#Kirk wouldn’t be able to contain himself
theawesometomboy101 · 5 months
Another random Spirk thought I had recently (they live rent free in my head at this point). How do y’all think Jim would react to a shirtless Spock being commando in some sweatpants (or vice versa)?
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damnredthing · 2 years
Let’s get ready to ramble – SNW S1E02
This post – naturally – contains spoilers. If you haven’t seen the episode yet and do not want to read spoilers, please do not read any further.
This is not an episode review but rather just a bunch of ramblings which I’ve tried to at least sort a little bit into categories.
Season 1 – Episode 2 – Children of the Comet
Pike’s inner demons - continued
So, Pike knows the names of all cadets he will rescue? I suppose this means that we only got a glimpse of his whole vision in Discovery. Pike also said in episode one that he experienced every agonizing moment of it. As someone in SNP chat pointed out, Spock said the crystals cause a temporal displacement, meaning Pike didn’t just have a vision, he was actually there and experienced every moment of it.
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I gasped when I saw the pictures of the kids who will one day become the cadets (not to mention the clearance level Starfleet Captains obviously get to access files of normal citizens so easily!). I wasn’t expecting to see such younglings in the files, but it makes sense of course. In about 10 years they will be around 18’ish and in the middle of their education at the academy. Pike’s dedication to give himself and to fulfill his prophecy gets so much more substance now. His mind constantly circles around these kids who all have a future ahead of them. How can he not sacrifice himself for them?
But then comes Una who raises some very interesting questions.
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What if the vision just meant to tell him the cadets are in danger and he only has to find a way to rescue them all, including himself? What if his fate is what he makes it? I think that got Pike thinking.
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Actually, if he knows exactly when and where this is going to happen, and he even knows the names of all cadets, wouldn’t it be easy as cake to prevent it all from happening? Just call off the mission. Or use another ship. But of course Pike also remembers what Tenavik told him, that his fate is inescapable. He’s probably thinking that if he tries to trick his fate, it’ll come around as a boomerang and hit him otherwise (and the cadets probably, too).
However, I begin to wonder whether the writers might even consider a retcon. Pike is such a lovable character. He is literally Captain Teddy Bear, everyone just wants to hug him and nobody wishes him any serious harm. The show is also meant to be positive and optimistic. How can you hold that up, especially when the show one day (after 10 or so seasons 😋) is going to reach its grand finale? If they really gonna retcon his fate, then this would only work by creating a new timeline.
IMO they should stick with canon though and let Pike go through it all, as much as it pains to know what will happen to him. We do know he will have a life after the accident, and maybe that is what the writers were trying to hint with Una saying what she said. Pike has only seen what will happen to him to the point where he ends up in the wheelchair, he hasn’t seen what will happen after that. I still hope the show will go even further than just the handover to Kirk and we’ll be shown some of Pike’s life on Talos IV and from there on, a new continuation is possible without even retconning his fate. The Menagerie is the last canonical information we got about Pike. We do not know what happens after he spent some time on Talos IV.
I have seen other takes on this topic, but to me the Menagerie is not a happy end for Pike and Vina, it’s just a compromise. He will be able to live in an illusion together with Vina, but he will be aware of that all the time. He will know that the Talosians will take care of them, but also watch them all the time. Will they be really free? Being confined on Talos IV also means both will remain exiled from their homeworld, their families, everyone they love and care for.
I also do not understand why the doctors in the 23rd century prolonged Pike’s suffering by giving him an artificial heart, UNLESS this was just the first step of many for his recovery. I have said it before in an earlier post. Pike would have died if not for the artificial heart, surely there must have been more surgeries planned (we know what they were capable of considering how Airiam was aided), but then Spock got in their way. Who says they cannot aide Pike later on in whichever way that might be? This is sci-fi after all! So do your sci-fi thing and be creative!
Wishlist - yay or nay
Reference is made to this post:
Different tones in different episodes – Kinda yay. The tone of the episode didn’t differ much from episode 1. But I like the fact that even though it is a Pike centered show, the writers do not shy away from focusing on other characters. The A-Plot was clearly about Uhura and I loved that. This is a return to an ensemble cast approach which provides so much more story potential. But I also liked how Pike’s inner fight wasn’t that much of a focus this time (even though it gave me much to think about once the episode was over!). It was still a topic, but much more subtle (except of course when they talked about it). If we’d see Pike having his hallucinations in every episode, it would get old fast. I do not have experience with PTSD, but with depressions. I think how Pike’s mental issues are displayed in the show are very realistic and not over the top.
How awesome was that crew dinner scene? That very much lightened up the episode from the get go. Pike is such a chill Captain, I think he’s the kind of guy who plays the hierarchy card only as a last resort. For the most part he sees his crew as equals. And OMG, I swear to god I tried to stay off the thirst hours, but how frickin broad are his shoulders, please?
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I wish I had only 1/10th of Anson’s discipline regarding his workout, I wouldn’t look like a wet sack of potatoes. 🥺
BTW I also have a theory about Pike’s hair. I simply think the crew prefers a lower level of gravity simulation on the Enterprise. 😇
How can the crew watch the comet on the screen from afar when they are literally positioned right in front of it?
So, what was the purpose of the space egg, other than opening up?
I love that the alien shepherd was not the evil guy. He was protective of the comet and only tried to prevent the Enterprise from causing it any harm. He never went over the top with his attacks. He only went as far as needed. Even after the Enterprise landed a hit on his weapon systems, he did not retaliate after regrouping. Both ships were facing each other for a while without firing before Pike ordered Ortegas to position the Enterprise in front of the comet. All the while he was always open to negotiations and as it turned out in the end, he was very satisfied that he could teach a new species what wonders the M’hanit is capable of. His mission is first and foremost to protect the M’hanit, but his second mission is to spread the word and share the wonder. I absolutely love this!
In continuation to my previous point, I also love how Pike in the end showed just how humble he is. I am sure with other captains this situation might have escalated quickly. But Pike kept his cool and used his greatest superpower, his crew, to find a solution. When all was said and done and the shepherd lectured him, he genuinely accepted that the shepherd was right all along. The result was that both sides could part in peace and with respect for each other. This is the Star Trek way. I have to admit I had a tiny tear escaping my eye when I saw it the first time.
Celia has such an amazing voice. Too bad we only got to hear them humming a melody. I sure hope we gonna hear them singing one day. I am sure it’ll blow us all away.
Also how funny that La’an is such a no-nonsense character that she flat out refused to hum the melody.
I had a little bit of a struggle with how Uhura was treated as the newbie at first. Sure I get the point that the crew wanted to test her. But some of that was borderline. At some moments it felt a bit like bullying. Like when Hemmer and Spock slam her down for calling Hemmer impaired (which was a mistake on her side, but for which she apologized). Luckily, she looked right through them and called them out for it. Only when she left both Hemmer and Spock admitted they like her, but why not letting her know? I also thought the entire away team was harsh with Uhura in the cave. They were all like oh it’s your first mission? So what? We all had our first missions. Grow up, do your job and do it right. Why so harsh? IMO Star Trek is all about seeing younglings blossom and find their way and greatness. Is it so hard to help a newbie on their first steps?
Anson’s ability to communicate just with his facial expressions never ceases to impress me. It’s an ability that might help him in um… other possible projects to come in which he… lets say… might not have many lines. 😇 *coughs* But yeah, when he talked with the shepherd, his expressions changed so often that you could have understood what was going on without a single word being spoken. He went from
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to astounded
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to WTF?
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to ready to explode
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to desperate
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to pleading.
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I felt truly entertained. That man is just golden, I never wanna miss him again!
I get the feeling that Sam Kirk’s purpose in the show is to be the punching bag. It would be a funny running gag if whenever he’s in an episode, he ends up unconscious laying on the floor just as how William Shatner played Sam as corpse in Operation Anihilate.
Did Pike flirt with Sam in the ready room? Are the writers doing this on purpose? I mean, as writers they surely know about fanfiction, right? That’s how ships are born! Fanfic writers, please do your thing!
And another ship that was probably born is Pikuna, or am I the only one seeing it?
Remarkable Quotes
Pike: So, I have my phaser out, and sure enough, down the street, there's the Nausicaan we're after, running away, no pants on.
Pike: I move after him, only I trip flat on my face. I shout, "Freeze!" But the Nausicaan keeps running.
Pike: I try to stand up, but my feet are caught on something, and then I realize... I've tripped on his pants.
Pike: So, anyway, after my lieutenant pulls me aside and says, "Maybe Security isn't the best fit for you, Ensign."
Pike: Sometimes, Mr. Spock, things go so badly you just have to laugh.
Pike: We've got a planet to save before breakfast.
Pike: I love this job.
Pike: I'm starting to like the mustache.
Sam Kirk: Maybe you should try one for yourself.
Uhura: 😳 .
Pike: You wanted to learn to speak alien languages... go where the aliens are.
Spock: I am more than capable of managing any pain you can induce.
Chapel: *chuckling* Mr. Spock. Now you're just toying with me.
Spock: That was not my intention.
Chapel: I've noticed.
Uhura: 🙄
Uhura: I'm... standing on the surface of a comet. .
Uhura: Uh, Lieutenant, I don't think that's a good idea.
Sam Kirk: Yahtzee.
Spock: 🤨
Sam Kirk: It's an old Earth game.
Spock: I am familiar with Yahtzee, Lieutenant, but I am reading a dangerous buildup of energy. Please step away from the egg.
Sam Kirk: *gets zapped by standing murderous space egg and lands on his ass unconscious*
Uhura: Uh, maybe we don't touch anything else. Just a suggestion. .
Shepherd: M'hanit is one of the ancient arbiters of life.
Pike: Okay? 🤨
Shepherd: If you tamper with it again, we will not hesitate to destroy you.
Pike: 😠
Uhura: Someone match my pitch.
La’an: Oh... no help here. I'll break the thing. .
La’an: We're definitely getting closer to resolving the whole genius or "about to get us killed" conundrum.
Uhura: So the right time for genius. .
Spock: We have less than one hour before the comet will impact Persephone III.
Uhura: You do a lot of reminding people of deadlines, sir.
Pike: She does have a point, Spock. .
Pike: Ortegas, you know how you used to brag you were going to be the best pilot ever to graduate the Academy?
Ortegas: 😳
Pike: Word gets around.
Ortegas: What's your point, sir?
Pike: Time to prove it, Lieutenant. .
Ortegas: Initiating evasive pattern Ortegas-gamma-one.
Pike: Evasive pattern Ortegas...? 🤨 .
Una: It's moving. The sublimation is nudging the comet off course.
Pike: And for the record, we're not actually touching it.
Uhura: But where's Lieutenant Spock?
Spock: *laughing*
Pike: Spock? Is everything okay?
Spock: Fine, Captain. Sometimes things go so badly, you just have to laugh. .
Una: What if you got that message so you could save those kids and that's it?
Una: What if you don't have to ruin your life, too?
Una: How do you know you can't make a different choice? One that saves all of you?
Una: What if your fate is what you make it?
Pike: 🤔
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Day 2 - Frozen Lake
In which the crew of the Enterprise is a family and they take a winter trip together!
Their 5-year mission may have been over, but the friendship between the main bridge crew (plus Doctor McCoy, who was up there so often he might as well have been bridge crew) of The Enterprise . So when Scotty suggested they all meet up again, maybe even go on vacation together, plans for a winter trip took no time at all to put together. Even Spock had agreed, though no one was quite sure how the captain had managed to convince him. Even Kirk himself - he’d been expecting a far longer campaign of logical arguments. Apparently Vulcans enjoyed cuddles.
Unfortunately, Jim was held back to address something or another with Starfleet, so Spock stayed behind with him. Fortunately, they still got the log cabin the group had rented only a day after everyone else. They arrived at the cozy, cheerful-looking house with the sun bright and the snow glistening white.
“It looks like a postcard.”
“As postcards typically contain pictures of idealistic landscapes, it is logical that somewhere like this would.”
Chekov was sitting right by the window in a sweater, pajama pants, and slippers, arguing with Bones, wearing at least four layers of clothes and huddled next to the fire, about the weather. Uhura and Chapel fondly listened in while finalizing their plans of everything to do once Jim and Spock arrived.
“It’s just too cold here, it shouldn’t be allowed,” Bones was grumbling, “and stories of it being even colder in Russia don’t help!”
“Aye, lad, let up on him, you know what Georgia weather’s like.” Bones looked happier when Scotty came in, glad to have a defender, but Scotty continued with a teasing look in his eye. “Our poor Southern doctor just doesn’t have a proper appreciation for the snow, so I suggest we help him find one.”
“You traitor,” Bones pouted, but made room under his blanket pile for Scotty to cuddle all the same. Argument paused, Chekov turned to look out the window to see Jim and Spock walking up to the cabin. “They’re here!”
They all went to the door to say hi, the blanket pile coming with Bones.
Christine and Uhura were the most excited, as now they could all get started on their ultimate list of things to do. First up: ice skating.
The lake was small, in a forest clearing not too far from their cabin. Perfect for ice skating, with smooth, strong ice that wouldn’t crack. Uhura loved ice skating but hadn’t been able to often while on the mission. Since returning to Earth she and Christine went skating together once a month, though they switched between ice skating and rollerblading, so it was no surprise to anyone when those two flew around the lake, racing, spinning around, and leaving everyone else to figure it out - “after all, it’s not learning to skate if you don’t slip a few times.” Chekov, too, was no stranger to ice skating; though it was never his favorite, balancing at least came naturally. Sulu wasn’t bad either, even if he’d rather have been fencing. Still, he enjoyed the competition once Chekov suggested a race between those who could skate. No one could quite tell if Scotty could skate or not, because Leonard refused to let go of him, and he definitely couldn’t. It turns out, roller skating and ice skating don’t transfer, and Leonard hadn’t even done the first in years. The layers of jackets (he insisted it worked better than a “too technology-filled to be trusted” warming undershirt) that kept his arms sticking up didn’t help either. Monty was patient, slowly pulling Len step by step until they could skate around, still hand-in-hand but not because they needed it to skate anymore. Spock, despite not really knowing what ice skating was before this trip, managed to figure it out quickly, with only a few near-falls. That didn’t stop Jim from holding on to him “to keep him from falling.”
“What are the odds Jim just doesn’t know how to skate?” Bones wondered, watching them.
He’d intended only Monty to hear, but Chekov, racing near them, whispered, “Well, we can find out!” And proceeded to skate straight at Jim and Spock, yelling “watch out!” He managed to come to a quick stop before hitting them, but it was enough. Jim had already let go of Spock and promptly fell down, pulling one of Spock’s gloves off with him. “Sorry, Captain” Jim took the hand Chekov offered to help him up.
“Ah, it alright” -yank! Chekov went slipping down the lake into the snowbank on the shore, leaving Sulu to shake his head at Chekov but still go help him get out. “Turns out, sound really carries out here. I know you did that on purpose,” turning around to Bones and Scotty, “and I can skate, Bones! I just…” he trailed off, looking at Spock.
“It seems he was enjoying the physical contact I would not normally allow in public. The ice skating was mainly an excuse.”
“Well, when you put it that way… All right, yes I was.” Spock picked up his glove, but by now it was covered in powdery snow from the ground.
“Oh no, your hands’ll freeze now. Here, take mine.” Jim, noticing Spock’s missing glove, pulled one of his off and gave it to Spock. Spock merely raised an eyebrow, so Jim resorted to grabbing his hand to put it on for him. “As a Vulcan, I can control my feelings of cold -”
“Just let me take care of you, alright? Besides, there’s no place on Vulcan cold enough for snow regularly. Humans are built for this kind of weather, I’ll be fine.”
“Some humans are not built for this kind of weather,” Leonard whispered to Monty, “or I wouldn’t need so many jackets.” “Ah, I know just the solution for that! Let us skate faster. You’ll warm up right quick.” “Yeah, and break a bone while at it.”
Uhura skated up to them a moment before Christine, winning the race they’d been having before Chekov and Sulu abandoned it. Both had abandoned their hats and unwound their scarves, proving Scotty right. “Come on, Doc, if we all hold on to you you can’t fall,” Uhura held out a hand.
“No one’s breaking anything and if they do I’ll take care of them for you, alright?” Christine didn’t wait for an answer, grabbing Lenoard’s arm and starting to skate, along with Scotty and Uhura. Sulu and Chekov, the latter slightly dusted with snow, joined next, and Jim even pulled Spock into the group after a minute. While they were by no means going fast with that many people, the inside of the huddle was nice and warm, even when a light snow started falling.
<- Day 1 | Day 3 ->
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solarwindswriting · 4 years
Oh, The Places You’ll Go
Chapter 2
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Loosely inspired by the song Greek Tragedy by the Wombats
Pairing: Scotty x FemalePresenting!Reader
Word Count: 3313
Summary: The Enterprise welcome party is in full swing, and our two main characters finally meet each other!
Warnings: excessive alcohol consumption (I think that’s it)
A/N: So, I didn’t notice how long this part was until it was too late. I wanted to slip it into two but I couldn’t find a reasonable place to do it. So instead you get over 3k words. Sorry lol. Also, thank you so much to those who showed interest in being tagged, you have no idea how big that is for me!
Tags: @mournthewicked @damalseer  
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“Oh my, does this dress make my butt look bigger?” Sara asks, standing in front of the mirror in a shop.
“Is that what you want? If so, yes. Why do you need a new dress anyway? You have so many beautiful ones already.” Y/n wonders out loud while looking through the racks.
“Because I want to make a good first impression. Besides, I heard the crew of the Enterprise are all quite attractive. I’ve got to live up to that.” Sara responds, walking back into the dressing room.
“Sara, you are one of the most attractive people I know. Neither of us would have a problem if we went in something we already owned.” Y/n laughs, pulling out a flowing deep blue dress off the rack. “What about this?”
Sara pops her head out of the dressing room, watching as Y/n holds the dress up to her body. Sara’s eyes widen and shake her head frantically in agreement before her head disappears back into the dressing room, “absolutely. Go try that on right now.”
Y/n walks into a dressing room with the dress in hand. The dress was made with elegant royal blue tulle with embroidered stars speckled over the top layer. It fell over Y/n’s body perfectly, off the shoulders and stopped to about mid-calf, and whished when she moved. Stepping out, Y/n looks at Sara who was now sitting in a chair with the black cocktail dress she had tried on previously.
“You look like a greek god in that dress, Y/n,” Sara mused.
Y/n walked in front of the mirror and twirled. “Is it too much? If I get this, you have to pick a more exciting dress than what you’ve got.”
“It’s not too much but if it takes me getting that dress that makes my butt look good for you to buy that, I’ll do it,” Sara responds while walking over to the rack where she found the aforementioned dress.
With both dresses paid for, the friends left the shop and headed to Y/n’s apartment to pick up the things she needs to get ready at Sara’s.
“So, Let’s see what we’re getting ourselves into,” Sara started, looking at her datapad with photos of the crew while she walks.
“Sara, we’ve looked at these photos thousands of times. We know what they look like,” chuckles out Y/n, weaving their arm with hers.
