oklotea · 2 years
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It's 4 in the morning I powered through all night cause I had so much fun drawing this.
Tadaa!!!!! It's @amaianita 's oc Kris from @d15gu571ng 's absolutely amazing Underground Anarchy AU!!!
I'm trying out a new shading style
I've been interested in UA for a while now and I think this isn't gonna be the last time I draw a UA oc. I might even make my own!!!! I already have a few ideas. So, you can expect that from me!!!
Alright fellas, see ya :D
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relic-seeker · 1 month
request: lemm throwing his back out after trying to do the stanky leg
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officially my worst post of the year
+ extra lemm stanky leg infinite loop
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[art / doodle requests are open!]
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(thank you brufen for the inspiration)
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the-puppet-bracket · 10 months
Spamton propaganda:
"You know someone had to do it.
This guy's whole thing is not wanting to be a puppet anymore, but uh-oh-spaghetti-o! Dude now has physical puppet strings!"
"Making a [SPECIL] deal by placing his [#1 SALE SYSTEM] into a [CLASSIC!] body, Spamton believed he could be more than [HYPERLINK BLOCKED]. But the strings told him otherwise. He lunged at Kris in [LIMITED TIME OFFER], trying with all his [50% OFF!] to be more than a puppet."
"Spam email bot who was exposed to something that drove him mad and he spent the whole rest of his existence trying to cut his strings, only to die (maybe?) when he finally manages it."
"He is the most tortured dumpster man alive. Also, not literally a puppet, but metaphorically!!! There's some mysterious outside force controlling him and limiting what he can say and god, he desperately wants to break free, trying to kill the protagonist (his only friend in years) for the chance of ""being let loose from his strings"". In his secret boss battle, he thinks he'll be free after getting a new body but he isn't, as his new powerful body has literal strings attached. You fight him, because he thinks your soul (long story) will gain him access to freedom. During the pacifist route of the battle, you cut his strings until there's one more left, he's ecstatic, being able to break free from the narrative of the confines of the game. He decides to break his own last string, and he falls to the ground into pieces. It turns out he relied on the strings after so long, and couldn't recover without them. Afterwards, he's deshevaled, hung up by vines in the dark basement that resemble his old strings and he says ""It seems after all I couldn't be anything more than a simple puppet."" This ties back to how Kris, the protagonist of the game is feeling the effects of being controlled by the player and really shows the core focus of the game and it's characters. And that's why I entered him into this poll!
Also he is genuinely so fucking hilarious bro just play Deltarune already what the fuck are you doing the chapters that are out rn are free dawg (play Undertale first though, it's like ten bucks or something you'll be fine)"
"Spamton best blorbo. Very good blorbo. Exquisite blorbo even. He's sad and adhd and insane and weird and I love him and you should too. Pipis"
"he spamt"
"he's living in a goddamn garbage can. let the big shot win. it'll be funny. does he deserve it? that is up to viewer discretion. but he is our beloved tumblr sillyman and as such we need to pay him respect in some manner. <3
(iirc spamton is a puppet? probably. oh well if he doesn't count ignore this i'm not read up on
my deltarune)"
"frankly i'd be surprised if he's not one of the most submitted. anyway his whole Deal is about being a puppet and having other things control him and so he seeks to regain that control through either manipulating the player into murdering half the city or to take the red soul and use it to become a god. yet in his super powerful NEO form he still has strings attached to him (that he won't even notice if he succeeded in the player manipulation thing) and in either case he ultimately becomes an item you use just for stats. guy really isn't a fan of puppetteers"
"you propably knew this was coming lol
Tumblr's favorite awful little puppet desperately fighting to get rid of his strings
the pinocchio references are strong in this one
OR... so... I... thought.
"Tries to become a real boy, ends up as another puppet look guy. He's shady, he's a scammer, he's got cringefail swag and I love him"
"He's just a little fucked-up little guy"
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 6 months
hello hi!! i saw your recent post that you were feeling down ;;;
so i thought about your reblog again
and i realized he SPOILS HER SO MUCH??? cater knows her by heart and I'm just so alshlhdslkjlsd
anyways if you don't mind me asking! how does ruthie dote on cater/show her affection and love towards cater? :0
forgive me if i missed it but I don't think I've heard much about her side, so I'd love to hear you talk about it!
also I hope you feel better soon! 💖
Hello Ian! ☆
Ahhh thank you so much for your ask, and for your well wishes! ♡
I am feeling much better now, as my mutual Kris (@skriblee-ksk) was kind enough to draw Cathie to help cheer me up (It's so amazing and cute, I will never stop talking about it. I want everyone to know how much I love it, and how grateful I am ♡)
I love your ask! While I have mentioned a few things for Ruthie, I haven't really gone as in depth with her as I have with Cater (At least, when it comes to the things I have posted and talked about) so this gives me the perfect opportunity to do so! ♡
Ruthie is a very genuine person, and is able to read others better than some may think. While Cater thought she was cute, it wasn't the only reason why they ended up getting to know each other. During the event, it's shown how perceptive Ruthie is, and how she's able to tell when Cater isn't being as honest/genuine as he appears. For example, when she serves the boys dessert, she can tell how Cater hesitates to eat it, offering him a savory option (even though he never said anything) They keep having moments like these throughout the event, causing them to grow closer to one another, to the point where Ruthie agrees to exchange numbers/socials with Cater at the end of the event (so they could keep in touch!) This leads to texts, calls, facetimes. They would always be talking to one another whenever they could, Ruthie even getting a better phone plan just to keep up with him. Late night talks, turning to each other for comfort. Ruthie would always have her ringer on, just so she wouldn't a miss a call from him, especially if it was late at night. If they talked/spoken to each other earlier and she could tell something was up, she would make sure to call him before going to bed, checking in and making sure he was alright.
Others would notice them laughing/smiling more when they're on their phones. Cater was already known for being on his phone/social media a lot but now he seems to be even more glued to it, his dorm mates noticing how his eyes light up when he gets a notification. When he sees who it's from a fond smile comes to his face, immediately replying back. (I'm sure he's gotten in trouble with Riddle for it lol) Ruthie's classmates notice how she seems to be on her phone more often now, getting a notification that puts a smile on her face and causes her to laugh, sending a reply back. Her classmates would get curious and start asking if she's talking to someone, curious.
They would hang out together when they could, going to places Cater had seen online or Ruthie visiting him at NRC. Both of their feelings grew as time went on, Cater having realized his feelings first while Ruthie was oblivious to her own. She has moments where she becomes flustered, or has sudden thoughts about him, but doesn't really put the pieces together, unused to being in the romantic situations she usually puts others in. I plan on writing a fic for this, but an example is when she one day feels insecure about her appearance, and how she's "cute". It leads to her using her unique magic on herself, wanting to know how he would react. While she doesn't really understand why she cares so much about what Cater thinks, it isn't until he tells her that she looks the same way she always does that she realizes she did it cause she wanted him to look at her, and only her, knowing he wasn't really a fan of "cute" things. (The fic would end with him telling her that there are certain things he makes an exception for, Cater looking at her fondly as her heart races)
While Cater would try to have all their dates at popular/trendy places, or places Ruthie would like, she would make sure that they would go to places Cater would like too (Like the skate park, or the music store, or a restaurant that specializes in spicy food) She cares about his interests and hobbies, making an effort to learn more about them. I can definitely imagine them going on a date to a skate park, and Ruthie asking Cater if he could teach her how to skate ♡ (It'd be so cute!) She would also try her best to enjoy the spicy food Cater loves, even if she doesn't have a high spice tolerance (Cater thinks it's cute how she always reacts every time, making sure she doesn't overdo it) She's very supportive, encouraging, and willing to listen, whether it be attending the pop music club shows and posting about them to get others to come, or giving Cater an ear whenever he needs someone to talk/vent to. She cares about him so much and is SO proud to have him as her boyfriend, bringing him up in conversations without thinking and talking about how great/talented/loving/handsome he is. Just as Cater gets her gifts, Ruthie does the same for him as well, though hers are usually handmade instead of store bought. Making him a lunch and surprising him with it, cooking his favorite food/snack, knitting him a scarf/hat/gloves for the winter.
I know I talked about how Cater has a special album on his phone dedicated to pictures of her he took secretly while they were on their dates or hanging out (looking back at them whenever he's lonely or missing her) On Ruthie's end, she made a scrapbook using the selfies he posted from their dates, adding pictures each time they go on one. Next to each picture she writes a summary of what they did, along with the month/day/year it happened. (Cater doesn't realize she's been doing this until their one year anniversary, where she gives the album to him as a gift ♡) Though she does still buy him gifts! Making sure to remember something he mentioned wanting or liking while they're out. Though she has a habit of getting herself things that remind her of him, buying herself a light orange fox plush that she keeps on her bed (and will sleep with sometimes when she misses him, wearing one of his shirts/hoodies ♡) She loves to be affectionate with him, holding his arm when they're walking/standing. Giving him kisses whenever she can (making him bend down or standing on her tip toes and kissing where she can reach, a light shine on his face/lips due to her lip gloss) She feels so safe with him, so warm and loved ♡ (She loves his scent, which is another reason why she loves to wear his clothes when she misses him/in general)
I could go on honestly but I think I'll stop here for now, since I've rambled enough lol
But thank you so much again for your ask Ian!
