#Kevin’s dream journal
paranormeow7 · 8 months
we were on the rooftop of an apartment building. It’s raining, but the sky is a deep blue you only get at a certain hour. I can hear the cars below us, but I can’t see them. distant. The rain isn’t hitting you.
I don’t know how you feel about me. Walking towards you feels like something heavy. Like something bad is about to happen. I ask to sit beside you. There’s no answer.
I awkwardly sit down. You won’t look at me. You’re still staring at the cars below. I’ve always wanted to lay my head on your shoulder. That’s all I ever really wanted, I think. This might’ve been the first time I ever tried.
My head sinks into your shoulder. There’s some kind of hideous squelch. The blood pours out and covers my face. It fills my mouth. I recoil and try to wipe it off. It won’t come off, and now my hands are covered, too. I can taste it. Salty. Overpowering. Hateful.
The rain still isn’t hitting us. It’s almost like there’s a box around the rooftop, keeping us dry. There’s nothing to wash off the blood, and it feels like it’s endlessly gushing out, filling my mouth, my throat, my lungs. I turn to look at you.
A deep, red cavity has opened where I laid my head, devouring nearly half of your torso. You’re melting. You’re made of this substance. That’s all you were. You turn to look at me, but your face is wrong. You’re so many people I’ve seen before, all haphazardly morphed together in some kind of phantom abomination.
I can make out your eyes. Deep, piercing silver. I can still taste the thick, syrupy blood.
I wake up.
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swagphilosopherdragon · 3 months
Dream Journal: July 8
Because I've been playing text games some of my dreams are sort of that style, where I'm reading shit as it's happening or whatever.
And I also got the Ben ten theme stuck in my head lately so last night I ended up having a text adventure where I had to pick the right alien for the different situations while the damn theme song repeated.
It was more stressful than I think it sounds which wasn't helped by Gwen and Kevin being the angel and devil deciding if I was gonna get a good morals ending or a bad morals ending.
Gwen: Phil no, don't use Gray Matter to hack the president.
Kevin: Phil yes, hack the fucking president.
I ended up going with the big fuzzy guy a lot and just running and jumping away from bad shit.
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kevinwastaken · 2 years
i had a dream last night where i went to japan with my mom. dont know why. but before going there we went to london first (which is the exact opposite way to go but whatever) and we went inside the clock tower and there was an orchestra inside of it. then we actually went to japan and it wasnt like a big city it was just like some random town and we went into a restaurant and i ate dumplings. and in the restaurant some woman and her kid showed up that apparently knew my dad and my mom talked to them for the entire time while i ate and she called my dad on the phone to also get him in on the conversation and then i woke up
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
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nightmare!eddie x reader
a Nightmare Factory blurb
I had several smut blurb requests to do with Eddie working his magic to give us a wet dream, including one from the lovely @jo-harrington that I will probably do something with separately, and it's literally all I could think about today, so I spit this out.
18+ONLY, somnophilia, smut, unprotected sex, squirting, reader receiving oral, pet names. Okay so, this is somnophilia because reader is actually asleep, but it's also...a dream. This is a consensual relationship, and they've been together for a while at this point (for those following the story, this is a time jump). It's a wet dream, but there is also evidence that they really had intercourse. wc: 1.3k
authors note: I've decided we are going to jump around a bit in theis series because the non-linear way is more fun, I think. I still have a Headless Horseman Eddie coming soon, but this one felt very important xoxoxox
Eddie got to work early that day and threw a sheepish grin down the hall at Kevin before plopping down in his chair for the group safety meeting to do with falling from extreme heights in dreams.  
He hadn’t been able to see you in weeks and—my god—he missed you so much it made his heart hurt.  
You’d been keeping your nightmare boyfriend a secret from your family and friends, but it was hard not to mention Eddie when you’d made sure his face was a fixture in your life.  It started out as a few sketches when you first woke up, trying to keep his image fresh, but then it progressed to paintings and even a few sculptures.  You had a whole journal full of notes and different ways Eddie had appeared to you, dating back to before you ever knew who or what he was.  
“Last night, he came to me as ghostly whispers that swam in my head, and sang to me a haunting melody.”
You weren’t afraid of anything anymore, especially not your nightmares.  Being chased by a masked killer? It was just Eddie, strolling by to say hello.  A glimpse of a shadow monster behind you when you stood at the bathroom mirror? It’s just Eddie, coming around on his way to another job.  A clawed hand grabs your ankle from under the bed? Of course, it’s Eddie—-he wants to tell you a story about something that happened at work before he forgets.
Two months ago, things had become more intimate between the two of you.  There had been some yearning kisses before that, a bit of hand holding, but it was always a gamble because he said he didn’t want to mess up and get “taken off your route” completely, as if he were delivering newspapers or soliciting magazine subscriptions.
That afternoon, you took a nap, and woke up in the throws of a wet dream so fierce, you were barely able to touch yourself before you were cumming so hard it made you shake.  When the wave subsided, you rolled over and looked at the ceiling with a smile spreading across your face: “Eddieee, was that you?”
You took that as a sign that he would return that night, and so you slept naked, ready to tempt him.  The anticipation made it hard for you to drift off to sleep at first, but it wasn’t long before you felt his calloused hands moving up your thighs.
“Fuck, I’ve missed you so much, sweetheart,” Eddie whispered, waiting for you to acknowledge him.  “Did you miss me?”
You moaned, still half asleep, but cognizant of his presence in your dream.  
Your lower back bucked off the bed when his tongue sank between your legs, making your cunt throb.
“Damn, I love how wet you get for me,” he kissed your inner thigh and ran his nose along your slit, darting his tongue into your aching hole. His tongue was…longer than you remembered, and you could feel it fill you up and twist inside of you like a big snake on the run.
You whimpered and twitched, making him smile against your engorged pussy as it dripped for him and only him.
“You came so hard for me earlier today,” his whispers were far away but also right at your ear.  One mouth sucked at your nipples and licked them while the other latched onto your core—as if there were two of him.  “I need to taste it this time.”
Under your closed lids, your eyes moved from side to side and your jaw went slack as a long groan escaped.
You were close, and Eddie knew it.
He could feel your arousal bloom in his mouth, and he rutted it in the air of the celestial sphere the two of you were existing in.  
Your whole body stiffened as you came, gasping, hips bucking up to meet his mouth, to let him suck every last drop from you.
“God, I’m so crazy about you,” he mumbled against your slit as he lapped you up, licking all the way back and teasing there a little bit. 
You could feel your eyes fluttering open and you worried that you were waking up, “no no no no…” you repeated, becoming aware of the infinite blackness around you.
You saw Eddie’s head pop up from between your legs. “Do you want me to stop?”
“Eddie,” you breathed, relieved. You wanted to put your arms around him, to spread your legs wider so that he could be inside of you, but your limbs had minimal strength. “Where are we this time?”
It looked like you were floating in a dark night sky surrounded by a sea of bright, blinking stars. It felt like you were on your bed back in your room, but there was not a trace of anything familiar.  
With a grin still wet from your gift, he crawled up on top of you to plant a few sweet kisses on your face.  “We’re in the same astral plane with the rest of the soul suckers and the sex demons.  I’m doing my best to lay low, so the head Incubus doesn’t know I’m here.”  
Talking to your boyfriend and kissing him was great but you were suddenly hit with another blast of horniness so strong it made you clench.
“I need you, Eddie,” you whined against his mouth, finally able to move your hands up to undo his belt.  “Inside of me this time.”
His clothes were off in a split second, as if he’d never been wearing any to begin with. Your hole gripped at nothing when the tip of his hard length rubbed against it.  
“That’s it —fuck—just like that,” he held your hips up and sank in deep as your eyes fell closed again.  You drifted in and out of the astral plane as he made you his with long, slow strokes first, hitting that perfect spot inside each time.
