#Kitchen Garden Plan For 2024 (Part I)
askwhatsforlunch · 5 months
Kitchen Garden Plan For 2024 (Part I)
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Here is my Kitchen Garden Plan For 2024! As usual, I started dreaming about it since Mid-Winter!
I actually planted the overgrown, sprouted potatoes much earlier this time, in November! I was so chuffed with the delicious Potato Harvest I had last year, I could not wait to repeat the experiment. And now, in late April, there is a beautifully green and leafy patch in the Lasagna Garden [(Update One) (Update Two) (Update Three) (Update Four)], almost ready for a New Potato harvest!
On late Winter days, when the weather held, I worked a bit on the Veg Patch Extension, tilling. I've been away in New Zealand for most of March, but since returning on the 1st of April, I've generously fed it compost, wood ashes and Leaf Mould. And appropriately, there is a kūmara (sweet potato) growing in the middle of it! Kūmara, which the first Māori who settled in Aotearoa (New Zealand) had brought from their Polynesian Islands and successfully grown in a very different climate is historically and culturally important to Māori iwi, as well as being delicious!
I remain as ambitious as ever, and have decided to try growing courgettes, and more varieties of tomatoes (Marmande and Pineapple).  Whilst last year's purple Beans were a resounding success, the aubergines were not! I have thus sowed them inside, and shall plant their seedlings in a sunnier spot alongside Marigolds and calendula to repel aphids and other pests, and to attract bees and pollinators and make the Patch look pretty!
I have sowed a bunch of other seeds inside this month, in egg boxes, both from packets I bought and seeds I collected (from Red Kuri Squash, Bell Peppers, Chilli Peppers, Butternut Squash and Cantaloupes!)  and I am watching them grow, watering them and tending to them, until it’s warm enough  to plant seedlings and sow seeds in the Kitchen Garden.
This is the Veg Patch part of my Kitchen Garden Plan for 2024. In black, are fruits, herbs, flowers and vegetables grown from seeds (either sown inside and planted as seedlings, or sown directly in the Patch), in blue, vegetables I am growing from scraps, and in red, the date I planted or sowed them outside.
Happy Gardening, friends!
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isa-ghost · 6 months
do u have death family headcanons....
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Family walks, Chayanne on Phil's shoulders and Lullah on Missa's. Or they do that thing where there's one kid between them and they take either hand and lift/swing them together.
Family gardening. Missa using his reaper scythe to harvest things, Chayanne and Lullah replanting seeds, Phil going full crow brain and hoarding all the harvested crops in crates.
The kids are Phil & Missa's biggest wingmen. Lullah will lead them somewhere and then be like "Oh. Oh nooo, oh noooo my asthmaaaa" and teleport away. And then suddenly there's Chayanne with a table for 2 and an entire kitchen setup with a dinner in progress.
They'll plot "relaxation" days for Phil and Missa too. It's a toss-up if either of them actually relax though. Missa's better at it than Phil at least.
No one cheered harder about the prison kisses than Chayanne and Lullah. They wish their dads a very "do it again. Often."
Phil and Missa are constantly conspiring together about cool things to do with/for the kids. Even when they're away from each other they'll write books leaving the other a message like "shhh don't tell the kids :)"
They'll also plan days Just for one of the kids where whatever the family does is centered around their interests. It's nice for them, because although they have mutual interests and are more than willing to do whatever the other wants, they still have unique interests and it can naturally get tiring being a package deal. Especially when so many of the other eggs are only children and get doted on by their parents with undivided attention
They get separation sadness a lot bc reaper duties and Phil's extremely deep sleep/vivid dreams keep them apart so often, but their little system of leaving gifts (Missa his paintings, Phil misc trinkets) for each other works. It's not as good as a hug or quality time though :(
Everyone's passing each other's accents to one another. Missa finds himself slipping up saying "bewk" (book) or some shit, meanwhile Phil keeps saying stuff with a Spanish accent because of Missa and Lullah and everyone keeps adopting German words into their vocabulary because of Chayanne.
Phil and Missa are both good at pvp, they love sparring with each other and teaching the kids. Chayanne is way more into it than Lullah, but Lullah loves to learn regardless, and she loves hearing Phil infodump about strategy and timing and whatnot.
Missa and the kids will team up and get Phil on one of his Philzaing rants. They'll be like "what do you MEAN you couldn't physically carry all three of us on a flight? :(" and there Phil goes, raving about how weight matters with flying and safety and blah blah blah. And he KNOWS they're getting a rise out of him most of the time. Yet he falls for it every time.
One day,, one day we'll get a 4/4 family build project,,, They want to do it do bad,, So far it's just been 3/4 make it and the 4th is delighted to be shown it by the kids whenever they're around again. (August 2024 Edit: KILLS MYSELF)
Phil and the kids have started half-purposely obtaining as many birds as they have bc it's funny to see Missa come back from reaper duties to MORE birds that he just has to accept live there now.
The kids love Phil's crow murder to death (pun intended) and are used to interacting with them. Missa not so much. Which has made for countless funny moments. He's still bewildered that they're so attuned to throwing something shiny at him and then aggressively cawing. He doesn't understand them like Phil can.
Something something the four of them having a seance together where Lullah taps into her medium abilities to communicate with Kristin bc Goddess of Death is part of the Death Family. She loves to tease Missa (usually about Phil) and she ADORES the kids.
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shantismurf · 4 months
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"The Mushroom Mine" sign by @shantismurf, with assistance from @tickles-ivory
As part of the celebration of the one year anniversary of the Bagginshield Book Club, we asked the lovely @chrononautintraining a few questions about this wonderful work.
June 2024 Author Q&A with Chrononautical
Q1. What name would you like us to use and what are your pronouns?
A1. Chrononautical or Chrono, She/Her
Q2. How many years have you been writing? 
A2. Most of my life, but posting publicly for about 15 years.
Q3. What do you think of as your writing style - are you a plotter or pantster?
A3. Pantster, primarily, though I've learned my lessons and do like to know where a story is going to end when I start it these days so I try to plot. 
Q4. What’s your favorite genre/trope to write? 
A4. Speculative fiction: stories about magic or science fiction, primarily. 
Q5. Is there a genre/trope you haven't written as much of yet that you're excited about for future writing?
A5. I'd like to do more comedy.
Q6. Was there an idea or scene that inspired A Passion for Mushrooms?
A6. Passion for Mushrooms is one hundred percent inspired by the quote I used for an epigraph: "Hobbits have a passion for mushrooms, surpassing even the greediest likings of Big People." - The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien. 
When I decided to write it, the fandom already had more than a few stories about Bilbo planting gardens and deciding to stay in Erebor with a miraculously alive Thorin. I was completely here for all of that, of course, but I wanted a story where the garden wasn't special because of gold or rare plants bought with gold. I wanted there to be a treasure that Bilbo could appreciate with the Baggins half of his heart, as well as the Tookish bit. And I know next to nothing about mountains, but I do know mushrooms do okay in caves, so... 
Q7. Did you do any special research before writing the work?
A7. If you're asking this because I go deep on How To Pluck A Chicken In A Medieval Kitchen during the cooking scenes, you're right and you should say it. I am a middling cook, but all of my ingredients come from grocery stores. I had to do a fair bit of research on the cooking aspects of the story that were furthest from my own experience. Fortunately, the professor already put tomatoes and potatoes in Middle-earth, so I didn't have to go Full Historical. 
Q8. Did the story change from how you originally envisioned it? Were there scenes or plot elements you had to cut out?
A8. It absolutely did. Because I am, as previously said, a pantster. I wanted a bigger bang for the ending of the story than I was set up to get. I could have stopped with Bilbo and Thorin getting together and had some simple falling action, but that didn't perfectly tie the subplot of Dis and Tauriel back to the main pairing, which I knew I wanted. Having Doron try to poison Bilbo was actually a late in the game choice. If I'd planned that from the start, I would have threaded him into more of the middle sections of the novel. 
As for cutting things out, the additional stories in the series started as deleted scenes/reader requests that I couldn't find use for. So most of what I cut didn't end up in the rubbish bin. Anything that wound up there really wasn't worth posting. 
Q9. Do you have a favorite moment from the entire series?
A9. I still really like "A Spy In The Shire" a lot. I know it's so self-indulgent to say that about a story focusing on an OC, but if the point of the Battle of Five Armies is to reclaim Erebor for the dwarves, then I want that to mean something. I want the average dwarf to be in a bad place. I want the average dwarf to need Erebor the way Thorin needs Erebor, to be willing to do anything to get back to the Lonely Mountain. Because if that's the case, then all the sacrifice means something. When I talk about this one luckless dwarf on the world's silliest quest to figure out how to help the king hook up with a hobbit, I'm talking about hope for the future. I'm talking about all the people who long for and dream of the home that Thorin was willing to die to reclaim. I think about them going back there and living better lives. It brings me peace.
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boldlyvoid · 5 months
Where There is Love, There is Life | Chapter 2
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Chapter 2: Clandestine Meetings | for @elriel-month 2024
Summary: Elain finally takes matters into her own hands, tending to her life as carefully as she would her garden.
Warnings: requited love, mutual pining, love confessions, Smut!! Oral (fem receiving), wing play, teasing, multiple orgasms
Word Count: 6.1k | Masterlist
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Dinner is weird. 
She sits across from Rhys and bites her tongue. Which isn’t abnormal for her; she’s not talkative around him. They’re friendly, they’re family, but they’re not talkative. Part of her wants to yell at him. The rest of her knows that Feyre will handle it. But the part that wants to yell is bigger. 
So, as Feyre picks up Nyx from his high chair and brings him out of the room to bathe him before bed, Elain takes her chance. 
“I know what you did,” she announces. 
The wraiths, her best friends, hear the seriousness of her tone and leave. Abandoning the dirty dishes for the safety and solitude of the kitchen. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“That night with Azriel, you made him stop,” she explains. You stepped in, you pulled him away from me. You made a decision for me, thinking it would benefit the court without considering my feelings. How many times are you going to do this? To Feyre and her family?” 
He’s shocked. He never expected her to take such a tone with him, to stand up for herself. It’s evident by the way he blinks and pulls back, thinking about what he’s done and realizing how wrong he was. Before he can speak, she continues.
“I do not like Lucien. He is a good male, sure. He’s handsome, whatever? But do I love him? No. Would you force me to marry Lucien to benefit this court? What good does he really bring to you? He’s close to Vassa and Jurian, but do you know who else? Feyre, Nesta and myself. Jurian helped Azriel save me. My father made the deal that broke Vassa away from Koschei. Lucien is just a cog in the machine; he’s there for help, but he is not the reason it works.” 
“And furthermore!” She cuts him off. “did you ever wonder why he spends so much time with Vassa instead of me? Have you ever considered he also doesn’t want this? If he did, he’d be here. You couldn’t stay away from Feyre, and Cassian couldn’t stay away from Nesta. No matter how much she pissed him off, he kept coming back. You fought for love. Lucien and I don’t like each other, the cauldron made a mistake, and I am sick and fucking tired of letting other people, other beings, make decisions for me. I have been controlled, kidnapped and changed all against my will. Do not force me into being unhappy for the rest of my life because it’s convenient to you.” 
Rhys takes a deep breath at the same time that she does. They just stare at each other for a moment. He asks with his eyes if it’s his turn to speak, and she motions with her hand for him to go ahead. 
“I didn’t think. Not about you,” he confirms. “My first fear wasn’t that we’d lose Lucien as emissary. It was that I could lose Azriel if he asked to fight to the death for your hand. Lucien was sleeping upstairs. If I could smell your arousal... if it had gone further and we heard you… gods know how it would’ve ended.” 
“We would’ve gone somewhere else,” she assures. “And I don’t think Lucien would do that. Seeing what his mother went through, the way he aches for standing by while Feyre dealt with Tamlin, he wouldn’t force me into something I don’t want.” 
“Azriel is my brother; I love him more than I can describe, I want him to be happy, yes, but I want him to live more than anything,” Rhys bows his head with a sigh. “How can I make this right?” 
“Turn a blind eye to us for the time being.” 
“Are you together?” 
“I’m meeting him later, hopefully. I need him to know I am in love with him. That I want him. That my choice, the biggest choice I could ever make, is to choose him as my forever. I’ll deal with Lucien later; Feyre and I have a plan for that, which she will fill you in on later tonight. It will be fine. It’s not the first time a mating bond hasn’t been the end all be all, look at Luciens own mother. She is mated to Helion and married to Baron, and they’ve never fought over it… I like to think Lucien, no matter which father he takes after more, he’d let me be in control of this because he’s seen how much control his mother lacks.” 
“So, get married.” 
“What?” Elain’s eyes almost pop out of her skull; she can’t believe what he said. 
“Marriage is as serious as a bond. I knew that once Feyre said I do to Tamlin, I wasn’t able to interfere; the bond would be there, but it would never happen. Helion does nothing because she’s married. Not because he’s afraid of Baron or because he enjoys keeping a secret. It’s something most males respect. So marry Azriel, make it official, and no one can interfere.” 
“H-how?” She asks, still reeling from the idea. 
“Feyre and I got married right before we went to get the cauldron, right before you were changed,” he explains with a solemn look on his face. Taking another deep breath, he says, “I knew no matter what happened, by marrying her and making her our high lady, my court would be taken care of, and if I died, I died a happy, married man. But it came in handy when she went back with Tamlin.” 
Elain nods. “So… what? We just walk into a temple, and a priestess marries us? We don’t need anyone there to witness it? It just becomes official?” 
“They will have a second priestess there to witness it,” Rhys assures. You can do it alone, in the middle of the night… or you can do it here, in the garden, with your closest friends and family, and we will keep it a secret until you want to tell Lucien.” 
