#Justin M. Rice
punkshort · 10 months
Chapter warnings: language, violence, m masturbation, smut
Chapter Eight
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Pairing: Joel x F!Reader, pre-outbreak and post outbreak
AU (the only thing I kept was the outbreak, Joel, and Tommy's characters. Joel's backstory is different, and the way he finds Jackson is different. I may include Ellie one day, I just haven't planned that far)
Fic Summary: You worked for Joel and Tommy a few months before the outbreak. The outbreak happens, and you and Joel get stuck traveling the country and keeping each other safe. Neither of you spoke about the feelings you had for one another pre-outbreak, and in a post-apocalyptic world, it seems like survival should be your only focus. But feelings can't be ignored forever.
Fic tags: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), Smut, Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Alcohol Use, Age Difference (Reader is 10 years younger than Joel), slow burn, mutual pining, angst, trauma, SA referencing later but I will put a big warning on those chapters
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Back in your apartment, the two of you set to work quietly organizing everything spread out on the living room floor that you could think of to pack. The biggest section was food. Luckily you were still used to a dorm room diet, so you had tons of useful items to take on the go. You had focused on the cans with protein like tuna, chicken and beans, then moved on to granola and protein bars, nuts, dried fruit, ramen noodles, cereal, instant rice and easy mac. Joel packed each of you a flashlight with extra batteries, and handfuls of matches and lighters he had found rummaging through your floor. Justin's camping equipment came with a canteen, plate, bowl, and foldable silverware for each, and a small first aid kit, which Joel significantly bolstered after raiding all the bathrooms on the floor.
He told you to only pack one or two extra sets of clothes, that you would have to break into houses or stores along the way if you needed more. He didn't want to waste the space in your packs that could be used for food and medicine.
You both set to work filling your bags with as much stuff as you could. Joel slipped a map into his pack that he had picked up from a kitchen drawer down the hall, and you had snuck in an unopened box of tampons and a folded up picture of your parents in yours when he wasn't looking.
It was around midday when you were all set to go, making sure to eat something left behind in your cupboards one last time.
You closed the door behind you, but you didn't lock it in case someone came along and needed something. Then sadly, you turned and gripped your baseball bat, following Joel down the long hallway, down the stairs and to the lobby.
Before Joel pushed the lobby door open to the outside, he turned to you.
"Which way's the subway?"
You pointed down the street to the right.
"It's about 3 blocks that way, not far. It's mostly all apartment buildings and a few stores on the corners."
Joel nodded, cracking the door open to listen for any sign of trouble. It sounded clear, so he ventured out to confirm before pulling you out behind him.
"We gotta be quick, but not too quick. Don't want to accidentally sneak up on somethin' out here," Joel explained in a hushed tone. "If you hear anythin', stop and don't make a sound. And you tell me if you see anythin' at all, understand?" You walked closely next to him as he was speaking, the whole time looking all around you frantically, your senses in overdrive, and your heart hammering in your chest. All you did was nod, not wanting to risk making too much noise.
The streets were quiet. Joel peeked around the corner and made sure no soldiers or infected were nearby before ushering you across the open street and back behind the safety of a building. One block down.
The two of you trotted down the sidewalk, swiveling your head around every few feet to see if there was anyone behind you. You almost made it to the next corner when Joel swung out his arm to stop you. You held your breath, heart racing as you focused on the noise he heard. It was the slow rumbling of an engine that reminded you of the FEDRA truck you heard patrolling outside your apartment last night. Joel must have figured that out, too, because he grabbed your arm and pulled you over to hide behind a dumpster that was sticking out of a narrow alley. You both crouched down and waited for the truck to pass. Fortunately, it didn't turn down the street you were on, where you would have been exposed.
Once the noise faded, Joel stood up slowly before motioning for you to follow. Again, he poked his head around the corner and took extra time to make sure no one was around before dragging you across the street once more. One more block to go.
You were halfway down the block as you passed a pawn shop, windows smashed in and the place ransacked. You grabbed Joel's arm and his head whipped around in a panic. You shook your head to tell him nothing was wrong and pointed into the pawn shop.
"Weapons?" you mouthed.
He hesitated a moment, trying to decide if you should press on or see if there was something useful in there before ultimately deciding to check it out. If the subway had infected in it, it would be better if there was more than just one knife between you. Joel stepped through the broken glass door carefully, glancing around at the small shop before holding his hand out to guide you through the opening. You both took a quick look around, noticing anything valuable was long gone, and most of the knives were picked over, but you did find a decent sized switchblade for yourself. You tucked it into your jeans pocket, and you carried on down the street towards the subway entrance.
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You had a long way to go down the dark tunnel, but so far it had been quiet and uneventful. Your flashlight beams bounced off the brick walls as you walked in silence, trying to stay focused on your surroundings. Your anxiety spiked with every new subway station you passed, reminding you of just how much deeper into the city you were getting. From what the soldiers had said, more densely populated areas were worse off, and so far in your limited experience that had proven to be true.
You were two stations away from the one you stopped at for work when you first saw people. It was just two families, huddled together on the platform. They had seen your flashlights long before you saw them, so trying to sneak by was useless. They seemed like they were just innocent survivors, so Joel kept walking, holding his head up. He made eye contact with two of the men in the group and gave them each a firm nod, hoping to convey you were just passing through and not looking for trouble. They nodded back wordlessly, and you carried on your way.
The next station had more people who had sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, and lanterns. It looked like they were trying to wait it out underground long-term. A few of the men approached the end of the platform to address Joel.
"You soldiers?" one of them asked.
"No, just passin' through, tryin' to stay off the streets, sorry to disturb you all," Joel replied. He paused for a moment, and looked back at the men who were still watching you carefully. "Any of you see any infected down here?"
One of the men shook his head. "Nah, man, that's why we're sitting tight down here. Soldiers must be keeping them busy up top."
Joel nodded. "Thanks... good luck to you."
Finally, you approached your stop for work and found the platform to be filled with people, just like the previous one. They were kind and immediately helped you both up off the tracks. You introduced yourselves and explained you were headed to Joel's apartment not too far from there. One of the women, Josie, warned you the closer you got to the heart of the city, the worse it was.
"We heard, thank you. Once we get up top it won't be a long walk," you said, swiping the back of your hand across your forehead to clear the sweat collecting there. "We've been walking for hours. Joel?" You turned to him, interrupting a conversation he was having with Josie's husband, Peter. "Can we rest here for a bit?" Joel turned back to Peter.
"That ok with you folks?" he asked. Peter and Josie nodded, seemingly the leaders of the small group of strangers huddled on the platform.
The two of you slunk down against the tiled wall, pulling out protein bars and your canteens after sitting down. You shut your eyes for a few minutes, leaning the back of your head against the wall, chewing and grateful to be taking a break.
"You holdin' up alright?" Joel asked softly beside you. You nodded, keeping your eyes closed.
"I'm just tired," you replied, taking another bite of your protein bar without looking.
"It ain't much further, once we get on the street it's another few blocks. We should be able to get there before - "
Joel's sentence was cut short by screaming, and your eyes flew open in surprise as you dropped your protein bar and grabbed your bat while fumbling around in your pocket for the switchblade. Joel was already standing, gripping his bat and trying to locate the source of the scream in the group. One of the men, who looked asleep when you arrived, was snarling and had his teeth clamped down into the shoulder of an older man, blood pouring down his arm and soaking both of their shirts. Peter and another man jumped into action to pull the infected off the poor man screaming in agony, struggling to pin it to the ground.
Joel charged forward before you could stop him, your hands desperately clawing at his t-shirt, but he was already throwing himself into the group to help. You watched in horror as the three men struggled to hold it down, and just as Joel was getting ready to bash its skull in with the baseball bat, it lunged forward, knocking Peter and the other man off to the side and pushing Joel onto his back.
Joel held the infected up by its shoulders as it pinned him down, snapping and growling inches from his face. Joel's jaw was clenched tight, his eyes flashed with rage as he summoned all the strength he could manage and pushed it off him, making it stumble backwards. It was just enough time for Joel to reach to his side for his hunting knife and plunged it into the infected’s skull with a guttural yell.
The infected went limp immediately and fell to the floor. Joel stood over the body, tense, covered in blood, and panting heavily with the knife still clutched in his hand. Peter and the other man rushed to join the rest of the group helping the one who was bit in the shoulder, but you raced straight to Joel, wrapping your arms around him tightly. Surprised, he lifted one arm to place it reassuringly on your back, the other still clutching his knife.
