#Kaebedo angst
child-o-hades · 1 year
Finally finishing some angst
KaeBedo angst, haha-
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This took me like a whole ass month to finish because of general depression, sick, and art block. Oh the life of an artist.
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mayday505 · 3 months
After much of a wait! (10 months to be exact)
I Will Not Run In Circles (ending where I started) Chapter 2: Everything got messy, and everyone got angry
Read here
“Archons - don’t.” Her voice sounds tired, exasperated. She sounds utterly beaten, resigned to her fate. Diluc frowns at the reaction.
Jean’s apathy hurts him. Confuses him. Yet Kaeya isn’t here now, to help him make sense of it, to help him make sense of where it all went wrong.
Diluc thinks that hurts more. It will always hurt more, liek a festering wound he isn’t sure will ever heal, simply oozing blood for the rest of time as it sucks his energy away.
Or; Diluc pays Jean a visit, and discovers the life Kaeya led without him.
I promised a chapter tonight it is 1am but I am counting this as tonight abt not tomorrow I’m taking this win I got it done. Yay me. Please leave kudos and comments I will love you. I’m going to bed now enjoy ragbros angst with some sprinkled kaebedo doomed yaoi as a present
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bloody-bee-tea · 1 year
BeeTober 2023 Day 3 - Unterrated
Albedo is working on a more sensitive experiment, his mind completely focused, when he suddenly senses a shift in atmosphere.
It takes him a moment to come out of his working headspace, and he manages it just in time to hear Kaeya say “Oh, Klee, I always wanted to be a knight. A pirate was the other option, though, don’t you think I would have looked dashing? I already have the eyepatch to go with that, anyway.”
Klee giggles at that, exactly like Kaeya most likely wanted but Albedo still frowns. He has learned quite a few things during his time in Mondstadt and it turned out that while he lacked references for most human interaction before he came here he is actually quite sensitive to moods and the swings of those.
And Kaeya’s mood definitely took a turn for the worse there.
“What was the question?” Albedo asks, carefully packing his experiment away. He knows himself better than to think he’ll be able to get back to it today.
Not if something bothers Kaeya like that.
“Nothing important,” Kaeya immediately tries, but there’s no use in that with an excited and still giggling Klee.
“I wanted to know what big brother Kaeya dreamed of being when he was Klee’s age,” she eagerly says and Albedo only notices the bitter twist of Kaeya’s mouth because he’s watching for it.
“And I told her,” Kaeya still says, forced cheerfulness in his voice. “Maybe I would be running a crew together with Beidou now. I heard she’s a formidable pirate.”
It’s of course enough to snatch Klee’s attention away again and she bombards him with questions in a way that ensures Albedo doesn’t get another word in. Just as well, he thinks as he puts his head into his hand and simply watches them. He’ll just corner Kaeya about this later.
It’s not as if he doesn’t know where the other Captain lives after all, and Albedo is not above cornering him there to get the answers he wants.
Kaeya tries his best to act as normally as he can, but Albedo knows him well enough by now to see the lingering melancholy Klee’s question left behind and Albedo wonders.
He can guess at a few things, of course, being privy to Kaeya’s biggest secret, but he’d like to get confirmation from Kaeya himself. And maybe—finally—clear this thing up between them.
Albedo still dreams of it sometimes; the soft way Kaeya’s lips had brushed against his cheek before he gasped in a breath and fled in a panic. Albedo hadn’t seen him for almost a week after, and when Kaeya finally did show up again he made no secret out of the fact that it was for Klee and Klee alone.
Albedo had taken the hint and Kaeya’s unwillingness to discuss it and kept silent himself but a nagging voice in the back of his head tells him that maybe that had been the wrong move.
Things are starting to slot into place, all because of Kaeya’s strange reaction to Klee’s more than innocent question, and Albedo doesn’t like the picture they are painting.
He watches how Kaeya indulges Klee with answers and great stories until her eyes start to droop and he moves to get her to bed. Albedo trusts him—with Klee and in his own home—so he doesn’t follow and instead gives Kaeya half an hour to return back home before he leaves the workshop himself.
For all that Kaeya wants to remain mysterious and elusive, he’s terribly predictable for those who care to notice and so Albedo finds the windows to Kaeya’s apartment lit up.
He allows himself a small smile before he makes his way to Kaeya’s door and because he figures it’s only fair when Kaeya can come and go into Albedo’s home as he pleases he simply opens the door and marches right in.
Less danger of Kaeya turning him away like that.
“What the—” Kaeya grumbles as he comes out of the kitchen only to freeze when he sees Albedo. “Albedo?”
“I want to talk,” Albedo says and watches how the soft slope of Kaeya’s shoulders turns to ice.
“Good for you,” he stoically gives back and then points at the door. “I don’t. So if you would?”
“I wouldn’t,” Albedo easily says and marches right past Kaeya to sit down at the kitchen table, expectantly looking at him.
Kaeya stares at him for a good minute before he deflates.
“Sometimes you’re just as unmovable as your element, I swear to the Seven, Albedo,” he mutters and then finally sits down at the table as well.
“As long as you know it,” Albedo shrugs and gives Kaeya a brief smile.
“What do you want, then? Make it quick, I’m tired,” Kaeya grumbles out, clearly eager to get Albedo out of his apartment, but Albedo is going to stay exactly where he is until he gets a satisfactory answer from Kaeya.
He doesn’t expect to make it back home tonight.
“Today in the lab, Klee’s question threw you off. Why?”
“What?” Kaeya pretends as if he doesn’t know what Albedo is talking about, but he notices the tapping of Kaeya’s finger on the table, sees the way he avoids his gaze and Albedo just knows that it’s something serious.
“When Klee asked you what you dreamed of being when you were her age. What’s wrong with that question?”
“Nothing is wrong with that question,” Kaeya tries but Albedo gives him a look.
“You lied, Kaeya. You never lie.”
“Oh, I bet you’re the only person in Mondstadt who would say that. Maybe talk to Jean once in a while. She’d tell you I do nothing but.”
“But not to me, and most definitely not to Klee. You’ve never lied to Klee, even if it was about something scary. And that was just an innocent question. Why did you feel the need to lie?”
Kaeya is staring at Albedo as if he had just announced that he was going to level Mondstadt tomorrow and expected Kaeya to help him do it. It’s certainly not a normal reaction.
“How would you know if I ever lied to you,” Kaeya asks, crossing his arms in front of his chest in a gesture so defensive that Albedo frowns.
Kaeya never closes himself off like that, especially not when he talks to Albedo.
This must really have hit a nerve.
“Kaeya,” Albedo says and he’s careful to make his voice softer. “We know each other better than that. Just tell me; what’s going on?”
Kaeya holds out for a moment longer before he lets out a harsh breath.
“Dreams and wishes and hopes are overrated, Albedo. You and I know better than that.”
Albedo tilts his head at that, considering the statement. With what he knows of Kaeya it would make a lot of sense to think like that, but—Albedo doesn’t like it.
“I actually think they are underrated. Especially in your case. It wouldn’t hurt to do more of that.”