You chanted his name as he worked his fingers in the right spot, just like you'd taught him to the last time you were together.  "You're doing so good, baby," you hushed. At one point, you felt like you were being lifted off the bed—becoming weightless—while he kept a steady pace.  
He hesitated abruptly, pausing there, and you managed to open your heavy eyelids to look at him. 
His expression was a serious one. “I’m about to cum, baby, but I wanted to tell you that I think I…I think I…”
But he couldn’t finish the sentence and your head rolled back as he continued, cursing at how good it felt.  
Your second orgasm hit with a sense of release you’d never felt before, and you cried out, trembling, as sunburst exploded at your core and a velvet whip cracked.
“You’re cumming…all over me…oh my god,” and the sight of your release spraying onto his cock made Eddie pour himself into you on the spot, stuttering as your walls milked him, each of you babbling incoherent words of worship to the other.
In the aftermath, he took you in his arms from behind to spoon you close.  He could feel your breathing change, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before you left dreamland through the magical door.  
“I think…” he started again, brushing his lips on the shell of your ear.  “I think I’m in love with you.”
You took your time waking up, guiding yourself through another orgasm as the remnants of the dream lingered.  As always, you tried to hold onto the feeling of him for as long as possible, gasping his name as you came again, and your head lolled from side to side on the pillow.  
Once you were fully awake, the all too familiar sadness set in; the realization that he wasn’t really there, with you, like you wanted him to be.  
Your spirits soon lifted when you felt his seed drip down your leg on your way to the bathroom, elated at the realization that you had successfully kept a piece of him with you. 
One day, you’d figure out a way to keep all of him.
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minijenn · 22 days
Universe Falls 2 Chapter List
Cut the chapter list down like I did for UF to cut out some of the fat. Mostly the same, but we get to the meat of things (aka Wanted) by like chapter 20, bless. And all in 85 chapters too! Impressive (still too damn many but whatever)
Chapter List:
Prologue: Overture
Chapter 1: Back to the Falls
Chapter 2: Journal 4
Chapter 3: Prior Engagement
Chapter 4: Normal Kideon
Chapter 5: Speed Demon
Chapter 6: Fusion Foretold
Chapter 7: Trust No One
Chapter 8: Back Into the Bunker
Chapter 9: Revenge Tour
Chapter 10: A Shoulder to Cry On
Chapter 11: Steven's Dream
Chapter 12: Adventures in Light Distortion
Chapter 13: Gem Heist
Chapter 14: That Will Be All
Chapter 15: The B Team
Chapter 16: Tie the Knot
Chapter 17: Alternate Ending
Chapter 18: Alone in the Woods
Chapter 19: Doug Out
Chapter 20: Brotherly Shove
Chapter 21: Are You My Dad
Chapter 22: I Am My Mom
Chapter 24: The Trial
Chapter 25: Wanted
Chapter 26: Within Without
Chapter 27: Gemcation
Chapter 28: Kevin Party
Chapter 29: Spaced Out
Chapter 30: Jungle Moon
Chapter 31: Sweater Sewing
Chapter 32: Mindless Education
Chapter 33: The Assassin
Chapter 34: The Mask
Chapter 35: Stonemason Unmasked (p1)
Chapter 36: Stonemason Unmasked (p2)
Chapter 37: Deep Cut
Chapter 38: Lullaby
Chapter 39: Puppet Strings
Chapter 40: Crash and Burn
Chapter 41: Forever Together
Chapter 42: A Final Farewell
Chapter 43: Hide and Seek
Chapter 44: Find the Key
Chapter 45: Break the Chain
Chapter 46: Yes, My Diamond
Chapter 47: The Golden Rule
Chapter 48: Your Mother and Mine
Chapter 49: Pool Hopping
Chapter 50: Raising the Barn
Chapter 51: Legend of the Dragowl
Chapter 52: Save the Light
Chapter 53: Knock, Knock
Chapter 54: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Chapter 55: Alone Forever
Chapter 56: Rifts and Memories
Chapter 57: Open the Door
Chapter 58: The One Who Watches
Chapter 60: Portholes
Chapter 61: Dimensional Duel
Chapter 62: Can't Go Back
Chapter 63: A Single Pale Rose
Chapter 64: Now We're Only Falling Apart
Chapter 65: Reconnect the Chain
Chapter 66: The Question
Chapter 67: Made of Honor
Chapter 68: Reunited
Chapter 69: Legs from Here to Homeworld
Chapter 70: Familiar
Chapter 71: Together Alone
Chapter 72: Battle of Heart and Mind
Chapter 73: Change Your Mind
Chapter 74: Glow Gem
Chapter 75: Meet the Pines
Chapter 76: Unleash the Light
Chapter 77: Without Within
Chapter 78: The Call
Chapter 79: The Unknown
Chapter 80: Ursa Minor
Chapter 81: Ursa Major
Chapter 82: Polaris
Chapter 83: Mystery and Magic
Epilogue: Encore
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jgroffdaily · 2 months
by Philip Boroff
EXCLUSIVE: Newly minted Tony Award winner Jonathan Groff will play the 1950s and ’60s crooner Bobby Darin in a staged reading next month, ahead of a planned Broadway opening in spring 2025, people familiar with the musical said.
The reading of Just in Time will be directed by Alex Timbers (Moulin Rouge!). On Broadway, Tom Kirdahy and Robert Ahrens are set to produce the show, which tells the story of the short but eventful life of the popular performer, whose hits included “Mack the Knife,” “Dream Lover” and “Just in Time.”
Born Walden Robert Cassotto in East Harlem, Darin had rheumatic fever as a child that damaged his heart. He lived, he acknowledged, as if on borrowed time before his death at 37.
He led a new generation of swinging singers into the rock revolution of the 1960s. He also acted in movies, composed music, married the actress Sandra Dee and as an adult discovered that the woman he thought was his older sister was his mother.
“I went on YouTube,” Groff told reporter Elysa Gardner before a rehearsal of an early version of the show, presented as part of the 92nd Street Y ‘s “Lyrics and Lyricist” series in 2018. “I watched all these TV performances, from the beginning to the end of his career, and I was blown away by his versatility. The rock & roll and the standards, the dancing, the folk songs. The duets with George Burns and Judy Garland. His life was insane.”
Darin spawned many imitators, including Kevin Spacey, who played him in the biofilm Beyond the Sea. The ballad “Just in Time” was composed by Jule Styne with lyrics by Adolph Green and Betty Comden for the musical Bells are Ringing. It became a hit for Dean Martin, among others, who was in the 1960 movie adaptation directed by Vincente Minnelli.
Besides Groff, casting wasn’t available. The reading isn’t affected by the monthlong Actors’ Equity strike intended to pressure the Broadway League to improve its Development Agreement with the union. Actors will be working under a contract negotiated with the League of Resident Theatres (LORT), an association of nonprofit theater companies.
Although the reading will be in New York, it’s under the aegis of Signature Theatre in Arlington, Virginia, which is a LORT member.
In a charmed career, the 39-year-old Groff has performed in the Frozen films, the TV series Glee and three acclaimed Broadway blockbusters — Spring Awakening, Hamilton and most recently Merrily We Roll Along — each of which earned him a Tony nomination. (He won for Merrily.)
Groff was also the first Seymour in the hit off-Broadway revival of Little Shop of Horrors, produced by Ahrens, Kirdahy and Hunter Arnold. Andrew Barth Feldman is currently playing the role.
In his moving acceptance speech at the Tony awards in June, Groff spoke about his love of the Broadway community and how “musical theater is still saving my soul.” Just in Time will aim for multigenerational appeal, as the young Broadway star sings 65-year-old standards.
Since the pandemic, older audiences have been slow to return to Broadway. If Just in Time is well received, Groff may be just the man to help bring them back.
Source: Philip Boroff in Broadway Journal.
Jonathan led a reading of the show on 15 March 2024 after rehearsing for a couple of weeks with the cast. Details below:
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maleyanderecafe · 5 months
Have you tried Our Love is Electrifying by Kactiikitty? The demo released rather recently, it's pretty good so far with a really cool style and some fun customization for the MC!