“Yes, but that was different. Now we’re performing reconnaissance for the party tonight.” 
“And what does your reconnaissance tell you?” Y/n glances at the pad.
“That Lieutenant Uhura is very attractive and only one rank above us.” Sara giggles as she reads Uhura’s personnel entry. “She’s also incredibly smart.”
“And very taken by Commander Spock,” Y/n points to the relationship status on file.
Sara deflates slightly before swiping through the next few personnel files. She stops on Commander Spock next.
“And this is the Vulcan you’ll be working under. Good luck with that, Y/n. I hear he’s rather cold.” Sara comments before continuing to swipe.
“He’s not that cold if he’s in a relationship. Also, isn’t he half human?” Y/n stops Sara before she walks into the busy street.
Sara ignores the potential harm she could have caused herself, and next stops on Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott, better known as Scotty. 
“Cheif of Engineering. I hear he’s basically married to the ship,” Sara laughs and restarting to walk once the crosswalk is open.
“Next,” Y/n chuckles bad.
“Lieutenant Commander Leonard McCoy, Chief Medical Officer. I heard he has a cute accent but is a bit of a hardass. Remind me not to get hurt a lot.” Sara side-eyes Y/n while she talks.
“Good to know. Bet he knows how to make a good drink though.” Y/n speculates as they enter their apartment building.
“And Lastly, for the head of different groups, Captain James T. Kirk. Quite the looker.” Sara smirks to herself.
“And quite the flirt,” Y/n laughs at her friend as she unlocks her apartment. “I’ll be right over. I just need to pick up a few things.”
Living in the same building as your best friend had its perks. Getting ready for events was one of them. After picking up her makeup and a pair of heels that match her dress, Y/n walks over to Sara’s apartment and opens the door.
“Hey, why didn’t you wake me up this morning?” Y/n questioned, setting her makeup down next to Sara’s.
“Oh, I tried, you wouldn’t budge. I figured you’d make it eventually. And you did! So points for Sara.” She muses as she grabs two hard ciders from her fridge.
“I could have missed graduation!” Y/n fakes anger as she takes the cider from her dear friend.
Both get to work on their makeup and hair. Sara loosely curls her auburn hair, whereas Y/n does her hair in her favorite style. Once they were both ready, they left Sara’s apartment towards the location of the welcoming party, an old-style bar reminiscent of old San Francisco. The two stood in front of the main doors, peering into the windows, unsure if they should just walk in or not.
“Lieutenants! Very nice to see you two could make it.” A strong hand falls on Y/n’s shoulder, causing them and Sara to turn towards the voice to see a hand outstretched. “How about a proper introduction? I am Captain James T. Kirk. You’re welcome to just call me Kirk when we are off duty. And this is Commander Spock.”
  Y/n takes Kirk’s hand to shake then trading with Sara to shake Spock’s. “I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Y/n Y/l/n. I just go by Y/n when off duty. And this is-”
“Lieutenant Junior Grade Sara Conners, Sir! It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Well, we should probably get inside and join the party, yes?” Kirk suggests, holding the door open for the other three.
The music playing was just above a comfortable volume, but quiet enough where you could hold a conversation without yelling. Sara and Y/s walk up to the bar to order drinks when a young man approaches them with a wide smile.
“Hello, I’m Pavel Ch-”
“Chekov. Navigation right?” Sara finishes for him, reaching out her arm. “Sara Conners. A pleasure to meet you!”
Pavel chuckles shaking Sara’s hand, “Did your research I see. And you are?” He finishes with a soft Russian accent, looking at Y/n.
“Y/n Y/l/n.” She says, shaking his hand. “Got any suggestions on what to order from here?”
“Well, the midtier brandy is spectacular here. But they do have a wonderful mint julep.” He states before waving over the bartender and ordering himself a brandy.
“We’ll take two mint juleps please.” Sara catches the bartender before he’s able to walk off.
“So, are you two in a relationship? You seem very close.” Pavel questions, sipping from his glass.
“No, just really close,” Sara answers, reaching for the newly arrived drinks and handing one to Y/n.
“Ah, cool,” Pavel beams. “Have you met the rest of the bridge crew yet? I can introduce you!”
Pavel leads Sara and Y/n to a table where Kirk and Spock were sat with two others.
“This is Nyota Uhura and Leonard McCoy. You’ve met the Captain and Spock already, yes?” Pavel introduces the crew with a bright smile. “Everyone, this is Y/n Y/l/n and Sara Conners.”
Hello’s and handshakes were exchanged. Pavel is pulled away by a few other ensigns towards what Y/n now notices a karaoke machine.
“So, Lieutenant Y/l/n, You will be working under me. Is there a particular area of study you wish to work on while abroad the USS Enterprise?” Spock questions.
“Oh, um yes. I’m looking specifically for new worlds with large deposits of Bio-mimetic Gel. It has many wonderful medical applications but very-” Y/n is cut off by Leonard.
“Regulated by the Federation. Do you have the proper paperwork and training to be handling such a hazardous material, young lady?” Leonard questions.
“Hey, we’re here to celebrate and have a good time, not to discuss work. Give the girl one more night of freedom.” Kirk interrupts and chuckles. “Also, call him Bones, he hates it.”
“I would love to answer your question, Lieutenant Commander McCoy. My last two years at the Academy majorly consisted of training and research with Bio-mimetic Gel under the supervision of Erika Biordi. My research has been in stabilizing the gel for transport and more widely used medical purposes. I have papers signed by President Kenneth Wescott and the proper containment materials that should already be aboard the Enterprise. This could be major for doctors all over the Federation. Also, I wouldn’t be able to do this work unless the Captain has approved it.” Y/n smiles thinly at the doctor.
Kirk, Spock, and Uhura all look impressed by the confidence in which Y/n spoke. Bones looks more apprehensive about the situation. Kirk broke the silence, “Y/n have you met Scotty yet?”
Y/n shakes her head no and notices Sara slinked off at some point to talk with Pavel more. Kirk leads Y/n towards the back corner to a table with three chairs. At the table sat a gentleman in a brown leather jacket and a Roylan both embroiled in a heated conversation about… power converters?
“No, Keenser, that will overload the Warp Drive, she won’t be able to take that kind of power without the proper energy suppressers.” A thick Scottish accent talks tensely between sips of whatever is in his glass.
“Can no one on my ship take a day off?” Kirk laughs, clapping his hand onto Montgomery’s shoulder.
“Ey, not when you have a potential explosion risk due to Keenser, Sir,” Montgomery responds.
“Well, I’ve got bad news then. I’d like to introduce you to Lieutenant Junior Grade Y/n Y/l/n. One of the newest graduates from Starfleet Academy. She will be studying Bio-mimetic Gel.” Kirk pulls the third chair out and motions to Y/n to sit. “She’s not getting along so great with Bones and thought you two might get along better.”
And with that Kirk walks away. The three are quiet, Y/n sipping on her mint julep that She’s about half done with.
“Sorry, I didn’t know I’d be interrupting a conversation. You can act like I’m not here.” Y/n said just loud enough to be heard over the sound of Sara and a couple of ensigns poorly singing Africa on stage.
“Why did you decide to study Bio-mimetic Gel?” The question from Montmonery surprised Y/n.
“Oh, um, when I was younger, Bio-mimetic Gel saved my mother’s life while out on a five-year mission. Her ship shouldn’t have even had any onboard, but they had just commandeered some from a smuggling vessel. If they hadn’t found that ship when they did and the doctor on board willing to take the risk, my mother would be dead and I would never have been born. So, when I heard they were wanting to do more research into it to potentially make it a commonly used substance by Federation doctors, I jumped at the chance. Sorry, that’s probably a lot more information than you were asking for.” Y/n found herself rambling.
The Cheif engineer just shook his head slightly, finishing off his drink. “No, I asked, Lass. I rarely get full explanations of why someone joined Starfleet. It’s refreshing. I’ll be right back, I’m going to get a refill. Can I get you anything?”
“Yeah, Sure. I’ll take one of whatever you’re getting. Thank you, Montgomery.”
“Please, call me Scotty.” He said, before walking off towards the bar.
Keenser and Y/n sat in more silence as they finished their drinks waiting for Scotty to return. Peering towards the bar, Y/n notices Scotty being stopped by some ensigns to chat.
“So, how long have you been on the enterprise?” Y/n asks Keenser.
Keenser babbles in his native tongue something along the lines of “not very long.”
Y/n nods in acknowledgment, “very cool. Do you like it?”
Keenser simply nods as Scotty returns, placing a glass in front of Y/n.
“Thank you, Scotty.” Y/n smiles at the man now sitting across from them.
“No problem, Lass. This will unfortunately be my last drink for the night. Going to head up to the Enterprise tonight to get a head start on some undocking prep. Coming with Keenser?” Keenser huffed in response, Finishing his drink and hopping down from his chair.
“Oh, okay. Have a goodnight then. Don’t overwork yourself. It’s supposed to be a night off.” Y/n waves goodbye to Scotty and Keenser.
Almost as soon as they leave, their spots are taken by Sara and Pavel.
“Y/n! You HAVE to get up there and sing!” Sara’s words slur as she waves her arm towards the small stage in the bar.
“Yes, you should take her advice, Lieutenant,” Pavel smiles towards Y/n.
“No, I’m perfectly fine here. And call me Y/n, Pavel. When do you want to go home, Sara?” Y/n looks with a soft smile towards her friend. She isn’t feeling the alcohol as intensely as Sara but she assumes that’s because she’s had significantly fewer drinks than her friend.
Sara looks at Y/n like they’ve just committed the most heinous crime. “What do you mean you don’t want to go up and sing. You have the most beautiful voice! And I bet your dress would look stunning under those lights.” Sara leans further into Y/n, head now resting her head on her shoulder, and whispers, “You can sing that old Earth song you like so much.”
Y/n chuckles at her friend while shaking her head. “You’re going to have to get a lot more alcohol into me before I’m willing to sing in front of the whole crew.”
Before Y/n could finish talking, Pavel was already up and at the bar, ordering a double round of shots. After a couple of minutes, he returns with a tray of purple shots. The trio cheers the first round to their health and quickly follows it with another to their safety aboard the ship. The trio continues to drink and after about an hour, Y/n is successfully sloshed. Sara convinced Y/n and Pavel to sing Sara’s favorite song that her grandmother loved called ‘Shut Up and Dance’. This was not a song to sing well, but more to just yell the word to. They even got a few of the old crewmates to sing along. Y/n was having a blast and finally thought she couldn’t wait to be working with these people. A group of nurses went on next and sang some modern rock anthem.
Y/n cut themself and Sara off after that song and convinced Sara to drink some water and eat some more food. Both slowly started to sober up, Pavel never seemed very drunk though. People begin to leave back to their homes or hotels for the night. It was starting to get late. Y/n shivers.
“Are you cold, Y/n?” Pavel asks.
“A bit, but I’ll be fine.” Y/n smiles at the kind man.
“Um,” Pavel looks around and spots something on the back of Sara’s chair and grabs it, “put this on.”
‘Scotty’s jacket? When did he take that off?’ Y/n wonders to herself as she slides the jacket on. ‘I’m sure her wouldn’t mind. I’ll just bring it to him on the ship tomorrow.’
“Y/nnnnn, come ooon. Barely anyone is left and I got you drunk like you said I had to. Go sing a solo song.” Sara nudges Y/n elbow towards the stage again.
“Fine, but I’m not happy about it!” Y/n laughs, walking onto the stage after the current song ends.
Sitting on a stool on stage, Y/n adjusts the mic to her sitting height. ‘Take Me To Church’ starts playing.
Scotty left earlier than he had planned. But talking with the new science officer made him feel odd and he didn’t want to be rude so he lied about needing to work on the ship. She’s much too young for him he thought. She has her whole life of research ahead of them. He couldn’t be with someone who dressed so elegantly, he was a bumbling fool and could never compare. She didn’t need him, some old Scotsman pinning for her. So instead, he and Keenser walked around the surrounding area until they got tired. About an hour had passed when Scotty realized something.
“Keenser, where’s my jacket?”
Keenser looks at Scotty and responds in his native tongue, “you left it at the bar.”
“Damnit, why didn’t you say anything?” He huffs out, turning around to walk back to the bar and get his Jacket.
He had walked further than he realized from the bar and took him about half an hour to return. As he entered the front doors, he watched Y/n walk onto the stage with his jacket on. Confused, he walks up to Kirk who now sat alone at the bar.
“Y/n said you went back to the ship,” Kirk prodded at the engineer.
“Yeah, but I noticed I forgot my jacket.” Scotty’s accent was unmissable.
“I noticed.” Kirk glances knowingly at Y/n who has started singing on stage.
Most people continued to talk but a few people stopped to listen to Y/n sing. Sara and Pavel sat at their table swaying dramatically to the song. Sara even started waving her arms slowly above her head, causing Y/n to chuckle as she sang. Scotty became enraptured in Y/n singing and began swaying lightly to her voice.
On the last line, “Good God, let me give you my life,” Y/n makes eye contact with Scotty, making her instantly blush.
Hopping off the stage, Y/n shuffles towards him while taking off his jacket.
“Sorry, Pavel found your jacket. I planned on giving it to you tomorrow on the ship but I got cold and put it on. Sorry.” Y/n talked fast, face beet red while shoving the jacket into Scotty’s arms and running back towards Sara before he could get a word out.
“Thanks,” Scotty whispers under his breath, looking down at his jacket.
He slides his arms into it, still warm from Y/n wearing it. Her song had entranced him. It wasn’t a song he was familiar with, must be old. He doesn’t usually care for music, but he thought he would listen to music for hours if she was the one singing it. Scotty shook his head free of those thoughts. By the time he came back to reality, Y/n was gone.
“What are you thinking about, Scotty?” Kirk prodded.
“Nothing, Sir. Goodnight” Scotty straightened out his back before leaving the bar and walking to his hotel room.
“Sara, it’s time to go,” Y/n spoke quickly
“What? But I’m still having fun.” Sara huffed.
“Yeah, and we both need to be up and on the transport shuttles at 0700. Let’s go, Rockstar. Goodnight, Pavel, we’ll see you tomorrow.” Y/n pulled Sara to her feet and waved goodbye to Pavel.
The cool, damp air was refreshing on Y/n’s skin. The walk wasn’t long to their apartments, which Y/n was thankful for. She helped Sara into her apartment and bed, setting their friend’s alarm with plenty of time to get ready before going to her apartment to do the same. Y/n quickly fell asleep with oddly invading thoughts of one Montgomery Scott.
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1x16 - The Galileo Seven
5/10. An interesting diversion from business as usual with this one, as Spock is sent on an away mission to an unknown quasar with six crewmen, including McCoy and Scotty, only for them to become stranded on a hostile planet. Back on the Enterprise, Kirk must contend with a Starfleet commissioner whose sole purpose is to remind the captain that his duty is to deliver medical supplies to a plague-ridden planet, no matter that some of his crew are missing. Spock takes control of command this episode, although it’s a struggle to do so with dissent rising in the ranks of his subordinates, all of whom are repulsed by his cold logician’s approach to survival. Even McCoy takes his turn stirring the pot, incredulous that Spock refuses to risk the surviving members of the crew in order to bury a dead one, for example. Lieutenants Boma and Gaetano, not-redshirted redshirts, question Spock’s decisions at every moment, suspicious of the fact that he’s not falling over himself in hysteria every time something goes wrong. It’s implied that they probably wouldn’t talk back so much to their superior officer had it been Kirk, or another human, regardless of the decisions made; the chain of command would be adhered to strictly, and should be in times of crisis, lest order collapse completely. They simply don’t trust his Vulcan instincts. McCoy does stand up for Spock later in the episode, and Scotty too, and upon the moment of escape even Boma risks everything to save Spock on a whim; but it’s all done in a manner that belies how superior they think their emotion-driven actions are when compared to logic. It’s fascinating looking at it through the lens of ableism and racism more than 50 years after it was written. (Obviously only contained in a fantasy setting, not comparable to real racism.) I’m sure many POC and neurodivergent people will be able to identify with the rigorous suspicion and interrogation to which Spock is subjected, when he’s only performing his job to its specifications. This is not to say Spock was 100% right all the time, as the story dictated he should have been more prepared to anticipate others’ emotions, instead of assuming everyone and everything will follow logic. But there are interesting parallels to explore.
Favourite quote: “What a mess.” / “Picturesque descriptions will not mend broken circuits, Mr. Scott.” - Scotty and Spock. // Proof that I manage to be both of them in a crisis. Simultaneously bemoaning the state of things while chiding myself for not fixing it sooner. The Enterprise crew really make up one whole functioning person, don’t they?
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1987vampire · 5 years
Falling Composure
Fandom: Star Trek. Fits TOS or AOS so Relationship: McSpirk, Leonard “Bones” McCoy x James T. Kirk x S'chn T'gai Spock Word Count: 1.9k Warnings: Crying and exhaustion is about it.  Request: none. my newfound love of Star Trek Extra: Hahhahahahahahahahahaha remember when I used to write imagines like consistently and with the same fandoms hahahahahahahaha i’m sad now.  my art shop! 
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Leonard didn’t remember the last time he hadn’t slept for more than four hours at a time, and it was beginning to show. His composure was falling, and it was falling fast. He was either too tired to be snappy or so tired he would snap at everything that walked by. He had fallen asleep while reading his PADD too many times to be okay, and he was beginning to see stars in his vision when he stood up.
He couldn’t stop, though. If you were working on the Enterprise, you would know why. Being chief medical officer wasn’t something you could take days off for. He was constantly moving, fixing, writing reports. He had to be awake almost 24/7.
Jim had begun to notice, though, and Leonard was pretty sure Spock had caught on a small while before. Spock’s approach had been to remind him of when his shift ended, or he would try to make plans with him to drag him away from work, but Leonard refused to stop, thanking him every time, but refusing to indulge in any free time. Jim’s approach, however, was to try to annoy him until he gave in. It didn’t work either, though it was nice to feel Jim wrap his arms around Leonard every now and then as a persuasion method.
Leonard didn’t assume anything was that terrible, – as many creatures were able to only sleep for less than four hours a night without any health risks, though he was really just trying to downplay his symptoms – but he finally gave in after about two months of his sleep-deprived state.
The day had been an entire mess. The duplicator had been broken in his office, so he had to go to one of the lounges only to have Uhura talk to him for a good thirty minutes, wasting time he could have used to write reports. Then, when he made it back to the medbay, there were about five engineers who had gotten injured, though he didn’t care to listen to the reason, and he had slipped up three times on his work, which the nurses thankfully fixed.
But the one thing that had set it all off was when he was finally able to sit at his desk to do his work. He opened the files, began to type, and then everything crashed. His PADD malfunctioned, and he lost his past three files he had been working on. He couldn’t contain the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes, the sleep deprivation and anger boiling over until he was a blubbering mess. He pulled at his hair and wiped at his eyes continuously, trying to stop the mess he was becoming, when the door to his office slid open. He looked up to see Spock standing in the doorway, his mouth open like he was going to tell him something only to have stopped when he saw the doctor’s state.
