#Just a smol for tonight as I'm wiped
cxpperhead · 9 months
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While he wouldn't exactly call himself a collector, Copperhead has amassed quite a few teacups and is always looking for interesting additions to add to his hoard. Some of them were pilfered from his earliest victims as trophies of sorts but decided against continuing to steal them in the event that authorities would catch him someday and manage to link these missing cups to as of yet unsolved cases.
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fandomonetwo · 1 year
puppy love and flowers — remus lupin
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▸summary: he's absolutely sure he loves you. he's absolutely sure you love him. flowers aren't given to just anybody.
▸characters: remus lupin x f! reader, lil snippets of james and sirius and peter
▸tw: hay fever, small sadness moment
▸a/n: consider this my apology for the previous angst post. also, look at the guy. he's a smol bean
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REMUS LUPIN WAS a sucker for a good bouquet. He'd always want to give them to you, yet he could never find the moment. There'd always be something that would stop him.
Today was one of the days where his plans were smudged.
It was a Hogsmeade day, so naturally, he with his posse decided to head into the town to scope out bouquets. There was one he'd seen little bit ago that he was fidgeting to buy. It was a beautiful set of red and white roses with baby's breath surrounding them. They were your favourite flowers.
Sirius Black had never felt so depressed than when he had watched his friends realise that the 'sold out' sign was for the bouquet he wanted to get for you. He felt so out of place when Remus looked like he had just been deprived of his natural resource of chocolate.
"Why not just get her different flowers?" the Black boy asked, awkwardness coating his very body in a tense feeling.
Remus sighed. "But those were for her. They were like, specifically crafted just so that she could have them. And now they're gone. And I still haven't gotten her flowers!"
James sympathised more with Remus that Sirius could. James often got flower for Lily from this very shop. Albeit, she always threw them out when she got them, but it was the thought that counted. Peter didn't say anything. He was too busy drawing stars in the snow.
The bespectacled boy put his hand on Remus' shoulder, noticing his friend's eyes welling with tears. "It's alright, mate. There's always tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day."
"But I wanted to get her those today."
There was something so frustrating about not getting something done on the day you planned. You'd feel so incomplete in your tasks, and he'd never get to sleep tonight. Well, he might drift off if he cried long enough.
The walk back to the dorms was long and awkward and tense and depressing. There were so many emotions. Remus has just been thwarted yet again in his attempts to woo you. Peter was plucking the snow off of his mittens one by one.
"Damn, mate, you are so in deep," Sirius teased, trying to lighten the mood. "I mean, I've heard of puppy love, but this just takes the cake."
"Is that supposed to be a pun?" Remus muttered. It was kinda funny.
"I suppose so."
They had only gotten to the dorm when they heard the girls. They were laughing. No, hang on. They were shrieking. And... sneezing?
The four boys entered the common room to find Lily and Marlene holding onto furniture for dear life, their faces as red as their ties. Marlene tried to heave in a breath and little was wiping her face.
And then you sneezed. They erupted into laughter again.
"What on earth is going on?" James asked, confusion filling his bloodstream. The girls couldn't find the words, too busy giggling, so you decided to speak.
"I bought flowers for Remus," you started, your nose stuffed, "and I have just found out that I am, in fact, deathly allergic to flowers."
You sneezed again. The girls didn't completely fall apart, but they still chuckled.
Remus looked at you with those big eyes of his. "You got me flowers?"
"Yeah," you said sheepishly. "I though it'd be a nice surprise, but now I'm covered in snot, my nose and throat hurts, my head kinda aches, and my eyes are red."
You sneezed, and Remus started laughing. He rested his head on your shoulder, despite your protests.
"How did you never realise you had a tendency to get hay fever?" Sirius asked, trying to stifle his own chuckles.
"I don't know. It doesn't get this bad at home. The flowers there are small, and here, I don't go out much in the spring. It's too warm. Plus, it's not like I get up close and personal with flowers now, do I?"
"Yeah, but still. It's hay fever, it's a pretty common thing."
"Like I said," you sneezed again, away from Remus' face, "there just wasn't enough for me to notice." You paused for a second. "I always wondered why I got the sniffles in the springtime. I thought it was just spring colds."
James grinned. "Well, now you know."
You sneezed twice more, Remus brushing the hair out of your sweaty face.
"I think we need to rescue you from your natural foe." He guided you by the hand outside of the common room, and he stole a glance back at the flowers you had bought for him, his heart swelling.
Red and white roses surrounded with baby's breath.
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diverse-hearts · 1 month
@smol-sirens-garden asked:
❛ how many fights have you been in this week? ❜~ Merle to Leslie
𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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"I mean...it is the coliseum", he gave a small shrug. It may not be the most ideal way in which to be making an income, but their options were rather limited at the moment. He'd made a few powerful enemies while searching for Merle, something that he didn't regret in the slightest, but he needed to try and wipe that slate clean if they wanted to actually be able to start a new life together. One were they didn't have to constantly be looking over their shoulders.