You let him go, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks as you frowned at him angrily. He looked down at you, the adrenaline wearing off, and saw the anguish on your face. He reached his hand out to you, but you slapped it away and instead shoved his chest heatedly, making him stumble just a bit in surprise.
"What the fuck were you thinking?!" you seethed, narrowing your eyes at him and fighting to keep the tears from falling. "You could have gotten killed!"
Joel stared at you, still panting slightly, then put the knife back in its holder. He couldn't gauge your reaction. Were you upset he would be killed because then you would be alone, or upset because of something else? He sighed and reached out to you again. This time, you didn't shove him, but you didn't go to him, either.
Josie approached you, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Thank you, Joel, for saving my husband," she said, clutching his outstretched hand in her own, then turned to you. "Don't be mad at your boyfriend, dear, he just saved us all."
Your mouth fell open, and before you could correct her, she went back to Peter and hugged him tightly. Joel cleared his throat beside you, seemingly pleased with himself.
"You heard her," he winked at you. "Can't stay mad at me." You scowled back at him, and with a more serious tone, he added, "us or them, remember?"
You sighed, relaxing your brow. You knew he was right, but you were still pissed off. You turned on your heel and headed back to your abandoned protein bar, effectively ending the conversation.
Joel joined you and watched as the group deliberated quietly on how to deal with the man who was bit. You had learned he likely only had a few hours before he turned, based on the location of his bite. Ultimately, Peter volunteered, and he quickly and privately put the man out of his misery with a kitchen knife. You winced when you heard the squelch of blood from across the platform, burying your face in your shoulder.
You didn't stay much longer after that. Once Joel had gotten his strength back, you picked up your belongings and gave your farewells. Josie and Peter thanked Joel again, and you headed up to the familiar street corner, dusk fast approaching.
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It took you both an hour to walk to Joel's apartment, which normally would have taken ten minutes, but he insisted on going slow and being careful at every turn. When you approached his building, you had to crane your neck all the way back to take in the full height. His building definitely used to have a doorman: it was fancy. You walked into the ornate lobby and turned around in a slow circle, taking in everything from the detailed crown molding to the beautiful, tiled floor that looked more like a piece of art. You almost felt bad for stepping on it. Even the ceiling was vaulted and decorated in tiny, intricate squares with gilded chandeliers hanging from it. Finally, you looked straight ahead and saw an arched window that overlooked a private garden.
"Shit," you whispered, "I almost got an apartment in this building."
Joel turned back to you, surprised, then realized you were being sarcastic when he saw your grin. He smiled to himself and shook his head, leading you down the hallway towards the stairwell door.
"I take it you're not on the second floor?" you asked him quietly as you began to climb the stairs.
"No, little higher than that," he replied. "30th floor."
You stopped dead in your tracks, which made him stop and turn back to you questioningly. He could tell what the problem was when he saw the pained expression on your face without you even having to speak.
"I know, it's gonna take us a while, but we can stop and rest whenever you need to." You sighed and hung your head, continuing your journey up the stairs.
You made it to the halfway point before you had to take a break, sitting on a step, panting and chugging water from your canteen while Joel leaned against the wall across from you, sipping his own water. The sun was going down, so you each dug your flashlights out of your packs before continuing.
"Not much further," Joel panted, turning the corner of another staircase, "then we can rest. No point in diggin' around in the dark, it's been a long day." You nodded, choosing not to speak to conserve your energy, and focused on the flashlight beam ahead of you.
You weren't sure how long it took, but finally you climbed the last step to face the door marked with a big, red "30". That's when you looked up and noticed you were on the top floor. Of course he lives on the top floor.
Joel pushed the door open a crack and peeked down the hall, which was very short and only had two doors and an elevator at the other end. He held the door open for you to walk through, then gently closed it. You frowned, looking back and forth at the two doors, puzzled.
Joel looked uncomfortable, shifting his weight when he saw your confusion, before mumbling, "It's a penthouse," and brushed past you to unlock his door.
You had never seen a penthouse before, but you knew they were for people who were really rich, especially in New York City. He opened the door, locking it behind you. You couldn't really see much other than what your flashlight exposed, but you could tell the room you were standing in was massive. You briefly flicked your light around, taking in some couches, bookcases, a fireplace and some other furniture. You stopped when you noticed the entire wall was top to bottom windows with a balcony attached, and covered your flashlight quickly. Joel kicked off his sneakers, and noticing the dimmer light, turned his flashlight to shine on you questioningly.
"Can't people see in? Like, the lights moving?" you asked. He shook his head.
"Privacy windows," he explained, then turned and headed towards another room. You quickly kicked your own shoes off, skittering after him, sticking close. The place was so huge you were afraid you'd get lost, and the darkness mixed with the eerie silence from lack of power and road noise made the hairs on your arm stand up. As you walked, you shined your flashlight on everything around you, baffled by how far the apartment seemed to stretch. You were so engrossed in your surroundings that you bumped into him when he had stopped walking.
"Oops, sorry," you whispered.
"Why are you whispering? We're safe here," he replied at full volume. You shrugged.
"I don't know, this place is huge, Joel, give me a minute - oh my god, is this your kitchen?!" you exclaimed as your jaw dropped, noticing the kitchen island in front of you that must have seated ten people. On one side. Easily. The island, made of marble or quartz, was white with silver and black specks. You noticed the counter was the same all over the kitchen, even on the built in bar in the corner. The cupboards were a light oak that was soft against your fingertips as you gently trailed them against the wood, wandering around his kitchen in amazement.
Joel watched you as you walked around his kitchen, gently touching the handles of the knives in the block and running your fingers along the countertop. You looked like you had never seen anything like this before, and his chest ached when he wondered what would have happened that night if you agreed to come home with him. You could have seen this place in a whole different light. He could have made you a drink from the bar and played you some music over the sound system. If he was lucky, he could have laid you down on the kitchen island you were so currently fascinated with, your fingers gripping the edges as he slipped his fingers inside your underwear to explore your soaking wet folds, pushing one finger inside you, and then another, slowly teasing you until you begged him for more.
Having you in his place was clouding his mind, he needed to focus. He cleared his throat before heading towards the pantry door. You eagerly followed closely behind and when you realized the pantry was a room as big as your own kitchen, you moaned with envy, causing his eyes to flutter shut momentarily.
"This place is amazing," you told him, sifting through the food on his shelves. You grabbed some peanut butter and crackers, turned and headed back to the kitchen.
"Where's the silverware?" you asked over your shoulder.
"Drawer next to the sink," he replied, and watched as you grabbed a butter knife. He picked up a can of Beefaroni off the shelf and opened the drawer in the kitchen with the can opener after picking a fork out from the silverware drawer you left open in your haste to eat.
He sat across from you at the island, eating his cold Beefaroni out of the can while you slathered crackers with peanut butter and popped them in your mouth. You smirked at his choice of food.
"Chef Boyardee?" you asked curiously, eyebrows raised. "I'm sure your private chef could have made you the real thing from scratch." Joel chuckled.
"Alright, I ain't got a private chef. Besides, this is the real thing. Nothin' beats it."
You smiled, fascinated that a man who lived in such a lavish apartment would have Beefaroni as his guilty pleasure. Feeling full and sleepy, you twisted the top of the peanut butter jar closed, and out of habit ran your tongue along the butter knife to clean it. You didn't even realize how that looked until you heard Joel's breath hitch and he looked down to study the empty can in front of him. Your cheeks felt warm from embarrassment, but luckily, he couldn't see it under the cover of darkness. You cleaned the knife (with a sponge, this time) and Joel's fork, putting them back in the drawer.
"Alright, let's get some shut eye. We should try to get an early start tomorrow, I want to get out of this city as soon as we can," Joel said, grabbing his pack he had set down when you walked in, and headed further down the hallway.
