#Keigo x hybrid reader
mysicklove-main · 1 year
Pls, can I get a crumb of that new pack? *rattles red solo cup with small kachan trying to escape out of it*
New pack pls 😩
Soooo instead of giving you teasers of the next chapter I wrote this.
THIS IS NOT CANNON to the story!! Just a fun side story I wanted to write
Does NOT contain spoilers and definitely can be read as a regular fic, if you have not read Your New Pack
Your New Pack Side Story: Pool Day!
Pairings: Panther! Shoto Todoroki, Hawk! Takami Keigo, Rabbit! Izuku Midoriya, Wolf! Katsuki Bakugou, Dog! Eijiro Kirishima x Human Female! Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: You are just trying to finish the chapter of your book. The boys seem to have a problem with that.
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Convincing the boys to have a pool day was not very hard. It was blazing hot and spending some time in the cool pool is exactly what everyone needed. Plus the thought of you in a swimsuit had the boys frantically running into their rooms to change.
So here you were, out by the pool suntanning with a book in your hands. You wore large sunglasses that covered your face and a pink and white polka-dot bikini.
Izuku stands in front of you, near the edge of the pool, and cocks his head to the side. “What are you reading, Y/N?”
You tear your eyes from the page and onto the boy. He was wearing bright red swim shorts and had goggles on his forehead that pushes the mop of hair out of his face. You scan his body, just because you could. It was beginning to get more toned, you note happily. He did spend a lot of time in your gym.
“Y/N?” He prompts again, and you quickly tear your eyes from his abs to his face. He was blushing lightly, having caught your stare.
You blush in return and frantically wave your hands in front of your face. “Oh, uh, just some stupid cheesy romance book.”
His ears twitch above his head. “Are you a romantic person?”
“Hopelessly,” You sigh thinking about the times you have daydreamed about having a lover.
He furrows his eyebrows in thought. He brings his hand to his chin and begins his muttering things you couldn’t understand, “Huh. Hopeless romantic. Would she like flowers? Or does she want some sort of grand gesture? Like maybe–”
Suddenly the bunny falls–No is pushed into the pool. He lands in the water with a short screech. Your eyes widen and you quickly check if he’s alright. Izuku’s now-soaked hair falls in front of his face and he frowns at the figure above him.
“You deserved it. Nobody wanted to hear your annoying ass muttering.”
You frown at the wolf. “Katsuki,” You warn.
He looks at you from above his black sunglasses. His red eyes bore into yours. “What? You know I’m right.” 
You sigh and shake your head, knowing you’re not going to win this battle. So, you instead take in his appearance. Black swim trunks and black aviators. You weren’t surprised by his outfit choice. 
He catches your stare and grins, canines exposed. “You better get in the water soon or you’re going to end up like Deku over here.” He uses his thumb to point to the rabbit in the pool and you sigh but nod. 
You watch him jump into the shallow end of the pool and walk toward the small waterfall. He leans against it with a sign, finally cooling off. 
You hum and turn back toward your book. 
“Cannonball!” You recognize the voice immediately and you perk up. You watch Eijiro run from the ledge and jump in the pool, with his legs tucked into his chest. 
From this angle you could tell that he was wearing those ridiculous shorts you told him NOT to buy the first day you guys went shopping. Bright neon yellow. He looked like a human highlighter. You didn’t even have time to groan about his outfit choice.
Water sprays everywhere in the pool, and some droplets land on the bottom of your legs. You laugh as Eijiro comes up for air. He swims to the closest ledge, where Izuku was also hanging onto. 
The rabbit put the yellow goggles on. It made his eyes look massive. He looked ridiculous but you didn’t want to ruin his fun, so you held back a laugh.
“Did you see that, Y/N? C’mon get in the water, it’s no fun without you!”
“Of course, I saw it, I even felt it. Gotta be one of the best cannonballs I have ever seen.” He puffs out his chest in pride. “And In a bit. I just want to finish this chapter.”
“Alright! I’ll make sure to save you a floaty next to mine!”
Katsuki growled from across the pool, cutting you off. He wipes his sunglasses with his finger. “Really, idiot?” The blond scolds from across the pool and the dog grins.
“Sorry, Bakugou! But if you are in the pool, you do have to be prepared to get wet,” He hums in response, grinning at you as he talks. 
“I am about to get you real wet when I drown your ass!” The wolfs yells in response.
Eijirio laughs for a second and turns to face the wolf who is across the pool. “Sorry man, but that stuff doesn’t really turn me on.” He raises his eyes mischievously and you burst into laughter.
“Kirishima!” Izuku says, hand covering his mouth to hide his smile. The dog winks at him which makes you laugh even more. It was rare for Eijiro to best Bakugou and entertained the hell out of you.
Katsuki sits there for a second processing what the hell his best friend just said. He tears off his sunglasses and sends them flying into the grass. “You are dead, dog!” He bellows before tearing through the water toward the redhead.
The two begin to wrestle above and under the water, and Izuku has the first-row seat, with his goggles on beneath the water. 
You knew that the two of them would never hurt each other so you fix your sunglasses, lean back, and continue your book. 
Someone sits down next to you, and you turn your head immediately at the sound. Shoto is in the seat next to you, fully clothed. He turns to you and smiles softly. “Hello, Y/N.”
“Hey Sho.” His heart picks up as it usually does when he hears the nickname fall from your mouth. He scoots his chair closer to you and you smile and nod at him encouragingly.
You turn your attention back to the book, causing him to frown. He doesn’t say anything.
After a couple of seconds, the panther begins to shift uncomfortably in his chair. You turn toward him in confusion. “Hey Shoto, why do you have your regular clothes on? 
“Do you want me to strip for you?” He asks casually, honestly hoping you’ll say yes.
You pinch the bridge of your nose and try not to blush. You know by now that this is how he speaks, and he doesn’t mean anything by it.  “Why did you have to frame it like that?”
He cocks his head to the side and frowns. “Oh sorry. I can undress for you if you want. Is that better?” 
You give up. “Okay. Never mind. It’s fine.”
“It’s because I don’t want to go in the pool,” He reasons, looking disgusted at the two canines currently trying to drown one another.
“Why? It’s hot as hell. Wouldn’t it feel nice?” You encourage and he shakes his head.
“Not a fan of water.”
You giggle at this and he cocks his head in confusion. “What?”
“A cat afraid of water. You are a walking stereotype, Shoto,” You tease and the panther furrows his eyebrows.
“Cats are afraid of water?”
“Yes, have you not seen–You know what. Nevermind. It’s perfectly fine to not like water,” Reasoning with him usually took at least ten minutes, and you really wanted to finish your chapter. 
So the two of you sit in silence. You can feel Shoto stare at you but you ignore it. Just a couple more pages and then you can ask what is wrong. “I like that swimsuit. You look pretty, Y/N.”
You begin to respond to the compliment when a familiar voice cuts in, “Yeah she does and isn’t it just the perfect color?”
And suddenly the cocky blonde is walking, more like strutting, over to the two of you. You can’t hold back the laugh that falls from your lips when you see what he is wearing. Pink and white polka dot shorts, and pink sunglasses.
“What are you laughing at, Dove? Don’t like it? Woah, hold on, did you copy me?” Keigo clutches at his heart, with an overdramatic look of fake pain on his face.
“You’re such an idiot,” You sigh but smile.
“Agreed.” The panther says from next to you, who was not joking.
“Hey, princess! I’m surprised you didn’t come out here in a bikini!” The wolf calls, putting the fight on hold just to tease the hawk.
“Would you have liked that more, wolf? Cause I’m sure Y/N has some extras.” You try to hold back another laugh from the bickering but fail to. Shoto shakes his head at the comment.
Izuku emerges from the water, ears pinned back on his head from the force of the water. “Please don’t Hawks! You look great in pink,” Izuku says with enthusiasm. He has been idolizing the bird from the very first day he moved in, almost as much as he does with All-Might. 
Keigo takes in the rabbit’s dorky appearance and has to cover his laugh with a cough. “Thanks, kid. Hey, can you hand me that floaty? The pizza one.” Izuku nods and dives back under the water to fetch it.
He brings it back and Keigo climes on and fixes his pink sunglasses. He then turns over with a huff and lays down, sunbathing on his back, with his eyes closed.
It goes silent again, excluding Izuku and Eijiro laughing in the water with one another. You turn back to your book. 
A couple of minutes go by and Keigo speaks loud enough for everyone to hear, “Don’t Y/N and I look like a couple, matching together like this?” He loved stirring up shit.
Katsuki throws a blow-up beach ball at the hawk, hitting him in the stomach, before he could catch it. “No, you idiot! She’s not into you, bird brain!” Katsuki yells from across the pool and you sigh, knowing that it’s going to be a couple of minutes before you can go back to your book.
The panther, who much to your surprise, did actually strip, sits up next to you. He was wearing dark blue shorts that matched his collar that he never took off. “Bakugous right. Keigo, you are delusional,” Shoto calls from your side.
“Ironic,” The bird mumbles, before closing his eyes again. It goes quiet for a few seconds, and you think that was all, but suddenly Keigo and his floaty are being flipped over. The bird falls into the water with a groan. 
Izuku and Eijiro pop up with a smile and high-five one another. You laugh at this and the two turn to you, smiling in return. “Thanks for the encouragement, Y/N! We all know he deserved it,” Eijiro calls from the pool, and Izuku hums in agreement. 
Keigo doesn’t argue knowing he provoked it. So he sighs and gets out of the water to place his wet sunglasses on the table. He winks at you when he catches you staring at his body. You turn away, slightly blushing on being caught, again. At least Katsuki and Eijiro didn’t catch you.
It goes quiet again. Shoto has moved the seat even closer to yours. You don’t say anything. He turned his body to face you and you could feel him staring again. He was waiting for you to admire his body like you did with the others.
Five more pages and then you’re done. He can wait for five pages.
You pause for a second. It was quiet. Too quiet. You glance at the water and frown. The boys weren’t there. You begin to look for them when Shoto begins to speak, “Y/N, you know, your body looks–” And suddenly he is being lifted.
Each boy holds a different limb, Katsuki, and Eijiro hold him up both under his arms, while Keigo and Izuku hold him up by the back of his knees. He looks at you and then the boys shocked. They in response, grin viciously.
The boys have noticed for a couple of minutes that Shoto has been staring at you, and it definitely wasn’t in a pure way. So, they came up with a plan, and here they are.
“Perverts get banished to the pool!” Eijiro says, and the four begin to swing him toward the water.
“Wait–I’m not! Guys, cmon don’t do this! I hate the water!” But it’s too late and suddenly the panther is flying toward the pool. Your eyes widen when he hits the cool waterl with a splash. 
When he comes back up he looks absolutely pissed. You cover your mouth and laugh silently. 
But the moment doesn’t last long, cause suddenly you are being lifted up now. A hand grabs for your sunglasses and places them on the counter next to you. “Huh? Guys wait! I’m, not a pervert! C’mon, I just need to finish my chapter!”
“Sorry Dove, you should know we are all impatient bastards.”
“He’s right, Y/N! And you told me earlier you would come in! You are taking way too long, man.”
“I told you that you would end up like Deku.”
“You can finish reading your “cheesy romance book” later, Y/N!”
“But–” and just like Shoto, you were being thrown into the water, with a small squeal. You land with a small splash, and the boys all jump in after you, carefully making sure to not jump on you.
When you come up for air, you begin to laugh and the boys follow in pursuit, excluding Shoto. 
You quickly swim over toward the pouting cat, and move his sopping-wet hair away from his eyes. He closes his eyes and bathes in the soft touch. When you pull away, he smiles softly at you. “See? Not too bad right?”
He nods a little hesitantly. “I guess.” You smile wide at him and suddenly you are being pulled away from him by your legs. You laugh and allow yourself to be dragged back.
You spent the rest of the day teaching the boys every single pool game you could think of. 
Katsuki got way too invested in pool volleyball, almost drowning Eijiro while diving for the ball. Izuku is a pro at marco-polo, it actually freaked everyone out. You think he is cheating. Eijiro is fantastic at sharks and minnows, but that didn’t surprise anyone, in a different life you swore he would be a shark. Shoto liked playing colors, because when your “it” you have to stand out of the water. He didn’t even try to tag anyone. You had to end the game quickly because Shoto would never jump into the water. Keigo suggested playing mermaids, half a joke and half serious, and got shit on by everyone immediately. His swimsuit didn’t help his case. And finally, you requested a race. They let you win, and the six of you knew it, but nobody said anything.
By the end of the day, everyone was exhausted. After showering the six of you passed out ten minutes into your almost daily, superhero movie. 
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Main story: Here
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lovelyrots · 2 years
Pretty Girl
Hawks x Fem!Reader x Miruko
Your new masters were oh so affectionate with you, nothing at all like your previous owners. They reward you when you present without a fuss, they ensure you’re fed only the best food and cream, and you get taken out to the massive backyard for some outdoor exercise. What more could a good pet ask for?