She nods along, slowly taking it all in. “I think… I think I want to talk to Az first. Make sure we’re on the same page.” 
“You are,” Rhys smiles, that genuine, toothy, Rhys smile. “He almost beat the shit out of me because I told him to stay away. He put rocks in the fucking snowballs the next day.”
 Elain laughs, blushing slightly as she shakes her head, “I love him so much; if you hadn’t stepped in, I was going to tell him that night.” 
“I’m sorry. Truly sorry. You happiness, your future, your love, that’s all up to you. I won’t step in again, unless you need me, because we’re family,” he reminds her. “It’s been so long since I had a sister— and don’t tell Nesta I said this, but— I love you both, even if I have a weird way of showing it.” 
Elain laughs, “You and Nesta butt heads like you’ve been siblings for 500 years. You both love so strongly, and you’re so afraid of people you love thinking the worst of you that it comes out in screaming matches and shoves. But she loves you; I know she does. If not because of Feyre, because of Cassian and how you kept him safe as a boy.” 
“If I could go back in time and do it all again, I’d simply go find him sooner.” 
It breaks her heart what the boys went through before meeting Rhys. Even if they hated each other for the first little bit, they saved each other—again and again and again. 
“I, uh, I’m going to go settle down for the night,” she announces as she stands up. “Thank you for understanding and for the advice.” 
He nods, “I’m always here for you, Elain. For anything.” 
He gets there early. 
He winnows to the townhouse garden. Sitting at the little picnic table in the dark, he contemplates bringing out some candles and making the garden brighter, but he also doesn’t want to draw attention to the townhouse. It’s known to be unoccupied currently, and the last thing he wants is for someone to ask Rhys why the lights were on tonight. 
He sends the shadows out to watch the house and alert him when Elain is at the front door. She has a key, she’s allowed in the warding, and she’ll be here as quickly as she can walk over from the river house. So he sends another shadow to watch the path she would take to ensure her safety. 
He can tell it's midnight from the moon's position; he stares up at the stars, wanting to memorize where they were the day he finally told Elain the truth—that he loves her more than he could ever properly explain, but he’ll try. He’ll tell her everything tonight, even if it’s almost a year too late.
Elain clears her throat, alerting him that she’s arrived and startling him. “How did you—
“I can winnow,” she shrugs. “How do you think I was able to stab that asshole so fast?” 
He lets out a small laugh, shaking his head before taking her in. He looks her up and down, and his heart skips a beat. In her deep blue dress, it might even be purple in daylight, but in the moonlight, it’s blue—his favourite shade of blue on his favourite person in the whole world. 
He smiles then, “I figured it was a heat of the moment power serge… Feyre had the same problem with her powers when she was learning; if she got too excited, angry, or… lustful, she could freeze, burn, blind, or disappear.” 
She nods, stepping closer to the table. " It was a shock that first time, but I kept learning. Nuala and Cerridwen helped me; they’ve taught me a lot." 
He smirks, shaking his head slightly, “I should’ve known you 3 would be dangerous together.” 
She giggles that beautiful, miraculous giggle. She sits across from him, “Yeah, well, I’m going to have to learn how to be dangerous if I’m going to be married to you, shadowsinger.” 
Everything stops. His breathing, his heart, the noise of the night in the city—it’s all gone. 
“Excuse me?” It falls out of him. 
She just smiles, big and toothy, her head slightly cocked to the side her eyes gleaming. It’s the same smile Feyre gives Rhys. He knows it well. She’s in love with him. 
“I gave Rhysand a talking to for stepping in last year. I… I want to make the choice of who I end up with, who I love. And while the cauldron was right for my sisters, the choice it made for me wasn’t right. I don’t agree, and I am putting my foot down. I’m taking my future into my own hands.” 
He nods along, “Okay.” 
“I love you. I want you. I need you.” Her voice lowers on the last line. She looks at him through her lashes and smirks slightly. “So marry me. Make me yours as much as you are mine, and together, we can deal with whatever that brings.” 
That was the last thing he expected tonight. However, he had dreamed about this moment… just a little differently. He was going to ask her about the continent during a trip to the Botanical Garden in Vallahan, somewhere she’d talked about visiting since she learned of it 2 years ago. 
“Tonight?” He asks, “Alone?” 
She shrugs, “If you want that. Rhys also suggested we do it in the garden at their house, with just a small group of us, so that it can stay a secret until we can tell Lucien.” 
“What if he—
“He’ll take it well. I think he’ll be just as relieved to know I don’t want him as I will be to know he doesn’t want me either,” she explains. “I have a feeling he stays with Vassa for more reasons than just that she understands him. I think he fell in love with her.” 
“That… that would make sense,” Azriel agrees. “He is very opinionated about breaking her curse and he would do anything for her the same way I would for you.” 
Her eyes light right up again, so big the stars reflect in her pupils. “So you love me?”
He lets out a deep breath, staring deeply into her eyes. Reaching out over the table, he takes her beautiful hands. “So much that it feels like my heart could explode. I never, ever thought I could feel like this and I’ve been alive—
“Forever?” She teases, squeezing his hand. 
He laughs, “a long time, yes. And in all those years I’ve never believed it could happen to me. To be loved the way I love someone, to feel like I deserve it… you make me feel worthy. You make me feel good. I just hope that my love brings something as meaningful to you as yours has brought to me.” 
“Oh, Az,” she drops his hand and rushes around the table; he meets her halfway. “You make me feel so powerful and strong and… and me. I’ve never felt more like myself than when I’m with you. You don’t make decisions for me, you don’t talk over me, you don’t talk down to me… you’re so wonderful and strong and powerful, yet you respect me as if I’m exactly as powerful. You respect me, you care for me, you are an extension of me at this point. I love you with my whole soul.” 
He cups her jaw and pulls her back to look down at her; every hair on his body stands up with anticipation as he stares into her eyes. The last time they were this close he fucked it all up. “I never meant what I said that night. You weren’t a mistake; Rhys made me feel like I was making one… You’d never be a mistake.” 
“I know,” she whispers softly, looking from his eyes to his lips. “Kissing you wouldn’t have been the mistake, trying to pretend we weren’t together behind everyones backs would’ve been. Loving you proudly, out loud and in front of everyone is what you deserve. What we deserve.” 
“What we both deserve,” he agrees before pulling her in and pressing his lips against hers. 
The second his lips touch hers, the world stops. Her eyes close in an instant. She wraps herself around him just as his big hands grasp her back and tug her in so they’re chest to chest. She hums against him, safe and content, where she’s always wanted to be—where she’s always meant to be. 
This is what she wanted last solstice; all those same feelings come rushing back. Her arousal coursed through her; she wanted him more than air, and as she took in a deep breath from her nose, she could tell he wanted her just as bad. His tongue slides over her bottom lip, begging for access to more of her mouth, so she lets him in. Tasting his tongue, exploring his mouth, feeling up his back as he cradles her head and holds her so carefully like she could break. Pressed against him, his leg juts out between her legs just right for her to gently grind upon. 
His hands slip down to her ass as he pulls her hips closer until she feels the outline of his cock pressed against her. She moans into his mouth and that heady and delicious scent comes pouring from him in response. He wants her just as badly as she wants him. Heat floods her body; she lifts a leg to wrap around him and pull him in even closer and to her surprise, he pushes the material of her dress up to grip her bare leg right under the knee and hold her there. 
He kisses down the side of her neck, growling lightly, “fuck, Elain, your scent is going to be the death of me.” 
She tilts her head to the side, holding onto his massive shoulders for dear life as he nips and sucks at her skin. “Az,” she moans his name. “It’s all for you. Always you.” 
He licks from her collarbone up to her ear, “you even taste like jasmine and honey.” 
“More,” she breathes out. “Taste me more?” 
He groans again, “let's get you to a bed—
“No!” she stops him, staring back into his eyes. “I want to do it here, where I fell in love with you.” 
“Right here?” 
She nods, “In the garden where you healed me… I have some blankets.” She waves her hand, and suddenly, there’s a pile of quilts and furs laid upon the ground, surrounded by lanterns and candles. “All I want is for you to take me in the flowers we planted together.” 
“Elain,” he cups her face. “Anything you want, from now until forever, I will give it to you.” 
“Then come on,” she smirks, taking his hand to lead him to the blankets. 
She makes him sit first, leaning back on his hands with his wings slightly spread— enough to show off but not enough to knock anything over and set the garden ablaze. She hikes up her dress just enough to straddle his lap. The light, satin fabric pools around her hips, cascading over them. She cups his face once more as he wraps his arms gently around her. 
“Are you sure?” He worries. 
She nods, “I took the tonic this morning after breakfast, I’ve wanted to do this for a while— tell you that is, not... you know? Well…” 
He smirks, “I’ve wanted to do this for a long time, too.” 
“How long has it been for you?” She wonders, almost regretting it. 
“Since I met you… even before that. I think it might be five years now. Near the end of Amarantha’s reign, my shadows alerted me to what was happening all over, and I was too nervous to partake in anything fun.” 
She nods, " As much as I hate her, I’m grateful she brought us together.” 
He brushes her hair back behind her ear and cups her cheek, “I would’ve waited 500 more years for you.” 
“And I would’ve come back, again and again and again, until our paths crossed.” 
He gently cups her body and flips them around, resting her against the blankets and hovering over her. “I know something else you can do again and again for me.” 
She knows exactly what he means, “Oh, please?” She begs. “I’ve never… but I want to.” 
“Never?” His eyes widen in shock. 
“Well then, at least we get to share at least 1 first each tonight.” She looks at him, confused. “You’ll get to cum, and I get to be loved. Truly loved.” 
“Oh,” she swoons. “I do love you; I love you so much.” 
“Let me show you just how much I love you,” he coos, leaning back in to kiss her lips. 
With her dress still hiked up, the bulge in his pants pressed directly against her underclothes. He feels so remarkable, both against her and as his tongue reenters her mouth. 
Before she can get into it again, he kisses her lips one last time, and he shuffles down between her legs even more. He kisses her neck, shoulder, and collarbones, “can I?” He whispers against her skin, hand tracing the bodice of her dress, over her pebbled nipples and up towards the straps. 
“Yes,” she moans. “Touch me, Azriel.” 
He makes a pleased sound, almost a purr against her, as he pushes her straps off her shoulders and pulls the dress down to her middle. Watching as her breasts become free from their silky prison and fall away from each other with the weight of them. He takes two handfuls, his scared hands carefully gripping them as she arches towards his touch. She never thought too much about her breasts, thinking they were a fine size, not too big and not too small… looking at them now, in his hands, she realized they were made for this. To fit perfectly in the palms of her lover's hands, her one true love's hands. 
Then, he grips her tits, pushing them together, and kisses her right nipple, then the left and then he lets them go. Gravity separates them enough for him to kiss the centre of her chest and down her stomach until he’s lying between her legs. Tugging at the dress once more, she lifts her hips to help him slide it off of her, down her legs and abandoned on the blankets beside them. 
He kisses her stomach again, hands sliding along her thighs as he pushes them apart even more. Resting between them, he presses a kiss right to the fabric in the centre of her underwear. “Are you 100% positive you want this?” 
“Yes, Azriel,” she breathes out, assuring him one last time before he starts to pull her panties right off. 
She’d dreamed about this moment, the way he’d look up at her with greedy, lust-blown eyes just as he kissed the most sensitive part of her.
She’s had the unfortunate experience of hearing her sisters with their mates, thinking they were overexaggerating their noises just to stroke their Illyrian egos. She had no idea it was this good. 
His tongue glides along her quim, slowly savouring the taste of her slick. She reached for him, resting on one elbow as her free hand ran through his hair. He looked up into her eyes, smirking as he sucked on her, causing her to gasp. “Oh gods,” she whined, just as he growled against her. The vibration radiates through her body. 
She had never felt like this. The heat in her veins danced through her body, sparking like her favourite wine. She arched off the bed, pushing herself closer to him; she wanted more. She wanted all of it—all of him. 
The way his hands gripped her thighs, holding her open as he dragged his tongue over her once more before plunging his tongue right into her. She gasped, not expecting it. She had read about this, having stolen one of Nesta’s books when she was a teenager… but this, this was far more intimate, more intense than she expected. His nose brushed against that bundle of nerves as his tongue turned inside her. Fucking her with his tongue, reaching a place inside of her that no one else had. 
She swore she closed her eyes at the feeling, yet she could still see stars. Whining and moaning as her hips undulated to meet his movements, she didn’t care if the whole city heard them. The world should know that the shadow singer of the night court was hers, dedicated to her pleasure, and had promised himself to her for the rest of his life. 
If this was anything to go by, she knew a good half of that remaining lifespan would be spent here. In her bed, between her thighs, inside her. Where he belonged. 
Pressing a hand to her stomach, he held her down as he withdrew his tongue, going back up to her clit to flick his tongue against it. She cried out, feeling bubbling in her gut, lower than that… in her womb. Closer than she’d ever been in her life, she knew she was close to experiencing her first orgasm. Giving it to him would be a blessing— without any warning, he slipped a finger into her. 
Breathing against her, he looked up to see her reaction as she looked down at him with pure shock on her face. “I’m going to need to stretch you,” he explained. “You’ll need to be prepared for me.” 
She tossed her head back, “sweet fuck,” she moaned. “I knew it…” 
He chuckled against her, “knew what?” 
“Illyrian wingspans…” she tried to explain as he fucked her with his finger, kissing her clit over and over as he watched her. “They—gods— they’re indicators of size in other— other places.” 
He hums, “That they are.” 
She moaned again as he curled his finger, gently rubbing a spot inside of her that made those stars behind her eyes explode into blinding white light. That moan became a scream of pleasure as something foreign coursed through her body, making her shake and writhe against the blankets. 