"After tonight's, I have the next few days off though. I'm alright. That last fight was just a little bit more than I was expecting", he laughed lightly, pulling Merle into a gentle embrace, hoping to help and calm her at least a little by showing he was okay.
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railingsofsorrow · 3 years
I'll always come back for you
[ Peter Parker x Reader ]
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[gif it's not mine!]
summary: the one where reader gets hurt in the battlefield and worries everyone around her. specially her boyfriend, Peter Parker.
pairing: p.parker x potts!fem!reader
word count: 1.9K
content: we have aunt pepper potts and her motherly instincts, we also have a slightly hurt peter but that changes quick dw; oh! we deff have reader being my sweet pie & !tony stark! cause I love them.
warnings: blood gushing out of a wound; reader is stabbed; I think that's it? a bit of angst.
A/N: I read somewhere the “i'll come back for you” phrase and voilà, this thing was born (the night I wrote this I was hella missing international smol bean peter parker so... yeah)
➶ ➷
Y/N wasn't as fearless as she showed herself to be. Actually, she wasn't fearless at all. And now, she was fucking terrified.
Are you familiar with a sensation of extreme pain that makes you numb? Suddenly, you feel nothing. This feeling; this numbness is a natural reaction of your nervous system; when the wound it's bad and you stop feeling the damaged area... it means you're in shock.
So, if you think the wound isn't there anymore, don't fool yourself. It's still there. Your body is just trying to make amends so you can handle it. That or— or you blackout entirely.
Y/N Potts didn't feel anything when Peter Parker ran to her desperately asking if she was alright, uncountable times. She just stared at him confused, because what is he talking about? Why wouldn't I be okay— and then, she felt it. It was like a bomb going off from the middle of her right thigh to her stomach.
The girl's vision began to blur. A strange liquid drops all over her hands, coloring them a deep red. Y/N's eyes analysed everything, but her mind grasped nothing. Where is this blood coming from?
“... here. Y/N? Y/N!” the boy cried at his girlfriend. The only thing holding her up were his arms on her waist and the faint attempt of hers to try to stay standing. “What— what are you feeling? Can you tell me where it hurt-”
“What's wrong, Parker?” Tony interrupted his questioning, his suit coming undone the same second he got down and saw the teenagers commotion “Y/N?”
“'M fine,” she said, prying Peter off of her because she could stand on her own damn it!— Why... Why is the ground so far away? “Where is this blood coming from?!” Bella snapped, wiping it off on her clothes, although that wasn't working.
Tony stared at his nice—well, Pepper's niece, but who he considered as his own—specifically, at the huge dark spot on her shirt and the waterfall of blood coming out of her nose. He squeezed Peter's shoulder, making the boy turn to him with wide desperate honey brown eyes. It's okay, he muttered, pushing the boy away slowly, so he could laid Y/N down on the ground to put pressure on her wound.
“No, Tony.” Y/N pushed his hands away “I'm fine! Let me go!”
“Bella, stop. Stop, I'm trying to help you!”
“Mr. Stark—”
“It's okay. She'll be okay, kid.”
“We'll take her to the hospital and she'll be as good as new.”
That was the last the injured girl listened, until darkness consumed her completely.
Faint sounds played in the background. Well, that's what it felt like for Y/N, because she wasn't fully awake yet. So, she could only hear what her ears could pick up, which were hushed whispers a little far away from where she was and an annoying beeping noise too close for her liking.
“I can stay tonight.” a male young voice said, and another one sighed
“You have school tomorrow, Peter.”
She knew the second voice. But, why couldn't she open her eyes?
“But, Miss Potts—”
“She'll be in good hands. Don't worry. You can come right after school, but you missed two days already and that because Tony pretend he wasn't seeing you around.”
The girl hooked up on machines fluttered her eyes open slowly, adjusting to the light of the room. The first thing she saw was a boy around her age with sand brown curls pouting like a five year old that hadn't got a cookie after a well done math homework.
“You didn't give him his juice, Peps?”
Both snapped their necks to the bed where once a sleeping girl laid — now she was awake and talking.
And, of course, groaning in pain.
Pepper approached her niece instantly, holding her arms down so she wouldn't try to get up. What is this girl made of? Iron?
“Don't move a lot, your body is still recovering.” Pepper warned, taking stray strands of her hair from her eyes and smiling softly “How do you feel, honey?”
Y/N squints at the woman, her vision slightly blurred. She closed her eyes; maybe she hasn't woken up quite yet, “Better than yesterday,” she let out, voice rough from sleep “Was it yesterday...?” she opened her eyes again, blinking to adjust her vision more “How-how long did I sleep for?”
“Two days.” Peter spoke, a hint of a smile on his voice. He couldn't hide the happiness that she was finally awake.
