#Kirby fanfiction
Kirby Manga Double Bill + A Fanfiction?!
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Solid Snake voice: Kept you waiting, huh?
Finishing off the requests in my queue (at least for the time being), I present to you two chapters! One from Manmaru Nikki and one from Mopupu. And yes, you read that title correctly, there's a special surprise after them as well! Well not a surprise I guess since it's in the title but very special! Anyways, let's just get to the manga, eh?
Kirby: Manmaru Nikki (AKA Daily Round Diary) - Volume 4, Bonus Chapter 2 English Translation
Starting off with a quick little retelling of Cinderella with Kirby characters in all the roles! Though this one is short, I still feel like I got some good translation work in there. A lovely morsel of Kirby manga that can be read in full at the following links:
Google Drive
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Next up, it's
Kirby: Moretsu Pupupu Hour - Volume 7, Chapter 8 English Translation
A full-sized chapter here about Kirby leaving and the manga getting a new main character that definitely isn't just Kirby wearing a costume! King Dedede is left to figure out what's going on and how to convince the others that it's obviously just Kirby wearing a costume. Read the full thing at the following links:
Google Drive
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Now what was that about a fanfiction?
It's true, dear readers: I have dabbled in fanficcery! It's kind of like translating a manga chapter except instead of translating Japanese into readable English I have to translate my internal thought process into readable English.
It's a nice and simple story about Kirby wanting to eat a cake but not being allowed to eat said cake and all the emotion and heartbreak that occurs as a result, featuring King Dedede, Daroach, Adeleine, and Magolor. It's the very first fanfic I've ever written, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. It might not Wham Bam Rock your socks off but it could, uh... Fatty Whale your... scales off? Look just read the thing at this link if you want
Whew! Looks like you've got some reading to catch up on. It hopefully won't take me this long to update again since I'm not planning on writing another fanfic anytime soon (but maybe someday...). Hope you enjoy the chapters and please let me know what you think of my fanfic!
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ttm19 · 6 months
I joined the project of fanart, "Haokare2024".
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cochineal-leviat · 6 months
"A compilation of bad endings for the Midnight Soirée. Join the banquet of tragedy and despair!"
Ta-dah! I've been working for a while on writing some what-ifs for one of my favourite works I've completed. I am a sucker for bad endings, and while the Midnight Soirée ended on a sour note, at least all parties (except Dom) survived. This is a reminder that things can always get worse!
And a summary of the first chapter, Bad Ending 1:
"Kirby hesitates during their showdown with Puppet Dom Woole. It costs him everything."
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cits-kirby-brainrot · 7 months
“Galacta Knight had been trapped a long, long time.
He dares not to believe it when someone comes along to free him.”
Hey would you look at that! I said I wanted to make a fanfic, and I actually followed through with it!
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pinkestmenace · 8 months
Consider this a questionably canon Spooky Month Special™ of sorts! 🧛‍♂️
Being snowed in and stuck in a cabin would be annoying under any circumstance. Thankfully King Dedede and Meta Knight stocked up on supplies for their trip this time, so they won't have to worry about food. And yet, hunger gnaws at Meta Knight. But not the physical kind of hunger. No, the craving he feels is of a different, far more terrible kind. One that, if not kept in check, could lead him to do irreparable damage.
Life-force. That's what he craves. Normally he would use Galaxia to harvest small bites from his defeated opponents, no more than they can recover from. But everything has been peaceful and now his soul HUNGERS. The scent calls to him. Oh, if only he could have a single bite! But he's too far gone already. He wouldn't be able to hold back and he absolutely doesn't want to cause Dedede permanent harm!
Isn't there anything else he can feed on? How about a nice dream? Would sure be convenient if somebody deliberately took a nap right about now, wouldn't it?
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ministar100 · 9 months
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⭐Kirby: Attack of La Rose - Fan Characters and Fan Concepts Cast⭐
These are the Fan Characters which appears in my first still incompleted Kirby fanfic (I'm still studying and now I'm planning a lot of things :'v).
► It was an attempt to write my own Kirby story. However, it seemed the final boss has some things in common with Sectonia in her flower form. I don't know if it was a coincidence because I created the villain in 2014-2015, I was new in the Kirby fandom and I didn't know about the game Kirby Triple Deluxe because it was a very new game for those years.
► Most of the characters were created in 2014-2015, except Lucia. The last one had a little redesign on these years.
► Here, Kirby has a new power-up. That power-up is a fusion of Priscilla's Diamond Sword and Meta Knight's Sword. It seems like Priscilla's sword is made of a rare diamond and a gold hilt. It has a strange propertie of fuse with anything, swords included. It enhances its power with the fused thing/sword.
► The sword generated between the Diamond Sword and Meta Knight's sword (AKA: Galaxia in the anime) is called "Combined Sword". As the Diamond Sword fused with a powerful sword, the result was another more powerful sword which Priscilla couldn't handle herself with its power. At the moment, Kirby is the only one who can handle its power.
