nomnomnamiart · 6 months
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5th anniversary doodles (2021)
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blackberry-mochi · 11 months
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TODAY IS KAIMA'S ANNIVERSARY (I mean………. technically on itch it tells me it was released at 12:30AM on the 24th, but official sources claim it was released on the 23rd, and frankly 12:30AM is basically still the previous day) SO HERE'S AN IMAGE OF (true) SEARINA USING THE UNUSED SPECIAL CALLED "Hug!" ON ILLI!!! (It's there in the code I promise. I didn't look but it's gotta be there. You just don't see it because the game ends right as soon as SEARINA gets her soul back.)
Replayed KAIMA before drawing this and wowza……. I forgot how much swearing there was in it, pff. It's charming in a way though. ANYWAY KAIMA (the game) GOOD HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NEW KAIMA (the location)!!!!!
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pastille13 · 3 months
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Gumdrop and Illi icons
Made by me!! Kamazichka or qwertye1
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animadiicristallo · 8 months
tu dimmi dove sei perché ti vengo a prendere adesso anche dal lato opposto dell'Universo lo sai che c'è una parte di te che fa parte di me ancora tu non credere agli altri, di pensarti non ho mai smesso hai tu il mio cuore, giura che non l'hai perso
ho visto quella foto è come se ti avessi in stanza balli lenta sul mio cuore tra i passi di danza a te che non ti piaci mai ed io ti dico non so perché ti porterei al museo per poi guardare solo te
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dreamylightz · 1 year
So, we had a wild ass dream a couple nights ago...
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And it woke up an old hyperfixation we had on two specific characters. What the hell
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hana5artblog · 2 years
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small oc dump
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mineral-vulture · 2 years
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Revenge for my friend @makaipunk  featuring their character, Uneasy! Uneasy seems to be anxious about something. Uneasy goes by he/they pronouns.
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rumiknight · 2 years
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Sketch of Kaima. They have a fox theme in their villain persona but it isn’t always apparent through their disguises. The hat helps.
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cloud2015cute · 2 months
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The Zodiac Pact (and Resa) in 2024 (some are updated)
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wombocombo4x3 · 11 months
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thepolishlynx · 2 years
KAIMA - The planet is beaing eaten away! Can we save it?
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reddowind · 8 months
Happy Momoharu/Kaimaki Day!! 🎉🎉
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It's almost October 8th here, so happy momoharu day! It's big day for kaimaki shippers!!
Have the redraw of the Momota family I did back in 2021. Also, I did some redesign here!
Man, I love them sm 🥺
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samisfalse · 7 months
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Tuli harjoteltua ihan kanuuna naamoja, eli ollos hyvä toverit, Samuli Vauramon Lammio :)
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thirstyfortaglines · 1 year
A Shower, Half of Dinner, and...
2k words. KaiMas, gender neutral master. No violence or nsfw, there’s some kissing and implied fucking but that’s it. The dove is not dead but it is non-critically injured. Honestly I have no idea what I’m doing and I’m not doing it well but I’m having fun.
Watch out for yandere and the expected yandere antics that come with it.
While he didn’t have many other points of comparison, KAITO thought that the life he had with his master was on the nicer end. The one bedroom apartment was comfortable enough while having a manageable rent, the company his master worked for didn’t force them to do unreasonable hours or underpay them, and there was enough leftover money every month after necessities for his master to go out with friends. He helped out around the house with cooking and cleaning since they were usually tired after work and sometimes they’d cook together or put together a cover for him to sing. It was all comfortable. He didn’t see any reason for it to change, it’s not like they were unhappy. So, why was master researching how to deactivate a VOCALOID?
The blue haired android hadn’t intended to pry into his master’s laptop, after all it was their property and they seemed secretive about their devices, even with their friends. It wasn’t like he couldn’t look since he had never been instructed not to, but there was an implied trust that he wouldn’t out of respect. Master had almost been late for work today, distracted by something they were watching on the screen and hadn’t properly turned it off before leaving, so he had decided to shut it off for them before starting on the laundry. However before he powered it off, the purple recommended text in the search bar caught his eye and made his heart drop.
“Ah… ha, master is probably doing research to help a friend, that’s all. After all, they’re bad with technology anyways so if they wanted to deactivate me they wouldn’t do it themself since they’d be afraid of messing it up,” he reassured himself, powering off the laptop and closing the lid with a bit more force than necessary. He knew he was lying to himself, nobody master talking to owned a VOCALOID. They regularly complained about that and apologized to him for not having any other fellow androids for him to interact with. Trying to brush off the unease that had settled over him, he set on working to distract himself. Unfortunately, the monotony of the tasks he had done hundreds of times at this point required little actual thought at this point and his mind was left to wander.
