#idk it’s late I should sleep
paranormeow7 · 8 months
we were on the rooftop of an apartment building. It’s raining, but the sky is a deep blue you only get at a certain hour. I can hear the cars below us, but I can’t see them. distant. The rain isn’t hitting you.
I don’t know how you feel about me. Walking towards you feels like something heavy. Like something bad is about to happen. I ask to sit beside you. There’s no answer.
I awkwardly sit down. You won’t look at me. You’re still staring at the cars below. I’ve always wanted to lay my head on your shoulder. That’s all I ever really wanted, I think. This might’ve been the first time I ever tried.
My head sinks into your shoulder. There’s some kind of hideous squelch. The blood pours out and covers my face. It fills my mouth. I recoil and try to wipe it off. It won’t come off, and now my hands are covered, too. I can taste it. Salty. Overpowering. Hateful.
The rain still isn’t hitting us. It’s almost like there’s a box around the rooftop, keeping us dry. There’s nothing to wash off the blood, and it feels like it’s endlessly gushing out, filling my mouth, my throat, my lungs. I turn to look at you.
A deep, red cavity has opened where I laid my head, devouring nearly half of your torso. You’re melting. You’re made of this substance. That’s all you were. You turn to look at me, but your face is wrong. You’re so many people I’ve seen before, all haphazardly morphed together in some kind of phantom abomination.
I can make out your eyes. Deep, piercing silver. I can still taste the thick, syrupy blood.
I wake up.
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lexithwrites · 1 month
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beaft · 7 months
not to sound like a queer theory textbook, but i wish there were more options for exploring masculinity within lgbt spaces. i'm bored of "women and nonbinary people" and "femmes and thems" and "no men allowed". i know there's a broad social scene for gay men, but i don't fit into that as i still like girls and i only pass about 30% of the time. i just wish there was a way i could meet other queer and GNC men in a non-sexual setting (i.e. not grindr) and talk with them about things like what masculinity means from their perspective, how they express it, how they relate to other men, and most importantly what brands of razors they use, because i can't keep using shitty plastic disposables forever i just can't
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where-is-vintagebeef · 2 months
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Beef is in a groundhog's sleeping chamber!
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vroombees · 1 month
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Heeey guys tysm for supporting my art!!
Leaving an art wip here of my current project - it's a Max poster illustration to celebrate the spirits of Dutch GP
-vroom bees
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late-night-jams · 8 months
A lot happened today, but have some Very last second but happy tummy Tuesday! Been a while, got some good growth from me ^w^
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And um a little extra under the cut to start a new blog.. if you want to see more tgirl
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Some extra titty and trail for fun
Ok tags as promised + please keep them safe:
@lilithtransrights hia hope I did good as promised!
@xenasaur trying not to be late!
@slimegirl-selkie and @trannydykepuppybot and @tgirl-swag and @puppydragonbite thank you for the boost of confidence :3
@chloeth6969696969420 sorry I messed up your tag!! Hope you still enjoy <3
Also yes I will be posting these to here instead of main cause I use the other for work
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thrumbolt · 29 days
It’s not true that Feyre’s trauma only shows up in the spring court or that it disappears in the night court. Just as she only once when surprised freaks out at the red of Lucien’s hair, she only sometimes is triggered in the NC. The first time she and Rhys fly after she leaves the spring court, she panics when she feels caged by his wings and Rhys has to back off. Mor doesn’t wear red for a bit to not trigger her. Then there’s the whole Prison plot where she can’t handle the Prison the first time because of her trauma and even when she eventually goes in, she’s freaking out.
Her trauma gets better with time even though she is still struggling on acowar and obviously it’s not every second or she wouldn’t have spent so much time with Lucien and been fine with his red hair all times except once when surprised
Thanks for the anon! You bring up some good points, but I still have to complain haha.
My issue is that she is not just triggered at Lucien's red hair. She is also triggered by red paint and red rose petals....and then never again. Red carpet at Rhys' just a few pages after she gets 'saved' from the spring court? Whatever. Cassian's red syphons? Nothing. That's bad writing, in my opinion. Either the dang color red reminds her of blood and triggers her, or it doesn't, but how it is almost immediately forgotten - that's just inconsistent (it would be definitely much more meaningful, if it slowly improved). Honestly I don't really remember her having any hangups in Acowar at all. And neither has Rhys. He gets like what, one nightmare and one sex position hangup? I was really disappointed that it just....went over so quickly. Maybe that's why I latch onto Tamlin? At least his issues aren't gone after a book. They even get worse as he doesn't seek help. It's just more compelling to me.
