#Kettle bell
yourcoffeeguru · 2 months
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Silver Metal Decorative Bell || SWtradepost - ebay
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tylradms · 2 years
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I Trained with Kettlebells for 30 Days
I Trained with Kettlebells for 30 Days
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frenchiefitzhere · 4 months
Jumping on the trend…
David/Asher/James/Vincent/Ollie/Aaron/Guy/Milo/Will/Avior/Vega/Hush/Adam/Camelopardalis/Sam/Anton/Huxley/Lasko/Damien/Gavin-coded things my husband does:
is fictional
[No shade at anyone who has done one of these lists previously /g I have enjoyed them, and I’m just being silly-goofy!]
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I think I figured out the issue with tumblr eating my posts, but let's find out.
Take it away Mr. Gold
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That's generous.
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And the way hes sitting on that chair?
And the amount of force hed have to use to keep moe pinned down just like that?
Man is strong.
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He's chaotic feral smile is so telling.
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His interrupting is a rumple style feral giggle and it was horrifying.
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He's had it, he's at the edge.
Okay so this scene? What he's yelling at moe? Dude you're yelling at YOURSELF!
"What are you talkin about my fault?" Rumple deep down knows. He knows he fucked up.
"You shut her out"
Moe has no fucking context to this non therapeutic beatdown.
Mr. Gold is yelling at rumple now, and since I'm sure masochism wasn't a big thing to air in 2011 that's what we're going with.
This physically hurts me to hear, and I'm sure it physically hurts him to say.
Maybe he ended up seeing a therapist after a millenia?
Maybe not.
Moe still has no idea what the fuck Mr. Gold is beating him for some unknown child.
I love the fucking parallel of Gold beating Moe vs. Rumple beating the curio cabinet.
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He's still hurting so much he starts to hurl the tea set.
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But then he gets to that fucking chipped cup.
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He can't do it.
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idunnokys · 6 months
TPOT 9… discovery??/potential theory on TPOT 10
TPOT 9 spoilers ahead !!!
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so close to the end of TPOT 9 (like 21:07), we can see BH (black hole) smash ZSB (zombie snowball) into Gelatins steakhouse to set out the fire which was raging on inside it, yeah? Then the steakhouse gets covered in the snow that belongs to SB as seen here:
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Wait… what do is see? Zoom in rq…
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That obv snowballs face. Like look at him b4 being rolled up then smashed:
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That’s literally his face. And since it’s his zombie face, as he has only made it when he was a zombie, which means he is still a zombie. Everyone else has been cured except him. (Or they died or smth, but this is about SB. So it ain’t important)
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If you break the face down to three major parts, it’s easier to recognize:P. That’s just a quick like visual representation of like what I mean or whateva… I dunno actually. But not important ❌❌❌
we also know that barfbags barf + TD = cure, as it like cancels out the lava in the barf to begin with (am no scientist, correct if wrong). The mixture was applied to the steaks from the steakhouse where bottle uses all the mixture. They throw these strakes out on the field outside the steakhouse. It attracts the zombies and they eat it, which cures them. After eating and two exclaiming something (not really important), we don’t get to see the plate again, but since there was several zombies, I will have to assume they ate all the steaks. So on that assumption, there wouldn’t be any steaks left to cure snowball, as he is still in his zombie form. I know they didn’t include snowballs face for nothing or of the shiggles, but as something to grab on to and make predictions about it, aka like I’m doing now!
I predict that the next episode (TPOT 10), we will have something related to snowball still being zombified. Or maybe just wait a few more episodes for it to happen, as we also got 1 (the algebrarian) showing up out of the moon + some more exitors shots. But still, I know this will appear in a future episode and we can maybe get some more snowball and his team interactions (not implying that there isn’t any).
(Additional rambling about TSTOE, not important, you can skip)
I also feel that this will also add on more to TSTOE arc, YK. You already have robot flower acting up and bell and basketball disagreeing with each other about what to do with RF, but then we also have SB being a zombie in the mix. I have a feeling that the next, or any future challenge they will face, will include issues popping up because how bad the team is working together.
That bell disagrees with something basketball said which leads to them losing (in any way), them losing a challenge where they needed snowball’s or RF’s help, which wasn’t given because RF wasn’t following commands or snowball only wanting to attack other contestants to infect them, or them losing because basketball was burnt out from all the management she has to do alone, as she shared a bit of management with eggy b4 she was eliminated, which made her unable to respond to anyone and stopped her from cooperating with her team, etc. all seem like possible things that can happen in future episodes.
I’m really excited lol
I made a few edits :3
Another add on. Because I’m stable.
Okay, okay. So like… IM KINDA RIGHT.
I’m just scared that bell is gonna be eliminated… bc I love her… and her being voted out because she isn’t a part of any arc… is gonna hurt.
bye :(
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ms-snowqueen · 1 year
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fakeasmr · 10 months
there's a girl doing crossfit outside... these are the most unsafe ass looking exercises I've ever seen
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king-ludwig-ii · 6 months
On sight gyms are so fun in the work place my CFO just told me happy holidays while I was in a deep squat
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frankboeijen · 1 year
so i've already outgrown the little baby dumbbells that i have at home and tbh all i've done so far at the gym is cardio because the weight room always intimidates me but it might be time to graduate to some heavier weights and take full advantage of what my $28/month has to offer...
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skhardwarevers1 · 7 months
my legs are so fucking sore. it hurts to walk. help. </3333
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 2 years
Just imagine the drivers' group chat right now lmao
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I'd like to be a little thinner, both for aesthetic reasons and because it would make bouldering that little bit easier
but I love big meals and little treats and so on, so it doesn't seem that likely to happen! Better to seek acceptance, I suppose.
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xoshepard · 1 year
and the workout clothes got here just in time bc i think it’s time to evolve my workouts and up the intensity a little! so i’m adding a third day and gonna try my best to include a little HIIT at the end of my strength workouts since that’s apparently good for ppl w PCOS
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this-doesnt-endd · 1 year
When i do errands i do like 30-40% of it then fuck around and never finish them and its not good cause i actually need things and i never do the important things
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(827) a log, a stump, a kettle-bell
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the last time i was here, i walked up alongside a brother carrying a log, a stump, a kettle-bell - symbolic journey:
     we can only ever carry the burdens that life gives us      that we choose to take on - sometimes it’s not a choice at all      but we can walk alongside friends, brothers, family-as-friends,      and lift them up.
when i carried the log up myself, the rope surrounding the log twisted around my wrists cutting off circulation. i could move my arms, which shook like jelly, stiff as iron bars, but my brothers had to help me untangle myself.
    my brothers are gone: they’ve flown to argentina,     to korea, to taking care of their kids.     and me, i’m up here, vaulting over the rock-edges     like i was, at nine: hesitant, but game.
after seesawing for too long (my kid friends would have already started teasing and screaming and outcasting) - still, exultant when standing on the edge, and after jumping off.
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