#Optimus adopted them
pax-former · 2 years
I’ve just thought about this while writing about another head canon about tfp Optimus.
Optimus used to have sparklings of his own during the war ( sparklings which lost their parent, or were abandoned / left for dead.) the sparklings meant EVERYTHING to him.
Though, during the exodus, the soldiers left the sparklings behind WITHOUT Optimus’ consent. He went ballistic. Leaving the future generation behind. HIS SPARKLINGS. Ratchet had to put him under anesthesia to calm him.
Optimus shut everyone out for a few months, but eventually just stopped… feeling. He knew war was cruel, and resources were running low.
There was no choice.
He became more of a dead mech as time passed by. He became numb by the second. That was until, he met the human children.
When Optimus was introduced to Jack, Miko and Raf he instantly clicked with them. They were so small, and fragile, and- HOW DID THEY EVEN SURVIVE?!?
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 Optimus just instantly adopted them without any hesitation, and the children didn’t even mind that a million year old robot adopted them, they’re just chill about it.
June and Fowler were somewhat concerned about this, but they passed it aside since it seemed the children didn’t have any problems with it. (Though, June isn’t having any of it and did talk to Optimus about it rather rudely, which caused a huge argument between them.) June and Optimus aren’t in good relations with each other. (Whenever they see each other, June brings it up and they both have a quarrel until someone stops them. Mainly Ratchet has to deal with it.
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The team is somewhat happy to see the prime more lively and happy. Though they are quite concerned about Him and June’s relationship.
Ratchet is just happy to see Optimus so lively again after the devastation during the Exodus. Though, It’s quite annoying when he has to be the one to stop their argument. It stops him doing anything productive.
And they’re LOUD.
The children are NOT a fan of the argument, but they love Optimus just like a dad and June isn’t going to take this away from them. Jack loves his mother, but wished she would just hear him out instead of going full rampage on him.
That’s just it lol.
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cyborgknight · 4 months
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Your post war megop au has me in shambles please let them adopt me
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
do y’all think Agent Fowler knows about griffin rock…. i mean he IS a liaison for the autobots/government…
sometimes i like to think that Optimus kept it a secret from him for a really long time. One day when Optimus is absent from the base for too long, Fowler is scrambling to get in contact with him and somehow manages to phone Chief Burns.
When Optimus returns, he finally reveals his “passion project” and Agent Fowler promptly has a heart attack
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tending-the-hearth · 7 months
rewatched "t:rotb" last night and i'm back to thinking abt the diaz brothers and their found family of silly robots
specifically how much the line "your sacrifice will be our oath" is used in the movie, and it 100% becomes an inside joke for the group.
mirage gets a dent during training, and he's lamenting about it, and making a big stink, and being his usual dramatic self, and optimus, barely paying attention from where he's standing around with ironhide, will, epps, and noah, just mutters "your sacrifice will be our oath" in the most deadpanned voice, and the hanger just goes silent because no one is quite sure how to react, because it sounds like optimus just cracked a joke, and the autobots are just sort of... frozen and to everyone's shock it's primal who starts laughing first, a quiet chuckle that then has elena breaking into giggles, joined by cheetor and rhinox, and of course that sets off bumblebee and kris, the twin terrors cackling so hard that they have to sit down before they fall over.
arcee is trying valiantly to hide her laughter behind her sisters, and wheeljack isn't even laughing, he's just wheezing, and mirage is letting out an indignant shriek as he turns to look for noah's sympathy, but his human is holding onto optimus' shoulder and laughing so hard he's crying.
and every time one of the group tries to stop laughing, they inevitably hear optimus' own quiet laughter, and that sets them off again, especially when they see mirage sitting in the corner with a pout on his face (but his optics are twitching, and his shoulders are shaking, and he's trying so hard to not laugh because it's not funny! his chestplate has a dent!)
