#KA Graham
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Thinking about how good a The Quarry and LIS crossover would be and it seems relevant to your interests
I will now be thinking of this now stop forever
This is mostly the original life is strange cast plus Steph bc I didn’t know where to fit the other characters, but Lyla and Kaitlyn would for sure get along
Rachel and Emma would get along so well and like 3 weeks into their friendship both realize they’re playing to an audience and have a moment of “oh god what is real”
Upon meeting Abi, Rachel would definitely be like “you know, you remind me of my friend Max”, Max and Abi would definitely get along, Abi could show Max her drawings and Max would show off her photography, I feel like they’d listen to music together and just kind of walk around Arcadia bay together stop to take photos or draw
Emma and Abi would definitely go on double dates with either Victoria and Max or Rachel and Chloe
TQ Max would it hilarious that their names are the same and LIS max is just like “haha yeah sure, dear god Chloe please help me”
Laura would get along with Chloe and balance her rebelliousness like “hey, let’s get that unbridled rage out in healthy non-crime related ways!”
Warren and Dylan become instant friends, Warren makes an obscure science joke and Dylan is the only one that gets it, he soon after compliments Warrens shirt which ends up in a conversation about Dylans cat Schrödinger
Ryan would not know how to handle both Laura and Chloe, but here he is, stuck with them anyways. Chloe and Ryan would get along very well too, bonding over music and clothes, and she’d be so down to listen to bizarre yet bonafide given what happened with Max and her powers
Oh my god Steph and Ryan would become absolute best friends, they would fall into conversation so easily. Ryan tells steph that he’s really into podcasts and that his boyfriend actually used to run the radio at Hacketts Quarry, so she wants to meet him and eventually Dylan co-host with Steph for a day, it was chaotic, everyone loved it
Kaitlyn and Emma are unafraid to call Victoria out on her bullshit if she’s getting too harsh, but thankfully Victoria has grown
I do love Kate, Jacob, and Nick but I just couldn’t think of much with them
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New and Improved!
Fics that are in italic may contain content that is not suitable for minors. 18+ only please.
NBC Hannibal 
nfwmb (Will Graham/Hannibal/Original Female Character): Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 (Hiatus)
Dog Days of Fall
Star Wars
Choosing Sides (Sith!Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jedi!OC): Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 (Hiatus)
Safe & Sound (Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano)
Reassurance (Obi-Wan & Padawan!Reader)
Karaoke Night (Obi-Wan/f!Reader) 
Always and Only You (Obi-Wan/Reader)
Thank the Maker (Obi-Wan/gn!Reader)
Stranger Things
Master of Puppets (Kas!Eddie Munson x Original Female Character): Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 (Finished)
A Good Morning (Reader/Unnamed Male Love Interest)
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onlylonelylatino · 7 months
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Ka-Zar and Mr. Fantastic by Graham Nolan
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angelinafay · 2 years
now spinning, sep. 12
"Dead of Night" - Orville Peck, Pony YouTube | Spotify | Apple Music
"no caroline remix" - ATO, FLOHIO, no caroline remix YouTube | Spotify
"Lonely Boogie" - Kevin Krauter, Toss Up Spotify | Apple Music
"Down by the Seaside" - Led Zeppelin, Physical Graffiti Spotify | Apple Music
"Stop Your Crying" - Ted Hawkins, Watch Your Step Spotify | Apple Music
"WHATCHUEXPECT" - KAS, Qu'ality, Connie Diamond, WHATCHUEXPECT Spotify
"Our House - Demo" - Graham Nash, Joni Mitchell, Deja Vu Spotify
"Where to Turn" - James Litherland, 4th Estate Spotify | Apple Music
"falling off" - haunt3d, Elvis Depressedly, She's In Another Place Spotify | Apple Music
"Friends" - Elusin, Friends Spotify
"Why Am I (In California).cass" - Christian Taylor, Why Am I (In California).cass Spotify | Apple Music
"Angels" - Hamond, Pirate Radio YouTube | Spotify | Apple Music
"Seahorse" - Horsey, King Krule, Debonair YouTube | Spotify
"Dark Matter" - Little Big League, These Are Good People. Spotify | Apple Music
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thicctails · 2 months
A Merformers x Reader Fanfiction
Chapter 2 ° Coastguard
Blessed be Randy the coffee machine, your holy god of caffeine. May His hazel liquid flow eternally into graceous Bartholomew, vessel of Randy's divine lifeblood; discount noname brand coffee that had expired last week.
Taking another sip of your beloved breakfast drink, you forced yourself to walk towards the greeting area of your clinic, praying to any deity that was listening that you looked at least passably presentable. You'd taken far longer to pull yourself away from the tender embrace of your nearly flat air mattress than you should have, and both your nerves and back were paying for it.
The head researcher of A.E.R.O. was meeting with you today to discuss your collaboration effort with them, and finally tell you exactly what species you'd be getting to work with. You hoped it would be something exciting, like sharks, dolphins, whales, or nudibranchs.
Taking a shaky breath, you shoved your anxiety down into the pit of your gut where it could, hopefully, only be noticed by you as your hand grasped the handle of the door. You pulled, ready to take the first proper step towards your new life.
Ah. It was a push door.
Willing the colour that had suddenly flooded your cheeks to kindly fuck off, you meekly pushed the door open.
A man was standing in the main entrance room, leaning against Desk the desk and scrolling through something on his phone. He was dressed fairly casual for someone in his position, sporting tan cargo shorts, a forest green t-shirt, and a black lab coat, his company's acronym emblazoned in crisp vinyl across his breast pocket. He had tousled light brown hair and deep brown eyes that were framed by square glasses. At the sound of your approach, he lifted his gaze from his cellphone and gave you a warm smile, pocketing the device and turning his body towards you.
"Doctor L/N! It's nice to finally meet you!" he greeted, extending his hand to you. "My name is Dr. Burns, but please, just call me Graham."
Though it had been difficult to tell sometimes, you had not actually been raised by a pack of rabid wolves, so you returned the gesture, gripping the man's hand and giving it a shake.
"It's a pleasure to acquatence your make."
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Hey, God? Could you do a little smiting? Yeah, right here please.
"I- I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't mean to say that." You managed to get out, almost shocked that you hadn't fucked that sentence up as well.
Breaking News! Local PhD holder flubbs basic greeting! Becomes World Champion speedrunner for ruining first impressions and instantly loses any chance of being considered for further employment and any shred of respect this man had for them!
"It's fine. Honestly, I was just as nervous as you when I first started." Graham laughed, startling you out of your own mental spiral, "I was so preoccupied with my own worries that I tripped and fell face first into a pool on my first day."