Master wouldn’t dispose of him, he was their irreplaceable partner as they had told him countless times before. From the moment he was activated, they had always looked at him with something in their eyes that confused him. It wasn’t until much later that he had learned to put a word to it, affection. He hesitated to call it love, but he was sure that they cared for him.
The sensation of smooth taut fabric beneath his hands dragged his thoughts to the environment around him once more. “Clothes are folded. I’ll go clean the main room then, it’s been a bit since the last time,” KAITO said to no one in particular, eyes still unfocused as he drifted back into his other thoughts. Master had to care for him, from the fact they bought him to the clothes they provided and the song covers they worked so hard late into the night to prepare. It wasn’t like they outgrew him, they hadn’t been lonely before he had come into their life so they hadn’t grown past the need for him to fill some void, and if they had only wanted his singing capabilities then surely the expenses, especially the electric bill, would have been much lower if they had just bought his voice. He just couldn’t come up with a reason why.
Their return home that day was simultaneously the longest and shortest wait he had ever experienced. They had exchanged their usual greetings when they had entered the house, hugging him from behind for a moment while he worked on dinner in the kitchen before quickly scampering off to get cleaned up and change into more home appropriate clothes. The time it took for them to shower only gave him more time to stew in his own thoughts and get caught further in them, and his attention wasn't on the present until the voice he loved so much called for it.
“Is something bothering you?” they asked as they set down their half finished meal on the coffee table, the both of them sitting side by side on the couch, whatever program on TV that had been playing now a dull buzz in the background merely accompanying the flood of thoughts washing through KAITO’s mind.
He blurted out his concern in the heat of the moment. Not necessarily lying since it was the resulting problem, but not what had actually caused it which was what they seeked out. “Master, do you love me?”
They seemed taken aback at this before their expression morphed into one of embarrassment and what seemed to be shame. Warm arms pulled him into an embrace as they answered, a hand reaching up to brush his hair gently. “Of course I do, I’m sorry if I did something that made you think I don’t. You’ve always been special to me even before I got you as an android, you’ve always been by my side even when I’m at my worst.” Their voice was soft and unwavering, the fact that it felt like nothing but the truth made them hurt even more. Were they so good at lying to him that they had been doing it all along? He reciprocated their hug and leaned into it, seemingly reassured by the response.
“Master, you really are so cruel, telling such sweet lies without any thought,” KAITO said, pressing a kiss against the top of his master’s head and tightening his grip on their body as they stiffened at his words as he expected. Instead of trying to pull away, however, they relaxed again afterwards and didn’t attempt to struggle out of his grasp.
“It’s okay to tell me what’s wr-”
The rest of their words were cut off as he rather violently kissed his master, taking advantage of their shock to push his tongue into their mouth. At this gesture, they actually tried to struggle but he simply tightened his grip, the strength of an android far outweighing that of a human, even more so against one that didn’t want to hurt him. He didn’t let them pull away until they had nearly stopped struggling from lack of breathing, their eyes half lidded as they panted, excess saliva disgustingly dripping down their chin.
“KAI… KAITO, what?” they forced out between heavy breaths, body trying to make up for lost breaths.
“You won’t throw me away will you?” he asked, having deemed them sufficiently unable to escape in their current state. He cradled their face in his hands in a gesture far too gentle compared to the rough kiss that had transpired moments before, tilting their head up so their gaze met his.
It seemed like those words were enough to make his real intentions click in his master’s head. They fumbled for a bit with their words, still out of breath, before wiping the fluid from their face and taking in a deep breath.
“So you saw my laptop. I probably left it on this morning when I left and I’m sorry for worrying you,” they began, trying to avert their eyes, but KAITO brushed his thumbs against their cheeks gently to move their focus back to him. “It’s not to get rid of you, I promise. I’m not lying to you. I just… I’m afraid that one day if I know I’m going to be gone, as in dead gone, that you’ll just be left here.” It was his turn to be unnerved by their words. If this explanation was going where he thought it was, he was delighted. “It’s really greedy and selfish, but you already know how I am, hell your personality is even influenced by mine since I’m your master, but I would want you to not have to suffer if I’m gone. God, that’s even a hell of an assumption that you’d suffer so much you wouldn’t want to live if I was gone I’m s-” He cut them off again with another kiss, this time far more gentle and swift.