and idk maybe noah tells optimus that breanna wants to talk to him about the fact that he and the other autobots went radio silent for a decade, and optimus' face just sort of goes slack because the one thing that terrifies optimus prime is an "i'm not mad just disappointed" breanna diaz, and mirage just grins like a little shit and says "your sacrifice will be our oath" and that sets kris and noah off into hysterics while optimus just glares at mirage
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faintv0x · 1 year
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single working mother in america
OptimusPrime design by @ryujiinxx, Miragestripe, Arceelight and Bumblebee designs by me :3
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I've made so much sad stuff that my friends are terrified of me whenever I post wips or mention me having an idea
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heyhollow · 2 years
I made the rest of the crew!
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Here's our main 5, all lined up and ready to go kick ass.
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2nd version (without blending gradient)
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
Soundwave dragging Megatronus and Jazz trying to drag Orion to Ratchet because he had to bail them out of a situation again
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skywarpshydroflask · 5 months
rescue bots brings me so much turmoil (LIGHTHEARTED) but I gotta admit it's such a cute show... AND this optimus feels like A Guy Instead Of A Cardboard Cutout without sacrificing the never shows emotion coolest guy ever vibe that hasbro is obsessed with for him.. I never knew it could be possible
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annabelle-creart · 1 month
17 + OptChet + Humanformers: Kingdom of Light
Mornings were the worst part of the day, after years of getting early and resting late, Orion found himself with his sleep schedule mixed up like a bad soup, waking up before the sun rises, which wasn't common for people like him, due to his strange behaviors at early mornings, the servants had to get accomplished, evading his usual routes at those hours, other thing that wasn't weird for servants was to hear the piano at those hours, same with Orion, who found his spouse again on the little room, Orion couldn't understand how Roy was enough strong to play an instrument while dealing with arthritis but he already talk to him about that and Roy still came early
Today's song wasn't familiar for Orion, using the frame door as support he stayed to listen in silence like always, it also wasn't common that the vibe was quick but Roy's movements were slow, finally, Roy missed a key, leaving the segment out of tune, as always, Roy stops and rest his wrist on his knees, which was usually the now or never for Orion to arrive
"New song?" He brought a stool and sat with Roy
"The try of it" Roy replied, hoping for Orion not to yell about taking care of himself and all that trash
"Can I?" Roy agreed with his head, Orion took the musical scores and started playing, slow, without rythm, first getting the right keys, Roy looked at Orion like if he was a junior, and took the same keys, faster and steady, with rythm, the song was sweet, romantic in fact
"You got it?"
"Smug" Orion chuckled, Roy gave his typical grumpy grandpa face
"Yeah, well" Roy replied, with lost gaze "what will you do later?"
"You said you wanted to look at those... grooms"
"Right! I thought you didn't wanted to pay a look at it"
"Bee needs a partner for the crown, he's strong but I don't think he's strong enough to deal with it alone"
"Because you couldn't?"
"Because Clayton is too irresponsible, and I don't think Arcee would want to come here again, not for the crown"
Orion searched for Roy's hand on the keys, meeting the old hands of what was a doctor in the middle of a war, Orion sometimes wondered if Roy missed the job, he really missed it, a lot, that's why he's always getting busy, even when Bee and Orion are the ones who deal with their duties the most or even when Roy's hands are yelling at him each day to stop, he always do something to get busy, and the week's dutie was to get Bee a spouse... pfft, Orion started to chuckle softly with Roy's hand on his
"What?" Roy asked him
"You're acting like your parents"
"I am not!"