It makes me so happy!! ♡♡♡
Thank you! ♡
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hollyethecurious · 9 months
For the Writers Ask Game that you put together would you answer #2, 9, and 18?
Also, I think you know that "What Lies Beneath the Mask" is probably always going to be my Number One Unbeaten Favorite of all your stories -- It's just SO GOOD!!! But as far as scenes that live rent-free in my mind, I think about wolf form Killian curling up in the bed with Emma for protection and comfort in "Varcolac" an awful lot. <3 (And I'd be lying if I didn't say that I go into high school the teacher's lounge to get more coffee some days and chuckle to myself thinking about that little school-set one shot you wrote - though nothing nearly that exciting ever actually happens! ;p)
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You are the sweetest! And I am the worst for taking so long to reply.
I also love that scene from Varcolac, and can't help but think about the art @flipperbrain made for it (I MISS YOU, KRIS!!!)
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And you going into your Teacher's Lounge for a cup of coffee and thinking about THOSE SCENES makes me want to simultaneously cringe and laugh out loud!
And of course... HAPPY SIGH that you still love WLBtM so much 💖, and shoutout to @cocohook38 for all the amazing artwork she made for that fic. It still makes me giddy!
But now... on to your questions!
2. Share the first line of a WIP yet to be posted
From my Land Run AU that REALLY needs a title!
Stars exploded behind Killian’s eyes as the force of the punch knocked his head back.
9. Do you have a mood board / inspiration image / artwork for any of your WIPs? Share at least one.
Unfortunately, no. Perhaps I ought to correct that.
18. What can your followers / readers do to help you stay motivated or help overcome writer's block/burnout?
I answered that on a previous Ask. Basically, I just want to engage with my followers / readers / fellow crewmates more in 2024. I know many have moved on, but I see new fans coming in all the time and I miss some of the silly fun we used to have on the regular here.
Send me a Writer's Ask!
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emerald9d · 1 year
An Undertale/Deltarune Theory Complaint:
Alright I wanna bitch about UT/DR fan interpretations again. Basically, I feel like the idea that Kris is being puppeteered by the player (and that they're aware of this to any degree), which I was already not a huge fan of, is now getting retroactively applied to the protagonist of Undertale.
That sucks guys. That sucks so fucking hard. And not only does it suck, but it actually helps illustrate just why it would suck in DR too:
It retroactively fucks up the tone of the entire game!
(This is much more just a rant I've been sitting on recently, as compared to some big detailed writeup. Also, y'know, spoiler warning for both games. Screen shots from LongplayArchive on YouTube)
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where's the part in the where Sans is like "but the mere act of playing this game is bad so fuck you for that?" Where is any thematic implication of that being an important element anywhere, outside of genocide route, and maybe overtly deadly choices in general? Where's the finger-waggle? Where is it??
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Certainly if it was anywhere it'd be in the place where this line gets spoken and you are then morally judged for your actions. Right?
This isn't the sort of thing you have to read deeply between the lines on. Yes, a lot of the game is reliant upon the player's faulty initial assumption that the name they chose in the start is the character you're playing as.
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It's a cool twist for sure. And this particular moment really hammers home that, yes, Frisk is their own person. But it comes across less as some kind of "gotcha" admonishment and more just, like, the clear logical conclusion of the twist that's already been pretty much spelled out at this point anyway. That the name you chose was for somebody else entirely.
Hell, after this revelation happens, you're then given more time to walk around as Frisk and talk to people. If at this point you're supposed to be thinking that controlling Frisk is an inherently unsavory thing at all times, wouldn't that be an inherently bad segment? Wouldn't the only correct choice be to rush out the door towards the credits as fast as possible?
Under that understanding, the only moral choice outside of not playing at all is a non-violent speed run.
Maybe I'm not understanding popular fan theories correctly and am vastly overestimating how many people actually think this whole "player puppeteering" thing retroactively applies to Frisk too. But the mere thought of it really gets my panties in a twist I won't lie.
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At this point, you know full well that Frisk is their own person. Yet, here you are, dealing with one last choice prompt. How can there be anything morally questionable about this? Hell, even acting with the knowledge that Frisk is their own person and doing your best to pick what you think they'd want... it gets you nowhere. Which answer is correct? The first? The Second? Neither? Both?
I don't think you're supposed to dwell on that. If anything it just further hammers home how Frisk has shit going on you're probably not even aware of. I think that normally, the player and the player character are kinda indistinguishable, especially in-universe. It's not until you start doing logically absurd violent shit that the game bends over backwards to make the player feel like a fucked up asshole, as opposed to Frisk. To the point where the spiritual embodiment of numbers going up for their own sake pops out and calls you a psycho just like them.
LIke, this aspect of the writing isn't subtle? I really don't see room for any other interpretation. If you have to imagine the player as some distinct aspect of the game world even during a peaceful playthrough, then I'd stick with my interpretation from my Kris writeup (linked at the beginning of this) where you're, like, some part of their subconscious that helps them decide shit. Or a headmate that they probably aren't aware of, if the player has to be something resembling a distinct person.
Oh, also: if both options in that final choice prompt are equally valid, then that really bolsters my idea that the choices given to you are coming from the character, rather than something foisted upon them out of nowhere. Like, again, you're just helping decide. If they wanna just talk, then they just talk. Like when they give their name to Asriel. Kris is handled exactly the same way. Deltarune is just written with you knowing that Kris is their own person from the very start, where Undertale isn't. That's it.
Which means...
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... Frisk is absolutely the kind of person to consider all of these options at once, lol. They were effectively a less edgy test run for Kris, I think.
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As much i love spamton as a character, I don't like how his fans treat him like innocent victim when he don't mind murder if it's benefit him as proved in snowgrave route
Yeah, it's annoying when the war crimes a character commits are flat out swept under the rug, especially when you think their war crimes are a fascinating part of who they are.
Spamton may not be killing anyone himself (or making others PROCEED with killing), we, the player, are making Kris manipulate Noelle into committing all the frosty deaths, we are given ample opportunities to turn back and or stop throughout the route which we all have to ignore in order to even get the route. But the pint-size salesman does sell Kris and Noelle the thorn ring and only interferes in the route once Kris tries to seal the fountain. However, does he indulge them out of selfishness and selfishness alone, or does he do it because he himself has been in their shoes?
I am by no means defending him, if anything, how Spamton behaves in the snowgrave route is him at his most selfish and unhinged, but it's fascinating to think about what must be going through his head and what could have happened in his past.
The first snowgrave-encounter with him, he's in the dumpster offering them an 'irresistible deal that will blow your mind', but refuses to give them anything until after they get a 'friday night workout (kill x number of enemies left)' And then the two puppets (and us, the puppeteer) go off to kill them.
The second encounter, when they return to the dumpster with all enemies defeated: he asks if they're looking for the ring of thorns and he gives it to them for 1997 bucks and gives them a warning that it might sting, but the warning is accompanied by a laugh which makes the warning seem ungenuine, the ring truly does hurt so maybe he's laughing not because it doesn't hurt when he says it does, but because he knows the warning doesn't matter.
If you talk to him again after buying it, he tells you you will regret this purchase for the rest of your life. (Perhaps he knows that through experience?)
The Mansion oozes with his influence, the paintings all have his face, there's a maze of pipis (freshwater clam-eggs that explode into his face), pipis replace the butlers, etc.
Talking to him through the basement, he scolds you for 'barging in while a man is changing forms', but does thank us for letting him live big as well as talks about how much it would suck for him if the fountain was sealed around now.
And then we try to seal the fountain and get stopped by Spamton.
We know he's mad as fuck while fighting Kris, he laments about how we're screwing him over right at the good part, but we also know that he's projecting onto them even more than ever right now, possibly even harder than before.
He looks at Kris and refers to them as a "little sponge sleeping at the bottom of the dumpster" He remarks on how he helped them, that he gave them his commemorate ring for the price of his favorite year, that he is not a fan of how he's being treated by Kris,that they and Noelle are making hyperlink blocked. And that now that they have their own supply, they don't need him. That he should've known that they'd use his ring for evil, (which is why he sold it to them)
Near the end of the fight after his defenses tower to where he's almost invincible and Kris is calling out for his friends, that's when he goes from an angry showman trying to kill them to a bitter and angry man projecting his greatest loss on the puppet he saw himself in.
