#Kim Jisu
blxodline · 1 year
🌌 | 𝐊𝐈𝐌 𝐉𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐎 :: 𝗰𝗶𝗿𝗰𝗹𝗲 𝗶𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀
𝗆𝖺𝖽𝖾 𝖻𝗒 :: @𝗆𝗅𝗅𝖾.𝗍𝗈𝖽𝗈𝗋𝗈𝗄𝗂 𝗈𝗇 𝗂𝗀.
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puddingmilkt · 1 year
[歌詞翻譯] 安炳雄 Ahn Byeong Wong x Layone 張來沅 x 趙廣一 Jo Gwangil - Rain Drops (Prod. Stally & Kim Jisu) 
“괜찮을 거야 근데 내가 잘할 수 있을까” 發行: 22.09.14 / 專輯: rain drops (single)
(安炳雄) 每次也是無預兆驟降的雨點 連鞋子濕掉我也沒為意 我的雨傘 總被我丟失 濕透的衣服 放進乾衣機 每次也是無預兆驟降的雨點 連鞋子濕掉也沒為意 我的雨傘 總被我丟失 濕透的衣服 放進乾衣機 沒有雨傘 被雨點灑了一身 TV裡的氣象預告員 連領帶也濕透 手機因訊息提示而滾燙 放回褲兜 連接airpods 按下播放 Chet Baker on the list 即使會感冒 此刻也想耍帥 願望清單上這樣寫著 (its okay) 所以就讓我像crush哥那個meme 究竟這陣雨何時才會停止 (盡快吧) 每次也是無預兆驟降的雨點 連鞋子濕掉也沒為意 我的雨傘 總被我丟失 濕透的衣服 放進乾衣機 每次也是無預兆驟降的雨點 連鞋子濕掉也沒為意 我的雨傘 總被我丟失 濕透的衣服 放進乾衣機 (Layone) 擠不進乾衣機的單間房 在喇叭笛鳴之間度過的夏與冬 夢見自己在前度婚禮上 提岀反對 我那單間 連女性身影也未曾見過 總感覺渾身黏糊 的確想轉換新環境 但是看了看上半年結算 明擺是妄想 親愛的 下雨了 往哪去呢 醉什麼 沒帶錢包又怎樣喝暈 趁除濕器運行 水沸 倒進拉麪 夕陽西下之際 恍神了 來了空車 也不會乘往龍山方向 身體被可悲的面子佔據 手機宣佈電池沒剩5% 泡在新沙洞的夜店街 怪可憐的 (安炳雄) 每次也是無預兆驟降的雨點 連鞋子濕掉也沒為意 我的雨傘 總被我丟失 濕透的衣服 放進乾衣機 每次也是無預兆驟降的雨點 連鞋子濕掉也沒為意 我的雨傘 總被我丟失 濕透的衣服 放進乾衣機 (趙廣一) 今天不降雨 天氣預報明明這樣說 被雨澆了一身後 全日感覺不對勁 總認為梅雨季過後 不會繼續下雨  雖然正因這類想法 讓我一而再淋雨 想哭了我又 但我只想笑著 想問狂妄的青春 能被細小螺絲完全毀掉的 算得上太空船嗎 幾億顆雨點 無預兆急墜 雖然全身濕透 衣服濕透 現在已洗乾淨 杯空了 再斟滿就是 扛得過的 但是我能做得好嗎 即使單邊肩膀總是濕透 即使雙手永遠冷如冰塊 仍然分享我的所有 雖然也沒多少錢 但是今後 雨再微我也會先把傘撐好 (安炳雄) 每次也是無預兆驟降的雨點 連鞋子濕掉也沒為意 我的雨傘 總被我丟失 濕透的衣服 放進乾衣機 每次也是無預兆驟降的雨點 連鞋子濕掉也沒為意 我的雨傘 總被我丟失 濕透的衣服 放進乾衣機
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harumi-web · 16 days
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..⠀⠀🌷⠀⠀˓⠀você me faz sair da linha⠀!
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kangshxrtie · 5 months
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synopsis ★ yuna finally gets a chance with the girl she's been in love with since the beginning of high school
pairing ★ shin yuna x fem!reader
status ★ on-hold
updates ★
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your gfs | freshman | upperclassman
1. start of something new
2. next morning
3. study breaks
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skyminsworld · 4 months
The Way I would let all these woman do anything they want with me like use me pls im just a hole
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lej222 · 6 months
Exploring ASLFUA Through Symbolism - The Importance of Year 1999
Hello guys! :) I'm so happy for all the messages that I've received, and while many of you asked me to post theories, this one will rather be an observation about Unripe Apples, but I hope it will be interesting enough. :)
To start off, many people have noticed that the year the story takes place in, 1999, is referenced in the Korean title of After School Lessons. While it might seem insignificant at first, I firmly believe that there is a connection between what happens in the world and Miae's personal growth story. Let me explain.
The importance of 1999
1999 was a symbolic year for many reasons. It was the last year of the century, and many people celebrated the beginning of a new millenium (even if there are arguments supporting 2001 as the start of it). When something long ends, it means that something new also starts. 1999 was a transition period in the minds of many - some people believed the end of the year would sign the end of humanity, like how it was highlighted in the first chapters of the webtoon as a joke. So aside from the obvious change in years, it also had a spritual aspect - ending one part of your old life, and starting anew as a different person, also moving on. Does it sound familiar? Because this is exactly what happens to Miae in the story.
Miae is in a transition period in her life - middle school is soon ending and she has to go to high school. She meets someone from her childhood who becomes her first love. And most importantly, Miae grows as a person while meeting new people and understanding their perspectives (or so she probably will, more about this later on). As a new century starts, Miae has to say goodbye to old friends and embrace new challenges. Which, if my prediction is correct, will mark the end of the story. The end of the year will mean a stage of Miae's life also concludes, while a new chapter will start (high school, new friends, new experiences, etc.) But how is it really presented for us readers?
