myonbl · 2 years
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柳家三三が久しぶりに京都で独演会、早めのランチを<KIBARU四条新町店>ですませ、会場の<ヒューリックホール京都>へと向かう。場内は200人くらいだがもちろん満席、たっぷり3席を楽しんだ。新京極へと移動し、<Kirin-City 新京極店>でビール2杯、仕上げに<林万昌堂>で甘栗を土産に買って帰路についた。いやぁ、美味しく楽しい1日に大満足、体重増なんて気にしない(泣)。
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madcat-world · 2 years
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Zin Kibaru (1 of 4) - Dananayi Muwanigwa
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briefbestiary · 1 year
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Faran Maka Bote chased Zinkibaru through several locations until eventually managing to knock the spirit down with the counterspell. He then seized the spirit's guitar, thus gaining control of the Niger River.
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asma-al-husna · 4 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Kabeer— The All Great, The Most Great, The Grand— on six occasions in the Quran. He is the One who is unimaginably great and perfect. Al-Kabeer embraces all kinds of greatness, from rank, size, nobility, and knowledge to mercy, and it tells us that nothing was, is, or will ever be like Him!
The All-Great, the One Far Greater Than Anything or Anyone
Kabeer comes from the root kaaf-baa-raa, which points to three main meanings. The first is to be great in rank and nobility and the second to be great in size. The third main meaning is to be great in age and the fourth to be great in learning and knowledge. The fifth main meaning is to have rights above all others.
This root appears 161 times in the Quran in eighteen derived forms. Examples of these forms are kabura (“is great,” or “is difficult”), fakabbir (“magnify”), mutakabbireen (“the arrogant)”, akbaru (“greater”), kibaru (“old age”), and kubra, kabeer (“great”).
Linguistically, kibriyyah refers to the concept of greatness. One who is kabeer is someone great in rank or skill. Allah is Al-Kabeer—The All-Great and The Most Great; for each of His attributes He is the greatest.
Al-Kabeer Himself says: So the judgment is with Allah, the Most High, the Grand [Quran, 40:12], . . . because Allah is the Most High, the Grand [Quran, 22:62], and . . . Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand [Quran, 4:34].
The Ranks of This World and the Hereafter
We’re naturally predisposed to admire those who are most beautiful, most intelligent, most eloquent, most powerful, most generous, most merciful, etcetera.
However Al-Kabeer Himself says: See how We prefer one above another (in this world), and verily, the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in preferment [Quran, 17:21]. The poorest in this world can be the richest in the Hereafter; it all depends on one thing: your rank with Allah al-Kabeer.
How Can We Live By This Name?
1. Say a lot of takbeer.
Revive the sunnah of The Prophet ‘salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam by saying a lot of takbeer— Allahu Akbar. Abdullah ibn ‘Umar narrates that a man came late to Salāh. Upon arriving to the line he started his prayer with the following words, Allāhu Akbaru Kabīran wal-hamdulillahi kathīran wa subhān Allahi bukratan wa asīlā. The Prophet, after completing the prayer, asked the people who had said this. The man said, O Rasūlullah, I did not intend by it other than good. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, I saw the gates of heaven open because of those words. Ibn ‘Umar added, I never ceased saying these words since hearing the Prophet say that. [Muslim, At-Tirmidhee, An-Nasaa’i and Ahmad]
2. Find happiness with Al-Kabeer.
Your original nature makes you seek love and perfection and Allah Al-Kabeer is the source of all perfection. So only by turning to Him can your heart feel peace and happiness. In fact, the more you get to know about Him, His names and His attributes, the more you’ll turn to Him with true love and devotion and feel secure and peaceful with Him.
3. Magnify Al-Kabeer in the proper way.
Allah ‘azza wa jall instructs you: And magnify Your Lord [Quran, 74:3]. Words to magnify Al-Kabeer, like the tahleel (laa ilaaha illAllah) tahmeed (Alhamdulillah), tasbeeh (subhanAllah) and takbeer (Allahu akbar), have great meanings; ponder their true meanings, increase in saying them and be careful not to misuse them.
4. Seek perfection at the source.
Don’t disappoint yourself by expecting others to be perfect and admiring those with wealth or status but no emaan. By admiring your Lord, by relying on and trusting in Al-Kabeer, The All-Great, The Source of Perfection, you will never be shocked or disappointed, even better you will be amazed by His enormous rewards for your little deeds.
5. Never be arrogant.
Guard yourself against arrogance (kibr). Never look down on others; you don’t know the rank they have with Al-Kabeer. Arrogance can also be found in how you deal with the commands of Allah. Look at the sin of Iblees; he refused to bow down due to arrogance. A good tip to keep you away from disobedience to the commands of Allah is that whenever you’re about to sin, look up and imagine Al-Kabeer watching you— would you dare to look up and say “no” to Him?