"Do you remember when they presented you that girl, the blonde girl, that salesman's daughter"
"It's not the same! I just think Bee needs to marry" Roy raised his voice to Orion's soft laugh
"You told her her hair was like a field and she thought you hated her flower's braids" Orion's laugh was hard and strong, but also gentle
"I just used the wrong tune!" Roy excused, of course, getting ashamed of it and about to hold Orion's head for how near he was while laughing
"But you hated it anyway!" Orion couldn't stop laughing, Roy wanted to shut him up but he was too soft with him to do so, but also too proud to laugh with him, so, as always, Orion had to laugh for the two of them
When the joke started to be boring, Orion finally stopped, he breathed heavily and released a sigh, meeting Roy's squared face and his colorless blue eyes, and as hoped, his upside-down grim, at thst expression, he chuckled again
"You're too serious" Orion said in between little hums
"You're like a jester" Roy replied imitating his serious face, then, relaxing it and meeting Orion's lip corner and nose with his own, Orion hugged him and rested his face on Roy's head
It was still too early for the sun to rise, but both had their sleep schedules to mixed up to go to sleep right now
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luciolefire · 2 years
I was going to be productive I promise but then I started rewatching Earthspark ep. 10 for reference pictures and Nightshade has captured my entire heart all over again
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cynthiadasorceress · 4 months
Random TFP headcanons Part 1 (mostly humans)
Raf is deaf in one ear and has a cochlear implant
Jack is transmasc
Miko is ADHD
Raf is Autistic
Miko at one point tried to cut her own hair
Needless to say, it did not turn out well
Jack has a genetic mutation that causes naturally sharper canines
Yes, several vampire jokes were made about this
Raf has dirt on EVERYBODY at school, and is not afraid to use it
Along with the guitar, Miko is pretty good on a drum set
Jack is frequently called emo
Miko used to bite kids in kindergarten
Raf has skipped several grades and is currently a sophomore in duel enrollment
Jack's parents had split custody until Jack's dad just didn't come to pick him up and stopped paying child support
June tried to track down her ex-husband, but to no evail
The kids see Optimus as a father figure, and he is not going to tell them otherwise
Bumblebee is Ratchet and Optimus's unofficially adopted son
Raf will behave like a creature from the pits of the underworld if he feels safe
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pax-former · 2 years
G1 Optimus would be that person who would constantly be scolded at because he keeps adopting any kind of animal on the street.
But in this case it’s not animals.
It’s humans.
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Jazz: Hey Optimus! How did patrol go-…
Optimus, holding servoful of humans: It went pretty well! No decepticon activity, the birds were chirping and the sun was shining-
Optimus: Ratchet I have a very good reason-
Jazz: Prime-
Optimus, now running full speed toward the exit with his now adopted children: YOU CAN’T STOP ME RATCHET-
Ratchet running full force at him holding a wrench: PRIME GET BACK HERE-
Jazz, who is now watching Optimus holding his adopted children, trying to reason with a medic ready to throw the wrench of doom: … I love this place 🥹
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witchofthesouls · 5 months
Sam ending up throught groundbringe fuckery in Tfp would be such a vacation for him i think. Less action, less aliens ripping each other to shreds every miniute, the difference between how bay formers and tfp formers look.. Sam would look at tfp cons deadpan not afraid at all
Meanwhile the kids in Bayverse would get treated like sparklings probably(wattch Miko growl once at a con and promptly get adopted) Raf especially. Jack would take one look at everything and just go to work in NEST cafeteria until others can figure a way back home for him, Miko and Raf because he's NOT getting involved in this housefire(would avoid bay!Op like a plague something something honorary prime nonsense)
Sam is right there, chilling and spazzing on the minor things (to everyone else in TFP), while completely blasé to the major world-changing/world-ending things. He's been in more than one "end of human civilization" scenarios. It's not his first rodeo, and he's not even counting the doomsday panic of 2000 and 2012. He's immune to crazy, otherworldly shit via alien technology. If anything, he's weirdly disappointed over the lack of alienness of their Artifacts.
He literally resurrected his version of Optimus, met the Dynasty of Primes, had the Allspark in his mind, and dealt with the Fallen that manipulated gravity fields.