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The customization in this game is actually insane, and in places that I didn't even notice until I looked into the actual game file itself. There is actually two (yes two) love interests in this one, and the UI, artwork and various other elements are really well implemented in managing what the entire game's feeling is about. This is an r18 game and can get be a bit gory at times and you can find more information at @ourloveiselectrifying.
The story starts out with a being who basically works as a customization screen of your character where you can choose things like skin tone, hair length, gentiles etc. You are then thrown off, only to wake up in your bed. Mate (the default name for the character) then decides to look through their dating app to find someone to be with. Mate ends up matching with Kevin, a technician and seems to have a good time by looking through their photos before texting each other and asks for a date. If Mate decides to not text back, they go into a bad spiral before seeing the gash on their chest, causing a bad ending.
Mate can text back, with Kevin asking them their favorite color and animal, which actually shows up as the keychain on Mate's phone. They can also talk to him about some of his photos, like his kitten, his job and his outfit. After this, Mate can do some hobbies, either feed birds, bake cookies, write in their journal or do some boxing. While they sleep, they have a dream of a giant dog who seems to be stalking them. Afterwards, Mate will make a way to the park where they meet Kevin. Kevin will give them flowers and start to talk about things like how Mate's feeling, and what their hobbies are. If Mate bakes cookies, they will also give them to Kevin. Kevin disappears for a bit to use the bathroom and Mate finds them hiding behind the stalls. Kevin will them ask if he can come over.
If Mate agrees, they will invite Kevin over where they can either bang or cuddle. Either way, Mate accidentally takes off Kevin's hairband revealing their ears. Kevin tries to explain, but Mate freaks out, and try to throw Kevin out of their room, which makes Kevin attack them and kidnap them.
If Mate refuses, Kevin will end up brandishing a knife on them. Mate will be able to escape either more peacefully or aggressively and then go home. When going home, they can either relax by looking through social media or smoking a blunt to calm down. Smoking a blunt will lead them to chill in the bathtub for a bit, before Kevin breaks in, with dog ears and then kidnaps Mate. If Mate decides instead to look through the internet, they will find a dog pawing at their door. Mate can then take them in or lock them out. Taking the dog in will lead to Mate giving them a bath and then trying to keep it. Mate attempts to put on a collar onto the dog, but the dog scratches their eyes, and we hear Kevin apologizing, stating that he doesn't really like collars, with proof of it allowing Mate to touch his ears. If instead they try to lock the dog out, he will try to open the door, until eventually revealing Kevin, kidnapping them in the process.
After waking up, Kevin will force Mate to pack up and leave as they are dragging them somewhere to the outskirts of town. Mate can try to fight against Kevin to take his gun but will ultimately end up shooting themselves, with Kevin crying out as they die. They can also attempt to refuse, leading to Kevin kill them himself (depending on affection level) or cutting off some of Mate's fingers. Complying will have Mate pack up various items relating to the hobbies and choices that they had before. They give Mate a helmet with cat ears corresponding to their favorite color and muffles their mouth before driving them off to the new town. Depending on your actions, he can either take a break to snap pictures of dingos, get taken to the next town or end up pushing yourself over, which leads you and Kevin to be run over by a truck.
Playing through each time will lead to you getting to know the entity in the beginning named Spike who remembers which ending you get. If you are nice enough with them, they will end up bedding you, at least until you wake up from the dream.
But yeah, like I said, the amount of customization in this game is really detailed to the point where I didn't even notice a lot of it until I looked into the game's files. For instance, the favorite color chosen is used in a lot of variations in the background, including things like the blanket used on the date, the flowers he gives you, the color of your bed, the color of your keychain on your phone amongst other things. Same goes with the animal, which corresponds to the color as well and the various hobbies can also have certain determinations on what happens in the game and other background elements. For instance, telling Kevin that Mate likes taxidermy makes them a bit sad and we get a bit of backstory considering that the skull is likely someone that he knew (being a werewolf like creature, more on that later) and he even takes it away from Mate if they decide to pack it while leaving. Things like baking will have Mate give Kevin a cookie during their date and feeding the birds will lead to Kevin being attacked by them when they are getting kidnapped in certain routes. That isn't even mentioning the various skin type and couple of hair variations the game also has for certain scenes as well. It's also cool that the player's icon will change based on the animal type and color when chosen.
UI is one of my favorite things in yandere vns, and this one does it in spades with the more road theme. It works well with Kevin's general theme of being a construction worker and the general premise of him on his motorcycle and kidnapping the player and everything adheres to the theme pretty well from the dialogue box and name box (though it is a bit hard to see people's names on there), to the menus, endings and various scenes. I really love the end screen of the jaw clamping closing the screen to show the load, menu and quit buttons and the change in mood from the more colorful and hectic road signs to the darker tones of the wolf form is also very nice as well. Even seeing the heart meter which is represented by the little Kevin (or other character) on the Dingo street is unique and lovely, and the main menu screen really sells the aesthetic even further. Overall, fantastic job on the UI since that's pretty amazing.
The story itself I feel is the weak point, though it's mostly just the beginning part that drags on. I know a lot yandere vns really like starting out with meeting the dating apps and I get that's how they establish the various customizations that are so prominent in this game, but I feel like they're kind of a drag to be honest, like I feel like it should have started out on the first date instead of using the time to just talk on the dating app. It also doesn't really make a lot of sense because Kevin seemingly has already been stalking Mate for a while, so why did he decide to go the long way of doing the dating app, unless I guess Mate has been using it for a while? I just feel like that's kind of a lot of hoops to go through. It's more interesting at least when it gets to the point of Kevin actually showing his ears since it only seems to really happen when he removes his hair tie which is kind of interesting at least and that he's like this type of werewolf creature? I guess, which does make wonder if there are others like him or like if he's connected to Spike for some reason. I mean, I think the kidnapping part of the game is the most interesting. If we look into code, we can actually see part of the second day, where Mate can try to escape or refuse to drink the drink that Kevin tries to deliver them, as well as unused sprites for a cafe date. Which is a cute idea.
Kevin as a yandere seems to have been stalking Mate for a while now, as seen by the various dog dreams that Mate has been having for a while, something he even admits to in some routes. He also has been reading Mate's diary if they were writing in one and besides remembering their preferences, kidnaps them after either being rejected or finding out his wolf form. He doesn't hesitate to hurt Mate if they're not cooperating (as seen with the fingers getting cut off scene), but still feels distraught when they accidentally die. It is kind of interesting seeing that he has some sort of trauma being collared, as he basically blinds Mate if they do try to collar him in his dog form, which hopefully will be explored in the future. The idea of him being like a electrician or construction worker is a pretty cool idea I will since it's unique as a profession. Not sure exactly how it would follow into the entire yandere idea, but I'm sure the game surprise. One of the things that does bother me besides the weird hoops that Kevin has to go through to meet Mate on the dating app (which, why did he do that? I feel like there are easier ways to meet up with the person you want to date when you've been stalking them for a while) is the comparison from his dog form to his human/hybrid form. It isn't a huge leap to think that the dog is Kevin given this is a yandere game, but it is a bit weird because the dog is always completely black when shown and Kevin even in his half dog form always seems to have a more orange color scheme, so it didn't register with me when he was bringing Mate's stuff onto the motorcycle that it was the same person since they look pretty different. I wish there was a way to make it more obvious that it's the same character because every time I see them, it can't register that it's the same character.
Anyways, despite it's flaws, I do think that it's very well made as a demo and I really appreciate all the customization and the UI changes that it does because it's obvious that the creator put a lot of time into it. If you do have time, give it a try!
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toddxhavez · 2 years
Pairing(s): Wednesday Addams x reader
Summary: Wednesday in mourning.
Warning(s): Angst, Death, Depression, Suicide aftermath.