The world revolves around Miae - until it doesn't
While Cheol and Miae are both protagonists of the story, one could argue Miae gets the most focus in the narrative. We see most of her thoughts, her memories, her interactions with others, her family, etc. While Cheol's growth is a big part of the story, his development is nearly concluded at the end of the first part. Cheol gains confidence, friends, he becomes more expressive, he falls in love. What we can expect from him is his confrontation with the school bully and the resolution of his romance with Miae. Cheol seems immature at first, but with Miae's help he learns and matures. On the other hand, Miae seemingly becomes more immature as the story progresses. It sounds contradictory, because I've just said she was the catalyst to Cheol's growth and has helped him understand when he was wrong. But Miae's world is limited, and it becomes even more obvious as the story unfolds.
Like any kid, Miae has problems that seem trivial for adults, but were probably concerns for a lot of us when we were at her age. She has to study although she hates it, likes hanging out with her friends and read comic books, wants to buy new things and falls in love. Her life is seemingly like a comic book - she feels like the protagonist, every encounter with Cheol feels fateful, and she can, even if it requires effort, befriend anyone and understand them. Like any other teenager, Miae feels like the center of her own universe and thinks the world is ending when she experiences negative feelings. It's part of growing up, and it is perfectly illustrated by the comic about the neighbours next door in the story. But growing up also means looking beyond our own limited world. While her encounters with Cheol seem like it was their destiny, many of them were created because of their families (Cheol's family moving there was probably because of their friendship, Cheol got his room because his sister wanted to tease him,etc.) Growing up means that you have to understand that not everything will go your way and not everything stays the same. Growing up means dealing with people whom you cannot understand and might not like you. And most importantly, you learn that life is not a fairy tale and conflicts do not get resolved without communication and feelings won't be understood unless you express them. Which is one of Miae's biggest weaknesses and the source of her immaturity.
Enter Seo Jisu
This is not a shipping post and I love all the characters, so please spare me before I get cancelled. Seo Jisu enters at the perfect time in the story, when Miae starts to lose her sense of boundaries as her feelings for Cheol keep growing. Although Jisu was in the story since the first chapter, Miae's limited universe did not acknowldege him even though they were classmates. She did not know his name, his reputation at school, doesn't remember him from her childhood and doesn't seem to care about him at all. But why did he enter at the perfect moment?
Like I've said, Cheol's catalyst was Miae, but Miae's world was still too small, revolving around Cheol too much. She was still insesitive in many ways and immature. Enter Jisu, Miae's catalyst for personal growth. Jisu is a challenge for Miae just like Miae was for Cheol, no surprise they mirror each other (Miae saying the same thing to Jisu as what Cheol said to Miae is the perfect example.) Miae cannot understand him, she thinks he's weird and wants him to stop following her (sounds familiar?) and makes assumptions about him without trying to talk or get to know him. And while Cheol put in effort to better his relationship with Miae, she does not do the same for Jisu. Jisu is a glitch in the system, one that was not expected and shakes her peaceful days (just like how Miae was the same for Cheol) However, Jisu's presence becomes an important learning opportunity for Miae. There's a reason why I think it was necessary to add him as a potential love interest even if there were already great candidates. And it's because Jisu is mature in ways Miae isn't. The perfect example is when he told her to stop interrupting the confession. And she thought about his words after the incident, and felt ashamed when she was talking to the girl who wanted to confess. And what would happen, let's say, if she realized Jisu was different because of his own circumstances, and not because he wanted to bully her? She knew Cheol wasn't a gangster because she knew him personally. For Miae's world to expand, she needs to make her own efforts and understand others.
The universe seems to like Miae, and interacts with her multiple times in her dreams. Miae is a precious child of the world who is loved, but needs guidance. Right now, as we approach the end of the year the story takes place in, Miae needs to mature and be ready for a new phase of her life. Whether the transition period will end with something (like her and Cheol parting ways) or start with something new (Miae and Cheol getting together at the end of 1999 and running around in circles through the majority of the year) - it doesn't matter. What matters is how she will develop as a person and what she will learn. It's beyond a simple love triangle, it's about people who inspire and help each other and learn from their mistakes. They are kids, they keep changing. The best way is to read ASLFUA as a growth story, not as a romance series, because at the end of the day what matters are the connections these kids create with each other and the memories they make.
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queen-of-jupiter · 1 year
Of all of the possible outcomes, this isn't what I was expecting lol Soonkki strikes again.
(jisu was so mad lol, he tried to hit Cheol and I think now Mi-ae considers Jisu as her love rival haha)
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nonexistentfuture · 6 months
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Is Cheol a little jealous ? 🍏⁉️
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spadesolace · 2 years
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valentine's day fic list <3 ft. newjeans, itzy, and twice
the three types of love
01. puppy love (fluff with a bit of angst)
shy confessions - high school au! haerin x fem!reader
confessions are nerve wracking for haerin who is an introvert and tends to keep to herself. you sometimes have to take things to your own accord and confess at the most random time of the day. they do say confessions are better done on the spot without a plan.
after school dates - high school au! lia x fem!reader
sometimes the only free time you have is during after school, somewhere near, cheap, and a go-to place. lia has been that person who always pulls you away from your friends after school just to have you to herself.
promises - trainee! mina x fem!reader
we’re young, dumb, and childish but that does not mean we can’t make promises that we are uncertain that we’ll keep. mina promises that she’ll love you until her last breath, you could only promise the same thing back.
02. hard love (angst galore)
the game - hanni x fem!reader
you never understood how hanni’s mind works. one day she’s clinging to you like a koala and telling you how much she loves you then the next, you’re non-existent. does she like you or is she playing some type of trick?
siri play toxic by britney spears - college au! ryujin x fem! reader
ryujin loves you, right? or is she only saying that because she knows you always fall for those lies? whatever it is, she’s right.
test monkey/lab rat - college au! sana x fem! reader
college is truly the time to experiment but you weren’t expecting to be called a test monkey from someone you actually loved. you didn’t expect sana to be the type to go around and experiment, it was your fault for assuming she was into girls only for her to lead you on.
