#Healer gang
dreamingblacktabby · 1 year
For gay kitties how do you feel about a meddie cat pile? :3c
Jayfeather/Kestrelflight/Willowshine/Hollyleaf (honorary member of the club)
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daddiesdrarryy · 2 years
Draco: Stay still, Harry, you lost a lot of blood
Harry: I didn’t “lose” my blood, Draco, I know exactly where it is
Harry, pointing to the large puddle of blood: Right there
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undead-knick-knack · 1 year
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hearties-circus · 2 months
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What do we do now?
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froschli96 · 2 months
Literally Malik in AC Rebellion:
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revrads · 5 days
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Tally Hall Sacred Beast AU where Andrew is the King, Rob, Joe, and Zubin are the knights he ordered to slay a dragon, and Ross is the dragon that's just minding his own business really
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lifesver · 1 month
my new assignments for the friends as xiv jobs if u even care (based mostly on my friends interpretations of said characters)—
leland - paladin lol
connie - astrologian, sage, or bard
sonny - scholar, sage, or summoner
julie - dancer, monk or bard
danny - dark knight, machinist or black mage
maria - white mage, astrologian or pictomancer
ana - warrior, dark knight or paladin
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sunnybunnybabs · 1 year
FTFO art and meme, ch 34 related
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Who knew drawing characters youve never drawn before is hard!!! Fuck you XGaster
Healer protection squad consisting of deities, someone from a different multiverse and the multiverse itself who want you fucking dead!!
It was just something funny I thought of since I just want the Gasters n Alphys dead n gone
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Xtra funny lil meme I've been thinking about
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sablegear0 · 6 months
Hello there! Your jjk fix it au is a really interesting idea! Is it ok for you to tell how and why mahito became an assisted duo with shoko?
For sure! I haven't written or made any other notes on it so I'm just working from a loose idea. If someone wants to write or draw it out, go for it I suppose. (It got long, full text under the cut 😅. Tl;dr is Shibuya Incident goes not as bad as canon, Gojo snags Kenjaku and Mahito for some harebrained experiment to fix Geto and bring him back, Shoko is stuck working with Mahito because she's apparently the school's only medic. Things go better than expected.)
I'd have to re-watch the episodes to get the exact order of events but basically the AU begins around the start of the Shibuya Incident arc: the students and other sorcerers manage to catch up to Gojo and not-Geto in time to keep their teacher from being sealed. Instead, the school team is able to turn things around on the curse gang.
I imagined the turning point is that Yuji and possibly others manage to reach the station in the moments before the Prison Realm actually grabs Gojo, leaving it out in the open to be swiped and repurposed. Freed of his momentary distraction, Gojo does some quick mental math on the situation: his friend's body has been stolen - but his soul seems to be intact, the Prison Realm is within reach, as is the cursed spirit with a technique that can manipulate the body via its soul. He can work with this.
So whoever is there (probably Gojo, Yuji, and Todo?) take advantage of the stunning effect of Gojo's domain and the Prison Realm to get Kenny boxed up and grab Mahito while he's incapacitated (probably literally, since Gojo could probably safely 'touch' him with Infinity running), and drag the both of them back to the school for safekeeping.
Gojo's harebrained scheme is to surgically extract Kenjaku and use Mahito's ability to grow a working brain back into Geto's body. It's weird, but it's no worse than having to kill him all over again. Unfortunately to do this he needs to have Mahito's cooperation, which he initially does not. After some negotiation, Gojo enters into a pact with Mahito for his assistance; roughly a "Help us or we kill you" arrangement, since the school staff can guess that not-Geto was almost certainly planning to eat Mahito anyway.
Since Mahito's technique has extensive medical application, he ends up working alongside Shoko for the next little while. With supervision from Gojo at first, to ensure he behaves and to check up on Geto regularly. But the aftermath of the Shibuya Incident still needs attention so Gojo finds himself drawn away more often than not, leaving Shoko alone to deal with Mahito's shenanigans and care for a recovering Geto. Thankfully Shoko has enough experience dealing with annoying teenage boys (and Gojo) that she knows how to handle Mahito's childish temperament. She's the right mix of no-nonsense and easygoing to handle him and they eventually form a more cooperative working relationship. I imagine Mahito is one of those "problem children" that would thrive with clear instruction and strong boundaries. He'd be a good worker, he just needs someone to keep him in line.
If I do end up writing this in some capacity, my impulse right now is to make it 50% heavy SatoSugu angst, as Geto recovers in the care of his mortal enemies and the one person who never gave up on him; and 50% office comedy with Shoko and Mahito getting acclimated to one another and taking care of Geto and the rest of the cast as they heal up from the incident.