Sam's treating it like an unwanted vacation to a place that lied upon the brochure. That guy is like a powerful magnet for destroying Decepticon plans. He would probably fall into a chasm of a hidden Energon mine or interrupt an Artifact expedition to his advantage because 1) Allspark guided him, or 2) he was getting to antsy in the base of nothingness (no human personnel, no cafeteria, no agents, no systems or tasks for him) and did a runner.
He definitely puts his foot in his mouth when he meets Arcee. Sam would never get used to their more human-like frames.
Sam's boogeyman would be M.E.C.H.
Meanwhile, the Jasper Trio is stuck on Diego Garcia. They're taken back by the immense operation that's N.E.S.T. and feeling really lost. Miko doesn't have a Bulkhead-equivalent, Jack doesn't know what to make of the triplets, and Raf isn't clicking this Bumblebee.
Because everyone is too busy, they're trying to slot into things without getting too underfoot. Jack already has certifications related to his fast food job, so he gets into the mess hall to prepare meals for hundreds. Raf and Miko get into the science portions. Raf is making a name for himself as he has the most success bridging tech and understanding the Cybertronian script. Miko likes explosions.
The kids are boggled by all the politicking that goes into it and the more intensely magical things with the Allspark.
Those three will never, ever not laugh at Dorito-Starscream.
(Both sides have the not-so-fun realization about the malfunction connected to Unicron in the middle of Earth. That's too farfetched for anyone, but the truth literally grabbed the respective Primes with giant elemantal fists to viciously shake them.)
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lunarbreaksblog · 10 months
Hi! if the request/ask is open, if so, could you do of tfp, with human (gn! or f!) Reader? Romantic/Platonic
This Human's a cinnamon roll, somewhat naive/innocent (and has similar personality/backstory of Perrito from the Puss in Boots movie or Fluttershy from MLP). They're very motherly and being nurse/therapy-like friend and also a Pacifist yet can be passive-aggressive…
I just decided to do an Autobot version :)
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Autobots with a Cinnamon roll!Gender neutral!Reader
You are an absolute cinnamon roll that the Autobots collectively decided to adopt. They might not know much about humans but can see the telltale signs, even if they are a different species from you— abuse is always the same.
The fact that you remain so naive and happy. That's what makes you special to them and the fact that you always try to help others.
Optimus prime:
Absolutely applauds you for everything you manage to do, loves your pacifism stance. Most importantly you know when pacifism doesn't work.
Loves helping you with things when has the time since you would do the same for him.
Basically you guys get on like a old 'but still very much in love' married couple
He really does like you however your optimistic view annoy him at times but he appreciate your views, it gives me some glimmer of hope in this war.
Asks you questions about mental health since human mental health is basically cybertronian mental health— which he finds interesting on its own but learning more about humans seem to add more layers to your personality.
Is always sweet to you and raf❤
From his experience in the wreckers— he can see your masking since half the boys in the wreckers didn't have 'the greatest of mental healths'
Absolutely adores you tho, he's patient he'll wait for you to open up to him.
Likes to remind you that he is there for you.
Loves the fact that you try to nurse him sometimes.
Just like Bulkhead he adores you so much— with your motherly attitude, he loves chatting with you— telling you some of his problems or what things he found difficult that day.
You just listen and him your two cents every now and then, he loves it!
However he does notice how wrong somethings are whenever you talk about your childhood. He knows enough about what a childhood should be and what it shouldn't be
Is a little confused by you.
Shes annoyed on one hand with your naive nature but on the other hand— she gets it
She's also been done dirty by the universe and she can see it in you as well. The fact that you continue with your pacifism even when injured so badly— shes uncomfortable with it.
You are so much stronger than her.
The fact you let her talk to you about her issues and the fact that you listen and try to help!
She's going to protect you to the ends of the earth.
Feel free to request!
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Optimus Prime adopting a sparkling with reactions from the Decepticons
Continuation of last request.
