#tfp children
pax-former · 2 years
Miko, playing a online game on her phone: 何こいつら?うざいんだけど死ね!!!
(Translation: Who is this guy? His annoying- JUST DIE.)
Optimus, who was working on decoding the Iacon database now looking at Miko: ミコ、そのような言葉は使わないようにしてくれ。他人の死を願う事はよくない。わかったか?
(Translation: Miko, please refrain from using such language. It is not good to wish upon someone’s death. Do you understand?)
Miko: はぁーい🫤
(Translation: Fine🫤)
Jack and Raf, who were playing video games now staring at the two just casually having a conversation in a whole different language:
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witchofthesouls · 2 months
Speaking of Fowler's office, I figured that since it hands blinds, I think it would make a good spot to catch the Bots doing something weird or funny when he decides to peep at them when they aren't looking.
It is.
The Cybertronians don't exactly realize just how much noise they exude, even attempting to quiet themselves.
Fowler could hear those assholes tip-toe across the goddamn base. The Autobots may have a habit of using their internal comms, but Fowler (and other Earth creatures) can feel the vibration of their steps and hear the constant whirs, churns, creaks, and shniks of their frames.
It doesn't help that one of them will plant themselves near the office like a sad critter waiting for its lost baby from an animal rescue because the sparklings want uninterrupted nap times. He can't put his finger on it, but he's betting his house that Cybertronians have emotional projections because his skin would prickle, back of his neck shivers, and get some vague sad feelings until one of the kids sleepily chirps out.
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slug-gore-bug · 1 year
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mikiusol · 1 year
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Jack and Miko angst 🤖🫶 VERY heavily based on Chapter 5 of De Spatio Inter Astra by FictionalDragonMother on AO3 🕯️
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klaudia96art · 2 years
Rarity prime ❤️
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rarity princess prime daughter of megatron and optimus fanchildren of the story thones and thones of @pastelpaperplanes ❤️💕
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“HAHAHA! look at his audial finals! Theyre taller than his fraggin' head!"
“Forget the finals length, look at his legs! He’s got SKYSCRAPERS for stabilizing servos!”
The young bots continued to hurl childish insults at Orion, who could do nothing but sit and watch as the loud voices of his peers rang through the hallway, bringing even more attention to the spat. The students had begun to gather around, some of them starting to snicker at the faces Orion made.
It was one of the few days where Orion was outside of the achives; a school day. It was the end of his second week at [REDACTED]. Like many new sparklings, Orion was having a bit of a hard time adjusting to his new environment and schedule: But he had a very different cause for it. Orion was, in human terms, around seven or eight, but he was only now being put into school for the first time. He knew practically nothing compared to other other bitlets his age. This, Again, was common for many sparklings, especially those of the lower castes; But this again brings up many other problems. Orion had spent half of his life tucked away from civilization in the cybertronian wilds, where food was scarce and life was scarcer. Being taken into Iacon city so suddenly had jolted his senses to an overwhelming point, and randomly being taught to talk and how and have manners was almost a breaking point for the young mech.
Now, Orion was facing a new and very real threat; socialization. Alpha Trion had hoped seeing bots his age would relax Orion some; possibly make his feel more at ease; but the opposite had happened. And, unfortunately. this as just the first of many, MANY rough encounters that Orion would have
“Haha…ew, EW! Look at his denta! They’re so sharp! What’s wrong with him?"
"Sweet Solus Prime! His servos are so sharp! Those things could rip a scraplet apart!”
“EEK! He’s looking at me! Get those creepy eyes off me you freak!”
Orion backed up even further as the crowd got closer and closer to him. Hearing himself clang into the corner of the hallway, Orion reached around the wall for something to grab onto. When he found nothing, he clutched his clawed servos to his chest and tried to make himself as small as possible, letting out an animalistic whimper.
The crowd roared with laughter at the strange sound he made, and only continuer to point out the things that were "wrong" with him: His long arms, his thin stature, his lack of armor; on and on the bitlets went, no sympathy running though their systems.