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sneekysoft · 9 months
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shandri dundragon
call from the deep (adapted) ; atop the moon's envy. a half-orc healer who is currently aiding the crew of the voyage with various herbs and remedies during their travels.
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lilac-gold · 1 year
but what if omori cookie run au
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geekygirl24 · 11 months
BL Prompts - Chapter 45 Links
Prompt from Anonymous: For a change it's ZiGang who's jealous & insecure, when Boxiang carelessly starts spending more and more time with an old childhood friend, even cancelling on plans and finally even forgetting a whole date with him. #happyend please! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46255276/chapters/130175002
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Prompt from GaryQ90: Gen Y BL threesome Thanu and Padbok are in a friendly competition in Wayu's eoom on who can make Wayu come the most and make wayu scream (in a good way) and Wayu just find this…oddingly arousing to say the least. Also them marking Wayu as theirs only. Thanks! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46207009/chapters/130111105
Prompt from Lexborn: Hi! A prompt for The director who buys me dinner where we don't get the bittersweet ending and Dong baek dodged the stab and successfully stopped the attacker, saving them both. Of course a happy ending where after 300 years, they're finally together and Director Min finally getting his happy ending. Can be fluffy or sexy up to you. https://archiveofourown.org/works/46231810/chapters/130236220
Prompt from Stormborn_88: An aftermath of what happened with Anna's stalker. They just moved on like nothing major happened (at leats it looked like that without the subs). Anyway… rambling. The prompt therefore being: Kiyoi has some PTSD after what happend to him with that stalker, but also bc of what happened to Hira. So they talk about what happened to them while Hira is the sweet, caring boyfriend he always is with Kiyoi around (srsly him switching between crazy psycho towards the stalker and sweetly talking to Kiyoi was irritatingly cute). So, did I make it on time this round!? https://archiveofourown.org/works/46179736/chapters/130305421
Prompt from AquaM: Hi. Can we try a Killer and Healer Omegaverse where Yue Lou's rut gets triggered unexpectedly? I'll leave the rest of the details to you. NSFW would work. https://archiveofourown.org/works/46279000/chapters/130372072
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daddiesdrarryy · 2 years
Draco: Potter, you’re here…again, at St Mungo’s. Why?
Harry: Oh, er, I’m injured, you see
Draco: You’re a Professor
Harry: Yes
Draco: We do have the hospital wing at Hogwarts
Harry: Yes…but Poppy is sick today
Draco: I just talked to her this morning
Harry: …okay, the injury is too severe and she told me to come see you
Draco: You got a scratch on your hand, you can heal it yourself
Harry: I forgot my wand
Draco: It’s in your hand
Harry: …
Auror Ron: He just wants to see you, for Merlin’s sake! Now can someone heal my bloody leg?!
Harry: Oh, yeah, right! Heal him first!
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starswirly · 11 months
🤝: How did they meet in the first place? What was there first impression of each other?
The very very first time they met was back in Dreamtale, as kids! Saucer had run away from home on their own self-proclaimed ‘quest’ to become a healer- landing themself in the village as the apprentice to a monster there. Nightmare wound up there (healer’s clinic/house/whatever) after a particularly nasty fall from a tree, Saucer’s mentor introduced the two and the rest is history! :]
🫶: Who ended up falling first? Which of them actually realized that they’d fallen in love first?
Post-incident, it was a very slow progression from ‘yeah, really good friends’ to ‘yeah, really good friends, but maybe something else? (romantic)’. Nightmare is… emotionally constipated, and it certainly takes him longer to really realize. Saucer isn’t too much better, but when your best friend is constantly getting into near death fights with his estranged brother emotions are sure to bubble up :3c
😑: How easily do they get jealous and how do they handle it?
Nightmare strikes me as more possessive/protective than jealous, with everyone in his castle- not just Saucer! If everyone in his domain is ‘his’ then there isn’t really anything to be worried about. Saucer is a recluse in the multiverse, of their own decision, but still reclusive. They don’t leave the castle too often, and the only reason I can think of for them to be jealous or envious would be if NM is spending more time on work-type stuff than with them— which they’d just try to talk through. And be a bit clingy, but not much more from their usual.
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anxioustwilight · 2 years
🌙 I’m proud of myself! ✨ Finally played Overwatch despite being afraid of it because someone I started playing Apex with invited me. I hardly ever talk on mic, but I did it tonight, and I had a lot of fun! 💫 Though I only played Mercy, I tried Moira but found it better suited to trail behind everyone else and heal them, especially because one of them played Sigma 💜
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glitchbirds · 2 years
the more i play red dead redemption 2 the more i lament (and/or am grateful for) the fact that it did not exist when i was a child obsessed with warrior cats because i would have gone entirely off the deep end then and there crafting terrible little aus
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