You followed him nervously, looking at the expensive-looking art on the walls and even a few statues on pedestals before reaching his bedroom. He pushed the door open, and your flashlights bounced around the room to illuminate the corners the moonlight hid from view. As expected, his bedroom was spacious with a bathroom and two walk-in closets attached. You noticed one of the closets was void of any clothes, and the other was packed to the brim. You poked your head in his bathroom, sighing enviously when you saw the huge, glass walk-in shower and built in vanity. You turned around to find Joel had dug out a couple lanterns from his closet and placed one on each end table so you could conserve your flashlight batteries. You clicked it off and walked over awkwardly, not sure what the sleeping arrangements should be. Unlike you, he has couches more than big enough to accommodate a grown adult, but the thought of being alone in the living room of this huge apartment made you nervous.
It hadn't even been a question in Joel's mind.
"Hop in and make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back," and he left the bedroom, back down the hallway to double check the locks. You rummaged in your pack for some more comfortable clothes to sleep in, and quickly changed before he returned, nestled under the covers on the most comfortable mattress you had ever been on in your life.
When Joel reentered the bedroom, his thoughts didn't even have time to catch up with how fast he felt the blood rushing to his cock. He squeezed his eyes shut as he blindly walked right to his closet and shut the door so he could change into his pajamas, willing his erection away. He groaned quietly, leaning his head against the wall of the closet, frustrated with how distracted he's been. If he doesn't stop, it could get you or him killed. He would have to do something about it before heading out tomorrow. He was lucky so far, you've had relatively safe places to hole up in, but that was going to end.
When he finally got himself under control, he exited the closet and got into the other side of the bed. You already had your lantern off and you were laying on your side with your eyes closed, exhausted from all the walking and events of the day. His bed was much larger than yours, and he hoped the extra space would help him get his mind out of the gutter. He turned his lantern off, and leaned back into the familiar pillow and sheets, closing his eyes. It was silent for a few minutes before you spoke.
"Joel?" you squeaked.
"Hm?" he replied, keeping his eyes closed.
"This is the nicest apartment I've ever seen, how long have you lived here?"
"About six years or so," he said, shifting a little under the covers. "But I like your place more," he admitted.
"My place?!" you said, outraged. "You could fit my entire apartment into this bedroom, you're crazy."
"Yeah, well, your place felt more..." he trailed off, trying to find the right word. "Like a home. This place feels like a museum."
"I'm sure you could make this place feel just as cozy," you yawned before adding, "this bed, for instance, is the most comfortable thing I've ever laid on." Joel smiled.
"Glad you like it." Sweetheart.
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He waited until he was sure you were sleeping deeply enough before he locked himself into his bathroom and pulled his sweatpants down just far enough to free his throbbing cock, stroking it steadily with one hand while the other propped him up against the wall, eyes screwed shut. His thoughts picked up where he left off in the kitchen, his fingers deep in your pussy, but then he would add his thumb to your swollen clit, making your back arch off the cold counter and gasp his name. His thumb would pick up the pace, keeping up with your moans, rubbing tight circles and flexing and thrusting his fingers inside of you until your body finally stilled under him, whimpering his name as you came.
He imagined you gazing up at him hazily, the same way you looked at him last week outside the bar, but now you would reach out and grab the waist of his jeans, pulling him closer and whisper hoarsely to him, "Please, Joel, I need you, I need more..."
He imagined what it would feel like to slide inside you, your cunt soft and warm, so welcoming and taking him inch by inch. He would grasp your hips, his feet firmly on the ground and your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, one of your hands lost in your own hair and the other firmly holding onto his wrist, eyes rolled towards the back of your head, moaning, as he stretched you out. When he would start moving, he would go slow at first and enjoy the way your tits bounced gently along with his movements. He would do his best to take his time, but he imagined you asking him - begging him - to fuck you harder. Of course, he would give you what you wanted. He would slam into you, over and over, groaning as he would feel your cunt squeezing around him, warning him you were close. His thumb would travel down to your clit once again, pressing firmly from side to side until you were screaming his name and he felt your warm release spill over his cock.
"Fuck!" Joel grunted out into the darkness, as he shot thick ropes of cum over his hand and onto the tile floor, completely losing himself and forgetting to grab a tissue.  He stood there a few minutes, catching his breath, his forehead pressed against the bathroom wall. Finally, he pushed himself away and cleaned up his mess carefully, using his flashlight to make sure he didn't miss anything. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. He hoped that would help keep him sharp and focused for tomorrow.
He opened the bathroom door quietly, relieved to see you hadn't moved a muscle since he left. You were still sleeping peacefully, facing his side of the bed with your lips slightly parted. He smiled at the sight, setting his flashlight down and about to slide back into bed when he heard a noise coming from down the hall. He froze, listening intently, trying to figure out the source. He glanced down at you once more to confirm you were still asleep and headed quietly out the bedroom door, carefully closing it behind him.
He walked down the hallway, now on high alert, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. He walked by a statue, grabbing it and turning it upside down so the square base was upright in his hand. He gripped it tightly as he neared the kitchen, now hearing rustling and seeing a beam of light coming from the pantry. He glanced around the room before peering around the open pantry door, seeing someone crouched on the floor and rifling through his food, but all Joel could focus on was the revolver on the floor next to him, shining in the moonlight. Shooting one more glance over his shoulder, Joel stepped inside, silently placing the statue down on the floor, and then lunged forward, quickly wrapping his arm around the intruder’s neck, and using his other hand to lock his arm in place. Joel yanked them both up to a standing position, putting his foot over the revolver and shoving it under the shelves in the pantry, out of arms reach. The intruder slapped wildly at Joel's arms, then tried clawing at his face, desperate to loosen his grip so he could breathe, but Joel didn't budge, his grip strong and unmoving, his face contorted in a fury and a heat he never felt before. It didn't take long before the man passed out, but Joel held on a few minutes longer to make sure the air didn't revive him.
Once he was satisfied he was dead, Joel laid him gently on the pantry floor, frantically trying to catch his breath. He slowly picked the statue back up, temporarily forgetting about the gun, and then closed his eyes a moment as his breathing began to stabilize. He reopened them, nostrils flared, and jaw clenched. He needed to make sure the man was alone, and you were safe.
He left the pantry, glancing around the room once again before stepping forward. He was about to enter the hallway to head back towards the living room when something hard hit him across the chest, sending him crashing loudly back into the kitchen, dropping the statue. Joel gasped for air in the darkness, scrambling backwards and reaching around blindly to try to find his statue, but the other intruder kicked it away and pinned Joel down with his own baseball bat. The bat was being pressed to his throat, and Joel struggled to push against the man's weight.
"Who else is here with you?" the intruder sneered. Joel was barely able to make out his face in the darkness.
"No one," he gasped and shook his head, pushing back harder now that he was reminded of you sleeping sweetly in his bed, hoping and praying you stayed in there.
"Bullshit," the man spit. "I saw the shoes by the door. Maybe I'll have a little fun with her after I kill - "
Suddenly, the pressure was gone, and Joel coughed, holding his throat. He whipped around frantically, trying to find anything to use as a weapon, when he heard wet thumping over and over. He stood up, desperately trying to make his eyes adjust to the shadows. Remembering the flashlight, he scrambled back in the pantry and snatched it up, casting the beam of light over the scuffle.
You were bent over and brutally caving in the skull of the man who almost killed him.
Over and over, you aimed the corner of the statue at the man's disfigured face, beating him to a bloody pulp, the squishing sound of blood echoing in your ears. Joel calling your name and grabbing you around the waist was the only thing that stopped you. You dropped the statue and looked him in the eye, like a wild animal cornered and ready to strike. He grabbed your face, repeating your name until your eyes focused back on him. The enormity of what you did hit you in an instant: you just killed a man.
Tears welled up in your eyes and your lips trembled as you continued to stare into Joel’s eyes. He shook his head when he saw the emotion on your face.
“No. No, no, no, no. C’mere,” he said, pulling you into his embrace, and it was then you let the tears flow as you sobbed uncontrollably into his chest, gripping his t-shirt in your fist like a lifeline. He snaked his arm up your back, so his hand rested at the crown of your head, and his other arm tightly squeezed you around the ribs. You both slunk to the floor of his kitchen, holding onto each other for dear life, the horror of the world around you finally making its mark on you both.  