Just as Orion felt the farmiliar prick of tears in his optics, the bell rang, telling the botlings that they could now leave for the day. As the other botlings ran out the door, Orion blinked and lubricant steamed down his face. He stood there thinking of everything his peers had said about him, feeling something twist inside him as he gingerly grabbed his denta. Alpha Trion has always told him that wrongs could be righted… could he right this? This… none of this made sense…
“Hey! Get out of here you little rust stain! Schools out!”
Orion jumped at the obnoxious sound of his teachers voice. He scurried out of the hallway, head spinning, his metaphorical tail between his legs.
Alpha trions heels clicked as he walked through the hall of records, looking for Orion. He noticed that Orion had been running off with increasing frequency since he bagan school half a cycle ago. Alpha Trion had begun to grow worried; Orion only talked about the things he learned at school and not about his peers or teachers. Not to mention, when he talked about the things that he learned he sounded… somewhat passionless about it. He always came home looking tired and defeated, and Alpha Trion was becoming more and more worried.
He quickly stopped and adjusted his audio receptors. Listening as well as he could, he faintly heard a sound resembling sudden puffs of air. Following the sound, it led him to an old storage room in the back of the archives. Everything back here was dark and musty, probably rusty and broken too, he thought to himself as he stared at an old toolbox left lying open in the middle of the hallway. Hearing the sound he was following again, he listened closely. It sounded almost like… Alpha Trion immediately perked up, running to a storage room a few rooms down and swiftly opening the door.
Alpha Trions spark sank as he stared at the scene before him. Orion was sitting in front of a dusty, broken mirror with a pair of rusty pliers in his servo; they were clamped onto one of his sharpest teeth, and were being tugged at viciously. Poor Orion was sobbing uncontrollably as he continued to make himself bleed. Alpha Trion rushed over, putting his servo over Orions, making him stop in his tracks. Orion glanced at him with a face full of sadness. Nothing was said as Orion dropped the rusty pliers and fell into Alpha Trions open arms. Alpha Trion sighed; he had a sneaking suspicion as to why Orion was so vague about his life outside of the Archives… And he had a horrible feeling about it…
Heheh terrible oneshot(s) go brrrr
No but seriously I had this idea late yesterday and I wanted to post it today but I ended up having stuff to do so I posted it tonight instead. This is less of feral Orion, but more post-feral Orion and the some of the struggles he faces in his everyday life (As well as giving some hints as to why Optimus ended up the way he is now). This ended up being a bit more serious than I intended it to be in all actuality, but you can’t really tell why from this part of the story alone. I’ll probably post that tommorow.
Also just for the record this thing was written on the fly, wasnt proof read, or just generally didn’t get any of that nice professional stuff, so that’s probably why is 1. Sucks 2. Has some gramatical or punctuation errors.
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arckiaym · 7 months
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"AH!" "what?" "This child is offering a pearl!" "Yah, she wants to trade" "what do I do??"
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"What you mean 'what do I do'? She's piglin, you trade." "Hm.."
"do we need pearls?" "no" "well what do I do?" "Tell her we don't need pearls.?" "How?" "Ah"
"yeah, I forgot you don't know the language." "HOW."
"shut up and pay attention." "!?" "Take notes"
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"hulloo! No thanks on the pearls." "Okie dokie!" "But!"
(wow! I can't understand a thing they're saying! Even though their text is in English still) "..."
(it's like the artist can't be fucked!) (excuse my french) (to translate a whole language!)
"oi bingus! I got us a place to stay!" "Nice!"
Rambles and brambles under the cut, this post is long enough.
Ok so I feel like viking would have the most issue getting used to the whole "o shiny!" bit. So legs would make a Child At The Mall harness so he wouldn't wander off lol. And warped vines have a lil stretch to em (at least in my mind) so that's what it's made of.
