#KNACK fandom
Blog Manifesto
Umm not sure yet. I wanted to make this a group blog, sort of like an imitation tumblr Community. I have never done this before and I'm kind of dumb.
My thinking is that members, if they wish, would include their username in this here pinned post, as well as the posts they make, if they want to be known and potentially interacted with on their own blog. Shy participants could choose to remain clandestine or use a nickname. Whatever's comfortable!
If you want to join, you have to send me a message either directly to this group blog or to my main.
-Generally be respectful. This applies both to members and audience; we're here as a hobby first and foremost. Admittedly I'm not sure what to do in the case of beefs, but conduct should remain in good-faith.
I like to think I'm pretty accommodating, but I do not tolerate bigotry. Comments may be removed, members may be removed, users may be blocked according to my discretion. Please do not take it personally; my purpose is to make a safer place to encourage fandom activities, and I don't imagine this blog being very big anyways.
-Tag your works as best you can. Don't worry too much about it; I imagine that as an admin, I should be able to wrangle them.
-If we use this like a Community, members can make KNACK posts on their own blogs and reblog them onto this group blog. Know that if you make posts directly with this blog, rather than as a reblog, blocked users won't be able to see them. So if someone has beef with a member and got blocked, but you still want the beefer to see your posts, make the post on your own blog and then reblog it into the group blog, so beefer can still see the post in the fandom tags. Shy persons will have to balance their willingness to be seen. Let me know if that didn't make sense.
-All posts featured on this blog will also be reblogged to my main account. Because my main is meant to be an archive blog. I will tag the reblog with your username(s) or nickname(s) if present.
-I take criticism! I am trying to be a good boy and I'm nervous, but if you need me to switch up how I manage my blogs, or use certain trigger tags etc., you gotta talk to me. Send me a message on main, I won't bite!
Mod DiscoKnack, @knackfandomarchive
Mod DiscoKnack, @knackfandomarchive
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knackfandomarchive · 8 months
How do we explain KNACK to newcomers?
I'll probably make the answer part of my pinned post.
The tricky thing is to acknowledge the shortcomings, so that those who never heard of KNACK before don't have high expectations. But also to explain what is good about KNACK and KNACK 2, why we like it so much. But everyone gets something different out of it! Or interprets it differently!
Some people like Knack. And some people like Knack. And some people like the other characters. And there are so many things I like about KNACK or at least had a hint somewhere to latch onto - I would not stop talking about it (but my brain is a potato rn).
It might also help to know what the creators said of KNACK and KNACK 2.
We'll also want a general premise.
Here's my attempt, which basically summarizes some opening scenes:
In an alternate world, Humans and Goblins live as longstanding enemies. Once banished into the forests, Goblins had eked out a living for themselves, and Gundahar, their ruler, plots revenge. Around the time of KNACK 1, part of the Human faction is shocked to be on the receiving end of modern Goblin weaponry, leaps and bounds in technology compared to the weapons the Goblins had not-long prior.
A meeting among the human faction is held on the property of Doctor Vargas, world-renowned inventor, to establish a recon mission to discover the source of these new weapons. Ryder, a famous explorer, offers his navigation services. Viktor, billionaire industrialist, takes the opportunity to show off the might of his robot army and test their abilities. Doctor Vargas, too, has an ace up his sleeve.
Technology in this world is powered by relics, simple objects of metal and stone obtained from the peculiar ruins of a lost civilization. These unassuming shapes nonetheless provide an endless source of energy. Assumedly, green.
You play as Knack, a being composed entirely of these artifacts, brought to life by the Doctor and your best friend Lucas.
Uh, shit I would continue but my monitor is glitching out. Something something grow bigger with more relics, dodge and punch enemies, trash talk, etc.