03. the one (fluff and angst)
childish antics - minji x fem! reader
they say, you know they’re the one if they support your childish antics. minji just so happens to be the same person who wants to stay at home and build legos with you.
the good and the bad - yeji x idol! fem! reader
as the leader of itzy, sometimes you see how mentally exhausting it is for yeji to handle the responsibilities alone. all you could do is let her cope, not forcing her into telling you anything, isn’t that what makes a relationship healthy?
till the end of the line - nayeon x fem! reader
sometimes, valentine’s is just this day to celebrate with your loved ones, nayeon being your number one priority. you never knew that valentine’s could be the day you ask the question.
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yizhuovrse · 8 days
welcome to yizhuovrse! this is a sapphic nsfw blog mostly for aespa & itzy. by a sapphic, for sapphics. men and minors do not interact. send me your thoughts and requests in my asks!
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thatalmostopsorceress · 2 months
Usually Cheol reacts to things Mi-ae does (which, by right, should make him blush (in a typical romance story)) in a shocked, appalled, or downright disgusted manner. BUTTTTTTT the more we see Cheol's pov (esp in those small moments by himself), the more we can tell just how much he likes Mi-ae (more than as a friend) (small smiles, etc) and just how unaware he actually is of this HJKDHFLJKSHDJKFH He's Mi-ae protector #1 and such a refreshing, trustable character
And Jisu is such a likeable character too ISTG HSKDJAFHJKSLHLJH like HUHDOF:EWIBCMNBEIW he's Mi-ae protector #2 and can be there for her when Cheol can't TuTTTTTT.... He's such a silly man
All the class S students are so loveable, and they're like a big big family T-T All their interactions are so heartwarming AEAEEAEAEEAEAEEAEAEEAEAEEE the academy is like Mi-ae's special home jfsdhfksdhflk
And Mi-ae herself, she's so cute and such a perfectly imperfect protagonist – while she's optimistic, bubbly and energetic, sometimes what people say actually bothers her, she has insecurites, and she's gets worried about Cheol even if it's at her own expense... That''s what makes her so realistic and endearing AAAAAAAAAAAA
Unripe apples is so refreshingly enjoyable, it's so wholesome and funny and cute and oh my god. I first heard of it from one of Coax Illust's videos, where he drew a character based on instructions from a viewer and had to guess who it was (it was mi-ae), and I never thought I would go and read it until a few days back. Every panel feels like biting into a green apple. You'd have to read it to understand. It's almost as if you're there, sitting in the alley next to Mi-ae and Cheol's houses, staring at the airplanes in the sky beneath the streetlights; it's almost as if you're there, in the soft field of grass in the countryside, an elementary schooler once again; it's almost as if you're there, by the side of your caring, warm-hearted friends, relishing in your youth.
Reading unripe apples makes me want friendships like them, fun like them, and such an exciting school life T-T Someone tell me where can I get those
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blxodline · 1 year
🌌 | 𝐊𝐈𝐌 𝐉𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐎 :: 𝗸𝗿𝗽 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲
𝗆𝖺𝖽𝖾 𝖻𝗒 :: @𝗆𝗅𝗅𝖾.𝗍𝗈𝖽𝗈𝗋𝗈𝗄𝗂 𝗈𝗇 𝗂𝗀.
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lochee · 2 years
i am so normal about aslfua (lies)
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harumi-web · 2 years
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꒰  𝆬  ♡𝑠  연약한  ✿𝆬  ୨୧
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..⠀⠀☘️⠀⠀˓⠀𝖵𝗈𝖼𝖾̂ 𝖾́ 𝖺𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗅𝖾 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗼 𝗊𝗎𝖾 𝖾𝗎 𝖽𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝖾𝗆 𝗉𝖾𝗋𝖼𝖾𝖻𝖾𝗋 ⠀!
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t3kandson · 2 months
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Player and the
Three dads
Word count; 6,963
Fandom; Stray Kids & The Boyz
Pairing; Reader X Seo Changbin, Reader X Bang Chan aka Christopher, Reader X Lee Juyeon, Seo Changbin X Bang Chan
Characters; Seo Changbin, Bang Chan, Lee Juyeon, Moon Kevin, Ju Haknyeon, Lee Sangyeon, Lee Hyunjae, Han Jisung, Lee Felix, Lee Know, Shin Ryujin, Hwang Yeji, Choi Jisu, Sohn Eric & Kim Sunwoo.
Warning; Angst, Insecurity, Flirting, Labour talk, Oral (Receiving) , Fingering, Threesome, Face riding, Anal penetration & Anal Creampie.
Taglist; @ilovechanhee
Notes; Don't forget to stream Gibberish & Chk Chk Boom
Part four of seven earlier parts here
Previous part Player might be me.
"You look beautiful," Kevin said admiring you as you smiled his way. "You mean I scrub up well," you said showing off as you twirl. "You scrub up more then well," Haknyeon said turning you to face the full view mirror. He was right you was almost unrecognisable in your wedding dress. Today was the day you was getting married. You was finally making a family for your children. You was so blessed and so in love that you couldn't wait to see the very people dearest to you. "Mummy," Jubin said running behind you in her beautiful bridesmaid's dress. "Don't you look a stunner princess," you smile besotted. It's then Hyunjae walks in holding the most beautiful little toddler in his arms. Your hands reach out to hold the little mite, but Hyunjae grip stays strong keeping you parted. "He needs his dad, he needs changing," Hyunjae said chuckling with his nose wrinkled. "Well their getting changed right now, surely you can do it being his godfather and everything," Kevin scoffs as Hyunjae scowls his way. "Do I look like a dad, I'm the fun crazy uncle for a reason," he scoffs as the toddler wiggles desperate to get to you. "Come here, this uncle can be responsible and fun," Kevin groans as he scoops the bundle up and takes him to change him. "You have to hold your brother’s hand very dearly," you say cupping Jubin’s face. "I'm a good Nuna," Jubin complains as if you've insulted her. "I know just he may be a little overwhelmed, their's a lot of people out there," you said pressing a kiss to her forehead. A knock goes on the door and your stomach gets the wildest butterfly's. You know that means Changbin and Christopher are ready. "I thought you said you wasn't nervous," Hyunjae says amused at the change of your demeanour. "I'm not, just it's taken a lot, an awful lot to get here," you said as Haknyeon held his hands to you. "Then for what it's worth let every second of today be enjoyed," he said squeezing that made you smile widely. "Are you going to make them wait, Changbin is looking like he wants to run out there," Kevin said coming back into the room as he placed him on the floor. Jubin held his hand lovingly as you cherished looking at them both. "Come on let's get you married," Kevin said holding his hand out to you as you took it nervously
------------------🔺------------------- (Christopher POV)
You could watch the way that Y/N would hold the most precious little person in the world all day long. Flicking her long hair back as she struggled under the weight of the little girl you had brought up since birth. Bang Jubin wasn't biologically your daughter and you didn't care. You had watched her grow in her mother's tummy, felt her kick as you fell in love with the faceless human. Her most beautiful features as she cried when you first held her had you promise you would never let her go, what ever the cost. But though you remained calm you could feel it in your veins, that that promise was going to be forced away from you.