Optimus adopting a sparkling reactions from Autobots
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Lately there had been more Decepticon activity than usual, meaning less time for Buddy to spend time with Optimus.
He tried to spend his free time with Buddy, but he was so tired.
“Hey Prime—Woah…”--Bumblebee
 Optimus faceplanted on a book while Buddy was watching something on the datapad.
“I should probably go get Ratchet.”--Bumblebee
Optimus snapping awake.
“Don’t do that!”--Optimus
Startled sparkling noises.
“Sorry about that.”--Optimus
“Oh, it’s okay Optimus. No harm done. Hi Buddy!”—Bumblebee
Buddy waving.
“But please don’t tell Ratchet. I haven’t slept in 2 decacycles and I think he’s onto me…”--Optimus
Buddy soon started to notice that everyone else was becoming more and more tired by the day. Their regular babysitters looked tired every time it was their turn to handle Buddy. Not having much energy to deal with a sparkling. Buddy regularly started spending more time with the Dinobots, which they were happy to have Buddy over.
“Hey Grimlock, I brought Buddy over.”--Wheeljack
“Hmmm… Why Tiny Buddy come so much now?”--Grimlock
“Well Optimus and some of the others are taking more patrol shifts after the recent Con activity in the area.”--Wheeljack
We cant take care of them right now Grimlock. That’s why we need you guys to watch Buddy until we come back.”--Wheeljack
Oh, Me Grimlock understand now.”--Grimlock
“Thank you—”--Wheeljack
“Buddy is Grimlock sparkling now!”--Grimlock
“WHAT NO—”--Wheeljack
“Dinobot’s who say Tiny Buddy is Grimlock sparkling say ‘eye’!”--Grimlock
“This is not up for debate Grimlock! Buddy is still—”--Wheeljack
“5 against 1. Dinobot’s win!”--Grimlock
“Oh Primus…”--Wheeljack
Meanwhile on patrol…
Optimus suddenly stopping.
“Whats wrong Prime? See any Con’s?”--Ironhide
“It’s the Buddy tingle…”--Optimus
“Is Buddy okay?”--Bumblebee
“… I’ll need to get back to base earlier than usual.”--Optimus
But then they started getting called in.
Buddy started being left alone with Grampa Sparkplug and Spike.
One morning Buddy tried keeping Optimus from getting out of the base by holding onto his servo for dear life. Optimus simply put them back into their makeshift crib and patted their helm, gently closed the door, and walked off for his morning patrols.
Prime thought he was leaving Buddy under the supervision of the Dinobots.
He didn’t know that the Dinobots had gone with Wheeljack and Hound to go see the new outdoor museum.
The Dinobots thought that Buddy was safe in the base with Ratchet and Sparkplug.
Ratchet and Sparkplug were out in town with Hoist and Grapple getting some more spare parts for the med bay and future projects for Wheeljack.
Ratchet and Sparkplug thought Buddy was with Bumblebee, Spike, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker.
The four of them were on a scouting mission that Prime had sent them on.
Which brings us back to Buddy.
Buddy for the first time since they had been found, was all alone in the base.
Buddy tried calling for anyone to come and get them.
After a while of calling Buddy started crying.
And crying hard.
Soundwave was trying to collect his thoughts.
He was on a mission from Megatron to get some more intel on Teletran one with his mini’s.
“Man, that was easy!”--Frenzy
“I know right! How many times has that loser Spike fallen for the old ‘lost casseste player’ thing?”--Rumble
“Too many to count.”--Frenzy
“Rumble, Frenzy: Quiet.”--Soundwave
“Comence operation: Teletran—”--Soundwave
“What was that?”--Frenzy
“Who was that?! I thought every one left!”--Rumble
“New operation: Soundwave investigate. Ravage, Frenzy, Rumble, Lazerbeak get Teletran One information.”--Soundwave
“On it, Boss!”--Rumble
Soundwave used his telepathic powers to seek the mind who was in the base.