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nympippi · 2 years
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Vance loves listening to Finn’s space rants 💕🪐 🚀
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talesofsonicasura · 4 months
What’s this I hear about a troll hunter au
Sorry for the very very late answer as there was no notification but I have a few Trollhunter related AUs. Heartstone Healer which involves Jim being a golem similar to the character Knack, Uncle Leon where Resident Evil Leon is Toby's uncle, To Become Maddening where Jim gets trapped in the Madness Combat universe as a child then returning three years later as an experienced killer, and Dance of Destiny where Jim astroprojects into the Monster Hunter world and become a hunter with tribal style magic.
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raspberry-gloaming · 3 months
Does anyone like both Nevermoor and Agents of Shield because ugh I have au ideas so badly and if anyone wants to brainrot with me - I'd love to
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tigeristired · 3 months
sometimes I wonder why i don't have more fandom-specific followers and then I go and do shit like this. however, I won't stop because this is nomans land and it says it over the door.
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UKvtw finale is such whiplash for me.
Marina's lip sync getting botched in the edit. I weep, cry and throw up.
Tia being an actual camp cow and making me fall in love with her all over again. I scream in joy, I cry in happiness, I cheer when she is crowned.
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sonicasura · 1 year
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*looks at Giant Knack*
This motherfucker would be so floofy if you turn him into a more "organic" beast. You can't tell me otherwise cause all his red relics are mimicking hair/fur. Knack even curls himself into a ball like a hedgehog.
If I have to match his body type for a less blocky form, a mix between Saiyuki Journey West Sun Wukong in build and Digimon's Lamortmon in fluff. What do you guys think?
Edit: Since I'm more awake, Knack would have raccoon paws. His hands just remind me of the trash pandas I feed at night. Two, my sleepy brain last night came up with organic when I really meant filled out.
Like Legos actually clicked together than broken and floating. I think the best match would be the trolls from Trollhunters, specifically AAARRRGGHH since he's the closest both in body type alongside fur. Guess Knack is the troll to his goblins if I compare the two series, lol.
Now I imagine his runes glowing like in the Trollhunters' show too based on his emotions.
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Hello!! I want to join the group blog if that’s alright!
Awesome! You're in!
-mod DiscoKnack
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knackfandomarchive · 10 months
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motelpearl · 10 months
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captain-crowfish · 11 months
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Visualized the meme my girlfriend and I repeat back and forth to each other every time we play or even bring up Knack for the PS4 in conversation.
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sunfishsiestalah · 4 months
powered through all 47 episodes and almost 100+ chapters of jujutsu kaisen in a span of 70 hours and the few things i learned was:
my domain expansion is limited to my bedroom and only there i could draw with 100% of my skill, and i'm outstation for a couple of days so i cannot draw right now despite i wanted to do so so bad
accidentally got a haircut like toji earlier this week despite not knowing his existence until 48 hours ago
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wipples · 7 months
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What is it like to lack a sense of agency?
What is it like to have it?
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talesofsonicasura · 1 year
Heartstone Healer
Another Trollhunters AU but with another big twist.
No one knew exactly how it happened but one day a once dead Heartstone had been found fully revived. A phenomenon that steadily began to grow as more regain their beautiful light and soul warming auras. Trolls call this strange occurrence 'The Great Miracle' for many lost homes had become lively once.
A lot of individuals began to look into what cause these Heartstone revivals, each with their own reason. Yet nobody have gotten a single step closer to the truth. Whether it been the work of an unknown individual or lost magic, an answer still hadn't been found.
Until one day Blinkous "Blinky" Galadrigal came across something odd in his library. A small fast figure that zoom about until eventually it hid itself inside a chest. Blinky thought it was a scared whelp at first, softly beckoning the supposed child out from their hiding spot.
What came out hadn't been a troll whelp nor anything the six eyed troll seen before. A peculiar stone creature who unknown to all, might be responsible for the Great Miracle. Or something even greater.
If you are wondering, yep, the strange creature is Jim. Figured why not mess around with a different form for him than just a troll, changeling or half troll/changeling. Species choice for me is a golem specifically the Knack style.