The very person who was going to take your world away was hiding in the crowd of friends and relatives that had come to Jubin's 5th birthday. The same guy who shared similar features, that you were annoyed that you didn't figure it out the second you clamped your eyes on your work friends Minho stag do. Though fear froze through you when the words of him back in Y/N’s life made you tremble. The reminder of his antics, the stripper that he had pushed against the wall in his throws. It was some what calming that he seemed the kind to run away. The stories from Jacob, Sangyeon, Kevin, Haknyeon and Hyunjae and even his good friend Minho told you your little family wasn't under threat. Even when you had to take the biggest gamble to save Jubin’s life and bring him to the hospital. Though you would have done it at any cost you took comfort he wouldn't stick around. Your blended family with your secret partner Changbin, Y/N and Jubin was safe.
But over the last several Months you had seen a different side to the story's, to the first impressions you had. Juyeon who had stood at the side watching the little girl had become almost the paternal type. You could see him itching for more responsibility as the days passed. From visiting the house as a uncle, once a week, to Juyeon taking her out with Y/N for days out. You had felt mixed emotions having encouraged the relationship between them to blossom to pure jealousy. Which then gave you guilt that you hated a situation that Jubin herself loved. Why did someone you were told an ass had to be someone paternal and sweet when it came to Jubin. Though you kept your emotions tight, Changbin was often very noisy about how scared he felt. It was often your reassurance, but the more Juyeon was around the harder it was to keep up the pretence. Changbin smiled in your view your way as his eyes took to Juyeon himself. Instead of fear he acted the only way he knew. Holding his hand out to Jubin he snatched her from Y/N with little fight from her. Her arms throwing around his neck as he swung her cradled in the air. A quick glimpse Juyeon's way and his complexion was a little more tense. "Hey if we're giving birthday throws, I'm in," Hyunjae says stepping in to take the mite from Changbin’s arms. Y/N roll of her eyes beneath her amused expression, and Changbin grin you could see Juyeon’s jaw tense. You knew Juyeon had huge issues with Y/N's friends. Hyunjae had realised this as his hands rested on Y/N’s side. Her nervous glance toward Juyeon told you she was more concerned for his expression then yours and Changbin’s. Though you had been use to there flirting, this still unsettled you. It was those tiny things that brought fear that your family was about to be broken. "So My little Bang Bin what do you want Samchon to buy you," Hyunjae said placing her to the floor as he held on to her to stop her balance being taken. "Dance classes, but mum won't let me," She snapped as Y/N rolled her eyes her daughter’s way. "Sweetheart I never said no I just said we don't have much money," Y/N said patting her daughter’s head as she frowned not amused. "I'll pay for them," Juyeon said walking closer to your family as you watched Changbin hands reach to Y/N’s waist. "Thanks but," , "Really Samchon Juyeon," Jubin squealed as she threw herself into to him. He paused looking Y/N’s way as she looked out her depth. "I'm sure we will find the funds," Changbin said in his usual dominance around Juyeon. "Samchon ruined the surprise, but Daddy Bin has got you some dance lessons," he said as Y/N snapped her head his way. Juyeon lips pursed in a irritation he was trying his hardest to swallow. You could feel the tension between them both fizzling. Y/N knew it too looking to you for support. "I'm sure they're is something else you would like Samchon Juyeon to buy you," you said as your little girl put her finger to her chin in thought. She was as cute as a button letting her mind wander over all the things she could have. "A pony," she said giggling in excitement as Juyeon's face dropped. You could see Changbin smirk from the corner of your eyes. "I could buy some horse riding lessons, but a whole horse might be a bit too much," Juyeon said after composing himself. "Really?" Jubin said in so much excitement she jumped herself into Juyeon’s arms. "Anything for my beautiful princess," he said with his doting father eyes as he pulled a string of her hair behind her ears. You could feel Changbin tense. Y/N’s hand gliding behind hers to hold his. It was her way to bring comfort you had noticed that. But you could see the way Juyeon fixed on the same scene, his eyes finding hers as they locked in a look that had not become unfamiliar recently. The look where you could read Y/N’s mind. Where she wished she could trust him so she could be with him. The reminder that you and Changbin was second best. Those moments were only short lived but you hated it every time you witnessed it.
