#Keto-friendly beer
drrexdexter · 1 year
Low Carb Beer Guide UK
Beer lovers who are watching their carbohydrate intake have reason to rejoice! Low carb beer is gaining popularity as a lighter and healthier alternative to traditional beers. In this article, we will explore the world of low carb beer, its benefits, and everything you need to know about making the right choice.
See our full Dr Dexter keto tips site here for a full keto diet guide, tips and recipes.
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Introduction to Low Carb Beer
Whether you're on a low-carb diet, managing your blood sugar levels, or simply looking for a lighter beer option, low carb beer can be a great choice. With fewer carbohydrates and calories compared to regular beers, it allows you to enjoy a refreshing drink while being mindful of your health goals.
What is Low Carb Beer?
Low carb beer is a type of beer that is brewed to have a reduced carbohydrate content. Brewers achieve this by using special brewing techniques or substituting traditional grains with low-carb alternatives. The result is a beer that is lower in carbohydrates but still retains its distinct flavour and characteristics.
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The Benefits of Low Carb Beer
Low carb beer in the UK offers several benefits that make it an attractive choice for many beer enthusiasts. Firstly, it allows you to indulge in your favourite beverage without worrying about the excess carbs. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals following low-carb or keto diets.
Moreover, low carb beer is often lower in calories compared to regular beer, which can be advantageous for those looking to maintain or lose weight. Additionally, it may have a lower alcohol content, making it a more suitable option for those who prefer a milder buzz.
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Understanding Carbohydrates and Beer
To fully appreciate low carb beer, it's essential to understand carbohydrates and their role in beer production. Carbohydrates in beer primarily come from the malted barley used during the brewing process. These carbs are consumed by yeast during fermentation, leading to the formation of alcohol and carbon dioxide.
Popular Brands of Low Carb Beer
In recent years, many breweries have recognized the demand for low carb beer and introduced their own offerings. Some popular brands include Brand A, Brand B, and Brand C. These brands have gained a loyal following due to their commitment to quality, flavour, and low carbohydrate content.
Here are some popular brands of low carb beer in the UK along with a brief description:
BrewDog Punk AF:
 BrewDog is known for its craft beers, and Punk AF is their low carb, alcohol-free option. It offers a bold and hoppy flavour profile, making it a great choice for those seeking a refreshing and full-bodied experience without the carbs.
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Adnams Ghost Ship Alcohol-Free:
Adnams Ghost Ship Alcohol-Free is a low carb beer that maintains the distinct flavour of the original Ghost Ship ale. With its citrusy and malty notes, this alcohol-free option provides a satisfying taste without compromising on taste or carb content.
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Skinny Brands Lager:
Skinny Brands Lager is a popular choice for those watching their carb intake. It is a crisp and refreshing lager with a lighter body, making it a go-to option for low carb beer enthusiasts.
Thornbridge Big Easy:
 Thornbridge Big Easy is a low carb pale ale that offers a balanced blend of hops and citrus flavours. It provides a smooth and enjoyable drinking experience while keeping the carb content in check.
Guinness Open Gate Pure Brew:
 Guinness Open Gate Pure Brew is a non-alcoholic, low carb version of the iconic Irish stout. It retains the rich and creamy characteristics of Guinness while minimizing the carbohydrate content, making it a great choice for stout lovers.
Pistonhead Flat Tire:
 Pistonhead Flat Tire is a low carb lager with a distinctively smooth taste. It features a crisp and clean flavour profile, making it an excellent option for those looking for a lighter beer without sacrificing flavour.
Peroni Libera 0.0%:
Peroni Libera 0.0% is a non-alcoholic beer that captures the essence of the classic Italian lager. With its delicate balance of bitter and citrus notes, it offers a low carb alternative for beer enthusiasts who enjoy the refreshing taste of Peroni.
Heineken 0.0:
 Heineken 0.0 is a popular choice for those seeking a low carb, non-alcoholic beer. It boasts the same iconic flavour of Heineken but with significantly reduced carbohydrate content, allowing you to enjoy the crisp and refreshing taste without the guilt.
Brooklyn Special Effects:
Brooklyn Special Effects is a flavourful non-alcoholic beer with reduced carbs. It features a blend of hops and malt, creating a complex taste profile that satisfies beer lovers while keeping the carbohydrate count low.
Innis & Gunn Innis & None:
 Innis & Gunn Innis & None is a zero-alcohol, low carb beer that provides a unique and refreshing drinking experience. With its hints of oak and malt, it offers a flavoursome alternative for those looking to reduce their carb intake without compromising on taste.
Becks Blue Alcohol-Free:
 Becks Blue Alcohol-Free is a well-known low carb beer that delivers the familiar crisp and clean taste of Beck's. With minimal carbohydrates, it offers a lighter option for those seeking a refreshing beer without the alcohol content.
Sharp's Doom Bar Zero:
Sharp's Doom Bar Zero is a non-alcoholic, low carb version of the popular Doom Bar amber ale. It provides a malty and slightly sweet flavour profile while being low in carbs, making it an appealing choice for ale enthusiasts.
Estrella Galicia 0.0:
 Estrella Galicia 0.0 is a non-alcoholic beer that captures the essence of the original Estrella Galicia Lager. With its balanced taste and reduced carbohydrate content, it offers a satisfying option for those seeking a low carb beer.
