Naw, she was spittin
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I was watching the movie A Time To Kill, and I thought you all might enjoy this scene (that i condensed a bit) as much as I did.
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never-was-has-been · 4 months
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On 31 May 1927, Fred Trump, the father of US president Donald Trump, was arrested at a rally of the Ku Klux Klan in Queens, New York. He was initially arrested for "refusing to disperse" along with six other people after the rally descended into disorder. The Long Island Daily Press reported that all seven arrestees were wearing Klan robes. After Donald Trump was endorsed by David Duke, the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, Trump was questioned about his father's arrest. Donald claimed to journalist Jason Horowitz that "it never happened", despite it being reported in several newspapers. When Horowitz asked Trump if the address reported for his father in the newspapers, 175-24 Devonshire Rd, was accurate, Donald dismissed it as "totally false". However Fred Trump's wedding announcement in the Daily Press listed his address at 175-24 Devonshire Rd. Fred Trump was subjected to legal action by the Justice Department on multiple occasions for racist behavior as a landlord, and one of his former tenants, folk singer Woody Guthrie once wrote in a song mentioning Trump: "I suppose / Old Man Trump knows / Just how much / Racial Hate / He stirred up".
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I’ve been warning about this forever. This potential tactic has been written about and discussed by far-right Republicans for decades.
“Prieto was taken into custody in New Mexico on May 14 after allegedly supplying rifles to an informant and an undercover agent while plotting out an attack on African Americans and other minorities at a concert in Atlanta.
According to federal prosecutors, Prieto told the individuals, who he met while selling at gun shows, that he hoped to “kill as many people as possible” and leave Confederate flags, Ku Klux Klan propaganda and other “offensive rhetoric” at the scene of the shooting in order to incite retaliation and start a race war.”
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degeneratedworker · 6 months
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"No to racism" Soviet Union 1972
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odinsblog · 7 months
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Missouri, where an overt white supremacist can run for governor because he was ONLY an “honorary” member of the KKK
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nando161mando · 8 months
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rejectingrepublicans · 2 months
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blueeesky98 · 5 months
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mudwerks · 11 days
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Fighting Yank #23 (Nedor Publications, 1948)
Classic Alex Schomburg hooded vigilante cover.
Any resemblance to a political party that disrespects and denies women's rights is purely understandable.
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sbrown82 · 22 days
“So you gon’ vote for a motherfuckin’ AKA or you gon’ vote for the motherfuckin’ KKK” 🎯🎯🎯
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holy-shit-comics · 2 months
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eretzyisrael · 2 months
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degeneratedworker · 10 months
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"The First Lesson. This way the society in which vices reign gives the child their first lessons." Soviet Union 1964
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the-myrna-loy-blog · 3 months
Raps Reagan's Views! - "I also represent an element of my profession which is opposed to the philosophy of other members of my profession (namely Ronald Reagan)." Myrna Loy
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Myrna Loy opposed the repeal of California's Rumford Fair Housing Act. On the other side, eliminating the Fair Housing Act was endorsed by Ronald Reagan and the KKK.
The California Supreme Court and then the US Supreme Court supported Myrna's perspective on this issue. The REPEAL of the Fair Housing law was found to be unconstitutional.
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