“Leonard? Are you okay,” his voice was the same goddamn monotone voice he always had, but he could hear the little bit of curiosity and worry in his voice.
Leonard shook his head, wiping at his eyes again, but they wouldn’t stop coming. “Obviously not, you green-blooded hobgoblin.” And even though the words were inherently harsh, Spock knew they weren’t intended that way. They never really were.
Spock stepped forward, and the door shut behind him. “Do I need to get Jim,” he questioned, his voice growing softer.
Leonard shook his head again. “No, I don’t want him seeing me like this. I didn’t want you seeing me like this. I’m sorry.”
Spock took a deep inhale and moved forward to kneel down in front of Leonard. “It is most illogical for you to apologize at your emotional outburst. You have been pushing yourself for quite some time.”
Leonard let out a hoarse laugh, his tears beginning to slow down. “Never expected you to defend emotions before. That’s a new one.”
Spock’s eyebrow lifted high. “Well, it was illogical for you to push yourself in the first place, but the consequences were not something you could stop.” Leonard sighed, and Spock lifted one of his hands, lightly touching their first two fingers together at the tips. “We’ve been missing you. You’re never around when we are anymore. I’m afraid Jim was only a few days away from barging in here and dragging you out. I’ve been hearing him discuss a short shore leave for everyone.”
Leonard smiled a bit, and Spock’s other hand came up to wipe away the remaining tears. “Jim couldn’t move me if he tried, though shore leave would be nice. I wouldn’t mind having a break.”
“Then why didn’t you have one by yourself? You’re in here day and night. You only have one shift, but you work almost all three. “
“People are idiots on the ship. They don’t know how to take care of themselves, and the more injuries, the more work. You know Starfleet wants a report for everything.”
Spock nodded. “Well, come on, doctor. Your shift is over, and you are going to lay with Jim and me through the next two. No complaints allowed.”
“Not even one,” he groaned teasingly, a smile slowly filling his face as the two stood.
“Not even one. Come on.”
Spock led them out of the office, informing the head nurse that McCoy wouldn’t be back until his next shift on the way. The nurse had grinned happily and nodded, wishing Leonard a good time resting.
Leonard leaned on Spock the entire way back to the three’s shared room which was highly unusual for both of them. Their affection was rarely, if ever, displayed in public besides the subtle Vulcan kisses or standing just a bit too close together when they were walking around. But as Spock led the couple through the halls and up the turbolift, Leonard clung to him like Spock had his life in his hands.
The walk was long in his mind, but it was relatively short in short in distance, and soon, they were walking into their room. Leonard almost immediately fell onto the bed, relishing in the feeling of the bed. Oh, how he missed being able to relax in their bed.
He faintly recognized the sound of the shower running, and he smiled a bit at the thought of seeing Jim fresh out of the shower. That’s when Jim was always the most relaxed.
Leonard turned in the bed to face Spock who was standing by the replicator, making food. He could hear him ordering Jim and his favorite meals, and he made himself a cup of tea.
Leonard pulled himself up as he heard the shower shut off and Spock place the food on the table in the sitting area. He gingerly pulled his boots off of his feet, surprised he wasn’t asleep already. It was probably the excitement of being around them after so long, he told himself, and it was probably true.
He turned as the bathroom door opened, and Jim stopped in his tracks at seeing him. “Bones?”
He took a few steps forward, his hand clutching the towel to his waist. Leonard smiled. “Hey, I missed you.”
Jim’s face lit up, and a smile overtook his confusion. He strode over quickly and grabbed Leonard’s face, pulling him into a kiss that Leonard smiled into. As they pulled away, Jim kept his hands on Leonard’s face. “I missed you too. How long are you going to be here?”
“Until my next shift.”
Jim smiled again, and Leonard thought his heart might just stop right there.
However, their little moment was broken up by Spock. “As much as I hate to interrupt you, the food will get cold if you don’t put on your clothes and join us, Jim.”
Jim placed his hands on his hips and puffed out his chest jokingly. “You know you love the sight, Spock.”
Spock raised an eyebrow. “Even though you are quite visually appealing, it does not take away from the physical properties of your food. Get dressed so you can come eat.”
Jim let out a loud laugh but complied, stepping over to the shared closet and throwing open the doors easily. “Would you like something better to wear, Bones,” he questioned as he pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a black t-shirt. The pants were the same color as his uniform with the Starfleet logo embroidered on the left-side pocket, and Leonard couldn’t think of a better thing to wear at the moment, so he nodded, and Jim threw the clothes at him, barely missing his head.
The two changed quickly and then ate quietly. Leonard was sat in the middle of the other two, and Jim had a bit of small talk, but the two could both see how he almost nodded off a few times during their meal. Spock’s on his lower back was not helping in the slightest either. He was rubbing circles into the little dip right there, and it was enough to make him almost pass out even when he wasn’t tired.
As soon as they were done eating, all three of them moved back to the bed, and Leonard was placed in the middle again. Jim had yelled teasingly at him a simple ‘you’ve been depriving me of my boyfriend! Let me cuddle you for a night!’ Spock had nodded along, so Leonard couldn’t really say no.
So, when they were all laid down – Jim was curled around his front with his head on his shoulder, and Spock was behind him, his hand interlaced with his, and his head near the back of his neck if the feeling of his breath was anything to go by – Leonard began to cry again. This one wasn’t the blubbering kind of sob like early. No, this one was a silent barely there kind of cry that he doubted they would’ve noticed if he hadn’t started sniffling.
Jim leaned back immediately to look at him, and Spock’s hand tightened. “Hey, what’s wrong,” Jim questioned, his voice a hushed whisper that matched the setting.
Leonard shook his head and closed his eyes for a second. “I just love you guys so much, and I’m sorry I do this to myself. Y’all don’t deserve this. You don’t, and I don’t know why you put up with it.”
“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.” Jim leaned forward, pulling into a hug. Spock pressed a kiss to the back of his neck. “We all have our bad habits. “I put myself into dangerous situations and never come to see you when I’m sick, you run yourself dry, and Spock, well, I don’t really know if Spock has any bad habits besides how logical he tries to be all the time, but that’s not the point. The point is: you should never feel any lesser than you should because we all put up with each other, and we love each other, and we stick together, and that will never change.” He took his free hand lifted it to his lips, softly kissing his knuckles. “And I’ll do anything you need to show you that.” He let go of his hand and leaned forward again, cuddling up to him like he had been before. “But right now, you need to sleep. You’ve done enough for right now, and tomorrow, we can work together to clear your work. The Starfleet can wait on whatever it is you’re working on.”
Bones smiled happily. “I love you guys.”
“We love you, too, Bones.”
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Lost in Translation - Ch 9
Title: Lost in Translation
Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Mckirk
Rating: Lemon
Tags: minor character death, hurt, little bit of self destruction, stranded, definite smut down the line!
    “Attention citizens. This is the crew of the Enterprise asking for your aid. On Stardate 2264.78 a shuttle manned by our captain and fourteen cadets was ambushed by an unknown source and chased out of sight of our ship and into open space. Those cadets as well as our captain, James Tiberius Kirk, are still missing. We are asking anyone with any information on their whereabouts, or regarding the attack, to please contact the Enterprise immediately. Our family would appreciate any assistance you can give.” 
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@medicatemedrmccoy HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT! THE POND SCENE IS HERE!!!!
Chapter 9
    The rest of their trip to Georgia had gone so well. Jim and Len spent every waking moment together, and Gran couldn’t have been happier over the progress she was making with the two of them. If she had it her way they’d be making out behind the barn like a couple of horny teenagers before they left in three days.
    The trip was slowly coming to an end, the boys only having a few days left of their two week vacation before heading back to the hustle and bustle of school life. And at the moment Gran was walking them across the yard and towards the paddocks to introduce Jim to the horses.
    By midday Jim had met mostly all of them and was now straddling the fence to pet a jet black mare who had come over to say hello.
    “I think she likes you, Jimmy.” He smiled as he continued to run his hand down her nose as she nuzzled into him, “She's mine, her name’s Amara. I wish I could ride her again, but my old bones just can’t take it anymore, so unfortunately none of the horses really get a good riding these days.”
    “That’s sad.”
    “That it is, Jimmy my boy. The barn hands ride them occasionally, but those boys are tired after working all day,” she sighed, then perked up with a thought, “You boys have a few days left out here, why don’t you ride em’?”
    Jim turned to her with wide wild eyes and shouted, “Yes!” before jumping off the fence and running into the barn, Gran and Len following behind him.
    When they were inside the barn, Jim nearly dancing through the lane, Gran pointed to two stalls side by side at the end, “That’s Lenny's horse, Titan, powerful thing he is. And that there’s Apollo, I think you'll like him, Jimmy.” Jim walked over to stand beside Gran and leaned into Apollo’s stall, “You boys know where the tack room is, I'm sure Lenny can help you find some boots and a helmet that’ll fit ya, and I’ll send one of the barn hands out before you leave with a picnic for you boys.”
    “You’re the absolute best, Gran!” Jim turned to smack her cheek with a quick kiss before opening the stall door and walking inside to properly meet Apollo.
    While Jim was distracted by the horse for the moment, Len took his chance to saddle up beside Gran and call her out. “Gran, we are supposed to be visiting you, not constantly running off and leaving you alone in the house. And don’t think for a second that I don’t know what you're up to with Jim.”
    Gran threw him a sideways glance and a smirk as she replied sweetly, “Y’all have been in the house with me all mornin’, and look how excited Jimmy is to go for a ride. Take him out for a while and come back in a few hours, and don’t be afraid to use some of that McCoy charm I know you’ve got.”
    Len sighed, looking to Jim then back to his Gran, “Jim and I… we… I don’t know if he-”
    “Nonsense!” She gave his arm a smack, “If that boy didn’t have a lick of feelings for you he wouldn’t have followed you all the way out to Georgia! Now, use that brain in your thick skull and love that boy already. Y’all need to get over yourselves, before I'm dead.”
    “Gran!” Len turned to her with a gasp and wide eyes at the mere thought.
    “Lenny,” she took his hands in hers, “you deserve to be happy, and Jimmy makes you happy. I can see it, hell the whole town could see it at your party. And if there’s any clue as to how much that boy truly loves you it’s this right here.” she reached one hand up to loop a finger into the chain hanging around his neck, “He had this engraved with the very first moment you two met and gave it to you as a present on your birthday, you know why? Because this was the best moment of his life, the very moment he laid eyes on Leonard McCoy. This is no mere gift, my boy, this is very special to Jimmy and it’s special because of you.”
    Len looked down at the necklace hanging around his neck and smiled. “Now,” she gave his hand a pat and turned him towards Jim, “go on and help Jimmy tack up before he explodes from all the excitement.”
    Len laughed as he looked over at Jim in the stall beside Apollo. Shifting from foot to foot, waiting as patiently as he could for them to finish their secret conversation. 
    When Len walked over he took Jim's hand and lead him towards the tack room past Gran as she said, “I’ll send one of the barn hands out with the picnic before y’all leave, and I’ll have dinner ready by the time you get back. You boys have fun now.”
    It took about a half an hour for them to tack the horses and find Jim boots and a helmet that fit, but they were finally about to head out for their ride.
    Len was on the bench in the tack room, finishing up with the zipper on his last boot, and when he stood and turned he was suddenly chest to chest with Jim and a cowboy hat was plopped onto his head. He laughed and lifted the hat with one finger to peer at Jim from under it.
    Jim stood before him, hands behind his back and face scrunched in thought. “You know,” he began in a husky tone, “I never really thought cowboys were sexy… apparently I was dead wrong.” Len gave him a smirk and Jim let out a small moan, causing Len's breath to hitch in his throat.
    Without moving his eyes from Jim's he reached to the side and placed a hat on Jim's head too, leaning in to whisper, “Got that right, I'm currently staring at the sexiest one I know,” returning Jim's moan as he grabbed Len by the shirt and pulled him even closer.
    Jim moved his hands up to snake his arms around Len's neck, “Maybe we shouldn’t go riding, Bones.”
    Len let out a deep chested laugh, “I thought you were excited to ride the horses… what changed your mind?” and at the shiver that ran through Jim's entire body, he was sure he knew the answer.
    Hands suddenly found their way into Len's hair, fingers winding themselves in to pull Len even closer then he already was as Jim practically moaned in his ear, “After seeing you in that hat I think I’d rather save a horse and ride a cowboy.”
    The blush that ran up Len's neck and face was instant with Jim's words. God, how Len had wanted this for so long, but he and Jim had always joked, how was he to know if this was true? Yeah, they had gotten really close during their days here in Georgia, but what if he was reading this all wrong? What if Jim didn’t actually feel this way and it was all for a laugh? The last thing he wanted was to lose his friendship with Jim over a misunderstanding on his part. And as much as he wanted this, he didn’t want to push something that he wasn’t sure Jim wanted.
    With those thoughts invading his mind Len moved his hands from Jim's back and placed them on his hips, pushing back just a bit to separate them, “Alright, come on, before it gets too dark and I have to hear you whine about not being able to ride.”
    Len moved past Jim and walked out towards their waiting horses, and Jim was left standing in the tack room breathless and flushed, wondering what the hell just happened.
    “Left foot in the stirrup and kick off hard.” Jim did as instructed and with a little help from Len managed to land himself somewhat gracefully in the saddle. “Good job!”
    Jim watched as Len rounded his horse beside him and launched himself into the saddle like he belonged there, then he turned to Jim. “Apollo's pretty laid back so he’ll just follow Titan, you won’t have to do much or worry he's gunna take off.”
    Jim just nodded and Len urged his horse forwards, Jim’s following after.
    After an oddly long silence between them, Len turned to speak, “Awfully quite, Jim, that’s not like you. Do I need to break out the medkit?”
    Jim jerked, ripping himself from his thoughts. He had thought that Len wanted the same thing as him, especially after the way they had been with each other since landing in Georgia. He thought that Len was giving him hints and signals, but maybe he was wrong. Maybe Len just thought this was a game between them, a joke among… friends. But he didn’t want it that way, he wanted more. Maybe he wasn’t doing enough, maybe Len thought the same way as him, that Jim was the one who wanted to be just friends. Maybe he had to do more to show Len that certainly was not the case, and he’d be damned if he didn’t do just that!
    He turned to face Len, forcing a smile on his face and replied, “M’fine, Bones, promise.”
     He gave Jim a skeptical look, but decided to drop it for now and focused on their path ahead. After riding through the forest for a while Len finally dismounted then walked around to help Jim get down from Apollo, he tied their horses to a nearby tree. He grabbed the basket of food Gran had prepared them and led Jim a little deeper into the forest.
    As Jim followed behind, batting away some pretty thick brush he shouted ahead, “Where are we going, Bones?”
    “Just a little further,” he called back, before he disappeared from Jim's sight.
    Jim pushed harder and faster trying to catch up to Len, and when he pushed through the brush where Len had disappeared he found himself in a small circular clearing in the trees. Len was already sitting on the spread out blanket and pulling out the containers of food.
    “You sitting or what?” Jim blinked down at Len and then finally joined him, taking no time at all to start digging into the fruit and pastries packed by Gran.
    Len smiled at Jim as he stuffed his face, hoping that this meant he was over whatever had hit him at the beginning of their ride, and followed suit with some strawberries.
    “So,” Jim began around a mouthful, “how did you find this?”
    “With my Ma,” Jim stopped eating and focused his eyes on Len, “we used to ride a lot when I was younger. We would come out here and have picnics all the time together, just the two of us while my Pa was at work. We found this little clearing by accident one day, stumbled onto it while we were playing hide and seek to give the horses a break, and after that we came here almost everyday.”
    “That’s a nice memory, Bones.”
    “It is,” he nodded, “and when she died this sort of became my safe haven. I’d come out here on my own despite Gran yelling at me to stop running off. But it was the only place after her death that I felt really close to her.”
    “I'm sorry,” Jim reached over and placed a hand on Len's knee, “we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
    Len covered Jim's hand with his own looking down, “I just wish they hadn’t died that night, I wish that man hadn’t been drinking and driving and hit my parents car.”
    “I wish that too,” Jim whispered, “but at least you had Gran.”
    “Yeah,” Len smiled finally locking eyes with Jim, “still do. I don’t know what I would do without her.”
    Now that Len was smiling again Jim gave his hand a squeeze and then returned to picking at the food. “She’s a great lady, you're lucky to have her as a Gran. I wish I would have met her sooner.”
    “I should have brought you out here a long time ago,” Len nodded as he popped in another strawberry, “I knew you would love it here, I knew you’d love Gran, and I shouldn’t have stayed away for so long.”
    “Well, I'm glad were here now, and,” Jim raised his watermelon in a toast and Len touched his strawberry to it as Jim continued, “I can’t wait to come back after next semester exams!”
    Two days later and their trip had finally come to an end. It was their last day in Georgia and the two had spent it making sure that Gran had everything she needed before they left early the next morning. They made a trip into town to stock Gran's kitchen, helped her with a few last minute chores around the house, took her out for a nice dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town, and now they were spending their last night of freedom relaxing.
    Jim had popped on an old movie, some sappy romance that Len had tried to talk him out of in place of one about cars, but Jim had insisted and put it on. They were about halfway through the movie, Len was sitting on the couch and Jim was lying on the floor below him using Len's feet as a pillow, when Gran stood up from her chair beside them.
    She gave an over exaggerated yawn before turning to them, “I think I'm going to turn in early tonight boys.”
    Both boys immediately snapped their heads towards her, movie forgotten, “Are you alright, Gran? You don’t normally turn in this early.”
    “I'm fine, Lenny,” she insisted with a wave of her hand, “but you boys are leaving early tomorrow and I want to be up to see you off.”
    Len didn’t look at all convinced so Jim stepped in, “You sure Gran? You know if you need anything you can tell us, right?”
    She smiled and pat the top of Jim's head, “Of course I do. But nothing to worry about, my boys, just a tired old lady. Good night you two.”
    The boys responded in kind and slowly turned their attention back to the movie as Gran made her way towards the stairs. When she reached the bottom step she turned back to them with a smirk on her face the devil would be proud of, and innocently suggested, “You know, it’s a fine night out boys. Why not go out for your last night and enjoy the Georgia night? Stars are out tonight and it’s a full moon.”
    Len's head turned to her so quickly he was sure he had whip lash. She was never sick or even tired, this was all a ploy!
    Before he could say anything Jim sat up from his place at Len's feet, “That actually sounds really nice, Bones, and we don’t get many opportunities like that back at the academy.”
    When he finished, Jim turned slightly and laid his chin on Len's knees as he hugged his legs, giving Len his best puppy dog eyes. And of course it worked, “Where do you wanna go, kid?”
    “I dunno,” Jim laughed as Len bounced his feet jostling Jim around as he did, “you’ve lived here most of your life, you tell me. Where's the best place to go on a nice night under a full moon?”
