#Khalil Green
justthemoonz · 9 months
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I might make takes on the other human SOULs at one point later on but I wanted to make a take on the green human soul I call them Khalil
Extra note:
They're too kind to FIGHT, so instead the FIGHT option is replaced with one that involves cooking something for the enemy, and it fills up their "SPARE" meter like in DR
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thedalatribune · 5 months
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© Paolo Dala
The Earth's Delight
And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
Khalil Gibran
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badmovieihave · 5 months
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Bad movie I have Star Trek Discovery: Season Four
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sylvianritual · 20 days
🇵🇸Raffle for Palestine! Handmade Crochet Totes 🧶
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Hello everyone! I will be raffling off six crochet tote bags in exchange for donations to Palestinian fundraisers. The six different bags will be raffled in this order:
Black and White 🇵🇸
Red and White 🇵🇸
Green and White 🇵🇸
Green and pink 🍉
Brown and Sage 🫒
Black and Shiny Teal, for the Palestine Sunbird
I will be focusing on a few different fundraisers, listed below:
- Dina Mohammed @dinamahammed99 Verified by association
- Doaa Jad-Al-Haq @free-gaza2 @dodooomar (reunion campaign, Omar's campaign) Verified by 90-ghost
- Mohammed Iwais @mohdiwais Verified by 90-ghost
- Hazem Khalil @hazempalestine Verified by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi #281
- Siraj Abudayeh @siraj2024 Verified by nabulsi #219
I encourage you to donate ANY amount you can to these fundraisers! Even if you don't receive something, you still made a difference in someone's life.
If you want to be entered into the raffle, you must dm me with proof you donated at least:
10 USD / 103kr / 9€
to any of the fundraisers. Each $10 multiple, or the currency equivalent, will count as separate entries. So if you donate $30 USD or equivalent, or donate $10 USD or equivalent to 3 different fundraisers, you will be entered 3 times.
If you're considering entering, please read through this document with specific info and disclaimers!
The first crochet bag being raffled will be the Black and White bag! It will look just like the above, but with black and white stripes.
This raffle will last two weeks. September 5 to September 19.
Please share and donate to these fundraisers, even if you don't want to enter! All of these families need and rely on your kindness to survive this war. Please offer them your support. Show them that the world has not forgotten them.
Thank you for reading! If you have any questions feel free to message me.
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wordsmith30 · 2 years
Black Lightning 1×04: “Black Jesus”
It’s been a while since my last liveblog, but I am back on my DCTV show binge once again!
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Let’s get into it!
So, to recap: the Reverend and Khalil were shot during the march, Anissa was seen flirting with Grace (despite the fact that she still has a girlfriend), and Jefferson believes that he needs to be doing better (he’s right). Lawanda’s death has really shaken him. Lala’s dead and we’re about to see the aftermath of the protest.
Jefferson finds a boy in the bathroom on Green Light, a very powerful street drug – so powerful that the kid rips a sink clean off the wall and flings it at Jefferson’s head. 
Jefferson is able to take him down, but he has to electrocute him. I was afraid he was going to kill him.
Shortly afterwards, Anissa finds two of her students trying to buy drugs from these guys on the corner. These boys just love to threaten people, don’t they? She makes a note of their location for later.
The nurses’ attitude towards Khalil’s condition is a perfect example of medical racism. And one of them has the nerve to say “What” when Jennifer tells them off. Isn’t it your job to help people and put them on a path to recovery?
We learn that Tobias only got in with Lady Eve and her people because he allegedly killed Black Lightning. Now that Black Lightning has returned to the stage, his reputation is in jeopardy. He now has to finish what he started.
I think Jefferson is being awfully unfair about the whole track situation. “I know you’ve been through a lot …” Yeah, she was kidnapped by The 100 gang and had her life threatened multiple times, even getting assaulted by a kid who shot fake blood at her! Give her a break! These are children, not soldiers.
Dinner with the Hendersons is quite eventful. Jefferson can barely contain his smug smile while Anissa praises Black Lightning’s efforts as a superhero. Little do they know, she’s talking about herself as much as she is him as she also wants to do more. And then poor Lynn is just trying to remind everyone how dangerous and frightening it is to engage in vigilantism (cough, cough). If only these children knew!
Anissa’s would-be heroism takes a dark turn when she goes after the two dealers from earlier in “disguise” and then has to call an ambulance. Whoops! 😅
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Again, I love the realism on this show. Things never go exactly the way we plan them in our heads. You have to be careful.