He was hit with a sudden wave of raw emotions.
So much Fear.
He wasted no time going and seeing who this was.
The closer he got to the room the more he could hear the screams.
The screams sounded like a youngling.
No Autobot would start torturing natives of this planet… right?
The new blast of screams caused him to nearly rip the door from its hinges.
“Who is there? Show your self.”--Soundwave
“A… sparkling?”--Soundwave
Happy sparkling noises.
“Operation: Adoption in process.”--Soundwave
Sparkling reaching upward.
“Operation Adoption: Complete. Sparkling: Mine now.”--Soundwave
“Hey, Soundwave we got the—Sweet Primus! Is that a sparkling?!”--Rumble
“Rumble: Hush.”--Soundwave
“Shhh! Soundwave has a sparkling!”--Rumble
“A sparkling!?”--Frenzy
“Frenzy: Hush.”--Soundwave
“The Autobots left them alone?”--Frenzy
“Answer: positive.”--Soundwave
“… You’re gonna take them, aren’t you?”--Rumble
Soundwave tucking in the sparkling into his chassis.
Dad mode was activated.
As soon as he was outside of the entrance, he started hearing some of the younger Autobots coming near. Quickly putting Buddy into his Chassis, Soundwave quietly ran into the night.
Soundwave made it back to the Nemesis where he took Buddy out of his chassis along with the other cassettes.
Soundwave doesn’t know what happened in there, but it turns out the cassettes had made some sort of blood oath to look after the sparkling.
Everyone is crowding around the small family trying to get a look at the sparkling.
The minicons tried forming a protective barrier between them and the sparkling.
“Hey back up Screamer! You’ll scare the kid!”--Rumble
“How dare you—”--Stascream
Ravage and Lazerbeak standing by Buddy’s side daring the Second in Command to come closer.
“Fine… I didn’t want to see it anyways.”--Starscream
“Where did you fine the sparkling?”--Thundercracker
“Autobot base. Base empty. Sparkling only one there.”--Soundwave
“Did you get the information?”--Starscream
“Information gained successfully.”--Soundwave
“Nice, but who’s going to tell Megatron?”--Skywarp
“Whose, going to tell me what?”--Megatron
Sparkling sneezing noises.
The crowd was parted when Megatron entered the room. Soundwave stated what happened during his mission. Leaving Megatron a bit disgusted with his enemy.
How could Prime be so irresponsible for leaving the sparkling alone.
They even have humans that can look after the sparkling.
Well maybe not Spike, but the other ones are more competent than that one!
Now Megatron isn’t that dumb.
He knows where to draw the line in his ways, especially with new Cybertronian sparklings.
But at the same time, he wants to teach Prime a lesson.
“Soundwave, you will have custody of the sparkling until the end of the week.”--Megatron
“Listen, my army! This sparkling is not to be harmed under no circumstance! They will be part of the Decepticon army until the end of the week. Some of you will be looking after the sparkling, so you better plant that idea in your processors. Now any questions?”--Megatron
“Yes Thundercracker.”--Megatron
“Are we going to have to give the sparkling a name? Because I don’t want to call them ‘sparkling’ every single time.”--Thundercracker
“…Did—did the kid—”--Skywarp
“Buddy! Buddy! Buddy!”--Buddy
“I guess that’s their name.”--Rumble
The Cons decide to agree to one rule: No one is going to get attached.
You have Con’s who are already building up their emotional wall higher already wishing the week would be over.
Then you have Con’s like Soundwave who are already printing out copies for sharing the custody over the sparkling.
Everyone swears not to get attached.
That is the one thing they all fail to do.
As Buddy guardian during the week, he makes sure that most of his assignments are base operated.
Megatron can deal with it until the week is over.
The minicons are the primary babysitters for the sparkling.
Rumble and Frenzy try to teach the sparkling how to rough house which ends up with both fighting each other over the best way to give someone an uppercut.