Word count: 522
A/N: I know I’ve been MIA for quite awhile and I’m really sorry about it! I hit a bit of a writers block with the second part ‘My Eyes’ and I’ve been overwhelmed with things involving my personal life. (Not proofread) This small fic is heavily based on the song Colapso by Kevin Kaarl with a darker turn. Please please please don’t read this if you’re currently dealing with severe depression, it’s quite triggering in my opinion. If you need help please reach out to someone you trust or a therapist, journal these feelings, you can even talk to me. I’m here for anybody that needs it.
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Wednesday unwillingly embraced the sorrowful torture. 
A fan of most torture but not this kind, it crashed into her in the form of furious waves that refused to settle. 
Waves that left her struggling for peace of mind but she’d surrendered herself to them long ago, is this how it felt like for you?  When you’re left drowning without any idea of ever being able to keep yourself afloat she supposes it made sense that someone would find solace in giving up. 
Maybe that’s why you gave up. 
She stared at the smile you presented to her, even now you’d been able to mock her. 
Impressive really. 
Nobody could make her feel things as intensely as you could and right now she felt lost, completely immersed in her overwhelming doubt. Did you really love her? 
You never really did, did you? If you loved her she wouldn’t have been here alone with you at this graveyard. 
No no no if you loved her you would have been here.
You wouldn’t have selfishly decided to leave her here without your soothing presence. You wouldn’t have forced her to live in a world without you in it. You wouldn’t have left. She was yours and you were hers.
Wednesday couldn’t have imagined you found death  chivalrous enough to steal you away from her. Did she not spend enough time with you? Could she have told you she loved you more? Did she not love you enough? 
“Cara mia what are you doing awake?” You said with a smile as you sat there at the steps of her manor, why were you out here? 
“I came looking for you.” Wednesday spoke carefully making her way towards you slowly relishing at the breathtaking sight of the moon illuminating you.
As if it’d been made just for you. 
“Well I’m right here.” You held your arms out to her, an invitation she was continuously fond of but she’d never admit to anyone but you.
“Wait but I thought-“ Wednesday let you pull her into your lap effectively cutting her off.
“Don’t think about it too much, just be here with me.” You said softly never losing your smile as you planted a small kiss on her cheek and she silently allowed you to embrace her tightly.
She felt at home. She felt safe. She felt loved. 
But it’d been a dream, a sign from you that you felt all of those things with her too. Sometimes she forgot and she’d have the same dream again. 
You had severe depression that rooted itself in you like a virus that could never be cured before you had even known Wednesday, you told her that before it took you. She knows now that she couldn’t have saved you from they illness but as she sat there cold and alone staring at your name and picture embedded in the tombstone that marked your grave she wishes could have. 
Everything remained exactly as it was even now. You are you, and she is herself. And that old life that you both lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged. Whatever you were to each other, that you are still. 
She is yours, and you are hers. 
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neillesimstories · 11 months
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Family #5 Campbell
Mia is the oldest of her half-siblings (Elijah, Rebekah, Paula), and is a vampire as her dad. Her first marriage was really bad - ex husband was a heavy drinker, agressive, cheated on her, didn't wated to have anything to do with their daughter Emily. One day Mia met Jamie, they became really close friends and he helped her a lot in these hard times. Mia got finally divorced. In the heat of the moment, they spend the night together, which resulted in a pregnancy. They both realize that they are deeply in love, so of course they decide be together and raise the child together. Then, it turns out that they will be the parents to... twins! Margerite and Kevin. Years went by, Mia and Jamie are married, Emily lives with her husband Lucas, and twins... well, raising two teenagers is not easy, especially when both are experiencing crises in their relationships. But of course they have also some good things is their lives - pack of good friends and hobbies. Kevin dreams of becoming a photographer, and Margerite loves gymnastics and dance. Their family is completed by a very cheerful doggo, Teddy!
Traits Jamie: great kisser, handy, good, hopeless romantic, ambitious Mia: perceptive, night owl, unflirty, friendly, brave Margerite: absent-minded, flirty, party animal, friendly Kevin: photographer's eye, good, charismatic, ambitious
Careers Jamie: lead reporter (journalism level 8) Mia: triple agent (law enforcement level 9)
Lifetime wishes Jamie: the tinkerer [not fulfillet yet] Mia: international super spy [not fulfillet yet] Margerite: master acrobat [not fulfillet yet] Kevin: visionary [not fulfillet yet]
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kisha-myers · 2 years
Fem!reader - Ghost x König x reader fanfiction titled 'My Anxious Mouse'
Disclaimer: I do NOT own call of duty nor its characters/operators - I only own the plot.
If you want to be on the tag list for this series PLEASE comment on either chapter 1 or chapter 4 and let me know!
Chapter Seven: Dog Tags
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Nightmares had always been rougher on you than most, your meticulous imagination having the ability to conjure up scenarios you'd only ever read about or seen on television making everything exponentially worse. You had felt the pain, felt the glass pierce through your flesh, felt it to such a degree that your own psyche rendered it into a full reality. A matrix of complexities, that is what your therapist called your mind, its depths of vivid renderings of the world as you knew it a beautiful catastrophe.
Journal after journal you had filled with finite details of every dream you had ever had, painting somber stories that gave your therapist, and ultimately Johnny as well, a rather unique and private dive into the far recesses of your mind. Your therapist, in particular, came to the conclusion that your vivid dreams were a reaction to the unintentional abuse you experienced at the hands of your overly protective father. Explaining that your mind always being in fight or flight mode had caused almost irreparable damage.
Johnny had disagreed, stating that even in your early years you had a very active and detailed imagination. He recalled a time when you were three and had a full blown conversation with your Teddy named Mozart. You had been expressing to the stuffed inanimate object your displeasure in their lack of response to your obvious important questions. Your mother had worried you weren't normal, having you undergo test after test only to find that every result had come back normal.
You leaned your head back against the wall, the cold and rather rough surface digging into your skin, helping to pull yourself back to actuality. Johnny had helped you move from the bed to the floor on the other side of room, your overwhelmingly warm body welcoming the chill that raised goosebumps on your arm. Here you both had sat in comfortable silence, you once again fighting a raging war inside your head whilst Johnny sat next to you brooding.
"He never wanted to leave you alone with him lass. Never wanted to leave any of you alone with him." Johnny's voice broke the silence, drawing your e/c orbs to his, watching the emotions flicker through the expanse of his cerulean depths. You watched the way his jaw clenched, hearing the slightly click of his teeth snapping together. His nostrils flared bitterly as he forced in a rather uncharacteristically deep breath. His right hand carefully came up to the collar of his black t-shirt, his fingers dipping under it for a moment before returning, only to have clasped within the standard issued silver dog tags.
You watched Johnny, watched as he struggled to find the right words to say, to depict to you everything both he and Dante wanted to convey. You sympathized with him, knowing how hard it was to speak about someone you both had loved, to express to those who still lived how much he had loved them all. You'd done this very thing with your sisters, fighting so damn hard to not fall apart whilst comforting them.
"Dante he... fuck he wanted you to go with him so badly, wanted to whisk you away from Kevin with every fiber in his being. He adored you lass, never shut up about you - always goin' on about how smart yoy were, 'my sister is a genius boys, she's gotten onto the deans list - she's going places once she graduates, and none of you are good enough for her so don't even try it!'." He mimicked, raising his voices pitch slightly failing to sound anything remotely like your brother Dante. You both shared a bittersweet laugh, your head looking slightly to the right and resting against his shoulder, your left hand stretching across the both of you to pat his knee.
"Dante was always one to brag - loved one upping the boys. He boasted in his letters too, about all the kudos he'd gotten from his superiors, about the medals he got - fuck do I miss reading about all of it." You whispered, voice wavering as your lips trembled, "Getting those random video calls home through Skype - fuck those kept me going. I didn't care about what Dad said, what he forced me into - just being able to see that dork made it worth it... hearing him say how proud he was of me, of my accomplishments... It meant everything to me." A wayward tear slipped past your waterline, the fat salty drop crashing against your cooled skin, the remnants of it a stained street against your cheek.