Jefferson confronts his old buddy, Two-Bits, about the Green Light supply. When that doesn’t go anywhere, he tries Plan B. That bar clears out fast when Black Lightning shows up!
I just love the dynamic he has with the public. Black Lightning’s so cool, I gotta get a selfie with him before he knocks me out! 😂
You can tell Jennifer was hoping for a bigger reaction when she told Khalil she quit the track team. She did it for you, dummy!
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The drug case with Jefferson’s student, Bernard, prompts the school board to claim final say on disciplinary actions. As if Jefferson doesn’t have enough to worry about. He knows their interests don’t lie in the students, but in their own reputation. Black teens are already overpoliced and criminalized, and held to unreasonable standards. They need people who will stand by them and fight for them, and allow them the space to make mistakes. Who will allow them the chance to grow from them.
Tobias calls in his younger sister, Tori, to help him take down Black Lightning.
Jefferson follows Two-Bits’ lead to the Green Light warehouse and tries out his new electric-vision goggles. Meanwhile, Anissa gets into a scrap with a bunch of guys harassing Grace. 
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I ship it. 😁
And to think Jefferson was so close to finding her out. She was right next door!
Gambi manages to pull up footage from the attack, but he doesn’t get Anissa’s face. Still, he continues to leave Jefferson in the dark. I really don’t trust this man … (and how is it any safer for you to go and investigate?)
When Bernard’s father calls Jefferson – beaten and bloody, and looking for help – I was afraid Bernard had gone rogue and turned on his dad, just like what happened with Jefferson. Gambi did say one hit from Green Light would make people hooked. But it was The 100 gang.
Jefferson suits up to save Bernard and beat up some thugs! (Also, I’m sorry, but Cress’ stunt double is so distinguishable 😆).
Tori suggests a more indirect approach to nail Black Lightning. Tobias decides to become Khalil’s mysterious benefactor and poison his mind against the hero who supposedly landed him in the hospital.
Not good. Very not good!
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aces-and-angels · 3 months
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these campaigns have been vetted and have slowed in donations as of late. if you are able, please consider donating to one or more of the following
disclaimer: i do not vet/verify gfm campaigns myself. i can only share campaigns that have already been vetted by other individuals. (i.e. el-shab-hussein, nabulsi, 90-ghost, etc.) i strongly encourage everyone to sit and read through each of these families' stories, regardless of your ability to donate. your time is just as valuable and they all deserve your undivided attention.
key: 0-25% raised= red | 26-75% raised= orange | 76-100% raised= green
(linked are the campaigns + verification sources + tumblr accounts of the families) *totals raised may not be accurate by the time you read this post
sharif family: $8,613/$90,000 (amount needed for orange: 23.4K)
acct: @amnehsharif10 verification source (no. 140)
yazan + family: €3,540/€50,000 (amount needed for orange: 13K)
acct: @farahabusafia verification source (no. 180)
ruba + family: €26,889/€100,000 (amount needed for green: 76K)
acct: @rubashabansblog verification source (no. 90)
yousef's family: $6,911/$50,000 (amount needed for orange: 13K)
acct: @/06679799* verification source | verification source *= account deactivated
hani + family: $3,328/$50,000 (amount needed for orange: 13K)
acct: @haniibrahimsh verification source (no. 228)
ahmed + family: €9,958/€100,000 (amount needed for orange: 26K)
acct: @ahmed8311 verification source (no. 161)
nader + family: €6,409/€120,000 (amount needed for orange: 31.2K)
acct: @nadergaza verification source (no. 153)
khalil + family: €1,336/€30,000 (amount needed for orange: 7.8K)
acct: @khalil95 verification source (no. 187)
suheir's family: $38,357 AUD/$70,000 AUD (amount needed for green: 53.2K)
acct: @haneenatya34 verification source (no. 71)
amal + family: €918/€30,000 (amount needed for orange: 7.8K)
@amalashuor verification source (no. 175)
diya + family: $23,957 CAD/$90,000 CAD (amount needed for orange: 23.4K)
@familydeea* verification source (no. 227) *= account shadowbanned/supressed
ahmd iyd + family: £10,335/£150,000 (amount needed for orange: 39K)
verification source (no. 116) account seen in post was deleted
dr. nasser mohamed + family: £6,287/£50,000 (amount needed for orange: 13K)
verification source account seen in post was deleted
yahya + family: €3,865/€30,000 (amount needed for orange: 7.8K)
verification source account seen in post was deleted
alostaz family: €12,957/€70,000 (amount needed for orange 18.2K)
acct: @ahmed-alostaz* | @59382 verification source (no. 125) *= account shadowbanned/supressed
hamza + family: €1,748/€21,000 (amount needed for orange: 5.46K)
acct: @hamzaahmed21 verification source (no. 226)
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ventingfc · 9 months
Missing you
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Khalil Payne moved to Akashic Valley in order to protect Jennifer, the love of his life. He feared relapsing into painkiller and killing the Pierce family. Here he had no friends, no family, no home. At least here he was far from Freeland.