You stared at Graham for a moment, stunned that he was still talking to by choice and not out of obligation, before a small, strangled chuckle left your throat, sounding more like the dying squak of a strangled seabird than a laugh.
"Come on, the rest of the team is waiting for us in town." the brunette said, gesturing for you to follow him.
You arched a brow but obediently followed after him, trailing after the researcher like a duckling waddling after a pair of boots.
"Oh? I was under the impression this meeting was to discuss my contract." you replied, trying to scrape together a professional-ish sentence while simultaneously praying that you weren't coming off as rude.
"It is, but once everyone got wind that we would be working with someone new, they got a little," he paused, hand waving about as he searched for the right word, "excited. It's been a while since anyone besides Marissa worked close enough for us to talk to them on a semi-regular basis."
"Can't wait to meet them!" you said cheerfully, lying through your teeth.
The idea of having to interact with another human being today had been draining enough, but to have to converse with several? When their opinions of you could impact your career?
Your hands twitched around Bartholomew's smooth, ceramic body, wishing you'd added a few ounces of pure caffeine to your coffee. Maybe you'd get lucky and get struck by a bus.
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Unfortunately, God wasn't known for being kind to you, so you arrived at a small diner completely unharmed.
The worn bell above the door dinged as you and Graham stepped inside, the smell of greasy fries and cheap burgers wafting all around you as he led you over to one of the booths, the cracked red leather seats occupied by three other people in various states of dress.
There was a younger woman with russet skin and shockingly red hair that was pulled back in a loose ponytail, a few hairclips keeping her bangs out of her bright blue eyes. She was dressed in a cream and light orange dress, matching knee-high boots complementing her outfit. She was scrolling on her phone, but put the device down when she noticed your approach.
Ah, the mortifying feeling of being known. It never failed to make you uncomfortable.
The other two, who were seemingly in the middle of seeing who could chug a milkshake faster, were men, light skinned and with almost identically brown hair. It was easy to pick them apart, though, seeing as one was built like a brick shithouse and looked as though he was cosplaying some strange cross between a soldier and a Ghostbuster, and the other was a twink that also happened to be absolutely rocking some sun-bleached overalls and a set of the most obnoxiously yellow rubber boots you'd ever seen in your entire life.
"Hey, dingbats!" the woman hissed, nudging her closest colleague, who happened to be the rubber boots guy, "The new vet is here!"
While the two guys attempted to swallow their drinks without getting a brain freeze, Graham gave you a somewhat sheepish smile. "Dr. L/N, I'd like to introduce you to Doctor Sari Sumdac, Doctor Spike Witwicky, and Doctor Blaine L. Parker."
"Mainframe." Blaine said, slamming his cup down with a satisfied sigh, "Call me Mainframe. Only my Mama calls me Blaine."
"I'm still good with Spike." the other man chimed in, extending his hand to you as you and Graham slid into the opposite booth seat. You shook it, quickly repeating the action with Sari and Mainframe.
"So, you're the new guy, eh?" Mainframe asked, "We've been waitn' for Marissa to finally pick someone. She's too picky, if you ask me."
"Not picky enough if she hired you." Sari shot back, and for a moment you stiffened, afraid you were about to have front row seats for a fight, but Mainframe's laughter and Sari's teasing expression quickly calmed your nerves. She looked back at you, her face taking on a more genuine look, "He's not wrong about us waiting, though. A.E.R.O. has been around for a few years now, but you're the first vet we've gotten assigned to work with us."
Your eyebrows shot up, mouth opening slightly in surprise before you remembered to shut it, "Really? Why?"
The gathered marine biologists looked at each other for a moment, before Spike leaned in closer to you. You matched his action, wondering what exactly he had to say.
"Did Marissa fill you in on what exactly A.E.R.O. means?" he asked in a low whisper.
You thought for a moment, then shook your head. Actually, your employer had told you very little, just enough to get you to sign a contract with her. You didn't regret your decision; anything would be better than the place you'd come from, but this secrecy did make you wonder what exactly you'd gotten yourself into.
"A.E.R.O.," Spike continued, "stands for Aquatic Extraterrestrial Research Outpost."
You blinked, leaning back as you turned over what Spike had just told you. Had you heard him correctly? No, surely not. Clearly you hadn't had enough coffee yet.
"I'm sorry," you apologized, chuckling a little "I must still be a bit groggy, because I thought you said extraterrestrial for a moment there."
The four shared another look, then once again focused their attention back on you.
"You heard correctly, Dr. L/N." Graham said, producing an envelope from the interior of his jacket. He quickly glanced around the diner, before sliding the envelope over to you. He continued speaking as you picked it up, hands shaking slightly.
"Five years ago, several objects from deep space suddenly entered our atmosphere and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. It was presumed that they were abnormal meteors of some kind, but a government owned dive team discovered that they were actually pods of some kind, made of materials not found on Earth.
"They were empty by the time they were found, but not long after they were discovered and retrieved, strange signals began to be picked up by sonar sensors, and sailors around this area began to report seeing bizzare creatures swimming beneath their boats, some of them claiming that their vessels were attacked, which was corroborated by several documented cases of boats coming in with scratch marks on their hulls."
You opened the envelope and reached inside, withdrawing several polaroid photographs. Each one was of a different boat, ranging from dinky little sailboats to bulky fishing trawlers. However, they all shared one unique feature; a set of deep gouges that tore through wood and metal, left behind by something that had to be absolutely huge.
Well shit, slap a tinfoil hat on your head and call you a believer, because there wasn't much in the ocean that had claws to begin with, and certainly nothing with claws large enough to do that kind of damage.
As you began to tuck the photos back into the envelope, you noticed that one of them was drastically different. It was blurry, taken on the coast during what looked like a storm, but not even those hindrances could mask the appearance of the... thing that had been captured on camera.
It was big. Like, really big.
The closest thing you could compare it to would be some kind of whale, but it looked so wholly unlike any species you knew of that you immediately tossed that idea out the window. It had a long, silvery body, covered in large, armour-like scales that almost gave the appearance of it being segmented. Thick, spiny fins jutted out along most of its tail, purple webbing torn and ragged. It's upper half was obscured, as the creature was diving back down beneath the surface, but the very beginnings of its torso hadn't quite been submerged when the photo was taken, and you could see a long row of crimson gills that glowed in the moonless dark.
"What the fuck." you breathed out, shoving the photos back into the envelope before tossing it away from you like you were playing the world's strangest game of Hot Potato.