He coaxed her through it; behind the ringing in her ears, she could tell he was praising her. “Good girl, there it is; let it go.” 
She couldn’t catch her breath, panting with her hand gripped to her breast, her chest heaved. “Was that?” She asked, not able to use any more words; her brain felt like it melted in her skull. 
He hums against her thigh, pressing kisses there as she calms down, finger still inside her. “It was… you look beautiful when you cum.” 
She just lay there, looking up at the stars again. “Holy fuck.” 
He withdrew his finger then, and she felt his tongue back on her hole, lapping up her release. He groaned, “You taste even better.” 
Her legs still quaked as she sat up slightly, looking down at him again. His eyes were blown out with lust, so impossibly dark… his wings spread out, fluttering and twitching every now and then as he kept licking at her. “Are you… are you sure I need more stretching?” 
He nods, “Just 2 more fingers… give me 5 minutes?” 
“Okay,” she smiles. “I can’t wait to have you back up here.” 
“Oh,” he softens at that. “Here,” he offers; getting to his knees, he crawls over her. Keeping her thighs apart with a knee, his fingers dance over her sensitive clit and down to her hole. Leaning over her, he’s so close to her now. She can smell herself on his face; a husky jasmine essence covers him. “I can multitask.” 
She wraps her arms around his shoulders, pulling him down into a kiss. Tasting herself… he wasn’t wrong. She hums in his mouth; she could get used to this. And then there are two fingers working their way into her. Slowly, knuckle by knuckle, he was right about needing to stretch her because even this is a lot. She has to stop the kiss, breathing against him, “How in the world are your fingers so big?” 
He laughs against her, dropping his forehead to her shoulder. He rests on his elbow, yet he’s still able to brush her hair off her face. All of him is huge, actually. He makes her feel so small, not in a bad way. She likes it. She likes how delicate she feels under him, knowing she’ll always be protected, especially as his big wings stretch out and hide them from the world. 
She reaches out for his wings, brushing her fingers from the talon and down along the membrane. He shutters, bucking his hips against her legs. “You did that on purpose,” he groans. 
She smirks, “oh, does it feel good?” She teases. “I had no idea.” 
He bites her shoulder, making her yelp. He drags his tongue over the bite mark and then blows on it lightly, sending shivers down her entire body. Her nipples get even harder, somehow. He kisses from her shoulder to her chest, sucking her nipple into his mouth and sucking gently. He pumps his fingers in and out of her with more fervour, his thumb ghosting over her clit to see if she’s still too sensitive for more. She isn’t. She’s craving more of him all over again. 
Curling his fingers again, his rhythm changed ever so slightly to rub that spot inside of her as he thrusts. She can hear how wet she is and feel it slipping out of her to pool on the sheets. When it all starts to feel a bit too much again, he slows down, withdraws all the way and starts to work in another finger. 
She hisses; it’s more than she’s ever had inside of her. Her first time wasn’t anything too spectacular; Greyson was a typical, average human man. Nothing, absolutely nothing compared to Azriel. With his wings and his fingers… oh, she was in for a world of pleasure after the hurt subsided. 
“You can take it,” he whispers in her ear, cooking her through it. Sucking on her neck gently, he presses his thumb into her clit for added pleasure. Knowing exactly what he’s doing, she eases up and relaxes just enough to let him in all the way. “Good girl.” 
The phrase makes her brain fuzzy. She reels in the praise; it’s not often she’s complimented like this. She brushes a hand over his wing again, “Az…” 
Deep from within, he purrs against her again, “Yes, sweetheart?” 
“I’m good— ready, I’m ready,” she rushes out. “Please?” 
He smiles, pulling away from her breasts, hovering over her; he keeps pumping into her. Scissoring his fingers slightly, stretching her even more before he pulls out. “Are you sure?” 
She nods like her head is on a spring,  “yes, Az, please?” 
“Say it,” he orders, grinning like a devil, still fucking her with his fingers. “Tell what you want.” 
“Fuck me,” she breathes out. “I want you to fuck me.” 
“I can do that,” he teases, pulling out of her and sitting up on his knees. He’s quick to suck her juices off each one. Savouring the taste, his eyes roll back in his head slightly. He groans, pulling them out with a pop sound, “I’m never going to get enough of how you taste.” 
She props herself up on her elbows, staring at him with her head cocked to the side. Her eyes drag over his body, over his tight black shirt and down towards the strain in his pants. “Are you going to stay clothed all night?” 
With the snap of his fingers, he’s naked in front of her. So, so naked… her jaw drops at the sight of him. She’d seen him shirtless many times when he was working out on top of the house of wind or resting with Cassian in the backyard… she’d daydreamed about what he’d look like under the belt, but nothing compares to the real thing. 
She quickly closed her mouth, swallowing before she could drool and embarrass herself. She reaches out for him, hand on his abs, she follows the bumps and ridges with her fingers, tracing over his skin causing him to breakout in goosebumps. She stops at the tuft of hair that usually peaks out of his training leathers. “Wow…” 
His cock twitches, standing tall and pointing towards her, head gleaming as a pearl of precum dribbles out of him. Her hand drifts further down, tentatively gripping him at the base as she makes eye contact. Her fingers barely meet her thumb. He’s that thick and long… holy gods, she would take this. Again and again and again for the rest of her life. 
She gets to her knees, still not as tall as him, stroking him lightly. Looking into his eyes, she deeply breathes, “Make love to me, Azriel.”
He lunges for her, kissing her hard, passionately. Hand at the nape of her neck, he caresses her with his thumb as his tongue meets hers once more. She would never tire of how he kissed her and savoured her, as if every kiss would be their last. His other hand rests on her lower back, pulling her in closer so their bare chests touch. She settles against him, letting go of his cock so she can wrap her arms around him and feel his back muscles, tracing gently around where his wings meet skin. 
He whimpers into her mouth, nipping at her lip before pulling back, “lay back.” 
She listens, quickly finding the most comfortable spot against the blankets, her head resting on a makeshift pillow of folded fur. With her legs spread, she watches him kneel between her legs once more, dropping over her, hands on either side of her, and caging her in. He looks at her like a meal, like he’s been starving for half a millennium. 
Which, in a way, he has been.
Starved for love. 
“I love you,” she whispers, reaching for him again. She cups his face. “I love you so much, Azriel.”
Fighting back what looks to be tears, he smiles, “I love you, Elain Archeron.” 
“I’m ready when you are?” 
“Okay,” he whispers; reaching between them, he gathers some of her wetness and rubs her clit for good measure. She bites her lip with a moan, still relaxed and happy and okay… so he slips in slowly. Inch by inch, watching himself disappear inside of her. It’s intoxicating to watch him watch her, but the feeling, the stretch… it’s far too good to stay focused. 
He’s just hovering over her, completely inside of her, staring into her eyes while they take in the moment together. “You’re inside of me,” she whispers with a smile. 
“I am,” he can’t help but laugh slightly, entirely in love with her. “Can I move?” 
“Please?” she grips his shoulders for good measure, pulling out just enough to push back in again and again and again until he builds a beautiful rhythm that she adores. With her head lulled back, he kisses her neck and jaw, using everything in his power not to completely cover her in marks where the whole city could see tomorrow. 
“Can you, can—“ she tries to talk, feeling too much to string much along. “Touch me… in that spot?” she begs, not wanting to say such a crude word out loud. 
“Your clit?” He teases. “Of course.” Using his thumb, he rubs her clit while the rest of his flat hand rests on her pubic bone. He can almost feel himself with each trust, and it’s just as intense for her. 
It’s everything she ever wanted and then some, more beautiful than any experience she could read in a book or imagine late at night… and usually he was the star of those dreams that felt like this. And now he’s real, and here and between her legs, making her feel more than ever before; she’s so fucking close again. 
“Az,” she whispers, getting his attention back, “kiss me?” 
She doesn’t have to ask twice; he kisses her hard and passionately, thrusting into her with precision and dedication to make sure she has a good time. He would be damned if he came before her, so he rubs her clit faster and fucks her deeper and kisses her harder. It’s all so much, her thighs are trebling again and she knows it’s going to happen, she wants to warn him but it feels too good to kiss him and hold him while he takes her there. And he feels it too, she knows he does by the way he whimpers against her mouth, “close?” He mumbles. 
She nods, “please?” 
“Cum baby,” he encourages her, feeling her clench around him, pulsing around his cock as she releases, just like she did on his fingers. “Good girl,” he praises, bucking his hips into her and withdrawing his hand from her clit. He wraps his arms around her, fucking her gently and with intent as he chases his own high. His wings spread wide, splayed out so fast that all the candles are extinguished by the gust of wind. 
“Oh Elain,” he whispers, “oh, I love you, I love you so fucking much,” he groans as he cums, shaking on top of her. 
She runs her hands over his back, touching that spot where his skin meets his wing—where she now knows he likes it—coaxing him through it all. It feels so much more intense than either of them expected. 
He still’s inside of her, panting in her ear gently between each kiss to her neck. He just wants to hold her, he could fall asleep after how incredible it was, but then she starts to shake again, and it’s not because she’s cumming. 
She’s crying, holding him tightly with her cheek pressed to the side of his head, “I love you.” 
“I love you, sweetheart,” he lifts himself up enough to look down at her, feeling himself start to tear up as well. “So, so much,” he feels the tear trickle down his cheek and land on her chest. 
She pulls him into another kiss, holding his cheeks in her hands. She breathes him in deeply. “Thank you,” she whispers afterward. 
“We’re even,” he teases with a smile, wiping her tears. “Thank you.” 
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spyxfamilyanalysis · 2 months
Spy × Family analysis (English)
Analyzing the anime's all episodes with English subtitles~
I decided to do an observation & analysis of the currently famous anime Spring 2022 SPY × FAMILY. After my previous-of-previous-of-whatever-previous post, I continued watching the episodes, started thinking about analyzing them, and see if there are any spoilers or interesting facts.
This main post consists of: analysis of full episodes; facts & opinions about chapters & series, characters, ships (if possible); forms to support blog's activity (currently closed); my arts including my OCs, S×F characters (if possible); answers for ask box; help requests & instructions, and other stuffs.
Spy × Family: Season 1, 2, and Movie
Episodes/ Missions:
Season 1: 25 episodes: 1-25
Season 2: 12 episodes: 26-37
Operation Strix [part 1] [part 2.1] [part 2.2] [part 2.3]
Secure a Wife [part 1] [part 2.1] [part 2.2]
Prepare for the Entrance Exam
Interview for the Prestigious School
Pass or Fail
Operation Buddy-Buddy
Target: The Second son
The Counter-Secret Police Cover Operation
Show Off How in Love You Are
The Great Dodgeball Plan
Penguin Park
Project Apple
Disarm the Time Bomb
A New Family Member
Yor's Kitchen/ The Informant's Great Romance Plan
Carry Out the Griffin Plan/ Fullmetal Lady/ Omelet Rice ❤️
Uncle the Private Tutor/ Daybreak
A Revenge Plot Against Desmond/ Mother Becomes the Wind
Investigate the General Hospital/ Decipher the Perplexing Code
Nightfall/ First Fit of Jealousy
Underground Tennis Tournament: The Campbelldon
The Unwavering Path
The Role of a Mother and Wife/ Shopping with Friends
First Contact
Follow Mama and Papa
Bond's Strategy to Stay Alive/ Damian's Field Research Trip
Mission and Family
The Pastry of Knowledge/ The Informant's Great Romance Plan II
Plan to Cross the Border
The Fearsome Luxury Cruise Ship
Who Is This Mission For?
The Symphony Upon the Ship
The Hand That Connects to the Future
Enjoy the Resort to the Fullest/ Bragging About Vacation
Berlint in Love/ Nightfall's Daily Life
Part of the Family
Movie: Spy × Family Code: White (Japan: December 22, 2023, theatrical release in the United States (and the rest of North America): April 19, 2024)
Facts & Opinion: first announcement, second announcement, (1), (2), (3), (4), spoilers for (5), (5) Twilight/ Loid Forger (Part 1), (6), (7) Twilight/Loid Forger (Part 2), Chapter 96 opinion, Chapter 97 & 98 (Part 1), Chapter 103
Google forms: Spy x Family analysis: A small survey, SPY x FAMILY: Questions of choices~
Arts: Christmas 2022 Thank you 37 followers, Christmas 2023 (main blog), Update my OC as spies (Spoilers), Spoilers OCs: hair colors, Post before official art coming out, OC art spies+Bonus, (Not art) funny meme (?), Happy birthday to me (18), OC doodles
Votes: Anya Forger or the Garden, OC art spy edition, Spoilers OCs: hair colors
Help request: Drafts posts & Art collaborations!!!
Instructions if you can't click the links above, Sh*tpost abt the instruction
Ask box: The Desmonds and Project + addition in reblog
Some important news that might affect my future
I have added the link of the posts above so you can look for them much easier. Moreover, please check other reblog posts from other Spy × Family fans as they also go deep in the anime and manga and "contribute" to the Anime World of Art with amazing artworks of Spy × Family.
Thank you for 105 followers everyone!~
Author(me)'s words: Don't worry, I don't change anything much from the pin post. I just remake it, since there are some weird errors (?) when I tried to update and change the pin post (I posted it on June 21 2022)
-> Pin post Vietnamese version
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Flower Shop AU (4) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three
Links last checked: September 1st, 2024
A Passive-Aggressive Fuck You (ao3) - Wolf_Of_Westeros
Summary: Dan needs a way to passively-aggressively fuck you his boss. Phil has a way.
Aloe and Dan (ao3) - ByTheFire
Summary: Your typical tattoo artist flower shop au.
Phil is having trouble working on some new designs when he decides to go to the local flower shop owned by two old lesbians. When he arrives though he realizes it’s changed owners but that might not be a bad thing.
