#Kai the cute dog dad
silkygermanboy · 4 months
Source Instagram Story Sophia Weber: 27.02.2024
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sunshinesteviee · 1 year
for the domestic prompts (which are all so so cute!) how about dad steve? with
#8 - playing rock paper scissors to determine who's bringing the child(ren) to bed
I just think it’s the silly goofy thing steve would do with his partner 😭💕
oh pls this is so sweet 🥺🥺🥺 wc: 900ish, mom!reader
Being a parent meant you’d developed lots of special skills, but the one that was most useful was probably the superhuman hearing you’d evidently acquired. It was especially useful on nights where Phoebe couldn’t seem to stay in bed. Nights — much like the one you were currently experiencing — where she’d already gotten out of bed four times in the last hour, and you could already hear her tiny feet hitting the floor again. 
“I’ll rock paper scissors you for this one,” you murmured from where you were laying against Steve, cheek pressed into his shoulder as you watched TV together. You’d only just gotten comfortable with your husband again after the most recent trip to your daughter’s bedroom. 
“Huh?” Steve asked, drawing his gaze away from the TV to glance down at you in confusion, “What do y—”
The familiar sound of Phoebe’s bedroom door creaking open, followed by her small voice calling for you, cut Steve off, his jaw dropping, “How did you know she was up again?”
“Call it mother’s intuition,” you laughed as you pushed up off of Steve, holding your hands out for rock paper scissors. You’d each gone to tuck her back into bed twice by now, and while you knew that she was probably just feeling anxious and couldn’t help it, it was starting to get frustrating. The least you could do was make it a little less tedious. 
“Oh, you were serious?” he asked with a disbelieving laugh, a grin taking over his face as he shook his head in amusement. 
“Dead serious,” you replied, your smile matching his, “C’mon, we only have a few seconds before she comes out again. One game.”
As if on cue, Phoebe called for you again from down the hall, voice wobbling and thick with tears, “Mommy? Daddy?”
Steve gave in, turning to you for a quick game of rock paper scissors that he promptly lost. His face fell at the loss, he but  quickly accepted defeat by placing a kiss to your temple and then getting up from the couch as he called back, “I’m coming, love bug!”
He found his little girl standing in her doorway, eyes shining with tears, even in the dim lighting of the hallway. His heart ached at the sight, and he quickly hoisted her up into his arms, cradling her body to his chest, “What’s goin’ on tonight, Bumblebee? Can’t sleep, huh, sweet girl?”
Phoebe shook her head, burying her face into the soft fabric of the shirt Steve was wearing. She said something that Steve couldn’t quite make out, half because her face was pushed into his shoulder, and half because her words were laced with both sleep and tears. Pressing his palm to her back gently, he began rubbing his hand up and down her spine as he shuffled into her bedroom, “‘S okay, baby. I gotcha. C’mon let’s get you back in bed.”
The fact that his baby girl had outgrown her toddler bed never failed to break Steve’s heart, but it helped on nights when she asked one of you to stay with her. After being set back on her bed, Phoebe sniffled and looked up at Steve with her all-too-familiar puppy dog eyes, “You stay, daddy?”
Knowing he wouldn’t win this one, Steve gave in, gently scooting Phoebe over in her small bed so he could lay next to her, “Just for a little bit, Bee, not all night, okay?”
“‘Kay,” she nodded, immediately curling into Steve as he settled onto his back, nearly crawling on top of him. Just like you, she’d managed to take up most of the bed and invade his personal space. Not that he minded when it came to his girls. 
“Comfy?” he whispered, hand resting against her back again as she nuzzled into the crook of his neck. Her soft waves tickled his cheek and jaw as she nodded, but he didn’t dare to move her in hopes she’d fall asleep soon. 
Fingertips tracing along his daughter’s spine gently, Steve began to hum quietly. From the time she was a newborn, it seemed to do the trick. He’d cradle her in his arms and sing softly as he rocked her back and forth, and she was almost always asleep in a matter of minutes. Now that she was older, it happened less frequently, but never failed to put her to sleep in the same way. So it didn’t take long until Phoebe’s breathing evened out and she was fast asleep against Steve’s chest. 
She looked too peaceful to move, one chubby cheek pressed into the collar of Steve's shirt, tiny lips pursed as she breathed out softly. It always amazed him how perfect she was; the perfect combination of the two of you. It was hard not to stare.
That was how he fell asleep — and how you found him half an hour later when he still hadn't returned to the living room — one hand still on her back, the other stroking her hair, curled up together in Phoebe's twin-sized bed.
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lipglossanon · 5 months
The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla!
•———— 💠 ————•
sweet stepdad!Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader
a short little one shot; this was meant to be part of Promptober but I forgot about it 🫣 so enjoy! 😉
Warnings: MDNI, stepcest, kissing, flirting, Leon wearing leather 🤭
title from a quote in The Road Warrior (heavily inspired this whole one shot 🤭 😌)
•———— 💠 ————•
“What in the world are you watching?”
You take a seat on the couch, snuggling into Leon’s side. 
“Cinema,” he rolls his head to the side to look at you with a grin.
You snort, “Dudes in leather driving modified roadsters? Peak cinema for sure.”
He chuckles and turns his attention back to the TV as Mel Gibson comes on screen. 
“Oh wow,” your eyes widen taking in the actor’s scruffy character, “who’s he?”
“Max, sweetheart,” Leon chuckles, big hand gripping your thigh and squeezing. 
“Ohhh,” you excitedly squirm in your seat, “and he has such a cute dog! Dad, why have you not shown me this before?”
“I don’t know, just didn’t seem like you’re kinda thing,” he shrugs, moving his hand from your thigh up and over your shoulders, squeezing you to him. 
“You like it don’t you?” you giggle, eyes still glued to the screen, missing the soft, fond look Leon gives you. 
“Yeah, s’true,” Leon lays his head on yours, “you’re not gonna like it though, baby.”
“Why not? Oh wait,” you pull away to look at him with sad eyes, “the dog doesn’t make it does he?”
Leon grimaces a little and  shakes his head no, “Sorry, sweetheart. But it’s offscreen.”
You face scrunches and you slump into his side, “It’s not actually real,” you mutter forlornly, “not that it makes me feel any better.”
“You don’t have to watch it with me,” he kisses the top of your head. 
“I wanna,” you mumble, practically crawling into his lap, “just distract me when- when that part comes up.”
“Promise,” he kisses your head again and settles back into the couch, softly petting your sides. 
After a few minutes of the movie rolls by, you speak up, “You should wear that for Halloween.”
It’s so out of left field that Leon lets out a full belly laugh, “What? All black leather with boots and fingerless gloves?”
“Mmhmm,” you hum shyly. 
“I’ll think about it,” he tickles your side til you giggle, “alright?”
•———— 💠 ————•
It’s so long in between that movie night and October 31st, that it totally slips your mind that you even asked Leon to dress up. So when you make your way from the kitchen to his office with coffee, since he still hasn’t taken a break from work, you’re a little flummoxed that he’s no longer at his desk. 
Setting the hot drink down on a coaster, you spin around to see if he’s in his bedroom. Pressing open the cracked door, you must make a noise since his gaze snaps over to you. 
“Hi, sweetheart, still putting on the last touches.”
You feel like a fish out of water with how your mouth is opening and closing, no words escaping as you rake your eyes down his outfit. 
“What’re you…”
Trailing off, you just gesture at him. He laughs, the edges of his eyes crinkling with the movement. 
“Don’t tell me you don’t remember,” he grins, pulling on the fingerless gloves that make your mouth water.
“Mad Max,” you breathe out, eyes taking in all the leather. 
You step into the room, walking straight to him with your hands outstretched, fingers skating up the leather jacket until it reaches the collar and your hands fan out down his shoulders. Glancing down, you see the tight leather pants leave nothing to the imagination. 
“You look hot,” you blurt out before biting your lip in embarrassment, dilated eyes finally meeting his stormy blue ones.
The corner of his mouth curls up and your heart skips a beat. 
“Hot, huh?” 
His big hands grip onto the fat of your hips and you have to swallow down the whimper threatening to spill out. 
“Very hot,” you whisper, tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip. 
His eyes track the movement but he only chuckles to himself. 
“Glad to know you like it,” he murmurs, leaning forward and your eyes flutter shut. 
He presses a soft kiss to your cheek and pulls away from you, turning back to the mirror to adjust the tight fitting cotton tee underneath the jacket. 
“Don’t you have a costume to change into?” He lifts a brow as you meet his reflected gaze. 
“Y-yeah, I’ll go get changed,” you mumble before snapping your fingers, “oh! Before I forget, I made you a coffee, it’s in your office.”
He gives you a sweet smile, “Thanks, baby.”
You nod, quickly backtracking back to your room. There’s no way you’re going to survive the night!