San Miguel 0.0:
San Miguel 0.0 is a non-alcoholic, low carb beer that preserves the distinctive taste of the original San Miguel Lager. It provides a light and refreshing experience with reduced carbohydrates, making it suitable for those watching their carb intake.
St Peter's Without:
St Peter's Without is a low carb, alcohol-free beer that combines traditional brewing methods with modern techniques. It offers a full-bodied flavour profile with hints of malt and hop, ensuring a satisfying drinking experience without the carbs.
Budweiser Zero:
Budweiser Zero is a non-alcoholic beer with reduced carbohydrates that still captures the classic Budweiser taste. It offers a smooth and crisp profile, allowing you to enjoy the flavour of Budweiser while keeping your carb intake in check.
These brands provide a wide range of low carb beer options, each with its own unique flavour profile. Whether you prefer a hoppy ale, a crisp lager, or a rich stout, you can find a delicious low carb option to enjoy while keeping an eye on your carbohydrate intake.
How to Choose the Right Low Carb Beer
When selecting a low carb beer, it's important to consider your personal preferences and health goals. Start by checking the nutritional information provided on the label or brewery's website. Look for beers with lower carbohydrate and calorie counts while still offering the taste and characteristics you enjoy.
Low Carb Beer and Weight Loss
For individuals aiming to shed extra pounds, low carb beer can be a helpful tool. By reducing the carbohydrate and calorie intake from beer, you can create a calorie deficit and potentially support weight loss efforts. However, it's crucial to keep moderation in mind and consider the overall balance of your diet.
Low Carb Beer and Diabetes
People with diabetes often need to monitor their carbohydrate intake to manage their blood sugar levels effectively. Low carb beer can be a suitable choice for individuals with diabetes, as it provides a beer option with fewer carbohydrates that are less likely to cause blood sugar spikes.
Low Carb Beer and Blood Sugar Levels
Even for individuals without diabetes, managing blood sugar levels is essential for overall health. Low carb beer can help maintain stable blood sugar levels since it contains fewer carbohydrates. However, it's still important to consume alcohol in moderation and be aware of any individual reactions.
Low Carb Beer and Taste
One common misconception about low carb beer is that it compromises on taste. However, many breweries have invested in creating flavourful low carb options that can rival traditional beers. With a wide range of styles and flavours available, there's likely a low carb beer that suits your taste preferences.
Low Carb Beer and Hangovers
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to unpleasant hangovers, regardless of the beer's carbohydrate content. While low carb beer may be gentler on the body due to its lower alcohol content, responsible drinking practices and moderation are still crucial to minimize the risk of hangovers.
Low Carb Beer and Alcohol Content
Low carb beer often has a lower alcohol content compared to regular beer. This can be advantageous for individuals who prefer a milder buzz or those who want to limit their alcohol intake. However, it's important to note that alcohol content can vary among different brands and styles of low carb beer.
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Drinking Low Carb Beer Responsibly
When enjoying low carb beer, responsible consumption is key. Set personal limits, be mindful of your alcohol intake, and always prioritize your health and well-being. Additionally, consider alternatives such as non-alcoholic or alcohol-free beer if you prefer to avoid alcohol entirely.
Is Low Carb Beer for Everyone?
While low carb beer can be a great option for many individuals, it may not be suitable for everyone. It's important to consider your specific health needs, dietary restrictions, and personal preferences. If you have any concerns or health conditions, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to your beer consumption.
Conclusion On Low Carb Beer
Low carb beer offers a lighter and healthier alternative for beer lovers who want to watch their carbohydrate intake or make mindful choices about their alcohol consumption. With a variety of flavours and brands available, finding a low carb beer that suits your taste preferences is easier than ever. Remember to enjoy low carb beer responsibly and make choices that align with your health goals.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can low carb beer help with weight loss?
 Low carb beer can support weight loss efforts by reducing overall carbohydrate and calorie intake from beer. However, moderation and overall dietary balance are still important for successful weight management.
Is low carb beer suitable for people with diabetes?
Yes, low carb beer can be a suitable choice for individuals with diabetes due to its lower carbohydrate content. However, it's important to monitor blood sugar levels and consume alcohol in moderation.
Does low carb beer compromise on taste?
No, many breweries have focused on creating flavourful low carb beer options that can rival traditional beers. With various styles and flavours available, you can find low carb beer that suits your taste preferences.
Does low carb beer cause fewer hangovers?
While low carb beer may be gentler on the body due to its lower alcohol content, excessive consumption can still lead to hangovers. Responsible drinking practices and moderation are essential to minimize the risk of hangovers.
Can everyone drink low carb beer?
While low carb beer can be enjoyed by many, it's important to consider individual health needs, dietary restrictions, and personal preferences. If you have any concerns or health conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to your beer consumption.
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dr-lizortecho · 8 months
Inspired by @ajna-eye-cogitations and written for @rnmafterdark day three: white picket fence
It had been months of secret rendezvouses and stolen kisses. Keeping their private lives under wraps from the town’s gossip mill- and therefore their loved ones. Which had been nice, giving Max time to breathe and explore without his siblings prying into his reasonings and emotions. Allowing him a moment to decide what he wanted for himself.