    Gran saw her chance there and snuck back into the living room to plant one more idea. “Lenny, why not take Jimmy back to the pond?” he looked back to Gran completely shocked. His mouth opened and closed a few times but nothing came out. This had to be her best scheme yet during their visit, she certainly had a way with meddling and there was no doubt in his mind exactly where her thoughts were headed. “It’s a nice quite place to talk, no one else around for miles… you can be as loud as you want.”
    When she finished she sent a wink Len's way and his jaw instantly hit the floor. His sweet little innocent Gran… apparently not.
    Jim was up and moving in an instant, thankfully not catching the silent exchange between Len and Gran and shouting, “That sound great! Let’s go, Bones!”
    And before Len could manage to get words out of his mouth Jim was bouncing up the stairs beside Gran to grab his shoes. In a flash Jim was running back down the stairs, Len's shoes being thrown at him as Jim turned into the kitchen yelling at him to hurry up, before running out the back door. All Len could think as he quickly pulled on his shoes was curse Gran and her meddlesome ways… but hopefully also thank her too.
    It wasn’t long before Len was strolling out the back door and down the porch steps, but Jim was already halfway across the yard. He couldn’t help but laugh as he called out, “Kid, wait for me! You don’t even know where the pond is.”
    “Hurry it up then, old man!” Jim turned back and waved him forwards, “I wanna get there before we have to leave tomorrow.”
    Len just shook his head with a smile on his face and ran to catch up to Jim, swooping down to take his hand and lead him the rest of the way.
    After they crossed the yard, past all the paddocks, and walked for a few minutes through the trees they finally came to the pond. It was beautiful. The small clearing held a shimmering pool of water under the glow of the silver moon directly overhead, surrounded completely by trees and brush, a perfect little hidden paradise. At the sight of it Jim wished they never had to leave.
    Len let Jim's hand go and walked to the edge of the pond. He toed off his shoes and sat at the edge with his legs in the water, and Jim sat beside him doing the same.
    A comfortable silence washed over them as Jim laid his head on Len's shoulder, and they stayed like that for a long time before Jim asked, “How deep is it?”
    “Mid torso,” he sighed, completely comfortable like this, “used to swim here with Gran as a kid.”
    Jim nodded, then stood jostling Len out of his dazed state. When Len turned his head around Jim was stripping down to his boxers.
    “What are you doing?” he quirked a brow.
    Jim shrugged as he tossed his shorts to the side, “It’s a nice night, Bones, lets swim.”
    “No thanks!” he shook his head, turning back to the pond.
    “Oh, come on,” Jim gave him a nudge, “just jump in with me.” Len just shook his head refusing to look back at Jim, “It’s just the two of us out here, and I’ve seen you in your boxers before if that’s what you're worried about. Or are you just chicken… old man.”
    Jim knew he had him and smirked as, sure enough, Len stood and turned to stalk towards Jim. He stood right in front of Jim and looked him dead in the eyes, his gaze so intense that Jim found himself unable to look away. With a smirk, Len ran his finger tips ever so lightly from Jim's hips and up his bare sides, loving the shivers he felt rippling through Jim's body. Jim's head tilted back slightly as he let out a gasp, and Len's hands moved back down to flatten on Jim's hips. He moved one hand around to the small of Jim's back to pull him in closer, flush against his chest, and in one swift move tightened his hold on Jim and jumped sideways into the pond.
    When Jim popped his head out of the water, sputtering and confused with Len laughing in front of him, he couldn’t help but join in. when he finally caught his breath he swam closer to Len and stood before him, almost touching but not quite. Without moving his eyes from Len's he reached down and grabbed the bottom of Len's shirt, pulling it slowly over his head and throwing it on the grass. He then ran his hands down Len's shoulders, then his chest and towards the button of his shorts, making quick work of that and leaning down to pull them off. He tossed them in the same direction as the shirt and the two were now both in only boxers.
    Slowly they closed the gap between them, Jim landing his hands on Len's chest and Len wrapping his arms around Jim's waist and keeping him close. The silver glow of the full moon above them caught on the medallion wrapped around Len's neck and Jim ran a hand down the chain. It definitely hadn’t gone unnoticed by Jim that Len had so far kept his word and had yet to take it off, which Jim could not describe in words how that made him feel, so he did the next best thing. He leaned down, Len's eyes caught on his every move, and placed an open mouthed kiss on the medallion on Len's chest, catching half medallion and half skin between his lips. He felt and heard the moan ripple through Len's chest and smiled as he nosed the spot, then brought his head up to lie on Len's shoulder.
    Jim moved his hands up and around Len's neck to play with his hair between his fingers as Len gently swayed them back and forth. “You know, I’ve never brought anyone to the pond before, you’re the only one.” Jim smiled into his shoulder, blushing profusely. “And thanks for coming with me, Jim, it means a lot to me that you’re here,” he whispered into Jim's shoulder.
    Jim ran a hand down the back of Len's head and replied, “Any time, Bones, I loved this.”
    “Me too,” he smiled, “it made Gran really happy to have you here, she really likes you, Jim. And it was nice to see her reaction when you accepted the invitation to come out.”
    “I would do anything fro Gran,” he hesitated a moment, then continued, “but you know I also came for you, right?”
    “Yeah,” Jim breathed, “I meant what I said at your party. Two weeks without you, alone in our room… I wouldn’t have made it.”
    Len chuckled, “I'm sure you would have been fine, and you know there are other people on campus besides me. You have other friends, Jim, two weeks would have seemed like a breeze.”
    Jim smiled as he rubbed his thumb melodically over Len's hair line at the base of his neck. Len was right, he had plenty of other friends, but he was wrong in thinking Jim wouldn’t have been bothered with his absence.
    He ran his thumb over the same spot once more then whispered almost inaudibly, “I only want you, Bones.”
    Len didn’t know what to say, so he just wrapped his arms tighter around Jim and nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck.
    “We should just stay here.”
    The suggestion was so out of place that it took Len a second to register what he had said. “What?”
    “Here, in Georgia,” Jim shrugged as if it was obvious, “we should just stay here forever.”
    “And give up Starfleet?” He raised a brow even knowing Jim couldn’t see it.
    “It’s beautiful here, peaceful.” He sighed against Len's shoulder, “I’ve never felt as content in my life as I do right here, with you.”
  “That’s why I love it here so much,” and it was true, he always did love Georgia.
    “It’s settled then, we’ll stay.”
    Len laughed and Jim was quick to follow.
    “Can’t be captain if you're grounded in Georgia,” Len joked, but at the same time both boys knew it was true.
    “Yes…” he drawled, “but we’d be grounded together. You and me, Bones, forever.”
    Len couldn’t help but find himself a little shocked. He knew Jim was stuck to his hip like glue, but he hadn’t realized just how deeply attached he was, maybe he wasn’t reading the signs wrong after all. “So you’d give up all that, space, discovery, exploration, just to stay here with me in Georgia?”
    “If you asked me to.” Just as simple as that it seemed.
    “And what if I didn’t want to stay here?” he asked, testing the waters slightly, “What if I asked you to run away? Live on another planet far from here and never see Georgia again.”
    Jim continued to rub his thumb over Len's neck as he answered, “I go where you go, Bones.”
    Len let out a chuckle at that, but still replied with, “Yeah, same here, kid.”
    Both of them held tighter to each other, neither wanting to let this moment go, but they knew it couldn’t last forever. “As much as I would love to stay here with you, Jim, we have to go back.”
    Jim sighed, it was a nice dream but even he knew it couldn’t be, “I know, kinda don’t want to though.”
    “Me neither kid. But…”
    “But what?”
    “Maybe one day we can,” Len stopped his swaying momentarily, just holding Jim still in the pond, “stay here together that is, if you still want to by then-”
    Len laughed, “What if you change your mind about me? A few years down the road you might not want a grumpy old doctor anymore.”
    “Never, Bones,” Jim shook his head, “you and me to the end, no matter what.”
    It wasn’t Len's fault if a tear suddenly escaped him, running down his cheek and landing on Jim's shoulder just then. “No matter what, kid.”
    Neither said another word after that, instead picking up their swaying again and spending most of the night wrapped in each others arms under the moon and stars.
    With the medallion between his fingers Len looked down at Jim's still motionless body in the biobed. Those two weeks in Georgia were the best two weeks of his life. He had Jim all to himself, no exams, or classes, or work. Just the two of them in a perfect paradise of their own, one he wishes could have lasted forever.
    “I never got to tell you on that trip what I really wanted to tell you,” he began, taking up Jim's hand in his and running his thumb over his fingers, “I should have, but I didn’t. I was worried I was reading it all wrong. One minute you were all over me, right by my side, holding my hand, and all I had to do was just lean in and say it, but… but I was never sure if it was right, if you would say it back, and I didn’t want to lose you because I was wrong. It’s obvious now, looking back, that we were both just dancing around each other like fools. Gran was right, I should have just told you.”
    He sighed, wishing with all his might that the hand in his would squeeze back, or Jim would open his eyes and look at him, just finally hear him. But he was becoming more and more worried that it wouldn’t happen and he had lost his chance, hundreds of chances actually.
    “God,” he ran his free hand down his face, “you don’t know how much I need you Jim. I was a god damn mess without you. You said two weeks away would have been bad? How about two months?! I’ve been an absolute wreck without you, kid, and it’s about high time you wake up. I need you by my side, I need your hand in mine when you think no ones looking, hell I don’t even care if you wanna hold my damn hand on the bridge where everyone can see. I don’t even care if you never let go again, I just need you to wake up Jim-”
    A tear fell from his cheek and landed on Jim's. He had gotten so close, their foreheads were almost touching and he had at some pointed started crying. His chest was aching and breathing was becoming very difficult with every second that Jim remained unresponsive. He closed the gap and rested his forehead on Jim's, taking in a deep breath before speaking again, “I’ve always needed you Jim, always. Right from the first moment I met you, and you managed to keep me calm the whole way from Riverside to the academy, but when… when everything fell apart and you were still there beside me it only made my love for you stronger, I'm just sorry it took me all these years to finally get the courage to say it. But god I need you, I need you now more then I ever have in my life, even back then… I can’t live without you, Jim.”
A/N: THE POND SCENE!!!!!! Finally! I feel like I’ve been waiting a hundred years to give this to you guys and it hath finally arrived! I hope y’all like it as much as I do, buuuuuuuut..... Fair warning, this is the last little bit of nice soft mckirk you’ll see for a while, the next chapter gets a bit heavy...
Hope everyone enjoys this and let me know what you think <3
Tags: @goingknowherewastaken @medicatemedrmccoy @bi-e-ne @weresilver-in-space @resistance-is-futile81 @0dannyphantom0 @haveyouseenmymind @jimboy-mccoy @reading-in-moonlight @flaminglupine
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I don’t really have any strong memories of this issue of BATMAN FAMILY, apart from the fact that I would have purchased it at my local 7-11. It was, I expect, a perfectly entertaining outing, but not one that was noteworthy in any way. And ever since DC had dropped their classic reprints in favor of all-new material--a move that I expect most readers applauded--I didn’t have quite the same level of interest in these sorts of titles as I once did. 
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The lead story, another team-up tale between Batgirl and Robin, also once again brought back Batwoman. I was familiar with Batwoman from the BATMAN: FROM THE 30s TO THE 70s hardcover, but she hadn’t really been a going concern in the Batman titles since the very early 1960s. But writer Bob Rozakis clearly had a fondness for her, and so here she was, back again. It wouldn’t be too long before her niece would also resurface as the original Bat-Girl--and then again, not long after that when Kathy Kane would be murdered by the League of Assassins, thus ending Batwoman’s career. But all of that was still to come at this moment.
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The artist on this story was Don Heck, who had carved out a niche for himself at DC doing Batgirl stories, having been suggested for the assignment by Jack Kirby some years earlier. Heck is one of those divisive figures in comics history, in that he was never as comfortable drawing super hero stories as he might have been doing westerns or war tales or romance stories. But super heroes were what the audience wanted, so that’s what he did. He was famously called the “worst artist in the business” during an interview between Harlan Ellison and Gary Groth, and that undeserved reputation as a hack dogged him thereafter. Heck drew a lot of comic books, he was certainly talented, and very much ubiquitous when I was growing up.
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The story opens where the previous issue left off, with Batwoman appearing on Barbara Gordon’s doorstep and disintegrating before her eyes. Here, the clock winds back a few hours so that we can see Batwoman attempting to break up a robbery and getting zapped with a strange ray gun that begins to discombobulate her. Barbara examines Batwoman’s remains, and recognizes the residue left on her costume as being a hybrid virus of the sort created by her old chemistry instructor Professor Hu. At Batgirl, she flies up to Hudson University where Hu is situated now, and learns that she herself has contracted the same condition from the virus.
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Forced to wear a containment suit to prevent others from being exposed to the virus, Batgirl calls in Robin to assist on the case. The Dynamite Duo retraces Batwoman’s steps and question the owners of the house that was being burgled in the opening of the issue--only for their car to be stolen! Robin gives chase (Batgirl forced to the sidelines for fear of tearing her protective suit) and quickly brings the car thieves to heel. But this is an unconnected robbery, so all it’s done is cost the heroes some time.
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The duo follows a trail of clues to the traveling carnival that Batwoman owns in her Kathy Kane identity, hoping to smoke out the burglars by their very presence. The criminals are Mr. Braian dn Dr. Brawn, a carny pair, and they’re unaware of the destructive power of the weapon they had previously heisted. Robin confronts them in the middle of their performance in that day’s show, and the usual fight breaks out. Robin takes a shot from the same ray gun before dispatching Mr. Brain, and Batgirl is able to take down Dr. Brawn since, completely encased in her containment suit, the ray gun can’t affect her.
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But the virus is doing its work and Batgirl is beginning to disintegrate. Robin calls in Kid Flash, who is able to zip the pair and the weapon back up to Professor Hu so that he can work out a way to reverse it. And in typical comic book deus ex machina, the ray is actually a condenser which miniaturizes matter--so when the reverser is turned on Batwoman’s costume, she re-expands to fill it, and is likewise fine. Kid Flash offers to spread the cure around Washington DC in case anybody else was affected during the fight, and everything ends swimmingly.
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After a feature page devoted to forgotten Batman villain Mr Zodiac came a silly but charming Man-Bat story illustrated by Howard Chaykin. In it, Kirk Langstrom’s neighbor Ambrose Robertson catches a glimpse of Kirk transforming into Man-Bat, and being a huge monster movie buff realizes that he needs to exorcise Kirk. The kid lures Man-Bat to his booby-trapped apartment, and a farce ensues as he tries assorted monster movie methods of overcoming Kirk. In the end, Langstrom pops one of the pills that turns him back to human and lets Ambrose think that his exorcism was successful.
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darnedchild · 6 years
Molly Hooper Appreciation Week Fall 2018 - Day 3
Will be on FFdotNet and Ao3 later (probably tomorrow because I’m tired and I’m going to bed now)
On FFdotNet and Ao3
MHAW Day Three – Day 3 – Sound
Note – This is a sequel to my Khanolly fic “Descent Into Darkness”.  It would be best if you’ve read that fic first, but I don’t think it’s absolutely necessary to understand what’s happening in this one.
Totally unbeta’d because it’s late and I’m lazy and out of time.  Most of the bridge dialogue is lifted directly from the movie.  Please don’t sue me.  Also, it should be pretty obvious that this is an AU fic because where is the fun in a Khanolly fic if there isn’t a happy(ish) ending?  I’m not really happy with this, but it’s 11:56 pm and I’m stubborn about deadlines so I’m calling it quits now.  Finally, since it’s not obvious, the sound theme is about voices (specifically Khan’s and how Molly reacts to it and what she can read in it that others might miss).
From Darkness
Molly’s heart raced.  
From the moment the Vengeance warp core had shut down and the sickbay had switched to auxiliary power, her world had turned upside down.
No, before that.  Long before.  
When Section 31 had been bombed and Admiral Marcus had personally visited her flat to ask her to recreate the bio-agent that would be capable of killing John Harrison, that’s when everything she’d thought she’d known had tilted on its axis.
It wasn’t just that the man she’d thought she’d been friends with, had flirted with, had even shared one perfect kiss with, was a mass murderer.  She now understood that everything she’d worked on in Section 31, all of her projects for who knew how long, had been approved with an eye toward eventual weaponization.  That Admiral Marcus wasn’t the honourable man she’d believed him to be.  
It had all been a lie.
The only thing she was absolutely sure of anymore was that she was currently in danger and there wasn’t a single person on the ship she could trust.  
Not even the man she’d agreed to help in his mission to save his crew.
Especially not John Harrison.
It’s Khan, she reminded herself as she rushed from station to station in the sickbay.  
While the ship’s warp core had come back on-line, most of the computer systems were still powering up.  There was a specific order to follow as power would be allocated to the most vital areas first.  
“Life support systems will switch back from auxiliary.  Basic bridge commands, impulse drive, sickbay functions,” Molly recited under her breath as she struggled to remember the basics she’d learned when she’d first joined Starfleet, before she’d specialized in medical research for the Federation.  
She bit her lip in frustration as several of the terminals remained down.  “How long?  How long until we’re back?”
Even if she did get the entire sickbay up and running before Khan had his crew transferred to the Vengeance, where would she put them?  The seventy-two cryotubes would have to be stored somewhere until they could be safely opened.  She was unfamiliar with the layout of the ship and had no idea where Khan would send his people, but she would need to make sure she had the proper equipment ready to go when they arrived.
There was nothing for it, she was going to have to find Khan.
She stuck her hand into the pocket of her tunic and brushed her fingers against the hypospray containing the bio-agent Marcus had requested, reassured by the cool metal.  Molly hoped she wouldn’t have cause to use it on Khan; but she would be a fool not to keep it with her, just in case.  She readjusted her hold on her phaser, the weight of it unfamiliar in her hand, and eased through the door into the corridor outside.
Khan had said he was going to deal with Marcus, which meant he would have headed toward the bridge.
Molly picked a direction and ran for it, hoping that if she ran into one of the crew they would be the ask questions first, shoot second type.
It didn’t take long before she heard a woman scream in pain.  As far as she knew, there hadn’t been any other women aboard the ship when it left dock. Perhaps she was one of Khan’s crew?
Moments later, Molly heard another scream, loud enough to mask any sounds she might have made as she cautiously slipped through the door to the bridge and ducked behind the closest thing she could use as cover.    
She immediately spotted Khan pulling another man off the floor as if he weighed nothing.  From her hiding spot, she could see other bodies on the ground. The only one other one that was conscious was the woman who had switched from screaming to whimpering as she cradled her leg.
Khan held a phaser to the head of the man he was clearly planning to use as a bargaining tool.  He shoved the other man in front of the viewscreen and addressed the crew on display.  “I’m going to make this very simple for you.”
One of the other ship’s crew spoke, a Vulcan from his speech pattern and appearance.  “Captain.”
The man with Khan seemed to gather himself at the sound of the Vulcan’s voice.  
Molly considered the distance between herself and the other woman, and her odds of crossing the bridge without being spotted.
Khan spoke again.  “Your crew for my crew.”
That caught her attention.  
“You betrayed us.”  The Vulcan didn’t seem shocked by the revelation.
