So, I had a vision.
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yusuke-of-valla · 16 days
oh i can see bbb yusuke getting incredibly mad at maruki once he breaks out of the false reality 😂😂😂
Ok so my headcanon version of how Maruki's reality works is that it's like Homura's thing in Madoka Magica Rebellion where it's a big bubble around Tokyo and people can't get in or out without popping the bubble.
Which is to say not only is Yusuke pissed, Naoto has single handedly broken into the bubble and is ALSO super pissed
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brokenhardies · 9 months
like oh god imagine if kawakami found out about the whole actualisation shit in third sem!
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alienpistol · 6 months
persona 5 fanbase: royal is canon! royal is canon! you have to accept it!!
strikers: who is Kasumire. what the fuck is a Maruki. Akechi who?
tactica: here they are in DLC. these characters are only available in NG+ which means they aren't canon to the ongoing story and therefore questionably canon at all. what is a Maruki. Wolf? Sophie? who?
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poichanchan · 7 months
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Prints here!
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perrrrsooonnnnaaaa · 11 months
Don’t say Yusuke just ‘cause he’s the resident weirdo y’all need to put in WORK
Consider this your first assignment of Persona 5 College hahahahahahaha (idk what I’m talking about anymore 😁)
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dullorangepulp · 7 months
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Futaba + Kasumire!
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dragondemoness · 1 year
Phantom thief girls with a s/o who's on the shy side but he's also touch starved because his parents neglect him.
Warnings: Mild spoilers for Yoshizawa's part, mentions of past child neglect
Phantom Thief Girls with a Shy Male S/O
Ann Takamaki
She never minded your shyness
Although, she would like it if you joined her for modeling gigs, but she won't pressure you
As we know, she's very affectionate
So the first time she gave you a hug, you kind of blanked out
She got worried until you assured her that it was fine and that you just weren't used to it
She didn't mind giving you more hugs, but she was worried about what kind of upbringing you had
So she kept giving you more affection and internally fangirled when you leaned into it like a cat
When she learned about how your parents treated you, she was so sad
How could someone ignore someone as sweet as you, especially your own parents?
She'll ask the Phantom Thieves to change your parents' hearts while assuring you that she'll never treat you like that
Overall, she thinks you're the sweetest thing ever
And she thinks you deserved way better, and she'll make sure to give you better than what those jerks gave you
Makoto Niijima
She doesn't mind your shyness
It's actually quite endearing
She's not the most touchy-feely, but there was this time you got a really good test score and she gave you a hug to congratulate you and you froze
She got concerned and you told her that it was just because you weren't used to it
She made a mental note to hug you more often, but it still worried her
Upon learning about how your parents treated you, she was sad and a little angry
She can understand what it's like to grow up lonely, but nobody deserves that
If you want, she'll ask Joker to change their hearts, and she'll assure you that she'll never ever make you feel neglected
She knows she can be busy and get caught up with school and Phantom Thief biz, but she'll always make time for you
She thinks you're really sweet, and deserved so much better
Plus, her experience with you helped with her own touch-starvation as well
Futaba Sakura
She can relate to your shyness
After all, she was a shut-in for a long while
So she got along with you quicker than the others
And when she started getting more and more comfy with you, she gave you a hug
And you stood in silent shock for a moment
She asked what was wrong in the most "Futaba" way possible
"Woah, (Name) has officially malfunctioned! Is there a problem with your programming?"
You explained that you were simply touch-starved, which she could relate to
"I see... Well then, the great and lovable Futaba shall heal your touch-starvation with more hugs!"