6. Strive for a high rank with Al-Kabeer.
Glorify Him alone and be humble in life in order to be great in the sight of Al-Kabeer. If Allah Al-Kabeer blessed you with being kabeer in this world in knowledge, job position, or any other skill, make others benefit and truly become kabeer to Him in the Hereafter.
7. Call upon Al-Kabeer.
Make dua using this name to ask Him to lead you to deeds pleasing to Him. There is no rank higher or achievement better than attainment of Allah’s good pleasure. It is as Al-Kabeer says: Verily, to Us will be their return; and then verily, for Us will be their reckoning. [Quran, 88:25-26] Always aim high in your supplications— ask Him for Jannatul Firdaws, the higest paradise, without reckoning.
8. Be proud of your Lord.
You shouldn’t be ashamed of Allah’s religion or divine commands. When you’re offered wine to drink, don’t apologize and make excuses like, “Sorry! I have a stomach ache.” You should proudly say, “I do not drink wine because it’s forbidden in my religion of Islam.” If you really believe that Allah is Al-Kabeer, you should be proud of your Lord in all situations, places, and company.
9. Feel your takbeer.
What is really akbar in your life? The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam taught you to say Allahu akbar at the start and during your whole salah. Whenever you say, or hear, Allahu Akbar in prayer or the adhaan (call to Prayer), know what it really means. Know that Al-Kabeer is far greater than anything that you could ever imagine or think of. When you raise your hands to start your prayer, imagine you’re throwing the whole world behind you and all is about Allahu akbar.
O Allah, Al-Kabeer, we know that Your Greatness is perfect and beyond our imaginations. Help us to reflect on Your greatness in order for us to stay close to Your commandments. Inspire us to magnify you in a proper way. Adorn us with pride in Islam, protect us from arrogance, and make us of those who attain the highest ranks with You in the Highest Paradise without reckoning, ameen!
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vacantgodling · 1 year
something cool about the deities in tcol is that they have names derived from them that terraneans use sometimes. an example is kiba, who’s name is a derivative of the god of harvest, KIBARUM.
so that being said, here are some ocs in tcol who’s names come from deity names:
from MUINENS: miona, moira, muinena
from IIARAN: illiana, aran
from goodest boy Lath: luther
from IISIDIA: sid
from MIZDARR: daran
from EFFE: efelia
but there are more names that i’ve decided come from them that i just haven’t gotten around to using yet. so, in general so far some “common names” that come from deities:
m = masculine, f = feminine, gn = unisex
IIARAN: aran (m), illian (m) or illiana (f), ira (gn)
IISIDIA: sid (m), sia (f), sidia (f)
MIZDARR: miz (gn), dara (gn), daran (m)
MUINENS: muinena (f), nen or nena (gn), ina (f), inen (gn), moira or moina / miora or miona (f), mion (gn)
MIRANKA: mira (f), miran (m), ran (gn), ranka (gn)
YUTARA: yuta (gn), yu (gn), tara (f), taran (gn), tayu (m), yura (f)
YLENE: len (m), lene (f)
KIBARUM: kiba (m), kibaru (m), kibar (m)
KOST: koss (gn)
MARTH: mars (gn), art or arth or arty/artie (gn), mat (m)
BRULENE: bruno (gn), bree (f)
THE LADY OF THE MISTS: (based on her mortal name): ella (f), pine (m), nell (m) or nella (f),
EFFE: efelia (f)
the reason there’s so many derivatives is because it’s considered disrespectful to give someone the same name as someone else; they aren’t their own person that way. so even among family if you want to name someone in honor of someone a diminutive is usually taken.
for instance, let’s say you wanted to name your first child after your husband, jagoda (an actual character btw). you wouldn’t name your child “jagoda” you’d come up with a name derived from. so your child would probably be jag or daj or goda or dago or something like that :3
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seewetter · 3 months
Mythic Creatures by Region & Culture
Part 9: Africa
Here is the overview of global creatures.