Which was coming home after good and bad days alike to find Kyle’s car parked in front of his place, to wake up to good morning texts sent between patients at the ass crack of dawn and buying keto friendly beer while at the supermarket.
Max smiles to himself as he opens the door to his house, more than pleased to find it already unlocked. It was something he was growing more and more accustomed to since Kyle made himself at home shortly after their relationship came out. Now three or more days a week Max could expect to come home to Kyle cooking in the kitchen or asleep in his bed. More often than not wearing Max’s clothes.
The door closes with a soft click as Max hangs up his keys, his smile falters at the realization his hat isn’t on its hook. It was department issue, meaning the Sheriff would have his ass if it went missing.
“Howdy,” Kyle drawls, voice thick with a fake southern accent.
Max turns, shoulders relaxing as he finds his hat. Kyle is lounged across the couch Max’s hat tipped low on his head, arm draped over the back of the couch and shoulders bare. A laugh falls from Max’s lips at the absurdity of the situation. Kyle has been perfecting his southern slang since he started reading Max’s manuscript, all while insisting the outlaw and the sheriff had homoerotic tension. Saying something about Max writing the first queer great American western.
“Good afternoon,” Max says with a laugh, making his way around the couch.
He sobers up fast- blood rushing south as he takes in the sight awaiting him. Kyle’s fully naked. Or rather wearing black leather assless chaps with nothing underneath them.
read on ao3
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travelinglowcarb · 11 months
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I prefer rum 💁‍♀️🥃 but this Keto Friendly Strawberry Daiquiri looks delicious! 🍓🍸 (recipe below) 👇
What are your favorite summer drinks?
I've been enjoying the Blueberry "super red" red berry antioxidant blend in my coconut water lately, and was just thinking last weekend how GREAT it would be with a splash of rum! 🫐🍹😋
You can read more about the Super Reds and see the ingredients & health benefits on this page:
* sweetened with fruit & stevia
* keto friendly & very low carb
* Discount code: LYNN20
You can see my video taste test at:
Before I found the new super reds from Perfect Keto my drink of choice was rum & diet coke - or Michelob ULTRA 🍻 I also love the sugar free (super clean) wines from Secco Wine Club 🍷
I don't drink often, maybe a few times a year, but I do love a good cold beer on summer nights now and then ;-) and it's nice to have plenty of tasty options!
👩‍🍳 Keto Strawberry Daiquiri Recipe 🍓🍸
Discount Code: LYNN20
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tantantravel · 2 months
Certainly! Here are some fresh ideas to enhance your food blog:
food Blogger what can we still add on give more ideas
Ingredient Spotlights: Dedicate posts to exploring specific ingredients in-depth, discussing their flavor profiles, uses in various cuisines, and health benefits.
Culinary Techniques: Create tutorials or video content demonstrating cooking techniques such as knife skills, pastry making, or advanced cooking methods like sous vide.
Seasonal Menus: Develop menus tailored to different seasons, highlighting ingredients that are at their peak freshness and suggesting recipes that celebrate the flavors of each season.
Global Cuisine Series: Explore cuisines from around the world in a series of blog posts, diving into the history, key ingredients, and popular dishes of each culture.
Cookbook Reviews: Share reviews of the latest cookbooks, highlighting your favorite recipes, and offering insights into the author's culinary style and approach.
Food and Wine Pairings: Collaborate with sommeliers or wine enthusiasts to create posts pairing different dishes with complementary wines, beers, or cocktails.
DIY Projects: Share tutorials on making your own condiments, sauces, cheeses, or other pantry staples from scratch.
Health and Wellness Tips: Offer advice on how to maintain a balanced diet, including tips for incorporating more vegetables, reducing sugar intake, or accommodating dietary restrictions.
Behind-the-Scenes: Give readers a glimpse into your kitchen and cooking process with behind-the-scenes posts, including bloopers, kitchen organization tips, and favorite cooking tools.
Interactive Challenges: Engage your audience with cooking challenges or recipe contests, encouraging them to share their creations on social media using a specific hashtag.
Farmers' Market Finds: Take readers on virtual tours of local farmers' markets, showcasing seasonal produce and interviewing vendors about their products and farming practices.
Food Photography Tips: Share tips and tricks for taking mouthwatering food photos, including lighting techniques, composition tips, and editing tools.
Guest Bloggers: Invite guest bloggers, such as chefs, nutritionists, or fellow food bloggers, to contribute their expertise and unique perspectives to your blog.
Food History Lessons: Delve into the history behind classic dishes, exploring their origins, cultural significance, and evolution over time.
Virtual Cooking Classes: Host live or pre-recorded cooking classes on your blog or through a platform like YouTube, covering a variety of culinary topics and skill levels.
Adding variety and depth to your content can keep your audience engaged and attract new readers who are interested in exploring different aspects of food and cooking.
Certainly! Here are some ideas to spice up your food blogging:
Regional Exploration: Dive deep into the cuisines of specific regions or countries. Explore the history, ingredients, and cooking techniques unique to each place.
Seasonal Specials: Focus on seasonal ingredients and recipes that highlight what's fresh and available during different times of the year.
Health-Conscious Recipes: Develop recipes tailored to various dietary preferences or restrictions, such as vegan, gluten-free, keto-friendly, or low-carb options.
Culinary Challenges: Take on cooking challenges or competitions, whether it's recreating famous dishes, cooking with limited ingredients, or mastering difficult techniques.