Kissing the sleeping beauty on her forehead you left the room with one last look at her. Knowing she was sleeping peacefully was calming to view. You made your way down the stairs Y/N laying her head on Changbin’s chest as her feet rested on Hyunjae's lap. Lia sat on Jacob’s lap as his hand splashed over her slightly growing bump. Sangyeon and Yeji was chasing their three children getting them ready to go home. Their youngest son curled up on the far end of the sofa having fallen asleep the minute you took Jubin to bed. In the corner Kevin, Haknyeon was drinking a couple of shots with Jisung and Felix. Making your way to the four people drinking group you took the shot Felix had poured for you. "You look like you needed that," he smirked as you smiled his way. "Something like that," you spluttered as you watched him pour you another. "Can't believe he is throwing money at her," Jisung said comforting. "Can we not talk about him tonight. Their is only so much of Lee Juyeon I can cope with in one day," you said throwing the drink back as Kevin patted your shoulder. "You got his family everything else is irrelevant just remember that," he said trying to reassure you. He might have been Y/N’s friend but you had become fond of him he and Haknyeon was very much on the anti Juyeon brigade. Looking towards your lovers Y/N eyes find yours and they lift with a smile as she blows a air kiss. Your heart feels warmth and all you want is to kick everyone out and make love to her and Changbin. “She’s crazy about you and Changbin and as her close friend it leaves me able to sleep knowing you have her back," Kevin added standing up to find his jacket. "Thanks for coming today mate," you said patting him on his shoulder this time. With a glance to Haknyeon he follows suit. Not long later you hug Hyunjae, your last remaining visitor. The house becomes empty with just Changbin and Y/N who has fallen asleep in his arms. "We won't lose them will we?" He asks looking up at you. "You worry too much," you said plastering a fake smile. "We get her dance lessons and he gets her horse riding ones. What if he offers her and Y/N that family life she always wanted," he said brushing his hands along her hair as she fidgets snuggling into him. "We need to stop thinking of the what if before we forget to enjoy what we do have Binnie," you say leaning down to cup his face. "Right now counts and right now we have them both," you said letting your own concerns leave as you pressed a kiss to his lips. The kiss deepens as Changbin releases Y/N, his hands grabbing the back of your neck letting his tongue massage yours. "Let me put this one to bed, I need to ravish you," Changbin said as you felt your dick harden from his words.
With that you lift your sleeping girlfriend into your arms while Changbin stands. Y/N murmurs in her sleep as her hands touch your chest. If only she was awake you would see to her too. But you wasn't into having sex with people who couldn't consent.
Changbin pulled the bed sheets across so you could place Y/N in her own bed. The both of you tucking her in as she continued into her slumber. Changbin watched her intently you couldn't tell if he was hoping she would wake to join you. Or if he was fretting once more. "Baby, Let her sleep," you whispered as he kissed her temple and followed you out the room.
You barely made it into your own when Changbin hands found your wrist. Pulling you into him his tongue slips into your mouth. You can feel his hands find your ass as he helps to roll you into his. Feeling your members collide against one another has you suckle each others moans. Changbin’s hands fall down your chest, the butterfly's that you have every time with him bubbling. Pulling you with him he kisses you as he drags you to the bed. But you flip him so he's lying underneath you, smirk in your view. "Let me see that body," he growls looking needy. Lifting your T-shirt he whistles as he takes you in . "You really leaving me out, huh," you hear a voice from the corner startling you both. "Baby you were sleeping so beautifully we didn't want to wake you," you said with a reaching hand towards her. "I'm not foreign to being woken by your cocks," she said teasingly as she took your hands lacing her fingers with yours. "Duly noted," you whisper kissing her top of her hand. Changbin’s hands the needy then ever, finds the bottom of her T-shirt Pulling her into him. "Why am I being left out," he whines not giving Y/N a chance to respond as his mouth clashes with his. He tackled her T-shirt off her attaching his lips back to her. One hand finds its way up your chest as he dips his fingers into your abs. The other cups Y/N’s breast as you cock feels tight against your jeans. The image of them too making out is so hot. Her free nipple hits your focus as you feel the need to let your lips feel it. Following your desires you hear Changbin suck down her moan. Hands feeling desperate for what's below as it find the band line of her bottoms. Changbin can feel the same sentiment as his hand reach to copy on yours. A little more inpatient he finds your hot shaft and brings it out to the fresh air. You buckle into his soft pumps around you. Vibrations around Y/N’s breast makes her breath hitch. Her hips thrust against nothing in an attempt to have you play with her own heat. Chuckling you obey letting her bottoms rest on her thighs enough to let your finger interact with her nub. Hearing her cry to the rubbing of her clit goes straight to your cock. Your thrusts become more harsher into Changbin’s palm. "I need to taste this," you whine as your fingers sink into Y/N’s heat as her hand falls to your skin, nails ready to claw. "Taste me, take me," she begs as your finger starts pumping into her. Changbin enjoys matching your Rhythm as you and Y/N moans hit the air in a mess of desperate need. "You two are so whiny," Changbin says with his voice deepen, knowing how you and Y/N respond to it. "You both look beautiful falling apart," he growls snatching your hand from hers. Just as her eyes look annoyed in his direction, he smirks his mischievous look. It's like it instantly shuts her up. His fingers replacing yours he looks like he's made from the devil. Slamming his fingers into her as she gets undone on his digits. "Fuck Binnie," she cry's, as you smile as how weak he's made her fall. He notices your reaction, his hand restarts your own torture. "Look at my two babies weak at my actions," he mocks as your hand falls to her waist. You're not sure if you're holding her up or yourself. He picks his pace on you both till you hear Y/N’s familiar cliff nearing. Slipping his fingers he holds his to your lips. Sinking them in you taste her sweet juices letting your tongue swirl around to get every drop. "She tastes good doesn't she?” Changbin smirks at your hungry response. Before you can reply his lips are against yours. Tongue needly showing you he's not as resistant as his body makes out. "Lay down," he orders slapping your ass. Y/N’s eyes widen as she watches you obey your fiancée.
