Loves You and He is available to listen to you. I can recall times as a child informally turning to God for advice; for His counsel. Towards the end of high school, I remember going through a phase of looking for the ‘One Mind,’ a secular attempt to reach the ‘Universal Mind.’ It took only a few sessions of this meditation technique to figure out I was being foolish and what I was actually finding was God, by a different name.
You see, we, each human being who has ever lived on planet earth, have been created by God. He has expectations of us; He expects each of us to love God and each other. He expects us to obey Him. As aids to obeying God, each of us are created with a soul, which includes a yearning for God; sometimes called a ‘God-Hole, and a conscience.’ Biblically, this soul and conscience is referred to as our ‘heart.’ He supplied us with this ‘heart’ to aid us in knowing right from wrong; to help us in being obedient to our Creator.
In 1963, we, as a society, turned our backs on God. We rejected Him and taught  generations of children there is no God and at the very least there is not one true God - one Supreme Being to which we will be held accountable! But that is a lie. The God of the Bible is the One True God; this is an Absolute Truth you can count on.
“It is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.” (John Adams, Second President of the United States; Founding Father)
All those sins I listed in the second paragraph (mass shootings, suicides, etc.) start in the heart, transition to the mind and without a healthy conscience or knowledge of God, nor His Son, Jesus Christ, people are left to themselves to determine right from wrong. All sin starts in the heart; If people are not taught about God, about His Omniscience, Omnipresence and Omnipotence they will not be prepared to turn to God when crisis comes. If we teach people there is no God, we should not be surprised when they act as if there is not God.
“Therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will answer;  for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist”.(Luke: 21:14-15)
Our purpose here on earth is to love and serve God; we do this by accepting His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Lord and personal Savior. Meditating on God’s Word can lead to peace, joy and contentment; It is the only way to achieve lasting, true Peace, Joy and Contentment.
Please teach your children and grand-children to believe and to pray to God and His Son Jesus Christ; in fact, give it a try yourself, you might be surprised with the results.
Thank you for reading. Tom Maloney   
0 notes
ktficworld · 2 years
London boy
Paring: Neil tenet x desi!reader
Summary: you were in a bad mood. And a poor blond was your victim.
Warnings: none
A/n: yelp, I'm going this. Neil with desi reader equals no traction. Anyway. If anyone wants to be tagged, let me know. Let's see if it's going to be funny outside of my head.
Main masterlist
Neil tenet masterlist
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To say you were in a shitty mood would be an understatement.
First your AC broke, then unannounced guest dropped like bomb, and then groceries ran out. Meaning you'd have to go to market in the middle of the June afternoon.
Oh and the heat.
Don't even talk about that. Sunny dearest was sucking up all your energy like someone drinking every drop of a very expensive drink.
God you hated summer
No it was not summer. It was the trailer of the hell that everyone was going to.
You didn't bring your scooty. Oh no, because you were pretty sure with this heat rain. You could probably make dosa on the seat. Which you didn't wanted to do to your backside. So a good walk it was.
You were so exhausted that you didn't even tried to bargain. Your mother was going to chew you out, you were sure of it.
You took the gorciers. And made your way back home. When a accented voice called from behind.
"Excuse me, miss."
Huh, when did mumbai boys started having british accent.
You turned around to see two very tall and very non- Indians. One was clearly white. With blonde hair and blue eyes. Like if someone wanted to give a example of a white man. He would fit right in. Another was a dark skinned man, black. You concluded.
After seeing them you had two questions.
First, how the fuck were they wearing suits while you were melting here?
Second, what the fuck were they even going here?
"I'm neil." The blonde said.
Clothes wihitening neel?
Oh god! No you idiot it's a name. You mentally chastised yourself.
It wasn't helping that your brain was cooking something evil after listening his accent. British hmmm...
"Yes neil, how can I help you?" You said while grinning internally. You were going to pull something and he was going to be the target.
"I want to-" That was when the tubelight went off in your head.
"Want. What do you want? You already took everything." You said in a sickeningly innocent voice.
He stopped as if his train of thoughts have hit a dead end. And his face contorted in utter confusion. Same was the black guy.
Honestly you were having a hard time keeping a straight face.
"I'm sorry?"
"It's okay, at least someone said sorry."
Now, his gaze was just screaming "what the fuck lady."
You glanced at the black dude. You held your gaze for sometime with your innocent face. And you saw as realization dawned on him.
Now, he was trying hard not to laugh.
"Actually, we are looking for someone's address." The black man said. While the blonde was still processing.
"Who?" Knowing everyone in Mumbai was impossible. But you could take a shot.
"Oh! She's abroad, studying."
"There are lakhs of priyas. You gotta be specific."
After he gave you some details. You figured out who he was talking about. Priya, nice and sweet lady. You have met her a few times. So you gave him her address. And he looked pleased with the information.
"Neil, let's go." He said as he put a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah, but-"
"We don't have time for this." He looked at you and said." Thank you."
"You're welcome." You said as he dragged Neil away. But you wanted to pull his leg one last time.
"HAVE A GOOD DAY, LONDON BOY." you shouted. It got his attention and also of some bystanders, but you didn't care about them.
His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. He looked like he just solved the baramunda triangular mystery.
You threw your head back and laughed till your lungs hurt and your eyes waterd.
Maybe he finally got the reference.
52 notes · View notes
sheraphic · 3 years
hiii could you do one of these instagram things with eve.frsn and harry, i just love her style xoxo ♥️♥️♥️
𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
author's note; hi there anon, sorry for the waiting but here it is your request, hope you like it.
warnings; there can be a few mistakes with the grammar.
It would be wonderful If you ~reblog it~ that help me a lot, it inspire me for write more.
// masterlist //
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Liked by nickjonas, barbarapalvin and 3,633,820 others
yourinstagram walked all day and couldn't find the rainbow
View all 32,712 comments
harrystyles I'm looking at one right now
⤅ynfan992 he calls her rainbow 😩
⤅harryfan672 who gave you the right to be the most perfect boyfriend in the world?
⤅harryfan888 @harryfan672 only on this world?
⤅harryfan672 @harryfan888 you're right, let me correct it; the most perfect boyfriend in the whole universe
barbarapalvin love how you guys match in a heavenly way
yndaily I'm not gonna say who took this picture bc y'all know it already
⤅yourinstagram a stranger
⤅harryfan623 @yourintagram omg hahaha poor harry
⤅ynfan018 @yourintagram like, who's harry?
harryfan540 but- her eyes... so damn beautiful
stinegoyastudio lovely lady
yourbffinstagram saw it from my window 🌈
harryfan092 PROOFS!
⤅ynfan176 @harryfan092 what do you mean?
⤅harryfan092 @ynfan176 that they walk all around the city and no one saw them
⤅ynfan176 @harryfan092 uhm?? it's not like every single person in the city gonna be looking for them... You know, everyone have their own bussines
⤅harryfan800 @ynfan176 exactly! Why someone have to confirm that they were walking?
⤅harryfan092 @harryfan800 bc then it's not real
⤅ynfan176 @harryfan092 omg... Get outta here
lookitsnyoh i'm the blurry spot behind you
ynfan388 everyday passed by without being blessed to be beside you
ynfan729 ok but I want the beanie and the scarf
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Liked by yourinstagram, gemmastyles and 8,629,820 others
harrystyles In the middle of a rainy june
View all 52,913 comments
yourinstagram all that green and your eyes are still my favorites
⤅harrystyles @yourinstagram I'm blushing. On my way to... Where am I going?
⤅harryandyn guys stop, i can't cry all day
⤅yndaily she's a poet and he's her inspiration
⤅harryupdates @harrystyles love, i think you got a little bit flustered
⤅harryfan723 i want what they have!
harryfan811 when it will be my turn?
kaiagerber can she be my photographer?
harryfan402 everybody, say thank you to yn for took this picture of a lovely man
⤅harryfan331 @harryfan402 just imagining that he posed for it 🥺
alessandro_michele what a cutie
harryfan101 can- can i be god's favourite for once?
cazoff model material, naturally
adamprendergast_ what a pretty boy smiling at the void
⤅harryfan699 now i now that adam is the annoying friend of the gruop
emiozmen @harryfan699 don't even doubt it
harryking may a offer you an umbrella, my lord?
⤅harrynews one fan said he had an umbrella, but he just doesn't use it
⤅harryfan782 let the boy get wet
⤅harryfan226 @harryfan782 YOU DIDN'T
⤅ynfan335 @harryfan782 this is my favorite comment ever
troyesivan my life is brighter now
⤅harryfan602 @troyesivan we need a collab
⤅columbiarecords indeed
⤅harryfan602 @columbiarecords wait wtf
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Liked by gemmastyles, emmalouisecorrin and 5,290,214 others
yourinstagram contrast 🔹🔻
View all 30,171 comments
florencepugh = 💜
⤅yourinstagram :)
harryfan222 omg i get it now
ynfan889 this is so adorable
yoursisterinstagram this is a lot of chaotic energy for my board
yndaily we love their eclectic little world
zendaya big fan of your hair
ynfan022 how can i not love this two weirdos?
harrystyles you said crazy pose, not dramatic
⤅yourinstagram @harrystyles your smile it's crazy delightful
⤅harryfan700 @yourinstagram can i be you girlfriend too?
⤅harryfan191 @harryfan700 same, i fell in love because she knows exactly what she's doing
⤅ynfan748 this man won the best woman ever
harryandyn god, i see what you do for others
charlotteanneclark a mood
harryfan882 i really love that he feels so comfortable with her and their relationship to let us see this.
⤅harryfan525 @harryfan882 ikr he finallt let us see this side of him and I'm an emotional mess
⤅harryfan106 @harryfan882 i think we finally understand that he has a life and can love whoever he chooses
rosalia.vt happy but confused at the same time
harryfan441 ugh, they are so foolishly in love
t_chalament it's a yes from me
⤅harryfan722 timothee represents me
ynfan831 she matches his personality so perfectly
annetwist lovely pics!
⤅ynfan029 she loves her 🤍
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Liked by dualipa, harry_lambert and 8,190,644 others
harrystyles The route was traced, the playlist was ready; and even like that we get lost.
View all 76,882 comments
yourinstagram told you to give the map and you said no
⤅harrystyles @yourinstagram I wanted it to be a surprise!
⤅harrynews i can't bear too much cuteness
⤅ynfan551 these two are the only couple that made me belive that true love exists
⤅yndaily ow, an older couple having a disagreement🥺
⤅ynfan670 @yndaily i have high hopes for them getting married
mitchrowland I explained to you three times how the gps works...
⤅harryandyn harry and technology doesn't mix well
harryfan661 @mitchrowland he's a baby, you know?
⤅ynfan771 I'm from the future, and i came here to tell everyone that mitch doesn't know how a gps works either
⤅harryfan880 @yourfan771 I CAN'T WITH HITCH
pillowpersonpp oh, to get lost with great music in the background because your boyfriend it's too stubborn yo let you be the guide... Yes, it happened to me too
⤅yourinstagram @pillowpersonpp i hope god receives us both in paradise for having dealt with these men
⤅harryfan720 stoooooop mitch and harry twins
⤅ynfan182 @yourinstagram you're just a genius with your comments! 🖤
⤅harryfan788 @mitchrowland you gf exposed you, what are you gonna do about it?
⤅lookitsnyoh @harryfan788 the best thing he can do it's to bake some bread for her
helenepambrun so that pic was while you guys stop for indications or...?
⤅harryfan693 HELPPPPPPP
harryfan this it's so harry you can't tell me otherwise
harryfan ok but her dress, the vintage car and the vibe of being lost with your lover-💗 ugh, please leave alone with my singleness
mrbenwinston "the route was traced"
⤅harrystyles It was.
⤅harryfan837 HAHAHAHAHA STOP
⤅harryfan681 all his friends are roasting him lol
⤅harryfan716 he's upset, someone quick give him a lollipop!
⤅ynfan682 i really love this side of his fans
⤅harryfan346 @ynfan682 it has to be this way, otherwise he'll throw a tantrum
zanelowe harry mate, you better start listen to your girl
harryfan380 i'm laughing more than i should, sorry for them, but this it's golden comedy
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Liked by harrystyles, jefeazoff and 3,190,644 others
yourinstagram excuse the sunburn
View all 38,672 comments
harrystyles sorry, didn't know the lipstick would be waterproof
⤅harryfan806 did he just say that he kissed her cheeks while wearing lipstick?!