"Yeah, that was pretty much our reaction too." Sari said, picking up the envelope. "We've been calling that one 'The Meg', since you could almost mistake it for an overgrown shark, if you only caught a glimpse of it.
You pinched the bridge of your nose and groaned softly as you considered everything you'd just been told.
"Let me get this straight," you started slowly, dragging your hand down your face before resting it on your chin, "You and Marissa want me to find a way to study and treat a highly aggressive, barely studied, extremely dangerous alien, let me repeat that for you, alien species with no prior experience and, since you four work at a separate facility, no team?"
A pregnant silence met your question for a moment, before being broken by a very timid, very nervous "Yes?" from Graham, who was rubbing the back of his head.
You looked at him, looked at the rest of his team, looked at the exit of the diner, and considered your options; accept this batshit insane, borderline suicidal offer and risk getting torn limb from limb by sea monsters from beyond the stars, or move back in with your parents.
"Well Christ on a bike, sign me up." you replied, before snagging the nearby coffee pot and, after checking that it wouldn't give you third degree burns, chugged the whole damn thing, determined to get enough caffeine in your body to drown out that little voice in your head that alway nagged that you should have been a lawyer.
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bitterkarella · 1 year
Midnight Pals: Anti-Woke Harry Potter
Agent: ok so listen joanne Agent: I have some bad news JK Rowling: issss ssscotland getting uppity?? Rowling: how dare they rebel against the yoke of English rule!!! Rowling: we will cram transss genocide down their tartan-wearing, haggissss guzzling throatsss!! Agent: Agent: it’s actually about your profits Agent: your profits are down 74% Rowling: what doessss that mean for me Agent: for one thing, you’re not going to be able to afford to fumigate your castle this year Rowling: but Rowling: I’ve already got diane duane in the ventsss! Rowling: at this rate, I’m gonna get a KA Applegate infessstation
Rowling: how can I ssstop losssing money Agent: maybe you wanna cut back on the transphobia thing Rowling: no Rowling: that isss non negotiable Agent: the transphobia is reallt bad optics joanne Rowling: I’m ssssorry, what can I sssay? Rowling: I jussst really like it when they die Rowling: esssspecially the pinkiessss Agent: Rowling: oh great now I sssupposssse you’re gonna sssay that wassss transssphobic
Agent: it’s just really not a good look Agent: people are already starting to think you eat trans kids or something Rowling: oh I’ve moved way passst pinkiessss Rowling: I’m eating hopperssss now
Rowling: what if we made a NEW harry potter sssseriessss Agent: that could bring in some cash, yes Rowling: Max is gonna make it! Agent: Agent: who’s max Agent: do you mean Agent: Max… Agent: … Brooks? Rowling: no no Rowling: Max! Agent: Agent: Max Booth III? Rowling: no I mean Max Rowling: look they jusssst rebranded I don’t know why thisss sssso hard for everyone
Rowling: this time, I want full control of the ssseriessss Rowling: I think that will really draw people in Rowling: they want to know that I’m in charge and making money from it Rowling: that’s definitely going to be a ssselling point Agent: Rowling: alsssso, in my versssion, harry will sssay the 14 words
Rowling: I want graham linehan to play hagrid Rowling: and I want posie parker to play mcgonigal Rowling: can we get leni Riefensssstahl to direct? Rowling: she’s a real girlbossss
Rowling: and I want dave chapelle to play dean Thomas Rowling: at leassst until later in the ssseriesss when he might get a romantic interest Rowling: then we can replace him with a white guy Rowling: and I want to hire those 2 kids who murdered brianna ghey Agent: Agent: as actors? Rowling: no no of courssse not! Rowling: as sssspokessspeople for my new harry potter branded anti-woke coffee company
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fourtccn · 1 year
rating every state’s motto
alabama: “audemus jura nostra defendere”, trans. “we dare to defend our rights.” 4/10, not the worst but i don’t think it needs to be said. bit pretentious
alaska: “north to the future.” 7/10, i think it’s cool but i have no clue what it really means. higher points for not being religious (i think)
arizona: “ditat deus”, trans. “God enriches.” 0/10, keep that guy out of it
arkansas: “regnat populus,” trans. “the people rule.” 8/10, simple, love the idea, think it’s a great standing
california: “eureka”, trans. “I have found it.” 1/10, found WHAT???
colorado: “nil sine numine”, trans. “nothing without providence.” 0/10, i had to look up what this means and it is religious again
connecticut: “qui transtulit sustinet”, trans. “he who transplanted sustains.” -1/10, not only is this religious but it’s also not openly religious. pure evil
delaware: “liberty and independence.” 7/10, it’s boring, but it’s something
florida: “in God we trust.” 0/10, come on man
georgia: “wisdom, justice, moderation.” 6/10, sure
hawaii: “ua ma uke ea o ka ‘āina I ka pono,” trans. “the life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.” 10/10, yes!!! has something to do with their history!! it’s badass! makes me feel cool as hell to say!!