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cherrybeartoast · 5 months
my japanese kpop-stan mother gives kpop idols roles in her life (if she knew them) - SKZ, BTS, TXT and ENHYPEN
tagging @thevampywolf since she loves my mother and her iconic content (and my mum loves her too, they're like the same person at times welp)
my mum and dad are currently beefing about seungmin and jeongin bc both of them like to annoy each other so vote here on opinions and to hear the full story since it's fun
chris - "my client." (for context, she's a psychologist, and she likes to assess kpop idols for fun)
minho - "he would have been my boyfriend, but i wouldn't marry him, because we're too similar, and we'd have too many cats and be a bit crazy."
changbin - "my workout buddy." (they're both gym rats)
hyunjin - "a popular boy in high school that i did a group assignment with."
jisung - "my best friend." (she thinks he's funny)
felix - "i probably would've had a crush on him when i was junior high school."
seungmin - "a guy i hated in high school." (mum's very minho coded, and so she'd probably beef with him the way minho does, so sorta affectionately)
jeongin - "my son in law." (she wants me to marry him, like she straight up told me she won't let me marry any other boy.)
yeonjun - "the nephew of a twin i didn't know i had." (she's getting a little too creative with these and this one made me snort)
soobin - "son in law."
beomgyu - "my best friend." (i'm actually scared of the chaos that would ensue)
taehyun - "school captain that i hated." (she actually loves taehyun and seungmin, but she thinks she wouldn't get on with them when she was young since she was very sassy and probably would clash personalities or get annoyed lmao)
huening kai - "my son." (he's her child in her opinion, and he reminds her of my little brother so she sees him as a son)
heeseung - "he would've been my boyfriend in high school." (duolingo has another person to battle here, although she says she wouldn't marry him or minho, because she's already married to my dad, which is cute lmao)
jay - "classmate in uni."
jake - "my neighbour's son who i didn't hang out with much." (i swear she's thought about these answers before sjgdhs)
sunghoon - "classmate."
sunoo - "my little brother." (this was cute, she has a very soft spot for him and i can see her protecting him and also fighting with him since they're both sassy)
jungwon - "a kid i made cry in primary school." (i'm literally WHEEZING)
niki - "my son." (he's a japanese boy, so of course he's close to her heart.)
jin - "the rich neighbour's son i hated." (the way she's beefing with so many idols i'm CRYING)
yoongi - "my friend in high school." (they'd get along well, i can see that)
namjoon - "a weird guy in my university class who liked making friends and tried to talk to me too much." (THE DETAIL HELP)
hoseok - "my best friend." (she once dreamt about him working in a theme park as one of those dress up characters lmao. him, gyu and hannie and her would be a chaotic and unstoppable team)
jimin - "my gay friend." (i asked her why she thought this, and she said he reminds her of me, and since i'm bi, she just decided that was the defining factor)
taehyung - "my brother." (she loves him, his music and his dog, he's her bias and i think he belongs in the 'has a soft spot for' category with jeongin, sunoo, huening kai, soobin and niki)
jungkook - "a kid who had a crush on me in junior high school." (i asked her if she liked him back, and she said even if she did, she would avoid him, since he'd be annoying. i think her reference for this was the seven music video and since then her view's been tainted)
my mother is such an icon for this welp, she was just like "you know let me give skz roles in my life," and then it turned into this
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magewritesstories · 1 year
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[ ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ ᴋᴀɪ ] ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ ɪ.
summary: a few blurbs of the original miyagi do’s and what happens when they meet your parents. (Cobra’s will be up soon as well) TW: none, just cute fluff note: i feel like i’m getting back into my cobra kai phase— btw i will definitely write full fics of these if someone wants them! and sam’s blurb’s family dynamic is most definitely based off of ant-man lol. Oh and, there’s a note at the end too!
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ʀᴏʙʙʏ ᴋᴇᴇɴᴇ — ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇʀᴠᴏᴜꜱ ᴏɴᴇ
Robby looked at his clothes; plain jeans, a white t-shirt and a blue flannel. To say he was nervous was an understatement. The brunet had spent an hour practicing with his friends how to greet your parents and answer questions they might have for him beforehand. 
The boy in blue knocked on your door three times and waited patiently for someone to answer. He really hoped you would be the one to open it.
“Hello,” An older woman greeted, she was wearing a white sweater and some comfortable pants, “You must be Robby,” She said with a smile, as she ushered him inside. She had your smile— or well, you had her smile, he supposed.
Robby smiled, holding out the box of chocolates Demetri had made him buy (“It gives off a good impression!”) and nodded.
“Y/N, Robby’s here!” She shouted, making her way towards the kitchen counter. That’s where Robby found the next member of your family; your dad was sitting at the marmer counter scrolling through his phone.
He stood up, and Robby realized he had the same warm look in his eyes as you always do. The man held out his hand, “Robby, pleasure to finally meet you.” The brunet shook his hand, “Pleasure’s all mine, sir.”
You came storming into the kitchen and wrapped your arms around him in greeting, giggling slightly as Robby turned and leaned down to hug you.
“Gross, get a room!”
The entire family turned to the person sitting on the couch, headset over his head, eyes still trained on the TV-screen in front of him, where there was a large screen displaying Watch Dogs on it.
You rolled your eyes, “You’re just jealous,” You replied, sticking your tongue out at your older brother.
“Kids, behave,” You’re mother said sternly, although there was a smile on her face at the look of her children’s antics. You nodded, dragging Robby over to the couch, making a point of accidentally bumping your sibling’s should as you sat down. 
Robby listened to your back and forth teasing— quietly, of course, so that your mother couldn’t hear— and laughed slightly. Your dad joined you on the couch, as he teasingly told your brother he would be so much better at the game than him.
Robby laughed along as your family teased each other or laughed and told the others stories over dinner. He could definitely get used to this.
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ꜱᴀᴍᴀɴᴛʜᴀ ʟᴀʀᴜꜱꜱᴏ — ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ꜰᴀᴠᴏᴜʀɪᴛᴇ
“Oh, Sam, you’re such a sweetheart,” You’re mom smiled, as the brunette helped set the table. You rolled your eyes as your mom sent you a mocking glare, “This one over here never helps around.”
Your stepdad laughed, “Now, now, honey, that’s not true,” The older man came to your defense, “Y/N helps out plenty.”
You sent him a grateful glance, turning to your girlfriend, “I can’t believe you’ve been here for two hours and you’re already the favourite,” You huffed, pouting slightly.
Sam let out a sweet laugh, putting down the last piece of cutlery. “Don’t worry, sweetie, you’ll always be my favourite,” Your dad said, sending you a super cheesy grin.
“Sam knows how to make pizza.”
“Sam, you’re my favourite daughter-in-law.”
“Dad!” You protested loudly, cheeks burning bright red at the suggestion made by your dad. Sam giggled— although her cheeks were red as well— and replied, “I’m your only daughter-in-law, Mr Y/L/N.”
At this point you were certain you were as red as a cherry. Sam’s hand brushed slightly against yours as you both reached for the meal. 
“Sam, now that you’ve reached favourite child status,” Your stepdad piped up, “Would you like to know about the time Y/N electrocuted herself?” 
“Which one of the three times?” Your mom added laughingly. You groaned burying your face on your hands. Your parents continued to tell your girlfriend about some embarrassing stories, and you felt like sinking in to the ground. Sam on the other hand was laughing loudly at the aneqdotes. 
She looked stunning, smiling as your dad told her about the time you’d ran into his house in the middle of the night because you’d finished the Song Of Achilles and needed someone to rant to.
“You know she did that with me too,” You mom spoke, as your dad finished his story. You all turned to her questioningly, “What’re you talking—” You started, but you quickly cut yourself off, realising what she was talking about, “No!”
It was too late though. You mom jokingly told Sam about the time you’d stormed into her room, exclaiming that you’d kissed Sam, and had no idea what to do next.
“I’m starting to regret this,” You mumbled, as you grabbed some ice-cream. Sam smiled at you and placed a quick kiss on you cheek, “Don’t, I’m having a lot of fun.”
You sighed, smiling at the sight of your girlfriend and family enjoying their time together. This was nice.
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[ ᴅᴇᴍᴇᴛʀɪ ᴀʟᴇxᴏᴘᴏʟᴏᴜꜱ ]  ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴡᴏʀʀɪᴇᴅ
“So you’re not worried at all?” You asked incredulously, staring at your boyfriend sitting at the wheel. Demetri shook his head, “Nope.”
You stared at him in surprise. The two of you were on your way to a super fancy restaurant your dad had insisted on, so that Demetri— your boyfriend of two months— could meet your parents.
“Why not?” You asked, remembering how nervous you were about meeting his mom and little sister. The black-haired boy smiled, “I was a delight to have in class,” He replied, “You’re parents are gonna love me.”