Khan smirked.  “Oh, you are smart, Mister Spock.”  Something in his voice made Molly shiver, something almost sinister and yet . . . it wasn’t quite fear that brought goose bumps to her skin.
The man Spock had addressed as Captain said something before Khan hit him with the butt of the phaser and let him drop to the floor.  Khan turned his full attention to the viewscreen and demanded his crew once again.
“And what will you do when you get them?”
Molly thought she saw one of the men on the ground twitch.
“Continue the work we were doing before we were banished.”
Banished?  If she got out of this alive, there were going to be so many questions.  
“Which, as I understand it, involves the mass genocide of any being you find to be less than superior.”  Spock seemed to be attempting to deliberately antagonize Khan.  
The mention of mass genocide made her blood run cold.  For a long moment, Molly considered raising her weapon and shooting Khan in the back. He’d survive it, probably, but it should be enough to bring him down long enough that she might be able to inject him with the hypospray.  If the twitching man or one of the others were able to help her . . .
“Drop.  Your.  Shields.” Khan’s voice made it clear that he was nearing the end of his patience.
Her thumb nudged the switch on the side of the phaser away from Stun.
“Well, let’s play this out logically then, Mister Spock.  Firstly, I will kill your Captain to demonstrate my resolve.”  There was no trace of the man she’d known as John Harrison left in Khan, not in his voice or in the way he held himself.  “Then, if yours holds, I will have no choice but to kill you and your entire crew.”
“If you destroy our ship, you will also destroy your own people,” Spock countered.
“Your crew requires oxygen to survive, mine does not.  I will target your life support systems located behind the aft nacelle.”  
The Captain of the other ship began to stir.  Molly bit her tongue, not sure if she was trying to hold back a warning for Khan or a distraction to give the Captain a chance to catch Khan by surprise.  Her loyalties should lie with Starfleet; but she knew what it felt like to lose your family and if Khan had been telling the truth, if all of this was really about getting his crew back . . .
“And after every single person aboard our ship suffocates, I will walk over your cold corpses to recover my people. Now, shall we begin?”
She believed him.  Of course, she did, there was no way she could ever forget what he’d done to Section 31.  The question was, did Spock?
Apparently, he did.  “Lower shields.”
Thank the heavens.  Molly slumped in relief.  The odds of her survival would increase dramatically if Khan got his people back.
“A wise choice, Mister Spock.” Khan barely spared a moment to kick the Captain out of his way before he was flicking his fingers across the screen of a console.  “I see your seventy-two torpedoes are still in their tubes.  If they are not mine, Commander, I will know it.”
From where she was, she could see the way his hands shook as he transported the torpedoes and their precious cargo aboard. “Thank you, Mister Spock.”
He dropped into the Captain’s seat as Spock insisted Khan uphold his end of the deal.  As if the chair had been made for him (which it probably had), Khan took command of the Vengeance.  “Well, Kirk, it seems apt to return you to your crew.  After all-“  
Kirk, the woman, and one other man beamed away.
“-no ship should go down without her captain.”
Immediately, the image of Spock disappeared from the viewscreen to be replaced by a view of a cargo hold containing row after row of torpedoes.  “Welcome home, old friends,” Khan whispered with reverence.  
His hand moved again, and suddenly there was a heavily damaged starship on the viewscreen.  “Goodbye, Kirk.”  
“Wait!”  Molly shot to her feet.  “Don’t do it.”
Khan’s gaze flicked from her face to the phaser and back.  She immediately held the phaser up and to the side, making it clear that she wasn’t aiming at him.
“Don’t do what, Molly?  Don’t destroy this last threat to my crew?  I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
She eased closer to the command chair. He tensed.  Molly carefully set the phaser on the closest console and lowered her hands to her sides.  The reassuring weight of the hypospray was still in her tunic pocket.
“If you blow up that ship, the Enterprise, they’ll never stop coming for you.  Your crew will never be safe.  Not really.”
“if you think I’m scared of Starfleet-“ he began.
Molly shook her head.  “It won’t just be Starfleet.  It will be the entire Federation.  All hunting for you and your people.  You said that everything you’ve done was for them.  Right?”
He nodded to show he was listening.
“Let the others go.  Tell them . . . Tell them you’re honouring your word.  Their crew in exchange for yours.  Tell them that all you want is to find a new home, you just want to be left alone.  Leave them to tell the Federation how you spared them, granted mercy when you had the clear advantage.”
Khan shook his head.  “Mister Spock will never agree to that.  Neither will Kirk.”
“They don’t have to.  People will ask what happened, and by the time Kirk and Spock have been debriefed and the Federation has heard all about Admiral Marcus and convened a committee to decide whether or not to pursue you, you’ll be long gone.  If you destroy them now, every armed ship in the area will be sent after you in retaliation within a matter of hours.”
She took one more step closer and stared into his eyes.  “You’ll need time to revive your crew.  This could buy you some of that time.”
“And you, Molly?  What would you have me do with you?”
“I-I . . . You wanted my help to wake your people.  I’m here. What do you need?”
He tapped a finger against the arm of the chair.  “Khan to the crew of the Enterprise.  As promised, I have returned your crew-”
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Three Things
Jim Kirk x Reader
A/N: Commission for the wonderful @river-alice-wolf
Summary: Your friend asks what are the three things you look for in a man.
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“Three things you are looking for in a man.”
You looked up from your PADD to Ana, your fellow medbay nurse. “What?”
She grinned and shrugged. “Just answer the question, I’ll tell you mine. Tall, smart, and handsome.”
“That’s a lot to ask for,” you teased, placing the PADD down on the counter to think.
“So,” she winked at you. “What sorta man do you like? The strong silent type? The bad boy?”
You laughed and Dr. McCoy, who was working on a patient, looked your way - giving you a ‘shh’ glare. You held up a hand to apologize and when he turned away, you smacked Ana on the arm. She giggled quietly and held a finger to her lips.
“My bad.”
“Yeah, you're bad,” you retorted, returning back to inputting the morning reports on your PADD. “Go check bed three.”
Ana rolled her eyes, but walked away, whispering that she wanted to hear the answer later. You laughed when she gave your behind a little smack, sighing and going back to work, but her question stuck with you.
Glancing around, you tapped on the counter and started have a silent conversation with yourself. Three things you wanted in a companion, seemed easy enough to think of and truthfully, you knew the answer.
One: Confident. You loved a man who was secure in himself, a man who knew what he wanted and went for it. There was a difference between cocky and confident, you liked a man who walked the fine line of the two.
Second: Loyal. You wanted a man who was loyal to those he cared about, to his friends and to you. A man who wouldn’t falter when it came to doing what was best for his people. Someone you didn’t have to worry about, because you’d know he was yours through and through.
Three: Adventurous. You weren’t one to go out and do wild things, or frankly, anything. You were a homebody by nature, so you wanted someone who’d make you go out and do things. Go on mini adventures, traveling to different places, and someone to hold your hand when you were too nervous to try something new. Someone who would give encouraging words and laugh when you fussed a little too much for pure dramatics.
Confident, Loyal, and Adventurous, those were the three things you looked for in a man and with a smile, you finished up your work and turned off the PADD just in time to see Ana flirting up a storm with Dr. McCoy.  You grinned, deciding it was a good time to take a lunch break, so you waved at Ana when she saw you leaving and she smiled before laughing at something Leonard said.
The cafeteria was mostly empty, a few stragglers from the lunch rush, so you grabbed your plate of fries and picked a table that was empty. Settling, you started devouring the fries, so distracted by the taste, you didn’t see a certain Captain walking in.
“Bones would have a fit if he knew one of his nurses was eating greasy food.”
Fry in mouth, you looked up to Jim Kirk, who stood there with a smirk and a tray of food.
“Mind if I join you?”
“Of course, Captain,” you pointed to the seat next to you and quickly chewed the fry to swallow it.
“Come on,” he nudged you playfully as he scooted in his chair. “You can call me Jim.”
“How are things on the bridge, Jim?”
He smiled. “Good, everything alright with Bones?”
You laughed and dipped a fry into ketchup. “Keeping us busy, but I’m not complaining.”
“You don’t seem like a complainer,” he suggested and you laughed.
“How would you know?”
Jim smirked, giving you a coy stare. “I make it my business to know my crew.”
“All 400 of us?”
He laughed at your call out and he shrugged. “Okay, maybe not, but at least the ones I’m interested in..”
Warmth flooded to your cheeks and you slowly placed down the fry in your hand, looking at the handsome Captain in bewildered wonderment.
Jim chuckled and pushed away his plate, turning his body to face you.
“Well, it's not entirely true,” he confessed. “I’m only interested in one.”
Realization hit and you felt like an idiot for not understanding what he was saying, of what he was getting at. You looked into his blue eyes and Jim took your silence as a positive and he cleared his throat.
“Would you like to have dinner sometime?”
You repeated back and he said yes, that the perks of being captain was having a mini kitchen installed in his cabin.
“I’m not a professor chef, but I can cook some mean steaks,” he explained. “Before we left, I was able to stock up on a few meats, so everything’s fresh..well as fresh as it can be.”
As he talked about the meal, how he’d make steak with mash potatoes, your mind flickered to Ana’s question and your answer. Three things you sought out in a man and as Jim’s lips pulled into a soft smile, you realized something.
Jim Kirk, the Captain of the Enterprise, the man who walked with swagger that matched no other, that vowed to keep his crew safe, and the man who wanted to boldly go where no one had gone before - he was all those things you wanted in a companion.
Confident, Loyal, Adventurous.
“So what do you say.”
Jim’s voice pulled you from your inner thoughts and the room seem to spin as his eyes watched you closely, his lips pursed into a warm simper and it was like you were seeing him for the first time.
So you grinned and nodded wildly, making the Captain laugh. “Is that a yes?”
Trying your hardest to contain a beaming smile, you bit down on your lip and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I would love to have dinner with you, Jim.”
Forever tag (tagging in everything I write, no matter the fandom)
@my-amazing-nerdyness @naih-reedus @maciiiofficial @casownsmyass @jade-taillia@fangirlextraordinaire @indominusregina @feelmyroarrrr @my-rainbow-wonderland@myhopeisinfinite @girl-next-door-writes @dontbeamenacetotheforce @melonberri@superisatomboyuniverse @xloudwhocares @crownie-sr @dracsgirl @moonlight53@makemyownwonderland @dreamwhisper87 @trekken81  @barely-emily @winterboobaer@purelittleblueberry @goodnightwife @mishaissocoollike  @stormyfandoms@foreverybodythatunderstands23 @gallifreyansass @flirtswithdanger @yana-tardis-drwho@myplaceofthingsilove   @jchona  @alyssaj23  @blackhoneybucky @urbanspacedecay@castieltrash1 @hannahsakorax3 @imagine-all-the-imagines  @motleymoose@distinguishedqueenofbooks @kitkatgaming @fizzylollipop12 @iamwarrenspeace @darkmystress00 @lunarwolfrose  @kapolisradomthoughts @sisinia13 @swiggityswagness @takemetoneverland91 @to-pick-ourselves-up-7 @sarah-mos @rubynationwins@padfootorionblack @kaywolves @wonderlace19 @yourxaveragexslythergit @purelittleblueberry  @courtneychicken @rayleyanns  @whatmakesmebeme-tblr @thewinterwitch@avengersgirllorianna @holywinchesterness @tatortot2701 @brewsthespirit-blog @seabasschino  @lame-lozer @ex-bookjunky @travelwithwords @supernaturaldean67@thehuntchback @shoytai @besamiculo-puto @ign-is @zuni21798 @multipleuniversesinwriting@pleasantdreamqueen  @damalseer @10kindsofderp @hennessy0274-blog @jodoethr @s-t-r-i-k-e-us @seeing-but-not-observing @happyskywhale @anyakinamidala @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @cinema212 @geeksareunique @potatoe69fan 
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speedygal · 6 years
Nothing can come close to this - chapter 2
“Then you must go,” T’Pen said, after turning away from the large crowd of Vulcans in the direction of Spock. “We may not have our freedom but the empire would find a colony and allow us to start all over with their eyes on us.”
Spock observed the crowd feeling helpless.
“Understood,” Spock said.
Five hundred Vulcans were all that were left of a thriving and loyal to the empire individuals. His heart broke at the sight of children who had been cleaned in days if not weeks wearing stoic masks. There were quite a few sehlats part of the population held in a separate part of the ship that had regeneratable patches of grass embedded in a thick level of soil spread on the contained decks. His father, his human mother, and siblings would be horrified at the depleted number of their civilization. Michael. . . Michael . . Michael would be taken at a loss. It was a good thing that all of his family had died of old age before the disaster had struck ShiKahr,.
“Live long and prosper,” Spock gave the ta’al.
And for some reason, he felt like they wouldn’t be able to have that with their decision.
Spock strode through the hatch that divided the station from the ship with his hands linked behind his back. The door closed behind him with a soft click. The halls were bright yellow and blue contrasting against the dark situation that he was in. He saw the Terran symbol decorating most of the doors that he walked past. He passed on by the Terrans who stopped what they were doing and watched him in awe passing them. He made his way to the turbo lift then walked inside. He reached his hand out instinctively for the long pillar sticking out of the wall only to nearly fall forwards for something  that wasn’t there. He regained his bearings then looked around the room to recall that it was a audio system.
“Deck 5,” Spock requested.
The turbo lift moved to his request. The lights from around him flickered a gentle blue from around him. His heavy heart felt like it was being tucked further and further down by the force of gravity and his body was flying in the air heading toward space. The doors opened before him and he lifted his head up to see there were two Tellarites standing side by side deep in conversation. He stepped aside then walked on past them overhearing a discussion about a anomaly. It eased Spock’s thoughts about the science side of the empire still flourishing among the every day cruel. It was a aspect of serving Starfleet that he had missed the most: discovering. He walked on down the hall until he came to the door that stood out among the rest. It was covered in newly made graffiti that read “EMPEROR KILLER” and “traitor lover!”. Spock pressed on a panel.
“Come in!” Kirk sang.
The doors opened before the elderly Vulcan who walked right in.
“Welcome,” Kirk said, standing up from the couch as the door closed behind the Vulcan. Kirk wore a charming smile. “Welcome to my humble home.”
Spock observed the traditionally bright room that was full of weapons and antiques.
“Quite the collection you have here,” Spock observed, his eyes on the bat’leth  “Fought a Klingon and lived to tell about it. Quite a impressive feat.”
“It was a parting gift from the Klingons,” Kirk said.
Spock walked away from the bat’leth approaching the man.
“My people have spoken,” Spock said. “They accept.”
Kirk raised his eyebrows, surprised, as though he hadn’t expected it then grew a wry mile holding his glass up.
“I changed my mind,” Kirk said.
“Why?” Spock asked, his brown eyes following the younger man to the table.
“Because I like you,” Kirk said. “I don’t know why but I think you’re the one.”
Spock raised his eyebrow.
“The one for what?” Spock inquired
Kirk looked down toward the table then turned his gaze up.
“Do you believe in soulmates, Mr Spock?” Kirk asked.
“Affirmative,” Spock replied.
“Like that,”  Kirk said.
“But we have a different word for it,” Spock said.
“What is it?” Kirk asked.
“Before I tell you,” Spock said. “I must  perform a mind meld to be certain.”
“You may perform a meld with me,” Kirk said.
Spock approached the younger man then placed a hand on the side of his face. He slipped into the admiral’s mind. Soothing, peaceful, and content. It was a calm body of water that took away the years of age from Spock’s body and he felt partially at one. Almost whole. Rather being incomplete. There was still a missing half. Spock detached himself from the body of water, gliding out of the hall of memories, and exited Kirk’s mind all together seeing a pre-existing bond shake off its dust becoming active once more. The man had some residual damage from previous melds lingering in his mind.  It dawned on Spock.
“T’hy’la,” Spock said. “We call it T’hy’la.” Spock stepped back.
Kirk wore a look that said it was a thrilling experience from his side of the experience.
“I know what you’re up against so might I . . . suggest. . . getting out of this sector through a very effective but illegal way?” Kirk offered.
“Go on,” Spock said.
“My friends and I, um, uh,” Kirk tripped over his words. “Went into stasis pods a hundred years ago according to your history hiding in a asteroid. We were only recently found a few years ago and given a clean slate because everyone we knew were dead. We were not seen as dangerous enemies anymore so  Emperor Janeway decided to turn us into stationary officers in a part of space that she could keep her eyes on us. This sector station was overseen by my friend, Scotty, when it was being designed and it has plenty of unseen exits in case of a situation like this.” Spock looked at Kirk, skeptically. “I can’t do my job right now with you around.”
“Are these exits big enough for bears?“ Spock inquired. “If not, we cannot leave and we will deal with the empire.” Kirk grew curious.
“What is important about them?” Kirk asked.
“They are pets,” Spock said. “And part of my culture.”
“Anything else part of your culture that you need to take with?” Kirk asked.
“Anything else pertaining to the knowledge of our civilization and culture is capable of being put into a backpack,“ Spock said. “We are sufficient regarding that matter.”
“Then we’re good,” Kirk said. “Just need a distraction that can give us enough time to evacuate your ship.”
“If we have holo-emitters  then they are for education purposes,” Spock said. “We cannot use them.”
“Not yours,” Kirk said. “mine.”
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 years
Raymond Reddington’s DNA is not in CODIS. It never was. It still isn’t. I’m gonna cover all aspects regarding this. 
1. Red bled plenty throughout the series, so why didn't Cooper run a test back in season one?
They literally just covered this with Cooper’s bit of dialogue in 4x22.
Cooper: Maybe I didn’t make myself clear. We’re going to be arrested. And there’s nothing Reddington can do to protect us against that. To be honest, that’s what makes me the angriest. That here we are - at the end, and we still don’t know why he walked into your life that day. Liz: Where are you going? Cooper: To do something I should’ve done a long time ago.
Admitting that he should’ve ran a test a long time ago. Covered.
2. Cooper had Red’s blood tested back in Anslo Garrick: Conclusion. 
Uhm, no he did not. Can people honestly sit here and believe that he’d test Red’s blood from that episode just to prove he was beaten in a warehouse, but not use it to prove that Mr. Gregory Devry was an imposter or to see if Liz was Red’s daughter rather than tampering with evidence?!
Diane Fowler was threatening to shut down the task force. Cooper took Liz at her word that Red was there and straight out lied to Fowler’s face. Red didn’t bleed all over that floor. Garrick did. Putting Red in that warehouse kept the task force up and running because Fowler put Red on the blacklist.
Those dialogues -
Fowler: How did this happen? Cooper: Anslo Garrick was a known associate of Reddington’s. He came in with a tactical assault team. He knew the floor plan. Fowler: Then I have no choice. This task force is decommissioned. Do you understand what has happened, Harold? You obviously have a mole. Cooper: We have to find Reddington. Fowler: The only thing that matters right now, is how quickly we contain this. This did not happen. Reddington is and always has been a fugitive at large.
