#Jupiter 10H
libra-stellium · 6 months
Tracking my transits this year!
I took notes from Saturn in transit by Erin Sullivan and Planets in transit by Robert Hand
Saturn square Jupiter (Feb 3-Mar 23 - if you have Jupiter in Sagittarius at 9° the dates are the same for you)
suddenly deflate what was once a growing proposition, creating a predicament where we must consider whether or not the current conditions have become over inflated or unrealistic
Def been in that mindset like omg what is life what am I doing and is what I’m asking for unrealistic 😂 word for word asked myself that when I put $115k in the salary request box of a job application like I’m not a fully barred attorney 💀💀💀 and then they ghosted me so I was like omg even if it’s not unreasonable THEY must think it isssss
Requires that we look at our social ambitions and how we achieve them / Evaluate goals and the methods by which we might achieve them
Def been thinking about it! I keep saying I want more friends and don’t go anywhere lol so I signed up for the alumni association from my undergrad to find out about events and go socialize lol haven’t actually been to an event yet tho 😬 and this weekend I actually said yes to going out the same day with my friend! Yesterday the 23rd my phone was so DRY I think I sent two texts the entire day and no one contacted me and I was so bored 😩 but also feeling lonely like if I was living with someone at least another human would be here you know??
Hard aspect often feel restrictive or inhibitive, depressing our innate need to continue to expand and grow beyond our immediate circumstances / Hard angles often coincide with a feeling of being trapped or feeling incapable of upward or outward mobility / Under a hard aspect if we lose a contract, job, or offer then it must be accepted as a blessing in disguise /during this transit your opportunities may be curtailed and your freedom of action may be quite limited
This has been the most felt thing for me this transit!! All of February and March so far I’ve only left my apt 7 times to go somewhere and one of those times all I did was walk over to the leasing office that’s next door 😂 I also stopped walking on my walking pad and during this time one of my friends got a job and it had me spiraling for a second bc we started looking for jobs at the same a year and a half ago and this was her second job she started and I haven’t even gotten an interview! And at the same time this intern at my job got offered an attorney position and I was like ?? I’ve been here for almost 3 years?? I also didn’t want it 😂 but still!!! And my other friend who just gave birth found another job in like 2 months and I’m like omgggg what am I doing wrong?? Low key 👀 could be bc none of the jobs I’ve seen and applied to were exciting to me 😭😬
If a genuine attempt to realize our fantasies and embody our beliefs is made saturn will assist in creating the structure necessary for the realization of those grand plans / tests how well you have our your life together especially for finances, business, and your profession / If it’s not working, let it go or it’ll be more trouble when the Saturn Jupiter opposition comes
This has been going okay for me bc I found myself being in a teacher position when it comes to finances bc I did set them up to work properly for me and was able to pass on that knowledge to fam and friends who needed some help! Another goal was to get back into cooking for myself so I started looking up recipes and buying those ingredients and I bought actual Tupperware too!
Critical reform in our attitude towards society and its strata
I’ve literally been so pissed off about the world especially living in the US and I’m no longer thinking of “lesser of two evil” bc they’re all evil and it sucks that humans can’t just be alive and it be enough
Hard angles will bring awareness to how ineffective we can be and how that might be changed / The positive result is redefining our strategy and and a good long self evaluation about loyalties
Boundaries! Going NC with my mom last year happened so sudden that I didn’t think about how I would handle her coming up in conversation with other people and I’ve had to tell them oh I’m NC I have nothing to say about that! The other day my aunt called me to order me to pray for my mother and I had to hang up on her bc I told her no and to change the topic and she continued and then texted me “that was not nice” lmao girl and yelling at me on the phone is? Tf? And the next day she acted like nothing happen which she does when she knows she was wrong. So had to think about whether I have to cut her off too bc she’s obviously chosen her narc sister 🤷🏾‍♀️
Saturn-Jupiter contacts are frequently present during important shifts in our career
Idkkkk I’m not seeing it lol unless the shift is that I should take astrology more seriously instead of law 😬 but I paid 6figs for that degree lmao I’m gonna use it!! I had a zodiacal releasing LB March 8 for lot of spirit and that same day I had nothing to do at work but I did a quick chart reading for my friend and she said it resonated lol and I was ecstatic all day!
Feelings of rebellion against the oppressor is justified but it matters more how we approach the matter / Don’t react blindly out of frustration, calmly evaluate
I don’t think this has come up bc I haven’t left my apt lol I also haven’t felt frustrated against any oppressor I mean unless you count being frustrated with the genocides but I feel like that’s more of a global thing
Curtail and eliminate unnecessary activities, assume an introspective mode until social motivations and priorities are more clearly arranged
Yep I’ve been inside thinking and thinking lol I’ve been posting a lot more on this blog too and sending my cousin podcast long voice notes of my thoughts lmao she’s a Virgo sun/Gemini rising so she loves it and reciprocates 😂 less TikTok as well but sometimes I still get stuck doomscrolling
Hard aspects can indicate to what degree we have allowed our animal nature to be subsumed by culture / The frustration that arises from within is directly proportionate to the degree to which suppression of the instinctive aspect of our nature has been effective / Hard angle has the potential to offer insight into this necessary aspect of human nature, pointing out how frustrated we might be and in the end offering options in liberating the spirit of the nature within
Haven’t felt frustration so I guess that means I’ve been in my intuitive bag! lol
Transit is unfavorable financially
Yeah bc I just spent so much money in March Lmao but it’s bc I booked a trip to Amsterdam! I think this is the most I’ve spent in so long! I also bought a piece of furniture two weeks ago lol
Activities from 7 years ago are being tested to see if they have a real importance
My entire life?!? I was literally doing everythingggggg in 2017! Graduated college, started law school, broke up with my bf after 3yrs, moved to the city I’m still in, my cousin and I got back in contact bc we were on the same flight sitting together, also met people that I’m still friends with today. I hate saying it but I really think it’s law school 🤣 working has not been exciting at all especially bc it seems all the jobs now wanna pay so low and I’d rather stay where I am!
Don’t make up your mind until this transit is over
This transit happening with my 10H Jupiter makes me think it’s the career stuff I should be making up my mind over lol I started the transit with a meeting with my mentor Feb 9 and she said she has a friend working in immigration and if I wanted to volunteer to get that experience and idk how I felt about it bc how much of a difference would it really make?? But also having this extra thing to do could be helpful so I wouldn’t get so bored when there’s nothing to do at work 😭 I haven’t said anything to her yet so still thinking about it!
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elysiansparadise · 2 months
Hii! Could you please write about Jupiter in the 10h? I love your content 🤍
Hello love, thanks for loving my content and of course I can talk about this. 🤍
Jupiter in the 10th house
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Here we have natives who naturally evoke charisma, they can very easily please people and give good impressions, this since Jupiter is the planet of fortune and luck and the 10th house is linked to the first impressions we give to others. They have the ability to stand out from the crowd, whether due to their social skills, their ambition, their way of working or their talents/abilities. This position helps not only to be liked in the work environment, but also to achieve all the goals that are in mind regarding professional success. They have a knack for inspiring others, whether to follow their dreams or by having natives as role models. Regardless of their personality, these natives tend to be ambiverts with a facility for understanding people and, in the process, winning their good side. They can become recognized for their empathetic, hard-working and kind attitude and personality. In general, these people enjoy either fame or great public acceptance. They have the potential to grow a lot and achieve great things in the field they want. One of the fascinating things about them is this duality that they have, because they know when to be lighthearted, funny and witty but also when it is time to become more serious and calm.
