#Keto Now 2022
Scale *finally* moved!
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I finally made it to the '25% of goal' marker today. I'd hoped to have made it here in January, but at least I got there. Now to hit the 50% of goal marker maybe in the next 3 or 4 months? It's been a struggle, and it will only get harder to shed the pounds, but this is heartening, at least. I was feeling so discouraged. Now if I can just get my toe to heal again.
*Nov 2022 wasn't my high weight, but when I first saw the doctor about my toe and really began in earnest to follow Keto again.
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newlyy · 2 years
chantal/foodie beauty
is a canadian youtuber in her late 30s whose channel has existed for, id say, more than five, less than ten years. she’s morbidly obese and, like amberlynn reid, a part of “gorl world,” in that she’s a favorite of reaction channels (generally, if someone reacts to ALR, they also react to chantal). her channel has gone through multiple identities, from being a weight loss channel, to being a mukbang channel, to being a neither and both channel, and she, like ALR, consistently begins and falls off of diets and eating trends (keto, juice cleanses, vegetarianism, veganism, etc). She’s incredibly impulsive, incredibly nasty when she’s pissed off (which she frequently is, at reaction channels and others), and is known for her lewd, TMI storytimes.
A bit over a year ago, she started a relationship with a man called Nader that was deeply unhealthy. She alleged abuse and SA at his hands and filed some charges (which, iirc, she later dropped, as well as, I believe, violating a court order to stay away from him). Nader, while dating chantal, was also in a relationship with a woman called Dee Dee, who was a subscriber of chantal’s channel and met Nader through that. Nader has his own youtube channel where he ostensibly makes cooking videos, but far more frequently now just gets on lives with dee dee and talks shit about chantal for views and money (nader’s well-known as a grifter and was living off of chantal before he began living off of dee dee). chantal hates both nader and dee dee; she refers to nader as “trash bag” and dee dee as “doo doo,” which is typical of her maturity level. There are more standout moments in all the nader saga, including chantal shaving her head in a live stream and allegedly developing a short cocaine addiction, but that’s the gist. 
This bring us forward to the Kuwait arc. in the last months of 2022, Chantal met a man in Kuwait online--I don’t know how to spell his name, but it’s pronounced Salah, so that’s what im going with. By December of 2022, she claimed to be in love with him, flew to kuwait, and allegedly married him, though a lot of people doubt whether the marriage is real. around this time, chantal also began wearing hijab and claiming to be muslim (which is insane, but on par with chantal’s pattern of very quickly and impulsively picking things up, then later abandoning them). since being in kuwait, chantal as made vlogs with salah (mostly food videos, but also visiting places and showing prayer in a mosque) and they’ve started their own couples vlogging channel. reaction channels question salah’s motives in dating/marrying chantal, wondering if he’s aiming to obtain Canadian citizenship through marriage (salah is stereotypically handsome and younger than chantal and again, they knew each other online for only a few months before deciding to marry). salah and chantal both maintain that they are in love and for chantal’s part i believe her (i don't think she knows what it is to actually be in love, but i think she’s genuinely convinced herself she is), for salah’s part.....i doubt it. the PDA they show in their videos is forced and awkward. 
Since being in kuwait, chantal has adopted a new persona of a pious, soft-spoken muslim woman, who is no longer feeding into internet drama and is above her somewhat seedy past of half-clothed mukbangs high on marijuana, telling stories about her sexual escapades. However, nader and dee dee continue making lives where they discuss chantal, because again, thats‘s how they make money, and, because chantal has no self control, she herself will go live in kuwait to respond to what they say, wearing the hijab, falling back into her loud, brash, nasty persona. 
Recently, a former friend of salah’s in kuwait, who met chantal during a camping outing they had with other couples (I think), made a YT channel and stated he was going to “spill the tea” on chantal and salah, i.e. what chantal is really like, whether they’re actually married, etc. (I don’t know if I believe what he says--he may be telling the truth but hes also definitely motivated by youtube money and followers; he refused to speak on chantal and salah until he reached a certain number of subscribers). Chantal obviously had a big reaction to this, went live, and tore apart with man and his wife in her particularly nasty way (also made a weird reference to him and his wife housing four “black men” in their home, and implying that the husband was a cuck. people questioned why the race of the men was relevant). 
the current drama is, in response i guess to another live from nader, salah came on camera a few days ago and called nader, in arabic, (which nader speaks) a f*g and trnny. chantal excused it as just the male culture in kuwait, but is receiving backlash, even from her loyal followers, for homophobia and transphobia.
Also, side note, chantal has a long time roommate/former lover named Peetz whom she lived with in Canada (he still lives in the apartment that chantal is presumably paying for while in kuwait. Peetz has a small youtube channel, but doesn’t have a job). He’s depressed, a brony, comes off as slightly autistic, and is dabbling in a trans woman identity lately. 
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pictured: salah and chantal on one of their many lives
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learningselflove · 2 years
Lessons in dress shopping
Every little girl fantasizes about the day she gets to put on a wedding dress for the first time.   
Even at age 10, I had strong opinions about the dresses showcased on Say Yes to the Dress. I couldn’t wait to get married at age 20 just like my parents did. Well, things didn't quite work out that way (which I couldn’t be happier about now!). I’m 28 and I became engaged in October 2022. One of the first thoughts in my head after the initial shock wore off was, “Oh no, I don’t want to go dress shopping.”  
I lost my mom to cancer when I was 11. It’s hard for anyone to go through a loss but especially on a child. My dad was the one with the career. He worked long days commuting to his job in New York City. After my mother passed, my dad tried his best to make sure I was fed. He didn’t know how to cook. He would make easy meals like spaghetti, frozen TV dinners, hamburgers, or chicken nuggets. I also decided to become a vegetarian when I was 14. I ate plenty of slices of pizza and plenty of bowls of pasta. It was easy and what worked for the both of us. This was before all the different types of mock meat they have at the grocery stores.  
On a diet of pizza, pasta, and hormonal grief, you could assume I wasn’t in the best shape. I was shaped differently than all of the other girls in my grade. I wore a size 14. Other girls my age were wearing 0s and 2s. I didn’t have body image issues. I knew that I was also further along in puberty than they were.  
I have spent most of my 20s trying to lose weight. I tried Keto, the meditteranean diet, low sugar, you name it. I have tried any work out plan I could get my hands on. It wasn’t until 2020 that I was able to have a doctor take my weight struggles seriously and my doctor finally ordered bloodwork for me. I was able to lose 30 pounds with very, very strict calorie counting. However, It was clearly insufficient for me. Eventually, the weight came back. When I received my bloodwork results, I had high testosterone. It’s almost impossible to lose weight when your hormones aren’t balanced.  
I have been working on it losing weightfor two years now. I have finally taken medications that help me feel the way a functioning adult should. I have lost weight, but I was still uncomfortable regarding the idea of dress shopping. I spent countless hours admiring Pinterest boards and looking at the beautiful, curvy models wearing gorgeous ivory gowns. I couldn’t picture myself in gorgeous ivory gowns that showed off my figure.’m not shaped the same way as these models. I carry more weight in my stomach and my face. How am I supposed to feel beautiful?  
I booked everything for my wedding early. It wasn’t until I spoke to my potential florist that I felt that I needed to go look at wedding dresses. To be honest, I was going to save that for the last possible moment. My florist wasn’t going to meet with me until I had my dress picked because she needed to arrange a bouquet to coordinate my gown. I guess I had to make an appointment as soon as I could.  
I was anxious.  
I was sick to my stomach thinking about putting on a dress; especially in front of other people. I prepared myself to look my absolute worst. I expected these dresses to hug every curve - in a bad way. My brain had already accepted the fact that I’d be forced to wear a dated ball gown because of my body type.  