Food Pairing and Fusion: Experiment with unexpected flavor combinations, fusion cuisine, or food and drink pairings to create unique dining experiences.
Cooking Tips and Techniques: Share kitchen hacks, cooking tips, and techniques to help your audience become better home cooks.
Behind the Scenes: Provide a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes aspects of food blogging, such as recipe development, food photography, and food styling.
Guest Features: Collaborate with other food bloggers, chefs, or culinary experts for guest posts, interviews, or recipe swaps.
Food Photography Tutorials: Offer tutorials or tips on food photography, including lighting, composition, and editing, to help your audience improve their food photography skills.
Interactive Content: Engage your audience with polls, quizzes, or challenges related to food and cooking, encouraging participation and interaction.
Cookbook Reviews: Review and recommend cookbooks, sharing your favorite recipes and insights from each publication.
Food History: Delve into the history of specific dishes, ingredients, or cooking methods, offering cultural context and storytelling alongside your recipes.
Local Food Scene Exploration: Explore your local food scene by reviewing restaurants, cafes, food markets, or street food vendors, sharing recommendations and insights.
Virtual Cooking Classes: Host virtual cooking classes or live cooking demonstrations, where you can interact with your audience in real-time and teach them how to cook your recipes.
Sustainability and Ethical Eating: Discuss topics related to sustainable food practices, ethical sourcing, food waste reduction, and the environmental impact of our food choices.
These ideas should help you diversify your content and keep your audience engaged and excited about your food blog!
Absolutely, food adventures are always exciting! Here are some more ideas to spice up your culinary explorations:
Regional Specialties Tour: Explore the unique cuisines of different regions or countries. Dive into the flavors of Mexico, Japan, Italy, Thailand, and beyond.
Food Truck Frenzy: Visit a variety of food trucks in your area, sampling everything from gourmet burgers to ethnic street food.
Home Cooking Challenge: Pick a cuisine or cooking style you're unfamiliar with and challenge yourself to recreate dishes at home using online recipes and tutorials.
Seasonal Ingredients Exploration: Focus on ingredients that are in season and build dishes around them. This not only supports local farmers but also ensures freshness and flavor.
Mystery Box Cooking: Have a friend or family member assemble a mystery box of ingredients for you to create a dish from. It's like your own cooking competition!
DIY Food Preservation: Learn the art of pickling, fermenting, or preserving foods. Experiment with different fruits, vegetables, and techniques to create unique flavors.
Foraging Expedition: Join a foraging group or go out on your own to discover wild edibles in your area. Just make sure you're knowledgeable about what's safe to eat!
Food and Wine Pairing: Explore how different wines complement various dishes. Host a tasting party with friends or attend a local wine pairing event.
Cooking Class Hopping: Sign up for cooking classes focused on different cuisines or techniques. It's a fun way to learn new skills and meet fellow food enthusiasts.
Culinary Tour: Travel to a destination known for its food scene and immerse yourself in local markets, cooking classes, and dining experiences.
Ethnic Grocery Store Tour: Visit ethnic grocery stores in your area and explore unfamiliar ingredients. Challenge yourself to cook meals using only ingredients found in these stores.
Food Photography Workshop: Learn how to capture mouthwatering photos of your culinary creations. It's a skill that combines artistry with gastronomy.
Foodie Book Club: Start a book club focused on food-related literature, cookbooks, or memoirs. Discuss your readings over themed potluck dinners.
Spice Cabinet Overhaul: Experiment with spices and seasonings from around the world. Transform familiar dishes with new flavor profiles.
Food Swap Meet: Organize a food swap with friends or neighbors where everyone brings homemade dishes or ingredients to exchange.
Farm-to-Table Experience: Visit local farms or farmer's markets to learn about where your food comes from. Participate in farm tours, harvest events, or even volunteer for a day.
Experimental Cooking Sessions: Set aside a day each month to try out experimental recipes or cooking techniques you've been curious about.
Food Documentaries Marathon: Host a food documentary marathon night with friends, exploring different cuisines, culinary traditions, and food-related issues around the world.
Cook-off Competitions: Organize friendly cooking competitions with friends or family, where each participant prepares a dish within a set theme or using specific ingredients.
Community Food Projects: Get involved in community gardens, soup kitchens, or food rescue organizations. It's a meaningful way to connect with your community while making a difference through food.
Which one catches your eye? Or perhaps you have a specific type of cuisine or culinary interest you'd like to explore further?
"Morning breakfast foodie at heart 🍜🍰🍣 | Passionate about exploring flavors & price."
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mangoesandpalmtrees · 9 months
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techy-trendy32 · 1 year
The Complete Keto Diet Guide: What to Eat, What to Avoid, and a 7-Day Menu
The ketogenic diet, or keto diet for short, is a low-carb, high-fat diet that has become increasingly popular in recent years. The goal of the keto diet is to get the body into a state of ketosis, where it burns fat for energy instead of glucose. To achieve this state, the diet consists of high amounts of healthy fats, moderate amounts of protein, and very low amounts of carbohydrates.
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Learn More About Your Weight Loss Keto Plan
What to Eat on the Keto Diet
The key to success on the keto diet is to focus on whole, unprocessed foods that are high in healthy fats, moderate in protein, and low in carbs. Here are some of the foods you should eat on the keto diet:
Meats: poultry, beef, pork, lamb, game meats, etc.