idaho: “esto perpetua”, trans. “let it be perpetual.” 1/10, it’s not religious and it is historical but i don’t like that it’s connected with the confederacy :/ (quoted from the president of the confederacy btw)
illinois: “state sovereignty, national union.” 0/10, directly associated with states’ rights to choose during the civil war
indiana: “the crossroads of america.” 7/10, i like that it’s more descriptive of the state than the government and it’s really funny to me that they identify like this. it’s like your friend doing something amazing and you going “you couldn’t have gotten there without me driving you to 7/11 that one time”
iowa: “our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.” 6/10, i want to dislike this one because it’s so middle-of-the-road, but it does have some state history behind it (has to do with their fight to become a state) so it gets some points for that
kansas: “ad astra per aspera”, trans. “to the stars through difficulties.” 9/10, cool, connected to what they said about the state in its history, seemingly unreligious. point docked for it going to kansas and therefore being a bit pretentious more than anything
kentucky: “deo graham habeamus”, trans. “let us be grateful to God” AND “united we stand, divided we fall.” 0/10, why do they get TWO??? first one is religious, and the second one is unoriginal. if it were just the second one i would give it the benefit of the doubt but come on
louisiana: “union, justice, and confidence.” 4/10, i don’t think louisiana should be confident about anything but i do appreciate self-love
maine: “dirigo”, trans. “i direct.” 5/10, more than california because it’s slightly less confusing but i really don’t know what they mean by this
maryland: “fatti maschi, parole femmine”, trans. “strong deeds, gentle words.” 9/10, i fucking love this. i know very little of maryland so i’ll let them have this
massachusetts: “ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem”, trans. “by the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty.” 8/10, it’s sick as fuck but massachusetts is a bit pretentious just taking this shit from someone else with no reason
michigan: “si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice”, trans. “if you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you.” 9/10, this fucks. i love a motto dedicated just to the land. point docked because i do not feel the way this way when in michigan
minnesota: “l’étoile du nord”, trans. “the star of the north.” 7/10, cool that it acknowledges minnesota being the “northstar state” since it’s the northernmost state, but i don’t like that it’s in french. also kind of pretentious of us tbh
mississippi: “virtute et armis”, trans. “by valor and arms.” 2/10, cool if you’re a 7-year-old boy. if it’s based off the motto of lord gray de wilton they should’ve kept it “i trust in virtue not arms”
missouri: there are way too many states. anyway. “salus populi suprema lex esto”, trans. “the welfare of the people is the highest law.” 10/10, period!! i don’t think missouri stands by this tho
montana: “oro y plata”, trans. “gold and silver.” 6/10, i have to give it points for being a physical description of the state and also being historical (big mining state), but they really put all their coins in one bag with this one
nebraska: “equality before the law.” 10/10, apparently reflects nebraska’s “willingness to extend suffrage to black Americans” so it’s good state history and i love what it stands for. keep it up nebraska (i know you won’t)
nevada: “all for our country.” 5/10, really have any historical importance, and it’s a bit vague. what is it that you’re doing for “our country?” what does “all” imply? really think they just threw something together last minute
new hampshire: “live free or die.” 9/10, sick as fuck and grounded in history. iconic is an overused word, but i gotta say this is iconic. metal as hell. point docked because it’s too associated with some weird political standings now
new jersey: “liberty and prosperity.” 6/10, boring as hell but sure. whatever
new mexico: “crescit eundo”, trans. “it grows as it goes.” 9/10, quote taken from a poem which is cool and i love that it makes me think of dick :)
new york: “excelsior!”, trans. “ever upward!” AND “e pluribus unum”, trans. “out of many, one” (as of 2020). 6/10, i was with kinda with them on the first one even though it seems like something they added last minute because i liked the excitement in it but the second one is kind of dumb… yeah, i guess you are one of many. feels like an obvious statement they didn’t need to add on in 2020
north carolina: “esse quam videri”, trans. “to be, rather than to seem.” 4/10, i think it’s okay but i don’t know what it has to do with north carolina
north dakota: “liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable.” 6/10, cool reference to U.S. history but it’s kind of a mouthful and i don’t think i would be able to memorize it
ohio: “with God, all things are possible.” 1/10, one point given because it makes me think of the iasip quote
oklahoma: “labor omnia vincit”, trans. “hard work conquers all things.” 4/10, once again i like that it’s a reference, but i have no clue what oklahoma has to do with this motto
oregon: “alis volat propriis”, trans. “she flies with her own wings.” 7/10, “she” being oregon’s “independent spirit.” i think it’s a sick ass motto but oregon is thinkin of themselves too highly here
pennsylvania: “virtue, liberty, and independence.” 4/10, the lack of originality is getting tiring but i guess it shows some values or something
rhode island: “hope.” 2/10, are you even trying? come on
south carolina: “dum spiro spero”, trans. “while i breathe, i hope.” 6/10, it’s inspiring i guess but i seriously do not understand why this would be associated with south carolina. i swear i’m not an advertising major or anything
south dakota: “under God the people rule.” 0/10, we are OBSESSED with this guy here. WHY do we need states to be associated with religion
tennesse: “agriculture and commerce.” we’re coming to the very simple mottos now. 4/10, i feel it’s redundant but i guess it meant something to them when they made it
texas: “friendship.” 10/10, it’s basic and unoriginal but it’s so fucking funny that i have to give this one to them. i do NOT think of friendship when i think of texas
utah: “industry.” 1/10, what the hell is this? one point for not being religious but what the fuck
vermont: “stella quarta decima fulgeat”, trans. “may the 14th star shine bright” AND “freedom and unity.” 7/10, i like the first one because it directly references vermont but the second one is just unoriginal and sad. why have a motto if it’s gonna be like that
virginia: “sic semper tyrannis”, trans. “thus always to tyrants.” 7/10, sick as hell. three points deducted because it once again has nothing to do with virginia, but it really is a sick ass motto
washington: (unofficial) “al-ki”, trans. “bye and bye.” 10/10, very specifically refers to the history of washington, which was first called “new york alki”
west virginia: “montani semper liberi”, trans. “mountaineers are always free.” 9/10, i want to dislike this because it feels so unrelated, but i love it. i love what you have going on here, west virginia
wisconsin: “forward.” 1/10, seriously?
wyoming: “equal rights.” 9/10, similar to nebraska, this motto came about because wyoming was the first state to grant women the right to vote. apparently this was because granting women the right to vote would make them have enough voting citizens to be granted statehood though, so point deducted for that
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upismediacenter · 3 months
FEATURE: Kalma…Palamig ka muna!
Panahon na ng tag-init; paniguradong mainit na naman ang ulo mo. Chill ka lang! Tara na sa UP Diliman para maghanap ng mga sulit, abot-kaya, at refreshing na mga inumin at panghimagas na siguradong makakapawi ng iyong uhaw!
Pag-ja-jogging, paglalakad, at pag-aaral—ilan lamang ito sa ating mga karaniwang gawain sa loob ng campus. Kaya ‘di rin natin maiiwasang mapagod lalo na't panahon na ng tag-init. Buti na lang, may mga kiosk stand! Nasaang bahagi ka man ng unibersidad, tiyak na mahahanap mo ang mga ito at makakapili pa mula sa malawak na seleksyon ng mga inumin.
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Ang Kiosk sa Vinzons ay maituturing na isa sa mga pinakamalapit na lokasyon sa UPIS—konting lakad lamang ang kailangan! Ang mga kiosks ay karaniwang kilala sa pagbebenta ng mga combo na pagkain, gaya ng pancit canton at fishball, pancit canton at tinapay, at iba pa. Sa kabilang banda naman, kakaiba at bago sa mga mamimili ang ibinebenta ng Marcelina Store—fried noodles at iba-ibang uri ng mga inuming magpapagaan sa pakiramdam ng mga mamimili!
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Bilang tugon sa mainit na panahon, nagbebenta sila ng mga best seller nilang iced coffee at iced Milo. Meron ding mga fruit tea (na nilalagayan nila ng nata de coco) at lemonades na available rin sa iba't ibang flavors gaya ng strawberry, kiwi, lychee, at iba pa. Sa halagang Php 35 hanggang Php 65, mayroon ka nang pampagising, pampasigla, at pampa-refresh na inumin!
