#herbal medicine aesthetic
spoiledbratblog · 3 months
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A lil Plant 🌱 Medicine ain’t never hurt nobody
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fairymorrigan · 3 days
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“I be the witch of the wood.” — Thomasin, “The Witch”
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mothermorne · 7 months
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Spiderweb covered aloe
Spiderweb -
"The Everlasting Cycle of Life: A spider's web serves as a deadly trap for other insects, yet it is also a place where spider eggs hatch, symbolizing the infinite process of death and rebirth, the cycle of life, and the balance between creation and destruction."
Aloe Vera -
"Aloe Vera symbolizes spirituality, good luck, and protection as well as cleansing. It is believed to protect a person from physical accidents and is used to heal minor injuries if they do happen. Drinking Aloe Vera juice is believed to block the influences of evil spirits from harming your body and physical health."
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sunflowersnsage · 5 months
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Basil 🌿
Rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, may promote heart health and even combat stress. 😌
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nightbunnysong · 2 months
The Therapeutic Benefits of Vervain: A Phytochemical Perspective
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As you stroll along the roadsides during these hot summer days, you might notice clusters of small plants adorned with beautiful purple flowers gathered in an inflorescence.
This charming plant is Verbena officinalis known for its medicinal properties and widespread use in herbal remedies. However, it’s important to remember not to harvest these plants from potentially contaminated urban areas. Instead, use this as an opportunity to learn how to recognize Verbena in various environments.
Introduction to Vervain
Verbena, commonly referred to as vervain, belongs to the Verbenaceae family. It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries across different cultures. The most commonly utilized species include Verbena officinalis and Verbena hastata. These plants are renowned for their therapeutic potential, attributed to a rich array of phytochemicals.
Phytochemical Composition
Verbena is a treasure trove of bioactive compounds. The primary phytochemicals contributing to its medicinal properties include:
1. Iridoid Glycosides
These are one of the most significant groups of compounds found in Verbena. Verbenalin and hastatoside are notable iridoids that exhibit anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and sedative properties.
2. Flavonoids
Compounds like luteolin, apigenin, and their glycosides are abundant in Verbena. Flavonoids are well-known for their antioxidant activity, which helps in reducing oxidative stress and preventing chronic diseases.
3. Phenylpropanoids
Verbascoside is a prominent phenylpropanoid glycoside in Verbena. It has demonstrated antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities.
4. Triterpenoids
Oleanolic acid and ursolic acid are triterpenoids present in Verbena, contributing to its anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effects.
Therapeutic Benefits
1. Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Effects
The iridoid glycosides and triterpenoids in Verbena significantly reduce inflammation and pain. This makes Verbena a useful remedy for conditions like arthritis and other inflammatory disorders.
2. Antioxidant Properties
The flavonoids and phenylpropanoids in Verbena scavenge free radicals, protecting the body from oxidative damage. This action is crucial in preventing diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular ailments.
3. Antimicrobial Activity
Verbena exhibits antimicrobial properties against a range of pathogens. This is primarily due to verbascoside and flavonoids, which inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi, making Verbena beneficial for treating infections.
4. Sedative and Anxiolytic Effects
Iridoid glycosides, especially verbenalin, have been shown to possess mild sedative and anxiolytic effects. This makes Verbena helpful in managing stress, anxiety, and insomnia.
5. Hepatoprotective Action
The triterpenoids in Verbena contribute to its hepatoprotective effects, safeguarding the liver from damage and improving its function.
Verbena is more than just a roadside attraction; it is a plant rich in bioactive compounds that offer a plethora of health benefits.
Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and sedative properties make it a valuable addition to herbal medicine.
However, caution must be exercised when harvesting this plant to avoid contamination. Proper identification and sourcing from clean environments ensure that Verbena can be safely used to harness its therapeutic potential.
- Nightbunny
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axololtls · 4 months
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My 100th post!!! To celebrate I wanted to take a moment to profess my love for nettles. They grow wildly in nature, and can be picked from early in the spring until late autumn. They're filled with vitamins and can be used in food, drinks, and as supplements!! Just make sure you boil them for at least five minutes before using them, otherwise you might get stung and if you haven't experienced it, lemme tell you: it HURTS.
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Witchy Herbs: Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
This is also called devil's nettle, milfoil, seven years love, or bloodwort. It has feminine energies, connects with the element of water, and is ruled in the planet Venus. It honors Aphrodite, Hermes, and the Horned God. Zodiac sign; Aries. Crystals; Clear quartz, tigers eye, lapis lazuli.
It is a common herb you can find in most gardens. Its foliage has a silvery quality that is rather attractive. The stem and leaves of this plant are usually harvested in the latter part of summer and used in poultices and ointments to help staunch blood flow from wounds.
Hence for its Latin namesake. Achillea millefolium. According to the Greek myth, Yarrow gave the hero, Achilles, its protective powers to make him invincible wherever the herbal bath had penetrated his skin, and in turn, Achilles healed his wounded soldiers with Yarrow.