Dan, 19, Assassin (ao3) - phanic_atthedisco
Summary: Dan is an assassin.
Phil works at a flower shop.
Dan gets a call; big money is promised if he'll take Phil out. That's what he plans to do.
Don't Feed the Plant (ao3) - MissJanjie
Summary: A 'Little Shop of Horrors' based Phan AU.
Phil is a poor orphan working in his adoptive aunt's run-down flower shop in London. After buying a suspiciously strange plant with a carnivorous appetite, Phil's life changes overnight, even bringing him closer to crush and coworker, a troubled and near destitute Dan Howell. Soon enough, though, Phil realizes that fame and romance comes with the ultimate price.
Flowers (ao3) - phoreverphan
Summary: Dan never talks to anyone at uni, so when he sees Phil’s boyfriend buying flowers for someone who isn’t Phil, he sends a secret note.
Dan is the quiet boy in university. He’s never seen at parties, he doesn’t speak in class, no one has ever seen him smile. When Phil walks into the campus flower shop, he finds that Dan is the clerk. Dan starts talking (slowly) and they (slowly) fall in love.
he kept tulips in the kitchen. (ao3) - gremlinhours
Summary: dan doesn't know if he'll ever be enough for anyone, but in the meantime, he tends to his garden, unminding of the world.
phil works at his favourite flowershop.
I lilac you (ao3) - Grab_My_Assbutt
Summary: for the tumblr prompt that Phil's a shy Tattoo artist who has a crush on the florist across the street.
I Will Love You Endlessly (ao3) - starrywrite
Summary: sequel to I Dare You To Love Me. AU! When Phil first met Dan, the young florist turned his life and everything he thought he knew about love upside down, and ever since then Dan has filled his life with love, happiness, and flowers. Now here they are almost five years later, and the two are still as crazy for each other as they’ve been from the start. So it only makes sense that the two of them take the next step in their relationship, and it starts with a ring (and a lot of lilies, of course).
i'd rather waltz than just walk through the forest (ao3) - danlester (isaacmclahey)
Summary: person A owns a flower shop and person B comes storming in one day, slams 20 bucks on the counter and says “how do I passive-aggressively say ‘fuck you’ in flower?” - requested by goshcas on tumblr
Rebirth to Rebloom (ao3) - Yiffandquiff (paradisobound)
Summary: Dan Howell met Phil Lester while they were still in high school when Phil was helping him out. But as time went on, they lost touch when Phil graduated, and they never speak. Dan thought of him often and hung onto his crush all these years until Phil shows up at the flower shop he works and asks for Dan’s help arranging flowers for his daughters birthday.
Something unbelievable (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan works at a flower shop and has a boring life until a tattoo parlor moves in next door.
Phil has always dreamed of owning a tattoo parlor and thinks that his life is complete, that is until a certain someone from the flower shop next door comes into his life.
The Gnomes Know (ao3) - TheDyingRedRose
Summary: A flower shop au, with a relationship that could be seen as friends to lovers, or a QPR
The Green Thumb. (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Phil ran his own flower shop; Dan was frustrated with his sickly plant. The universe brought them together, or perhaps it was something else.
Vodka with a side of flowers (ao3) - Raegan_Anne
Summary: "Vodka, with a side of...flowers?" He asks, looking at the bouquet in my hands.
you had me at hydrangea (ao3) - itsmyusualphannie (itsmyusualweeb)
Summary: “I want him to see the flowers in my eyes and hear the songs in my hands.”
― Francesca Lia Block, Dangerous Angels
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udo0stories · 7 months
Posted: 2/13/24 | February 13th, 2024 Brisbane is the third-largest city in Australia. Most travelers visit the city on their way to the Gold Coast or as they head up toward Cairns. They tend not to stay too long, as the city doesn’t really have the allure that other parts of Australia do. But Brisbane actually has plenty to see and do, and I think people should change it. Home to just over two million people, it’s a very outdoorsy place, with lots of parks and even an urban beach. There’s a high quality of life and a hip restaurant scene, and the largest koala sanctuary in the world is just outside of town. And, since it’s not too spread out, you're never really too far from anything. To help you plan your trip and figure out where to stay during your visit, here’s my list of the best neighborhoods in Brisbane: Where to Stay in Brisbane for Sightseeing: Inner City/CBD If you want to be in the center of it all, stay in the Inner City, known colloquially as the CBD (Central Business District). A ton of restaurants and cocktail lounges can be found in the area, along with some fantastic attractions like the Queensland Holocaust Museum, the City Botanic Gardens, and the Museum of Brisbane. The Brooklyn Standard is a speakeasy-style bar with a NYC theme, featuring excellent live music. Make sure not to miss it. There is also the large Queen Street Mall nearby if you want to go shopping. The main transit hub, from which all long-distance buses and trains depart, is located in the CBD, making it an ideal starting point for visitors planning trips elsewhere in Australia. Plus, it’s located between South Bank and Fortitude Valley, two other popular neighborhoods, so it’s easy to get to both from here. Best places to stay in Inner City/CBD: BUDGET: Selina Brisbane: Opposite the main train station, this chic hostel offers private rooms and dorms with warm, inviting colors and local artwork decorating. Individual reading lights, curtains, outlets, and lockers are featured in the pod-style bunks. A fully equipped kitchen, a library, an outdoor movie terrace, and a co-working space are also included. For budget-conscious tourists seeking a peaceful stay, it is a great choice. Midrange: Royal on the Park: Located directly across from the City Botanic Gardens, this hotel has a stately feel to it with its large rooms, carpet, and dark wood decor. A hot tub, a lounge, an outdoor swimming pool, and a restaurant with a substantial breakfast buffet are all present. The spacious rooms feature floor-to-ceiling windows that let in an abundance of natural light, and they are simply designed. Rooms also have ergonomic work desks, USB ports, and espresso machines. LUXURY: W Brisbane There’s no shortage of luxury hotels in this neighborhood, but this five-star hotel takes the cake. Like all W properties, it’s stylishly designed, and this location offers three restaurants and bars, a spa and fitness center, and a pool overlooking the river. The spacious rooms are funky and bright, with fun pops of color, deep bathtubs, rainfall showerheads, Nespresso machines, desks, and 55-inch flat-screen TVs. Where to Stay in Brisbane for Food and Culture: South Bank This lovely neighborhood is situated directly across the Brisbane River to the south of the CBD. There are many restaurants, fantastic shopping opportunities, miles of parks and walks lined with trees, and a gorgeous inner-city beach to be found here. The Queensland Cultural Centre, which houses the Queensland Art Gallery and the Gallery of Modern Art, is one of the many excellent museums. Along the riverfront is also the well-known Wheel of Brisbane, an observation wheel rising to a height of 60 meters. Simply strolling along the river promenade or getting food while people-watching is something I truly love to do. You often see musicians and outdoor dance classes here, and, in the summer, there are usually a lot of events and festivals too. The top accommodations in South Bank are: Budget: Being
one of the priciest parts of town, there are not many truly affordable places to stay in this area. You’re better off either staying in the West End just to the south or across the river in Inner City. The closest hostel to the area is Somewhere to Stay Backpackers. MIDRANGE: Novotel Brisbane South Bank – This sleek hotel offers an outdoor swimming pool, a fitness center, and a restaurant serving a delicious breakfast buffet. The spacious rooms have a modern design, with lots of clean, white space and pops of color from the Brisbane-centric photography on the walls. All rooms have comfy beds, a seating area, flat-screen TVs, open-plan bathrooms, and electric kettles. LUXURY: Emporium Hotel South Bank This five-star hotel exudes contemporary elegance, with chic furnishings, plush fabrics, and curated art. Amenities include a luxe infinity pool, a spa, a fitness center, and three restaurants. The large rooms have incredible views and boast luxurious mattresses, Bose sound systems, and marble bathrooms with indulgent showers that have excellent pressure. Many have balconies as well as spa baths. Where to Stay in Brisbane for Nightlife: The Valley Fortitude Valley, known locally as just “The Valley," is the place to go to hit the town hard. It attracts a young crowd that comes for the plethora of clubs and bars in the area. If you’re looking for some nightlife that isn’t so wild, head to the formerly industrial Howard Smith Wharves along the river, which have been transformed into a pedestrian boardwalk brimming with some of the city’s best restaurants and bars. Craft beer fans shouldn’t miss Felon’s Brewing Co. If you’re into cocktails, head to Mr. Percival’s overwater bar for excellent drinks with even better views. The best places to stay in The Valley: BUDGET: Bunk Brisbane: This hostel attracts younger travelers, though it’s surprisingly not that social (there’s no bar, and there aren’t many common areas). It’s located in a renovated warehouse, meaning that there are high ceilings and large windows with lots of natural light flooding the entire place. There are both private rooms with en-suite bathrooms and dorms (including female-only ones). All rooms are quite spacious and furnished with wood furniture. The showers have great pressure, and there’s a guest kitchen and laundry facilities too. MIDRANGE: The Constance Fortitude Valley This funky boutique hotel is decorated with colorful street art and murals by artists from around the world. All rooms have a desk, a pod coffee machine, a walk-in shower, blackout curtains, and a minibar; some have spa baths and a private courtyard. There’s a rooftop bar, a café offering breakfast, a fitness center, and free access to a nearby pool and gym. It’s great value for your money. LUXURY: Crystalbrook Vincent Located on the edge of Fortitude Valley, this sleek five-star property almost feels like a resort. It features an infinity pool with magnificent views, two restaurants, and a fitness center. The spacious rooms are all uniquely designed, with curated artwork and bold accents (like emerald-green couches and brightly colored throw blankets). All rooms have comfy beds, walk-in rainfall showers, plush bathrobes, flat-screen TVs, desks, and blackout blinds, and most even have a couch. The hotel has a strong focus on sustainability, with waste-free bathrooms and upcycled furnishings. It is also entirely single-use plastic-free. Where to Stay in Brisbane to Feel like a Local: West End Just south of South Bank, the trendy West End is teeming with great restaurants, independent stores, bookshops, craft cocktail bars, and breweries. It’s an especially popular area for brunch; you’ll find lots of Greek restaurants here too, thanks to the thriving Greek community in the area. The alleyways are adorned with beautiful murals, and on the weekends, several markets pop up, taking over the streets. This is the best place to stay to soak up local life, but it’s also not far from the attractions of South Bank and Inner City, meaning you can truly have the best of both worlds here.
The best places to stay in the West End: Budget: Somewhere to Stay Backpackers: This hostel offers both affordable private rooms and dorm beds. It almost feels like a resort, with an outdoor pool set in a leafy interior courtyard, a veranda with fantastic views over the city, yard games, hammocks to lounge in, and a massive, fully equipped kitchen. The rooms themselves are pretty basic, but this is the kind of place where it’s more about common spaces anyway. MIDRANGE: Atlas Apartments by CLLIX This condo hotel offers apartments with a clean, modern, minimalist design. All have floor-to-ceiling windows, fully equipped kitchens, a dining area, walk-in showers, and a balcony or terrace. The property has an outdoor pool, a fitness center, a steam room, a barbecue area, and laundry facilities as well. It’s a wonderful place to stay if you’re traveling as a group or family. Luxury: As more of a residential neighborhood, there aren’t any true luxury hotels here. If you’re looking for something high-end, head to the Emporium Hotel in nearby South Bank *** Brisbane is a fun city whose cultural diversity is reflected in its eclectic neighborhoods, each contributing to the city’s identity. When choosing where to stay in Brisbane, don’t fret too much, as it’s pretty small and easy to get around. You’re never too far from anything. As long as you choose from the above neighborhoods (and hotels), you can’t go wrong. Book Your Trip to Australia: Logistical Tips and Tricks Book Your FlightUse Skyscanner to find a cheap flight. They are my favorite search engine because they search websites and airlines around the globe, so you always know no stone is left unturned. Book Your AccommodationYou can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the biggest inventory and the best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. Don’t Forget Travel InsuranceTravel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are: Looking for the best companies to save money with?Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel, too. Want more information on Australia?Be sure to visit our robust destination guide to Australia for even more planning tips!  
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twistednuns · 7 months
January 2024
My New Year's Kiss. I wonder if this is the first time I didn't have to cheat and had a significant other volunteering for the job. I told C. about two resolutions I needed his help with. Focusing on positivity and gratitude (= to stop nagging and being overly critical) and to find a balance between distance and closeness.
A long walk through the woods. Climbing over trees and balancing with the kids. Cuddling with Mara. Getting the kids to play Activity despite their age. Connecting with Lian.
The little witch hat I poured in a New Year's ritual. A symbol for good luck and going your own way.
Charlie climbing up on my shoulder. My little witch cat. Love him.
A day at the Botanical gardens with Christian, his son and a few friends with their children. Marvelling at the tropical butterflies. Explaining interesting facts to the little ones. I felt like a walking lexicon. Beatriz took a liking to me and walked with me through the museum. She showed me the big crystals, the huge bug photographies and we played a nature quiz together.
The perfect burnt orange nail polish: Essie's row with the flow. Combining it with golden blots and black strokes.
Watching the new/last Hayao Miyazaki movie, The Boy and the Heron. Parts of it were so absolutely beautiful and touching that I kept starting to cry. I loved the scene with the Warawara spiraling up into the night sky. And the one with the landing of the tower, flames retreating back into the windows leaving only a faint glow. The iridescent colours on the stone walls. I kept discovering elements from older Ghibli movies - almost like little Easter eggs throughout the film.
Karaoke bingo, singing a duet and a little late night shopping session with Margit.
Wearing my new midnight blue velvet top. It features little golden star constellations and is so soft that I keep touching myself. I forgot how much I appreciate a good texture. Velvet is definitely one of them.