Isa sa pinakasikat na kainan sa loob ng campus ang Area 2. May kalayuan lang ito sa UPIS pero kayang-kaya namang puntahan. Pwedeng lakarin, pwede rin namang sumakay sa Ikot jeep. Ang lokasyong ito ay may hilera ng mga tindahan na nagbebenta ng sulit at abot-kayang mga pagkain.
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Sa Iskorambol, patok na patok sa mga mamimili—mapa-bata, estudyante, o matanda man—ang panghimagas na ice scramble. Talagang buong taon ito dinadayo ng mga mamimili, anuman ang lagay ng panahon. Bukod sa abot-kayang halaga, talagang nakagiginhawa sa pakiramdam kapag natikman ang kanilang binebenta kaya rin ito binabalik-balikan.
Nagsisimula ito sa halagang Php 25 (12oz) hanggang Php 35 (16oz). Mayroon na itong kasamang gatas at syrup. Pero kung gusto mong maglagay ng add-ons, pwedeng magdagdag ng Php 5 para sa bawat add-on gaya ng mallows, sprinkles, pinipig, dinurog na oreos, choc-nut, frosties, coco crunch, stick-o, gatas, at dagdag pang syrup. Mayroon din silang mga tub na sulit para sa magbabarkada o pamilya; ang para sa 5pax ay nagkakahalagang Php 229, habang ang para sa 10pax naman ay Php 329; ang bawat tub ay may kasama na ring gatas, syrup, at tatlong add-ons na pipiliin ng mamimili. Ang kanilang bestseller ay ang Iskorambol na mayroong mallows at chocolate syrup sa ibabaw. O ‘di ba, sulit na!
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Talaga namang napakaraming pagpipiliang toppings ang pwedeng mailagay, kaya’t anuman ang iyong hilig, tiyak na may magugustuhan kang kombinasyon ng Iskorambol!
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Samot-saring tindahan din ng murang shakes ang makikita sa Area 2, at isa rito ay ang Nomie Fruit Shake and Eatery na nagbebenta ng mga lutong bahay at fruit shakes. Ang kaibahan nito sa iba pang tindahan na nagbebenta rin ng parehong produkto ay ang kanilang buy 1 take 1 promo sa murang halaga.
Marami ang pagpiliang flavor gaya ng mangga, dragon fruit, mansanas, avocado, strawberry, saging, at melon. Pwede ka rin mamili kung buy 1 take 1 o single; ito’y nagkakahalagang Php 65 (16oz) at Php 75 (22oz) para sa single fruit shake, Php 120 (16oz) at Php 130 (22oz) para naman sa buy 1 take 1 na fruit shake.
Para sa mango graham shakes naman, mayroon itong kasamang toppings na hiniwang mangga at nagsisimula ito sa halagang Php 70 (16oz) at Php 75 (22oz) kapag single, at Php 130 (16oz) naman kapag buy 1 take 1. Hinding-hindi ka rin madidismaya kapag binili mo ang kanilang bestseller na buy 1 take 1 mango graham shake (22oz) dahil bukod sa ito ay nakabubusog, makatitipid ka pa dahil ito’y hindi gaanong mabigat sa bulsa ng mga estudyante.
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Isa sa mga pinakabagong tinatangkilik at patok na tambayan ng mga estudyante ang Gyud Food Hub na nagbukas noong Enero 2023. Matatagpuan ito sa kahabaan ng kalye ng Emilio Jacinto, kaya mainam na sumakay ng Ikot jeep para mapuntahan ito. Kumpara sa ibang mga lokasyong aming nabanggit, may kamahalan ang mga binebentang produkto rito. Ngunit, huwag madidismaya—para sa mga gaya naming estudyanteng nagtitipid, basta’t may dala kang UP ID, pwede kang makakuha ng discount!
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Ang Frrrüt Shake ay isa sa mga tindahan sa Gyud Food Hub na nag-aalok ng discount sa mga estudyante—sa simpleng pagpresenta lang ng iyong ID ay maaari ka nang makakuha ng Php 10 na bawas sa bawat inumin na iyong bibilhin!
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Matatagpuan dito ang iba’t ibang klase ng fruit shakes tulad ng mangga, saging, mansanas, guyabano, at melon na nagsisimula sa halagang Php 120 hanggang Php 160, at Php 160 hanggang 170 naman para sa kiwi, avocado, at strawberry na hindi kadalasang ibinebenta sa ibang mga fruit shake stand. Ang mga bestseller naman nila ay ang ripe mango shake at ang avocado shake.
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Gaya ng mga naging tanyag na pangalan ng mga pagkaing nagsimula sa loob ng unibersidad tulad ng Rodic’s at Snack Shack, ang Fizz Stop naman ay may kaparehong layunin—ang makapaghandog ng mga inuming unique sa panlasa ng masa. Itinayo lamang noong Oktubre 2023 ang unang branch nito sa Gyud Food Hub. Napukaw ng bagong tayong establesimyentong ito ang interes ng mga taga-UPD dahil sa kanilang customizable na carbonated fruit drinks. At para naman sa mga estudyante ng UP, pwede ka ring makakuha ng Php 5 na discount sa bawat bibilhing inumin!
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May tatlong klase ng inumin na ibinebenta sa Fizz Stop—ang Fresh Fizz, Pulpy Fizz, at Classic Fizz. Tulad ng pangalan, sariwang mga prutas ang ginagamit para sa Fresh Fizz na bestsellers ng stand. Nagkakahalaga ito ng Php 85 para sa lemon fizz, at Php 115 naman para sa orange fizz. Ang Pulpy Fizz naman ay nagkakahalagang Php 85, at maaaring mamili mula sa tatlong flavors na mangga, strawberry, o kaya naman ay blueberry. At panghuli, ang Classic Fizz naman ay ginagamitan ng iba’t ibang fruit syrups tulad ng green apple, lychee, melon, mixed berries, at marami pang iba. Upang mas maging masaya at kawili-wili ang pag-customize sa ating mga inumin, sa halagang Php 30 ay mayroon rin silang add-ons na vanilla ice cream, mixed jellies, at ang paboritong idagdag ng mga mamimili, ang Yakult.
Ang Krus na Ligas ay tahanan ng kalakhan ng mga miyembro ng komunidad ng UPD. Tulad ng mga naunang nabanggit na lokasyon, isang sakay lang din sa Ikot jeep ang kailangan para makarating dito. Bilang isa sa mga pangunahing pinagkakakitaan nila ang pagbebenta ng iba’t ibang produkto, kaya kahit saang sulok ka man tumingin ay tiyak na makakahanap ka ng papawi sa iyong cravings.