Cross-Cultural (across multiple but not all cultures)
Amadlozi of the Nguni people in South Africa; Anansi is Akan (which includes the Agona, Akuapem, Akwamu, Akyem, Anyi, Ashanti (!!!!!!!), Baoulé, Bono, Chakosi, Fante, Kwahu, Sefwi, Wassa, Ahanta, and Nzema) also found in African American lore; Asanbosam is Akan (which includes the Agona, Akuapem, Akwamu, Akyem, Anyi, Ashanti (!!!!!!!), Baoulé, Bono, Chakosi, Fante, Kwahu, Sefwi, Wassa, Ahanta, and Nzema) also found in Jamaican slave lore; Death; Jengu various peoples in Cameroon; Madam Koi Koi; Mami Wata; Mazomba; Mbombo; Mbuti Mythic Creatures; Mbwiri; Nandi Bear; Ninki Nanka; Nyami Nyami; Obambou; Obia also name for a creature in Latin American folklore (Garifuna of Bay Islands, Honduras); Ogun; Oshun; Shetani; Somali myth; Werehyena; Yumboes Wolof; Zār; Zuhri
allegedly African
Aegipan; Amphisbaena, in Greek myth, Perseus flies over Libya with head of Medusa…blood creates Amphisbaene; Catoblepas; Cerastes; Crocotta; Dingonek East Africa 1907-1918; Ethiopian pegasus; Forest Bull; Gold-digging ant; Griffon; Hypnalis; Leontophone; Lycaon; Macrobian; Pard; Pygmies; Rompo; Scitalis; Seps; Struthopodes maybe??; Syrbotae; Tarand; Theow; Wild Man, Wild Woman ; Wild Men, Wild Women; Yale
Anansi; Asanbosam; Obayifo
Aido Hwedo, also in Haiti
Canary Islands (Guanches)
Guayota; Maxios; Tibicena; Witches of Anaga
Abada; Bunzi; Eloko ; Biloko; Jengu also known in Cameroon, called Bisimi with the Bakongo; Mfinda; Nkisi; Nkondi; Simbi
in the Quran, an Aksumite (Ethiopian) siege is averted by birds dropping stones: Ababil; Buda (Ethiopia & Eritrea, were-hyena & evil eye); Ethiopian superstition; Holawaka (Oromo, Ethiopia);
Ibo loa also Haiti
Nkomi & Bakalai, Gabon
Abonsam, also Gold Coast; Adze, possessing "vampire" who stalks prey as firefly among the Ewe of Togo and Ghana
Gold Coast
Abonsam, also in Ghana
Kalenjin, Kenya
Kalenjin Mythic Creatures
Lugbara (Congo to Sudan)
Adroanzi, "angels", benevolent children of the god Androa, but if you turn around to look at them you die
Kalanoro; Vazimba; Yateveo (Plant) alleged
Agogwe sighted by 2 Europeans in 1926-1927 but existed prior as a word & creature in indigenous oral traditions
Hira; Zin Kibaru
Sotho, South Africa
Kammapa; Monyohe
South African Folktales Grootslang
Jok (among Acholi of Uganda and South Sudan); Lukwata (Baganda of Uganda);
West Africa
Adze, possessing "vampire" who stalks prey as firefly among the Ewe of Togo and Ghana; Ekpo Nka-Owo (Ibibio, Southern Nigeria); Wereleopard; Zin;
Amafufunyana (possession, schizophrenia); Uhlakanyana
Abiku; Egbere; Emere; Shango; Yemọja
Ilomba among the Lozi people
Zimbabwe Bird
Inkanyamba; Isitwalangcengce; Lightning Bird; Tikoloshe; Uhlakanyana; Umamba; Usiququmadevu; Zulu religion
Ancient Egypt
Aani; Abezethibou, Testament of Solomon, acted during Book of Moses in Egypt; Abtu; Abyzou; Akhekh; Ammit; Anubis; Apophis; Ba (personality); Bennu; Griffon; Hieracosphinx; Isfet; Medjed; Mehen_Board_Game_Snake_God_Egypt; Meretseger; Nemty; Serpopard; Set animal; Sphinx; Taweret; Teka-her; Unut_Egypt_Rabbit-Snake-Lion_Goddess; Uraeus; Wadjet
allegedly Ancient Egyptian
Cynocephali; Phoenix
Notify me if there are mistakes or if any of these creatures, beings or figures should not be used in art or fiction. (Note that every artist & writer should consider whether use of these figures is appropriate whether someone has complained or not).
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takapii-blog · 2 years
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今日お昼に食べた、タンメンと餃子のセット。結構美味しかったのでまた行こう #タンメン #餃子 (タンメンと餃子 Kibaru) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck3MRaSvbzG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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capriicant · 6 years
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Kibaru isn't very polite
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Harga Cetak Offset Malaka, Call. 0811 3722 27, PROMO...!!!