I wasn’t going to let my poor self-esteem ruin one of the most memorable days of my life. I put on makeup in a traditionally bridal style. I wore a smokey eye with the tiniest bit of glitter on the inner corner of my eye. I curled my hair to look like it had just come out of French braids. I wore my most expensive perfume.  
I made it to my appointment and met with the sweetest bridal stylist. The stylist pulled the dresses I picked from the online selection. I tried on the first one - I fell in love. It was a gorgeous mermaid style dress. The bodice was lace with plenty of tule emerging from the thighs. The neckline was plunging and there were whimsical detached sleeves.  
I felt empowered.  
I felt confident.  
I felt like this dress was for me.  
I couldn’t pick the first dress I try on, right? Of course not! I needed to try more. 
I tried three more dresses on. Each was a different style, shape and texture. These were all dresses I liked on the models. It wasn’t until my stylist asked how I was feeling about the choices I made. One felt too matronly, another hugged my stomach way too tightly, and the third just wasn’t right for a Halloween wedding. My stylist had an idea of what I would like at this point. I let her pick one more for me.  
She carried the dress in, and at first, I had no idea what I was looking at.  
There were so many different textures and patterns that I thought it would be a hideous dress. BUT I was wrong. It was perfect. The dress was similar to the first dress; but better. There were bits of glitter down the middle of the bodice. The tulle that extended from the thighs was patterned with the smallest bit of intricate lace. The dress hugged my curves; the right way this time.  
I felt like the most beautiful bride.  
 I couldn’t stop looking at myself. 
It was also in that moment that I realized I was being too hard on myself. I should be proud of the small accomplishments I have made with regard to my health. My future husband clearly thinks I am beautiful enough to be his wife. My family cried when I put on a dress in front of them. My own worst critic is myself. I was able to find a dress that looked fantastic on my atypical body type.  
There was a lesson for me to learn: women are too hard on themselves. We don’t need crash diets to fit a dress. We are not born to fit in clothes, clothes are made to fit us.  
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orphancookie69 · 2 years
My Infertility Journey: Part 4
Yeah, future me needs to go in the past and tell past me to not be crazy. Well, they have not arrived yet-part four starts. The sooner I get in the drivers seat the sooner I park my car in the winners circle I hope....Just hopping on late? Here is Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. 
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August 2022: 
A week after the ERA comes a cycle. This is highly unusual as it does not normally come that soon. Second half of the month is the start of round 4. Initial ultrasound and bloodwork scheduled to see if the body is on the starting line. Now let’s talk about the definition of insanity, it is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Based on the ERA, I am perfectly fine and we have been doing this with proper timing-so initially they said we are going to move forward with no changes. At consultation, they mentioned adding Intralipids-IV injected twice during the process. I am open to this idea, more than the anti-coagulants, because I think my body can only handle so many injections. I only have two more embryos at this point, and while I want to make sure they have the best odds of sucess-there are physical limitations of being...ya know...human? 
The results from the blood work came back, my hormones were too high. So they are having me wait and we will reassess on next cycle. I am happy that this news came from the doctor, I felt like it was better to wait and give the body a break. But for some reason, it felt like it would not have as much credence as it does coming from the doctor backed by “data”. I am looking forward to my break and plan on getting a family trip to Havasu in before my next cycle. PARTAY! No but otherwise this is a great time to hunker down and see if I can’t get some good training in for game day. Using muscle stims, heat, massage, and exercise to promote healing of the area. Maintaining diet and exercise to see if I can’t lose anymore weight before then. 
September 2022: 
Have I ever mentioned how much of this process is PLAYING THE WAITING GAME? But waiting has its own perks. So far just waiting for a cycle to come, estimated to come around the middle of the month according to P Tracker, and see if hormone levels are good enough to move forward. Also, I am (heavily) playing with the idea of implanting two instead of just one. My own doctor says the odds are better with just one, but I have heard a lot of other doctors/patients have success with 2. Part of me really likes the idea of implanting both and having this be the last round, for better or for worse. We will see what the doctor says. 
So my body decided to get stuck in “period limbo” this cycle. I get all the feels but none of the results. Doctor did a “wellness check” on me and decided to reset my cycle with a week’s worth of Birth Control. Then we are going to move on the next cycle. I picked up my prescription and then took them, one a day, for a week. My doctor puts me on Enskyce, and man I usually get all of the side effects: migraines, nausea, and lack of energy. 
October 2022: 
Body goes into cycle and then on Cycle Day 5, we went in for an appointment. Ultrasound and bloodwork looked good, we updated my thyroid panel as well. Now starts injections and the new element this time-intralipids. They are to be done at a third party facility, Oso Home Care in Irvine, in week 4 (before transfer) and after transfer. I am (attempting) to schedule an appointment with Oso Home Care after my next Ultrasound/Bloodwork appointment with Fertility Care in Brea. Ya know the one appointment(s) before implant. It is kind of crazy how much happens in a month. 
Drugs: EV (Estradiol Valerate), Dex (Dexamethasone), P4 (Progesterone), hCG, Valium, Doxy (Doxycycline Hyclate), Medrol (methylprednisolone),
Vitamins: Baby Aspirin, Prenatal vitamins (NAC, Prenatal, Omega 3, L Arginine, Coq10, Myo Inositol, D3)
Suggestions: Keto diet/Fasting, Exercise, Proper Injection Guidelines.
Price: $5,000+ (Fertility Care), $100+ (MDR Pharmacy), $550 (Oso Home Care), 
Here are some Injection Guidelines:
Before: Ice the area
During: Inject the right area, Massage it after
After: Walk it off a bit, Use a heating pad
In Between: Arnica, Massaging to promote healing
Check: Infection (red, raised/bumpy, burning, itchy)
Note: Injections are intramuscular, and depending on the injection, there are only so many spots you can inject. Just because there are other muscles, does not mean you can use them even if your areas are “out of commission”. You just gotta keep them in commission!
The phone tag that was had was fun by all? Honestly as much as this is not my first rodeo and this should not worry me, the intralipids worry me a bit. Really the scheduling process being the slowest thing ever doesn’t help anything either. Be careful when doing research too, it is not always as helpful as you would think to know what you are signing up for. Also, the slow time between the first and second appointment where there is only an injection every 3 days is lovely. So I barely got my appointment for the intralipid place, if I did not call, that might not have happened. Then went in for the next ultrasound, the last one before implant. Ultrasound was good and blood work was TBD. 
This starts the next phase of the process. From here we add 4 hCG shots, add 2 times a day of p4, and continue with EV every 3 days. Also, for the hCG...the first injection has to be in the back area, but the smaller ones can go in the stomach to give the back a bit of a break. Round one of the Intralipids happens. The dexamethasone comes off the schedule just before implant-a couple of meds get added for a couple days around implant. Implant happens, this time it will be a boy (currently between the names Roland and Kai). After implant it is suggested for up to 3 days of rest. Then we move into November (after playing the waiting game) to confirm the pregnancy. 
Oso Home Care...Intralipids: Its a cute little place in Irvine. Kind of disorganized and busy but it would seem a lot people go to a facility like this. I got there early. I spent 2.5 hours in the chair. Yeah, kind of a long time. The gals that work there are sweet, but I don’t like how they had to prick both my arms to get it to work. I felt strange after? I am not sure how I was supposed to feel. Based on when I left and where home is, it took an hour to get home. But I hope in the future that since I am already in the system that booking is easier, and I kind of have a better idea of what to expect. Dress comfortable, don’t bring a book. 