"Go ahead kid, call them all you want. No one will ever pick up... Go ahead and scream into the receiver. The voice runs out eventually. Your voice, their voice, until you realize you are all alone... There will be no more miracles, no more magic. You lost it when you tried to see too far. You lost it... YOU MAKE ME [SICK]! MUTTERING YOUR LOST [FRIENDS] NAMES AT THE BOTTOM OF [A DUMPSTER]! NO ONE'S GONNA HELP YOU! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR [Beautiful head] YOU LITTLE [WORM]! ...Her? You're still trying to use her?! {laughter} You think she can hear you now muttering her name?!"
There's a lot that leaves me wondering when I think about what he says in this final monologue.
Does he see himself as Kris's 'Mike' in these moments in a scripted cycle of abuse that didn't go how it was supposed to?
Did he intend to just flat out abandon Kris when they were at the top of the world just like his Mike did to him?
If the Snowgrave route is what took Spamton to take on a more "Mike-esc role", did Spamton have a 'Noelle' of his own..? Someone who he puppeted into doing the dirty work for him?
And if so, does he regret it..?
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bdzonthareel · 9 months
The Color Purple (2023)
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So I’m a theater kid not just any type of theater kid though, I am the least favorite of the general public… I am a musical geek!
I am all in on this medium, whether on stage or as an audience member; so I often get super trepidatious over movie musicals, especially adaptations. So the prospect of a remake of one of the most prolific stories in Black Culture terrified me.
I can say this was definitely an experience, so let’s get into it.
The Color Purple is the tale of Celie as she navigates the 1920s as a constantly disrespected woman of color. After being separated from her beloved sister Nettie, she has to learn how to love and stand up for herself.
Something to keep in mind is that this is more of a reimagining than a full-on remake, and your mileage may vary on that statement.
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The casting is a mixed bag, my favorites were Danielle Brooks as fan favorite character, Sophia; who I feel killed it. And Fantastia Barrino reprises the role of Celie from her stent on Broadway, It’s a role near and dear to her heart and you can feel the passion in her overall performance. And H.E.R. in the role of “squeak” was delightful, she convinced me of her acting chops long before this role though. Colman Domingo brought his own level of malevolence to the role of Mister and I was impressed.
And some of the casting that made me scratch my head a bit were the likes of Corey Hawkins and Taraji P. Hanson. Neither was bad by any means, but they’re just safe choices, polished and conventionally attractive.
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Speaking of head scratching, I have a lot of feelings on most of the dance choreography; it doesn’t fit the era. In a time when there were dances like the Charleston and ragtime, choreographer Fatima Robinson made the questionable choice to do contemporary dance. It breaks the immersion and I could do without it.
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Director Blitz the Ambassador, who also worked on Beyonce’s “Black is King” is a master at visual storyteller, I found myself astounded by set pieces and the camerawork. I would be saddened if it didn’t receive some sort of award.
Composer Kris Bowers created some amazing music for the score, more befitting of the era than the dancing. However, the movie tries too hard to fit as many songs from the show in as possible and this works to the film's detriment at certain points. Songs like “God is trying to tell you something,” are whittled down for the sake of more elaborate numbers.
The movie is a mixed bag, I enjoyed certain aspects but a lot of it falls flat. The acting and vocal performances are solid and I couldn’t get enough of either, but I stand my view of the film’s negatives.
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When it comes to musical theater to movie reimagminings , less is more and this movie added a little bit too much to the plate.
I give the Color Purple a 3 out of 5.
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spamtonology · 2 years
Anon from spamton's mischaracterisation ask here! Thank you for your time answering my ask, im very happy to see people opinions on my thoughts! I just wanted to say that in point 2 i mentioned, the "sad and obsessed with neo" part was kind of, not properly written from my part? And could probably lead to some misunderstanding which i apologise for, spamton wanting to get to neo is very important for his entire story, So it should be ver understandble that people Focus on that for bigger Scale!
also wanted to say that spamton is generally very diverse character, and toby fox did amazing job balancing comedy with tragedy, where something spamton says makes any Player laugh, but if you think more about it you realise meaning behind it, and go like "oh, OH" which makes spamton such great character (i want to talk about that one part later too) and taking it only to one part is taking the entire point of his character!
And last thing about the infantilising part, i do agree with most things said, spamton is infact homeless adult (if we want to involve spamton's fan assigned birthday in 1978 that would mean that in 201x spamton is like 30-40 year old) and heavily coded to be mentaly ill and disabled, and when i think (as an disabled person myself) properly including the disabilities in stories could make a big diffrence and making the whole "taking care of spamton" possibly better, but most of the time its always just, infantilising spamton (and i generally noticed that infantilisation of mentally ill or disabled characters is very common thing in media)
Thank you for getting into this discussion Again i really apprieciate it!!!
Hello again Anon! You’re very welcome, the ask was an absolute treat to answer and I’m glad you sent it!
I understand your wording may have been confusing on the NEO part, it’s perfectly fine, I know I have some awkward wording myself. But, making him “only sad” is a real issue that does happen in the fandom and does a disservice to the multifaceted character he is.
Spamton is very much a Fridge Horror type character, where the things he says at first seem innocuous or funny, but with replay or knowing later context, it suddenly becomes...sad. Scary. The “Letting your old pal Spamton kill you” line is a good example, he might be addressing Kris, but he’s really talking about himself. He’s likely implying he wanted to commit suicide in the past.
Feel free to talk more on that aspect, it’s one of the best things about his character in my opinion!
I like Spamton’s fan-assigned birthday of May 3, 1978 a lot and generally use it in my fanworks, though I also like to make Spamton a few years older at 50, mostly because I like round numbers and anything with 5 in it. He would have been very young as a Big Shot too, which might make his story even sadder to some.
I am also disabled, and include some experiences with my own disability into Spamton’s character, though of course his circumstances are wildly different. I do need help with a few things, and it seems logical that he would too; as a severely mentally ill adult he might need assistance with a few things including reminders and physical support if necessary. There is a definite difference between that and infantilizing him.
 I can’t name too many fanfiction besides my own and Steppin’ Out as portraying actual disabilities making his Activities of Daily Living impaired in a respectful manner, and wish there would be more content like this, because so many fans want to take care of him but forget that you can take care of a disabled adult and still treat them like an adult. I don’t know if it’s somehow easier to write him as childish, if it’s pure ignorance/ableism, or the author thinks it’s “cute”, but...At least make an effort, you know?
I’ve done a lot of research for my fanfiction, and google is only a few words and a click away. If, like me, you forget easily, you can collate these research points and links into a document (Google docs preferred, though you could use Word too). If you don’t know a word or phrase, look it up or ask a friend knowledgeable in that area.
But, yes, research, research is so important for storywriting. All those memes about shady-looking search results including things like “How much blood can a human lose and still be alive” are real and true, that’s the type of thing authors (both original and fanfiction) look up in order to research for their story! If you’re especially paranoid about your search history being seen by others (mostly advertisers) incognito mode/private browsing is your friend.
I went off a minor tangent here, but I hope it was helpful! Thank you again for your ask, and feel free to ask more!
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A bandwagoner’s ode to the Cubs
Let’s get one thing straight right away: I am absolutely not a sports fan. I hated sports most of my life because they made me feel excluded. I couldn’t catch or throw a ball or comprehend strategy. I was consistently picked last in gym class and then shunned by my classmates for making them lose a game of flag football. This made me a very bitter, non participatory person. I’m that basic betch who jokes about a football game interrupting the Beyoncé concert during the super bowl. I declare that I wish both teams could lose when the Bears play the Packers and I’m forced to watch. I don’t even join in at cookouts when people start playing bags. (And I’m sure by now you’re thinking, “wow, you must be fun at parties.”)
I am NOT a fan of sports, but I am a fan of the Chicago Cubs.
Or at least I’m something adjacent to being a fan. (I am somewhere in the “ballpark” if you will.) Is it fair to lump me in with people who bleed Cubbie Blue and can recite rosters from the 90’s? God no! I am a casual admirer at best and although I come from a long line of Cub fans I admittedly payed zero attention to the sport until the 2016 World Series. You could say I’m a bandwagoner but I’m even worse than that. Even after they won the first World Series in 108 years I was still not super interested in sitting through a game. It wasn’t until my husband dragged me to Wrigley under the guise of “spending a day together in the city” that I realized there’s something truly magical about the experience.
Maybe I also happened to be in a magical season of life. We were newlyweds and the World Series win coincided with our honeymoon. My husband wore a Cubs cap to every bar and restaurant and we were congratulated by every person we met. People who had never even been to Illinois were so happy and excited for us. I was buzzing with the kind of pride you feel when something newsworthy happens in your hometown.