#percetakankertasrumahmakan #percetakankertassubang #percetakankertasjogja #percetakankertasthermal #percetakankertas_bon_ncr_undangan_stiker #percetakankatalog #percetakankatalogsekolah #percetakankatalogsurabayaPROFESIONAL...!!!, WA. +62 811 3722 27, Harga Cetak Offset Malaka, Harga Cetak Offset Per Lembar Lembata, Harga Cetak Offset Kupang, Harga Cetak Offset Kertas Flores Timur, Harga Cetak Offset Ende
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Kami melayani jasa percetakan: 1. Undangan 2. Buku 3. Majalah 4. X-Banner 5. Segala jenis fomr kebutuhan perusahaan
Info dan pemesanan hubungi Tlp. 0811 372 227 atau 0822 4541 3332 link WA klik https://wa.me/62811372227
#percetakankertasrumahmakan #percetakankertassubang #percetakankertasjogja #percetakankertasthermal #percetakankertas_bon_ncr_undangan_stiker #percetakankatalog #percetakankatalogsekolah #percetakankatalogsurabaya
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inuzukaakibaa · 8 years
Rogue SSV Normandy
It was worth it. The video was worth every single credit he was going to spend to free Haru from her debts. Kiba could absolutely not believe his luck. He could kiss the woman in front of him. Her mask would get in the way and he was certain she would shoot him, at least, but the sentiment was there. 
“You are officially my favorite Quarian--no--my favorite sentient being in the universe. I could kiss you, I could marry--”
“Hate to break up this scandalizing proposal and everything, but we have a job to do, Commander,” Garrus cut in smoothly and Kiba let out a dramatic sigh. 
“I am so grateful I have you on my crew now Haru, do you see how they treat me? They never let me have any fun, they don’t enjoy my entrancing good looks or my hilarious jokes or my charming personality--”
“I’ll shoot you, I swear I will.” 
“Who said I enjoy any of those things?” 
Kiba glared at Wrex  and Haru both but nodded his assent to actually get the mission at hand started. They didn’t get very far. Chora’s Den was utterly crowded, and though Kiba was sure not everyone in here was an upstanding citizens, he wasn’t about to fire off into a crowd of people. 
“We could come back during business hours,” he offers but he is reluctant. This is a prime opportunity to get this nasty business out of the way and move onto more important matters. Like finding Saren. Like figuring out what that thing was on Eden Prime. 
Thankfully, Haru had a perfectly well-executed plan. She had been right in telling him she was valuable. Garrus was good at planning and tactics but he had no sense of spontaneity and Wrex was more of a battering ram than a soldier. Haru though...she was crafty. Intelligent. Downright scrappy. She balanced them out nicely. 
 “Handsome, eh? I knew you appreciated my charms!” 
Kiba immediately dove into action, his team a cohesive unit behind him. He spared no thoughts or bullets for Fist’s henchmen but interrogated Fist fully before pulling the trigger on him as well. As a soldier, he was perfectly used to killing. He wasn’t even a stranger to assassination, but he really didn’t have the stomach for it. 
He would be drinking about this later. 
“One obstacle down, and we got some useful information out of it. Haru, I’ll meet you bright and early tomorrow morning at the docking station and we can,” he paused and glanced to his squad mates. Kiba really didn’t want them knowing that she was essentially a labor slave to debt. He wasn’t sure why but he had a nagging feeling that they would maybe respect her less and he couldn’t have that. Besides, it was her information to tell. He clears his throat, “we can take care of the other thing I owe you.” 
True to his word, Kiba was right on time the next morning--alone. “The boys are on standby if we encounter any...trouble, but I don’t think their presence will be necessary.” 
It didn’t go over exactly as he had hoped--the party in question was happy to be paid but Haru was incredibly valuable and they kept trying to wriggle their way out of their contract. Kiba wasn’t having it. 
“If you don’t honor the deal you signed I will have every lawyer at my considerable disposable breathing down your neck within the hour, if I’m feeling generous. If not, I’ll just shoot you and the contract will be void anyway. Or you can just cooperate. Up to you, really.”
It went better after that. 
“You’re a free woman, Haru. How does it feel? The Normandy is your home now, if you still want to join us. I hope you haven’t changed your mind.” 
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pabrikpercetakan · 4 years
Harga Cetak Offset Malaka, Call. 0811 3722 27, PROMO...!!!