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Kabilang sa mga abot-kayang produkto ng mga maliliit na negosyo sa KNL ay ang halo-halo at mais con yelo—bagay na bagay sa tanghaling tirik na tirik ang araw. Matatagpuan ang munting stand ni ate Rowelita sa kalye ng Lt. J. Francisco, kahanay ng Southstar Drugstore, konting lakad lang mula sa arko ng KNL.
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Ayon kay ate Rowelita, mas tinatangkilik ang paninda niyang halo-halo. Sa halagang Php 50, sa isang 16oz na baso ay kumpleto na ang mga sangkap ng malamig na panghimagas mula sa iba’t ibang kulay ng sago, nata de coco, saging na saba, kamote, gatas, hanggang sa leche flan at ube halayang nakalagay sa tuktok. Napagdesisyunan niya ring magbenta muli ng mais con yelo na nagkakahalaga naman ng Php 40 para sa isang 16oz na baso dahil sa hiling ng kanyang mga suki, at upang magkaroon ng variety ngayong mas tumitindi na ang init. Sagana rin siya sa paglalagay ng mga sangkap na, sa murang presyo, mataas pa rin ang kalidad.
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Ang panghuli sa aming listahan ng mga lokasyon ay ang 1128 Tea and Cafe.Matatagpuan sa kalye ng V. Francisco, ang naturang lugar ay maituturing na hidden gem ng KNL. Maliban sa pagsakay ng Ikot jeep at pagbaba sa arko ng KNL, kakailanganin mo pang maglakad hanggang sa ika’y makaabot sa dulo ng kalye kung saan makikita rin ang simbahan at paaralan ng barangay. Maituturing mang pinakamalayo sa lahat ng aming nabanggit na tindahan, dito naman matatagpuan ang pinakamurang inumin!
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May malawak na seleksyon ng mga inumin sa 1128: may iba’t ibang flavors ng milk tea, regular frappes, mga inuming may cheesecake, fruit teas, milk series, iced coffee, at maging mainit na mga kape. Mula sa presyong Php 28 ay maaari ka nang makabili ng medium-sized na inumin at Php 38 naman para sa large-sized. Ang itinuturing naman nilang bestsellers ay ang mga large premium frappe tulad na lang ng red velvet cream cheese, dark forest, at strawberry cheesecake na mabibili sa halagang Php 88. Kalakip ng kanilang murang mga presyo ay ang pagiging interactive ng mga staff sa kanilang mga kostumer sa social media page ng tindahan na talagang nakadadagdag sa nakaka-enganyong atmosphere.
Hindi lang din simpleng bilihan lang ang nabanggit na lugar. Sa ikalawang palapag ng establisyemento ay madalas na nagsasagawa ng libreng movie marathon para sa mga kostumer. Tinatangkilik din ito ng mga estudyanteng kagagaling lang sa kanilang mga klase.
Sa panahon ngayong tag-init, deserve nating kumain at uminom ng mga pampalamig upang pawiin ang ating uhaw. Dahil sa mga student-friendly na presyo, mga discount, at buy 1 take 1 na promo, tiyak na hindi ka mapapagastos nang sobra. At dahil sa malawak na variety na inaalok ng bawat lokasyon, mas mapapasaya ang iyong experience kung may kasama kang kumain at uminom ng mga inumin at panghimagas. Ano pang hinihintay mo? Halina’t yayain mo na ang iyong pamilya’t mga kaibigan at mag-food trip sa UPD!
//nina Eia Andaya, Daphne De Ramos, Bianca Regala
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bombsquad9 · 3 months
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝗼 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞
Hello! I am Ro, and I am 18-21 year old trans man. I write for many fandoms (which shall be listed below). This is indeed my second account, I deleted my last one because I needed to refresh everything (feed, posts, etc). I will try to post frequently, and if I do not then please be patient with me, because it probably means burn out or poor mental health. I also have a new Wattpad account, which the username is also bombsquad09 (it will also be linked below, along with a tag list). Every fandom and character within will be in alphabetical order. Some of the fandoms I do write for will not be listed, and that is due to me not taking requests for those specific fandoms. Thank you!
✞Apex Legends
—> Character(s): Catalyst, Caustic, Fuse, Horizon, Loba, Mirage, Octane, Revenant, Seer, Valkyrie, Wattson.
✞Fallout 4
—> Character(s): Cait, Codsworth, Deacon, John Hancock, Nick Valentine, Porter Gage, Preston Garvey, Robert MacCready.
✞House of Ashes
—> Character(s): Eric King, Jason Kolchek, Joey Gomez, Nick Kay, Rachel King, Salim Othman.
✞Mortal Kombat
—> Character(s): Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Noob Saibot.
✞Resident Evil
—> Character(s): Ada Wong, Alcina Dimitrescu, Albert Wesker, Ashley Graham, Carlos Oliveira, Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Ethan Winters, Finn Macauley, Jake Muller, Jill Valentine, Karl Heisenberg, Leon Kennedy, Luis Sera, Nikolai Zinoviev, Piers Nivans, Sherry Birkin.
✞The Quarry
—> Character(s): Abigail Blyg, Dylan Lenivy, Emma Mountebank, Jacob Custos, Kaitlyn Ka, Max Brinly, Nick Furcillo, Ryan Erzahler.
✞Tomb Raider
—> Character(s): Lara Croft
✞Until Dawn
—> Character(s): Ashley Brown, Chris Hartley, Emily Davis, Jessica Riley, Joshua Washington, Matthew Taylor, Mike Monroe, Sam Giddings.
✞Transphobia, Homophobia, Racism, Sexism, Fetishizing, etc will not be tolerated. If you do anything related to any of those topics you will be blocked from my account.
✞Do NOT request things such as pedophilia, rape, zoophilia, etc . If anything you are requesting is like that you will be blocked from my account.
✞If you send hate in my anonymous inbox then you shall be ignored, and your message will be deleted. If you're going to be hatefully, don't be a pussy and hide behind an anon.
✞Minor shall interact with anything that is not labeled 18+/MDNI/smut. I can't stop you, nor am I going to carry out an investigation to find out if you're 18+. If you're a minor and you interact and see something you don't like; THATS NOT MY FAULT.
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝗺:
⚠︎︎Requests are currently open⚠︎︎
✞If you are requesting please be specific about what you want. This includes characters, setting, whether it's ship/xreader/headcanons, and other criteria you want. I can't make it what you want if you don't tell me.