Albedo knows it’s the wrong thing to say when rage flashes over Kaeya’s face, followed by a hopelessness that’s hard to stomach.
“It actually does hurt, Albedo,” he sneers out and Albedo is not at all surprised when the temperature in the room drops a few degrees. “It does hurt to have your hopes and dreams crushed and thrown back into your face.”
“I dreamed of staying with my family, in my homeland. I dreamed of staying with my father, and then the family that took me in. I dreamed of having a brother I can always rely on. I dreamed of being more than a threat to Mondstadt. I hoped to find a home, people who—”
Kaeya cuts himself off there but Albedo doesn’t have any trouble finishing the sentence for him. People who love me.
“Hopes and dreams and wishes do jack shit, Albedo.”
“You have a home,” Albedo corrects him because the thought that Kaeya doesn’t even think of them like that hurts more than he expected.
“Right,” Kaeya scoffs. “Diluc still glowers at me every time I go to Dawn Winery.”
“No, not—” Albedo takes a deep breath. “We are your home, Klee and I. You put her to bed without me today, like you regularly do, because I trust you and she does, too. Because we are family, and you have a key to my house. You come and go as you please. Kaeya, you go there when you’re hurt or injured and you go there when you’re bored. You keep things at my place. You might not have been looking for a home, and you might not have hoped to find one again, but do not say that you didn’t anyway.”
Kaeya’s visible eye goes big as Albedo talks and it’s almost painful to see the surprise on his face. He really hadn’t considered it like that it seems.
“And we love you, too. Klee adores you in a way I haven’t seen before and I—I love you.”
“Right,” Kaeya bitterly says as if Albedo has ever said or done anything to indicate the opposite.
“You ran, back then,” Albedo reminds Kaeya and it still hurts, that memory.
He understands now, he thinks, but it still hurts.
“I get why you did it, that you were scared but—you ran. You crushed that hope before it could crush you and I understand that but you didn’t give us a chance.”
Kaeya gave his father a chance, Crepus, Diluc—and it all ended badly, Albedo understands that. He understands how that would make anyone flinch away from something similar in the future but he doesn’t like it.
“It ends badly for me, always,” Kaeya mutters, more to the table than Albedo. “I’m tired, Bedo. I can’t do it again.”
“So you don’t trust me.” He sees how Kaeya flinches, and he knows that it’s mean, to go about it like this, but he doesn’t know what else he’s supposed to do, not in the face of this.
“That’s unfair.”
“Maybe,” Albedo agrees. “But to me it looks like that. I know you, I know who you are, what you are to your nation, I’ve seen you. And I feel in love with you. And still you don’t trust me enough to trust that I would stay with you.”
“No one stays,” Kaeya mumbles.
“Not always by choice,” Albedo gives back, a reminder that Crepus hadn’t left but died instead. “And might I remind you, that between you, me and Klee, you’re actually the one bound to die first? Klee’s is blessed with longevity and I’m not even human. Between the three of us, it’s you who’s going to get hurt in a way you can’t walk off, and then what? You will have left us. And I’m still willing to take that risk.”
“Maybe you’re just stupid then,” Kaeya says, but there’s no heat behind his words.
“Maybe I just trust you enough to not leave us earlier than you really have to,” Albedo shoots back. “Maybe I just trust you.”
“You shouldn’t. My nation—they are going to call on me one day.”
“And you’re just blindly going to do what they say?” Albedo asks, absolutely incredulous because he knows there’s no way Kaeya would hurt them.
“Could you refuse? If it was Gold who came back for you and ordered you to destroy everything?”
“I would fight her until my death. I might have ended up here randomly, but I choose to stay every day. I’m not going to destroy the home I’ve carved out for myself and I’m not going to hurt my family,” Albedo gives back with conviction.
A tear slips down Kaeya’s cheek and Albedo is sick of the distance between them, so he gets up to round the table and pull Kaeya into a hug.
“I’m not going to hurt you, either,” he shakily breathes out and Albedo presses a kiss to the top of his head where it’s pressed against his chest.
Albedo doesn’t mention the way Kaeya’s frame shakes in his arms and he doesn’t comment on the wet spot he can feel growing on his shirt and instead continues to hold Kaeya. He has forced enough admissions out of Kaeya for one evening and they can talk about everything else later.
As long as Albedo knows that Kaeya wants to try and as long as Kaeya dares to hope and dream they are going to figure things out. Tomorrow and every day after that.
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magical-girl-04 · 8 months
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Found this in my notes and??? Hello?? Past rav where was this going I wanna know!!
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lanmoqi · 1 year
untitled kaebedo short fic
angst, dances
cw: blood
ignore any grammar or spelling errors; i wrote this in one sitting and didn’t feel like going back to edit any of it
word count: 545
(fic included under cut)
Kaeya Alberich decided that Albedo was a mystery to him--an enigma, if you will. He wasn't against enigmas, but Albedo burned a fire within him--a fire that threatened to burn him to ash. Every time he gazed into those aquamarine eyes, he felt like he was being consumed. It was as if the tranquility that Albedo's gaze seemed to offer to others was absent when it came to him.
Kaeya had, once, attempted to avoid Albedo, however the results had been futile, for he was weak to temptation and like a moth to a flame, he allowed himself to become enraptured with Albedo's alluring stare.
Albedo could sense as Kaeya's deep, ocean coloured eyes followed him across the ballroom. It had all been according to his plan. With every lilt of the words that fell off his tongue, he could feel Kaeya's gaze deepening. He knew that he would soon become an addiction to Kaeya--a maddening fixation that he would never forget.
Kaeya's boots click on tile floors as he approaches Albedo. Albedo leans against a wall, staring at him from behind his curtain of blonde hair.
"I could sense your gaze from across the room, Kaeya." Albedo's tongue carefully traces the syllables of Kaeya's name, watching as Kaeya's expression flickers.
"You're far too observant, 'Bedo." Kaeya scoffs lightly, as his eyes deepen. Albedo's eyebrow lifts slightly in response to Kaeya's gaze.
Kaeya reaches for Albedo's hand, kissing the joints of his fingers. "Won't you come with me?"
"When you say it like that, how could I refuse?" Albedo teases.
Kaeya takes Albedo's hand, leading him away from the populated ballroom and into a courtyard just outside glass doors.
The full moon lightens the dark of night, gleaming against gold accents that decorate the outside of the palace. The stars twinkle slightly behind the moon's gaze.
"A dance?" Kaeya kneels, kissing Albedo's hand once more.
"Always a flirt." Albedo scoffs.
"And yet," Kaeya presses his lips to Albedo's inner wrist, "you don't refuse."
Albedo pulls at Kaeya's hand and takes him into his arms. They move slowly to the soft rhythm of music that just barely escapes from the ballroom.
Kaeya's lips hover above Albedo's, sending shivers down Albedo's spine as he gazes at Kaeya's soft lips.
But he can't.
He has a job--an important one.
Albedo reaches behind and pulls out a dagger.
"I'm sorry, Kaeya." Albedo chokes.