PROFESIONAL...!!!, WA. +62 811 3722 27, Harga Cetak Offset Malaka, Harga Cetak Offset Per Lembar Lembata, Harga Cetak Offset Kupang, Harga Cetak Offset Kertas Flores Timur, Harga Cetak Offset Ende
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Kami melayani jasa percetakan: 1. Undangan 2. Buku 3. Majalah 4. X-Banner 5. Segala jenis fomr kebutuhan perusahaan
Info dan pemesanan hubungi Tlp. 0811 372 227 atau 0822 4541 3332 link WA klik https://wa.me/62811372227 https://wa.me/62811372227 https://wa.me/62811372227
Nova Tri Agustin Smkn 1 Jetis
#percetakankertasrumahmakan #percetakankertassubang #percetakankertasjogja #percetakankertasthermal #percetakankertas_bon_ncr_undangan_stiker #percetakankatalog #percetakankatalogsekolah #percetakankatalogsurabaya
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bestiarium · 3 years
A list of creatures in this bestiary:
Okay, I thought this blog was a bit chaotic, so I attempted to create some clarity by making a "library page" with links to all the creatures I posted articles about so far. The idea is that I'll post a link to this page at the end of future posts, and also update this list with every new entry. (But keep in mind that I'm still fairly new to this site and I may be doing everything wrong as I have no idea what I'm doing.)
I also grouped some mythologies together for convenience, but clarified whenever possible.
Inuit mythology
The Mahahaa
The Amajuqsuit
The Palraijuq
The Ijirait
The Tunnituarjuit and related spirits
African mythology:
The Shetani (Makonde myths)
The Aigamuxa (Khoekhoen myths)
The Inkanyamba (Zulu myths)
The Adze (Ewe myths)
The Zin Kibaru (Songhai myths)
Thai+Laotian+Indonesian mythology:
The Phi Kong Koi
The Pocong
The Krasue (Thai, Laotian)
BeNeLux folklore:
The Witte Wieven (Dutch)
The Ossaert (Dutch)
The vuurmannen (Dutch)
Brazilian mythology:
The Curupira
The Lobreu
The Encantado
The Anhangá
The Capelobo
The Caruara
Japanese mythology and Yokai:
The Dorotabō
The Umibōzu
The Joro-Gumo
British/Celtic mythologies:
The Blue Men of the Minch (Scotland)
The Fachan (Scotland)
The Kelpie (Scotland, Celtic)
The Bodach (Scotland, Gaelic)
Y Mari Lwyd (Welsh)
The Gwiber (Welsh)
Chiloé mythology and Chilean mythology:
The Imbunche
The Chonchon
Trinidad mythology:
La Jabless
The Douen
Slavic mythologies:
The Karakondžula (Serbian myth)
The Samodivas
The Krivomjeri (Croatia)
The Kikimora
The Lesovik or Leshy
The Zmaj
Medieval European mythologies:
The Mermecoleon
The Trolual (also Icelandic myth)
The Aspis
The Peryton
Italian folklore:
The Badalisc
Spanish folklore:
The Huay Chivo
Maori mythology:
The Ponaturi
The Taniwha
The Patupaiarehe
Chinese mythology:
The Fenghuang
The mirror people
Mexican/Nahua/Aztec mythology:
The Tlahuelpuchi (Nahua)
The Ahuizotl (Aztec)
Dineh/Navajo mythology:
The Skin-walkers
Algonquin mythology:
The Wendigo
Egyptian mythology:
The seven scorpions of Selket
Greek mythology:
The Amphisbaena
The Hekatonkheires
Persian mythology:
The Manticore/Mantichora
The Simurgh
Bulgarian, Anatolian mythologies:
The Karankoncolos and the Karakondjul
German folklore:
The Roggenmuhme
Mesopotamian mythology:
The Lilin
The Stone Men
Aboriginal mythology:
The Garkain
Taíno mythology (Caribbean):
The Zemis
Hinduism and Buddhism:
The Apsaras
Modern cryptids:
The sky rods
The Ahool
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adventureofzeldaau · 3 years
another au concept character (weapon drawn by my boyfriend), this time a less important character but still revelant. this is kibaru, the mother of raiburu and the chief of the gerudo. she, coming from (mysterious origin👀), took the place as chief and adopted riju, which allowed her to have her childhood back!
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anyways, she's centuries old, but finally settled down with her kids as the powerful gerudo chief. she helps zelda as a mother-figure as well. more information on her and the au will be posted soon!
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asma-al-husna · 26 days
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Allah calls Himself Al-Kabeer— The All Great, The Most Great, The Grand— on six occasions in the Quran. He is the One who is unimaginably great and perfect. Al-Kabeer embraces all kinds of greatness, from rank, size, nobility, and knowledge to mercy, and it tells us that nothing was, is, or will ever be like Him!
The All-Great, the One Far Greater Than Anything or Anyone
Kabeer comes from the root kaaf-baa-raa, which points to three main meanings. The first is to be great in rank and nobility and the second to be great in size. The third main meaning is to be great in age and the fourth to be great in learning and knowledge. The fifth main meaning is to have rights above all others.