Eating a rainbow of juicy fruit for breakfast. With frozen raspberries under my vanilla porridge. And a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter.
A long chat with Becky, staring at her apple green Granny Smith sweater.
The shadows on the wall after sunset looked like a creepy snowflake made up of swords and twigs.
Angel numbers only on the bathroom scale.
Ordering exactly the piece of cake I wanted. The one with the chocolate star on top.
A very long French fry.
A dream: sitting on an unsteady stack of mattresses with my employers. Using a parachute to jump into a crumpled-up rainbow. / Preparing the van to drive up to the coast for a sailing trip with my dad.
Cinema and delicious Vietnamese dinner with Christian and Lena.
Frank checked in on me because he knew how much I dreaded going back to school and rewarded me with a cute gif of head scratches for a cat. I reacted with a vibrating phone emoji and he totally got it!
Entering productivity mode. Working on a few things that had been on my to do list forever. Tackling these is especially juicy. / My beginning of the year decluttering and organising mood. Planning ahead, streamlining my digital files and notes, throwing out physical deadweight.
Taping some of my meditative paintings on the wall. Realising how much I actually like them and how much I enjoy the creative process. I immediately sink into a state of flow as soon as I start painting. Why does it always take me so long to overcome this mental barrier?
My journal coming together beautifully. It's almost full - only a few empty pages are left. Making a collage to mark the beginning of 2024. I love writing by hand. It slows you down and structures your thinking.
Spotting a dark squirrel outside my kitchen window after talking with a pupil about winter rest and how rare it must be to see one waking up looking for the nuts they've hidden in autumn.
Tall white lilies in a green stained glass vase.
Sneaking grated carrot into my breakfast. Undetectable in carrot cake overnight oats.
A chunky apple green short sleeve sweater over a delicate black lace top. I love the contrast of the textures.
Expanding my accountability system. Christian offered to help me with my weight loss goal and my boss offered to keep asking for new ideas and insights on my career change. She wants me to get a move on. In a way, I feel quite supported. My new mommy and daddy? I know I know, I have to learn how to be my own parent, but it does feel nice to have people in your life who are looking out for you.
The sun hanging low in the sky, appearing huge through the misty winter clouds right before sunset.
It's fascinating to see how quickly the Universe throws you a ball when you've decided that you really want something. That you're ready. Since I talked to my boss about my career change I keep getting mails with interesting offers. An invitation to Guatemala to work at Fungi Academy. An old contact from PI reaching out with new international programs. Booking a free career coaching. Opportunities to study visual arts. I'm curious to see where this takes me.
The more you create, the more powerful you become. The more you consume, the more powerful others become. - James Clear
The first strawberry of the year. Yes, in January. Sue me. It was delicious. Strawberries bring me so much joy!
Tapping into a state of pure bliss during meditation. Smiling involuntarily. What a high!
The computer screen mysteriously turned on at 22:22 and demanded my attention. Huh.
I bought a car! Without thinking or knowing too much about it but I simply had a good feeling. It's tangerine-coloured and expands my range of movement a lot. I discovered that I can actually connect my phone via Bluetooth to listen to music (didn't expect that) AND the perfect volume adjustment is 22. Win.
Fabi's unexpected presents. And the spontaneous invitation to the exit room. It was lovely to see him, Frank and Marie again!
Finally giving Frank his birthday present. Finishing his letter with shared memories. He really liked it!
Realizing that I'm really scared of preparing a portfolio for Art University. Perhaps that's exactly why I should do it.
Booking plane tickets to Athens on a whim one Monday morning. I've never been to mainland Greece. And it's gonna be my first longer trip with Christian. Exciting.
A lovely Sunday with Lian and C. I delivered Fabi's boat and drove my new car in the sunshine. Beautiful, radiant winter landscapes. Connecting with C., playing, going on a little quest to find his keys, driving to the sledding hill, a gas station run to buy tobacco and get lottery tickets, cooking a delicious dinner and receiving rave reviews. A little chemistry experiment growing crystals with Lian. Getting high. Talking.
A productive coaching session with Valerie. And it was free because I won it in a raffle.
(Lemonade) Crunchy ice. (Kick it once, kick it twice / turn around, touch the ground / kick your boyfriend out of town and freeze)
Catching up with Nico over Indian food.
A cuddle movie night at Luna's. Snacks, sleepover, sharing sexy secrets with C. in the morning, playing computer games together.
Chocolate-covered dates. Comté cheese and strawberries on sourdough bread.
What an experience: attending my first KAP event. I'm still not sure what happened that afternoon.
Poor Things is such a fantastic movie. I loved everything about it. The ideas, outfits, scenery, Emma Stone's acting.
The latest Slutering Party was delicious. Very orgy-like, with lots of sensual connections and a lack of hard boundaries. Free flow and love.
The production of The Tempest / Das Dämmern der Welt was super interesting. I loved the live band and choir music. The video camera on stage, the drastic choices for the cast. Abstract but enticing.
I loved the first book I read this year: I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman.
Little luxuries. A toilet seat with an automatic/slow-closing lid. I've also started to shine my shoes. Both makes me feel very put-together and grown-up.
A super interesting collection of different niche aesthetics collected by Cari Institute.
A forced slow day. Couldn't really walk after hurting my leg jumping out of a tram's way. So I slept and read and finished my Harry Potter marathon. Didn't even completely turn it into a rot day because I put on lipstick, went to choir practice and even changed my bedsheets.
Kathrin touching my arm when she saw me come in, greeting me so warmly. It felt like she was happy to see me! Astrid inquiring about my limping. I genuinely thanked her for asking, taking an interest in me. Practicing Joyful, Joyful - such a beautiful song. "Fill us with the light." If I get the chance to sing a solo part I'll gladly accept. I'm feeling this song so much.
Stumbling upon the perfect Desigual jacket. It's made for me: MY colour. MY pattern. MY cut. And it was on sale.
A very weird morning. Super inspired. Ecstatic. Lots of insights, impulses, realizations. What's going here? Frantic journalling ensued. I understood that I might be able to... choose my reality?
Caffeine-infused creativity and musings about the word curation.
Rice pudding with fresh fruit.
My little project to use up all my stored groceries and eat the contents of my freezer.
Stocking up on countless bottles of watered down kombucha, blue juice and Volvic matcha drink. It feels like the height of luxury to have your fridge full of fancy beverages.
Strawberries and cream. End game.
The little candied, sesame-coated almond I was offered upon leaving Manouche, the Lebanese restaurant near my school. Delicious.
Comparing MRI sounds to minimal techno, sending C. Fantas by Caterina Barberi. I still want to see her live one day.
Sunrise at Filzhof. The long shadows cast by the fence. Cats basking in the morning sun. Little birdies visiting.
A ballsy move: finally getting a helix and septum piercing. Just woke up one morning and decided to do it.
Road tripping with C. Picking up my cello and an armchair from my brother's house. Talking to my former neighbour. Hardware store, home decor, thrift shopping. A piece of cake in Gstaudach. Making a delicious wok dish with lots of veggies and noodles for dinner. The cat in my car. Flight simulator with VR goggles. Sleeping on the new pillows.
And after F. cancelled on me, we spent Sunday together as well. We played some computer games, watched a movie. His son and ex-wife came over and brought pastries. I read him a few pages from A Little Life as a bedtime story.
Planning a treasure hunt for a birthday party.
Learning about C.'s taste in music.
Strong synchronicity game. 1111 on the clock, 222 on the bus.
C. booking me on his flight to Manchester. Talking about our roadtrip route. Learning about Atlas Obscura.
Buying everything I like. I escalated a little at IKEA. Assembling a trolley. It's a bit like a 3D puzzle! I'm in my home decor queen phase.
Koawach white chocolate drink. Incredibly sweet but so indulgent. To counterbalance the sweetness: rosehip tea.
Hazelnut cinnamon cookies. Pistachio ice-cream.
An indulgent guilty pleasure: devouring a whole ball of mozzarella straight out of the bag. Moist, stringy, delicious.
Using NARS Orgasm blush as eyeshadow.
Very attractive pictures of Mark Ruffalo in his Poor Things dancer's attire.
Tempeh. Brussels sprouts - not the frozen kind for once.
Feeling incredibly cool on my first work days after the sick leave. Space buns, my new Desigual jacket, the orange pair of hip sunglasses. Plum-coloured lipstick. Swirly golden hoop earrings.
A substitute lesson with cool students who could take a joke but still work on grammar exercises with me. Compliments for my English. I know, doesn't really count from 14-year-olds but it still felt nice.
Just walking over to Peter's place for an audio cable (and he even opened the door despite being ill). I love how much we've cultivated supporting each other in our choir!
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jeninthegarden · 8 months
2024 Garden Plan
Somewhere, out there, in space and time.
2023: “Every season is an experiment.” 
It is true that every season is an experiment.  But, with that in mind, I do need to recognize some limits, namely space and time.  The plans are always grand, but I never plant everything I intend to, regardless of the elements.  2022 all was well, until we had no rain for 6 weeks. 2023 all was well, until we had 6 weeks of rain and no sun.  But in both cases, I never got my late summer sowing done.  Beans, corn, squash never got into the ground, and the weather was not to blame.  The fall greens and root successions were never planted, even though the prevailing issues of weather had subsided and the fall weather was mild.  The true issue was time.  2022 summer was eaten up by seeing Spawn No. 1 off to college.  2023 summer was eaten up by seeing Spawn No. 2 off to college.  There is no spawn number three, so will 2024 be different, in terns in terms of time??
And even if time allows, we still have to contend with the boundaries of space. Crop rotation is excellent for nurturing the soil. But space is limited and certain parts of the garden get more sun, have better drainage, and certain cultivars do better in specific locations.  There are also certain space hogs I must refrain from growing in the fenced garden area.  Brussel Sprouts!  Even if I grow them over the sweet potatoes, they take up too much space, need 4 months to mature and yield too little.  So, the solution for 2024 is to switch out the Brussel Sprouts for tree collards.  Tree collards are extremely high growing, so I can plant almost anything under them.  Corn cannot be planted in the fenced garden, or even the raised bed. It has to go in the orchard. But that requires that the orchard be very heavily mulched to keep the weeds and grasses down until it is time to plant corn – an issue of time.  Squash cannot be planted in the fenced garden unless it grows on a trellis. The root crops don’t like the high side of the garden.  The greens don’t like the sunny section of the garden.  The tomatoes are weeds and don’t care where they are planted, neither do the peas. The brassicas like the low side of the garden – bush and soy beans don’t.  This all has me questioning the value of the crop rotation. So maybe this year I just won’t rotate the crops (heresy!).
I’ve been so strict about rotation that not rotating the crops just seems out of bounds.  But the whole garden is sheet composted with kitchen scraps and chicken manure all fall and winters.  So, I don’t think any part of the garden has soil nutrient depletion.  That might explain why my root crops are always lousy – the soil is actually too rich.  Maybe it is time to test this theory.  I have not yet decided on the garden layout for 2024.  I do know that the corn and squash have to go in the orchard.  Not sure what to do with the raised bed.  It’s mulched down heavy for the winter and will require a brand new fencing system because our ground hog gets through the deer netting.   
2023 I was extremely methodical. The greenhouse boxes were planted in early February and I had a bounty of spring greens by mid March, partially due to the very mild winter.  Mild winter also meant an earlier thaw and I was planting by late March.  I learned my lesson about germinating too many seedlings, so I focused on fewer varieties and I bought seedlings.  I was very happy to find celeriac seedlings, and cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprout seedlings. Timing was everything.  I not only got in ahead of the weeds but also mulched everything.  Weeds were not a problem in 2023, at least not in the main, fenced garden.
I rotated the crops, as usual. And did some previously successful companion planting.  I also planted some permanent herb planting – 4 marjoram and 4 tarragon because they promote growth and better flavor is most vegetables.  
Then came the rains.  From the July 1 to August 15, it rained.  Lots of green, leafy everything, dripping wet, verdant green, mossy green to moldy green. Nothing fruited.  I harvested no honey this year from my hives, no just because bees cannot fly in the rain, but because the rain washes away the pollen. So, even though everything was blooming for an extended period, no pollinizing, no fruiting. No eggplant. No peppers except the ones that grew in pots on the covered porch. Tomatoes only started to form and ripen when the rain stopped.
This year I am scaling back on some of the crops I haven’t had much luck with, and decreasing the number of varieties of each crop. I’m also not going to follow a strict crop rotation.  This year’s objective will be to plant the entire garden by season and just plant over the previously planted crops. So, the whole garden gets planted with the earliest crops and overplanted with additional crops as the season/soil warms.  The added benefit is the whole garden will be mulched from the start.