He had tried to forget Jennifer Pierce, the girl he loved and left behind. He had tried to erase the memories of their time together, the kisses, the laughs, the promises. He had tried to convince himself that he was better off without her, that she deserved someone who wasn't a monster. But he couldn't forget her. He couldn't stop thinking about her. He couldn't stop dreaming about her. He struggled daily to resist the temptation to go back to Freeland and see Jennifer and his friends there.
The only thing helping him resist this temptation is getting updates from TC during their monthly appointments. Where they try to remove the kill order in Painkiller.
Today was one of those appointments that resulted in failure as the previous ones were. To distract himself from the failure he asked TC for updates on everyone there. To which TC updated him on the new school program of robotics that he has enrolled in to better their chances of removing the kill order and his new girlfriend. When asked about Jennifer TC hesitated to tell him that she had moved on Connor Hawke, the son of the former Green Arrow, Oliver Queen.
He immediately hung up and went to his room. There he felt a surge of emotion, a mix of anger, jealousy, and longing. He couldn't believe that Jennifer had moved on and she was with someone who wasn''t him. He wanted to see her, to talk to her, to hold her. He wanted to tell her that he was sorry, that he still loved her, that he wanted to be with her.
But he knew he couldn't. He knew that if he approached her, he would put her in danger. He knew that Painkiller would try to kill her, or worse. He knew that he had to stay away from her, for her own sake. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, but he couldn't. He saw her face in his mind, her smile, her eyes, her hair. He heard her voice in his ears, her laugh, her whisper, her scream. He felt her touch on his skin, her lips, her hands, her tears. He opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. He whispered to himself, "I miss you, Jen. I miss you so much."
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quietlotus · 3 months
“Yes, there is a Nirvanah; it is in leading your sheep to a green pasture, and in putting your child to sleep, and in writing the last line of your poem.”
— Khalil Gibran
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Ko-Fi Prompt from @apprendere:
Economics topic: ethical investing (what definitions are they using when companies like amazon are on lists of ethical/social/green stocks?)
This one took me a bit of research 😅
My first instinct is that those are frequently greenwashing, and that any individual company needs to be investigated for those claims, personally, before actually going ahead to invest. I'm generally hesitant to call most investment/stocks ethical, but there are ways and reasons for ethics in the given industry (as discussed here with @rhokitten and @dasnya).
Green-chip stocks are, by name, a play on blue-chip stocks (established, stable, reliable companies that are unlikely to waver overly much if the economy takes a bad turn). Green chip companies are those that claim to be environmentally sustainable, or to support the environment in some way. If the company in question is one that works directly in environmental sustainability, such as solar panels or wind farms or organic farming tools, that's probably not a lie.
However... you also get companies like Ford claiming to be green. Now, from what I can tell so far, they have been cutting down on carbon emissions for two decades now, but any large company that historically relies on gas or oil claiming to be green is... a bit questionable. The Climate Town video on Carbon Offsets is a good primer on understanding how large transportation and vehicle manufacturing companies can use 'green' language to claim progress while effectively not changing any of their practices. With Ford, we've seen minor cuts in manufacturing pollution, but as this Guardian article points out, they still advertise for massive cars with terrible mpg... which is a related issue, because said massive cars, the SUVs and 'extended cab' pickups are unregulated compared to sedans and other, smaller vehicles (see: Not Just Bikes video).
Ford spends a lot of money advertising a car that is the opposite of green, and doesn't actually provide a use for the vast majority of people buying it. Unless you work in an industry where you need to haul large, dirty equipment on the regular, like on a farm or in construction or landscaping, you don't need a pick-up truck. And if you do work in those industries, an extended cab is generally not helpful.
So Ford is talking good game, but... is it following through? That's up for debate.