✞I will write smut, fluff, and angst. Headcanons, ships, x readers, preferences, etc are all acceptable within reason.
—> When it comes to smut I will write quite a bit, even somewhat darker themes (Again; I draw the line at things like rape). I may not be good due to having lack of practice from where I didn't write for awhile, my apologies.
—> When it comes to angst, I will write almost anything. I will write (TW) suicide, self harm, alcoholism and other addicts, etc. Though, I won't write EDs or anything related. Similarly to smut, it may not be good due to lack of practice, my apologies.
—> Anything out of reason would be minor x adult in a pedophilic/romantic way, human x animal (no, this does not include monsters) in a zoophilic/romantic way, etc.
✞Be patient, I will want to take my time on requests for various reasons. Sometimes I need breaks, sometimes I don't have any ideas, sometimes I will have writing sprees. It depends on the minute, so again, be patient. If you complain about how long it takes your request will be deleted and ignored.
✞If you want to be tagged for any specific character(s), then put your username in an orderly fashion on the Google doc that I will have linked below.
✞I will mostly write m!reader (AMAB and AFAB), but if you do want f!reader or gn!reader just let me know in your request, and I will do. If you do not specify I will either do m!reader or gn!reader by default. The only exception to this is if it is a lesbian/sapphic character.
✞ Any requested content will be Tumblr exclusives! Anything that is requested on my Wattpad will be Wattpad exclusive.
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭/𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭/𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐚𝐝:
✞Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/BombSquad09?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_profile&utm_campaign=invitefriends&wp_page=home&wp_uname=BombSquad09
✞Masterlists: Pending...
✞Tag List: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10ZsBcfr3GOyd3p2r2iJaf_jtLlpnMWjzOPIAstF6b2I/edit
✞Upcoming Works: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10_Oqn6twstO545rBCmSJLUgCBclezaJ4jLroZdUnh0c/edit
⚠︎︎This post was last updated: 4/20/24⚠︎︎
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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Treaty Between the United States and the Pawnee Republic signed at St. Louis, June 20, 1818. 
Record Group 11: General Records of the United States Government
Series: Indian Treaties
File Unit: Ratified Indian Treaty 94: Pawnee Republic - St. Louis, June 20, 1818
A Treaty of Peace and Friendship made and concluded by and between William Clark, and
Auguste Chouteau, Commissioners of the United States of America, on the part and behalf of Said
States of the one part; And the Undersigned Chiefs and Warriors of the Pawnee Republic on the part
and behalf of their tribe; of the other part.
   The parties being desirous of Establishing Peace and Friendship between the United States and the
said Tribe, have agreed to the following Articles. -
Art: 1st;  Every injury or act of hostility by one or either of the contracting Parties, against the other, shall be mutually forgiven and forgot.
Art: 2nd; There shall be perpetual Peace and Friendship between all the citizens of the United States of America, and all
                the individuals composing the said Pawnee Tribe.
Art: 3rd; The undersigned Chiefs and Warriors for themselves and their said Tribe, do hereby acknowledge themselves to be
               under the protection of the United States of America and of no other nation, Power, or Sovereign whatsoever.
Art: 4th; The undersigned Chiefs and Warriors for themselves and the tribe they represent, do moreover promise and oblige them-
               selves to deliver up, or to cause to be delivered up to the authority of the United States (to be punished according to law)
               each and every individual of the said tribe who shall at any time hereafter, violate the stipulations of the Treaty,
               this day concluded between the said Pawnee Republic, and the said States.
In Witness Whereof; the said William Clark, and Auguste Chouteau Commissioners as aforesaid and the
Chiefs and Warriors aforesaid have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed their seals, this Twentieth day of
June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand Eight hundred and Eighteen, and of the independence of the United States the forty second.
[left column]
Done at Saint Louis}
in the presence of   }
[signed] R. Wash  Sectry of the Commission
[signed] T. Paul Col.  M. M.
              C. Interpreter
[signed] R. Graham I. A. Ill. Ter.
[signed] John O'Fallon  Capt R. Regt
[signed] John Ruland Sub. Agt. Translator
[signed] A. L. Papin interpreter
[signed] J. T. Honore   Id. Iptr.
[signed] S. Julian  U. S. indn. interpr
[signed] Wm. Grayson
[signed] Josiah Ramsey
[signed] John Robedout  
[right column]
William Clark      [seal w/ red ribbon]
Aug. Chouteau   [seal w/ red ribbon]
Pe-ta-he-ick      }             x      [seal w/ red ribbon]
   the Good Chief}
Ra-rn-le-share }             x      [seal w/ red ribbon]
   the Chief Man }
She-rn-a-ki-tare   }           x      [seal w/ red ribbon]
   the First in the War Party }
She-te-ra-hiate  }             x      [seal w/ red ribbon]
   the Partisan Discoverer  }
Te-a-re-ka-ta-caush      x      [seal w/ red ribbon]
   the Brave   }
Pa, or the Elk                    x      [seal w/ red ribbon]
Te-ta-wi-ouche  }            x      [seal w/ red ribbon]
  Wearer of Shoes }
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themosthatedbeingg · 2 months
Do you roleplay other muses? [from @helluva-hazbins]
Yes! Peter Rumancek from Hemlock grove , various supernatural ( beings not the show ) Oc’s , will Graham from Hannibal. And for a bit Eddie Munson from stranger things and Kas!Eddie Munson .
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msdi0r · 2 months
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Life is Strange (1, 2, bts, true colors)
max caulfield - chloe price - warren graham - rachel amber - nathan prescott - frank bowers - kate marsh - victoria chase - sean diaz - cassidy - finn mcnamara - alex chen - gabe chen - ryan lucan - steph gingrich
The Last Of Us (1 and 2)
joel miller - ellie williams (aged up)
The Quarry
laura kearney - max brinly (my underrated pookie ☹️) - abigail blyg - kaitlyn ka - nicholas furcillo - emma mounteback - ryan erzahler - dylan lenivy - jacob custos
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AO3 is master-of-munsons
My dripping pink blood dividers and my reblog banner on this masterlist are made by me not free to use sorry bbys
𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜: 𝙾𝚙𝚎𝚗
Fics with asterisks are NSFW. 𝖨 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝗎𝗉𝖽𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗈𝖽𝗂𝖼𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝗌𝗈 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗒 𝗍𝗎𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗈𝗋 𝖺𝗌𝗄 𝗍𝗈 𝖻𝖾 𝗉𝗎𝗍 𝗈𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗍𝖺𝗀𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍!