She started hugging you more often, especially after she learned about your upbringing
She honestly won't bother with having Joker change your parents' hearts
Forget them, they suck
But if you still care about them, which she doesn't understand, then she'll begrudgingly have Joker change their hearts so you can still have parents
Anything to make you happy
Haru Okumura
Omg you're literally the cutest thing ever
She doesn't mind your shyness whatsoever
She already spoiled the crap out of you, but your cuteness makes her want to do it even more
And she certainly doesn't mind doing the talking for you
She's rather affectionate, so it was kind of a big adjustment for you
Hearing about your upbringing made her super sad
But don't worry, she'll give you all the affection in the world to make up for it
She honestly doesn't think your parents deserve your time at all, but if you still want them in your life, she'll help change their hearts
Anyway, she absolutely adores you, and she will spend the rest of her life making up for the way your parents treated you
KaSumire Yoshizawa
She finds you very endearing
Just having you around makes her smile
She tends to be a bit more expressive, particularly if you first met while she was posing as her sister, Kasumi
But she doesn't mind that you're shyer compared to her
She's a big fan of physical affection, so she likes to hug you rather frequently
Like when you meet up at the train station, or you just got done cheering her on during one of her gymnastics performances
The first time it happened, though, you were caught off guard and she got worried
You explained why you reacted that way, and she got really sad
But she swore to give you extra affection to make up for it
She quickly comes up with the idea to change your parents' hearts so you can get the love from them that you deserved
But she won't do it unless she has the okay from you
Anyway, she absolutely adores you and your shyness
And she'll be more than happy to help you break out of your shell if you want her to
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smolstarthief · 11 months
So here are some quick Aesthetic Boards I did based on an idea that hit me, Monarch Maruki and Sumire (more context further down below):
Monarch!Sumi Aesthetic Board with a fairytale/Swan Lake theme: "Shattered Princess KaSumire"
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Monarch!Maruki: "Sorrowful Savior Takuto"
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This was an idea that hit me while chatting on Discord: So basically, if you don't complete Maruki's Confidant you'll be barred from the 3rd Semester and get the Vanilla ending instead right? Wellll... Considering all that, this means that he and Sumi will be left to their own devices... As in their own problems won't be solved. Sumi would more or less remain in her Kasumi delusion until the filter potentially wears off and Maruki disappears to god knows where.
The unwitting inaction from Joker would then have MAJOR consequences in Strikers since that game can take place after either timeline... Either one or the other or even both fall prey to EMMA and become Monarchs themselves:
Maruki is self-explanatory as his desire to help people consumes him and kickstarts his self-destruction, warping his cognition and wanting to spread the Jail's influence further. People who have their desires stolen would just be mindlessly happy and "cured" of trauma or hardships (big or small). Much like canon, he thinks he's "helping" them. Maruki's "crown" would be a gold crown of thorns (biblical influence anyone?), representing his savior/martyr complex and how much he's really hurting. Removing it represents him renouncing his "godhood" and taking steps to move on and heal himself.
Sumi's is more or less revolving around herself and desperation to keep up the Kasumi filter/charade. Her own delusion and self-hatred festering. It's basically her living an ideal fairytale and not wanting to leave it. Anyone who got their desires stolen would join the Kasumi delusion. Basically, they all would view her as her dead sister and address her as such. Her "crown" would be her sister's red ribbon that her Shadow wears and then removes, symbolizing her finally letting go and developing her own identity and independence.
Idk, I just feel like with all horrifying implications that the now optional Vanilla ending are giving out... I feel like they would be easy prey to EMMA. Especially at their most vulnerable states. They both have the blueprints for having a Jail; Just need a design, layout, cores, trauma cells, etc.
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hobie-doh · 10 months
I don't like Kasumi Yoshizawa at all (the fake person, not the dead sister)
Sumire is fine, I don't really have an impression of her other than "wow they really forced her as best girl huh and the ending is lackluster if you actually date her." But KASUMI.
Bane of Ren "Yo momma" Amamiya's existence.
I was gonna eat ice cream with the boys, boom. Kasumi.
I wanted to buy Coffee Dad/Brojiro a trinket? Kasumi.
Nice park clean up and cute moments with the shujin trio? No, it's Kasumi time.
It's a shame because I want to like Kasumire I really do, but she spends too much of the game as Kasumi and leaves so small of an impression as Sumire.
Also tbh her writing in third sem sucks. Putting her hair up with the Kasumi ribbon allowing her to transform into violet? Dumb. Her outfit is Fem Jokers? Dumb, they should have got rid of that when she was no longer FeMC.