I grew up two hours away from Chicago, but moved to the suburbs around 2016. During that chapter, it felt like the entire world was opening up for me and everything was exciting. I had just gotten the job I used to dream about and had coworkers that would quickly start to feel like family. On weekends David and I would take the train from Glen Ellyn to the city. As I sipped a coffee and watched the scenery roll by I couldn’t believe my luck. A friendless little girl from the boonies had found a little community she could thrive in, and it was all next door to one of the world’s greatest cities.
That first Cubs game felt like a fairy tale. I knew I would enjoy drinking beer and eating a hot dog, but I planned on being bored by the rest of it. I didn’t expect to immediately fall in love with the charm of Wrigleyville. Everyone in the stadium was twinkle-in-their-eyes friendly. The blooper reels were cute and funny. Anthony Rizzo stepped to the plate while “Bad Blood” by Taylor Swift blasted and won my heart forever. I developed a genuine investment in the outcome of the game and cheered and groaned with gusto. I somehow got to watch them win that day and we jumped up and down and sang “go Cubs go” as though we had accomplished something incredible. As we left our seats I was grinning from ear to ear like a little kid. We stopped for drinks at the Cubbie Bear and I told David I had just accidentally discovered my favorite thing to do in Chicago.
Over the years we went to a few more games. Sometimes we went alone. Other times we brought David’s family. Once we dragged along a good friend who was moving across the country the next day, and another who had just finished an overnight shift. Once we went in early April and it was so cold and rainy that I bought a souvenir blanket for $50. I wore it around my shoulders like a cape in every place we stopped. For the very first time, I understood why people passionately love and defend their teams.
In 2019 we didn’t go to any games because my mental health took a nosedive. I was having panic attacks daily and for whatever reason they were most severe when I was in a car, or basically any place where I couldn’t step away “if I really needed to.” I was pretty scary to be around. I spent the summer going to therapy and sitting around at home waiting to snap out of it. The thought of surviving a train ride or a day in a packed stadium made me queasy.
But I always said that the first thing I wanted to do when I started feeling better was go back to Wrigley. I knew that this extra special era for the Cubs would be short-lived. The current team was really entertaining to watch. They had star power that would be hard to replace and they probably wouldn’t stick around forever. I could never love baseball for stats and numbers and performance metrics. I loved the feeling of joy that these players brought.
At the start of 2020 I was doing so much better and was really excited to get back out there. I couldn’t wait to do all the things that I had caused us to miss. And then, as you know... the rest of 2020 happened.
Going to a game was at the top of my summer 2021 bucket list. But work, birthdays, and family kept pushing it back. We were finally supposed to go to a game in mid-July and it was rained out and rescheduled for September.
And this past weekend the entire core of the Cubs was traded away to other teams. Never in a hundred million trillion years did I expect to be the person to care about this, but I’ve been in mourning all weekend.
For this fair-weather fan, Javy, KB, And Rizzo made sports feel approachable and fun. As someone who DOES NOT SPORT at all, I never believed that I deserved a place in that world, but I felt welcome in the little world they created. The absence of their personalities is going to hurt. A big part of me wonders If I’m better off leaving Wrigley behind me, a rose colored memory of being young and happy in my favorite city and believing that magical things can last forever.
I’m sure we’ll go back for a game again some day. But who knows who will be on the roster then? Or if we’ll have a baby in tow. It’ll be a far cry from stacking towers out of our empty beer cups, swooning over Kris Bryant, and knowing that you have all the time in the world to recreate the fun again and again.
So to wrap this thing up in a way that makes it all about meeeeeee...
The disbanding of this group feels deeply personal. Like I’m leaving behind a slightly more innocent chapter, where I could believe my city and my team were the very best and always would be. And just as they’re moving on to new and necessary adventures, my next chapter will likely be something much more realistic and adult.
But it was sure fun while it lasted.
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thatgoblin · 3 years
RE Voice Actor Crack Drabble 15G
Y/N: *walks with Nick to his trailer after he was patched up by the nurse* So, not to be that person, but I found a note myself today. *shows it to him*
Nick: *reads the note and groans* I am so sorry. I don't know what's happening or why. I gotta talk to someone about this. If today is any indication, someone's going to get hurt.
Y/N: They did get hurt, Nick. You did. That's not okay. Whoever is doing this needs to be stopped or something. It's not safe or healthy for you to be put through this.
Nick: I know. Here, I'll take the note to put with the others. You go get changed and I'll meet you at the car.
Y/N: Alright. I'll text when I'm heading that way. *hands him the note and gives him a side hug*
Nick: *goes in to see Jeff and Neil already in there* What are you guys doing?
Neil: All the sets are being cleared and double checkes for safety. Someone had an accident today and they want to make sure nothing else is compromised so they're being thorough.
Nick: Yeah. It was me and Y/N's set. Part of the rigging fell and nearly took us out.
Jeff: Wait, are you guys okay? *turns in his seat to look at Nick*
Nick: Yeah. Y/N didn't get hurt.
Kris: But your back is all sorts of messed up. *frowns looking at his shredded costume* Jeez, that must have been awful. *helps him change out of the bloody costume and into his usual clothes*
Nick: *winces as he moves before going to the chair for his wig* It's like fucking Phantom of the Opera. I swear. Y/N found a note in their stuff though. Basically warning to leave me alone.
Neil: Oh you have got to be shitting me. There's got to be a way to catch this person.
Jeff: I mean, security has cameras around we should be able to find something.
Nick: Maybe. I'm going to the director tomorrow with all the stuff to let him know so something can be done. *gets cleaned up and finished along with Jeff and Neil before exiting. Nick's phone goes off, Y/N calling* Hey, are you at the car already?
Y/N's phone: *heavy breathing* Why can't you love me instead of them?
Nick: *freezes, face going white* Who is this? What the hell did you do with Y/N?!
Jeff and Neil: *stop walking, looking at Nick with fear*
Y/N's Phone: I warned them and they didn't listen. If you would listen too, things would fine. We'd be so happy.
Nick: Listen, just tell me where Y/N is, okay? No one has to get hurt.
Y/N's Phone: Why don't you care about me like you care about them? Why!?
Nick: I don't even know who you are!
Y/N's Phone: You will soon enough. *hangs up*
Nick: No! *pulls back to look at his phone, dialing the number back, but it goes right to voice mail* Shit!
Jeff: What's going on? *pulling out his phone to try and call Y/N*
Nick: It-it was the stalker. They have Y/N's phone and I don't know where Y/N is. *starts to panic a bit, feeling guilty*
Neil: Just take a breath. *is next to Nick instantly* It's going to be okay. We'll figure this out.
Jeff: They're not answering for me. I'm gonna call Nicole. *dials Nicole's number*
Nick: We need to get security, someone down here.
Jeff: *gets voicemail before calling Stephanie* Why isn't anyone picking up?
Nick: Nicole's not picking up now?
Neil: Listen, we need to call security and the police. This isn't love notes and chocolates anymore.
Jeff: Stephanie isn't answering either. Where is everyone? *tries to call security* It's like we're suddenly in a dead zone.
Y/N: *walks around the corner, fine and safe* Hey guys, sorry I was lagging. I couldn’t find my-
Nick: *nearly tackles Y/N, holding them close*
Y/N: Did I miss something? *hugs Nick back*
Neil: Oh thank god. You're alright.
Y/N: Yeah. I am. I was saying I was late because I lost my phone. I swore I had it with me when I went to my trailer, but then I couldn't find it. Why? What happened?
Jeff: *gets off the phone with security, relaxing now that Y/N was there and safe* Shit is about to hit the fan.
Master List of Drabbles
Tag List: @abysswhiskey11 @interviewedchicken @lonely-af-fangirl @girl-obsessed-with-things @mmmm----15 @depressedthebluefox @whimsywispsblog @singingsiren98 @parkerschurros @chrissyreid @bohica160
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rockium-z · 2 years
I ask you all questions, you are free to ignore any you wish :>
if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
Entity NEO is an Undertale fancomic that I definitely like a normal amount… (/j)
seriously tho this damned comic lives in my brain rent-free and unless I knock my head too hard on something and lose my memory of the entire last two years, I don’t think I’ll move on from this any time soon.
if I may derail this ask for a bit? the angst is so fucking good. the story starts out like yeah, half of everyone is dead, and the main character’s left with so much emotional baggage and regret to deal with in the aftermath, but by luck they do manage to find other people who care about them and care for them. and yeah, it doesn’t automatically solve everything with the Power of Friendship, iirc there’s a friendship that doesn’t even become an official friendship until chapter 18, and before then the main character kinda implodes twice over their feelings regarding their estranged, late cousin, and the discoveries they made about him in the meantime, and some other shit does hit the fan — but it’s the people who care about them who ultimately help them out of implosion number 2, and it’s likely because of those who care about them that drives the main character to heal and take small steps out of their corner of stewing in their own memories and guilt and move on with their life. and it’s tough. the pain and grief of losing someone you love, losing that fond image of them as well as losing your old way of living still really sucks, and somehow it just feels…authentic, in a sense. but there’s lighthearted moments too that stand out against the sadness and strike a nice balance, and especially in some of the later chapters there’s just the characters living their lives despite the shit they’ve been through. and it’s just — the comic takes a ragtag couple of characters who I didn’t know in canon beyond sad ghost, nerdy lizard with a lot of complexity going on, fabulous robot with a lot of complexity going on and sans undertale, and gives them depth and explores some really interesting themes and actually makes me like them a whole lot and root for them. I hope Napstablook gets a hug someday I am so excited to see where the story goes next you will not believe, the second I see that little notif for it I will drop everything to find out what happens to these characters. I love this fancomic so much.