They have an excellent work ethic and have a high degree of commitment and responsibility with all the fields in which they operate. There may be workaholic tendencies or a desire to constantly be growing and achieving things. They can place a lot of expectations on themselves and can be somewhat perfectionistic when it comes to their own work and results. These natives can travel a lot thanks to their work. Many times luck begins to come to them once they start working or becoming independent. Some of the common jobs for people with this placement are in the law sector, some work in universities or schools, something that allows them to connect with people from afar from international relations, to pilots or flight attendants. Many artists usually have this placement, as it favors a good reception from the public. Many of them need a job that is not excessively routine and in which they are constantly learning new things. Despite giving good impressions, these people also have a certain aura of power, untouchable vibes or like being out of people’s leagues.
They have high aspirations, great ambitions and won't settle for little. They will always seek to achieve the maximum potential in their career. Their work can have a positive impact on society and they may be attracted to professions that allow them to contribute to social well-being and make a significant difference. They have a strong sense of purpose in their career, some even see their work as a calling and are motivated by a desire to fulfill their professional mission. This position of Jupiter can indicate success on an international level, many times becoming more recognized abroad than in their own country.This can be from having job opportunities abroad or even collaborating with people from different cultures. Jupiter rules excesses, if the person does not have balance or sufficient maturity, it can show us someone who, no matter how much they achieve or have through their work, is never satisfied. They may have power, popularity or a lot of money through their work. They can become recognized for their extensive knowledge on a specific topic.
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sensualnoiree · 8 months
astro notes: jupiter through the houses pt.2
Symbolizing wisdom, luck, and spiritual growth, Jupiter guides us through journeys of abundance and higher learning. As it rules Sagittarius and Pisces, and co-rules Pisces with Neptune, its reach extends to philosophical pursuits, foreign travel, and spiritual exploration. From its exaltation in Cancer to its debilitation in Capricorn, Jupiter's placement illuminates our beliefs, aspirations, and sense of justice. Throughout this exploration of Jupiter's journey through the houses, we unravel its transformative power and guiding light, embracing its blessings of prosperity, abundance, and divine guidance.
Jupiter in the 4th House:
With Jupiter gracing your fourth house of home and family, you are blessed with a deep sense of emotional fulfillment and inner stability. Your home is a source of comfort and sanctuary, providing you with a strong foundation from which to navigate the challenges of life.
Your emotional resilience and stability make you a pillar of strength for your loved ones, and you may find that you are able to offer wise counsel and support during times of difficulty. Your relationship with your mother is particularly close and nurturing, and you may find that she plays a significant role in shaping your values and beliefs.
Family gatherings and traditions hold special significance for you, and you may take great pleasure in creating a warm and welcoming environment for those you hold dear. You have a deep appreciation for the importance of roots and heritage, and you may find that you are drawn to explore your ancestry or preserve family traditions for future generations.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to become too attached to the past or overly protective of your emotional boundaries. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to cling to familiar patterns or resist change, even when it is necessary for growth and evolution. Remember to embrace the opportunities for expansion and growth that come from stepping outside of your comfort zone.
Overall, Jupiter in the fourth house blesses you with emotional security, familial bonds, and a deep connection to your roots. Embrace the blessings of home and family, and use them as a source of strength and inspiration as you navigate the journey of life.
Jupiter in the 5th House:
With Jupiter gracing your fifth house of creativity and self-expression, you possess a boundless imagination and a zest for life that is truly infectious. Your creative talents are vast and varied, and you may find that you excel in artistic pursuits such as music, theater, or writing.
Your love life is characterized by passion and romance, and you may find that you attract partners who share your love of adventure and excitement. Your children, if you have them, are a source of joy and inspiration, and you may take great pleasure in nurturing their talents and encouraging their dreams.
Creativity and self-expression are central to your sense of identity, and you may find that you are drawn to activities that allow you to express yourself authentically and freely. Whether through artistic endeavors or playful pursuits, you have a natural gift for infusing joy and positivity into everything you do.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to overindulge in pleasure or become overly attached to external validation. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to seek validation and approval from others, rather than finding fulfillment from within. Remember to cultivate a sense of self-worth that is independent of external recognition, and focus on expressing yourself authentically from the heart.
Overall, Jupiter in the fifth house blesses you with creativity, romance, and joyous self-expression. Embrace the blessings of love and creativity, and use them to infuse every aspect of your life with passion, vitality, and purpose.
Jupiter in the 6th House:
With Jupiter gracing your sixth house of health and service, you are blessed with a deep sense of compassion and a desire to make a positive difference in the world. Your work ethic is strong, and you may find fulfillment in roles that allow you to serve others or contribute to the greater good.
Your health tends to be robust, and you may possess a natural talent for healing and holistic living. Whether through physical fitness, dietary choices, or spiritual practices, you have a deep appreciation for the importance of maintaining balance and well-being in all areas of your life.
Your generosity knows no bounds, and you may find that you are constantly seeking opportunities to lend a helping hand or support those in need. Your compassionate nature and strong sense of social responsibility make you a valuable asset to your community, and you may find fulfillment in roles that allow you to advocate for justice and equality.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to become overly self-sacrificing or perfectionistic in your approach to work and service. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to take on too much responsibility or become overly critical of yourself and others. Remember to prioritize self-care and set healthy boundaries, ensuring that you are able to give freely without depleting your own resources.
Overall, Jupiter in the sixth house blesses you with compassion, service, and a deep desire to make a positive impact in the world. Embrace the blessings of health and well-being, and use them to create a brighter, more compassionate world for yourself and those around you.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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rabiosantologia · 17 days
Purva Bhadrapada ASC
Rohini Saturn in the 4H (lagnesha)
Magha Sun, Venus and Mercury (Rx) in the 7H
Swati Moon in the 9H and Anuradha Jupiter in the 10H
Mars (atmakaraka) in conjunction with Rahu in Shravana in the 12H
Ketu in Ashlesha in the 6H
Birth time as (C), so the placements given here are guesses
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ninelivesastrology · 4 months
Suzanne Collins was born on August 10th, 1962 and I will bet 9 of my horses that she has Mercury in Virgo, not Mercury in Leo as the Mercury changed signs half-past 3PM. If so, her potential Rising sign ranges from Sagittarius to Taurus.
Ironically, Suzanne was in her 2nd House profection year when The Hunger Games was released. I think it's funny because the 2H rules food...
So usually, the 10H talks about our career. Suzanne Collins' career is being an author, but her creative work are signified by the L5.
Suzanne being a Sagittarius Rising makes sense to me for quite a few reasons. Her chart ruler would be Jupiter in Pisces Rx.
Her L10 would be Mercury in Virgo, exalted and in the 10th House, so dignified. I'm actually looking at her chart and almost every planet is exalted or in its domicile except Moon and Mars.