My biggest beef in this regard is that Feyre gets triggered getting locked in, but the first time she gets taken by Rhysand and HE locks her in a room, she's totally fine, despite being actually low key scared of him at that point still and him not taking her home despite her asking him to. It just makes no sense, even with the added wing scene (which I did not remember, so thanks for that). I get that in the Tamlin version she is hysterical (for lack of better term) so it ends in a panic attack, but still.
There's also the part of how she has all these freak outs in the spring court while she is totally able to just literally re-enact her UTM experience in hewn city. Did that not bother you? Yes Rhys calms her and shit, but I couldn't help but eyeroll at that.
In the end I think it's just very manipulative writing to prime you on Rhys good, Tam bad. Spring Court lame, Night Court awesome. When SJM wants something to happen in the plot, it will happen, no matter if it makes sense. Be it the Tamlin-Rhys switcheroo, the UTM sexy scene, the pregnancy plotline, what have you. It's why every new book retcons something from the previous ones.
Personally, I can float with that and accept the silliness of it all quite well. But in consequence it also means I do not take the trauma plot as serious as some and I really do not care whether or not Tamlin is abusive and so on....
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v-67 · 3 months
Sleep deprived thoughts 101 idk?
So in the reality, in the actual world which consists of no superheroes w crazy powers
The people who are crazy rich are equivalent to the rich superheroes (i.e maybe batman?) w/o the element of justice to them (and maybe their parents not being killed off)
So at this point it would be nice if one of those guys just pulled a gag of dropping hints that he's batman and they have enough power to pull this off by manipulating newspapers to publish rubbish articles about themselves? Or even just Instagram bullshit? (Now that I think about it, maybe someone might have done this lol) (But it should be someone so influential that it breaks the boundaries throughout the world, everyone, like every one should be talking about it kinda thing)
So they can just make up something, something really really obscure superhero thing and for legal purposes add that this is a bit or something if it wasn't clear enough
And then another billionaire would join in and it would be like a funny thing going on about who actually is batman
While DC would sue them both by some legality loophole and they'd settle the matter or pursue the legal battle
So DC would be like their antagonist?
And they'll keep paying DC off because they're so rich and all that
And it would be so funny
And DC would still not come up with a good movie with all that money (no hate, just a joke)
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tooies · 3 months
it's not that i think i shouldn't have to work it's just that i want more time in the day for me to do other shit
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tearlessrain · 6 months
seriously can catastrophes stop happening for five minutes my brain is already fried from the ones we're already experiencing
#I fucking. missed d&d tonight by accident#I straight up forgot#and just didn't show up to the session#my sleep schedule is absolutely fucked#I should be sleeping now but brain won't shut up#my creative output is the lowest it's ever been and I've been in some level of depressive funk since like early january#I am just deeply unfathomably exhausted#like mentally and spiritually#all the time#my memory and sense of time are both shit#my spelling is worse than it used to be for some reason??#I really don't know what to do to make my brain start functioning again it's frankly worrying me#I couldn't even handle college so it should come as no surprise that I'm reacting poorly to the world being a perpetual screaming trash fir#and yet#idk it's been hitting again lately that I have never succeeded at anything in my life and just keep tripping and falling up for some reason#fucking everyone is in hell right now and with my overall success rate I should be dead in a ditch but I'm actually doing spectacularly#due to a series of improbable accidents and weird circumstances that happened to turn out in my favor instead of completely fucking me#aside from the looming spectre of my various failed attempts to have some kind of life trajectory#it just doesn't feel like this can keep up forever#like surely at some point the luck has got to run out I can't just keep living like some kind of folkloric trickster archetype#but my motivation and sense of purpose kind of died after the last failed attempt so I'm still just here#doing whatever this is#maybe I should drive out to the coast#maybe staring at the ocean would fix me I've been away from it for too long#I mean it can't make me worse#I should wait until further into summer though so I don't have to drive back in the dark#everyone around here has trucks with those goddamn LED headlights and I've got a little sedan that's directly in their blast zone
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grocerystoreanxiety · 1 month
have seen lots abt when you have had mental illness/trauma from a young age so that's all you know and I don't wanna take away from that at all, like that's actually fucking horrible
But also, the other side of when you have a "before". Like you fully know the person you used to be (and never will be again) and you know this is not you; you're a stranger to yourself now. And maybe you already had a clear picture how your life would play out at least in parts before the mat was pulled out from under you and now it's all wrong. Like you can hear your past self screaming about when/how/why the fuck did it all turn out like this. The grief of what could've been etc.
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Sometimes I hate having the latest timezone because I get really insecure at night but everyone's asleep so I can't ask for a hug from my family and god it kind of sucks
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So. Awhile ago, I saw this post, right? Basically it just said that Sera and Sir Pentious' cards have very similar compositions, and that Seraphim, which is what Sera is, are often associated with serpents. Interesting, but could still be a coincidence, right?