Okay I swear I have other interests you can get to know me by, that one up there’s just the one I have Many Thoughts about — anyways Kirby is honestly the shit. Forgotten Land looks so fucking good and honestly the dark lore and the music of especially the later games is just *chef’s kiss*. there’s also Omori, which. uh. made me cry very very hard, and the music is also really goddamn fun and emotional and the themes of friendship and guilt are wonderful, and yeah Undertale and Deltarune are great games.
list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
Kirby: Honestly, I’ve always low-key wanted to be a friend to others like how Kirby is. They’re shaped like a friend and I’d kinda like to be that way, too.
Undertale: Chara’s a kid who loves their adoptive family and fucked up a bit trying to help them, and I kinda vibe with that.
Deltarune: Kris and Susie have awesome vibes and I love them both.
Touhou: Reimu just kinda chilling in her downtime is something I highkey relate to haha
Omori: Hmm tough one! I’d say Mari because honestly she’s one of my favorite characters, but I also do relate with Aubrey and her feeling of the world moving on without acknowledging past pain a lot.
do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better?
My real name is…well it’s alright, I guess. I’m used to it. I think there might be a name that vibes with me better, but it’s not quite my screename, so no I haven’t found one yet.
do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?
Hmm. Probably more a human doing, tbh, and the things I do definitely make up a large part of who I am.
describe your ideal day.
Tough one, but I think my best days nowadays are when I get some substantial writing or art thing done + something that I’ve been waiting for happens, bonus if I go outside and chill a while.
are you an artist?
Yep! Don’t post here much, though.
dog person or cat person?
Both. Both is good.
inside or outdoors?
Inside mostly, but y’know when you go outside and find some sheltered area and just get to watch the rain fall? That’s the shit.
if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
I don’t think a different environment would’ve led to me discovering all the same things that I ended up doing, so likely no.
would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?
Hmm. Tumblr me is a fandom-fixated little guy (gender neutral) who generally stays away from drama and is just here in her own little corner for a good time, so it’s got some things right. Though “fair representation of the real you” might be a bit of a stretch.
do you love easily?
Romantically? Definitely not.
Platonically? See how quickly I will give you a piece of my heart the second you enter my orbit.
how would you describe your gender/sexuality?
I’m pretty comfortable with being afab, though how I experience it is that it’s great, barring a few things I’d like tweaked — namely, I’d prefer to not have my tits (bras are uncomfy for long stretches), and I’d very much like a way to just not have periods at all ever again. I don’t vibe with overtly feminine things or typical girl activities like shopping or whatever makeup is, but dresses are flowy and cool.
Sexuality is pretty much just aro/ace, with a bit of a lean towards girls.
on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
Assuming 1 is incredibly difficult and 10 is extremely easy, I’d rate myself around 4 — I try to be incredibly patient in general, though if disturbed one too many times I tend to make myself scarce and nope outta the way.
pick one of your favorite quotes.
And you snap out of it. Or are snapped out of it. Never again will you lay a hand against yourself, not so long as there are plums to eat and somebody-anybody-who gives enough of a damn to haul them to you. So long as you bear the least nibblet of love for any other creature in this dark world, though in love portions are never stingy. There are no smidgens or pinches, only rolling abundance. That’s how you acquire the resolution for survival that the coming years are about to demand. You don’t earn it. It’s given.
— an excerpt from Cherry, by Mary Karr
or this one:
If you promise to stay alive just a little bit longer I promise that we are going to make this world a place worth living in by any means necessary. I ain’t giving up. I swear.
— from this post
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
Seventy One.
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Smiling lightly watching my daughters play with the Kardashian kids, they wanted to see North and Penelope but it ended being the whole team of them which I don’t mind at all, they look so happy, I am honestly shocked that they were so close to the kids, I mean maybe that is because I wasn’t around like that, maybe that is my fault but they are happy and playing so I will take that while I do some work with Junior by my side. It is so nice to see Imani laughing, she is getting very much along with Saint, I find that extremely cute to me “the kiddies are out and making everything sticky” Jah said behind me “I know, wait till they go back home. Kris is going to think did I purposely make her grandchildren hyper; I am shook though” turning to him “I did not think that my kids were close to them kids” Jah sniggered “then kids? You mean” walking off to the dining room “but seriously, like I didn’t but I wasn’t around, and I know Chris let them do as they please because me, I would keep my kids away from that family” Jah is sniggering, but I am being deadass “no I get what you mean but I didn’t know the girlies were besties like that oh well, where is papi?” Sitting down on the chair “papi? Nigga, erm he is at Khaled’ house, he promised he would try it and guess what? He is” Jen cooed out “he is so damn whipped by you, I mean he has his fair share of tantrums but that man, wow. He loves you; I want to hear this. You think he will be back before?” Fixing Junior in my arms “mhmm good question but I think he will, he has been there all night, I’ve not even called him, but he called me and he said just checking on you and how I am, he misses me” I giggled “bitch, sat there giggling. I want to hear it, I mean you not the type to put Chris out if he was bad” nodding my head “you know it, he is good. But we shall see if he likes it” looking down at my son; he is so snuggled and at peace. I am so in love with my son, I can’t stop holding him and I won’t stop no matter how many times people say I am making a mistake, they don’t know my struggle “he’s so perfect” Tina said looking at him “he really is, my struggle; I got this gift” I chuckled, I can’t complain at this gift that god has blessed me with.
How can I tell my team I am too busy thinking about my son and how cute he is, but here I am listening to the meeting “I am just asking, I am not saying it is a thing but what would you think to a, I don’t know. Maybe music?” Jen got a nerve, I have to laugh but it’s not funny “you know what, I can’t be mad because my first love and the reason why I am here is because of music and I saw what happened, I saw how the charts went wild, how I went number one again” I laughed “I am not saying no like I do, I think I want to wait a little bit I think I will give a maybe a goodbye tour, I don’t know but I am not saying no because it is what made me, it wasn’t the bras or makeup or anything like that, it was Rihanna the singer and I appreciate my fans so much, so I will consider a bad bitch tour” I laughed “that is the most positive answer from you, girl you sometimes be talking shit to me saying yes and then no but I know you mean it. The documentary on Prime is the most watched, to this day. It’s been trending every day, the noise it’s made, it’s shown how neglected women are when they give birth, while this is happening, including your husband. I think we should release the face range for Fenty Skin and if Chris could help with that, seeing as y’all the couple of the year, how about it” I laughed “right, I will have to drive him up the wall about it or just put him on the spot. He will do it, I just got to you know, put it out there” I laughed “well if you can get that done within a few days it will be nice, hi TT” looking to the side of me “hey baby” hearing Rylee yelping out “you’re such a snitch, I didn’t do anything” Tianna ran to me “what happened? You’re getting water on the floor so this better be good” the girls “mom I literally said bad bitch!!!” North came up behind Rylee “she did, she just said bad bitch” looking at Rylee “that word? What I tell you about it, I don’t care. Go upstairs get dry, get changed. Clean my damn floor from the water, no! Do not even speak, the rest of you go outside” Rylee is pissed but she can’t say that “mhmm miss ry ry you need to quit it” Jah said, shaking my head.