Y/N can finally see something out of the blurring images after blinking a lot, so she sees Peter smiling by her side. A few bruises covered his face; one in his left eyebrow and two more on his cheek and upper lip.
Her eyebrows knitted in concern and her fingers moving instinctively to touch his face, “Shouldn't you be laying down too?”
Peter let out a breathy laugh, holding her hand and bringing to his lips, kissing it. “I can heal, remember?”
Y/N hums, leaning on her side so she could face her boyfriend better, although her body complained about that. She ignored it.
“Hey, what did I say about moving, Y/N?” Pepper said, walking towards her “Be careful,” she sighed, helping the girl adjust on the position she desired, even though it was against her motherly instincts
“I'm okay, Pepper.” she tried to calm the older woman, “Relax.” the girl gave her a wink, which made Pepper crack a laugh and roll her eyes.
“Right.” Y/N turned to Peter, “Radioactive spiders and all, huh?” Y/N said amusedly, refering to his healing, making Peter scoff, rolling his eyes.
Pepper watched both of them, a little far away. There was something there. Pepper always knew there was something there, whenever the two of them were together — It was pure. She could see it on their eyes the amount of care they held for each other. Kids that hadn't even reached the age of eighteen yet, already found love and security in each other's embrace. The older woman couldn't help wonder how powerful and dangerous that was.
She smiled softly at them – small touches were present here and there as they discussed something within each other. Oh, what was she still doing in that room? Pepper could practically hear Tony saying “leave the kids be, Peps.” So, she left the room, closing the door carefully so they wouldn't even realise the action.
“I don't know. Maybe I wouldn't mind to miss a little more of chemistry classes,” Y/N messed with the loose ends of Peter's blue sweater, a playful grin on her lips. Peter sighed, pushing her hands away from his clothing so he could lay his head down on her stomach. All in a swift motion.
He put her hands on top of his head. A silent request that Y/N had a vast knowledge of.
She began her quest on his soft curls, caressing his scalp. He hummed in bliss.
“You can't miss anything anymore.” He said, voice being muffled by her hospital gown, since he had his face down on her belly. He turned to the opposite side of her, facing the door. He figured it was a better position. “It's too glum without you there.”
The girl cracked a cheeky grin, “I know.”
Peter groaned, not missing the opportunity to tease her, even if his eyes were still closed and he was almost sleeping "So full of yourself—”
“Me?” Y/N gasped, faking disbelief “I'm simply agreeing with your statement, sweetheart.”
Peter had never felt his chest clench so hard as it did on that moment. He felt his heart being squeezed. Where did that pain come from? Out of nowhere? No. Peter Parker was well aware it had not came out of nowhere. The pain had a name and a last name. And she carried his heart every day and every hour. That very excruciating pain was caused by how he had reached a close point in losing Y/N Potts.
“You think MJ missed me? You know, she never admits it but I know that, secretly, she harbors—Peter?" Y/N frowned, watching the boy's body shake agaisn't her, “Are you-”
“No.” He cuted her off between sniffles. Realizing he wouldn't be able the stop anytime soon – really, how embarassing was that? His girlfriend had almost died and he was the one crying his heart out in front of her? — he distanced himself, getting up harshly and turning his back to Y/N, who studied him confused and worried. He tried to dry the tears as much as he could, but it was no use. All of that because... because she had called him sweetheart. Only now had he come to realise how much he had missed her.
“Peter, come here.”
Y/N passed her tongue through her dry lips, eyes begging for him to look in her direction, “Parker.”
“I almost lost you!”
Her eyes widened and she stopped trying to get up from the bed to go to him. Y/N watched Peter walk aimlessly around the room, his bright doe eyes with almost nothing of that usual spark. Now, Y/N could only find a pair of puffy eyes and a red dot on his nose.
“I got this close,” he gestured with his hands by connecting his index and pointer finger together, “...on losing you for good. There was no turning back time. Y/N, you were bleeding out- there was nothing I could do!” Peter's voice cracked in the end, making her heart break all over again. She started to get desperate. He was there but he was so far and she couldn't hold him and say thing's were alright. She couldn't hold him.
“Peter,” Y/N pleads, guilt eating her from inside. He looked at her and shook his head. The boy sat on the end of the bed and stared at his worn out all stars. He seemed more calm. “Will you listen to me now?” she asked, eyes never leaving his profile, which was the only part of his face that she could see
He said nothing. Silent overtook the room and that frustrated Y/N to her core.
“Peter Parker!” his eyes widened as he turned to her, finally “Did you forgot that I can't quite move my hips yet because I go stabbed?” he opened his mouth, but she interrupted him right away “So, come closer.” she offered her hand, eyes softening “Please.”
Peter smiled sadly at the girl he loved, and did as told; her arms immediately going around his neck as his face found home on the warm area of her neck.
After a minute of comfort and silence, her voice reached his ears in a quiet murmur, “I'm sorry, sweetheart. I never meant to worry you like that.”