His hands fall to Y/N’s face as he presses his lips to her. Their heated passion as you see Y/N’s hands tangle in his hair. "Ride our man’s face," he says struggling to catch his breath when their lips depart. Hissing when she wraps her hands round your member as she makes her way up the bed. Thighs along your neck she looks down at you. You can see her need to have her release in them. Helping to lift her, her hand falls to the headboard to hoist above your lip. Placing them down to your awaiting tongue. She tastes so Devine like the most perfect dessert as your tongue laps up the juices already pooling. Flatting your tongue against her clit she rolls herself against you. Your hands find their way to her thighs to help keep her steady as she starts her pace. Mews falling into the air as you feel a warm mouth take your own member. Changbin starts his own rhythm as you felt his hand's part your own thighs. Finger slipping into your ass you hiss against Y/N’s heat. Slowly he pumps you before placing a second one. Her hand placed over yours that is trying to stop your nail piercing her skin. Fingers are removed as you hear the squirt of lube that you know is for Changbin's Cock. You feel the head at your rim as you breathe in ready for the short-term pain. Slowly and gently Changbin pushes in to you and you become a whiny mess under Y/N’s heat. "Don't stop," she moans as her hands find your hair, gently pulling on them. Changbin chuckling starts his slow pace as your attempt at Y/N’s pussy become sloppy with no rhythm. Once the pain becomes pleasure you start your pace back up. Y/N makes sure to know her heaven in the vibration your moaning makes. Fingers wrapping around to her clit you help her catch her high. You can tell from the way she's leaning herself as heavy as she can against you that she's not far. "Chris babe," she crys. "Just their, oh fuck," she adds. Changbin tossing your leg over his shoulders. His pace matching Y/N’s rolls as they both get lost into fucking you. Changbin’s cock hits your prostrate so perfectly that your only high is at the verge too. Y/N’s grip in you pulls so hard that your scalp stings as she squirts over your face. Shaking her thighs hard as she rides out her high. Your own pushed as your nails dig into what ever skin of Y/N’s you can find. It's like your own orgasm stays as Changbin fills your ass with his own, his deep groaning and panting being like heaven to hear. It's like Changbin is weakened as he throws himself onto you. Not caring that he's laying on your own cum that's painted on your stomach. Y/N rolls onto her back beside you both looking exhausted. Her eyes falling to the ceiling in a lost expression. One that feels you with dread. It's not her usual fucked out face, it's one of guilt and a pang of negative thoughts hit you, was she imagining him? Was she riding Juyeon's face and not yours?
Juyeon's pov
"Hi Princess," you said when you saw your beautiful daughter run down the stairs. "Samchon Juju," she says as she wraps her arms around your waist. It's a bitter pill to swallow her calling you uncle while Changbin and Christopher was Daddy. But how do you tell a child that her world isn't as it seems. Though you would love to have her call you dad. You loved her enough not to want her confused. "What are we doing today?" She asked all excited. "What would you like to do?" You asked as Y/N found her way down the stairs Changbin not far behind her. The way his chuckle hit the room that had her look to him looking in love. You had your hopes that she was the cover story for their relationship. But you had been proven wrong. They doted on her just as much as they did with each other. It really was an equal thropple one that made your heart hurt. The old you would have played his games and won her back. But this was a new and improved version. You had to show your daughter what a real man was and that you could be one. "Samchon Juju," you heard from Jubin below snapping your attention back. "Yes princess," you said tucking her hair behind her ears. "When can I go horse riding lessons?" She asked as Changbin suddenly realised your presence. "I need to talk to mummy about it but I'm sure it be soon," you said picking her up onto your arms. It wasn't to defy Changbin but because you really wanted this father and daughter moment. Changbin’s eyes widened and though you wouldn't lie at his uncertainty right then, you placed her down after your voice reminded you this was unfair. Especially being his house and everything. "Juyeon," Y/N said with her usual floaty happiness. "Y/N," you replied as Changbin’s eyes snatched between you both. "Sorry Christopher let me in on his way to work," you explained as Changbin eyes widened. "Without me is he crazy," he groaned grabbing his mobile. "He said he would wait only five minutes," you explained passing Christopher's message. "Oh now you tell me," Changbin snapped rushing to make it out the building. But before he could leave he ran back snatching Jubin in his arms swinging her around. "Bye Princess have fun today," he said as he let her back to the floor chuckling. "Bye daddy," she grinned as she watched him leave. "You here for the horse-riding lessons,” Y/N, asked you gathering your attention. "Erm not yet was wondering if you two would like to come on a picnic," you asked as she looked at your daughter. It was like she was trying to work out the correct reply before her shoulders lagged. "Ok let me grab a few things," she said as Jubin looked at you with excitement. "How about that Princess a day out with mummy and Samchon Juju," you said as her eyes beamed with excitement.
Resting the towel on the beach You watched as Y/N and Jubin sat on the towel. The summer heat in the air was hot against your skin as Y/N started smothering sun lotion into Jubin’s delicate skin. Taking the sun lotion from Y/N you squirted some in your palm and dabbed some onto your finger. Chuckling you dabbed a small amount on her dimples, the ones she shared with her mother. Jubin was the perfect combination of you and Y/N. You knew if you stood in a line with Changbin and Christopher everyone would guess you was her biological father. If only you had seen her as a small bundle you could have prevented being just a uncle. As much as you wanted to snatch her from her adoptive fathers arms. You cared enough for your little girl that you didn't want her to be confused. You would take the jealousy, the burning ache just to keep her life as simple as you could. It didn't mean you didn't dream. Many times you imagined Jubin finding out. Her being mad, angry and then wanting to call you daddy. To run towards you with excitement and invite you to the daddy and daughter dance.
"Samchon Juju," she moaned annoyed with your suncream smudges on her cheek. "We have to protect your skin princess," you said using your thumb to wipe it along her cheekbone before rubbing it into the skin. "You don't want to burn do you?” Y/N added before placing her padded water life jacket on. "Oh you don't want to do that it's painful," you said dramatically shuddering causing her to giggle. "But you haven't put any on," she scowled arms folded that caused your body to warm with laughter. Her very image of her mother when she was looking unimpressed your way. "Yeah your right I'm being naughty myself," you chuckled as her scowl turned into a wide grin. "Mummy put some on Samchon Juju," she giggled as your body tensed a little. It wasn't that you didn't want her hand smothering cream into you. But that the urge to make her yours scared you. Since the situation with Lulu at the hotel you had promised never to stray regardless if you were the single party or not. "Come on then sit," Y/N said as if it was easier for her. You looked at her with an arched eyebrow as she tapped the space Jubin sat moments beforehand. Obeying you plopped yourself down, taking a deep breath to ground yourself as Y/N started rubbing the cream into your back. "Do you want to help me," she said to Jubin as she shook her head as her eyes took to the children close by. "Looks like I have to do it myself," she giggled as she drew into the lotion which clearly was too much on your back. Heart beating hard you felt the love heart she was drawing. A mixture of confusion, guilt and desire burning you. Throat drying as you struggle with words to throw out. Anything to try to hint to her that this wasn't what you wanted. Even though deep down she was everything you needed, everything you dreamed of. "Samchon can I have an icecream?” Jubin asked distracting your thoughts. Focusing on her face you remembered your promise to the little girl for a less confusing life. "Yes once mummy’s finished I will get you an icecream," you said smiling her way till she looked at your back. "Jubin hearts her daddy's," she read giggling. Your head snapped towards her as she smiled warmly your way. It wasn't the look of any mocking she was making the gesture that your daughter loved you too. "Come on, my princess wants her icecream," you said standing up as Y/N laughed looking up towards you. "You don't want me to rub that in?" She questioned as you offered your hand to her. "No," you smirked back as she used your hand to jump up.