Legumes (follow the Root crops)
Legumes need water.  We had water to spare so we had a bumper crop of sugar snap peas of all colors. I’ve given up cooking them because they are so sweet and colorful raw. I just chopped them into salad with some ricotta cheese and mint.  And I saved plenty of seeds when the season ended, but neglected to label which colors they were so it will be a mixed planting.  I’m thinking of germinating them indoors this year because they did start very slowly in 2023. The same goes for the shelling peas which did not have a good germination rate in 2023. I also need to stick to shorter varieties because with all the water the pea vines were falling over, nearly 6 feet long.  Fava beans, germinated well. It is a very economical, cold season plant, so 2023 I planted them closely in a double row for support.  It worked, but I think four rows deep would have worked better.  I also need to harvest from the tops to encourage bushing.  Oddly, this year, no-one is selling any variety of fava except “Broad Windsor”. Guess they are out of fashion again.  Fenugreek and lupine flowers are both members of the pea family and fix nitrogen into the soil. 2022 I planted lupines in the vegetable garden, because they are perennial, and 2023 they not only re-emerged, they bloomed. Very pretty. The fenugreek failed to grow again in 2023, so I’m taking a break from it for 2024.  It is a late spring/summer green and not a good use of space.  While I am on my way to mastering making the favas bushier, I failed to apply the same practice to the soy beans. I planted a single row, on the lower side of the garden, against the fence. They germinated well enough, in warm soil though, but then tried to climb, vinelike and yielded only 2 or 3 small pods per plant. I really like enjoy soybeans, so I will do better this year and plant them in a triple row. The purple bush beans did poorly. It’s a hardy variety I have settled on, but they need sun, and we had none.  The runner beans, pole beans and noodle beans did not make it into the ground soon enough.  Time was an issue.  But I don’t think it would have mattered because of the rains.  The pole beans I did plant flowered in October and were just starting to fatten in November when the frost got them.  Still very interested in beans, so will try again, 3 sisters method with the corn and squash, time permitting.  One thing concerning me about the legumes, and the perennial red clover and lupines is that my soil may be too high in nitrogen.  I think this year I had better test in the spring and apply some lime.   
Brassica – Cole - Green Crops (follow the legumes)
In February 2024 I started kale in the greenhouse boxes in early February, because the winter was so mild.  Everything germinated and grew.  It was ready to eat by mid-March.  The kale was prolific. A lot of it self-seeded in the garden, regrew because it is biannual and I even transplanted some. And then I actually germinated and grew some from seed. The red Russian variety is starting to pop up everywhere, sort of like the runaway red mustard. This year I am buying no kale seeds because I still have plenty of seeds leftover. Despite the giant India mustard having gone feral ten years ago, I found a green, cut leaf mustard that, aside from being cold hardy and eye-catching, is supposed to taste like wasabi.  I both grew from seed and purchased seedlings of cauliflower in 2023 and it did not mature. So, this year I will stick to seedlings, the Fioretto branching variety and green pyramid type Romanesco.  But I still want to try growing a multiheaded, miniature cauliflower the size of eggs, from seed.   The only broccoli I grew in 2023 was a long stemmed Chinese variety that was pencil texture and width. So, this year I will try boccolini, which should be a bit meatier, and I have found a perennial broccoli rabe from Turkey that I have to decide where to permanently propagate. The brussels sprouts were a disappointment, again, so taking a break this year, until I randomly buy seedlings again and have to find somewhere to stick them.  They are tediously long to maturity and need a lot of sun. The companion planting with sweet potatoes and bush beans was a success, however. I might plant them in the potato bags this year. I planted cabbage seedlings that only grew to the size of grapefruit, combination of not liking their location in the garden and too much rain.  The companion planting with celeriac and petunias was good, however. I will do seedlings again.  Escarole and endives, there is a difference – escarole being more loose-leafed and endive more cabbage like. They seem to have lost out in popularity to Asian greens.  Can’t find interesting seeds anywhere. I did grow some last year and was very satisfied.  It is like a bitter lettuce that can be sauteed with garlic. It is also cold hardy and long standing, and grows from seed. Collards I did not grow and I regretted.  This year I will plant them over the bush beans and sweet potatoes instead of brussels sprouts. Chinese cabbage is quick growing and early, so it should not be allotted any permanent space because it is done so quickly. I grew several varieties in 2023 but squashed them into a corner of the garden they don’t like so they were thin and straggly.  Claytonia was a fail again in 2023, due to too much water and shade.  It needs its own space and it does need some sun.  Like Chinese cabbage, I should plant it in all available space and then just plant over it. Arugula was one of the only greens that did well in 2023. It should regrow this year but because of the chickens (see below) I am going to plant a lot more. Purple orach , magenta velvet spinach that grows on tall spikes, I have found grows best in clumps, and is so beautiful I always want more. I am going to plant it with the lupines for color compliment. Chard needs a little more sun that we had in 2023.  I have decided I prefer the flavor of silver, rather than red. Red tastes too much like beets. So, I’m going back to giant silver heirloom.  Salad burnett, a fernlike perennial that tastes of cucumber, died out, helped along by the chickens (see below). I will plant it again, but not in the fenced in garden. I did manage to germinate cardoons, looks like alo vera and tastes like artichoke, but the seedlings died off. So I will buy seedlings this year.  It is perennial and grows to bush size so I will not plant it in the fenced garden. I am growing a short, spinach variety of amaranth this year, rather than the tall seeding type.
The Asian greens were a fail this year due to cramping them into a dark corner.  I will plant them everywhere this year because they are early and fast growing. Green tatsoi is the best – nice crisp rosettes of spoon shaped leaves, neither too peppery nor bitter. I always grow it from seed.
Fruits (follow the Brassica and Greens)
Sweet corn is a terrible waste of time. Either I plant it and the groundhog digs it up, it germinates and the crows pull it out, it grows and does not fruit, it fruits and the squirrels knock it down and eat it.  Why do I bother?  Because fresh picked sweet corn tastes sooooooo good! And Burpee seed company does a centerfold of garden porn sweet corn.  I resisted their new, bubblegum pink sweet corn because I have not liked the taste of any vegetables that have red color bred in.  Red seems to impart a more earthy, dirt flavor that does not go well with cauliflower, romaine, carrots or chard. The sweet corn has to be grown in the orchard. There isn’t space for it anywhere else.  I bought some decorative “gem” corn last year that is popping corn and failed to plant it.  I will grow that in containers this year.  I do have a better track record with popcorn.  Tomatoes did okay this year because they were in the part of the garden they do best in.  And they flowered and fruited after the rain, so they weren’t edible until late September.  I scaled it back last year to just six varieties and I will do the same again.  Really liked the “evil olive” cherry tomatoes – green on the outside and red inside.  But I am buying seedlings this year instead of starting my own. Eggplants, although they germinated abundantly, did not get enough heat or sun. So, this year I am buying plants instead of germinating seeds.  Peppers, even though they like a little less sun and a little more water, did not fruit in the 2023 deluge.  The exception was the few I grew in pots on the front covered porch.  I’m buying a few plants and germinating a couple interesting varieties to grow in pots. The okra was a failure this year as well.  It needs light and air.  Everything that grew, overgrew so the okra didn’t have a chance.  The one plant that produced anything was in the back of the garden with the tomatoes.  Since I am not doing crop rotation this year, I will interplant the tomatoes and okra. And I will stick with a small, dwarf variety meant for short season so I actually harvest enough at the same time to pick them very young and tender. Melons did germinate directly sown and the vines did grow up to 6 feet.  But the rain killed their pollination so they never fruited.  I am going to try again with one or two small varieties that I can grow under the okra.  Zucchini, I germinated and grew quite successfully. Enjoyed the blossoms and the fruits.  Interplanting with nasturtiums is a must.  The patty pan summer squash on the other hand rotted out fast. Winter squash, watermelons and pumpkins were never planted due to the miss on the corn planting. Going to try again this year, in the orchard. Focusing on small, short season watermelons and a few favorite varieties of squash and pumpkin, except that I have so many seeds I may just plant them everywhere.
For the alliums, the garlic crop was again terrible.  I have moved it to the front flower bed by the driveway, but the weeds overtook and when it was time to mow down the spent daffodils, the entire bed was mowed.  This past fall I replanted 3 rows of standard garlic, and a row of elephant garlic, interplanted with parsnips.  And this spring I will stake and mulch the rows to they are not mowed down.  I was so happy with the big purple globe alliums growing in the hugle that I bought a new variety that grows close to the ground and is the size of a cannon ball.  I planted about 20 of them in the front flower bed.  Egyptian walking onions made it through the winter but never bloomed. I suspect they may have drowned.  I should probably order new ones.  The chives did not germinate, probably washed away.  I need to focus on planting them in other places, like flower beds.  Every bunch of scallions I get in my organic garden box I replant the bottom ½ inch with the roots and it re-grows. So not going to start from seed anymore.  Likewise, I just regrow onions from the bottom ½ inch piece of every one I use. Leeks needed more sun– no leeky dance! I only planted seedlings instead of growing my own from seed. But they never grew more than the size of scallions. They also don’t like that side of the garden, so I will by seedlings again and plant them elsewhere – companion planting with carrots does not work. Nor does intermingling them with nasturtiums. I will plant them along the border of flower beds.
Roots (follow the fruits)
            Root vegetables were a bust this year. I think it is a combination of soil being too rich for the spring varieties and the summer being to wet and cool for the later varieties. This doesn’t excuse the fact I never planted the fall succession, however.  Beets, I still stand by the long, tapered variety because they save space, but they did not germinate well this year. Thin roots, straggly tops. I don’t think they like that side of the garden.  Turnips are usually reliable and preformed as poorly the beets.  I had plenty of the long, carrot-like, purple Japanese turnips in succession plantings, but can’t find any seeds for sale this season, so I’m going to try long, black skinned, sweet tunip with very tasty tops, and a red-skinned variety that has very sweet and tender tops.  Radishes were like a pile of twisted green snakes that smothered and rotted all over everything near them.  The tops were stringy and 4 feet long. I even tried cutting them back but they regrew and their roots stayed slender threads. Again, overly fertile soil and they don’t like that area of the garden. This year I am planting an improved French breakfast type, that tastes like a bloody mary, and a Chinese sweet-hot daikon. Carrots, germinated and then just died off, under the rotting radish tops.  They also don’t like that side of the garden, right next to the chicken coop.  Too much nitrogen leaching into the soil. This year I am planting one variety only and will focus on timing succession planting with rows of lettuce.  Celeriac (celery root), I found seedlings and interplanted with cabbage and parsley did really well. However, cabbage did not like that location, and because celeriac is cold hardy and holds in the field, I delayed harvest and the chickens destroyed them (see below). The lovage, a “cutting” celery which is actually a carrot relative, is perennial and grows untouched by deer or rodents, never made it into the ground, so I still have the seeds and the space. But how much lovage do you actually need?  Parsnips I planted in the late fall, with the garlic, and it did germinate, so hopefully we get a harvest in the summer. I am also buying more seed to continue planting next fall.  This year I discovered caramelized roasted parsnips.  I did end up planting some salsify in the front flower bed last spring, but it was mowed down with the garlic.  But it is perennial, so hopefully it comes back. The milk thistle was likewise planted and mowed. It is not perennial so I will re-plant.  I very successfully germinated rutabaga, the one root crop that likes nitrogen, which is why you plant it with the peas.  It would however have done better with more sun. The roots were only the size of lemons and before I could harvest them, the chickens destroyed them.  I am not sure I will grow them again or where, but I do have leftover seeds. Parsley root, I did not bother with, and will not this year.  I prefer to focus on parsnips, flat lead parsley and lovage which sort of covers the flavor category of parsley roots. Potatoes: did much better in bags on the patio where they had better drainage and heat. I will use the bag method again.  I’m being tempted by Burpee into buying a small, nubby south American potato cousin variety called Ozette. It is grown very successfully in the Northwest so hopefully wet, cloudy weather doesn’t bother it.  Sweet potatoes:  I had huge success germinating slips from store bought, exotic sweet potatoes. But like every other root crop in the garden, got just red roots instead of tubers. We certainly germinate my own again and potentially grow some in bags on the patio. Maca (the Peruvian radish with ginseng qualities), did not grow any because it is a space hog.  I might germinate a few and try them in the front flowerbed.
            Certain herbs and flowers are really beneficial to the vegetable garden so I planted tarragon and marjoram in the garden.  They are both perennial so I have some hope they will regrow and spread.  However, the garden flooded several times this past fall and the chickens did a job tilling, so may have to replant.  I have found the variety of Marigolds I like and save the seeds. They are large yellow and orange, imperial chrysanthemum shaped. I will plant them with the okra since marigolds repel harmful nematodes like the ones that are attracted to okra. Nasturtiums are one of my favorite plants that I always plant. The leaves and blossoms taste like bell peppers. They are good in salad ad on eggs. I always companion plant them with squash and zucchini. this year I am trying an extreme vining variety that grows to 6 feet.
            Herbs in the garden of course include basil, and I had very good luck with the basil I grew in pots on the covered front porch.  It likes a bit of shade and this year I will plant it under the tomatoes.  Borage attracts pollinators and is a decoy for aphids. I have not planted it in several years since it self seeds and has regrown randomly in my garden.  The flooding may, however, have washed it away so I am going to get more seeds, freeze them a day or two before planting them as soon as the soil can be worked.   
And then, there is the rest of the property.
      The Front Acre. No rest from the daffodil project.  Another 300 bulbs planted in November, all at the front of the property.  But I also planted 100 more fairy crocus (called “tommies”) up near the house, and more “glory of the snow” and blue bottles.  The primroses I planted near the house bloomed until Christmas, so I picked up six more around New Year’s, to keep as house plants until spring. I re-seeded the front bed with garlic and parsnips.  Will mulch in the spring so they aren’t accidentally mowed again.  Also planted some large, cannonball like alliums in the front.  Every year I get a single chanterelle mushroom growing just outside the front bed, so this year I saved it, blended it with milk and molasses and spread it back on the lawn, hoping to get a bunch of them in the spring.  The Japanese barberry bushes have been removed from around the mailbox. Ripped all six out with ropes and a truck.  Now there are just the 6 in the lower side woodline to remove. The iris are flourishing in the swale.  The buttonbushes were doing well until they got mowed.  Have to plant some more button bushes, to replace the barberries. And identify some more wet/sun loving shrubs.    