⤅traceeellisross @yourinstagram your boyfriend burned you sweetie haha
⤅harryfan992 i need the name of that lipstick, no matter if i have to give all my money
⤅harryandyn I can't, i just can't stop thinking about harry pecking kisses all over her face
⤅yndaily @harryandyn just thinking how funny It was the moment she realized that the kiss prints couldn't be wiped away and give harry a look like 😠
⤅harryfan714 @yndaily shut uppp! And he just giggling like the fckin demon that he is
harry_lambert ok guys you need to stop because i can't spend the whole day liking all your comments...
⤅harryfan782 then tell them to not be this iconic 🤧
dovecameron it's like seeing an angel in her own heaven
ynfan602 this queen and her eyes are the only reason i'm still alive
reiflerpaige you and italy are old lovers
harryfan503 i love that her hair it's the exact same color as her eyes! It's insanely accurate!
harryupdates you dind't hear this from me, but someone said that harry made that neacklace for her
⤅ynfan101 please don't do this me, i don't have enough tears to express how happy that makes me
⤅harryfan559 I KNEW IT!
⤅harryfan883 @harrystyles do you ship internationally? I would like to order one piece, pretty please 🤍
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Liked by arianagrande, annetwist and 7,380,721 others
harrystyles Malva thoughts.
View all 82,110 comments
gemmastyles I'll never share my favorite color with you again.
⤅harryfan733 this is so funny
⤅harryfan892 yep, that's something aquarius would do
⤅harryfan019 @harryfan892 no proof but i have zero doubts
yourinstagram Isn't that my white tablecloth you're painting on?
⤅ynfan129 someone is in trouble
⤅harryfan899 no in a white tablecloth harry!
⤅harryfan782 i can see a storm coming
⤅harryfan673 @harrystyles hey lad, i think they looking for you
⤅harryfan018 @harrystyles that's it, you'll sleeping on the bathtub tonight
zoeisabellakravitz Try periwinkle.
⤅harrystyles It's already in my notes
⤅harryfan820 most iconic interaction
anthonyturnerhair need to know where i can get those flower pots
⤅harryfan675 omg me too!
⤅harryfan772 i bet he has really cool items all around his place
⤅harryfan099 @harryfan772 i bet he was an interior designer on his past life
⤅ynfan681 @harryfan772 those are yn's flowerpots actually and you can find them on amazon! 🤎
⤅harryfan772 @ynfan681 wait, really?? They're sooo cool omg
⤅harryfan388 @ynfan681 so that means they're living together?!
mollyjane_x Prodigy
⤅harryfan819 he can sit on a rock and we'll say he's a fucking legend
⤅harryfan912 where's the lie?
claraamfo music, reading, painting... Leave some for the rest of us, the mortals.
⤅harryfan891 right? It's like, why he has to be so good at everything?
⤅ynfan723 And he's also @yourinstagram broyfriend 😩
⤅claraamfo @ynfan723 that's what hurt the most
sammywitte I never knew you knew how to paint.
⤅jefeazoff leave the kid explore.
⤅harryfan662 hahahaha i can't with jeff's comment
⤅harryfan982 @harryfan662 it's like they just comment to roasting him
⤅harryfan222 @harryfan982 and we are loving it!
⤅harryfan116 true friendship it's this
flammedepigelle inspired.
⤅harryfan671 oh, well...
⤅harryfan927 now e news it's going to write a ridiculous post about a love triangle between yn, harry and sharon
⤅ynfan813 @harryfab927 don't give them ideas! 🤫
⤅harryfan927 @ynfan814 omg you're right, I'm gonna delete it!
jennynails delivery will be this wednesday!
⤅harryfan712 harry's nails will be malva?
⤅harryfan991 omg that's so cute
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Liked by tchalamet, zendaya and 4,375,092 others
yourinstagram I'm Malva.
View all 42,713 comments
harrystyles In fact, you're the whole palette, my darling
⤅yourinstagram 🤍
⤅harryandyn he loves his little rainbow
⤅harryfan881 yep, that's my heart full of happiness to see him be so in love with her
⤅harryfan092 she is perfect for him. I mean it.
⤅harryfan330 she will take him to the moon for us.
⤅harryfan445 @harryfan330 and all we can say is thank you to the wonderful yn.
⤅harryfan672 @harryfan330 you should stop with that because it's ridiculous... She already took him to the whole milky way 🌌
⤅ynfan168 @harryfan672 omg i thought you were about to say something nasty about their relationship
⤅harryupdates @harryfan672 we thought that too, we were ready to reply back
⤅harryfan610 @harryupdates to fight back*
⤅harryfan777 @harryfan672 your comment was genious
⤅harryfan672 @harryupdates omg, didn't expect my comment will attract so much attention.
⤅harryfan672 @ynfan168 the only nasty thing i could say about their relationship it's that i'm deeply jealous
yndaily yeah yeah, so cute. When is the wedding?
massimobottura Undeniable expression of love.
⤅ynfan220 now i picturing them eating massimo bottura's delicious food... leave me alone please
⤅harryfan688 @ynfan220 this warms my heart
selenagomez Oh, he draw you ❤️
⤅harrystyles He indeed did it
⤅harryfan672 I can't with this man referring to himself in the third person
⤅harryfan339 @harryfan672 he's a weirdo
⤅harryfan980 thank god it's yn's problem now
⤅harryfan100 we finally can have some peace
⤅ynfan764 good luck honey @yourinstagram
⤅harryandyn this comment section it's gold
glenne_azoff now is when you decided to post in b&w?
⤅yourinstagram aesthetic
⤅harryfan771 I'm laughing more than i want heeelp
⤅harryfan821 @yourinstagram idol
annetwist I will need a copy of it
⤅harryfan111 guys I'm crying and it's just 8am
⤅harryfan337 if queen anne loves her, y'all need to do it as well. No excuses
⤅ynfan008 @harryfab337 has been decreed
harleyweir Didn't know i needed to see this, but I'm happy
charlotteanneclark You two put my expectations so high
⤅harryfan723 someone finally say it
⤅ynfan092 now i need a harry to my yn
spaceykacey lovers in their little birdhouse
tylersamj I see a stubble :)
⤅mitchrowland don't give him hopes, @tylersamj
⤅jefeazoff don't crash his hopes, @mitchrowland
⤅gemmastyles stop defending him, @jefeazoff
⤅harrystyles I want to grow a lumberjack beard :)
⤅yourinstagram we already talked about this, Harry.
– comments have been limited –
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dragovegogrimborn · 2 years
waddup would you write a pennywise x reader but the reader is also a shape shifting clown like him? If not you can ignore this Lol
Ight bet
GN Reader (Takes a female form for a hot second though)
Warnings - Pennywise, Blood, gore, fighting
What's it been, 400 years? Yeah that sounds about right. 400 years scence you've been infected with this- this mold. A normal person in the village turned to feed of blood and fear. Over your "lifespan" if you could call it that you've learned your power and skill; for example clowns best attracted children. Like a ghost you moved, fluently and unseen, it's June 25th and schools let out. You can smell the children's joy and salvation; is made you disgusted. You took the appearance of a jester, similar to the med evil era.
Children ran and ran to parents in cars, side walks or even bikes when you saw this little gaggle of children. Gaggle? God you where old. They seemed to be a group of boys, one with black hair and glasses, one distinctive Jewish person, and some kid not giving his inhaler a break. Your hunger spiked when you smelt the fear of inhaler boy, your scences filled with fear and dread. You giggled in delight, poor poor boy. You turned around and off you went, moving like mist across town- "Hello?! Hello!?" You looked to your right to see a young boy, you took a motherly looking woman form. You walked to the young boy "Hello poor child, what happened?" You started, improve was kinda your thing. "HELP PLEASE! I'm being chased by my dad!" He screamed, you could already feast on his fear- but oh it's been so long you couldn't help yourself, your womanly figure faded as you toppled the boy like a shadow. His eyes wide with fear, then you dug in. His screams faded as you ate his flesh, a sick tearing ringing out in the otherwise quite forest.
A stick snapped in front of you, you looked up to see what presumably is this child's dad only...... Mortals don't have yellow eyes. You saw rage build up in the man as he ran and lunged at you; Suddenly turning into a clown. You rolled to the side and pounced back. Wrapping your arms around his waist as you used your weight to topple him down. You tumbled with him as he fell your eyes shining a bright (not human color) your ranges beard as you jumped back. You looked like a feral animal;dangerous and blood thirsty. You looked up to see his golden eyes dim and turn an ocean blue. This surly startled you as he walked closer, you felt the power radiating off this being and felt stupid for taking his meal. You stood your ground as the clown got right in front of you and plopped down criss cross apple sauce. "Hello~ I'm Pennywise the DANCING clown" He giggled "And you are?" He spoke like silk yet his voice gravely. "[Y/N] or at least that's what I call myself" You answered, Pennywise frowned "oh but that's NO fun is it? How about Harley Quinn" you look at him confused, what was wrong with [Y/N]? "Cherry Bomb even Lilith would be better-" "Okay it's one thing to name a DC character but not the queen of hell and the author of this one shot. One of them will kill me" He looked at you confused but went with his speech. "Look Sweet thing, that name isn't fun! It's a human name's " You rolled your eyes 'Okay Nickelsmart' you snorted at the name. "Look Pennywise" you started "I WAS a human, I turned into this so I think a human name fits" He looked you confused "I didn't know that could happen?" "Well sit down and let me tell you!" He sat in front of you as you talked, he listened to you intensely and showed more I treat then anything ever. This was the beginning of so thing fantastic; maybe beautiful.
But you had a feeling you shouldn't get to attached.
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ms-demeanor · 4 years
Just because capitalism is bad doesn't make rioting a good or effective means of change.
As much as I hate cops I feel like it pretty much proves my point to START with the article in the cop magazine about how the Rodney King riots changed policing in LA:
Shortly after the riot, Chief Willie Williams was sworn in as the first outside police chief in 45 years. The voters created a new system where the chief could serve only a five-year term, renewable once at the city's option. On two occasions so far, the city has sent the chief packing after five years.
(Police Mag April 2012)
Here’s Anaheim City Councilman Stephen Fassell talking about changes after riots in Anaheim due to police shooting people:
We now have a representative government that we did not have before. We now have a city government that listens more. We’re only six or seven months into this, so we still have to learn our way around. Overall, the city is taking a renewed interest in that neighborhood (Anna Drive) and others. Neighborhoods, in general, have higher visibility in the eyes of the city government from one end to another.
(OC Register, July 2017)
Here’s some historians talking to Vox about rioting:
The 1960s unrest, for example, led to the Kerner Commission, which reviewed the cause of the uprisings and pushed reforms in local police departments. The changes to police ended up taking various forms: more active hiring of minority police officers, civilian review boards of cases in which police use force, and residency requirements that force officers to live in the communities they police."
This is one of the greatest ironies. People would say that this kind of level of upheaval in the streets and this kind of chaos in the streets is counterproductive," Thompson said. "The fact of the matter is that it was after every major city in the urban north exploded in the 1960s that we get the first massive probe into what was going on — known as the Kerner Commission."
(Vox, September 2016)
This is from an abstract of a study done on the 1992 LA riots
Contrary to some expectations from the academic literature and the popular press, we find that the riot caused a marked liberal shift in policy support at the polls. Investigating the sources of this shift, we find that it was likely the result of increased mobilization of both African American and white voters. Remarkably, this mobilization endures over a decade later.
(American Political Science Review, 2019)
There’s a whole-ass article about this in Jacobin this week
Even the case of the 1960s is more complicated than the liberal story about scared white Nixon voters suggests. For one thing, there is substantial evidence that the riots led to higher government expenditures in the deprived cities where they erupted. James W. Button’s pathbreaking 1978 book Black Violence documented the ways the riots forced policymakers to pay attention to the effects of their policies on the urban poor, a group they had been happy to neglect previously. At a time when many social scientists viewed even protest movements as a kind of mass psychosis, Button showed that riots were a rational response to being ignored. Later research showed that riots could increase welfare expenditures, even in areas where white racism was strongest. In other words, even if riots pushed white public opinion in a conservative direction, they also brought important benefits to the areas where they occurred.