Fowler: I thought I was clear - this task force is done. Cooper: I think you’ll reconsider. Fowler: Why in God’s name would I do that? Cooper: Because this isn’t just about Reddington anymore. Agent Keen located a surveillance outpost a few miles from here. Next-gen tech, better than anything we have in the field. Fowler: Surveillance on what? Cooper: Us. They’ve been watching this task force for months. Phone taps, communications logs. We’re not sure to what extent. We were able to recover very little. The equipment and data were rigged to self-destruct. Fowler: I don’t understand. How is this even possible? Cooper: Something else you should know. They’ve been watching you too.
Liz: He was here.
Cooper: He was there. Lab tests confirm the blood was Reddington’s. Fowler: Which means? Cooper: As far as we can tell, he killed his captor and escaped. Fowler: Then why aren’t you out hunting him down? Cooper: I’m sorry? I thought we were in the “cover our asses” business, in containment mode. Fowler: That ship has sailed, Harold. Someone is surveilling us, and we don’t know who. Reddington does. Cooper: You don’t know that. Fowler: We have a mole. That mole leaked intel leading to the abduction and torture of Reddington. It’s a simple math problem, Harold. Whoever is after Reddington is after us, and that means, as far as I’m concerned, that Reddington still has real value. The unit has a new focus - finding him. As of this moment, the only target on the blacklist is Raymond Reddington.
Jst gonna point out specific dialogues while I’m here. 
“As far as we can tell, he killed his captor and escaped.”
Yeah.. because had they tested that blood, they’d have known it was Garrick’s.
“Next-gen tech” 
Like Navarro’s eye and the system they had built in Garvey’s fake house.
“It’s a simple math problem, Harold.”
Like Kirk wanting leukemia in Miles McGrath. 
“Reddington still has real value.”
This one takes us from Shell Island and goes straight to Esteban. 
Marcus: Two years ago, 20 of us broke bread at this table. Now there are 12. We have lost Hector Lorca, Floriana Campo - Red: And others. What’s your point, Marcus?
12 people in a room, willing to kill Red because they believe he’s been taking down cirminals through the FBI. Could you imagine the world finding out that his daughter is a fed? Yeah... he wouldn’t survive it. Once he becomes useless to the criminal world, he’s no longer valuable to the FBI. 
3. Mr. Gregory Devry's episode.
Point blank, his DNA isn’t in the system. 
Liz: I came as soon as I got the call. Who is this guy? He claims he’s Reddington? Samar: Yes, and we can’t disprove it with DNA because there’s nothing on file from 1990 when Reddington disappeared.
Had it been in the system, they’d have pulled DNA directly from Red.
4. The paternity test.
Still not in the system, that’s why Cooper tampered with evidence. And he handed those results directly to Liz herself. 
Why wouldn’t he put those results in CODIS? Because the FBI is in full denial of their immunity agreement with Raymond Reddington. The only people who know about it, are the people who are supposed to know about it. Not even the entire FBI knows about his immunity deal. Not only would they not admit to having an arrangement with Red, they wouldn’t admit to having his daughter working for them. 
That’s why, instead of putting it in the system, he simply “informed” the FBI Director of Red and Liz’s relationship. Those dialogues -
Cooper: I’m not worried about his ability to provide us cases. I’m worried we may have a perception problem. Aram: What does that mean? Ressler: “Perception,” sir? Cooper: There was a DNA test between Reddington and Keen. And it’s only a matter of time before I have to disclose the results of that test. Ressler: Which were? Cooper: Raymond Reddington’s her father.
Aram: Excuse me, um - sir? I’m wondering if uh, you decided to tell the new director about Agent Keen and Mr. Reddington’s relationship. Cooper: Not yet, but as a rule, I like to come down on the side of transparency. Aram: So you think the Bureau should be kept informed about personal relationships?
Cooper: I owe you an apology. Liz: Sir? Cooper: I’ve decided to disclose your relationship with Reddington. Liz: It’s the right thing to do. I want to do the right thing. Cooper: I’m sorry for the personal scrutiny that will likely result from this - the doubts, suspicions of your loyalty, which may rise again.
5. Identifying Red was never an issue.
That’s why his prints matched what they had on file from his fingerprint sheet dated March of 1989. And he does have tattoos, which shows he exaggerates in story when speaking with other criminals. That typically happens in storytelling. 
Cooper: We confirm it’s actually him? Ressler: It’s him alright. Prints match. Tattoos.
Connecting him to Liz was the only thing they didn’t do. 
6. Red had the body all this time, therefore the DNA.
If the DNA results reveal Raymond Reddington, it’ll be because our Red wanted that to happen. Kaplan would’ve been very capable of extracting DNA for that purpose, and Red needed to find a way to hide his connection to Liz before turning himself in. 
If it were the real Red in the duffel bag, not only would Garvey know who the hell Liz is, but he’d also know, in believing that Jennifer is also Red’s, that Liz is Jennifer’s sister. But Garvey doesn’t know anything. What Garvey knows, or thinks he knows ... that’s another story. 
But I will remind everyone that the only people who know of Red and Liz’s connection, are the task force and the new FBI Director. Now Jennifer, thanks to Liz and her big mouth. Why? Because Sam is listed as her adopted father and a DNA report was fabricated for Alexander Kirk. 
And finally... had the test came up as anonymous sample, Tom wouldn’t have been able to pull a name from “anonymous.”
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bluesakura007 · 4 years
Lilium - Khan Noonien Singh x OC
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Summary: The cryotube which Khan has been kept in after being sentenced for his part in the events of STID has malfunctioned, to the point where he’s hanging on to life itself by a thread. All that’s left for commander Zinalya Hamilton to do is to visit him in this last moments, to make one final farewell...
Warnings: ANGST and character death. Seriously, this is probably the most angsty thing I’ve ever written lmao. And there’s also a few mentions of alcohol abuse. 
A/N: This is absolutely definitely NOT the real series of events that happens in my Khan x OC ship, it’s honestly just a what-if AU idea that suddenly popped up in my head. The only real series of events in the story of Zinalya x Khan that isn’t AU is the happy ending of Undeniable.  ^^
It was in the late evening stage of the day when captain Jim Kirk received the message from Starfleet Command.
Uhura had been the one to send it through to his quarters, without opening the message herself, upon its arrival in the communication systems of the USS Enterprise. As you probably would have guessed, he wasn't expecting its melancholy contents at all - due to this origin source of the message being Starfleet Command, he initially believed before opening it that it would be a set of new orders for a diplomatic mission to carry out, but the thing is he couldn’t have been more wrong if he tried.
He soon found himself affected by this melancholy content of the message; not only was there a serious recent development to contend with that anyone would be feeling sad about to some kind of degree, but one of the first thoughts that went through his mind was the certain fact that his security chief, commander Zinalya Hamilton, wouldn’t be pleased about it in the slightest.
"You wanted to see me sir-" This security chief herself began to say, but she abruptly stopped in mid-sentence upon seeing the scene before her. She’d just entered into one of the Enterprise’s meeting rooms later that night at the end of her duty shift, having been asked by Kirk to come due to him having something to tell her, but what she hadn’t been expecting was for the other seven senior officer comrades to additionally all be in there, standing around said meeting room with their captain. Scotty, Pavel, Sulu, Spock, Uhura, Bones and Carol Marcus.
"Evening, Zin." Said Dr. McCoy, his voice somewhat somber.
"Hey." She greeted in reply, before a small joking smile appeared on her face. "This isn’t some kind of intervention is it? I mean lately I’ve gotten better with my... ethanol problem, ask anyone." Zinalya still suffered from bouts of longing and hopeless desperation every few days or weeks over the absence of the man who, to put a long story short, she wanted to end up in a relationship with.
Her plan that she’d executed two years prior, back in 2259, was an attempt to convince the Federation court who’d carried out Khan Noonien Singh’s tribunal - after his fear and sorrow-induced retaliation against Alexander Marcus for the magnitude of this admiral’s manipulation against him - to allow the two of them to be sentenced to an exile together on a distant planet with his seventy-two comrades after she’d found herself helplessly falling for him a couple of days or so after he was captured on Kronos, so that they could be with each other and so that he and his fellow Augment friends could start the new life that they’d been looking forward to since the 1990s.
However, this plan of hers had failed, and he was instead sentenced to be placed back into cryogenic stasis and stored with the other seventy-two with no end date to this sentence. Over time, Zinalya’s frustration and despair at the injustice of this situation, the only man who’d ever meant that much to her romantically being taken away and effectively kept in an icy coma most likely until the end of time, had driven her into a reliance upon vodka, beer and sometimes Romulan ale for the purpose of numbing the pain of her now never getting the chance to pursue that possible relationship with Khan. Nowadays, she still smiled less than she used to and still suffered from these sad nights caused by her trains of thought about him, but over nearly the last year she’d been trying to kick the booze habit in the realisation that it was anything but good for her.
"No, it’s not an intervention. But you should probably sit down and brace yourself - what we’re about to day is pretty serious, and to be honest you’re not gonna like it." The CMO answered, the somber tone in his voice not dissipating.
"Okay." Currently a little bit confused at this, she pulled up one of the chairs in front of the table in the middle of this meeting room and perched herself in it. Kirk, Uhura and Chekov were the ones sitting in three more chairs, while the others remained standing in various places around them.
It was Jim’s turn to speak and to begin the revelation of what the communication received earlier had said, but for a couple of moments he was stuck for how exactly to phrase the things he was going to say in the next few seconds. "I was sent a message a couple of hours ago from Starfleet Command: you know that facility in New York where Khan’s been kept with those others...?"
"Yeah, Sierra-Lambda 3. Why?" She momentarily felt a tiny spark of hopefulness at the word “been”, a past tense word, but then she remembered what Bones had just said about how this news that was about to be revealed wasn’t going to be something she’d like in the same amount of time, which was half of a second.
"Well, the message said something’s gone wrong with his cryotube. It’s gone very wrong." Now came the most difficult part of the explanation. The commanding officer took another momentary pause to let out a tiny, almost inaudible sigh of anticipation. "Do you remember how we found out a couple of months after the whole incident that twelve of his friends in the other tubes had died at some point and rounded down their total numbers to seventy-three?"
"Yeah...?" Zinalya was beginning to have a bad feeling about where this conversation was going.
"The thing is, the same kind of errors that threw those twelve tubes out of whack have happened to Khan’s, too." Said McCoy gently. "It's 'cause those things are old technology, so it's a little less easy to keep all of 'em maintained. The life support systems of his cryotube have picked up something in their code after being used for the last couple of centuries ish before three years ago: that life support system just started breaking down."
"The doctors and researchers at the facility in charge of keeping an eye on him and the others tried everything they could to stop it. They prevented him from getting killed, but the malfunction of his life support in the tube has apparently still gotten away with weakening his lungs and heart, and he's... been taken to a hospital in the city." With this same tone, Pavel picked up some of the rest of the explanation from there, being one of her two closest friends. And then there came the underlining fact of the whole thing. The words that the others had all been dreading to tell her the most. "Khan's dying."
"What...?" After having a few of her own seconds of silence upon hearing this, Zinalya's vocal volume was not that much higher than a whisper. "No, he can't be, they must've made some kind of mistake. I mean he's an Augment. He's a superman, as McCoy called him - he's strong. He wouldn't be killed off by something like this."
"It's what killed off those twelve who'd died in the time before he was first woken up in this century, and he's become a victim of the same thing." Scotty, the closest of these two friends, replied to her denial. His eyes contained a sadness born out of his concern for what this matter was going to mean for her emotional state. "They say they've managed to maintain all of the others and these kinds of errors are rare nowadays, but he ended up being on the receiving end of that rarity."
"The doctors at the hospital have managed to save him for the time being and they've given him some sedatives to make it as painless as possible for him, but they've only saved him for a short amount of time. They've said he's got about a day left to live, two at a push." Added Kirk solemnly.
This couldn't be happening, especially not when Zin's time with Khan had been so short. Only a little bit over a week, to be more specific. "So that's it? He's been through so much, practically through hell, and this is how it ends?" Her voice gradually began to raise as she spoke, a noticeable sense of anger creeping into it as well.
"Those guys at the hospital and Sierra-Lambda 3 did everything they could to save him, like Chekov said." Uhura responded, this same kind of sadness in the chief engineer's eyes showing up in her own, as well. "They tried their best, Zinalya."
"Well they should've tried harder!" The half human-half Trill shouted back, her previous frustrations of feeling helpless against the impossibility of her and Khan being able to be together amplifying itself tenfold in this moment. However, she soon looked back on this exclamation a second later in regret, as she realised just as soon that her crewmates were just as unable to stop this as she was. "Christ, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled like that; I know it's not your fault." Her voice wavered at the back of her throat as she found herself involuntarily taking a breath afterwards.
"If we found out that someone close to any of the rest of us was dying we'd be feeling the same way as well." Replied Carol in reassurance.
"You must have held a great amount of endearment towards Khan." Said Spock. Normally he wouldn't be one to get involved in the emotional side of the matter at hand, but if there was anything he'd learned from his Enterprise comrades over the last few years it was that there were times when the decent thing to do was to step up and offer consoling insights into this emotional side. "I am very sorry for you having to face this development, commander Hamilton." The concern on the others' faces was fading into life on his.
"He must've meant quite a lot to you." Sulu gave his own respects.
"People all around me are going through their relationships and everything's coming up sweet and rosey for them, and what the hell do I get left with?" Commented Zinalya bitterly, stopping for a moment before reluctantly releasing one last word in a somewhat more hushed tone. "Nothing."
"I'm sorry, Zinalya." Said Scotty, his own voice additionally a little bit more quiet compared to before. It then dropped again by another notch or two. "We all are."
"Yeah - it's not exactly a mystery how much you were missing him once he'd been sent off to dreamland." Bones' voice didn't contain his usual snarkiness, and was instead laced with the same kind of sympathy which was now mirrored in the voices of the others.
"The message also said we can divert our course to go back to Earth so you can see him if you want, but it's your call. It's up to you whether or not we go." Jim told her.
"I want to see him." Her answer came about five or six seconds later, once again at the volume level which was not that much higher than a mere whisper, while without her consciously realising it, both of her eyes had begun misting up. "So I can say goodbye to him one last time."
The immaculately polished white floors of the corridors in this hospital in New York, as a result, reflected the images of Zinalya, Pavel and Scotty just as perfectly. Sounds that were a cross of sorts between a thump and a click were produced as the heels and soles of their shoes made contact with this ground surface every half of a second, the trio's feet guiding them through the halls towards a certain wing and, once they got there, a certain room, now that they were past the entrance and had found out which room this was. By now they were up on the ninth floor, and of course during their journey through the hospital various doctors, nurses and orderlies had walked past them down both directions of the corridors. The hair and clothes of the three were coated in a layer of wetness because of the fact that they'd just come indoors from the heavy downpour of rain going on outside.
"Do you want us to come in with you?" Asked the Russian, the three of them now standing in front of the door they were looking for. It was the next day on from the revelation to Zin about what the matter at hand was, and after she'd told the others that she wanted to see the man behind this door for the final instance, Kirk had allowed Mr. Sulu to turn the ship around so that they could head back to Earth in order to make this wish happen.
"I'd prefer it if me and Khan were alone." This same woman gave her reply.
"Alright. We'll stay out here and wait for you; just take as long as you want with him, lassie." The engineer told her in a soft and benign tone, giving her a consoling hug in advance which Pavel, in addition, contributed to by joining in.
Taking a moment to psyche herself up for whatever she was about to see next, she took another couple of steps closer towards the door and turned its gleaming metal knob to enter through it and into the room, with the two accompanying her standing back so as to carry out the part where they waited for her.
She definitely needed this brief process of psyching herself up: as soon as she opened the door and stepped in as she did so, the first thing that her green eyes landed on were Khan's own turquoise ones looking back at her, their lids half closed most likely out of exhaustion from his current condition.
It was only to a slight degree, but his normally flawlessly combed jet black hair was a little bit less so. However, there were much bigger changes than this to his appearance compared to the last time she saw him that grabbed her attention more quickly. His skin was pale but not the same kind of paleness that he usually possessed anyway; this kind of pale skin colour he had at the moment was the ghostly kind, and normally there was a sort of twinkle of vigour and depth in his eyes like a shark ready to strike, but that twinkle seemed to have disappeared completely. On some parts of his bare chest were respiration and heart rate monitors with intravenous drips, in addition, being located on his left forearm and the left side of his neck, all of which connected to thin plastic wires that snaked around his torso on his bed. The IVs must have been a solution to another aspect of his new state of health: apparently it had also been reported in the message to Kirk that Khan was too weak even to eat or drink anything. A nasal cannula was coiled around his face just underneath his nose and around the back of his ears and the upper half of his neck, no doubt as a means of helping with the weakening of his lungs.
Seeing him like this made Zinalya feel like she wanted to cry. She'd managed to mostly keep herself from doing this the previous night after she'd heard about his state and had predominantly kept herself calm and collected once she'd gone to bed, but no matter how much she'd tried, actually seeing Khan this weak was nonetheless worse than when she'd pictured it in her mind.
"You must be the commander." Said one of the two nurses who were tending to him right now, just finishing up with checking on his heart rate monitor which was quietly beeping away in the background. It sounded marginally slow.
"That's me." Replied Zin, doing her best to ignore the stinging sensation in the back of her eyes. "Is it okay if the two of us are left alone for a few minutes?"
Diverting his gaze from this officer, Khan looked up at this nurse who'd just spoken, and even though he didn't say anything out loud, he gave a small nod of his head to indicate that this was indeed okay - he trusted her.
The nurse nodded her own head, more noticeably and less slowly. "Alright. We'll be on duty outside." She gave a brief, sympathetic smile before she nodded towards the door while looking at the other nurse on the other side of the room, the two of them making for the door and exiting through it.
To the right of the room were tall glass windows, through which the rain downpour outside could be seen running down it and down the gleaming skyscrapers nearby, and to the left was a vase of white lilies on a white table, these flowers' presence probably being a personal touch for whichever patient might be there. The sunlight outside was faint but was of a colour temperature that stood on the threshold between warmth and coldness.
"It's good to see you, Zinalya." He managed to get these words out, albeit a little bit slowly. From the sound of it, his current condition hadn't affected the baritone pitch of his voice.
She moved across the room towards him and sat down in the chair to the left of his bed, stuck for the words to respond with as she was still in the process of trying to get past the feeling caused by seeing him in such a weak state. "You haven't got any idea how much I'm glad to see you too." She eventually released these words of her own, while the rain could be audibly heard, as well. It was like a curtain of soft, calming white noise representing the world of nature. Although there was the occasional equally soft rumble of some of the dark clouds producing this rain off in the distance, this actually added more to this tranquil atmosphere than it took away; it contributed a sense of depth to the noise.
"How long ago was it, when we last met...?"
"It's 2261 now, so that was two years ago." Answered Zin. "What was the... the first thing you're able to remember happening after getting woken up this time?" She asked her own question a bit hesitantly, as she herself was feeling purely dreadful about this situation so she was reluctant to imagine how he was feeling about the fact that he was dying. From the last few seconds that she’d spent looking at him, her eyes had caught sight of him seemingly holding a white lily in his right hand, not unlike the ones in the vase nearby.