Her L5 would be Mars in Gemini in the 7H and she literally wrote a book series about kids (Gemini, youth) killing (Mars) each other (7H) to survive.
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Suzanne also has this really intense love for Greek mythology. I believe it was in an interview for The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. My mind was just kind of blown reading it, but it's riddled throughout her books. Mythology is a 9th House thing. Publishing is 9th House, too. If she were a Sag Rising, her Sun in Leo would be the 9th House ruler in the 9th House, dignified for it is in its joy and domicile.
I saw someone paraphrase another person, saying that having Moon on the Ascendant is the mark of an author, too. I have to agree with this as the Moon is a messenger.
(I do also think she has Venus in Libra conjoined to the Midheaven.)
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
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♇ 𝔞𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔰𝔦𝔤𝔫𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔟𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔶
♇ 𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔟𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔤𝔦𝔯𝔩 𝔦𝔫𝔣𝔩𝔲𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢
♇ 𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔶 𝔰𝔞𝔫𝔭𝔞𝔨𝔲 𝔢𝔶𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔬𝔯𝔶
♇ 𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔣𝔞𝔪𝔢
♇ 𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 𝔰𝔭𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢
♇ ᴅᴏᴍɪᴄɪʟᴇ, ᴇxᴀʟᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴅᴇᴛʀɪᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴀʟʟ ᴘʟᴀɴᴇᴛꜱ
♇ 𝔤𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰
♇ 𝔧𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 𝔰𝔭𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔬𝔯𝔶
♇ 𝔪𝔬𝔬𝔫 𝔰𝔦𝔤𝔫𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔟𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔶
♇ 𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔥 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔣𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 𝔰𝔭𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔬𝔯𝔶
♇ 𝔭𝔞𝔰𝔱 𝔩𝔦𝔣𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔬𝔯𝔶
♇ ᴘʟᴀɴᴇᴛꜱ ɪɴ ʀᴇᴛʀᴏɢʀᴀᴅᴇ
♇ ᴘɪꜱᴄᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ
♇ 𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔬𝔬𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔭𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔢𝔱𝔰; 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔣𝔦𝔱𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔴𝔟𝔞𝔠𝔨𝔰
♇ 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔭𝔥𝔬𝔱𝔬𝔤𝔯𝔞𝔭𝔥𝔢𝔡 𝔭𝔢𝔬𝔭𝔩𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡
♇ 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔞𝔧𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔠 𝔳𝔦𝔯𝔤𝔬
♇ 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔥 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔭
♇ ɴᴏʀᴛʜ ɴᴏᴅᴇ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱɪɢɴꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇꜱ
♇ 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔥 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔣𝔞𝔪𝔢
♇ 𝔱𝔥𝔢 8𝔱𝔥 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔦𝔫𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔱 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔣𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 𝔰𝔭𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢'𝔰 𝔣𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔶
♇ ꜱᴀᴛᴜʀɴ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴀᴛʜᴇʀ'ꜱ ᴋᴀʀᴍᴀ
♇ ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ꜱɪɢɴꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ
♇ 8ʜ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ 18+
ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ ʀᴜʟᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇꜱ
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theartofastrologyy · 2 years
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a professional charmer
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harmoonix · 2 months
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~ Astrology Observations ~
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Having Venus in air sign or house 3H/7H/11H is the best indicator to show that you need lots of communication in your relationships, is a good placement if you like to be more extrovert
Cancer in your big 3 *Sun, Moon, Rising* are empathetic placements, cancer is usually connected so much with the mother nature and feels a deep empathy for everything surrounding
Sagittarius Placements especially in big 3 or big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Mercury, Venus) is that BITCH. Wild, carefree, savage, all that plate. They're iconic
Can I please say how happy I am when I check (black, poc natives) charts and I see LEO PLACEMENTS???? EMBODY THAT FELINE INSIDE YOU. I love seeing Leo Placements in their chart 100/10.
Leo Venus is top, Leo Mars is fire, Leo Rising is a nuclear bomb. I LOVE THEM. The sun being your ruler makes everything to be perfect
Mars aspecting the Midheaven can bring you faster to the things you want to manifest in your career/job
I love how much Capricorn in big 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising) embodies the dark traits of the sign. Like Capricorn was always seen as a dark sign, I love the lore behind this sign and how much it can influence your life
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When the rhythm make it vibrate
Tell me how much can you take
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Venus aspecting Neptune or Neptune aspecting Moon can often have "love dreams" like dreaming about love, dreaming about a partner, or a relationship
Taurus Moon/Rising/Mercury/3H can have a very sensual voice.. like is so blessed by Venus vocally, I love their soft tone
Jupiter in Scorpio/8H/ at 8° 20° is a deep placement in a sense that it makes to discover your life the fullest, also gives you sexual power
Juno in Aries/1h may love a spouse who can take the lead in their relationship, not in a dominant way but more as a role
Jupiter aspecting Neptune can make you more of a dreamer if you have these aspects in your chart, like you can be a part of a fairytale movie
Mars aspecting the ascendant natives have an inner fire inside them that makes them so ambitious. They wanna achieve big things in life
The dark romance between Moon - Pluto aspects is not described enough on this app. There is something so intense about the natives who have the moon in aspects with a destoryer planet
Something I saw within the sun and moon in the 9H natives is that they love their culture/traditions so much. They may also love to share their culture with others
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Moon aspecting the ascendant natives is a sensitive placement in a good way. They can feel the energies around them and are able to protect from the bad ones
Venus in Sagittarius/9H may have a very funny love language. They're more playful in their love relationships. They can appreciate partners who have a good humor
Venus in Capricorn/10H may wanna be seduced first and to hit the rock, they wanna act dominant and all but they still a sensible side
Mercury in Gemini is a placement I rarely see. I'm not gonna lie. Even if Mercury is at home here, still is not seen that much, I love how social they can get, I ended up with one once, and we wouldn't stop talking at all
Even if Virgos are highly critical, we have to appreciate their self - care cus' is always on point.