You mentioned Amazon, so I went to look at their Climate Pledge Fund. They mention a "net-zero carbon goal," which already sends up red flags, as explained in the aforementioned Carbon Offsets video. They do seem to be investing in a lot of companies that will theoretically make their future work have less of an environmental impact; the companies include electric vehicles, renewable energy, and custom packaging to reduce waste. It all sounds good.
But what do the critics say?
In this Thomson Reuters Foundation article, Khalil Abdullah addresses how Amazon has historically hidden most of its information on environmental impacts, engaged in a number of greenwashing campaigns, and shoved numbers on its enormous pollution under the rug. Yet, despite this, it remains on the list of companies that the ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investors consider a viable choice, because it's... easy. It's a good investment financially, so they can just... look away from the complications, because the money and reputation is enough.
In my eyes, the concept of green stock is yet another form of greenwashing, one with no actual, specified definition, which means it's about as useful in understanding your investments as words like 'organic.' Unfortunately, it looks like this is going to continue being one of the ways companies lie to us, and any individual investment needs to be examined thoroughly before we can figure out what it is that we're actually supporting.
My suggestion would be to look into companies that are acting directly in support of environmentalism (solar and wind are probably safe), have a long and transparent history of environmentalism, from before it was trendy, or are small, local, and maybe new enough that they aren't killing the environment in the name of economies of scale.
Maybe if you get in early enough, you can grab enough shares to have a positive impact on future green initiatives!
(Prompt me on ko-fi!)
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inouvasplace · 5 months
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Name: Inouva Iseterre Nicknames: Nova, it's what most people call her. Age: Adult, around mid 30’s Nameday: 17th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon (never rp'd) Race: Duskwight Elezen (has been through so many changes, they are simply happy to be one thing) Gender: Female Orientation: Pan I believe as she falls in love with the person. Happily in a relationship with Haru Profession: Herbalist and general plant specialist/lover P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Short white hair Eyes: Green Skin: Lightly tanned, from always being out and about. Either to find new plants, or tending the ones she has around her home.  Tattoos/scars: She has a full body tattoo, that during the changes has almost etched into the skin. 
Parents: Unknown Siblings: They had a sister, or someone that said they were, but they are gone now.. Grandparents: Unknown In-laws and Others: No in laws yet at least. Her best friends are Iswhi, Imyril and Khalil. They get along with Makoto, but do think he is a touch scary. Pets: A small magpie that often sits on her shoulder
Abilities: Plants and plant knowledge. You need a herb for something, she would know what one to get. Hobbies: Flowers and herbs, its both work and hobby!
Most Positive Trait: Assertive, which is strange when you know the most negative. But she will not be pushed around by anyone, something that she accredits Makoto and Hauru as they both have kept her from slipping down that path.
Most Negative Trait: Extreme uncertainty. She really doesn’t know who she is, and all the changes have left her very uncertain about all of herself.
Colors: Purple and gold Smells: Flowers, even those that make your nose wrinkle.  Textures: Silk, soft soft silk Drinks: Herbal tea’s
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: No. Drinks: Only water and tea. Drugs: No Mount Issuance: A sweet white chocobo that she was given by Hauru, so she had an easier way to travel around the woods. Been Arrested: Nope Tagged by: No one, I just felt like working on my characters some Tagging: Anyone that wants to!
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mahvaladara · 5 months
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I was tagged by @izayoirii. Thank you. I love doing these.
Name: Khal'lil Varysia (Khalil)
Nicknames: Khal, by everyone, dragon, by Mako, my child, by Hydaelyn, Star (by others of his race and dragons).
Age: Adult, appears to be in his mid thirties.
Nameday: 10th of First Astral Moon. Was the day he was found.
Race: Asheren (outsider) Dragon, everyone believes him to be a Raen Au'Ra.
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pan. Catching feels for a deaf librarian.
Profession: Warrior of Light, Wandering Scholar, Mage, wandering star.
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Long, red and straight. He leaves his side-bangs loose and ties half of his hair in a bun. He also likes side-braids.
Eyes: Shifting between a sharp green and neon green.
Skin: Pale and caucasion, littered in gold scales. Khal does not tan easily, and if it was not for being a dragon, he'd walk around sunburned.
Tattoos/scars: Khal has a very deep scar on his chest, right over his heart. It appears he was pierced by something or pinned. The scar's a little bruised from being shot by another dragon and later on by an ascian cause seeing his friend get shot was not deterrent enough to stop him from trying. He has a few adventuring scars on his arms and back, some spells he failed to dodge or a blade who got to close for comfort, or a lesson or two from being too cocky.