This girl of mine is just something else “we have a cleaner in New York, this is so annoying” she huffed out as she threw the paper towel in the trash “and? I asked you as my daughter to do it, why can’t you just not say things like that” she is a brat, I have to admit that “why can’t you have a daughter that isn’t a snitch she does it on purpose, she does it so I get in trouble but now you take her side, now you’re too busy looking after him, always doing something. You can whoop me all you want but you were never there like you are now for him but you want to yell at us for doing things you do! You say words, you do things and when we do it you’re mean” I am literally shook to the core “you ungrateful little bitch” I said “Robyn” looking behind me “you can deal with that, how dare you! You really don’t appreciate anything, how fucking dare you. You get the fuck out of my face!” who does she think she is “mom said bitch” Rylee said, I am going to walk away “deal with it, deal with her! And I don’t mean be soft!” Walking by him, I can’t believe her. She thinks she runs this place, the thing that got me she said whoop me all you want, she needs to appreciate life, appreciate what we give her “Robyn, hey. Let me just talk to you” turning to him “she doesn’t respect us Chris, you’re too soft and clearly she just wants to test me, I just don’t want to deal with it. We have tried, she just doesn’t listen, I am here trying to spend time with my son, have a good time” I said “maybe they see you always doing that, I don’t know. We can’t just say she is your daughter you deal with it, put him down and you come down and we speak to her, seriously” I swallowed hard “I think I want her to realise how lucky she is, I think she will be going Barbados with my mom and she will learn some fucking manners, ungrateful girl!” Chris frowned at me as I walked upstairs “no, we talk about this!?” He spat, he is too soft, I can’t do it. I can’t do this.
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I come back from a lovely time with Khaled and did my thing and come back to mother and daughter clashing “Rylee, come her” she huffed out “here” I pointed in front of me “what did you do? And don’t lie? You upset my wife” Rylee pulled a face “I didn’t dad, I literally didn’t say anything but she said bitch, she’s just upset” she’s shrugging it off “Rylee, you are upsetting my wife which upsets me, now your mom is going to ship your ass off to Barbados, she’s had enough and I know there was more to this, if you do not own up to it now and I go upstairs and she tells me what you said, I will and I mean I will agree with her, I can’t stand by you being like this. Your mom has been through shit, she wants a good time and you’re not making it easy, why!? You were the first one crying that she wasn’t here and then you’re right back to being this? So tell me again Rylee what happened?” I know there is more to it “I just told my feelings and she said bitch and lots of nasty things” I really don’t want my daughter gone to Barbados; she isn’t participating “that’s it? You wouldn’t lie to me, the guy that sticks by you always?” She shook her head “just sit on the couch, don’t move” walking off towards the stairs “dad wait!” Rylee spat but it’s too late, she ain’t changing her statement now “sit down now!” I said pointing “dad” she whined out “go” continuing my walk up the steps, I am not happy about this shit because personally I do not want Rylee in Barbados, but I know she has lied to me, I know she has said more then what she has let on.
Robyn is angry, oh now she has put Junior down “Robyn?” I said and she stormed by me, but I grabbed her arm “just please, sometimes hitting doesn’t help! Come on!” she can’t keep beating her ass “you are too soft on these kids! This is why she does what she fucking does!” she barked “let’s talk about it, come” dragging her back in the room “she spoke to me how you do when you’re in a bad mood, when you want to get at me she spoke to me like you fucking did, she sees it with you and this is why she said what she said to me, I let a child speak to me? Me!?” closing the bedroom door “what did she say?” Robyn is angry, like she is shaking “I said to her to clean the water from the floor because after she said the word bitch again, so I said get out of the pool and clean the mess they made. She spoke on we have a cleaner, this is annoying and then she said why can’t you have a daughter that isn’t a snitch and that I am too busy looking after Junior, always doing something. And that I can whoop me all I want but I was never there like I am now for him, she shouted at me and I was too stunned to say anything but now I want to fucking beat her, she has no respect, I am sorry. And this, that talk is from you Chris, it is from you because she fucking sees it, she sees how you talk. I want her to know she is fucking blessed, she is going. She can kick and scream, we are going Barbados, and then leaving her there! Play me! No, I will get the last word, she will regret that and you! You will accept it” Rylee has fucked up bad, I ride for my kids so much, but she did this and now I can’t fix it, besides protecting her from a beating.
I am thinking, I am literally thinking of ways “are you calm now? Look if you do that then you’re proving a point to your mom that you can’t deal with the kids when we can, I think maybe we need to think on doing that before jumping” Robyn stared me down “she doesn’t appreciate life Chris, she doesn’t appreciate the time I did spend with her because I sure in hell did, it was Tianna that suffered, what she did and said was rude, flat out rude and she needs a lesson, not a soft one too, you can disagree but I don’t care. We are going Barbados and then we are leaving her there, I am sure she will see how life really is because she needs to fucking see the real shit. I don’t know what I raised. Maybe it will work, maybe it won’t but I want her to know I won’t take shit, what do you impose then? Seeing as you don’t agree? Because I see it in your face Chris, I mean she gets that shit behaviour from you” I groaned out “right, I don’t know. I think it’s like we are washing our hands off her" I shrugged “not exactly, it is showing how the other half live, my mother saw right through it. She knew it, maybe I can’t handle her. I can, I think because I struggled before she arrived I do spoil her. Nothing is working and you need to support me on this, she will see right through you if you don’t, and you don’t clearly” Robyn knows I don’t “how long is she going to be there for?” I asked “a few weeks, she should be blessed with the lifestyle she has but she isn’t, and yes that is our fault, but something needs to give” I don’t know, it’s not it.
Walking down the steps with Robyn and I told her to sit, and she isn’t there, she doesn’t listen at all “she won’t be downstairs for the meal tonight, she can miss that out. And you can tell her that, seeing as you want to save her. Go for it” I am pissed off, sighing out walking off. I need to find where she is until I heard her voice in the dining room, poking my head around the door “didn’t I tell you to sit in the living room? You’re in here for what?” Jah cringed “get out, come” walking off “girl, you know you in trouble. Why you say it’s ok” am I soft, I am soft Robyn is right “do not say your mom wants it, your wording really pisses me off. Don’t think I don’t hear when you say do it for me, just say it to make her happy, you are the issue too” Robyn is on my ass, I just want peace “Rylee” clearing my throat “tonight, well now you will be upstairs. You won’t be downstairs for this meal, not until you can see what you do and say is mean and rude and how your actions are not good, I am very disappointed in you Rylee” Robyn is staring me down “but dad you speak on swearing but mom was swearing and being mean” now she won’t stop “and why did that happen? Rylee, stop. You will learn that your actions aren’t funny or anything like that. You will be upstairs; you will eat in your bedroom and then sleep. You don’t speak to anyone, and the person you idolise is very hurt by you, I mean if I really loved someone I wouldn’t ever want to disappoint them, you messed up for trying to be grown, now go. Move from out of my face” turning my head away, Rylee has a big mouth and she thinks she can get away with it and she really can’t.
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
Sweater weather chat #12 part 2
Hi all!!! 
As promised - here’s part two to chat #12!
First of all - massive thanks to @lumosinlove for giving us this world! 
Also thanks to @frombeauxbatons for giving me ideas, support and just generally letting me vent and rant <3 
the amazing @paulian03 cleverly came up with Sirius giving the boys the nickname O’Knutzy in the story and that features both in this chat and the next. :) 
link to part 1 here :) 
Sirius is hiding in a closet. Remus is sarcastic. Kris is worried. So much love for single dad Kris <3. Dumo wants to call PETA. Blizzard doesn't judge. Olli has opinions. Olli is the best. Timmy is offended. Alice is a boss. Finn has ideas. They involve glitter and rainbows. Mental health awareness is important! Natalie is precious. We establish that consent is EVERYTHING! 
Sweater weather chat #12 part 2
Tuesday 2.54 pm 
Sirius <3: re!!!!!! Help. I’m in the green closet. 
Remus ❤️: I’m not gonna make a joke. But. It’s right there. Which green closet? I lost you around the beds. Thought you were behind me. How’re you sneaking away so quietly? 
Sirius <3: someone put it on Twitter. That I’m here. These ladies followed me. Hat to throw my hat down on the floor as a way to distract them. Never seeing that again 😭 
Remus ❤️: sneaky....... you could just sign their bras and get on with your life.
Sirius <3: really? Sarcasm. I was being hunted by cougars re. It’s scary. Help me.
Remus ❤️: alright. Send me a pic. 
Sirius <3: *pic* 
Remus ❤️: I sent you to get a lamp. You ended up on the first floor somehow? In the kids section. And no we’re not buying that massive shark. 
Sirius <3: it’s for Ava. 🥺
Remus ❤️: really? 
Sirius <3: she told me Jackie is her favorite (I assume Jackie is Nado?) and I need to be the favorite. Logan already beat me with the Dumais’ kids. I need to win somewhere. 
Remus ❤️: and bribing her is the way?
Sirius <3: of course it is. How else? Can’t dazzle her with my hockey or money or fame. Need some real firepower and a big shark is a winner. 
Remus ❤️: I’m here now. Which closet are you in? 
Tuesday 4.31 pm
Nadotheman: guess who’s trending on twitter for hooking up in Ikea.
Blizzard: my first guess is always you? But as you’re texting you’re either oddly proud or it’s not you. Kuny? 
RussianGod: not me 
Timmyforrealz: @blizzard you’re not even thinking about me? Could totally have been me. Nado not the only one who’s got crazy girl skills. 
Ollibear: skills? Buddy you’ve had a three month drought. 