He backs away enough so their eyes can meet, “You've got nothing to apologize—”
“I do.” she said with finality, resting her cheek against his shoulder, “I know what it feels like to lose your mind when someone you care about gets hurt. Or, gets careless.” she bit her lip, sighing. “I'm sorry to make you feel like that.”
Peter frowned at her statement. “I'm sorry too, then. I guess, that relies on me too... Doesn't it?”
“Yes,” she pokes his finger, “You do that a lot. So, It does.”
He smiles sheepishly, although her head remained against his shoulder so she couldn't see.
“But, Peter?”
“I'll always come back for you. I won't stop annoying you for at least a few decades to come.”
He grinned, a fond expression forming, “Oh, I wouldn't dare to want otherwise.”
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BTS Reaction: You Have An Ovarian Cyst
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Requested: yes a long time ago ;-;
Genre: fluff
Warnings: uh, mentions of ovarian cysts but it's not that bad lol
A/n: I know it's taken me a long time to get something out and I'm sorry about that. But I hope you enjoy this anyway 🙂 love you guys!
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I love this man...that is all
"What do you want for dinner tonight, princess?"
Jin looks at you from across the shopping cart between you two as you browse the vegetable aisle. He frowns when you don't seem to be paying attention to him, just keep gently pushing on the avocados to test their ripeness.
"Huh?" You finally look up at him and he smiles.
"I asked what you'd like for dinner tonight." 
"Oh, sorry." You laugh quietly, but Jin immediately picks up that something is wrong. He comes around the cart to put his hands on your shoulders, making you face him.
"Is everything alright, princess?"
"Yeah...it's just..." You look around to make sure no one overhears you.
"It just hurts." You finally whisper.
"What hurts?" Your husband whispers back.
You point down at your lower abdomen and it clicks in his brain. You had been having a lot of ovary pain recently, so you went to the doctors to get it checked out.
It turns out you have an ovarian cyst, but it wouldn't require any surgeries. The doctor just told you a few things that might help ease the pain until it goes away.
Jin has been a saint this whole time, doing everything he can to make it better for you. Now, he nods and pulls you in for a quick kiss on your forehead. Then he whispers, "I've got an idea."
At Seokjin's urging, you end up buying chocolates and almonds and a few other foods that are high in magnesium. The doctor told him that magnesium high foods should help the pain. When you get home, he makes you sit on the couch while he gives you some chocolate and almonds as he puts the groceries away.
When he's done, he comes over and sits next to you, pulling you in and kissing your cheek. "You just snack on those, sweetheart."
"Thanks, Jinnie."
"Love you, princess."
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[email protected] duality is gonna give me whiplash
"Ouuuch, Yoongi!" 
At your call of distress, your fiance runs into the living room from where he was producing in his studio. He sees you all curled up on the couch, your face twisted in pain as you clutch your abdomen. 
"Yoongi it hurts." You whine. 
"Oh, baby." Yoongi comes around the side of the couch and sits on the floor where he can be face to face with you. He gently takes one of your hands away from your stomach and holds it close to his chest.
"Have you taken your supplements today, love?" 
"No." You say weakly. 
"Ok, I'll be right back." He lets go of your hand to go and grab the supplements your doctor told you to take every day. 
You gladly move and smile softly when he cuddles into you, nuzzling his nose in your hair. "I'm sorry you have to deal with this, baby."
He comes back with them and a glass of water, and then helps you take it.
After you've chugged some of the water and taken the supplement, Yoongi has you scoot over so that he can lay on the couch with you. 
"It's not so bad when I get to cuddle you like this." You whisper tiredly. 
He smiles and kisses you gently, "Try to get some sleep, love."
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heeheheheee i luv he
"Is it still hurting, babe?"
You can hear the worry in his voice clearly. You clear your throat and whisper into the phone, since you're in the middle of your workplace.
"Yeah, but it's probably nothing." You hear him sigh at that.
"Sorry, Hobi. I have to go, my boss is coming."
You hang up and quickly get back to work before your boss catches you slacking off. The rest of your work day goes by rather painfully, with your worried boyfriend constantly texting you to make sure you're still alive.
By the time you're home, your lower abdomen is in so much pain its taking all you have not to burst out crying. You unlock your front door and walk in to plop yourself on the couch in a heap of misery.
Then a series of quick knocks sounds on your door. You barely have enough time to lift your head before you hear it unlock and your boyfriend comes in, his brows creased in worry.
"Babe, I've been worried sick about you all day!" He cries as he hurries over to you. "That's it, I'm taking you to the doctor."
Not even half an hour later, you're at the doctors and explaining everything that's been happening. They do an ultrasound and it turns out that you have an ovarian cyst on your left ovary.
No wonder.
Hobi is diligent on taking notes about how to help you, he listens to the doctor intently, madly scribbling everything that's important.
When you're back at your place, Hobi gives you some painkillers and cuddles you in bed.
"Are you doing okay, Jagi?" He asks every few minutes. You can't help but laugh at how worried he is.