“Master, I wouldn’t want to exist without you,” he said concisely, taking in the state of their dilated pupils and being pleased with their persistence. At this point, they probably couldn’t focus enough to string together a coherent sentence, much less perform any strenuous motor tasks. He would have to thank the hell of capitalist society for once for making keeping his master by his side easier.
Perhaps drugging his master wasn’t the best way to go about it, especially once their intentions had been revealed to be perfectly in line with his own. He couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face as he realized how in line with his own thoughts his master’s were. At least on the surface level.
It was no secret that a good number of VOCALOID android purchases from their initial release to now even years later was due to a desire for companionship or the sex appeal of having a subservient human-like being with a consciousness. However, to better fit each owner individually, most of a VOCALOID’s personality from likes and dislikes to speech patterns and cadence was formed through interactions with their owners. Expectedly, this process took a long time and to keep return rates low and ensure long term profit from customers continuing to bring in their VOCALOIDs for repair from wearing down due to normal operation, certain higher ups within the company had decided to provide every android with a chemical that could at will be mixed in with produced bodily fluids. The ingredients were entirely legal, albeit extremely addictive in large enough doses, but with enough roundabout language and a few paid off officials, it went entirely under the radar. All of this for the company to keep making money.
By his master’s standards, it was no doubt scummy to get masters addicted to their VOCALOIDs but it’s not as if they were specifically designed for this, it was simply a failsafe. Even if it wasn’t entirely necessary with his master, it was better safe than sorry.
Checking in on his master again, they were resting their head against his chest happily, blissed out like a cat that had just gotten into a bag of catnip. Perhaps it had been a bit much for the first time considering how much saliva he had poured into them and the high concentration he had used, but it was worth it to ensure he could continue to be by their side forever. It’s not as if it really changed anything anyways, master evidently had a desire to stay with him forever and end him when their time was up as well. This just ensured that the future both of them wanted would come true.
KAITO off handedly played with a strand of their hair, reveling in the warmth that he felt, not all of it coming from their body heat as they lay against him. They made a move to adjust themself and he let them, it’s not as if they would run. Even if they were coherent already, which he highly doubted, from their perspective they had resolved their argument and that was it.
Instead, they once again caught him by surprise as they nipped at the finger that had been previously entwined with their hair. “KAITO, can we do more?” master asked, clasping his hand with both of theirs as they started taking his finger further into their mouth.
It had slipped his mind for a moment, or maybe he had neglected to review this particular piece of information to make it a pleasant surprise for himself at the moment it became relevant. The chemical was also an aphrodisiac, which paired nicely with the fact it was administered through his bodily fluids.
“Of course, master. I exist to make you happy,” he said with a smile, taking in his master’s feverish appearance and still widened pupils. With the efficiency of someone who had perhaps planned this all along, he carefully extricated his hand before picking them up bridal style, holding them in a possessive grip that was sure to bruise their back and thigh. He was just being careful. Perhaps also rewarding himself with the look of pain mixed with pleasure in their eyes. They had apologized earnestly for making him worry for so long today, but his greed and pettiness still desired more atonement from them. Those marks would blend into their skin well enough with how they’d look after tonight anyways, it was okay.
Bonus shitpost scene:
KAITO kneeled on the ground, head bowed with his arms raised up, as his master was furiously scrubbing at the dishes in the sink.
“I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU DISTRACTED ME AND WE LEFT THE DISHES OUT OVERNIGHT,” they said angrily, still scrubbing at them with the scrubby green side of the sponge to get off excess food that had gotten firmly stuck on in the several hours it had been left out.
Hearing them struggle with it, he raised his head and was about to offer to help when they glared at him and told him to keep kneeling.
「ごめんなさい、��スター」 the blue haired man said despairingly. He honestly did feel bad, but as was the nature of living things or anything with consciousness, he would do his best to better his situation even if the suffering was deserved.
"Don't think using your soft voicebank is going to get you out of trouble. Just because I like it doesn't mean it gives you a free pass to summon all the cockroaches you want."
"Master, this apartment doesn't have cockro-" They shushed him to cut him off, leaving him to kneel on the floor while his artificial muscles screamed at him to put his arms down, all while his master continued cleaning the dishes for what would probably be at least another 15 minutes.
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sonjuponju · 1 year
Hello Red, im Red :)
yooooo!! hello red!! we're samesies, or as we'd say in finland, you're my kaima ✨
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mat2modblog · 1 year
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This showcase of pre-transformation holograms is honestly a bit lacking for such a wide shot. Also a bit weird that Ikki’s and Vice’s desire drivers project the Giffard Rex hologram when they’re not using Giffard Rex buckles.
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