Content Warnings - hybrid au, outdoor sex, pet play? (I guess), sex toys, heat cycle (no A/B/O though), threesome
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You tremble in excitement as you spy your masters walking to the door, your breath fogging the glass in front of you before you take off to sit at the door.
“Welcome home!” You belt out as soon as the door opens with a big grin on your face. “Hey sweet girl.” Keigo, the sweeter one of your owners, rubs your head as he walks past you. “Aw, did you miss us?” Rumi knelt down to your level and started to pet your head, her hand moving down your body with light touches while you nod and push your body closer to her.
“Were you a good girl today? Kept Daddy’s cum in?” She asks and you vigorously nod and tremble as her hand slides down to toy with the plug she’d put in before they left you this morning. You let out a whine and attempt to lean on her before you catch yourself and sit up straight again.
“Such a good girl. Let Mommy go clean up and we’ll all go in the backyard.” She stands and you can’t help but let your ears flatten as you watch her walk away.
You pad over to wait by the huge glass door to the backyard, they’ll be a while.
This was by far, your favorite home with your favorite owners so you didn’t want to do something to upset them. They had saved you from your last home, a place that was so cold and cramped that just your cage here looked massive in comparison.
You sometimes have nightmares of your previous owners. Their cold hands pinching and prodding you, forcing you to mate with their other pets, some kicking you until you wake up gasping for air and scaring Rumi and Keigo awake.
That’s why you didn’t put up a fuss whenever they wanted you to do something, why you waited with baited breath until they came home from wherever it is they go, why you listen to and hang onto their every word and praise.
They were the warmest and most loving of all your previous owners.
“Where’s my sweet girl?” Keigo calls from down the hall and you perk up, your tail wags behind you and unintentionally whacks into the glass behind you. “There she is! Are you ready to go out? Have some fun with us?” He asks as his hands stroke your ears, sending tingles up and down your body.
You nod and lean into his touch, your thighs clenching together in anticipation. “Let’s go!” He stands and throws the door open, watching you hurry out and to the chairs the two always lounge on when you all come outside.
“C’mere girl! We’ve got something else planned!” Keigo calls to you as Rumi strolls pat him with a large blanket tucked under her arm, only stopping at a patch of grass where the wild flowers aren’t growing and conveniently in perfect view of the security camera above the glass door.
You trot over just as the blanket is spread out and Rumi sighs as she lays down and stretches out. “You’ve been such a good girl for us, haven’t you?” Keigo comes up behind you and lavishes you in praise and gentle head pats. “You deserve a treat for being such a good girl.” Your head swivels from looking up at Keigo to stare at Rumi as she bunches her skirt up and calls you over, a manicured finger curling in your direction.
Obediently, you move closer and let her soft hands guide you until your nose was pressed against her covered slit. “Beg for your treat.” She presses your face into her, her scent and something just as familiar flooding your brain, before letting go and watching you take a few deep breaths in and then laughs as you whine and look up at her.
“Please, may I?” You pant and lean forward, your tongue lulling out the side of your mouth and your skin warming at the prospect of enjoying her. “Good girl.” You keen at her praise and wait with baited breath as she peels her panties off, that sweet yet musky scent hitting you in full force and your tail wags even more when you notice the small globs of cream leaking from her lower lips.
A sound between a whine and a bark leaves you as you all but dive face first into her glistening snatch. Your tongue deftly licks up the mixed juices from both of your owners while your nose bumps into her clit each time you fruitlessly try to bury more of your face into her.
“Easy girl, I’m not going anywhere.” Nails trail across the back of your head and a shiver rolls through you while you whine and try to slow down. “Present.” At Keigo’s command you raise your ass and spread your legs, giving him clear access to your plugged hole, just as you’ve been taught to when that order is given.
“Ru, you kept her plugged up? My poor baby is probably all pent up.” Keigo whines at Rumi and you can’t help but look back at him when you hear his belt buckle chingling. “Finish your treat, princess.” She gets your attention and you manage to tear your eyes away from Keigo’s hands working at freeing his cock to go back to licking and slurping at her cunt. “Of course I did, how could I not when she didn’t want off of you this morning? If I didn’t shove that plug in her then we would’ve been late to the shoot. If we left the house at all.”
“Nope, you could’ve left and I could’ve stayed with her. It’s a sensitive time for her after all.” Finally you feel his hand tugging at that infernal toy until it pops free and your hole clenches around each inch as it’s pulled free from you. A sigh leaves you at the relieved pressure from having that thing in for so long, constantly pressing against your sensitive walls with each movement.
“Look at my pretty girl, so wet and ready for me. You’re not even letting a single drop run out, such a good girl for us.” Keigo’s hands stroke along your back as he rains praises upon you, spurring you to more energetically tongue Rumi’s pussy. You had been so diligent that not a single drop of his cum was visible, just your saliva and her delicious honey.
“Yeah, she’s such a goood girl.” Rumi moans and grips your hair before letting go and soothingly rubbing your head. You whimper and try to push back when you feel something prodding at your hole, but the hands on your hips keep you still. Rumi groans at the vibrations of your moaning and whining as Keigo’s cock slowly works it’s way in.
“Keep going, princess, just focus on me.” Rumi’s hands move up to your furred ears and runs her thumbs over the soft fur as you start to lick and suck on her clit, giving your tongue a small reprieve.
You can’t help but go lax as Keigo finally sheathes himself fully, filling you more than any toy ever could. You pull your face from Rumi’s pussy, your chin coated in her juices, to lightly rest your head on her upper thigh as you pant and whine at Keigo’s inactivity.
“Ah, bad girl, finish your treat.” Keigo tuts and carefully grabs your tail as he gives a light thrust into your warmth. You yelp and let out a low whine before doing as told, your reward for listening being Keigo’s cock being dragged out and thrusted back in faster while he keeps your tail gripped in his hand-practically yanking you back to meet him with each thrust.
“Quit, hah, yankin on her tail Keigo!” Rumi snaps at him between her own moans and Keigo lets out a groan before you feel him let go of your tail and instead feel his hand groping your ass. “You’re no fucking fun Ru. She likes the pain, don’t you girl?” You moan and look up at Rumi while trying to nod, if only to appease Keigo more.
“See? Our pup is a bit of a pain princess.” You whine as he rolls into you a bit harder, enough to bump your nose into Rumi’s clit and have her moan even louder. “S-still, I don’t want you pulling on her tail when she has a s-show coming, oh fuuck, coming up.” You hear him sigh and the subject seems to be dropped, however your attention is caught by that magic word and you perk up. “Show?” You mumble from between her legs while your tail is wagging and brushing against Keigo’s stomach.
“Uh oh, you said the word.” He chuckles and Rumi lets out a groan before petting your head and directs you back to licking at her lips. “Later, and only if you keep being a good girl.” Your ears droop and you let out a huff as you suck at her clit, reveling in her shudder.
Moments later she’s arching her back and unintentionally clamping her thighs around your head as your tongue darts in and out of her spasming hole, thoroughly soaking your face while Keigo’s frantic humping has your nose bumping into her clit again.
Your own clit is being toyed with by one of Keigo’s hands and is driving you closer to your own release. You can almost taste it, that sweet rush of bliss that tells your body you’ve been thoroughly bred and calms the heat sitting under your skin.
Rumi unclenches her thighs and cradles your head onto her thigh as your body is rocked back and forth from Keigo. “You did such a good job for me princess. Now let Daddy breed you like the pretty puppy you are.” You nod and whimper as she praises you with her words and touch, her nails scratching that spot behind your ears before moving down your neck and down to your breasts to tease your hardened nips.
“Yeah, you’re being such a good puppy. So tight and hot, such a good puppy cunt, best girl ever.” Keigo rambles and pushes you down until your chest is pressed flat against the blanketed ground. A whine bubbles up in your throat, both from pleasure from the new angle that lets him reach you so much deeper and from the smacking of his hips against your ass.
Your eyes roll back into your head and your mouth drops open as you finally climax, the world turning into a dull buzz while your body tightens up and then goes lax while Keigo uses you like a fleshlight to chase his own end.
“Oh fuck, Daddy’s gonna cum. Gonna cum in his puppy girl’s cunt, fill it with more puppies, all for his good girl.” He rambles on and whines before stuttering to a stop and you can feel his cum fill you like a fucked out cream puff. He all but collapses on top of you, Rumi being the only reason he doesn’t squash you as she holds him from behind.
“I think it’s time for our pretty puppy to nap, why don’t you join her while I go get lunch ready?” Rumi presses a kiss to Keigo’s cheek and lowers him onto you and helps him roll you two onto your sides. “M’kay, can you get me one of my coffees?” She sighs but you can just barely see her nodding before walking off and leaving you two to nap in the warm sunshine.
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fatkish · 5 months
Dabi x Hawk Hybrid Keigo x Falcon Hybrid Reader NSFW
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Dabi or Touya, runs the aviary section of Endeavor Farms
Keigo has been particularly restless since he’s gone through several mating seasons without a real partner
It’s been up to Touya to help him through it and act as his mate every spring
That winter, when Touya was informed of another bird of prey hybrid that was recently found and was in need of a home, he jumped at the chance to get you to his farm
When you arrived, Touya saw the bandages on your wing. When he asked, they said you had been used in hybrid falconry competitions and sustained a small fracture in one of the bones in your right wing
Realizing you couldn’t fly, your previous owner simply abandoned you since you couldn’t make him money in falconry
Touya helped you into the aviary and told you about Keigo, he explained that he wants you to try and help Keigo through his mating season every spring
You had told Touya that you had a low fertility and that was the reason why your previous owner abandoned you, since you could barely lay any eggs due to you almost being infertile
Touya told you not to worry about that since Keigo just needs a warm hole to stick it in
When Keigo caught your scent his feathers immediately started bristling and he started trilling and cooing. He immediately began cleaning his room/area and began to construct the most comfortable and secure nest he could build
He couldn’t wait to see his new potential mate. He was so excited he was practically shaking
When Touya opened the door to Keigo’s room, Keigo immediately began flirting with you and trying to get your attention
When Keigo saw the bandages on your wing he immediately paused and growled, as Touya took Keigo aside to explain things to him, you began to look around and eventually settled into the nest and took a nap after having traveled so long to get to the farm
Keigo saw you sleeping in the nest and started purring. He walked over and laid beside you, covering you with his wings
As the weeks passed and you and Keigo got along, the time to remove the bandage from your wing came
As Touya unwrapped your wing, you gave a few experimental flaps before taking flight. Touya watched you as you flew through the sky. Keigo decided to join you and flew right by your side
Soon winter came to an end as Keigo was getting particularly fussy. Constantly preening both yours and his wings. Making sure the nest was perfect and adding blankets and pillows wherever he saw fit
As the snow melted, Keigo finally had what he always wanted. The perfect mate to give him children.
Spurred by his instincts and hormones, one day, after having made sure you had eaten and were cozy, he jumped on top of you and began kissing and making out with you
He grabbed at your chest and pinched at your nipples, biting your neck and growling. His hands slid down to your hips as he grabbed fistfuls of your ass.
Spreading your legs he dove his face between them and began to devour you. Licking and sucking at your sensitive flesh and purring at the taste. He then shoved two fingers into your hole as he scissored them, stretching you
After throughly enjoying you, he flipped you over onto your hand and knees as he prepared to spear you on his dick
As he shoved his cock into your slicked hole, you nearly screamed in pleasure as his thick cock ploughed through your insides. As he began thrusting while holding your hips, the door opened and Touya walked in
You could see the tent in his pants as he walked up to you. He smiled down at you as he began to unzip his jeans and pull himself out
“Look at you, such a pretty little mess. Is Keigo f~~~ing you good? Look at you drooling, I should put that mouth to use, huh?”
He then shoved his cock into your mouth as you chocked slightly, your eyes rolling back some as Touya began to thrust in time with Keigo
“Hey pretty bird, make sure to fill ‘em up nice and full. Don’t waste a single drop, I brought a plug to keep all your precious cum inside them… oh, yeah,… keep sucking, just like that.”
Touya started to groan as Keigo’s thrusts quickened and deepened. Keigo growled as he bit at your neck and stated pounding away as deep as he could
“That’s it Kei, such a good boy, fill ‘em up nicely now and breed ‘em. I want to see some eggs soon, don’t you. You’re gonna be such a good dad, you’re such a loving and caring partner. You want his cum inside you, don’t ‘cha birdie? Go on, tell Keigs how much you want his cum to fill you up”
“I-I I want it, ple-please, please g-give me your cum! I w-want you t-to fill me up, make me y-yours. Please K-Keigo!”
That was all it took before Keigo slammed your head into the nest and began thrusting like his life depended on it. With this new angle, Keigo hit your spot with every slam of his hips. You came so hard as you screamed in ecstasy.
After a few more harsh thrusts, Keigo slammed into you one last time as he leaned over you, cover you with his wings as he filled you with his hot seed.