Chapter Nine
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onlydylanobrien · 5 months
‘SNL 1975’ Finds Its Garrett Morris, Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase And John Belushi
By Justin Kroll, Anthony D'Alessandro January 30, 2024 10:00am
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Lamorne Morris playing Garrett Morris, Dylan O’Brien playing Dan Aykroyd, Cory Michael Smith playing Chevy Chase and Matt Wood playing John Belushi
EXCLUSIVE: Lamorne Morris, Dylan O’Brien, Cory Michael Smith and Matt Wood have joined the cast of Sony Pictures’ SNL 1975 that will be directed by Jason Reitman and based on the real-life behind the scenes accounts of the opening night of Saturday Night Live. Morris will play Garrett Morris, O’Brien will play Dan Aykroyd, Smith will play Chevy Chase, and Wood will play Belushi. The original screenplay is written by Reitman and Gil Kenan.
On October 11, 1975, a ferocious troupe of young comedians and writers changed television forever. SNL 1975 is the true story of what happened behind the scenes that night in the moments leading up to the first broadcast of NBC’s SNL. It depicts the chaos and magic of a revolution that almost wasn’t, counting down the minutes in real time to the infamous words, “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!”
The screenplay is based on an extensive series of interviews conducted by Reitman and Kenan with all the living cast members, writers and crew. Reitman, Kenan, Jason Blumenfeld, Erica Mills and Peter Rice are producing.
Morris can currently be seen in FX’s fifth season of Noah Hawley’s hit drama series Fargo as North Dakota Deputy Witt Farr. He joined the cast of Netflix’s Unstable for season two opposite Rob Lowe. Prior to this, he starred as the titular lead in the hybrid live-action/animated Hulu series Woke, inspired by the life and art of cartoonist Keith Knight.
O’Brien was most recently starring in Ponyboi, which premiered as one of ten films in the U.S. Dramatic Competition at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival. Up next, he will be seen in the feature films Caddo Lake, from the writing-directing team of Logan George and Celine Held and producer M. Night Shyamalan, and Anniversary, a thriller co-starring Diane Lane, Kyle Chandler, Zoey Deutch and Phoebe Dynevor. His other credits include Searchlight feature Not Okay from writer-director Quinn Shephard, the critically-acclaimed crime drama The Outfit, opposite Mark Rylance, Zoey Deutch, and Johnny Flynn; Paramount’s Love and Monsters and the popular Maze Runner franchise
Best known for his role on as the Riddler on the popular Fox series Gotham, Smith can currently be seen as Julianne Moore’s son in Todd Haynes’ May December. He most recently starred as Varian Fry in Anna Winger’s limited series Transatlantic opposite Gillian Jacobs and Corey Stoll for Netflix. Smith has also worked with Todd Haynes in both Carol (as private investigator Tommy Tucker) and Wonderstruck.
Wood has appeared in the original Broadway cast of Spongebob Squarepants and as husky kid icon Augustus Gloop in the Broadway First National Tour of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Television credits include Law and Order: SVU, Instinct and Difficult People.
Morris is represented by CAA, Entertainment 360, The Lede Company, and Myman Greenspan Fox Rosenberg Mobasser Younger & Light. O’Brien is repped by William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, Principal Entertainment LA, and Lichter, Grossman, Nichols, Feldman, Rogal, Shikora & Clark. Smith is repped by Circle of Confusion. Wood is repped by BRS/Gage Talent Agency.
Source: deadline.com
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dalekofchaos · 4 months
Life Is Strange fancast(new)
Already did a LIS fancast before, but since some of them were too old, I think it's time to do a new one
my other LIS fancasts
LIS BTS fancast
LIS 2 fancast
LIS TC Fancast
Thomasin McKenzie as Max Caulfield
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Sophie Thatcher as Chloe Price
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Kristine Froseth as Rachel Amber
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Elle Fanning as Kate Marsh
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Wyatt Oleff as Warren Graham
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Reneé Rap as Victoria Chase
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Austin Abrams as Nathan Prescott
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Aaron Eckhart as William Price
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Robin Wright as Joyce Price
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Ving Rhames as Principal Raymond Wells
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Yvette Nicole Brown as Michelle Grant
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Douglas M. Griffin as Samuel Taylor
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David Harbour as David Madsen
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Norman Reedus as Frank Bowers
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Bryan Cranston as Sean Prescott
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Dewon Sawa as Mark Jefferson
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Barbie Ferreira as Alyssa Anderson
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Brianne Tju as Brooke Scott
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Jacob Batalon as Daniel DeCosta
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Ryan Potter as Evan Harris
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Jenna Ortega as Stella Hill
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Jolie Vanier as Dana Ward
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Kelli Berglund as Juliet Watson
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Ross Lynch as Luke Parker
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Charlie Rowe as Justin Williams
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Noah Centineo as Trevor Yard
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Stefanie Scott as Taylor Christensen
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Tiffany Espensen as Courtney Wagner
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Mason Gooding as Hayden Jones
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Justin Prentice as Zachary Riggs
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Because of tumblr's new layout with the 30 picture limit, I cannot add more pictures, so here's the rest.
Dylan Minnette as Logan Robertson
Angourie Rice as Samantha Myers
Mischa Collins as Skip Matthews
Mark Hamill as Travis Keaton
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thislovintime · 10 months
"Lady's Baby" (Tork) alternate vocal [More on YouTube.] Photo 1 in this video by Nurit Wilde, photo 2 by Bridgeman Images.
"[At the Troubadour, Peter] sang one of his new songs, ‘Lady’s Baby,’ and was called back for an encore." - Disc and Music Echo, May 18, 1968 (x)
“Peter isn’t sure what he’s going to do now [that he has left The Monkees], but he’s feeling free for the first time in months. Toward the end of the Monkees’ run at Screen Gems, Peter said they’d go into recording sessions and not even speak to each other much less play together.” - Circus, June 1969
“[Davy] got sick of banging the tambourine all day long. And [Micky] lost faith in himself. He never did believe he was a decent drummer, so he didn't want to do it anymore. Mike wanted to produce his own records. He wanted to have total control. I was the only one who believed in the group per se, and so there I was all by myself, wanting a group, with nobody to be a group with.” - Peter Tork, When The Music Mattered (1984)
“Taking the expression of following one’s muse quite literally, [Peter] sought to re-create in the studio the very environment that inspired him to compose the song. This endeavor included having a recording engineer crawl on the ground after young Justin to capture real-life ‘smiles and coos’ (as in the song’s lyrics). Both lady and baby giggled and squeaked through hours of expensive recording time, which seemed to infuriate some members of the band and their musical coordinator, the late Lester Sill. ‘“Lady’s Baby” was a very weird and ridiculous situation,’ recalls engineer Hank Cicalo. ‘To accommodate Peter at the time, he wanted to do this thing and he wanted it to be real spacey. So what we did was we set up the studio and brought rugs in and made a little room with pillows. He would bring his friends in and they’d sit around and he’d play a little bit. It was pretty outrageous: days and days of doing the same piece of material. ‘They would just sit around for hours and drink wine and carry on, and try to get takes of this tune. Maybe we would make one or two takes. It was OK for me as an engineer because it was like taxi time. But he wouldn’t take any help from anybody. At this point in time I thought my communication with the guys was pretty good, and I could talk to them and whatever else. There were a couple of times he got a little hot about doing this. I’d say, ‘Hey, you’re wasting a lot of time. Either we do this track, or we get on with it.’ We must have done a hundred takes on that thing. He sort of went off on his own in a lot of ways. And there was a little resentment between the guys in not working together.’” - The Birds, The Bees & The Monkees box set liner notes
“Hey listen, fair is fair. They laugh and joke about that [‘Lady’s Baby’]. OK, it cost as much to do I think as ‘Good Vibrations.’ They were laughing about Peter Tork, but that [song] is a true-to-life thing. He was living with a woman [Karen Harvey] at the time and she had a little baby [Justin Hammer] and that changed his life, you know? That gave him something to think about. He was being downtrodden by the studio in regard to his recording and his playing and his songs and everything else, but the guy was the salt of the earth. It wasn’t just Hare Krishna, waterbeds and brown rice. That guy was a very, very accomplished musician. He needed magic to be able to get in and do ‘Lady’s Baby.’ It’s a nice song. It’s true. It’s got the warmth and everything of what he was living. ‘Lady’s Baby’ touches me, lets me know that I am free, whatever it is. I remember it so well. It’s a real tune, you know? I love it.” - Davy Jones, The Monkees: The Day-By-Day Story of the '60s TV Pop Sensation (2005) (x)
"[M]y darling Karen, with whom I am still very good friends all these years later.” - Peter Tork during his My Life In The Monkees & So Much More tour, 2013 (x)
"We’re still very, very good friends." - Karen Harvey, The News Journal, July 16, 1989 (x)
Q: “The Birds, The Bees & The Monkees sessions was a productive time in the studio for The Monkees. However, none of your stuff like ‘Lady’s Baby’ and ‘Tear The Top Right Off My Head’ made it to the album. How come?” Peter Tork: “To tell you truth… I… I never was able in those days particularly — I’m getting better at it these days — but in those days I was almost entirely unable to fight for what I saw as quality. If I didn’t get somebody fighting on my behalf then it didn’t, just didn’t come to pass. And none of the other guys was much interested in supporting my sense of quality, they had their own agendas and each one of them… I mean, not that I was left out in this regard, no one of us really supported any of the others except that, that I like to think that I tried to support Micky in a way which, for some reason, he never did pick up on. I mean, I think that Micky has a certain kind of genius that he was never able to acknowledge in himself. But be any of that as it may, I just basically think that I wasn’t feeling a part of it anymore already by that point, I’d already felt like I was odd man out, and of course I quit almost immediately thereafter. In fact, I think it’s The Birds, The Bees & The Monkees that has some tunes that were recorded after I quit.” - Headquarters radio, September 1989 (x)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 11 months
Justice League Ice Breakers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZqSA1cE
by Obligatory_Trope_Insert
The League's tech guys have developed a new communication platform. Now super heroes can talk to other super heroes.