Timmyforrealz: DONT listen to Olli. He’s a baby. He’s still a little virgin. 
Ollibear: first of all. There’s nothing wrong with not being into sex. Asexuality is a valid thing. Also I’m not a Virgin. I just prefer a partner who either has no idea who I am or likes me for me. 
Ollibear: also, the three of you are easy @russiangod @nadotheman @timmyforrealz. You literally sell out for a pat on the ass and a wink. I could get with either of you with very little effort. 
Nadotheman: oi! I’m not easy. I have an acquired taste. 
Talkiewalkie: acquired taste = anything human with a pulse and the ability to consent. Literally. I’ve watched you pick up. 
RussianGod: as long as consent. What’s big deal? They say yes it’s ok. 
Prongstar: I JUST SAW THE PIC WTF?????
Prongstar: also, Olli? That’s the spirit. 
LeWilliam: cap?!!???? 
Logantremblayzzz: whattttt 
CarbO’Hara: damn!!! I was gonna say that 
Newt-leo: I said it first. You just type like a madman.
Krisvolley: is that the shark you dropped off for Ava? 
DumoDad: better call peta. Poor shark. 
Siriusly: it’s not whAt it looks like. Someone tweeted I was in there and the cougars descended upon me. I had to hide. Someone actually ripped my shirt and Remus was gone to look at pillows. I had to hide. It was scary. 
Blizzard: so you didn’t do a quickie in Ikea with a plushie shark watching? 
Siriusly: no. We didn’t, also, sirius had to put his shirt back on in a Hurry. Someone did rip it (re here) 
Blizzard: I’m not judging. Whatever makes your skates fly cap. Never had Re as an exhibitionist tho . 
Siriusly: he’s not. We didn’t do anything. Some lady ripped my shirt and I hid in the closet while the nice Ikea girl distracted them with some sort of family offer I think or free ice cream whatever. But they’d actually ripped my shirt. Re helped me put it back on... you guys are idiots. 
Logantremblayzzz: heheheh whatever you say. 
Krisvolley: so you didn’t do nasty things to or near the shark my daughter is now refusing to give up? She’s named it fluffy. I’m worried. She said it’s just smiling? Should I be worried? 
Siriusly: ew no of course not. Promise. 
Nadotheman: sure. Also I see what you’re doing cap. I’m favorite. Back off.😫
Siriusly: no idea what you mean. JACKIE 
Blizzard: Jackie? That’s cute. How’re you today Jackie? 😘
Nadotheman: shut up kasey. Or I’m gonna spank youuuu 
Krisvolley: you guys do realize she’s literally calling whoever gives in to her whims and tantrums her favorite right? Also I’m her dad. I’ll always be her number 1! ❤️
Nadotheman: awww we know. Best single dad!!! 
Siriusly: we’re not trying to steal her kris! You’re doing amazing! 
Ollibear: yeah man she’s so lucky she’s got you!!! 
Blizzard: we love you kris 💖💖💖
Wednesday 1.33
Alice: alright. Ikea confirmed that there was a situation involving fans and we were able to mostly control the narrative. You have to prepare for some chirps and a few memes. 
Sirius: what’s a meme? 
Alice: I swear to god sometimes you’re a grandpa stuck in a young man’s body. Ask the rookies. 
Sirius: you’re really mean. 
Alice: I’m also really good at my job. So suck it up captain. You’re a hockey god. I’m a PR god. We work together and magic happens.
Sirius: I’d think that was flirting but I’ve seen you make heart eyes at frank. So. We’re good right? I swear I won’t roll my eyes for the next, like, three interviews 
Alice: you better not love. And yes, frank is rather into me, isn’t he? Time I put him out of his misery, I think. 
Sirius: good luck! (To frank) 
Alice: I’ll tell him 😜
Finn: hey Alice!! 
Alice: O’Hara, how can I help? 
Finn: I just had an idea ok? 
Alice: I hope it’s better than take your dog to work day. 
Finn: that was a great idea. Not my fault that skates and jersey are easily confused for chew toys. 
Finn: but I thought we could do a charity skate or something? (Need your brain here) so all Star was a massive success so maybe we could do like a charity thing soon and get money for like lgbt+ mental health awareness right? Like. Cap is of course new to this but I can speak up, my brother is happy to support too and I bet the team would too! We could invite young people on the ice and do like a you can play thing? I know it’s not pride but like. We could wear rainbows and glitttee and????  I really wanna support cap!! 
Alice: I like your enthusiasm and the idea. Give me a few days with my team and we can work on something? I also believe congratulations are in order? For your and your boys? 
Alice: also. you typed about 100 “like” in there. I’m worried about the state of the American school system. You're a Harvard graduate.... 
Finn: I love you! I’m terrified of you but I also love you and thanks. I want to get us jerseys saying O’Knutzy? That’s cute right. 
Alice: it’s easy to make happen but Finn, maybe sit down with your boys and heather first ok? Maybe cap too. Coming out is a lot and I want to make sure you’re okay with the consequences. There’s a lot of bigoted people out there and it breaks my heart I can’t protect you better than I do! 
Finn; hey we know you’ve got our back! 
Alice: I’ll see what I can do. Is the team ok with this? 
Finn: yeah most of them I’ve asked and the rest will follow I’m sure. 😀
Alice: you’re a good kid! I’ll do my best! 
Finn: 😘😘😘
Alice: I’d say that’s inappropriate but I know you mean well! 
Finn: NAT!!! She said she’ll look into it! 
Nat: I love you finn and we’re gonna make this event explode in a shower of glitter, love and rainbows. 
Finn: 💖🏳️‍🌈💖🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Nat: 😘 also sent you some stuff on email about poly. 
Finn: wait? You and kasey???
Nat: No but I’m a musician baby, me being in a het relationship is the weird thing in our community 😜
Finn: maybe I hang with the wrong crowds. 
Nat: hopeless hockey boys ❤️
Finn: you’re dating one. 
Nat: I know. And I ship your poly arrangement harder than fangirls on tumblr. If anyone says anything tell me and I’ll relieve them of their knee caps
Finn: I get why you and kasey works. His threats are also oddly specific. He made the Boston rat cry when he detailed his imminent death via goalie pads. It was eerie. 
Nat: that’s my man 😍
Finn: weirdos. I’ll let you know when Alice is back ❤️
Nat: 😜🏳️‍🌈💖🙏🏻🌍😇
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vyvesvi · 3 years
okay so i have more thoughts but i think the main thing i wanna say on the matter is that 8d, bottom line, is an irresponsible company.
NOTE: TL;DR AT THE BOTTOM. i got wordy 🥴
perhaps an incompetent company masquerading as a competent company? they know to release a statement but not how (release it on all platforms at the same time (not a limited access platform where your staff name shows as anonymous), preferably on the hour, in the morning) or what goes in one (it's like the trick with curious kids - if they ask why and you say nothing, they'll just keep asking why. it's the art of giving a short answer with just enough detail to satisfy them - in kpop this manifests as "medical reasons," "family reasons," or even "decided to pursue an alternate path". "personal reasons" is too vague, as it could refer to literally anything).
on the vaguess of the "why" -
two situations are possible:
1.) he left,
2.) he was kicked out.
and we really can't conclude either way. the below section deals mostly with the second possibility.
a friend and i were talking abt the situation last night and, apologies in advance, this is the best example we could come up with.
⚠️CW / TW - KRIS WU, no details about his actions⚠️
with the kw situation, we can deduce (quite obviously) that his company has low moral standards, as his managers and other company employees around him helped to facilitate his activities for a long time, choosing to keep promoting him as an artist despite his actions.
with 8d, because we have no details here or any from the mill situation months ago, we have nothing to go on as to why 8d kicked him out (if they did). the reason why the kw example was needed is to establish the idea of low moral standards vs. high. basically what im trying to get at is because of the vagueness of their statement, we have no idea if 8d has
⚠️(end tw)⚠️
high moral standards and felt the need to remove him for something minor (ie, he was removed for violating a dating ban, for example)
or the worst two cases:
high moral standards and felt the need to remove him for something egregious (ie, hard drugs (by sk standards), interpersonal conflict, etc)
low moral standards and felt the need to remove him for something egregious (ie, whatever he did was so bad that a company with low moral standards felt the need to remove him)
and this is the crux of why i personally am uncomfortable saying shit like "he's a wonderful person/i'll support him in whatever he decides to do" etc etc etc because if this situation is the worst case scenario- which we have no way of knowing- it would mean that 8d made the responsible decision in an irresponsible way. personally, i would feel uncomfortable supporting him depending on what the reason for removal is.
of course, all of this could be a moot point. he may have decided that that onlyoneof just wasn't the right path for him. maybe he's having health issues. maybe they're not making enough money for him to feel like he has a secure future. there could be any number of innocent reasons that don't mean that he did something wrong and was kicked out.