Kaeya merely nods, as if he knew this was bound to happen.
"I love you." Kaeya whispers. "And I don't regret it."
Albedo stabs Kaeya in the chest, wincing as Kaeya chokes. His hands tremble at the feeling of blood against fabric.
"I'm sorry. I love you." Tears run down Albedo's face as he sobs. His dagger remains in Kaeya's chest as blood stains his clothing.
Kaeya's body slackens and falls, taking Albedo down with him. Albedo's body shakes with the rhythm of his cries. He pulls Kaeya into his arms, while he muffles his sobs in Kaeya's chest.
He hears a rustling as the doors of the palace open as guests begin to pour out. His eyes bulge with fear as he lifts his tear-stained face. Albedo presses a kiss to Kaeya's lips before running into the night, lit under the moon's glow.
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“Klee- I need you to listen carefully. I need you to stay right here- please. I’m going to go back for Alice but I need you to stay right here okay?” Albedo looked at the elf urgency in his eyes “y-yes big brother..” sniffled the young elf, worried and not sure what was going on. Flames licked the house the blonde was running back into. “Hang on Alice- I’m coming” he grit his teeth against the heat, watching the flames licking the sky, threatening to get even bigger. “Do this for Klee.” He barged in through the door, to see Alice and Kaeya laying there. “Fuck.” He huffed before barging through to the two, both alive but unresponsive- “okay one two-“ he picked Kaeya up and threw him over his shoulder, then bent down to Alice and leaned her against himself as he hurried to the door, worried about the young elf- the heat unbearable and intense. “For Klee..” he grit his teeth dragging both of them to the now burning door and breaking the window after leaning Alice against something. First he threw Kaeya out of it (luckily it was the bottom floor.) then tossing Alice out of it, hopefully far away before hearing a commotion upstairs. “Shit more people..” he grit his teeth and run upstairs. “Who could be in this house still? And how was Kaeya in here? What is going on.?” He muttered to himself, as he jumped up the stairs and pushed through seeing nothing. ‘God I’m an idiot but now I have to get out..’ the fire was climbing the stairs so he couldn’t go back down. Shit.. he ran into the open room and jumped through the window- and onto the roof, scrambling to get down, he slid down the roof and jumped off, trying to be clear of Kaeya and Alice. Once down he looked at the two and essentially dragged them over. “Klee, just know I love you- I need you to get Jean over for these two- I’ll try and be back soon but I need ti find out who did this.” His eyes shone with tears as he hugged his little sister, the blonde sniffling as he hugged her. “I know we’ll meet again, okay?” He looked at her and ran into the forest even further, trying to find who did it.
Months later, and not a word from Albedo. Everyone was sullen- mainly Kaeya and Klee, Alice had recovered but wasn’t saying anything. Only muttering to herself. “Kaeya! he’s back and-“ a loud thud echo through the halls.
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tranquilnight0 · 2 years
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hi im new here :D
here's some angst
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lily-moon-art · 1 year
I turned this in for Spanish (in Spanish) and got an A so here it is. It's a slightly more fleshed out version of the one I already posted. I did not turn in this ending though.
Ever since he was a child, Kaeya Alberich never quite felt at home anywhere; a stranger, a contradiction. He was the prince of a kingdom destroyed by the gods centuries prior, a nation of ruins called Khaenriah. He was sent by the Abyss Order as the final hope for his people to Mondstadt as a spy, where he was adopted into the Ragnvindr family, though they did not know the truth of his past. He joined the Knights of Favonius alongside his adoptive brother, Diluc. And that is where he met Albedo.
Albedo spent most of his life with the famous alchemist Rhinedottir, traveling and searching for the truth of this world. She had been able to do the impossible, creating an artificial human being from chalk using alchemy. This creation was Albedo. After some time, though, she left him and a letter for the Knights with a friend of hers in Mondstadt and disappeared without a trace. Albedo went to live with the witch Alice and her young daughter Klee. 
 Kaeya fondly remembers the day he met him. He was doing knight training with his friend Jean when he saw a tall, beautiful witch approach the door to the Knights of Favonius headquarters. She had platinum blonde hair and was dressed in crimson and scarlet robes resembling flames with a matching wide-brimmed hat, and standing next to her was a boy who seemed to be about his age.
“Hello, is this the Knights of Favonius Headquarters? I need to speak with Varka,” she asked.
“Yes,” Kaeya replied, “he should be in his office right now.”
Later that day, Varka made an announcement in front of all the knights.
“Everyone, we have a new chief alchemist. This is Albedo,” he gestured to the boy Kaeya saw earlier, “He studied alchemy with the fabled Rhinedottir, but he does not know anyone in Mondstadt yet.  Let's give him a warm welcome”
“Hi, I’m Jean and this is Kaeya.”
Albedo smiled shyly. “As you already heard, I’m Albedo.  I am excited to start working with you”
Albedo seemed very shy and reserved at first, but overtime, he warmed up to Kaeya. Although he for the most part preferred solitude and had few friends, Kaeya became one of the closest. Albedo liked to draw, and Kaeya was his favorite subject, using him as a reference many times when they bumped into each other at Angel’s Share. 
Years passed, and Kaeya’s world changed again. But this time, he had Albedo as a constant. He lost his father on Diluc’s 18th birthday, and the following fight they brothers had left Kaeya alone again. Albedo did not consider himself good at dealing with emotional situations, but he was what Kaeya needed.
Kaeya was sitting in a meeting for the Knights of Favonius, trying to pay attention to what Jean was saying. Thankfully, it was nothing important, because Kaeya was more focussed on the view of the mountain through the window.
“Kaeya, is everything alright? You seemed worried about something,” asked Jean.
“It’s just that our usually punctual chief alchemist is absent. As much time as he spends in his workshop in Dragonspine, he always shows up for meetings. Sucrose, you’re his assistant, have you seen him lately?”
“I went to his workshop and I thought he had already left,” she said.
“I don’t think we should be too worried quite yet,” said Jean, “but I think we should look for him to make sure he is ok. Kaeya, you’re his friend, so you should be in charge. You might have a better idea of where he could be.”
“Let’s start by checking his laboratory in Dragonspine. Even if we don’t find him, there might be clues about where he is.”
The group left for the mountain.  There was no sign  of Albedo on the path over; there were no footprints. When Kaeya got to the foot of the mountain, Sucrose confirmed that the weather had been unusually good and it had been a while since the last snowstorm. A series of tracks leaving the mountain confirmed that. They marched up through the cold and snow, looking for any sign of the lost alchemist. When they got to his workshop, Kaeya had a bad feeling in his stomach.
“I’ll go in first. I’ll call for help if I need it, but Albedo will probably react better to me alone than to the group.” 
he walked in. The warm torches were almost out, and there were books and bottles scattered about. Not unusual for Albedo when he’s working, but he always cleans up when he’s done.  The room was eerily quiet, the only sound Kaeya could here was the faint wind and his own breathing. He walked further in. 
“Albedo,” he called. 
there was no answer. 
“Albedo? Albe-“
On the ground, propped up against the book shelf was a lifeless Albedo. 