Growing yarrow in your witchy garden is always an excellent idea. Not only will you attract bees and have a steady supply of medicine, its very presence helps out all the other herbs around it. It increases the other herbs’ essential oil content as well as their growth and health in general.
Fights infections, break fevers, eases common cold symptoms, aids digestion, and easing painful menstruation or used in sitz baths for post labor. Recent studies are looking into how Yarrow can help with depression and anxiety as a tincture.
You can use this for spells involving love, healing, protection, courage, exorcism, and psychic powers.
Fun Folk Fact - When used in love spells, it is said that it will only empower that love for 7 years, the rest will be up to the couple to make it or break it.
• It is an attracting herb. If kept near, it will attract love, friends, people from the past, or to gain attention. If you think of them, they will come. • You can make a tea with this herb to enhance your psychic abilities and enjoy during divination. • Growing it near will also expel evil from any place, person, or thing. • Use yarrow to set magical boundaries. • Place yarrow over doorways to protect from negative energies. For powerful protection, pick yarrow flowers and charge them in the sun. Once charged, take the flowers and sprinkle them outside all the way around your home. This will keep any negative influences and energies away from your home. • Wash down a room or Ouija board with yarrow to attract friendly spirits. • Wash crystals and crystal balls with a yarrow rinse to bring about clarity of vision. • Yarrow has weak romantic properties making it the perfect courting ingredient when you just want to get to know someone before getting serious.
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im convinced that people who actually want to live in cities and dont see the environmental and emotional trauma their inflicting on themselves by enabling those places to continue to grow have just the most severe brain damage
#saw a post that made me mad talking about slow living being Bad (in ways im not gonna write in tags and end up in thos spaces by accident)#but like......dropping a hut on a vacant lot and growing some veg and chickens is not nearly as#detrimental or colonizing as sprawling cities#also like who the fuck WANTS to live in a concrete jungle when trees and grass exist#yall are fucking sickos to lump wanting to be educated on herbal medicine and growing food and SPACE AWAY FROM LOUD NEIGHBORS#in with like trd wife and trf bullshit#cottagecore on twitter houses those type but like.....you know farms exist outside of northamerica too right#and some of us are better equipped for famr labour than retail?#i see more people complain about cottagecore as an aesthetic than is actually has issues tbh#but maybe i just mind my own business and actually know what living on a farm entails#my body gave out on me but i literally used to work on a horse farm#i know how much work chickens are#anyway people really will complain about anything and fail to realize that their own lifestyle is a much bigger problem than some strawman#they created in their heads just because they saw one tradwife on instagram living on a homestead with her 8 children and cheating husband#sorry i dont want to contribute to mental illnesses and pollution by living in the city??#farm whether hobby or just partially self sustaining doesnt equal root of all evil#some of us are just better equipt to tend to the sheep in the scottish highlands were our ancestors started#and besides id rather see semi delusional tradwives stsrting homesteads than all that same 'vacant' land go to more housing developments#anyway tho#all this because some bad faith take someone had because someone had the audacity to talk about their experiences with transmisogyny#(which i still think is a dumb concept cause called a spade a spade its transphobia) and wasnt a transfemme#im begging yall to stop talking over transmasc and afab people#youre not more important because you identify as a woman stop giving yourselves victim complexes and shutting down important conversations
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vintewera · 1 month
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junesprout · 3 months
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upennmanuscripts · 2 years
This large, unbound manuscript, LJS 278, is full of stunning watercolor illustrations of flora, fauna, and more. Written in Persian, this text examines the medicinal uses of plants, animals, and minerals. The piece most likely dates from either 1595 or 1645. Thank you Nell Fossa for bringing us #MedicalMonday every week!
Online: https://franklin.library.upenn.edu/catalog/FRANKLIN_9949183233503681
#medicalmonday #upenn #herbals #botany #science #medical #ivyleague #librariesoftumblr #sims #aesthetic #academia #manuscripts
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lady-book-trash · 1 year
Dried Yarrow
Achillea millefolium.
Saved from '21, finally utilized in a tincture.
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Good article for more information on its medicinal uses.
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mitucami · 1 year
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'Magic III'
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katiajewelbox · 2 years
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Yesterday I made a new batch of my special herbal insect spray for the greenhouse. There is scientific evidence for the insect repelling properties of each plant in the mix. The latest research on plant-insect interactions indicates that a “bouquet” of secondary metabolites (plant chemicals produced for purposes other than growth and reproduction) is more effective in warding off pests. 
The herbs include thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus), Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), huacatay (Tagetes minuta), Geranium (Pelargonium × hortorum), Shungiku (Glebionis coronaria), and catmint (Nepeta mussini). The herbs are crushed and placed in corn oil so the essential oils will diffuse out of the plant tissue and into the oil. The mixture is kept in the air cupboard for a couple of weeks before the oil is transferred to another jar. 
This infused oil is mixed with water and detergent and then sprayed on plants to kill and deter aphids. So far I have noticed a decrease in the aphid numbers on the greenhouse plants.
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plantmakeup · 2 years
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free-grandmaa · 9 months
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Elderberry syrup made at the end of summer
My sun never gets sick🖤
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