Johnny sighed, his left arm coming up onto your shoulders and drawing you closer into his side, "He loved all of you so much n/n. Shit, when he found out you got your black belt he went around for a solid week telling everyone who'd listen that you could kick all their asses - even during PT he'd be popping off about it." You snorted at that, the image of your brother running a mile whilst he boasted about you making you shake your head. You knew Johnny wasn't lying, having witnessed it firsthand on the Skype calls you'd gotten - he was nothing if not smug about you.
'Not everyone can be blessed with a badass sister like you, y/n.' He'd say whenever you'd shy from his compliments and absolutely ridiculous bragging, begging him to stop as you'd be overwhelmed with embarrassment. You never believed you were anything special, stating how many others in your martial arts class had gotten theirs as well, some even earlier than you. 'They're not you, y/n, they can't kick ass the way you do ' He'd retort back, that smug smirk on his face as he'd kick his tan boot clad feet onto whomevers desk he had commandeered at the time. You'd simply roll her eyes, flip him the bird and then laugh, changing the subject before carrying on with the call.
Your raised your right hand carefully, letting your fingers wrap around Dante's dog tags, your thumb caressing the engraved metal with a reverence Johnny had never seen you have.
CPL Romero, Dante E.
KIA July 16th, 2010
"He died a hero." You whispered, rising up to your knees and with deft hands removing your brothers dog tags from around Johnny's neck, and in doing so, placing them around yours. Your fingers glided over the metal, tracing each letter with the love you still harbored for your deceased brother, the tears that had gathered in your eyes simply free falling like somber raindrops.
"Aye, that he did." Johnny murmured, watching the way your lips slowly turned up in the corners, the beginnings of a sad and worn smile spreading across them. Your eyes met his, a small snicker escaping from between rose tinged lips as your hand reached out to caress the side of his face, your thumb swiping just below his injured eye.
You'd registered Johnny was hurt after you had calmed from your nightmare, the bruising just beginning to form around his left eye and the way he favored his right side the subtle indicators of such. You shook your head as you retracted your hand, slapping your thigh once with a small huff as you stood and crossed your arms, letting Dante's dog tags rest against your chest.
"You look like shit - who'd you piss off this time you cheeky sergeant?" You asked, your eyebrows raising in questioning. You took note of the way his Adam's apple bobbed, casting his eyes away from yours and looked off towards the door. Your nervousness returned, wondering if there was a threat to not only his safety, but yours as well lingering on base. He refused to meet your eyes as he spoke, opting to focus on a particular dark spot on the floor just near the foot of the bed.
"The Lieutenant. He heard how I stood you up - said I deserved to have a wee lesson on how to be a proper gentleman. Really showed me how I fucked up - I want to apologize n/n, I really didn't mean to do that to you of all people. Dante would have knocked me on my ass for sure." He grumbled, his right hand coming up to gently poke and prod his own face, wincing slightly from the jolt of pain he felt crash through his sinuses. You snorted, finding the image of your six foot two wall of muscle brother hefting the Scot up and yeeting him onto a sparring mat hilarious. You once again shook your head, bracing your hands onto your thighs and bending your knees slightly as you leaned forwards, offering Johnny your signature pearly white filled smile. Dante's dog tags swung gently from around your neck, catching his eyes for a moment before he finally connected with your gaze.
Your eyes softened, your smile turning tender as you reached your right hand out and squeezed his shoulder, "I forgive you Johnny. Just don't do it again or I will kick your ass instead of your Lieutenant, got it Soldier man?" You scolded playfully, raising your left hand up and extending your index finger to point menacingly at him, your other fingers curling into your palm. You gave him a stern look before pulling away entirely, standing to your full height and placing your hands onto your hips, making sure he knew you were serious even through your playfulness.
A throat clearing from the doorway captured both of your attentions, both of your heads snapping up in sync to see whom intruded on your intimate moment. Ghost stood there, gloved hands shoved into the pocket of his jeans, hazel eyes solely focused on you, specifically at your brother's dog tags that hung from your neck. Your body reacted before your mind could register what it was doing, moving on its own accord to close the distance between the two of you. Your right hand came up to grasp the chain in-between your fingers, raising them up to be just about level with your chin. You let him scan the information that was engraved on them, a soft mournful smile making its way onto your lips as you stared up at him.
"Thank you, Lieutenant, for teaching him what it means to be a gentleman. I don't necessarily agree with your methods, but I'm grateful to you nonetheless." You breathed out, letting the dog tags drop against your chest before your arms wrapped around his waist securely, your face being buried into his chest as you inhaled his cologne deeply. You felt his muscles stiffen, felt the way he froze - you were sure he wasn't used to such displays of affection, let alone physical touch in this way solely based off of his current reaction.
You pulled away from him slowly, your eyes alight with mirth as you smiled up at him. You could tell he tried to remain stoic, his face beneath the mask set to complete indifference though his eyes said differently. Eyes, you decided, were the windows into one's soul, showing you the deepest, unfiltered, unrefined pieces of thenselves. This was the case for Ghost. His face may be a covered indifference, his eyes were buzzing with unspoken emotions.
Confusion, shock, wonderment, uncomfortable vulnerability - so many conflicting emotions that both annoyed and intrigued him. You were so tiny, but the way you spoke and joked with Soap, it left him wanting... wanting you to do the same with him. You felt, fuck you had felt perfect against him, soft and warm, squeezing him in the best way that lead his mind to wander down path that would surely get his ass handed to him by not only Soap, but by Price as well.
Johnny had known you all your life, taking over Dantes role the moment he passed, ensuring that everyone on the team, Gaz especially, knew you were completely off-limits. Ghost would be lying to himself if he said he didn't find you attractive even back then. The pictures you'd send Johnny, on summer vacation in the Bahamas with your mom or backpacking through Europe with your little sisters - it overloaded his senses. Your smile was addicting, and when you'd looked up at him in fear that first time whilst he exited the elevator, a piece of him crumbled.
Guilt ate away at him the same way acid would do skin, making his muscles tense even further. This wasn't fair to König, he'd fully committed to the gentle giant, and to be thinking so many inappropriate thoughts about you... He swallowed hard, opting to pull free his left hand and pat your heard awkwardly like you were a mere child. He simply grunted half heartedly in response to your words, glancing over at Johnny who had a shit eating grin spread across his busted face.
You swatted Ghost hand away playfully, grumbling under your breath about how just because you were short, didn't mean you were a child. Ghost suppressed his chuckle, deciding to give the both of you a wave as he retracted his hand and turned to leave the room. He'd have to talk to König, to explain where his mind had gone and to offer an apology for thinking such things.
You watched as he left, heart hammering within your chest as your eyes immediately went to land on his rather voluptuous backside. Yes, you declared within your mind, you could get used to watching him walk away. Your face bloomed crimson, your hands coming up to scrub at your face furiously as you tried to get those thoughts out of your mind. Johnny's roaring laughter startled you, making you jump and whip around to face him with narrowed eyes as he took in your flushed features.
"Oh God! You have a wee crush on my Lieutenant! Dante would have a fuckin' stroke if he saw what I just did. Oh Lass, you surely know how to pick 'em!" His laughter only worsened, tears bursting forth from his eyes as you flipped him off and went to climb back into his bed, cursing his existence. You closed your eyes, throwing the scratchy blanket over your head as you tried to drown out his ruckus. Yes, you agreed, you did have a crush on his Lieutenant, but you also surmised that you liked his giant of a companion as well.
You had no idea what this day would bring, but you only hoped it would be decent - preferably with you being able to return to you apartment to shower and change. Oh you were in for quite the adventure, and you didn't even know it.
Author's Note: I genuinely hope you all enjoy this one, I feel like it's rushed and blah - I'll probably end up going over and editing it/adding to it at a later date. Anyways, I'm so thankful you're all sticking with this, I genuinely didn't expect anyone to actually like it enough to continue it 😅 I am pleasantly surprised!