As for tattoo, Khal doesn't have tattoos but he has full body warpaint on. It's quite water resistent and not easy to smudge. When it does get smudged he either paints it back on himself, asks someone else to help him with it, but most of the time just uses magic to reapply it.
Parents: He has no parents. His parents passed away several decades/centuries ago. Far before he became lost and was buried. His parents disappeared around the same time the rest of his race started disappearing.
Siblings: No siblings he knows off. Khal is a lone star.
Grandparents: Technically, Majah, as the mother of all Asheren, would be considered his grandmother.
In-laws and Others:
Mostly friends. He holds very few people as important in his life. He cares deeply for Ryl and feels a connection with the elezen, as if they have met before in another world. He respects and looks up to Mako, as a much older and much more skilled WoL. Gets along with Ishwa, Inouva and Haoru and often goes adventuring with Gal, another fellow adventurer.
Very simmilar to the Echo but also different, Khal has the Sight, associated to a third eye he choses to hide. The sight gives him sinesthesia, and he can see emotions, auras and intentions. The rest of it acts almost identical to the Echo. He has no control over it.
Khal as a great prophiciency at many types of magic, from wielding it with the use of grimoires for offense or defense, to mixing it currently with a blade with red magic, Khal has understanding of both white and black magic and arcamina. He is absolutely fascinated by the flow of aether which has lead some of his friends to suspect that perhaps Khal comes from the realm of Aether or from another world watsoever.
Seamstress, journaling , botany and traveling. Learning anything he possibly can. Khal is a knowledge hoarder. Reading, he's an avid reader and often visits libraries to borrow books.
Most Positive Trait: Selflessness and curiosity.
Most Negative Trait: Recklessness and pride.
Colors: Wine Red, Moad and Rhotano Blue, Grape Purple.
Smells: Pine, lavenders and sandalwood. Also the scent of freshly baked bread.
Textures: Silk, cotton and fresh grass under his feet.
Drinks: Chamomile and lavender tea and Mead.
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: No.
Drinks: Water, Tea, wine and mead. He loves mead.
Drugs: He does not take them. But someone needs to remind him some people don't want heroes around, and that qualifies WoL too. He should be careful with what he drink or eats. We never know when it might be drugged or poisoned.
Mount Issuance:
A white chocobo named Volante and a calvary drake he's still trying to tame.
Been Arrested: No. At least not yet.
I tag: @izayoiri (make for another char); @lazysunjade (for any character you wish); @dandylion240 (any character you wish).
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negative-speedforce · 7 months
challenge: assign your OCs a random item or outfit from my fashion design inspo folder!
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Glow in the dark blue: Ember
Teddy bear crop top: Khalil
Aluminium Foil: Jay
I was staring at that peekaboo boob for too long + green pants: Director Hawke
B+W 50's dress: Dolores
Blue 50's dress: Liah
Crop top + fishnet jeans: Hyun-Ki
Glorified poncho: Marie
Sheer hoodie thing: Cat
Side cape fantasy thing: Arya
Shoulder cutout sweater: Max
Pink vinyl... whatever that is?: Matt
Book dress: Qiara
God won't let me die: Reyna (or Siv, jokingly)
Skelesweater: Esme
Bitch pants: Jessi
Fuck you shirt: Ameerah
Boob grab: Laila
Too many crosses: Esme
Whatever that Billie Eilish looking ass thing is: Cory
Robe with leggings and boots: Thalia
Lacy manwhore: Jay
Spiked jacket: Torryn
Cutout tank and cargo pants: Siv
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http-paprika · 4 months
MEET THE OC! a tedtalk by paprika that no one asked for
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after writing GOLD RUSH and spending some time toying around with the little character of Beau, I decided I'd take a chance and share her with you! If you have any further questions and want to know more about her or her story, please reach out in the comments or my inbox!