"I'll be okay, Hobi. Thank you for everything."
"You can always count on me, Y/n."
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so smol and soft ;-;
"Are you okay, y/n?"
You turn to your husband at his question. He's holding your hand gently as you two walk through the park with ice cream in hand.
You hadn't realized that you were zoning out. The truth is you aren't okay, you're miserable. You found out last week that the pain you've been having is an ovarian cyst. Namjoon has been a sweetheart and taken care of you as best he can. He's always trying different ways to help you cope with the pain.
"It just hurts a bit." You admit after a moment of silence.
Namjoon nods understandingly, "Do you want to head home?"
You nod and he kisses your forehead gently before tossing his empty ice cream cup in a nearby trashcan.
It only takes a few minutes for you to get home. Once you're there, you pull off your shoes and groan as you hold your abdomen and stumble to your bedroom.
"I'll be in there in a minute, sweetie." Namjoon calls after you.
A few minutes later, the bedroom door opens and you peek your eyes open to see Namjoon slipping inside. He's carefully carrying a little tea cup, walking slowly and sitting next to you as softly as he can. Then he hands you the tea cup when you sit up.
"What's this?" You ask sleepily.
"Ginger tea. It'll help with the pain. I did some research." He laughs shyly at the smile on your face.
You take a sip of the hot tea and hum in satisfaction, "It's amazing. Thank you, baby."
"Anything for you, babe."  
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hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog
"Ok, jagiya. This isn't normal."
Jimin is practically in tears himself watching you cry over your period pain. He knows cramps are painful, but this seems like it's so much worse than usual and he's really worried. But you insist that it's normal for periods to hurt as you lie on his bed in tears.
"But not like this!" He cries, wringing his hands. "You've been unable to move for hours I think we need to call the doctor."
"Jimin, I'm sure it's nothing." You sniffle tearfully and wipe your nose with your shirt sleeve.
He sighs and lies next to you, cuddling into your side in hopes of putting you to sleep. But a few hours later, he's awaken by the sound of your crying. He sits up and gently pulls you to sit up too.
"We're going to the doctors, right now."
The doctor told you that you have cysts on your ovaries and that's what's been causing your horrible pain. He gives you a few tips to help and Jimin listens intently.
Jimin drives you back to your apartment and helps you to the couch, then he grabs a fluffy blanket and drapes it over you. After that, he runs to get some pain medicine and comes back to give it to you with some water.
"Thanks Jimin." You croak tiredly. He smiles at you and brushes your hair out of your face, "I'll always be here, Jagi. The medicine shouls kick in soon." Then he leans down and kisses your forehead.
"Get some sleep."
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oh pllssss give me a hug. you so cute.
You smile half-heartedly at a text message from your boyfriend. You checked your phone immediately after you got out of your doctor's appointment. And of course, Tae had already messaged asking if everything was alright and if the doctor had given you any diagnosis.
He was going insane watching you in so much pain every day for the past few weeks. He kept insisting you go to the doctor and you finally did it today. It's a good thing you did, because apparently your pain isn't all in your head like you thought it might be.
Your doctor let you know after some ultra sounds that you have an ovarian cyst on your right ovary. He gave you a few things to do and some supplements to take to help ease the pain, but that's really all he could do until it went away on it's own.
You send Tae a quick text, telling him that you just got out, you're okay, and you will tell him about it at home.
When you get to your apartment, Tae opens the door before you even get a chance to fish your keys out of your purse. You laugh at his wide eyes, "Hey Tae, when did you get here baby?" You ask as you make your way inside and take your shoes off.
"Oh, I came over right after I got out of practice. I've been waiting for you, are you okay?" He asks worriedly, taking your hand as you walk over to your couch and plop down.
"Ohh, I'm fine. It's an ovarian cyst."
The look of horror on his face makes you laugh again. He isn't laughing as he kisses your cheek, "I'm sorry baby, is there anything I can do to help?"
You think for a minute before nodding, "Can you actually grab me the heating pad? It's in my closet."
"Of course!" He jumps to his feet and hurries to grab it. When he gets back, he cuddles into your side and gently puts the heating pad to your abdomen.
"Thanks, Taetae."
"I love you."
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oofie it hurts i luv he smile
"Oh baby, is it bad right now?"
Jungkook hurries over to the side of your shared bed the moment he sees you curled on your side, your eyes squeezed shut. You nod, feeling your husband tuck your hair behind your ear and put his hand to your forehead. "What can I do to help you, honey?" He asks desperately.
"I don't know." You whisper hopelessly.
Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek in frustration. He doesn't understand why the doctors can't just fix everything and help you to stop hurting so much. He knows it will go away eventually, but he can't stand seeing you in so much pain right now.
He sits next to you and continues to brush his fingers through your hair, hoping it'll at least distract you. While he brushes your hair, he calls his eldest hyung. Seokjin always knows what to do.