Kaeya rushed over. He checked for a pulse. He found nothing
“Maybe it’s the gloves,”
he checked his neck, but there was still nothing. Kaeya looked down at his hands, in shock of how the last thing he loved was gone. On his glove was a fine white powder.
“Is this chalk?”
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side-writes-fanfics · 2 years
He's gone, sir... | Kaebedo
Summary: Albedo tries to deal with his grief
Ship: Kaeya x Albedo Genre: angst Warning(s): death, grief
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“Sir Albedo. We come bearing news.” Knights entered the scientist’s room, their breathing faster than usual and much, much deeper. The looks on their faces said more than enough for the man to know their news was going to be less than pleasant. “We just got a message from the battlefield. Sir Kaeya… He was wounded in the battle of Dragonspine. The apothecaries and midwives put their best efforts in and-”
“Cut to the chase, Lawrence. Don’t beat around the bush.” Albedo tapped his foot against the floor and brows furrowed. His gaze dug into the knight’s soul, aching to hear the news as quickly as possible. Sir Lawrence stared at his companion and then back at Albedo. His throat tightened as he attempted to speak, seemingly losing all the words he wanted to say. 
“He’s… He’s gone, sir.” A deadly silence fell over the entire room. The men stared at one another as the alchemist processed what was being said to him. The slightest shake became visible from Albedo’s hands as he turned around from the men leaning onto the table in front of him. Lawrence and his companion took this as their queue to leave, seeing as the alchemist needed a moment to himself to process the situation. 
He stood there, staring into one point as the life he had experienced with Kaeya rushed through his mind like a short motion picture film. He understood death very well, both what happens before, during and after to the human body, yet the one thing he hadn’t felt until now was the feeling of grief. He didn’t understand what to do. His rational thinking explained everything factual, everything objective and yet, he didn’t understand any of it. Grief was explainable, sure, but could he really handle it just by explanations? Albedo leaned onto his elbows, holding his head in his hands, hoping to calm down the storm. Moments passed before the alchemist heard a soft knock on the door of his room.
“Albedo…” The soft voice spoke from behind the door. It was Lisa, the Mondstadt Librarian. “May I… May I come in?” The man stood up properly yet did not turn around to face his colleague. Due to the lack of answer Albedo provided, the librarian enter with caution. She wanted to check up on him, not knowing how someone like him would react in a situation like this. “Albedo… I want you to know it’s going to be OK. Grief is a normal feeling. I know you haven’t really felt anything like it before, but we’re all here for you.” A silence filled the room once more. She knew he was listening to her. “Listen… If you don’t want to talk it out with any of us, I’ll leave this self-help book from the library. Maybe books will help you more than our words can.” Lisa laid the book down on the table beside him, leaving the room in haste. Everyone was worried for him but knew that he would never tell anyone what he felt because… well… he himself didn’t know what he felt. 
Once Albedo came to terms with his thoughts, he let out a sigh opening the book Lisa had left for him on the table. She was right. He didn’t know how to deal with what he felt and if anyone can help him process it, it would be books. He opened it to a random page, wanting to try anything to make the lump in his throat go away. 
‘Not all people grieve the same and some might find it difficult to pinpoint their feelings and put them into words. When one finds themselves feeling like this, a different form of expression is often recommended to get those unwanted feelings out. (example: writing, knitting, painting, baking, song-making…)’ 
Albedo paused for a moment. It seemed like the stars aligned perfectly for that to be the first page he opened up. That, or the dog ear fold Lisa had previously made left an indent in the page which helped open said page, even if he didn’t necessarily want to. Once more, he sighed and closed the book. He looked around the room for his pallet and brushes while setting a canvas up onto the easel in the corner of the room. They caught his eye in an instant as if illuminated. He reached for them both but paused for a moment, a soft shake very visible on his hands. His mind began to race again. Quickly, he grabbed the supplies and began his work without a second thought. He couldn’t wait a moment more. Albedo placed soft strokes along the canvas, picking his colours exactly. He needed to capture the beauty and greatness of his reference. And yet… And yet he knew nothing could replace him. Nothing could replace Kaeya. Not him, nor how he made Albedo feel when he was alive. But still… What made him so special? He was nothing more than a friend to Albedo. Never, when he was still here did he see him… no… allow himself to see Kaeya as anything more. He was a human. He had a limited life span. He would have died sooner or later either way and Albedo prepared himself for this, he really did. Mentally, he knew and prepared. But emotionally… the alchemist never thought such a deep and painful emotion could overwhelm him as it did right now. His hands swooshed left and right and left and up and around and painted with intensity and fluidity. Once he came to a stop, he took one step back to admire his piece from afar with great intensity. Every detail, every hair, Albedo remembered it all. The way his natural hair perfectly framed his face and the way he dressed showed everyone what they needed to know about him before he ever spoke. The Kaeya Albedo knew.
Every muscle in his body became heavy and a single tear formed in the corner of his eye, yet his face still showed no emotion. Slowly, Albedo placed his supplies onto the table and turned away from the painting. ‘I really thought painting the cause of my pain would make things better. What a joke.” 
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itskaeee · 2 years
Okay, who is ready for the extra early first chapter of Outrunning Karma? Because I certainly am. And I'm having a blast. I'm so so hyped for this.
Updates will be every two weeks probably, somewhere around the weekend. I'm planning to make this long once again. And also dark and angsty.
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kazumist · 1 year
masterpost / prev ep / next ep / timestamps dont matter
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extra notes.
surprise??? i think???? idk ????? help
both u and scara are in the wrong btw ahshadha how silly WRITING BREAK UP OR ANGST SHIT IS SO HARD BTW !!! HOW DO U DO IT im crying i hate how i wrote the break up thingy so bad
lowkey this is like peak hs drama i cant stop laughing anyways kaebedo real
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what happens when scaramouche, your rival since the first year of highschool, had some annoying admirers on his back? easy—he (fake) dates you to shoo them off. nothing can possibly go wrong with faking a relationship with the guy you hate, right?
spoiler: apparently, a lot can go wrong.