(Jacobin, June 2020)
And here is the full 17-page PDF of an article published by the American Political Science Association in their journal, I’m linking to the whole thing but I’m only going to reproduce the conclusion here:
We focus on violent protest as a political tool for a low-status group in the United States. While other scholarship has examined other forms of political action and asked if it is efficacious for racial minorities and other low-status groups, the scholarly literature has largely failed to ask whether rioting is a useful tool for building policy support, even though, from the perspective of the rioters, this question is paramount. Here we show that violent political protest can spur political participation among people who share an identity with the rioters.
Although it often seems extreme from the American perspective, political violence is not isolated to particular regions or eras and is still common in many parts of the world. Moreover, the implicit threat of violence underlies the relationship between governments and citizens in many places. As the use of violence continues to be an active feature of our political system, our findings and approach may help future scholars better understand this important topic.
(American Political Science Review, June 2019)
And also just because riots may or may not be politically expedient doesn’t prevent them.
I want to talk for a second about the concept of a state monopoly on violence.
The deal is that in most states (here meaning countries or governments, not US States) the State (or government) is the only entity that is allowed to be violent. You’re not allowed to break down your neighbor’s door, your partner isn’t allowed to hit you, you’re not allowed to smash your boss’s windshield. The state and its agents are the only things allowed to be violent and their violence is supposed to be used to curtail societal violence. The cops outnumber your partner and have the legal power to lock them in a cage if your partner hits you, this is in theory supposed to prevent your partner from hitting you. Fear of state violence is supposed to act as a deterrent to crime and interpersonal violence.
BUT there are supposed to be rules. The state is the only one allowed to be violent but they’re not allowed to be wantonly, willfully violent. The state doesn’t get to hit you with no evidence of a crime, the cops aren’t supposed to smash in your windshield, sheriffs aren’t supposed to break down your door if you haven’t committed a crime that warrants a violent response from the state.
The state isn’t holding up its end of the bargain.
The state has lost its right to a monopoly on violence.
Yes, the violence is unfortunate. Yes, the violence is not ideal. No, I’m not applauding when people set fire to local businesses.
I am maybe applauding a little when they set fire to a massive corporation that has utilized the violence of the state against citizens while working hard to protect itself against workers (Target) and I’m applauding the destruction of symbols of inequality and institutionalized racism (Rodeo Drive in LA and the Market House in NC and all the statues of racists on this list) and I’ma be real here, I kind of always think police stations should be torn down brick by brick or forcibly converted into libraries or low income housing.
So while the violence is not ideal I don’t think that it’s illegitimate. The state has lost its right to a monopoly on violence and a violent response is certainly one way to make that point.
But here’s the other thing:
All these riots started with peaceful protests against state violence. There are thousands of photos and videos of peaceful protestors peacefully protesting and having speeches and asking for change.
And there are hundreds of videos and photos of cops launching tear gas and rubber bullets at these peaceful protestors. There is a staggering amount of evidence that in city after city police escalated tensions and introduced violence to peaceful protests.
(and please let’s remember: all of this started in response to an act of police violence. These riots didn’t fall out of a clear blue sky, they are a direct reaction to four police officers killing a man by kneeling on his neck for eight minutes while he begged for his mother and his life. That is, in my opinion, something completely worth burning down a police station over even if that act never accomplishes anything further than burning down that police station)
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joy in my heart - chapter 1
Or; What if Johnny had been forced to step up? [On AO3.]
 February 5th, 2002
“What do you mean she’s gone?” Johnny glances away from the awkwardly shifting nurse, over to the empty hospital bed. The sheets are rumpled, one of the tabloids Shannon loves to hate lying open on the pillow. Her favorite mug, the tag of the tea she’s started drinking against the morning sickness hanging over the rim, is sitting on the bedside table. “To the bathroom? The cafeteria?”
“Mr Lawrence,” Shannon’s doctor speaks up, and the pity in his voice that he doesn’t quite manage to hide makes something heavy settle in Johnny’s stomach, “your girlfriend left the hospital earlier this morning—”
Johnny’s shaking his head. “No, she—she gave birth a day ago? She—”
“Ms Keene discharged herself, against medical advice, about an hour ago.”
Before Johnny can even begin to wrap his head around any of that, there’s a soft knock on the door. The nurse goes to open it, gesturing for the woman on the other side to come in. She’s got a clipboard under her arm, and a no-nonsense expression on her face.
“Ah, right on time,” the doctor greets somberly. Then, addressing Johnny again, he says, “Mr Lawrence, allow me to introduce you to Mrs Porter.”
“Mr Lawrence,” Mrs Porter says, with a curt nod. “Francis Porter, Child Protective Services. Why don’t we take a seat?”
In his crib, Robby starts crying.
(Watch out for the break!)
 February 14th, 2002
They won’t let him take Robby home.
Johnny’s sitting on the old, dirty carpet floor in their—his, now, he supposes, with Shannon fucked off to who knows where—shitty little one-bedroom apartment, his back against the couch, and a mostly empty bottle of the cheapest whisky the gas station had to offer on the coffee table in front of him.
The foster family they’ve lined up has experience with babies like Robby, they’d said.
It’s too early to tell if there is going to be lasting damage, they’d said.
We can refer you to people who know how to help, they’d said.
No one is trying to take your son away from you, they keep saying.
Yeah, right.
Johnny reaches for the bottle again.
“Happy fuckin’ Valentine’s Day, Shan.”
 April 21st, 2002
Robby is asleep. He’s asleep in some strange woman’s arms, tiny chest rising and falling steadily, looking so damn peaceful—
Johnny turns around and walks away, ignoring Mrs Porter calling after him.
 June 13th, 2002
“Please, Mr Lawrence,” the guy who stole Robby, who’’s telling him he can’t see his own fucking kid says, blocking Johnny’s view into the house, “you can’t be here, not unsupervised. You know you can’t.”
Johnny takes a step forward, swaying on unsteady feet. “I just—I just wan’ to—only for a minute. One minute, okay? ‘S all I’m askin’, okay?”
In the distance, Johnny can hear sirens.
He blacks out before the cops arrive.
 July 8th, 2002
 “Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are a group of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. Symptoms can include an abnormal appearance, short height, low body weight, small head size, poor coordination, behavioural problems, learning difficulties and problems with hearing or sight. Those affected are more likely to have trouble in school, legal problems, participate in high-risk activities and have problems with alcohol or other drugs. The most severe form of the condition—”
Johnny doesn’t bother putting  the book back before he stalks out of the library.
 July 9th, 2002
“My name’s Johnny. I’m—I’m an alcoholic? That’s what you’re supposed to start with, right? My kid, uh, Robby? He’s the reason I’m here, I guess? He’s not staying with me right now. For obvious reasons. His mom’s not in the picture. I—look, I don’t really know what the hell you want me to say? I just—I just want to see my kid, man.”
 August 4th, 2002
Robby is six months old. He looks at Johnny with big, curious, familiar blue eyes, thumb jammed into his mouth. He’s drooling all over his sleeve, wispy blond hair sticking up wildly from the nap he’s just woken up from. He’s still got pillow creases on his chubby little cheek.
“He’s been doing really well lately,” Helen tells Johnny, with a soft little smile. She bounces Robby, smoothing back his hair. “Isn’t that right, honey? Are you ready to say hi to your daddy?”
Johnny’s heart is in his throat.
His hands fumble, for a moment, when Helen passes Robby over, before he manages to settle on under Robby’s butt, and the other on his back. Slowly, carefully, Johnny lifts him out of Helen’s hold, pulling him close against his chest.
Robby makes a cooing baby noise, still staring at Johnny, and curls his free hand into the collar of Johnny’s shirt.
Johnny is holding his son.
For the very first time.
He is never letting go again.
 October 25th, 2002
“—crying for, like, forty minutes now? That can’t be normal? Right? I’m—what the hell am I doing wrong, he won’t stop—”
“Johnny.” Helen, in Johnny’s less than expert opinion, sounds way too calm, considering the situation at hand. “We knew this was going to be an adjustment for him. First overnight visit with you, in an unfamiliar apartment, a complete deviation from his usual routine. He’s probably just a little confused.”
Confused because he’s staying with his deadbeat, piece of shit father.
“He’ll be fine, Johnny. You’re doing great,” Helen reassures him, as if reading his mind. Johnny squints suspiciously. “You’ve bathed him, fed him, changed him—”
Whatever she says after that, Johnny doesn’t hear, since Robby decides to add flailing to his sobbing, and yanks the phone right out of Johnny’s grasp.
“—some calming music,” Frank is suggesting, when Johnny manages to jam the receiver back between his ear and shoulder. “Helen is partial to ‘Stuck On You’, but anything slow will do, in a pinch. Put on some music, walk him around, bounce him. You’ll be fine.”
Music. Yes. Okay.
That’s definitely doable.
“Wait, Lionel Richie? What the hell have you been teaching my kid, oh my god, and they let you be foster parents? Unbelievable—”
“Johnny.” Helen’s clearly trying to hold back laughter, and not doing a very good job of it. And that, somehow, is enough to finally make Johnny listen. Really listen. She wouldn’t laugh at him if Robby was in actual danger. “You will be fine. Both of you. All right?”
Johnny doesn’t own anything Richie, obviously, but one of the boxes he hasn’t unpacked yet is stuffed full of all his mom’s old tapes. He rummages through it one-handed, while Robby attempts to make him go bald prematurely, until his fingers land on an old, well-loved copy of ‘Rumours’.
“Definitely beats Richie,” Johnny murmurs, and pops the tape into his cassette player.
Robby is probably just startled, when it starts in the middle of a not exactly slow song, but he does finally, blessedly, stop crying. He still looks like he’s thinking about it, though, so Johnny hugs him a little tighter, and starts singing along.
All I want is to see you smile. If it takes just a little while. I know you don't believe that it's true. I never meant any harm to you.
 February 4th, 2003
They’re celebrating Robby’s first birthday at Helen and Frank’s house.
There isn’t a huge crowd present, but Johnny had still been surprised at how many familiar faces were there to greet him.
“Like we’d miss this,” Tommy had scoffed, elbowing him in the ribs, while Jimmy’d nodded along. “Nowhere else we’d rather be, man.”
Bobby had just pulled him into an almost bone-crushing hug, and whispered quietly, “I am so proud of you, John.”
Because making someone cry at their kid’s birthday party was, apparently, a thing priests did.
Johnny is sipping his apple juice, squished onto the couch between Bobby and Tommy, when there’s a dull thud from the other side of the room. Helen is standing right by Robby, who’s looking mostly confused as to why he’s on the floor instead of toddling towards the gift table, frowning down at the carpet as if it’s personally offended him.
Then, his lower lip begins to wobble.
Helen is right there. Frank not five feet away.
Robby looks up at her, at Frank, then over at Johnny. Lifting up his arms, eyes wide and wet, he demands, “Dada?”
Johnny’s never moved faster in his life. “I’m right here, buddy. I’ve got you.”
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d3monslust · 3 years
Tumblr media
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Only setting up traps for them , Andy didn't see any of this coming
𝐖𝐂 : 3,151
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: pregnancy, mentions of miscarriage & abusive relationships , cheating , manipulation , violence
𝐀/𝐍 : tumblr deleted the original and I thought for couple of minutes I haven’t backed it up to the point I had a panic attack :) also I worked really hard for this , any kind of interaction is appreciated!!
////////////////June 7th 2020\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Every story has a happy ending , where the villain gets defeated and the heroes win , but in eden , no one could recognize the corruption and the decent. Everyone hid their darkest and filthiest desires deep down inside them , in their abyss of their souls . Andy knew that , from first hand . He was still getting to know the place , the idle juveniles laying in the sandy beaches , the laughs of the middle aged men echoing through the thickness of the trees’ leaves . A literal paradise ... with no God .