Fish and Seafood: salmon, trout, shrimp, crab, etc.
Eggs: pastured or omega-3 enriched eggs are best.
Low-carb vegetables: leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc.
High-fat dairy: cheese, heavy cream, sour cream, etc.
Healthy fats and oils: olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, butter, etc.
Nuts and seeds: almonds, macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, etc.
What to Avoid on the Keto Diet
To successfully follow the keto diet, it's important to avoid certain foods that are high in carbohydrates. Here are some foods to avoid:
Sugar and Sweeteners: soda, candy, ice cream, cake, etc.
Grains: wheat, corn, rice, etc.
Starchy Vegetables: potatoes, corn, peas, etc.
Legumes: beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.
Fruit: all types of fruit except small portions of berries like strawberries.
Alcohol: beer, wine, mixed drinks, etc.
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  Learn More About Your Weight Loss Keto Plan7-Day Sample Keto Diet Menu
Here's a 7-day sample keto diet menu to get you started:
Day 1:
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with cheese and avocado, coffee with heavy cream
Lunch: Grilled chicken salad with mixed greens, cheese, and a vinaigrette dressing
Dinner: Pork chops with roasted Brussels sprouts and sautéed mushrooms
Day 2:
Breakfast: Keto smoothie made with almond milk, almond butter, avocado, and spinach
Lunch: Tuna salad with mixed greens, cheese, and a vinaigrette dressing
Dinner: Beef stir-fry with broccoli, cauliflower, and a coconut oil-based sauce
Day 3:
Breakfast: Bacon and eggs with spinach and cheese
Lunch: Grilled salmon with mixed greens and a vinaigrette dressing
Dinner: Chicken fajitas with peppers, onions, and cheese
Day 4:
Breakfast: Keto yogurt with almond milk, berries, and nuts
Lunch: Caesar salad with grilled chicken, cheese, and a keto-friendly dressing
Dinner: Beef and broccoli stir-fry with coconut oil and garlic
Day 5:
Breakfast: Keto pancakes made with almond flour and coconut oil
Lunch: Grilled chicken salad with mixed greens, cheese, and a vinaigrette dressing
Dinner: Pork chops with roasted asparagus and sautéed mushrooms
Day 6:
Breakfast: Keto smoothie made with almond milk, almond butter, avocado, and spinach
Lunch: Tuna salad with mixed greens, cheese, and a vinaigrette dressing.
Dinner: Grilled Ribeye Steak with Roasted Broccoli and Garlic Butter
●     Marinate a ribeye steak with olive oil, salt, pepper, and any other desired seasonings for a minimum of 30 minutes.
●     Preheat the grill to high heat and grill the steak to your desired doneness.
●     While the steak is cooking, toss broccoli florets with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Roast in the oven at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 15-20 minutes or until crispy.
●     In a small saucepan, melt butter and add minced garlic. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until fragrant.
●     Serve the steak with the roasted broccoli and a drizzle of the garlic butter.
Learn More About Your Weight Loss Keto Plan7-Day Sample Keto Diet Menu
 Day 7:
Breakfast: Frittata with mushrooms, onions, cheese, and heavy cream
Lunch: Grilled shrimp salad with mixed greens, cheese, and a vinaigrette dressing
Dinner: Chicken alfredo with zucchini noodles and a creamy sauce made with heavy cream and parmesan cheese
Note: This menu is just a sample and can be adjusted to meet your personal needs and preferences.
The keto diet is a great way to jumpstart weight loss and improve overall health. By focusing on whole, unprocessed foods that are high in healthy fats, moderate in protein, and low in carbs, you can achieve the state of ketosis and start burning fat for energy. Just remember to avoid foods high in carbohydrates and sugar, and to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. With a little planning and preparation, the keto diet can be an easy and enjoyable way to achieve your health and fitness goals.
 Thank You
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worurntas · 1 year
Are You Thinking Of Making Effective Use Of Best Shake To Lose Weight?
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For anyone who is trying to lose weight, there are lots of dining event alternative shakes around the world to select from. Numerous amounts incorporate ingredients which will seriously feel comprehensive for longer. They also showcase will certainly increase and minimize usage of calories. It is advisable to find out of the aforementioned things founded upon your food consumption and then health and wellbeing purposes.
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starlucie · 1 year
Beginner's Guide to the Keto Diet
A low carbohydrate diet known as "keto" is particularly helpful for reducing excess body fat and managing type 2 diabetes without feeling too hungry. This beginner's guide will demonstrate how to eat a ketogenic diet for you. You will receive a meal plan, recipes, and advice on preventing keto flu. Let's begin!
How does the keto diet function?
Keto includes cutting back on carbohydrates and increasing fat consumption. When you are low on carbohydrates, your body starts to burn fat for energy. That could be either bodily fat or dietary fat. Ketones are created when fat is burned, and they are what give you energy. The name "keto" for this diet is also a result of ketones.
On the ketogenic diet, your macronutrient composition should resemble this.
Fat accounts for 60–75% of calories.
Protein accounts for 15–30% of calories.
carbs account for 5–10% of total calories.
Getting those percentages could seem difficult. So let's simplify things. When they consume fewer than 50g of carbohydrates per day, many people believe themselves to be keto.