Panting, as his cock drained his spend into you, he grabbed the plug from Touya before pulling out afterwards, shoving the plug deep inside your sensitive, dripping channel, pulling a final groan from you
Throughly exhausted, you laid down in the nest before falling asleep. Only to wake up 30 minutes later to Keigo already back at it
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katsukikisses · 2 months
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birds of a feather: chapter two [hawks x reader]
chapter summary: keigo invites you over for the first time and lets you check out his wing-keeping kit. in the process, you learn a few things about his world.
chapter tags: childhood friends; neighbors trope; alternating povs; taking care of keigo's wings as a love language.
cw: prejudice; socioeconomic differences?
prefer to read on ao3? here!
prev. chapter | table of contents | next chapter
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“'Do not enter' is written on the door way, Why can't everyone just go away? Except you, you can stay, — Alex G, Treehouse
The first time Keigo invited you over, you were ecstatic. 
The invite in itself was long overdue: the two of you had been friends for a year and neighbors for nearly two, so the fact that you’d never once stepped foot in his house during that period seemed like an intentional oversight. You didn’t mind always hanging out at yours’ (rather, you quite liked having Keigo inside your house), but you were insatiably curious about how your hybrid friend lived. You wanted to know what color his bedsheets were, what kind of cereal lined his pantry—everything there was to know about a person, really. 
However, your parents always told you that inviting yourself over was very rude, so you never pushed. You figured there was a reason for his hesitance and eventually stopped asking “ Your place or mine? ” on the walk home from school, letting your house become the default hang-out spot. That’s why, when, on a gray, inconspicuous Tuesday, Keigo asked if you’d like to come over, you were completely caught off guard.
“Wha—?” you sputtered, suddenly having lost the ability to form sentences, “Me, over? House?”
Keigo looked pleased at the state you’d been reduced to. “Yes, you-over-house,” he mocked, “We can even us-play-video games.”
“Shut up,” you reddened. “I’m just surprised since we usually go to mine. B-but I don’t mind going to yours at all! Let’s hurry.” 
You shifted your backpack higher up on your shoulders and began speed-walking down the street, leaving Keigo behind you. You didn’t want to give him the time to change his mind. The blonde snorted, but quickened his pace to match yours. 
Soon, the two of you made it to your street. You took a brief moment to dash inside your own house and yell that you were going to Keigo’s—eliciting surprised Okays from your parents—before dashing back across the street to Keigo’s side. Laughing at your eagerness, he unlatched the front door and entered, leaving you to follow. 
Your first impression of the Takami household was that it was similar to yours: staircase left of the foyer, living room connected to the kitchen. The similarities were to be expected, given that your houses were most likely built by the same construction company—but that was where they ended. Unlike your house, which your mother kept fastidiously white and empty, Keigo’s was full of life. The walls were painted a pretty sage green, and lined with pictures of Keigo, his mother, and an older couple you assumed were his grandparents. The windowsills were also filled with all sorts of plants and herbs, adding a welcome splash of color to the room. It was a stark contrast to the sad, blank interior of your own abode—Keigo’s house had character .
“I know it’s not as nice as yours,” Keigo apologized as he watched you take in your surroundings. “My mom insists on keeping all these dumb plants and—”
“Keigo, I love your house!” you exclaimed, cutting him off. “It’s so much prettier compared to mine. I wish Mom would let us paint our walls or keep plants, but apparently Architectural Digest says that’s not Beige Chic , or whatever.”
Keigo smiled. He knew he shouldn’t have doubted your reaction. “Okay, well once you’re done admiring my pretty house, come upstairs so I can beat you at Mario Kart.”
Your eyes flashed excitedly, immediately leaving the picture you were inspecting to follow after Keigo. “Sure you will. Hey, remind me again who’s the reigning champion?”
The blonde gave you an irritated look, but before he could retort, you were pushing past him up the stairs and into his bedroom. This was what you’d been most curious about on your walk back, and you couldn’t wait any longer to see it. Ignoring Keigo’s words of protest, you opened the door.
“Wow,” you blinked at the sight. “It’s very…angry.”
You didn’t know what you’d been expecting, but it hadn’t been… this . Keigo’s bedroom was practically devoid of anything except for Endeavor , his favorite superhero. The walls were plastered with posters of the flame hero, and a row of his figurines lined Keigo’s desk. Atop his twin-sized bed sat a small Endeavor stuffie, which smoldered at you menacingly from across the room. 
You spun around to face your friend. “Keigo, I didn’t you were a fanboy!”
In the doorway of his room, Keigo flushed a red that rivaled his plumage. 
“It’s not—I’m not a fanboy ,” he sputtered, “I just happen to like the show! And they always have a lot of his merch at the thrift and—you know what, I don’t need to explain myself to you. Just sit down.”
Laughing, you took a seat on the carpet and faced his XBox. “Whatever you say, fanboy .”
Keigo valiantly ignored your comment and began rifling through a box of controllers. You took this time to take in the rest of his room, which, aside from the Endeavor paraphernalia, was completely unassuming. There wasn’t much furniture other than a bed and desk, and what little else Keigo did possess was painted in dull shades of grey. The only splash of color was the green sweater he’d been wearing yesterday, now stuffed haphazardly into his drawers. Your eyes lazily followed the outline of the cabinet, until they reached the small box resting atop it.  
“What’s that?” you pointed to the box curiously.
Keigo looked up from where he’d been setting up the XBox—an ancient thing he and his mom had scored at Goodwill—and spotted what you were pointing at. “Oh, that’s my wing-keeping kit.”
“Yeah,” he shifted his wings, letting them catch rays from the window. The red plumes gleamed like rubies. “You didn’t think they were naturally like this, did you? This kind of exquisiteness requires serious upkeep, YN”
“Oh,” you said dumbly. The sight of Keigo’s feathers fluttering was nothing short of mesmerizing, and, for some reason, you liked that he was showing off to you. “Can I see the tools?”
The words left your mouth before you could think about them. You watched as Keigo’s wings immediately came to a still, and you internally groaned. Here we go. 
Over the course of your year-long friendship with Keigo, you’d come to learn a lot about the blonde. You knew that he liked superhero shows (specifically Endeavor: Legend of the Flame) and that his favorite subject was History. He could run a 7-minute mile—the fastest out of all the fourth-grade boys—and was a fiend for fried chicken. You knew that, despite being relatively popular, he didn’t really like the other kids at school, and you were probably the closest thing to a best friend that he had. And most importantly, you knew to never, ever talk about hybrids around him. 
At first, you figured he was just annoyed by your questions. As the only hybrid in your class, Keigo was constantly being probed by your classmates about his wings or eye markings. He’d never ignore them, of course, always answering their queries good-naturedly—but the tight-lipped smile he wore during those interactions betrayed his agitation. As your friendship progressed and you interacted more frequently with the blonde, though, you realized it wasn’t just questions about himself that irritated Keigo—it was whenever humans talked about hybrids at all. The week your class covered Japan’s history of hybrid discrimination, Keigo had resolutely faced the window and didn’t take a single note; and whenever Endeavor fought a hybrid villain on screen, Keigo huffed and asked to skip the episode. Little incidents like those deterred you from asking any questions related to his bird appendages, and even more from inquiring about the reason behind his anger. 
Thus, you’d gone an entire year avoiding discussing anything hybrid-related with him. You figured that, as with him not inviting you in, he’d eventually get over it—you were sitting in his room right now, weren’t you? Plus, he couldn’t hate humans altogether if he was friends with you. There must be a logical reason behind his behavior, you reasoned.
Except, you’d blown any chance of that happening, now that you opened your big fat mouth and asked about his wings. And the first time he invited me over, too, you bemoaned internally. You’d at least wanted to see the kitchen before you got kicked out!
“Um, sorry,” you backtracked, “I don’t know why I asked that. It’s personal, I know—sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Keigo replied, equally hesitant. He took a deep breath as if preparing himself for a daunting task. “Um, if you really want to see, I can show you. The tools, I mean.”
Your jaw nearly fell to the ground. “Really? I can see?”
“Yeah, it’s no big deal,” he said, sounding as though it were absolutely a big deal. He walked over to his cabinet and swiped the kit off the top. You watched, disbelieving, as he made his way back to you and deposited it unceremoniously in your lap. 
The first thing you registered about the kit was that it was heavy—heavier than it looked. It was constructed of smooth wood paneling and about the size of a book, with no indication of what resided within it save for a small feather engraved on the top, and perhaps the faint smell of essential oils emitting from it Your fingers fluttered over the ridges of the box, and, with one final seeking glance at Keigo, you lifted the lid off the top. 
As the smell suggested, the inside of the kit was lined with various vials of oil, each labeled something different. Laying next to the oils, their sharp edges cushioned by the velvet interior, was a collection of tools: shears of various sizes as well as several brushes and clippers. They glinted menacingly in the afternoon light, causing you to reign in a shudder; you couldn’t imagine using tools like that on your own body. 
Keigo watched your expression carefully. “I have to trim and condition my feathers about every two weeks,” he explained, “Or else they’ll get tangled and torn.” 
“I didn’t realize they required so much attention,” you tore your gaze away from the box and faced him. And, for the second time that day, your mouth moved before your brain. “Can you show me? How you do it?”
“…Sure,” he said after a momentary pause, looking faintly bemused. “It’s been a while since I last trimmed them, anyway.” 
He began picking out various tools and oils from the box. You leaned forward, eager to see which ones he chose. When it came to Keigo, it was like you could never know enough. 
He lined the three oils he’d grabbed—labeled “primaries”, “secondaries”, and “contour”, respectively—on the floor. “The different oils are for different parts of my wings,” he said, extending out his left wing as he spoke. “My primary feathers are these long feathers out here, and the inner ones are called secondaries. And these are my contour feathers, which make me more aerodynamic—they help me fly better, basically,” he amended, noticing your blank stare. “But before I do that, I have to trim them.”
As he finished his explanation, he removed a large tablecloth from the bottom of the kit and unfolded it on the floor. He picked up one of the shears he’d taken out earlier and began trimming off the edges of his wings. Red tufts fluttered to the floor, like autumn leaves shaken out of a tree. You stared, enthralled, before his earlier words registered in your mind. 
“Wait, fly? I thought you weren’t…allowed to,” you trailed off, realizing you were approaching dangerous territory. Hybrid Limitations were one of the most contentious topics in Japan, and you figured that Keigo, as an avian hybrid, would have his share of thoughts on it. 
Instead of becoming upset, though, he merely shook his head. “I’m not,” he confirmed. His words were punctuated by the steady snip of shears coming down around another feather. “This kit was passed down to me from my grandfather, and during his time there weren’t restrictions on winged hybrids. So it still contains flight-care stuff.”
“Oh,” you said, “Do you wish you could fly?” 
Keigo peered at you through the folds of his wing. Randomly, you were struck by the memory of the first time he came to your house; cold and wet, focused on drying off his wings while you chattered annoyingly at him. 
“Maybe,” he set down the shears and picked up one of the vials of oil. Surprised, you realized he was already done with trimming. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get to, though.”
Keigo gave his wings a firm ruffle, shaking off any lingering feather trimmings. Then, he poured a small bit of oil into his palms and began carding them gently through his longest feathers—the primaries, you recalled. You watched in silence as he worked down his wing, coating each plume in a thin layer of oil. Usually when Keigo was focused on something, he had a look of intense concentration on his face: brows pinched, eyes narrowed. Yet, now, his expression was relaxed and peaceful—this must be calming for him.
As he got closer to his inner feathers, though, he had to strain his neck to oil them properly, and his tranquil expression dissolved into a more concentrated one. “My mom usually helps me with the back,” he explained, sounding slightly frustrated, “It’s harder for me to see back there and—”
“I can help you,” you said. Keigo’s hands stilled in his wings, and you wondered a bit too late if your offer had been inappropriate. But you’d already breached all sorts of boundaries today, so what was one more? 
Keigo cleared his throat. “Um, sure. Come, uh—come closer.” 
“Okay,” you shuffled over to behind him. “Um, what do I…”
“Grab the oil labeled ‘secondaries’.”
“Pour a little into your hands—yeah, that’s good. And let it heat up a bit in your palms.”
“Now, you see the feathers at the bottom of my wings? The shorter ones.”
“Work the oil into them, from the root to the ends.” 
“Okay,” you gulped. Your hands, covered in a sharp-smelling oil, shook as you reached toward the feathers. I have to do this right , you thought determinedly—you couldn’t bear it if you accidentally hurt Keigo. 
Slowly, you grabbed the outermost feather and began working the oil into it. If your own hands hadn’t been shaking so badly, you might’ve noticed the way Keigo’s wings shuddered, too. 
After you got through the first few feathers without doing any damage—and leaving Keigo content, seemingly—you became more confident in your abilities. Your movements were more fluid, and your shoulders untensed—you could see why your friend found this relaxing. 