Almost entirely based on the DCAU. The overall plot and characters are from Justice League and Justice League Unlimited with some story lines taken from the comics.
Presenting the DCAU text fic that no one but me asked for because I love a good text fic that incorporates every single character including the minor ones. Also I thought this would be less work than an actual narrative plot but I'm so freaking exhausted after writing this you have no clue
Words: 3166, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), DCU (Comics), DCU, DC Animated Universe (Timmverse)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Justice League (DCU), Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Bruce Wayne, Shayera Hol, Wally West, J'onn J'onzz, John Stewart (DCU), Mr. Terrific, Ray Plamer (Atom), Kara Danvers, Oliver Queen, Billy Batson, Dinah Lance, Greg Saunders (Vigilante), Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl), The Question (DCU), Pat Dugan (STRIPE), Sir Justin (DCAU), Zatanna Zatara, Cisco Ramon (Vibe), Orion (DCU), Beatriz da Costa (Fire), Tora Olafsdotter (Ice), Mike Maxwell (B'wana Beast), Kimiyo Hoshi (Doctor Light), Aztek (DCU), Jack Ryder (Creeper), Tom Tresser (Nemesis), Atom Smasher - Character, Arthur Curry (DCU), Sanderson Hawkins (Sand), Ted Grant (Wildcat), Doctor Fate, Crimson Fox, Thunderbolt - Character, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian (Plastic Man), Ralph Dibny (Elongated Man), Nathaniel Adam (Captain Atom), Red Tornado, Daniel Cassidy (Blue Devil), Cynthia Reynolds (Wraith), Lee Travis (Crimson Avenger), Prince Gavyn (Starman), Todd Rice (Obsidian), Matthew Ryder (Wave Rider), Rex Mason, Jason Blood, Etrigan, Hank Hall, Don Hall, John Henry Irons (Steel), Dmitri Pushkin (Red Rocket), Charles McNider (Doctor Midnight), Rick Tyler (Hourman), Michael Carter (Booster Gold)
Additional Tags: Justice League as Family (DCU), Families of Choice, Comic Book Lore, Chatting & Messaging, No over plot just vibes and family, super heroing, probably more chapters to come, this was fun, Bickering, Crack, Fluff and Humor, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Team as Family
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZqSA1cE
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transpondster · 26 days
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Photos from various concerts I've seen in New York City, not in chronological order. I'm just posting these bc I went back to a previous Photos app library on an external drive and saw a bunch that I haven't seen in a few years. Many / most of these were shot with first- or second-generation iPhone cameras, so they're blurry and hard to really see but I don't mind. From the top:
Patty Schemel, Eric Erlandson, and Melissa Auf Der Maur from Hole, standing outside a theater in the East Village that had just screened Patty's documentary about her life in the band. Not really a 'concert', but I'll allow it
Pavement in Central Park
Quasi, at the Bowery Ballroom
M. Ward show, Central Park
David Byrne, Radio City Music Hall
King Crimson, Madison Square Garden Theater (small venue adjacent to the bigger MSG)
Paul Simon, giving a free talk on songwriting at the Union Square Barnes & Noble
Line of fans along W16th Street to see an early Justin Bieber show at the Highland Ballroom (i did not attend that show but the very long line outside my apartment building surprised me in 2008 to snap that photo)
Foo Fighters at MSG
Waiting for Nick Lowe and Robyn Hitchcock at The Grand Ballroom
Waiting for Aimee Mann at the Town Hall
Outside St. Ann's Warehouse in Brooklyn before the doors opened for a benefit concert featuring Lou Reed, Laurie Anderson, Antony, Blonde Redhead, Scissor Sisters, Norah Jones, and Damien Rice
The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black, at the Park Avenue Armory during the Whitney Biennale
Jackson Browne playing at a Borders Bookstore on the UES
Liz Phair at a club attached to the Maritime Hotel in Chelsea
Roxy Music at MSG
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youtubepromo321 · 5 months
AFC Championship: Key Matchups and How to Watch Ravens vs. Chiefs
The Kansas City Chiefs and Baltimore Ravens will face off in the first of two Sunday games of conference championship weekend, as the NFL's best teams compete for the AFC's top spot.Image source: Getty images The Ravens, with the NFL's best record, will face Patrick Mahomes and the likely league MVP, Lamar Jackson. Baltimore aims for its first AFC title since 2012, following their 2012 Super Bowl victory against the 49ers.Kansas City aims to return to the Super Bowl for the fourth time in six seasons under center Mahomes and win its first road AFC title game win. This will be a new challenge for the Chiefs, who have hosted the conference championship for the previous five years.The AFC's Super Bowl opponent will soon be known, and there are a number of ways to watch the event.How to Watch Live Sports StreamingDate: Sunday, Jan. 28 | Time: 3 p.m. ETLocation: M&T Bank Stadium (Baltimore)TV: CBS | Stream on Paramount+ Follow: CBS Sports App Ravens -3.5, O/U 44.5 are the odds (based on Sportsline consensus odds).When the Chiefs Have the Ball, What's Their Game Plan?The Chiefs, after two strong offensive performances, face a formidable defense, with Baltimore ranking first in FTN's DVOA and having the seventh-best unit against the run and best defense against the pass.Mike Macdonald's team held the Houston Texans' C.J. Stroud and the Texans' explosive offense to just 213 total yards, 10 first downs, and three offensive points in their first road playoff game. This was a different task than holding Patrick Mahomes, Andy Reid, and the Chiefs' offense, which did not perform up to its usual standards this season.The matchup between Kansas City and Macdonald will primarily focus on how the Ravens' offensive line can withstand Macdonald's pressure looks. Despite not frequently blitzing, Macdonald heavily uses simulated pressures to create uncertainty for opponents, making it crucial to assess the Ravens' defense against Macdonald's pressure tactics.The Chiefs have been notably strong in the front, but their recent acquisitions of Jawaan Taylor and Donovan Smith have not been as successful as expected, making them more vulnerable up front than ever since their Super Bowl loss to the Buccaneers. Mahomes, a talented thrower and runner, has been more affected by pressure this season than at any point in his career. If the Ravens can disrupt his rhythm and get after him early, the Chiefs could be thrown off their game.Image source: Getty images Kansas City has largely resolved the issue in recent weeks, but the Chiefs will face more challenging secondary matches than against the Dolphins or Bills.Travis Kelce will face Roquan Smith and Marcus Williams in the middle of the field, with Kyle Hamilton waiting for him in the slot. Rashee Rice often lines up in the slot, dealing with Hamilton. Outside, Marlon Humphrey, Brandon Stephens, and cloud coverage could be present. Rice may be in motion to get free releases on downfield routes. Judicious use of screens will be key against the Baltimore defense, utilizing the Ravens' aggressiveness while not being too passive in challenging them downfield.Macdonald is expected to focus on pass-catching players like Marquez Valdes-Scantling and Justin Watson to force Mahomes to beat him. Reid has been scheming things up, but throwing the ball against the Ravens defense has been a challenging task in the NFL this season. The Ravens defense has been particularly difficult to tackle.Dominating the Field: Tactics for the Ravens When They Have the Ball
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alphst · 1 year
Centene Corporation (CNC) Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript
$CNC Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript #earnings #markets #investing
Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC) Q1 2023 earnings call dated Apr. 25, 2023 Corporate Participants: Jennifer Gilligan — Senior Vice President, Finance and Investor Relations Sarah M. London — Chief Executive Officer Drew Asher — Chief Financial Officer Jim Murray — Chief Operating Officer Analysts: A.J. Rice — Credit Suisse — Analyst Joshua Raskin — Nephron Research — Analyst Justin Lake — Wolfe…
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zooterchet · 1 year
“Lincoln Stinks” (UMass-Amherst #5487, Burbank, “Dave Champlain”)
Economic Hitman Movements:
EON: Under control of Britain.