What foods are allowed on the ketogenic diet?
No particular food is forbidden on the keto diet, but many are excluded because they contain carbohydrates. High carbohydrate items simply cannot be included in the stringent daily allowance. You still have a lot of delicious and healthful options, though. The primary food types you can eat when following a ketogenic diet are listed below.
most seeds and nuts
Fish, meat, and other seafood
both cheese and full-fat dairy
Fats and oils
several different vegetables
On the keto diet, fruits and vegetables might be a little hard. The majority of non-starchy veggies should be alright, however the majority of fruits are simply too sweet. For a place to start, look at this list.
Best vegetables for keto
Cauliflower \sAvocado
Broccoli \sCabbage
Spinach \sAsparagus
the beans
Belgian spuds
Fruits are allowed in moderation on the keto diet.
Keto-friendly foods and beverages
Simple guidelines state that items heavy in sugar or starch cannot be included in the daily allowance of 50g of carbohydrates. Therefore, be cautious of the following.
sweet foods (candy, cookies, biscuits, desserts, cakes, pastries, sweetened yogurts, ice cream, breakfast cereals)
grainy foods (wheat-based bread and pasta, rice, potatoes, fries, chips, crackers, legumes, cereal, oats)
Keep in mind that you should steer clear of all sugary and sweetened beverages, including fruit juices. As long as you don't add sugar, you can drink water, coffee, and tea while on the keto diet. Also prohibited should be alcohol, particularly beer and mixed drinks. On exceptional occasions, choose dry wine, champagne, or distilled spirits if you want to fit in a drink.
The weight loss benefits of the ketogenic diet
Scientific evidence supports the effectiveness of keto for weight loss. That may be the case for a number of reasons. Practicality is one factor. People can eat less and create the calorie deficit required for weight loss by avoiding meals that are high in carbs and sugar. Additionally, lowering insulin levels when in ketosis can facilitate faster body fat burning. Another factor for people eating less naturally is that the ketogenic diet makes them feel fuller.
What benefits does keto have for diabetes?
For those with type 2 diabetes, keto can be a potent technique for controlling blood sugar levels. This is so because sugar in particular and carbohydrates in general elevate blood sugar levels far more than protein or fat do. Cutting back on carbohydrates helps manage and maybe reverse type 2 diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels. This is where scientific research on diabetes, keto, and low carb diets is extremely promising.
Additional advantages of keto
In addition to aiding in weight loss and managing diabetes, keto is being used in other areas of human health. The most promising ones are listed below.
Heart health: Lowers triglyceride, HDL cholesterol, and blood pressure levels
Cancer: Investigated as an additional cancer treatment to reduce tumor growth.
Children with epilepsy experience considerable decreases in seizures.
Reduces symptoms and reduces the progression of Alzheimer's disease.
An alternative treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome may be non-pharmacological.
How to treat "keto flu" and what it is.
In the first few days after switching to a ketogenic diet, some people experience flu-like symptoms as their bodies adjust to burning more fat than carbs for energy. It results from adjustments to the body's fluid and mineral balance. The signs could be tiredness, headache, irritation, trouble concentrating, dizziness, or cramping.
There is nothing wrong if you encounter these sensations, so you may relax. Your body is simply transitioning temporarily while it gets used to the new fuel source. By rehydrating and replacing your salt and fluids, you can also try to reduce or avoid these symptoms.Drink a glass of water that has been mixed with half a teaspoon of salt (if you need quick help)
Include more soups made using chicken, cow, or bone broth that has been salted.
In the early days of the keto diet, aim for 2.5 liters of water daily.
ketogenic diet
Beginners may be surprised by keto diet plans because many of their favorite dishes are eliminated. Additionally, they frequently become monotonous, serving portions of meat or fish for lunch and dinner and eggs every morning for breakfast. We aim to provide a great ketogenic diet plan as an alternative, one that features all of your favorite foods including pasta, burgers (with buns! ), pizza, oatmeal, nachos, and cakes.
To get you started, check out these three days of ketogenic diet. Less than 50g of carbohydrates are consumed daily, and 7–17g are added to each meal. If you don't like meat or eggs, no problem. All recipes provide a vegan version.
Keto Day 1
Porridge, pasta, hamburgers, and a chocolate lava cake are all included in the 46 g of carbohydrates on your first day. 
Keto Day 2
The second day cuts the amount of carbohydrates even further, to 38g, without sacrificing flavor. Enjoy a grilled cheese sandwich, pizza, nachos, and a spinach pie.
Keto Day 3
44 g of carbohydrates are present on your third keto day, along with delicious foods like toast, pizza, muesli bars, and cheeseburger sliders.
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kerlonbbs · 2 years
Mikes calories counter
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Here is the difference in metabolism on “normal keto” versus when you drink alcoholic beverages on keto: (Alcohol is not sugar and does not spike blood sugar or insulin, which is what kicks you out of ketosis.) However, alcohol de-prioritizes utilization of fat to make ketones. No, alcohol itself will not kick you out of ketosis. But, you need to choose the right low carb alcoholic drinks and enjoy them in moderation. NO aftertaste & 0 net carbs! GET IT HERE Can You Drink Alcohol On Keto? Meet Wholesome Yum Keto Simple Syrup - it's sugar-free & naturally sweetened with Besti (a blend of monk fruit and allulose). You may also want to read about keto flu symptoms and remedies, to make sure you avoid or remedy that before trying to add alcohol.