"Jin hyung, what do I do?"
A few minutes later, you feel Jungkook shift and get up from the bed. Then he goes into the bathroom and you hear the tub start running. A little bit after that, your husband comes back in and kisses your cheek, "Come on, baby." Jungkook whispers as he practically carries you to the bathroom, where he helps you undress and step into the warm bath. You sink down, grateful when you realize he sits outside the tub and keeps holding your hand.
"I put some epsom salts in, it should start helping soon." Jungkook whispers softly.
"Thank you, Kook. I love you."
"I love you too, sweetie. Now, just relax." He reassures you, kissing your lips gently.
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aestheticsuwu · 4 years
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A truth so loud you can't ignore
Hawk/Eli x Demetri
( SamxMiguel + RobbyxDoug[Roug] + Sam•Robby•Demetri= Siblings Dynamic ) Part 1
.... ...
Explaining as carefully as he could of the situation and  elaborating his love for both of them for they could take the blow more easier for them . All he got as response was , raised eyebrows ; laughter and then they both glared at him as they realised Demetri wasn't joking .
" All I'm asking is for this one tiny favor and it's for a great cause . My LOVE life ! I wish there was a different option but there isn't.  "
" Actually the option was to not include us , I thought you wanted Hawk to ask you out ? "
Sam ask with a disbelief look not quite understanding the problem .He thought it was quite obvious but one look at Robby,  he guessed he had to explain  further on .
" Of course I did ! but once Eli asked me I got nervous and mentally freaked out cause hello I been waiting for a long time . So I thought maybe having you and Miguel would prevent me from ruining the date . Forgetting the fact you and Eli don't get along . Then lightbulb went on : Robby . but Eli voiced out how awkward it would be to have Robby by himself , so he said he would set you up with his friend . "
Quickly explaining and finishing with a smile and jazz hands , he really needs take some advice from Mr.  LaRusso on how to sell a pitch for later on .
Robby clears his throat as he stands up giving him a sympathy smile as he spoke .
"  Sorry Demmi but it's a no for me but hey you got Sam.  I got to go now , it was lovely speaking to you both . "
If he thinks he will let him leave smugly as he walks away he has another thing coming .
" You stop right there you smol angry marshmallow ! . What happened to ' Your my  annoying brother now , I love you . I got your back ' ?!
Robby gasp as he points a menacing finger as he shouts at Demetri while Sam struggles to keep her laughter in .
" You can't use your birthday card against me !"
" I will , and if you don't want me to reveal to everyone your mushy soft heart to everyone you will get your ass over here to help me and Sam with my outfit ."
The blonde turns to Sam to help him but all she did was smirk as she stood with Demetri . The look of betrayal as they both received when Sam spoke towards Robby.
" You heard him , get your ass moving ! "
" I hate both of you "
        " We love you too !! " both Demetri and Sam replied that soon followed with a smile from the the three .
..... ......... ....
Everything was going as smooth as ever , Miguel was easy to convince as he wouldn't opposed to go out with Sam.  Those two love birds was on board with the plans of today , only one problem . He doesn't have a date for Robby.
Either his friends from the dojo was to scared to go out with the son of both Sensei's or they weren't into guys . He kinda didn't want to ask Moon his ex Girlfriend if she had friends that were single . Tory was currently with Aisha , he asked for their help but they laughed at him and blew him off as they had plans of their selves .
Then Mitch was telling him how Doug was currently single . And What if he told a white lie he wasn't going to let anything ruined his first date with Demetri and hopefully not their last .
Even If the cute nerd had to  bring his besties to their date .
Doug was cool , he was a fast learner at the dojo and knew how to do a bunch of flips thay he didn't know the name of . He's  a good looking guy , Tan , smart ,Tall . . His type was more Pale , nerdy , smart mouth and that their name consisting Demetri .
Calling up the tall boy up and making casual conversation to ask the question .
" This is random and all but you free tonight ? "
" Uhh yeah , Got nothing planned why ? "
looking up to see Miguel and Mitch giving him hand movements of encouragement , and signals to put on speaker . Watching as his friend quickly write down something on a notebook that came from out of nowhere .
Reading from the sloppy writing and thumbs up from his friends he told himself fuck it , whatever happens , happens  .
" Wanna go out in a triple date , It would be Me and Miguels date , 'and your date is totally a hot babe "
It was Doug problem not asking for clarification and Robby was hot so that wasn't a lie . He also made said boy to pick him and Miguel as Hawk was the only one who knew the directions
The place he chose , ok maybe he did ask Moon for some advice get off his back . Looking through the windows of the Diner  , it was kinda vintage and chill and thankfully it wasn't packed . It had cute lights that made the scenery kinda casual but romantic .
Waiting outside for the rest to arrive , he gave himself another look at the window of the car to make sure he looked good . He was wearing a white longsleve shirt with some jeans , he looked good .
Guessing by the sudden jolt that Miguel caused by shoving his shoulder that their dates had arrived .