Dolan had promised his wife to keep her safe, and eventually after his decadence , he was more fazed than anything . Their inseparable form could be made out from kilometers ago, their vivid and full of life auras leaving hints of sunshine from time to time . Winning the couple of the year and being stunned was not in their plans but the did not dodge it . Until Dolan started venturing at inexcusable bars , reciprocal pink lipstick decorating one side of his neck while he reclined next to his bond , mumbling about his ambiguous accomplishments. He had her to the point , Mariah felt overwhelmed. The weight of his nifty assets , the gravitas of his clumsy , yet anticipated acts made her scream and wince .
But Mariah David Dolan , did not intend on giving up so easily , only because her husband was demonstrating his incompetent self . Haphazardly, or not , the female found herself at Sherlock’s , who fasty evaluated and corrupted all of her nasty problems . Taken the right measurements, Mariah decided to treat themselves to a dinner , the brunette averting his gaze back from his laptop to his wife. “Did something happen ?” Mariah never cooked , even at special , “crowded” occasions , she wouldn’t lay a finger at the metallic kitchenware . “No . I just though about all the work you’re recently hooked with. A nice dinner with your wife would help you blow off some steam” smirking at the fit of the last words, she left Dolan alone, drowning in his intellectually safe thoughts.
The capriciousness of the vexing atmosphere made the couple exchange some absurd looks. With Andy being the always tired one, sexual intercourse was lost long ago . “Something you would like to say ?” “No .” She went for a debate , any sort of the key for relationships , communication. If that clink unraveled , there would be no sweet salvation for the married couple . “Well , I want to say something.” Andy whispered a silent “go on” as one of their housekeepers wiped off him some of the pasta’s sauce . “I’m pregnant .” the brunette almost choked at the hear , she couldn’t be . “What ?” voice so small , the trait of vulnerability showing .
The fraction made his stomach toss and turn with anticipation, his dreams for the unknown slowly falling apart . “I’m pregnant on the 3rd month .” eyes infested with fury , the blue like sea color dissipated. “And when were you planning on telling me , hm ? When the waters would broke ? Or when the bump would start to show ? Or when you couldn’t fucking miscarriage?” his excessive, painful words ventured to withhold her insurmountable fury . Unceremoniously, his unbeatable character almost took back his sharp words , the marvel Mariah always waited for could intervene their scold and corrupt his grudge . Albeit she had cried and prayed for that baby to come , her husband didn’t yearn it .
“Did you talk to the gynecologist? Can you ?” he stated chastely , reclining his tensed back to the chair . Who could envision Andy Dolan with a child ? The reluctance became vexing , the tension had to be dwindled if she wanted to keep that inexcusable -for him- child . “Yes . We ... discussed and he said that I cannot ... get rid of it .” her unconvincingly words passed from the one ear to the other . He abruptly threw his crystal glass at the respective wall , agitating the woman to run to clean the mess . The hot , ambiguous tears wetting her cheeks . “Cant you just love me ?” she mumbled , her fasty movements elicited a cut from the sharp glass . She hissed at the pain , she wanted to resemble the perfect , sincere , housewife Andy pleased . To conquer the theme , so as to stand next to him with all her lucid pride while clutching his right hand .
And the things became even worse , chaos consuming the island , darkness drowning the residents . But the worst was Andy’s behavior shift . The unintelligible man faltered and his intriguing about his serene family faded , woefully leaving only his malice and possession . Fighting with his own demons , his rigid and virile facade came and ended up resented . The 24-hour absence of the paternal figure made the child cope with egregious insults and quarrels . Curling up in her little bed , her hands covering the ears as not to listen his beloved parents . Was her the reason they fought every night ? And as the family withered , Andy prepared to hit with sweet and sour vengeance .
“Please ...” the woman begged , the tears blocking her already blurry vision . Fatigue in her system degenerating, she tried to refrain this , but Dolan’s wrath could not be avoided . “Please what , hm ? You had a fucking debt ! Look after that damned child . And I swear to god Mariah ^ if something had happened to my daughter!” he scolded . “Oh come on ! Stop acting like you care ! You never did ... you never cared about your family .” His intimidating methods would usually work , and if not he would try for the vicious skin-to-skin contact . Slapping her and looking her terribly weak silhouette, squirming and crying under him . She remained frigid , not wanting to get that answer , Mariah ran to the basement , advancing around the marble halls like a lost puppy . Andy rubbed his stressed temple , waiting for his own kind of wonder to come and take him from this type of hell . The paradise where demons are hidden .
Andy never wanted to become one of them. That vicious, hungry, creatures . Demons . The olds said that if somebody approached the North river he would see a little red creature . A graceful , gorgeous demon . That was bullshit , demons didn't exist , his friend Michael had told him , that poor man - he had taken the subject of claiming to be the Antichrist of the end times too thick . He ended up at an asylum - good man , sick brain . “What are you thinking ?” . God , or whoever , heard him sent him his guardian angel . The nifty woman was everything he wished for . A real living angel . And that chaste, naive flirt shifted into this; whatever that was.
“Nothing to be honest . But let’s not talk about me , hmmm ?” the girl nodded heartily . Y/N had found her person , the one she could trust and never receive betrayal , the one she could cry at and talk about her insurmountable problems . Their meeting was casual - one , two drinks exchanged , some additional winks and the saccharine act of sex to help Y/N realize her feelings. When she was with him , the blithe and sybarite feeling would bloom inside her , becoming as beautiful as a sanguine rose . She chuckled at his works , could describe him as selfless ? No . But to her ... yes . Her despondent self hid his abusive and possessive persona . For her eyes and only , Andy Dolan was a god , innocent and perfect . “I wanted to ask about ... the divorce ? When are you two signing it ?” he had to be astute and answer handily . But they answer was always the same “Oh sweetheart, don’t worry . Mariah is a bit pertinacious but I’ll persuade her , okay ?” and she would fall at the trap , again .
“You’re always answering the same !” maybe today she would revolt and fortunately leave the poisonous love of Andy’s . His eyes shone dangerously, he didn’t want to do this . “Y/N’s not like Mariah” he would remind himself , but the poor girl was sticking her nose almost everywhere . “Aren’t you pleased , hm ? I took you from that fucking clinic , I helped you withdraw and this is your thank you ? I’m disappointed in you , Y/N .” his esoteric character on sight again . His cogent and invidious words caused the sentient girl spill the salty water . The male disdaining to help or comfort . “You deserve this anyway .” she stumbled back , her apprehension increasing whilst seeing him standing up from the bed . That absurdity had to stop , but he had saved her and it was her time now .
As Andy returned home , and the futile try to persuade his wife about the divorce exhausted him , he found himself at his daughter’s room . Observing her sincere and innocent moves . “Daddy ?” “Yes , Baby ?” his far-fetched sweet talk made the two smile in sync . The blonde’s smile making daddy crack . “Can I tell you something?” Andy nodded , hoping the child wouldn’t have read any of his recreational messages . “Mommy told me the reason she doesn’t want you two to break up !” his eyes lit up at her appendix . Perhaps it was the money or the child but anyway - Andy had to know . “What’s that ?” patting his lap for the girl to sit , Hera made herself comfortable at the warmth of his legs . “She said that she won’t let you fool around with every individual who has two holess.” “She said what ?!?!” “Yes , yes but what did she mean when she said “every individual with two holes .” ?” “Not now , Hera .” he quickly placed the kid down , as she sulked at her daddy’s extraordinary behavior.
By the time Andy stated the predicament , Mariah had ruminated on her terms . She should have said this , fuck she really shouldn’t . Her dull and attention-seeking words pushed her husband’s last buttons . “Are you fucking braindead ? What was that you said to my daughter ?!” she knew where that debate would end up . Condescendingly , she wrapped her arms around his neck . Her touch-starved grating amusing his carnal urges . Not wanting to dwell on the situation , Andy let it happen . Her amorous posture , the well-med hair , how didn’t he feel it coming ? Her hands traveling at his shirt’s buttons while Andy’s fingers went for her top . Discarded clothing were soon decorating the floor of their kitchen . His greed for more would eat him up one day . And he waited - patiently and calmly for that day . Her tenuous dominance caused waking up his boredom. But his prurient mind , thought otherwise.
She licked his upper lip , Andy letting her tongue slip into his mouth . The sloppy kiss turning into something more passionate, more loving . “I’ve missed this .” she mumbled in between breaths , making a smirk plaster on Dolan’s face . “I’ve missed you .” he hushed her by kissing her , the loving , lingering kiss making butterflies fly in her stomach . “Andy ?” he groaned at the call , not wanting to eye roll , he approved the question and motivated to go on . “Do you love me ?” “Yes. Only you . And no one else . I know things are hard right now but I’ll make it up to you.”
Bare bodies tangled . Two bodies in one . His hips snapped viciously at hers , hand grabbing a harmful fist of hair . Abruptly pulling it back , making Mariah hiss at the sudden contact of pain . The persona she would only see , not even Y/N , the sadistic one . Her head touching his sweaty torso , the tears in her eyes strengthening his stamina . The coil in her stomach tightened and as the loved noticed it - his hands traveled between her puffy lips , toying with her little bud . “I’m .... im-” her muffled cries interrupting her . “I know baby . Cum , cum with me .” and the coil in her belly broke synchronized with his . The addicting feeling of euphoria engulfing them both . “You did so well .” his sugary words causing her pride to rise , awaking her love for him . Just like the old times . “I love you , Mariah .” she perched at his tight embrace , inhaling his intoxicating scent . “Mhm me too .” she had to savor the moment . Mariah didn’t know what could possibly find her tomorrow .
And as Andy distanced himself from Y/N, he kept his promise and made up the tangle. At least everything that could be fixed . The insuperable bond they created was ineffable. The somnolent love , almost dead , rose back from the dead . His pernicious and arcane self opened at his therapist . The Dolans couldn’t be happier . Apathy no longer lived between them . No invidious implication wafting around the tensed atmosphere. Just some more scarce , anticipated details and Dolan would finally fall into blithely.
Andy planted the usual good morning kiss on his wife . Excusing himself for his aimless absence on lunch and venturing to the car . The fraction of 2 to months without seeing Y/N, made him tacit. Where was the power Dolan’s hold ? He couldn’t falter, not now. He would withhold and keep things conservative. His conscience screamed no , but he shut it off , not wanting to trust his instincts . Choosing the obliviousness.
Approaching her modern like house , the cars of topical police confused his comprehension. Incompetent to walk inside , albeit he promised not to care - a part which was got circumvented - some of his worry remained to Y/N . “Officer , is she okay ?” the concern in his eyes made the blue - dressed man doubt his accusation . “Sir , are you Mr.Dolan ?” the man let his white scribbling block down , paying full attention to the brunette . “In the flesh .” two more patrols approaching, no feeling of timidity in their eyes . His envision had to be mendacious . A prosaic one , more realistic. “Andy Dolan you are arrested for the murder of Y/N Y/L/N” his conception blurred, everything changing into automatic. His eyes caught the figure of his wife talking to another police man - she wouldn’t? Would she ?
Everything happened so quickly, the metal handcuffs were clutched onto his hand, the ignominious state making him sentient. He would go to prison and there was no denial in that . At least he would leave Eden .
/////////////// Now \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
He had learnt the news . Mariah was in all this . She had been informed about Andy’s illegal affair , not only with women but with drugs , too . On the one side, she had managed to plan her husband’s perfect suicide but the contradiction she received made her tentative. Therefore she visited the professionals . Sherlock’s beneficial - for both Mariah and him- and handily trap got Dolan arrested . They had planned everything, even the littlest detail . The plan was easy , yet complicated.
He would wake up at 7:15 a.m. as always . Head to the kitchen to make his morning coffee , catch up with Mariah who would accidentally leave the house . His phone would remind him about his last meeting with Y/N , where she would end up thing with him . Or what Mariah had decided to do for her . Y/N had left the island months ago when Mrs.Dolan appeared in her house and threatened to kill her and her soon-to-be-born child. As Andy would drive his way , Sherlock would leave his fingerprint everywhere , placing them carefully at the edges of the gun . Next step would be Y/N’s doppelgänger, nice and murdered next to the white rug .
The unbearable route of the dull prison . The thousand of men behind the metal bars , hungry for every kind of fight and sexual intercourse nettled his every atom . Compelling himself not to communicate with anyone , Andy , who had received a life imprisonment lost and the last bit of faith . There was no salvation for him , it never existed . “You have a letter .” the word taking him out of his dwelling thoughts. His family never sent him letters , not that they were coming . Drugs were forbidden, or that was the law applied . “Sender ?” “Unknown .” Andy wasn’t in the mood for playing games . This almost one years in prison erased all of his lenient future. Additionally, alleviating his last mendacious fantasies about life .