"I have very vague images of being transported to this hospital, but the first clear memory that I have from this most recent awakening is coming to in this bed and being told about my... circumstances for being brought here."
"Did they also send my message ahead to you?" This previous night shortly after the revelation, at her behest, Kirk had sent a reply to the message from Starfleet Command asking for the hospital staff in charge of looking after Khan for his last few days to tell him that Zinalya was on her way to see him.
"They did - that’s why I have this." It took a moment, but he slowly, weakly raised up his right hand, the one that was holding the lily, and loosened some of his grip on it. "Once I knew you were coming, I tried to get up and retrieve a flower for you from the grounds outside, but I was stopped before I’d even finished sitting upright. In fairness, I highly doubt I would have been physically able to complete that task regardless." At first, the small smile which then adorned Khan’s features was created out of the dry humour of this statement he’d just made, but it was soon plain to see that it was additionally born from the fact that, as he’d said a few seconds beforehand, he felt glad to see Zinalya. "One of the nurses agreed to retrieve it for me instead."
As she reached out and took the snowy white flower from his hand, feeling a little bit of the surface of its petals on her fingers, this was the moment when the tears that had previously just been a sting deep down in the back of her eye sockets came into being at the top of both of her cheeks.
"Why did this whole cryotube malfunction have to happen, huh?" Asked Zin, using her own dry humour with a tiny chuckle - one that faded away again very quickly and afterwards became replaced by a sorrowful frown. "Why did you have to go and do this...?" The left one went that little bit further but both of these tears that had now materialised swam down the rest of her cheeks' length.
Although his eyes looked sunken as continuous outward reinforcement of his frailness, the concern showing up inside of them at the sight of this fresh wettening of her face was obvious. Still with some slight difficulty, he once again raised the hand he'd been using until now to hold the flower and tenderly wiped away the tear on the right side of her face, then the left, with his thumb. "I don't know why this had to happen. I suppose fate has chosen me as its new plaything."
"This is weird, too: the last time I saw you was two years ago, but talking to you now's like I only saw you last week or something." Zinalya admitted what she was thinking out loud.
"It's almost funny - I was thinking the same thing." He replied.
"You and me are going to fight this all the way, Khan." She said afterwards determinedly. "We'll find the best medical minds in the entire Federation and we'll go as far as we can go with this."
"That's the only obstacle in our path: there's not that far we can go with the matter." The Augment took a breath, the latest look in his eyes showing up at this moment being one of the softness which he reserved for her. The only woman in this century who'd shown him both clear benevolence and full understanding of his motives and pain back in 2259. "I've been told that this is the end of the line so as to speak, and that there's nothing else able to be done for me except for allowing me to die peacefully."
"You can't die. I mean after all that stuff you and me have been through, you just can't." She used her right hand to wipe this wetness from the tears away from her face, though she knew it was an exercise in futility as there was more coming, while still clutching the lily in her left. "I don't want you to die." After a pregnant pause, she uttered the simple truth of her emotional turmoil.
"I'm sorry Zinalya. I don't want to leave you either, but this appears to be the hand that I've been dealt nonetheless." He winced in the pain from the strength required while doing so, making her wish as she heard it that he'd just continued to stay still, but Khan turned to his right ever so slightly and reached out his left hand to hold hers comfortingly, this physical contact with him easing the sadness inside her mind to this same ever so slight degree. "You were a happy dream during those days when I needed you the most." It made him wish he'd had Zin in his life before the first 23rd century awakening, before his escape with his companions aboard the SS Botany Bay in 1996, as a saviour to make the process back then of him trying to forget some of the nightmarish days of his adolescence that little bit easier. These friends of his were people he could count on and who he trusted with his life, but Zinalya's presence seemed to unlock a new level of the ability to be himself and to say what was going on in his heart. "Those moments with you have been some of the best ones that I can remember." A tear from his own eyes suddenly showed up just beneath the right one.
Leaving the lily in her lap, she grasped on to his hand with the other one, so that she could now hold it with both. Knowing that, in turn, she too could entirely and completely be herself around him, she allowed herself to let loose with the amount of tears she shed. "I can't remember a time I didn't feel excited when I was around you. You're not just handsome and basically a sweetheart, you're also a man who brings exhilaration and adventure in your wake."
"I'm afraid flattery won't postpone my death date." He remarked in reply to this with another of his chuckles, putting more dry humour to use. He was, however, still touched by her words.
"No but at least I gave it a shot." She managed to raise a tiny smile herself. Two could play at this game.
While his tear traversed his cheek, his breathing became hitched. The heart rate monitor had also slowed somewhat now. "Do you think I'll see her?"
"Who, your mum?" The half Trill hybrid acted on the guess forming in her brain at who he meant by the word 'her'.
He nodded. "I think I might be about to see her again, and Tanvir, but the truth of that possibility lies in whether what people believe about the existence of hell and heaven is true, and even then it’s a question of which religion in particular was correct." He took a breath once he’d finished speaking - evidently long sentences were getting the better of him somewhat now that he was on death’s doorstep.
Zinalya shook her head, while still not being able to stop the full onslaught of the many tears she was releasing. "I don’t know." Her voice, understandably, was strained. "I don’t know what’s going to be waiting for you, but if heaven and hell do exist then whoever’s in charge up there had better send you to heaven, or at least some kind of medium place between the two."
"Or else you’ll confront them yourself?"
"If it’d mean you getting a chance at a good afterlife, yeah."
Over the next few seconds, he managed to conjure up another small smile. "Or perhaps the beliefs about reincarnation are true, and some time from now I could be reborn as a horse."
"Why a horse?"
"I think running through wide open fields with the wind soaring through my mane will be fun. But whichever kind of afterlife awaits me, I hope I get to see Tanvir and my mother again." He said poignantly. He was only a toddler when Sarina Kaur died, so not only would he be happy at the prospect of interacting with her once more after all these years, but based on the amount of affection she’d shown to him during those first happy years of his life, he had a feeling that she’d be just as joyous to see her little boy again, all grown up. And he'd be doubly happy if he also got the chance to be reunited with probably the greatest friend he'd ever had before said friend's death at the age of fifteen, the boy who had been the best at helping him, and some of the others, for that matter, with trying to get past the emotional turbulences caused by their captivity at the hands of the scientists who'd given them their abilities. "And it'll be nice if I meet Noonien there, as well." Noonien Prasad, although not related to Khan by blood due to the fact that the latter hadn't been conceived from a biological father of any kind, was Sarina's boyfriend until his own death from cancer while she was pregnant, so because of this closeness to her he would've most likely ended up becoming a fatherly figure.
"I hope so too, you deserve to find all three of them." Without fully realising it, the grip of both of her hands on the one of Khan’s she was still grasping tightened. "I’ve heard about this belief called karma, where people are rewarded in their next life depending on how much they suffered in the last one - basically what goes around comes around."
"The sum of a person’s actions." He gave another nod of his head, in recognition of this karma belief after having grown up in India during his childhood and, as a result, being taught about the Hindu faith from an early age. Throughout his life he’d never really followed any kind of religion himself, so he wasn’t sure whether or not he’d be allowed to get in on the action of heaven or reincarnation due to not being a believer. Whether what was coming for him was just a black void which he wouldn’t even consciously be aware of at all. Basically, when there are as many different religious beliefs and ways of faith floating around as there were here on Earth, including atheism, it tends to leave your mind in a bit of a jumble when you try to predict what will happen to you after your eventual demise.
Suddenly, his hitched breathing made a return, more so than it had been the last time.
"No, no, Khan, you can’t go." Said Zinalya, her own voice now becoming even more strained. Her grip on his hand became more soft and gentle again. "Whether you’ve got the power to stop this or not, you still can’t just go!"
As an attempt to comfort her again, his maximum moving speed was still rather slow but he released this hand from hers and used both of his to reach upwards towards her face, gently caressing his fingers against the sides of her cheeks. "To speak truthfully, I’ve spent a fair while in the past wondering how I was going to die, yet this way is possibly one of the ones I expected the least." His eyes conveyed a deep kind of fearfulness which she'd never seen from him until now, and which rocked him to his core. A pause set in for a moment or two. "I don't want to die either."
"Well you're not going to!" She exclaimed defiantly, especially upon noticing that his heart monitor had slowed down again by another couple of notches. Her face was a mess of clammy tears that poured out from the depths of her heart; she could feel both a small release in pressure and a tightening of it simultaneously, in the depths of this heart of hers, as she carried on releasing said tears. There was nothing she could do to stop them even in the slightest. "Remember that scheme I tried out back then, during the trial? How we were going to take each other's hand and run off to some new place once it was all over? We were going to be free to start anew there. There was going to be pretty much nothing we couldn't do together..." The last moments with each other were upon them, meaning Zin was now more desperate than she'd ever been so far to not let the life force of the man she adored sail away down the river. "We were going to have such good times to come..."
"Sssssssssshhhhhh..." Khan soothed, gradually retracting his hands and letting them fall down onto hers, curling his fingers around those of her own hands one final time. "There's nothing that can be done now." His pauses between sentences were growing longer. "This is the way it ends... not with a bang, but with a whimper..." He quoted from the poem The Hollow Men.
"I don't think I've ever hated poetry more than I do right now." Commented Zinalya, this latest attempt at humour to ease the pain of the matter failing to accomplish this desired effect.
"I can feel it..." He said. His voice was at its most quiet volume she'd heard over the last few minutes. "I can feel my heart getting slower, and slower, and slower..." He breathed out, with his face being moisturised by the presence of not just one but two of his own teardrops trickling from his eyes. This provided that extra yank on the young woman's heartstrings. "I love you so much, Zinalya..." Although it was at its smallest size yet, there came another return of his smile.
Hearing these words out loud left her with no other choice but to reply with another plain, simple truth. "I love you too Khan... I love you..."
She found her voice fading out as, over the next few excruciatingly painful seconds, she watched the gentle glint in his eyes as proof of his soft spot for her also fade away. He was grateful that he got to pass away not only with the subject of his endearment sitting with him but additionally while hearing such a calming sound coming from the rain outside the window.
With his eyelids closing a tiny bit more, the expression on his face drained out, and she felt his fingers around her hands go limp.
Then there was the unwavering sound of the monitor flatlining.
He was gone.
Now that there was no one left in the room to offer reassurance, her newfound lack of control over her crying reached an all-time high. Zinalya realised in her mind that this must have been similar to the sadness Sarina was feeling when Noonien died back in 1969, but what she additionally realised was that at the time - although, again, he wasn’t a blood relative to Khan - Sarina had a baby on the way and still had a continuation of her bloodline to love and look after.
Zin didn’t have any of that. The future prospect of accomplishing her life goal of having her own children someday or even just getting married had died with this “superman”. Not to mention the fact that she’d finally found a man who she felt could have been Mr. Right, which had been made even better by him having revealed these two years ago that he experienced the same emotions about her in return, and yet he’d been well and truly ripped away from her forever by nothing more than a malfunction of the cryotube within which he had spent these years until now being kept asleep.
Despite her hand currently trembling, she reached out her left hand and tenderly used her thumb and index finger to fully close his eyelids. There was a sort of peaceful and serene look about him; maybe one could pretend that he was just sleeping again with his eyes in this state of being completely shut.
With her not knowing whether or not she’d have any other emotion left in her once she was done, Zinalya’s head dropped as she began to sob.
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💝☆ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity!! ☆💝
Thanks! Also, what did I ever do to make you like me so much? You're amazing
2 notes • Posted 2021-10-22 00:26:29 GMT
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of eight people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💗💕
Thank you so much! I am very sorry this took me so long to answer, I was trying to hold on to the happiness it brings, but I think the best way to actually do that is to pass it on!
2 notes • Posted 2021-10-21 23:54:11 GMT
Day 2 - Frozen Lake
In which the crew of the Enterprise is a family and they take a winter trip together!
Their 5-year mission may have been over, but the friendship between the main bridge crew (plus Doctor McCoy, who was up there so often he might as well have been bridge crew) of The Enterprise . So when Scotty suggested they all meet up again, maybe even go on vacation together, plans for a winter trip took no time at all to put together. Even Spock had agreed, though no one was quite sure how the captain had managed to convince him. Even Kirk himself - he’d been expecting a far longer campaign of logical arguments. Apparently Vulcans enjoyed cuddles.
Unfortunately, Jim was held back to address something or another with Starfleet, so Spock stayed behind with him. Fortunately, they still got the log cabin the group had rented only a day after everyone else. They arrived at the cozy, cheerful-looking house with the sun bright and the snow glistening white.
“It looks like a postcard.”
“As postcards typically contain pictures of idealistic landscapes, it is logical that somewhere like this would.”
Chekov was sitting right by the window in a sweater, pajama pants, and slippers, arguing with Bones, wearing at least four layers of clothes and huddled next to the fire, about the weather. Uhura and Chapel fondly listened in while finalizing their plans of everything to do once Jim and Spock arrived.
“It’s just too cold here, it shouldn’t be allowed,” Bones was grumbling, “and stories of it being even colder in Russia don’t help!”
“Aye, lad, let up on him, you know what Georgia weather’s like.” Bones looked happier when Scotty came in, glad to have a defender, but Scotty continued with a teasing look in his eye. “Our poor Southern doctor just doesn’t have a proper appreciation for the snow, so I suggest we help him find one.”
“You traitor,” Bones pouted, but made room under his blanket pile for Scotty to cuddle all the same. Argument paused, Chekov turned to look out the window to see Jim and Spock walking up to the cabin. “They’re here!”
They all went to the door to say hi, the blanket pile coming with Bones.
Christine and Uhura were the most excited, as now they could all get started on their ultimate list of things to do. First up: ice skating.
The lake was small, in a forest clearing not too far from their cabin. Perfect for ice skating, with smooth, strong ice that wouldn’t crack. Uhura loved ice skating but hadn’t been able to often while on the mission. Since returning to Earth she and Christine went skating together once a month, though they switched between ice skating and rollerblading, so it was no surprise to anyone when those two flew around the lake, racing, spinning around, and leaving everyone else to figure it out - “after all, it’s not learning to skate if you don’t slip a few times.” Chekov, too, was no stranger to ice skating; though it was never his favorite, balancing at least came naturally. Sulu wasn’t bad either, even if he’d rather have been fencing. Still, he enjoyed the competition once Chekov suggested a race between those who could skate. No one could quite tell if Scotty could skate or not, because Leonard refused to let go of him, and he definitely couldn’t. It turns out, roller skating and ice skating don’t transfer, and Leonard hadn’t even done the first in years. The layers of jackets (he insisted it worked better than a “too technology-filled to be trusted” warming undershirt) that kept his arms sticking up didn’t help either. Monty was patient, slowly pulling Len step by step until they could skate around, still hand-in-hand but not because they needed it to skate anymore. Spock, despite not really knowing what ice skating was before this trip, managed to figure it out quickly, with only a few near-falls. That didn’t stop Jim from holding on to him “to keep him from falling.”
“What are the odds Jim just doesn’t know how to skate?” Bones wondered, watching them.
He’d intended only Monty to hear, but Chekov, racing near them, whispered, “Well, we can find out!” And proceeded to skate straight at Jim and Spock, yelling “watch out!” He managed to come to a quick stop before hitting them, but it was enough. Jim had already let go of Spock and promptly fell down, pulling one of Spock’s gloves off with him. “Sorry, Captain” Jim took the hand Chekov offered to help him up.
“Ah, it alright” -yank! Chekov went slipping down the lake into the snowbank on the shore, leaving Sulu to shake his head at Chekov but still go help him get out. “Turns out, sound really carries out here. I know you did that on purpose,” turning around to Bones and Scotty, “and I can skate, Bones! I just…” he trailed off, looking at Spock.
“It seems he was enjoying the physical contact I would not normally allow in public. The ice skating was mainly an excuse.”
“Well, when you put it that way… All right, yes I was.” Spock picked up his glove, but by now it was covered in powdery snow from the ground.
“Oh no, your hands’ll freeze now. Here, take mine.” Jim, noticing Spock’s missing glove, pulled one of his off and gave it to Spock. Spock merely raised an eyebrow, so Jim resorted to grabbing his hand to put it on for him. “As a Vulcan, I can control my feelings of cold -”
“Just let me take care of you, alright? Besides, there’s no place on Vulcan cold enough for snow regularly. Humans are built for this kind of weather, I’ll be fine.”
“Some humans are not built for this kind of weather,” Leonard whispered to Monty, “or I wouldn’t need so many jackets.” “Ah, I know just the solution for that! Let us skate faster. You’ll warm up right quick.” “Yeah, and break a bone while at it.”
Uhura skated up to them a moment before Christine, winning the race they’d been having before Chekov and Sulu abandoned it. Both had abandoned their hats and unwound their scarves, proving Scotty right. “Come on, Doc, if we all hold on to you you can’t fall,” Uhura held out a hand.
“No one’s breaking anything and if they do I’ll take care of them for you, alright?” Christine didn’t wait for an answer, grabbing Lenoard’s arm and starting to skate, along with Scotty and Uhura. Sulu and Chekov, the latter slightly dusted with snow, joined next, and Jim even pulled Spock into the group after a minute. While they were by no means going fast with that many people, the inside of the huddle was nice and warm, even when a light snow started falling.
<- Day 1 | Day 3 ->
3 notes • Posted 2021-12-03 04:55:55 GMT
Day 3 - Hot Chocolate
In which they debate over the best ways to drink hot chocolate
The storm was unexpected, but made a good excuse to turn up the fire, bring out the fuzzy blankets, and huddle up to tell stories with some warm drinks. Of course, this caused a debate over what was the best drink, but that was soon settled by everyone getting their own favorite. Nyota and Christine won in the end - they made a big batch of real hot chocolate and left it in a warming container, announcing they were happy to share. A few cups in, everyone (but Spock, of course, who had tea instead) had switched over to hot chocolate because the synthesized drinks just weren’t the same…but with some interesting additions. Bones accidentally took a sip out of Scotty’s mug instead and nearly spat it out, spluttering, “Is this a drink or a marshmallow goop?”
“Sorry Len,” Scotty laughed, taking the right mug off the table and switching them, “but marshmallow-filled hot chocolate is the best hot chocolate.”
“You know, Russians invented putting marshmallows in hot chocolate.” They all turned in surprise, for it was Sulu, not Chekov, making that claim. He smiled and shrugged, “I knew he was gonna say something like that - weren’t you, Pav?”
“Well, I was going to say that marshmallows were invented in Russia, but I think that that you are right, too.” But he grinned at his own joke, and soon they were all laughing.
“Do you want anything?” Jim asked Spock softly as he got up, having decided to refill his own mug of hot chocolate (with a normal amount of marshmallows, but also a candy cane stirrer).
“My tea has gone slightly cold. If you would not mind rewarming it, it would be fixed.” Jim reached out to take the mug, fingers brushing together as he did.