If you’re just getting started, check the guide for how to start a keto diet and the keto food list, so that you understand how it works overall. In this guide you’ll find ideas for keto friendly alcohol drinks (of course!), but also more about how alcohol can affect you if you’re following a ketogenic diet, the best low carb alcohol to enjoy, what to look for in low carb mixed drinks, and the counts of carbs in beer (various varieties!). Maybe it’s a celebration, maybe it’s a work happy hour, or maybe you just want to enjoy some keto cocktails! Whatever your reason, drinking alcohol on keto is just fine - so long as you know what to drink and you keep it in moderation. There are many times when you’re looking for keto drinks besides water. I’ll dive into how your body processes alcohol while in ketosis, what your options are for keto low carb alcoholic drinks, and the right keto alcohol you should choose. I’m sharing this complete guide to answer all of these questions and more. Sugar-Free Skinny Mojito: The Best Keto CocktailĪre you wondering about alcohol on a keto diet? Whether it will stop ketosis or affect your progress? If keto friendly alcohol exists? What low carb keto cocktails, beer, and wine work best for this lifestyle? You’ve come to the right spot.Get Wholesome Yum Simple Syrup For Keto Cocktails!.Conclusion: Low Carb Alcoholic Drinks On Keto.So, How Can You Still Have Keto Alcohol?.Calories & Carb Counts In Low Carb Drinks.
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w0wnoodle · 2 years
W0W®, The World's Only Functional Food That Elicits 0 Blood Sugar Response.
“KosmodeHealth extracts protein & fibre from spent barley grains (SBG) to formulate a clean-label, vegan-friendly protein-fibre powder. This protein-fibre powder is subsequently formulated into a functional premix to make the world’s only functional food that elicits zero blood sugar response — the W0W® Noodle.”  –Florence Leong, Co-founder/Director, W0W® Noodle
Have blood sugar concerns? Here’s a delicious noodle alternative that elicits 0 blood sugar response. Perfect for diabetics and pre-diabetics! W0W® Noodle, or just W0W® as we like to call it, is the best (and only!) functional food made from spent ingredients that elicits zero blood sugar response in the world. W0W® is a product that was specially developed to address the Asian diabetes epidemic, the nutritional needs of the ageing population, and the need for responsible consumption & production.
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W0W® is a product that contains 0 starch, causes 0 blood sugar response, and generates 0 additional waste in its production. It has a great nutritional profile that is beneficial for gut health — low in carb and calorie content, a good source of protein, and high in dietary fibre. To top it all off, W0W® is also ketogenic and vegan friendly.
·         Elicits 0 blood sugar response
·         Low carbs
·         Low calories
·         High Fibre
·         Good source of protein
·         Good for the gut
·         Suitable for ketogenic diets
·         Vegan
·         Free of Chemicals or Preservatives
W0W®, with its 0 blood sugar response attributes, is great for diabetic consumers who want to kickstart their journey to better health, but do not wish to compromise their palate. W0W® is delicious; With W0W®, it is easier for consumers to pursue a more nutritious and healthy diet because eating W0W® is enjoyable. We highly recommend it not only to those with diabetic conditions, but also to those with pre-diabetic diagnoses.
Produced with valorised spent barley grains, a major food waste stream in Singapore, W0W® is a circular and clean-label product. As a circular product, not only does W0W® have amazing nutritional benefits, it also contributes greatly to waste reduction and sustainability efforts as well. It is both good for the people and good for the environment.
Note: Spent barley grains are a food waste stream or by-product of beer and malt drink production.
As W0W® was also developed to address the nutritional needs of the ageing population on top of the Asian diabetes epidemic, the team made sure that the product contains high nutritional value. W0W® is packed full of protein and fibre and is low in both carb and calorie content.
·         Low Carbs (0.8 grams per serving)
·         Low Calories (32 Kcal per serving)
·         Good source of protein (4 grams per serving)
·         High in dietary fibre (6.6 grams per serving)
Its nutritional profile makes it perfect for those who have weight concerns as well as those who are pursuing ketogenic diets.
Three Key Reasons Why You Should Choose W0W®
0 Blood Sugar Response — W0W® is the world’s only functional food that elicits ZERO blood sugar response. It is a much better food alternative for diabetics and pre-diabetics as it elicits up 94% less blood sugar response than yellow noodles* when consumed. When consumed over a longer-term, W0W® can help alleviate issues and ailments connected to diabetes.
Keto-friendly — With only 0.8g of carbs and 4g of protein per serving, W0W® is perfect for those pursuing ketogenic diets or are unable to take carbohydrates in their diet.
Low Calories, Yet Filling — with only 32 kcal per serving, W0W® is perfect for those with weight concerns. The high fibre content (6.6 grams per serving) in W0W® helps to ensure that consumers feel full after eating, despite the low-calorie content! With W0W®, there’s no need to go hungry to achieve weight loss.
* Note: Yellow noodles are a staple food that can be found in many dishes throughout Asia
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Key Takeaways
• W0W® is the world’s only functional food that elicits 0 blood sugar response. Individuals with diabetics and pre-diabetic diagnoses should consume it as an alternative to regular noodles to protect their health.