Taking the rigid piece of paper , the handwriting of a woman caught his attention . Refraining himself from toring it apart and throwing it to the trash can , he want for abstinence. Cutting the edges with a small knife which used to hide right down his pillow , the form a photo fall on the floor . Inhaling a piece of pure reluctance , Andy took the shiny piece of paper between his hands . The silhouettes of two girls laughing at each other quirked his eye brow . But her ineffable and disheveled beauty stopped his breath . A baby adjoining her side , made him caught the implication . The transparent eligibility to join this family causing him to incandescent. That was his child and his Y/N .
Last thing , eyes traveling at the bottom of the photo
- SHOT WITH NIKON 456 | 6/4/2021 | 7:56 p.m.
And they were alive .
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‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ at 25: An Oral History of Disney’s Darkest Animated Classic
Posted on Slashfilm on Monday, June 21st, 2021 by Josh Spiegel
“This Is Going to Change Your Life”
The future directors of The Hunchback of Notre Dame were riding high from the success of Beauty and the Beast. Or, at least, they were happy to be finished.
Gary Trousdale, director: After Beauty and the Beast, I was exhausted. Plus, Kirk and I were not entirely trusted at first, because we were novices. I was looking forward to going back to drawing.
Kirk Wise, director: It was this crazy, wonderful roller-coaster ride. I had all this vacation time and I took a couple months off.
Gary Trousdale: A little later, it was suggested: “If you want to get back into directing, start looking for a project. You can’t sit around doing nothing.”
Kirk Wise: [Songwriters] Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty had a pitch called Song of the Sea, a loose retelling of the Orpheus myth with humpback whales. I thought it was very strong.
Gary Trousdale: We were a few months in, and there was artwork and a rough draft. There were a couple tentative songs, and we were getting a head of steam.
Kirk Wise: The phone rang. It was Jeffrey [Katzenberg, then-chairman of Walt Disney Studios], saying, “Drop everything. I got your next picture: The Hunchback of Notre Dame.”
Gary Trousdale: “I’ve already got Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz. You’re going to do this.” It wasn’t like we were given a choice. It was, “Here’s the project. You’re on.”
Kirk Wise: I was pleased that [Jeffrey] was so excited about it. I think the success of Beauty and the Beast had a lot to do with him pushing it our way. It would’ve been crazy to say no.
Gary Trousdale: What [Kirk and I] didn’t know is that Alan and Stephen were being used as bait for us. And Jeffrey was playing us as bait for Alan and Stephen.
Alan Menken, composer: Jeffrey made reference to it being Michael Eisner’s passion project, which implied he was less enthused about it as a story source for an animated picture.
Stephen Schwartz, lyricist: They had two ideas. One was an adaptation of Hunchback and the other was about whales. We chose Hunchback. I’d seen the [Charles Laughton] movie. Then I read the novel and really liked it.
Peter Schneider, president of Disney Feature Animation (1985-99): I think what attracted Stephen was the darkness. One’s lust for something and one’s power and vengeance, and this poor, helpless fellow, Quasimodo.
Roy Conli, co-producer: I was working at the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles, doing new play development. I was asked if I’d thought about producing animation. I said, “Yeah, sure.”
Don Hahn, producer: The goose had laid lots of golden eggs. The studio was trying to create two units so they could have multiple films come out. Roy was tasked with something hard, to build a crew out of whole cloth.
Kirk Wise: The idea appealed to me because [of] the setting and main character. I worked with an elder story man, Joe Grant, [who] goes back to Snow White. He said, “Some of the best animation ideas are about a little guy with a big problem.” Hunchback fit that bill.
Gary Trousdale: It’s a story I always liked. When Jeffrey said, “This is going to change your life,” Kirk and I said, “Cool.” When I was a kid, I [had an] Aurora Monster Model of Quasimodo lashed to the wheel. I thought, “He’s not a monster.”
Don Hahn: It’s a great piece of literature and it had a lot of elements I liked. The underdog hero. [He] was not a handsome prince. I loved the potential.
Gary Trousdale: We thought, “What are we going to do to make this dark piece of literature into a Disney cartoon without screwing it up?”
Peter Schneider: The subject matter is very difficult. The conflict was how far to go with it or not go with it. This is basically [about] a pederast who says “Fuck me or you’ll die.” Right?
“We Were Able to Take More Chances”
Wise and Trousdale recruited a group of disparate artists from the States and beyond to bring the story of Quasimodo the bell-ringer to animated life.
Paul Brizzi, sequence director: We were freshly arrived from Paris.
Gaëtan Brizzi, sequence director: [The filmmakers] were looking for a great dramatic prologue, and they couldn’t figure [it] out. Paul and I spent the better part of the night conceiving this prologue. They said, “You have to storyboard it. We love it.”
Roy Conli: We had two amazing artists in Paul and Gaëtan Brizzi who became spiritual leaders in the production. They were so incredible.
Gaëtan Brizzi: [“The Bells of Notre Dame”] was not supposed to be a song first.
Paul Brizzi: The prologue was traditional in the Disney way. Gaëtan and I were thinking of German expressionism to emphasize the drama. I’m not sure we could do that today.
Paul Kandel, voice of Clopin: They were toying with Clopin being the narrator. So they wrote “The Bells of Notre Dame” to open the movie.
Stephen Schwartz: [Alan and I] got called into a presentation, and on all these boards [was] laid out “The Bells of Notre Dame.” We musicalized the story they put up there. We used the pieces of dialogue they invented for Frollo and the other characters. I wrote lyrics that described the narrative. It was very exciting. I had never written a song like that.
Kirk Wise: Early on, we [took] a research trip with the core creative team to Paris. We spent two weeks all over Notre Dame. They gave us unrestricted access, going down into the catacombs. That was a huge inspiration.
Don Hahn: To crawl up in the bell towers and imagine Quasimodo there, to see the bells and the timbers, the scale of it all is unbelievable.
Kirk Wise: One morning, I was listening to this pipe organ in this shadowy cathedral, with light filtering through the stained-glass windows. The sound was so powerful, I could feel it thudding in my chest. I thought, “This is what the movie needs to feel like.”
Brenda Chapman, story: It was fun to sit in a room and draw and think up stuff. I liked the idea of this lonely character up in a bell tower and how we could portray his imagination.
Kathy Zielinski, supervising animator, Frollo: It was the earliest I’ve ever started on a production. I was doing character designs for months. I did a lot of design work for the gargoyles, as a springboard for the other supervisors.
James Baxter, supervising animator, Quasimodo: Kirk and Gary said, “We’d like you to do Quasimodo.” [I thought] that would be such a cool, amazing thing to do. They wanted this innocent vibe to him. Part of the design process was getting that part of his character to read.
Will Finn, head of story/supervising animator, Laverne: Kirk and Gary wanted me on the project. Kirk, Gary, and Don Hahn gave me opportunities no one else would have, and I am forever grateful.
Kathy Zielinski: I spent several months doing 50 or 60 designs [for Frollo]. I looked at villainous actors. Actually, one was Peter Schneider. [laughing] Not to say he’s a villain, but a lot of the mannerisms and poses. “Oh, that looks a little like Peter.”
James Baxter: I was doing design work on the characters with Tony Fucile, the animator on Esmerelda. I think Kirk and Gary felt Beauty and the Beast had been disparate and the characters weren’t as unified as they wanted.
Kathy Zielinski: Frollo stemmed from Hans Conried [the voice of Disney’s Captain Hook]. He had a longish nose and a very stern-looking face. Frollo was modeled a little bit after him.
Will Finn: The team they put together was a powerhouse group – Brenda Chapman, Kevin Harkey, Ed Gombert, and veterans like Burny Mattinson and Vance Gerry. I felt funny being their “supervisor.”
Kathy Zielinski: Half my crew was in France, eight hours ahead. We were able to do phone calls. But because of the time difference, our end of the day was their beginning of the morning. I was working a lot of late hours, because [Frollo] was challenging to draw.
Kirk Wise: Our secret weapon was James Baxter, who animated the ballroom sequence [in Beauty and the Beast] on his own. He had a unique gift of rotating characters in three-dimensional space perfectly.
Gary Trousdale: James Baxter is, to my mind, one of the greatest living animators in the world.
James Baxter: I’ve always enjoyed doing things that were quite elaborate in terms of camera movement and three-dimensional space. I’m a glutton for punishment, because those shots are very hard to do.
Gary Trousdale: In the scene with Quasimodo carrying Esmeralda over his shoulder, climbing up the cathedral, he looks back under his arms, snarling at the crowd below. James called that his King Kong moment.
As production continued, Roy Conli’s position shifted, as Don Hahn joined the project, and Jeffrey Katzenberg left Disney in heated fashion in 1994.
Roy Conli: Jeffrey was going to create his own animation studio. Peter Schneider was interested in maintaining a relationship with Don Hahn. We were into animation, ahead of schedule. They asked Don if he would produce and if I would run the studio in Paris.
Don Hahn: Roy hadn’t done an animated film before. I was able to be a more senior presence. I’d worked with Kirk and Gary before, which I enjoy. They’re unsung heroes of these movies.
Kirk Wise: The [production] pace was more leisurely. As leisurely as these things can be. We had more breathing room to develop the storyboards and the script and the songs.
Gary Trousdale: Jeffrey never liked characters to have facial hair. No beards, no mustaches, nothing. There’s original designs of Gaston [with] a little Errol Flynn mustache. Jeffrey hated it. “I don’t want any facial hair.” Once he left, we were like, “We could give [Phoebus] a beard now.”
Kirk Wise: The ballroom sequence [in Beauty] gave us confidence to incorporate more computer graphics into Hunchback. We [had] to create the illusion of a throng of thousands of cheering people. To do it by hand would have been prohibitive, and look cheap.
Stephen Schwartz: Michael Eisner started being more hands-on. Michael was annoyed at me for a while, because when Jeffrey left, I accepted the job of doing the score for Prince of Egypt. I got fired from Mulan because of it. But once he fired me, Michael couldn’t have been a more supportive, positive colleague on Hunchback.
Kirk Wise: [The executives] were distracted. We were able to take more chances than we would have under the circumstances that we made Beauty and the Beast.
Don Hahn: Hunchback was in a league of its own, feeling like we [could] step out and take some creative risks. We could have done princess movies forever, and been reasonably successful. Our long-term survival relied on trying those risks.
One sticking point revolved around Notre Dame’s gargoyles, three of whom interact with Quasimodo, but feel more lighthearted than the rest of the dark story.
Gary Trousdale: In the book and several of the movies, Quasimodo talks to the gargoyles. We thought, “This is Disney, we’re doing a cartoon. The gargoyles can talk back.” One thing led to another and we’ve got “A Guy Like You.”
Kirk Wise: “A Guy Like You” was literally created so we could lighten the mood so the audience wasn’t sitting in this trough of despair for so long.
Stephen Schwartz: Out of context, the number is pretty good. I think I wrote some funny lyrics. But ultimately it was a step too far tonally for the movie and it has been dropped from the stage version.
Gary Trousdale: People have been asking for a long time: are they real? Are they part of Quasimodo’s personality? There were discussions that maybe Quasimodo is schizophrenic. We never definitively answered it, and can argue convincingly both ways.
Jason Alexander, voice of Hugo: I wouldn’t dream of interfering with anyone’s choice on that. It’s ambiguous for a reason and part of that reason is the viewers’ participation in the answer. Whatever you believe about it, I’m going to say you’re right.
Brenda Chapman: I left before they landed on how [to play] the gargoyles. My concern was, what are the rules? Are they real? Are they in his imagination? What can they do? Can they do stuff or is it all Quasi? I looked at it a little askance in the finished film. I wasn’t sure if I liked how it ended up…[Laverne] with the boa on the piano.
Kirk Wise: There was a component of the audience that felt the gargoyles were incompatible with Hunchback. But all of Disney’s movies, including the darkest ones, have comic-relief characters. And Disney was the last person to treat the written word as gospel.