GENERAL INFORMATION Government Name: Beaumont Khalil Summerlin Preferred Name: Beau
Date of Birth: June 23, 1991 Star Sign: Cancer
Hometown: Yuma, Arizona
Native Languages: English and Arabic Learned Languages: Spanish and a Bit of Russian
CAREER Occupation: Linguistics and Intel Officer; Special Field Agent Branch of Government: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Supervisor: Kate Laswell Former Occupation: Translation and Negotiations with the US Marines under Captain Yoko S. Tanaka
RELATIVES and ASSOCIATES Father: James H. Summerlin, Sr. -- Retired US Marine Mother: Sana E. Summerlin -- Arabic and Anthology Professor
Brothers: James H. Summerlin, Jr. -- Enlisted Military Police in the Army; Asher G. Summerlin -- Enlisted Air Force Linguist Sister: Mona R. Summerlin -- Student at the University of Texas
Best Friend: Jolene H. Maxfield-Graves -- Intel Officer Partner: Alex Keller -- CIA-SAD Officer
APPEARANCE Height: 5'11 Build: Athletic
Complexion: Tanned Noticeable Markings: Scar from Bullet Wound on Left Shoulder, Barbed Wire Tattoo on Lower Back
Hair: Light Brown, Wavy Texture Eyes: Dark Green, Almond Shaped
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Favorite Book: Jack Reacher; Running Blind by Lee Child Favorite TV Show: The X-Files Favorite Album: Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon & Garfunkel
Choice of Cuisine: Vietnamese Favorite Dish: Duck Pho
MBTI Personality Type: ENTP Ennagram Type: 8 - The Active Controller Love Language: Words of Affirmation
HER PAST In 1982, when James Sr. was stationed in Lebanon during a peacekeeping tour with the US Marines, he met his wife Sana who was a local working as a translator for the Marines. The two often worked together and quickly fell in love, and when his deployment came to an end, he promised to return to Lebanon for her so they could be married. In 1984, he returns to Lebanon and much to the displeasure of her religious parents, Sana leaves with James and they elope. Bringing her back to the states, he is stationed in Jacksonville, North Carolina where Sana persues further education and later gives birth to their firstborn son, James. Jr. in 1888. In 1990, after being restationed in Yuma, Arizona they have their second child and first daughter, Beaumont.
Beau spent her first years of life moving from one place to another and was often withdrawn as a child. Prefering to be alone than playing with her brother and younger siblings. From an early age her parents noted that she had a greater interest in knowledge and reading, being more idept in Arabic than the rest of her siblings. In her teen years, with newer gained confidence, she sought higher education with hopes to attend university in Hawaii where her family was stationed at the time, receiving a handsome scholarship from the school of her choice. But an old colleague of her father, Scott Hardy, encouraged her to join the Marines and follow in her mother's footsteps as a trained translator, later becoming a negotiations specialist who was known for being level-headed and quick witted.
Feeling unfilled with her career choice, Beau left the Marines at the age of 22 to return to academics. But received attention from Kate Laswell after narrowly saving a whole Marine Corp Squard from bombing with her quick ability to process intel. Laswell, determined to recruit Beau under her, offers her a position that'll allow Beau to attend university in Washington, DC while working for the CIA as a linguistic and intel analyst.
After a few years of office works and receiving her degree through excelurated work, Beau accepts a field assignment to work in her mother's homeland of Lebanon. Stationed there, she spends time reconnecting with her heritage whilst helping filter through intel for all of the middle east. During her time in Lebanon is when Beau first meets Alex Keller during his time in SAD. And though there is an instant spark, the two are off and on, never having the avaliabity and emotional energy to commit to a full-term relationship.
Beau is referred by Laswell to a new field assignment to work alongside the US Marines and International Corp in Urzikstan as tense begins to arise between forces. (Where MWII starts up) During her time in Urzikstan, her relationship with Keller becomes more serious in the threat of terror and her specialty and skills catch the eye of Captain John Price who tries to recruit her as a support member of TF141. Hoping it'll give her a chance to return and finish her work in Urzikstan along with letting her be with Keller, Beau accepts the position and begins working alongside TF141.
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Black Character Tournament: Left Side!