Ovation Fertility...Implant: I always forget COVID never stopped being a reality for hospital establishments. I always forget to bring a mask to these things. Arrive 15 minutes early in Newport Beach, take a Valium an hour before. Implant goes well-go home and rest. Also, if they let your partner in-film the implant. 
Implant day is a day of rest, and this time I am trying to take two more days of rest after. I am an awful patient and this is hard for me to do. Post transfer we ran low on p4 so we transitioned to 1/2 crinone and 1/2 p4 for the every 12 hour injections. There are enough drugs on hand to get through to the pregnancy test and once confirmed, we stick with this or go all crinone. I don’t remember my last boys’ implant well but this time around, my left uterus feels like a battle zone a bit. 
Trimester Breakdown:
Part 1: 10/7-1/8
Part 2: 1/9-4/12
Part 3: 4/13-7/15
November 2022: 
An appointment was set up to have a blood draw/pregnancy test on 11/7. What was the time like before? I felt most, if not all, the symptoms. Pray tell, what are the symptoms of the first trimester?
First Trimester Signs: Nausea, Metallic Taste, Foggy Brain, Cramps, Tiredness, Breast Tenderness,
For me, and according to old wives tales, boys are supposed to be worse. This round definitely felt different as I felt very sore for up to a week after implant. Google says this is ok but man, it was kind of odd. The first blood test of Week 4/5 happened and TBD. If this goes well, I go two more times-two days apart. In theory the HCG a pregnant body produces should double every day. The first time you are able to view anything on an ultrasound is week 6. The next, and final, intralipid appointment would also happen that week. 
The first blood test was good and positive, the next blood test the values should of doubled...and they did not. They increased but did not double. The office wants me to see the third test before jumping to any conclusions. The second blood draw was a 15% rise. The third blood draw was a 66% rise, so they kept us on the schedule and we scheduled the first ultrasound at 6 weeks 4 days. They also had me schedule my second, and last, intralipid appointment for that same day. Prior to going to going into the first ultrasound, there were 50/50 odds that this is a viable pregnancy. 
We went in for an ultrasound and there was a gestational sac, but nothing that could be seen in the sac. They did a blood draw, to confirm the hCG is rising as a pregnant body should be. I had an intralipid appointment but they wanted me to move it, and wait for the results. The beta was rising, so we stay in the game another week. Order more drugs from MDR Pharmacy and scheduled another ultrasound for the end of the week. The intralipid appointment was moved to the same day as the next ultrasound. 
Oso Home Care...Intralipids: This trip was shorter, already in the system and they have an idea of how quickly you take the liquids and what not. I believe this time was about 3 hours? 
Also, I am keeping track of my weight, as women who are overweight before need to be careful how much weight they put on. When I checked on it, I actually had lost weight. Between my keto diet, morning sickness, and other pregnancy symptoms. In the first trimester one can lose a bit, but should this trend keep up in the second trimester...we got problems. Went in for the next appointment and while it was still not where it was supposed to be, there was improvement in both Beta (blood draw) and ultrasound findings. By this time I am almost 8 weeks along and there should be some major organs created, like the heart. 
December 2022: 
The next ultrasound would be interesting as it was kind of the determined trip to “call it”. Why would I want to call it? Because since implant, it has been very “we don’t have good news but we have not bad news so keep injecting”. And the body can only take so much for something that they said was most likely to end in bad news? But the doctor makes a good point that while certain things should be in place by this appointment, babies can be “past their due date” so if they are slow to grow, as long as they grow, it is fine? As the train carrying the passenger, the “limbo” is annoying as hell. 
The Week 8 Ultrasound: Yeah, so that went about as good as that was going to. The doctor finally called it. It is sad, bumming, annoying, frustrating, relieving yet unwantedly so. They are three options to resolve this round: to let it happen naturally, use drugs to help “speed things along”, or get a D&C. For now, we are going to cancel medications and assess in another couple of days. Did a blood draw to see where the beta is, and establish a comparison point for declines in the future. 
For the next blood draw, I could of gone to my Fertility Care office-but with us at the sad end of the process-and them not being part of our insurance-we decided to finish the process in slightly more complicated insured way. They ordered the blood draw at Quest Diagnostics. I made an appointment and the results were sent to Fertility Care. I have seen some insurance that covers infertility, but for the most part that is a sad joke. Some jobs cover that too. If you need that as an option, it’s worth looking into. 
Pay attention to your body. I had sharp pains on my lower left abdomen area the day before the blood draw. Like, bad enough to make me basically pointless the rest of the night. The next day they continued, and I called it in. I am now on the alert for heavy bleeding and those pains, as the combination means bad news. But should be signs the body is starting the miscarriage process. To speed things up, they put me on Letrozole and Acetaminophen-COD. This will be my first time having a drug induced natural miscarriage.  
Four pills at night for 7 nights, bleeding can last up to a week. Blood was being drawn at Quest Diagnostics and the beta hcg was going down. I used pads for a week to “measure” how much I was bleeding, more than two pads in two hours was bad news. Blood draw to see where we were at, luckily enough for all involved-there was no hemorrhaging. The second week of miscarriage recovery-less blood, less medications, but no less feels? Research shows it could take up to 6 weeks for my body to get back to “normal”. There are some herbs and vitamins I can take to help, but mostly it was rest and food and relaxation. 
So, what happened? While there are no answers, there is a scientific name for this. Funny how that works out huh? Here is what I think happened: 
“ A blighted ovum, also called an anembryonic pregnancy, occurs when an early embryo never develops or stops developing, is resorbed and leaves an empty gestational sac. The reason this occurs is often unknown, but it may be due to chromosomal abnormalities in the fertilized egg.” (Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pregnancy-loss-miscarriage/expert-answers/blighted-ovum/faq-20057783)
Because this is an IVF process, and everything is tested and in some ways controlled, I doubt it is because of any chromosomal abnormalities. But it is crazy how many variations of miscarriages are out there. And really, even in the same person’s journey-no two are the same. Oh to know so much yet so little. 
Honestly, this is a very tough process. I am not sure what to think. Doctor thinks we should implant (IN ME) the last embryo, possibly changing nothing, and see if it works when I am mentally and emotionally ready. For now, the only thing for sure is its BREAK TIME. Is it too soon for a surrogate? I don’t understand how I can be such a medical mystery. It is a very strange feeling. 
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fattofitemma · 2 years
16th Nov 2022 - over my cold!
This is a record time for me. 4 days. Is it keto? Is it no drugs? I don't know. But as a teacher who constantly gets colds, I'm pleased.
I am also finding I am back on form at the gym now, so am fat adapted? Either way, I'm lifting heavy and that's all I care about.
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Plant based Snacks Market growth, trend, opportunity and forecast 2024-2030
Plant based Snacks Market growth, trend, opportunity and forecast 2023-2030
Plant based Snacks Market
The Plant based Snacks Market is expected to grow from USD 520.00 Million in 2022 to USD 679.47 Million by 2030, at a CAGR of 3.40% during the forecast period.
Get the sample report: https://www.reportprime.com/enquiry/sample-report/6363 
Plant based Snacks Market Size
Plant-based snacks have gained significant popularity as consumers adopt a healthier lifestyle and demand more environmental-friendly food options. The plant-based snacks market is segmented based on type, application, and region. The types of plant-based snacks include meat alternative snacks, cereal/grain-based snacks, fruit and nut snacks, and others. The applications for plant-based snacks include hypermarkets/supermarkets, convenience stores, specialty stores, online sales, and others. North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Australia are the regions with the highest demand for plant-based snacks. The market players include General Mills, Maple Leaf Foods, The Unilever Group, Blue Diamond Growers, Nestlé, and other renowned companies. The regulatory and legal factors specific to the plant-based snacks market conditions must be considered by the manufacturers and their suppliers to make plant-based snacks a sustainable and profitable business. The plant-based snacks market's regulatory environment includes food safety and labeling regulations, and labeling requirements, and international trade agreements affecting food transportation. The legal environment includes intellectual property rights, competition law, and product liability law affecting the plant-based snacks industry.