Mercury aspecting the Sun natives can bring others in a good mood with their energy, somehow they always bring some peace in your life
Scorpio Mars should be classified as a sex king, like always horny, always in a mood for racing in bed, and always prepared ( I said king because Mars is a masculine planet)
Men with a Venus in the 6h/10h are husbands material placement. You won in life if your husband has these
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Cancer in the 10H/Moon in the 10H, the career or job you choose can play a big role in your emotional being and development
North Node in the 11H/ at 11° 23° or in Aquarius can get popular in online/wealthy on social media, some kind of influencer
Jupiter in Libra/Jupiter in 7H/Jupiter at 7° 19° have a deep need/focus for partnerships. This energy makes the native to be liked/loved by people
Jupiter aspecting Uranus natives have a knowledge of 'future', somehow they have an idea of how the future will influence the world
Lilith in the 1h/5h/8h/12h makes the native to have a sensual aura. Sensuality may play a big role in their lives
People have said that Lilith in the 6H can be one of the most difficult positions for this placement, and I don't blame them at all. Being the house of mental power and health with Lilith here, everything can go into chaos, but you have the power to manage the chaos 🤍
Air Mercuries/Mercury in the air signs 3H/7H/11h can be influenced more easily by music, feelings + music is what this Mercury has to give
North Node in the 7H/Libra can indicate that you tend to depend on others much more in this life, due to focusing only on yourself in a past life with Aries south node/south node in the 1H
Pluto in 2H may indicate intense experiences with your self - worth and your material resources. Sometimes, you may able to control both
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Saturn/Capricorn over the 6H/12H might have a fight with their subconscious sometimes, feeling tired, sleepy, even if you sleep enough your body still loves to sleep/relax
Some astrologers have said that after your saturn return happens, you'll be a new person, you will change, and saturn returns happen to change you
Virgo over the 8H/12H can have lots of phobias. These houses can represent fear to some extent, so it can happen, like snake phobias, spiders, deep sea, insects, and many more
Juno aspecting the Moon can indicate you tend to fall in love with people who can understand your emotional needs
Juno in Gemini natives can end up calling their spouse with nicknames (it can be any nickname)
Juno in Taurus/2H may love when their spouse takes them to a fancy place/restaurant. They can also fall in love with ppl who have the same passion for food like them
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~ Not a heart on earth can beat my love ~
💚💚💚💚 On Friday we honor the love, THE day of Venus
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starsandsuch · 2 months
JUPITER through the houses: Where do things happen easily for you in life ? 🍀🎰🔑
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Jupiter naturally represents one’s fortune. The house Jupiter resides in one’s birth chart depicts the individual’s “luck” in life.
But one can liken “luck” and “fortune” as circumstances where things just happen to work out for you and you gain things “easily”.
This is due to Jupiter’s innate supportive nature, blessing natives with favorable circumstances wherever he resides.
Where Saturn restricts and pushes one to put in effort, Jupiter’s nature is supportive and generous with fortune.
Check the house you have Jupiter in ➡️
Can work for tropical or sidereal birth chart!
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Jupiter in 1H: you attract attention easily, naturally popular, respected by others, gains weight easily. Naturally protected by the universe and divinely guided. Naturally confident about oneself.
Jupiter in 2H: receiving financial opportunities easily, receiving gifts from others, spoiled with money and gifts. Easy to have large appetite. Gets financial support from family easily. Singing abilities and vocal talents come easy to you. Gets wealthy easily.
Jupiter in 3H: Easily learns new skills. Easily expresses oneself, endless creativity, ease with forming social connections. Easily gains favoritism at school and from peers. Trying stuff for the first time and succeeding. Easily succeeding at social media, gaining followers etc. Easy for you to learn and gain knowledge. Being smart comes easy. Understanding many topics without much effort.
Jupiter in 4H: Easily aligns with one’s feminine energy. Has powerful intuitive downloads, ease with home related manners, easy to live in desired circumstances. Easy to manifest dream car/ home. Supportive connection with family. If you need help they support you easily.
Jupiter in 5H: ease with creativity, having a lot of creative projects. Easy to get pregnant, “fertile”. Multitalented. Easy to have multiple talents. Trying anything creative and being automatically good at it. Easy to become famous. Effortless “star quality”. Easily attracts romantic attention.
Jupiter in 6H: ease with health matters. Healing from ailments quickly. Easy to develop a routine for oneself, easy to get a job, easy to form bonds with animals. Easily receives favoritism at work. Easily gains victory over enemies.
Jupiter in 7H: ease with relationships. Getting into a partnership without trying too hard, romantic options fall into your lap. Easy to appeal to others in social situations. Gaining a favorable reputation easily. Receives favorable circumstances in business partnerships easily.
Jupiter in 8H: receiving money and gifts from others easily, people just give you stuff often. Easily finds a wealthy spouse. Spouse is financially generous. Able to use intuitive powers easily, naturally “psychic”, you manifest easily and get what you want through spiritual abilities.
Jupiter in 9H: gaining knowledge, and understanding spiritual topics easily. Naturally wise, intelligent, clever without much effort. Naturally a good teacher to others. Easy to guide others and give advice. Gains fortune easily and is lucky. Ability to travel internationally without much efforts. Easily aligns with destiny.
Jupiter in 10H: receiving job opportunities easily, always has a good reputation no matter what. Receiving favorable jobs and profesional positions. Easily receives favoritism from boss. Easily gains popularity and status. Naturally a leader.
Jupiter in 11H: receives gains easily, experiences windfalls of increase financially, gets opportunities easily. Receiving social popularity easily, easy to get social media following/fanbase. Effortless ability to persuade the masses, easily influential, makes social connections easily. In difficult situations you always have someone that magically bails you out.
Jupiter in 12H: receives intuitive downloads easily. Naturally psychic, easily connects with spiritual world. Can easily astral travel and tap into different realities. Spiritual knowledge comes easy to you. Naturally protected from hidden enemies. Sleeps easily and comfortably. Has dreams that tell the future.
-starsandsuch 💕✌️
Similar post: Your Jupiter sign and your philosophy in life
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astro-vogue · 3 months
© Astro - Vogue 2024 All Rights Reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
[ ⚠ ] these are only potential indicators, they don't tell the whole story, the whole chart must be seen as well and must support the indicators positively.
• these apply to the Birth Chart, to transits and Solar/Lunar Return Charts & Progressed Charts as well
$ Jupiter in the 2H, 6H, 8H, 10H & 11H
$ Pluto in the 2H, 8H, 10H & 11H
$ Venus in the 2H, 8H, 10H & 11H
$ Jupiter Ruling the 2H, 8H, 10H or 11H
$ Pluto Ruling the 2H, 8H, 10H or 11H
$ Venus Ruling the 2H, 8H, 10H or 11H
$ Jupiter/Pluto/Venus - MC Aspects
$ Jupiter/Saturn/Venus in Taurus, Scorpio, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces (or degrees)
$ 2H, 8H, 10H or 11H in Taurus, Scorpio, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces (or degrees)
$ Venus - Jupiter Aspects
$ Saturn - Jupiter Aspects
$ Venus - Saturn Aspects
$ Venus - Pluto Aspects
$ Saturn - Pluto Aspects
$ Pluto - Jupiter Aspects
$ Jupiter/Venus/Saturn/Pluto at 28°
$ Jupiter/Venus/Saturn/Pluto at 29° Cancer
$ 2H Ruler in the 2H/8H/10H/11H
$ 8H Ruler in the 2H/8H/10H/11H
$ 10H Ruler in the 2H/8H/10H/11H
$ 11H Ruler in the 2H/8H/10H/11H
$ Venus/Jupiter/Pluto - North Node Aspects (especially flowing ones)
© Astro - Vogue 2024 All Rights Reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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uyuforu · 4 months
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How to know where your Future Spouse was born with Astrology
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Quick little story time to introduce this post: I was scrolling on instagram and suddenly I saw a reel about astrology. The astrologist on the reel was explaining how it was possible to see with the 10H where your Future Spouse was born/ come from, and explained in the reel. I'll give credits of course. But people in her comments seem to be confused still and she wasn't replying much. I thought of making a post about it and making it more clear! It is indeed a very interesting theory. In the reel she took the example of Angelina Jolie.
Credits of the theory goes to v.josa on Instagram.