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adding a post break to make this more rebloggable
Chidi Anagonye | The Good Place vs Bow | She-Ra & the Princesses of Power
Marina Ida | Splatoon vs Youngblood Ra | Roleslaying with Roman
Barret Wallace | Final Fantasy VII vs Lunella Lafayette/Moon Girl | Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
Lucas Sinclair | Stranger Things vs Gus Porte | The Owl House
Carole Stanley | Carole and Tuesday vs Garnet | Steven Universe
Aisha/Layla | Winx Club vs Carter Kane and Sadie Kane | The Kane Chronicles
Martha Jones | Doctor Who vs Death | Sandman (TV)
Finn | Star Wars vs Oluwande Boodhari | Our Flag Means Death
Leshawna | Total Drama vs Sonic the Hedgehog | Sonic the Hedgehog
Jodie Landon | Daria vs Helen Brand | Glass Onion
Wolf | Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts vs Benson | Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Mike Hanlon | IT (Steven King) vs Burton Guster | Psych
Flow | Roleslaying With Roman vs Nasuada | Inheritance Cycle/Eragon Trilogy
Jordan Hennessey | Dreamer Trilogy vs Ava Coleman | Abbott Elementary
Duke Thomas | DC Comics vs Mel Medarda | Arcane
Molly Blyndeff | Epithet Erased vs Michael Burnham | Star Trek Discovery
Neena Thurman (Domino) | Marvel comics / Deadpool 2 vs Nyota Uhura | Star Trek The Original Series
Gregory Eddie | Abbott Elementary vs Kipo Oak | Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Elena Amamiya | Star Twinkle Precure vs Simon Aumar | Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Karli Morgenthau | MCU: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier vs Enfys Nest | Star Wars: A Solo Story
Connor Hawke/Green Arrow | DC Comics vs Myla | One Last Stop
Winston Bishop | New Girl vs Khalil Harris | The Hate U Give
T'Challa | Black Panther vs Dr. Charlotte | Falsettos (Revival)
Gigi Thompson | Inside Job vs Isaiah | One Last Stop
Ivan Taylor | The Wilds vs Nathan Byrne | The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself
Miranda Bailey | Grey's Anatomy vs Essun | Broken Earth Trilogy
Agent 355 | Y : The Last Man vs Audacious Opportunity (A.O.) Rooke | Friends at the Table (Partizan)
OJ Haywood | Nope 2022 vs Nubia | Wonder Woman
Mr Nancy | American Gods vs Storm | X Men
Ambrose Spellman | Chilling Adventures of Sabrina vs Louis | The Walking Dead Game
Angela Moore | Boy Meets World vs Hilary Banks | The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Junko Saotome | Nana vs Wes Gibbins | How to Get Away with Murder
Turk | Scrubs vs Wallace Fennel | Veronica Mars
Frozone | The Incredibles vs Kendra Young | Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Joelle Brooks | Dear White People vs Sans | Undertale
Anissa Pierce/Thunder | Black Lightning vs Koriand'r/Starfire | Titans (DC TV show)
Andre Harris | Victorious vs Sara | Over the Garden Wall
Samol | Friends at the Table vs Taion | Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Emerald Haywood | Nope (2022) vs Genly Ai | The Left Hand of Darkness
Sarah Miller | The Last of Us (TV) vs Pinkie Pie | My Little Pony
Muhammed Avdol | Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure vs Dr Foreman | House MD
Efi Oladele | Overwatch vs Jason Hauer | We only find them when they are dead
Bram Greenfeld | Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda / Love, Simon vs Zélie Adebola | Children of Blood and Bone
Nick Fury | Marvel vs Sam Wilson | MCU
Uniqua | The Backyardigans vs Alexx Woods | CSI Miami
Rue | Euphoria vs Bill Potts | Doctor Who
Nadine Ross | Uncharted series vs Jalil Sherman | Everworld
Baal (Valentine) | The Wicked + the Divine vs Jamal Saturday | Locke and Key (comics)
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aces-and-angels · 3 months
🍉 campaigns to donate/boost
got an idea from this post to start boosting sections of my progress tracker. hopefully the idea catches on- basically, i will highlight 5 gfms + tag 5 people to widen the reach for the list.