► FANFIC (I translated only 2 chapters. The original is in Spanish :'v): https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13658627/1/Kirby-Attack-of-La-Rose-ENG
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⭐Kirby: El Ataque de la Rosa - Elenco de Fan Characters y Fan Concepts⭐
Esos son los Fan Characters que aparecen e mi primer aún incompleto fanfic de Kirby (Sigo estudiando y ahora estoy planeando un montón de cosas :'v).
► Era un intento de escribir mi propia historia de Kirby. Sin embargo, parece que el jefe final tiene algunas cosas en común con Sectonia en su forma de flor. No sé si fue coincidencia porque creé a la villana en 2014-2015, era nueva en el fandom de Kirby y no sabía sobre el juego Kirby Triple Deluxe porque era un juego bastante nuevo para esos años.
► La mayoría de los personajes fueron creados en 2014-2015, excepto Lucía. Esta última tuvo un pequeño rediseño en esos años.
► Aquí Kirby tiene un nuevo power-up. Ese power-up es una fusión de la Espada de Diamante de Priscilla y la Espada de Meta Knight. Parece que la espada de Priscilla está hecho de un raro diamante y una empuñadura de oro. Tiene la extraña propiedad de fusionarse con cualquier cosa, incluidas espadas. Mejora su poder con la cosa/espada fusionada.
► La espada generada entre la Espada de Diamante y la Espada de Meta Knight (Conocido como Galaxia en el ánime) se llama "Espada Combinada". Como la Espada de Diamante se fusionó con una espada poderosa, el resultado fue otra espada aún más poderosa que Priscilla no pudo lidiar con su poder. Hasta el momento, Kirby es el único quien puede lidiar con su poder.
► FANFIC: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11436647/1/Kirby-El-Ataque-de-La-Rosa-ESP
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azumetapraline · 10 months
“Show Me The Real You”, my newest Kirby OS fanfic!
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Summary: Meta Knight wants to be friends with Magolor again, but he still doesn’t fully trust him. He still has a bad habit of lying, although he is willing to overcome it. Could a discussion over cake and coffee do them any good?
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the-spam-specialist · 10 months
I'm on vacation
which means
socially awkward egg
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loaflovesdoodling · 11 months
Here is a fan-made cover for @camachine 's Kirby fanfic, Metamorphosed! :D
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beepsnivy · 11 months
In March I had this nightmare where a new Kirby game came out. It was 3D like KATFL, but had more traditional series elements like being set in Dreamland/having eight main worlds etc..
The big difference in the game was its actual genre. I know that creepy elements and themes are not novel to the series (I would consider Nightmare from Adventure and Marx from Super Star to be the first examples of this) but this game was half normal, half HORROR. Like genuine horror.
So imagine a new Kirby game came out. It plays like Forgotten Land but is in Kirby’s home world. All is normal, but then you suddenly start noticing small weird little off putting elements. You think…oh this is probably villain foreshadowing! You play a few stages and reach one which, without warning, is dark and has no music or enemies. The only thing you can hear is Kirby’s delicate little footsteps.
In my dream, the first world was a grass world (ofc) but as you progressed through it, the levels went deeper and deeper into the woods, becoming slightly creepier each time. The boss level was within the deepest woods, inside an old mansion. The mansion was very dark, except for some windows. Occasionally a big creature with sharp shape language would skitter through the halls, but it went barely heard or seen until…
At end of the level, while you’re running down a dark corridor, it slowly emerges and initiates a fight!
I have no idea about what the overarching story to this concept would be like, but I kind of want to work on it. It won’t be a fan game, probably just a series of art pieces. I might try writing something + making various character and ability concepts
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jess-the-hyness · 1 year
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I LOVED the Fanfic by atrqaxiia on AO3 found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46655122/chapters/117498754
and so I drew the characters! they cute <3
I know the picture is Horribly blurry- its caused by my phone straight up DYING leaving me to take the photos with my computer (″ロ゛)
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cochineal-leviat · 9 months
"After a beloathed King's demise, a new prince rises to the throne - with a guardian to protect him and the Mirrorlands. But the father and son's duo's new lives come at a dear cost."
I never uploaded this fic on Tumblr, so for a little context, it's a Dark Meta Knight and Skirby-centric fic (Dad and son bonding) with them navigating the Mirror Lands pre-Amazing Mirror. DMK is his messed up self, and Skirby is a happy child along for the ride.
Dark Mind's presence complicates things.
If you want to start from the beginning, click here.
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cits-kirby-brainrot · 7 months
He had no voice, no name, and no face.
Yet he yearns for a warmth promised to him.
Aka, a Meta Knight semi-backstory fan fiction where I made up everything with no basis in any canon.
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kachikirby · 1 year
New chapter of Let's Be Friends is up!
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pinkestmenace · 10 months
Rocks Fall, Everyone Flies Chapter 13: Essential Enigmas is now up!
Final chapter we made it!
All's well that ends well and time heals all wounds, right? But some things only worsen when you don't address them.
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supermetyna20 · 1 year
Refuge chapter 4 is out!
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