Once you finished the secondaries, you moved on to the last section: his contour feathers. You picked up the appropriately labeled oil and found that it was much fuller than the other two. Recalling what he said about not being able to fly, you sadly realized that those feathers probably didn’t get as much use as his other ones, therefore needing less maintenance. With newfound vigor, you uncapped the vial and poured a generous amount into your palms.
“I hope,” you began, “That you get a lot of use out of this oil one day.”
“I hope not,” Keigo replied, “That’s the most expensive one.”
(He knew what you meant, though.)
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It was rare for Takami Toomie to see her house during the day. 
Well, it was nearing evening, technically, but sunlight was sunlight. Between her job at the restaurant, the hospital, and…the other one, she’d practically become a vampire—she couldn’t remember the last time she came home before midnight. But today all the stars had aligned perfectly: her coworker had agreed to cover her shift, the hospital hadn’t called her in, and—best of all—the fried chicken ordered from their restaurant never got picked up, leaving it up for grabs. 
Toomie recalled staring at the steaming bucket of chicken for the entire pick-up hour, and then snatching it up as soon as time was up. She’d flushed when her coworkers saw her shove the food into her bag, but their judgment would be nothing compared to the joy of seeing Keigo smile—something that happened too infrequently for Toomie’s liking. Though, it's not exactly like I encourage him to be more carefree... 
Shaking off her guilt, Tookie pushed through the front door of her home. She smiled at the sight of rays filtering in through the window and meandered over to the kitchen, where she set down the bucket. A glance at the clock told her that Keigo was already back at school, and her smile widened. They could eat together! 
She grabbed her phone from her bag and began searching for the LNs contact. She assumed Keigo was with them, considering he slept over practically every day now. It was a development she tried not to be too bothered by, as she knew it was lonely for him here. Still, she couldn’t help but be wary of the situation. YN seemed like a sweet kid, on the few occasions she’d met them, but one could never be sure…
She sighed as finally found the contact. Keigo would be a little upset at being called back early, she figured, but his disappointment would definitely disappear as soon as he saw the chicken. Plus, the two of them hadn’t had dinner together in forever. Reaffirmed in her decision, Toomie made to hit Call on the contact—but just as her finger was about to tap the screen, she heard the faintest sounds of conversation emanating from upstairs. 
Toomie paused. It sounded like two kids...did Keigo have a friend over? Curiously, she made her way to the stairwell and strained to listen, wings shifting nervously behind her. Keigo never told her that he was bringing someone over, and he wasn’t the type to sneak around behind her back, either. Immediately, terrible thoughts filled her head. What if someone had followed Keigo home and they were hurting him upstairs? Or what if someone had broken in and were robbing them? Panicked, she dropped her phone and sprinted up the stairs, wings flapping madly behind her. They ached from disuse, but she didn’t even register the pain. Her only thoughts were Keigo, Keigo, Keigo. 
She threw open his bedroom door, and the sight that greeted her was more horrible than any robbery or bullying. Keigo was sitting on the floor, wings spread out to their maximum length, while you kneeled behind him, gently carding oil through his inner-most feathers. Next to you was Keigo’s wing-keeping kit—a gift from his grandfather, her father —with various tools and vials spilling out of it. Everything was out in the open for you to see.
At the sound of the door hitting the wall, Keigo turned around. “Mom?” his eyes widened. “When did you get back?”
“Just now,” she replied, her eyes flitting between the two of you. “You didn’t tell me you were having guests over, Keigo.”
Hearing this, you sheepishly stood and bowed to her. Your hands, still covered in oil, hung awkwardly in the hair. 
“I’m sorry for coming over uninvited, Takami-san,” you apologized, “I should’ve had my parents call you.” 
At the sight of your nervousness, Toomie’s agitation subsided. “It’s alright, YN-chan,” she said, attempting a kind tone. But her day had been long and she’d worked the night shift beforehand and—she just wanted to have dinner with her son. “I’m just surprised, is all. Plus, it’s Keigo who should’ve said something.”
She turned her attention back to her son. “You need to tell me when you have hu—people over, Kei.”
She barely managed to cover her slip-up. Keigo raised an unimpressed eyebrow at her. 
“Well, I didn’t know you were even going to see them, since you don’t usually get back until later. Why are you back this early anyway?”
Toomie groaned internally. Wasn’t he a little young for the rebellious stage? “I got off work early,” she said tightly, “And I thought we could have dinner toge—”
“Is that chicken?” Keigo cut her off, finally registering the mouth-watering smell wafting from the kitchen. His wings, freshly clipped and conditioned, raised excitedly. Toomie couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm.
“Oh, well then I should probably go,” you said awkwardly, wiping your oil-covered hands off on your school uniform. Toomie wished she could’ve told you to not do that, as wing-keeping oils were notoriously difficult to get out of clothes—your skirt would permanently have greasy handprints on them now. But before she could say something, you were nimbly sliding past her in the doorway and into the hall. 
“Please enjoy your dinner!” you smiled at the two of them. 
Keigo jumped up from his spot on the floor and ran after you. “Wait, YN,” he said, “Don’t go yet.” 
He glanced briefly at his mother, asking her an unspoken question. But the woman was looking at you, still wringing your hands awkwardly in the hallway.
Toomie exhaled softly through her nose. After all those free dinners they gave Keigo, she thought miserably, Practically every day of the year…how could I even come close to repaying them? 
“Yes, YN-chan, we would love for you stay for dinner,” she lied, “Do you like fried chicken?” 
Your eyes practically sparkled as you thanked her excitedly, assuring her that, yes, you loved fried chicken. As the three of you made your way down the stairs, Keigo pulling you by the wrist, Toomie couldn’t help but mourn her lost dinner. The bucket was a share-size, yet with how much Keigo ate, he could probably put away the entire thing—it had been a stretch for the two of them to share, much less three people. Looks like you and Keigo would be enjoying an adult-free dinner, tonight. Toomie sighed, resigning herself to a trip to the konbini. She’d refrained from snacking on kitchen scraps and sent-back meals as she usually did during her shift, not wanting to spoil her appetite, and this was what she got. Honestly, with her evening plans now canceled, she might just head back to work—clearly, she could use the extra money. 
Toomie watched as Keigo tugged you into the kitchen and began pulling plates and silverware out of the drawers. She wondered how she could gracefully bow out of the dinner—kids didn’t really think too hard about those sorts of interactions, but she also didn’t want you to report back to your parents that Toomie didn’t bother spending any time with you. She was already going to be the mom who brought back a bucket of fried chicken as dinner, for God’s sake.  
Still ruminating over her dilemma, Toomie didn’t notice you seemingly lost in your own thoughts. Even as Keigo set the dinner table—for three people, the little idealist—you remained standing, simply staring at the bucket. 
“Actually, Keigo-kun, Takami-san,” you started, spinning around to face them, “I have a good idea! My parents are having yakisoba tonight, along with some other vegetables. Fried chicken goes great with yakisoba, doesn’t it? We should take it over to my house and eat together! My mom’s always asking you to come over anyways, Takami-san.”
You finished with a bright grin on your face. Toomie only blinked in response. 
(Perhaps you deserved a little more credit than she gave you.) 
“That’s really nice of you to offer, dear. I think we’ll take you up on that.” Toomie managed. From across the kitchen, Keigo gaped at her—she knew he’d expected her to decline. “You’re too kind, YN-chan.” 
You, too, seemed shocked that Toomie actually accepted—a deserved reaction, considering the amount of times she’d turned down your family’s invitations in the past. But you recovered quickly, your blinding grin overtaking your face once more.
“It’s my pleasure,” you said brightly. You picked up the bucket of chicken and started out the door, suddenly heading the whole operation. “I hope we can eat before the sun sets!” 
Keigo hurriedly shoved the plates back into the drawers and dashed after you, calling for you to wait for him. Toomie smiled at the sight, before sighing again and walking over to the fridge. She began rifling through its contents—some leftovers from work, a pack of expired beer—in hopes of dredging up a side dish. Impromptu as this dinner was, she couldn’t be so pathetic as to only show up with cold fried chicken. 
Yet, even as Toomie peered into her frighteningly empty fridge, she couldn’t help but feel content with the outcome of her evening. Absolutely nothing about it had gone to plan—but Keigo was smiling, wasn’t he?  
Maybe YN would be good for them, Toomie admitted. 
Next Chapter (
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author's note: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry it took so long to come out. This chapter explores more of Keigo's life since the first chapter was very reader-focused, but Toomie's also able to give us an outsider's perspective on YN. I think due to having very present and communicative parents she's become emotionally intelligent at a young age (which I see in a lot of the kids at the private school I work at lol); however, a lot of the practical application still depends on socializing with kids her age and besides Keigo she doesn't have a lot of practice with that…but we'll see more in the coming chapters 🫣🫣
Thanks for reading and I can't wait to see you guys in the next chapter!
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nyaniikat · 2 years
This has been itching my brain for the past few days. Hawks x male goat hybrid. Fun fact goats wag their tails constantly when they need to mate…. And I was thinking while hawks is teasing the reader and their tail keeps tickling his nose while he gives oral. That’s all I got *^*.
ehehehehehehh I got a good one for this, hopefully what I wrote is alright ♡^▽^♡
This one took a while cuz I was pretty busy
Sub Male reader/Dom Hawks
Female aligned DNI
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Keigo is basically eating you out here
Feeling his tongue in you was bliss, the juices spilling out of your cock went right onto the sheets
After Keigo noticed you being strangely more affectionate this morning, face flushed, the horny look in your eyes and your tail wagging constantly, he searched through his memories to figure out what day it was for you to act such a way.....and then it hit him.
Your heat
Your heat is here and it's early
Too early that he couldn't make a call about how he can't go to work for the next few weeks and had to worry about you while he was filling out paperwork, fighting villains and dealing with boring meetings.
Your panting got heavier and the moans were louder as you felt the overstimulation. However, something you didn't notice was how your tail was wagging and the fur at the end of your tail was tickling Keigos nose.
With every tired bone in Keigos body, he did his absolute best to not sneeze, laugh or even a tiny giggle at the fact that his very horny husband still had his tail wagging, if he did right now...well... he was definitely not sleeping in the same bed as you for the next few days. An idea popped up in his head, deciding to try and stop wagging your cute tail he took his hand and gently held your tail to hold it up so he could properly please you and make you cum and cum and cum again.
Although this sudden motion made you turn your head in confusion, the innocent look on your face with your eyes looking at him with a question made him smile a little.
"wh-why are you holding my tail???"
"Baby.. you were wagging your tail in my face I thought I was going to laugh because your tail tickles"
"A-ah I'm sorry I didn't realise my tail was bad for you"
The sudden sadness in your eyes made Keigo stop what he was doing only to flip you over and cage you in-between arms
"Hey~hey~ it's alright sweetie you don't need to apologise, things like this are just a natural thing to you and it's okay for you to show them"
"But didn't I just ruin this-"
"No no you didn't ruin anything baby bird~ I only did that so I could pound into you more when you're prepared enough for another round"
"Ke-keigo!! don't say things like that it's weird!"
Embarrassed, you covered your face with your hands yet your tail wagged furiously with love. Keigo laughed as he enjoyed this side of you, pulling you closer he kissed your hands and neck.
He loved every bit of you and seeing you get embarrassed remembered him the first time you both did it. Despite you being older than him by a few years you never had sex with anyone as you had no proper interest in them except for him.
Pushing your hands away from your face, he kissed you, slowly, deepening the kiss to a full-blown makeout. Rubbing your ass he lifts your lower half up giving your butt a harsh slap followed by your moaning. Once he heard you moan it was a sign for him to start fucking you deep into the sheets again. More harsh slaps were given to your butt as you felt Keigos hard dick against yours.
Ah, you were in for a long night for sure
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pinkykats-place · 10 months
Takami Keigo // Hawks x Reader
Tumblr Recommendations
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None of the stories below are mine.
Some contain mature content.
Mostly female readers.
Gif not mine.
kiego tatami x fem!reader
Summary: Hawks loves your hair, playing with it, brushing it, washing it. You realize that it comes from another instinctual nature of his. You try to figure out how to return the gesture.
“shiny things”
kiego tatami x fem!reader
summary: hawks has more bird-like tendencies than you initially thought. he likes to present you with odd items as gifts and finally you figure out why
Love to Love You, Baby (nsfw)
Keigo Takami/Hawks x Female Reader 
Summary: “Did anyone request the classic female so helps Hawks with grooming his feathers and he gets horny from because they are pretty sensitive? If not sign me up my good sir!” - Anon 
Warning: Smut, Feather brushing, Fluff, Orgasms, Wing Kink 
Accidental Turn-Ons
Hawks x Dom!Reader
Summary: Hawks returns home from a mission, clearly exhausted, and you take the time to give him a little massage! However, it doesn’t quite have the effects you expected.