I like the leotard but outside of that it just... big sigh, she didn't her own color and just also red, Joker does it better and longer than her and it makes her time as a thief feel bland.
Her moveset too... bless and curse fighters aren't great but Sophia and Ken Amada prove it can be done but something about Sumi's moveset feels weak.
And (I have this problem with almost all the girls dw) romancing Sumire feels gross.
Joker doesn't know her well, he knew Kasumi, and Sumire's last five social link ranks just don't feel like they are enough to get to know her, she doesn't feel all that different from Kasumi either which ISNT a good thing as it makes me feel like she's relapsing by the end of the game which is BAD.
Also like, she's so entranced by Joker and has that whole "I owe him so much he's my wonderful senpai!!!!!1!1" thing that also makes romancing her feel yucky to me.
And her sailor moon transformation is dumb. You're telling me nerdy Futaba, practically serena herself Ann, and elegant princess Haru had normal fire transformations ans Kasumi gets a sailor moon transformation?
There's so much with her that feels mishandled, and again I have such a hard time trying to like Sumire because Kasumi angers me.
I would like to reiterate, if you like her, as either Kasumi or Sumire PLEASE do not let me take that away from you, it's completely valid and I would even like to discuss it with you as I want to like her.
Anyways she's still not the worst phantom thief.
GG to Yoshizawa and Akechi fans, y'all ate in third semester, but as neither of those things, I prefer the vanilla ending.
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cookiecomics · 4 months
Ohhh perfect timing to tease an update, I just finished doing the re-read hehehe
Anyways! I just wanted to swing and and say I adore how you've written kaSumire, and all the nonsense around her. The tattered card I'm excited to see when I eventually have the time to play p5r, the use of her name being different in various places, the smudges on the papers..
Excited to see if anyone starts noticing some discrepancies now that she's gunna be working with them. Also _very_ excited to see her tagging along with the thieves this early! Go girl kick their butts!
AH thats such a compliment ;3; thank you!!! i hope you enjoyed your reread!
and gosh I ADORE KaSumire and writing her at this troublesome stage in her life :3 she'll be getting a POV and some action next chapter :3 so look out for that!
Everyone will be having a grand ole time :)
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petorahs · 1 year
bro i was watching a 40-minute across the spiderverse video essay and it deadass felt like it was discussing the core philosophies of persona 5? specifically the rejecting of authoritarian rule, vigilantism justice vs law justice and all wrapped up in teen identity angst....... huh
miles morales = joker
gwen stacy = kasumire
hobie brown = goro
miguel o'hara = maruki (perhaps. in a subverted way)
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p5confessions · 1 year
Royal would’ve been at least 10 times better without Kasumire in it.
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eris-the-phantom-thief · 11 months
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Powered by her bond with Daisy, The Fortune Arcana.
This design has gone through a bunch of changes over the years. It lost a frilly lace skirt underneath, and lace around the cleavage. Initially I had conceived a more rabbit like design inspired by the moon costume in Uta Kata. However, I didn’t think it worked well with what I had in mind for the design of the ultimate persona, Cendrillion.
So the rabbit design was axed and then I had the idea to go with a design based on a ladybug!
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I made a little tailed coat…? Bodice? Er, but I based the top on the wing case of the beetle and made it look as if the wings were out in flight.
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 7 months
I am already so obsessed with the dynamic between detective prince akechi and kasumire
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t4tails · 1 year
Seeing that other anon both i guess if the anon wants to come answer too but i wanted ur opinion on joker/kasumi (sumire) if you've played royal? Cause i agree that a lot of the canon love interests are kinda meh at best, but pegoryu is great. The only canon romance routes that caught my interest at all were Hifumi, but also Kasumire. I guess it depends on if you see her as a younger sister figure or not, but imo they didnt feel like a siblingly relationship to me
havent played but did watch a playthrough of royal and ehhhh. god this is going to sound immature but her calling joker senpai just really got on my nerves LMAO and really drove home her being an underclassman to a high degree. i havent seen her romance route tho so maybe its good idk
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