You laughed at the comparison, slightly shaking your head. He wasn’t wrong though; your mom liked all your boyfriends ( “If they make you happy, I like them.”), your dad was a different story.
He hadn’t liked any of your previous boyfriends— although now that you look back, you didn’t blame him. All of them had been trouble. But Demetri wasn’t like that, you were fairly sure the boy— despite doing karate— was incapable of hurting a fly.
Once Demetri’s car, which was really his mom’s, was parked, the two of you made your way to your parents.
The restaurant was small, despite being fancy, and your parents had chosen a small table on the terrace. Your mom was the first one to greet you both, speed-walking her way over to you.
Demetri held out his hand in greeting, but she swiftly ignored it, wrapping her arms around him instead. Your dad opted for a curt nod before looking back at the menu, “I hope you two don’t mind we ordered appetizers.”
You sighed at your dad’s apprehensiveness; Demetri didn’t seemed to mind the cold behaviour, opting to happily answer all the questions your mom bombarded him with.
At an offhanded mention of karate, your dad perked up “Karate?” Demetri nodded, “I started it during sophomore year out of self-defense, but it’s become somewhat of a hobby now.”
Your dad sent you a meaningful glance, but your mom quickly cut in before he could continue, “Speaking of school,” She said, clasping her hands together, “Where are you planning on going to college?”
You couldn’t help but grin. You were hoping someone would ask this question— preferably your dad, but you couldn’t be picky— this was your ace, after all.
“I got into Cal Tech and MIT, but I’m not sure which one I’m going to yet,” Demetri replied, a slight dust of red coating his cheek. 
Your mom clapped excitedly, “Oh, that’s amazing!” You dad seemed surprised as well, although he was much better at hiding it. “Something wrong, dad?” You asked smugly.
“No, nothing, those are very prestigious universities,” He replied, “But they’re not exactly neighbouring Berkeley.”
“Well, you and mom did three years of long distance,” You shrugged, “We’re planning on breaking your record.”
For the first time that night, you’re dad actually smiled. You felt a sense of victory wash over you, and clearly so did Demetri as he grabbed a hold of your hand under the table. If the adults noticed the movement, they didn’t comment on it.
By the end of dinner you were smiling happily, and Demetri had even managed to get a few laughs out of your dad with his dumb jokes. Once the two of you reached your car, Demetri turned to you, “So, how’d I do?”
You smiled even wider— if that was even possible— and replied: “They loved you.”
Demetri grinned, “Told you they would.” You rolled your eyes at his smugness, but you couldn’t help the sense of relief taking over your body. The night had gone well, and your parents, both of them, liked Demetri. What more could a girl want?
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word count; 1400 words note; I hope you liked it, leave a comment if you did or if you just have something you wanna say. My inbox is always open to requests! links; part ii, my cobra kai masterlist
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thursday’s for the boys.
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masterlist. | capture the moment collection. | want to be added to my taglist?
warnings: dad!Calum. some naughty comments, but mostly just fluffiest of fluffy fluff.
word count: 1103
author’s note: just a quick dad!Calum blurb because I saw this pictures and I just had to.  ❤️
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“I really hate leaving you two like this, but I–”
“But you have a job and you’re needed in the office. Don’t worry, I get it,” Calum smiled at you, fingers lightly running through your hair before cupping your cheek. “You just told me for the tenth time or so.”
“I’m not used to this,” you confessed with a sigh, resting your forehead against his collarbone and Cal wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing the top of your head. “I like pre-planned meetings and appointments so I know how to schedule our time so it doesn’t ruin your plans, and–”
“You’re spiralling,” Calum stated shortly, making you stop your rambling. “Don’t worry about us. I told the guys I’m needed here, and Ashton wanted to come over ASAP.”
“He just wants to steal Kai for himself,” you scoffed, a smile already pulling at your lips.
“He thinks babies are soft and cute.”
“Well, he should try and make his own,” you pursed your lips, making Cal lean down to kiss you shortly.
“Nah, too much responsibility,” he chuckled, both of you having a laugh over your friend.
A delightful babble rang through the air, at which you and Cal turned to look at your son sitting on the floor, tiny hands petting Duke’s head, the dog giving Calum a not-so-happy look and demanding him with a tiny woof sound to please get him out of this situation, preferably right now.
“You’re so dramatic,” Cal chuckled at the dog before bending down to pick the little boy up, holding him in his arms. “Come on, Bubba, Duke’s grumpy. But Dada is here to stay with you today.”
“Momma?” Kai looked between you and Calum, brown eyes big and curious, and more than anything you wanted to stay home and be with them.
“Momma needs to go to work,” you stepped closer to them, softly caressing his chubby cheek. “But I’m coming home as soon as I can, and until then Dada will keep you entertained. And maybe Uncle Ash will stop by too.”
“Be careful what you say,” your boyfriend mumbled with a stifled laugh, adjusting Kai in his arms and leaning close to press his lips against the top of his head. “Say bye to Mommy?”
“Bye,” he waved his hand at you, still a little unsure as he was only just starting to learn the words and their meanings, slowly understanding the actions they paired with.
“Kiss Kai?” you offered your cheek to your son who quickly leaned over and pressed his lips against it, giving you a big wet kiss. “Thank you, baby!”
“Kiss Kai,” he repeated your words, something he recently learned, while sucking on his thumb.
You yourself pressed a kiss on his cheek in return before turning to Calum, lips meeting and sharing a kiss. Cal curled his arm around your waist to pull you close, hand caressing your waist, trying to slip under your shirt.
“Maybe once I’m home…” you softly bit into his bottom lip, giving him a cheeky smile. “Text me how the day’s going?”
“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine,” he promised, bumping his forehead against yours. “Dad mode: activated.”
You’ve tried not to worry, you really did. You’ve also tried to focus on the meeting that was currently taking place, the one why you needed to ask Cal to stay at home with Kai, but everything seemed futile. Truth was that since Kai was born there were only a few days that you spent apart from your little boy, and you might have developed a slight co-dependency when it came to him. Not that anyone would have blamed you, after all, you were his Mom.
Maybe you were just anxious for some reason – you knew Calum is well capable of taking care of your son, he’s been there every step of the way since he found out you were pregnant. Maybe you were just scared you’re missing out on something; Kai was growing up so fast, already learning words and you wanted to hear every new one from him. It was perfectly normal wanting to experience all these new milestones together with Cal – they were far more important than whatever your co-worker was rambling about.
You’ve tried, you really did, but in the end you needed to pick up your phone, and hid it in your lap as you sent a quick message to Calum, wanting to know what they were doing, and if Ashton really did show up to spend some time with his godson.
Y/N: Hey, how’s everything going?
A few minutes passed before your phone buzzed in your hand, a new text message popping up on your screen.
Calum: all good in the Hood 👌
Calum: sorry I had to
A series of laughing emojis followed, and you needed to roll your eyes at your boyfriend. He was definitely in one of his cheeky moods, it was clear from the morning as well, but that didn’t mean your nerves were soothed. You needed proof that both him and Kai were doing okay without you, even though your conscience told you not to worry about them.
Y/N: But are you sure you’re okay?
Calum: Couldnt be better
A second later a picture appeared on your screen, and it took everything in you not to start tearing up while looking at it. Calum was lying in your shared bed, his phone pointed at the mirror to take a picture of him and Kai. Kai, who was peacefully sleeping, cuddled against his Dad’s back, chubby cheek resting against Calum’s broad shoulder. There was so much love and calmness radiating from the picture that suddenly you felt silly for worrying this much about them.
Calum: Cant move. Might stay here forever
Y/N: He also knows that Daddy is the best kind of pillow ❤️
Calum: we miss Mommy though. Hurry up and come home to us ❤️
Y/N: Gonna cozy up to you soon! Save a spot for me?
Calum: bet your sweet ass I will 😘
You sent him back a kissy face emoji as well, saving the picture of your boys and setting it as your new wallpaper. You also made a promise to yourself to ask Calum to have some more father-son days with Kai – it was definitely the best part of your day when he ended up sending you the cutest pictures of the two of them on their many different adventures.
And if you got to tag along to their Thursdays which soon were reserved for the two of them, well, that was definitely the best kind of bonus.
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@mymindwide​ @fuckyeah5sostakemehome​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @talkfastromance4​ @ashtonsunflower​ @in-superbloom​  @wiiildflowerrr​  @lovelywordsblog​ @heyitskelseaj​ @whentherosesbl00m​
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rosehippiefield · 6 months
I saw somebody has done Yttd cast in Undertale before but I want to share some ideas about which Yttd character could act as which Undertale character. Of course, there's too many monsters so this is mainly about bosses and minibosses. Also this is long and yttd characters are sometimes repeated as they can serve several roles.