So anyways I checked the reblogs and saw somebody say they should kiss. And now I'm insane.
Because like... the only thing we know really about Sir Pentious' potential story arc in the show is that he's gonna have a crush on one of the other characters. And the only thing confirmed about his sexuality(to my knowledge) is that he is attracted to women. We don't really have any way to know who his crush is, because there are a lot of women in Hazbin Hotel, but could still be noteworthy, right? And like... okay this is gonna sound like the most "trust me, bro" evidence I could possibly pull out of my ass at first but I just need you to hear me out here, okay? Sera's crown and Sir Pentious' hat have a lot of visual similarities. Here's a helpful diagram :)
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Which like. Okay. Could literally be nothing, right? Except for two small things that I can't let go of: One, Sir Pentious' goggles + the v-shaped brim on his hat were added to his design AFTER he was given a more prominent role in the show-
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(Pilot design, back when he was meant to be a one-off villain of the week vs current design as a member of the main cast)
And two, the Hellaverse shows kind of have a tendancy to use visuals in order to signify characters' relationships to eachother. It's also just a pretty popular form of symbolism as a whole tbh, but the Hellaverse has a lot of really good examples. Like, for instance, how Vaggie's new outfit is a lot closer to Charlie's color pallette than any of her previous designs, or this really good breakdown by @/raeynbowboi about the symbolism of hearts in Hazbin Hotel and how they pertain to Angel Dust/his relationships! It's from awhile ago so some of the info is a tad outdated, but overall I do think the analysis holds up. Meanwhile, in Helluva Boss, Moxxie and Millie have basically the same color pallette and they were the most functional relationship in the entire show before before Fizzmodeus came along. Which, speaking of those two...
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See, I made this diagram because, after I pointed out the similarities between Sera and Sir Pentious' headgear to my dad and asked him if those kinds of similarities were a valid form of analysis(because I am but a humble highschooler that doesn't know everything about media analysis, and also I felt like I was losing my mind-), my dad said that I should look at the creator's(Vivziepop's) other works to see if couples having similar motifs was a recurring theme. So obviously, I picked my favorite couple in either show and disected their designs for every little detail that could maybe possibly be an intentional parallel. And while some of it is kind of iffy, like Fizz's limbs being the same kind of blue as Ozzie's tufts could just be a way to show that Ozzie made them, or both of them having uh, two things sticking off of their head(that one's definitely a reach-), I think stuff like both of them having hearts as a recurring detail in their designs or having lITERALLY THE SAME EYE COLOR??? Are pretty good evidence that Viv/the Hellaverse design team tend to use visuals to signify characters relationships.
ALSO!!!! If the Fallen Angel Vaggie theory ends up being true, there could be some interesting parallels to draw between Chaggie and Sera/Sir Pentious! Something about like... demon royalty/random angel vs angel royalty/random demon. Could be used to draw parallels between how the two societies treat that kind of thing idk.
So, now that all the meta evidence is out of the way, we can get down to what really matters: would these two work as a couple? Do their personalities mesh well togther? And the answer to that is!
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But in all seriousness, I don't actually know. We just... haven't seen enough of Sera to know for sure. In fact, this whole theory is based off of small details that definitely add up to SOMETHING, but could very well be pieces to some very different puzzles that I'm trying to shove together because somebody jokingly suggested that they would fit. Like, the parallels really COULD mean something, and it COULD have something to do with Sir Pentious having a crush on another character, but like. There could also be a million other answers to both of those questions, y'know? I also have a tendancy to make wild conspiracy theories about genuinely inconsequential details... I almost never talk about them publically, but still. Though I will say, based off of Sera's description in the leaks, I could definitely see a world where she bounces off of Sir Pentious pretty well. Her description in the leaks very much gave me uh... Isabela cover of Surface Pressure vibes, y'know? Shit that is- that is a weird way to describe that but most people on here have seen Encanto right? Y'all get it? And Sir Pentious is both a Victorian Gentleman Type and completely unhinged. Like... idk there's something there. I could maybe see it working. But at the end of the day, it's just too early to tell.
That being said I WILL be trying to pump out some fanart of these two before the actual show comes out and crushes my crackshipping dreams. Also their ship name is either SeraPentious or PentSera I can't decide.
Edit: Wait a second... SeraPent. Serpent. PUN!!!!!!!!!! Okay I think I'm going with SeraPent-
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tonbane · 8 months
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Self portrait because it's one of those days 😗
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buildarocketboys · 6 months
Really wasted my young adult life "learning languages" and "being undiagnosed autistic" and "trying and failing to do everything right" when I could have been writing more and vibing and being kinky. Or something. This post was better in my head.
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a-crowcats-nonsense · 2 months
well uh. Anyone want to talk.
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shitty Kaveh image is thereto grab attention
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