And that's what the lil guys accessories are made of too, i think the piglins would be real good at utilizing all the stuff in the nether. Uh don't notice that I forgot her bracelets in all the panels except ONE
Legs is very tired of keeping viking outta trouble tho, he's not used to caring so much lmao. Poor guy experiences empathy?!?? Older brother syndrome got em GOOD
Also I 100% ran out of ideas so that's why viking looks into the camera lol
But hey there's set up for a part 2, which I'll make sometime I'm sure
(cough cough, hi amberstormblade @amberstormblade I'm not stealing ur idea I'm just full of thoughts ;-; if you write anything more I would be ecstatic!!)
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I had to ask this bc your teacher Optimus AU has me by the throat.
How would Optimus handle students or faculty who are just plain assholes to the people around them? I can’t help but think that it would be less of a righteous fury (oh he’d definitely be angry, but not just angry) and more of a mournful pity. You are so young, so small and so few in your years, he might think. Why would you give them all to misery? Why do you choose to see only the darkness in peoples hearts when there is so much beauty left in your world?
I'm so glad you like this AU! It similarly has me in a chokehold demanding I write more XD Also love this whole thought of Optimus being so old that he can't even really be mad and just disappointed.
Previous part here.
Children, All of Them
As a general rule Optimus greatly enjoyed his job as a teacher. It was a welcome relief from the weight of war and the burden of his position as Prime. It brought back old memories of better times when he was just the Head Archivist working cycle in and cycle out to teach and to catalogue. Being able to share the joys of his passion and the history of his people was something he found no end of happiness participating in. It certainly helped that many of his students and co-workers were wonderful people either just trying to get by or working hard because of their love for learning or teaching.
However not every student and faculty member Optimus worked with was a ray of sunshine.
He was well aware of the fact that he would likely have less than pleasant individuals around him at times. As such he had long prepared himself to handle aggression in the way that such feelings normally presented themselves on Cybertron. He was fully prepared to endure unsettling EM fields, threatening messages, non-verbal insults, quiet battles of wit, subtle touches that were intended to be painful, and much much more. On Cybertron aggression among the more civil members of society was always a near silent affair and never made explicitly public. It was always a dangerous game played between the involved parties and no others, at least if one knew the rules of high society.
Optimus was ready, that is until he came to the rather saddening realization that these humans, these infants in his mind were far less reasonable in expressing their distaste.
Every student and co-worker of his had bad days, it was to be expected and he always did what he could to help them. If a fellow teacher was stressed with work, he would take some of it from them and help them get things in order. If cleaning staff were stuck with too much to do and feeling disheartened, Optimus would remain behind long after hours to assist and bring out some snacks for them to thank them for their efforts. Almost the entirety of his paycheck went straight back into gifts for his fellow teachers and his students. He just wanted them all to be as happy as possible as they worked. Teaching and study should be fun, not a struggle just to endure.
His efforts usually solved the problem fairly quickly, however there were a few individuals who just refused to be reasonable.
The vice principle was a piece of work and reminded Optimus far more of a youngling just getting a taste of power for the first time. The man was strict, demanding, and made it his life's mission to try and find a way to force Optimus to teach traditionally even if it was less effective. For whatever reason he despised the way Optimus taught and the level of sympathy he showed to his student. Optimus of course held a degree of understanding, but was also left confused as to why. What was so wrong about children enjoying his teaching that it would cause the vice principle to dislike him so much?
His efforts to reach out to the vice principle and try to smooth out any misunderstandings only ended with threats of being fired. Optimus was not unaccustomed to people abusing their power, and so he let the situation be and instead focused on his students. However as the vice principle kept on digging further and further, trying hard to find a reason to get Optimus fired, the time for remaining inactive ended.
Thus one day he stepped out with the vice principle and went with the man to his office to talk. The vice principle was so very smug when he sat down thinking that Optimus intended to concede and give up his way of teaching. However instead Optimus pulled out an old datapad he had resized and styled and pulled up images of earth in all its beauty. Many of the pictures were of children laughing and playing, learning, growing, and overall enjoying life. The vice principle didn't understand and was prepared to lash out when Optimus allowed a hint of his nature to shine through his holoform. EM fields could not be sensed by humans the same way they were by Cybertronians, but the waves carried emotion and tone well enough to be vaguely felt.