You held Jubin on your shoulders as you walked deeper in the sea, the waves slightly harsher against your chest as Y/N was being sloshed slightly by the crushing waves. "Are you trying to drown us?” she complained as a wave caused her to lose her footing as she submerged under the water. Your free hand pulling her back chuckling she scowled at you. "Deeper Samchon," Jubin squealed in excitement as Y/N didn't look impressed. "Hold onto my waist to keep you up," you mocked as she rolled her eyes. Her arms reaching around your waist just as a wave crashed. She held you tight as Jubin enjoyed the feeling of the wave hitting her knee. "Deeper," she demanded as you couldn't help but chuckle at your daughter’s adrenaline craving. She was more like you then you gave her credit for. "Princess if we go in any further Mummy will ground us both," you teased as the wave caused more water to splash into Y/N’s face. "Damn right," she spluttered digging her nails into your side. "Ok ok we're go back," you relented turning around to head towards the beach.
"Hungry?" You said looking at Jubin as she nodded rubbing her hands in circle motion around her stomach. "Have you got some Hoppang?" She asked leaning into the basket the water still dripping from her hair from the fun in the sea. "No, I haven't but I got some Nachos,” you said shaking out a box of some you made earlier in the day. Jubin’s face screwed up as she looked further in the picnic basket you packed. "I've got some Tuna Gimibap," you said as you grabbed the box she turned over. "Jubin don't like Tuna," Y/N said as you felt a sting not knowing what foods Jubin liked. Y/N had always came with her foods that made you feel like it was a Christopher health choice. So you didn't take note. "What about some chicken kebabs sticks," Juyeon said opening the box. The guilt hitting when Jubin scowled. "Or we can go back to mine and I'll order some takeout?" You said in a last-ditch of hope. "Really?" She said with excitement as Y/N looked unsure. The two of them had never come to your house. "Yes if it's ok with Mummy," you said looking to her for confirmation. You were worried she was going to decline but Jubin pleaded that she accepted.
Take out in your new apartment went well. Jubin had tucked into her burger that you had ordered, colouring in the book that you had purchased earlier in the day. Y/N was sinking into the bottle of wine you offered as you listened to her talk. Hearing how she desired to go back to school to finish the course she ran from. Pain hit your heart knowing that you were that very reason she ran away from her dreams. Before you knew it Jubin had fallen asleep, her cute angelic face asleep on her book. "We better get you guys home," you said standing up to find your car keys. "Thanks for today Juyeon," She said as she stood up too, her eyes dazzling in your view. "It's been real fun," you said as you couldn't help but get lost in the view of her. "I know how hard it's been, you know playing at being the uncle," she said looking a little sad. "It hurts I won't lie, but it's what I deserve," you whispered letting your world fall. "It's my fault for not giving you the chance," she whispered as you saw the guilt on her expression. "But Changbin and Christopher are doing such a great job," you said as your pride hurt. "They are, but sometimes I wish it wasn't like this, sometimes," her words was cut off by your phone ringing.
Pressing the ignore button you looked to Y/N to continue. "Who's that?" She asked as the phone rang again. "No one important," you gulped with frustration hoping Elle would give up. "Looks like it's important to them," she said as the phone rang a third time. "Everything’s important to them," you said rolling your eyes cutting her off more. "It's Lulu isn't it?" Y/N said her face looking in pain. "It's Elle," you said confused as the phone rang once more. Before you could ignore the call again Y/N grabbed your phone from your palm answering it. Heart racing at the prospect of drama brewing you looked at her face fall. "Eric's not here, I'll pass you to him," she said as she passed the phone to you. "It's Elle she's in labour and can't find Eric," she said as your brain went numb with confusion. "Juyeon the baby's coming calm her down," she said almost impatient with the lack of response from you. "Juyeon," she pleaded as you reluctantly took the phone. "Are you ok?" You said not sure how to respond as Y/N palmed her forehead frustrated. "Support her calm her," Y/N whispered as you heard Elle’s Cry's. "The baby’s coming I don't know what to do. Eric isn't answering his phone. It's too early Juyeon," she sobbed down the phone struggling for breath. "How early?" You spluttered as Y/N looked at you with concern. "Four weeks," she whimpered. "Four weeks is that bad?" You asked Y/N confused. "Yes," Elle groaned before Y/N put her hand flat mid air shaking it to gesture possibly. "Tell her to go to the hospital, find Eric," Y/N said as you heard her whimpering get louder. "Elle go to the hospital I will drop Jubin off and go find Eric," you said as Y/N dialled on her own phone. "I already checked with Sangyeon he's not there," she cried as Y/N put her own phone to her ear. “Baby could you pick me up from Juyeon's, he's got an emergency, and he can't drop me home," Y/N said as your eyes widened. "I didn't say,", "I will text you the address," she cut you off with her hand in the air. "You haven't got time Babe," she said your heart being whipped by the sudden pet name. "I'm on my way now, I’ll take you to hospital myself and find Eric afterwards," you said snapping into action. "Please hurry," Elle whimpered once more. "I'm coming now," you promised as Y/N looked smiling your way. "You can lock up right?" You said to Y/N as you took the phone from your hearing. "Post it through the door I have a spare," you said as she nodded. "You’ll be ok right?" You asked placing your hands on her arms. "I'll be fine your best mate’s wife needs you right now," she said smiling your way. "Sorry," you said tucking a loose hair. "Don't apologise," she said going on her tiptoes to place a kiss, your lips slotting together just momentary. But it was enough to burn through your body. You wanted to process what was happening with these mixed signals today but right now you didn't have the time. But you knew you was walking on dangerous territory. You didn't want an affair with the mother of your child. You didn't want to take Y/N away from Changbin and Christopher and be who everyone expected you to be. But at the same time your heart was so full of love for Y/N. She was more then your daughters mother, you were very much in love with her.