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The design fits perfectly for this as Jim definitely looks like a troll yet his peculiar nature overshadows it. Even more so since he can change his size by creating relics, the parts of his body, to become a small kaiju. Jim's smallest or "child form" is around 2'1 but his maximum size is 42 ft! Bigger he is, the more he bears a resemblance to his canon half troll form with a little Beast Jim mixed in. Albeit there are some differences like a tail.
He's quite powerful however the golem has a major weakness. The golden chest orb contains Jim's soul. It taking damage can be fatal but he will die if the item is destroyed. An issue that shall become clear as things continue.
Now there are some major changes when it comes to this AU and Trollhunters canon. Gunmar nor his forces are stuck in the Darklands. They were forced to be an enigmatic tribe who soon take shelter in the US' Badlands where a restored Heartstone is at. Role of Trollhunter is more like a peacekeeping job since there are way more communities than just Arcadia Trollmarket.
Changelings also have their own market and are a more reclusive tribe due to prejudice. They pretend to be lost twins, unknown family members or orphans as a way to gain resources, survive and on rare occasions live amongst humans. Arcadia Trollmarket is neutral territory where no one is allowed to cause a scene unless they handle their issues in a competition. Don't abide by the rules is asking to be ostracized by every community.
Now Jim's behavior tends to reflect his size with small form being a curious little kid and largest as a playful young man. Like any child, you can expect him to get into all kinds of trouble especially when it comes to sneaking out. This is how Jim meets the cast while giving Blinky an aneurysm.
Barbara and Strickler are dating but the avocado hasn't told her about his Changeling nature(probably never will). Little Jim has other plans as guess who strolls up to them on a park date. Toby is the next person who already has Gnome Chompski but been keeping the guy a secret from everyone except Nana.
Claire already has NotEnrique too since he's one of the Changelings looking for a better life. Jim also pays a visit to the Badlands, may have scared Bular shitless and Gunmar might(definitely) wants adopt/kidnap the little guy. Angor Rot pops up too as children tend to find stuff they shouldn't than just stranger interaction. Innocent little kid gives troll assassin his soul back.
Not even Draal, Kanijar and Vendel are escaping a visit. The Old Goat is more curious than the others at what Jim is but already has a feeling he's behind the Great Miracle. Draal decides to be the big brother role model cause he senses the golem is gonna be a force to be reckoned with if trained right. Kanijar is the second person to have an aneurysm as he knows Jim must be a whelp and an unsupervised child scares him shitless.
The Arcane Order also want to spirit him away although Nari is more motherly in her reason. Jim been bringing magic back with each Heartstone revived and they believe he might be able to restore Primordial Heartstones with enough power. A young Titan and maybe even a new god to be.
Blinky is the obvious book dad who wants to teach his new ward everything about troll culture as a whole. Finding out Jim's origins is just a nice bonus. AAARRRGGHH is the chill dad that's most likely to have a certain golem on his back like a koala. He finds the little guy as nice company and likes to play games or just relax with Jim.
Morgana and Merlin are the only characters not trying to adopt Jim. The shadow sorceress isn't imprisoned in the Arcadia Heartstone but instead had most of her magic sealed away. She is steadily getting it back through her assassin, who been doing some dirty work. However Jim threw a wrench in that by giving Angor his soul back.
Merlin wants to stop her for good but the battle also cost him. Douxie been helping him recover until Jim's existence becomes known throughout the wizard community. Merlin believes his power can be what they need to stop Morgana once and for all. Although Douxie doesn't know if his master has no qualm whether Jim dies to perform the task.
In short, practically everyone wants the peculiar golem with most being adoption papers. A fluffy yet chaotic AU chaotic where Jim is as much of a chaos bringer like his canon self but on another level. Plus it be hilarious if this version met his canon counterpart.
Congrats Jimbo, you gotten a younger brother whose an alternate version of yourself! Have fun especially if its during the New Jersey exodus. I might also experiment more on the Heartstone revival concept. That's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you back in Arcadia!
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avibero · 8 months
How do I become a beta reader.
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