“A Fantastic Opportunity”
After a successful collaboration on Pocahontas, Menken and Schwartz worked on turning Victor Hugo’s tragic story into a musical.
Alan Menken: The world of the story was very appealing, and it had so much social relevance and cultural nuance.
Stephen Schwartz: The story lent itself quite well to musicalization because of the extremity of the characters and the emotions. There was a lot to sing about. There was a great milieu.
Alan Menken: To embed the liturgy of the Catholic Church into a piece of music that’s operatic and also classical and pop-oriented enriches it in a very original way. Stephen was amazing. He would take the theme from the story and specifically set it in Latin to that music.
Stephen Schwartz: The fact that we were doing a piece set in a church allowed us to use all those elements of the Catholic mass, and for Alan to do all that wonderful choral music.
Alan Menken: The first creative impulse was “Out There.” I’m a craftsman. I’m working towards a specific assignment, but that was a rare instance where that piece of music existed.
Stephen Schwartz: I would come in with a title, maybe a couple of lines for Alan to be inspired by. We would talk about the whole unit, its job from a storytelling point of view. He would write some music. I could say, “I liked that. Let’s follow that.” He’d push a button and there would be a sloppy printout, enough that I could play it as I was starting the lyrics.
Roy Conli: Stephen’s lyrics are absolutely phenomenal. With that as a guiding light, we were in really good shape.
Stephen Schwartz: Alan played [the “Out There” theme] for me, and I really liked it. I asked for one change in the original chorus. Other than that, the music was exactly as he gave it to me.
Gary Trousdale: Talking with these guys about music is always intimidating. There was one [lyric] Don and I both questioned in “Out There,” when Frollo is singing, “Why invite their calumny and consternation?” Don and I went, “Calumny?” Kirk said, “Nope, it’s OK, I saw it in an X-Men comic book.” I went, “All right! It’s in a comic book! It’s good.”
Stephen Schwartz: Disney made it possible for me to get into Notre Dame before it opened to the public. I’d climb up the steps to the bell tower. I’d sit there with my yellow pad and pencil. I’d have the tune for “Out There” in my head, and I would look out at Paris, and be Quasimodo. By the time we left Paris, the song was written.
Kirk Wise: Stephen’s lyrics are really smart and literate. I don’t think the comical stuff was necessarily [his] strongest area. But this movie was a perfect fit, because the power of the emotions were so strong. Stephen just has a natural ability to connect with that.
Will Finn: The directors wanted a funny song for the gargoyles and Stephen was not eager to write it. He came to me and Irene Mecchi and asked us to help him think of comedy ideas for “A Guy Like You,” and we pitched a bunch of gags.
Jason Alexander: Singing with an orchestra the likes of which Alan and Stephen and Disney can assemble is nirvana. It’s electrifying and gives you the boost to sing over and over. Fortunately, everyone was open to discovery. I love nuance and intention in interpretation. I was given wonderful freedom to find both.
Stephen Schwartz: “Topsy Turvy,” it’s one of those numbers of musical theater where you can accomplish an enormous amount of storytelling. If you didn’t have that, you’d feel you were drowning in exposition. When you put it in the context of the celebration of the Feast of Fools, you could get a lot of work done.
Paul Kandel: The first time I sang [“Topsy Turvy”] through, I got a little applause from the orchestra. That was a very nice thing to happen and calm me down a little bit.
Brenda Chapman: Poor Kevin Harkey must’ve worked on “Topsy Turvy” for over a year. Just hearing [singing] “Topsy turvy!” I thought, “I would shoot myself.” It’s a fun song, but to listen to that, that many times. I don’t know if he ever got to work on anything else.
Paul Kandel: There were places where I thought the music was squarer than it needed to be. I wanted to round it out because Clopin is unpredictable. Is he good? Is he bad? That’s what I was trying to edge in there.
Kirk Wise: “God Help the Outcasts” made Jeffrey restless. I think he wanted “Memory” from Cats. Alan and Stephen wrote “Someday.” Jeffrey said, “This is good, but it needs to be bigger!” Alan was sitting at his piano bench, and Jeffrey was next to him. Jeffrey said, “When I want it bigger, I’ll nudge you.” Alan started playing and Jeffrey was jabbing him in the ribs. “Bigger, bigger!”
Don Hahn: In terms of what told the story better, one song was poetic, but the other was specific. “Outcasts” was very specific about Quasimodo. “Someday” was “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.”
Kirk Wise: When Don watched the movie, he said, “It’s working pretty well. But ‘Someday,’ I don’t know. It feels like she’s yelling at God.” We played “God Help the Outcasts” for him and Don said, “Oh, this is perfect.” That song is the signature of the entire movie.
Don Hahn: “Someday” was lovely. But I had come off of working with Howard Ashman, and I felt, “This doesn’t move the plot forward much, does it?” We ended up with “Someday” as an end-credits song, which was fortunate. ‘Cause they’re both good songs.
Kirk Wise: It was all about what conveys the emotion of the scene and the central theme of the movie best. “God Help the Outcasts” did that.
Everyone agrees on one point.
Stephen Schwartz: Hunchback is Alan’s best score. And that’s saying a lot, because he’s written a whole bunch of really good ones.
Gary Trousdale: With Hunchback, there were a couple of people that said, “This is why I chose music as a career.” Alan and Stephen’s songs are so amazing, so that’s really something.
Paul Kandel: It has a beautiful score.
Jason Alexander: It has the singularly most sophisticated score of most of the animated films of that era.
Roy Conli: The score of Hunchback is one of the greatest we’ve done.
Don Hahn: This is Alan’s most brilliant score. The amount of gravitas Alan put in the score is amazing.
Alan Menken: It’s the most ambitious score I’ve ever written. It has emotional depth. It’s a different assignment. And it was the project where awards stopped happening. It’s almost like, “OK, now you’ve gone too far.”
Stephen Schwartz: It’s astonishing that Alan has won about 173 Academy Awards, and the one score he did not win for is his best score.
The film featured marquee performers singing covers of “God Help the Outcasts” and “Someday”. But one of the most famous performers ever nearly brought those songs to life.
Alan Menken: I met Michael Jackson when we were looking for someone to sing “A Whole New World” for Aladdin. Michael wanted to co-write the song. I could get a sense of who Michael was. He was a very unique, interesting individual…in his own world.
I get a call out of nowhere from Michael’s assistant, when Michael was at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York. He had to [deal with] allegations about inappropriate behavior with underage kids, and the breakup with Lisa Marie Presley. He’s looking to change the subject. And he obviously loves Disney so much. So I mentioned Hunchback. He said he’d love to come to my studio, watch the movie and talk about it. So we got in touch with Disney Animation. They said, “Meet with him! If he likes it…well, see what he says.” [laughing]
There’s three songs. One was “Out There,” one was “God Help the Outcasts,” one was “Someday.” Michael said, “I would like to produce the songs and record some of them.” Wow. Okay. What do we do now? Michael left. We got in touch with Disney. It was like somebody dropped a hot poker into a fragile bowl with explosives. “Uh, we’ll get back to you about that.”
Finally, predictably, the word came back, “Disney doesn’t want to do this with Michael Jackson.” I go, “OK, could someone tell him this?” You can hear a pin drop, no response, and nobody did [tell him]. It fell to my late manager, Scott Shukat, to tell Michael or Michael’s attorney.
In retrospect, it was the right decision. [But] Quasimodo is a character…if you look at his relationships with his family and his father, I would think there’s a lot of identification there.
“They’re Never Going to Do This Kind of Character Again”
The film is known for the way it grapples with the hypocrisy and lust typified by the villainous Judge Frollo, whose terrifying song “Hellfire” remains a high point of Disney animation.
Gary Trousdale: Somebody asked me recently: “How the hell did you get ‘Hellfire’ past Disney?” It’s a good question.
Alan Menken: When Stephen and I wrote “Hellfire,” I was so excited by what we accomplished. It really raised the bar for Disney animation. It raised the bar for Stephen’s and my collaboration.
Stephen Schwartz: I thought the would never let me get away with [“Hellfire”]. And they never asked for a single change.
Alan Menken: Lust and religious conflict. Now more than ever, these are very thorny issues to put in front of the Disney audience. We wanted to go at it as truthfully as possible.
Stephen Schwartz: When Alan and I tackled “Hellfire,” I did what I usually did: write what I thought it should be and assume that [Disney would] tell me what I couldn’t get away with. But they accepted exactly what we wrote.
Don Hahn: Every good song score needs a villain’s moment. Stephen and Alan approached it with “Hellfire.”
Alan Menken: It was very clear, we’d thrown the gauntlet pretty far. It was also clear within our creative team that everybody was excited about going there.
Don Hahn: You use all the tools in your toolkit, and one of the most powerful ones was Alan and Stephen. Stephen can be dark, but he’s also very funny. He’s brilliant.
Gary Trousdale: The [MPAA] said, “When Frollo says ‘This burning desire is turning me to sin,’ we don’t like the word ‘sin.’” We can’t change the lyrics now. It’s all recorded. Kinda tough. “What if we just dip the volume of the word ‘sin’ and increase the sound effects?” They said, “Good.”
Stephen Schwartz: It’s one of the most admirable things [laughs] I have ever seen Disney Animation do. It was very supportive and adventurous, which is a spirit that…let’s just say, I don’t think [the company would] make this movie today.
Don Hahn: It’s funny. Violence is far more accepted than sex in a family movie. You can go see a Star Wars movie and the body count’s pretty huge, but there’s rarely any sexual innuendo.
Kathy Zielinski: I got to watch [Tony Jay] record “Hellfire” with another actor. I was sweating watching him record, because it was unbelievably intense. Afterwards, he asked me, “Did you learn anything from my performance?” I said, “Yeah, I never want to be a singer.” [laughing]
Paul Kandel: Tony Jay knocked that out of the park. He [was] an incredible guy. Very sweet. He was terrified to record “Hellfire.” He was at a couple of my sessions. He went, “Oh my God, what’s going to happen when it’s my turn? I don’t sing. I’m not a singer. I never pretended to be a singer.” I said, “Look, I’m not a singer. I’m an actor who figured out that they could hold a tune.”
Kathy Zielinski: I listened to Tony sing “Hellfire” tons. I knew I had gone too far when, one morning, we were sitting at the breakfast table and my daughter, who was two or three at the time, started singing the song and doing the mannerisms. [laughs]
Don Hahn: We didn’t literally want to show [Frollo’s lust]. It turns into a Fantasia sequence, almost. A lot of the imagery is something you could see coming out of Frollo’s imagination. It’s very impressionistic. It does stretch the boundaries of what had been done before at Disney.
Kirk Wise: We stylized it like “Night on Bald Mountain.” The best of Walt’s films balanced very dark and light elements. Instead of making it explicit, we tried to make it more visual and use symbolic imagery.
Gaëtan Brizzi: We were totally free. We could show symbolically how sick Frollo is between his hate and his carnal desire.
Kathy Zielinski: The storyboards had a tremendous influence. Everybody was incredibly admiring of the work that [Paul and Gaëtan] had done.
Don Hahn: They brought the storyboarded sequence to life in a way that is exactly what the movie looks like. The strength of it is that we didn’t have to show anything as much as we did suggest things to the audience. Give the audience credit for filling in the blanks.
Gary Trousdale: It was absolutely gorgeous. Their draftsmanship and their cinematography. They are the top. They pitched it with a cassette recording of Stephen singing “Hellfire”, and we were all in the story room watching it, going “Oh shit!”
Paul Brizzi: When Frollo is at the fireplace with Esmeralda’s scarf, his face is hypnotized. From the smoke, there’s the silhouette of Esmeralda coming to him. She’s naked in our drawings.
Gary Trousdale: We joked, maybe because they’re French, Esmeralda was in the nude when she was in the fire. Roy Disney put his foot down and said, “That’s not going to happen.” Chris Jenkins, the head of effects, and I went over every drawing to make sure she was appropriately attired. That was the one concession we made to the studio.
Gaëtan Brizzi: It’s the role of storyboard artists to go far, and then you scale it down. Her body was meant to be suggestive. It was more poetic than provocative.
Brenda Chapman: I thought what the Brizzis did with “Hellfire” was just stunning.