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amtrak12 · 11 months
Pst, @erin-gilberts since some people are giving out fic snippets to trick-or-treaters....
I've also dug up a scene from my ancient idea for a Yatesbert Amnesia AU. I wasn't sure what I still had on it, and um... turns out I have a lot more than I remember???? This document was labeled "Chapter 19" and apparently my working fic title was "Pretend Truths".
It's a first draft and comes with all first draft caveats. The premise was Abby and Erin have just moved into a fancy condo together with that sweet, sweet government money, but then a bust goes wrong and a ghost steals a couple of years of Abby's memories so she no longer remembers anything about their reunion or the movie events. She takes one look at Erin's clingy concern and the condo they share and assumes they're dating now. They're not. But Erin... goes with it! Because the alternative is Abby being mad at her all over again about being abandoned and Erin would prefer not to face that again. Fake dating! :) What could go wrong?
(Feelings. Feelings could go wrong. Or at least make things super complicated!)
I couldn't begin to tell you what plot points led to this scene, but it's primarily a conversation between Abby and her younger brother OC I gave her. *shrug* I thought maybe you'd enjoy reading it :)
(@ you and anyone else who sees this: Please feel free to steal anything you see here because I highly, highly doubt I'll ever go back and finish this story, and if I did, our takes would be different anyway. So have at it!)
1600 words behind the cut:
Abby didn’t mind her old, worn out bed at her old, worn out apartment that night. In fact, she hardly slept at all that night. Her mind kept replaying moments from the date: Erin’s blush when Abby flirted with her, the feel of Erin in her arms as they danced, the disappointment in Erin’s voice when Abby insisted she had to leave.
The heated way Erin kissed her.
Never had she imagined Erin kissing her like that. This week had been one remarkable, never in her wildest dreams, moment after another, but making out with Erin topped the cake. Took the cake. It was the icing and the candles and the birthday kid nabbing the biggest piece all rolled into one.
With a cherry on top.
The next morning, Abby beat everyone to the lab except for Kevin. Though, Kevin didn’t really count. He was still sound asleep on a cot behind his desk. (They should really hire a proper night shift security guard at some point.)
It was nearly eight. Her brother would be up and ready for the day. Abby moved to a room upstairs where she wouldn’t wake Sleeping Beauty and called her brother.
Ethan answered after a single ring. “Hey, you’re alive!”
Abby frowned. “Who said I was dead?”
“You know how telephones work: you tell one person you’re in the hospital, they tell someone else you were in the morgue.”
Abby hummed. “Mom’s still pissed I let a ghost steal my memories, huh?”
“She ranted to me for thirty minutes the other day.”
“Nah, it’s fine. It’s my fault for being the favorite child.”
Abby laughed. “You are so not the favorite child.”
“No, you forgot it. They made it official with a ceremony last year.”
“Ah, that would be a good one. But the joke’s on you. My memory is already coming back.”
“Really? Because I heard you forgot my child’s name.”
“I did not forget Reyla’s name,” Abby sidestepped.
Ethan tsked. “That’s the second child.”
“I remembered Lanie after Dad said it.” Abby snapped her fingers. “Oh, and her middle name’s Kyla! Ha!”
“Nicely done! You had to read back through a lot of emails to find that.”
“I remembered it on my own, thank you very much.” Abby frowned. “Though, I should have read back through my emails. Those have to be a goldmine for jogging my memory.”
“So what did you read to remember things? Just your journals?”
“Yeah, and talked to Holtzmann. Erin helped with things too.” A happy rush filled her chest as she spoke her girlfriend’s name.
“So not all of your memories are back yet?” Ethan asked.
“I have enough,” Abby insisted. “Anyway, I’m calling to make sure you’re still flying in with Mom and Dad for our book signing.”
“Hell yeah. I’m not missing your first signing.”
Abby grinned. “Good. So what time are you guys arriving tomorrow?”
“We’re leaving on the first flight, so I think we’re due in around nine. I don’t know. I’m just chilling this weekend and letting Mom and Dad be the adults.”
“The kids wearing you out?”
“No, this month has been rough for work.”
Ethan had the Yates tendency for science and technology careers in a different direction and had become a social worker. Abby could only imagine what Ethan meant by ‘rough’.
“Well, I will make sure to have a fun, low key weekend planned for you when you get here. I’ll even keep ghosts away if you want.”
“I don’t want,” Ethan said. “If a ghost shows up while I’m visiting you, you better believe I’m getting in the car with you to go find it.”
Abby laughed at his enthusiasm. “Okay, you win. You are the best of us kids.”
“Hey, um.” Abby bit her lip.
“What’s up?”
Her parents hadn’t known she was dating Erin, and she didn’t remember ever telling Ethan. But she was figuring out forgotten memories felt differently than events that had simply never happened, and telling Ethan about dating Erin felt like it had never happened.
“I want to tell you something. I don’t know how much it will come up this weekend -- we haven’t talked about to handle you guys coming in, yet.”
“What’s going on?” Ethan said, concern slipping into his voice.
“Nothing bad. Just something I haven’t told Mom and Dad, yet.”
“You found a way to open your own portal to the other side without releasing doom and gloom upon the rest of the world.”
“No.” Abby forced herself not to get distracted by how awesome that idea sounded. “Erin and I are dating.”
Abby waited.
“What?” Ethan finally answered.
“I’m dating Erin. She’s my girlfriend.” Abby couldn’t keep the smile off her face as she said it.
“Holy shit.”
Abby laughed. “Yeah, that’s fitting.”
“Wait, when did this happen?” Ethan asked. “Is this before or after the amnesia?”
“Before, technically,” Abby said. “But we’ve only been dating a couple of weeks.”
“What do you mean by technically?”
“I mean, I don’t remember all of it yet, but Erin said it’s been two weeks.”
“Wait, this is real life, right? You haven’t suddenly teamed up with Holtzmann in our lifelong blood feud and are trying to prank me?”
“You and Holtzmann do not have a blood feud.” Abby rolled her eyes.
“Uh, she’s trying to steal a family title that’s been rightfully mine since birth. That’s a blood feud.”
“I definitely do not remember meeting you in the hospital at the ripe old age of ten and thinking ‘yep, that’s my best man.’”
“Everyone already knew it wouldn’t be Steph or Mike by then. They suck.”
“This has nothing to do with your prank war with Holtzmann,” Abby said. “And why would she prank you with my relationship with Erin, anyway?”
“Who knows. I’ve just learned to be suspicious when she’s involved.”
“She’s not involved. It’s just me and Erin. We’re dating. That’s all I wanted to tell you.”
Abby gave him a moment to process this.
When he still hadn’t spoken after three moments, Abby prompted him. “What are you thinking?”
“Honestly? I’m kind of bummed I wasn’t involved somehow in this big revelation.” “That’s your reaction?”
“Well, yeah. I’ve known both of you my entire life -- or practically my whole life in Erin’s case. By the way, you should remind Holtz of this, because if you’re dating Erin then that just strengthens my claim to best man.”
Abby was absolutely not discussing the possibility of her and Erin getting married someday in the future. That definitely felt like it would jynx things.
“How would you have been involved in my romantic relationship with Erin? You’re my little brother. That’s weird.”
“I wouldn’t be involved in the romance part of it,” Ethan said. “I’d be the precocious kid who schemes to get the two love interests together.”
“You’re thirty-three and this isn’t a movie.”
Ethan gave a melodramatic sigh. “Erin would get it. ...Right? She does still like romcoms, doesn’t she? I have a clear memory of her gushing nonstop about Tom Hanks one Thanksgiving. Which in retrospect, she’s not wrong about. Tom Hanks is very crush-worthy.”
A smile toyed at Abby’s lips -- not because her girlfriend and her brother both had a crush on the same male celebrity, because gross. No, Abby smiled because Ethan was right. He had bore witness to her entire relationship with Erin.