Sara is great for the role of Frisk simply because she has capacity both for sparing and killing. Goddess of Victory or Angel of Death, who will she choose to be? And without a doubt Sara is DETERMINED (Or there's another variant, Kanna, a kind child that will find approach to everybody. However, I don't see anybody trying to kill her there, as well as her even having a thought about killing.)
Kai can be Toriel for several reasons: he is housemaker, he is tied to Sara, so in this AU he can become her guardian for some time. Moreover, Kai has notable bond with Q-Taro and Gashu, both of which could fit Asgore. Imagine him betraying Asunaro and making sure humans survive. Or arguing with Q-Taro about morals.
Depending on the story Shin could match Napstablook when he's being his meek shy self. Just listening to music, not feeling up to anything, creating akward situations and lying on the floor. I can picture him doing it. Additionally, Ranmaru has similar vibe. Not the type to communicate with many, true introvert with deep insecurities... Why not?
Keiji is definitely Sans and I can't see it otherwise (well there could be other options but still I love Keiji as Sans). He is constantly tired, a bit lazy, has a fair share of mysteries, same ambience I would say. Keiji loves pushing responsibility onto Sara due to his trauma and consequent self-hate, Sans does nothing in genocide until the very end wheт majority is dead. Plus who is better to judge our protagonist than a policeman?
Joe is Papyrus, I don't make the rules... Well, Gin could act as Papurus as well, but let's at first talk about Joe. He is nice and funny, he befriends Sara easily, he literally can't kill her. He can have a brotherly relationship with Keiji considering "Mr. Policeman is Joe's dad" theory. The only downside is Papyrus can be killed and I don't see Sara killing her bestie in any way, even for survival. Maybe he is a doll and no longer a human?..
As to Gin, he is better as Monster kid in my mind. Curious, energetic teenager that admires strong, reliable and absolutely cool Reko (who's Undyne). Gin really trusts Sara, he is naїve to the point of believing her even in genocide route. Or maybe an annoing dog is also appliable, as Gin's stims include barking (and his desing, his Meow chan that is allegedly a dog) and the dogsong is perfect theme for Gin.
So, Reko as Undyne. Strong in every sense, fighting for her people's sake, brave, plays piano... Not to mention her relationship with Nao-the-Alphys. The thing is, would Reko kill a human for her people? Maybe not, she is quite kind. Especially if said human is Sara. Unless there is some misunderstanding... (I actually would argue Sara is a better fit for Undyne as she is samurai woman fighter type and she can be colder).
I haven't mention dummies before, but I totally picture Anzu as Temmie. Cute, sweet, funny, just good old Temmie.
I nerly forgot about Mad Dummy! In my book Ranger fits the bill here: an artifitial being that is really jealous of humans and hates them for it. He's sarcastic, extremelly rude, ready to kill. Also imagine that in the Ruins we encounter Dummy of Sei that Kai is keeping due to grief and memories, but now it ends up here as Ranger with consciousness but no soul.
Then we move to Hotland. Nao is a good Alphys in my book: a bit dependent, insecure, still striving to become better. Plus I want to give Mishima a Gaster role, so they share connection. (On the second thought, Safalin would make a compelling Alphys as well: she is actually a scientist, she has far more self-deprication as crying doll, she has many sceletons in the closet with questionable experiments).
There's little info on Gaster as well as on Mishima. Royal scientist whose genuis was unparalleled and that fell in lava (burning again?). Though Meister, whose role is still unclear, may look more like Gaster and have the same air of mystery.
For Muffet there are two worthy candidates: Mai and Maple. Both are acquainted with cuisine, both are extra sweet with their words, I think both can be persuasive about the product (it's Mai's profession, and you can't refuse to drink tea in disscussion room so Maple's capable of it as well). And of course you should never underestimate either of girls.
Mettaton... the star of the show, daring, flashy, attractive... Alice was in the band, his desing (in usual sprites just hair) is quite colorful, not to mention his physique, so why not? That would mean interesting relationship with Reko, who's his neighbor. Plus he could be a doll as Mettaton is an artifitially created robot. Maybe Nao/Safalin/whoever's Alphys created him to help Reko, they reconciled and Alice found his own path.
We are nearing the end. Asgore is morally gray character who killed children, regrets it but ready to repeat the deed for the sake of his country. As was mentioned previosly, either Q-Taro or Gashu could fit his role: Q-Taro because of appearance, kindhearted nature but ability to commit not the most ethical actions. I can also insert joke about killing kids (no matter how you interpret Q-Taro's words in the first main game, part of fandom will bring it up). Gashu had done even more morally reprehensible things for his "community" Asunaro. Plus, Gashu literally had a foster child that died (Sei, Ranger's inspiration).
I didn't mention Flowey because his story blossoms only in the end and depending on the person I replace him with the story becomes drastically different. The first one is Shin because firstly, I am biased toward him, secondly, Asriel essentially is bound to return to his flower form (kind of 0% to be truly happy), thirdly, they were both inicially kinder and due to horrible circumstances became worse. But yet they can become better. Moreover, roses. Maybe Kanna here was killed, and from sheer grief Shin turned into a rose? Alternatively, Ranger matches as well: he can't feel positive emotions just as Flowey doesn't feel them (I don't remember specifics but something along these lines). Plus, Sei was killed being a small kid just like Asriel and he has familial connections to Kai-the-Toriel and Gashu-the-Asgore (this sounds extra weird, nobody here is shipped of course. Just in case).
What about the souls and remaining dead people? I think some of the dead could be these souls: Kurumada as Bravery (he is boxer and this soul has gloves), Megumi or Mr. Policeman as Justice (police is supposed to make sure justice prevails), Hayasaka as Perseverance (he looks a bit nerdy and has glasses), Hinako as... Patience? (the real one), Kanna if dead can definitely be Kindness, Kugie as Integrity? Honestly, we know little about these guys so the arrangement can vary a lot.
Finaly, Chara. Maybe I'll do their character an injustice, but imagine them as Midori. When Frisk Sara is in the end of genocide, she sees Midori, a demon that is resurrected by her cruelty. He enjoyed every bit of it. Plus, then dynamic Chara Midori and Asriel Shin becomes quite intriguing (and messed up). Or maybe Kanna could be Chara as well, a kid that met a friend (or foster brother. Oh even a real one) in the underground and then died.
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diceqi · 2 months
just finished watching dr s2!!!!
how do we feel about it??
(spoilers ahead. don't mind me yapping HAHA)
tldr: s2 is goated, watch it!!!
personally i found it really fun but my slow brain couldn't handle the pacing (it was a little too fast for me to process, lol) but overall i really loved a lot about it like the animation, the soundtrack, the voices, the writing, and everything :0 it lowkey gave me sons of garmadon vibes (which is a good thing, cuz i loved that season)
honestly i'd give it an 8/10, cuz i like it a bit more than season 1 and we got to see some character development. honestly the only thing that threw me off was the random mech transformations especially with cole bc i feel like he doesn't need the mech? like he got the rock monster ability which wouldve been cool to use instead of his mech😭 but lego gotta get that bread ig!! edit: nvm i think cole needed a bunch of earth around him to use that ability so ig it makes sense why he would have to use his mech😭 also i wish we knew what cole's journey was like when he followed wu's spirit!! maybe we'll know soon?
i loved seeing more of kai and wyldfire and lloyd and arin. seeing arin frustrated hurt a lot because my poor boy was so overwhelmed and stressed😭 like that's so sad, it kinda feels like how lloyd had to become the green ninja and defeat his dad and the overlord lol. in this case, arin had to learn the rising dragon technique (but couldn't even do a proper spinjitzu) and stop the wolf gang, plus he wanted to find his parents and felt like he let everyone down :(
then lloyd getting visions was awesome, i loved taht they added it. it just adds to the chaos of the season and we got to see lloyd's struggles as becoming a master
then there's uh. some "lostshipping" scenes?. honestly i ship them so hard but i tried to think like a normal person lol. i think they're touchy and close because they think of each other as family. but i honestly can't get over the scene where geo has a flashback to cole holding his hand and cole looking at him lovingly😭😭 LIKE WHOA THERE BUDDY, SLOW DOWN!!!!
also kai got locked with bonzle forever :( thats so sad but kai got optimistic and said the iconic "ninja never quit!!" line which made me happy. but he didn't get to see cole 😭🙏 and jay didn't even reunite with any of the ninja LOL
the ending was so sad and im kinda sad we didn't see enough abt jay but hopefully we will in part 2🙏🙏 man season 2 made me go thru a ton of emotions and honestly i think the hype was deserved :D
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twostepstyless · 2 years
Talent Show Reject
Fic Advent Calendar Day 8
Advent Calendar Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Author’s Note: Sorry for the delay today, besties. I like this one, I think it's dead cute. Harry's really excited for a family day out, the dog included, to the town centre's Christmas light switch on.