Optimus: Why do you struggle so bitterly against my teaching methods?
Vice Principle: Its against protocol and makes the students more unruly! They need discipline and control, not fun and games!
Optimus: Children are just that, children. They are unburdened by the woes that come from age. They are pure and see the world in such an innocent way. They will lose that gift as they age, yet you wish to strip it from them sooner?
Vice Principle: What are you on about?
Optimus: Children are a gift, a glorious one that must be protected and tended to with utmost care. While yes, children do need a firm guiding hand to ease them along the path of life, they deserve the chance to enjoy their freedom while they have it.
Vice Principle: This is school! Not a playground! It is not a place to goof around, it is a place of learning!
Optimus: Yes, it is a place of learning, thus it should be adjusted to suit the children should it not? It is the greatest honor and burden one can bear to have the chance to mold the minds of the youth. They are our future, and having them live without joy will only induce a cycle of depression that will continue onward with them.
Vice Principle: I'm your superior! Just do your job and stop making a mess of things!
Optimus: Why is it that you dislike seeing the children joyful? Are you fearful that you will no longer be respected if they are not treated like young soldiers? Respect is something that is earned and gained through trial and action, not mere titles.
Vice Principle: This is slander!
Optimus: Is it? Your lives are so very short. Your world is beautiful and unmarred by the ravages of a war greater than you could ever understand. Appreciate the little joys in this life young one. It will not last, and neither will you.
Vice Principle: GET OUT!
Optimus got nowhere with the vice principle and he couldn't even bring himself to be truly angry at the man. He was youthful, drunk on power, and desperate to have as much control as possible. He was a product of the broken system of education he tried so hard to enforce. He was just like the delusional mecha that lorded over Cybertron, thinking themselves greater than all others purely because of their titles.
It was disappointing, but there was little Optimus could do if even his presence as a Prime did nothing to sway the man. More than anything else, he felt pity for the man. He was just a sad human who had not the years to know his actions nor the wisdom to be able to observe and see as Optimus did. A broken child lost in a broken system that he had never escaped from.
How very disheartening.
Of course the issues were not just with the vice principle. There was one other human who simply could not be consoled or convinced to behave, that being the boy who called himself Vince. He was a cocky, overclocked, and overconfident young man who had no issues flaunting his possessions and skillset even when it was the wrong time. He was exactly like the nobles back on Cybertron, and that brought a sickening sense to Optimus's mind at the thought of the boy turning out just like the cruel nobles that doomed his homeworld. He did not want to watch this infant race doom themselves through the same methods his people had.
They were still so young, so innocent, and lived lives far too short to be wasted on such foolish things. It hurt his spark and made him angry in a more disappointed way than anything else when he watched Vince harass his classmates and flaunt despite performing poorly outside of his motor skills. He was not fond of the child's seeming obsession with going after Jack who was one of most successful students. There was no reason for the behavior other than the fact that Jack showed an interest in getting a vehicle while Vince already had one. There also appeared to be an underlying conflict over courtship for a young female, but to Optimus it was ridiculous. The children were far too young for that. The behavior needed to be cut at the bud before it could grow into something like the vice principle.
Thus he took the boy aside after school one day and sat him down. Vince of course offered no respect whatsoever and only served to make Optimus sigh. So young, so foolish, and so very arrogant. The boy needed a wakeup call before things got worse for him later down the road.
Optimus: Vince, do you know why I pulled you aside?
Vince: No, but its probably for something stupid.
Optimus: You've been treating everyone around you poorly. Don't think I haven't noticed.
Vince: So what? They're all losers anyway!
Optimus: That is not a good way to view your peers child. They are all gifted in their own ways, just as you are.
Vince: Of course I'm gifted! I'm one of the best racers in Jasper! Those nobodies can't stand a chance against me!
Optimus: You put so much pride into you ability to race. Why is that? Do you fear being unable to succeed elsewhere? Or is it perhaps a false sense of entitlement?