All pictures were found on Pinterest
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°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Why the 10H?
ꕥ The 7H in astrology represents the Future Spouse. And in Numerology, the number 4 represents the home, foundation, productivity and sometimes wealth.
ꕥ So if we count from the 7H until the 10H, we find a gap of 4. So in this theory, the 10H will so represent where the Future Spouse of the native was born.
ꕥ This technique is to be used on Natal Charts only. I will explain the technique used in order for you to understand better. This technique is to be used to guess the country but also the key words of the city they were born in.
ꕥ This technique doesn't say where your FS lives right now! It is only a way to found out where your FS comes from.
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ The Technique
ʚïɞ In your 10H/MC, you will need to check the sign it is in. You will also check the degree of the house, but also the ruler, and what planets are in the 10H. We are only going to check planets! Sun to Pluto only!
ʚïɞ For the Ruler of your 10H, you will need to check where it is in your chart and under what sign.
ʚïɞ For the planets inside, it will tell us what kind of country and place your FS was born in. I'll give all the key words after the examples. For the planets, we will use the ones that are the closest to your MC! So if you have any planets that exactly conjuncts your MC it's perfect! Otherwise, just take the closest. The closest planets to take will need to be 10° apart maximum from the line of the MC!
ʚïɞ Unfortunately it is very hard to explain this technique just like that, so I will use different examples down below for you to understand better. I want to also add that everything is more about describing where your FS was born, and so everything will work with key words!
ʚïɞ Example: My MC is Cancer 23°. I will look at Cancer/ Moon keywords, Aquarius too because of the degree. I have Leo Sun and Cancer Mercury in 10H, so I'll look at Mercury & Leo/ Sun too.
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°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Examples
ꕥ In the astrologer's example, she uses Angelina Jolie who has Aries MC in 17°. In her 10H, the planets closest to her MC are Jupiter (exactly conjunct her MC at 17° both) and Mars, which happens to be in the 9H. Aries MC is so ruled by Mars and the 17° is a Leo degree. She explains that Angelina's spouse would be born in a place related to royalty, fights could have happened there, and it can be a very known place too. Jupiter and the 9H (because Aries being ruled by Mars happens to be in the 9H) are both related to traveling, so many people could travel there, it's a very touristic place. Moreover, it can so mean marrying a foreigner. Her first husband, Jonny Lee Miller, was born in England, in a city named Kingston upon Thames. The country is indeed related to royalty and is very famous, but also the city. Originally, the city had another name which translated to "The King's Estate/ Manor". Jupiter is indeed a planet about optimism, success, luck, and generosity but it's also about abundance. Kingston upon Thames makes sense in this case, as it is the King's possession, abundance. Mars could also be so related to a man, it's also a planet about masculinity. The King marking his territory in this case, by calling this city "his" (happened a lot at that time) makes great sense.
ꕥ Jungkook has Libra MC 27°, ruled by Venus. In the 10H, he has Mars in it. But the planet which is the closest is Venus which is in his 9H. Jungkook's FS was born in a place that is related to femininity, anything related to beauty, art, beauty of the soul, sensuality, music, dancing, marriage too could be important in this culture, beauty, fashion, luxury too. The 27° could be related to a certain language, so this could be a place where people speak many different languages and have many different cultures. Many people could live there, and there could be a lot of moments in general. MC's ruler being in the 9H makes a lot more sense as to the fact his FS is a foreigner. Mars here could mean the place they were born in is full of movement, it could be a very active place, so perhaps his FS was born in a capital. Because of the Libra and Venus influence, his FS could be born in a place known for beauty, the way women dress, they way they do their make up, they way they move or act sensual, they could be from a country women are considered goddesses for example, or a place where there could be a lot of jewels for example, or a certain make up style, etc.
ꕥ My sister has Capricorn MC 10°, ruled by Saturn. In the 10H, she doesn't have much as planets, only asteroids. Otherwise, the Sun is very close to the MC and they actually conjunct each other. It seems like my sister's FS will be from a place people work hard, they can come from a wealthy place, a place people have a lot of belongings, though corruption can happen. They can come from a place where people are introvert, don't go talk to people, and they can come from a capital kind of city, big city, etc. An old country too. With the Sun being closed to the MC, the FS can come from a latin country, royalty, a place that is very popular, very visited, almost overrated. Since the ruler is Saturn, we need to look where it falls in her chart, and it falls in 4H in Cancer! And, as I was sure, they def come from the same country. FS comes from a country where traditions are important, and food may be part of it. FS could also come from a place near water, or the ocean, he could also come from the same city as her, or has been close to her this whole time, despite not knowing each other.
ꕥ In my case, I have Cancer MC 23°, ruled by Moon and Mercury being very closed to the MC. Indeed, my FS may not come from the same country as me, but the country he is from has a big interest in my country. His country is also known for being very traditional, and very close to their culture, they also are very into food and mostly their food, they hold a big pride into that. The 23° makes a lot of sense because he comes from a country that is known for being a futuristic place, a technology advanced kind of country, and with Mercury being close to the MC, they indeed have a very good and modernized transportation system. Oh and Cancer here could mean at some point I could have lived where he was born, because indeed that's what happened. This country also has a big idea about family and children in general (very traditional). The country isn't new but it's a recent touristic place, many people wanna go there now. Also it's a place where people are very into studying too. And I also wanna add, that the exact city he was born in is actually a place that is focused on new technology researches lmao. The MC is ruled by Moon, and my Moon is in my 8H in Gemini. I'll focus more on the 8H placement, indeed the country was hidden before, not very noticed until recently, and mostly it was a country that got a rebirth of some sort after war.
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°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Key words and Help
ʚïɞ Aries/ 1H/ 1°,13°, 25°/ Mars
Warm, Summer, Hot, Wars, Fights, Battles, Revolutions, Leadership, Dictatorship, New Country, A lot of people, A lot of things going on, a place with a lot of energies, a lot of movement, a place that can be tiring emotionally, draining, angry people, people who are prideful, passionate people, aggressive people, Latin origin country or place, people who speak a lot with their body, s3x, kissing, people have a reputation for being physical, fast things, things changing fast in that place, arguments, people speaking loudly, strikes, bold, courageous people, the people revolting themselves in the past against the oppression or against a leader, men, kings, emperors, masculine energy, etc.
ʚïɞ Taurus/ 2H/ 2°, 14°, 26°/ Venus
Nature, calm, chill people, pretty people, a country or place with beautiful sights, a country or place known for their beautiful people, food, delicious food, culture is a lot going on with food, pastries, desserts, traditional people, wealthy country, a luxurious and expensive place, country can be expensive too, celebrities living there, hiking, a lot of parks, people speaking a language that is considered beautiful, skin care, people having beauty secrets, people being healthy, in good shape, culture also can be related to beauty and make up, clothing too, old country, Queens, Empresses, women being embodied as Goddesses, flirts, poetry, art, a country known for their arts, museums, a lot of artists, or a lot of artist come to study there, people known for enjoying life, etc.