Word Count: 2.4k
Harry and Y/N tried their hardest to stay active participants in their community. Harry was away a lot, so it was usually Y/N who was showing face at any events in their area. Farmers markets, the shows in the local school, bake sales. This year, however, Harry was home, and Y/N had never seen someone so excited for the local high streets Christmas light switch on in her life. He was practically buzzing. 
“Okay, babe, so what time does it actually start?” He asked over their lunch at a local cafe the pair frequented, he was feeling a lot better after his sick day the day before and the dose of being babied and medicated by his love. 
“Think the switch on is at 6:30, but they have a few cute stalls and little performances by kids from the primary school,” she said wiping her hands on her napkin before folding it onto her plate. 
“You think it’s at 6:30 or y’know it’s at 6:30?” Harry pressed. 
“It’s definitely at 6:30 baby,” Y/N clarified for him, giggling as he checked his watch to see how much time they had. It was still four and a half hours away. 
“’Kay, so should we head down now?” Harry finished his water and went to shrug his arms back into his coat.
“Harry, gorgeous, we’ve got ages,” she pulled some cash from her purse to leave on the table to cover their bill from lunch and a tip. “Also you promised the dog we would take him and I can’t bear to look at him being sad if we don’t,” Y/N pouted as she stood from her place at the table.
“Okay, so we’ll got get Vinnie and then are we walking or taking the car?” Harry asked, holding Y/N’s coat open for her to slide into. 
“Let’s walk, it’ll tire Vinnie out too, think I might need a better coat though,” Y/N said as they stepped out into the cold, the bitter wind making her hug her coat tight to her body as Harry took one of her hands in his and slipped their intertwined fingers into his pocket as they took the short walk back to their house. 
Vinnie greeted them at the front door, with the waggiest of tails and his lead already in his mouth good to go. 
“Hi, m’special boy,” Y/N exclaimed dropping down to her knees quickly to hug him close to her as if she hadn’t seen him in years. As he leapt up to love on his Mum. 
“Y’are special if she gets on her knees that quick for you, Vincent,” Harry laughed at his own joke. 
“Don’t be a twat or I’m not going to the lights with you,” Y/N shot him a playful glare before getting distracted by Vinnie licking her cheek for more attention. “C’mon, let’s go get you some food and we’ll get ready to go out, eh Vinnie,” she gave him a last scratch before getting to her feet hearing his paws trot after to the kitchen. 
With Vinnie fed and watered, they had got him ready by attaching his light up collar so he could be seen in the dark, not that he would run away from their feet, he was much too scared to do that, but you never know. Y/N also pulled on his Christmas sweater she had found in Pets at Home for him last year, granted it was a little tight round his midsection now, but they’d get away with it for a few hours. 
“Are you Santa’s little helper, Vinnie?” Harry cooed at him as Vinnie sat at his feet after finding his Dad at the front door, his tail acting like a swiffer mop on the floor. Vinnie barked in response. “Y/N/N,” Harry called upstairs, “you about ready, if I miss the cute kids singing Christmas songs or ones from the nativity that’s on you,” he warned as he clipped Vinnie’s lead to his collar. 
“Keep your hair on, m’coming,” she appeared at the top of the stairs, adjusting the knit beanie on her head. She had shrugged on a green wool coat with an oversized check pattern covering it, “two seconds, jus’ need to grab something from the kitchen,” she kept walking down the hall and appeared a moment later with two thermos cups in her hands. “Made us two little hot chocolates for the walk,” she smiled softly, handing Harry’s off to him. 
“Hm,” Harry hummed dreamily, “you’re cute, y’look cute too,” he smiled, leaning forward to peck her lips, before giving a quick kiss to the tip of her nose as her eyes fluttered closed. 
“Shall we?” she broke herself out of her dreamy haze, as Harry opened the front door ushering her and the dog out of it as he locked up. “Wait, hang on, want to take a picture of us all,” Y/N ran forward to set her phone up, so it captured their front door, with the wreath hanging in the middle and a garland around the door frame. She had Vinnie sit in front of Harry’s feet, his chest puffing out proudly, clad in his slightly too tight Christmas jumper. Y/N set the timer and sprinted back to her spot next to Harry as he flung his arm round her shoulders and gripped Vinnie’s lead in his other hand as the smiled at the camera. The camera took a series of photos as Y/N went to collect it as they left the security of their front garden and made the walk to the high street. “Oh baby, look, these are so cute,” Y/N almost squealed swiping through the photos, “look how cute our little baby is,” she whined, turning the phone round to show Harry
Vinnie being such a good boy for his photograph. With the amount of times Y/N makes that dog pose for her in a day, he’s ready at the drop of a hat to have his picture taken at this point. Harry watched her change her lockscreen to the photo and then send it her family groupchat, seeing her family drop heart reactions and fawn over the cute little family photo within seconds of receiving it. 
The sky grew darker on their 15-minute walk to the high street and as they got to one of the busier areas, Harry leant down to turn on Vinnie’s glowing collar and clicked off the retractable part of his lead so he couldn’t wander too far from them. They had finished their hot chocolates on their walk too and Y/N had thrown the empty thermos cups in the oversized bag she carried on her shoulder. They hadn’t missed anything yet, but there were a lot of people milling around. The residents of the area were used to seeing Harry’s face around, so he received nothing more than pleasant greetings and nods of the head in their direction as if he was any other friendly neighbour. 
“Oh my god, d’you smell that?” Y/N’s mouth watered, there was a scent of zingy citrus and woodsy spices lingering in the air as Y/N’s head whipped round trying to find the source as they shuffled along with the crowd of people wandering around looking for a spot or ferrying children to where they were to be before their performances. 
“There’s the mulled wine stall there, sweetheart, want to set up shop her with Vin and I’ll go get us some?” Harry asked as they broke into a free area as Y/N nodded before taking hold of Vinnie’s leash, as Harry pecked her on the cheek and gave a warning to Vinnie to be good for his Mum before he disappeared back into the crowd of people. 
Harry arrived back a short while later with two steaming cups of mulled wine for them, Y/N grinning seeing a cinnamon stick sitting at the edge of the cup with a slice of orange and pieces of star anise swirling round in the dark liquid. Vinnie tried to take a sip after Y/N took her first and let the cup hang by her side. “Nuh-uh Vincent, not for dogs, y’wouldn’t even like it,” Y/N booped the dog on the tip of his nose with her free hand. 
“Vin, here, I have somethin’ you’ll like,” Harry said as the dogs attention drifted to Harry’s as he dug around in his coat pocket before bringing out a dog chew from the depths of the pocket as Vinnie tried to grab for it, “hey, gentle, Vincent, we take it gentle,” Harry elongated the last word as Vinnie slowly took it from his grip, “that’s it, good boy,” Harry praised, giving him a quick scratch behind his ear before the dog plopped down to lie on his belly across both their feet. 
“You’re the one who keeps saying we need to stop giving him so many snacks,” Y/N reminded him, as she watched the children from the primary school shuffle out onto the stage, some with bits of tinsel and Santa hats on top of their heads. 
“Shh, it’s his Christmas Day out with his parents, let him enjoy it,” Harry nudged her playfully as the kids’ music teacher began the opening to Away in a Manger as the little cuties on stage burst into song. 
Four songs later the children left stage to a deafening applause as parents wiped tears of pride away with gloved fingers. 
“That was lovely, wasn’t it?” Y/N beamed up at Harry, who hastily blinked away the watery sheen that collected in his eyeline. 
“Yeah, dead cute,” he said gruffly, trying to swallow past the emotion in his throat. 
“What is it with you and crying at children’s choirs?” she laughed as he swiped his under eyes quickly. 
“Shut up,” he whined at her teasing, “their jus’ so cute I can’t help it. Vincent, get your mother, she’s being mean to Daddy,” Harry said to the dog at their feet, he looked up from his spot lazily at his father before turning back to the front. If that dog could roll their eyes, Y/N and Harry are sure they would have rolled out his head by now. 
They watched as another three children shuffled out onto the stage, the announcer saying that these kids were getting to switch on the lights this year as a reward of the fundraising they had done at school this year. They got to the front of the podium where a big, shiny, red button waited for them to press to turn the lights on. The children screamed a countdown from five down the microphone before the three small hands clapped on the button after one as they yelled out ‘Merry Christmas.’ The high street suddenly flickered into twinkly life. Fairy lights rapped round trees and lampposts, glittering snowflakes strung between the buildings and at the top of the high street a big 18 foot tree, lit up with hundreds upon hundreds of bright white lights. 
“Shame about the colour of the lights,” Harry muttered into her ear, knowing Y/N’s distaste for bright white lights, being much fonder of warm white. He pressed a kiss to her cheek. 