This root appears 161 times in the Quran in eighteen derived forms. Examples of these forms are kabura (“is great,” or “is difficult”), fakabbir (“magnify”), mutakabbireen (“the arrogant)”, akbaru (“greater”), kibaru (“old age”), and kubra, kabeer (“great”).
Linguistically, kibriyyah refers to the concept of greatness. One who is kabeer is someone great in rank or skill. Allah is Al-Kabeer—The All-Great and The Most Great; for each of His attributes He is the greatest.
Al-Kabeer Himself says: So the judgment is with Allah, the Most High, the Grand [Quran, 40:12], . . . because Allah is the Most High, the Grand [Quran, 22:62], and . . . Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand [Quran, 4:34].
The Ranks of This World and the Hereafter
We’re naturally predisposed to admire those who are most beautiful, most intelligent, most eloquent, most powerful, most generous, most merciful, etcetera.
However Al-Kabeer Himself says: See how We prefer one above another (in this world), and verily, the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in preferment [Quran, 17:21]. The poorest in this world can be the richest in the Hereafter; it all depends on one thing: your rank with Allah al-Kabeer.
How Can We Live By This Name?
1. Say a lot of takbeer.
Revive the sunnah of The Prophet ‘salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam by saying a lot of takbeer— Allahu Akbar. Abdullah ibn ‘Umar narrates that a man came late to Salāh. Upon arriving to the line he started his prayer with the following words, Allāhu Akbaru Kabīran wal-hamdulillahi kathīran wa subhān Allahi bukratan wa asīlā. The Prophet, after completing the prayer, asked the people who had said this. The man said, O Rasūlullah, I did not intend by it other than good. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, I saw the gates of heaven open because of those words. Ibn ‘Umar added, I never ceased saying these words since hearing the Prophet say that. [Muslim, At-Tirmidhee, An-Nasaa’i and Ahmad]
2. Find happiness with Al-Kabeer.
Your original nature makes you seek love and perfection and Allah Al-Kabeer is the source of all perfection. So only by turning to Him can your heart feel peace and happiness. In fact, the more you get to know about Him, His names and His attributes, the more you’ll turn to Him with true love and devotion and feel secure and peaceful with Him.
3. Magnify Al-Kabeer in the proper way.
Allah ‘azza wa jall instructs you: And magnify Your Lord [Quran, 74:3]. Words to magnify Al-Kabeer, like the tahleel (laa ilaaha illAllah) tahmeed (Alhamdulillah), tasbeeh (subhanAllah) and takbeer (Allahu akbar), have great meanings; ponder their true meanings, increase in saying them and be careful not to misuse them.
4. Seek perfection at the source.
Don’t disappoint yourself by expecting others to be perfect and admiring those with wealth or status but no emaan. By admiring your Lord, by relying on and trusting in Al-Kabeer, The All-Great, The Source of Perfection, you will never be shocked or disappointed, even better you will be amazed by His enormous rewards for your little deeds.
5. Never be arrogant.
Guard yourself against arrogance (kibr). Never look down on others; you don’t know the rank they have with Al-Kabeer. Arrogance can also be found in how you deal with the commands of Allah. Look at the sin of Iblees; he refused to bow down due to arrogance. A good tip to keep you away from disobedience to the commands of Allah is that whenever you’re about to sin, look up and imagine Al-Kabeer watching you— would you dare to look up and say “no” to Him?
6. Strive for a high rank with Al-Kabeer.
Glorify Him alone and be humble in life in order to be great in the sight of Al-Kabeer. If Allah Al-Kabeer blessed you with being kabeer in this world in knowledge, job position, or any other skill, make others benefit and truly become kabeer to Him in the Hereafter.
7. Call upon Al-Kabeer.
Make dua using this name to ask Him to lead you to deeds pleasing to Him. There is no rank higher or achievement better than attainment of Allah’s good pleasure. It is as Al-Kabeer says: Verily, to Us will be their return; and then verily, for Us will be their reckoning. [Quran, 88:25-26] Always aim high in your supplications— ask Him for Jannatul Firdaws, the higest paradise, without reckoning.
8. Be proud of your Lord.
You shouldn’t be ashamed of Allah’s religion or divine commands. When you’re offered wine to drink, don’t apologize and make excuses like, “Sorry! I have a stomach ache.” You should proudly say, “I do not drink wine because it’s forbidden in my religion of Islam.” If you really believe that Allah is Al-Kabeer, you should be proud of your Lord in all situations, places, and company.