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taglist (open): @niiheng @yinyinggie @ilyuu @veekoko @motherscrustytoenailclippings @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @akairaindrops @kichiyoshi @lxkeeeee @user11918163805279 @sketcheeee @yukiipc @kyouzki @quokkatss @ynverse @yuyumaru @danhenglovebot @sheep-from-rad @gekkow @aeongiies @scararaw @beriiov @thenightsflower @simpforsubmissivemen @sakurapeach @akxtagawaxryxn0sxke @naheana @supernova25 @mitsu-moshi @yelleloww @kiyomi-hoku @kazemiya @theblueblub @lazy-sanns @kazuuhhaaaa @sukunasrealgf @alatusorrow @ahnneyong @bubiblossom @d4y-dr3am3r @featuredtofu @dappledstars @surgeonsofazeroy @reinoodle @venusflwers @gracefulace200 @dearestranpo @ggymj @izukusshuu [1/2]
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kaeyapilled · 10 months
I’m pretty new to kaeya ships and I want to know how Kaebedo appeals to you!! /This isn't a sarcastic question I promise 😭
So far, the only ship I get is Rosakae because haha bi couple/girl that says bruhh x guy that says hiii
Do you have any recommended kaebedo fanfics? Thank you <33
i think the biggest appeal of kaebedo to me is the parallels between them. both are from khaenri'ah and were abandoned by a parent figure with an unclear mission on their shoulders and ended up finding a home in a place they fear they will have to betray one day. even without a romantic lens there is SO much potential here!!! they must know of each other's secret to some degree, there's no way they don't. they could form such a deep connection based on these shared origins. let them bond hoyoverse!!!!
its insane to me that kaeya and albedo have never exchanged more than five words in game when theres so much material to work with here.. especially because they DO know each other! the game tells us that! kaeya has an "about albedo" voiceline (Albedo, eh? Calm, collected, and incredibly talented. He's the type everybody likes, some even more so than others. What, you into him as well?), albedo doesnt have an "about kaeya" voiceline but he does mention him in one of his "more about albedo" ones (The time required to sketch portraits closely correlates with one's mood. I could spend half a day sketching Huffman, while I might only need three strokes of the pencil to sketch Kaeya — one for the face, one for the eyepatch string... and one for the eyepatch.) and, actually, pairing that with this
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from a past event i think we can say it's implied that albedo draws kaeya fairly often. kaeya seems to babysit klee frequently, which is all the more chance for them to get to know each other more..... they live in the same region and have so many themes in common LET THEM TALK! LET THEM TALK!! kaebedo as a ship is kind of built from the ground up with just minimal canon content and our wild imaginations but hey. the potential is right there. also i think they look cute together. anyway, fanfic recs, you say? i have some<3
Calcium, Carbonate, and Other Things That Run Bone-Deep by Princeliest
Albedo comes knocking at Kaeya's office door, and asks Kaeya to kill him. All in all, it's the worst falling-in-love experience that Kaeya has ever had. (Albedo fears a lot of things. He's never reached out for help with any of them, but he's also never had anyone see him and reach out first.)
this is genuinely one of the best fics ive ever read in my life it's SO good. i kept rotating it inside my mind for days afterwards. and the kaebedo dynamic here is one of my favorite renditions of it too!!!!! like they cannot live through a normal love story it has to be weird when they are both involved. and this fic executes the brand of weirdness i expect from kaebedo perfectly. the characterization for both of them was really good. warning for some body horror but if you're okay with that it's part of the charm in this fic i really enjoyed reading those parts
this wordless dance, in the night by untunedviola
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Kaeya mutters into Albedo’s chest. Albedo pulls him closer. Gentle fingers thread through his hair. “You don’t have to.” He sighs. “I know.” Kaeya’s relationship with his mother tongue, his family, and Albedo develops in fits in starts.
i just reread this while searching through recs on my bookmarks and!!!!!!!!! this is THE kaebedo relationship study EVER. it's so good. its more focused on kaeya since it's from his point of view but albedo is a central crucial part of it. it explores their connection to khaenri'ah and the connection they could have with each other because of it SO well it's really amazing! the angst is delightful i love this one.
and you should check out this author's other works!! seriously the way they write kaebedo is like the best ever. i havent read all of them but the ones i have read were immediate favorites. untunedviola if youre out there
The Curious Investigation on the Investigation Captain by evesbeve
“This is not an invitation to spoil me,” Albedo says through a bite, a hand over his mouth. “As you have with Klee.” “I have no idea what you are talking about," Kaeya laughs. “Although… would it really be that bad, if I wanted to take care of you?” (Or: When Sucrose mentions that she's been worried about Albedo and his constant cases of zoning out, Kaeya takes it upon himself to investigate the situation.)
a lighter, fluffier work to make up for the angst of the previous recs. so sweet youll get cavities honestly. works to read while giggling about how much you love these silly little characters. bonus ragbros and other mond characters. really nice read!!!!
i wish i had more recs but i really dont. i need to read more about them honestly.
im deeply sorry for taking like three months to answer!! many such cases im afraid. i hope my kaebedo propaganda has worked on you or anyone else reading this
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bloody-bee-tea · 1 year
Kaebedo Week 2023 Day 4 - Scars
“Can I take it off?”
The question makes Kaeya freeze. There’s no mistaking what Albedo means, not with the way his hand is cupping Kaeya’s cheek and his thumb grazing the edge of the eyepatch.
Albedo clearly takes up on Kaeya’s hesitation as well because he slightly tilts his head to the side.
“I know what’s underneath it. I know what and who you are. Surely there is no need to hide it any further. It’s just us here.”
“But someone could always come barging in now, couldn’t they?” Kaeya asks and tilts his head out of Albedo’s hand.
He sees how his fingers twitch at the loss of contact and while it does make Kaeya feel bad, he doesn’t feel like explaining what’s underneath the eyepatch.
It’s not just the eye that marks him for what he is; it’s also what Diluc left him with when they had their falling-out.
“Who do you expect to come up here? Klee?” Albedo asks and there’s a challenge in his voice.
“Jean could—”
“Jean knows better than to send someone for me if Mondstadt isn’t currently burning down. And she definitely knows better than to send someone for you here if Mondstadt isn’t burning down.”
Kaeya opens his mouth but he finds that he can’t even argue with Albedo on that one. He’s right, after all. And for once he did tell Jean that he would go visit Albedo, so the chances of someone barging in unannounced truly are slim.
“Kaeya, if you don’t want to take it off, that’s fine. Just say so. I can’t claim to understand, but I’m also not going to push you or do it against your will.”
That, Kaeya definitely knows. It’s the only reason he stayed still for so long with Albedo’s thumb so close to the scar he keeps hidden. If he wouldn’t trust Albedo, he would have moved away before his hand could have even made contact with his cheek. The intent Albedo had had been clear after all.
“I don’t want to,” Kaeya says promptly, and he can’t help the pouty tone of his voice. “And I don’t feel like explaining.”
“Then I’m not going to ask. It’s fine.” Albedo steps close and reaches for his hand, raising it to his lips to press a kiss to the back of it. “I didn’t mean to spoil the mood,” he then adds with a small smirk and Kaeya huffs out a breath.
Albedo likes to claim that human interaction is hard for him, that the finer intricacies of conversation and interpersonal relationships escape him but Kaeya has seen him skilfully navigate conversations before. And even this now is all done to put Kaeya at ease.
And he hates to admit it, but it’s working.
“You didn’t,” he sighs out and threads their fingers together. “There wasn’t anything to spoil anyway. You were working before I came to bother you.”
He distracted Albedo with kisses, until he almost shattered a vial, but Kaeya leaves that unsaid. Albedo knows anyway, going by the glint in his eyes.
“Then maybe we should go back to that,” Albedo says. He leans up, just as Kaeya is leaning down but right before their lips meet Albedo says “There is still so much work to be done.”
He’s gone before Kaeya can blink and by the time Kaeya has regained his composure enough to join Albedo at his workbench, he is already engrossed in his work. Kaeya thinks, it’s probably what he deserves after all of this, but it also lets him know that despite his words, Albedo is upset.