Marvel: Under control of Disney.
Lucas Arts: George Lucas’ pimp contract broken.
DC Comics: Lodge family permanently given broker status to Time Warner Cable.
Ubisoft: Removed from Comcast care.
Nintendo: Given suit from Sega, over stolen work, by Sega, from Nintendo (private agreement, between spouses).
Fox: Removed from leadership of Murdochs, given to Irish-Fenian founders (Canadian Aces).
Lobster: Given Nova Scotian prisoner’s status (giant shark removed, means unknown).
UPenn: Gifted clearesy strategy, Arizona Catholic destroyed forever (SuperMax, shut down, by IDF).
Dylan Klebold: Founder of ISIS, liquor rights for Africans and Arabs.  “The American”, Red Dawn theme, the Prom Song.
Cyberpunk 2077: The Chinese Revolution, “M”, taken from study of Josh Moen, fellow Bruce; mutual Lorre line.
Halal: Marlboro Blacks to return Somalia to peace, black pepper bacon for gymnasts and wrestlers, ketchup ham for collegiates.
Counter-Teamster Hits:
Russian Forces Defeated (Reason: Likud Muskau, Wares on Refusal to Own, Fraud Trials):
Napster/RIAA: Armenian-Mob, Suspect Carlin Sarkesian. Died of pork hot dog burning on frying pan, couldn't pass bowels. Meneitsch al-Shetvietz. Found with an overdose of ibutephrine, craving for cigarettes or overdose on heroin, in the left cerebrum. Parents used it to invent Narcodan, treatment for heroin users, with nicotine substrate, later lithium pipe cigarettes, the "vape".
Insane Clown Posse/American Bounty Hunter Guild: Detroit-IDF, Suspect Phil Enfield. Died of prison beating, screaming that Spider-Man was a pedophile. Borf al-Shadan. Samurai shamed, after Prince William's response, outing royal families of Europe as being under Japanese control, of Uma Thurman's line. Insane Clown Posse shut down, militarized outside of MI-6. 
Pirate Bay/INTERPOL: Amsterdam NOMRL hunt team, Pirate Bay. Suspect Keith Valesquez Died of Raid spray, produced from Amsterdam Labs, sprayed on marijuana, "mids grades", taken from a local tobacco rice farm. Sprays discovered as reason for toxic weed. Menschen Menschen Al-Menescheitvz. Marijuana legalized, for safety. 
Canadian Forces Defeated (Reason: Conscription considered law through rumor of Fenian Brotherhood, Fox News Cable; Conscription illegal, since 1776, establishment of US Congress and US Executive Office):
Nick Maynard is in a fugue state. 
Josh Moen is an inebriate from cocaine and crack usage. 
Ryan Cunningham has a rape tattoo across his shoulders. 
Brian Monaghan is on medication for Down's Syndrome. 
Ivan Tomasic has the phantom illusion of a gun to his head as a Damocles.
Christopher Sweeney has a learning inability to understand others he manages. 
Justin Walsh is a heroin addict that reports sobriety as using heroin. 
Stephanie Tomasic is an FRU inside Planned Parenthood.
Travis Long lost his liver function.
Bernice Lamb is a Roxycodone victim.
 ritish Forces Defeated (Reason: Psychiatric panels used on children in families forced homosexual, homosexual considered inappropriate touching or hugging or gripping between families and to children, child molestation and pederasty, however still married heterosexual, without striking or arrest for homosexual displays of dominance):
Weinstein’s on Nolan TV.
Soros is on Ubisoft Crosshair.
 Bonosorno has Army Reserve casualties (Obey Oberto).
Barack Obama is on a flying buttress (Gotham is Shoulders, Ace Comics).
Dogg the Bounty Hunter can’t find the Patracas (him).
Hillary has a Jethro Tull Flowchart from Marilyn Manson.
Netanyahu (Batman?) killed the other Whitey (that’s bug eyes).
Israeli Forces Defeated  (Reason: Assumption of fealty for pederast overture towards child or adult, through marker of possession or sight of witness, violation of chattel slavery laws, Union, Civil War):
Great Uncle Anatole: Proven to be a spy posing as a gangster for INTERPOL, revealed to Georgette Charlebois and executed by priests.
Guitarist Timothy: Informed to his mother that he had mooned me with greasy orange shit in his ass crack, placed in juvenile incarceration for the mentally deficient.
Scholar Rory: Tricked into creating the term pillow biter, regarding a boy pillow fighting, framed self of pedophilia and placed in juvenile incarceration, film Batman Forever made for him with him as Batman, shown in corrections, revealed to be Riddler because he did not smoke cigarettes; Batman invented the cotton tobacco filter, my family's pedigree (as well as the neutron bomb hood, my creation, 6th grade, held by the Canadian Defense Industry).
UMass-Amherst Hillel House: Placed in charge of Student Union Internationale for Hillel House, biotropic foods department, vegan and dairy from whole fat calf of dog's rind (sheep hound).
African Forces Defeated (Reason: Assumption of sexual relationship, for viewing the buttocks or breasts, promiscuous conduct disorder, female rapist, protected by ignorance of negro community):
Christine Warren: Back chiseled out of lower ligament, caused by snake charmer’s gene, listening to Guns’n’Roses, “You Could be Mine”.
Cassie Leigh Stock: Violent overdose on Wild Turkey, masturbating to ass worship porn for 8-9 hours.
Jenna Williamson: Hot air balloon into power lines, revealed that You’ve Got Mail and Sleepless In Seattle, was her arch-nemesis, House of Montague; Capulets lose, Jenna has a peg leg.  Pirates win, Tom Brady goes to the Buccaneers.
General Havoc:
OJ Simpson goes to prison.
George Lucas takes over LucasArts, sells it, free from dominatrix contract.
Pornographic film shot, with mature dominatrix, tens of thousands granded.
Agent John Connoly cleared, reunited with long-lost daughter.
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deyzalee · 2 years
Dear God,
Thankful and blessed today. I woke up early with the help of my alarms. I prepared myself for 24 hours duty. I cooked hotdog for breakfast and I ate it with brown rice. I drank my vitamins. I arrived at my patient’s house safely. I cared and monitored my patient with the help of you Oh God. I scrolled my social media accounts, chatted my family and friends. I e-mailed maam karen and sir jaimar regarding my annual leave request, but they didn’t reply. Maam Karen called Vanessa and talked about it. We had conversation with Vanessa and I pray that they will approve our requests.I played zombie tsunami. I took a nap because I m sleepy. I woke up because my patient will change her diaper. I watched random videos. Good news also because Jako and Justin will have their weekends to us already. Ate Karen allowed them and we ate very happy. I called Mama and Papa and we had chit chats. All praise to you Oh God. But my annual leave 😞. Anyways, if they will not approve I will have my unpaid leave. Family is important to me right now. I ate my lunch which is laga saging. On my dinner, I ate hopia. I read few pages of the Bible. I will drink my medicines. Have mercy on us Oh God. Guide us always to the right path. Remove sickness, danger and negative things in our life. Answer our prayers in your perfect time. Thank you and I love you God.
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scenesandscreens · 3 years
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The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
Director - Michael Mann, Cinematography - Dante Spinotti
"Great Spirit, Maker of All Life. A warrior goes to you swift and straight as an arrow shot into the sun. Welcome him and let him take his place at the council fire of my people. He is Uncas, my son. Tell them to be patient and ask death for speed; for they are all there but one - I, Chingachgook - Last of the Mohicans."