Plant based Snacks Market Key Players
General Mills
Maple Leaf Foods
The Unilever Group
Blue Diamond Growers
Inquire Now: https://www.reportprime.com/enquiry/pre-order/6363 
Plant based Snacks Market Segment Analysis
The latest trends observed in the Plant based Snacks market include the development of innovative plant-based snack products that cater to different dietary requirements, such as keto-friendly, paleo, and low carb options. Companies are also boosting their offerings by incorporating new ingredients like ancient grains, nuts, and superfoods, enhancing the nutritional value of the final product. Additionally, the market has seen an influx of plant-based snack bars, which are now preferred by consumers as a ‘grab-and-go’ snack option.
The report recommends that companies focus on developing sustainable and ethical sourcing practices for their plant-based ingredients to ensure long-term growth and profitability. Companies should also explore partnerships and collaborations with other players in the market to expand their product offerings and customer reach. Additionally, increasing marketing and branding efforts and leveraging social media platforms will aid in creating brand awareness and increasing their market share.
This report covers impact on COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine wars in detail.
Purchase this report: https://www.reportprime.com/checkout?id=6363&price=3590 
Convenience Stores
Specialty Stores
Online Sales
Meat Alternative Snacks
Cereal-/grain-based Snacks
Fruit and Nut Snacks
Contact Info: 
Krishna Sharma
US:- +1 507 500 7209
Website:- https://www.reportprime.com/
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frogmajick · 6 months
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In 2018 I was very sick. I had quit a 5 year opioid addiction cold turkey in 2017 and immediately transferred my addiction to food. But then food wasn’t working and my whole world fell apart when my family crumbled in February and I lost my home in July of 2017. Working a job I hated for a boss I detested, mourning the loss of my mother in law and first husband, I decided booze fixed me better than food.
The girl on the left on March 31, 2018- as much as I ever weighed, terribly alcoholic, diabetic, a litany of ailments. This is a party at our favorite local bar.
And then, September 1, 2019, my husband intervened and with the simple statement “I don’t want to be married to an alcoholic”. I dumped out my vodka. I took my diabetes seriously. I started eating keto and exercising. I was essential through the pandemic and the only thing I could do, the only place I could go, was walk. I walked through lockdown and saw the pounds come off.
My largest weight loss at one time was the 20lb that breast cancer took on January 6, 2022. In May I began working my dream job for a labor union. I did amazing work, met amazing people, and was happy in my work for the first time in my life.
I also met a fabulous naturopath in Spokane named Dr. Christopher Valley. I went to my first appointment with an absolute block, ready to pooh pooh all his woo and laugh about it. When I am wrong, I admit it, and I own it. I WAS SO WRONG. Chris nailed everything wholistically, and I saw myself in a way I never had. I had always asked, why this? Why this disease? Why this disease but not this comorbidity? In one visit, Chris had real, reasoned suggestions. One of which was to see a neuropsych doc named Anna. Anna verified Chris’s diagnosis, and also made sure I knew one medication I had taken religiously for 15 years was actually not for long term use (risperdal/risperidone and I heard theres a new brand name) and I needed to have a CT scan to see if I had a tumor on my pituitary that would cause a lot, including Cushing’s disease. I did not have Cushings, but I did have extremely high prolactin, which came down to normal range within 6 months of stopping the medication.
I quit smoking June 11, 2023.
As the hormones came back to normal and I began to explore somatic yoga to deal with the trauma of a lifetime of undiagnosed neurodivergence and cancer, I find myself in 2024 down 100 lbs and staying right there steady.
Yesterday I met a trainer and when she asked me my goals, I told her I’m fine with my lbs, but I want to change my shape. However I get there, goals is:
To do a dragon flag hold for at least a minute.
Her eyes got big.
I showed her a tiktok from @leekeyrouz_ doing a dragon flag hold and simply said I want to get HERE. She nodded, and we are starting from ‘walking, some yoga, and beginner with an 8lb kettlebell’.
A very wise woman once told me that the process of menopause is a second puberty where we can, as wiser women, become what we wanted to be before the world told us “women can’t do that”. Because now, past breeding, past beauty, we’ve transcended what women can and can’t do and can now do what we wanted to do all along.
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Hale and Hearty Keto Gummies Audits - High level Weight reduction Equation, Update - 2022
Hale and Hearty Keto Gummies Surveys is the state of the art weight reduction item that is at present extremely popular. The objective of this item is to speed up the metabolic condition of ketosis, which prompts an expansion in fat misfortune. This is an all-normal and profoundly compelling fat-consuming enhancement.
The ketogenic diet for weight reduction guarantees that the body gets its energy from fats instead of sugars. The body's effective response rapidly melts fat, bringing about the ideal change in the body. By far most of individuals who are now following a ketogenic diet will profit from Hale and Hearty Keto Gummies.
The customary technique for instigating ketosis is one reason why certain individuals surrender prior to arriving at their objectives since it is a particularly tedious and troublesome cycle. The enhancement speeds up the body's change into ketosis. Accordingly, the body consumes fats to meet its fuel needs. It causes no regrettable responses in the body while advancing weight reduction, which is a huge benefit. What precisely is the Hale and Hearty Keto Gummies?
Hale & Hearty Keto Gummies is a dietary enhancement that professes to hurry weight reduction. All a completely local cure involves simply the greatest of beginning in its parts. This supplement will give you a decent night's rest and set you up for anything.
This diet supplement eliminates all sugars and calories from the eating regimen, making the body produce a lot of energy essential. This item will cause the presence of expanded totality in front of you since it will leave your skin more fragile and brilliant.
In the event that the singular's clinical group raises no worries about the singular's ongoing wellbeing profile, taking Hale and Hearty Keto Gummies pills can make the singular's longing for a less fatty body a reality. Nothing can prevent you from arriving at your weight reduction objectives whenever you have gotten endorsement from your essential consideration doctor. In light of the fixings, both processing and fat consuming are sped up.
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easyweightlossmethods · 11 months
Unlock Your Weight Loss Potential with Alpilean
Ancient Alpine Ingredients, Shed Pounds Whilst Boosting Metabolism and Energy
Alpilean Pills Special Offer Today
Exploring the Natural Ingredients in Alpilean
The Alpine nutrients aid in regulating your appetite, improving the body's calorie-burning ability, and enhancing the digestion process. This results in proper digestive system function, ensuring nutrient delivery to every organ, including the brain, aiding in weight loss.
In 2022, a research team from Stanford University School of Medicine examined 170 years of scientific data and discovered a shared factor in overweight individuals - low inner body temperature. Conversely, individuals within a healthy weight range maintain a normal inner body temperature. Please note that the term "skinny" used by the manufacturers refers to those who are not classified as obese.
Users will experience a surge in stamina, well-being, and overall health with Alpilean. This supplement enhances mood and energy levels, delivering benefits that you'll feel throughout your day. And it's not just the ingredients that make it special—it's the way they're infused. Slowly and meticulously crafted in a natural setting, this process unlocks the full potential of these natural wonders.
Now, let's delve deeper into Alpilean's ingredients to uncover the secrets behind its weight loss success. While we've already explored the scientific research, there's more to the 'magic' that sets this supplement apart.