Vince: What do you know old timer? You look like you walked off a movie set from world war 2! I bet you can't even drive more than twenty miles per hour without putting your hazard lights on!
Optimus: You are so very arrogant. Do you not realize just how harmful this mindset is?
Vince: Whatever old man!
Optimus: ...
Optimus: If that is how you wish to behave, then I will not stand for it. If you want respect, you must earn it. Get your car, I will prove to you that your pride is misplaced.
Vince: What? Are you serious?
Optimus: I am completely serious. Meet me out at the tracks and I will make my point.
Vince was shocked, but Optimus paid it no mind. Vince was a child that would only learn through force, and Optimus was not afraid to use it. Thus he absorbed his holoform and moved his real frame out. The team were bewildered to the point of Bumblebee tagging along just to see what was going on and report back. Not a spark expected half the school to be out at the tracks with Vince waiting with his sports car.
Optimus had his holoform step out and Vince gave him a look that screamed of confidence. He was so very sure he could beat Optimus with his vehicle, but Optimus merely shook his held and got into his vehicle as a student readied an airhorn to signal the start of the race. Bumblebee watched from his own holoform in confusion but also a bit of awe as Optimus obliterated Vince without even trying. The boy was left defeated and bitter to the point of marching off before Optimus could get a word in.
The legend of Mr. Pax grew and he was given a fine for misconduct, but beyond that Vince continued to be rude to all his classmates. However surprisingly he left Optimus alone and stopped what he was doing whenever Optimus came near. It wasn't much, and honestly it didn't fix much, but it was improvement to a degree.
The humans were so young, yet so bitter. They were so hopeful, yet so prideful. They were the embodiment of younglings just getting their pedes under themselves.
Children, all of them.
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baronazazel · 3 months
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Happy father's day to the best dad <3
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
TFP Shattered Glass, but June and Fowler are swapped.
I've never seen anybody do that, usually the humans stay the same as baseline except Silas and Fowler are sometimes swapped.
Or maybe up it a notch and swap all three of them? June as a government agent, Fowler as M.E.C.H's leader, and Silas as a nurse? Or nurse Fowler, agent Silas, and M.E.C.H leader June?
You know, that would be fascinating because i admit i have a tendency to forget the humans whwn i mess with shatteree glass, but swapping all three of their roles up would be so fascinating as all fucking hell
I'd be so here for MECH Leader!June actually she'd be so fucking cool
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robby-bobby-tommy · 1 year
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just a quick thought abt how funny it would be if rid15 had Megstronus meet Alpha Trion (i havent watch the show). the 13 primes has unmatched comedic potential for a messed up family sitcom.
AT and Megaus were hard to draw tbh. All primes are. Honestly I have a two ideas abt how their reunion would go. Either they would calmly talk it out or they would distance from each other. Like they both are very lonely (one self-exiled and the other was the only one on Cybertron) but they werent ready for this whole conversation.
(ID: frist image is a split panel with Alpha Trion and Megatronus saying each others names. the second panel is a close up to Sideswipe's face with AT's body on the left. SS askes "You know him?". Third image shows both AT and SS standing, former facepalming. He says "Do i know him...", annoyed. The last picture is the same, but AT points his palm at the screen and exclaims "He's my brother!" End of ID)
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pax-former · 2 years
I’ve just thought about this while writing about another head canon about tfp Optimus.
Optimus used to have sparklings of his own during the war ( sparklings which lost their parent, or were abandoned / left for dead.) the sparklings meant EVERYTHING to him.
Though, during the exodus, the soldiers left the sparklings behind WITHOUT Optimus’ consent. He went ballistic. Leaving the future generation behind. HIS SPARKLINGS. Ratchet had to put him under anesthesia to calm him.
Optimus shut everyone out for a few months, but eventually just stopped… feeling. He knew war was cruel, and resources were running low.
There was no choice.
He became more of a dead mech as time passed by. He became numb by the second. That was until, he met the human children.
When Optimus was introduced to Jack, Miko and Raf he instantly clicked with them. They were so small, and fragile, and- HOW DID THEY EVEN SURVIVE?!?