Roy Conli: We make films for people from four to 104, and we’re trying to ensure that the thematic material engages adults and engages children. We had a lot of conversations on “Hellfire,” [which] was groundbreaking. You saw the torment, but you didn’t necessarily, if you were a kid, read it as sexual. And if you were an adult, you picked it up pretty well.
Will Finn: “Hellfire” was uncomfortable to watch with a family audience. I’m not a prude, but what are small kids to make of such a scene?
Kathy Zielinski: When I was working on “Hellfire,” I thought, “Wow. They’re never going to do this kind of character again.” And I’m pretty much right.
“Straight for the Heart”
“Hellfire” may be the apex of the maturity of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but the entire film is the most complex and adult Disney animated feature of the modern era.
Gary Trousdale: We went straight for the heart and then pulled back.
Kirk Wise: I was comfortable with moments of broad comedy contrasted with moments that were dark or scary or violent. All of the Disney movies did that, particularly in Walt’s time.
Don Hahn: A lot of it is gut level, where [the story group would] sit around and talk to ourselves and pitch it to executives. But Walt Disney’s original animated films were really dark. We wanted to create something that had the impact of what animation can do.
Will Finn: Eisner insisted we follow the book to the letter, but he said the villain could not be a priest, and we had to have a happy ending. The book is an epic tragedy – everybody dies!
Kathy Zielinski: It’s a little scary that I felt comfortable with [Frollo]. [laughing] I don’t know what that means. Maybe I need to go to therapy. I’ve always had a desire to do villains. I just love evil.
Don Hahn: Kathy Zielinski is brilliant. She works on The Simpsons now, which is hilarious. She’s very intense, very aware of what [Frollo] had to do.
One specific choice in the relationship between Frollo and Esmeralda caused problems.
Stephen Schwartz: I remember there was great controversy over Frollo sniffing Esmeralda’s hair.
Kirk Wise: The scene that caused the most consternation was in the cathedral where Frollo grabs Esmeralda, whispers in her ear and sniffs her hair. The sniffing made people ask, “Is this too far?” We got a lot of support from Peter Schneider, Tom Schumacher, and Michael Eisner.
Kathy Zielinski: Brenda Chapman came up with that idea and the storyboard. I animated it. It’s interesting, because two females were responsible for that. That scene was problematic, so they had to cut it down. It used to be a lot longer.
Brenda Chapman: I know I’m probably pushing it too far, but let’s give it a go, you know?
Kirk Wise: We agreed it was going to be a matter of execution and our collective gut would tell us whether we were crossing the line. We learned that the difference between a G and PG is the loudness of a sniff. Ultimately, that’s what it came down to.
Brenda Chapman: I never knew that! [laughing]
Don Hahn: Is it rated G? That’s surprising.
Gary Trousdale: I’m sure there was backroom bargaining done that Kirk and I didn’t know about.
Don Hahn: It’s negotiation. The same was true of The Lion King. We had intensity notes on the fight at the end. You either say, we’re going to live with that and it’s PG, or we’re not and it’s G.
Brenda Chapman: I heard stories of little kids going, “Ewww, he’s rubbing his boogers in her hair!” [laughing] If that’s what they want to think, that’s fine. But there are plenty of adults that went, “Whoa!”
Don Hahn: You make the movies for yourselves, [but] we all have families, and you try to make something that’s appropriate for that audience. So we made some changes. Frollo isn’t a member of the clergy to take out any politicizing.
Gaëtan Brizzi: We developed the idea of Frollo’s racism against the gypsies. To feel that he desires Esmeralda and he wants to kill her. It was ambiguity that was interesting to develop. In the storyboards, Paul made [Frollo] handsome with a big jaw, a guy with class. They said he was too handsome. We had to break that formula.
Stephen Schwartz: I [and others] said, “It doesn’t make any sense for him to not be the Archdeacon, because what’s he doing with Quasimodo? What possible relationship could they have?” Which is what led to the backstory that became “The Bells of Notre Dame.”
Don Hahn: The things Frollo represents are alive and well in the world. Bigotry and prejudice are human traits and always have been. One of his traits was lust. How do you portray that in a Disney movie? We tried to portray that in a way that might be over kids’ heads and may not give them nightmares necessarily, but it’s not going to pull its punches. So it was a fine line.
Stephen Schwartz: Hugo’s novel is not critical of the church the way a lot of French literature is. It creates this character of Frollo, who’s a deeply hypocritical person and tormented by his hypocrisy.
Peter Schneider: I am going to be controversial. I think it failed. The fundamental basis is problematic, if you’re going to try and do a Disney movie. In [light of] the #MeToo movement, you couldn’t still do the movie and try what we tried to do. As much as we tried to soften it, you couldn’t get away from the fundamental darkness.
Don Hahn: Yeah, that sounds like Peter. He’s always the contrarian.
Peter Schneider: I’m not sure we should have made the movie, in retrospect. I mean, it did well, Kirk and Gary did a beautiful job. The voices are beautiful. The songs are lovely, but I’m not sure we should have made the movie.
Gaëtan Brizzi: The hardest part was to stick to the commercial side of the movie…to make sure we were still addressing kids.
Kirk Wise: We knew it was going to be a challenge to honor the source material while delivering a movie that would fit comfortably on the shelf with the other Disney musicals. We embraced it.
Roy Conli: I don’t think it was too mature. I do find it at times slightly provocative, but not in a judgmental or negative way. I stand by the film 100 percent in sending a message of hope.
Peter Schneider: It never settled its tone. If you look at the gargoyles and bringing in Jason Alexander to try and give comedy to this rather bleak story of a judge keeping a deformed young man in the tower…there’s so many icky factors for a Disney movie.
Jason Alexander: Some children might be frightened by Quasi’s look or not be able to understand the complexity. But what we see is an honest, innocent and capable underdog confront his obstacles and naysayers and emerge triumphant, seen and accepted. I think young people rally to those stories. They can handle the fearsome and celebrate the good.
Brenda Chapman: There was a scene where Frollo was locking Quasimodo in the tower, and Quasi was quite upset. I had to pull back from how cruel Frollo was in that moment, if I’m remembering correctly. I wanted to make him a very human monster, which can be scarier than a real monster.
Roy Conli: We walked such a tight line and we were on the edge and the fact that Disney allowed us to be on the edge was a huge tribute to them.
“Hear the Voice”
The story was set, the songs were ready. All that was left was getting a cast together to bring the characters’ voices to life.
Jason Alexander: Disney, Alan Menken, Stephen Schwartz, Victor Hugo – you had me at hello.
Paul Kandel: I was in Tommy, on Broadway. I was also a Tony nominee. So I had those prerequisites. Then I got a call from my agent that Jeffrey Katzenberg decided he wanted a star. I was out of a job I already had. I said, “I want to go back in and audition again.” I wanted to let them choose between me and whoever had a name that would help sell the film. So that series of auditions went on and I got the job back.
Kirk Wise: Everybody auditioned, with the exception of Kevin Kline and Demi Moore. We went to them with an offer. But we had a few people come in for Quasimodo, including Meat Loaf.
Will Finn: Katzenberg saw Meat Loaf and Cher playing Quasimodo and Esmeralda – more of a rock opera. He also wanted Leno, Letterman, and Arsenio as the gargoyles at one point.
Kirk Wise: Meat Loaf sat with Alan and rehearsed the song. It was very different than what we ended up with, because Meat Loaf has a very distinct sound. Ultimately, I think his record company and Disney couldn’t play nice together, and the deal fell apart.
Gary Trousdale: We all had the drawings of the characters we were currently casting for in front of us. Instead of watching the actor, we’d be looking down at the piece of paper, trying to hear that voice come out of the drawing. And it was, we learned, a little disconcerting for some of the actors and actresses, who would put on hair and makeup and clothes and they’ve got their body language and expressions. We just want to hear the voice.
Kirk Wise: We cast Cyndi Lauper as one of the gargoyles. We thought she was hilarious and sweet. The little fat obnoxious gargoyle had a different name, and was going to be played by Sam McMurray. We had Cyndi and Sam record, and Roy Disney hated it. The quality of Cyndi’s voice and Sam’s voice were extremely grating to his ear. This is no disrespect to them – Cyndi Lauper is amazing. And Sam McMurray is very funny. But it was not working for the people in the room on that day.
Jason Alexander: The authors cast you for a reason – they think they’ve heard a voice in you that fits their character. I always try to look at the image of the character – his shape, his size, his energy and start to allow sounds, pitches, vocal tics to emerge. Then everyone kicks that around, nudging here, tweaking there and within a few minutes you have the approach to the vocalization. It’s not usually a long process, but it is fun.
Kirk Wise: We decided to reconceive the gargoyles. We always knew we wanted three of them. We wanted a Laurel and Hardy pair. The third gargoyle, the female gargoyle, was up in the air. I think it was Will Finn who said, “Why don’t we make her older?” As the wisdom-keeper. That led us to Mary Wickes, who was absolutely terrific. We thoroughly enjoyed working with Mary, and 98% of the dialogue is her. But she sadly passed away before we were finished.
Will Finn: We brought in a ton of voice-over actresses and none sounded like Mary. One night, I woke up thinking about Jane Withers, who had been a character actress in the golden age of Hollywood. She had a similar twang in her voice, and very luckily, she was alive and well.
Kirk Wise: Our first session with Kevin Kline went OK, but something was missing. It just didn’t feel like there was enough of a twinkle in his voice. Roy Conli said, “Guys, he’s an actor. Give him a prop.” For the next session, the supervising animator for Phoebus brought in a medieval broadsword. Before the session started, we said “Kevin, we’ve got a present for you.” We brought out this sword, and he lit up like a kid at Christmas. He would gesture with it and lean on it. Roy found the key there.
Gary Trousdale: Kevin Kline is naturally funny, so we may have [written] some funnier lines for him. When he’s sparring with Esmeralda in the cathedral and he gets hit by the goat. “I didn’t know you had a kid,” which is the worst line ever. But he pulls it off. He had good comic timing.
Kirk Wise: Tom Hulce had a terrific body of work, including Amadeus. But the performance that stuck with me was in Dominic and Eugene. There was a sensitivity and emotional reality to that performance that made us lean in and think he might make a good Quasimodo.
Gary Trousdale: [His voice] had a nice mix of youthful and adult. He had a maturity, but he had an innocence as well. We’re picturing Quasimodo as a guy who’s basically an innocent. It was a quality of his voice that we could hear.
Don Hahn: He’s one of those actors who could perform and act while he sang. Solo songs, especially for Quasimodo, are monologues set to music. So you’re looking for someone who can portray all the emotion of the scene. It’s about performance and storytelling, and creating a character while you’re singing. That’s why Tom rose to the top.
Stephen Schwartz: I thought Tom did great. I had known Tom a little bit beforehand, as an actor in New York. I’d seen him do Equus and I was sort of surprised. I just knew him as an actor in straight plays. I didn’t know that he sang at all, and then it turned out that he really sang.
Paul Kandel: [Tom] didn’t think of himself as a singer. He’s an actor who can sing. “Out There,” his big number – whether he’s going to admit it to you or not – that was scary for him. But a beautiful job.
Brenda Chapman: Quasimodo was the key to make it family-friendly. Tom Hulce did such a great job making him appealing.
Kirk Wise: Gary came back with the audiotape of Tom’s first session. And his first appearance with the little bird, where he asks if the bird is ready to fly…that whole scene was his rehearsal tape. His instincts were so good. He just nailed it. I think he was surprised that we went with that take. It was the least overworked and the most spontaneous, and felt emotionally real to us.
Kathy Zielinski: Early on, they wanted Anthony Hopkins to do the voice [of Frollo]. [We] did an animation test with a line of his from Silence of the Lambs.
Kirk Wise: We were thinking of Hannibal Lecter in the earliest iterations of Frollo. They made an offer, but Hopkins passed. We came full circle to Tony, because it had been such a good experience working with him on Beauty and the Beast. It was the combination of the quality of his voice, the familiarity of working with him, and knowing how professional and sharp he was.
Though the role of Quasimodo went to Tom Hulce (who did not respond to multiple requests for comment), there was one audition those involved haven’t forgotten.
Kirk Wise: We had a few people come in for Quasimodo, including Mandy Patinkin.