“Ha, I just pulled the Lovers card for you,” Ethan said.
It took Abby a moment to realize what Lovers card he was talking about. “You pulled a Tarot card for me?”
“I’m doing a whole spread for you. Don’t you want to know what’s hiding behind this amnesia veil?”
“Hmm, that’s a good reminder. We should add Tarot cards to the list of paranormal tools and events to reinvestigate. Just because Erin and I didn’t find any proof of psychic abilities in Tarot readers in college, doesn’t mean psychic communication with entities or forces is impossible. A ghost did interfere with my memories.”
“I’m not sure what the connection there is, but I focused on the question “What has Abby forgotten about her relationship with Erin” and so far the cards are saying exactly what we already know. You have amnesia which makes you feel a little conflicted and uncertain in your relationship.”
“I’m not conflicted!” Abby said. “At least, not anymore.”
“That might be what the Six of Swords of saying at the Heart of the Matter,” Ethan said. “You’re moving forward in the relationship and things are becoming more stable.”
“That’s true.”
“I’m flipping over the hidden influences now.”
Ethan immediately followed this with a hum, though he didn’t explain it. Silence for a few moments as Abby presumed he was flipping over cards. Then, Ethan let out a sharp, “Oh.”
“What is it?” Abby asked.
“Uh….” Ethan trailed off. He cleared his throat. “Um, no it seems fine. You’ve got The World in the physical realm. Your memories are returning. Eight of Coins in the mental realm, so whatever work you’ve put into your relationship with Erin is paying off. The psychoenergetic realm shows the Three of Elixirs which is a happy celebration. You just caught the ghost who blocked your memory which I know isn’t ‘hidden’ by any means, but may have had hidden consequences. Then, there’s Temperance in the Emotional Realm. Consciously you’ve been conflicted about your relationship, but subconsciously you know the truth. It’s a reminder to listen to yourself.”
“Okay, so what was that ‘oh’ for?” Abby asked.
“Um, well… there’s a Seven of Blades as the hidden influence of the Heart of the Matter,” Ethan said. “A deceit of some kind. When paired with the Three of Elixirs, it may mean the ghost you caught isn’t actually the ghost you were looking for. Or the ghost tricked you and you didn’t catch anything.”
“No, we definitely caught something,” Abby said. “And it was definitely the ghost… at least, I think it was.”
She thought for a moment. 
“I’ll double check at the lab tomorrow.”
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fresne999 · 4 months
The story progresses, the story posts. She keeps on trucking.
A week into posting the Our Flags is the Hero of It's Own Story series of interconnected modern AUs and there's at least 1 chapter out for all the characters. Except Frenchie and Lucius, who will just have to wait given how complicated posting them will be.
-Stede has run away from home and started his self-care shop based on medieval recipes. If admittedly, stayed in his home town with his last name and dying factory, also with his last name. -Mary has realizied what it means that her husband has run off. Freedom baby. Also, she can never be the worst parent. -Izzy has become the Chief Operating Officer for one Edward Teach, the head of Kraken Inc himself. What a f-ing achievement through hard f-ing work! -Ed, bored with being the Kraken, with being a corporate raider and destroying people's dreams, has become obsessed with a certain Gentleman Apothecary's self care soaps and lotions. -Nana wanted/wants/will want revenge. -Jim's journaled their revenge. So much revenge. Also, Olu was kind of cute. -Spanish Jackie has established her little empire of a dispensary, laundromat, and gas station in her home town - along with a very complicated love life while dealing with the eldritch horror in the woods + cloning cult. Look Spanish Jackie be a busy woman. -Olu has lost his home and drifted into working for Spanish Jackie and her absolutely mental favourite husband, Alfeo de la Vaca, while also not telling his family he's homeless. Also, Jim was very cute. -Wee John has lived through the troubles, working for the Irish mob in Boston, and a life on the run. Bonnetville on the horizon. -The Swede has stepped out of his fairytale childhood (which is to say horrifying in an eldritch way) to land a job working for Stede Bonnet. The Swede has found his soul, if only he can find his heart. -Pete survived childhood -- and a very strange drywall incident -- to land in Bonnetville with a whole head full of stories + his own personal Narrator. -Ivan wasn't sad that the company where he worked was taken over by Kraken. So many opportunities. -Kevin (Fang) was devistated that the company he helped found was taken over by Kraken, but he made choices and now he's stuck working at Kraken destroying other people's dreams. -Roach has traveled the highways in his roach coach and landed a job working for one Stede Bonnet as a personal chef. He has decided that Stede is Rouseau as f-, which was fine. If only he has taste. -Zheng has just started on the road to a mystery in nearby Bridge City involving a dead lawyer and a solar company.
It is in fact all related. Somewhat. They are all on their own adventures.
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shanie · 1 year
Shanie's Creation Masterlist!
Updated 04/18/24
Masterlist of all the fanworks I have out there.
Quick Link: My Steenerico Disney Fic, "The Happiest Luchador on Earth" is located HERE, while the rest of the in-universe stories, "Of Masks, Mice, and Men" are located HERE.
For anyone interested, both THLoE and OMMaM make up what I refer to as "The Generico!verse" due to the fact that the entire universe hinges on the singular notion that El Generico is NOT Sami Zayn and, in fact, Sami Zayn never existed in this universe, nor does Kevin Owens. There are only Steen and Generico in this universe and the stories are about the two of them meeting, falling in love, realizing they are in love, realizing how much they need each other, and really, just the two of them navigating the world together as best friends and eventual lovers, trying to get by despite their various neurodivergencies.
The rest of the fanworks are beneath cut
Music Videos
Wrestling - Zowens/Steenerico - You Grew On Me
Wresting - Zowens/Steenerico - Open Arms
WWE - Shane McMahon - Kings
WWE - Shane McMahon - Feet On The Ground
WWE - Shane McMahon - I Am The Fire
WWE - Shane McMahon - You're Gonna Go Far Kid
WWE - Shane McMahon - Written In The Stars
Doctor Who
Doctor Who - The Pond Family - Elevation
Doctor Who - The Pond Family - Who Wants To Live Forever
Doctor Who - The Brigadier Tribute - Hero
Doctor Who - The Companions - Never Say Goodbye
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Buffy - Dark Willow - Down With The Sickness
Buffy Episodic - "Superstar" - The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest
Other Videos
Xena Warrior Princess - Video Vixen Remake - I Need A Hero
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency - Don't Stop Me Now
M*A*S*H - Weathered
How I Met Your Mother - What's My Age Again?
Zowens/Steenerico Fanfics
To Earthquakes, Lovers, and Newfound Friends
Finding Paradise
Depression, Dissociation, and 'Mania
The Sunshine and The Rain (Poem)
Siempre te Amaré (I Will Always Love You)
Saved (6-Part Series)
He Used To Be Mine (Will Be 20-Part Series) - WIP
The Happiest Luchador On Earth (Steenerico Disney Fic) - WIP
A Sacred Place (AU) - WIP
Other Fanfiction
Doctor Who - Magickally Different
WWE/Doctor Who - Journey's Beginning
How I Met Your Mother - Six
Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog - Apologies
WWE - Death of A Fangirl (And Rebirth of A Friend)
WWE - A One Fangirl Army
Original Works
The Rain Can't Hurt You Now
Four Men, Four Souls
Other Stuff
This one doesn't really have a set place or link for it, but the tag is "Shanie's Artwork"
If you're looking for my custom figures, that's under "Shanie's Custom Figures"
If you're looking for the comics-style stories of my action figures, look under "The Yep Husband Chronicles"
If you're looking for my dream journal writeups, that's under "Shanie's Dream Journal"
My old blog is @shanie-the-toyaddict and you will find most of this stuff posted there too.