A Help Through Heat
CW/TW: hybrid reader (she has ears, tail, paws, and characteristics of a puppy), cheating (you’ll see), giving oral, general smut, praise, soft dom, dumbification (?), spit, LOTS OF FLUFF AND CUTE PUPPY PLAY.
Spring Fever
Hawks x afab!Reader
Smut Fic 
143 notes · View notes
scary-grace · 11 months
Love Like Ghosts (Chapter 14) -- a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
You knew the empty house in a quiet neighborhood was too good to be true, but you were so desperate to get out of your tiny apartment that you didn't care, and now you find yourself sharing space with something inhuman and immensely powerful. As you struggle to coexist with a ghost whose intentions you're unsure of, you find yourself drawn unwillingly into the upside-down world of spirits and conjurers, and becoming part of a neighborhood whose existence depends on your house staying exactly as it is, forever. But ghosts can change, just like people can. And as your feelings and your ghost's become more complex and intertwined, everything else begins to crumble. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Chapter 14
There’s something wrong with your house, but you knew that when you bought it. Right now, your house, like everybody else’s, is a total mess. Your fence is down, but Keigo’s yard is scorched lifeless, and the front façade of Aizawa’s house looks like a whole construction crew took a wrecking ball to it. You’ve all been fighting with your insurance companies to make them pay to fix the damage, which involves coming up with a reason for the damages that’s not a bunch of ghosts fighting to the death. Weirdly enough, it’s Tomura who comes up with the explanation: A tornado. The insurance companies buy it, given the reports of unexpectedly high winds that swept over your side of town that night. Sort of. Enough that you all get the repair work at least partially paid for.
You can’t skip work, and you don’t want people messing with the house while you’re not there, so Magne comes over to observe the workers from just outside the property line. The other option was Tomura materializing and staying that way for the duration of the repair, and Tomura’s back to conserving power for when you get home. Now that he knows you like hanging out with him, he’s extremely hard to put off.
The repairs aren’t the only new thing in the neighborhood. The neighborhood’s also got three new residents – Natsu, Nemuri, and the Shirakumo-ghost hybrid that’s going variously by Oboro (their human name) and Kurogiri (their name as a ghost). Natsu hangs out in Keigo’s house, while Nemuri and Oboro live with Aizawa and Hizashi. You’ve got no idea how Aizawa and Shinsou cope with being completely outnumbered by ghosts. The original suggestion was for Kurogiri to stay with you and Tomura, but Tomura rejected that at lightning speed, for reasons he wouldn’t share but were apparently clear to every last ghost in the neighborhood. It’s beyond embarrassing, but you’re getting used to it.
What you’re not used to is the feeling you get when you and Tomura hook up, the one that’s pleased with this but wants the rest, too. The two of you haven’t gone all the way, and you’ve been thinking about it more than you’d like to admit. You don’t want to raise the topic with him. In spite of all of Dabi’s taunting the day you first crossed Hizashi, you’re still not sure Tomura knows what sex is, and part of you is still wary about putting ideas in Tomura’s head.
The rest of you is hinting, dropping massive hints that any human would have picked up on weeks ago. Taking off most of your clothes, not just the ones that are in the way of whatever his hands and mouth are trying to do. Wrapping your legs around his waist and grinding against him until his hips are rocking forward to meet yours. Lying back on the couch or the bed or the floor and pulling him on top of you, talking to him just the way he likes, until he comes at the barest hint of your touch.
Today he’s sprawled out between your legs with his head on your shoulder, struggling to catch his breath as his fingers trace idly along your hip. You beat him to the punch this time, making him come first, and now you’re tense and anxious and almost absurdly wet. The light brush of his fingers over your skin isn’t exactly helping. “Come on,” you complain. You lift your hips slightly, in case he’s at all confused. “Don’t tease.”
“I’m not teasing,” Tomura says without lifting his head. “I’m trying not to leave. You don’t like it when I leave too soon.”
He’s right, although you’ve never said as much out loud. “If I can stay longer, we can do more,” Tomura says. His hand shifts from your hip to trace along the back of your thigh, and you startle. “Things we haven’t tried yet.”
Your stomach twists, not entirely with nerves. “Yeah? Like what?”
“You’re the human.” Tomura shifts to one side and his fingers slip between your legs. “You tell me.”
“Um –” You try to think, but now he’s actually teasing you, and it’s hard to think around. It’s also hard to think when you’re running through the list of stuff you’ve already tried and getting wound up in the memories. “There’s fingering, I guess –”
“Isn’t that what I’m doing?”
“Yes,” you say, hating the breathiness in your voice. If Tomura was human, you’d never in a million years suggest what you’re about to. “But I could finger you.”
He lifts his head off your shoulder to give you a strange look. “Where? I don’t have one of these.”
His fingers dip briefly inside you, coming away soaked. You’re dragged temporarily out of the moment when you realize that you’ll have to explain anal to someone who’s never needed to use the bathroom, and you push the thought aside. “I’ll explain when we try it,” you say. Tomura nods and lets his head fall back down to your shoulder. Even though you’ve dodged a bullet, you can’t help what you say next. “I could eat you out, too.”
Tomura’s hips twitch against your leg. He likes that idea, even if he’s got no idea where you’re suggesting putting your mouth. “What else.”
“The shower, I guess. We could do all this in there.” You know Tomura’s fascinated with the shower, which is why he keeps trying to sneak in there with you no matter how many times you kick him out. He shifts against you with more purpose this time, and you realize with a jolt that he’s getting hard again. He might not have a ton of stamina, but his downtime is ridiculously short. “Or we could just have sex.”
“I thought this was sex.”
“It is,” you say. You decided a while back that anything involving an orgasm and another person – or ghost – qualifies as sex. “A lot of things count as sex. But when people say ‘having sex’, they’re usually referring to – ah – one thing in particular.”
Tomura’s still teasing you, mostly, but every so often he presses against your clit with the heel of his hand or slides two fingers inside you, curling them at the perfect angle. Your face is heating up, and it’s getting harder to think. You open your mouth to try to explain further and a little gasp slips out. “A thing we haven’t done yet,” Tomura repeats. You can tell just by his tone of voice that he’s pleased with himself, but he never keeps up with the teasing long once you start losing your composure. “What is it?”
He’s relentless now, somehow never rough, always the right speed and pressure to make your legs shake and your back arch. You taught him well, back when you didn’t know you were teaching him anything at all. You struggle to collect your thoughts, but all you can think of is what Tomura’s doing to you with his fingers. And there’s your explanation. “The same as what you’re doing right now,” you say, “except you use your cock.”
Tomura sits bolt upright and stares at you. You’d regret every word you just said if his fingers weren’t still moving, almost on autopilot, working you up to the edge and over it. Lately he’s gotten into kissing you when he knows you’re close – you think he likes feeling your breath catch – but this time he just stares as spots fill your vision and you gasp for air. “Sex,” he says, and you nod weakly. “Let’s do it now.”
“No.” You sit up and scramble backwards on the bed. “We don’t have time for that right now.”
“It won’t take long,” Tomura says confidently, and you burst out laughing. “What?”
You can’t explain. It’s too funny and you’re too out of breath – and if you don’t get out of bed soon, you’re going to be late. “We’ll talk about it later.”
“You can’t tell me that and then say we can’t do it right now.”
Maybe your timing was a little bad. You only jumped on the first chance you saw because you’ve been trying to figure out how to bring it up for weeks. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. Stay.”
“I can’t,” you say regretfully. “It’s Himiko’s party. I have to go.”
Himiko’s birthday was back in August, when you were all on high alert about Garaki. She didn’t really get to celebrate it. Now that the house is fixed and things have died down, her mom’s throwing her a belated birthday party, and everyone on the block’s invited – plus almost everyone from Himiko’s class at school. You’re bad at presents and so is Keigo, so the two of you jointly got Himiko a gift card to her favorite clothing store. Her favorite store’s expensive. It took both of your contributions to get her a card she could use to buy more than a pair of socks.
You manage to make it out of bed without much more complaining from Tomura, although he lurks outside the bathroom door, pouting. “Why do humans celebrate birthdays, anyway? It’s just getting older. Getting older –”
He stops talking, which is what always happens when mortality comes up. “Humans don’t see it like that,” you say. Then you think about how your mom used to react to her birthdays. “Okay, some of us don’t see it like that. And nobody sees it like that when they’re a kid. When you get older, you get more freedom. You can do more of the stuff you want to do. People take you a little more seriously.”
You always looked forward to your birthday. Your parents never made many rules for you, or paid much attention unless you screwed up, but they liked a party as much as the next people. “And you get cake and presents. Most people like that.”
“And everyone has a birthday,” Tomura surmises. “When’s yours?”
“It already happened. Don’t worry about it.”
You change into clean clothes, collect Phantom, and head to the front door. Tomura follows you there, like always. Embodied, like always. He’s almost always embodied when you’re home. “When are you coming back?”
“In an hour or less.” You know Himiko invited the whole neighborhood on purpose, but it’s still going to be mostly middle-schoolers, and you’re not the best with kids. “I’ll drop off the present and say hi and be back.”
Tomura still looks unhappy. “You’d stay longer if I could go.”
“You wouldn’t like it,” you say. “Too many people. Too many ghosts.”
“I don’t know if I like it. I haven’t tried it,” Tomura says. He’s quiet for a second. “I wish I could.”
It used to unsettle you when Tomura said things like that. Now it bothers you. Tomura had the chance to embody himself, to break free of the house without destroying it, and he didn’t. You clip on Phantom’s leash and open the door. “I’ll tell Himiko you said happy birthday.”
“I didn’t say happy birthday,” Tomura says, because Tomura’s an asshole. You raise your eyebrows. “Fine. Tell the brat I said happy birthday.”
“Thank you.” You lean in and kiss him quickly, skittering out of range before he can get too into it. The last thing you need is Tomura’s horniness ruining a thirteen-year-old’s birthday party. “We’ll be back soon.”
You and Phantom don’t have to walk far to get to Himiko’s party – it’s just at her house, in the backyard, and in case you weren’t sure, the pink balloons everywhere would be a giveaway. You’re a little late, as evidenced by Keigo hanging out near the gate, clearly a little antsy. “Dabi went in there ahead of me,” he says. “What took you so long?”
He takes a look at your expression and nods. “Right. Been there.”
Keigo winces. “Yeah. Recently.”
Dabi’s still a scar wraith, and still pretty much an asshole, but the behavior changes you and Hizashi hammered into him have stuck. He’s being a lot nicer to Keigo, which has resulted in their relationship picking back up, which has resulted in Dabi using every chance he gets to pay back Tomura for all the times Tomura’s put the entire neighborhood in the mood. You’ve managed to convince Tomura that ignoring it makes Dabi look dumber than if he tries to compete, but it took a lot longer than you wanted it to.
Still, you and Keigo are in the same boat. It’s nice not to be alone with it. But something occurs to you as you step through the gate. “Wait, there are people here. How is it safe for Dabi to –”
“He’s been practicing embodying the rest of him,” Keigo says. You glance at him, surprised. “Not permanently. He says he’s never doing that. But sometimes he’s all the way there.”
“That must be weird.”
“Yeah. Weirder when he isn’t.” Keigo stops at the edge of the party, and so do you. “How are you doing with that?”
“With Dabi being embodied? Not my circus, not my clown.”
Keigo snorts. “No,” he says. “With Tomura still being a ghost. When he dealt with Garaki, we all thought he might –”
He trails off, giving you a curious look. You look back, daring him to say it. “Might what?”
Before Keigo can answer, you hear a shriek from somewhere at the center of the crowd of kids in the Bubaigawaras’ enormous backyard. Himiko’s spotted you. She breaks from the group and hurries over. “I’m so glad you’re here! Is that for me?”
“You know it.” Keigo passes over the card. “It’s from me and her. Happy late birthday.”
“Happy late birthday,” you echo. Himiko hugs you. “Tomura says happy birthday too.”
“Really?” Himiko beams. “I wish he could come to the party! Jin’s mom made cake! I bet he’d like cake.”
“I don’t know,” Dabi drawls, strolling up from behind Himiko to sling an arm around Keigo’s shoulders. “Cake’s for humans, and he made his call loud and clear.”
Himiko smacks him. “Don’t be mean,” she instructs. “He could still change his mind.”
“How? It’s not like another asshole’s gonna hop the fence.”
“It’s my birthday. You can’t argue with me,” Himiko says. Dabi sticks his tongue out at her, and she sticks hers out in response. Then she seizes your hand with the hand that’s not holding the birthday card. “Come with me! You have to meet my friends!”
Himiko has a lot of friends. That’s not a surprise – she’s the friendliest ghost on the block other than Eri, and she doesn’t like to take no for an answer. She’s invited her whole class, plus a few from the other class in her year, and she introduces you to one kid after another as her “human girl neighbor”. If her friends think it’s weird, they don’t say so. Most of them are too excited about meeting Phantom to pay attention to you. You get yanked through introductions with almost two dozen kids, until Himiko pulls you around and you find yourself face-to-face with someone familiar.