And there he was , the one he can't go without . He looked cute especially by the blush contrasting on his pale skin . He was sporting one as well if the warmth on his cheeck would prove his statement .
He tried to meet Demetri halfway but a hand stoped him . Said hand belonged to a certain tall guy that was certainly confused .
" I need to speak to you quickly , like right now ."
" Okayyy"  Smiling at Demetri one last time and quickly telling Miguel that they would be right back . Doug cross his arms waiting for him to explain but he knew his friends was smart enough to know what was going on , well that was his excuse .
" What? "
" What do you mean by what ? Just explain why my " date" is a guy when you clearly told me otherwise . "
" First of all its 2021 bro .  I told you that your date is a hot babe and I don't if your blind and all but Robby is hot , also - "
" Robby as Sensei's son , do you want me to end up dead in a ditch , are you dumb . Let's not forget his other father is a sensei too . Fuck ! . "
" I think your overreacting here - ' by the look on  taller boy was practically screaming ' I'm going to kill you '  , well guess what he has received enough from Sam and Robby so that wasn't scaring him .
'" Okay Sensei would but if you ever hurt Robby like say ditch him on this important date . Get your big boy pants on , and stop being a pussy ."
Quickly walking to the group saying a quick heys were tossed around . God , Demetri looked as good as up close with his cute smile .
" Everything okay ? " Demetri asked him with an eyebrow raised . Snapping his creepy gaze from him he quickly answered and introduce Doug to Robby properly .
" Yeah , perfect ! Robby this is Doug Rickenberger  , Doug this is Robby Keene . shall we go in ?. "
..... ...... .....
It was kinda awkward at first but thank God for two love birds for breaking the ice . They sat at a table in a corner just for the 6 . Conversation started flowing , soon it was just him and Demetri and no one else .
Calming down after laughing at the joke that they made about Dr.Who  , he can't help but reveal his nervousness to the date .
" I was really nervous but I'm glad Miguel force me to come to terms of my feelings . I'm really happy , you make me happy  , Dem . "
" You make me happy too , and don't worry I was really nervous too .  Maybe this could be a regular thing , if you want . "
" Are you asking me to be your boyfriend ? "
" Don't be so smug about it , wipe that smirk off  . "
He reaches for Demetris hand , He likes holding hands and maybe he wouldn't mind holding hands with him forever .
" I would love to be your boyfriend,  Dem . "
" Finally ! You could pay us for  making us suffer to wait for you two to get together by paying our dinner ."
Turning around to the other couple as they were rudely interrupted of  their moment .He really loved Miguel , he hoped the latter knew by the glare he was now throwing at him . The audacity that Sam and Miguel had as they started laughing by his not so subtle blush .
Sam stop abruptly by making them all wonder when did it happened that they all didn't notice .
" uhm guys , where's Robby and Doug ? . "
.... .... .... Part 1 ..... .......
Sidenote: Triple date AU Part 1 , Hope you guys like it . Binary Boyfriends, Samiguel , and a new addition Roug = Robby x Doug. Sam • Robby • Demetri siblings Dynamic . Side Aisha x Tory , small cameo of Mitch .
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stormcrawler75 · 4 years
oh my gosh!! you've got such an amazing bingo board!!! ok, i'm gonna toss you four squares all with one character - if you'd like, you can count this one ask across multiple fics, or try to double up tropes in one fic, or disregard some of the prompts altogether, whatever works best for you! but i would 100% love to see how you write virgil with 1, healing pod malfunction, 2, came back wrong, 3, truth potion/serum, or 4, i know you're in there somewhere fight?
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Warnings: Major Character Death, Necromancy, death.
Characters: Roman Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Remus Sanders, Janus Sanders with Mentions of Patton and Logan.
“I can’t believe you! How could you do this, Remus!? How?!”
Remus rolled his eyes, accepting a tray from his personal servant. He ignored how his servant kept his eyes on the ground with a pale shaky look to him. “Hey, is it really my fault that Necromancy is super easy to figure out? Janus and I figured it out in less than a month.” He turned and grinned at his older brother, looking uncomfortable and out of place in Remus’ bed chambers. “Get that grumpy look off your face! Look, we fixed everything!”
“Fix-” Roman stormed forward, waving his arms wildly, “Necromancy is banned, Remus! If you weren’t a Prince then you and Janus would be thrown into the dungeon and V-” Roman cut himself off with a pained grimace. “...The person you brought back would be granted a mercy kill. The Nobles Families are already pushing for that to happen and I... I...”
Remus gripped the tray with his and his consorts’ dinner on it tightly, his knuckles turning white. “Finish that fucking sentence,” he hissed, glaring at Roman. “Finish it. I fucking dare you.”
There was a long tense silence where nothing happened except the two brothers staring at each other, one glaring defensively and the other with a pleading look in his eyes. The silence was broken with a low groan from the other occupant of the room. Remus fixed a smile to his face and brushed past Roman, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Hey, Sleepyhead. Glad to see you awake!”