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larryland · 3 years
REVIEW: "The Decorator" at The Theater Barn
REVIEW: “The Decorator” at The Theater Barn
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I don’t wanna wake up anymore. I wish justin bieber was still here. see, him and I were close. real close. I’m the person that got feet pics from him on snapchat, and that started a little something something between us. he’d send me feet pics every 2.5 days on the dot. we even got so close that he decided to buy an apartment for us to share. but we didn’t really share it. I was always alone in it, and he’d come by every now and then to get me to suck his toes (which I didn’t mind). And it was kinda obvious that he never really washed them... but that’s okay; I like seasoning. but one day things changed.... one day he came in and instead of wearing his usual flip flops (for ease of access), he was wearing steel toed boots. weird, I thought. then I noticed he had a knife. he rushed me and stabbed me 47 times, and killed me (i’m still alive btw).
so now I lie here in this bed, waiting for him to come back to see me. but he never does. so all I do is lay here in pain while I bleed from my 47 stab wounds. my suffering is eternal (doom), and my heart is broken (and not just from stab wounds). but i still wait. and I’m still alive. i’m not dead. i’m still alive I swear. I’m not fucking dead. I swear i’m alive i’m alive i’m alive i’m not dead im not fukcing dead im still alive im not dead i mnot dead i malive alive im alive im still alive im not dead im not dead lim vufcking alive aeligaiu ma stil al iv e i m na ot dead aim  adileive i im no t dead i m fuck ing  al al ive a lalvaie alavalavlealivaie manot dead not dead not dead not dead not dead noet deand nto dnetantod nteentaodontaeont puta quepariu aim not dad acaralho porra im not deaed im a live i im l nala ievlalelieavlvivelavilea ma s que purra ee essa im laive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive i m alive im alive not dead I sweart im a live
*the police bust down the door and come inside. the door shatters into a million pieces and the debris fly out the room and hit sam and dean and slits their throats and they die* (john and sherlock are there too btw. but they survived. johnlock ftw)
john and sherlock at the exact same time: holy fuck! what the fuck is that! *they both puke all over my corpse and some of it gets in my mouth and it tasted kinda good (they had matar paneer before they came here)* quick! get docothr whop and the crimse scene invstigation people or whatever in here with their gadgets STAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*doctor who appears in his tardis* oh my god what the fuck is this shit holy fuck *he pukes all over my corpse and again soem of it gets in my mouth and I can taste tofurkey and maple syrup????? literally what the fuck is wrong with this bitch??* fuck no!!! i can’t do this shit!!!! im done!!!! *he pulls out his sonic screwdriver and kills himself*
sherlock and john at the same time: right. what is all of this then? (translated for people that don’t speak old english)
*the crime scene people bust down the door (a new one formed in the place of the one john and sherlock broke. it’s lore. you wouldn’t understand) and see my corpse (still alive btw)* holy fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *all 6 of them puke directly into my mouth at the same time like a fountain and I can taste every single thing they ate. Aloo gobi, pad see ew, white rice with cum, toast with tomato soup (LOLLLL CRINGE), jello with piss, turkey back lettus tomati sandwich soaked in grape juice, paneer soaked in jizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, tofu soaked in jizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and human meat seasoned with beef flavoring. weird buit i don’t judge. I do judge but im not the judge. if you know what I mean. mother fuckers*.
the crime scene people: quick!!!!!! use the gadgets!!!!!!!! *they use the gadgets and immediately figure out my cause of death (im s till alive btw), and everything* “ok so this person was clearly in a foot relationship with justin bieber, but one day justin bieber decided to come in and kill them. some of their intestines are missing too? using our advanced gadgets we were able to locate exactly where justin bieber is too. he is currently in ontario canada. even though that’s another country we can still arrest him because he’s justin bieber, so we’re currently sending in a right wing paramilitary death squad on drones (they ride the drones like horses btw) to arrest him. wait a second his location changed!!! right now he’s in t-”
*justin bieber teleports into the room out of nowhere*
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“um. what the fuck is going on here?”
the crime people or whatever: you’re under arrest stupib idiot! we’ll kill you mother fucker! die! *they start hitting him with their gadgets but they just deflect off his skin*
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*he pulls out his 19th century spanish cavalry sabre and slices them all into a million pieces EACH*
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“heh. stupid idiots. thought they could kill me. little do they know...... im a powerful demon from the 19th century. im not spanish tho. I just stoled this weapon off of one of their corpses after I killed him. *breathes heavily* ah. im so sexy and cool .my ass is so fat and my teeth are so sharp. *he comes over to my corpse (im still aliev) and slurps another one of my intestines down like a meatball* yum yum in my tum. time to deal with that right wing paramilitary death squad heading towards my home in ontario canada!” *he teleports away*
(im lying in the bed as a corpse)
(i’m still alive btw)
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d-criss-news · 4 years
Members of the Film & TV Music community, made up of composers, songwriters, music editors, music supervisors, studio executives and more, are contributing their talents to SOUNDTRACK OF OUR LIVES: A CELEBRATION FOR THE FILM & TV MUSIC COMMUNITY, an online benefit event for MusiCares® COVID-19 Relief Fund. This specially produced program debuts June 25th, 2020, at noon pacific on YouTube, and will honor the talented people whose scores and songs transport, inspire, uplift and entertain us by creating the "soundtrack of our lives." The fun, delightful and heartfelt hour-long special will feature leading and iconic singers, composers, songwriters, actors, celebrity guests and others while celebrating glorious Film & TV Music moments with heart and humor. Donations to MusiCares® COVID-19 Relief Fund will be encouraged throughout the show.
"Thousands of music professionals and creators are struggling during this pandemic and remain in desperate need of assistance," says Debbie Carroll, Vice President Health and Human Services MusiCares®. "The continued support from the music community during these turbulent times has been heartwarming and inspiring. The power of music unites us all and gives us hope for better days ahead."
Over 75 film and television composers and songwriters, "From A to Z, Abels to Zimmer," will appear in this program. Collectively, this prestigious group has been nominated for 273 Grammys (with 87 wins), 216 Emmys (with 51 wins) and 136 Oscars (with 34 wins).
Confirmed performers and special guests include Sting, Catherine O'Hara, Ming-Na Wen, Patti LuPone, William Shatner, Elisabeth Moss, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Marla Gibbs, Jane Levy, Mandy Moore, Richard Kind, Alex Newell, Zachary Levi, Paul Reubens, Kiernan Shipka, Harvey Fierstein, Ginnifer Goodwin, Anika Noni Rose, Kasi Lemmons, Ted Danson, Auli'i Cravalho, Darren Criss, Drew Carey, Ray Romano, Holly Hunter, Reba McEntire, Bob Saget, Ken Page, Lucy Lawless, Mary Steenburgen, Dave Coulier, Kevin Smith, Peter Gallagher, Naomi Scott, Annie Potts, Clive Davis, Jodi Benson, Harvey Mason Jr., Susan Egan, Paige O'Hara, John Stamos, Andra Day and Rita Wilson.
Composers and songwriters participating include Michael Abels, Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Angelo Badalamenti, Glen Ballard, Lesley Barber, Nathan Barr, Tyler Bates, Jeff Beal, Marco Beltrami, Alan Bergman, Terence Blanchard, Jongnic Bontemps, Kathryn Bostic, Kris Bowers, Jon Brion, Nicholas Britell, Bruce Broughton, BT, Carter Burwell, Sean Callery, Joshuah Brian Campbell, Lisa Coleman, John Debney, Tan Dun, Fil Eisler, Danny Elfman, Charles Fox, Germaine Franco, Harry Gregson-Williams, Hildur Gudnadóttir, Alex Heffes, Joe Hisaishi, James Newton Howard, Justin Hurwitz, Ashley Irwin, Mark Isham, Steve Jablonsky, Amanda Jones, Laura Karpman, Christopher Lennertz, Joe LoDuca, Robert Lopez, Mark Mancina, Gabriel Mann, Clint Mansell, Dennis McCarthy, Bear McCreary, Alan Menken, Bruce Miller, John Murphy, Starr Parodi, Benj Pasek, Justin Paul, Daniel Pemberton, Michael Penn, Heitor Pereira, Rachel Portman, Mike Post, A. R. Rahman, Tim Rice, Lolita Ritmanis, Dan Romer, Anna Rose, Jeff Russo, Arturo Sandoval, Lalo Schifrin, Marc Shaiman, Teddy Shapiro, Richard M. Sherman, David Shire, Rob Simonsen, Mark Snow, Tamar-kali, Dara Taylor, Pinar Toprak, Brian Tyler, Nick Urata, Benjamin Wallfisch, Diane Warren, Mervyn Warren, Paul Williams, Austin Wintory, Alan Zachary, Geoff Zanelli, Marcelo Zarvos, David Zippel and Hans Zimmer.