It’s the last person you expected to see here. Your jaw drops. “Izuku?”
Izuku looks really excited to see you. “Hi!”
“You know her?” Himiko’s eyes widen. “How?”
“My dad’s her boss,” Izuku explains. “I helped out with the – you know, the –”
He lowers his voice. “Ghost stuff.”
“Oh.” Himiko nods knowingly. “That was so spooky! You should have seen it! My humans mostly stayed inside, but my big brother Jin went out to fight. So did Magne’s human, and Hizashi’s – and Tomura’s human, too! We thought Tomura was going to lose until Hizashi told him that the conjurer had –”
“Hey, birthday girl!” Hizashi interrupts. You didn’t see him coming, but you’re not spooked. Lately it seems like he’s been making an effort not to scare you. “Let’s stow it with the shop talk, yeah? You’re among friends right here, but your guests might not want to know.”
“Oh, right!” Himiko looks ever so slightly shifty, and suddenly you’re convinced that at least one of these other kids knows about ghosts. Once Hizashi’s gone, she lowers her voice. “I told Ochako.”
“I told Kacchan by accident,” Izuku says. “It’s okay. No one will believe them.”
There’s something a little unsettling about how cheerfully he says it. Someone calls out for Himiko and she hurries off, leaving you and Izuku standing there. Something occurs to you. “How come you’re in Himiko’s year? I thought you were fifteen.”
“I’m thirteen.” Izuku gives you a curious look. “Why’d you think that?”
Because Izuku was conceived while Mr. Yagi was still a ghost, and Mr. Yagi embodied himself permanently fifteen years ago. But maybe you misheard that. Fifteen and thirteen sound sort of the same. Izuku looks like he’s gearing up for something. You watch him, and he watches you, and finally he bursts out with the question, practically vibrating with excitement. “Can I see Tomura?”
“Why do you want to do that?” you ask blankly. “You’ve met live ones before. You met Nemuri when you got here. And Dabi.”
“I’ve never met one who’s still with their house,” Izuku says. “And never one that strong. Dad says Tomura’s almost as strong as he was before he changed. Can I meet him?”
“Um –” You have a feeling you’ll get in trouble with Mr. Yagi for saying yes, but at the same time, you wonder if it wouldn’t be good for Tomura to talk to somebody who’s not you. “At the end of the party. Before your parents pick you up. We can go over and say hi. From outside the fence.”
“Right,” Izuku says seriously. “Live ghosts that still have their houses are supposed to be really territorial. I don’t want to make him mad.”
“After the party,” you agree. Someone collides with you from behind, and you turn to find Eri. “You okay there?”
“Phantom!” Eri hugs your dog, sneezes, and turns her attention to Izuku, her eyes widening as she looks him over. “You’re like us! A –”
“Eri,” Aizawa says, and she claps her hands over her mouth. He looks to Izuku. “My apologies. You are –”
“Half,” Izuku says. Aizawa’s eyes widen, and Izuku turns his attention to Eri again. “Half ghost. The other half of me is human. Like your human.”
“He’s my Dad! He’s not my human,” Eri corrects. “I’ll show you my human! Toshi –”
Eri takes Izuku on the grand tour of the party, introducing him to every ghost – Magne, Dabi, Atsuhiro, Hizashi, Nemuri again, and even the Nomus, who’ve figured out how to use their human side’s life-force to hide the fact that they’re ghosts from anybody who doesn’t know what to look for. For the ghosts’ part, they’re intrigued by Izuku. Hizashi even remarks that he’s never met a half-ghost before. You don’t get the sense that Izuku spends a lot of time with people like him, because he looks like it’s his birthday instead of Himiko’s. You have a feeling that Mr. Yagi is going to have to pry his kid out of your neighborhood with a crowbar.
With that in mind, you definitely shouldn’t take him to meet Tomura, but he sneaks up on you when you and Phantom are trying to sneak out just a little early. “This is the greatest neighborhood in the world,” he says, out of breath. “Can I meet Tomura now?”
“Not alone,” Aizawa says from somewhere nearby. You glance over your shoulder and find him approaching. “It’s unsafe.”
“I’m not alone. I’m with her.”
“The rules are different for her,” Aizawa says. “If you plan to meet Tomura, I’ll accompany you.”
Izuku doesn’t argue, but he does ask questions as the three of you and Phantom make your way down the sidewalk. “Why am I safer if you come along than if you don’t?”
“Tomura is territorial. Paradoxically, he shows some respect for others’ territory,” Aizawa says. “He views me as belonging to another ghost, and is therefore unlikely to harm me.”
“How do you feel about that?” Izuku asks. Aizawa raises an eyebrow. “The possessive stuff. Like how Eri calls Shinsou her human. Does it bother you? Or you?”
He’s looking at you now. Aizawa actually looks surprised by the question – surprised, and like he’s thinking about it hard. You decide to leave the answer to him. He’s the ghost expert, after all. “I don’t believe it’s meant by them the way it sounds to us,” he says after a while. “Not for all of them, at least. Eri says “my human” the same way she says “my brother”. To her, it’s an expression of affection, not ownership. The same goes for Magne and Himiko, I believe. The possessive isn’t problematic in those cases.”
You hear who he’s leaving out, and so does Izuku. “What about Dabi and Hizashi?”
“Ghosts with that degree of power don’t interact with their environment so much as impose their will upon it,” Aizawa says. “They see everything as belonging to them, if they want it and have the ability to take it. Initially they see their humans the same way, until they realize that they can’t get what they really want from us by exerting their power. It’s a significant perspective shift. It takes time to implement.”
“So they don’t learn until they have to,” Izuku says, and Aizawa nods. Then Izuku looks at you. “Tomura’s powerful now, but he didn’t start out like that. How does he look at it?”
You’re in front of your house now, just outside the gate. “Ask him yourself,” you say, and your front door creaks open.
Tomura materializes slowly as he descends the steps and crosses the yard, not settling into full embodiment until he’s at the gate, on his side of a line he can’t cross. He looks warily at Izuku. “What are you?”
“I’m a half-ghost! My mom is human and my dad was a ghost. He’s embodied now, but he was a ghost still when Mom got pregnant with me.” Izuku gets all the words out in one breath. “I’m more like an embodied ghost than anything else.”
“I’ve never seen an embodied ghost like you before.”
“I’ve never met a live ghost like you, either!” Izuku is beaming. “Is this your house? It’s so old. How does it hold together so well? Do you make it hold together with your powers? I guess you could – Dad said you’re strong, and you’re definitely really strong, but –”
“Stop. You’re making my head hurt.” Tomura holds up one hand and Izuku quiets down. “What do you want?”
“I wanted to meet you,” Izuku says. “My dad told me all about you, and me and your human have been trying to track down your conjurer. I know you probably don’t like people coming near you, or other ghosts, but I thought maybe –”
“Maybe what?”
“We could talk or something,” Izuku says. “You’re the only one left of your conjurer’s ghosts, and I’m the only one of me in the whole country. It can get – weird – to be the only one.”
Maybe you’re projecting, but when Izuku says “weird”, the word you hear is “lonely.” And it wouldn’t surprise you if Izuku felt that way. It wouldn’t surprise you if Tomura felt that way, either, today more than other days – when every other neighborhood ghost is out in the world at a party with their humans, and he’s alone in the same house he’s existed in for a hundred and ten years.
But Tomura wanted it this way. If he didn’t, he could have destroyed the house, or he could have seized the chance offered by Garaki’s death to embody himself permanently. He’d rather be a ghost. This is the price.
Tomura studies Izuku for a long moment. Then he turns and goes back in the house. Izuku looks at you, crestfallen. “He hates me.”
If he hated Izuku, he’d have dematerialized in front of him. You shake your head, and a moment later, Tomura comes back with something tucked under his arm. When you realize what it is, you almost lose your shit laughing. “Do you know how to play this?” Tomura asks, waving the Rainbow Fish matching game at Izuku. Izuku nods eagerly, and the gate swings open. “Sit down.”
Next to you, Aizawa makes a sound you’ve never heard in your life – the world’s wheeziest laughter, muffled a second too late. Tomura doesn’t notice. He’s too busy directing Izuku to set up the cards in a specific grid – only after mixing them together – and then realizing that he won’t be able to reach the cards on the sidewalk. “I’ll help,” you say. “Just tell me which ones to choose.”
Phantom is whining and pulling at her leash, but you can’t let her through the gate without wrecking the game. You lift her over the fence and set her down on the lawn, and she runs off to pee behind one of the few live plants in your front yard. When she comes back, she scrambles into Tomura’s lap, and he takes a break from scanning the cards to cuddle with her. Izuku watches, wide-eyed. An embarrassed flush comes up over Tomura’s face when he realizes he’s got an audience. “What?”
“Most embodied ghosts don’t like animals,” Izuku says. “And most live ghosts see them like batteries. Did your human have to explain about Phantom to you?”
“No,” Tomura scoffs. Phantom licks his chin and he shoves her snout gently away. “I never saw them like that. Either of them. Are you done yet?”
Izuku sets the last cards down. “You can go first. It’s your game.” He watches as Tomura points out two cards for you to flip, then poses another question. “Did you know my dad was a ghost when he came in?”
“Hard to miss him. I had bigger problems,” Tomura says. Izuku takes his turn, coming away without a match. “There were people in the house. We didn’t want them there. I needed to figure out how to make them leave. Without making my human leave.”
“That could be tricky,” Izuku says. Tomura points out two more cards to you, one of the same as before and a new one. “Obviously exerting your influence is the fastest way without materializing, but that could scare your human, too. What did you end up going with?”
“Some guy was smoking on the porch and I stuck my hand through it.”
“Nice.” Izuku flips two cards and collects a match.
Tomura was nice about losing to Eri, but you have a feeling he’s not going to be nice about losing to Izuku. Izuku collects a second match, then misses his next one, but not before revealing a card Tomura’s been looking for. He points it out to you and you pass both cards to him. “My dad says nobody’s lived here except your human,” Izuku says to Tomura. Tomura nods without looking up, totally fixated on choosing his next card. “You sort of got to pick who stayed, right? Why’d you pick her?”
Aizawa clears his throat. “That’s personal, Midoriya. If you don’t spend much time around ghosts, you wouldn’t know, but it’s not polite to ask ghosts how they chose their humans.”
It’s less that it’s not polite to the ghosts and more that the ghosts will explain, at length and in cringeworthy detail. It’s not so bad if you’re asking Eri. It’s downright horrendous if you’re asking Hizashi. “Sorry,” Izuku says to Tomura, shamefaced. “I didn’t know.”
“I didn’t know, either.” Tomura points out two cards to you, one he’s flipped before and one he hasn’t, securing a second match. “You don’t have a human. I can tell.”
“Dad says I’m not old enough to have a human.”
“Two ghosts on this block are younger than you. They’ve got humans.” Tomura’s third turn doesn’t pan out. He sits back, still idly scratching Phantom’s ears. “Do you want one?”
“Eri and Himiko might have embodied themselves as children, but they’ve both existed for longer than Midoriya has,” Aizawa points out as Izuku loses his next turn. “Additionally, human customs are different. The relationships ghosts have to their chosen humans can take a variety of forms – parent and child, sibling to sibling, romantic partners. When humans choose another human it’s typically in the romantic sense, and not until they’re older.”
Tomura looks up from the cards. “How old?”
“Older than Midoriya, certainly.” Aizawa considers it. “Legally, humans can’t marry until they’re eighteen or older, but I believe the average age of marriage is rising.”
You majored in sociology. You know this stuff, or you should. “It’s twenty-six,” you say.
“That’s how old you are,” Tomura says.
You don’t like where this is going. “It’s still your turn.”
Tomura gets two more matches, upping his lead, then turns over a card neither of them has flipped yet and loses the turn to Izuku. He fires off a question of his own. “It makes sense that I don’t know this stuff, since I can’t leave. You’re out there all the time. Why don’t you?”
“There aren’t a lot of ghosts left,” Izuku says. He collects three matches in a row. “Not in this country, anyway. My dad and his master did a really good job getting rid of the bad ones. And the other ones mostly keep a low profile, to be safe.”
Tomura snorts. “Nobody around here keeps a low profile.”
“Including you,” Aizawa says severely. Tomura rolls his eyes. “In your case, however, that’s to our advantage. Dabi represents the larger security threat.”
“Not anymore.” Tomura invariably sounds smug when this comes up. “He couldn’t kill his conjurer, so I did it for him. It was easy.”
You don’t like it when he says that. “He almost got you.”
“No, he didn’t.”
“I was watching. I was right there and I know what I saw.” You glance at Aizawa for help. Izuku’s looking back and forth between the three of you like he’s watching a tennis match. “You saw, too.”