Ravage likes to take naps near the sparkling.
Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw together like giving the sparkling little flying lessons.
Ratbat likes cuddling the sparkling when they are deep asleep, he’ll leave as soon as the sparkling starts waking up.
Soundwave entering back to his habsuite after some decoding.
“Rumble. Frenzy. Where is Buddy?”--Soundwave
Soundwave sees a cuddle pile of minicons around the sleeping sparkling on his berth.
Soundwave sighs softly and joins the pile.
The Elite Trine are the ones who really give the sparkling a flying lesson.
The three of them have a timer that tells them when to give the other a chance with the sparkling.
Skywarp warps with Buddy in his arms all over the Nemesis which makes them laugh loudly. He was quickly banned from doing this after he got stuck in a wall again and Buddy nearly dropped to the floor if it weren’t for Soundwave.
Starscream tries the entire time to get the sparkling to say ‘Hail Starscream’. Somehow the sparkling says ‘Hail Megatron’ and ‘Hail Optimus’. Where did they learn those two names? He blames Skywarp.
Thundercracker being the tamer one of the group takes the sparkling out of the base and peacefully flies above the clouds and careful not to fly above Autobot territory.
Buddy on the floor drawing something on a datapad.
“Whatcha drawing Buddy?”--Skywarp
“Seek! Seek!”--Buddy
“Seek? Do you mean Seeker?”--Thundercracker
“Seek! Seek!”--Buddy
“So, they decided to draw us Elite Seekers then. Quite fitting as we are the best Seekers in the Decepticon Armada. Well, show us.”--Starscream
Buddy showing a picture of them flying through the air; Skywarp surrounded by the purple crayon, Thundercracker had thunder bolt stickers, Starscream had a little crown on him. All topped with the Con logo stamped multiple times on the pad.
“That’s a weirdly cute drawing.”--Skywarp
“Yeah—Screamer are you crying?”--Thundercracker
Starscream’s optics filling with coolant.
Blitzwing and Astrotrain are set on babysitting duty one day when Soundwave and the minicons couldn’t see to it.
The both of them swear that the sparkling is going to cry when they see them and they are going to laugh.
Two hours into ‘Titanic’ the two Cons are trying to sniffle in the coolant that is dripping down their faceplates and sparkling is laughing at the humans in the funny dresses.
“Umm… why are you guys watching ‘Titanic’?”--Thundercracker
“Shut it!”--Astrotrain
“Oh C’mon! Jack obviously didn’t steal your dumb necklace, Rose! Don’t fall for that lousy trick!”--Blitzwing
“Ha Rosey!”--Buddy
“Exactly Buddy! Rose is funny to have fallen for this lousy trick! But with the power of love and plot, she’ll figure out that out!”--Thundercracker
“…”—Astrotrain, Blitzwing, Thundercracker
“…You want to join?”--Blitzwing
Buddy becomes nearly enamored with the sight of Devastator.
The huge bot is just crouching and lightly poking at the sparkling’s belly as it giggles and laughs loudly.
Devestator likes this.
When he goes back into the Constructicons, the adoration doesn’t stop.
Scrapper and Scavenger make little sparkling safe toys for Buddy to play around with. All in green and purple colors. Like the little Construction they are!
Bonecrusher is a little cautious to be near Buddy thinking he would accidentally hurt them. Buddy lies to sit on his lap, where he just becomes as stiff as a statue to not hurt Buddy.
Long Haul looks after Bonecrusher so nothing bad happens to Buddy. Which is mainly fixing Buddy’s posture, so they don’t tumble off of his teammates lap.
Mixmaster is not allowed to be near Buddy without Hook nearby. Hook may not be the strongest member of the Constructicons, but he also knows that there is a higher possibility of Buddy getting a scratch with Mix. As designated medic, he has his bandages ready.
Devestator holding Buddy in the palm of his servo.