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Norm Maclean
Me and My Husband
Chapters: 1 |
Eddie Munson
Sorrow (Kas Theory)
Isn't She Lovely (Dad!Eddie)
You'll Be In My Heart (Dad!Eddie)
Munster Mash (Dad!Steddie)
Gareth Emerson
Gareth’s Headcanon Lore by Me and @sugarpopss
**All of this is completely our take on Gareth. Who is not a real person, therefore our opinions are not facts. If you don’t like it, simply do not read it. Rude and mean comments will be deleted and not addressed**
Gareth | Sunshine (Mother) | Dale (Father) | Amelia (Grandmother) | Mary and Emily (Baby Sisters)
Extras: Graham | Jonas | Terry | Zach | A littol edit I made
Late Night (Teen Dad!Gareth)
Gareth Headcanons
The Emergency Twins (Family Trip Postcard) (Gareth and Graham are Twins)
Sugar's Shower Blurb
Fem!Gareth Photos
Gareth's Birthday
Needy Gareth
Aged Up Gareth Faceclaims
Scooter Phelps by Sugar
Grelliot is Canon (V.2)
Gwyd Memes 1 | 2 | 3
Gwyd Art
Gareth's Socioeconomic Status
Gareth Comforts Eddie's Sister
Gareth is a Culinary Menace
Mama’s Boy (Twin Gareth and Graham AU)
1 | 2
Whatevergod (𝙶𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚑 𝚡 𝙶𝙽 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚌)
Pt. 1 (Next parts will be on AO3)
There and Back Again
Pt. 1 (Next parts will be on AO3)
Up In Smoke*
Simon Kalivoda
Kinktober: Edging*
The Langdon Triplets
The Langdon Triplets
LT as Kids
Bo Sinclair
Young Bo Sinclair Photos
Young Bo Headcanons
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The moment I was waiting for does not appear in the rest of the MiK2 episodes. Sam and Graham made sure they got to experience and participate in a different culture in Rotorua. But I could have worked better on one objective of the trip and learned about both the past and present of the Haka and what it represents and animates the well-known New Zealand Rugby team recognised for its creation, innovation and creativity, supposedly Sam’s favourite sports. 🏉
They learned the Ka-Mate Haka which inspires a whole generation of young New Zealander rugby players. “Ka Mate” is a haka that has been the most frequently performed haka by the All Blacks when playing against international teams.
It is a ceremonial haka and was written by Te Rauparaha. It is a celebration of life triumphing over death. This indicates that they could have presented more about Māori culture, prioritising arts and culture, and not just making sure their messages mattered more.
Anyway, at that stage I felt something was missing. It's part of New Zealand’s history, though they should have shown more about it. As an example:
Māori All Blacks 🇳🇿 Rugby union team.
The Māori All Blacks, previously called the New Zealand Māori, New Zealand Māoris and New Zealand Natives, are a rugby union team from New Zealand. They are a representative team of the New Zealand Rugby Union, and a prerequisite for playing is that the player has Māori whakapapa.
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All players must have Māori whakapapa (genealogy) confirmed to represent the side, which not only links people but also connects them with their ancestral land. It's so important in Māori culture as it shows where someone has come from, linking a person to the land, their iwi (tribe), and gives them the confidence to stand in their mana (strength).
#NewZealandRugby #MiK2 #Rotorua #Haka #KaMate #AllBlacks #MāoriAllBlacks #iwi #land RugbyUnion #natives #whakapapa #tribe
@kiaora45 When he announced his trip to New Zealand he showed interest in rugby 🏉 and the Haka, but when episode 2 came out he was only trying to learn the Ka-Mate Haka and I didn't see anything else about his first intentions on this trip. He missed the chance to showcase New Zealand rugby and Eden Park and the chance to change the game on his trip, but It's Not Like That? I was very interested in this trip and I waited for it and what I saw was very little.
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whooolaanmo · 2 years
17 ?s 17 people
tagged by @theprebby hello 🖐🏻 Tanny and kay Luna 👧🏻.
1 Nickname : Let, Boss, Manager, Bulelet, Bakla, Deq.
2 Sign : teka hanapin ko pinakita ko dati kay @kinikimkimnikimbie yung chart : Scorpio Sun, Aquarius Moon, Virgo Rising.
3 Height : 5'5/ 165.1
4 Last Thing I Googled was : lastest mule ng vans.
5 Song stuck in my head : She's on my mind - JP Cooper lls kasi talaga.
6 # of followers : 465 marami pa ako di na bloblocked na nag fofollow na puro empty account at mga porn account 🤣🤣🤣
7 Amount of sleep : kung ngayon araw nakakumpleto ako ng 8 hours pero ok na ako basta 6 hours of sleep.
8 Lucky # : siguro para sa akin 8 at 15
9 Dream Job : Geodetic Engineer.
10 Wearing : basic pang lowkey lang short at shirt syempre panloob din.
11 Movies/Books that summarize me : wala ako maisip pero baka sakali sa pelikula ng buhay ko sa mga tsismosa namin kapitbahay meron hahaha 🤣🤣🤣, pero seryoso wala ako ma summarize di kasi ako pala movie o palabasa.
12 Favorite Song : madami ako paborito pwede bang top 10
High Hope at The One by Kodaline
For You at Grizzly Bear by Angus & Julia Stone
How Deep Is Your Love kahit kanino version
Life Goes On by Tupac
One Day, Sunshine, at Live Like a Warrior by Matisyahu
Sam Smith playlist. pero marami talaga ako gusto kanta 🎶🎶🎶.
13 Favorite Instrument : Piano kahit di marunong Piano Tiles App haha yon lang keri ko 😅🤣.
14 Aesthetic : di ako nausuhan non.
15 Favorite Author : Jose Rizal na lang kasi nga di ako mahilig magbasa Noli at El Fili required basahin noon sa school.
16 Favorite Animal Noise : tuko/gecko haha noon hinahanap ko kung saan nagtatago yung tuko.
17 Random : gusto ko lang sabihin na kung may gusto ka umamin ka malay mo gusto din kita 🤭😁.
ayos lang kung di nyo gawin to kasi Lunes nanaman bukas pero gusto ko lang kayo itagged @femmecoder09 @dmnzn0069 @rig0 @keepingupwithjamie @wrong-grahams @czzzaaa @sparkle-and-gloom @hahahhagago @kinikimkimnikimbie @sheisatragicstory @caloymalonzo @ladykulit184 @solitaryoo @ladydentist @xxtinne @kuyakoy @mariainsoli ✨️
Dec. 04, 2022 11:42 pm
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