“The same thing happened to Tomura as happened to you,” Aizawa says. Your confusion must show on your face, because he sighs and elaborates. “When you hit Garaki with the fencepost, you didn’t hit him as hard as you could have. Your subconscious checked your swing, because your mental barrier to severely injuring another person is relatively high. In Tomura’s case –”
“I didn’t care about killing him. I already killed the Nomu.”
“In Tomura’s case, it likely wasn’t Garaki himself that gave him pause,” Aizawa says, like Tomura didn’t say a word. “Garaki was drawing on a thousand other ghosts to maintain power. Defeating Garaki meant killing them, too.”
It’s quiet for a second. You hadn’t thought about that. Based on Tomura’s expression, he’s been trying not to think about that. “Maybe that’s why there aren’t very many ghosts,” Izuku says with an impressive degree of tone-deafness. “If lots of them die every time conjurers are killed, then I’m surprised there are any.”
“Most conjurers have less than two dozen ghosts,” Aizawa says. You wonder where he’s getting that statistic from. “Conjurers as strong as Garaki are extremely rare.”
“You know a lot about this stuff,” Izuku marvels. He misses his next match, and Tomura promptly capitalizes on it. “You should write a book.”
“He has. Lots of them,” you say. Most of them are still in your house. “You can borrow them if you want.”
Izuku beams at you, but then a car skids to a stop right in front of your house, tires squealing. All four of you jump, and when you see who’s driving the car, your heart sinks. “I am here to pick you up, Izuku,” Mr. Yagi says. He looks furious. “What on earth is this?”
“Just a game,” Izuku says. “We’re being safe, see? All the cards are on my side and Tomura tells his human which ones he wants to choose.”
Mr. Yagi comes closer, studying the setup. “I came along to prevent trouble,” Aizawa says. “There hasn’t been any.”
Mr. Yagi touches Izuku’s shoulder, and Izuku looks up at him. You wonder if they’re talking. Then Mr. Yagi turns his attention to Tomura. The two of them stare for a moment, sizing each other up. “It’s nice to meet you officially,” Mr. Yagi says.
“No, it isn’t.” Tomura’s voice is flat. “I wouldn’t be here if you did your job.”
“No,” Mr. Yagi admits. You wonder just how long Mr. Yagi and his master worked together for. If Mr. Yagi is old enough to have maybe stopped the conjurer before he bound Tomura, then he must be in his hundreds. “Forgive me. Your suffering should have ended long ago.”
“It’s done now.” Tomura looks down at the cards again. You don’t understand what they’re talking about, and a quick glance at Aizawa and Izuku tells you that you’re not alone. “We’re not done with the game yet.”
“Can we finish it?” Izuku asks. “I still have more questions.”
Mr. Yagi looks a little confused, but he nods. Izuku turns back to the cards, bowing his head to focus on his turn. Tomura does the same. When he tilts his head to the side, you spot something odd on his neck. It takes you a moment to place it, but once you do, a jolt goes down your spine. There are three long scratches on the side of his neck, in the exact same place he always scratches – but on the wrong side from where he was scratching today. You’ve only seen him scratch there once, and it was during the fight with Garaki. These scratch marks aren’t fresh. They’re scabbed. Almost – scarred.
When ghosts dematerialize, they wipe the slate clean. When they materialize again, there’s no physical evidence of whatever happened to them before. Tomura scratches his neck all the time, and you hate seeing the marks show up, but he’s dematerialized and reappeared dozens of times since the fight with Garaki. Those scratch marks were deep enough to bleed, but they should be gone. Long gone. Why are they here?
You want to ask somebody – Mr. Yagi, or Aizawa – but you don’t want Izuku to hear. Instead you stay quiet, turning over the cards Tomura points to, pretending you don’t notice the entire rest of the neighborhood gathering around to watch. About half of them are wearing party hats, and the rest are munching on leftover pieces of cake. None of them but Aizawa have met Mr. Yagi before, and as far as you can tell, reviews are mixed. Eri and Shinsou like him right away, but Himiko’s wary of him. Nemuri keeps her distance, along with Dabi and Natsu. You wonder if any of them met Mr. Yagi when he was still a ghost. What they think of him when they see him now.
Izuku’s game with Tomura ends in a tie, at which point Mr. Yagi insists that they go home. As ambivalent as the neighborhood is about Mr. Yagi, they’re much clearer on how they feel about Izuku. “You’ll come back, right?” Himiko asks. “Me and Shinsou don’t have anyone cool to hang out with but each other.”
Jin, Jin’s younger siblings, and Eri all start to protest, and Hizashi piles on by insisting that he’s still cool even though he’s two hundred years old. Izuku’s eyes are shining. He looks up at Mr. Yagi, and Mr. Yagi sighs. “Very well,” he says. “On one condition. That you don’t –”
“Go in Tomura’s house. I know,” Izuku says. He turns back to Himiko and Shinsou. “I can come back any time.”
Himiko cheers and gives him a hug. Shinsou looks a whole lot less certain about the whole thing now that he knows Izuku will be back. You’re pretty sure you’ve seen that look on your own face a time or two since you moved here.
You manage to speak to Mr. Yagi before he gets in his car. “I’m sorry. I thought it would be okay if we stayed outside the fence.”
“It was okay,” Mr. Yagi says. You blink. “I reacted out of fear, not to the facts of the situation. You made a responsible introduction. How did Tomura react to Izuku initially?”
“He wasn’t sure what Izuku was at first,” you say. Mr. Yagi nods. “But he’s the one who brought the game out.”
Mr. Yagi smiles at that. “I believe I understand how he escaped the fate of his conjurer’s other ghosts,” he says. Nobody else has had a theory yet. You raise your eyebrows. “I did some research of my own. This crop of former ghosts and families is not the first to have lived in this neighborhood. It’s been a haven for former ghosts for almost sixty years. None of them would have dared set foot in that house, but they would have sensed Tomura’s presence, and he would have sensed theirs in return. His isolation wasn’t as complete as the isolation of the others. That’s why he remained somewhat sane.”
Mr. Yagi seems confident in his conclusion, and he does know more about ghosts than you do. But you know more about Tomura than he does, and while Mr. Yagi’s probably right about some of it, you’re not sure it’s that simple. It doesn’t feel that simple, anyway. You’re still turning it over in your head as you step through the gate, shut it behind you, and reenter your house. You also have the sense that you’re forgetting something. You’re not sure what.
You remember what it is a split second before Tomura jumps you, but there’s a world of difference between what he does when he wants to hook up and what he does when he wants something else. This is something else. He wraps himself around you, both feet off the ground, holding on ridiculously tight. His voice is muffled by your hair. “You said you’d be gone an hour,” he complains. “That was longer than an hour.”
“They wouldn’t let me leave early. And it would have been rude.” You stagger back a few steps and lean against the wall. It’s the only way you’ll be able to stay on your feet. “Himiko was thrilled you said happy birthday.”
Tomura makes a discontented noise. “It’s not even her real birthday. Her real birthday’s when she got summoned.”
“When’s your real birthday?”
“Spring.” Tomura shrugs. “I don’t know which day. I just feel it when it goes by.”
“Maybe we should have a birthday party for you,” you say. Tomura makes another discontented noise. But now you’re thinking about just how long Tomura’s been alone in here, and it feeds back into the exchange between he and Mr. Yagi that you didn’t understand. “Is my boss really that old? Old enough to have stopped your conjurer from summoning you?”
“No. Old enough to kill him,” Tomura says. “And me.”
You were with it for a second. Now you’re not. “What?”
“When I killed Garaki, all his ghosts died too. If your boss beat my conjurer when they fought, he’d have gotten rid of me.” Tomura goes still in your arms. “He almost did it. I could feel it. I wanted him to.”
Your stomach lurches. “Don’t say that.”
“I wanted him to.” Tomura’s voice is flat, just like it was when he spoke to Mr. Yagi. “I wanted it to be over. We can’t kill ourselves like humans do. That was my chance. And I lost it because of him.”
“Why?” Your voice comes out in a frail whisper. “Tomura –”
“It was never going to change. I couldn’t take it anymore. Isn’t that why humans do it?” He starts to dematerialize, slipping away from you. “You know what you said. Don’t be stupid.”
“No.” You dig your fingers into the back of his shirt and tighten your grip. You’ve never once been able to hang onto him when he’s trying to dematerialized, but this time, for some reason, he lets you. “I don’t know what it was like to be you, here all by yourself. I don’t know why you let me stay, and I don’t care. But I’m glad Mr. Yagi couldn’t kill your conjurer. I’m glad you were still here when I bought this place.”
“Because you like hanging out with me.”
Because I love you. “Sure,” you say. “Let’s go with that.”
“Prove it.”
Now things are going where you thought they were going at first. It’s a relief. Maybe. “How?”
“If you like hanging out with me that much, you’ll be my pillow for a whole movie.”
Tomura’s developed a thing for sprawling out on top of you and staying there, which would be fine if he wasn’t freezing cold to the touch. If he’s up there longer than half an hour, you get a chill. “Seriously?”
“Maybe two whole movies.” Tomura finally materializes fully again, settling back into your arms. “And you have to carry me to the couch.”
“You’re ridiculous,” you complain, but you shift your weight forward anyway. “Hang on.”
In your experience, guys use Netflix as an excuse to get to the “chill” part of the evening, but once Tomura decides what kind of night it’s going to be, he sticks to it. You end up serving as a pillow for he and Phantom at the same time, meaning that most of you is uncomfortably cold and your feet are uncomfortably warm. The two of you are marathoning sci-fi horror, and Tomura keeps asking questions you don’t know enough science to answer. Finally you just wrestle your phone out of your pocket to look up a question about why space travel in real life doesn’t work like in the movies. But once you get your phone out of your pocket, you see an email notification, and you press it on autopilot. Then you begin to read, your heart racing a little faster on every line.
With his head against your chest, Tomura can hear it. “What?” he asks. “Do gravity drives really work? Are you wrong about that like you were about the tornadoes?”
“Are you ever going to forget about that?”
“No,” Tomura says smugly. He pats impatiently at the back of your hand. “What is it? Let me see.”
“Just an email.” A response to an email you wrote months ago, to the curator of the museum housed in the old asylum where Shigaraki Yoichi died.
It’s a pretty brief email. No apologies for the long response delay, just an answer to your question – yes, the files on Shigaraki Yoichi survived. Yes, they’re extensive. No, they’re too fragile to be photographed or scanned. If you want to read them, the curator says, you have to come to the museum yourself.
Fine. You’ll go yourself. You tap out a quick response to the curator and manage to send it before Tomura lifts the phone out of your hands. He can figure out phone calls, and he could probably grasp texting if you gave him the chance, but email’s a little much for him. He drops the phone back on the coffee table, annoyed. “What did it say?”
“There’s something I need to look into about your conjurer.” You think about how far away the museum is, how many documents there must be for the curator to describe it as “extensive”, how you’re going to have to take notes by hand. This can’t be a day trip. You sit up, jarring Tomura out of his preferred position, and he bitches all the way up. But as unhappy as he is about having to move, you’re about to make him unhappier. “How do you feel about having the house to yourself next weekend?”
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hydrangeyes · 8 months
Fics/Drabbles/Rambles I wrote masterlist!
I will try my best to keep track of all of them and post it all here lol
Edit: Most of these are old! But silly fun and silly to read! Pls keep in mind there are some nsfw fics in thus list and I made sure to tag them as such! I don't plan to write nsfw as much or if at all anymore, but I don't plan to delete the ones I did write.
Mr. Villian's Day of shorts:
Encountering the Villian on your day of!: And so it begins
Ice Cream: You judge the villain when you're being just as weird
Uh Oh: A close call with someone who knows what they're doing startles you away from exploring.
Names: Note to myself to remember their names
My other works (Let's hope I linked these right lmao):
Old Gojo x male reader: Christmas ask
I Ramble about Victor (Potion Permit)
Christmas Cookies: Fatgum x Male Reader
You are what you are: Dabi x Male reader x Shigaraki
Pet: Reigen x Male reader
Snowball fight: Hawks/Keigo x Male reader
Hypnos (Hades) Imagines
Hair day: Established Dabi/Touya x Male reader
Blueberry Eyes: Established Dabi x Male reader
Bleach Rambles: around the time I found out about Bleach coming back
Dating Adult Denki Imagines
Ah: Idk what character this was for but could be for any
Bhna Valentines day imagines
Homage: jjk x male reader
Homage pt.2
It's hot okay??: bhna x male reader, could apply to any of them
Gojo and nipple play
First Loves: Established Dabi x male reader, Demi vent hours
Drabble ???: Hawks x Male reader
Fantasy: Bhna x male reader fic old
Who knows: Hawks x male reader
Sauce: Fatgum x male reader
A wonderful Christmas time!: Dabi x male reader
Bundle of Daffodil Flowers: Potential Botw link x Male reader
Feels: Mic x Male reader, potential mic x reader x Aizawa
Missing You: Aizawa x Male reader
Devotion: Draxum x Male reader
A new adventure awaits you: Luffy x Male Reader
Muzan likes to be punished: Muzan x Male Reader
The sun and His moon: Tsuchigomori x Seme male reader
Gojo x Male reader: the start of me nicknaming gojo little sapphire
Tobirama x male reader: I wanted these old men
Huh you're cute: Blunt male reader x Macaque
Rogue: Missing male reader x Sun wukong
Your favorite brat: Male reader x Sun wukong
Attention: Macaque x Immortal Male reader x Sun wukong
Love Language: Lmk x Male Reader
Dragon male reader x Macaque: nsfw was requested, nsfw was given
Mk x Spray Painter Male Reader: cute fluff
Unnamed: Botw link x male lynel hybrid pwp that I forgot about
Aishite: An old Your boyfriend AU drabble
Gaara fic Ideas
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butterfly-writer · 8 months
HAWKS (Keigo Takami)
Surprise! HAWKS X MALE!READER TW: NONE Contents: FLUFF - Reader being good at crocheting Summary: Y/N wanted to give Hawks a gift, but why? No reason! It was just a random day and he felt like it. And Y/N decided to pick up a new hobby!