but the point is that we don't know. and at the end of the day, no matter the situation, this lack of information is irresponsible and only leads to circular speculation.
i will say, after all of this, that i am inclined to believe that he was removed (worst case and the option im leaning towards) or he chose to leave (but not on amicable terms) based on the statement and other contextual factors. terminating a contract takes time, but all factors (for example, him just recently talking abt cb prep, the fact that he was in a video on their official twitter two days ago, and that his selfie is one of their most recent posts on ig). also, the timing of the news (midday in korea, not on the hour) screams unplanned to me. if it was amicable, i feel like we would already have a letter or something from him and they wouldve tried to make this as smooth as possible, but they haven't.
the other thing i just noticed is that the statement says that the contract is being terminated, meaning that they announced before finalizing everything. if they end up going to court instead of settling privately i guess we'll know 🙃 although i assume theyre going for a private settlement
this is all speculation though, which they told us not to do 🤡
bc of the vagueness of the statement we dont *actually* know if he left or was kicked out.
if he was kicked out we don't know if it was for something minor or something crazy
if it was something crazy, i feel that it is irresponsible not to tell fans anything, even though the company would be making the right choice in removing him
if it was something minor, or if he left, i feel that it is irresponsible to him/his image and to fans who are unsure if they should continue to support him
the vagueness of the situation lends itself to assuming the worst
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galactichen · 5 years
exo masterlist
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all full length scenarios + drabbles can be found here for exo. please do not plagiarize any of my works!
note: former members (luhan, kris, tao) can be found in a separate masterlist featuring solo artists. also added in a cut b/c this is really long LMAO
♡  - tina’s faves
[ updated as of 5/17/2020 ]
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E X O  S C E N A R I O S
all that matters || angst
home ♡ || china line ft. parents; angst
qui gagné? || casino au ft. xiuchenkai; general, slightly suggestive
O P T I O N A L  B I A S
melodic memories || non-idol au; angst
sentimental || non-idol au; angst
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X I U M I N Scenarios
reminiscence || mama au; angst
seraphic ♡ || blind!xiumin x reader; fluff
snowflake || fluff!
“science motherfucker”
“i am not cute goddamn it I am intimidating”
“i absolutely despise the heat”
“let’s try that again. maybe without sneezing this time.”
“oh, there’s that creep. quick, hold my hand and he might not come here.”
truth  [ werewolf!xiumin ]
“i thought you trusted me...”  [ mafia au?? rivals?? idk ]
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S U H O Scenarios
childhood ♡ || merman!suho x reader; romance, angst
dream girl || highschool au; fluff, slight crack?
perfection || university au; angst, general
soulmate au :: [1] [2] Everything is black and white until you meet your soulmate.
forehead kiss + “i missed you” kiss
“call me when you get home”
“i don’t care”  [ policeman!suho ]
“you don’t know how it’s like to love someone who sees you as a friend...”
“goddamn it, why are you so sweet”
“sweetie, I appreciate the thought, but I meant a 50c package of reeses, I didn’t need the whole candy aisle”
“why are you in a tree”
“what are you talking about? i am very mature” + “it-it’s nothing, but my favourite character just died...”
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L A Y Scenarios
cold hands || fluff!!
for you || fluuuff
awkward kiss
jealous kiss
“can I have this dance?”
“you are so important to me”
late night drives
“you smell nice. did you know that?”
“you smell nice. did you know that?”  (this one’s different lol)
never again  [ vampire!lay ]
to rest in peace  [ ghost!lay ]
“no, I didn’t fall in love with you just to lose you” + “you don’t know how it’s like to love someone who sees you as a friend...”
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[ why i chose you ]
fragments || non idol au; angst
friends || fluff, slight angst
mistakes || highschool au; general
i’m here || college au; angst
soulmate au :: [1] [2] [3] [4]  ONGOING A mark appears where your soulmate touches you.
“do you need water? a snack? maybe a hot bath?”
“your brother just left with a 24-pack of bud ready to party, and we’re sitting in front of the TV with Netflix and fancy cheese”
“you look...”
poolside fun!  [ lifeguard!baekhyun ]
“i’ll beat you at this game one day”
“you smell nice. did you know that?”
“stop leaving sticky notes everywhere”
“don’t be stupid, i’m not leaving you”
“i’m not what you think i am”  [ werewolf!baekhyun ]
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[ the choice of a spirit  ]
affection || non-idol au; fluffery fluff
better late than never ♡ || normal verse!au; angst, bit of fluff
cheerleader || highschool au; fluff
hold me tight, don’t let me go || biker au; romance
light bulbs || neighbour au; fluff, slight crack
nevermore || non-idol au; angst
voicemail ♡ ♡ || highschool au; a n g s t
soulmate au :: [1] [2] [3] Where people age until age 18, and then stop aging until they meet their soulmate so they can age together.
kiss in the rain
kiss on the forehead
“i almost lost you” kiss 
“go back to sleep”
“what? are you jealous or something?”
“i don’t know whether to kiss you or punch you”
“i’m very busy right now and you’re distracting me”
“i am not cute goddammit I am intimidating”
sneaking out
late night walks on the beach
“who said you could take a cold shower, especially without me?”
picnics in the car!
“...why are you in a tree”
“shut up i’m tanning”
“your hands are warm”
“...is that... is that my shirt”
be sorry for your sins  [ mama au ]
“babe... we have a whole hour by ourselves...”
“wait a minute, are you being nice to me? but it isn’t my birthday”
“you may be the love of my life, but there is no way in hell am I wearing that”
“this is all your fault, genius”
false guesses  [ mafia au ]  ♡
“no trust me, I am the dev- shut up, I am not adorable”
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C H A N Y E O L Scenarios
adorable || college au; fluff
cute^2 || non-idol au; fluff
it’s okay || angst
they don’t know || highschool au; angst, fluff
what is love || non-idol au; angst
angry kiss
“sorry I made you wait”
“here, take my jacket”
“you don’t know how it’s like to love someone who sees you as a friend...” + “do you know how hard i’m trying not to kiss you right now?”
“i just got out from babysitting and I am having my tubes tied immediately”
“see, this is why we’re together. no one else could handle our terrible puns”
“do we need lessons on how ziploc bags work?”
sneaking out + concert night
summer shopping spree
“no stop being cute right now i’m trying to be productive”
“one more pun and you’re sleeping on the couch tonight”
“this isn’t exactly the best place for a makeout session, but i’m open to anything”
“could you stop being so damn stubborn and let me help you?” + “I swear; if you die, i’ll kill you”  [ mafia au ]
“what are you talking about? i am very mature”
“you may be the love of my life, but there is no way in hell am I wearing that”
“you and I came wearing matching/couple costumes and now everyone thinks we’re dating?? but shit, you’re cute, can I have your number?”
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K Y U N G S O O Scenarios
best friend || highschool au; angst
home || pure f l u f f
proper farewell ♡ || fluff, angst
sweet kisses || fluff
unfair || highschool au; romance, fluff
soulmate au :: [1] [2] [3] You don’t remember anything from your past life, but your soulmate does.
kiss on the forehead
“you can never have too many fans”
“why the fuck is it so hot outside” + “who said you could have a cold shower, especially without me?”
ice cream dates + late night drives
“...why are you in a tree”  [ dad!ksoo uwu ]
ice cream dates
“don’t be stupid, i’m not leaving you”
masquerade party
“run away. now”  [ vampire!ksoo ]
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[ a bliss with every breath. ]
oh, right || fluffery fluff  f l u f f
serenade no.1 ♡ || kingdom au; fluff
sleepy ♡ || f l u f f 
sweatshirt || college au; fluff, slight slight angst
thank you || fluff, romance
you did it || non-idol au; fluff, angst angst
jealous kiss
“sorry i’m late”
“can you hold me?”
“everything hurts and i’m dying, but i’m not pregnant this month so that’s nice”
“who said you could take a cold shower, especially without me?”
“...is that... is that my shirt”
not like him  [ vampire!kai]
“no, I didn’t fall in love with you just to lose you”
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Blurbs / Timestamps
[ 9:54 pm ]
confession overdue ♡ || non-idol au; fluff, angst
night out (on memory lane) || highschool au; romance
polaroid || college au; romance, angst
spontaneous || highschool au; romance
why || non-idol au; a n g s t
kiss on the neck
“wait a minute, are you drunk?”
“science motherfucker”
“remind me why i’m dating you again. please”
“you may want to hide the alcohol because I may die from how much and how badly I want to drink right now”
“i am not cute goddammit I am intimidating”
“see, this is why we’re together. no one else could handle our terrible puns” 
“shut up i’m tanning”
“...i’ll sleep on the couch with you”
“i love you more than you love me”
“my horoscope says no”
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