“Can’t win ‘em all,” she sighed before turning to plant a sloppy kiss to Harry’s lips in the middle of the crowded street as people began to move on to their next destination for the evening. 
“Y’wanna head back? Think Vinnie is hitting his social interaction limit for the evening,” Vinnie was a great dog 99% of the time, but he was definitely getting tired as he missed out on his afternoon snooze, and they could hear him whining every time another child came to aggressively pat him on the head. Not that they were at all concerned about him acting out, but he was there baby, and they wanted him to feel as happy, and safe and loved as possible, and if that meant an early finish to their evening, so be it. Y/N nodded, looping her arm through Harry’s as he began to fight his way through the crowd to get them on the path back home.
“Did you ever do a Christmas light switch on?” Y/N asked once they were alone, away from the crowd and on their empty street as they walked back to the house, after a quick stop off in the park for Vinnie to do his business and get his post-bathroom break zoomies out. 
“Hm, no, why would I?” Harry mused. 
“I always remember it being like X Factor and reality tv show rejects who done them in my hometown growing up,” Y/N said softly not realising what her words implied. 
“Oi! M’not a reject, am I?” Harry asked, laughing as her mouth gaped. 
“Oh my god,” she smacked his shoulder playfully, “you know I didn’t mean it like that,” she giggled as Harry typed in the code to their gate as they reached the house.
“Nope, I have nothing else to say to you,” Harry said walking in front of her as she followed him, giggling away. 
“Harry,” she whined, laughing, “I’m sorry, you’re not a reject,” she said, trying her best to be serious, but a smile still fought its way to her lips. 
“Thank you,” he said sincerely, unclipping the dog from his leash as he sprinted to his bed in the living room. 
“Still didn’t win though, did’ya?” she smirked. 
“M’sorry, m’sorry, I just couldn’t help myself,” she laughed as she ran to the living room as Harry tried to grasp her around the waist. 
He caught her in the living room, her back to his chest as he gripped her around the middle, “y’gonna make it up to me?” He mumbled in her ear, before leaning down to leave a wet kiss on the side of her neck. 
“Mhmm,” she sighed out, gripping his arms that held her close. 
“How?” Harry whispered. 
Y/N craned her neck round to catch his gaze, “I’ll let y’do your own Christmas light switch on when we turn the tree lights on in a second. Y’can do the big countdown and everything if you want,” she said.
Harry’s brows furrowed, as his eyes searched hers, leaving a long pause before opening his mouth “…deal.” 
Advent Calendar Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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bitchinbarzal · 2 days
I have more cece thoughts! (Are we surprised? You say f1 au and I’m there haha)
- is she same timeline as the rest of the aus? Because I see her meeting the pettersson kiddos at a race when one of the gets lost (maybe Kai went for a wander by herself and they bump into each other because Kai sees a dog) and they become fast friends, causing chaos whenever they’re together.
- that little Scotty thing? Cute af. After they have the baby, she always wants to go to AM and watch the baby and hang with Scotty (I think he’ll try & get her into snowboarding and Charles says no cause he skis. Which is fine, she’ll just watch Scotty’s competitions & support her bestie)
- who’s her favourite ‘uncle’ as in the drivers, not actual family?
- this child living better than 99% of us, bopping around Monaco, causal yacht trips all summer, f1 paddock every weekend
- I have no idea all the cars Ferrari manufacture, but if they don’t have a family friendly one, you bet they’ll make one for Charles when he asks
- Yes!!! We’ve established she is a little princess and Kai & Astrid are like weird Canadians to her lol like she’s classy and their dad skates on knife shoes.
- she always wants to be around Chloe & Scotty
“I come hold the baby?”
“Does baby want to meet Leo?”
And the snowboardinf!!!
- It dépends!
Wants sweeties? Pierre
Is calm and chill wants a cuddle? Lewis
Wants to go crazy and have someone enable her behaviour? Lando
- they (mama) drives a Purosangue
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When the group first ventured into Cole's hometown, the first thing they noticed was the over abundance of dogs running allover the place.
Jay: Jeez, Cole. No wonder you got bitten by a werewolf! Haha-
Cole: What do you mean?
Zane: Your town is reported to have a 22% higher population of stray dogs than any other location in the Light Side.
Cole: Those aren't dogs.
Lloyd: Wait- this town is a town full of-
Cole covers Lloyd's mouth as some townsfolk and dogs look at the odd group.
Cole: Shush! No one outside of my town knows!
Jay: Wait, do you guys turn on your own consent??
Cole: No, we're born like this. At least me and the younger kids are.
Nya: So these other dogs running around are...
Cole pointing to a dalmation: That's Gracie, she runs the grocery store with her sisters.
Cole, pointing to a chihuahua: That's Dr. Harl, he runs the medical clinic. And he delivered me!
Cole, pointing to a poodle: And thats Nathaniel, one of my dad's quartet partners!
Zane: Interesting, I thought werewolves were more recluse.
Cole: Well we aren't exactly werewolves?
Kai: Explain?
Cole: Back when my mom was still traveling, she came back with a ancient artifact that the town agreed to hide from thieves and our disgraced town hero... Clutch.
Cole: And the artifact is one that grants powers to their protectors, so over time we started becoming-
He motions to the dogs.
Nya: Oh, so the artifact gave you guys animal form!
Cole: Yeah! And when the effect got strong enough, us younger started being born with all the powers intact.
Jay: Oh that's so cool! So what does your werewolf form look like?
Cole: uh... well uh...
Cole shuffled.
Cole: It's kind of silly.
Lloyd: Can we see!? Please please please please!!!
Cole hummed, the nodded.
Cole: Okay, but don't laugh...
Cole backed up and stretched a bit. The others watching in wonder.
What would he become?
Well Cole was covered by a cloud of dust (fitting) and as the dust cloud parted. They saw he was gone.
They looked down and-
Jay busted out laughing.
The Blue Ninja falls on the ground, consumed by his laughter.
Nya: Aw, you're so cute!
Kai: I could pick you up and throw you across town...
Cole becomes consumed by another dust cloud and becomes human again.
Cole: Will someone shut Jay up!?
Zane kicked Jay, which made the Blue Ninja yelp.
Cole: Thank you.
Zane: Anytime.... pubby. :]
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juicewithtoast · 1 year
Nakageno Week 2023 - Day 6 [Idol AU]
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literaly lost my mind drawing this, the 1am air killed me but anyways heres's some headcanons for the idols within:
Visual and Soft Vocals
Famous for his pretty eyes and his constant state of 'what is going on'
Gets accused of being lazy all the time
Literally clueless half the time, Akki or Kai would have to guide him through everything like a baby
They still love him though (painful parental love)
Fans love him because he's just there to look pretty and be treated like a princess (real)
Sunshine Main Dancer
Surprisingly dances very well but always made fun of for having 50+ allergies and 60 records of hospitalisation due to said allergies
Everyone also loves him
Just so cute overall
Sometimes says the most out of pocket eyebrow-raising stuff with the most innocent smile ever and no one knows if he knew full well what he's saying or if he's actually innocent
Gets into the most random scandals ever ('Have you heard about the rumour where Akki blew up an island?' 'What')
Power vocals (Would fit in a rock band)
His fans are so masochistic and down bad I'm telling you ('kick me glare at me STEP ON ME' yknow yknow)
Has the most god awfully basic fashion style
Always frowning because he's tired
Ongoing joke in the fandom where 'you know they're singing live on stage if Anya looks angry when singing'
Can and will engage with physical violence towards Zak all the time (cats and dogs fr)(Kai and Akki has to step in)
Surprisingly never got into a scandal
Smooth and deep vocals
Because of his tone and his overall aura he always gets mistaken to be flirting when he is just being nice
As a result he gets into so many dating scandals with literally the most random people ever
Mature and never shy to reveal his skin, his fans are so well fed they want him to cover up more
Acts suspiciously sometimes only to reveal that he's just doing it for the wellbeing of his members without them knowing
Best dad
Lead Dancer with Akki
90% of the time he's wearing a mask because he's insecure about the scar on his lips, his fans adores the little scar though
Dresses so modestly to the point it would be 500 degrees out there and he's bundled like he's going to Antartica
His fans are like victorian men, just revealing half of his face for the first time got the entire fandom in shambles, now imagine his ankles or just the tiniest bit of his wrist
Sometimes a bit stupid and clueless (drank from a empty bottle thinking it was full)
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(Y/n) and Dean
4 kids: 3 boys 1 girls
Jensen (16)
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Joseph (14)
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Athena (9)
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Phoenix (5)
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Chapter 1: “Apple Pie Morning”
Darling Point of View
“Bae..Bae..Darling wake up.”
“Fuck off.” I rolled over stuffing my face into the pillow, hearing Dean breathe out a laugh.