Two Birds of a Feather HAWKS X TEEN!MALE!READER [PLATONIC] TW: NONE Contents: SMALL ANGST - FLUFF Summary: A teen with wing quirk runs away from home due to bad conditions and a bird friend helps him out. Simple Complications HAWKS X HYENA!HYBRID!MALE!READER TW: NONE(?) Contents: SMALL ANGST - FLUFF Summary: M!Reader is a pro hero with a hyena hybrid quirk and has a laughing disorder. But, because of his disorder, it makes people uncomfortable around him and avoid him. Hawks takes pity on him and befriends him, then falls for him.
Keigo Takami's Special Day HAWKS X GN!READER TW: NONE Contents: NONE Summary: Happy Birthday, Hawks!
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gojou-violin · 1 year
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✧ fanfics ✧ | perfect timing ~ poly!todobaku | deku and his toy ~ izuku midoriya | happy birthday, darling ~ keigo takami | number one fan ~ masaki mizushima (manual) | baby bunny boy ~ bunny!hybrid izuku midoriya | catch your breath ~ tamaki amajiki
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✧ headcanons ✧ | alpha!bakugo x omega!reader x alpha!shoto 1 (manga spoilers) | alpha!bakugo x omega!reader x alpha!shoto 2 | yandere!shigaraki | eating you out | shigaraki's fingers
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✧ links ✧ | kitty | training | counting | scratches | gauze | switch
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| last updated: 25 july 2023
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yandere-x-reader · 9 months
➼ Dividers done by @/cafekitsune
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Color Code: Romantic, Platonic, Either
Mezo Shoji, Koji Koda, Rikido Sato, Tenya Ida, Hanta Sero, Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Mashirao Ojiro, Yuga Aoyama, Denki Kaminari, Izuku Midoriya, Mina Ashido, Fumikage Tokoyami, Ochaco Uraraka, Kyoka Jiro, Toru Hagakure, Tsuyu Asui, Hitoshi Shinso, Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, Hizashi Yamada, Present Mic, Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead, Enji Todoroki/Endeavor, Keigo Takami/Hawks, Rumi Usagiyama/Mirko, Yu Takeyama/Mt. Lady, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca, Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fat Gum, Emi Fukukado/Miss Joke, Nemuri Kayama/Midnight, Sekijiro Kan/Vlad King, Nezu, Eri Aizawa
Sun, Moon, Roxy, Monty, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica, DJMM, Vannesa/Vanny, Gregory, Map Bot
Luisa, Mirable, Isabella, Delores,Camilo, Alma, Pepa, Bruno, Julieta, Felix, Agustin, Antonio
Gravity Falls ♡
Bill Chipher, Stanley, Stanford, Mable, Dipper.
OCs ♡
To be added
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Anonymous asks
I am perfectly fine with anyone using anonymous asks, I personally use them a lot. However if you use anonymous asks, please put a emoji(s) or a letter(s) as your signature. Just put it at the bottom of your ask and I'll add it to the list
Used Letters:
Used Emojios:
I will write
Different AU's: I can do all diffrent types! Pirate, mafia, hybrid, fantasy, royalty, mermaid, soulmates, mall workers, vampires, ghosts, ect. Or if you have your own AU and would like me to do somthing with it I can tolltally do that to.
Omegaverse: I know not everyone likes this trope but i'm a absaloute sucker for it. I can do Alpha, Beta, or Omega for charecters or Reader. I do write heats but not in a sexual way, i personally write them kinda like a human period but replace the blood with increased body tempetures.
Any Gender: I am personally genderfluid and AFAB so those are the two that I would have the most experience with. However if you want me to do somthing like a trans reader or AMAB reader than I can try my best. Don't be afraid to make it specific to you, everone is diffrent and I understand trying to look for something that fits you more than the stereotypes.
Crossovers: I don't see a lot of creators in any fandom doing crossovers a lot. I see like *Insert charecter* x reader with *insert other character* personality but not really crossovers. So feel free to request a crossover with a diffrent show.
Any skin color: I love having variety in my writing so I will do any skin colors. I can do basic skin colors, from pale peach to dark brown. I can also do exstream versions like skin that is nearly paper white from how pale it is or skin that us nearly space black from how dark it is. I can also do unnatural skin colors, like Mina!
Alterhuman Reader: Ok so I see absaloutly no alterhuman reader fanfics out there so i'm here to change that. I'm not personally a alterhuman but I do have a few freinds that are. If you want me to do a specific one instead of basic I can also do that. Like instead of a dragon kin I can do a dragon kin with space wing and starts eyes with claws that glow in the dark ect.
Body Marks: I personally have stretch marks, moles, freckles, and odd placed birthmarks so I can do any of these or others if you would like. If you are specifically extra self-conscious of your body marks than I can add extra levels of love to specific part if you would like :)
Feel free to requests anything as long as it's not in my will not write list!
I will not write
Abuse: I will not do the character inflicting pain on the reader or the reader inflicting pain on the charecter. I can do mentions of past abuse, such as a charecter or reader flinching at touch or loud noise.
Cheating: character doing it to reader or reader doing it to character is just a big no. I never understood cheating, if you don't love somone just break up with them. If you can't do it for safety reson than find a support system to protect you in dangerous situations.
Misscarage: I have lost three sibling to this and I still cry at night thinking of them, please don't ask me to do anything to do with this subject. If you do I will give you 1 warning and then I'm blocking you.
Abortion: I don't really have a side here but I don't like the though of writing it as it makes me uncomfortable.
Rape/SA: I don't feel comfortable doing this subject. I can not do mentions of it as I have not personally experienced it and don't want to miss somthing or do something wrong.
NSFW: I may be a yandere blog but I do not wish to do anything sexual on this blog, only romantic and platonic here.
Don't worry about being cringe with me! As long as your not hurting anyone than why should I stop you from having fun? Fell free to be your authentic self and request somthing super specific if you want.
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mysicklove-main · 2 years
New chapter of Your New Pack!! (i can't figure out how to make the link look nice, but its chapter 16 lol)
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blueparadis · 2 years
ONE. I write for a variety of fandoms. I mainly write n.sfw & dc, and rarely sfw; if your suggestions interest me I'll take it without further thought. You can refer to this post if you have any doubts regarding thirsts & suggestions vs requests. you can send thirsts/suggestions for drabbles, scenarios and headcanons (0.5k -1k) and headcanons ( 4 characters ).
TWO. ⁰¹do not send me n.sfw suggestions if you're a minor or ⁰²don't have an age indicator in your blog or ⁰³it's stated: “closed”. I'll decline it, even if its piques my interest.
THREE. I'll not write sequels of any fics but that doesn't mean you can't send your thoughts, you definitely can send your after thoughts. I might write about it, maybe a drabble but generally I don't think I'm built for part twos.
FOUR. I'll write fandom!versions of a headcanon post that I HAVE previously done for another fandom. Suggestions of characters for headcanons for “part two”/ different fandom!version is welcomed. All characters I write are adults, that is, twenty years of age and above. expansion of fandoms can be found at the end of this post.
FIVE. I use third person pov/second person pov with she/her pronouns ( preferably f!sub!reader ) Some of my works are in the second person with afab!reader/fem!dom!reader. Each posts have proper content warnings so read carefully before proceeding. since my default is f!reader, I'll stick to that if you don't specify it.
I do not take requests anymore unless it is for an event I make but I do take suggestions.THIRSTS ARE ALWAYS ENTERTAINED.
I also do writing commissions. You can view the details HERE. And if you want to tip me, here is my ko-fi.
Since I'm a multifandom blog i do not have much hard no's for characters. so, if you have doubts shoot an ask if I'll be willing to write on them or not. that being said. I DO WRITE SAPPHIC CONTENT, THAT IS, FEMALE CHARACTERS ( with fem!reader / afab!reader ) ARE ACCEPTABLE TOO.
I’LL WRITE ABOUT : —» SFW + N.SFW, DC — yandere, taboo topics ( incest ), porn without plot, porn with plot, (heavy) angst, major character death, polyamory, fluff, hybrids, a/b/o dynamics, dubcon, various bdsm plays and hard kinks like cnc . . . ANYTHING EXCEPT - bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia, rape, vore,scat-play.
NON-ANIMANGA —» stranger things, wednesday, game of thrones, house of the dragon,how to get away with murder, supernaturals, tvd, bbt, b99.
→ bleach [ ukitake jushiro, urahara kisuke,shinji hirako, yoruichi,rukia kuchiki, byakuya kuchiki]
→ tokyo revengers [ chifuyu matsuno, manjiro sano, sanzu haruchiyo, haitanis, kokonoi hajime, inui seishu, izana kurokawa, wakasa imaushi, yuzuha shiba.]
→ genshin impact [ kaveh, xiao, kaeya alberich, thoma, zhongli, childe, ayato kamisato, al-haitham, pantalone.] [ Arlecchino, Ayaka, Candace , Columbina, Nilou,Raiden shogun,Yelan ]
→ jujutsu kaisen [ uthahime iori, shoko ieiri, geto suguru, inumaki toge, yuuta okkotsu, higuruma hiromi.]
→ chainsawman [ yoshida hirofumi, aki hayakawa,power,quanxi]
→ kimetsu no yaiba [ tengen uzui, sanemi shinazugawa, nezuko, mitsuri.]
→ attack on titan [ armin artlet, eren yeager, mikasa ackerman, pieke finger, annie leonhart, levi ackerman.]
→ haikyuu [ sakusa kiyoomi, atsumu miya, sugawara koushi, oikawa tooru.]
→ blue lock [anri teieri, hyoma chigiri, nagi seishiro, bachira meguru, reo mikage, oliver aiku,itoshis, isagi yoichi ]
→ boku no hero academia [ aizawa shouta, shigaraki tomura, keigo takami.]
although I've listed my favs but i'm flexible with most of the characters. fandoms listed here are open for suggestions and thirsts.
honkai star rail, spy x family,hell's paradise,vinland saga, tokyo ghoul, castlevaniayuukoku no moriarty, vanitas no carte, gangsta, kuroko’s basketball, obey me, tougen anki, psycho pass, buddy daddies, wind breaker, one piece, kaiju number eight, sakamoto days.
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fatkish · 6 months
I’m accepting requests from Demon Slayer and JJK, both anonymous and non anonymous as well as requests for the pro hero x inner child series. My rules are pretty simple since I don’t really have many
1.) write the name of the character(s) you want
2.) tell me what you want me to write about
For example: a Bakugou x reader, NSFW blah blah blah
I accept NSFW and SFW
Shoto Todoroki:
Pro Heroes:
Pro hero x Inner Child Reader Series:
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fateisfiction · 4 months
Woot! Finally got words to my dear friend in our collab. Like 3 weeks late, but I've been more into TF141 than MHA recently, so it took a little bit of encouragement.
Asks are open! Requests are open!
NGL, I've forgotten what I have going on, so if you want me to continue something else, feel free to ask. If you don't want your username to be shown in an ask, just say so.
At some point I'll get a masterlist up and all the things I will/won't write for.
Current Fandoms:
BNHA, JJK, HxH, TF141(CoD)
Feel free to drag me into others, but you'll have to give me time to catch up enough to write.
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Your New Pack
Author: youreadorable17
Platform: Ao3
Pairing(s): Takami Keigo x Reader, Midoriya Izuku x Reader, Todoroki Shouto x Reader, Bakugou Katsuki x Reader, Kirishima Eijirou x Reader, Todoroki Touya x Reader
Status: Ongoing
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Possessive behavior, Todoroki Shouto a little sus
Summary: After your parents pass, you and your Hawk hybrid Keigo inherit a mansion and five million dollars. So, of course you fufill your dream and adopt a bunch of hybrids. What could go wrong with an overprotective Hawk, a skittish Bunny, an obsessive Panther, an over affectionate Dog, and a near feral Wolf in one house? Let's hope you can keep up.
Proceed to check out
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