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kevinwastaken · 2 years
i had a dream last night where ash ketchum received a pokemon egg in unova and he had to go on a journey to get it to hatch so he ended up flying all the way to alola and traversing the entire region and i woke up before it hatched so idk what pokemon it was
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finishinglinepress · 6 months
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NEW FROM FINISHING LINE PRESS: The Boat that Brought Sadness into the World by Eva Skrande
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee:
The poems in The Boat that Brought Sadness into the World address #exile both literally and metaphorically. The book addresses the literal exile of the poems’ main speaker as well as the hard migrations of refugees. It discusses how exile might “swallow [one] whole” and the pain of #refugees, whom the speaker imagines long to see their homeland once more. Metaphorically, it looks at life as a #journey of and to exile. The book explores, for example, the journey from childhood through older ages and suggests that death is the ultimate exile as we leave the country of the body. These #poems are incantations that challenge, refuse, and accept loss and longing.
Eva Skrande is the author of three volumes of poems, including My Mother’s Cuba and Bone Argot along with the chapbook, The Gates of the Somnambulist. Her poems have appeared in Agni, The Iowa Review, Smartish Pace the American Poetry Review, and other journals. She has received fellowships from the Creative Writing Program at the University of Houston, the Inprint Foundation, and the Houston Arts Council. She teaches for Writers in the Schools in Houston. She is a faculty tutor at Houston Community College and is a writing coach and founder of Write for Success Tutoring.
PRAISE FOR The Boat that Brought Sadness into the World by Eva Skrande
“I start,” Eva Skrande writes, “where I always start: in the nave of the throat / where the hymns of fish decree that stars shall ride on their backs forever.” In The Boat that Brought Sadness into the World, the poet constructs a rich symbolic landscape populated by lilies and crows, moons and fish, yearning mothers and displaced daughters. What emerges from it all is a brilliant meditation on exile—exile as displacement, as state of mind and body, as metaphor and as fact—beautifully imagined and intricately interconnected. “I am made of countries / and bone,” Skrande concludes. “Made of wishes / of juniper and pine / of the promises told to the exiled.” This is a gorgeous book, one I will return to with pleasure.
–Kevin Prufer, author of The Art of Fiction: Poems
“I am made of countries/and bone,” Eva Skrande writes in this magical book of sorrow and mystery, blessing and lament. These surreal hymns sing with a sacred air!
–Edward Hirsch, author of How to Read a Poem: And Fall in Love with Poetry
“Eva Skrande‘s poetry sails again through the universal realms of her spiritual ancestors –Gabriela Mistral, Esther Raab, Yehuda Amichai, Charles Simic — with her own flowing, sensuous and distinct music of psyche and language. Skrande’s work leaps with primal joy into humility, longing, ecstasy, and above all, profound gratitude for both the natural and the diverse cultural worlds she has inherited by birth. Now, in her third still miraculously ingenuous book the poet wings her visionary way through perilous journeys into the shared territories of Divine Love and human forgiveness.”
–Victoria Tester, author of Miracles of Sainted Earth
In her impressive third collection, Eva Skrande fashions an island out of memory. With elegant, sometimes Biblical language and bold strokes she unpacks a shared history of exile, opening wide the doors to a place where the past is both refuge and roadmap. Intimate and expressive, The Boat that Brought Sadness into the World becomes a manual for the disenfranchised and the hopeful, a graceful primer for “those with nowhere to dock their dreams.”
–Silvia Curbelo, author of Falling Landscape
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kudosmyhero · 7 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW) #30: Northampton - part 2
Read Date: May 30, 2023 Cover Date: January 2014 ● Story: Kevin Eastman ◦ Bobby Curnow ◦ Tom Waltz ● Script: Tom Waltz ● Art: Sophie Campbell ● Colors: Ronda Pattison ● Letters: Shawn Lee ● Editor: Bobby Curnow ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● in the Mirage story of Northampton, the narrative told is through April’s journal. Here, Michelangelo is writing to his friend Woody ● Alopex is such a great character
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● ACK just when things were coming together! ● 👏👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Michelangelo is writing a letter to his friend Woody back in New York City. Mikey lets Woody know that he and his brothers found Leonardo and then had to go into hiding to get away from the Shredder. Mikey explains that even though they went out of town to get away from trouble, trouble found them in the form of Alopex, who stowed away with them to get away from the Foot Clan too, which she has renounced. Mikey expresses worry for Leo.
Leo sits beside a stream, wishing their mother would appear to him again. Unbeknownst to Leo, Alopex watches him from the shadows. Raphael sneaks up on Alopex and leads her away to question her about what she's doing there. Alopex tells him she was trying to thank Leo for standing up for her when the others discovered her, but Raph doesn't believe it. Alopex says she doesn't care if Raph believes her, because she knows what Leo has gone through, she knows what its like to have Shredder in your head, twisting your thoughts and emotions.
Mikey continues his letter to Woody, telling him about Splinter's injuries at the hand of Shredder. Donnie has been tending to Splinter, and says the cut has healed nicely but he'll have to keep a close eye on the fracture. But Mikey knows the Shredder hurt Splinter more by turning Leo against him. Donatello is frustrated that he can't do anything about the Technodrome problem while they're living in April's parents' barn, and no one else understands his worries.
Leo is still walking through the woods by himself, dealing with the lingering effects of the brainwashing. He hallucinates a spectral version of the Shredder in the trees, causing him to cry out. At that moment, the Turtles' mother Tang Shen appears to him and calms him. Shen walks with Leo to a peaceful garden, one she has taken him to before. Shen asks Leo if he's found what he had lost. Leo tells her that he has his family back, but he is still unfamiliar with them. She tells him to proceed slowly, and not to let himself get overwhelmed. She tells him she is needed elsewhere and she vanishes, causing Leo to wake up. Donnie is standing over him trying to rouse him, but Leo stays calm, no longer so jumpy as a result of the brainwashing.
At April O'Neil's parents' house, April's mother Beth tells April and Casey Jones that her father, John, was part of a top-secret project when he worked at StockGen. John spent years working with a healing compound nicknamed ooze, when he began to have second thoughts about the ethical implications of StockGen's work. Unfortunately, John then had a stroke, which put any thought of the ooze out of John and Beth's minds. Beth tells April she wishes she had kept her away from StockGen, but John's injury compensation and April's internship put her worries out of her mind. Beth retrieve's John's old laptop with all of his notes from his work at StockGen and gives it to April, telling her maybe she can make sense of it.
Back in the woods, Donnie tells Leo he was talking in his sleep, saying something about their mother and ghosts. Leo says it felt like he was really speaking to their mother, not just dreaming, and Donnie must think he's crazy for saying that. Donnie tells him that six months ago, he would have, but after what they've seen, he's not sure. Donnie concedes that maybe what they're going through really is the result of some type of cosmic fate or destiny. Leo tells him he just feels like he's stuck in place, treading water. Donnie assures him that it's just the after-effects of the brainwashing, and it'll pass. Donnie asks Leo to come back to the barn with him so he can bounce ideas about the Technodrome off him. This time it's Leo's turn to reassure Donnie, telling him that if he tackles the problem one step at a time he'll succeed.
In the barn, Shen now appears before Splinter, although to her he will always be her husband Hamato Yoshi. Splinter is embarrassed, asking her not to look at him in his new rodent form. She tells him that the true essence of an individual lies within. Splinter tells her that he is worried he is a failure, having let Shredder take their eldest son and turn him against them. Shen points out that Leo has been returned to them, and although he suffered at the hand of the Foot, there is a force that outweighs all darkness: love.
Mikey finishes up his letter to Woody, telling him that although they're all hurting pretty bad, Mikey has an idea to help speed up the healing process. Mikey builds a campfire and begins roasting hot dogs, and Splinter and his brothers join him. Even Alopex is invited to sit with them.
However, high above in the night sky, Koya circles the campfire, reporting in to Oroku Karai that she has found Splinter and the Turtles.
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Fan Art: TMNT n.13 - Variant Cover by Claudia-SG
Accompanying Podcast: ● Shellheads - episode 62
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