Some highlights of the special include:
Members of the Film & TV Music community deliver heartfelt messages of hope, solidarity & encouragement.
"Musicians!" - a humorous musical tribute to the Film & TV Music community featuring Zachary Levi, Patti LuPone, Alex Newell, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Peter Gallagher and Harvey Fierstein.
Tony Award winner and Disney Legend Anika Noni Rose highlights the history of African American composers, songwriters and artists who have contributed to the Film & TV Music industry through the years.
Performers Danny Elfman, Catherine O'Hara, Paul Reubens and Ken Pagereunite to perform a song from the film The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Eight-time Academy Award winning composer Alan Menken performs his timeless song, "A Whole New World," alongside his daughter Anna Rose, introduced by Aladdin (2019) stars Mena Massoud and Naomi Scott.
Stars from beloved animated features step out from behind the microphone to lend their voices to inspirational messages, featuring Irene Bedard, Jodi Benson, Auli'i Cravalho, Holly Hunter, Mandy Moore, Susan Egan, Ginnifer Goodwin, Linda Larkin, Paige O'Hara, Annie Potts, Anika Noni Rose and Ming-Na Wen.
John Stamos hosts "Name That TV Tune!" with celebrity panelists including Elisabeth Moss, Drew Carey, Ray Romano, Eve Plumb, Reba McEntire, Bob Saget, Dave Coulier, Marla Gibbs, Lucy Lawless and Kevin Smith competing to identify famous TV themes.
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist actor Jane Levy invites us into the dreamworld of her Extraordinary Soundtrack Playlist.
Various performers, including members of the original cast of La La Land, sing a parody version of "Another Day of Sun."
William Shatner explores how different scores can give the same film a different meaning as an exasperated director, played by Richard Kind, leads a composer in multiple directions for a short film starring Kiernan Shipkaand Christian Coppola.
Songwriter Paul Williams performs his classic song "The Rainbow Connection," from The Muppet Movie, joined by various special guests from the Film & TV Music community.
Tony- and Emmy-winner and seven-time Oscar® nominee Marc Shaimanperforms an original song tribute to end title sequences.
MusiCares® COVID-19 Relief Fund was created by MusiCares® to provide support to the music community during the pandemic crisis. The music industry has been essentially shut down with the cancellation of music performances, events, festivals, conferences and the many other live events that are the cornerstone of the shared music experience. Since the fund's establishment in March, over 14,000 clients have been served, with many more still needing help.
Show co-creator Peter Rotter says: "When the pandemic tragically hit our world and began to shut down our film music community, I felt that something needed to be done to help those who were in need of support and care. Through MusiCares® we have found the charitable vehicle that can come alongside our hurting musical family.
"Music has always played a role in history; reflecting both the subtle and monumental moments of our lives through its unique DNA. Music connects each of us, acting as a common thread of unification, opening the hearts of all people.
"Regardless of the color of one's skin, status or station in life, music powerfully breaks through boundaries as its message permeates deep within us; healing our human frailties and condition at our cores. Music is transformative and personal. It powerfully underscores our lives."
"Music has always helped transport, uplift and inspire us through wars, economic hardships, health crises and societal upheavals," says show co-creator, Richard Kraft. "When COVID-19 hit, it threatened the lives and livelihood of much of our Film & TV Music community. So, we decided to create an online special that both celebrates the soundtrack of our lives and benefits, via MusiCares®, the artists who create it."
Starting June 25th at noon pacific, watch the video on Youtube via Rolling Stone, Variety & GRAMMY's channels, as well as on www.soundtracklives.com. Donate at soundtracklives.com now!
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skippyv20 · 4 years
Happening right now!  Here is the line-up of guests/speakers/performers at Youtube’s special “Dear Class of 2020”.  It includes the Obamas but doesn’t include MM. lol
YouTube Originals “Dear Class of 2020,“ a virtual commencement celebration bringing together inspirational leaders, celebrities, and YouTube creators to celebrate graduates, their families, and their communities. Ring the bell to get notified when the stream goes live!  Block 1: 3pm EST/12pm PST (approximate timing)  Lizzo  Alicia Keys Message to Graduates  Justin Timberlake  The Simpsons Liza Koshy  Shawn Mendes  President & Mrs. Obama Welcome Taylor Swift  Billie Eilish  Beyoncé Knowles-Carter  FINNEAS & Co. Michelle Obama  Block 2: 4pm EST/1pm PST (approximate timing)  Missy Elliott Mr. Kate Jimmy Kimmel  AsapSCIENCE Alicia Keys BTS Commencement Colin Jost Mark Rober Sundar Pichai John Green Schitt’s Creek Joseph Gordon-Levitt Sec. Condoleezza Rice Block 3: 5:18pm EST/2:18pm PST (approximate timing)  Jennifer Lopez Malala The Try Guys Maluma Jack Black Sec. Robert M. Gates Chris Pine Jackie Aina Dude Perfect Block 4: 6pm EST/3pm PST (approximate timing)  Billy Porter John Mulaney Demi Lovato Nikkie De Jager Prajakta Koli Seth Rogen Heath & Zane Lady Gaga Chloe X Halle President Barack Obama  Katy Perry Block 5: 7pm EST/4pm PST (approximate timing)  Megan Thee Stallion CNCO BTS Performance Premieres Sunday, June 7 3pm EST / 12pm PST
Oh...oh...this is the best!!!!!! Thank you! Oh my!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 11 months
Justice League Ice Breakers
by Obligatory_Trope_Insert
The League's tech guys have developed a new communication platform. Now super heroes can talk to other super heroes.
Almost entirely based on the DCAU. The overall plot and characters are from Justice League and Justice League Unlimited with some story lines taken from the comics.
Presenting the DCAU text fic that no one but me asked for because I love a good text fic that incorporates every single character including the minor ones. Also I thought this would be less work than an actual narrative plot but I'm so freaking exhausted after writing this you have no clue
Words: 3166, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), DCU (Comics), DCU, DC Animated Universe (Timmverse)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Justice League (DCU), Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Bruce Wayne, Shayera Hol, Wally West, J'onn J'onzz, John Stewart (DCU), Mr. Terrific, Ray Plamer (Atom), Kara Danvers, Oliver Queen, Billy Batson, Dinah Lance, Greg Saunders (Vigilante), Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl), The Question (DCU), Pat Dugan (STRIPE), Sir Justin (DCAU), Zatanna Zatara, Cisco Ramon (Vibe), Orion (DCU), Beatriz da Costa (Fire), Tora Olafsdotter (Ice), Mike Maxwell (B'wana Beast), Kimiyo Hoshi (Doctor Light), Aztek (DCU), Jack Ryder (Creeper), Tom Tresser (Nemesis), Atom Smasher - Character, Arthur Curry (DCU), Sanderson Hawkins (Sand), Ted Grant (Wildcat), Doctor Fate, Crimson Fox, Thunderbolt - Character, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian (Plastic Man), Ralph Dibny (Elongated Man), Nathaniel Adam (Captain Atom), Red Tornado, Daniel Cassidy (Blue Devil), Cynthia Reynolds (Wraith), Lee Travis (Crimson Avenger), Prince Gavyn (Starman), Todd Rice (Obsidian), Matthew Ryder (Wave Rider), Rex Mason, Jason Blood, Etrigan, Hank Hall, Don Hall, John Henry Irons (Steel), Dmitri Pushkin (Red Rocket), Charles McNider (Doctor Midnight), Rick Tyler (Hourman), Michael Carter (Booster Gold)
Additional Tags: Justice League as Family (DCU), Families of Choice, Comic Book Lore, Chatting & Messaging, No over plot just vibes and family, super heroing, probably more chapters to come, this was fun, Bickering, Crack, Fluff and Humor, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Team as Family
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48635560
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