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musclemoney · 1 year
About Me
Growing up, I was always involved in sports, whether it was football, baseball, basketball, or soccer, but I struggled with one thing constantly throughout my life: being overweight. Many factors led to this unhealthy condition, including depression, anxiety, and the pandemic lockdown, all leading to miserable diet decisions. While I was always funny, many people didn't realize that deep down, I was very self-conscious and, throughout the years, endured many instances of bullying because of my weight. The negativity that came with the start of high school intensified throughout the years. Depression and anxiety were quickly reflected in my grades. My grades had drastically declined by my sophomore and junior years, especially with dual enrollment, causing me to reach out for help. I started seeing a psychologist, who helped me deal with stress and begin to look at life differently. Then the unthinkable happened: Covid-19. This meant that I'd be stuck at home, unable to play sports, leaving me a very inactive teenager. At this point, I was 15 years old, weighing almost three hundred pounds, wearing a 3XL shirt and a size 46 in pants. I decided to take control of my life, lose weight, and become healthier. It wasn't just the bullying or the constant names I would be called or even being self-conscious; I was worried for my health and wanted to live a long life and knew I was on a path that wouldn't take me there. I researched many different ways to lose weight, such as intermittent fasting, the keto diet, and the carnivore diet. I started experimenting with many other eating habits until I found what worked best: a caloric deficit diet and intense strength training. The results were incredible. From April 2021 to October 2022, I lost 118 pounds, dropped from a 3XL to an L, and went from a size 46 waist to a size 34 waist. I went from being the fat kid getting bullied to the gym rat who people ask for help with their weight loss battle. I learned how to make healthy food through my "DexStrength" social media. Im now a spiring bodybuilder whose transformation inspired me to pursue a college degree in finance. I chose to pursue a finance degree because of my mom, a director at a construction company in their lending/loan division. She always talked to me about her job, but now Im understanding what she's saying and why she does what she does. Her influence on my career path has profoundly shaped my academic aspirations, values, and approach to financial matters. One of the most impactful lessons my mother taught me was the significance of financial independence. She instilled in me the belief that having a solid understanding of finance empowers individuals to make informed choices, secure their economic well-being, and create opportunities for a brighter future. I sit here today hoping to teach and inspire others that the economics of bodybuilding is a lot more interesting than most think; whether it's supplements, contests, apparel, or even illegal steroids, bodybuilding is always at a cost, and in this blog, that cost will be discussed.
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Divinity Labs Keto Gummies Don't Buy Before Read Official Reviews!
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✔️Product Name - Divinity Labs Keto Gummies
✔️Category - Health
✔️Side-Effects - NA
✔️Availability - Online
✔️Rating - ★★★★★
✔️Price (for Sale) Buy Now Here — CLICK HERE
The answer to the big weight loss question is Divinity Labs Keto Gummies. Divinity Labs Keto Gummies will help you reach all your goals, whether you've always had trouble losing weight or just want to get in better shape. These keto sweets not only burn fat but also make your health better. The natural vitamins and minerals in these sweets will help you get the body you've always wanted. Men and women in every part of the country have gotten better results from taking Divinity Labs Keto Gummies, and we promise that you will get the same results. You no longer have to look for a way to lose weight that works.
The best keto chewy of 2022 was made by Divinity Labs. Almost certainly, you will lose weight right away if the ingredients are all natural. The nutrients in these candies help you gain as much weight as possible and make your body work better. The goal of these keto candies is to help you lose weight in a safe and effective way. These awesome vitamins help your immune system and digestive system work better and help you lose weight at the same time. Divinity Labs Keto Gummies are the most cheap and effective way to lose weight. You don't need a personal trainer, surgery, or a long-term commitment. Click on any of the images on the screen to get the best Divinity Labs Keto Gummies price now.
===>> Visit The Official Site To Get Your Order Now <<===
What's in Divinity Labs Keto Gummies?
The ingredients in Divinity Labs Keto Gummies are all natural and pose no health risks. You can only lose as much weight as possible if you eat these sweets. There are so many trends that it's hard to know what to believe. But reviews from men and women across the country make it clear that Divinity Labs Keto is the best choice for people who want to lose a lot of weight quickly and in a healthy way. If you are having trouble losing weight or just want to get stronger, you should start taking Divinity Labs Keto as soon as possible. If you are trying to decide if Divinity Labs Keto is the right choice for you, you should know that taking Divinity Labs Keto is effective and easy because it works with your plan and gives you great weight loss results. People often don't have time to go to the gym or do other things that help them lose weight.
If you don't have time to go to the gym or can't afford to join one, Divinity Labs Keto is an even better choice for you. It's hard to find time for yourself when you're always busy with work, family, and friends. It's even harder to find time to go to the gym! When you are tired and have no energy left, you are more likely to eat poorly, be lazy, and not exercise. When you can't reach your original goal of losing weight, your worry level will go up, and you'll continue to eat and sleep badly. Don't keep letting this happen to you! Divinity Labs Keto Gummies are the best way to lose weight quickly and keep it off for good. You won't have to pay for an expensive gym contract or deal with a personal trainer who doesn't understand your goals if you take Divinity Labs Keto Gummies. You won't have to search the Internet for helpful eating tips or new diets that might work but don't have proof. Don't put your health at risk with weight-loss plans that haven't been proven to work. You should try Divinity Labs Keto Gummies now!
===>> Visit The Official Site To Get Your Order Now <<===
The Side Effects of Divinity Labs Keto
Divinity Labs Keto Gummies don't have any side effects. Since there are no chemicals or colors added, there is no way that your body will get sick. There is a long background behind these natural ingredients. The goal of Divinity Labs Keto is to help you burn fat in a healthy and effective way. This will help you lose weight in a way that will last for the rest of your life. The ketones in these sweets work with your body in a natural way to help you burn fat. The BHB ketones in Divinity Labs Keto combine with the ketones your body already makes. This tells your body to burn fat instead of carbs. You'll be able to do more during the day if you burn fat instead of carbs. If you burn fat instead of carbs, you'll have more energy. Even if you didn't want to work out before you took Divinity Labs Keto Gummies, you might want to once you start. You can see that there is nothing bad about these useful gummies. They will help you lose weight, no matter what you eat or how you live. Once you start taking these sweets, you will feel less hungry, have more energy, burn fat more efficiently, and so much more. We promise that if you start taking Divinity Labs Keto Gummies every day, you will feel these benefits in as little as one week!
===>> Visit The Official Site To Get Your Order Now <<===
Review of Divinity Labs Keto Gummies
We've included some reviews from real customers to help you choose the best way to lose weight. Divinity Labs Keto Gummies are loved by men and women all over the country because they help people lose weight and build better muscles.
The rapper Kenny J.
"I've lost 40 pounds in just two months since I started taking Divinity Labs Keto Gummies. After being disappointed by so many other keto brands, I really didn't think these sweets would work as well as they do. Divinity Labs is the way to go if you want to lose weight in a healthy way that lasts.
Sheryl P.
"Dieting and working out have never helped me lose weight. Every time I felt like I was getting better, I just put all the weight back on. I was about to give up, but then I looked online and found Divinity Labs Keto Gummies. I chose to give them a try after I read the reviews and did my own research. By the end of the first week, I could see effects that would last. Now that I've been taking Divinity Labs Keto Gummies for three months, I can tell a big difference in how I look, feel, and move.
===>> Visit The Official Site To Get Your Order Now <<===
Find the good in your body!
When you take Divinity Labs Keto Gummies every day, you will enjoy body happiness to the fullest. All you have to do to lose weight the way you've always wanted is take one of these keto sweets every day. Divinity Labs Keto Gummies are the least expensive way to lose weight if you can't pay for expensive surgery or a gym membership. There are no extra or secret costs. Taking Divinity Labs Keto Gummies is the best way to lose weight quickly. If you want to lose weight and improve your quality of life, don't wait to click on any of the pictures on this page to get the best Divinity Labs Keto Gummies price today.