The Orchard.  This year, despite a mild case of curly leaf fungus (makes the leaves bubble like toad skins), the peach tree fruited massively. The peach tree was branches bowed to the ground with fruit. I think it produced 4 bushels of fruit which all ripened on the same day and dropped and rotted in a week! I lost both plum trees to black stem rot fungus. They have to be removed, entirely, and taken away from the property. All the apples and pears had orange rust fungus again. Lost my new yellow pear, the sugar pear and white pear survived.  I’m concerned the lower half of the orchard is not draining sufficiently, so I need to fix that and order another pear and 2 plum trees. The comfrey is flourishing in the orchard and the chickens love to eat it because it is a high protein, low fiber green. The chives did not.  The blackberry patch limps along.  My quince and a medlar trees in the back corner got mowed down.  The weeping persimmon I planted 4 years ago is still alive but not growing.
Bee-Keeping. Both sets of bees (call them B5) are dead.  These hives didn’t even make it to Christmas. They arrived strong and healthy, were immediately installed. The blue hive had already begun making wax combs in transit so their queen was obviously ready to lay eggs.  I figured that hive would move right along. The lilac hive bees had not done any building in transit and their queen looked suspiciously skinny, so I figured she had not yet taken her mating flight and that hive would be a slower start.  The opposite ended up being the case. The lilac hive got up to full population of 10,000+ by June. The population of the blue hive looked low, all summer and they struggled to fill the two deep hive boxes. Regardless, it was such a wet summer we harvested no honey from either hive.  And although they both had sufficient honey and pollen going into October, by Christmas, both hives were dead.  Planning for this year, I think Carolinian breed bees, while very docile, as not hardy enough for the Northeast. I also don’t enjoy fretting while they are in transit through the postal service.  So, this year I intend to buy and pick up 2 overwintered nucs (a five-frame brood and their established queen) from upstate NY (B6).       
Hugelkultur. (You have to say that word with guttural gusto!) What??  It is the method of building a raised bed over buried logs. I ignored the hugle this year because I was focused on other things and once the thistle starts growing, weeding gets prickly. Timing is everything. The whole hugel must be heavily munched with cardboard and woodchips in the spring. To date we have the following survivors: 2 viburnum, 2 rhododendrons, one hydrangea tree and 2 grey dogwoods.  Both pagoda dogwoods and sunrise redbuds died, as well as the azaleas and elderberries.  The goldenrod, wormwood, yarrow and thistle all persist. I want to plant another hydrangea tree and some New Jersey tea bushes. I also want to plant a couple of holly trees for short, evergreen privacy barrier.
Chickens. This is year 8 of keeping chickens.  Went into 2023 with 6 chickens. It was perfectly clear I would need to buy new chickens, but not before getting rid of our murderess Rhode Island Red (a.k.a “Red”). Our blue favacuana suddenly developed wry neck and passed away within a week – helped along by Red attacking her while she was down.  That was the last straw. I advertised Red on the local poultry website as a good layer who needed to be part of a large, free-range flock preferably with roosters to referee (Roosters don’t let the hens kill eachother). And a farmer from north of here was glad to take her into exactly that type of flock. So suddenly it was June and I had only 4 chickens left: our beinefelder, speckled Sussex, black copper maran and salmon favarolle. I was about to start looking for new chickens when the bienfelder hen went seriously broody. I immediately ordered fertile eggs online and got them under her, except that she moved nests. So I ended up splitting the 12 eggs between 4 nests and she eventually settled on 4. Then she broke two. The 3rd one hatched and 3 days later it was squashed. The 4th egg was rotten.  Then suddenly our salmon favarolle hen went broody and I ordered 6 eggs to put under her.  She sat on them but a few days after, when she left the nest to get water, the bienfelder sat on the eggs and for the next 15 days both hens were sitting in that box at the same time. None of those eggs hatched.  Buy the time the broody hens were finished, it was September.  And I panicked and bought 8 new, four month old hens. I meant to get just four more, but impulsively bought double. I got 2 olive egg layers, 1 buff Orpington, 1 lavender Orpington, 1 blue splash ameracuna, 1 black splash ameracuna, 1 black astrolorp and 1 cream legbar.  With Red gone, the new chickens integrated easily.  In November when the weather finally turned cold, some of my new chickens, still light enough to fly, started hopping the fence between the run and my garden.  And since they were not smart enough to get back over at bed time, I decided to cut a door in the fence at ground level and let the flock clean the garden for me.  In just 60 days they have in bare and scratched like a newly tilled field.  Standing crop of celeriac and rutabaga gone.  I’m thinking the lupines, tarragon and marjoram may not have survived either.  Ground is frozen now, so the chickens are just spreading the straw, leaves, manure and compost around.  I will have to close up the hole before spring, and let them into the orchard instead.       
The Herb Garden.  I did not even attempt to save the rosemary this year. The excess water had the herb garden severely overgrown so the lawncare guys decided to mow it at the beginning of August and that really set everything back. The rosemary did regrow somewhat. The Egyptian walking onions did not.  The thyme was low to begin with. The sorrel and chives rebounded, as did the oregano.  The sage disappeared. The basil was happy on the covered porch, as was the parsley. The lemon balm rebounded somewhat but I still see some black spot fungus on it, so I need to treat the area with more neem oil.  The catnip has turned into bushes that need to be relocated. The mint seems to be rebounding as well, but only along the patio edge, uphill from the bed that has black spot fungus. I did not plant the angelica. Cumin never germinated. I want to plant hyssop and winter savory. I am thinking of growing more herbs in pots this year.  The oregano needs to be divided.
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askwhatsforlunch · 5 months
Kitchen Garden Plan For 2024 (Part II)
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And here is the second part of my Kitchen Garden Plan For 2024 (Part I is here).
Since I was away in March, I only started sowing, in egg-box trays and pots (for garden herbs) this month, but the tomatoes have sprouted very quickly and so have the cosmos. I should be able to transfer them to small pots to grow strong seedlings soon!
Back in December, I kept a mango pit after eating the fruit, soaked it, cut it and after a bit of an effort, managed to extract its seed. I sowed it in a mixture of good soil and compost, and kept it in The Nursery all over the Winter, watering it when the soil got dry to the touch. It now has a sturdy little stalk and two beautiful and glossy leaves! It needs to grow a bit, and for the weather to get warmer before I can take it outside; but I'm quite happy with it already.
And I hope the avocado pit Ava planted last Spring, my little Ava-cado, which had grown in the Summer, lost it leaves in Autumn, stayed outside in the Winter, will grow again this year!
Naturally, I shall tell you how my garden grows, what fails, what succeeds, and share recipes with all (hopefully heaps!) the fruit, vegetable, herbs and flowers I will harvest!
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elixirfromthestars · 2 years
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Last Updated: 9 / 21 / 2024
Angst ☽ | Fluff ☼ | 500+ notes ✧ | my favorites ⚘
bucky barnes
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♡ 𐐪𐑂 Series 𐐪𐑂 ♡
coming soon…
♡ 𐐪𐑂 Two-Parts 𐐪𐑂 ♡
Conflict of Interest ☼ ☽ ✧ ⚘
After the many failed dates Natasha set you up on, you decide to give up on the dating scene all together. That is until Bucky makes it his mission to change your mind, but will he be enough to change it?
Part II ☼ ☽ ⚘
After deserting Bucky at the fair, you are left dealing with the consequences. This becomes difficult as you are all assigned to a new case. 
♡ 𐐪𐑂 One-Shots 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 
One Call Away  ☼
You’re a journalist in the late 1950s working for a gossip magazine. You write an article about the actor Steve Rogers, and his agent Bucky Barnes is not happy about it. He confronts you and offers you a deal.
In Five Years ☽
Bucky was having a hard time expressing his feelings about finally being free from the Winter Soldier program. To help him out, you suggested writing a letter to his future self and burying it in a time capsule to visit this moment again in the future. The plan was to open the time capsule five years from now. That was until Thanos showed up.
My Dearest ☼ ☽ ✧
On the night of Lady Maximoff’s ball you find yourself in the gardens, troubled by your emotions. As if by fate, the rain pours down reuniting you with the one who is the very object of your troubles.
Written in the Stars ☼
Your boyfriend, Bucky, takes you on a date full of surprises under the stars.
A Night of Frights & Delights ☼ ⚘ ✧
It's Friday the 13th and the college kids in town decided to host a weekend camping trip on the outskirts of town. Your best friend convinced you to go much to your reluctance. What could go wrong when the one guy you can't stand is also there?
Boulevard Confessions ☼ ✧
Being a third wheel to Peggy and Steve wasn't your ideal Thursday night fun. However, when they tell you Bucky is tagging along you eagerly decide to join them. That is until a third party makes its presence known.
♡ 𐐪𐑂 Drabbles 𐐪𐑂 ♡
Together ☼ ✧
It’s been a month since you had a baby with your husband, Bucky. On the first day he went back to work, however, you can’t get her to stop crying—that is until Bucky comes home.
Fieldwork ☼ ☽ ⚘
You end up getting hurt while out in the field questioning a suspect. Thankfully, Detective Barnes is there to help. 
Lucky Day ☼
Bucky, your childhood best friend, takes you to a baseball game to thank you for helping him with his chemistry class. However, between bets and kiss cams, luck seems to be the real game being played.
Tranquility ☼
On your day off from saving the world, you decide to have a date in the park with your boyfriend Bucky.
Usual ☼ ✧
Bucky keeps to his usual routine every week. On Mondays, it includes you.
loki odinson
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coming soon…
matt murdock
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♡ 𐐪𐑂 One-Shots 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 
Staring Right Through Me ☼
After getting caught in the crossfires of the dangers in Hell’s Kitchen, Matt decided to teach you how to defend yourself.
On Days Like This ☼ 
The comforts of sick days with your boyfriend Matt.
peter parker
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♡ 𐐪𐑂 One-Shots 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 
Kiss It All Better ☼ ☽
Your boyfriend Peter hasn’t contacted you in days, but one stormy night in a dark alley would change that.
♡ 𐐪𐑂 Drabbles 𐐪𐑂 ♡
If I Loved You Less ☼
A simple moment of reflecting on being in love with your best friend.
steve rogers
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♡ 𐐪𐑂 One-Shots 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 
A Rainy Rendevous ☽☼ 
On a rainy night during a mission in Poland, you “bump into” someone who held a very important place in your heart in the past.
Here For You ☼⚘
After being injured on a mission, you try your best to hide it from the team to continue fighting alongside them. However, one very perceptive super soldier makes hiding your injury an impossibility.
♡ 𐐪𐑂 Drabbles 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 
Hot Chocolate Kisses ☼
Steve promises to make his best hot chocolate for your movie night in.
other masterlists:
♡ 𐐪𐑂 birthday bingo masterlist 𐐪𐑂 ♡
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 28
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2024
Warnings:  Pregnancy, Smut (MMF, oral sex, vaginal sex, pregnancy sex)
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 28: The Tour
Rose and Sarah stayed in the medbay under observation for almost two weeks all up.  Wanda had been told that she could come home after a few days, but she wanted to be there if they needed to be fed, so she stayed the whole time, while each of us took turns staying with her too.
The day we got cleared to bring them up, Steve and Thor carried them swaddled in pastel muslin wraps.  Everyone was waiting excitedly for them to arrive and when the elevator dinged Riley and Pietro ran over with the dogs on their heels, dancing around excitedly.
“Dey’re hewre, dey’re hewre!”  They both chanted as the doors opened.
Thor laughed loudly as he, Steve, and Wanda stepped out.  “What a wonderful welcome home for your sisters.”
“Alright, alright,” Steve said, as he tried to navigate his way around them. “We don’t want to scare them do we?”
“Daddy, daddy, we wanna show dem deyre woom,” Riley said excitedly.
“And our wooms too,” Pietro added.
Steve chuckled and ruffled Pietro’s hair.  “Wanda?  You don’t need to feed them yet?”
“No.  We can take them for a tour of the house,” Wanda agreed.
Riley and Pietro showed them all around the house, making sure the rest of us came along too. There was no rhyme or reason to where they went.  First heading up to the bedrooms then back down to the kitchen.  To the games room above the cinema, then to the cinema and the dining area.  Steve told them the garden had to wait for another day so instead, they led us all up to the gym.
By the time they were done the babies had started to complain a little, they looked exhausted and my back was killing me.  Natasha looked like she wasn’t feeling particularly comfortable either, and I figured it might be time for her, me, and the kids to all take a nap.
“I think it might be time to feed the babies,” Wanda said.  “Thank you, Riley and Pietro, for showing them around.”
“I think it might be time for you two to have a nap too,” I added.
“No, mommy,” Riley complained.  “I don’d wanna.”
“Tell you what,” I said.  “You come up with me and I’ll read a story and you rest.  And if you don’t go to sleep you can get back up and play.”
Riley wrinkled her nose but gave a reluctant nod.
“El,” Bruce said, rubbing my back.  “You and Natasha look exhausted.  Why don’t you both go have a nap and I’ll read to the kids.  We can go down to the garden with the dogs if they don’t fall to sleep.”
“Are you sure?” I asked.
“Absolutely,” Bruce agreed.
Wanda, Natasha, Bruce, and I headed upstairs, followed by Steve and Thor with the kids and we all veered off in different directions.  Bruce took Riley and Pietro to Pietro’s room, Thor, Steve, and Wanda took the babies to the nursery, and Natasha and I headed to the main bedroom.
“Now the fun stuff starts,” I said, getting up into bed and pulling my body pillow into place.  “Midnight feedings.  Diaper changes.”
“Mm… I think the others are going to try and make it so we’re not the ones doing that,” Natasha said as she got into position facing me, with her own body pillow tucked under her, supporting her stomach.  “At least until these two are born.”
“I guess that’s what the nannies are for too,” I agreed.
“Yes, they are,” Natasha said.  “I mean obviously if we’re breastfeeding we’ll have to get up, but hopefully that means our sleep cycles aren’t too interrupted.  There are 12 of us including the nannies after all.”
“Guess we’ll have to see,” I said.