Stephen Schwartz: That was a difficult day. [laughing]
Kirk Wise: Mandy informed Alan and Stephen that he brought his own accompanist, which was unexpected because we had one in the room. He had taken a few liberties with [“Out There”]. He had done a little rearranging. You could see Alan’s and Stephen’s spines stiffen. It was not the feel that Alan and Stephen were going for. Stephen pretty much said so in the room. I think his words were a little sharper and more pointed than mine.
Stephen Schwartz: I’ve never worked with Mandy Patinkin. But I admired Evita and Sunday in the Park with George. He came in to audition for Quasimodo. When I came in, Ben Vereen was sitting in the hallway. Ben is a friend of mine and kind of a giant star. I felt we should be polite in terms of bringing him in relatively close to the time for which he was called.
Mandy took a long time with his audition, and asked to do it over and over again. If you’re Mandy Patinkin, you should have enough time scheduled to feel you were able to show what you wanted to show. However, that amount of time was not scheduled. At a certain point, I became a bit agitated because I knew Ben was sitting there, cooling his heels. I remember asking [to] move along or something. That created a huge contretemps.
Kirk Wise: Gary and I stepped outside to work on a dialogue scene with Mandy. As we were explaining the scene and our take on the character, Mandy threw up his hands and said, “Guys, I’m really sorry. I can’t do this.” He turned on his heel and went into the rehearsal hall and shut the door. We started hearing an intense argument. He basically went in and read Alan and Stephen the riot act. The door opens, smoke issuing from the crater that he left inside. Mandy storms out, and he’s gone. We step back in the room, asking, “What the hell happened?”
Gary Trousdale: I did a drawing of it afterwards. The Patinkin Incident.
Stephen Schwartz: Battleship Patinkin!
“Join the Party”
The darkness in the film made it difficult to market. Even some involved acknowledged the issue. In the run-up to release, Jason Alexander said to Entertainment Weekly, “Disney would have us believe this movie’s like the Ringling Bros., for children of all ages. But I won’t be taking my 4-year old. I wouldn’t expose him to it, not for another year.”
Alan Menken: There was all the outrage about Jason Alexander referring to it as a dark story that’s not for kids. Probably Disney wasn’t happy he said that.
Jason Alexander: Most Disney animated films are entertaining and engaging for any child with an attention span. All of them have elements that are frightening. But people are abused in Hunchback. These are people, not cute animals. Some children could be overwhelmed by some of it at a very young age. My son at the time could not tolerate any sense of dread in movies so it would have been hard for him. However, that is certainly not all children.
Don Hahn: I don’t think Jason was wrong. People have to decide for themselves. It probably wasn’t a movie for four-year olds. You as a parent know your kid better than I do.
If everyone agrees the score is excellent, they also agree on something that was not.
Alan Menken: God knows we couldn’t control how Disney marketing dealt with the movie, which was a parade with Quasimodo on everybody’s shoulders going, “Join the party.” [laughing]
Roy Conli: I always thought “Animation comes of age” would be a great [tagline]. I think the marketing ended up, “Join the party.”
Brenda Chapman: Marketing had it as this big party. And then you get into the story and there’s all this darkness. I think audiences were not expecting that, if they didn’t know the original story.
Kathy Zielinski: It was a hard movie for Disney to merchandise and sell to the public.
Gaëtan Brizzi: People must have been totally surprised by the dramatic sequences. The advertising was not reflecting what the movie was about.
Stephen Schwartz: To this day, they just don’t know how to market “Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame.” I understand what their quandary is. They have developed a brand that says, “If you see the word Disney on something, it means you can take your 6-year old.” You probably shouldn’t even take your 8-year old, unless he or she is very mature, to Hunchback.
Alan Menken: We [Disney] had such a run of successful projects. It was inevitable there was going to be a time where people said, “I’ve seen all those, but what else is out there?” I had that experience sitting at a diner with my family, overhearing a family talk about Hunchback and say, “Oh yeah, we saw Beauty and Aladdin, but this one…let’s see something else.”
Stephen Schwartz: I did have a sense that some in the critical community didn’t know how to reconcile animation and an adult approach. They have the same attitude some critics have about musicals. “It’s fine if it’s tap-dancing and about silly subjects. But if it’s something that has intellectual import, you can’t do that.” Obviously we have Hamilton and Sweeney Todd and Wicked. Over the years, that’s changed to some extent, but not for everybody.
Roy Conli: Every film is not a Lion King. [But] if that story has legs and will touch people, then you’ve succeeded.
Kirk Wise: We were a little disappointed in its initial weekend. It didn’t do as well as we hoped. We were also disappointed in the critical reaction. It was well-reviewed, but more mixed. Roger Ebert loved us. The New York Times hated us! I felt whipsawed. It was the same critic [Janet Maslin] who praised Beauty and the Beast to the high heavens. She utterly shat on Hunchback.
Don Hahn: We had really good previews, but we also knew it was out of the box creatively. We were also worried about the French and we were worried about the handicapped community and those were the two communities that supported the movie the most.
Will Finn: I knew we were in trouble when the first trailers played and audiences laughed at Quasimodo singing “Out There” on the roof.
Kirk Wise: All of us were proud of the movie on an artistic level. In terms of animation and backgrounds and music and the use of the camera and the performances. It’s the entire studio operating at its peak level of performance, as far as I’m concerned.
Gary Trousdale: I didn’t think people were going to have such a negative reaction to the gargoyles. They’re a little silly. And they do undercut the gravity. But speaking with friends who were kids at the time, they have nothing but fond memories. There were adults, high school age and older when they saw it, they were turned off. We thought it was going to do really great. We thought, “We’re topping ourselves.” It’s a sophisticated story and the music is amazing.
Kirk Wise: The 2D animated movies used to be released before Christmas [or] Thanksgiving. The Lion King changed that. Now everything was a summer release. I always questioned the wisdom of releasing Hunchback in the summertime, in competition with other blockbusters.
Paul Kandel: It made $300 million and it cost $80 million to make. So they were not hurting as far as profits were concerned. But I thought it was groundbreaking in so many ways that I was surprised at the mixed reviews.
Kirk Wise: By most measures, it was a hit. I think The Lion King spoiled everybody, because [it] was such a phenomenon, a bolt from the blue, not-to-be-repeated kind of event.
Gary Trousdale: We were getting mixed reviews. Some of them were really good. “This is a stunning masterpiece.” And other people were saying, “This is a travesty.” And the box office was coming in, not as well as hoped.
Don Hahn: I was in Argentina doing South American press. I got a call from Peter Schneider, who said, “It’s performing OK, but it’s probably going to hit 100 million.” Which, for any other moviemaker, would be a goldmine. But we’d been used to huge successes. I was disappointed.
Peter Schneider: I think it was a hit, right? It just wasn’t the same. As they say in the theater, you don’t set out to make a failure.
Don Hahn: If you’re the New York Yankees, and you’ve had a winning season where you could not lose, and then people hit standup singles instead of home runs…that’s OK. But it has this aura of disappointment. That’s the feeling that’s awful to have, because it’s selfish. Animation is an art, and the arts are meant to be without a price tag hanging off of them all the time.
Paul Brizzi: We are still grateful to Kirk and Gary and Don. We worked on [Hunchback] for maybe a year or a year and a half. Every sequence, we did with passion.
Gaëtan Brizzi: Our work on Hunchback was a triumph of our career.
Kathy Zielinski: There are certainly a whole crowd of people who wish we had not [done] the comedy, because that wasn’t faithful. That’s the main complaint I heard – we should’ve gone for this total dramatic piece and not worried about the kiddies.
Gaetan Brizzi: The only concern we had was the lack of homogeneity. The drama was really strong, and the [comedy] was sometimes a little bit goofy. It was a paradox. When you go from “Hellfire” to a big joke, the transition was not working well. Otherwise, we were very proud.
James Baxter: We were happy with what we did, but we understood it was going to be a slightly harder sell. The Hunchback of Notre Dame usually doesn’t engender connotations like, “Oh, that’s going to be a Disney classic.” I was very happy that it did as well as it did.
Jason Alexander: I thought it was even more mature and emotional on screen. It was an exciting maturation of what a Disney animated feature could be. I was impressed and touched.
“An Undersung Hero”
25 years later, The Hunchback of Notre Dame endures. The animated film inspired an even darker stage show that played both domestically and overseas, and in recent years, there have been rumors that Josh Gad would star as Quasimodo in a live-action remake.
Alan Menken: I think it’s a project that with every passing year will more and more become recognized as a really important part of my career.
Stephen Schwartz: This will be immodest, but I think it’s a really fine adaptation. I think it’s the best musical adaptation of the Victor Hugo novel, and there have been a lot. I think the music is just unbelievably good. I think, as a lyricist, I was working at pretty much the top of my form. I have so many people telling me it’s their favorite Disney film.
Alan Menken: During the pandemic, there was this hundred-piece choir doing “The Bells of Notre Dame.” People are picking up on it. It’s the combination of the storytelling and how well the score is constructed that gets it to longevity. If something is good enough, it gets found.
Paul Kandel: I think people were more sensitive. There was an expectation that a new Disney animated film would not push boundaries at all, which it did. For critics, it pushed a little too hard and I don’t think they would think that now. It’s a work of art.
Gaëtan Brizzi: Hunchback is poetic, because of its dark romanticism. We have tons of animated movies, but I think they all look alike because of the computer technique. This movie is very important in making people understand that hate has no place in our society, between a culture or people or a country. That’s the message of the movie, and of Victor Hugo himself.
Jason Alexander: I think it’s an undersung hero. It’s one of the most beautiful and moving animated films. But it is not the title that lives on everyone’s tongue. I think more people haven’t seen this one than any of the others. I adore it.
Peter Schneider: What Disney did around this period [is] we stopped making musicals. I think that was probably a mistake on some level, but the animators were bored with it.
Don Hahn: You know people reacted to Beauty and the Beast or The Lion King. They were successful movies in their day. You don’t know the reaction to anything else. So when [I] go to Comic-Con or do press on other movies, people started talking about Hunchback. “My favorite Alan Menken score is Hunchback.” It’s always surprising and delightful.
Kirk Wise: I’ve had so many people come up to me and say, “This is my absolute favorite movie. I adored this movie as a kid. I wore out my VHS.” That makes all the difference in the world.
Paul Kandel: Sitting on my desk right now are four long letters and requests for autographs. I get 20 of those a week. People are still seeing that film and being moved by it.
Alan Menken: Now there’s a discussion about a live-action film with Hunchback. And that’s [sighs] exciting and problematic. We have to, once again, wade into the troubled waters of “What is Disney’s movie version of Hunchback?” Especially now.
Jason Alexander: Live action could work because the vast majority of characters are human. The story of an actual human who is in some ways less abled and who is defined by how he looks, rather than his heart and character, is timely and important, to say the least.
Kirk Wise: I imagine if there were a live-action adaptation, it would skew more towards the stage version. That’s just my guess.
Stephen Schwartz: I think it would lend itself extremely well to a live-action movie, particularly if they use the stage show as the basis. I think the stage show is fantastic.
Kirk Wise: It’s gratifying to be involved in movies like Beauty and the Beast and Hunchback that have created so much affection. But animation is as legitimate a form of storytelling as live-action is. It might be different, but I don’t think it’s better. I feel like [saying], “Just put on the old one. It’s still good!”
Gary Trousdale: There were enough versions before. Somebody wants to make another version? Okay. Most people can tell the difference between the animated version and a live-action reboot. Mostly I’m not a fan of those. But if that’s what Disney wants to do, great.
Don Hahn: It’s very visual. It’s got huge potential because of its setting and the drama, and the music. It’s pretty powerful, so it makes sense to remake that movie. I think we will someday.
Brenda Chapman: It’s a history lesson. Now that Notre Dame is in such dire straits, after having burned so badly, hopefully [this] will increase interest in all that history.
James Baxter: It meant two children. I met my wife on that movie. [laughs] In a wider sense, the legacy is another step of broadening the scope of what Disney feature animation could be.
Kirk Wise: Hunchback is the movie where the final product turned out closest to the original vision. There was such terrific passion by the crew that carried throughout the process.
Roy Conli: It’s one of the most beautiful films we’ve made. 25 years later, I’d say “Join the party.” [laughs]
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