ʚïɞ Gemini/ 3H/ 3°, 15°, 27°/ Mercury
Transport, a lot of different transport or new transport, a lot of cars, or just a country known for their good transport system, school and education system is very important there, a good education system, country or place is known for school or having smart people, funny people, open minded people, Muti-cultural place, people from different places coming to live here, curious people, gossips, obsessive fans, a lot of stalkers, paparazzis, social medias, people obsessed with social medias, a country known for they advanced technologies, people obsessed with their phone, people who talk loud, people talk more than 2 languages, people know for their books, literature, bookstores, a windy place, a new country, etc.
ʚïɞ Cancer/ 4H/ 4°, 16°, 28°/ Moon
A traditional place, ocean, sea, beach, water, fishes, a lot of fish based food, a country where food is part of their culture, delicious food, a place or country closed to their tradition, an old country, feminine energy, women, goddess, Mother Nature, mothers, pregnancies, babies, giving birth, nurturing, people can be nurturing there, people can seem innocent in this place, introvert people, shy people, very welcoming and warm people, faith, religion, the idea of home & family being important there, someone who speaks the same language as you or live in the same place/ country/ states as you, etc.
ʚïɞ Leo/ 5H/ 5°, 17°, 29°/ Sun
Warm, Summer, Hot, Popular, Royalty, Revolutions, Fame, Celebrities, famous place, a country which is very popular, capitals, big cities, luxurious place, expensive place, rich people, beautiful homes, a lot of historical places, huge monuments, huge buildings, art, creativity, artists, actors/ actresses, movie making, acting, a place known for multiple movies being made there, big movies studios there, movie festivals, boats, yacht, a place that is overrated, very crowdy place, parties, clubs, bars, concerts, living the life of the party, the city that never sleeps, beautiful hair, country known for their hair beauty secrets, etc.
ʚïɞ Virgo/ 6H/ 6°, 18°/ Mercury
Well organized country, a cold country, a cold place, people are distant, people are shy, people work hard, the working time is bigger in this place, detailed oriented people, a neat place, country likes to keep things neat, transportation, a lot of different transport or new transport, a lot of cars, or just a country known for their good transport system, school and education system is very important there, a good education system, country or place is known for school or having smart people, serious people, good health system, country wants their people to be healthy, country known for their healthcare, country known for having a lot of animals, country known for their good healthy food, place known for sport events, place where people have a lot of pets, hospitals, etc.
ʚïɞ Libra/ 7H/ 7°, 19°/ Venus
A country or place with beautiful sights, a country or place known for their beautiful people, wealthy country, a luxurious and expensive place, country can be expensive too, celebrities living there, people speaking a language that is considered beautiful, skin care, people having beauty secrets, people being healthy, in good shape, culture also can be related to beauty and make up, clothing too, old country, Queens, Empresses, women being embodied as Goddesses, flirts, poetry, art, a country known for their arts, museums, a lot of artists, or a lot of artist come to study there, fashion can be very important there, a lot of designers living there, fashion city, surgery, a country specialized in surgeries, people always dressing up well, superficial people, charming people, people being known for their charm, etc.
ʚïɞ Scorpio/ 8H/ 8°, 20°/ Pluto
Wars, Fights, Battles, Revolutions, Leadership, Dictatorship, the people revolting themselves in the past against the oppression or against a leader, night, the city that never sleeps, place where people live more at nights, clubs, bars, s3x, drugs, alcohol, spirituality, occult, scary, death, a culture that is comfortable with the idea of death, a culture that celebrates the dead, being closed to their ancestors, a country that got a "rebirth", a country that "died" and got back, wealthy, corruption, danger, being hidden, slow, people there respecting the old generation, shy people, introvert people, people seem scary or mean, etc.
ʚïɞ Sagittarius/ 9H/ 9°, 21°/ Jupiter
Foreign lands, a country far from where you live, a place where a lot of tourists fly there, airports, a touristic place, a place where many people take another flight, open-minded people, people being spontaneous, people being chill, religion, spirituality, people being close to their religion, religion being part of the culture, faith, multi-cultural place, a famous country, a famous place, wealthy place, a country or place known for their educational system, a place with a big university, known university, a place where a lot of people valued higher studies, a place where it's normalized to study for higher educational system, curious people, wisdom, mature people, etc.
ʚïɞ Capricorn/ 10H/ 10°, 22°/ Saturn
Well organized country, a cold country, a cold place, people are distant, people are shy, people work hard, the working time is bigger in this place, detailed oriented people, school and education system is very important there, a good education system, country or place is known for school or having smart people, serious people, people being closed to their ancestors, wealthy, corruption, banks, materialistic people, high buildings, a place known for their banks or economy, a country not doing good with their mental health awareness, slow, people there respecting the old generation, shy people, introvert people, people seem scary or mean, traditional, introvert people, men, masculine energy, kings, emperors, royalty, an old country, etc.
ʚïɞ Aquarius/ 11H/ 11°, 23°/ Uranus
Transport, a lot of different transport or new transport, a lot of cars, or just a country known for their good transport system, having smart people, funny people, open minded people, Muti-cultural place, people from different places coming to live here, curious people, social medias, people obsessed with social medias, a country known for they advanced technologies, people obsessed with their phone, airports, tourism, high places, high buildings, high divorce rates country, communities, new technologies, futuristic country, a new country, people talk more than 2 languages, Foreign lands, a country far from where you live, a place where a lot of tourists fly there, a place where many people take another flight, open-minded people, people being spontaneous, people being chill, a place many dreams of coming, a place known for dreams coming true, etc.
ʚïɞ Pisces/ 12H/ 12°, 24°/ Neptune
Artistic place, art, creativity, artists, flirts, poetry, art, a country known for their arts, museums, a lot of artists, or a lot of artist come to study there, esotericism, occult, spirituality, drugs, alcohol, hidden, shy people, introvert people, a place many dreams of coming, a place known for dreams coming true, ocean, sea, beach, water, fishes, a lot of fish based food, yacht, boats, sailing, fishermen, country or place with a lot of legends, good health system, country wants their people to be healthy, country known for their healthcare, mental health awareness, a country many people have illusions about, a country many people forget exists, a country over consumed by tourism, legal drugs, etc.
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sensualnoiree · 7 months
astro notes: jupiter through the houses pt.4
Symbolizing wisdom, luck, and spiritual growth, Jupiter guides us through journeys of abundance and higher learning. As it rules Sagittarius and Pisces, and co-rules Pisces with Neptune, its reach extends to philosophical pursuits, foreign travel, and spiritual exploration. From its exaltation in Cancer to its debilitation in Capricorn, Jupiter's placement illuminates our beliefs, aspirations, and sense of justice. Throughout this exploration of Jupiter's journey through the houses, we unravel its transformative power and guiding light, embracing its blessings of prosperity, abundance, and divine guidance.
Jupiter in the 10th House:
With Jupiter gracing your tenth house of career and public recognition, you are blessed with a strong sense of purpose and a deep desire to make a positive impact in the world. Your leadership abilities are strong, and you may find that you are drawn to positions of authority or influence where you can inspire and empower others.