“Not today, Sunshine.” Dean said throwing the covers off my body. “Time to be a loving wife and caring mother for the day…instead of the terrifying monster you are right now.” He mumbled the last part thinking I couldn’t hear him but jokes on him I heard it loud and clear.
“I heard that, you dick.” I said still too tired to open my eyes, “And fuck all that before you guys I was fattish and now I’m just fat.”
I then felt Dean picking me up bridle style, “You seem perfectly fine to me.” He said as he laid me down on something or in something? I didn’t really care until I snapped my eyes open, shrieking at the sudden coldest of water raining over me.
Growling I glared at the smug smirk on Dean’s lips, “Dean, you son of a bit” he cut me off with another wave of showers for his own amusement. Spitting out the remaining water from my mouth as I stared blankly at him.
“Hey Darlin’, looking a little wet there.”
“Of course, Dean, I’m always wet when in your sexy presence.”
“Thanks bae I kno”
It was my turn to interrupt him as I grabbed him by his pant loops dragging him into the tub turning the shower head on soaking him so he is now as drenched as I am.
“Looks like we’re both a little wet now, huh.” I smiled at him feeling his arms tightening around me, laying on top of me.
“Oh yeah? Bet I can find other ways to make you even more wet.” He mumbled trailing kisses along my collarbone before playful nuzzling his nose against my neck causing me to giggle.
“Stop.. Ha… Dean.. Ha… It…Tickles… Hahaha” I spoke between laughs.
“You love it.” He said passing his lips softly against mine, growing more passionate as I run my hands through his hair.
Before this could heat up any further a small voice spoke making Dean and I pull away quickly to see our 5-year-old son, Phoenix, standing in front of us in his dinosaur pajamas.
“Daddy why are you on top of Mommy all wet?” He stared at Dean with curious light brown eyes, tilting his messy blond-haired head to the side.
“I was just help your mom wake up because we all know how monster like she is in the morning.” Dean said while getting himself and I out of the tub.
“Hey, I’m not that bad.” I said handing him a towel to dry off with.
“I don’t know mommy. You can be pwetty scawy.” Phoenix looked up at me with an innocent smile similar to my own.
“Then this scary mom-ster is going to get you.” I said quickly picking him, peppering little kisses all over his face making him laugh.
“No mommy haha” He shouted reaching out to Dean, “Daddy save me from the monster.”
“I’m coming, Nix.” He said throwing the towel over my head then plucking Phoenix out of my arms. “Don’t worry son, I’ll always be there to protect you.”
“Thanks dad.”
“That’s cute Dean, but you can’t save him from school.” I said pulling the towel off my head looking at the clock on the bathroom wall, “Which starts in an hour or two so get him dressed.”
Hearing this I received a groan from the two as they walked out towards Phoenix room but I thought came to me as I quickly popped my head out of our bedroom doorway shouting, “No plaid this time Dean!” getting a bigger groan from said man as the door shut.
-Later in the Kitchen-
“I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha)
I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah.” I sang softly packing all the kids’ lunches for school as Kai, a Shiba Inu, sat at my feet staring at me with bagger eyes for the PB & J sandwich I was currently making.
“No Kai, you silly dog, you just ate plus this is Rosie’s Lunch not Kai the Shiba’s lunch.” I laughed at the how much the creature resembled Phoenix just moments ago.
Speaking of the Phoenix, the back door leading from the backyard to the kitchen was thrown open and in coming a tiny pink piglet followed by a slightly dirty Phoenix and an oddly still clean 9-year-old Rosie.
“Hi mummy.” Rosie greeted sweetly taking a seat at the bar while I grabbed Phoenix by the back of his shirt.
“Morning sweetie,” I smiled lovingly at her before turning back to the pouting boy. “Phoenix how is the pig cleaner than you?”
“I don’t know maybe he is a clean pig.” He sassed at me.
“Now where did you learn to be so sassy?”
“From you.”
After looking at him for a silent moment I sighed saying, “Probably, but still go sit next to Rosie so I can wipe your face and hands.” Placing two pop-tarts into the toaster, I grabbed a wet hand towel rubbing it over Phoenix’s muddy cheek.
“Mummy I have a question?” Rosie suddenly said putting her Harry Potter book down. “What’s sex?” Making me stand frozen in my spot at the same time the pop-tarts popped up from the toaster.
“Umm Rosie maybe you should ask your dad about that.” I told her putting the strawberry pop-tarts onto their own plates and then setting them down in front of the kids before turning my back to them to place one more strawberry pop-tart and a single cherry one in the toaster.
“But I did and he told me ask you about it.”
“That son of a bitch.” I whispered under my breath. Slapping on a fake smile, I looked at Rosie beginning with, “You see sex is something that grown up do like kissing on the lips.”
“Is that how babies are made?” She continued curiously.
“Only one question per day, now eat your pop-tart, because mommy was-”
“Too lazy to wake up on time to make us an actual breakfast.” A mocking voice that cause only belong to one 17-year-old boy.
“I’m pretty sure you are old enough to make your own food Jen.” I said handing him the warm strawberry pastry as he opens the fridge for some milk.
“Mother please its Jensen, Jen is for a girl, while I am a man.” He said puffing out chest about to drink from the jug, but I snatched it from him grabbing 4 glasses pouring the milk into them slide one to him.
“Oh you’re a boy? The nurse must have lied to me then by saying you were a girl.” I smirked at his unamused face.
“You think you’re so funny mom, I’ll tell Rosie what sex really is.” Jensen threatened.
“Like you even had enough sex to know what it is.” 14-year-old Joseph said walking into the room thanking me for the Cherry pop-tart and glass of milk.
“I’ve had plenty of sex.”
“Your hand doesn’t count Jenny”
“Owch nice one Joey.” I high fived him.
“Thanks mum.”
“So wait if sex is gwown up kissing on the lips then were you and daddy having sex in the tub eawlier when he was waking you up.” Phoenix questioned.
“So that’s what you’re calling it now “waking mommy up”.” Jensen smirked like he won something. “You guys told me it was “tickling without clothes”.”
“You told me it was “killing bedbugs”.” Joseph added on.
“I thought you said it was “kissing booboos away”.” Rosie said confused.
“But now its waking each other up,” Jensen dramatically sighed wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “Looks like someone has been caught in their web of lies.”
“I have the power to embarrass you in front of your whole school don’t annoy Jen.”
Right when he was going to reply Dean run into the kitchen with a worried face. “Everybody we have new neighbors and they look friendly so we need to hurry our asses into the car like now.”
Hearing the words new neighbors and friendly in the same sentence made us panic as we hushed around towards the door. With the kids having all their things Dean throw Rosie over his shoulder and Phoenix on his hip he ran out to his black Chevy Impala while I waited on Jensen and Joseph to get Kai and Pocky.
“Los hijos mas rapidos vamos.” I yelled in Spanish with Jensen carrying the dog and Joseph holding the piglet.
“I’m getting to old for this.” Dean huffed getting into his car as the boys and I got into my black Mitsubishi Outlander.
“It all for a good cause bye guys love you all.” I shouted rolling the windows up hearing ‘love yous’ and ‘byes’.
Dean’s car left first. Looking in the side mirror I could see that one of the new neighbors was going towards him but he sped up leaving her in the dusk. Seeing her surprise face caused the boys and I to laugh so hard that we didn’t notice her coming over until there was a knock on my window startling us. There outside my car was a perky blonde woman waving at me with a bright smile wanting to talk to me. It sickened me deeply.
Rolling my window to a crack she immediately spoke, “Hello I’m Ash-”
“Sorry in a hurry kids, school, late well okay bye.” I said rapidly, starting the car, and leaving her there with a confused look on her face.
“That was a close one.” I said as Jensen and Joseph nodded in agreement with me along with Kai barking too.  
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terribleninjagoaus · 2 years
Demon Kai au
It becomes a running gag that initially all of Kai’s friends or in one case sister want to eat Jay’s soul and parts of his flesh
Poor Jay at least he makes good friends with Cole, Zane, and Nya.
Cole is a pure spider demon.
The son of Lily and the origin behind the Jorōgumo and her infamous cave who claimed a human lover.
Well turns out the human became a spider demon in his love for her aka Lou.
Zane is an ice demon just like his father before him.
He’s been mistaken as a divine spirit before though too due to keeping children safe on his father’s mountain.
Echo is an ice demon as well who enjoys helping his father and brother.
Kai babysits Lloyd frequently because his mother and Garmadon are old friends.
Bratty prince of the fey and Oni Lloyd. He’s seven years old and feral.
Lloyd: Just a tiny nibble please Jay? I’ll only eat your arm.
Jay: NO! Lloyd human limbs cannot regenerate like a freaking lizard.