when you reblog this: please tag 5 others to boost it even further. also donate if you are able 🖤
(linked are the gfm campaigns + tumblrs of the families + verification sources; all campaigns listed have been vetted by one or more of the following: el-shab-hussein, nabulsi, 90-ghost, ibtisams)
key: 0-25% raised= red | 26-75% raised= orange | 76-100% raised= green *amounts raised are as of 6/24
nader + family
"I am Nader from northern Gaza. I am now displaced with my family, which consists of 6 people, in the Deir al-Balah area in the south. We are currently in a small tent, very scattered, with no safe place. My elderly father has no access to treatment, and we only have unhealthy food. Everything we had was bombed by the occupation, including our home, my work, and my father's work. We desperately need your help to move to a safe area, such as Egypt, but the costs are very high. Please, help us and support us to reach safety." (read/share full post here) follow: @nadergaza verification source (no. 153)
iman + family
"I'm Iman from the Gaza Strip. I have a family, and we have been displaced to the south. We have been suffering for 8 months; there is no life here, only death and genocide. We lack all the necessities of life and miraculously escape death every time. Today, I am in dire need of your support for me and my family to survive and escape this war and genocide. We have lost so much and now have nothing. We need your support and your solidarity to save our lives." (read/share full post here) follow: @imanblogs verification source (no. 150)
ahmed a. + family
"Ahmed worked as an accountant in a company, but with the escalation of the war, his professional life came to a halt, and his goods warehouse was burnt, along with his completely destroyed home. They fled to the north, but now they live in the tents of the displaced in Deir al-Balah. The situation is not easy, especially with his wife's upcoming childbirth and their fears of lack of healthcare and unhealthy conditions. Their children suffer from widespread diseases and long for their previous lives and schools. Ahmed's goal is to leave the Gaza Strip to save his family's lives." (read/share full post here) follow: @zinaeleenyamin verification source
nour + family
"I'm Nour Alanqar, and reaching out to you during a time of unimaginable hardship. I am 26 years old, married to Ashraf Ismail, who is 32, and together we have three beautiful children: Hussein, 6, Rajaa, 5, and Youssef, just 10 months old. Our lives have been turned upside down by the devastating war in Gaza, and we desperately need your help." (read/share full post here) follow: @noor-alanqar verification source
khalil + family
"My name is Khalil Abubaker, and I am reaching out to you from Gaza, a place that has been deeply affected by the ongoing war. I was working remotely with a company outside of Gaza, contributing significantly to our family's needs. Unfortunately, due to the current situation, I lost my employment and spent all my savings trying to help us survive. Now, after eight long and difficult months, we find ourselves at a breaking point. We have exhausted all our resources, and the situation here in Gaza continues to deteriorate. The hope we once clung to is slipping away, and we desperately need your help to survive and evacuate to a safer place." (read full story on khalil's gfm page) follow: @khalil95 verification source (no. 187)
tagging: @saibug1022 @howellslides @ascindio @thosehallowedhalls @gutmeats
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blogtruenorth · 11 months
🟢 Member of the Hamas Political Bureau, Khalil Al-Hayya:
- The occupation wants to displace the Palestinian people from their land, but we will thwart this.
- Since the beginning of this crazy war, the zionist occupation has adopted a torrent of lies and deception to use them as a pretext to prolong the period of killing in order to displace the people of Gaza from the north to the south, and then from the south out of Palestine.
- The occupation, by prolonging the war, sets the stage for more terrorist crimes, and the world has unfortunately failed in the face of the values ​​and morals it calls for.
- Whenever the occupation wants to commit several massacres, it cuts off means of communication, then carries out dozens of massacres, its sole goal being to displace our Palestinian people from their land in Gaza.
- We are certain that our people will thwart the displacement plan, and here are our people, in the tens of thousands, still in the northern Gaza area.
- The more the terrorist occupation fails in the face of resistance strikes, the inability to advance, and the loss of many tanks and soldiers, the more it seeks to kill and destroy civilians.
- Targeting hospitals has one goal, which is to displace the Palestinians.
- Hospitals are open to all international organizations to enter, monitor and expose the lies of the occupation.
- We warn people far and wide, and we call on all sane people, if any of them remain, to rein in the terrorist occupation and restrain it.
- Reality contradicts all the terrorist occupation’s claims about hospitals in the Gaza Strip.
- Our heroic resistance is capable of inflicting heavy losses on the occupier, forcing it to drag its tail in defeat.
- The American position supports the occupation’s policy of killing and destruction, and the occupation uses the file of civilians and prisoners to gain time to relieve its internal front.
- The American administration’s priority is to satisfy the terrorist occupation and has given it the green light for all the crimes it commits.
- The American administration is complicit in the crimes committed in Gaza and the killing of innocent people.
- Our priority is to save our people and stop the terrorist zionist aggression.
- The criminal occupation uses the resistance’s prisoner file in a malicious and unethical way, and every time we get close [to a solution] in the discussions, the occupation returns to square one.
- At the end of last week, we agreed with the mediators to release detained civilians and foreigners. However, the occupation renounced the agreement and returned to square one.
- We have a clear approach that we are ready to exchange detained civilians and foreigners in Gaza, in exchange for women and children in zionist prisons, but the occupation is evasive and not affected by killing its prisoners in Gaza.
- The occupation tells each of the mediators something different than what it tells the other party. This is evasion, and it does not bother [the occupation] if the resistance announces the killing of a number of its prisoners in the bombing of Gaza.
- Everyone who is concerned about the prisoners in Gaza must put pressure on the occupation to stop the terrorist aggression, and then we will begin negotiating an exchange.
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