Official Website : https://divinitylabsketogummies.com
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marketing123456789 · 1 year
Nutrient-Rich Chia Seeds to Witness Exponential Market Growth by 2033
By the end of 2022, the net worth of total chia seeds sold globally was estimated to be US$ 195.3 million. In the current year, 2023, the sales of chia seeds, in terms of value, are expected to be worth around US$ 203 million. FMI further projects the overall market to record a CAGR of 7% from 2023 to 2033. By experiencing this promising growth, the global chia seed market size is projected to reach a valuation of US$ 390.3 million by 2033.
Growing consumer demand for gluten-free food items and improving recognition of chia seeds for their health advantages are the key reasons propelling sales. Moreover, the increased use of chia seeds as a source of omega-3 in animal feed is also regarded to have boosted the market.
Get an overview that describes the market size and forecast along with the research methodology. This sample report is available in PDF format @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-4439
Under their bland flavor, chia seeds may be added to packaged meals and functional foods. Chia seeds' high fiber content makes it possible to use them in bakery goods, energy drinks, dietary supplements, sports drinks, and salty snacks. Furthermore, Chia seeds are often used in packaged ‘superfood’ items because of their high antioxidant and fiber content.
A certain degree of market development restraint may result from the limited availability of suitable environments for plant growth and higher seed output. Against this backdrop, the sales of chia seeds in the United States are anticipated to remain profitable over the assessment period.
Key Takeaways from the Chia Seed Market Study Report
The United States held a market share of 27.9% in the year 2022.
Germany is the leading market for chia seeds in Europe and contributed a 7.3% revenue share in 2022.
The demand for chia seeds in the United Kingdom registered a CAGR of 7% during the forecast years.
China and India are poised to witness a growth rate of 6.1% and 8.9% in the production of chia seeds through 2033.
Discover the In-Depth Analysis @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/chia-seed-market
Competitive Landscape for the Chia Seed Market Players
Sesajal SA De CV
Bioglan (PHARM-A-CARE Laboratories Pty. Ltd.)
Nutiva Inc.
Navitas Naturals
Chia Bia Slovakia, s.r.o.
The Chia Co.
Vega Produce LLC.
Mamma Chia
Now Health Group, Inc.
Naturkost Übelhör GmbH & Co. KG
AgroBolivia (Negocios Europa Ltd.)
The chia seed plant thrives in the dry, marine-influenced Mediterranean climates, so its market has remained concentrated in some parts of the world. However, the adoption of modern farming methods has now given rise to the possibility of successful farming of chia seeds in other climatic regions. This is anticipated to support the emergence of new players and diversify the market in the coming days.
Recent Developments by the Chia Seed Supplying Industries
Mamma Chia declared in April 2022 that its products are keto-friendly. This development included its product line of Chia Energy Beverages and Chia Vitality Beverages, providing only 6 grams of net carbohydrates per serving.
Innovation and the creation of new product supplies are the main techniques used by businesses to maintain their market share. The Chia Co. launched four new types to its Oats+Chia product line last year, including Apple Spice, Blueberry Lemon, Mixed Berry, and Banana Mango. Later, it added three new flavors to its Chia Pods products, such as Strawberry, Dark Cacao, and Coffee Bean.
Key Segmentation:
By Origin:
By Color:
By Form:
Whole Chia Seeds
Grounded Chia Seeds
Chia Seed Oil
Other Chia Seed Forms
By End-use Application:
Food and Beverages Sector
Packed Chia
Nutritional Bars
Bakery and Snacks
Breakfast Cereals
Personal Care Products and Cosmetics Sector
Animal Feed and Pet Food Sector
Nutritional and Dietary Supplements Sector
Other End-use Applications
By Region:
North America
Latin America
East Asia
South Asia
The Middle East & Africa (ME&A)
About Future Market Insights (FMI): Future Market Insights, Inc. (ESOMAR certified, Stevie Award - recipient market research organization and a member of Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) provides in-depth insights into governing factors elevating the demand in the market. It discloses opportunities that will favor the market growth in various segments on the basis of Source, Application, Sales Channel and End Use over the next 10 years.
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healthylifestyle06 · 1 year
Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Review (Scam Exposed) Shark Tank & Customer Feedback
What ingredients are in Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummie?
From the Tribulus Terrestris plant: It has been shown that eating this naturally occurring substance increases the amount of testosterone found in the body. It speeds up the production of luteinizing hormones and raises the amount of testosterone in the body, both of which are important for the body to work well and stay healthy. Because of this, the strength of your erections will get even better, and you'll be much better in bed because you'll feel physically and mentally stronger.
L-Arginine is a chemical that helps blood flow and controls how much nitric oxide the body makes. The amount of nitric oxide in your body is also controlled by L-Arginine. More blood flow is good for the health and function of the area around the womb. This makes your erections harder and last longer. It also makes your penis bigger and bigger while you're having sex. Can help with treating ED and ejaculating too soon.
Saw Palmetto Berry: A natural product that is said to raise testosterone levels and improve sexual health. Saw palmetto berries are also called sabal palmetto berries. It makes you more attractive and improves your sexual desire and stamina, so you can be sexual for longer without getting tired. Also, it gives your body the vitamins it needs, which makes you feel better and increases your sexual drive.
Extract of Eurycoma Longifolia Tree: This man-made guide is used as part of a regular treatment plan for erectile dysfunction. It also increases a man's sexual drive and level of maturity. Everyone was also told that the men's sports performances had kept getting better. This makes muscles grow faster and reduces the number of fat cells that are stored in excess all over the body.
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What are the benefits of whole-body Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies?
Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies use natural fixatives that have been shown to work in reliable tests.
Can help improve efficiency indoors, sexual endurance, and charisma. Can help improve efficiency indoors.
It can help the body make more testosterone if it is taken regularly.
It has been shown that male enhancement pills can give a person more energy and improve their sex drive.
Can help raise the amount of blood that flows to the penis.
Taking testosterone supplements can help lessen anxiety and stress. They can also help with performance anxiety.
Can help with the problem of early vaginal discharge and give you more control over your vaginal flow.
This drug has been shown to make people feel better about being sexual and to help them gain strength and mass.
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wordpress:- https://onlinehealthydiets.wordpress.com/2023/07/22/kelly-clarkson-cbd-gummies-reviews-exposed-2022-scam-or-legit-against-pain-relief-where-to-buy/
blogspot:- https://beautyhealthcareproduct123.blogspot.com/2023/07/kelly-clarkson-cbd-gummies-reviews.html
How Do Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Help Men Become Stronger?
The most important part of our research was how the Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies worked on the inside. In the next few lines, we'll talk about it in more depth to help you understand it better. It has parts that come from plants, proteins, and other good things that boost testosterone levels and make the body stronger. Gummies CBD Anatomy One This is done by reducing the amount of fat in the body until it is low enough to relax the blood vessels and reduce the spread of stimuli. By making more nitric oxide in the body, it also speeds up the process of building new muscle and makes more male hormones. Lastly, it makes sperm better and makes more of it.
Because they improve blood flow throughout the body, Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies are good for your health and may add years to your life. Guys may gain from taking the combo because it can make them stronger and last longer. By giving you more energy, Male Biotix helps to improve your mental and physical health as a whole.
