#Just One More Thing
columblorbo · 1 year
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Scrungly Detective Barbie
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varpusvaras · 2 months
So, according to the background lore, while growing up on Kamino, if the clones had any bouts of anger or frustration, they were put into the "retraining tank" which was essentially isolation. And at some point, this just kinda manifests in the clones in not being able to express their negative feelings properly, and either pushing them down or dealing with them by isolating themselves, because those two things are the only things they know how to do that somewhat work.
The Jedi help with this, of course. They teach their men how to meditate, how to express themselves, how to deal with their negative feelings and also let them go and not let them fester, and how the clones adopt this part of their conduct as well. Meditation becomes almost mandatory. It's not strictly enforced by the Jedi, but it is enforced by the Commanders and the rest of the men, especially when Shinies come from Kamino.
The Guard doesn't have a Jedi.
What they do have, is empty closets to go sit in quietly or maybe scream.
It's the best and the only thing that they have.
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possumcollege · 7 months
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"Just one more thing-
I know we're all probably anxious to get home, but I got this problem here. How is it that a man who makes more than our city's entire budget in a year doesn't pay the same amount of taxes as guys making, oh let's say... 50 thousand a year?
Can you see my confusion?"
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“nO moRE tHiNgS”
“i’lL gEt iNtO yOuR hAiR”
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lmao Evil Columbo is the best thing since Evil Dan (doctor who)
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papas-majadas · 8 months
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Just one more — Thing.
Ha. Gottem.
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victusinveritas · 2 months
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No Justification Submitted - Anonymous
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annabelle-creart · 14 days
KOBDase across the Multiverse be like:
SG!Chase: Get that shit out my face
Swap!Chase: Release him and I'll think of it
SG!Knock Out: Am- Chase- sir- sorry- can you please-?
SG!Chase: Shut up! You have nothing yo do in this situation
Swap!Chase: That's not a cute way to talk to your partner
Mako Mori: I can tell the same
Raleigh Beckett: X2
The two human said from the big machine, an humanoid robot as giant as the Hunter's variants, the robot was called Gipsy Danger
Swap!Chase: Now you're conviced?
SG!Chase got back on his pedes, letting go the plant demon
SG!Knock Out: What were you thinking!?
Outlier!Chase: I don't like that bot
Adventure!Knock Out: Wow, what a beauty!
Swap!Chase: neither do I, but we have no reason to make this a gladiator arena
Mako: Thanks!
Raleigh: that's all? C'mon, Mak, let's show them some moves!
Mako: you're acting like a kid
Swap!Chase: This is probably the most weird experience I had in a while
Outlier!Knock Out: to be a rockstar is not one of them?
Swap!Chase: I'm not a rockstar, I just scanned the vehicle of a famous movie
Adventure!Knock Out: you sure you're okay?
Adventure!Breakdown: Something, nothing I can't regrow
Adventure!Chase: I knew that bot wasn't of trust
Mako: Ironic, he's our variant, if I'm not bad
Releigh: well, not because is your variant means you're the same, you hadn't pass through the same things, or didn't choose the same
Outlier!Breakdown: It is not to be obvious, but, where are the other three?
Mako: which other?
Outlier!Breakdown: the others
Hunter!Boulder: Ahem
Raleigh: KAIJU!?
Hunter!Boulder: That term is cruel!
Raleigh: It talks?
Hunter!Heatwave: Yes, we do, and we have names
Outlier!Breakdown: Oh, there are they
LoRB!Knock Out: Sorry, we didn't knew how to get in the middle of a fight without dying
LoRB!Breakdown: That doesn't explain the need to kill, is he a psycopath?
SG!Chase: Are all his variants this disgraced?
SG!Knock Out: Chase!
Raleigh: Auch, pal, that's not cool
SG!Chase: Don't call me like that
Swap!Chase: If you want to start again, I'm ready to neutralize you
Mako: Count on us
SG!Chase: tch!
LoRB!Chase: ah, what if we do something to relax us
LoRB!Knock Out: Like play cards?
Hunter!Boulder: We have some more!
LoRB!Knock Out: really?
Raleigh: Cool, I have some tricks under the sleeve
A frozen stick almost crosses the Gipsy's shoulder, on Raleigh's side
Crystal!Kim (KO): WHAT THE HECK?!
Crystal!Fang (Chase): sorry, the gun is worse state than I thought
Crystal!Buttercup (Breakdown): better let it for later, Kim doesn't have other 3 centuries to recover
Raleigh: Ahg, excuse me, WHAT WAS THAT?!
Miko: Your... thing, almost do some damage to us
Crystal!Fang: sorry for it, it wasn't for you
SW!Fang: Can I?
Crystal!Fang: No, this is not for little kids, same for animals
SW!Fang: Hey!
SW!Buttercup doesn't think it twice, and bites Crystal!Fang's hand
Crystal!Fang: AGH! YOU, LITTLE-
SW!Buttercup: HISS
Crystal!Fang: And you still ask why I always say kids and animals are the same?! Freacking racoon
LoRB!Chase: sorry, I don't think we saw you before
SG!Chase: I did, they're not the best people
SG!Knock Out: Hi!
Crystal!Kim: Knock Out! Dear!
SW!Fang: How many of us are?
LoRB!Chase: millions or more, as long as there's a universe, we will be there
Crystal!Fang: I see...
Mako: I didn't thought there were so many of us
Outlier!Knock Out: talking about it, where are you Break and Knock? Secret agent!
Swap!Chase: I don't want to talk about it
Outlier!Knock Out: Oh, come on!
Outlier!Chase: Knocky, don't insist... where are the others?
Crystal!Fang: Which others?
But from nowhere, the soil starts to move quickly
LoRB!Chase: everyone! Let's get to safety
From a hole on the earth, a creature emerges, big claws and almost non-existent eyes were the first thing the big creature let see
Hunter!Boulder: Bee!
LoRB!Chase: Why do you call him Bee?
Hunter!Boulder: that's his name!
Followed by the big creature, a thing that looked like an amalgamation of reptile and bird emerged too
Hunter!Blades: Hi, guys! What are you doing?
Hunter!Heatwave: small talk
Hunter!Blades: Have you seen Chase? I can't find him, he has something I need
Hunter!Boulder: Nope
Hunter!Heatwave: Sorry, Blades, Bee
Hunter!Blades: well, no problem, Bye!
And both got under ground again, leaving the rest surprised and frozen of the strange meeting
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Made these very silly Columbo standees
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I fucking CAN'T. I WANT, nay, NEED all of them.
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isailmyships · 2 years
i’m obsessed with his stupid little repetition of ‘yeah’ HHHH he’S JUST A LIL GUY
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juliaanoia · 3 months
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Transparent Krtek-lumbo crossed you dash, say hello! :)
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candont · 6 months
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possumcollege · 2 years
The Many Conflicts of Columbo
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blushiftedx · 1 year
y'know sometimes columbo is just the funniest shit ever. watching some rich asshole immediately realize they've lost and lose their shit is hilarious. more
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tercer-sol · 1 year
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Just one more thing...
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