Virgil’s eyes slowly opened, his unnatural purple eyes having a tired glaze to them. While his body had been restored exactly to how it had been before his death - no decay and the gaping hole in his stomach gone like it had never been there in the first place - there were dark circles under his eyes like he hadn’t slept in months. Which he had, of course. He had barely done anything but sleep. “Remus,” he whispered. His voice was so soft and quiet that Remus could barely pick up on it. “Where’s Lo? And Pat? They were just here.”
Remus heard Roman’s breath hitch at the mention of Virgil’s long dead older brothers but didn’t react besides gently smoothing down Virgil’s bangs. “That was just a dream, Stormcloud. Hey, why don’t we have dinner? I got your favourite. Remember the chef’s special pie? I got a whole slice just for you.”
“It tastes like ash,” Virgil whispered. He stared at Remus with eyes that looked devoid of life. “Everything tastes like ash.”
“It’s just a little side effect, Stormy. Janus said that’d your tastebuds would come back soon, I promise,” Remus vowed, taking Virgil’s shaking hand and pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles. He grinned over his shoulder at Roman, ignoring that pale sheen to his brother’s face. “See?! He’s back and as good as new!”
Virgil’s slowly turned to look at Roman, a thin and pained smile spreading across his face. “My King? You did survive. I, I told Logan and Patton I saved you and I did.” he reached out to Roman, the King immediately taking it in his own.
Roman knelt by Virgil’s bed, pressing Virgil’s hand to his cheek. “You did save me,” he whispered, tears pooling in his eyes. “You did and I’m so proud of you. You were the best of my King’s guard. I wrote of your accomplishes and,” his voice trembled and Roman took a shaky breath, “and my people sing songs of your bravery. Virgil the Brave, they call you.”
“The Brave,” Virgil whispered back. His smile widened but it looked wrong, like butter spread over too thinly over bread. “I like that. Patton told me, he told me when he died to be brave.” He blinked in confusion when Roman’s tears started trailing down his cheeks. “My K-King? What’s wrong? Did I, did I upset you?”
Roman laughed wetly and shook his head. “No, no my friend. You didn’t upset me. I’m just worried about you, that’s all. You look so tired.” He cupped Virgil’s cheek, looking over him and asked softly, “How are you feeling? Are you okay?”
“I’m tired,” Virgil whispered. He rubbed at his eyes and whispered out, “I’m just so tired.”
“Then perhaps we should leave you to rest, my Dearest.”
Remus and Roman turned to the doorway where Janus, the Court’s Wizard, stood. The scales spreading across his face glittered in the light of the setting light, giving him an otherworldly look. “It’s been a long day for you,” Janus hummed, walking forward and tucking the blankets up to Virgil’s chin. “You had a walk in the gardens in the morning and then you and I read some books. It’s been a productive day.”
Virgil blinked at him slowly and took his hand. “Okay,” he whispered softly. He looked up at Janus and asked softly, “Do you think I’ll see Patton and Logan again in my dreams?”
“I’m sure you will,” Janus hummed, gently kissing Virgil’s cheek. He took Remus’ hand and pulled him up. “You have a good rest, Dearest. We’ll be joining you in just a few minutes after we say goodbye to the King.” He turned and looked at Roman, arching an eyebrow at the tears dripping of Roman’s chin. “My King? Shall we?”
Roman’s jaw trembled and he croaked out, “This isn’t right. This isn’t right, Remus. Janus, you are the Court’s Wizard and you know that this isn’t right. Look at him,” he cried, waving a hand at a confused Virgil. “Is this what you wanted?! He was at rest, who are you to-” He cut himself off as a cold wind blew through the air, blowing off the candles and oil lamp.
Janus stood up straight, glaring at his King with bright golden eyes. “I am his Husband, that’s who I am,” he hissed, his voice echoing with power. “It wasn’t his time, I know this. If it wasn’t for you, then we’d never have to do this in the first place. If you hadn’t needed Virgil to jump in front of you and get-” he cut himself off and looked away, his face softening slightly as he stared at Virgil. “Leave,” he said softly, the power disappearing from his voice. “My Dearests and I will be having a private dinner tonight.”
There was a long, tense silence that was only broken by Virgil whispering, “Why can’t King Roman stay? Patton and Logan are going to be staying.”
“No, Dearest,” Janus said, smiling at him gently with a sad look in his eyes. “No, they won’t be. And the King has things to do. Perhaps tomorrow.” He glanced back at Roman, narrowing his eyes at the still crying King. “King Roman... you’re busy, aren’t you?”
“...Yes,” Roman whispered. He smiled at Virgil sadly, not bothering to wipe away the tears. “I’ll visit with you tomorrow, my friend.” He left with tears still rolling down his face. He closed the door behind him, just as he let out a sob.
How could Remus have done this?
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