Lloyd: They do at dad and mother’s court.
Not Lloyd using fey charms and hellish charisma,
Lloyd is the ultimate cuteness machine and he knows it.
There’s not many who can resist his abilities except for Kai and Jay somehow. (Zane can too an extent due to echo’s puppy dog eyes.)
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blithesometrait · 1 year
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15 OC Questions!
I was tagged by @stargazer-sims !
I was so excited to be tagged in one of these! To prepare for my legacy, and the fact that I’ve been putting in more work and thought into it and my characters, I’ll let Olek take it away from here.
Oleksander Jacobs
Are you named after anyone?
Yeah, I was named after my grandfather, Oleksandr. Mama added the ‘e’ so we would still have some difference. My middle name, Lawrence, is after my dad.
When was the last time you cried?
Did Kat ghostwrite this? Last night. I finished Under the Whispering Door and promptly sobbed. She smirked at me from across the table the next morning. She knows everything.
Do you have kids?
Err, no. Maybe one day though! I do love to care for all things, whether it's humans, pets, plants, even objects honestly. For now, I’m just a plant and pet dad. 
Do you use sarcasm?
Never, in a million years! Who do you think I am?? (Does that answer the question?)
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
If they have little strands of hair that stick out. I don’t mean that in a critical way though, I just think it’s a cute little thing and it varies from person to person. Some have the classic Alfalfa style cowlick and others it’s just a little piece falling from their ponytail. It’s cute, and it kinda reflects the personality of the person, if that makes sense?
What’s your eye colour?
Brown. It was really dark when I was younger, but nowadays it reminds me of the water at the lake, where the mud gets all kicked up. Not the most elegant thing, but that comparison is what got me to start liking my eye colour. 
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. Not to say I’m one to shy away from scary movies (psychological horror is my favourite), but I will watch literally anything with a happy ending. Except Hallmark movies. I have some taste. 
Any special talents?
I’m really good at hula hooping. I had a lonely childhood, kay?
Where were you born?
Brindleton Bay Caring Hearts Hospital
What are your hobbies?
Ooh mostly gardening! When I was younger, I loved helping dad out in the garden out back, and once I was older and he got promoted, he transferred the ‘ownership’ of the garden to me. So now I’m the main caretaker of all our plants. I also like to read, and I’ve been trying to get into knitting. 
Have you any pets?
When I was a kid, we had a street cat named Patches. Not named for his fur pattern but instead named for the fact that he was covered in little scars that wouldn’t let the fur grow. Mom noticed him wandering the streets but at the time they couldn’t afford a cat since Kat was coming along. After Mykhail was born and we were more secure financially, she finally grabbed him up from the streets, where he unfortunately was still roaming, and we took him in. When he grew to be an elder, we got him a companion who was also a street cat named Sammy. They passed away a few years ago, just one day apart from each other. Now we have another street cat named Cici, who I found wandering around, and we adopted a dog named Pompidou. 
What sports do you play/have played?
Cheerleading. The whole story behind it is that mama signed Kat up for it as a surprise, and when she learned about it, Kat refused to go. I, not wanting the money to go to waste, offered to go instead. So yeah, I did two seasons of cheer when I was fourteen.
How tall are you?
Five foot four inches (162.56 CM)
Favourite subject in school?
Biology. I think it’s fascinating to see where we came from, and in turn what makes up the world around us. 
Dream job?
Well…Don’t tell my dad, okay? But all my life I thought gardening was going to be my big thing and don’t get me wrong, I love gardening but I don’t think I want to be a gardener anymore. Like, lately I’ve been reading up a lot about mortuary sciences, and it feels like it would be a career I would enjoy. Death used to scare me, but now I’m learning more about it and it doesn’t really scare me anymore. I guess I’ll have to decide soon though…
Um, anyway! Thanks for listening to me :)
-Olek Jacobs
I'm tagging @buttertrait , @angelgnomesimblr , @birdietrait , @simsonnet and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!
Feel free to ignore this if you've already done it or don't want to!
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ifvillainwhysexi · 2 years
⚠️My opinion on Mha ships that involve my fave character based on the cannon show⚠️
𝗶 𝘀𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 Shigahaul and Chronohaul
So let's start; Personally I don't like ShigarakixOverhaul I'm sorry. When it comes to cannon I think that it is one of the most unhealthy things. If I had to think of it, I would say it's an arranged marriage that they had no say in. If Shigaraki DID catch feelings for Overhaul and vice-versa, I don't think they would be expressed well.
For starters Shigaraki's hate and shaping done by AFO would cause him to not actually know what "love" or "romance" actually feels like(at least I think so.) Meanwhile Overhaul might have a somewhat okay grasp on the subject just doesn't give a shit. He doesn't care. He cares mainly about the Yakuza and would rather let the Yakuza absorb his mind rather than "emotion".
If it was after his defeat but before, the forced amputation... it's worse. Much, much, worse.
It would be an extremely manipulative relationship, Overhaul only went with Shigaraki after talking and making a deal, unfortunately they didn't have enough time to cut off his arms before the heroes came. So they just went "Well, we can't take his arms; We'll just take the whole man."
You get where I'm going with this they're going to take his arms. Overhaul is like "wait maybe I can help you-" blah, blah, blah, etc, etc, whatever. So then they ask how Overhaul said stuff abt just wanting to se his dad, and then Shigaraki's like "hell yeah, manipulation point" So then he's like "stay under me and we'll let you see your dad" and overhaul is already desperate at this point so he's just like "fine, fuck it. I have nothing left to lose."
If it did get "romantic" at this point in time, I think Shigaraki wouldn't care or maybe treat overhaul like an actual member of the league(bare minimum like telling him pieces of plans, or going on stand alone missions but otherwise he is still mud on the bottom of someones shoe rank.) So then Overhaul might not even go by "Overhaul" at that point. I'm thinking maybe just resorting to his name. Not his last but maybe just "Kai" or smth like that idk. Kai has an abnormal loyalty to someone he hates, only for the promises of his father. So much so, that Dabi makes jokes about Kai being a gaurd dog. Which Kai scoffs at or rolls his eyes at.
Which doesn't sound too bad until you realize that Kai is here against his own will or want. If he did get romantic feelings towards Shigaraki, I feel like, he would convince himself it's Stockholm syndrome. Which it may be, but I assume it wouldn't be the best from there. Fannon representation is cute though.
Here is my second opinion, with Chronohaul. Personally I think that it's closest to cannon. However Overhauls neglectful personality is a bit of trouble. The reason he makes everyone wear a mask is due to the fact he thinks everyone is filthy. He doesn't want to breathe anyone's air. Him just wearing a mask was not enough, everyone around him was going to wear a mask too. I admit Chronostasis seems to be the only one that Overhaul will "tolerate" if someone like Nemoto or mimic told him the plan would probably fail, he'd kill them. No questions asked. Just, boom.
Which makes me think that at a certain level Overhaul does care for Chronostasis. So I guess it's closer to cannon.
If it did go romantic I think it would be angst. Like Chrono pinning for Overhaul and Overhaul not noticing until when they get separated, which then Overhaul freaking out "oh fuck what do I do" then surrenders willingly(?)
Let me explain; He goes with the heroes when they put him in the transport but then he starts asking shit like "if, your aide fell in love with you... and you liked them back, how would you fix it if it's too late?" Then they're just like "uhm- atone for your crimes??? I don't- I Don't know???"
Which Overhaul is now like, ok I can do this.
Here is where the story changes. Instead of lying complacent when the L.O.V takes his arms, Overhaul destroys his locks.(it wasn't shown to have quirk cancelation technology so-) With that everyone starts fighting Overhaul get's into a fight with Shigaraki and Dabi is like, just watching it happen. Compress is pissed. And the heroes(that aren't knocked tf out 😒) are just stunned. Then reinforcements arrive L.O.V ditches and Overhaul is cuffed again. But this time when they finish taking him to Tartarus they interview him.
"What the fuck was that?" Is what the heroes say, Overhaul tells them the conversation from the Transport. The heroes just kind of sit there with shock present on their faces. "O h." Then they're like "hey tell us where all the bullets are and we'll let you see that aide of yours." And then Overhaul's just like "okay"
The reunion of Kai and Hari is where we are now. Kai is ecstatic and Hari is wondering how the fuck he's being let out of prison. When he sees Kai's face with no mask he starts crying, "why did you get me, WE failed, I failed-" guilt, sad, etc. Etc. Kai then looks at Hari explaining that HE was sorry for not noticing his RESIPROCATED feelings sooner.
Hug, cry, kiss, and then the visits over. In this story they are still in their respective prisons; But they have higher chances at gaining freedom. The heroes still interview them and asked them about the L.O.V they're cooperative soooo. They'll be alright I think.
So that's how I feel take this while I work on writing OverNine content
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