And Kaeya can’t even blame him. There have barely been secrets between them, not since Albedo came clean about his homunculus nature and Kaeya told him about the eye he’s hiding. It��s just—it’s not just the eye after all.
It’s also the scar. And Kaeya is not ready for Albedo to see it and might not ever be.
That night, Kaeya can’t sleep. Kaeya ghosts his fingers over the eyepatch which he keeps on, even now, wondering if he shouldn’t just tell Albedo, shouldn’t just show him. But when he turns his head to the right side, he’s met with an Albedo in all his glory—his skin fair and even, completely unblemished except for the one mark he wears so proudly on his neck for everyone to see. Apart from that his skin could be made out of porcelain for how absolutely perfect it is.
It’s the exact opposite of Kaeya’s skin and he knows that Albedo could never find him beautiful again should he know the full extent of imperfections marring his very being.
So no. Kaeya is not going to show him. It’s probably for the best if he hides that part of himself away for as long as humanly possible.
Kaeya has been covering up the scar on his chest for longer than he cares to remember but the one perk that brings is that he by now can do it even half asleep. Given that he has to get up even earlier to get it done, it’s the least he gets in return.
On days like this he wonders if it wouldn’t just be easier to change his damn outfit but his outfit is as much a part of the act he puts on as everything else, so that is out of the question. Besides, it does help to get information from tipsy and drunk people at the tavern. 
Sometimes it seems as if they find it easier to talk to Kaeya’s chest than to his face and it’s an advantage he can hardly give up.
Kaeya is reaching for the next pot with make-up in line, fumbling his way through his routine more than half asleep when suddenly the front door opens.
That certainly is enough to wake him up completely.
“Kaeya?” Albedo calls out and who else would it be but him. It’s not as if Kaeya goes around handing out keys to his place to just everyone.
Kaeya briefly debates if pretending to not be here will make Albedo leave, but by now he’ll have noticed Kaeya’s shoes and his sword by the front door and Kaeya never leaves the house without them.
No, pretending is not going to help here. Kaeya strains his ears and just like he dreaded he hears Albedo take off his shoes before he makes his way over to the kitchen.
He’s here to stay then.
“Fuck,” Kaeya mutters under his breath, rushing through his routine in case Albeo decides to come looking for him. He can absolutely not find Kaeya with his scar on full display like this.
The faint smell of coffee reaches Kaeya in the bathroom and he can just imagine Albedo puttering around in his kitchen as if he belongs there, feeling completely at home. It almost aches with how desperately Kaeya wants to keep this but he knows that life is a fickle thing and affection is just as easily snatched away as it’s given. Kaeya already learned that the hard way and he is not keen to have a repetition of that.
Sure, Albedo can look past the fact who and what Kaeya is, due to the fact that Albedo himself isn’t quite human but the scars are a different matter. His looks are one of the very few things Kaeya has going for him and if Albedo realizes just how marred he really is, he’ll surely turn away.
And Kaeya can’t lose Albedo.
Kaeya takes his time to put the finishing touches on his chest, making absolutely sure that the scar will be completely hidden once he slips his shirt on and only then does he step out of the bathroom.
He finds Albedo slumped over the kitchen table, his mug of coffee clutched in one hand and Kaeya can’t help himself. The picture Albedo makes in his kitchen is simply too enticing so Kaeya goes over and drops a kiss to his head.
“I didn’t know you were going to come by,” Kaeya says when Albedo only hums and as soon as the words leave his mouth he knows he fucked up.
He sounds way too defensive and there’s no way Albedo hasn’t picked up on it.
“I–thought it’s okay. You gave me a key, after all,” Albedo gives back, noticeably more awake now and Kaeya pulls away. 
“Yeah, sure, I just would have–” Kaeya works his jaw and crosses his arms defensively in front of his chest. “A little warning would have been nice, is all.”
“Kaeya,” Albedo says with a sigh and it immediately puts Kaeya on edge. “Is this about the scars?”
And just like that Kaeya freezes up completely. He wants to say something, wants to deny whatever conclusion Albedo has come to but he can’t even manage to form words. It feels a little bit as if his life is crumbling around him and he wonders just how long it will take until Albedo gets up to leave. Until he walks out and never comes back.
“How?” he finally croaks out and almost wilts under the look Albedo gives him. 
“Please do remember that I am the Captain of the Investigation Team. I am neither stupid nor blind and some of your scars are raised enough that they can be felt even through the clothes. So far I didn’t say anything because clearly you’re being weird about it but I think it’s enough now. What is going on?”
“Why would you think something is going on?” Kaeya shoots back, falling back on his usual tactics of extracting information instead of giving anything away himself. 
“Because you’re acting weird. You have been acting weird for a while now. You know I’m not that into the sexual aspect of the relationship so I thought you were holding back on my account and that’s why I haven’t said anything before but it’s not actually that, right? You’re content to keep me at a distance because you’re hung up about something and it’s that, correct? Your scars? I just don’t understand why.”
“What’s there to understand?” Kaeya deflects because he knows where this is going and it’s kind of cruel of Albedo to drag this out. “You know where the door is.”
Albedo narrows his eyes at him but doesn’t actually move otherwise.
“You think your scars are going to change the fact that I love you?”
At that Kaeya flinches. Albedo has never actually said that before; sure, they are exclusive and Kaeya is reasonably sure that Albedo cares for him but to hear it so plainly? It’s throwing Kaeya off.
“Is that–also a problem?” Albedo asks and now suddenly he sounds guarded as if he’s the one bracing for rejection.
“It’s–surprising, that’s all,” Kaeya admits and finally sits down opposite of Albedo, who doesn’t seem too pleased, still.
“It seems we’ve both been lacking in that department,” he gives back and Kaeya hears it for the reprimand it is. 
It’s not as if he has said it before, either.
“I do, though,” he whispers, unable to meet Albedo’s eyes as he says it. “I love you, too. That’s why I’m so hesitant.”
“Scared,” Albedo corrects him and Kaeya can’t even refute that so he simply shrugs. “Of what? Help me understand, so I can put your worries to rest.”
“You won’t understand.” Kaeya shakes his head. “You can’t.”
“Because I don’t have scars.”
“Because you’re perfect.” He lets out a harsh breath. “Because you were made to be literally perfect.”
“And yet my master still found fault with me,” Albedo mutters. “But you’re right. I don’t have scars. I can’t get scars.”
“Lucky you,” Kaeya bitterly mutters and even though he is the cryo user in the room it still feels as if the temperature suddenly noticeably drops.
“I find it rather–troublesome,” Albedo finally says and it’s surprising enough that Kaeya finally lifts his head to look at him.
“What are you talking about? You are perfect in every way, nothing will ever be able to mar you, and you’re dissatisfied with that?”
“Is that how you see yourself?” Albedo tilts his head in thought and Kaeya does not like the feeling of being pinned under his gaze. He feels like one of Albedo’s more puzzling experiments. “Is that what you think of scars? That they are disfiguring?”