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 Optimus just instantly adopted them without any hesitation, and the children didn’t even mind that a million year old robot adopted them, they’re just chill about it.
June and Fowler were somewhat concerned about this, but they passed it aside since it seemed the children didn’t have any problems with it. (Though, June isn’t having any of it and did talk to Optimus about it rather rudely, which caused a huge argument between them.) June and Optimus aren’t in good relations with each other. (Whenever they see each other, June brings it up and they both have a quarrel until someone stops them. Mainly Ratchet has to deal with it.
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The team is somewhat happy to see the prime more lively and happy. Though they are quite concerned about Him and June’s relationship.
Ratchet is just happy to see Optimus so lively again after the devastation during the Exodus. Though, It’s quite annoying when he has to be the one to stop their argument. It stops him doing anything productive.
And they’re LOUD.
The children are NOT a fan of the argument, but they love Optimus just like a dad and June isn’t going to take this away from them. Jack loves his mother, but wished she would just hear him out instead of going full rampage on him.
That’s just it lol.
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witchofthesouls · 2 months
Have Miko ever lost her squishy?
She's hyperaware of her favorite toy. The closest she comes to losing it is whenever it needs to be washed since Miko drags that thing everywhere.
The mechs had learned the hard way to completely buckle her in with a swarm of seatbeats to limit her mobility. Otherwise, she'll be jumping up and down, clawing up their interiors as she explores every inch to escape to fetch her squishmallow.
Arcee had witnessed the impressive sight of Miko rattling inside Bulkhead so hard that the armored vehicle was bouncing on his wheels.
(The only mech she doesn't attempt to claw up is Optimus. Not only does he have extensive room for her to pace and wander, but he has no issue with shaking her by the scruffbar with his seatbelts like a naughty kitten with resounding firm 'no' with his own field. Not enough to completely overwhelm her, but to make a point that she can't carve his sensitive components.)
If the Autobots had an industrial sized washer and dryer at their base, Miko would have planted herself right at the windows to watch it. Only leaving to grab the closest 'bot, climbing all over their frames and insistently tugging EM fields to change the washer to dryer and dryer to Miko's little servos.
And if the Autobots had laundry facilities, they would need to sparkling proof it with so many locks and perimeter sensors. Miko would try to tumble inside a washer cycle, and Raf would try to snack on the machines' exposed cables and the detergent.
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Hey can we talk about how megatron has a fusion canon in most continuities? Okay so, question, What exactly is it fusing?? Is it nuclear fusion??? HAS HE BEEN IRRADIATING EVERYONE???? Pretty sure cybertronians aren’t affected by radiation, at least not by small amounts like humans, so is he even aware of what he’s doing or is it considered not a big deal??
This question goes DOUBLE for earthspark megatron considering he spends lots of time around humans and actually, Y’know, cares about them. Like I’m aware that no matter what the answer is space crack tfp Megatron wouldn’t give a shit but this one is actually trying to be a good person soooo.
I’m a little concerned for dot and the kids 😭 I mean would he even know he’s potentially harming them? If cybertronians aren’t harmed by radiation then they probably don’t think about it at all and haven’t even considered it might affecting the humans. Seriously has ANYONE considered he might be toting around an unshielded nuclear reactor on his ARM this entire time??
THIS IS A LEGIT QUESTION BTW I ACTUALLY HAVE NO IDEA HOW HIS CANON WORKS, if you know pls teach me 🙏 I just saw fusion and was like “?? U mean NUCLEAR fusion??” Its a total guess I just couldn’t think of what else it would mean 😭
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mychlapci · 11 days
since i’ve been debating it, i’ll leave it up to the citizens of this fair kingdom
should i rewatch transformers prime? (i remember it being not the greatest but i watched once like a year ago so maybe i was being too mean)
-burnt ice anon
calling every citizen of the kingdom, gather by the marketplace board, there is a new important poll to answer!
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I have finally posted the first chapter of the entirely self indulgent fic that i've been vague posting about. go and enjoy y'alls slight angst.
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