Visit Now:- https://www.outlookindia.com/business-spotlight/kelly-clarkson-cbd-gummies-reviews-hoax-alert-2022-simpli-health-acv-keto-gummies--news-199630
Pinterest:- https://www.pinterest.com/healthy_tips03/
wordpress:- https://onlinehealthydiets.wordpress.com/2023/07/22/kelly-clarkson-cbd-gummies-reviews-exposed-2022-scam-or-legit-against-pain-relief-where-to-buy/ blogspot:- https://beautyhealthcareproduct123.blogspot.com/2023/07/kelly-clarkson-cbd-gummies-reviews.html
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purecbdgum45 · 1 year
Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Reviews (HOAX Alert 2022) Simpli Health ACV Keto Gummies
 Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies
Buy3 Get3 Free, Buy2 Get2 Free + Free Shipping (Only 20 Bottles In Stock)
Please Click On The Banner Below To Proceed To The Official Order Page
Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies are edibles infused with CBD. These gummies are made with natural ingredients and are gluten-free, non-GMO, and vegan-friendly. They come in different flavors, and each gummy contains a specific amount of CBD. Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies are formulated to help people with various health conditions. Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, has become increasingly popular over the years due to its therapeutic benefits. CBD is a naturally occurring compound found in the cannabis plant. CBD products have gained immense popularity in the health and wellness industry for their potential to help with a variety of conditions. Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies are one such product that has been gaining popularity in recent times.
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➢Product Review: —Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies
➢Main Benefits:—Improve Metabolism & Help in Pain Relief
➢Composition: —Natural Organic Compound
➢Side-Effects: —NA
➢Rating: —⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
➢Available Country: — USA
➢Where to Buy —Click Here to Rush Your Order from the Official Website
Visit the Official Site of Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Discount [Available Here]
Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies -Everybody merits their greatest wellbeing, satisfaction, and well-being! In any case, that can be difficult to accomplish without the Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies. These fantastic sticky colors contain probably the most grounded hemp CBDs to assist you with mending and simpler than any time in recent memory. Also, best of all, these new gummies taste path better than their CBD partner. In this way, continue perusing our Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Reviews Audit to discover more! Something else, click the standard underneath to check whether you can get to a FREE Preliminary Proposal of the top selling color while supplies last!
How does Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies work?
The human body produces cannabinoids called CB1 receptors which regulate movement, pain, appetite, emotions, mood, cognitive function, memory, and more. The CBD Oil in CBD Gummies has been medically proven to attach to your cannabinoids and quickly improve and optimize your body, mind, and spirit.
BODY: Jumpstarts an anti-inflammatory response to alleviate all types of chronic aches and pains. It reverses metabolic disorders, which can aid in your weight loss. And studies suggest that it may also help with both falling asleep and staying asleep.
MIND: Instantly ignites your brain's dopamines (a chemical neurotransmitter) to dramatically enhance memory, focus, and mental acuity. It can help you to retain more information, learn faster, and achieve true clarity.
SPIRIT: Slows down messages being sent to the brain to quickly relieve the debilitating symptoms of anxiety, OCD, PTSD, depression, and more. And it promotes increased serotonin, which can vastly improve your mood and your general outlook on life.
Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Side Effects
 Our primary concern about CBD is by and by. Most CBD customers have not declared any coincidental impacts. It's absolutely normal and comes from Mother Nature. This looks good. Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Cubes don't contain any fake trimmings. Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Cubes simply utilizes the best hemp oil in the United States. You can take extraordinary thought of yourself without coincidental impacts or dangerous trimmings.
Step by step instructions to Utilize Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies
For the best effects, you actually should take Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies on a daily basis. CBD Oil is lipophilic (fat-soluble), which means it compounds in your body, adding to the health benefits over time. The longer you take it, the better the results. And it’s 100% non-habit forming, so you can rest easy taking it each day.
Our all-natural Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies are made from purity-tested CBD Oil. And they begin to work within mere seconds of entering your bloodstream by binding to special receptors throughout your body and mind. They quickly boost your immune system, target disease, eliminate pain, and extinguish anxiety.
Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies can lower high blood pressure and considerably improve your heart and circulatory system health, which may prevent strokes, heart attacks, and metabolic syndrome. Not only can it help you with things you are dealing with today, but it can also help eliminate ward off medical issues in the future.
Click Here To Order Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies From The Official Website & Get Lowest Price Online
 Benefits of Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies
ARTHRITIS :- CBD has anti-inflammatory properties and data shows that it can lower levels of cytokines which are the immune system cells that are associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
SCHIZOPHRENIA :-  A recent study investigating the impact of CBD in schizophrenic patients found that after 6 weeks of CBD treatment, those who took CBD had lower levels of psychotic symptoms.
CHRONIC PAIN :- CBD has been shown to provide symptomatic relief of neuropathic, radicular, and chronic pain in people.
SEIZURES :- The FDA approved CBD as a treatment for seizures as its action on sodium channels in the brain reduce symptoms for people with epilepsy.
ANXIETY :- Brain imaging studies show that CBD creates brain activity patterns that lower anxiety and help with a variety of anxiety disorders.
DIABETES :- CBD has been shown to help protect diabetics by reducing brain and pancreas inflammation, thus reducing the incidence of diabetes.
DEPRESSION :- Research has shown that CBD may provide quick antidepressant effects through its actions on neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin and glutamate
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE :- CBD may improve heart health by protecting against vascular damage thanks to its impact on the immune system and the ability to reduce inflammation.
What are The Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Fixings?
The Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Fixings contain of unadulterated, greatest strength hemp CBD! Dissimilar to so numerous other hemp items that are only segregates, this one is a FULL Range recuperating CBD. Implying that it contains probably the best, most impressive fixings. These staggering gummies are taken from the hemp plant. Which implies that they have no psychoactive impacts! Not at all like THC, Gummies can't get you high. Be that as it may, it can in any case help you recuperate.
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There are Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Results?
Probably the most awesome aspect about this color is the Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Results. What's more, that is on the grounds that you shouldn't perceive any. The explanation such countless individuals go to GUMMIES is on the grounds that it doesn't have however many results as most meds. Pastor CBD be told, one investigation expresses that GUMMIES has a decent security profile. In the event that you do encounter results, it's presumably in light of the fact that your body doesn't work well with GUMMIES.
What Is The Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Cost?
The Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Cost is continually changing, however now is the best an ideal opportunity to attempt it! By clicking any picture or catch on this page, quite possibly 's you can get to a FREE Preliminary Proposal of the top selling color. With this offer, you'll have the option to get to this unfathomable color for the simple Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Cost of postage. Yet, in the event that you stand by excessively long, you could botch your opportunity!
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It is not difficult to arrange Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies at the most ideal cost since you should simply tap on the request currently picture in the content. You will be immediate to the organization that sells the item and that can give you the astounding arrangements. They don't sell the item in stores, so they set aside cash selling it direct. It is a select offer! Act currently to guarantee your markdown before provisions are no more! At last, be better once more! 
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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team and please know we only recommend high quality products.
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healthylifestyle02 · 1 year
Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies Reviews: (Exposed 2022) Scam Or Legit, Against Pain Relief & Where To Buy?
What are Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies?
Are approved by reputable doctors and institutes, which you can also check for yourself. Anyone suffering pain right now wants this special gummy. By relieving the bones of pains, this also relieves the muscles of any stiffness that you might be feeling. Here in the supplement, you are going to find a bunch of minerals that are too essential for your cure in time. Stay in a fit zone and defeat aches wholeheartedly using the gummy.
Visit Now:-https://www.outlookindia.com/business-spotlight/kelly-clarkson-cbd-gummies-reviews-hoax-alert-2022-simpli-health-acv-keto-gummies--news-199630
Pinterest:- https://www.pinterest.com/healthy_tips03/
Wordpress:- https://onlinehealthydiets.wordpress.com/2023/07/22/kelly-clarkson-cbd-gummies-reviews-exposed-2022-scam-or-legit-against-pain-relief-where-to-buy/ Blogspot:- https://beautyhealthcareproduct123.blogspot.com/2023/07/kelly-clarkson-cbd-gummies-reviews.html
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How does Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies work?
Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies are natural and herbal extracts to help you bring relieve to your pain and discomfort like chronic pain, muscles tissues pain, joint pain, inflammation and headaches.
All the ingredients contain in it helps to provide you with the nutrients and proteins your body needs in building and healing. It has no side effects, helping you to have a healthy lifestyle. Consuming these gummies, a day can bring lots of benefits to your overall health issues. Kelly Clarkson CBD Gummies addresses it from the root cause, helping you to alleviate any issues you have in your body.
Visit Now:-https://www.outlookindia.com/business-spotlight/kelly-clarkson-cbd-gummies-reviews-hoax-alert-2022-simpli-health-acv-keto-gummies--news-199630
Pinterest:- https://www.pinterest.com/healthy_tips03/
Wordpress:- https://onlinehealthydiets.wordpress.com/2023/07/22/kelly-clarkson-cbd-gummies-reviews-exposed-2022-scam-or-legit-against-pain-relief-where-to-buy/ Blogspot:- https://beautyhealthcareproduct123.blogspot.com/2023/07/kelly-clarkson-cbd-gummies-reviews.html
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Ingredients and compounds used in the cure gummy formulation?
Peppermint Oil- Takes the body's ability to a higher level by providing the necessary enzymes to fight chronic pain.
CBD Extract - The CBD enzyme is very specific and the oil helps treat arthritis that has taken a critical form in body.
Rosemary Oil - The natural extract is added to nourish the joints and also help the body in proper lubrication of joints.
Calcium - the best mineral for joint growth is none other than calcium and is therefore added for complete bone care.
Zingiber - If bone pain has invaded the muscles and is causing pain then this herb is the remedy that can help you.
Visit Now:-https://www.outlookindia.com/business-spotlight/kelly-clarkson-cbd-gummies-reviews-hoax-alert-2022-simpli-health-acv-keto-gummies--news-199630
Pinterest:- https://www.pinterest.com/healthy_tips03/
Wordpress:- https://onlinehealthydiets.wordpress.com/2023/07/22/kelly-clarkson-cbd-gummies-reviews-exposed-2022-scam-or-legit-against-pain-relief-where-to-buy/ Blogspot:- https://beautyhealthcareproduct123.blogspot.com/2023/07/kelly-clarkson-cbd-gummies-reviews.html
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Divinity Labs Keto Gummies [ Scam Alerts] Is It Fake Or Trusted?
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The answer to the big weight loss question is Divinity Labs Keto Gummies. Divinity Labs Keto Gummies will help you reach all your goals, whether you've always had trouble losing weight or just want to get in better shape. These keto sweets not only burn fat but also make your health better. The natural vitamins and minerals in these sweets will help you get the body you've always wanted. Men and women in every part of the country have gotten better results from taking Divinity Labs Keto Gummies, and we promise that you will get the same results. You no longer have to look for a way to lose weight that works.
The best keto chewy of 2022 was made by Divinity Labs. Almost certainly, you will lose weight right away if the ingredients are all natural. The nutrients in these candies help you gain as much weight as possible and make your body work better. The goal of these keto candies is to help you lose weight in a safe and effective way. These awesome vitamins help your immune system and digestive system work better and help you lose weight at the same time. Divinity Labs Keto Gummies are the most cheap and effective way to lose weight. You don't need a personal trainer, surgery, or a long-term commitment. Click on any of the images on the screen to get the best Divinity Labs Keto Gummies price now.
►Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now◄
What's in Divinity Labs Keto Gummies?
The ingredients in Divinity Labs Keto Gummies are all natural and pose no health risks. You can only lose as much weight as possible if you eat these sweets. There are so many trends that it's hard to know what to believe. But reviews from men and women across the country make it clear that Divinity Labs Keto is the best choice for people who want to lose a lot of weight quickly and in a healthy way. If you are having trouble losing weight or just want to get stronger, you should start taking Divinity Labs Keto as soon as possible. If you are trying to decide if Divinity Labs Keto is the right choice for you, you should know that taking Divinity Labs Keto is effective and easy because it works with your plan and gives you great weight loss results. People often don't have time to go to the gym or do other things that help them lose weight.
If you don't have time to go to the gym or can't afford to join one, Divinity Labs Keto is an even better choice for you. It's hard to find time for yourself when you're always busy with work, family, and friends. It's even harder to find time to go to the gym! When you are tired and have no energy left, you are more likely to eat poorly, be lazy, and not exercise. When you can't reach your original goal of losing weight, your worry level will go up, and you'll continue to eat and sleep badly. Don't keep letting this happen to you! Divinity Labs Keto Gummies are the best way to lose weight quickly and keep it off for good. You won't have to pay for an expensive gym contract or deal with a personal trainer who doesn't understand your goals if you take Divinity Labs Keto Gummies. You won't have to search the Internet for helpful eating tips or new diets that might work but don't have proof. Don't put your health at risk with weight-loss plans that haven't been proven to work. You should try Divinity Labs Keto Gummies now!
►Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now◄
The Side Effects of Divinity Labs Keto
Divinity Labs Keto Gummies don't have any side effects. Since there are no chemicals or colors added, there is no way that your body will get sick. There is a long background behind these natural ingredients. The goal of Divinity Labs Keto is to help you burn fat in a healthy and effective way. This will help you lose weight in a way that will last for the rest of your life. The ketones in these sweets work with your body in a natural way to help you burn fat. The BHB ketones in Divinity Labs Keto combine with the ketones your body already makes. This tells your body to burn fat instead of carbs. You'll be able to do more during the day if you burn fat instead of carbs. If you burn fat instead of carbs, you'll have more energy. Even if you didn't want to work out before you took Divinity Labs Keto Gummies, you might want to once you start. You can see that there is nothing bad about these useful gummies. They will help you lose weight, no matter what you eat or how you live. Once you start taking these sweets, you will feel less hungry, have more energy, burn fat more efficiently, and so much more. We promise that if you start taking Divinity Labs Keto Gummies every day, you will feel these benefits in as little as one week!
►Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now◄
Review of Divinity Labs Keto Gummies
We've included some reviews from real customers to help you choose the best way to lose weight. Divinity Labs Keto Gummies are loved by men and women all over the country because they help people lose weight and build better muscles.
The rapper Kenny J.
"I've lost 40 pounds in just two months since I started taking Divinity Labs Keto Gummies. After being disappointed by so many other keto brands, I really didn't think these sweets would work as well as they do. Divinity Labs is the way to go if you want to lose weight in a healthy way that lasts.
Sheryl P.
"Dieting and working out have never helped me lose weight. Every time I felt like I was getting better, I just put all the weight back on. I was about to give up, but then I looked online and found Divinity Labs Keto Gummies. I chose to give them a try after I read the reviews and did my own research. By the end of the first week, I could see effects that would last. Now that I've been taking Divinity Labs Keto Gummies for three months, I can tell a big difference in how I look, feel, and move.
►Visit The Official Website To Get Your Bottle Now◄
Find the good in your body!
When you take Divinity Labs Keto Gummies every day, you will enjoy body happiness to the fullest. All you have to do to lose weight the way you've always wanted is take one of these keto sweets every day. Divinity Labs Keto Gummies are the least expensive way to lose weight if you can't pay for expensive surgery or a gym membership. There are no extra or secret costs. Taking Divinity Labs Keto Gummies is the best way to lose weight quickly. If you want to lose weight and improve your quality of life, don't wait to click on any of the pictures on this page to get the best Divinity Labs Keto Gummies price today.
Official Website : https://divinitylabsketogummies.com
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