-------------------🔺------------------- Y/N's pov
You would lie if you weren't annoyed for his lack of paternal instinct as he took that call from Elle. It was like she was the reminder of his loss of his family. Though you shared similar thoughts. You heard that fear in her voice you were blessed with two angels when you went into labour and right now she was without. But the second his mind snapped in and he offered to take her to the hospital while trying to contact Eric. Made you proud of the man he had become. Though the sting in your stomach that he would possibly be supporting the woman who he cheated on having another man's child. All while you were left alone in your predicament. The dreams that you dreamt the second that pregnancy test was positive. Was one that could have been real if only Juyeon had realised you was the one pregnant. "You can lock up right?" He asked as he placed his phone to the side as you smiled. "Post it through the door I have a spare," he added as you nodded. "You’ll be ok right?" He asked placing his hands on your arms. The warmth hitting you, the recent attraction that you were struggling to ignore igniting you again. "I'll be fine your best mate’s wife needs you right now," you reassured him. "Sorry," he said tucking a loose hair. The impact having your body on overdrive. Desires firing like he was all you wanted all you needed. You reminded yourself of Changbin and Christopher. "Don't apologise," you said feeling sorry for his predicament. His eyes looked sad to leave you and you felt the electricity shoot up. His muscular arms in the corner of you eyes it was like you could only see him. It was like your body controlled you as you leaned up towards him to place your lips against his. But the second they slotted together Changbin and Christopher’s broken face fell into your mind. It was like your body was in pain what was you doing. Juyeon thankfully didn't respond he looked dazed like a deer in the spotlight. But thankfully never responding further. Iciness in the atmosphere attacked the both of you into the silence. "I better go," he said after clearing his voice. With that he left you and Jubin in his apartment. Guilt, desire, need, want pumping through your veins as you slumped onto the sofa. You knew your feeling for Juyeon was out of control and you were at risk of hurting two amazing men like Juyeon hurt you. You were no different to Elle and Lulu who you despised. One look at your sleeping daughter you saw the confusing path ahead. You could take her and run, beg Christopher and Changbin to take you away. But at the same time you wanted to stay put, experience the family that biologically was Jubin’s. She stirred as you decided to put her in Juyeon’s bed so that she was comfortable while you waited for Changbin.
Laying next to her you closed your eyes imagining Juyeon sliding next to you holding his family in his warm arms engulfing you. You were then startled to the noise in the front room. By the giggling voices you could tell it was Sunwoo and Eric as you dashed from the bed to make your way to them. "For fuck sake Eric, everyone’s looking for you," you said seeing Eric holding a couple of drinks in good spirit in his hand. "What the fuck you doing here?" Sunwoo growled in your direction. Ignoring him you walked towards Eric who eyes widened at you nearing. "Elle’s in labour," you shot out watching his face pale. "She's scared you need to go to the hospital," you added as he looked like he could faint. "Eric," you said hands falling to his arms to gently shake them. "She really needs you, the baby's early, she’s terrified," you pleaded as his eyes snapped open. "What," he gasped like he was struggling to digest the information. "Juyeon’s with her," you said looking at Sunwoo who rolled his eyes. "And Of course you decided to chill out here didn't you," he said spitefully. "Man nows not the time shake your brother out of it instead of attacking me," you spat out as he clicked the roof of his mouth. "Eric I think we need to get to the hospital mate," Sunwoo said as Eric looked at him like a scared puppy. "It's ok deep breath I know it's scary but you really need to get it together because Elle is terrified," you said stroking your thumb along his shoulder for comfort. "What do I do," he looked at you with fear. "Just hold her hand, comfort her and support her, you can freak out once the baby’s here but not now," you said watching him take your words. "But I've drank, we've drank," Eric said worried. "Changbin’s on his way, I'm sure he’ll drop you to the hospital," you said picking up the phone. "Yeah that lackey likes following you don't he," Sunwoo snorted. "Shut up," you growled his way. "The man is a clear mug to be at your every whim," Sunwoo growled. "What is your issue?" You snapped turning to him. "Your brother and his wife have an emergency and your too busy bitching about shit that ain't nothing to do with you," you added as he chuckled in amusement. "Because Even now even all these years you're still a whore who pick up and chooses men as she pleases. Yet throws around the word player at the father of her own child," he sniggers amused that you look hurt at his words. "Your just jealous," you snapped back not able to fathom words to attack him. "You use to play him around with other men when you were at school and now you doing it with your daughter. Juyeon should take Jubin and run from you see how you like it," he hit out as you went to slap him but he caught your hand. "Sunwoo don't," Eric said in warning. "You're the player you're the one that makes those two mugs chase around after a child that you know has a dad already," Sunwoo spat with anger laced in his voice. "Sunwoo," Eric growled as Sunwoo ignored his younger brother. "Jubin should know her Uncle Juju is her father and not those two tweebs," he mocked as Eric back handed his hand into his hyung. "Jubin," Eric said even more paler as your eyes looked to him then the direction he was facing. Jubin was standing by the bedroom door looking confused. "Samchon Juju's my dad?" Her little confused voice hit the room as your heart broke into little pieces. "Eric get him out before I kill him," you growled towards Sunwoo. "Shit Y/N I'm sorry I didn't mean to," he said panicking. "No Jubby I didn't mean what I said I was being mean to your mummy that's all," Sunwoo said shooting towards your little girl. Her eyes looks towards you and it was like you couldn't lie to her anymore. "Samchon Juju is your daddy but so is Daddy and Daddy Binnie. Your lucky you have three daddies," you said as Sunwoo’s face paled even more looking behind you. Stood by the door was Changbin and Christopher.
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lucidrims · 4 months
˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ . jisu coming thru for @strawsberry
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          " be real with me for a second . . - were you ever even planning to tell me about this ? " the female asks, a piercing stare headed the other's way. " it was one thing to find out about what you did - but to hear it from another person entirely ? " disappointed would be an understatement, but even when she was, jisu couldn't simply find it in herself to fully be mad.
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