She smiled and caressed my cheek.  “I don’t like that we’re too big to cuddle up to each other.”
I giggled.  “Me either.  We need a third person to act as our cuddle surrogate.”
She started laughing.  “I guess we could convince one of the boys to do that.”
“FRIDAY, can you ask the guys if anyone wants to come nap with us because we need a human body pillow,” I said.
“Of course,” FRIDAY said with a touch of humor to her voice.
“I wonder who will come,” Natasha said. “My money is on Clint.  He’s always up for a nap.”
“Yeah probably,” I agreed.
To our surprise, it was Tony who showed up.  “You order a human pillow?”  He asked, taking his jacket off and draping it over the back of a chair.
“You don’t sleep,” Natasha said.
“No, but my need for human touch is extremely high,” he joked as he got up into bed.
“Aww, my poor touch starved baby,” I said, cuddling into him and putting my leg up on his hip.
“Won’t have to worry about that now,” Natasha teased as she mimicked my position on his other side.
We each rested our heads on his chest, so we were facing each other and breathing in each other’s exhaled breath.  Tony hummed and curled his arms around both of us.  “Yeah, this is nice.”
It wasn’t long until I was deep asleep.
I’m not sure how long I was asleep for when I woke again.  The room had been darkened by FRIDAY so there was no real indication about what time it was.  I felt very well rested though, so I must have hit that sweet zone where it was long enough to actually count but not too long to make you feel more tired than before you napped in the first place.
I opened my eyes and came face to face with Natasha who was still asleep.  Her eyelashes fanned out over her cheek and her lips were parted slightly.
I ran my hand up under Tony’s t-shirt and ran my fingers over his stomach.
“What are you doing there?”  Tony teased.
I looked up at him and he was looking down at me with a smile.  “Sleep well, dear?”  He asked.
“Mm-hmm…” I hummed and leaned up and kissed him.
His arm tightened around me, drawing me in closer as we kissed.  The kiss was cut short as Natasha cleared her throat.  We broke apart and looked at her.  “You starting stuff while I’m using you as a pillow?”  She scolded.
“You’re welcome to join in, Red,” Tony countered.
She seemed to consider it for a moment.  “El, can you tell what everyone else is up to?”
I flicked my fingers through the threads that connected me to the others.  “Umm, all the kids are still asleep but it feels like maybe twenty minutes more tops.  Wanda is in the kitchen with Bucky.  Bruce is down in the lab.  The rest are all in the games room so I assume they’re playing Among Us.”
“God damn Clint introducing that game to Steve,” Natasha laughed as she brought her lips to mine.
We kissed deeply over Tony’s chest and Tony massaged our asses.  She hummed softly and pulled back and looked at us both.  “I guess we have twenty minutes until we need to be anywhere.”
“That’s enough for ten times,” Tony joked.
“Maybe for you,” Natasha said, pushing him onto his back.  “But not for me.”
She kissed him hard and for a moment he didn’t seem to know where to put his hands.  He just hovered them above her as he submitted to her kiss.  Slowly he wrapped them around her, pulling her in closer as he slowly and passionately returned the kiss.”
I pushed his t-shirt up and kissed his chest as I watched them.  Natasha slowly pulled back and looked at me.  “This might be a little awkward given how big we’ve both got.  Do you want to go down on me?”
I bit my bottom lip and nodded.  We all stripped off our clothes, Tony helping Natasha and me with ours until all three of us were completely naked.  Natasha propped some pillows behind her back and spread her legs and I crawled down between them, nuzzling at the insides of her thighs and the small thatch of red pubic hair.  Tony ran his hands down my hand and over my ass as he leaned in and kissed Natasha’s neck.  He spanked me gently and ran his fingers up and down my pussy in an unfocused way.
As I began to lap at Natasha’s cunt he kissed lower down her body and his fingers became more focused.  When he reached her breasts, he pulled one of her nipples into his mouth, and at the same time, his fingers began to work my clit.  Natasha gasped and her head dropped back as her cunt flooded.  I moaned as I lapped up the tart fluids that dripped from her.  My own arousal was growing and as Tony’s fingers explored my pussy they became soaked in my fluids and ran more easily up and down my folds.
I pushed two fingers inside Natasha, slowly moving them in and out while I sucked on her clit and ran my tongue quickly back and forth over it.  Her moans got louder and she pushed her hips up like she wanted more.  Tony let her nipple go and moved behind me, nudging my legs a little further apart and slapping the head of his cock on my clit.  I gasped and pushed back against him, rolling my hips a little as he teased me.
My fingers became more focused and I began seeking out here g-spot.  Tony pushed the head of his cock into my cunt, and just held it there like he was teasing me.  I mewled needily and pushed back against him.  “I know, dear,” he teased and spanked me before thrusting hard in and bottoming out. 
I cried out and for a second I couldn’t focus.  He spanked me again and Natasha grabbed my hair and pushed me back down against her cunt.  I focused in, sucking greedily on her clit as I pushed my fingers deep inside her.  My fingertips touched down on the soft, spongy surface of her g-spot and I dug them into it.  Natasha cried out and bucked up and more of her fluids seeped from her.  They ran down my wrist in little rivulets as I dragged my fingers over that sweet spot inside her again and again.
Tony fucked me hard from behind, thrusting into me again and again, and pushing me up against Natasha with every snap of his hips.  I tried not to let him distract me.  I kept moving my fingers inside Natasha, working them hard over her g-spot as I sucked and nipped at her clit.
Her legs began to tremble and she began to pant.  The sounds she made were needy and animalistic like she’d lost the ability to control herself anymore.  She lay back and her hips jerked up, and with a loud cry, she came - gushing onto me.
I didn’t stop what I was doing right away, I just kept stroking my fingers over her g-post.  Natasha mewed, and tried to close her legs.  “Stop…” she gasped.  “Stop, Elise.  I can’t.”
I stopped immediately pulling my fingers from her.  She lay back panting and stroked my hair and I relaxed back into Tony, bouncing on his cock as he fucked me.  Natasha crawled over and began to rub my clit hard.  My own orgasm built and threatened to break.  Natasha pinched my clit and I cried out, my body seizing up as I came hard.
“Fuck!”  I moaned as Tony kept fucking me.  He groaned and leaned forward, panting heavily without easing up at all.
“I’m close,” he groaned.
“Please, Tony,” I mewled.  “Come inside me.”
He groaned loudly and his hips began to stutter.  His fingers tightened on my thigh and he jerked inside me, releasing in hot ribbons.
 He slipped out of me and I slowly flicked through each thread connecting me to the others.
“How long have we got?”  Natasha asked.
“Mmm…” I hummed.  “I’d say enough time for a shower.”
She sat up and smiled at me.  “That sounds perfect.”
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architectnews · 3 years
Simone de Beauvoir School, Drancy Paris
Simone de Beauvoir School, Drancy, Paris Building Design Photos, Architecture
Simone de Beauvoir School in Drancy Paris
17 September 2021
Architects: Bond Society + Daudré-Vignier & Associés
Location: 64, rue Jacqueline Quatremaire à Drancy (93), Paris, France
Simone de Beauvoir School
For their project Simone de Beauvoir School in Drancy (93), France, Bond Society and Daudré-Vignier & Associés have based their intentions on three principal notions: spatial quality, functionality, and sustainable demand.
Delivered in 2020, this brand-new elementary school consisting of 10 classes, a leisure centre, and a school restaurant, pays particular attention to routes and views between its architectural volume and the lighting sources. Interior transparencies escape the feeling of confinement, and two double-height patios draw natural light and spatiality into the circulation patterns. Far from being simple passages, these spaces are punctuated with custom-made fixed furnishings that integrate storage and benches. The scale of the building, the flexibility of the interior layouts, and the choice of colors make it easier for children to navigate.
Furthermore, the visible wooden post / beam structure is an important intention of the project and illustrates an environmental example that raises the awareness of young and old alike.
Constructing a public building requires a conceptual, technical, aesthetic, and symbolic approach.
A public school on a neighborhood scale
The Simone de Beauvoir elementary school is respectfully located in the heart of a dense residential neighborhood surrounded by soothing wooded areas. It is part of a school context already present with the Jacqueline Quatremaire kindergarten, as well as the municipal La Farandole nursery school.
Additionally, this project takes the form of two wooden quadrilaterals placed on a limestone plinth, largely glazed on the courtyard side and closed at the rear on the public space side. It is established in an L-shaped composition to provide optimal free floor space, on one hand, and to create a boundary with Jules Guesde square on one side, and two 18-storey residential towers on the other.
A spatial quality and flexibility providing comfort and brightness In accordance with City of Drancy requests, the building is oriented towards the heart of the school complex, isolating itself as much as possible from all external nuisances. The solid wood structure sits on a masonry plinth and is located in front of the existing kindergarten. The project also provides classrooms designed with the most favorable orientation to the west and onto the playground.
Functional access and openings Firstly, the school’s largely glazed ground floor forms a “center of life”. It is a place of education, social life, and interactions, extending the space beyond its simple teaching function.
Outside, the openings have been tailored to its location, thus limited to the level of the square and the two apartment towers. In the interior courtyard, the building opens generously to reveal the rooms for school purposes, places of relaxation, and recreation. Additionally, the courtyard integrates the ground floor functions and connects the kindergarten with the new elementary school. More than an architectural gesture, this landmark for future students unites the different poles. The playgrounds of the two schools are isolated by way of a fence and a plant line, thus preserving views and contact between the children.
A tailor-made program and path
Four major hubs are located on the ground floor:
– The reception hall serves the floors, the administrative center, and the foodservice area. The administrative center is in direct contact with the reception area and teaching facilities. On the upper floors, circulation isolates the blind servant grid on the garden side to distribute the served spaces (classes) on the courtyard side.
– The leisure centre, located on the dividing line, is connected with the existing nursery school.
– The multifunctional room and its storage room are located opposite the leisure center. The two spaces are separated by an open-air educational garden.
– The restaurant located closest to the entrance is designed as a soothing stopover. It opens onto the reception hall and the playground, with a layout that reduces delivery routes and limits truck access to the playground.
The elementary school is accessed from rue Jacqueline Quatremaire, between the existing kindergarten and the Farandole nursery school. This entrance is central through the reception hall.
A pedestrian pathway runs alongside the kindergarten and ends in the parental waiting area at the entrance to the playground. The spaces opening to the courtyard are easily identifiable and accessible, with limited routes: horizontal traffic connects two stairwells serving the two floors.
An important sustainable demand The choice of materials was executed in line with RT 2012 thermal and environmental objectives. The school group is a project in which the two elevation levels are designed in wood. The superstructure is justified in the following ways:
– Wood construction helps develop the forestry sector and constitutes a relevant alternative to an all-concrete structure. – Environmental quality and ecological interest: wood is a biologically renewable material, and wood absorbs significant amounts of CO2 in its cells, thus contributing to a reduction of the greenhouse effect. It is also energy efficient during installation. – Dry-sector prefabrication: speed and precision.
Concrete construction is limited to the ground floor, the infrastructure, the stairwells, and the elevator. The stone base is a relevant response to express and protect the building. The play of lights on these materials produces a maternal softness that is pleasant for the children. The stone used in construction was acquired from the Vassens quarries in the Aisne, less than 100km from the project.
This project represents a specific and prototypical production in its context and in its program. Usability and environmental requirements prevail in the design, which is intended to be conducive to a study environment and the development of students in accordance with the latest educational guidelines.
Simone de Beauvoir School in Drancy, Paris – Building Information
Location: 64, rue Jacqueline Quatremaire à Drancy (93) FRANCE Planning: Elementary school of 10 classrooms, school restaurant, activity classes and leisure centre. Client: Drancy City Town Hall Architects: Daudré-Vignier & Associés + Bond Society Project supervisor (Daudré-Vignier & Associés): Eric Mollard Project supervisor (Bond Society): Marie Labro and Adelly Laau
Project managements: Design department Wood structure: SYLVA Conseil Design department GO structure: Laboratoire I+A Economist: Eco+Construire Design department Fluids and HQE: Albert & Compagnie Design department Acoustic: META Atelier acoustique Design department Electricity: GT2E Design department SS I: Bureau prevenSSIon Kitchen designer: GSIR General contractor: ZUB
Subcontractors: Wood Corporation: Bois2bout Stonecutter: JMR Taille de Pierre Outside carpentry: CT2A VRD: Vert.R.D Electricity Corporation: E.V.A Partition/false ceiling Corporation: Safe Pop Inside carpentry: Botemo Signage: Sapeur Sign Structure: Wood from French fields, stone from Vassens
Calendar: Beginning of the studies: Winter 2018 Delivery: Summer 2020 Construction costs: 5 800 000 € HT Floor area: 2 100 sqm
The architectural team unites two agencies: Bond Society, represented by architects Christelle Gautreau and Stéphanie Morio, and Daudré-Vignier & Associés, represented by architects Antoine Daudré-Vignier and Jérôme Pétré.
About Bond Society Bond Society is a growing “young agency” engaged in researching pertinent and relevant contemporary issues. The agency has participated in numerous contests, and was the winner of “FAIRE Paris”. The architects are interested in present day urban construction, and they have developed a hub dedicated to research and development of social mutations and their impact on ways of living and working.
Bond Society was also selected as the winner of “Reinventing Cities 40”, an international consultation recognition related to construction of a neutral carbon city.
About Daudré-Vignier & Associés Daudré-Vignier & Associés has 25 years of professional practice and solid experience with this type of planning, and they have completed numerous school construction projects.
Both agencies share the same contemporary demands and attention to detail, purpose, and sustainable values in the design of their projects.
Photography: Charly Broyez
Simone de Beauvoir School, Drancy Paris images / information received 170921
Location: Paris, France
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