9. Feel your takbeer.
What is really akbar in your life? The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam taught you to say Allahu akbar at the start and during your whole salah. Whenever you say, or hear, Allahu Akbar in prayer or the adhaan (call to Prayer), know what it really means. Know that Al-Kabeer is far greater than anything that you could ever imagine or think of. When you raise your hands to start your prayer, imagine you’re throwing the whole world behind you and all is about Allahu akbar.
O Allah, Al-Kabeer, we know that Your Greatness is perfect and beyond our imaginations. Help us to reflect on Your greatness in order for us to stay close to Your commandments. Inspire us to magnify you in a proper way. Adorn us with pride in Islam, protect us from arrogance, and make us of those who attain the highest ranks with You in the Highest Paradise without reckoning, ameen!
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crayonhistory · 4 years
Les Ambassadeurs : Kibaru
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nasrudinalhakimi627 · 2 years
بِسْـــــم اللّٰــــــهِ الرَّحْمٰــــــــنِ الرَحِيْـــــــــــــمِ
Faedah Hadits Hari ini:
عن عبد الله بن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال: مر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بقبرين فقال: “إنهما ليعذبان وما يعذبان في كبير أما أحدهما: فكان لا يستتر من البول وأما الآخر: فكان يمشي بالنميمة”, فأخذ جريدة رطبة فشقها نصفين فغرز في كل قبر واحدة فقالوا: يا رسول الله لم فعلت هذا؟ قال: “لعله يخفف عنهما ما لم ييبسا”.' رواه البخاري و مسلم
Dari Ibnu ‘Abbas -roḍhiyalloohu 'anhu-, Ia Berkata: “Rosuululloohu -shollalloohu ‘alaihi wa sallam- Lewat Di Dekat Dua Kuburan, Lalu Beliau Bersabda: “Sesungguhnya Keduanya Sedang Disiksa, Dan Keduanya Disiksa Bukan Karena Dosa Besar. Yang Satu Disiksa Karena Tidak Bersuci Setelah Kencing, Sementara Yang Satunya Suka Mengadu Domba.” Kemudian Beliau Mengambil Sebatang Dahan Kurma Yang Masih Basah, Beliau Membelahnya Menjadi Dua Bagian, Kemudian Menancapkannya Pada Masing-masing Kuburan Tersebut. Para Sahabat pun Bertanya, “Wahai Rosuulallooh, Kenapa Engkau Melakukan Ini?” Beliau Menjawab: “Semoga Siksa Keduanya Duringankan Selama Batang Pohon Ini Masih Basah.”[Bukhori 216, 6055 dan Muslim 2028]
Perawi Hadits:
Abdullooh bin Abbas bin Abdul Mutholib bin Hasyim bin Abdi Manaf Abul Abbas Al-Qurosyi Al-Hasyimi Al-Makky, Salah Seorang dari Kibarus Shohabah dalam hal Keilmuan dijuluki dengan ‘Tinta dan lautan’ sebagai perumpamaan Betapa Luas Ilmu Yang Dia Miliki. Wafat pada Tahun 68 H ada yang meriwayatkan Umurnya 72 Tahun sedang ada pula sebagian yang lain meriwayatkan 71 Tahun, di Kota Thoif.[2]
Penjelasan Beberapa Kata:
1. “إنهما ليعذبان” :
maksudnya Diadzab di Dalam Kedua Kuburnya, penyebutan ism mahall menunjukkan kondisi di dalamnya.
2. “لا يستتر من البول” :
dengan menggunakan 2 ta’ yang berarti Tidak Mau Mencari Penutup/Penghindar yang menghalanginya dari Air Kencingnya dan di lain riwayat “لا يستبرئ “ atau Tidak Terbebas.
3. “يمشى بالنميمة” :
Membicarakan Orang Lain Dengan Maksud dan Tujuan Merusak atau Membahayakan.
4. “فأخذ جريدة” :
Bagian Luar Pohon Kurma Yang Tidak Ada Pelepahnya (Batang).
5. “فغرز” :
dengan menggunakan huruf za’ dan dalam riwayat Imam Muslim menggunakan huruf siin س : غرس. Berkata Abu Mas’ud : ”Tempat Menancapkannya Tepat di Atas Kepala, (riwayat) ini ditetapkan dengan isnad shohih”.