“Spock! Your hands are freezing!” Grabbing the mug, he knew why. “This is far beyond ‘slightly cold.’ I thought this tea is meant to be drunk nearly scorching?”
Raising his customary eyebrow, Spock pointed out “the mug is insulating, so although the outside feels cold, the contents are truly only slightly cold.”
“Well, that won’t do. You need a nice, warm mug to keep nice, warm hands. Or I can warm them for you.”
“A mug that lets all the heat bleed out is not logical. It would let the beverage become cold before I finished drinking it.”
Their friends, quite used to this sort of back-and-forth, all smiled at the predictably Spock-ish answer, and decided to help Jim. After all, they all wanted a reason for Spock to use the mug Nyota had optimistically packed for him. “It’s a human custom, Spock. We use hot mugs as hand warmers on cold nights, and people usually have favorite ones - even if it’s illogical.” As Uhura explained, McCoy held up his mug clutched between his hands. “See, like this. Feels really nice, and I bet it would for you, too, what with Vulcan being a desert planet and all.”
“How ‘bout I transfer your tea into your mug and warm it up, then if you dislike it I’ll pour it back for you,” Jim suggested. Spock acquiesced, mainly wanting the debate to finish quicker so he could get his warm tea back. When Jim returned with the mug of tea and gave it to Spock, he held it between his hands like McCoy had shown him.
“I must admit, there is a certain sense of relaxation associated with the warmth of the mug on my hands.” So, it feels good. They all understood the meaning, but let Spock keep his Vulcan logic.
When the trip was over, he asked Nyota if he could keep the mug.
“Well of course you can! I’d hoped you would want it, it’s the perfect mug for you.”
“Thank you.” And so an inefficient, conductive, undoubtedly human mug, white with a black cat sleeping on the side, joined Spock’s belongings.
<- Day 2 Day 4 ->
6 notes • Posted 2021-12-05 06:33:11 GMT
Day 1 - Baking
In which Jim and Amanda tag-team Spock into decorating cookies with them. From this prompt list, and my first finished fic!
Spock raised an eyebrow as he entered the kitchen to see the array of mixing bowls and ingredients Jim and his mother had set out. “Has something happened to the replicators?”
Jim paused his stirring to look up at Spock “It’s a human tradition, Spock, to bake cookies with your family around holidays. With me being on the ship and Amanda being on Vulcan, neither of us has had much chance these last few years. Does this look ready to roll out?” he added, turning to Amanda.
Glancing at the padd between them, she replied “That seems correct, as long as you don’t want to add any more flavoring.”
Jim tasted a bite before nodding and beginning to roll out the dough. Spock watched him for a moment, then walked over to read the padd. “Is it not illogical to make changes to a recipe that you have chosen to use?”
“Cooking is an art as much of a science, Spock. Much like music, and I seem to recall you making changes to songs every time you picked up that lyre as a child.” Amanda pointedly looked toward the closet where said lyre remained on a shelf, even after all these years.
“That is…” Spock tilted his head, conceding, “logical, I suppose.” Before he could turn to leave, Jim asked him to join, with Amanda pointing out the logic when Spock didn’t answer.
“After all, the tradition is to bake with family, and we’re on leave so you shouldn’t have that much work to do.”
Having no argument, or likely not wanting much to argue, Spock agreed to join. “There is one problem. The number of cookies you have already made appears to be more than sufficient, and I would not want to start any more.”
Amanda and Jim both paused what they were doing, turned to look at each other, and grinned. “You can start frosting!” Jim announced.
“I’ve already made multiple colors of frosting and the cooled trays are on the counter. The decorations can be anything you think of”
Spock collected the frosting and moved to the counter, but hesitated, unsure if there was a proper procedure to this. “Just pattern them however you fe- think looks nice” Jim called, noticing his hesitation. Picking up an icing bag, Spock started piping. Jim watched him for a few moments, glad to see him relax, before remembering his dough and starting to cut out increasingly abstractly shaped cookies as he kept looking up to watch Spock. Spock may have been the neatest person Jim knew, but even he wasn’t immune to getting smears of frosting in his hair and sleeves. Jim and Amanda agreed with a single look not to tell him because it was adorable.
Just as the last cookies were out of the oven, Sarek finally returned home, being the only one not off work that day. Looking around the room, seemingly counting the numerous trays of cookies scattered around, he seemed to understand. “A Terran tradition, if I recall correctly.” Walking over to stand next to Amanda, he held out his fingers, continuing, “It is good for you to have another human to share these things with. And,” he turned to Spock, “Logical for you to now learn about your human heritage as well.”
Jim and Amanda both turned to smile at their partners, knowing hugs wouldn’t be very welcome. And if the corners of Spock’s (and maybe even Sarek’s) mouth turned up the slightest bit - well, no one mentioned it.
Day 2 ->
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all-sortsa-stuff · 7 years
Learning from the best
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Pairing: Montgomery Scott x Friend!Reader
Word Count: 1792
Warning: None
A/N: An ask I received “A star trek one :D I love scotty but if you dont want to you can switch it up with mccoy but they are teaching you short cuts on some weird things around the office/area since you are new to enterprise :D please and thank you”
And any engineering gibberish is just that.  Don’t judge me!  J
 It had been a long week for Scotty.  There were new people, new engineers that were in his way and in his engine room, it was all he could take.  Two new ensigns and one new lieutenant had joined the crew of the Enterprise two weeks ago.  Lieutenant Pritchard was supposed to be this decorated engineer from back at headquarters that was doing amazing things and rising through the ranks quickly. Captain Kirk had told Scotty to give him a chance and let him find it way on board.  Not to scare him off too quickly.  So here he was watching the idiot try to tell you how to align the field matrix around the warp core so it would not over load during destabilization of the containment fields.  
Scotty read the files. He read all of the new files of those coming into his engine room.  The only one who sounded like they should be here was you.  You had first gone to Starfleet to be a scientist.  Then midway through, when your mechanical engineering scores far exceeded your science scores, you had switched to the engineering path.  Graduating at the top of your class, you worked in the shipyards for a year before you were reassigned to the Enterprise.  It was not that you were just smart, because of course you were, but you had common sense.  Unlike the dobber who was trying to teach you about alignment.  
“Pritchard if ye tell ‘er that way then the whole bloody ship with explode.  The calibrations are more fine tune than tha’.  Get out.  I will teach ‘er.”  Scotty all but pushed Pritchard out of the way.  “Go check deck eight.  There was somethin’ flashin’ up there.”  You laughed as you watched Pritchard walked dejected out of the room.  Normally you would feel bad, but the guy spoke to you as though you knew nothing and were a first year at the academy.  Sitting next to him day after day, nodding your head as if he was teaching you something new had been monotonous. But you were new to the Enterprise and you did not want to be known at the troublemaker or know-it-all. “Come on lass, let’s get ye up and learnin right.”
“Yes, sir.”  Standing from where you had previously been perched, you followed Scotty towards one of the back relay stations.
“Sit and forget everythin’ he told ye.  And don’ call me ‘sir’.  Scotty will do.”  He caught you as you were about to say ‘yes sir’ with a raise of his brow.  Laughing you nodded.
“Yes Scotty.”  
“Good, now while Pritchard was tellin ye tha’ alignment is only part righ’.  With the Enterprise ye have to treat ‘er like a woman.  Be all gentle an such.”  When you looked up at him, he realized what he said.  Scotty’s cheeks matched the red of your uniforms. “Sorry din’t mean tha’ as bad as it sounds.  But each ship is special, jus’ like a woman.  Get tha’?”
It made sense that every engine and ship were different.  You motioned for him to continue.  He went into depth how the Enterprise was not like the ships you had learned about at the academy or you had helped build after that.  The rest of your afternoon, you learned more than you had in the year you had been at the shipyards.  Scotty had a way of teaching all in ins and outs of this ship.
“In the mornin’ lass I show you ever jeffries tube we got and how to get everywhere ye need to. Bright and early.  Off with ye now.”  With a wide smile, he waved you off for the rest of the night.  As you entered your quarters for the evening, you felt very grateful.  You had been given this wonderful opportunity aboard and Scotty had taken the time to show you himself how the ship worked.  In the morning, you would have to do something nice to show your appreciation.
 The mess hall was packed at 0600.  If the line delayed any further you would be late for your shift.  You would starve before that happen.  The minutes ticked on and you were still waiting.  With a groan, you turned around walking quickly out of the mess hall, running directly into Captain Kirk.  “Oh my God, sir I am so sorry.”
The captain’s hands held onto you shoulders making sure you were both steady.  “Hey, it’s alright.  You okay Ensign [Y/N]?”  Wow the captain knew your name.  You were unsure if that was a good or bad thing.  There was no time to dwell on that thought at the moment, you were going to be late.
“Umm yes sir.  I was rushing.  The line is taking too long and I am going to be late for my shift. Scotty… Chief Scott is teaching a bunch of new things.  I don’t want to be late for it.  I’m mumbling. I’m so sorry again sir.”  Running off quickly, you made it to Engineering just in time.  You were out of breath but you were not late.  
“Right then lass.  Ye ready to get dirty?”  Keenser stood at his side with a smile, nodding excitedly.
“I’m ready.  Let’s do it!”  The morning went quickly with travels through the different jefferies tubes. You were able to repair multiple systems throughout the day, never once having to use the turbolifts.  The tubes, once you knew your way around, were so much easier to travel when you needed to respond to alerts or repairs. Several times, you had surprised random crewmembers by popping out of the tubes. It was hilarious and you were so excited to try more. By mid-day, you had challenged Scotty and Keenser to see who could get done with their repairs the fastest then get back to Engineering. Whoever won had to get lunch for all three of you.  Not to be outdone by an ensign, Scotty accepted, as did Keenser.
You had been assigned a repair of one of the lifts that had gotten stuck between deck nine and ten. Crawling under the lift with your tools attached to you hip, the repair had taken approximately twenty-three minutes and forty-five seconds.  The computer had been keeping time so you knew just how long it was taking.  Once repaired you high tailed it back through the tubes and landed on the desk in Engineering four minutes after that.  With a quick inquiry you found Scotty was three minutes out, and Keenser another six.  
Climbing up on the one of the platforms, you sat with your legs hanging over the main relay station. Scotty appeared soon after looking excited that he had won.    He had not seen you yet from your seat up high.  “I hope Keenser can carry three trays.”
Scotty about pissed himself when he heard your voice.  “Bloody hell. Ye tryin’ ta kill me? What are ye doin up there?”
Laughing hysterically, you had to cover your mouth.  The main doors sliding open, in walking Captain Kirk.  This caused you to quit your laughing and stand quickly at attention.
“It sounds like you are having too much fun down here Scotty.  I hope the Enterprise is running as it should.”  The captain smiled as he looked between the two of you.
“Aye sir.  Gettin’ what we need done.  What are ye doin here?”  Scotty looked annoyed that the captain was in his space.
“I was just checking on the Ensign.  She didn’t get breakfast this morning and I wanted to ensure our newest crewmember wasn’t keeling over from starvation.”  Scotty looked up at you with a sour expression.
“[Y/L/N], why didn’t ye say anything lass?  I’m not a monster.  I won’t have my crew not eating because they think they need ta get here.”  With both of them looking at you, the anxiety rose in your belly.
“I… I didn’t want to be late.  I’m new. I don’t want to be sent back to the shipyards.”  Scotty looked even more stern after your explanation.
“Ye are not goin’ any place. Ye are one of this crew now, lass. Ye better know tha’.”  It felt good to hear it but it still was difficult to have both of their watchful eyes on you.
Nodding slowing you looked down at your boots.  “Yes sir.”
Scotty sighed shaking his head.  “I will get ma crew fed, no worries about tha’ sir.”  Captain Kirk nodded towards Scotty before winking up at you. Engineering got uncomfortably quiet after the captain left.
Biting your lip you looked down, knowing that Scotty was still looking at you with that look. “Why din’ ye tell me ye hadn’t had a chance to eat? I lost I will get ye some food.  But this won’ happen again.  Ye here me?”
“Yes sir.”  You were not sure if you could feel any smaller at the moment.  Keenser returned within the next few minutes as you waiting for Scotty to return with all the food.  The questioning look he gave you caused a smile to break on your face. “I messed up today.  I don’t want Scotty to be disappointed in me.”  
He shrugged as you both waiting up on the platform, watching the Engineering door.  When Scotty returned his mood had softened glancing up to you.
“Get down here both of ye.” Quietly you hopped down to join him and Keenser who had scrambled quickly as soon as he smelled food.  As the three of you settled, Scotty looked over to you.  “Listen here lassie, I won’t have tha’ again.  Ye better eat proper before ye come to shift.  Understand?  Can’t have Captain Good Hair comin’ down messin’ in my engineering bay.”
Laughing quietly you blushed.  Being admonished by an upset Scotsman was not high on your ‘fun things to do’ list. Though, it was nice to have his concern for you.  “I promise I won’t let it happen again.”
“Good.  Another thing… Stay away from the winking captain too, he likes the pretty lasses.  It’s just a bunch a trouble for ye.”  Scotty thought you were pretty?  That made your blush darken, forcing you to look down at your food at you ate.
“No, I have heard the rumors.  I wouldn’t… Not with the captain.”  You did not bother to add the ‘maybe with the chief engineer’ thought that had popped into your mind.
“Good… good.”  
The crush you had started to developed on Scotty was something you were fairly sure was not going away anytime soon.  He was a good man even with the feisty side of him.  Without him, the crew would have been lost many times over.  You just hoped you could continue learning as much as you could from him.
Maybe in time…
Tags: @feelmyroarrrr  @bolontiku  @aquabrie   @malindacath  @almondbuttercup 
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janeykath318 · 7 years
Captain Authority Figure Sexy Voice 4
“Jamie! How are you doing, honey? It’s been forever since I’ve been able to see you with my own two eyes!” Jamie smiled back at her mother’s image on the screen. Winona was looking pretty good herself; the new haircut did wonders and she looked like she’d been able to get decent sleep. Engineering could be a never ending job, especially for the second in charge. “I’m actually doing pretty well, Mom. I’ve got a couple big pieces of news to share, as a matter of fact.”
“Really? Good or bad?” Winona looked intrigued, but somewhat wary, given Jamie’s recent history. “It could be either one, depending how you see it,” Jamie said carefully. “That’s enigmatic,” her mother answered, squinting suspiciously at her. “Continue.” “First off, I joined Starfleet.” Jamie waited for this to sink in before she continued. Winona only closed her eyes for a moment, as is resigned, but not surprised or upset. “Secondly, I met my Soulmate.” Commander Kirk’s eyes went wide at this and she sat up straighter, giving Jim a searching look. “You did? When? Who is it? Do you get along?” She asked in an excited rush. Jamie giggled and related the story of the night in Iowa carefully, (leaving out a few details) ending with her bent over a table, staring up into Chris’s eyes. “And he had this really attractive, kind of gravely voice that I couldn’t help but pay attention to,” She finished. “That’s nice, honey, but you haven’t said Who it is, yet.” “Ummm, don’t freak out, but It’s Captain Chris Pike.” Winona looked like she DID want to freak out, but managed to contain herself, only saying weakly, “Chris? Are you serious? He’s only six years younger than I am.” “Yeah, but he’s pretty great, Mom,” Jenna explained. “We actually have a lot in common, the more you think about it. I figure the universe knew what it’s doing.” “Oh, goodness,” Winona realized, with a facepalm. “This is going to end in you tearing through the galaxies getting in trouble together. Chris is a good man, but I was hoping you’d meet a nice, calm, earthbound Person.” “But that would be so boring!” Jamie exclaimed. “He’s an instructor now and the recklessness has been tempered with time. The more I’m around him, the more I realize how well we fit. We’re alike, but not too much so. There’s a good balance as well.” “That’s good to hear, but I hope you’re not jumping right into this.” “No, we’re taking it slowly and it’s turned out for the best, despite my inner desire to jump him.” That caused a snort from Winona. “So, you’re attracted to him, then?” Jamie gave a look of disbelief. “Of course! I mean, have you seen the man?” “Not for awhile. I assume he still looks unfairly good for his age then?” “Oh, Yeah!” Jamie smirked and wiggled her eyebrow a little. “You’ll be coming home soon and can see for yourself.” “That also means I’ve got time to think up a great shovel speech,” Winona said, a pleased glint in her eye as she rubbed her hands together in anticipation. “Thanks for the information.” Jamie sighed. “Just as long as you’re not upset about it. I don’t think I could take that right now with my schedule being so full.” Winona’s face softened as she looked at her daughter. They’d had their moments of conflict and tension and gone for long stretches without speaking, but she’d finally realized she couldn’t help Jamie until she’d dealt with her own issues properly and once she’d begun that process, she’d at least been able to have civil communications again, though she sensed Jamie had hidden things from her. This time, there was a genuine openness about her daughter and she had a feeling Chris Pike had been instrumental in that. Shovel talk she would give him, but she’d also thank him. His recruiting had given Jamie a new purpose. After they’d chatted about Academy life and her accelerated classes, Jamie signed off with a promise to take care of herself and NOT work herself into the ground. Her next goal was to inform Bones. He knew she’d met her Match, since he’d seen her silver words once when she’d gotten a nasty cut on her side, but she hadn’t told him who. The man couldn’t stand thoughts of Soulmates after his bad marriage so she didn’t like to bring the topic up, but figured he should know sooner or later. She caught up to Bones between classes the next day and broached the subject neatly. “I realized I needed to add my soulmate to my emergency notifications list. I’ve been very remiss, Bones.” He snorted. “Doesn’t surprise me. You wouldn’t even tell me when you were running a dangerously high fever and passed out in the middle of class! So who’s the poor person! I’m surprised you haven’t been gushing non stop about them to me by now.” “Oh, I have, Bones. You just didn’t know it,” Jamie smirked. “Think hard. Who do I tend talk a lot about?” He thought for a moment. “Well, That annoying ethics professor, and that uptight Vulcan in Xenolinguistics, But but most of the time it’s........Captain Pike?” Bones suddenly stared at her as the light bulb went on. Jamie’s smile grew and he knew he was right. “Well, I’ll be darned!” He exclaimed, an evil grin forming. “I would never have guessed it, but If anyone can keep up with your zany brain, it’s Pike, alright. Whew! Now when people insinuate we’re banging like bunnies, I can assure them our words definitely don’t match.” Jamie gave an amused grimace at the mention of the rumors that had swirled around them, but suddenly realizing what he’d inadvertently hinted at, turned on him. “So you do have words then?” He realized what he’d done and a deer in the headlights look spread comically over his face. “Can we forget I said anything?” Jamie was about to pounce, but seeing Chris headed their way, decided she’d let Bones off the hook. “For now,” she told her friend. “But you better believe I’m not just letting it go. Hey there, Captain Authority Figure Sexy Voice!” She greeted Pike, seeing as there was no one within earshot. Leonard nearly choked at the audacity and marveled at how Pike only narrowed his eyes a little and kept coming. But when he got close enough, he whispered something in her ear that made her turn bright red and the doctor figured Jamie had just received payback. He smirked to himself. They were perfect for each other.  
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