At that Kaeya scoffs.
“Of course they are. What else would they be? Beautiful?” He almost sneers the last word but Albedo’s gaze meets his as evenly as before.
“I find them fascinating, actually. Wonderful, in a way, because they allow you to recount your life through them. Each scar makes up a story about your life, neither good nor bad, simply preserving what you went through. I am–lacking, in that way.”
Kaeya brow furrows at that but before he can put his confusion into words, Albedo goes on.
“The day before you came to visit, a wild boar attacked me. I was speared clean through, right here,” he points to his left side, “but it all healed up. There’s no trace of it to be seen.”
“Albedo! Why didn’t you say?”
“Like I said, it’s all gone now. Every reminder of that vanished. And soon, even the memory will disappear. Sometimes there’s this ache in my shoulder; a previous injury, no doubt but I don’t remember. I don’t know what caused it and I never will. It feels as if I’m an empty canvas; nothing ever sticks to me. I could be born yesterday and people would believe it with the lack of a life my skin tells them.”
Kaeya opens his mouth but he’s not actually sure what he wants to say and before he can figure that out Albedo beats him to it.
“I tried to make them stick once, you know,” he whispers and Kaeya watches with a sick feeling in his gut how he traces a line up his arm. “Nothing I tried worked. And now it’s barely even a memory anymore.”
There’s a faraway look in Albedo’s eyes, one that makes Kaeya’s heart beat fast in worry and he slams a hand on the table.
“Stop that,” he hisses out and he almost feels bad when he sees how Albedo flinches. “You don’t understand how it is to be marked like that, the kind of looks it gets you. You understand nothing.”
“I don’t,” Albedo agrees. “But not for a lack of trying. I don’t know how it is for you to be marked like that. But you don’t understand how it is to not be marked by anything. Tell me, Kaeya, how often have you bonded with your fellow soldiers over scars? How often have you shared stories and drinks over late-night talks?”
There’s a ferocity in his voice that Kaeya only ever rarely hears from him and he isn’t sure how to handle this. And if he’s being completely honest then he has to admit that Albedo is right. Scars do bring up a kind of comradery with Kaeya’s fellow knights. 
He has made up more than one story about how he ‘lost his eye’ all in the name of getting information out of someone; it’s a tool Kaeya uses quite often. It doesn’t change the fact that he would rather not have them, though.
“That doesn’t change anything.”
“Because you’re a stubborn bastard,” Albedo almost immediately agrees but then he shrugs. “I’m not saying it changes anything. I’m just saying I don’t understand why you’re so adamant on not letting me see your scars. Clearly I don’t have the same hang-ups about them as you clearly do.”
“Yeah, I heard you, Albedo, you think my scars make me beautiful. Can you fuck off with that now?”
“You’re not listening,” Albedo says with a shake of his head and he’s almost eerily calm. “They don’t make you beautiful. But they also don’t make you ugly, like you so clearly seem to think. They don’t make you anything. They just are. And I don’t care for you more or less, knowing that you have scars. They are not the reason I fell in love with you and they won’t be the reason I will fall out of love with you. Your prickly personality, though, that might do the trick.”
It’s a cheap trick and Kaeya knows it for what it is but it doesn’t change the fact that it makes him smile, no matter how hard he tries to hide it. 
“That’s better. Listen, Kaeya, I’m not going to force you to show me your scars but it feels as if you’re forcing yourself away from me because of them and that I cannot accept. I am right here and I’m not going anywhere, with knowledge of your scars or without so don’t make our relationship hinge on that, that’s all I’m saying.” With that Albedo gets up and shoots Kaeya a small smile. “Now, I realize I might not be entirely welcome here today, so I’ll just go home. Come find me if you want, alright?”
It seems as if Albedo is hell-bent on making good on his word because he starts to walk and it doesn’t seem as if he’s going to stop any time soon and Kaeya finds that he can’t have that. Just as Albedo walks past him, he reaches out, circling his arm around Albedo’s middle and pulling him on his lap.
“Don’t go,” Kaeya whispers, hiding his face away in his neck. “I can’t–show you, not today, but don’t go.”
“You don’t have to show me,” Albedo soothes him, pushing his fingers through Kaeya’s hair as he properly straddles his lap. “But don’t pull away from me either.”
“Fair,” Kaeya allows and presses a kiss to Albedo’s neck, close to the only mark that does stick to him.
“One question, though,” Albedo suddenly says and he’s tense in Kaeya’s arms in a way that tells Kaeya he won’t like it.
“You can try.”
“They are so raised–don’t you ever go to see a healer?” Albedo wants to know and ghosts his fingers over one of the scars on Kaeya’s side.
It makes him freeze–force of habit more than anything–but Kaeya takes a deep breath and consciously relaxes.
“Barbara hasn’t met a secret she can keep yet, not when it comes to Jean or Rosaria.”
“Ah, meddling friends. I get it.”
“I usually–” Kaeya freezes up, wonders if he’s really going to do this, if he’s really going to talk about this, but then Albedo scratches his scalp, not demanding anything and Kaeya melts into his touch. “I usually freeze the wounds until I can deal with them at home. A lot of them have burn marks because of that.”
Albedo forces his head up at that, forces Kaeya to look at him even though he wants to do nothing more than hide.
“If my home is closer, you go there. If my workshop is closer, then you go there. I’ll stock up on first-aid supplies. Do not force yourself to endure this for longer than you have to, if there are other options.”
He could have scolded Kaeya. He could have called him crazy and he could have been mad as well. And instead Albedo shows him nothing but care and love.
“I love you,” Kaeya whispers, trying his damn hardest to ignore the burning of his eye but going by the look on Albedo’s face he knows exactly what’s going on.
“I love you,” he gives right back, and when he leans in to first press a kiss to Kaeya’s eyepatch before he moves on to his mouth, Kaeya doesn’t even flinch.
He’s certain now that Albedo is going to wait until he’s ready and that he’s not going to judge him by his scars whenever that happens.
And that is all Kaeya can ask for at the moment.