Buddy giggling.
“Devestator shedding one single tear from the cuteness
Megatron tries to sneak in extra time from other Cons, but he can’t do it.
Soundwave is serious about having his kid -er- Buddy spending time with everyone equally.
But since Megatron has a lot of things to do he has his scientist build a device similar to what human’s strap on to take their younger infants on their chassis.
So many of his soldiers have to use every amount of will power not to laugh or giggle as Megatron is giving out battle plans as the sparkling strapped to his chassis is chewing on a rust stick.
“We will attack the base here. Then we shall—”--Megatron
Buddy sneezes.
“As I was saying, we shall then—”--Megatron
Buddy laughing loudly for no reason.
“…We shall—”--Megatron
Buddy tanks rumbling.
“Buddy: need fueling. Commence operation: Fueling time.”--Soundwave
“…Meeting dismissed...”--Megatron
The day finally comes to return the sparkling back. Megatron is already making plans with Soundwave to get the sparkling next month for another week.
Surprisingly there are some tears shed as Buddy waves goodbye to their new friends as Soundwave takes them back to the surface.
“You take care kid.”--Thundercracker
“Can’t wait for our next movie night!”--Blitzwing
“We’ll watch ‘The Goonies’ next time!”--Astrotrain
“I guess this is good-bye then. Until we meet again.”--Starscream
“I know you’re gonna miss them Screamer. Just admit it.”--Skywarp
“Shut… fine. We will see each other soon, Buddy.”--Starscream
“Good-Bye Buddy.”--Devestator
“We’ll see ya soon you little punk.”--Frenzy
“Don’t talk to strangers that aren’t us!”--Rumble
“Farewell little one. We will see each other shortly.”--Megatron
Meanwhile last week at the base.
Everyone was in panic mode.
Someone had kidnapped Buddy, and they didn’t have any video evidence of who had done it.
Everyone is blaming themselves for not being there for Buddy.
But Optimus is the worst of them all.
He had tried calling the Decepticons multiple times seeing if they had kidnapped Buddy and wanted ransom. They hadn’t answered. They had gone radio silence.
Optimus was going through everyone that would want revenge on him and thinking about where they could have taken Buddy. Ratchet and Ironhide have had to sedate him into getting some sleep.
When the Dinobots found out they nearly went berserk.
They are the first out the door looking for Buddy and the last to come back from searching.
Everyone is on high alert.
Back to the present.
Soundwave was hiding behind some tall trees that were near the base. There was a path that led straight to the base if they just continued the path.
“Buddy. Go down path.”--Soundwave
“Commence operation: Go home.”--Soundwave
“Yes, go to Prime. Good-bye Buddy.”
Soundwave bending down to hug Buddy one last time before placing them on the ground and walks down the opposite direction.
Soundwave looked from his hiding place until he was sure that Buddy was in the clear before heading back to the Nemesis.
Buddy waited a bit then started down the familiar path back home. It was the same nature path Optimus and Grimlock sometimes used when they needed to go for a walk and to get back to the base.
They speed up their little walk as more things start getting familiar to their optics. Especially the greenery around the large boulder.
They spot a familiar red and blue figure sitting on their special boulder and squeal in delight.
“Oppy! Oppy!”--Buddy
“Buddy!? Buddy!”--Optimus
Optimus’s knees give out as he crashes to the ground with Buddy in his arms. He is letting a sob of relief out feeling Buddy’s little servos on his facemask.
“Oppy? Oppy no cry. Happy! No sad!”--Buddy
“I am not sad Buddy…I am happy. So happy…”--Optimus
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mgarmagedon · 3 months
Yayy Prime kids in rid15 😭🫶
Actually Prime kids in rid15 are Bumblebee and Arcee, like in Transformers Prime (at least in my au), basically Ratchet and Optimus adopted them, after their mother died during the attack on their home city
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(old picture because from 2022, but you got the point)
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