Makna Hadits Secara Global:
Rosuululloohu -shollalloohu'alaihi wa sallam- Suatu Ketika Bersama Beberapa Shohabat -rodliyalloohu 'anhum- Melewati Dua Buah Kuburan kemudian Alloohu Ta'aalaa Menyingkap Untuknya tentang Kondisi Dua Kuburan Tersebut maka Beliau -shollalloohu'alaihi 'alaihi wa sallam- pun Melihat bahwa Kedua Penghuninnya Sedang Diadzab. Lalu Beliau -shollalloohu'alaihi wa sallam- kemudian Mengabari Para Shohabat Yang Bersamanya Tentang Hal Itu Sebagai Bentuk Peringatan dan Untuk Menakut-nakuti Umatnya karena Sesungguhnya Kedua Penghuni Kubur Itu Diadzab Hanya Sebab Dosa Kecil Yang Dikerjakannya.
Maka salah satu yang diadzab disebabkan Dia tidak berhati-hati agar terhindar dari Kencingnya ketika Dia buang Hajat dan karena Dia sengaja tidak mau menjaga darinya sehingga Dia terkena najisnya yang mencemari/mengenai Badan dan Pakaiannya.
Sedangkan yang lain, Setan(dari golongan Manusia) yang berusaha Mengadu Domba di antara Manusia hingga menyebabkan Permusuhan dan Kebencian di antara Mereka bahkan sesama Kerabat dan Sahabat. Di Sa'at mendatangi Fulan Dia mengatakan hal ini itu dan ketika mendatangi yang lain Dia mengatakan hal ini itu yang lain juga maka aterciptalah Perselisihan di antara Mereka dan Terputuslah Hubungan Silaturrohim.
Dan Islam sesungguhnya Datang dengan membawa Rasa Cinta dan Kelembutan di antara Manusia serta Menghapus berbagai Perselisihan juga Permusuhan. Sehingga Nabi-shollalloohu'alaihi wa sallam- yang sangat penuh dengan Rasa Kasih Sayang Tertundukkan oleh Perasaan Iba dan Simpati kepada kedua Ahli Kubur tersebut lalu Beliau-shollalloohu'alaihi wa sallam- kemudian Mengambil sebuah Batang Kurma yang masih Basah kemudian Dibelah menjadi Dua dan Ditancapkan di Setiap Kuburan itu.
Pelajaran Dari Hadits:
1. Ketetapan Adanya Adzab Kubur sebagaimana yang telah masyhur keterangan adanya, dan inilah madzhab kebanyakan Imam.
2. Tidak Terhindar/Terbebas Dari Perkara Najis termasuk Penyebab Adzab (Kubur), maka menjadi wajiblah membersihkan segala sesuatu dari Perkara Najis sebagaimana yang ditunjukkan Hadits tersebut, bahwasanya Air Kencing terutama menyangkut dengan Adzab Kubur sangat mempunyai kekhususan tersendiri dalam menyebabkan Adzab itu sendiri.
Dan untuk menguatkan hal ini seperti apa yang diriwayatkan oleh Hakim beserta Ibnu Huzaimah, “Kebanyakan dari Adzab Kubur adalah Karena Air Kencing” berkata Ibnu Hajar dalam menanggapi riwayat ini: ”riwayat tersebut adalah shohih isnad”.
3. Haramnya Berbuat Namimah diantara Manusia yang dengan itu juga menjadi salah satu sebab Adzab Kubur.
4. Rohmat (Kasih Sayang) Nabi -shollalloohu'alaihi wa sallam- kepada Para Shohabatnya -roḍhiyalloohu 'anhum- dan Kesungguhan Beliau untuk Menjauhkan Segala Keburukan darinya.
5. Menutupi Dosa-dosa dan A'ib-a’ib (sesama Muslim) karena Beliau -shollalloohu'alaihi wa sallam- Tidaklah Menyebut Nama Kedua Penghuni Kubur Tersebut .
6. Perkataannya Nabi -shollalloohu'alaihi wa sallam- : ”Dan Keduanya Disiksa Bukan Karena Dosa Besar” maksudnya bukan karena dosa besar yang dilakukan akan tetapi kalaulah Dia bisa meninggalkan Namimah dan Menjaga Dari Air Kencingnya maka hal ini bukanlah termasuk Perkara yang sulit ataupun memberatkan, dan (yang perlu digaris bawahi) diberatkanya Adzab keduanya karena mana kala perbuatan yang Mereka lakukan bisa mendatangkan Kerusakan dan Madhorot.
والله تعالى أعلم بالصواب،
والحمد لله رب العالمين.
Semoga Bermanfaat.
Mohon Ta’awunnya untuk Menyebarkan Dakwah Tauhid Dan Sunnah Ini. Semoga Menjadi Sebab Hidayah bagi Orang Lain Dan Sebagai Pemberat Timbangan Kebaikan Kita Di Hari Kiamat Kelak, In Syaa Alloohu تعالى.
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