Success in your career is likely with Jupiter in the tenth house, especially in fields such as education, law, or spirituality. You may find that you are respected and admired by your peers, and that you are able to achieve your goals with relative ease. Your optimism and self-confidence are infectious, and you may find that you are able to inspire others to believe in themselves and reach for their dreams.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to become overly ambitious or power-hungry in your pursuit of success. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to prioritize external recognition and material wealth over more meaningful measures of fulfillment and happiness. Remember to stay true to your values and principles, and to use your influence and resources for the greater good.
Overall, Jupiter in the tenth house blesses you with success, prosperity, and recognition in the public sphere. Embrace the blessings of leadership and achievement, and use them to create a positive impact in your community and beyond.
Jupiter in the 11th House:
With Jupiter gracing your eleventh house of social connections and community involvement, you are blessed with a wide network of friends and acquaintances who support and inspire you on your journey. Your social circle is diverse and eclectic, and you may find that you are drawn to people from all walks of life who share your ideals and values.
Your ability to connect with others and build meaningful relationships is one of your greatest strengths. You may find that you are a natural leader within your social group, and that you are able to rally others around common goals and aspirations. Your optimism and enthusiasm are infectious, and you may find that you are able to inspire others to join you in making a positive difference in the world.
Community involvement is especially favored with Jupiter in the eleventh house, and you may find that you are drawn to causes and organizations that promote social justice and equality. Your generosity knows no bounds, and you may find fulfillment in giving back to your community and making a difference in the lives of others.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to become overly idealistic or unrealistic in your expectations of others. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to believe that everyone shares your vision and values, and to become disillusioned when reality falls short of your expectations. Remember to celebrate the diversity of perspectives and experiences that exist within your social circle, and to embrace the opportunities for growth and learning that come from engaging with people who are different from yourself.
Overall, Jupiter in the eleventh house blesses you with a rich tapestry of social connections, community involvement, and opportunities for growth and expansion. Embrace the blessings of friendship and collaboration, and use them to create a brighter, more inclusive world for yourself and those around you.
Jupiter in the 12th House:
With Jupiter gracing your twelfth house of spirituality and transcendence, you are blessed with a deep sense of inner peace and a profound connection to the divine. Your spiritual journey is one of profound depth and significance, leading you to explore the mysteries of existence and the nature of the soul.
Your intuition is strong, and you may find that you are able to tap into hidden realms of wisdom and insight that lie beyond the realm of ordinary perception. Your dreams are vivid and prophetic, offering guidance and illumination on your path to self-discovery and enlightenment.
Charity and compassion are central to your sense of purpose, and you may find fulfillment in acts of selfless service and devotion to others. Your empathy knows no bounds, and you may find that you are drawn to support those who are suffering or marginalized in society. Your ability to offer comfort and solace to others is a gift that brings light and healing to the world.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to become overly escapist or avoidant in your approach to life. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to retreat into fantasy or illusion as a means of avoiding the harsh realities of existence. Remember to stay grounded in reality and to face your fears and challenges with courage and determination.
Overall, Jupiter in the twelfth house blesses you with spiritual insight, inner peace, and a deep sense of compassion for all beings. Embrace the blessings of transcendence and enlightenment, and use them to bring light and healing to yourself and the world around you.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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cupidlovesastro · 3 months
𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒖𝒔 + 𝒍𝒊𝒃𝒓𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒖𝒔 𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔
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♀venus in 4h can mean you love the idea of being a mother or having children
♀venus aspecting jupiter can show that you have a big heart. this aspect can also show that your grow and heal through love
♀virgo venus can mean that if you don’t feel useful in a relationship then you feel unloved
♀venus in 5h can mean your very artistic and find beauty in self expression
♀sagittarius venus can mean you have a beauty that is different that the country you reside in, or you often fall on in love with people of a different ethnicity
♀earth and even gemini venus people can be quite touchy since gemini rules over hands and earth signs often correlate with physicality
♀venus opposite your moon can mean you don’t find beauty in your feminine or motherly side
♀venus in the 10h can mean many people are quite public about their love or admiration for you
♀venus in 3rd house can mean that you have fell in love or had a crush on a neighbor. this placement can also mean you enjoy reading into romances or writing about it
♀aquarius venus people can be unpredictable about when and how they show love
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♉︎ taurus mercury people and talk slower and have long pauses
♉︎ taurus venus people can look good in earthy colors and might like vintage aesthetics
♉︎ taurus suns can find pride in the hard work that they do
♉︎ taurus in the 3rd house can mean your very loyal to your siblings. like you were the sibling that never snitched and you could’ve also been the sibling that was depended on the most
♉︎ taurus in the 9th house can mean your stubborn about your beliefs and it’s very hard to change your mind on it
♉︎ taurus risings can like wearing gold, name brands, diamond rings, etc
♉︎ it takes awhile for a taurus mars person to get very angry but they can get annoyed easily. one of the things that can piss them off the most is being disloyal to them
♉︎ taurus in 5th house can show you indulge in your hobbies
♉︎ taurus in 11th house can mean you manifest things like money, cute clothes, food, etc
♉︎ taurus lilith people can be extremely stubborn, to the point it harms their relationship with people. they may also struggle with people being disloyal to them
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♎︎ libra in the 12th house can show that you try to balance your spirituality. maybe with other parts of your spiritual self, or physical self
♎︎ libra rising/venus people can look good with middle parts, piercings in the middle of their face, tattoos in the middle of your body as well
♎︎ libra in the 2nd house can mean you enjoy jobs like make up artist, beautician, gynecologist, etc
♎︎ libra lilith people can be scarily charming, and very convincing
♎︎ libra moon people can be shallow and they may have a hard time identifying their emotions
♎︎ libra sun people can take pride in their beauty, and also their flirting abilities
♎︎ libra in 3rd house house can mean you have pretty handwriting
♎︎ libra in 8th house can mean you love flirting during sex
♎︎ libra mars people can have misplaced aggression, or be passive aggressive as well
♎︎ libra in mercury people can have a charming voice, they may also have a voice with a lot of range
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novy2sirius · 2 months
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˗ˏˋ astro notes volume 7 ´ˎ˗
trigger warning: unevolved virgos, trauma, abuse ♡
these r solely about isolated placements so take this with a grain of salt since the whole chart matters ♡
some of these r more opinion based ♡
. . . . . . . . . . ╰──╮ ♡ all of my tuts ♡ ╭──╯ . . . . . . . . . .
