#Kids are funny
tamagoneko · 10 days
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" oh but miss poppy said.. "
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cuddlebugmonster · 7 months
I went to Thanksgiving diner and was talking to one of the kids, she started talking about her having a "girlfriend" she then started to desperately try and correct herself saying that "she was a girl that was a friend but kinda like the other way" XD then blurted " I'm not gay !" I just responded "I'm gay" and she just looked at me shocked as i laughed my ass off XD it was the funniest shit ever
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brazilspill · 10 months
Was going through some of my old books and came across this gem from when I was in Grade 3:
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"When someone fights with me I feel..." Me: Sad and that I'm right.
"When this happens I think that..." Me: Whoever fought with me is an idiot.
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I love little kids so much. xD
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itsmewahoo · 2 months
funny things children have commented about my mask at work:
child whispering loudly to mom: why is the dentist here?
*jumping up and down in excitement* "Youre like me!" *points to their mask on their face*
*me whistling through my mask* (i guess this is a rare skill?) child looking in wonder: 😮!!!
child: do you eat with your mask on? me: sometimes! child: i dont like seeing ppl chew big. i dont like the sounds me: yea i understand
child: you can stick your tongue out and no one knows! 😝 me: haha yeah im doing it right now child: 😝
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skytlake · 9 months
i started working at an elementary school a couple weeks ago and kindergarten-3rd graders are so silly so here's a few quotes
"if i had one wish its that i was a werewolf and the whole world was werewolves and i could go into minecraft or anything i want. like your phone and i could see all your pictures and texts." -second grade girl
"if the v bucks are being a distraction im gonna have to take them away" -coworker to our after school second graders
"quit playing with the vbucks" -coworker 10 minutes later
(for context: we have high school volunteers at the after school program and i had just said hi to one of them)
kindergartener, to me: "is that your daughter?"
me: "huh?"
kindergartener, to the high schooler: "is that your mom?"
both of us: "no!?"
me: "i dont have any kids"
kindergartener: "why not?"
me, scrambling: "uh...im not old enough-uh-i dont want kids yet-uhhh...my house is too small?"
kindergartener, seriously: "well my house is big. we have 4 bedrooms."
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intothestacks · 1 year
Adventures in Librarian-ing
I found another book that makes little kids lose their minds: Bad Dog by Mike Boldt.
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I guarantee this one's a winner with the Littles.
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It's especially A+ great for Kindergarteners (though entertaining for at least up to Grade 3 for sure), because it doesn't have a lot of text and they're super engaged with yelling at the girl that Rocky's NOT A DOG.
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cat-ho-lic · 5 months
catholic school workbooks???
I don't know how niche of an experience this is but does anyone else who went to Catholic school remember those workbooks you had per grade that covered different parts of Catholicism (usually with a simplified stain glass cover)? I kind of forgot about them until I was babysitting this kid and had to help him fill his own out (it was specifically for his first reconciliation) and I just had to take a picture of his answer for some of the questions
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I tried to explain that the questions/answers are supposed to connect back to his first reconciliation but he pointed out that the prompt says "ANY feelings or questions" which was too relatable for me (the literal thinking) 😭. Of course I can't diagnose him with anything but I have known this kid his whole life and he really does seem to be on the spectrum. I just thought I'd share this on my blog because idk I think it's cute and funny. Anyways remember not to swallow salt water‼️‼️
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ob-livy-ous · 1 year
Today at work two of the little kids ran straight into each other, fell over on the ground, looked over at each other in a panic both about to cry. Then one of them said we’re fine and they both got up and started running again.
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circle-ofdreams · 1 year
I have a regular customer who’s 9 (I work at a tabletop games and collectibles type shop) and he has the fattest crush on me it’s super adorable he always tells me “you’re doing great!” When I’m having a stressful day
Anyway the other day he was talking to my husband and was like “your wife is so beautiful. To be honest she’s so beautiful that it gives me nightmares”
And that’s how a 9 year old kid gave me the best compliment I’ve ever had
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yippeecahier · 1 year
So I put this sticker I got using the art from @sugar-drift that I am completely obsessed with on the back of my phone (dw I got permission to get stickers as long as they are for personal use and not for sale. They are occupying every little nook and cranny because, again, I'm OBSESSED). When I put my phone down on my desk before math class one kid bent down to retrieve a fidget from my bin, saw Orion with upended coffee Ace Attorney style and exclaimed "OH NO POOR THING," to which I laughed as the other kids came to see what the commotion was and all collectively pity my little fursona (I didn't tell them that's what it was, just that it's a dog in a business suit when one asked what animal it was, but still funny to me).
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paddysnuffles · 2 years
7-year-old me would 110% have done this
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wordsofawanderingsoul · 11 months
On the subject of treating children like people, something that a lot of people might not take into consideration is that, you know, really young kids don’t always have the vocabulary to understand the reasons we give them.
​They don’t understand when you say that they have to eat something healthy instead of a steady stream of lollipops because candy tastes good, what’s bad about that?
Yeah, your kid may be having a meltdown in the store because they’re overwhelmed or tired or whatever, but also they may not understand WHY they can’t have all the delicious candy and amazing flashy toys in the store. Like, why can’t I just take this giant piece of chocolate? Why do I have to put back the plush unicorn that is bigger than I am?
They have yet to learn that things cost money and money isn’t infinite. So when my three year old cries cause I told her no to the tub of ice cream she wants, despite me trying to calmly explain the concept of “pay day is tomorrow” I’m just…
Same kid. Same.
And when she continually asks for something despite me saying over and over again, “wait until later” “not right now” “you’ve had enough” “it’s not good for you” I try to remind myself that she doesn’t yet understand the meaning of those words.
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shapeshiftinterest · 1 year
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small girl child gave me this note while i was ringing up one of the adults in her group at work today
she also tried to show me her pig plush when i was telling her guardian that dogs were allowed in the store and noticed the plush’s bib had the same blue check pattern as my mask
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intothestacks · 1 year
Adventures in Librarian-ing
Me, reading from Miss Nelson is Missing! by Harry Allard: "Maybe she's gone to Mars!" one student suggested.
Grade 1s: *laughing* Mars?!
Me: What do you think? Would it be likely that your teacher could go to Mars?
Grade 1s: Noooo!
Grade 1: I've been to Mars! I was collecting rocks there and--
Classmate: No you didn't! You have to be a grownup to go to Mars!
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sofilandstuff · 2 years
I love it when my 2 yr old (almost 3 dhdksk) wants to phone a family member, but then she sees the big red button for closing the call, and she fighting to not press on it. so the calls are so quick and short because she just REALLY wants to press the red button.
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sp00ky-frog · 1 year
I’m at work and I heard a 13-ish year old kid say
“The 5 stages of grief: denial, combustion…”
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