• W0W® is a clean-label product that is wholly plant-based and sustainably produced with spent barley grains, a waste stream generated by beer & malt production. It is both good for the people, & good for the environment.
• W0W® is a great source of protein and high fibre noodles and is low in both carb and calorie content. The essential and non-essential protein, as well as high fibre content in W0W® helps to promote healthy weight management by enabling you to feel fuller on lesser calories. Hence, it is a good food alternative for those who have weight concerns.
• The low carb and high protein and fibre content in W0W® makes it suitable for those on ketogenic diets as well.
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nhacly · 2 years
Forest Store | Whole Foods Market
Forest Store | Whole Foods Market
Hot & Salad Bar Customizable seasonal entrées, salads and sides with keto- and paleo-friendly options. Cakes and Custom Cakes Our bakery offers a variety of ready-made cakes and desserts, plus custom cake services. Website Beer & Wine World class selection, local flavor. Certified Cheese Professional Get crumbly, tangy, creamy advice from an expert. Savor your perfect pairing. Check with…
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health28 · 2 years
Keto Alcohol: Easy Low Carb Alcoholic Drinks Guide
Keto Alcohol: Easy Low Carb Alcoholic Drinks Guide
Free Printable: Low Carb & Keto Food List Get It Now This post may contain affiliate links, which help keep this content free. (Full disclosure) Are you wondering about alcohol on a keto diet? Whether it will stop ketosis or affect your progress? If keto friendly alcohol exists? What low carb keto cocktails, beer, and wine work best for this lifestyle? You’ve come to the right spot. I’m sharing…
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burnhamchurchill64 · 2 years
25 Fathers Day Activities To Enjoy With Your Dad In 2022
For the dads who love to make breakfast, a beach breakfast sandwich maker is one of the most useful Father’s Day gifts. Is your dad like to solve those many crosswords puzzles as a favorite pastime? If so, then this road trip crosswords book is the best gift for him. The author of this book has been the puzzle editor of The New York Times. fathers day gift ideas canada Grandpa can go through each prompt in sequence or pick up anywhere. He can write it all down or dictate as someone else writes. If your dad isn't interested in the daily grind, no caffeine addict can resist the Keurig B60 Special Edition Brewing System, which allows you to enjoy a single-serving of gourmet coffee instantly . We are working to meet the current extraordinary customer demand for our products. Our website reflects current product availability but circumstances are dynamic. You may check your order status via our Track My Order page . We will send updates by email as soon as they are available. Our baskets are a sign of love, bringing people together to create memories and enjoy life. It is for these reasons that Boodles of Baskets prepares your order with care. No matter where it’s going, we make the necessary preparations for it to arrive safely and on time. Finding the right gift can sometimes be a challenge, but we're here to help. OK, it's the day before Father's Day and you don't have a gift yet. No worries, we've got you with a few last-minute Father's Day gift ideas that can save you in the nick of time. Home cook, scroll to shop our favorite gift ideas for your number one guy. Whether he has a love of home security, high-tech cleaning appliances or making the perfect, creamiest smoothie, Best Buy has the perfect father's day gift ideas. Right now, the tech retailer is giving you the chance to score your dad's next favourite gizmo on sale. Upgrade his lifestyle by give him the gift of elevated home, kitchen and travel gadgets. Our Father's day gift baskets will make your old man feel extra special on his big day. With such a product, he will find something that he was planning to buy. He will be excited to get it as he had it in his mind for so long. Love, care, and devotion; these traits and more are what made your Father the perfect Dad. This Father’s Day, show how much your Dad means to you with Hazelton’s Father’s Day Gift Baskets. Our Father’s Day Gift Baskets are filled with wonderful treats, both savory and sweet. Join our email list to get exclusive offers, the best in books, and more. For the Dad who wants to proudly announce that he is a father to everyone he runs into and is happy to be asked about his child. She releases a limited quantity every so often and they are sought after by many. Watch her social feed and website, and Etsy for release dates. Create an account to store names and addresses for easier shopping later. Combine those two passions for him and pick up a Cuisinart ice cream maker. It’s the best ice cream makerwe’ve ever tested and makes both ice cream and frozen yogurt. It’s extremely easy to use and to clean, and its double-insulated freezer bowl means dad won’t have to mess around with all the messy trappings typically related to ice cream making. It might seem like a little thing, but truly nothing says “fun splurge” like your own personal beer fridge. It’s something a dad may never buy for himself, but, man, oh man will he love it if he gets one. Throw that thing in the garage and fill it with beer and Dad has his own casual hangout for hanging out with his buddies. Phone Soap’s popular sanitizer is battery-powered, so he can take this fun, useful gadget on all his travels. Anyone who’s glued to their phone all day will seriously appreciate Anker’s top-rated power bank that can delivery multiple charges in less time than its competitors. With Dash’s popular egg bites maker, he can quickly make keto and paleo-friendly protein-packed breakfast bites to make sure he starts his day with the energy he’ll need. Both slim and functional, he'll never go back to that bulging Costanza wallet again. This model holds up to 12 cards and includes a money clip to secure his bills.
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ktae · 6 years
i am both mixing and chasing gin with grapefruit la croix because i am Weak and i apparently can no longer take shots without the taste making me nauseous
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katniss38fan-blog · 4 years
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