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sarbcat · 2 years
this is my ship post, here are literally all of my favorite genshin ships with a quick explanation for each hetero jealuc - its my og. its my babygorl of ships. they have so much canon shit- and like. ok, high school jealuc and theyre best friends who both harbor more than just friendly thoughts for eachother but theyll never say anything... buff boi x buffer gorl what more can i say alberose - i know a lot of people arent fond, thats ok, i think its just cute. he protects her :) (she doesnt need it. but doesnt say no.) thomaya - i just think theyre cute :) shes his sugar mommy! <3 i like him and her brother more though fischnett (?) bennett/fischl - he plays along with her shit and thats adorable... he just thinks shes a cutie <3 and shes a total tsundere dont @ me chilumi - fuck u theyre cute... she beats him and he loves it ok.... tis.... so cute... 'hey girlie hold still' :) he is her little housewife and thats adorable scaramona - they're astrology spouses... she deffo reads his palms and he gets all sweaty bc omg shes touching my hands !!!! ittosara - fight me tengu!!! thats all a lot of the traveler ships r cute too. aether + amber, yoimiya,,, lumine + like- diluc? cute and oh my god i have a type oh no homo kaebedo - cute as fuck.... dont @ me... he draws him!!! cytham - they fight eachother on shit but they would be cute... cute as hell!!! kavetham - they would kiss. roommates my ASS kazuscara - they put the old conflict aside and just are there for eachother <3 thomato - i said it earlier and ill say it again, sugar daddy x housewife its cute as shit! malewife x girlboss but the girlboss is also a man tomokazu - old besties. kazu was DEFFO inconsolable when tomo died i wish he lived oh man im sad now wtf.... xiaoven - venti plays the song that kept xiao alive, theres so much angst there that i could curl up in that angst pit and DIE ayalumi - honestly i just fucking fell in love with all of their interactions - the 'keep your eyes on me traveler' haha! so cute hit me with a van pls beigguang - it takes a true diamond to catch the eye of ningguang and beidou is 24 karat <3 they fuck and thats awesome... love them!!! eimiko - mommy? sorry... mommy? sorry... mommy? eulamber (?) - i dont know what this ones called but KISS PLS :) jeanlisa - they are wives but im still a jealuc fan first and foremost im sorry :( --- thanks 4 coming bestays
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silkflovvers · 1 year
You got it boss 🫡
Rating: T Ship: Kaebedo Tags: Canon Compliant, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
The scene plagued his unconscious mind like a disease. A parasite eating him alive from the inside out. Sucking every last breath from his lungs.
Chaos, destruction, fear.
The town crumbling beneath claws he knew were undeniably his own despite the contrast to his mortal form.
Screams of agony and horror bitterly mixed with the scent of woodsmoke and burning flesh. Ashen, bloodied cobblestones. Bodies in the fountain, limp, lifeless, even in their last desperate act of survival. Staining the clear waters sanguine. A sinful, forbidden wine borne from the sentient vials that inhabited the shelves of this city. Each one cruelly plucked from their place and tossed aside without a care. Humanity was not present in blind bloodlust.
Blood boiled and coursed through his veins. His hollow chest throbbed as the poison pumped through each chamber of his heart. It blurred his vision and muddied his thoughts through searing pain. It fueled his lashing and rampaging through the town that had given him a home.
Given him a family.
How could it topple so quickly? After all he’d done to build it up. To fortify it, preserve it, like something precious. Protected even from dust by a glass case. 
But now the glass was shattered, and by his own hands. His own obsidian claws that scraped and clacked.
A shuddering breath forced its way out of the prison that was his rib cage, clenched tight and suffocating. Sweat clung to his skin in beads threatening to roll at the slightest movement. His fingers gripped tight around the closest object, knuckles white in their desperation.
Soft lips pressed to his forehead as his eyes opened with a strangled gasp.
His eyes found his fist tangled in the cotton cloth of the sleep shirt the second body in the bed was wearing. Ribs heaved under the crushing weight of the dream, yet the fingers weaving through his hair were lighter than crystalfly wings and more tender than anything his senses have experienced.
The face across from his own was gentle, pleading in its silent requests to make the pain go away. To banish the fear with a singular, soft gaze from speckled lavender and bell flower blue. Albedo could not dare place the weight onto someone else’s shoulders.
This inevitably was his cross to bear. He was cursed to take the place of Atlas, carrying the weight of Mondstadt’s destruction within his heavy, inhuman heart. 
He prayed the chalk beneath his artificial flesh did not crumble underneath the mass of such a burden.
To share it would be to give hope to a cause that could never dream of a happy end.
All roads led to death, be it the city’s or his own.
To give the Cavalry Captain a warning would be giving him time to hope and time to scheme and time to believe it could not end in such a way. That time would only make it all the more difficult for the man to plunge a sword through the heart of the beast he once knew as his lover when the time came.
Calloused fingers grazed his jaw, pulling him from his thoughts.
Lips met his, chaste, dandelion soft. Gone as quickly as a summer breeze.
The kiss left his mind clouded. The memory of the dream slowly melting into a fog. Acid at the back of his tongue could not compare to the sweet taste left on his lips. Soft petals and mountain air underneath a silver moon. 
Such raw humanity rested within the arms that embraced him. The beating heart in the opposing chest cavity was nearly enough to make him forget Irminsul ran through his veins in gushing gold.
Warmth bloomed in the palm of his hand as hot breaths prickled his skin. The sensitive recesses of his throat pooled the air and held it close until it cooled. Fingers trailed up his spine and followed the shallow ravine between each rib. The press of a palm against the small of his back guided him closer to the safety of the Captain’s chest.
Come morning, there would be no explanation. No apologies, nor questions. They will both carry on about their duties as was expected of a Captain of the Ordo. 
As Captains, they were bound by their duty to the people of Mondstadt. 
And Albedo was not bound to the primal sensations of fear and anxiety for the future. 
Or so he told himself come dawn’s light.
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witchofthyme-writes · 2 years
Footsteps approached Albedo. He shifted a s. Turned slightly, seeing a purple hat jingle closer. “Albedo, what’s wrong?” A soft voice called out. Lisa frowned as she finished climbing up the hill the alchemist was on. “I-“ he hesitated, unsure if he could trust her. “Well, if anything happens you’ll be the first to know.” He shifted, turning his angry gaze away from the librarian. “Albedo. Did something happen with the clone?” Worry grew on Lisa’s face. “Unfortunately yes.. and Jean and Kaeya think I did it so I’ve essentially been banished. So therefore I must be remade- wherever my master and creator is..” he wistfully looked over the cliff he was on. Dangerously playing a game of to jump or not to jump. “I mean you heard what I fucking told Kaeya! Archons I sounded so manipulative and just horrible..” His voice started stuttering. “Hell! I sounded like I still lov-“ he shut up right before he spilled his feelings to the librarian. She frowned and grabbed albedos wrist pulling him to her, wrapping him in a hug. “Oh bedo….” Her voice cracked, her heart breaking for the alchemist, tightening the hug she had him in. “I know I probably can’t convince you to stay but please don’t jump. Just tell me where you are okay?” She peered into the the alchemist’s teal eyes. “Albedo, you have to promise me that. Please.” The grip she had made Albedo gulp. How’d she know? Instead, he just nodded. “I’ll try too, Lisa. I really will.”he started to reciprocate the hug but not as tight as Lisa’s, then they heard the familiar voice of Jean and Kaeya. “I swear I saw her run out this way..” “archons I hope she’s okay.. and what about-“ “let’s focus on Lisa first.” “..Kaeya..” a huff and no retaliation as they approached the librarian. “Lisa! There you are! Are you okay? I’ve never seen you run that fast outside..” Jean looked worriedly at the other, worry etched into her features. “Jean don’t worry I’m fine. I just thought I saw someone familiar, is all.” She gave a tight lipped smile while side-eyeing Kaeya. He knew what he had done. And for what? Being an horrendously bad and non observant leader he was. He hurt her best friend but she wasn’t about to ruin Jean and Kaeya being relieved to find her.
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