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: ̗̀➛ scorpio moon is one of the most common placements i’ve seen among celebrities who have made it BIG like I’m talking super famous celebrities. examples: beyonce, lady gaga, kylie jenner, miley cyrus, margot robbie, etc
: ̗̀➛ i’m sorry but low vibrational virgos r so hard for me to be around. they rly r dream crushers and too serious. they can be funny at times but a lot of them that i tell my desires in life to they say “that’s unrealistic and will never happen” or when someone makes a joke sometimes they’ll say “that wasn’t even funny” even when i laughed rly hard at that persons joke. i don’t get it
: ̗̀➛ uranus in the 9h/12h ppl can be rly great astrologers. they have a lot of unique takes that nobody would ever even think abt. they can become rly popular online from talking abt it too
: ̗̀➛ due to numerology capricorn’s should marry sagittarius’. sagittarius’ usually do not get along with other sagittarius’ for a long period of time
: ̗̀➛ everyone says the best planets to look at for a job r 2h or 10h ones, but every rich person’s chart u look at, their 11h will align with their career most. the 11h is associated with gains, especially in vedic astrology. if u want to be wealthy go by ur 11h sign/11h lord. the 2h, 6h, and 10h can be helpful too tho as well as venus/jupiter
: ̗̀➛ low vibrational aries placements do not let go of things and will continue to try and seek revenge when they’re hurt by something. when they’re higher vibrational tho they tend to be more focused on goals in life and being productive rather than wasting their anger on others
: ̗̀➛ you’ll notice a lot of musicians or actors have a capricorn mercury or venus. this is bc our capricorn placements can tell abt our job and mercury/venus can be associated with music/acting (the arts in general rly)
: ̗̀➛ the part of fortune rly isn’t talked abt enough. if u utilize it u have the power to become extremely successful regardless of what other placements u have
: ̗̀➛ i see solar return observations about each annual sun sign all the time, but i don’t think those ppl realize the sun sign doesn’t change in solar return. it’s always staying the same as ur natal sun sign bc it’s ur sun returning to the same position it was in when u were born. the house changes tho bc they’re not gonna be the same every year on ur bday
: ̗̀➛ asteroid juno (3) in libra/the 7th house can mean that there will be lots of harmony in ur marriage dynamic and u both will do a lot of romantic gestures for one another
: ̗̀➛ asteroid nessus (7066) in the 8h can indicate someone who has endured a lot of trauma or ab*se in their life. usually these ppl just don’t have easy lives
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hoodreader · 17 days
phat butts
never trust a big butt and a smileee :) the astrology of being curvy. in specifics, having a fat booty.
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a big butt to me is just a butt that’s noticeably more pronounced than the back. there’s some weight to it. no matter ur size. anyone can have a fat butt or a flat butt, just depends :P
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ASC / 1H is the ruler of appearances and ur overall body.
in my opinion, the big booty havers be cancer/moon ascendants, taurus/libra/venus ascendants, and sagittarius/jupiter ascendants.
cancer and moon is generally curvaceousness. yes cancer is associated with the breasts, but i can also just see general fattiness that is associated with femininity in general (such as hips/butt).
venus is the ruler of curvaceousness. taurus is generally, and libra is the ruler of the buttocks specifically.
for sagittarius and jupiter, sagittarius rules the thighs. usually people with thick thighs have fat booties. usually. jupiter also rules fat (and it exalts in cancer).
this is especially the case when celestial bodies ruling expansion (The Rulership Book by Rex E. Bills says sun, mars, jupiter, neptune) are in the 1H.
edit: the celestial bodies of expansion should have some placement in the signs i mentioned or aspecting the planets, because they expand on the sign. a 1H jupiter in capricorn will not indicate curvaceousness the way a 1H jupiter in taurus might. edit 2: especially mars or the sun, they have no rulership associated with curvaceousness they’re just associated with expansion & i wouldn’t look to them for curviness.
chart ruler conjunct or trine venus or moon, but this is less influential. edit: and jupiter, but look to conditions of jupiter since jupiter rules fat in general.
7H is the ruler of the buttocks.
similar to the above points, but explicitly representing the buttocks.
containing moon, jupiter, or venus. neptune if u use it. in the sign of taurus, libra, sagittarius, pisces, or cancer. same reasons as above. having the sun or mars as well, as they rule expansion, per Rex E. Bills.
the 7H lord in the 1H/10H can show an appearance where ur butt is significant for ur image. 1H/10H lord in the 7H shows ur appearance brings attention to the booty.
the 7H lord conjunct or trine jupiter, venus, and/or moon also can show expansion over the butt. maybe the sun too. mars as well?
10H shows what ur known for or how u are publicly received.
similar as above for similar reasons: cancer, moon, venus, taurus, libra. for jupiter it depends on the conditions of jupiter: unless jupiter is the 7H lord or aspecting venus (maybe moon), i doubt it’s significant for curvaceousness.
if ur 10H is in taurus, libra, cancer, it’s may be for ur figure. sagittarius, may be for ur legs/thighs in particular. or cancer and taurus for general curviness. in libra, the buttocks or general bodily symmetry.
venus rules curvaceousness and ways u are sexually appealing.
in taurus, libra, cancer, pisces, sagittarius shows attractiveness for curvaceousness (cancer/taurus), the butt/hips (libra), body fat (pisces/sag), or the thighs (sag). respectively.
look into the ASC persona chart for ur venus placement to see what’s appealing about ur appearance. for this persona chart, knowing ur exact birth time is essential.
if u don’t know it, u would get a more reliable reading from ur venus persona chart’s ASC and 10H to see how ur sex appeal is translated thru ur appearance.
look to conditions (such as aspects) of planets ruling the 1H and 10H to get a better idea. u u can also just apply the above tips for the 1H and 10H and read that within the venus PC.
also, 9H venuses be having thick ass thighs and usually are known for their butts. i have so many examples. ari fletcher, jlo, chloe bailey (in placidus), megan thee stallion, etc.
edit: i forgot to mention, u can look to mars for the booty. even tho mars isn’t regarded for femininity, it still rules that area of the body.
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okay, what do y’all think? do any of this resonate for u?
if i have any edits or any last thoughts to add, they’ll be added in this post as an update. i’m not making a whole part 2 to this shit lmaooo
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imnotevenusin · 3 months
Rando, pt.2
- Sun-Mars people like to be in charge of everything. They may come across as over-confident, too angry, or too horny. These natives enjoy challenges and making their mark wherever they go. They also hate being “wrong”.
- Venus square Jupiter can be prone to addiction and sloppiness. Venus rules our pleasures—social & physical—and Jupiter is excessive. They can take stuff for granted, lack discipline, and even be vain. Can also be subjected to weight gain, from what I’ve seen.
- Mars conjunct Pluto is powerful. Mars is our actions & primal behaviors—anger, libido—, while Pluto indicates power struggles and intensity. They have an immovable drive to reach their goals, and will do anything possible to get what they want. A lot of willpower. (Celebrity Ex: Kobe Bryant).
^on a lighter note, Mars conjunct Saturn can also give the native enough drive and discipline to achieve their goals.
- 10th House isn’t “fame”, its more about personal achievements that you could be known for—locally or globally, depending on the rest of the chart. If your 10H is connected to your 12H, then it may point to being globally famous.
- Pluto in the 1H Transit will bring themes of self-concept to you; it will be your job to empower yourself and heal through situations that hurt your confidence and the way you view yourself.
- Sun square Chiron could indicate being wounded by your father figure somehow. You felt like you didn’t have a “role model” while growing up.
- You can’t really tell the difference between a Sagittarius Moon & Sagittarius Mars. Both placements have no boundaries and hate being bossed around. Sag Moons may be a little wiser when they get older, but they have a young-spirit nonetheless.
- The difference between Cap Rising and Cap Sun, is that Risings have to take time developing self-confidence and improving their self-concept—Saturn rules over our first house—, while the Suns have already established and carefully crafted their images—they get ego-boosts from being seen as role-models or as someone who has everything together.
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